Monthly Horoscope For July 2014

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Aries July 2014

S N Rao
Love / Relationships
Ketu is in your sign. Saturn and Rahu is in the 7
house. If you're hoping for an adventure,
don't get your hopes too high. The relationships that start now can be very passionate but
they won't last for long. If you have a stable relationship, it's time for communication, for
echanging opinions, for !oint future plans. "our pro!ects seem to focus especially on career
and#or accommodation. $ rather important decision might have to be ta%en in the middle of
the month.
Career / Finance
&ith Saturn in the 7
house and in'uencing your (
house, )uly *+,- will stir up your desire
to stand out. "ou'll wor% very hard and you seem to be getting involved in a large.scale
action or one many people ta%e part in. "our point of view might not match the others', but
you'll manage to ma%e your point strongly following some rather heated confrontations.
"ou'll appear to be a tough, but e/cient person. $s for money, the tendencies are
contradictory0 high income is in store for you, but not high enough to your mind.
There will be some stress, but your physical shape is good, especially in the 1rst two wee%s.
2ars, your ruler, is in 3irgo 4 a delicate position that will a5ect its vigor. 6ut you'll bene1t
from the support of the other planets, so you don't have to worry too much about it. 6ut
don't count entirely on them.
"ou'll still have to show patience and understanding to your friends.
aurus July 2014
S N Rao
Love / Relationships
3enus is in your sign. The atmosphere of love agrees with you. 2ars, the ruler of the house
of couples, will be in 3irgo, so love is in the air. Right from the beginning of )uly you'll be on
the point of en!oying an accomplishment. "ou'll get what you want in the second part of the
month, probably following an intelligent decision or an invincible strategy. 7inally, )uly will
%eep your adrenaline high, which will have ecellent e5ects on the erotic eperiences.
Career / Finance
&ith Saturn passing through the house of !ob and service, ambition and desire for success
ta%e over. In order to succeed, you're willing to ma%e use of all means possible0 intelligence,
perseverance, initiative, connections. 6ut it seems that you still have to wor% on your
patience and discipline. It's an important month, in which you can accomplish many things,
on the condition that you thin% maturely and plan your steps carefully. 7inancially,
everything is o% and maybe more.
"ou'll tend to worry, to be frustrated and dissatis1ed. "ou could also encounter some
It's important that you assess the ris%s correctly and you don't do anything that could cause
you damage.
8on't ma%e important decisions in the 1rst part of )uly *+,-.
!e"ini July 2014
S N Rao
Love / Relationships
&ith 2ercury and Sun in your sign and 2ars in the -
house aspecting the 7
Seually, a big appetite will characteri9e all the month in )uly *+,-. $5ectively, the 1rst
wee% will be more complicated0 either your reactions will be eaggerated with no reason or
there will occur arguments regarding money or other material issues. Starting with the
second wee% of )uly, there will be harmony within the family again: if you're single, you'll
have new opportunities of meeting the person of your dreams. ;ong distance relationships
or those starting while traveling are favored.
Career / Finance
&ith )upiter entering the *
house last month, )uly will be an active month, eciting and
prosperous if you wor% in sales, assurance, accountancy or ban%s. In the area of your
personal 1nances, there will be a revival. "ou could have your eyes on an ac<uisition, a loan
or a business or you could bene1t from a raise of your partner's or associates' income. This
month can bring you a good pro1t at any time, but they can generate crises and stress as
well. 8on't venture in large.scale actions unless you are sure of their success.
)upiter in =ancer will provide you with much physical energy and optimism. 8epending on
your natal chart, you could, however, deal with a crisis situation in the 1rst part of the month
that can cause you worry and fear. 6ut due to your strong nature, you're epected to
overcome it successfully. >ay attention to !ourneys, especially in the 1rst wee%, but not only.
There's a certain ris% of accidents.
=onsolidate your position. "ou have a very active and combative period ahead of you
socially and professionally spea%ing.
Cancer July 2014
S N Rao
Love / Relationships
&ith )upiter entering your sign and receiving an aspect from Saturn this month will intensify
your sensitiveness and emotional empathy. Such a con1guration can lead to events that
depend on the in'uence your partner has on you, because his#her presence will totally focus
your attention. 8epending on the circumstances, a new love, marriage or brea%.up can
happen. ?r a separation caused by a new love.
Career / Finance
This is a favorable month for you. $t any time, something new can happen, something
unusual, relevant, ordered probably by someone eterior. It can be something positive, but
don't count on it. In case of rivalry or competition, ta%e precautionary measures because the
people you're interacting with seem to be at an advantage. 7inances seem to vacillate as
well. $fter a 1rst wee% of tension and losses, luc% seems to be on your side again.
"ou won't bene1t from a strong astral support. 2oreover, it's the 2oon that masters the
sector of your health. If you want to avoid some inconveniency, some changes are re<uired
in your lifestyle. 8on't ta%e on etreme attitudes and don't go on strange diets. 8on't treat
yourself super1cially. In this period it would be best if you followed the traditional medical
$lways %eep calm and rational.
Leo July 2014
S N Rao
Love / Relationships
&ith 2ars in 3irgo and aspecting your @
house, This will unleash wild energies that can
cause unepected happenings, full of passion or restlessness. In the second part of )uly,
things will calm down a little, but you have to ma%e some decisions.
Career / Finance
Saturn and Rahu in the A
house can epect changes regarding the nature of your wor% or
the wor%ing conditions, and in special cases, even a reorgani9ation, transfer or replacement
among the managers. It's possible that some complications occur in the area of
collaborations or arguments regarding a contract. "our popularity or fame can be
<uestioned. "ou have to 1ght and you can win, you can even ac<uire some more authority.
$ lot of stress, a lot of hard wor%, and two eclipses that are not a good sign for your health.
It's not compulsory that you have problems, but you can't a5ord to be careless either. Bet a
doctor immediately at the slightest signal that something is wrong about your body. $void
alcohol, cigarettes, eat light and fresh food, beware of infections and don't neglect already
eisting ailments.
=hange something in your lifestyle for the sa%e of your health. $s for the rest, be prudent.
#ir$o July 2014
S N Rao
Love / Relationships
&ith 2ars in your sign, )uly *+,- is favorable to holidays, fun and love. The 1rst two wee%s
will be the best for you, especially the 1rst wee%. "ou're in the mood for adventure, you li%e
'irting, provo%ing, inciting. &ith &ith 2ercury and Sun in Bemini it calls for romance and
passion, stirs up your sensuality and can provide etraordinary erotic eperiences. The last
wee% is also passionate, but more troublesome. Try not to lose control.
Career / Finance
)upiter is ealted in the ,,
house. 7un will be fun, and responsibilities will be
responsibilities. $nd there aren't fewer of them, nor easily accomplishable. The house of
wealth is over solicited not only by Saturn, accommodated here for a long period ahead. It
ma%es you wor% but it's well worth the e5ort0 every new step you ta%e will get you closer to
success. "ou might 1nd yourself in the situation of 1ercely 1ghting for something in the 1rst
part of the month and afterwards ma%ing important decisions. 2oney will come by means of
wor% and talents. >artnerships will prosper.
The high solicitation in the last period has accumulated and might ta%e its toll. The house of
health is occupied by Saturn. Something could go wrong if you don't do anything to prevent
it. $nd it could be sudden and unepected. Ta%e it easy, be prudent and %eep your eyes wide
open, especially in the 1rst and the last wee%.
Bet yourself organi9ed, ma%e the best of your time and stic% to your agenda.
Li%ra July 2014
S N Rao
Love / Relationships
=onsidering that 3enus is in your C
house and Saturn and Rahu in your sign, you'll be a real
public danger. Dobody can resist your seduction and the se appeal you have in the eyes of
the opposite se. It will be a special period for passionate, but free of responsibility love. If
you have a stable relationship, you can epect an awa%ening of the erotic desire, but some
other bla9ing things might happen in the 1rst part of the month.
Career / Finance
&ith Saturn and Rahu in your sign Stars would li%e you to have more holidays. If you have to
be on the !ob, you can do a good pro!ect ma%eover with your career as well. "ou'll have
initiative and energy, and the instinct of opportunism will help you catch the occasions. "ou
%now how to promote your talents and how to get everyone's attention. The 2oon can bring
something new or a reorientation. "ou'll earn enough so as to be able to indulge yourself in
all your small whims, but beware0 when 1nances depend on other people, you could
encounter problems.
"ou'll be ?K, on top of things. There will be no reason for worry. $ll you have to do is not
eaggerate with food. 2aybe you should ta%e better care in the last wee%, when 3enus
might cause unpleasant events unepectedly. Regardless of the nature of the problems
Ehealth or anything elseF, it's better safe than sorry.
7ree yourself of restraints and let your creativity and fantasy loose.
Scorpio July 2014
S N Rao
Love / Relationships
In almost all month in )uly *+,-, 2ars your ruler, will be behind Saturn, so temptation will
permanently be in the air. In the 1rst two wee%s reason will prevail over feelings and you
won't eperience anything too eciting. 2ars will be in the ,,
house creating positive
instincts and adrenaline. Seuality will manifest vigorously and freely, the desire to con<uer
and the pleasure for adventure will rise, therefore you'll en!oy a period of passion.
Career / Finance
&ith 2ars in 3irgo, the 1rst part of )uly seems to be more dynamic, while the second more
fruitful. "ou can rely Emore than everF on the art of communication, intelligence, the capacity
of gathering and processing information. This will come in handy especially if you have an
intellectual profession, but also if you wor% in sales or if you have a small business. ?ther
1elds of interest in )uly will be the real estate and the 1nances. "ou might get the idea of
ma%ing an investment, probably to the interest of the family and home.
There will be a lot of tension and fuss that can lead to undesired nervousness. 2aybe it
wouldn't be a bad idea if you too% some magnesium supplements to protect yourself against
stress. The 1rst wee% in )uly *+,- could be delicate as regards health. Try not to epose
yourself to any dangers, don't hurry and don't let anger a5ect your !udgment. 2ars in the
house can cause high fever.
2ore attention needed when driving and while ta%ing any %ind of trip.
Sa$ittarius July 2014
S N Rao
Love / Relationships
&ith )upiter Galted, &ee%s of ecitement and you'll meet a lot of people. it increasing your
chances of meeting the perfect one. $/nities are built on intellectual and spiritual criteria.
"ou might get some proposals, verbal declarations or romantic favours, maybe even go on a
trip with your partner. To new and old relationships, communication has a special part as a
priceless tool of getting to %now each other or of improving your cohabitation.
Career / Finance
&ritten or verbal, communication proves to be important for your career as well. "ou may
write a paper, ta%e a test, negotiate a contract or have preliminary discussions concerning a
future cooperation. )uly is a month of interaction, in which team spirit, information and
opinion echange prevail. Some surprises could occur in the area of money promising
novelties and changes.
There won't be any serious health problems. Ta%e care especially when traveling, because
there is a ris% of accidents. "ou don't lac% prudence, but you have to ta%e into consideration
that )uly is a month of tension that a5ects many of us and you can't %now when and whom
you might interact with.
=alm and prudence in all domains.
Capricorn July 2014
S N Rao
Love / Relationships
&ith Saturn ealted in ;ibra and )upiter in'uencing your sign, Something new and
unepected can happen at any time. The event might have an unusual or strange nature.
The good news is that of the two partners, you'll ma%e the decisions and set the ground
rules. The delicate aspect is that you don't always have the necessary clear.headedness for
correct initiatives. The emotional involvement is very high, romanticism prevails, but you
tend to ideali9e or to get into confusing situations. In both cases, future disappointments are
possible. 8well on how much the relationship or the person you're struggling for is worth it.
Career / Finance
Saturn and Rahu in ;ibra can be very taing for you this month. If you don't go on a holiday,
you'll be glad to discover that )uly *+,- is a month of professional satisfactions. It could be
about a period in which you're wor%ing enthusiastically on a pro!ect, an opportunity for a
promotion appears or in which your e5orts pay o5. "ou might have to handle some rivalries
or cooperation problems, though. The 1nancial component is strongly mar%ed out 4 you're in
for considerable earnings or other material advantages, but also for important epenses,
some of which will come out of the blue.
Theoretically, you shouldn't have any health problems. )upiter in $ries protects you as it has
full aspect over your birth moon and besides that, it lends you wor% capacity. Still, try not to
overdo it E)upiter urges in this directionF, because you can't %now what might happen
considering the eclipses in this month. >ay attention especially if you're HhyperH Emeaning
above average as regards blood pressure, cholesterol, weight etc.F.
Increase your ambitions and aspire only that much that you can achieve practically.

A&uarius July 2014
S N Rao
Love / Relationships
3enus in Taurus mar%s out your charm and intensi1es your sentimentalism. 2ars in 3irgo
lends you passion and desire for action. "our wishes demand to be ful1lled right away, but...
If you hurry, you'll ris% ma%ing mista%es. This can lay the foundation of a strong love or an
ugly brea%.up. If you have a relationship that doesn't wor%, maybe it's time you set yourself
free and loo%ed for something di5erent. If you have a relationship you care about, be tactful
because any spar% can cause a 1re.
Career / Finance
$fter the 1rst wee% in which you'll 1nd it di/cult to achieve satisfying results, things will
gradually start to turn around. Dothing comes easy but the chances to succeed are growing.
Social interactions and meeting new people are favorable to your career. "ou'll concentrate
better, thin% more clearly and become s%illful. =hallenges and confrontations will still be in
the picture. 6ut if you play your cards calmly, rationally and strategically, the last wee% can
bring you the accomplishments you've been dreaming of.
6eware 2ars in 3irgo will provide you much energy, but it can also epose you to ailments
with a rapid evolution Einfectious, feverish, in'ammatoryF or to small accidents because of
the rush and carelessness Ecuts, burns, etc.F. "ou'll eperience a short period of lower tonus.
The mood will be optimistic, due to the presence of the )upiter in =ancer.
$wareness. The month could mean attac%s, traps, disease, loss, secret enemies and other
hidden dangers.
'isces July 2014
S N Rao
Love / Relationships
)upiter is in =ancer. =upid does not li%e you. Iis arrows go by you: if one hits you though, be
alert because it might be poisoned. In the best of scenarios, )uly *+,- will be a month
lac%ing love. In the worst scenario, it could become a month of failures, frustrations or
sentimental restlessness. The 1rst two wee%s will be the most complicated. 6ut %eep your
hopes high, because things will slowly get better and you'll have the occasion to ma%e up for
Career / Finance
"ou'll be haunted by a sensation of constraint or dissatisfaction. "ou'll be very creative and
ma%e a lot of plans, but for now you don't feel comfortable at all under the pressure of
current responsibilities, and your wor% capacity vacillates. "ou'll !ust pic% up any tension and
ris% getting yourself in the middle of a con'ict that might ta%e its toll. The best thing for you
would be to ta%e a leave of absence until around *+th )uly, when you'll start being e/cient
again. Income will be within ordinary limits, but unplanned epenses might occur.
"ou don't loo% very well. "ou'll be a little better in the last wee%, while 3enus, your ruler, is
still in Taurus.
6e very, very careful. 8on't push your limits. Rest and ta%e care of yourself.

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