Online Education

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Jessica Kletzka, Katrin Schwarz


Facts, figures and forecasts

Why is Online Education getting so popular?

How is Online Education set up?

When choose Online Education?


Advantages and disadvantages

K, !riteschool and "er#an $irtual %chools


Facts and Figures

first initiated in &'() *+niversity of ,llinois-. classroo#

/ased in lin0ed co#puter ter#inals

nearly half a #illion pupils in the +%A are /eing taught

online solely *out of appro12 3) #illion-

'(4 of traditional universities offer online coursewor0

/y now nearly a third of higher education enrol#ent ta0es

place online


in the ne1t five years, the A#erican #ar0et for online

education will plateau

the European and Asian online education #ar0ets will

grow steadily, contri/uting over 5&)) /illion to the

#ore general. 6he overseas #ar0et *outside the +%- is

e1pected to grow 7)4 /y 8)&3

/y 8)&3, a/out &74 of A#erican pupils9students will

receive online education at least partially

/y 8)&:, the A#erican #ar0et is e1pected to contri/ute

588) /illion dollars for online education *currently appro12
5;) /illion-

Why is online education
taking of these days?

<o/ #ar0et has /eco#e #uch #ore co#petitive in the

last few years

co#panies cut /ac0 on la/our to stay in /usiness

= education is e1tre#ely i#portant for e#ployees
who want to /e #ore co#petitive in their current
positions or want to transition into a new career

level of co#petition for good <o/s has #ade o/taining

a certification or degree an a/solute necessity

Why is online education
taking of these days?
= Online courses allow students to ta0e courses fro#
different states and even fro# different countries
= 6raditional schools *or so>called ?/ric0 and #ortar@
institutions- are offering #ore online courses in
response to the surge of online universities

For whom is Online Education expedient?

students who wor0 full>ti#e and have additional

fa#ily responsi/ilities

students in the #ilitary or who have <o/s that reAuire

freAuent travel

pupils who wish to ta0e e1tra classes their school does

not offer *such as Bapanese9screenwriting-

pupils with an inconvenient co##ute to the nearest


athletes who need to train in the dayti#e

pupils who are physically disa/led or suffer fro#

e#otional issues

How is Online Education set up?

so#e *traditional- schools offer in>class courses, online

courses, or hy/rid courses *in>class and online-

online course assign#ents can /e co#pleted anywhere you

can carry your laptop

so#e schools reAuire ta0ing certain tests in person at

@proctor>sites@ *wor0 directly with the school- to ensure
that students are ta0ing tests as instructed *without

usually Online %chools provide loaner co#puters, printers

and internet access


Diferences to
Traditional Education

%cheduling *e2g2 course attendance-


Way of social interaction

Cesources *e1tracurricular activities, li/raries-

Online education occasions less costs

Online education shows slightly lower graduation rates

d!antages o" Online Education

#ore fle1i/ility for students who wor0 full>ti#e, have

children, et cetera

a/ility to co#plete assign#ents at ti#es when it is

#ost convenient

a/ility to o/tain a degree fro# a school in another state

without #oving

less travel *e2g2 ideal for #ilitary students-

no /ullying or disruptions in class

Disad!antages o" Online Education

less direct contact with students and professors

li#ited opportunities for student and ca#pus activities

su/<ect to technical difficulties and software crashes


A#ericaDs largest provider of online education for

grades K *Kindergarten- to &8

individualised learning plan designed for each child

= custo#ised progra##e that fits uniAue strengths,
wea0nesses, learning styles and aptitudes

online lessons *newest technology- along with

traditional #aterials
= acco##odate diverse learning styles


one teacher is assigned per student to direct the

learning coach *typically the parent-

teachers are trained directly /y K to teach students

enrolled in K partner schools

state standards are adhered to


live online school *live virtual lessons and tuition-

offers Eri#ary and %econdary education for ho#e>

schooled and e1patriate students

cy/erteachers use a co#/ination of #icrophone,

te1t chat, a white/oard, presentation software
and we/lin0s

East Frisian 'irtual (chools

"er#an ,slands lac0 of specialist teachers in certain


pupils are /eing connected to lessons at schools on the

"er#an #ainland

can as0 Auestions via #icrophone

= ta0e an active part in the lesson

testing phase e1pires in 8)&7

Education in )*++

handwriting /eco#es outdated

co#puters are even #ore porta/le and pro<ecting

devices will /e added to glasses, wrist/ands or
e#/edded in the s0in

students are still #onitored /y a central agency /ut

control education the#selves

all /asic factual data is accessi/le in #ultiple ways

universities have all #oved onto the ca#puses of

/usinesses and corporations







Wolfe, Learning and teaching on the World Wide Web.

%an Diego, 8))&

Thank you "or
your attention,

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