Jason Mraz

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Living in the moment

If this life is one act

Why do we lay all these traps
We put them right in our path
When we just wanna be free
I will not waste my days
Making up all kinds of ways
To worry 'bout all the things
That will not happen to me
So I just let go
Of what I know I don't know
And I know I only do this by
Living in the moment
Living my life
Easy and breezy
With peace in my mind
With peace in my heart
With peace in my soul
Wherever I'm going,
I'm already home
Living in the moment
I'm letting myself off the hook
For things I've done
I let my past go past
And now I'm having more fun
I'm letting go of the thoughts
That do not make me strong
And I believe this way
Can feel the same for everyone
And if I fall asleep
I know you'll be the one
Who'll always remind me
To live in the moment
Living my life
Easy and breezy
With peace in my mind
With peace in my heart
With peace in my soul
Wherever I'm going,
I'm already home
I can't walk through life facing backwards
I have tried,
Tried more than once to just make sure
And I was denied
The future I'd been searching for
I spun around and hurt no more
By living in the moment
Living my life
Easy and breezy
With peace in my mind
With peace in my heart
With peace in my soul
Wherever I'm going,
I'm already home
I'm living in the moment
(I'm letting myself off)
I'm living my life
(The hook for things I've done)
Just takin' it easy
(I let my past go past)
With peace in my mind
(And now I'm having more fun)
Got peace in my heart
(I'm letting go of the thoughts)
Got peace in my soul
(That do not make me strong)
Wherever I'm going
(And I believe this way)
I'm already home
(Can be the same for everyone)
I'm living in the moment
(I'm letting myself off)
I'm living my life
(The hook for things I've done)
Easy and breezy
(I let my past go past)
With peace in my mind
(And now I'm having more fun)
With peace in my heart
(I'm letting go of the thoughts)
With peace in my soul
(That do not make me strong)
Wherever I'm going
(And I believe this way)
I'm already home
(Can be the same for everyone)
Living in the moment

Prettiest Friend

This is what I look like today
And I'm trying not to pull out my hair
I'm trying hard to grow it
'but I'm far too shy to show it back there
That's probably why I like wearing hats
There's no denying, I'm deferring the facts
Avoiding confrontation
Lacks tact in a situation
Behind every line is a lesson yet to learn
But if you ask me
The feeling that I'm feeling is overwhelming
And oh, it goes to show
There's so much to know
I wrote this for my prettiest friend
But while trying not to prove that I care
I was trying not to make
All my moves in one motion and scare her away
She can't see she's making me crazy now
I don't believe she knows she's amazing how
She has me holding my breathe
So I'd never guess that I'm a none such unsuitable, suited for her
But if you ask me
The feeling that I'm feeling is complimentary
And oh, it goes to show
The moral of the story is boy loves girl
And so, but the way that it unfolds is yet to be told
I know that I should be brave
Even pretty can be seen by the blind
I know that I cannot wait
Until the day we finally learn how to find each other
Redefining open minds
And if you ask me
The feeling that I'm feeling is overjoyed
And it's golden, it goes to show then
The ending of this song should be left alone
And so on, 'cause the way it unfolds is yet to be told

93 Million Miles

93 million miles from the Sun
People get ready, get ready,
'Cause here it comes it's a light
A beautiful light
Over the horizon in to your eyes
Oh, my, my
How beautiful
Oh my beautiful mother
She told me
"Son in life you're gonna go far
And if you do it right
You'll love where you are
Just know that wherever you go
You can always come home"
240 thousand miles from the Moon
You've come a long way to belong here,
To share this view of the night
A glorious night
Over the horizon is another bright sky.
Oh, my, my
How beautiful
Oh my irrefutable father
He told me
"Son sometimes it may seem dark
But the absence of the light is a necessary part
Just know, that youre never alone
You can always come back home"
You can always come backback
Every road is a slippery slope
There is always a hand that you can hold on to.
Looking deeper through the telescope
You can see that your homes inside of you.
Just know, that wherever you go
Oh no you're never alone
You will always get back home
93 million miles from the Sun
People get ready, get ready,
'Cause here it comes it's a light
A beautiful light
Over the horizon in to our eyes
You can always get backback
Every road is a slippery slope
There is always a hand you can hold on to.
Looking deeper through the telescope
You can see that the homes inside of you.
Just know, that wherever you go
Oh no you're never alone
You will always get back home
You can always get back home
93 million miles from the Sun
People get ready get ready,
'cause here it comes it's a light
A beautiful light
Over the horizon in to your eyes

I Won't Give Up

When I look into your eyes
It's like watching the night sky
Or a beautiful sunrise
There's so much they hold
And just like them old stars
I see that you've come so far
To be right where you are
How old is your soul?
I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up
And when you're needing your space
to do some navigating
I'll be here patiently waiting
To see what you find
'Cause even the stars they burn
Some even fall to the earth
We've got a lot to learn
God knows we're worth it
noo i wont give up
I don't wanna be someone who walks away so easily
Im here to stay and make the difference that i can make
Our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use the tools and gifts
We got yeah we got a lot at stake
And in the end, you're still my friend at least we did intend
For us to work we didn't break, we didn't burn
We had to learn, how to bend without the world caving in
I had to learn what i got, and what i'm not
And who i am
I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up
Still looking up
I won't give up (No I'm not) on us (Giving up)
God knows i'm tough enough (I am tough) (I am loved)
We got a lot (We're alive) to learn (We are loved)
God knows we're worth it (And we're worth it)
I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
Still looking up


Do you hear me? I'm talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, oh baby I'm trying
Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when the life gets hard
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Ooh ooh ooh
They don't know how long it takes,
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you I promise you, I
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love in every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
And so I'm sailing through the sea
To an island where we'll meet
You'll hear the music fill the air
I'll put a flower in your hair
Though the breezes through the trees
Move so pretty you're all I see
As the world keeps spinning 'round
You hold me, right here, right now
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
I'm lucky we're in love in every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
Ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh, ooh
Ooh ooh ooh,ooh

La respuesta de un sabio
Dos nios patinaban en un lago congelado de alemania.Era una tarde nublada y fra los nios
jugaban despreocupados. De repente el hielo se quebr y uno de los nios se cay quedando
preso en la grieta del hielo. El otro viendo a su amigo preso y congelndose con el patn comenz
a golpear el hielo con todas sus fuerzas, hasta por fin conseguir quebrarlo y liberar a su amigo
cuando los bomberos llegaron y vieron lo que haba pasado, preguntaron al nio.
Como conseguiste hacer eso?
Es imposible que consiguieras partir el hielo, siendo tan pequeo y con tan pocas fuerzas!
En ese momento el sabio ELBERT EINSTEIN que pasaba por all comento yo s como lo hizo
Cmo? le preguntaron
Es sencillo respondi EINSTEIN no haba nadie para decirle que no era CAPAZ
Preocpate mas por tu conciencia que por tu reputacin porque por tu conciencia eres lo que res y
por tu reputacin eres los que los otros piensan de ti lo que los otros piensan de ti es problema de
ellos ..

La forma de que los ovnis vuelen y puedan quedar estticos en un solo lugar es la fuerza
gravitacional donde la nave es atrada por la tierra y la tierra es atrada por el nave
Sera posible salir de la tierra horizontalmente
El pasado presente y futuro siempre han sido uno solo ya que el pasado necesita del presente y el
presente necesita del futuro
La mejor solucin para el problema es el tiempo ya que el tiempo es infinito y lo infinito es poder y
el poder es lo divino y lo divino es DIOS
La semejanza del bien y el mal es que los dos cumplen un propsito
Da + noche = eclisno u otro dia
Hay cosas que me hacen recordar cosas que no recuerdo
Poder coger un pedazo del sol como energa
El ciego es feliz porque la felicidad no se ve sino que se siente
Esta historia cuenta de un ciego que todas las maanas se levantaba para ir a comprar media libre de
azcar y un caf. Su rutina diaria era sentarse en su terraza a tomar su caf y escuchar el cantar de las aves.
Eran las 07:00 de la maana y el ciego saliendo de la casa a comprar como todos los das. La tienda se
encontraba del otro lado de la carretera de repente oye una voz a su lado un poco desesperada y angustiosa
diciendo como hago para pasar esta calle con tanto carro
- El ciego dicindole de forma humilde y generosa tome mi brazo para ayudarle a cruzar
- La muchacha poniendo un gesto de alegra y un poco apenada lo agarra del brazo al cruzar la calle le da las
gracias y el ciego solo sonre al momento de sonrerle
- La muchacha nota algo raro en el le pregunta un poco insegura usted es ciego?
- Si contestando con mucha alegra
- Quedando muy sorprendida y diciendo en su mente cmo es posible que un ciego pudiera ayudarme! si la
que lo tena que ayudarle era yo, baja la cabeza avergonzada y le dice como puede pasar la calle con tanta
- Pues eso se debe gracias a la prctica he sabido desarrollar mis otros sentidos mucho ms que una persona
normal por eso no uso un bastn o un perro gua, cuando cruzbamos la calle por eso me vistes actuar como
una persona comn
- Sin nada que decir la muchacha, el silencio los atrapa por un instante
- El ciego volviendo a tomar la palabra le dice con mucha seguridad y calmadamente soy ms feliz que una
persona con todos su sentidos buenos
- Porque lo dice? preguntndole de forma muy curiosa
- Porque la felicidad no se ve, se siente e incluso hasta un ciego puede apreciar la belleza!
- Quedando nuevamente sorprendida le pregunta, usted a donde se dirige?
- a la tienda a comprar media libra de azcar y un caf
- Que le parece si le ayudo a cruzar despus que haiga comprado la azcar y el caf
- No tranquila yo hago esto todo los das, como le ava dicho anteriormente ya se me hace fcil cruzar
- Insistiendo la muchacha vuelve a decirle djeme ayudarlo quiero devolverle el favor
- El ciego tampoco dndose por vencido no te preocupes despus quien te ayuda a cruzar a ti riendo a
carcajadas los dos, dndose por vencida la muchacha y volviendo a decirle por ultima ves

Las mujeres solo estaban por dinero los sentimientos no existan
El joven piensa en su futuro y el viejo piensa en el pasado desperdiciado
Cientficamente, podra definirse como la capacidad de administrar los recursos internos de un ser fsico de
forma adaptada a los cambios producidos en su medio, sin que exista una correspondencia directa
de causa y efecto entre el ser que administra los recursos y el cambio introducido en el medio por ese ser,
sino una asntota de aproximacin al ideal establecido por dicho ser, ideal que nunca llega a su consecucin
completa por la dinmica del medio
La muerte es un proceso terminal que consiste en la extincin del proceso homeosttico de un ser vivo, esto
es, la extincin de la vida.
La homeostasis (del griego homo (), "similar",
y estasis (), "estado", "estabilidad")
es una
propiedad de los organismos vivos que consiste en su capacidad de mantener una condicin
interna estable compensando los cambios en su entorno mediante el intercambio regulado de materia y
energa con el exterior (metabolismo)


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