MB20-200 LMSP-DP STD en Glovebox Manual - MBraun
MB20-200 LMSP-DP STD en Glovebox Manual - MBraun
MB20-200 LMSP-DP STD en Glovebox Manual - MBraun
Box Volume [m]
gc = f (v,c)
In the example above, it can be seen that if a purity of 10 ppm is required, then about 14.5 m
purge gas is required per1 m
box volume.
7.3.2 Manual Purging
The manual purging has to be applied to all the system including build in options such as a freezer
etc. In addition special attention must be given to areas of low gas movement due to the inbuilt
components creating pockets to trap the ambient air.
Prerequisites for Manual Purging:
> Having observed all previous chapters.
> All connections have been properly made.
> The system functions Circulation and Regeneration are not activated.
> All antechamber doors are closed.
> The connections for manual purging have been made;
see chapter 3.3.3 Equipment for Additional Purge Gas
> Sufficient working gas (i.e. purge gas) is available.
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Manual Purging Procedure:
Set-up purge gas source (working gas) with pressure reducing valve.
Connect reinforced hose to purge gas source.
Open one blind flange on glove box.
Feed one end of the reinforced hose through the open flange into the glove.
Set the pressure-reducing valve on the purge gas source between 3-5 bar and open valve.
Using the gloves, take hold of the reinforced hose and purge the box interior from top to bottom
using a circular motion. Carefully purge corners, edges and box fittings.
Systems equipped with freezers, or with areas that may be protected by covers, have to be
open during the purging process (the freezer has to be switched off and at room temperature.)
Air and excess purge gas escapes through the flange opening.
Purge until the box O
value has reached <100 ppm.
According to chapter 7.3.1 Purge Gas Consumption approximately 11 m
purge gas per m
enclosed box volume will be consumed to reach a box purity below 100 ppm.
Systems with analyzers:
With systems that are equipped with an MB-OX-SE1 analyzer (O
-analyzer), the actual O
can be controlled during the purging process.
After approx. 5 m
per m
enclosed box volume have been used, the O
-analyzer MB-OX-SE1
can be switched on for a short time to allow a reading to be taken during the purge process.
Switch the circulation on, see 7.4.2 Circulation
(Please note: the pressure within the box has to be slightly above atmospheric pressure)
Observe the reading at the TOUCH panel.
If the O
-value is not falling within approx. 10 sec., switch the circulation off and purge again.
This step can be repeated all 2 min. until the reading of the O
-value is falling and displays a
value below 100 ppm.
If the system is equipped with MB-OX-SE1 analyzer and MB-MO-SE1 analyzer (H
It is possible, that the measuring of O
is only released, when the H
O- value is < 350 ppm. For
releasing the O
-analyzer (H
O- value > 350 ppm ) pull the plug of the H
After reaching an O
-value of <100 ppm the reinforced hose may be removed from the box and
the flange immediately closed.
Turn off purge gas flow.
Glove Box
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7.3.3 Automatic Purging (Option)
Only for systems with the optional MBRAUN QuickPurge automatic purging system.
> Having observed all previous chapters.
> All connections have been properly made.
> The working gas connection has been made.
> The system is activated.
> The system function Regeneration is not activated.
> All antechamber doors are closed.
> Systems equipped with freezers, or with areas that may be protected by covers, have to be
open during the purging process (the freezer has to be switched off and at room temperature.)
> Sufficient working gas (i.e. purge gas) is available. Manual Start
Display the Screen Functions:
On the Start Screen touch the button FUNCTI ONS
The Quick Purge function is locked (cannot be activated) whilst the
circulation function is in operation.
The circulation mode must be switched off
by pressing the button CI RCULATI ON
PURI FI ER that is in operation
Red = deactivated
The Quick Purge button will change to Red,
confirming that the function is no longer locked
but still is deactivated.
Starting Quick Purge function:
Touch the button QUI CK PURGE
Green = active status
Pressing the Quick Purge button again will
deactivate the function.
Activating the Circulation Purifier button will
start the circulation over the choosen reactor
immediately. The Quick Purge function will
again become locked.
7. Gas Purification
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GmbH 04/2008 Version 3.0 Software Start
Software start of quick purging at exceeded O
Display the Screen Common Parameters:
On the Start Screen, touch the button COMMON PARAMETERS.
Touch the button BOX PURGI NG
1. Automatic Intermediate Purging:
If set to yes automatic purging will start,
whenever the O
limit concentration is ex-
If set to No this function is deactivated.
The limit of the O
concentration is defined
using this input field.
Hysteresis for deactivating purging is 10% of the feeded limit.
Limit = 100 ppm
Auto purging ON at O
100 ppm
Auto purging OFF at O
90 ppm
Indication Processes initiated by automatic purging
If Auto Purge is active. The circulation is interrupted.
At the end of purging. The circulation restarts automatically, if it has been active before.
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2. Automated purging function at box pressure alarm:
If set to yes the automatic purging function will
be activated, whenever one of the two box
pressure working limit set points has been
violated. The actual action for the two cases
can be found in the table below.
If set to No this function is deactivated.
Indication Processes initiated by automatic purging
The upper (alarm) limit of
the box pressure is
The purge outlet valve (VSPA) is opened
until the box pressure is 5 mbar lower than the alarm limit
or the box pressure is lower than 2 mbar.
Box pressure falls below
the lower (alarm) limit.
The purge valves VSPE and VSPA are opened
until the box pressure is 5 mbar above the lower alarm limit.
Box pressure alarm.
The function CI RCULATI ON is deactivated.
At the end of automatic
The circulation restarts automatically, if it has been active before.
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7.4 Gas Purification Reactors RKM
7.4.1 Overview
When commissioning the system for the first time, the gas can be
circulated over the reactor column 1, which was regenerated by the
manufacturer prior to delivery.
Systems with two reactor columns:
The second column must be regenerated by the customer before it can be
used the circulation mode.
The gas can only be circulated over one reactor at any given time.
The Status of the Reactors can be seen at all times on the start screen.
The Icon for the Reactor differs for each mode:
OFF Reactor inactive.
ON Reactor in Circulation Mode.
REG Regeneration of Reactor. Reactor in Regeneration Mode.
7.4.2 Circulation
The principle for circulation is the same for both 1 and 2 reactor systems.
Systems with two reactor columns:
The two reactor system allows greater flexibly in operation of the box by
allowing one reactor to be regenerated whilst the other is in circulation.
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Systems with two reactor columns: Systems with one reactor columns:
Dust filter (F2)
Dust filter (F1)
Heat exchanger (K)
Blower unit (G)
Either of the Reactors: Reactor (R)
reactor 1 (R1) in circulation mode Either reactor in circulation mode
(reactor 2 (R2) can be regenerated) or in regeneration mode
reactor 2 (R2) in circulation mode
(reactor 1 (R1) can be regenerated) Activating and deactivating the circulation
Display the Screen Functions:
On the Start Screen touch the button FUNCTI ONS
Select the button CI RCULATI ON
PURI FI ER to start the Circulation Mode.
Red = deactivated
Green = active status
Grey = function is locked
To acknowledge that the circulation over the
choosen purification column is active, the button
will change to green.
The regeneration function for the selected
reactor will become locked (button will turn grey)
until circulation over this reactor column is
switched off.
(The quick purge function is locked).
The Vacuum Pump starts automatically,
if not previously switched on.
Selecting the CI RCULATI ON
PURI FI ER button a further time will
switch off the circulation over the first purifier
The corresponding button will turn red again
and the regeneration button will be unlocked.
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Systems with two reactor columns:
If the system is equipped with two reactor columns, circulation can be switched to the second
reactor column by activating the button CI RCULATI ON PURI FI ER 2. Alternatively
regeneration of the second reactor can be activated.
If a reactor is in regeneration mode, the regeneration must finish before the
reactor can be switched to circulation. Automatic Start of Circulation
After regeneration of a reactor has completed (see Chapter 7.4.3 Regeneration), it is possible to
have this reactor switched into circulation automatically.
Select the Purification Reactor icon RKM
on the start screen.
Select the button PARAMETERS to go
to the Purifier Parameter Screen
Select the input field for Purification
Circulation by touching the arrow to the
right of the input field.
A pull down options menu will appear.
Select the option required yes or no
The contents of the input field will
automatically update.
Systems with one reactor column:
MBRAUN recommends that for single column systems the Auto-Start of
the circulation after regeneration is selected.
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7.4.3 Regeneration
The principle for selecting regeneration of the Gas Purification Reactor is the same as that for the
circulation mode. However once regeneration has been started it cannot be deactivated until the
programme sequence has completed.
MBRAUN recommend the regeneration in regular intervals. Do not wait,
until the purifying performance falls. The regeneration intervals depend on
the system, the application and the operation hours. It is an empical value.
Regeneration intervals definition:
First regeneration of the reactor after the first commissioning not until a
loss of purifying performance is reached.
Then, make a note of operation hours.
Reference value for regeneration intervals = operation hours 10 hours.
> Ensure that there is sufficient regeneration gas available, before starting the regeneration
program. One regeneration will consume approximately 3.5 m
of regeneration gas.
(MB 300: approx. 5.5 m
Only one purifier column can be regenerated at any time.
Systems with one reactor column:
The circulation over this reactor has to be stopped, before the
REGENERATI ON button is released.
Systems with two reactor columns:
If the system is equipped with two reactors only one can be regenerated at
a given time. The regeneration function of the other reactor column is
blocked. Circulation over the second reactor is usually active.
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GmbH 04/2008 Version 3.0 Activating the Regeneration
Display the Screen Functions:
On the Start Screen touch the button FUNCTI ONS
Select the button REGENERATI ON
PURI FI ER to start the regeneration mode.
Red = deactivated
Green = active status
Grey = function is locked
The circulation function for the selected reactor
will become blocked (button will display grey)
until Regeneration of the reactor is finished.
To acknowledge that the reactor is in
Regeneration Mode the button will change to
Confirm the query with Yes or No.
A screen message will appear as a reminder to
check the regeneration gas flow.
Check the flow meter (Location see Chapter 4.1: System and Main Components, No.8)
Adjust the secondary pressure so that the flow meter indicates a flow between 15 and 20 l/min.
If the flow is in this range and there is sufficient regeneration gas in the gas bottle (minimum
pressure for a 50 l standard gas bottle: 80 bar (8 MPa)) acknowledge the above bottom.
The regeneration program will continue through all steps automatically.
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Page 717 Sequences of Regeneration
The following table explains the various steps of the regeneration cycle. After activation of the
program, all the steps are run automatically.
Step Time Action
Start 0 min. Regeneration deactivated
Regeneration gas test ON
Regeneration gas test OFF
3 - 16
Activation of the regeneration program with
proprietary intermediate steps
after 960 min. (MB 20-200)
after 1200 min. (MB 300)
Program completed
In case of power failure the regeneration switches back to the activation
level, which means, with the power supply restored, the complete
regeneration procedure is rerun - regeneration steps already executed will
be repeated. Therefore, prior to the restoration of power, make sure that
sufficient gas supply is available. The program will restart automatically.
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GmbH 04/2008 Version 3.0 Regeneration completed
After successful execution of the regeneration
The Status field at the top of the screen will
read regeneration off.
The status indicator of the Purification
Reactor changes to red
The status of the reactor is displayed on all
relevant screens.
Display the Screen Functions:
On the Start Screen touch the button FUNCTI ONS
Systems with two reactor columns:
After regeneration of reactor column 2:
For this reactor column the circulation can be
started by activating button Circulation Purifier
Activating the Circulation Purifier 2 button will
automatically stop the cirulation over the purifier
column 1 and start the circulation over the
reactor column 2.
(Also the Quick Purge button is blocked, whilst
the circulation over purifier column 1 is active).
Red = deactivated
Green = active status
Grey = function is locked
Systems with one reactor columns:
After regeneration (with Auto-Start):
The circulation over purifier column 1 is active.
The regeneration button for this reactor is
Circulation or regeneration of purifier columns 2
are blocked, as these are not present in one
reactor systems.
(Also the Quick Purge button is blocked, whilst
the circulation over purifier column 1 is active).
Green = active status
Grey = function is locked
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Page 719 Automatic Start of Regeneration
Only for Systems with two reactor columns:
Select the Purification Reactor icon RKM on the start screen.
Select the button PARAMETERS.
Select the input field for Automatic
Regeneration by touching the arrow to the
right of the input field.
A pull down options menu will appear.
Select the option required yes or no.
The contents of the input field will
automatically update.
To set the intervals between each
automatic regeneration cycle select the
Start regeneration field.
The alphanumeric pad opposite will appear.
Enter the desired value
Select the ENTER button to input the
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GmbH 04/2008 Version 3.0 Status of Regeneration
The current status of the regeneration of the purifier reactor can be seen in two ways:
Step Status:
Select the Purification Reactor icon RKM on the start screen.
At the top of the screen is an information bar for
the regeneration status of the reactors and the
status of the valves.
Also indicated is the status of the components
by their individual colours.
In this example reactor column 1 is in circulation (regeneration off )and reactor column 2 is in
step 3 of the regeneration.
For the reactor column 1 the valves gas in (VHE1) and gas out (VHA1) are open, the blower
(GB1) and the vacuum pump (VPG) are switched on.
The reactor column 2 is in regeneration, the heater (EH) is switched on and the valves to the
exhaust (VRA2 and VRS) are open for degasing. This information is displayed in the information
bar and through the colour indication of the icons on the screen. In this example the pressure
regulation is also currently active, as indicated by the blue colour of the vacuum valve (VV).
Time Status:
Select the Purification Reactor icon RKM on the start screen.
Select the button PARAMETERS
Select the button STATUS
This screen displays the operating hours and the remaining regeneration time for the reactors of the
gas purifier:
button is Password protected
for use by MBRAUN
service personnel.
The numeric values are system generated.
Time status of gas purifier
Total time purifier:
the time elapsed, since installation that the
reactor has been in circulation. This time can
only be reseted in the service menu after an
exchange of the reactor medium.
Systems with one reactor columns:
In systems with a single purifier column only
one column with the time details is displayed.
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Page 721
7.5 Solvent Vapour Filter LMF (Option)
7.5.1 Overview
A Solvent Vapour Filter is designed to remove solvent vapours from the glove box Atmosphere.
MBRAUN recommends the use of a solvent vapour filter if organic solvents are used within the
glove box. See chapter 2.6.6: Solvents, Chemicals and Gases
The Solvent Vapour Filter works in the same manner and in series with the H
gas purification
The working gas permanently circulates between the glove box, the solvent removal filter columns
and the H
retaining reactors. This process guarantees absolutely stable values of gas purity
and cost-efficient processing.
Risk of damage to process materials!
The Solvent Vapour Filter can only remove the solvent vapour when both
the Solvent Vapour Filter LMF and the H
gas purification RKM are
both in circulation mode.
MBRAUN solvent vapour filters are optimised for the removal of certain aromatic organic solvents,
as well as, a variety of aliphatic organic solvents.
There are 3 different types of Solvent removal systems:
Manually operated, non regenerable solvent vapour filter.
Stand alone regenerable Solvent Filter
See Operating Manual Stand alone regenerable Solvent Filter
PLC controlled, regenerable, solvent vapour filter.
In systems with 2 PLC controlled regenerable solvent vapour removal columns, one filter can be
in circulation while the other column is in regeneration.
The retention capability and capacity of the Solvent Vapour Filter depends on the type of solvent
vapour to be removed from the box atmosphere.
The retention characteristics also depend upon the type of adsorbent used as the active medium of
the solvent vapour filter.
Single-column solvent vapour filters and two-column solvent vapour filters without the regeneration
option are filled with activated carbon.
Regenerable solvent vapour filters are filled will a special type of molecular sieve.
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7.5.2 Manually Operated Solvent Vapour Filter LMF
Technical data:
Amount of filling: 5 kg of activated carbon (article no. 2182000)
Suitably: for aromatic and aliphatic as well as halogenated organic solvents; petrol,
kerosene, butyric acid; in other cases the suitability must be confirmed by
ca. 100 g solvent per kg of activated carbon. The exact quantity depends
on the type of the solvent and the ambient conditions - in particular the
ambient temperature.
The diagram below shows the valve positions for operation of the Solvent Vapour Filter Unit:
Glove Box
Circulation Mode: Bypass Mode:
Gas purifier with solvent vapour filter (LMF)
Gas purifier without solvent vapour filter (LMF)
Open valve 1
Open valve 2
Close valve 3
Open valve 3
Close valve 1
Close valve 2
Valve 4 position "CLOSED" Valve 4 position "CLOSED"
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7.5.3 PLC Controlled, regenerable Solvent Vapour Filter LMF
Technical data:
Amount of filling: 8 kg Mol-Sieve (article no. 3240262)
Suitably: for aromatic and aliphatic as well as halogenated organic solvents; petrol,
kerosene, butyric acid; in other cases the suitability must be confirmed by
ca. 100 g solvent per kg of kg Mol-Sieve. The exact quantity depends on
the type of the solvent and the ambient conditions - in particular the
ambient temperature. Status of Solvent Vapour Filters
The Status of the Filters is indicatedat all times on the start screen.
The Icon for the filter differs for each mode:
OFF Filter inactive.
ON Filter in Circulation (Active).
REG Filter in Regeneration
The principle for circulation is the same for both 1 and 2 filter systems. The
two filter system allows greater flexibly in operation of the box by allowing
one filter to be regenerated whilst the other is in circulation (purifying)
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GmbH 04/2008 Version 3.0 Activating and Deactivating the Solvent Vapour Filter Mode
Select the button FUNCTI ONS on the Start
Select the button CI RCULATI ON
PURI FI ER (red) to start the circulation
over one of the purifier filters (RKM)
Select the button NEXT until the Function
screen for the Solvent Vapour Filter LMF
Select the button CI RCULATI ON LMF
FI LTER to start the circulation
Red = deactivated
Green = active status
Grey = function is locked
To acknowledge that the circulation over the
choosen solvent vapour filter column is active,
the button will change to green.
The regeneration function for the selected
solvent vapour filter column will become locked
(button will turn grey) until circulation over this
filter column is switched off.
If the system is equipped with a dedicated
vacuum pump for regeneration of the solvent
vapour filter the corresponding button will be
displayed. The pump starts automatically, if not
previously switched on. The vacuum pump will
remain ON until it is deactivated by selecting its
function button for a second time.
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Page 725
Systems with two solvent vapour:
If the system is equipped with two solvent vapour removal columns circulation can be switched to
the second column by activating the button CI RCULATI ON LMF FI LTER 2 . Alternatively
regeneration of the second filter can be activated.
Switch off the circulation over the first
solvent vapour filter column:
Touch the green CI RCULATI ON LMF
FI LTER1 Button a second time.
The corresponding button will turn red again
and the regeneration button will be unlocked. Regeneration of the Solvent Vapour Filter
The principle for regeneration of the Solvent Vapour Filter is the same as for the H
columns (see also chapter 7.4.3 Regeneration) The regeneration is performed with pure inert gas
(the working gas) instead of a working gas - hydrogen mixture.
See chapter 2.6.6: Solvents, Chemicals and Gases
for safety use of solvents in a glove box system.
The exhausts of the vacuum waste gas and of the regeneration gas outlet
have to be connected to an unpressurized factory exhaust system!
A solvent condensing unit is available as an option.
Please contact the MBRAUN Service.
Systems that are equipped with one Solvent Vapour Filter are fitted with a
Bypass valve to allow the filter to be regenerated while the gas is
circulated over the H
reactor column only.
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7.5.4 Solvent Vapour Analyzer (option)
Access to the Screen Solvent Vapour Filter analyzer:
Select the Icon button LMF on the Start Screen
Select the button PARAMETERS
The solvent vapour analyzer reading is
proportional to the concentration of the solvent
vapour in the gas phase after the gas has been
circulated through the Solvent Vapour Filter.
The sensitivity of the solvent vapour analyser
depends upon the type of solvent being handled.
Therefore, the reading returned to the control
panel is in the form of a voltage measurement
(between 0V and 10V).
The MBRAUN solvent vapour analyser can be
calibrated for a specific solvent upon request.
The Alarm set point Analyzer setting will differ for various solvents.
8. Antechamber Operation
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Page 81
8.1 Principle ................................................................................................ 2
8.2 Important Notes .................................................................................... 3
8.2.1 Antechamber and Antechamber doors ........................................................... 3
8.2.2 Transfer of Materials and Liquids ................................................................... 3
8.3 PLC Controlled Antechamber Operation ........................................... 5
8.3.1 Manual PLC Antechamber Operation ............................................................. 5
8.3.2 Automatic PLC Antechamber Control (option) ................................................ 5
8.4 Transferring Material into the Box ...................................................... 6
8.4.1 Preparation ..................................................................................................... 6
8.4.2 Manual PLC Antechamber Operation ............................................................. 6 Evacuation in Manual Mode ........................................................................ 6 Refilling in Manual Mode ............................................................................. 7
8.4.3 Automatic PLC Antechamber Control (option) ................................................ 8 Evacuation and Refilling in Automatic Mode ................................................ 8 Antechamber Parameters ............................................................................ 9 Trends for Antechamber ............................................................................ 10
8.5 Transferring Material Out of the Box ................................................ 11
8.5.1 Preparation ................................................................................................... 11
8.5.2 Removal of Material from Antechamber ....................................................... 11
8.6 Antechamber Doors ........................................................................... 12
8.6.1 Door Interlock (option) .................................................................................. 12
8.6.2 Opening/Closing Antechamber Doors .......................................................... 13 Round Antechamber Doors ....................................................................... 13 Square Antechamber Doors (option) ......................................................... 13 Antechambers with Pull-Down Catch (option) ........................................... 14 Antechambers with Sliding Catch (option) ................................................. 14 Antechambers with Pneumatic Doors (option) ........................................... 14
8.7 Mini-Antechambers (option) .............................................................. 15
8.7.1 Transferring Material into the Box ................................................................. 15
8.7.2 Transferring Material Out of the Box ............................................................. 17
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8.1 Principle
Antechambers are designed for transferring material into or out of the inert glove box without
polluting the inert box internal atmosphere during the respective procedures.
Principle of Antechamber Operation:
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8.2 Important Notes
8.2.1 Antechamber and Antechamber doors
Please observe the pressure within the Antechamber. It may be displayed by:
A manometer connected to the antechamber, and/or
A pressure reading being displayed within the antechamber screen
(Yellow box above antechamber Icon)
Risk of damage!
An evacuated antechamber cannot be opened. The attempt to open a
door of an evacuated antechamber may damage the door locking
Never open inner and outer antechamber doors simultaneously and
Never open the inner door of an antechamber filled with ambient
This would result in pollution of the box atmosphere and possibly in
damage of measuring instruments and material within the box.
Risk of damage to process materials!
Ensure that both outer and inner doors of the antechamber are closed
when material is not being transferred through the antechamber.
After having the outer antechamber door opened, it is recommended
that at least one evacuation and refill cycle is completed for the
antechamber to prevent possible condensation of moisture on the
interior antechamber walls.
8.2.2 Transfer of Materials and Liquids
For the transportation of materials into the glove box, please note:
Risk of damage!
Opening of transfer containers inside the glove box that still contain
enclosed air will lead to contamination of the glove box atmosphere. If you
transfer material with enclosed gaseous volume into the glove box the
packaging used for transportation should be able to withstand the
pressure difference during the antechamber purge process (evacuation
and refilling cycles).
Refer to section 2.6.6 for general remarks concerning the handling of
chemicals and gases.
If possible open up any seals to enclosed gaseous volume e.g. lids of
bottles so that the enclosed gases will also be exchanged during the
pump/fill cycle.
If you transfer liquids or solvents into the glove box do not evacuate the
antechamber below their vapour pressure at the given temperature.
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Risk of damage to process material!
For obtaining a high degree of purity, the antechamber should undergo
repeated evacuation and refilling procedures. In this case for intermediate
refilling a pressure of approximately 200 mbar is sufficient. The last
refilling step always has to be back to box pressure.
For the transportation of materials out of the glove box please note:
Risk of injury and pollution of environment!
Annoyance by bad smell is expected as soon as any waste gas from inside
the glove box escaps to the surroundings. Environmental pollution and
effects detrimental to health, however, are not known in any standard
applications, but cannot be excluded, depending on the chemicals handled
inside the glove box. The manufacturer does not assume any liability.
Refer to section 2.6.6 of this manual for general remarks concerning the
safe handling of chemicals and gases.
When using toxic, radioactive, or material that may burn in air ensure,
that the gas enclosed in the antechamber after opening and closing of
the inner antechamber door escapes by no means to the environment.
When opening doors of large antechambers be sure that the enclosed
volume of the antechamber is still small compared to the volume of the
room. Make sure that the room is well ventilated. (Does not apply to
standard systems the enclosed volume of a standard antechamber is
approx. 70 l). For information about alternative methods please contact
the MBRAUN service department.
If the system is equipped with a separate vacuum pump, MBRAUN
recommends that the pump is switched off using the control panel when
not required. The pump will be restarted automatically on the next
evacuation/refill cycle.
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8.3 PLC Controlled Antechamber Operation
Display the Antechamber Screen:
Touch Antechamber Icon on the Start Screen
Antechamber Icon
Screen Screen
Parameter Trends
see see
Pressure reading
Antechamber door
(Red dot = antechamber door is locked)
Blue Bar in the antechamber icon shows
current pressure status
Button for 2nd antechamber (Option)
Hand Mode
Automatic Mode
8.3.1 Manual PLC Antechamber Operation
Manual operation of the PLC controlled antechamber means that the functions of Antechamber
Evacuation and Antechamber Refilling are started and stopped manually by touching the
corresponding buttons on the control panel. In this case there is no reading of the antechamber
pressure at the control panel. Observe the pressure within the antechamber at the manometer.
8.3.2 Automatic PLC Antechamber Control (option)
The automatic antechamber control is available as a control software option. With this option
available the evacuating/refilling cycles are automatically executed and controlled.
The vacuum pump is called VP1 only if there is an extra vacuum pump,
dedicated only for antechamber evacuation. This is available as an option.
For standard systems the vacuum pump VPG is used to evacuate the
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8.4 Transferring Material into the Box
8.4.1 Preparation
Observe Item 8.2 Important Notes in this chapter.
The antechamber door located inside the box is closed.
Open the outer antechamber door.
If a sliding tray is available: Pull out sliding tray; lay material on tray; then slide the tray together
with the material into antechamber.
If no sliding tray is available: Transfer the material directly into antechamber.
Then close the outer antechamber door.
8.4.2 Manual PLC Antechamber Operation Evacuation in Manual Mode
button to start evacuation
The antechamber is being evacuated.
Status message
System with sensors:
Blue Bar in the antechamber icon will decrease
to show current status
Touching the EVACUATE/ START
AUTOM button again will stop the process.
Pressure reading of the antechamber is displayed at the manometer.
System with sensors:
If the antechamber is equipped with vacuum and pressure sensors, the
measured values are additional shown on the panel.
MBRAUN recommends an evacuation of the antechamber up to a value
of < 0.5 mbar.
System without sensors:
Wait approx. 2 min. until the manometer displays -1.
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Page 87 Refilling in Manual Mode
Touch the REFI LL button to start refilling the
The antechamber is being refilled with gas from
the box atmosphere.
Status message
REFI LL button is green
System with sensors:
Blue Bar in the antechamber icon will increase
to show current status
Touching the REFI LL button again will
close the valve between the antechamber
and the box.
For intermediate refilling a pressure of approximately 200 mbar is sufficient.
Repeat the evacuation/refill steps at least 2 times.
For the final refilling refill until the pressure inside the antechamber is the same as inside the
glove box.
Risk of damage!
In the final refilling step refill the antechamber until pressure
compensation between glove box and antechamber is attained.
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8.4.3 Automatic PLC Antechamber Control (option)
The diagram above shows how the intermediate refilling affects the atmosphere within the
The parameters of the automatic antechamber control have optimally been matched with the
antechamber by the manufacturer.
If required, they can be changed by the user. For information about changing the parameters
see chapter Antechamber Parameters. Evacuation and Refilling in Automatic Mode
button to start Automatic evacuation.
The antechamber is being evacuated.
will change to Green)
will release when the process has finished.
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Page 89 Antechamber Parameters
On the Start Screen touch the icon button ANTECHAMBER
Touch PARAMETER button
Parameter Definitions:
Intermediate refilling
Up to this value the antechamber is flooded with inert gas.
Setpoint vacuum leaktest: At this pressure the vacuum leaktest will be started.
Setpoint endvacuum: Up to this pressure the antechamber will be evacuated.
Pumping/refilling cycles: Number of evacuation and refilling cycles.
Max. evacuating time
If the set value setpoint vacuum leaktest is not reached in this
time the automatic antechamber cycle will be stopped and the
warning pumping time exceeded will be displayed.
Access to the parameter is password protected.
Max. leakrate [step value]: Parameter of the maximum pressure increase during the 2 steps
of the vacuum leaktest within the measuring time frame.
Example: 2x10
mbar to 4x10
If the parameter value is exceeded the antechamber process will
be stopped and the warning: antechamber leaking will be
Access to the parameter is password protected.
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GmbH 04/2008 - Version 3.0 Trends for Antechamber
On the Start Screen touch the icon button ANTECHAMBER
Touch TRENDS button
Current atmosphere pressure
The first trends screen displays the atmosphere
pressure within the antechamber.
To open the trend screen displays the
temperature touch button TEMP.
Please note that the time axis runs from right to
left in all trends screens, displaying the most
recent readings on the left side of the screen.
X - Axis = Timescale details in hours and minutes
Y - Axis = Measurement in mbar (pressure) or C (temperature)
Back <<, Forward >>: you can move along the time axis.
ZOOM+ and ZOOM- : you can select a narrower or broader time frame.
| < button: returns to the current time.
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8.5 Transferring Material Out of the Box
8.5.1 Preparation
Observe Item 8.2 Important Notes in this chapter.
The outer antechamber door is closed.
Open the antechamber door located inside the box.
If a sliding tray is available: Pull out sliding tray; lay material on tray; then slide the tray together
with the material into antechamber.
If no sliding tray is available: Transfer the material directly into antechamber.
Then close inner antechamber door.
8.5.2 Removal of Material from Antechamber
Open the antechamber door located outside the box.
If a sliding tray is available: Pull out sliding tray; remove material from tray; then slide the tray
back into antechamber.
If no sliding tray is available: Transfer the material directly out of the antechamber.
Then close the outer antechamber door.
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8.6 Antechamber Doors
Observe Chapter 8.2: Important Notes.
Risk of damage!
Ensure that the door and the door gaskets are free of debris before
closing the antechamber door, as this may damage the door seals and
locking mechanism.
Risk of damage!
The operator must ensure that antechambers equipped with door
interlock (optional) have their locks released before attempting to open
the antechamber door.
8.6.1 Door Interlock (option)
The doors locks are controlled by the PLC. When the locks are active the effected doors cannot be
Door Interlock
The locking status is indicated on the screen antechamber:
Red dot on the antechamber door icon indicates
that the antechamber door is locked.
The door cannot be opened until the conditions
exist for releasing the locking, such as purging
the antechamber prior to opening an inner door.
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8.6.2 Opening/Closing Antechamber Doors Round Antechamber Doors
To open:
Turn the locking mechanism anti-clockwise, until the
antechamber door is free.
Carefully open the antechamber door in upward
The antechamber door is supported by the pneumatic
spring mechanism.
To close:
Turn the locking mechanism clockwise, until the
antechamber door is closed. Ensure that the door is fully
lowered before sealing the antechamber door. Do not over
tighten the antechamber door locking mechanism. This
would damage the door seals and the locking mechanism. Square Antechamber Doors (option)
To open:
Turn the lever until the cam is free.
(Normally the door is free to open when the lever is
pointing down.)
Carefully open the door by pulling the on the lever.
To close:
Closing the door is the reverse order. Ensuring that the
lever, and cam, is sufficiently rotated to secure the
However applying excess force when pulling or turning
the lever may damage the lever catch mechanism.
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GmbH 04/2008 - Version 3.0 Antechambers with Pull-Down Catch (option)
To open:
Ensure that the locks have been released.
To release the door catches, squeeze the pull-down
bar and hand grip together.
Carefully lower the door to its resting position.
To close:
Close the antechamber door by swinging the door
upwards until it is firmly closed. The catches will click
in place behind the door locks when the door is fully
closed. Antechambers with Sliding Catch (option)
To open:
Ensure that the locks have been released.
Slide the handgrip bar to the left to release the door
Carefully lower the door to its resting position.
To close:
Closing the door is the reverse order. Ensuring that
the handgrip bar is slid back to the right. Antechambers with Pneumatic Doors (option)
Antechambers that have pneumatic doors are operated
from an external push button.
To open:
If the door is free to open selecting the door button will
release any locking and open the selected door.
To close:
Selecting the door button a further time will close the
antechamber door. And activate the door locks.
The interlocking of door locks is controlled by the system.
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8.7 Mini-Antechambers (option)
Observe 8.2: Important Notes and notices under 8.6: Antechamber Doors
Applies to ALL types of antechamber that are evacuated and refilled using a hand-valve.
The example given below is for the mini-antechamber the valve type and configuration may
change depending on the system requirements.
The antechamber valves must be returned to closed-position after each
step of the antechamber operation.
8.7.1 Transferring Material into the Box
To open outer door:
Turn the locking mechanism anti-clockwise,
until the antechamber door is free.
Carefully remove the cover.
Insert material into the antechamber.
The Hand valve has to be in
closed position:
To close outer door:
Put the cover back on
Ensure that the slide-ways are correctly
aligned with replacing the cover.
Turn the locking mechanism to close it.
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Execution of the evacuation/refill cycles:
A. Turn the hand valve to the position
Evacuate. The antechamber will be
B. Evacuate until the manometer shows a
pressure of -0.9 up to -1.0 bar.
C. Turn the hand-valve to the position refill.
Please pay attention to the description on
the antechamber. The antechamber is
purged with box gas. Purge until there is a
pressure balance between the box and the
The reading on the manometer will change
to zero.
Please process the described work cycle
(Points A-C) at least twice, then the hand
valve can be turned to the position close.
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To open inner door:
Turn the locking mechanism until the cover
is free.
Remove the cover and take the material out
of the antechamber.
8.7.2 Transferring Material Out of the Box
Insert the material into the antechamber.
Put the cover back on (please pay attention to
the slide-ways) and turn the locking
mechanism to close it.
Remove the outer cover and the material.
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9. Analyzers
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Page 91
9.1 General Information ............................................................................. 2
9.1.1 Calibration of Sensors .................................................................................... 2
9.1.2 Activating and Deactivating the Analysers ...................................................... 3
9.2 Oxygen Analyser (MB-OX-SE-1) .......................................................... 4
9.2.1 General ........................................................................................................... 4
9.2.2 Construction ................................................................................................... 4
9.2.3 Technical Data................................................................................................ 4
9.2.4 Connection ..................................................................................................... 5
9.2.5 Installation ...................................................................................................... 5
9.2.6 Trouble-shooting............................................................................................. 5
9.3 Moisture Analyser (MB MO-SE-1) ....................................................... 6
9.3.1 General ........................................................................................................... 6
9.3.2 Construction ................................................................................................... 6
9.3.3 Technical Data................................................................................................ 6
9.3.4 Connection ..................................................................................................... 7
9.3.5 Installation ...................................................................................................... 7
9.4 Sensor Cleaning ................................................................................... 8
9.4.1 Resetting to Sensor Service Hours ............................................................... 11
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9.1 General Information
Applies to systems with optional H
O and/or O
The following analysers can be used with the system:
Oxygen analyser MB-OX-SE-1 Moisture analyser MB MO-SE-1
The measured H
O and/or O
values are shown on the operation panel
9.1.1 Calibration of Sensors
All MBRAUN sensors have a certified calibration before shipping.
The calibration cycle depends on the demand for accuracy as well as on the conditions of the gas
to be measured (purity, spurious gases etc.).
MBRAUN recommends that sensors are calibrated annually by MBRAUN
Quotation on request from MBRAUN Service Department.
Moisture analyser
Oxygen analyser
Gas Purification
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9.1.2 Activating and Deactivating the Analysers
Start Screen with the analysers switched off.
Activate the analysers:
Touch the FUNCTI ONS Button
on the Start Screen.
Touch the ANALYSER button will
activate the connected analysers.
The button will display the status change by
changing from grey (not active) to black
Grey = deactivated
Black = active status
White = function is locked
The reading from the analysers can now be
seen on the Start Screen. The readings are
also repeated on various other screens.
Deactivate the analysers:
Touch the FUNCTI ONS Button again.
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9.2 Oxygen Analyser (MB-OX-SE-1)
9.2.1 General
The MB-OX-SE-1 sensor has been designed to control the atmosphere of MBRAUN Systems for
residual Oxygen content. The measuring range is 0 to 1000 ppm. The measuring range from
0 100 ppm is linear.
The semiconductor sensor made of Zirconium dioxide is specific for oxygen, but because of the
high sensor temperature and the catalytic activity of the platinum electrodes of the sensor there are
low cross-sensitivities for hydrogen as well as possible reactions with aggressive gaseous
substances, that can reduce the operational life of the sensor.
Operating the sensor at oxygen levels of >1000 ppm (e.g. in air) does not
damage the sensor element irreversibly, but it should be avoided. If
exposed to air, it will take several hours until the sensor will measure low
oxygen levels correctly in Inert Gas.
9.2.2 Construction
The MB-OX-SE1 consists of the sensor and the special electronics separated by a gas-tight NW40
clamp flange. The sensor is protected against physical damage by a protective cage. The sensor
leads are connected to the electronics by a vacuum-tight feed-through. The electronics are
contained in an airtight box mounted directly to the back of the NW40 flange.
9.2.3 Technical Data
Mechanical Length over all: 190 mm, height 80 mm, depth 58 mm
Sensor-part: length 45 mm, diameter 26 mm
Flange: NW 40 KF
Weight: 0.7 kg
Electrical Supply voltage: 24 VDC 10%
Environment Ambient temperature: +15 to +27 C
Pressure: 800 to 1200 mbar
(Differential pressure sensor
to electronics max. 200 mbar)
Measuring Range: 0 - 1000 ppm oxygen
Sensitivity: 10 mV / ppm
Response time (0 - 90 %): approximately 10 sec (0 - 90 %)
Warm-up time: 10 min (for < 10 ppm approx. 6 hr)
: 2 % of displayed value 1 ppm
Drift at 10 ppm: < 10 % / year
Sensor life
: ca. 5 years
1) In clean argon-atmosphere, without interfering gases like H
O or CO
2) In absence of reactive gases (contact MBRAUN Service for further advice)
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9.2.4 Connection
The connection for the Oxygen Sensor is made with an RJ45 (8-pole) Socket Connector. The pin
layout is shown in the table below.
Pin-No. Contact
1 Supply Ground
2 Switching ON/OFF 24 V
3 Signal Ground
4 Livebit (O2)
5 Not Connected
6 Signal 0 - +10 V
7 Supply +24 V
8 Supply Ground
9.2.5 Installation
The oxygen probe is mounted on an appropriate vacuum-tight NW40 flange by means of a centring
ring and a clamp. The plug connection to the control unit should not be made before the whole
box-system has been purged sufficiently with inert gas. The operation of the probe as well as the
display of the measured values is controlled from the operator panel.
9.2.6 Trouble-shooting
The oxygen probe does not contain user-serviceable parts. Therefore, in case of defects the probe
has to be returned complete and unopened to MBRAUN or the authorized representative. On
request, MBRAUN may offer exchange probes.
Description of Malfunction Possible Solution
The display measuring value comes very slowly
below 10 ppm, whereas it is certain that the
real value is much lower (Check, whether this is
really the case or the display is correct).
The sensor is still charged with oxygen by a
previous operation at high oxygen
concentrations or long storage in air. In this
case operate the sensor for some hours in
clean inert atmosphere and it will come down.
The sensor has a very stable zero-point, so
before sending the probe for repair you must
exclude the possibility that e.g. hydrogen in
ppm-levels is present or was present in higher
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9.3 Moisture Analyser (MB MO-SE-1)
9.3.1 General
The MB-MO-SE1 has been designed to control the atmosphere of the MBRAUN Systems for
residual moisture content. The measuring range is 0 to 500 ppm. The measuring range from
0 50 ppm is linear. Above 500 ppm it is possible to make an estimation of the moisture content of
the inertgas atmosphere.
The sensor element is a double helix made of platinum wire fixed on a special insulation material,
or printed ceramic. The sensor is coated with phosphoric acid that is totally dehydrated. Water
molecules in the gas were absorbed at the phosphoric acid. The electric current of the sensor
electrodes separate the water molecules (electrolysis) into H
and O
. The flowing current is a
directly measurement for water vapour partial pressure in the measuring gas. The primary signal is
compensated for temperature and amplified.
9.3.2 Construction
The MB-MO-SE1 consists of the sensor and the special electronics separated by a gas-tight NW40
clamp flange. The sensor is protected against physical damage by a protective cage. The sensor
leads are connected to the electronics by a vacuum-tight feed-through. The electronics are
contained in an airtight box mounted directly to the back of the NW40 flange.
Electronics and Sensor Element have been factory-calibrated with certified calibration gases; there
are no user-accessible adjustment points.
9.3.3 Technical Data
Mechanical Length over all: 205 mm, height 80 mm, depth 58 mm
Sensor-part: length 42 mm, diameter 14 mm
Flange: NW 40 KF
Weight: 0.7 kg
Supply voltage: 24 VDC 10%
Environment Ambient temperature: +15 to +27 C
Pressure: 800 to 1200 mbar
(Differential pressure sensor to
electronics max. 200 mbar)
Measuring Range: 0 - 500 ppm moisture
Sensitivity: 20 mV / ppm
Response time (0 - 90 %): approximately 120 sec. (0 - 90 %)
Warm-up time: 10 min (for < 10 ppm approx. 6 hr)
High precision range
(0 - 10 ppm):
better than 5 % of value
Wide range (10 - 100 ppm): better than 20 % of value
Drift at 10 ppm < 10% / year
Sensor life
: ca. 5 years
1) without interfering gases like NH
2) with regular maintenance
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9.3.4 Connection
The connection for the Moisture Sensor is made with an RJ45 (8-pole) Socket Connector. The pin
layout is shown in the table below.
Pin-No. Contact
1 Supply Ground
2 Switching ON/OFF 24 V
3 Signal Ground
4 Not Connected
5 Live bit (H2O)
6 Signal 0 - +10 V
7 Supply +24 V
8 Supply Ground
9.3.5 Installation
The Moisture Sensor is mounted on an appropriate vacuum-tight NW40 flange by means of a
centring ring and a clamp.
The sensor should commissioned at a H
O-concentration, after sufficient purging.
The operation of the Sensor as well as the display of the measured values is controlled from the
operator panel.
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9.4 Sensor Cleaning
Risk of damage to process materials!
The Moisture Analyser must be cleaned every 2000 hrs. A reminder is
given as a warning when this service work is due.
Risk of injury!
The sensor element is continuously exposed to the box gas and therefore
is at risk from contamination.
Ensure that all local and national safety guidelines are followed when
handling potentially contaminated materials.
To achieve optimal moisture measurements the sensor is recommended to
be closely inspected within a period of three months.
Risk of damage!
When cleaning the sensors it is important that contamination from the
ambient atmosphere is prevented. Therefore, MBRAUN recommends that
the box parameters are set to a pressure of between +1.0 and +5.0 mbar
(see parameters chapter) and that the circulation mode is switched OFF.
For Glove Box systems that must remain at a negative pressure, special
procedures may be required. Contact MBRAUN service for advice.
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This routine maintenance consists in cleaning the platinum winding of the MB MO-SE-1 and
moistening it with phosphoric acid H3PO4. The following aids are required for disassembling and
maintaining the MB MO-SE-1.
Tool for disassembly (screwdriver)
Soft, absorbent, lint free cloth (cotton)
Small quantity of phosphoric acid (H3PO4).
Protective clothing, including gloves and goggles
One dummy plug for the open circulation piping (DN40)
Risk of injury!
Be cautious when handling phosphoric acid. Wear protective gloves
and goggles.
Any phosphoric acid getting in contact with your skin should
immediately be rinsed off using running water.
When getting in contact with your eyes, the acid should immediately be
rinsed also using running water; afterwards you should immediately
consult a doctor.
1. Disconnect plug connector.
2. Loosen clamp.
3. Insert dummy plug.
4. Tighten flange clamp.
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5. Unscrew protective cover.
6. Moisten sensor with distilled water.
7. Carefully clean and dry winding.
8. Moisten winding with phosphoric acid.
9. Remount protective cover.
10. Remove clamp and dummy plug.
11. Insert measuring probe and re-clamp.
12. Tighten clamp.
13. Insert plug connector.
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9.4.1 Resetting to Sensor Service Hours
After completing the Moisture Analyser cleaning, the service hours for the analyser need to be
reset. The
The Service H20 screen is only displayed when the Moisture Operation
Hours exceed 2000 hrs that is, when the analyser is to be cleaned.
Service H
O screen is accessed from the Common Parameters screen
Input field service hours
Touch the input field and enter 0 hours.
Other values are possible, if you have shorter periods for the service.
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10. Accessories & Customer Specific Components
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Page 101
10.1 Accessories .......................................................................................... 2
10.1.1 Gloves ............................................................................................................ 2
10.1.2 Glove Port Covers .......................................................................................... 4
10.1.3 Dust Filters ..................................................................................................... 5
10.1.4 Other Glove Box Accessories ......................................................................... 6
10.2 Customer Specific Components ......................................................... 8
10.3 Third-party manufacturers Components ........................................... 8
10. Accessories & Customer Specific Components
10.1 Accessories
MBRAUN can offer a range of products that may be fully integrated into the glove box system.
10.1.1 Gloves
MBRAUN exclusively uses gloves made of butyl. A feature of this flexible material is the good
comfortable grip even at low temperatures (Temperature range from -40 to +90C).
For working with higher temperatures MBRAUN also offers gloves made of
butyl with a hypalon layer.
The following graphic chart shows, that butyl compared to hypalon and neoprene evidently has the
most favourable values regarding the permeability for different gases and for water vapour
Gas Permeability Constant Comparison Chart:
0 , 0 0
2 , 0 0
4 , 0 0
6 , 0 0
8 , 0 0
10 , 0 0
12 , 0 0
14 , 0 0
16 , 0 0
18 , 0 0
2 0 , 0 0
N2 CO2 Air O2 He Moisture(/100)
Permeability Constant (P) = gas flow through a material of 1cm thickness at
a standard pressure and temperature.
It is measured at a rate of 10
9 3
10 cm gas
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Page 103
Technical Data:
OrderNo Description Thickness Size
3240567 Brom-Butyl, ambidextrous (Standard) 0,4 mm Large 220 mm
3240568 Brom-Butyl, ambidextrous 0,8 mm Large 220 mm
3000051 Brom-Butyl, ambidextrous 0,4 mm Large 160 mm
3005008 Brom-Butyl, ambidextrous 0,4 mm Large Oval
3000048 Brom-Butyl anatomical 0,8 mm Large 220 mm
3000047 Brom-Butyl, anatomical 0,4 mm Large 220 mm
3000018 Brom-Butyl, anatomical 0,4 mm Medium 220 mm
3000050 Brom-Butyl, anatomical 0,4 mm Large 160 mm
3005010 Hypalon, anatomical 0,4 mm Medium 220 mm
3005009 Hypalon, ambidextrous 0,4 mm Large 220 mm
Gloveport Feedthrough:
OrderNo Description
9004663 Gloveport feedthrough (incl. O-Ring) 220 mm
9004667 Gloveport feedthrough (incl. O-Ring) 160 mm
2600239 O-ring for gloves 220 mm
2600240 O-ring for gloves 160 mm
2400138 O-ring (250x4) for inner gloveport feedthrough 220 mm
2400117 O-ring (244x7) for inner gloveport feedthrough 220 mm
10. Accessories & Customer Specific Components
10.1.2 Glove Port Covers
MBRAUN glove port covers are used for sealing open glove port feedthroughs.
The glove port covers are for standard round glove ports and are available for either interior or
exterior fitting.
The inner-glove port covers allow for the changing of gloves whilst preventing the influx of the
outer-atmosphere into the glove box.
The outer-glove port prevents un-required gloves from being an obstruction when operating the box
above atmospheric pressure.
Risk of injury and damage!
In case of failure of a valve, due to extreme pressure, the glove may detach
from the gloveport, or the window may break if all glove ports are sealed:
The process materials may be polluted and exposed to ambient air.
The ambient air may be polluted by process chemicals.
Adhere to the following guidelines:
Keep at least one glove port in normal operation: glove fixed and glove
port not sealed with an inner or outer glove port cover.
See Chapter 2 Safety
Technical Data:
Covers for Gloveport Feedthrough:
OrderNo Description
9002371 Inner glove port cover 210 mm
7019882 Outer glove port cover 210 mm
7024831 Inner glove port cover 160 mm
7024791 Outer glove port cover 160 mm
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10. Accessories & Customer Specific Components
10.1.3 Dust Filters
MBRAUN glove boxes are equipped with dust filters at the gas outlet, as well as, at the gas inlet
piping. The former protects the gas purification system against dust particles the maybe generated
by the user inside the glove box. The latter filter ensures optimal particle free incoming gas.
Technical Data:
The filter that is commonly used within the M.Braun Glove Box system has the following
The standard filter is of a HEPA format (class H13)- i.e. filtering 99.995% of particles typically
down to 0.2 microns.
On your request, MBRAUN offers also finer filter types (for example class
U15 filtering 99,9995% of particles).
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10. Accessories & Customer Specific Components
10.1.4 Other Glove Box Accessories
The following list of MBRAUN glove box accessories and components gives an overview of
solutions available from MBRAUN, for more information or enquiries about how MBRAUN can
meet your glove box requirements, please contact MBRAUN Service.
Re-Circulating Chiller Unit
Box Cooling
Cold Storage
Inner and Outer Glove Port Covers
for Gloveport Feedthrough
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10. Accessories & Customer Specific Components
Cold Well
Easy Clean
MB VOH-600
Oven antechamber
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Page 107
10. Accessories & Customer Specific Components
10.2 Customer Specific Components
MBRAUN can integrate customer specific components into the glove box. These components may
include certain items of hardware to perform certain production steps within the box, or to perform
specific control or safety tasks.
Order of certain process systems integrated in the Glove Box:
It is possible that the customer has instructed MBRAUN to install or to
prepare the installation of certain process systems within the Glove Box.
The responsibility for such process equipment and processes, including
documentation and training, lies with the operator of the system.
10.3 Third-party manufacturers Components
MBRAUN Glove Box systems are partly equipped with third-party manufacturers components
such as:
Vacuum pump(s)
Compressor(s) for the systems compressor cooling
Compressor(s) for refrigerator systems
PLC control components
TOUCH Screen Operation Panel
The original third-party manufacturers documents are included in the systems delivery.
See chapter 15 Third party documentation
MBRAUN is not responsible for third party documentation content.
EMERGENCY STOPs located on the third party component panel is to
isolate or switch off the 3
party component ONLY.
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11. Maintenance and Service
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11.1 General Informations ........................................................................... 2
11.1.1 Safety ............................................................................................................. 2
11.1.2 Optional Components ..................................................................................... 2
11.1.3 Third-party manufacturers Components ........................................................ 2
11.2 Glove box .............................................................................................. 3
11.2.1 Maintenance and Service ............................................................................... 3
11.2.2 Cleaning of the box window ............................................................................ 3
11.3 Gas Purification System ...................................................................... 3
11.3.1 Maintenance and Service ............................................................................... 3
11.4 Antechambers ....................................................................................... 4
11.4.1 Regular Maintenance and Service.................................................................. 4
11.5 Gloves.................................................................................................... 5
11.5.1 Regular Maintenance and Service.................................................................. 5
11.5.2 Replacing Gloves ........................................................................................... 5 Method 1: with inner-glove port cover ........................................................ 6 Method 2: without inner-glove port cover ................................................... 8
11.6 Dust Filters .......................................................................................... 10
11.6.1 Maintenance and Service ............................................................................. 10
11.6.2 Exchanging Dust Filters ................................................................................ 10
11.7 Solvent Vapour Filter LMF (Option) .................................................. 11
11.7.1 Maintenance and Service ............................................................................. 11
11.7.2 Changing the Filter Medium ......................................................................... 11
11.8 Returning Parts to MBRAUN ............................................................. 12
11. Maintenance and Service
11.1 General Informations
11.1.1 Safety
Risk of damage or injury!
Failure to complete routine inspection, maintenance and servicing could
lead to serious damage to the system and/or personal injury.
All claims for liability or warranty will cease in the event of poor or
insufficient maintenance.
MBRAUN service personnel or properly trained/qualified individuals may
only perform maintenance, repair and service other than described in this
11.1.2 Optional Components
MBRAUN Glove Box systems are partly equipped with optional components
such as:
Observe the maintenance instructions of the optional equipment components.
See Chapters of optional components
11.1.3 Third-party manufacturers Components
MBRAUN Glove Box systems are partly equipped with third-party manufacturers components
such as:
Vacuum pump(s)
Compressor(s) for the systems compressor cooling
Compressor(s) for refrigerator systems
PLC control components
TOUCH Screen Operation Panel
The original third-party manufacturers documents describing maintenance and service of the
components are included in the systems delivery.
See chapter 15 Third party documentation
Risk of damage or injury!
The third-party manufacturers maintenance and service instructions
should be followed.
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11. Maintenance and Service
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Page 113
11.2 Glove box
11.2.1 Maintenance and Service
Quarterly Annually
Check connections for firm seat and are leak
Check the Omega sealing for the windows
Check the magnetic valves
Complete leakage test
Function test
Check the illuminating equipment
Check and if necessary replace the
magnetic valves
11.2.2 Cleaning of the box window
Clean the exterior using conventional detergents (do not use caustic detergents); for this
purpose use a soft, lint free cloth; or a vacuum cleaner if available, using a brush attachment.
Box equipped with an MBRAUN Vacuum Cleaner Unit:
The interior of the box and window may also be vacuumed with a brush attachment.
11.3 Gas Purification System
11.3.1 Maintenance and Service
Quarterly Annually
Check connections for firm seat and are leak
Check the magnetic valves
Check the blower
Check the vacuum pump
Function Test
Check and if necessary replace the
circulation blower
Dismantle pipe-work and clean it.
Replace all Viton seals
Check and if necessary replace the valve
Check the cooling system
Check the cooling fluid
11. Maintenance and Service
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11.4 Antechambers
11.4.1 Regular Maintenance and Service
Check connections for firm seat and are leak free.
Check antechamber seals for damage.
If the antechamber doors are difficult to open or to close, grease or lubricate threads lightly.
Some areas of the system must be left without grease or lubrication. In this case, grease or
lubricants should not be used.
11. Maintenance and Service
11.5 Gloves
11.5.1 Regular Maintenance and Service
Check the gloves for damage.
In addition, use linen gloves to avoid humidity in the box gloves.
Risk of damage!
Do not use powder within the box or within a clean room environment.
Replace gloves when damaged - by no means attempt to repair gloves.
11.5.2 Replacing Gloves
Risk of injury and damage!
The gloves must be changed upon signs of wear and tear that may or have
caused a leak.
Before changing gloves ensure that the glove box is atmosphere is safe to
breathe. If necessary purge and fill the glove box with ambient air before
attempting to change gloves.
Risk of damage!
Please put extreme sensitive substances in the antechamber while
replacing the gloves.
Ensure that the correct type of glove is chosen e.g. left or right hand, or
ambidextrous and of the correct size.
After the changing of gloves, the glove box atmosphere will require
purging to remove any undesired oxygen and/or moisture.
See chapter 7.3 Purging
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Page 115
11. Maintenance and Service Method 1: with inner-glove port cover
Set the box pressure in slightly over pressure (approx. 1 - 2 mbar)
Attach the inner-glove port cover
a. through the glove port, which glove
should be changed
(knob is outside).
b. through an other glove port
(knob is inside).
Glove port is closed.
Remove the O-rings
Removes the glove as shown
Roll up the new glove.
Please note: Let escape as much air as
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11. Maintenance and Service
Put the new rolled glove in the glove port.
Place the glove over the port so that the rim
of the glove locates in the ports innermost
Check that the glove is orientated correctly.
Replace with new O-rings at the outer
2 grooves.
Remove the inner-glove port cover.
Purge the Glove Box.
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Page 117
11. Maintenance and Service Method 2: without inner-glove port cover
Set the box pressure in slightly over pressure (approx. 1 - 2 mbar)
Insert the new glove into the old glove.
Please note that both gloves fitted into each
other, so that there is no air between both
Remove the O-rings.
Remove old glove from the glove port and
immediately place the new glove over the
Place the new glove over the port so that the
rim of the glove locates in the ports innermost
Check that the glove is orientated correctly.
Replace the new glove first with one new
O-ring at the inner groove.
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11. Maintenance and Service
Remove the old glove from inside
Replace the new glove then with another new
O-ring at the outer groove.
Transfer the old glove out of the box.
Purge the Glove Box.
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11. Maintenance and Service
11.6 Dust Filters
11.6.1 Maintenance and Service
Quarterly Annually
- Check and if necessary replace the dust
11.6.2 Exchanging Dust Filters
Depending on the usage of the glove box system the filters need to be exchanged at least once a
Risk of damage!
Do not reuse the used dust filters.
Safety Instructions for Disposal: see chapter2.5.7. Disposal
Unscrew used dust filter and depose it.
Screw new dust filter in place.
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11. Maintenance and Service
11.7 Solvent Vapour Filter LMF (Option)
11.7.1 Maintenance and Service
Quarterly Annually
- Check and if necessary replace the Filter
Check and if necessary replace the Filter
11.7.2 Changing the Filter Medium
MBRAUN recommends that the Solvent Vapour Filter medium is changed at least annually.
However, in cases of high solvent uses this may need to be significantly more frequently.
1 kg of charcoal can adsorb approximately 100 g organic solvents. However, the exact quantity
depends on the type of the solvent and the ambient conditions - in particular the ambient
temperature. MBRAUN offers an optional solvent sensor. This sensor monitors the solvent
concentration in the gas flow leaving the solvent filter, thereby giving a prompt warning of saturation
of the filter.
Danger of injury!
Wear protective mask, glasses and gloves whilst changing the
activated carbon.
Safe operation of the system is only possible with activated carbon,
obtainable from MBRAUN (article no. 2182000).
Risk of damage to the system!
Using a system with a saturated solvent filter can lead to a damage
of O-rings, the copper pipe work and other components of the gas
purification as well as of the glove box system. It may result in actual loss
of the gas impermeability for the overall glove box system. In addition the
capacity for moisture retention of the main reactor can be reduced.
Switch the gas purification system into the bypass mode by setting the valves in the following
Open valve 3
Close valve 1
Close valve 2
Valve 4 - position "CLOSED"
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Open outlet flange (OUT) at the solvent absorber (LMF) and empty the exhausted carbon in a
tub. Please dispose the exhausted activated carbon correctly observing all applicable
environmental, safety and heath guidelines.
After the emptying the Vapour Filter close the outlet flange (OUT) and open the inlet flange (IN)
at the solvent absorber (LMF).
Fill in new activated carbon; filling amount 5 kg. Afterwards close the inlet flange (IN) again.
Set hand valve 4 on "EVACUATE" position. The minimum duration of the evacuation is 6 hours.
After the evacuation set the hand valve 4 on "REFILL" position.
Wait until the pressure indication at the pressure gauge has reached the value "0".
After the refilling set the hand valve 4 on "CLOSED" position.
The solvent absorber (LMF) is again ready for operation.
11.8 Returning Parts to MBRAUN
Before returning any parts to MBRAUN, please
fill out the Form Declaration Concerning the Contamination of
Gloveboxes, Blowers, Valves and Purifer Loading
send or fax it to MBRAUN: +49 (0) 89 / 32 669 235.
The Service Department will inform you, whether the parts can be accepted.
MBRAUN will reject any part being returned without the contamination declaration and parts, which
are contaminated with substances detrimental to health or hazardous to the environment.
The Form Declaration Concerning the Contamination of Gloveboxes, Blowers, Valves and Purifer
Loading is available overleaf.
M. Braun GmbH
Dieselstrae 31 D-85748 Garching Tel.: 0 89 / 32 669 233 Fax: 0 89 / 32 669 235
M. Braun GmbH Form
Declaration Concerning the Contamination of Gloveboxes,
Blowers, Valves and Purifer Loading
The servicing/repair of gloveboxes, blowers, valves and purifer loading will only be carried out if we
have a correct and complete declaration form. Should this not be the case, this will lead to a delay in
service. If a glovebox is sent in to be repaired at the manufacturing plant rather than where it is in
operation, the shipment may be rejected without completed documentation. Further we reverse the
right to take a sample of the contamination.
Only authorized and specialized personnel are entitled to fill in and sign this declaration form.
1. Gloveboxes, Blowers or Valve Particulars
2. Model Designation:
Serial No./Article No.: ...................................................................................................................................
Invoice number: ............................................. Delivery date: .................................................
3. Reason for Sending in the Glovebox, Blower, Valves or Purifer Loading
4. Blower, Valve and Purifer Loading
Was the glovebox in operation? yes no
Is the blower contaminated with substances which may be detrimental to health? If yes, please specify.
yes no toxic corrosive micro-biological*
explosive* radioactive* other harmful
* Blowers that have been contaminated with micro-biological, explosive or radioactive substances will
only be accepted if we have proof that they have been decontaminated in compliance with
Type of contaminants with which the glovebox came into contact:
4. Legally binding declaration
Firm/Institute: ....................................................................................................................................................
Street: ............................................... Postal Code / City: ...............................................................
Telephone: ............................................... Telefax: ...............................................................
Name (in block letters): .......................................................................................................................................
Position: .................................................................................................................................................
Date: ............................................
Legally Binding Company
Signature: ............................................ Stamp:
Commercial Name
Product Name
designation (indicate
formula if possible)
Danger Class
Measures to be
taken in case of
contaminate being
First Aid
in case of Accident
12. Trouble Shooting
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12.1 Alarm and Warning Messages ........................................................... 2
12.2 Definition of Error Messages ............................................................. 3
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12.1 Alarm and Warning Messages
As soon as a fault or an error the ALARM button will flash.
Display Alarm and Warning Messages:
To view the error messages, push the ALARM button.
This will open the Warnings Screen.
The messages that appear in the screen are in order of occurrence. The most recent message is
the uppermost.
Delete the selected warning.
A selected warning.
Selecting the BACK button will return to the
previous screen
Delete Alarm and Warning Messages:
To acknowledge that a message has been read:
Touch the warning: Warning will be selectd.
Touch the ACK button will delete the warning.
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12.2 Definition of Error Messages
Warning Description Possible Explanations Solutions
1 vacuum pump VPG 1
switched off
Operator has not switched vacuum
pump on
Operator have to switch on vacuum
2 motor protective switch
vacuum pump VPG 1
Vacuum pump faulty
Coarse-leak in the piping
(vacuum pump overworked due to
size of the leak)
Replace vacuum pump
Eliminate Coarse-leak
Vacuum pump check from MBraun -
3 blower GB1: motor
protective switch activated
or error frequency controller
Main blower faulty
Main piping stopped up
Replace main blower
Eliminate Constipation
Blower check from MBraun - Service
4 purifier 1: filter 1 input main
valve not open
Main valve faulty
Control pressure too low
Replace main valve
Set control pressure to 6 bar
5 purifier 1: filter 1 output main
valve not open
Main valve faulty
Control pressure too low
Replace main valve
Set control pressure to 6 bar
6 purifier 1: filter 2 input main
valve not open
Main valve faulty
Control pressure too low
Replace main valve
Set control pressure to 6 bar
7 purifier 1: filter 2 output main
valve not open
Main valve faulty
Control pressure too low
Replace main valve
Set control pressure to 6 bar
8 purifier 1: pressure working
gas too low
Working gas pressure too low
Pressure-supervision defective or
put in incorrectly
Set working gas pressure to 6bar
Pressure supervision reset
Adjust pressure-supervision switch
9 purifier 1: pressure purging
gas too low
Pressure purging gas too low
Pressure-supervision defective or
put in incorrectly
Set purging gas pressure to 6bar
Pressure supervision reset
Adjust pressure-supervision switch
10 purifier 1: box purging outlet
not open
Purging valve faulty
Control pressure too low
Purging valve Replaces
Set control pressure to 6 bar
11 purifier 1: box purging in
Operator-hint No action required
12 purifier 1: fuse filter heater
Filter heater faulty Heater check from MBraun - Service
13 purifier 1: temperature alarm
Option: Filter Temperature Alarm
Temperature Filter too high Solid
state relay is faulty
Thermocouple faulty
Reset Sensor Before cancelling
Heater Faulty Heater check from
MBraun Service
Sensor Faulty Cable Faulty
33 Solvent trap: Main valve
filter 1 inlet/outlet not open
Main valve Solvent trap faulty
Control pressure too low
Replace Main valve
Set control pressure to 6 bar
34 Solvent trap: Main valve
filter 2 inlet/outlet not open
Main valve Solvent trap faulty
Control pressure too low
Replace Main valve
Set control pressure to 6 bar
35 Solvent trap: Main valve
filter 1 inlet/outlet not closed
Main valve Solvent trap faulty
Control pressure not correct
Replace Main valve
Set control pressure to 6 bar
36 Solvent trap: Main valve
filter 2 inlet/outlet not closed
Main valve Solvent trap faulty
Control pressure not correct
Replace Main valve
Set control pressure to 6 bar
37 Solvent trap: Roughing
valve not open
Roughing valve Solvent trap faulty
Control pressure too low
Replace Roughing valve
Set control pressure to 6 bar
38 Solvent trap: motor
protective switch vacuum
pump VPGL
Vacuum pump faulty
Coarse-leak in the piping
(vacuum pump overworked due to
size of the leak)
Replace Vacuum pump
Eliminate Coarse-leak
Vacuum pump check from MBraun -
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Warning Description Possible Explanations Solutions
45 motor protective switch
vacuum pump VP1 activated
Vacuum pump faulty
Coarse-leak in the piping
(vacuum pump overworked due to
size of the leak)
Replace Vacuum pump
Eliminate Coarse-leak
Vacuum pump check from MBraun -
46 motor protective switch
vacuum pump VP2 activated
Vacuum pump faulty
Coarse-leak in the piping
(vacuum pump overworked due to
size of the leak)
Replace Vacuum pump
Eliminate Coarse-leak
Vacuum pump check from MBraun -
47 motor protective switch
vacuum pump VP3 activated
Vacuum pump faulty
Coarse-leak in the piping
(vacuum pump overworked due to
size of the leak)
Replace Vacuum pump
Eliminate Coarse-leak
Vacuum pump check from MBraun -
49 compressor: motor
protective switch activated
Compressor purifier faulty Replace Compressor
Compressor check from MBraun -
51 freezer: motor protective
switch activated
Compressor freezer faulty Replace Compressor
Compressor check from MBraun -
52 compressor box cooling:
motor protective switch
Compressor box cooling faulty Replace Compressor
Compressor check from MBraun -
55 oxygen-level too high:
automatic box purging is
Operator-hint :Oxygen-measurement
over O2-limit level
Box purging starts automatically
No action required
56 box pressure to high:
purging output valve is open
Gas hose broken in the box Disconnect leaking gas supply
57 box pressure to low:
automatic purging is active
Vacuum valve antechamber has not
Refill valve antechamber has not
Vacuum valve purifier has not closed
replace faulty valve
59 spin coater: exhaust valve
not open
Exhaust valve spin coater faulty
Control pressure too low
Replace Exhaust valve
Set control pressure to 6 bar
65 vacuum pump off - box
pressure too low
Vacuum valve antechamber has not
Refill valve antechamber has not
Vacuum valve purifier has not closed
Replace faulty valve and switch on
vacuum pump
96 Clean the H2O-sensor -
Refer to instruction manual
Maintenance time H2O-Sensor
Clean H2O-Sensor
Reset maintenance time H2O-Sensor
97 purifier 1: filter 1 input main
valve not closed
Main valve purifier 1 faulty
Control pressure too low
Replace Main valve
Set control pressure to 6 bar
98 purifier 1: filter 1 output main
valve not closed
Main valve purifier 1 faulty
Control pressure too low
Replace Main valve
Set control pressure to 6 bar
99 purifier 1: regeneration filter
1 in operation
Operator hint No action required
100 purifier 1: regeneration filter
1 service mode
Operating hint No action required
101 Purifier 1: proof flow
regeneration gas - ok?
Regeneration gas confirmation by
the customer
Check gas flow regeneration gas and
confirm condition
102 purifier 1: filter 2 input main
valve not closed
Main valve purifier 2 faulty
Control pressure too low
Replace Main valve
Set control pressure to 6 bar
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Page 125
Warning Description Possible Explanations Solutions
103 purifier 1: filter 2 output main
valve not closed
Main valve purifier 2 faulty
Control pressure too low
Main valve Replaces
Set control pressure to 6 bar
104 purifier 1: regeneration filter
2 in operation
Operator hint No action required
105 purifier 1: regeneration filter
2 service mode
Operator hint No action required
106 purifier 1: H2O alarm H2O-Measurement exceeds alarm-
Antechamber leaky , piping leaky
Introduced item contains much
No cleaning effect of the active filter
Eliminate leakage
Complete more pump-refill-cycles for
the introduced item
Regenerate filter, use regenerated filter
107 purifier 1: H2O sensor
H2O-sensor faulty
H2O-sensor unplugged
Replace H2O-sensor
Plug-in H2O-sensor
108 purifier 1: O2 alarm O2-Measurement exceeds alarm-
Antechamber leaky , piping leaky
Introduced item contains much
No cleaning effect of the active filter
Eliminate leakage
Complete more pump-refill-cycles for
the introduced item
Regenerate filter, use regenerated filter
109 purifier 1: O2 sensor
O2-sensor faulty
O2-sensor unplugged
Replace O2-sensor
O2-sensor plug in
110 purifier 1: blower pressure
sensor defective
Blower-pressure-sensor faulty
Blower-pressure -sensor unplugged
Replace Blower-pressure -sensor
Plug-in Blower-pressure -sensor
111 purifier 1: blower pressure
too low
Main-blower does not run:
Main-blower unplugged
Main-blower faulty
Plug in main-blower
Replace Main-blower
112 purifier 1: blower pressure
too high
HEPA-filter contaminated Replace HEPA-filter
113 purifier 1: pressure sensor
regeneration gas defective
Option: pressure sensor
regeneration gas
pressure sensor regeneration gas
Replace pressure sensor regeneration
114 purifier 1: regeneration gas
pressure too low
Option: pressure sensor
regeneration gas
Gas supply empty
Pressure attitude too low
Change gas bottle
Adjust gas pressure
( 0,3 0,5 bar )
115 purifier 1: regeneration gas
pressure too high
Option: pressure sensor
regeneration gas
Pressure attitude too high
Adjust gas pressure
( 0,3 0,5 bar )
140 Solvent trap: Filter 1 inlet
main valve not closed
Main valve solvent trap filter 1 faulty
Control pressure too low
Replace Main valve solvent trap filter 1
Set control pressure to 6 bar
141 Solvent trap: Filter 1 outlet
main valve not closed
Main valve solvent trap filter 1 faulty
Control pressure too low
Replace Main valve solvent trap filter 1
Set control pressure to 6 bar
142 Solvent trap: Prove purge
gas flow for regeneration
Purge-gas confirmation by the
Check gas flow purge-gas and confirm
143 Solvent trap: Filter 2 inlet
main valve not closed
Main valve solvent trap filter 2 faulty
Control pressure too low
Replace Main valve solvent trap filter 2
Set control pressure to 6 bar
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Warning Description Possible Explanations Solutions
144 Solvent trap: Filter 2 outlet
main valve not closed
Main valve solvent trap filter 2 faulty
Control pressure too low
Replace Main valve solvent trap filter 2
Set control pressure to 6 bar
145 Solvent trap: alarm setpoint
analyzer exceeded --\>
Regenerate solvent trap
Analyzer-measurement exceeds
Regenerate filter, use regenerated filter
160 antechamber 1: atmosphere
sensor defective
Atmosphere-sensor faulty
Atmosphere -sensor unplugged
Replace Atmosphere-sensor
Atmosphere-sensor plug in
161 antechamber 1: vacuum
sensor defective
Vacuum-sensor faulty
Vacuum -sensor unplugged
Replace Vacuum-sensor
Vacuum-sensor plug in
162 antechamber 1: inner door
not closed
Door switch not activated:
Door switch faulty
Door not completely closed
Replace Door switch
Close door
163 antechamber 1: outer door
not closed
Door switch not activated:
Door switch faulty
Door not completely closed
Replace Door switch
Close door
164 antechamber 1: pumping
time exceeded
Antechamber leaky
Vacuum piping leaky
Rank gases too strongly
Eliminate leak
Increase max. evacuation-time
167 antechamber 1:
antechamber leaking
Leakiest was not ok:
Fine leak antechamber
Fine leak piping
Eliminate leak
168 antechamber 1: no cooling
water or water flow -- reset
yellow button ACK --
Option: Oven-antechamber
Water supply not sufficient
Check that the water-supply is enough
169 antechamber 1: no pressure
emergency cooling
Option: Oven-antechamber
Water supply not sufficient
Check that the water-supply is enough
170 antechamber 1:
temperature alarm -
Option: Oven-antechamber
Temperature oven too high Solid
state relay is faulty
Thermocouple faulty
Temperature alarm level too near at
the setpoint
Replace Solid state relay
Replace Thermocouple
Adjust temperature alarm level
171 antechamber 1: error
temperature sensor
Option: Oven-antechamber
Thermocouple faulty
Replace Thermocouple
172 antechamber 1: pressure too
high for heating
Option: Oven-antechamber
Heater condition handmade: vacuum
must be better than
1 mbar
Evacuate antechamber up to the
necessary vacuum level
175 antechamber 2: atmosphere
sensor defective
Atmosphere-sensor faulty
Atmosphere -sensor unplugged
Replace Atmosphere-sensor
Atmosphere-sensor plug in
176 antechamber 2: vacuum
sensor defective
Vacuum-sensor faulty
Vacuum -sensor unplugged
Replace Vacuum-sensor
Vacuum-sensor plug in
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Page 127
Warning Description Possible Explanations Solutions
177 antechamber 2: inner door
not closed
Door switch not activated:
Door switch faulty
Door not completely closed
Replace Door switch
Close door
178 antechamber 2: outer door
not closed
Door switch not activated:
Door switch faulty
Door not completely closed
Replace Door switch
Close door
179 antechamber 2: pumping
time exceeded
Antechamber leaky
Vacuum piping leaky
Rank gases too strongly
Eliminate leak
Increase max. evacuation-time
182 antechamber 2:
antechamber leaking
Leakiest was not ok:
Fine leak antechamber
Fine leak piping
Eliminate leak
183 antechamber 2: no cooling
water or water flow -- reset
yellow button ACK --
Option: Oven-antechamber
Water supply not sufficient
Check that the water-supply is
184 antechamber 2: no pressure
emergency cooling
Option: Oven-antechamber
Water supply not sufficient
Check that the water-supply is
185 antechamber 2:
temperature alarm
Option: Oven-antechamber
Temperature oven too high Solid
state relay is faulty
Thermocouple faulty
Temperature alarm level too near at
the setpoint
Replace Solid state relay
Thermocouple Replaces
Adjust temperature alarm level
186 antechamber 2: error
temperature sensor
Option: Oven-antechamber
Thermocouple faulty
Replace Thermocouple
187 antechamber 2: pressure too
high for heating
Option: Oven-antechamber
Heater condition handmade: vacuum
must be better than
1 mbar
Evacuate antechamber up to the
necessary vacuum level
205 Buffer battery CPU is empty
- exchange! Do not switch
off power supply!
Buffer battery of the PLC is empty Do not switch off PLC
Change battery
207 box valves box 1 not opened Box valve box 1 faulty
Control pressure too low
Replace Box valve box 1
Set control pressure to 6 bar
208 box valves box 2 not opened Box valve box 2 faulty
Control pressure too low
Replace Box valve box 2
Set control pressure to 6 bar
210 system not ready Both boxes has not opened:
Box valves not ok
Control pressure not ok
Box valves have not switched on
Replace Box valves
Adjust control pressure to 6 bar
Switch on box valves
212 sensor box pressure
Box pressure-sensor faulty
Box pressure -sensor unplugged
Replace Box pressure -sensor
Box pressure -sensor plug in
213 box pressure too low Vacuum valve antechamber has not
Refill valve antechamber has not
Vacuum valve purifier has not closed
Remove faulty valve
12. Trouble Shooting
Page 128 Operating Manual Glove Box Systems
GmbH 01/2009 - Version 3.1
Warning Description Possible Explanations Solutions
214 box pressure too high Gas hose broken in the box
If the mistake appears with box
purging: gas supply too high
Disconnect leaky gas supply
Throttle gas supply
Box cooling: temperature too
box cooling does not run:
box cooling unplugged
box cooling faulty
Plug in box cooling
Replace box cooling
box cooling: error
Temperature-sensor faulty
Temperature -sensor unplugged
Replace Temperature -sensor
Plug-in Temperature -sensor
freezer: temperature too
Freezer does not run:
Freezer unplugged
Freezer faulty
Plug in freezer
Replace Freezer
freezer: error temperature
Temperature-sensor faulty
Temperature -sensor unplugged
Replace Temperature -sensor
Plug-in Temperature -sensor
Solvent trap: alarm setpoint
exceeded ---\> Start
regeneration LMF
Analyzer-measurement exceeds
Regenerate filter, use regenerated filter
13. Schaltplne / Wiring Diagrams
Glove Box Systems Operating Manual
GmbH 04/2008 Version 3.0
Seite / Page 131
13.1. Schaltplne / Wiring Diagrams ............................................................ 2
13. Schaltplne / Wiring Diagrams
Seite / Page 132 Glove Box Systems Operating Manual
GmbH 04/2008 Version 3.0
13.1. Schaltplne / Wiring Diagrams
Eingefgt auf folgenden Seiten
Included on following pages
13. Schaltplne / Wiring Diagrams
Diese Seite sollte durch den
aktuellen Schaltplan ersetzt sein
This page should be replaced by the
actual wiring diagrams
Falls dies nicht der Fall ist, wenden Sie sich bitte an
den Service von
Otherwise please contact
the service department of
Glove Box Systems Operating Manual
GmbH 04/2008 Version 3.0
Seite / Page 133
13. Schaltplne / Wiring Diagrams
Seite / Page 134 Glove Box Systems Operating Manual
GmbH 04/2008 Version 3.0
14. Ersatzteile / Spareparts
14.0 Ersatzteile / Spareparts
MB 20 / 200 Gasreinigungssystem / Gaspurifying System
Betriebsanleitung / Manual 04/2008 Seite / Page 141
MB 20 / 200 Glovebox System
14.1. System bersicht / Scheme 2
14.2. Glovebox 3
14.2.1 Gehuse und Beleuchtung / Chassis and light
14.2.2 Handschuhe und Zubehr / Gloves and equipment
14.2.3 Schleusen / Antechamber
1. Rundschleuse / Round Antechamber
2. Rundschleuse mit elektropneumatischen Ventilen /
Antechamber with electropneumatic valves
14.2.4 Minischleusen / Mini Antechamber
a) Minischleuse mit Bajonettverschluss /
Mini antechamber with bajonet-lock
b) Minischleuse mit Klemmverschluss /
Mini antechamber with clamp lock
14.2.5 Staubfilter / Dustfilter
14.2.6 Messgerte / Sensors
14.3. Gasreinigung / Gaspurifier
14.3.1 Standard 11
11 a)Vorderansicht / Front view
b)Innenansicht Rckseite/ Interior view, rear side
14.3.2 Optional: Gasreinigung mit Boxspleinrichtung /
Gaspurification with Box Purging 13
14.3.3 Optional: Gasreinigung mit Lsemittelfilter /
Gaspurifier with solvent filter
14.3.4 Optional: Regenerierbare Lsungsmittelfilter /
Regenerable solvent filter 15
14.3.5 Vakuumpumpe / Vacuum pump
1. Standard-Vakuumpumpe / Standard Vacuum pump
2. Tri-Scroll-Vakuumpumpe / Tri-Scroll Vacuum pump
17 14.3.6 Optional: Splen der Pumpe / Pump purging
18 14.3.7 Bedienpanel / Touch Panel
14.3.8 Fuschalter / Footswitch
14. Ersatzteile / Spareparts
14.1. System bersicht / Scheme
MB 20 / 200 Gasreinigungssystem / Gaspurifying System
Betriebsanleitung / Manual 04/2008 Seite / Page 142
Abb. 1 Typische Komponenten eines Standard-Glove Box-System/
Fig. 1 Typical Components of a Standard Glove Box System
Nr. Beschreibung Description Kapitel/
1 Glovebox Glovebox 14.2
1a Scheibe Polycarbonat Window polycarbonate 14.2.1
1b Leuchtstoffrhre Fluorescent tube 14.2.1
2 Handschuhdurchfhrungen Glove Feedthrough 14.2.2
3 Handschuhe Gloves 14.2.2
4 Schleusen Antechamber 14.2.3
5 Gasreinigung Gaspurifier 14.3
6 Bedienpanel Touchpanel 14.3.7
7 Hauptschalter Main switch 14.3.1
8 Durchflussmesser
komplett (mit
Flowmeter with non- return-valve 14.3.1
9 Vakuumpumpe Vacuum pump 14.3.5
10 Fuschalter Foot switch 14.3.8
11 Staubfilter Dustfilter 14.2.5
2 3
14. Ersatzteile / Spareparts
14.2. Glovebox 4.2. Glovebox
MB 20 / 200 Gasreinigungssystem / Gaspurifying System
Betriebsanleitung / Manual 04/2008 Seite / Page 143
14.2.1 Gehuse und Beleuchtung /
Chassis and light
Beschreibung Description Spezifikation
1 7002195 Scheibe Polycarbonat
(Weitere Artikel bei
Window polycarbonate
(For further articels
ask )
2 2602854 Leuchtstoffrhren Fluorescent tube
1250 mm
(30 Watt)
3240541 Leuchtstoffrhren Fluorescent tube
> 1250 mm
(36 Watt)
2 1
14. Ersatzteile / Spareparts
MB 20 / 200 Gasreinigungssystem / Gaspurifying System
Betriebsanleitung / Manual 04/2008 Seite / Page 144
14.2.2 Handschuhe und Zubehr /
Gloves and equipment
Nr. Bestellnummer Beschreibung Description
Handschuhe Gloves Weite /
Strke /
Gre /
3000047 Brom-Butyl, anatomisch
Brom-Butyl, anatomical 220 mm 0.4 mm Large
3240567 Brom-Butyl, beidhndig
Brom-Butyl, ambidextrous 220 mm 0.4 mm Large
3000048 Brom-Butyl, anatomisch Brom-Butyl, anatomical 220 mm 0.8 mm Large
3000018 Brom-Butyl, anatomisch Brom-Butyl, anatomical 220 mm 0.4 mm Medium
3240568 Brom-Butyl, beidhndig Brom-Butyl, ambidextrous 220 mm 0.8 mm Large
3005010 Hypalon, anatomisch Hypalon, anatomical 220 mm 0.4 mm Medium
3005009 Hypalon, beidhndig Hypalon, ambidextrous 220 mm 0.4 mm Large
2 a
2 b
2 c
Handschuhdurchfhrungen Gloveport Feedthrough
9004663 Handschuh-Durchfhrung
inkl. O-Ring
Gloveport feedthrough
inkl. O-Ring
220 mm
2600239 O-Ring fr Handschuhe
(ohne Abb.)
O-Ring for Gloves
(not shown)
220 mm
2400117 O-Ring (244x7) fr uere
O-Ring (244x7) for outer
gloveport feedthrough
220 mm
2400138 O-Ring (250x4) fr innere
O-Ring (250x4) for inner
gloveport feedthrough
220 mm
3 a
3 b
Verschlsse fr Handschuhdurchfhrungen Covers for Gloveport Feedthrough
9002371 Handschuh-
210 mm
Inner Glove Port Cover
210 mm
7019882 Handschuh-
210 mm
External Glove Port Cover
210 mm
2 a
2 b
2 c
3 b
3 a
14. Ersatzteile / Spareparts
14.2.3 Schleusen / Antechamber
1. Rundschleuse / Round Antechamber
MB 20 / 200 Gasreinigungssystem / Gaspurifying System
Betriebsanleitung / Manual 04/2008 Seite / Page 145
Nr. Bestell-
Beschreibung Description
1 2405004 Manometer Manometer
2 7003702 Gewindebuchse Door shock spacer
3 2179000 Gasdruckfeder Gaspiston for
4a 6000034 Schleusenbalken Trhalter
Door arm complete
4b 6000035 Schleusenbalken Trhalter
Door arm complete
5 7003674 Schleusendeckel Antechamber door
6a 9005225 Schleusendeckel komplett
Antechamber door
complete (right)
6b 9005226 Schleusendeckel, komplett
Antechamber door,
complete (left)
7 7040131 Schaltkreuz Antechamber door
8 2400309 O-Ring fr
Schleusendeckel (innen
und auen) (ohne Abb.)
Inner and outer O-ring for
Antechamber Door
(not shown)
9 Minischleuse mit Zubehr
(s. Pkt. 14.2.4 a+b)
Miniantechamber with
(s. Chap. 14.2.4 a+b)
14. Ersatzteile / Spareparts
2. Rundschleuse mit elektropneumatischen Ventilen /
Antechamber with electropneumatic valves
Ansicht Rckseite Schleuse /
Rear side antechamber
MB 20 / 200 Gasreinigungssystem / Gaspurifying System
Betriebsanleitung / Manual 04/2008 Seite / Page 146
Nr. Bestellnummer Beschreibung Description
1 9002531-K Eckventil MB-EPV-40 (Al) HV Angle Valve
MB-EPV-40 (Al)
9002533-K Eckventil MB-EPV-40
HV Angle Valve
MB-EPV-40 (Ni-plated)
2 4600977 Magnetventil Magnetic valve
3 3226006 Pirani-Messrhre Vacuum pirani sensor
4 3201024 T-Stck DN16ISO-KF
3201050 T-Stck DN16ISO-KF
T- clamp DN16ISO-KF
(Stainless steel)
5 4970007 Atmosphren-
pressure sensor
5a 5008018 Anschlusskabel
M12, 5m
Connection cable
M12, 5m
3 2
14. Ersatzteile / Spareparts
14.2.4 Minischleusen / Mini Antechamber
a) Minischleuse mit Bajonettverschluss /
Mini antechamber with bajonet-lock
MB 20 / 200 Gasreinigungssystem / Gaspurification System
Betriebsanleitung / Manual 04/2008 Seite / Page 147
Nr. Bestellnummer Beschreibung Description
1 2405004 Manometer Manometer
2 9002011 Schleusendeckel
auen und innen mit
100 mm
Inner and outer
antechamber door with
100 mm
9002012 Schleusendeckel
auen und innen, mit
150 mm
Inner and outer
antechamber door with
150 mm
3 2400040 O-Ring fr
100 mm (ohne Abb.)
O-Ring for mini-
100 mm (not shown)
2400136 O-Ring fr
150 mm (ohne Abb.)
O-Ring for mini-
150 mm (not shown)
4 2200480 3-Wege-Kugelhahn
10 mm MS
3-Way Ball Valve
10 mm BS
14. Ersatzteile / Spareparts
MB 20 / 200 Gasreinigungssystem / Gaspurification System
Betriebsanleitung / Manual 04/2008 Seite / Page 148
b) Minischleuse mit Klemmverschluss /
Mini antechamber with clamp lock
Nr. Bestellnummer Beschreibung Description
1 2405004 Manometer Manometer
2 7003367 Minischleusendeckel
(innen und auen)
mit Klemmverschluss
(100 mm)
Inner and outer
antechamber door with
clamp-lock (100 mm)
7028824 Minischleusendeckel
(innen und auen)
mit Klemmverschluss
(150 mm)
Inner and outer
antechamber door with
clamp-lock (150 mm)
3 2400171 O-Ring fr
100 mm (ohne Abb.)
O-Ring for mini-
100 mm (not shown)
2600240 O-Ring fr
150 mm (ohne Abb.)
O-Ring for mini-
150 mm (not shown)
4 3240521 2-Wege-Kugelhahn 3/8
2-way ball valve 3/8" SS
5 2200480 3-Wege-Kugelhahn
10 mm MS
3-Way Ball Valve
10 mm BS
14. Ersatzteile / Spareparts
14.2.5 Staubfilter / Dustfilter
MB 20 / 200 Gasreinigungssystem / Gaspurification System
Betriebsanleitung / Manual 04/2008 Seite / Page 149
Nr. Bestellnummer Beschreibung Description
1 9004513 Staubfilter MB-BF-L-03
Dustfilter MB-BF-L-03
14. Ersatzteile / Spareparts
14.2.6 Messgerte / Sensors
MB 20 / 200 Gasreinigungssystem / Gaspurification System
Betriebsanleitung / Manual 04/2008 Seite / Page 1410
Nr. Bestellnummer Beschreibung Description
1 1500686 Sauerstoffmessgert
(0 1000 ppm O
(0 1000 ppm O
2 1500685 Feuchtemessgert
(0 500 ppm H
(0 500 ppm H
3 1500700 Sauerstoffmessgert
(0 1000 ppm O
(0 1000 ppm O
4 4970009 Boxdrucksensor
+/- 20mbar
Box pressure sensor
+/- 20mbar
4a 5008018 Anschlusskabel
M12, 5m
Connection cable
M12, 5m
14. Ersatzteile / Spareparts
14.3. Gasreinigung / Gaspurifier
MB 20 / 200 Gasreinigungssystem / Gaspurification System
Betriebsanleitung / Manual 04/2008 Seite / Page 1411
14.3.1 Standard
a) Vorderansicht / Front view
Vorderansicht Gasreinigung
(Bedienpanel integriert) /
Front view Gaspurifier,
(Touchpanel integrated)
Vorderansicht Gasreinigung
(externes Bedienpanel) /
Front view Gaspurifier
(external Touchpanel) (s. 14.3.7)
Nr. Bestellnummer Beschreibung Description
1 Schaltschrank
(elektrische Komponenten
siehe Schaltbild, Kap. 13))
Control cabimet
(Components see electrical
schematic, Chapter 13)
1a 2602675 Hauptschalter Main switch
2 Bedienpanel, integriert
(s. 14.3.7)
Touch panel (integrated)
(s. 14.3.7)
3 2600027 Durchflussmesser komplett
(mit Rckschlagventil)
Flowmeter with non- return-
14. Ersatzteile / Spareparts
b) Innenansicht Rckseite/ Interior view, rear side
Rckansicht / Rear side
MB 20 / 200 Gasreinigungssystem / Gaspurification System
Betriebsanleitung / Manual 04/2008 Seite / Page 1412
Nr. Bestellnummer Beschreibung Description
1 2600793 Ventil-Set (Spule, Kern, Feder) Valve set
(Core, spool, spring)
4600978 *) Ventil-Block 6-fach
(Spule, Kern, Feder)
Valve Block- with 6 valves
(Core, spool, spring)
4600979 **) Ventil-Block 10-fach
(Spule, Kern, Feder)
Valve Block- with 10 valves
(Core, spool, spring)
2 3203000 Wellschlauch DN40KFx350 Flexline, DN40KFx350
3 7016893 Khler Heat Exchanger
4 3000072 Manometer Manometer
5 2200480 3-Wege-Ventil
10mm MS
3-Way Ball Valve -
10mm BS
2210480 3-Wege-Ventil
10mm Edelstahl
3-Way Ball Valve -
10mm SS
6 3240545 Wellschlauch DN40KFx250 Flexline, DN40KFx250
7 9002832 Geblse MB-BL-01 Blower - MB-BL-01
8 3200072 Wellschlauch DN40KFx500 Flexline, DN40KFx500
9 9002043-KF Reaktor Gasreinigung
O / O
, komplett 230 V
Reactor H
9002044-KF Reaktor Gasreinigung
O / O
, komplett 115 V
Reactor H
complete 115V
2600839 Kupferkatalysator (4.5kg) Cu-Catalyst (4.5 Kg)
3240262 Molekularsieb (5.5kg) Molecular Sieve (5.5kg)
*) MB 20 **) MB 200
2 1
14. Ersatzteile / Spareparts
14.3.2 Optional: Gasreinigung mit Boxspleinrichtung /
Gaspurification with Box Purging
MB 20 / 200 Gasreinigungssystem / Gaspurification System
Betriebsanleitung / Manual 04/2008 Seite / Page 1413
Nr. Bestellnummer Beschreibung Description
1 3240521 Kugelhahn 2-Wege 3/8" V2A 2-way ball valve 3/8" SS
5017016 Kugelhahn 2-Wege 3/8 MS 2-way ball valve 3/8" BS
2 4600977 Magnetventil (VSE) Magnetic Valve Set
3 9002531-K Eckventil MB-EPV-40 (Al) HV Angle Valve
MB-EPV-40 (Al)
9002533-K Eckventil MB-EPV-40
HV Angle Valve
MB-EPV-40 (Ni-plated)
2602195 PVC-Schlauch 800mm
(Splen Ausgang)
PVC-Hose 800 mm
(Purging Outlet)
2501116 Schlauchklemme Hose clamp
2300221 Al-Rohr 42x1 L=100mm Al-Tube 42x1 L=100mm
5 7024588 Rckschlagventil DN40
komplett (Ausgangventil)
Non-return valve DN40,
complete (Purging out)
1 2
14. Ersatzteile / Spareparts
MB 20 / 200 Gasreinigungssystem / Gaspurification System
Betriebsanleitung / Manual 04/2008 Seite / Page 1414
14.3.3 Optional: Gasreinigung mit Lsemittelfilter /
Gaspurifier with solvent filter
Abb Gasreinigung mit Lsemittelfilter (und Boxsplen) /
Figure: Gaspurifier with solvent filter (and box purging)
Nr. Bestellnummer Beschreibung Description
1 3200072 Wellschlauch DN40KFx500 Flexline, DN40KFx500
2 9004501 Handventil (DN40KF VA) Manual valve (DN40KF SS)
3 9007091 Lsungsmittelfilter (LMF) Solvent Filter (LMF)
2182000 Aktivkohle (5.5 kg) Activated Carbon (5.5kg)
14. Ersatzteile / Spareparts
14.3.4 Optional: Regenerierbare Lsungsmittelfilter /
Regenerable solvent filter
MB 20 / 200 Gasreinigungssystem / Gaspurification System
Betriebsanleitung / Manual 04/2008 Seite / Page 1415
Nr. Bestellnummer Beschreibung Description
1 4601276 Druckregler 1/8 Pressure controller 1/8
2 2600027 Durchflussmesser komplett
( mit Rckschlagventil)
Flowmeter complete
(with non- return-valve)
-- 7038320 Reaktor regenerierbar
(ohne Abb.)
Reactor regenerable
(not shown)
-- 3240262 Molekularsieb
(ohne Abb.)
(not shown)
14. Ersatzteile / Spareparts
14.3.5 Vakuumpumpe / Vacuum pump
1. Standard-Vakuumpumpe / Standard Vacuum pump
MB 20 / 200 Gasreinigungssystem / Gaspurification System
Betriebsanleitung / Manual 04/2008 Seite / Page 1416
Nr. Bestellnummer Beschreibung Description
1 3240487 Vakuumpumpe RV12 Vacuum Pump - RV12
2 3240540 Gasballast-
Gas Ballast Filter for
3 3240539 lnebelfilter EMF20 Oil Mist Filter EMF20
2. Tri-Scroll-Vakuumpumpe / Tri-Scroll Vacuum pump
Nr. Bestellnummer Beschreibung Description
2193001 Vakuumpumpe TriScroll
PTS 310, 1 phasig
Vacuum pump TriScroll
PTS 310, single phase
2193000 Vakuumpumpe TriScroll,
3 phasig
Vacuum pump
TriScroll, three phases
Splkit fr
(s. 14.3.6)
Purge Kit for TriScroll
(see 14.3.6)
14. Ersatzteile / Spareparts
14.3.7 Optional: Splen der Pumpe /
Pump purging
MB 20 / 200 Gasreinigungssystem / Gaspurification System
Betriebsanleitung / Manual 04/2008 Seite / Page 1417
Nr. Bestellnummer Beschreibung
1 4601278 Manometer Manometer
2 4601276 Druckregler Pressure controller
3 3210017-A Magnetventil Magnetic Valve
4 3000053 Splkit fr
Purge kit for TriScroll
1 2
14. Ersatzteile / Spareparts
14.3.8 Bedienpanel / Touch Panel
MB 20 / 200 Gasreinigungssystem / Gaspurification System
Betriebsanleitung / Manual 04/2008 Seite / Page 1418
Nr. Bestellnummer Beschreibung Description
1 2600253-V1 Bedienpanel TP177B
(Schwarz / Weiss-
Touch panel TP177B
(Monochrom display)
2 2600254-V1 Bedienpanel TP177B
Touch Panel TP177B
(Color Display)
3 7023898 Gehuse TP177
(Rechts/Links) (extern)
Cabinet for Touch panel
(Right/Left) (extern)
4 7000363 Zwischenteil
Plastic OP bracket
5 7000362 Panelhalter Metal OP bracket
1 2
14. Ersatzteile / Spareparts
14.3.9 Fuschalter /
Foot switch
Nr. Bestellnummer Beschreibung
1 5007021 Fuschalter Foot switch
MB 20 / 200 Gasreinigungssystem / Gaspurification System
Betriebsanleitung / Manual 04/2008 Seite / Page 1419
15. Lieferantendokumentation / Third Party Documentation
Glove Box Systeme Bedienungsanleitung
GmbH 04/2008 Version 3.0
Seite / Page 151
15.1. Lieferantendokumentation / Third Party Documentation ................. 2
15. Lieferantendokumentation / Third Party Documentation
Seite / Page 152 Glove Box Systeme Bedienungsanleitung
GmbH 04/2008 Version 3.0
15.1. Lieferantendokumentation / Third Party Documentation
Nr. Hersteller Beschreibung Typ Sprache PDF
1 BOC Edwards Drehschieberpumpe /
Rotary Vane Pump
RV3/5/8/12 English
2 BOC Edwards Gasballast-
Zubehr fr RV3 to
RV12-Pumpen /
EMF Adjustable Gas
Ballast Oil Drain Kit for
RV3 to RV12 Pumps
A505-23-000 English
3 BOC Edwards Vakuum
Durchfhrungen und
Zubehr /
Vacuum Leadthroughs
and Accessoir
Model 6EK25,
7EK10, 10EK25,
TL8K25, Earth
Model 4RK 10,
8RK25, 12RK25
Rotary Shaft
Vacuum Seal
6EK25, 10EK25
Accessory, Type 10,
25 Blanking Plug
4 BOC Edwards lnebelabscheider /
Oil Mist Filters
EMF3, EMF10,
EMF 20
5 Jumo Boxdrucksensor /
Pressure Sensor
+/- 20 mbar
6 Siemens Frequenzumrichter /
Frequency Inverter
Sinamics G 110
M. Braun GmbH
Dieselstrae 31 D-85748 Garching
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 / 32 669-233 Fax: +49 (0) 89 / 32 669 235
E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.mbraun.com
M. Braun GmbH Form