Infiniti V

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Infinitiv Past Tense

Traducerea infinitivului
(sensul principal)
arise arose arisen a se ridica
a se trezi
backslide backslid
a decdea
be was / were been a fi
bear bore
a purta
beat beat
a bate
become became become a deveni
begin began begun a ncepe
bend bent bent a se ndoi
a paria
a licita, a porunci
bind bound bound a lega
bite bit bitten a musca
bleed bled bled a sngera
blow blew blown a sufla, a bate
break broke broken a sparge
breed bred bred a creste, a educa
bring brought brought a aduce
a difuza
browbeat browbeat
a intimida
build built built a construi
a arde
burst burst burst a izbucni, a nvli, a crpa
a rupe, a strica
buy bought bought a cumpra
cast cast cast a arunca
catch caught caught a prinde
choose chose chosen a alege
cling clung clung a se agta
a (se) mbrca
come came come a veni
cost cost cost a costa
creep crept crept a se tr, a se furisa
cut cut cut a tia
a visa cu ochii deschisi
deal dealt dealt a trata, a se ocupa de
dig dug dug a spa
disprove disproved
a infirma
dived a plonja
do did done a face
draw drew drawn a trage, a desena
a visa
drink drank drunk a bea
drive drove driven a sofa, a mna
a locui
eat ate eaten a mnca
fall fell fallen a cdea
feed fed fed a hrni
feel felt felt a (se) simti
fight fought fought a (se) lupta
find found found a gsi
a se potrivi
flee fled fled a fugi, a se refugia
fling flung flung a arunca
fly flew flown a zbura
forbidden a interzice
a prevedea
forego forewent foregone a preceda
foresee foresaw foreseen a prevedea
foretell foretold foretold a prezice
forget forgot forgotten a uita
forgive forgave forgiven a ierta
forsake forsook forsaken a prsi
freeze froze frozen a ngheta
frostbite frostbit frostbitten a degera
get got gotten a primi, a obtine
give gave given a da
go went gone a merge
grind ground ground a mcina
grow grew grown a creste
hand-feed hand-fed hand-fed a hrni cu mna
handwrite handwrote handwritten a scrie de mn
hang hung hung a atrna
have had had a avea
hear heard heard a auzi
hew hewed
a despica
hide hid hidden a (se) ascunde
hit hit hit a lovi
hold held held a tine
hurt hurt hurt a lovi, a rni, a durea
inbreed inbred inbred a procrea
inlay inlaid inlaid a ncrusta
a introduce
interbreed interbred interbred a ncrucisa
a (se) ntreese
interwind interwound interwound a se rsuci
jerry-build jerry-built jerry-built a construi prost
keep kept kept a tine, a pstra
a ngenunchia
a tricota
know knew known a sti, a cunoate
lay laid laid a pune, a aseza
lead led led a conduce
a se apleca, a se sprijini
a sri
a nvta
leave left left a pleca, a lsa
lend lent lent a da cu mprumut
let let let a lsa, a permite
lie lay lain a zcea, a se afla
a aprinde
lip-read lip-read lip-read a citi pe buze
lose lost lost a pierde
make made made a face
mean meant meant a nsemna
meet met met a (se) ntlni
miscast miscast miscast
a distribui ntr-un rol
misdeal misdealt misdealt a mprti crtile gresit
misdo misdid misdone a face gresit
mishear misheard misheard a auzi gresit
mislay mislaid mislaid a pierde
mislead misled misled a ndruma gresit
a nvta gresit
misread misread misread a citi gresit
misset misset misset a aseza gresit
misspeak misspoke misspoken a se exprima gresit
a ortografia gresit
misspend misspent misspent a risipi
mistake mistook mistaken a gresi
misteach mistaught mistaught a instrui gresit
misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood a ntelege gresit
miswrite miswrote miswritten a scrie gresit
mow mowed
a cosi
offset offset offset a compensa
outbid outbid outbid a licita mai mult ca
outbreed outbred outbred a ncrucisa cu alt varietate
outdo outdid outdone a ntrece
outdraw outdrew outdrawn a scoate mai repede ca
outdrink outdrank outdrunk a bea prea mult
outfight outfought outfought a lupta mai bine ca
outfly outflew outflown a depsi n zbor
outgrow outgrew outgrown a (se) face prea mare
a depsi n sritur
outride outrode outridden a ntrece
outrun outran outrun a ntrece
outsell outsold outsold a (se) vinde mai bine ca
a eclipsa
outshoot outshot outshot a trage mai bine ca
outsing outsang outsung a cnta mai bine ca
outsit outsat outsat a sta mai mult dect
outsleep outslept outslept a dormi prea mult
outspeak outspoke outspoken a vorbi tare
outspend outspent outspent a cheltui mai mult dect
outthink outthought outthought a fi mai destept ca
outthrow outthrew outthrown a arunca mai bine ca
outwrite outwrote outwritten a scrie mai bine ca
overbid overbid overbid a supralicita
overbreed overbred overbred a (se) supranmulti
overbuild overbuilt overbuilt a (se) construi n exces
overbuy overbought overbought a cumpra n exces
overcome overcame overcome a covrsi
overdo overdid overdone a exagera
overdraw overdrew overdrawn a depsi
overdrink overdrank overdrunk a bea n exces
overeat overate overeaten a mnca n exces
overfeed overfed overfed a (se) supraalimenta
overhang overhung overhung a atrna peste
overhear overheard overheard a auzi din ntmplare
overlay overlaid overlaid a pune peste
overpay overpaid overpaid a plti prea mult
override overrode overridden a nclca
overrun overran overrun a depsi
oversee oversaw overseen a supraveghea
oversell oversold oversold a supraevalua
oversew oversewed
a coase marginile mpreun
overshoot overshot overshot a trece peste
oversleep overslept overslept a dormi prea mult
overspeak overspoke overspoken a vorbi prea mult
overspend overspent overspent a cheltui prea mult
overtake overtook overtaken a depsi
overthrow overthrew overthrown a rsturna
overwind overwound overwound a rsuci prea mult
overwrite overwrote overwritten a suprascrie
partake partook partaken a mprtsi
pay paid paid a plti
a pleda
prepay prepaid prepaid a plti n avans
presell presold presold a vinde n avans
preset preset preset a preconfigura
proofread proofread proofread a corecta
prove proved proven a (se) dovedi
put put put a pune
quick-freeze quick-froze quick-frozen a nghea rapid
a abandona
read read read a citi
reawake reawoke reawaken a se retrezi
a redifuza
rebuild rebuilt rebuilt a reconstrui
recast recast recast a remodela
recut recut recut a tia din nou
redo redid redone a reface
redraw redraw redrawn a retrasa
a reutila
regrow regrow regrown a recreste
rehear reheard reheard a reaudia
a renvta
a (se) reaprinde
remake remade remade a reface
repay repaid repaid a recompensa
reread reread reread a reciti
rerun reran rerun a relua
resell resold resold a revinde
resend resent resent a retrimite
reset reset reset a reaeza
resew resewed
a recoase
retake retook retaken a relua
reteach retaught retaught a reinstrui
retell retold retold a repovesti
rethink rethought rethought a regndi
retread retread retread a parcurge din nou
a (se) retrezi
a se recstori
rewin rewon rewon a recstiga
rewind rewound rewound a derula napoi
rewrite rewrote rewritten a rescrie
rid rid rid a scpa de, a se descotorosi
ride rode ridden a clri
ring rang rung a suna
rise rose risen a rsri, a se ridica
run ran run a fugi
saw sawed
a tia cu fierstrul
say said said a spune
see saw seen a vedea
seek sought sought a cuta
sell sold sold a vinde
send sent sent a trimite
set set set a pune
sew sewed
a coase
shake shook shaken a scutura, a tremura
shave shaved
a (se) rade
shear sheared
a tunde oi
shed shed shed a vrsa (lacrimi, snge)
a strluci
shoe shod shod a potcovi
shoot shot shot a mpusca
show showed shown a arta
shrink shrank shrunk a se strnge, a se scoroji
shut shut shut a nchide
sight-read sight-read sight-read a citi la prima vedere
sing sang sung a cnta
sunk a (se) scufunda
sit sat sat a sedea
a ucide
sleep slept slept a dormi
slide slid slid a aluneca
sling slung slung a arunca
slink slunk slunk a se furisa
slit slit slit a (se) crpa
a mirosi
a se furisa
sow sowed sown a semna
speak spoke spoken a vorbi
a grbi, a accelera
a ortografia
spellbind spellbound spellbound a fermeca
spend spent spent a cheltui, a petrece
a vrsa
spin spun spun a toarce
a scuipa
split split split a despica
a rsfta
spoon-feed spoon-fed spoon-fed a hrni cu lingurita
spread spread spread a (se) ntinde
sprung a izvor, a sri
stand stood stood a sta (n picioare)
steal stole stolen a fura, a se furisa
stick stuck stuck a lipi
sting stung stung a nepa
stunk a mirosi urt
strew strewed
a presra
stride strode stridden a merge cu pasi mari
strike struck
a lovi
string strung strung a nira (pe o at)
a nzui
sublet sublet sublet a subnchiria
a se arde de soare
swear swore sworn a jura, a njura
a transpira
sweep swept swept a mtura
swell swelled
a se umfla
swim swam swum a nota
swing swung swung a legna
take took taken a lua
teach taught taught a nvta, a preda
tear tore torn a rupe, a sfsia
telecast telecast telecast a teledifuza
tell told told a spune, a povesti
test-drive test-drove test-driven a testa o masin
test-fly test-flew test-flown a testa un avion
think thought thought a (se) gndi
thrive throve thriven a prospera
throw threw thrown a arunca
thrust thrust thrust a nfige
tread trod
a clca
typecast typecast typecast a distribui ntr-un rol tipic
typeset typeset typeset a culege pentru tipar
typewrite typewrote typewritten a dactilografia
unbend unbent unbent a (se) dezdoi
unbind unbound unbound a dezlega
a (se) dezbrca
underbid underbid underbid a oferi un pret prea mic
undercut undercut undercut a submina
underfeed underfed underfed a subalimenta
undergo underwent undergone a trece prin
underlie underlay underlain a sta la baza
undersell undersold undersold
a vinde mai ieftin dect
underspend underspent underspent a cheltui prea putin
understand understood understood a ntelege
undertake undertook undertaken a lua asupra sa
underwrite underwrote underwritten a subscrie
undo undid undone a anula
unfreeze unfroze unfrozen a dezgheta
unhide unhid unhidden a iesi din ascunztoare
a dezvta
unsew unsewed
a descoase
unwind unwound unwound a desfsura
uphold upheld upheld a sustine
upset upset upset a tulbura
a se trezi
waylay waylaid waylaid a acosta
wear wore worn a purta
a tese
a (se) cununa
weep wept wept a plnge
a uda
win won won a cstiga
wind wound wound a rsuci
withdraw withdrew withdrawn a (se) retrage
withhold withheld withheld a retine
withstand withstood withstood a rezista la
wring wrung wrung a stoarce
write wrote written a scrie

Verbele in engleza
Verbul in orice limba semnifica o actiune sau o stare. Verbul in limba engleza, prin
forma sa arata timpul la care se face acea actiune. Prin urmare, verbul in limba
engleza, are mai multe timpuri. Timpurile de baza desi sunt prezent, trecut, viitor,
atunci cind se face o traducere, nu exista o corespondenta perfecta a timpurilor.
Totusi, pentru placerea exercitiului incerc mai jos sa fac o paralela intre timpurile
verbelor in limba engleza si timpurile verbelor in limba romana:

1. Prezent:
ma joc (verbul in romana) -> I play, I am playing (verbul in engleza)
2. Imperfect:
ma jucam (verbul in romana) -> I was playing (verbul in engleza)
3. Perfectul compus:
m-am jucat (verbul in romana) -> I played, I have played, I have been
playing (verbul in engleza)
4. Perfectul simplu:
ma jucai (verbul in romana) -> I played (verbul in engleza)
5. Mai mult ca perfectul:
ma jucasem (verbul in romana) -> I had played (verbul in engleza)
6. Viitor:
ma voi juca (verbul in romana) -> I will play, I will be playing (verbul in engleza)
7. Viitorul perfect:
ma voi fi jucat (verbul in romana) -> I will have played, I will have been
playing (verbul in engleza)
Dupa cum se vede in exemplul de mai sus, perfectul compus din limba romana poate
avea drept corespondent mai multe timpuri in limba engleza.

Dupa modul in care se formeaza timpurile verbelor in engleza, verbele in engleza se
impart in verbe regulate si verbe neregulate. In cazul verbelor neregulate, in engleza
trebuiesc stiute cele 3 forme ale verbului.

In engleza, verbul to play = a (se) juca este verb regulat. Ca verb regulat:
- formele continue primesc un "-ing" la sfarsit;
- trecutul simplu al verbului (in engleza) primeste "-ed" la sfarsitul verbului;
- participiul trecut al verbului se formeaza prin adaugarea lui "-ed" la sfarsitul

Verbul in limba engleza formeaza timpurile (unele timpuri) cu ajutorul altor verbe
(auxiliare). Verbele auxiliare in limba engleza sunt: to be (a fi) , to have (a avea). Si in
Limba Romana se folosesc verbele auxiliare, dar nu in acelasi fel.
Verbele in limba engleza au urmatoarele timpuri:

1. Trecutul simplu
2. Trecutul continuu
3. Trecutul perfect
4. Trecutul perfect continuu

1. Prezentul simplu
2. Prezentul continuu
3. Prezentul perfect
4. Prezentul perfect continuu

1. Viitorul simplu
2. Viitorul continuu
3. Viitorul perfect
4. Viitorul perfect continuu
5. "Viitorul in trecut" - un timp mai special in limba engleza
Simple Past Tense
Trecutul simplu in engleza
Simple Past Tense : Forme
Afirmativ :
S + verbul la forma a II a de pe lista verbelor iregulate
We went to the zoo yesterday. Am fost la zoo ieri.

S + verb + ed pentru cele regulate
I phoned her. I-am dat telefon.

Negativ :
S + aux DO la trecut (did) + not + verbul la infinitiv
We did not finish the project in due time. Noi nu am terminat proiectul la
Interogativ :
Did + S + verbul la infinitiv ?
Did you eat all the chocolate? Ai mancat toata ciocolata?

Trecutul simplu (Simple Past Tense) se foloseste pentru a exprima :

A. Actiuni terminate in trecut la un timp stabilit
o Cand locul si timpul unde se petrece actiunea ne sunt date
Marta called me in the morning from the hospital. Marta m-a sunat dimineata
de la spital.

o Cand se intreaba timpul
When did you go to the Opera? Cand ai fost la Opera?

o Cand timpul e definit ca rezultat al unei intrebari
When did they find her? They found her 2 hours ago. Cand au gasit-o? Ei au
gasit-o acum 2 ore.

B. Actiuni care s-au intamplat imediat una dupa alta in trecut
They went into the house, brought food from the fridge and set the table in the
yard. Ei s-au dus in casa, au adus mancare din frigider si au pus masa in curte.

C. Obiceiuri in trecut care acum sunt terminate
I used to go to ballet 5 years ago. Obisnuiam sa ma duc la cursuri de balet
acum 5 ani.

Adverbe ce se folosesc cu Simple Past Tense : yesterday, the day before yesterday,
last week, two weeks ago
Past Continuous Tense
Trecutul continuu in engleza
Past Continuous Tense : Forme
Afirmativ :
S + verbul To BE la past tense + verbul de conjugat + ING
I was reading the lesson when the teacher came in. Citeam lectia cand a
intrat profesoara.

Negativ :
S + verbul To BE la past tense la forma negativa + verbul de conjugat + ING
They werent looking for Susan; they were looking for her sister. Ei nu o
cautau pe Susan, ei o cautau pe sora ei.
Interogativ :
Verbul To BE la past tense + S + verbul de conjugat + ING
Was he driving too fast when he had the accident? Conducea el prea repede
cand a avut accidentul?

Trecutul simplu (Past Continuous Tense) se foloseste pentru a exprima :
actiune care se afla in desfasurare la un moment dat in trecut.
While wou were having a bath, the phone rang. In timp ce faceai baie a sunat

actiune care continua de ceva vreme
Yesterday I was jogging in the park. Ieri, faceam jogging in park.

actiune care are loc in acelasi timp cu o alta actiune in trecut
While I was reviewing the article my husband was watching his favourite tv
show. In timp ce eu revizuiam articolul sotul meu urmarea show-ul tv favorit.
un echivalent in trecut al prezentului continuu
They told us they were spending the night at Select. Ei ne-au spus ca o sa-si
petreaca noaptea la Select.

Adverbe folosite cu Past Continuous Tense: while, when , all morning, all night,
Past Perfect Tense
Trecutul perfect in engleza
Past Perfect Tense : Forme
Afirmativ :
S + Past tense al verbului To HAVE + participiu trecut
Atentie: La verbele regulate participiul trecut = verb + ed iar la cele neregulate
este forma a 3a de pe lista verbelor iregulate.
At last she showed me the dress she had bought. Intr-un sfarsit, mi-a aratat
rochia pe care si-o cumparase.

Negativ :
S + Past tense al verbului To HAVE + Not + participiu trecut
They hadnt gone to Mt. Omu, they had gone to another peak. Ei nu au mers
pe varful Omu, au mers pe alt varf.
Interogativ :
Past tense al verbului To HAVE + S + participiu trecut
Hadnt he loved you? Nu te iubea?

Past Perfect Tense se foloseste pentru a exprima :
- O actiune care a avut loc inaintea altei actiuni in trecut.
By 12 o clock the cleaning lady had aired all the rooms in the hotel. Pana la
ora 12 camerista aerisise toate camerele din hotel.
- Cauza unui efect trecut
Why did the window break? Because he had thrown a stone at it. De ce s-a
spart geamul? Pentru ca el a aruncat o piatra in el.

Adverbe care se folosesc cu Past Perfect Tense: just, already, by, hardly, scarcely
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Trecutul perfect continuu in engleza
Past Perfect Continuous Tense : Forme
Afirmativ :
S+ had been + participiu prezent Participiu prezent = verb + ing
I have been thinking of writing you a mail when you called me. Eu ma
gandisem sa iti scriu un mail cand tu m-ai sunat.

Negativ :
S + had + Not + been + present participle
I hadnt been waiting long in a queue when I heard a voice calling my name.
Nu stateam de mult la rand, cand au auzit o voce strigandu-mi numele.
Had + S + been + present participle
They hadnt been doing their tasks so they didnt get a bonus. Ei nu si-au
indeplinit din taskuri deci nu au primit un bonus.

Past Perfect Continuous se foloseste pentru a exprima :
- O actiune in desfasurare la un moment dat in trecut, durata fiind precizata.
They had been working for over an hour until the bus came. Ei vorbisera timp
de o ora pana a venit autobuzul.
Arata efectul unei actiuni intamplate in trecut.
Marc was tired because he had been working for a project all night long Marc era
obosit pentru ca a lucrat pentru un proiect toata noaptea.
Adverbe care se folosesc cu Past Perfect Continuous Tense: by the time, since,
for, before
Present Simple Tense
Prezentul simplu in engleza
Present Simple Tense: Forme
Afirmativ :
Subiect + Verbul la infinitiv
Exceptie : La pers a III sg verbul se termina mereu in s sau es :
The boy wants a toy car for Christmas. Baiatul vrea o masina de jucarie
pentru Craciun.

Atentie: 1. Verbele care se termina in -y la pers a III sg, y se transforma in -
I cry She cries.
I play He plays.

2. Verbele care se termina in o, -ss, -x, -sh, -ch primesc la pers a III
sg - es
My mother usually goes to the market in the morning. Mama se duce de
obicei in piata dimineata.
Negativ :
Subiect+ do not/ does not + verb
She does not sing in the school chorus. Ea nu canta in corul scolii.

Interogativ :
do not/ does not + Subiect + verb
Does she want to participate in the competition? - Vrea ea sa participle in
Present Simple Tense se foloseste pentru a exprima :
- Adevaruri general valabile :
The earth has 2 emispheres - Pamantul are 2 emisfere.

- Actiuni repetitive:
She takes piano lessons each day at 5 oclock. Ea ia lectii de pian in fiecare zi
la ora 5.

- Actiuni de moment, terminate in momentul in care sunt savarsite :
Mark gets out of bed, goes to the bathroom and washes his teeth. Mark se da
jos din pat, se duce la baie si se spala pe dinti.

- Actiuni obisnuite :
My grandfather and Iusually look at the starts when the sky is clear. Bunicul
meu si cu mine, noi ne uitam de obicei la stele cand e senin.

- Actiuni planificate in viitor, obligatorii (cu verbe de miscare) :
The year ends with the 31st of December. Anul se termina cu 31 decembrie.
Adverbe folosite cu Present Tense Simple : de obicei, des, mereu, in fiecare
dimineata, cateodata, noaptea, dimineata.
Present Continuous Tense
Prezentul continuu in engleza
Present Continuous Tense: Forme
Afirmativ :
Subiect + Prezentul verbului a fi + ing :
She is cutting the cake in slices. (Ea taie prajitura felii.)

Negativ :
Subiect + Prezentul verbului a fi + not + verb + ing :
She is not talking at the moment, she is eating. (In acest moment ea nu
vorbeste, mananca.)

Interogativ :
Prezentul verbului a fi + Subiect + verb + ing :
Is she smiling ? (Ea zambeste ?)
Prezentul continuu se foloseste pentru a exprima :
- actiune care se intampla in momentul vorbirii
Ex. The wind is blowing.- Vantul sufla.
It is raining outside. - Ploua afara.

- actiune care se extinde pe o perioada putin mai lunga de timp
Ex. Julia is reading a novel by Dickens. - Iulia citeste un roman de Dickens.
actiune temporara, limitata
Ex. I live in Cluj but this year I am living in Bucuresti. Traiesc in Cluj dar in acest
an locuiesc in Bucuresti.

- planuri imediate pentru viitorul apropiat
Ex. The children are going camping today. Copiii merg cu cortul astazi.

- actiune frecvent repetata, suparatoare se foloseste deseori cu adverbele always,
forever, constantly
Ex. Ann is always making plans without taking into consideration all the facts.
Ann isi face mereu planuri fara sa ia in considerare toate aspectele.

- in propozitii subordonate
Ex They will go jogging while the babies are sleeping. Ei vor face jogging cat
timp copii dorm.
Exista o serie de verbe care nu se folosesc la Prezent Continuu. Ele se impart in
urmatoarele categorii :
Verbe de perceptie : feel, hear, see, smell, taste
Verbe de opinie : assume, believe, consider, doubt, feel (= a crede), find (= a
considera), suppose, think
Verbe care se refera la perceptie mentala: forget, imagine, know, mean, notice,
recognize, remember, understand
Verbe care exprima emotii sau chiar dorinte : envy, fear, dislike, hate, hope, like,
love, mind, prefer, regret, want, wish
Verbe folosite pentru masurat : contain, cost, hold, measure, weigh
Alte verbe : look (= a se asemana), seem, be (in majoritatea cazurilor), have = a

Unele verbe pot fi folosite la forma continua dar isi schimba sensul :
Verbul to see (a imagina) :
I think you are seeing things, there is no one in the house. Cred ca iti imaginezi
lucruri, nu e nimeni in casa.
Verbul to smell (a adulmeca, a mirosi) :
She is smelling the roses.- Ea miroase trandafirii.
Verbul to look (a se uita) :
Tom is looking at Maria.
Verbul to be (a se comporta) :
She is being rude. Ea se comporta nepoliticos.

Expresii de timp folosite cu prezentul continuu : now, at the moment, at present,
these days, still, nowadays, today, tonight.
Present Perfect Tense
Prezentul perfect in engleza
Present Perfect Tense: Forme
Afirmativ :
Subiectul + Auxiliarul HAVE la prezent + past participle al verbului de
We are not going on holiday since the prices have rise. Noi nu mai mergem in
vacant deoarece preturile au crescut.

Negativ :
Subiectul + have/has not + past participle al verbului de conjugat
I havent seen her this morning, she is probably sleeping. Nu am vazut-o de
dimineata, probabil doarme.
Interogativ :
Auxiliarul HAVE la prezent + Subiectul + past participle al verbului de
Havent you eaten too much chocolate already? Nu ai mancat deja destula
Present Perfect Tense se foloseste pentru a exprima :
- o actiune care incepe in trecut, continua in trecut si se termina in prezent sau
foarte aproape de prezent.
Tell me, what have you done? Spune-mi, ce ai facut?

- o actiune care s-a terminat recent al carei rezultat este vizibil si in prezent
We have just finished redecorating our house. Tocmai am terminat de redecorat
casa noastra.
Adverbe folosite cu Present Perfect Tense: since si for, already, yet, just, ever,
how long, recently
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Prezentul perfect continuu in engleza
Present Perfect Continuous Tense: Forme
Afirmativ :
Subiectul + prezentul perfect al verbului to be (have/has been)+ participul
prezent al verbului de conjugat (baza + ing)
They have been reading a lot of book lately. Ei au citit o multime de carti in
ultima vreme.

Negativ :
Subiectul + prezentul perfect al verbului to be (have/has been)+ NOT +
participul prezent al verbului de conjugat
They havent been watching TV this afternoon. Ei nu s-au uitat la tv in
acesta dupa-amiaza.
Interogativ :
Prezentul perfect al verbului to be + Subiectul + participul prezent al verbului
de conjugat
What have you been doing ? I have been working on a new project. Ce ai mai
facut? Am lucrat la un nou proiect.
Present Perfect Continuous se foloseste pentru a exprima :
- o actiune care incepe in trecut, ajunge in prezent si are sanse de a continua in
It has been snowing for 4 hours. Ninge de 4 ore.

- o actiune recenta ar carei rezultat poate fi vazut
Why is you hair wet? Because I have been swimming. De ce ai parul ud?
Pentru ca am inotat.
Adverbe folosite cu Present Perfect Continuous : for, since
Simple Future Tense
Viitorul simplu in engleza
Simple Future Tense: Forme
Afirmativ :
S + will + verbul la infinitiv
You will feel better if you take this pill. - Tu o sa te simti mult mai bine daca iei
acesta pastila.

Negativ :
S + will not (wont) + verbul la infinitiv
I wont tell where she is. Nu iti voi spune unde este ea.
Will + S + verbul la infinitiv
Will you love me in 10 years? O sa ma iubesti si peste 10 ani?

Future simple se foloseste pentru a exprima :
- Promisiuni, amenintari, cereri, sperante
I will never tell you anything. Nu o sa iti mai spun niciodata nimic.
Actiuni care vor avea loc in viitor si peste care nu putem avea control
Next year Easter will be on 15 of April.

- Decizii luate pe moment, spontane
I will buy this car, I love it. Voi cumpara acesta masina, imi place.

- Previziuni despre viitor
I believe she will be a great politician one day. Cred ca va fi un bun politician
intr-o zi.

Going To Future
Se foloseste pentru a exprima :
- Planuri, intentii pentru viitor
I am going to travel to Spain one day. Intentionez sa vizitez Spania intr-o zi.
Predictii bazate pe ceea ce stim sau ce vedem
Look at the sky. It is going to rain soon. Uita-te la cer, va ploua in curand.

- Actiuni la care ne-am hotarat deja sa le facem in viitorul apropiat
We are going to visit our relatives in the weekend. Noi vom merge sa ne vizitam
rudele in acest weekend.

Adverbe folosite cu Simple Future Tense : tomorrow, the day after tomorrow,
soon, next week, in a week, month
Future Continuous Tense
Viitorul continuu in engleza
Future Continuous Tense: Forme
Afirmativ :
S + Will be + present participle
The Health Organisation will be opening a new hospital in this city.
Organizatia de sanatate va deschide un nou spital in acest oras.

Negativ :
S + will not (wont) + present participle
The train wont be arriving any time soon; there was an accident on the road.
Trenul nu va ajunge prea curand, a avut loc un accident pe drum.
Will + S + be + present participle
Will you be shouting at me if I tell you the truth? Vei tipa daca iti voi spune

Future Continuous Tense se foloseste pentru a exprima :
- Actiuni care se vor desfasura intr-un anumit punct din viitor
By this time tomorrow I will be sailing on the Mediteranean Sea.
Actiuni care vor avea loc in viitor ca urmare a unei actiuni de rutina sau unui
Do not interrupt her now. She will be signing a contract. Nu o intrerupe acum. E
pe cale de a semna un contract.

Adverbe si locutiuni adverbiale folosite cu Future Continuous Tense : tomorrow,
by this time tomorrow.
Future Perfect Tense
Viitorul perfect in engleza
Future Perfect Tense: Forme
Afirmativ :
S + will have + past participle al verbului de conjugat past participle =
forma a III a verbului
Tomorrow at 9 they will have left for Sibiu. Maine la ora 9 ei vor fi plecat
spre Sibiu.
Negativ :
S + will not have + past participle al verbului de conjugat
When you phone Julie I will not have arrived at the station. Cand o suni pe
Julie eu nu voi fi ajuns in statie.

Future perfect se foloseste pentru a exprima :
- O actiune vazuta din viitor dar care se intampla in trecut
They will have had dinner by the time their friend arrives. Ei vor fi luat cina
pana vor ajunge prietenii lor.
Adverbe ce se folosesc cu Future Perfect Tense : by the time, after, unti, by
Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Viitorul perfect continuu in engleza
Future Perfect Continuous Tense: Forme
Afirmativ :
S + will have been + present participle al verbului de conjugat present
participle = verbul + ing
While Michael will have been writing his exercices, Maria will have been
playing the violin. Cat timp Mihai isi va fi scris exercitiile, Maria va fi cantat la
Negativ :
S + will not have been + present participle al verbului de conjugat
You will not have been working here by this summer. Tu nu vei fi lucrat aici
pana in aceasta vara.
Future Perfect Continuous se foloseste pentru a exprima :
- O actiune in desfasurare la un moment dat in viitor, durata actiunii find precizata.
Tomorrow at 7 I will have been sleeping for 10 hours. Maine la ora 7 voi fi dormit de
10 ore.

Adverbe ce se folosesc cu Future Perfect Continuous Tense : byfor
Future-in-the-Past Tense
"Viitorul in trecut" in engleza
Future-in-the-Past Tense: Forme
Afirmativ :
S + would + infinitivul verbului de conjugat
She told me I would be in trouble Ea mi-a spus ca voi intra in bucluc.
Negativ :
S + would not + infinitivul verbului de conjugat
We never thought they would not win. Noi nu ne-am gandit niciodata ca ei
nu vor castiga.
Future-in-the-past se foloseste pentru a exprima :
- o actiune posterioara unei actiuni din trecut.
They knew the boss would not call them back to work. Ei stiau ca seful nu ii va
chema inapoi la munca.
Subjonctivul in engleza
Modul subjonctiv in engleza se foloseste in urmatoarele cazuri:
o actiune posibila in viitor
o actiune nerealizata in trecut sau prezent
o recomandare, un sfat

Subjonctivul in engleza se formeaza cu :

I. infinitivul scurt al verbului

1) dupa constructii ca: It is necessary, It is advisable, It is recommendable, It is possible, It
is unsure, It is probable (formulari ca si "He/she recommends", "He/she advices",
"He/she requests" );
2) in propozitii de scop (so that ...); ex.: She did her work so that she can watch the
movie with us.

3) in propozitii concesive ( however ... ); ex.: I help my brother however much it costs.

4) in exclamatii afective: ex.: Bless you !

5) in formule (infinitiv scurt):
Long live the queen. (Triasc regina!)
So be it. (Aa s fie.)
Suffice it to say. (Este suficient de zis.)
Be that as it may. (Fie ce o fi.)
Come what may. (Fie ce o fi.)
Say what you will. (Spune ce vrei.)
II. Forma de "Past Tense" a verbului, pentru a exprima:

1) un regret prezent
I wish I could go with you.
If only he called me!
If only I had heard about the concert!

2) ceva ce e ireal in prezent (cu constructiile "as if", "as though");

3) preferinta (cind se folosesc constructiile "would rather/ sooner", "it is time",
"had better", "I'd prefer").
You had better do your homework.
Id prefer if he comes with me.

III. Forma de "Past Perfecte Tense" a verbului, pentru a exprima un regret cu
privire la o actiune anterioara timpului din propozitia principala:
ex.: I wish(ed) you had called me.
IV. Alte forme de imperativ:
Somebody turn the lights off!
Come on, hurry up!

V. Dupa verbe ce exprima dorinta ca cineva sa realizeze o actiune: ask, advise,
desire, intend, order, recommend, request, require, suggest, urge, want; dupa verbe
ce exprima planuri: arrange, leave word, pland; after adjectives expressing feelings:
anxious, willing, eager, pleased, glad.

They requested that the bus come at four pm.
I planned that they should visit the hotel beforehand.
We were anxious that our parents should watch this movie.

VI. Cu "may/might"
May you live long !
However long the way might be, we must go there.

Alte observatii privind subjonctivul in engleza:

1) in constructiile cu "for + subiect" se foloseste forma lunga a infinitivului:
It's time for him to leave.

2) "if need be" inseamna "if it is necessary"
If need be I can always come over.
Imperativul in engleza
Modul de formare al imperativului in engleza:

1. Lets + infinitivul scurt (Imperativul in engleza - forma cu verbul "let" )
==> Pentru a indica un sfat, o sugestie, o actiune ce trebuie facuta acum sau mai
Lets cross the street !
Lets call tomorrow !

2. Folosirea infinitivului scurt (fara "to")
==> Imperativul in engleza - forma simpla
Cross the street!
Call me tomorrow!
3. Dont + infinitivul scurt (Imperativul in engleza - forma negativa )
==> Pentru a indica o actiune ce nu trebuie facuta
Dont cross the street !
Dont call me tomorrow !
4. Do + infinitivul scurt
==> Pentru a accentua ideea ca actiunea e importanta pentru vorbitor
Do cross the street !
Do call me !
Do have a seat !
Do come in !

Intrebuintarea infinitivului in engleza:

1. Pentru a face o urare:
Have a good time !

2. pentru a exprima o porunca, un ordin:
Come on!
3. Pentru a preveni:
Look out!

4. Pentru a face o invitatie, a propune ceva:
Come round one of these days !

Modul imperativ in engleza se foloseste pentru a da instructiuni, ordine, directive,
sugestii cu caracter pronuntat.
Exemple: Go buy some bread before you come home!
Please call me before leaving home!

Observam ca subiectul actiunii e subinteles. De regula ordinul se da catre persoana a
II-a singular sau plural, insa imperativul in limba engleza se poate folosi pentru orice
persoana. Verbele la imperativ pot avea si un subiect la persoana intai (Let's / Let us
do this together; Let's do it !).
Conjugarea verbelor in engleza - forma afirmativa
Conjugarea verbelor : Exemplu: "TO GO" A MERGE

Conjugarea verbelor in engleza : Present Simple ("to go" - a merge)
I go We go
You go You go
He/she/it goes They go
("he goes" e o exceptie. De regula se adauga "s" la persoana III sg.: He
knows ... )

Conjugarea verbelor in engleza : Present Continuous ("to go" - a merge)
I was going We were going
You were going You were going
He/she/it was going They were going
Conjugarea verbelor in engleza : Past Tense Simple ("to go" - a merge)
I went We went
You went You went
He/she/it went They went

Conjugarea verbelor in engleza : Past Tense Continuous ("to go" - a merge)
I was going We were going
You were going You were going
He/she/it was going They were going

Conjugarea verbelor in engleza : Present Perfect Simple ("to go" - a merge)
I have gone We have gone
You have gone You have gone
He/she/it has gone He/she/it has gone
Conjugarea verbelor in engleza : Present Perfect Continuous ("to go" - a
I have been going We have been going
You have been going You have been going
He/she/it has been going They have been going

Conjugarea verbelor in engleza : Past Perfect Simple ("to go" - a merge)
I had gone We had gone
You had gone You had gone
He/she/it had gone They had gone

Conjugarea verbelor in engleza : Past Perfect Continuous ("to go" - a merge)
I had been going We had been going
You had been going You had been going
He/she/it had been going They had been going

Conjugarea verbelor in engleza : Future Tense Simple ("to go" - a merge)
I will go We will go
You will go You will go
He/she/it will go They will go

Conjugarea verbelor in engleza : Future Tense Continuous ("to go" - a
I will be going We will be going
You will be going You will be going
He/she/it will be going They will be going

Conjugarea verbelor in engleza : Future Perfect Simple ("to go" - a merge)
I will have gone We will have gone
You will have gone You will have gone
He/she/it will have gone They will have gone

Conjugarea verbelor in engleza : Future Perfect Continuous ("to go" - a
I will have been going We will have been going
You will have been going You will have been going
He/she/it will have been going They will have been going
Conjugarea verbelor in engleza : Future-in-the-Past ("to go" - a merge)
I would go We would go
You would go You would go
He/she/it would go They would go

Conjugarea verbelor in engleza : Simple Future-in-the-Past Continuous ("to
go" - a merge)
I would be going We would be going
You would be going You would be going
He/she/it would be going They would be going
Concordanta timpurilor in engleza
Timpul unui verb in propozitia subordonata se schimba in functie de timpul verbului
din propozitia principala.

Regulile de baza, in ceea ce priveste concordanta timpurilor in engleza, sunt
dupa cum urmeaza:

I. Daca verbul din propozitia principala este la timpul prezent (Present Tense sau
Present Perfect Tense) sau viitor, verbul din subordonata poate fi la orice timp, in
functie de sensul ce urmeaza a fi exprimat (concordanta timpurilor in engleza cazul
He says that he comes now.
He says that he came yesterday.
He says that he will come tomorrow.
He will say that he comes then.
He will say that he came then.
He will say that he will come then.

II. Daca timpul din propozitia principala este la past tense, timpul din propoziia
subordonata va fi la timpul corespunzator din trecut(concordanta timpurilor in
engleza cazul II)

He said that he would come.
He told me that he had been away.
We saw that the lights had been turned off.

a) Un timp la trecut in propoziia principala poate fi urmat de un timp la present in
propoziia subordonata, atunci cand propoziia subordonata exprima un adevar
The teacher told us that saying the truth is always best.
He told me that the Hindus burn their dead.

b) O propoziie subordonata care exprima un loc, motiv sau comparaie poate fi la
orice timp, conform sensului ce urmeaza a fi exprimat.
He didnt get to Bucharest because he is ill.

c) Daca propoziia subordonata este o propoziie adjectivala, poate fi la orice timp,
dupa cum necesita sensul.
Yesterday I saw a man who plays the guitar.
Yesterday I saw a man who played the guitar in the square.
III. De notat ca atunci cand propozitia subordonata este introdusa prin conjunctia de
schop that, se respecta urmatoarele reguli (concordanta timpurilor in engleza cazul
- Folosim may in propozitia subordonata atunci cand propozitia principala este la
present tense.
- Folosim might in propozitia subordonata atunci cand propozitia principala este la
past tense.

I study that I may pass.
I will study that I may pass.
I studied that I might pass.
We eat that we may live.
He ate that he might not die.

IV. Daca propozitia principala este la viitor, nu folosim timpul viitor in propozitiile
subordinate care incep cu when, until, before, after etc.(concordanta timpurilor in
engleza cazul IV) :
I will call you when dinner is ready. (NOT I will call you when dinner will be
I shall wait until you return. (NOT I shall wait until you will return.)

V. Expresiile ca si as if, if only, it is time and wish that sunt de obicei urmate de
timpuri la trecut (concordanta timpurilor in engleza cazul V).
I wish I was a bit taller.
It is time we started working.
He talks as if he knew everything.
Gerunziul si infinitivul in engleza
Infinitivul in engleza reprezinta modul care denumeste actiunea sau starea exprimata
de un verb.

Folosirea infinitivului in limba engleza
A. Infinitivul scurt se foloseste:
1. Dupa "had better", "more than", "would rather", "would better", "nothing but", "had
He would rather sing than read. (Mai bine ar canta decat sa citeasca.)
2. Dupa verbele "to make", "to have", cand au sens cauzativ
He makes me laugh. (Ma face sa rad.)
3. Dupa verbele "to see", "to let", "to hear", "to fill", "to watch", "to help" (la diateza
Did you hear her sing ? (Ai auzit-o cantand?)
4. Dupa verbe modale cu exceptia lui "ought to"
The children can sing loudly. (Copiii pot canta tare.)
B. Infinitivul lung se foloseste de regula in doua tipuri de constructii:
1. Constructia acuzativ + infinitiv
We want you to call us tonight. (Vrem ca sa ne suni diseara.)

Aceasta constructie se foloseste dupa verbe ca: "to consider", "to prefer", "to
imagine", "to find", "to order", "to allow", "to think", "to suppose", "to want", "to
hate", "to declare", "to like", "to believe", "to know"
2. Constructia nominativ + infinitiv
He is known to be a great writer. (E cunoscut ca fiind un mare scriitor.)

Spre deosebire de constructia cu acuzativ, constructia cu nominativ are drept
caracteristica faptul ca predicatul propozitiei este la diateza pasiva.
Constructia cu nominativ poate fi folosita si dupa urmatoarele verbe la diateza activa:
"to happen", "to prove", "to be sure", "to be likely", "to seem", "to be unlikely":

I happen visit her today. (Se intampla sa o vizitez astazi.)

Infinitivul in limba engleza se folosesc dupa anumite adjective sau pentru a exprima
un scop, sau dupa verbele "to ask", "to wonder", "to find out", "to understand", cand
acestea sunt urmate de cuvinte interogative ca: "how", "who", "what", "where":

Its difficult drive that car.

Infinitivul prezent in engleza arata ca actiunea se desfasoara in acelasi timp cu
verbul dupa care este asezat: I hope to sing a song (Sper sa cant un cantec)
Infinitivul perfect in engleza arata ca actiunea exprimata de el este anterioara celei
aratate de verbul din fata lui: Im sorry to have told him your secret (Imi pare rau ca i-
am spus secretul tau).
Gerunziul in engleza

A. Gerunziul prezent in engleza are aceeasi forma cu participiul prezent
Pentru diateza activa se formeaza astfel: verb + ing (working)
Pentru diateza pasiva se formeaza astfel: being + verb 3/ - ed (being worked)

Reguli ce se aplica la formarea gerunziului in engleza:

1. Verbele terminate in "e" mut il pierd la gerunziu: to make making; to hope -
2. Se dubleaza consoana finala la verbele care au o singura silaba si se termina in
consoana precedata de o singura vocala sau verbele care au mai multe silabe dar se
accentueaza ultima, sau cele terminate in "p" sau "l": to cut cutting; to stop
stopping; to forget forgetting
3. Verbele terminate in "ic" primesc "k" apoi "ing": to picnic - picnicking
4. Verbele terminate in "ie" transforma literele in "y": to lie - lying

B. Gerunziul perfect in engleza are aceeasi forma cu participiul perfect si exprima
o actiune sau o stare anterioara
Pentru diateza activa se formeaza astfel: having + verb 3/- ed
Pentru diateza pasiva se formeaza astfel: having + been + verb3/ - ed

Utilizarea gerunziului in engleza
1. Dupa verbe de atitudine: "to like", "to dislike", "to enjoy", "to prefer", "to hate"
I enjoy seeing him. (Ma bucur sa il vad.)

2. Dupa verbe care descriu etapele unei actiuni : "to continue", "to begin", "to
stop","to keep","to start"
He kept going (A continuat sa mearga)

3. Dupa verbe care descriu activitate mentala: "to forget", "to remember", "to
imagine", etc:
I must remember turning the TV off. (Trebuie sa-mi amintesc sa opresc

4. Dupa expresiile personale:
"I cant help" (Nu pot sa nu, Nu ma pot abtine),
"I cant stand" (nu pot suporta)

5. Dupa verbul "to mind" :
Would you mind closing the door (Te superi daca inchizi usa?)

6. Dupa verbe tranzitive: "to admit", "to delay", "to suggest", "to prevent", "to
He admitted being late. (A recunoscut ca a intarziat.)

7. Dupa expresiile impersonale:
Its no good (nu e bine sa), it's good, its worth (merita sa), its no use (nu e
folositor sa), its useless (e inutil sa)

Verbele in engleza care folosesc fie infinitivul fie gerunziul: advise, agree, allow,
begin, can/could bear, cease, continue, forget, hate, intend, like, love, mean, need,
permit, prefer, propose, recommend, regret, remember, require, start, stop, try, used to.

Verbe in engleza care folosesc infinitivul sa gerunziul fara sa-si modifice intelesul:
begin, start, continue, cease; cant bear; intend; advise, allow, permit, recommend; it
needs/ requires/ wants.
Verbele fara forma continua in engleza
Verbele fara forma continua in engleza sunt:

1. Verbele de perceptie : to feel, to hear, to notice, to see, to smell, to taste
exemplu: I see a nice flower (Vad o floare frumoasa).

- Daca actiunea este una voluntara (constienta) se poate folosi aspectul continuu:
What are you seeing ? (se presupune ca persoana vrea sa vada ceva)

- Se poate folosi forma continua si daca sensul verbului nu mai este cel de baza:
I am seeing my dentist on Friday. (sensul nu mai e de a vedea ci de a fi consultat, de a
se duce la)
2. Verbe care exprima posesia : to posses, to owe, to belong to, to own, to keep, to
exemplu: I keep it for me (O pastrez pentru mine).

3. verbele modale: can, may, must, ought to
exemplu: I must go there. (Trebuie sa ma duc acolo.)

4. Verbe care exprima sentimente, atitudini, trairi emotionale: to love, to like, to
dislike, to detest, to prefer, to abhor, to adore, to hate
exemplu: I like your car. (Imi place masina ta.)
5. Verbe care exprima dorinta: to wish, to want, to intend, to desire
exemplu: I want to go there. (Vreau sa ma duc acolo.)

6. Verbele care exprima activitati mentale: to agree, to believe, to distrust, to
imagine, to doubt, to remember, to understand, to suppose, to recognize, to forget, to
think, to mean
In cazul in care se foloseste forma continua apare o modificare de sens:
I am thinking. (nu se spune si ce gandesc.)

7. Alte verbe care nu pot avea forma continua: to expect, to suffice, to differ, to
appear, to contain, to deserve
Exemplu: That idea appears to be interesting.
Verbele modale in engleza
Verbele modale in engleza reprezinta o categorie speciala de verbe auxiliare, utilizate
pentru a exprima sugestii, oferte, cerinte, dorinte, intentii, politete, tact. Verbe modale
in engleza sunt considerate urmatoarele: can, could, may, might, must, ought to,
would, shall, will, should.

Caracteristicile verbelelor modale in engleza

- Verbele modale in engleza nu sunt precedate de particula "to"
- Verbele modale in engleza sunt urmate de infinitivul scurt al verbelor de
conjugat: Smoking can damage your health.
- Verbele modale in engleza cand sunt urmate de auxiliarul be si un verb la participial
present, indica o actiune prezenta sau viitoare: She must be driving home now.
- Verbele modale in engleza atunci cand sunt urmate de auxiliarul have si un verb la
participial trecut, verbele modale indica o actiune trecuta:She must have gotten
home by now.
- Verbele modale in engleza nu primesc terminatia "s" la persoana a III-a singular si
nu au forma de Past Tense sau participiu prezent: He can speak English.
- Forma interogativa, se realizeaza prin asezarea verbului modal in fata subiectului,
fara ajutorul auxiliarului do: Must I read the book again?
- La forma negative, not sta imediat dupa verbul modal: We must not get home late.
- Se folosesc in intrebarile disjunctive (question tags): He can drive, cant he?
- Atunci cand se repeta o idee, verbele modale se pot folosi fara auxiliar: If they
cannot lend me the money Ill find someone who can.
Verbul modal Can/could pot exprima in limba engleza:
- o abilitate (fizica sau intelectuala): He can play the guitar
- o posibilitate: Can you join us?
- o probabilitate: It could rain today.
- o permisiune (Could este mai politicos decat Can).: You can have my CD if you
want to.
- o sugestie: If you dont have anything to do now, you can help me cooking.
- o imposibilitate, cand avem formele de negative: It is too late, so it cannot be Jack

Verbul modal May/might au urmatoarele sensuri in limba engleza:
- o cerere sau permisiune: May I use your pen?
- o posibilitate: Where is your brother? He may be playing soccer. He might be
reading a book.
Verbul modal Must se foloseste pentru a exprima in limba engleza:
- o necessitate, uneori un ordin: I must wash the dishes tonight.
- o certitudine: He must be very pleased with his accomplishments.
- o presupunere: You must know him very well, since you are good friends.

Observatie: Lipsa necesitatii impune folosirea verbelor do not need to sau do not have
to. Had to se foloseste pentru a exprima o obligatie sau necesitate din trecut.

Verbul modal Shall/ should
Verbul modal Shall se foloseste in limba engleza pentru:
- a exprima o hotarare: I shall visit you again.
- a cere un sfat: Where shall I go ?
- a face o oferta sau o sugestie: Shall we go to a movie together ?

Verbul modal Should se foloseste in limba engleza pentru:
- a exprima ce e bine si ce e rau in anumite imprejurari: Nobody should drink and
- a exprima un sfat: You should really go to a doctor
- a exprima o indoiala: I think we should have enough time for this.
- a exprima iritarea: Why should I know where you put your keys ?
- a exprima o posibilitate: You should arrive before noon.
- a face referire la un eveniment: If you should decide to come, let us know.
- a exprima o dezaprobare cu privire la o actiune: She shouldnt have driven so fast.
Will/ would
Cu sensul de verb modal, will se foloseste in urmatoarele cazuri in limba
- pentru exprimarea unei cereri: Youll help me with dinner, wont you?
- pentru a exprima o certitudine cu privire la o situatie din present sau viitor: Ill be
sleeping by this time tomorrow.
- pentru exprimarea dorintei de a face ceva: Ill have only tea.
- pentru a exprima un ordin/oferta/invitatie/amenintare: Youll turn the TV of right
now!/Hell wait for you in the car/Turn the radio off, or Ill leave the room.
- pentru a exprima un obicei sau o trasatura de character: Shell read the book in the
garden, for very long, every day.

Would este forma de trecut a verbului will si se foloseste astfel:
- pentru a formula cereri, oferte, invitatii: Would you like some coffee?
- pentru a face o cerere in mod politicos: I would like to use this machine if possible.

Verbul modal Ought to exprima o probabilitate sau un sfat in limba engleza.
Conditionalul in engleza
In afara de cele trei tipuri de conditional in engleza ( Conditional I, Conditional
II, Conditional III ), mai putem intalni conditionala 0 (prezent + prezent) si
conditionale mixte (o combinatie intre conditionala de tip II si conditionala de tip II).

Conditionalul in engleza - Exemple:
If the temperature is below 0 degrees, the water freezes. (adevar general valabil)
Daca temperatura scade sub 0 grade, apa ingheata.

If she had taken my advice, today she would be happily married.
Daca m-ar fi urmat sfatul, astazi ar avea o casnicie fericita.

If he were not so rich, she wouldnt have been friends with him.
Daca el nu ar fi asa de bogat, ea nu s-ar fi imprietenit cu el.
Propozitia subordonata circumstantiala conditionala poate fi inlocuita de un
complement circumstantial conditional, ce poate fi introdus de but for.

Conditionalul in engleza - Exemplu:
But for her help, he would have been in jail. (If it had not been for her help, he would
have been in jail.)
Daca nu l-ar fi ajutat ea, el ar fi mers la inchisoare.

De obicei, in propozitia principala care este regent unei conditionale intalnim verbul
modal will la diverse timpuri (will/would/would have), acesta poate fi inlocuit de
alte verbe modale. Aceste verbe modale aduc nuante diferite fata de will. Will
arata gradul de posibilitate cel mai ridicat dintre verbele modale.

Conditionalul in engleza -Exemplu:
If her brother is hurt, she will be very sad.
Daca fratele ei e ranit, ea va fi foarte trista. (este aproape sigur ca daca fratele ei va fi
ranit, ea va fi foarte trista.)
May/might arata tot posibilitate, dar la un grad mai scazut decat will.
Conditionalul in engleza - Exemplu:
If it were cloudy, it might rain.
Daca ar fi innorat, s-ar putea sa ploua. (dar nu este foarte sigur ca va ploua)

Can/could arata abilitatea.
Conditionalul in engleza - Exemplu:
If he had been there, he could have helped them.
Daca ar fi fost acolo, i-ar fi putut ajuta. (dar nu stim daca ar fi fi vrut sa ii ajute, stim
doar ca ar fi avut abilitatea de a-i ajuta).
Pe langa exprimarea unei conditii, conditionala se poate referi si la o promisiune sau o
avertizare, in special in cazul conditionalei de tip I.
Conditionalul in engleza - Exemple:
If you behave yourself, I will buy you a toy.
Daca te porti frumos, iti voi cumpara o jucarie.

If you dont work hard, you will get fired.
Daca nu muncesti din greu, vei fi concediat.
"IF conditional" in engleza - forma I
Conditionala I exprima o conditie reala i posibila.

If it rains, you will need an umbrella.
Daca va ploua, vei avea nevoie de o umbrela.

Propozitia conditionala este o propozitie secundara ce depinde de una principala. In
propozitia secundara pedicatul sta la present, pe cand in cea principala avem will+
infinitiv scurt.
If I leave now, I will get home at 7 oclock.
Daca plec acum, voi ajunge acasa la ora 7.

If precede conditionala, dar conditionala poate sta inainte sau dupa propozitia
If he does his homework, his teacher will be pleased.
Daca ii face temele, profesorul lui va fi multumit,

She will be tired, if she works so much.
Va fi obosita, daca lucreaza aa mult.

In loc de will putem avea alte verbe modale, precum can, may, etc.
If you want to, you can borrow my car.
Daca vrei, pot sa imprumuti maina mea.

If it is cloudy, it may rain.
Daca este innourat, este posibil sa ploua.
"IF conditional" in engleza - forma II
Conditionala II exprima o conditie putin probabila si se refera la o situatie

If I went to University, I would have a good job.
Daca as merge la facultate, as avea un loc bun de munca.

In propozitia secundara predicatul sta la timpul trecut simplu, iar in cea principala
avem constructia would + infinitiv
If he came home, his mother would be very happy.
Daca ar veni acasa, mama lui ar fi foarte fericita.
Desi predicatele sunt la un timp trecut, conditionala II se refera la viitor.

If he were dead, she would miss him.
Daca el ar muri, i-ar fi dor de el. (De fapt el nu a murit inca, dar in cazul in care el ar
muri candva in viitor, ei i-ar fi dor de el.)

Ca si in cazul conditionalei I, if precede conditionala, dar conditionala poate sta
inainte sau dupa propozitia principala.

If they had the chance, they would go to London.
Daca ei ar avea ocazia, ei ar pleca la Londra.

She would travel to Italy, if she had enough money.
Ar calatori prin Italia, daca ar avea destui bani.
Desi forma de trecut simplu a verbului a fi pentru persoana I si persoana a III-a,
numarul singular este was, in cazul conditionalei avem forma were.

If I were you, I would be more careful.
Daca as fi in locul tau, as fi mai prudent.

If he were rich, he would buy this house.
Daca el ar fi bogat, el ar cumpara casa aceasta.
In loc de would, putem avea alte verbe modale, precum might sau could.

If you won the lottery, you could buy that car.
Daca ai castiga la lotto, ai putea cumpara acea masina.

He might get in serious trouble, if he did not pay attention.
Ar putea avea probleme serioase, daca nu ar fi atent.
"IF conditional" in engleza - forma III
Conditionala III exprima o actiune din trecut ce ar fi putut fi posibila, daca s-ar fi
indeplinit o anumita conditie.

If you had been more careful, this would have never happened.
Daca ai fi fost mai atent, nu s-ar intamplat asta

In propozitia secundara predicatul sta la timpul past perfect, iar in cea principala avem
constructia would + have + participiul (a treia forma a verbului).
If he had known the truth, he would have done things differently.
Daca ar fi stiut adevarul, ar fi procedat altfel.

Conditionala III se refera la o actiune care de fapt nu a avut loc, deoarece conditia
pentru ca aceea actiune sa se petreaca nu a fost indeplinita.
If I had won that money, I would have bought a car.
Daca as fi castigat acei bani, as fi cumparat o masina. (Dar nu am castigat banii, deci
nu mi-am cumparat masina.)

Ca si in cazul conditionalelor I si II, if precede conditionala, dar conditionala poate
sta inainte sau dupa propozitia principala.

If they had eaten that cake, they would have gotten sick.
Daca ar fi mancat acel tort, li s-ar fi facut rau.

You would have helped him, if you had known he needed you.
L-ati fi ajutatat, daca ati fi stiut ca are nevoie de voi.

In loc de would, putem avea alte verbe modale, precum might sau could, astfel nu am
mai avea constructia would + have + participiu, ci constructiile might + have +
participiu sau could + have + participiu.
If he had graduated high school, he could have gone to University.
Daca ar fi absolvit liceul, el ar fi putut merge la facultate.

If he had gone to the party, he might have met Anne.
Daca s-ar fi dus la petrecere, poate ar fi intalnit-o pe Anne.
Omiterea lui IF in propozitia conditionala in engleza
Propozitiile conditionale sunt de obicei precedate de conjunctia if, insa aceasta
conjunctie poate fi inlocuita de alte constructii, sau, in unele cazuri, de o anumita
topica. Unele dintre constructiile ce pot inlocui pe if sunt: as long as, assuming
(that), provided (that), supposing (that), etc.

As long as he has a job, he can support himself.
Cat timp are o slujba, se poate intretine singur. (Daca are o slujba,)

Assuming that he was right, this could be in our favour.
Presupunand ca ar avea dreptate, aceasta ar puta fi in avantajul nostru.

Provided all conditions are met, the transaction will run smoothly.
Daca toate conditiile sunt indeplinite, tranzactia va decurge usor.

Supposing that this had been a trap, what would you have done?
Presupunand ca aceasta ar fi fost o capcana, ce ai fi facut?
Topica poate inlocui pe if mai ales in cazul conditionalei de tip III, iar in propozitia
secundara primul loc il ocupa had.

Had I known the truth, I wouldnt have made that choice.
Daca as fi stiut adevarul, nu as fi facut acea alegere.

Si in cazul conditionalei de tip II, intalnim o situatie similara, doar ca numai in loc de
had, primul loc este ocupat de wereto. Acest tip de constructie apartine
registrului formal.

Were I to be present at the meeting, I would support his ideas.
Daca as fi prezent la intalnire, i-as fi sustinut ideile.

He could purchase the firm, were he willing to do so.
El ar putea cumpara firma, daca ar dori.
In ceea ce priveste conditional de tip I, if poate fi omis daca should ocupa primul
loc in propozitia principal, acest verb modal inseamna in eventualitatea ca, daca.

Should he wish to help, I will be very grateful.
Daca el va dori sa ajute, eu voi fi foarte recunoscatoare.

In toate aceste trei cazuri propozitia secundara poate sta inainte sau dupa cea
Conditional cu UNLESS in engleza
Conjunctia unless inseamna ifnot, aceasta conjunctie arata ca daca nu
indeplinesti o anumita conditie, o actiune va avea sau nu va avea loc. Unless poate fi
folosit in cazul tuturor tipurilor de propozitii conditionale.

Unless you study, you will be punished.
Daca nu inveti, vei fi pedepsit.

Unless you helped me, I wouldnt finish in time.
Daca nu m-ai ajuta, nu as termina la timp.

Unless she had cooked lunch, there wouldnt have been anything to it.
Daca ea nu ar fi pregatit pranzul, nu ar fi fost nimic de mancare.
A se observa ca in propozitia secundara predicatul nu are o forma negativa, desi sensul
este unul negativ; conjunctia este cea care poarta sensul negativ. In propozitia
principala predicatul poate avea fie forma pozitiva, fie forma negativa. Propozitia
secundara introdusa prin unless poate sta inainte sau dupa propozitia principala.

Unless he had a good reason, he wouldnt do it.
Daca nu ar avea un motiv temeinic, nu ar face-o.

They would have come to see us, unless they had been tired.
Ei ar fi venit sa ne vada, daca nu ar fi fost obositi.
Predicatul din propozitia secundara are mereu forma pozitiva. Daca ar avea forma
negativa, cele doua negatii s-ar anula si propozitia ar fi una pozitiva.

*Unless you dont come, I will be glad. (asterixul semnaleaza o constructie incorecta
din punct de vedere gramatical)
Daca vii, voi fi fericit.

Deoarece unless poarta sensul negativ, acesta nu poate fi omis din fraza si nici nu
poate fi inlocuit de alte constructii.
Numeralele in engleza
Numeralul in engleza (ca in oricare limba, de altfel) este partea de vorbire care
denumeste un numar sau ordinea obiectelor. Exista numerale simple (1-12), numerale
derivate (13-19) si numerale compuse (exemple: 21, 67, 147).

xista urmatoarele feluri de numerale in engleza:

1) Numeralele cardinale indica numarul de anumite obiecte. Corespund cu
interogatia: Cati/Cate?
1 (one), 2 (two), 15 (fifteen), 100 (one hundred), 1250 (one thousand two hundred
and fifty)
2) Numeralele ordinale sunt folosite pentru a indica ordinea obiectelor. Corespund
intrebarii care incepe cu intrebarea Care?
primul (the first/ 1st), al doilea (the second/2nd), al cincisprezecilea (the
fifteenth/15th), al douazecilea (the twentieth/the 20th)

3) Numerale multiplicative: indica de cite ori se repeta o actiune, eveniment, etc.
1 x single, once 2 x double/twofold, twice, two times, 3 x triple (treble)/threefold,
three times

4) Numeralul iterativ: indica pentru a cata oara s-a intamplat (se intampla, se va
intampla) ceva.
(for) the first time, (for) the second time, (for) the third time

5) Numeralul adverbial: indica de cate ori insusirea sau caracteristica exprimata de
adjectiv sau de adverb este superioara sau inferioara altei insusiri sau caracteristici.
first(ly) = in primul rand, second(ly) = in al 2-lea rand, third(ly) = in al 3-lea rand

6) Numeralul nehotarat: Se refera la un numar indefinit de obiecte.
a number of (un numar de), a lot of (o multime de), lots of, many (multi, multe)

7) Numeralul fractionar: Exprima numere ce se pot scrie ca fractii.
one whole (1/1) = un intreg, one half (1/2) = o jumatate, one third (1/3) = o treime
Numeralele cardinale in engleza
Numeralul cardinal in limba engleza exprima o cifra sau numarul obiectelor.

Numerele cardinale de la 1 la 19 in limba engleza sunt urmatoarele:
0 zero (zero, null)
1 one (unu)
2 two (doi)
3 three (trei)
4 four (patru)
5 five (cinci)
6 six (sase)
7 seven (sapte)
8 eight (opt)
9 nine (noua)
10 ten (zece)
11 eleven (unsprezece)
12 twelve (doisprezece)
13 thirteen (treisprezece)
14 fourteen (patrusprezece)
15 fifteen (cincisprezece)
16 sixteen (saisprezece)
17 seventeen (saptesprezece)
18 eighteen (optsprezece)
19 nineteen (nouasprezece)
Zecile (2090) se formeaza de la numerele 29 la care se adauga terminatia "ty" (cu
unele deosebiri la numerele 20, 30, 40 si 50):
20 twenty (douazeci)
30 thirty (treizeci)
40 forty (patruzeci)
50 fifty (cincizeci)
60 sixty (saizeci)
70 seventy (saptezeci)
80 eighty (optzeci)
90 ninety (nouazeci)

Numele intermediare (cele intre 20, 30, 40, 50, .. ,90) se formeaza ca mai jos :
21 twentyone (douazeci si unu)
22 twentytwo (treizeci si cinci)
69 sixtynine (saizeci si noua)
78 seventyeight (saptezeci si opt)
89 eightynine (optzeci si noua)

Numeralele cardinale in engleza care sunt multiplii de suta se formeaza adaugand
dupa numar cuvantul "hundred", iar miile se formeaza adaugand cuvantul "thousand".
100 one hundred (o suta)
200 two hundred (doua sute)
600 six hundred (sase sute)
1000 one thousand (o mie)
5000 five thousand (cinci mii)
Numeralele cardinale in engleza care denumesc sute, mii sau milioane sunt legate
prin "and" de cele care denumesc zeci si unitati.
116 one hundred and sixteen
832 eight hundred and thirtytwo
2009 two thousand and nine

Atunci cand numeralele cardinale in engleza denumind zecile, sutele, miile,
milioanele sunt aproximari, acestea apar la forma de plural: tens (zeci), hundreds
(sute), thousands (mii), millions (milioane).
Numeralele ordinale in engleza
Numeralul ordinal in limba engleza este alctuit prin adaugarea sufixului "-th" la
numeralul cardinal:

the 1st / first = primul
the 2nd / second = al doilea
the 3rd / third = al treilea
the 4th / fourth = al patrulea
the 5th / fifth = al cincilea
the 6th sixth = al saselea
the 7th / seventh = al saptelea
the 8th / eighth = al optulea
the 9th / nineth = al noualea
the 10th / tenth = al zecelea
the 11th / eleventh = al unsprezecelea
the 12th / twelfth = al doisprezecelea
the 13th / thirteenth = al treisprezecelea
the 14th / fourteenth = al patrusprezecelea
the 15th / fifteenth = al cincisprezecelea
the 16th / sixteenth = al saisprezecelea
the 17th / seventeenth = al saptesprezecelea
the 18th / eighteenth = al optusprezecelea
the 19th / nineteenth = al nouasprezecelea
the 20th / twentieth = al douazecilea
the 21st / twenty-first = al douazecilea
the 22nd / twenty-second = al douazecisiunulea
the 23rd / twenty-third = al douazecisidoilea
the 24th / twenty-fourth = al douazecisipatrulea
the 30th / thirtieth = al treizecilea
the 50th / fiftieth = al cincizecilea
the 100th / hundredth = al o sutalea
Urmtoarele sunt exceptii:
1) one -> first (1st)
2) two -> second (2nd)
3) three -> third (3rd)
4) la five si nine, dispare "e"-ul final -> fifth (5th) si ninth (9th)
5) in cazul zecilor, "-y"-ul final se transforma in "-ie": forty -> fortieth (40th)


1. I n engleza, numeralul ordinal se foloseste si la exprimarea datei:

May 15th
the 15th of May

2. I n cazul numeralul ordinal in engleza, cand formam un numar compus, numai
ultimul numar primeste "th":

37: the thirty-seventh
456: the four hundred and fifty-sixth
3. I n exprimarea datei, numeralul ordinal in engleza poate fi asezat inainte sau dupa
numele lunii.

- Daca numeralul ordinal precede denumirea lunii, acesta este urmat de of:
I was born on the 15th of May 1988.

- Daca numeralul ordinal este asezat dupa denumirea lunii, of este omis:
I was born on May (the) 15th.
Numeralele multiplicative in engleza
Numeralul multiplicativ in limba engleza indica de cite ori se repeta o actiune,
eveniment, etc.

Exemple de numeral multiplicativ in engleza:
1 x => single, once -> chiar daca nu este vorba de o multiplicare, single, once
sunt considerate numerale multiplicative.
2 x => double/twofold, twice, two times
3 x => triple (treble)/threefold, three times
4 x => fourfold, four times
10 x => tenfold, ten times
100 x => a hundredfold, a hundred times.
Utilizarea numeralului multiplicativ in engleza

- In stilul literar, tehnic sau oficial, se foloseste numeralul multiplicativ format din
numeralul cardinal + "-fold":
twofold (dublu)
threefold (triplu, de 3 ori)
fourfold (de 4 ori)
a hundredfold (de o suta de ori)

- In vorbirea curenta, numeralele multiplicative de la 1 la 2 au urmatoarele
forme: once (odata), twice (de doua ori). Forma thrice (de trei ori) nu prea se mai
foloseste (curent se foloseste three times).

- De la numeralul cardinal 4, numeralele multiplicative se formeaza cu numeralul
cardinal urmat de substantivul times:
Exemple: f
our times (de 4 ori)
eight times (de 8 ori)
nine times (de 9 ori)
Exemple de numerale multiplicative in engleza (in propozitii traduse):

1. Only call me once before leaving to my place.
Suna-ma doar o data inainte de a veni la mine.
2. I told him twice what he had to do.
I-am spus de doua ori ce are de facut.
3. She tried three times before succeeding.
A incercat de trei ori inainte de a reusi.
4. I knocked four times, and nobody answered the door.
Am batut de patru ori si nimeni nu a venit la usa.
5. Al students had to write their names twenty times on a sheet of paper, for not
being obedient.
Toti elevii a trebuit sa isi scrie numele de douazeci de ori pe o foaie de hartie, din
cauza ca au fost neascultatori.
Numeralele nehotarate in engleza
Numeralele nehotarate in limba engleza, se refera la un numar indefinit de obiecte.

a lot of (o multime de)
a number of (un numar de)
lots of, many (multi, multe)
tens of (zeci de)
many (multi)
several (cativa)
hundreds of (sute de)
Exemple de numerale nehotarate in limba engleza (in propozitii):

1. All men are mortal.
Toti oamenii sunt muritori.
2. Some men died young.
Unii barbati au murit de tineri.
3. No men were present.
Niciun barbat nu a fost prezent.
4. Many men are poor.
Multi oameni sunt saraci.
5. Few men are rich.
Putini oameni sunt bogati.
6. More men came today than yesterday.
Mai multi oameni au venit azi decat ieri.
7. Most men must work for their living.
Majoritatea oamenilor muncesc pentru a-si castiga traiul.
8. Several men came.
Au venit cativa oameni.
9. Some men went away.
Cativa barbate au plecat.
10. A number of children are not at school today.
Un numar de copii nu sunt la scoala astazi.
11. A lot of work is to be done here.
Multa munca trebuie facuta aici.
12. Lots of boys are playing football.
Multi baieti joaca fotbal.
13. Tens of girls are in basketball teams.
Zeci de fete sunt in echipele de basket.
14. Hundreds of dollars are to be paid for this project.
Sute de dolari trebuie platiti pentru acest proiect.
Numeralele iterative in engleza
Numeralul iterativ in limba engleza indica pentru a cata oara s-a intamplat (se
intampla, se va intampla) ceva.


(for) the first time - pentru 1a data
(for) the second time - pentru a 2-a data
(for) the third time - pentru a 3-a data
(for) the fourth time - pentru a 4-a data
(for) the fifth time
(for) the sixth time
(for) the seventh time
(for) the eighth time
(for) the ninth time
(for) the tenth time
(for) the eleventh time
(for) the twelfth time
(for) the thirteenth time
(for) the fourteenth time
(for) the sixteenth time
(for) the eighteenth time
(for) the nineteenth time
(for) the twentieth time
(for) the twenty-first time
(for) the thirtieth time
Exemple de numerale iterative in propozitii:

1. Today I am visiting my friend for the first time.
Astazi imi vizitez prietenul pentru prima data.
2. This is the tenth time I am calling her and she still does not answer.
Este a zecea oara cand o sun si inca nu raspunde.
3. I am writing this message for the second time and I hope I can send it now.
Scriu acest mesaj pentru a doua oara si sper sa il pot trimite acum.
4. She is going to the dance lesson for the fourth time now.
Ea merge la lectia de dans pentru a patra oara acum.
5. I am reading the lesson for the fourteenth time today.
Citesc lectia pentru a patrusprezecea oara astazi.
6. This band is coming in our town for the twentieth time in the past three years, for
Aceasta formatie vine in orasul nostru a douazecea oara in ultimii trei ani, pentru
Numeralele adverbiale in engleza
Numeralele adverbiale in engleza indica de cate ori insusirea sau caracteristica
exprimata de verb sau de adverb este superioara sau inferioara altei insusiri sau
caracteristici. Aceste numerale se numesc adverbiale, deoarece ca si adverbele
determina un verb, un adjectiv sau un alt adverb. Arata "in al catelea rand" se doreste
sa se precizeze, sublinieze ceva.


first(ly) = in primul rand
second(ly) = in al 2-lea rand
third(ly) = in al 3-lea rand
fourth(ly) = in al 4-lea rand
fifth(ly) = in al 5-lea rand
sixth(ly) = in al 6-lea rand
Exemple de numerale adverbiale in limba engleza (in propozitii traduse):

1. Firstly I want to thank you for your help.
In primul rand, vreau sa va multumesc pentru ajutorul vostru.
2. Secondly, you have to hand the report in tomorrow.
In al doilea rand, trebuie sa predai raportul maine.
3. Thirdly, we must prepare the luggage for the departure.
In al treilea rand, trebuie sa pregatim bagajele pentru plecare.
4. You should first have to eat before taking your medicine.
Mai intai trebuie sa mananci, inainte de a lua medicamentul.
5. Tenthly, the council has to debate a health systems problem.
In al zecilea rand, consiliul trebuie sa dezbata o problema a sistemului de
6. Seventhly, I will write a letter to the dean.
In al saptelea rand, voi scrie o scrisoare decanului.
7. Fifthly, turn right and you will see the museum.
In al cincilea rand, ia-o la dreapta si vei vedea muzeul.
Numeralele distributive in engleza
Numeralul distributiv in engleza exprima gruparea numerica a obiectelor. Se
formeaza cu ajutorul lui by sau and.

Exemple de numerale distributive in limba engleza:

one by one - unul cate unul
three by three - trei cate trei
by twos - cate doi
by threes - cate trei
two and two - doi si cu doi
three and three - trei si cu trei
one at a time = cate unul o data
two at a time = cate doi o data
three by three, by threes = trei cate trei
four at a time = cate patru o data
four by four, by fours = patru cate patru
five at a time = cate cinci o data
by the dozen = la duzina
ten at a time = zece o data, cate zece
one hundred at a time = o suta o data, cate o suta
every other minute = din doua in doua minute
every other hour = hourly = din doua in doua ore = la fiecare doua ore
every three hours = din trei in trei ore = la trei ore o data
every five hours = din cinci in cinci ore, la interval de cinci ore
I see groups of five children. = Vad grupuri de cate cinci copii.

Aproximarea numerica se exprima
prin: about (circa), nearly (aproximativ), almost (aproape)
Depasirea unei cifre se exprima prin: over (peste), more than (mai mult
de), above (peste).
Alte exemple:
1. Children go to the bathroom one by one before going to bed
Copiii merg la baie unul cate unul inainte de a merge la culcare.

2. They must exit the room two by two, in the backyard.
Trebuie sa iasa din camera doi cate doi, in gradina.
Numeralele fractionare in engleza
Numeralele fractionare in limba engleza exprima numere ce se pot scrie ca fractii.

one whole (1/1) = un intreg

one half (1/2) = o jumatate

one third (1/3) = o treime

one quarter (1/4) = un sfert, o patrime

one tenth (1/10) = o zecime

two tenths (2/10) = doua zecimi
Exemple de numerale fractionare in propozitii:

1. The little boy ate one whole apple.
Baietelul a mancat un mar intreg.
2. Mother cut the slice of bread in two halves.
Mama a taiat felia de paine in doua jumatati.
3. Ten pieces of this puzzle make two wholes.
Zece piese din puzzle-ul acesta constituie doua intreguri.
4. I want one half of this chocolate.
Vreau o jumatate din ciocolata aceasta.
5. I already drank one third of the water in this bottle.
Am baut deja o treime din apa din aceasta sticla.
6. My brother ate almost two thirds of the cake.
Fratele meu a mancat aproape doua treimi din prajitura.
7. I only want one quarter of this chocolate bar.
Vreau doar un sfert din aceasta tableta de ciocolata.
Adjectivul in engleza
Adjectivul nehotarat in engleza este adjectivul care insoteste substantivul fara sa
individualizeze obiectul denumit de acesta.
Exemple de adjective nehotarate in engleza:
There are some books on the table.
Sunt niste carti pe masa.

Adjectivul demonstrativ in limba engleza, ca si in limba romana arata departarea
sau apropierea unui obiect.
Exemple de adjective demonstrative in engleza:
this apple (acest mar)
that apple (acel mar)
these apple (aceste mere)
those apple (acele mere)
Adjectivele calificative in engleza (ca si in limba romana) sunt adjective care descriu
proprietati ale obiectelor ce pot avea grade, nivele, intensitati ale acelei proprietati.
Exemple de adjective calificative in engleza:
- big (mare)
- little (mic)
- dry (uscat)
- activ (activ)
- good (bun)
- green (verde)
- yellow (galben)
Adjectivele posesive in engleza, ca si in limba romana de altfel, sunt cele care arata
posesia; arata cui apartine obiect (al meu, al tau, etc ...).
Exemple de adjective posesive in engleza:
my house (casa mea)
your house (casa ta, casa voastra)
his house (casa lui)
her house (casa ei)
its house (casa lui, ei -> pentru lucruri, animale, lucruri abstracte)
our house (casa noastra)
our houses (casele noastre)
your houses (casele voastre)
their house (casa lor)
their houses (casele lor)
Adjectivele calificativ in engleza
Adjectivele calificative in engleza (ca si in limba romana) sunt adjective care descriu
proprietati ale obiectelor ce pot avea grade, nivele, intensitati ale acelei proprietati.
Exemple de adjective calificative:
- big (mare)
- little (mic)
- dry (uscat)
- activ (activ)
- good (bun)
- green (verde)
- yellow (galben)
Practic, adjectivele calificative trebuiesc invatate ca orice cuvant (nou). E foarte
important de stiut adjectivele. Faptul ca sunt calificative sau nu e important mai mult
pentru scoala.
Adjectivele posesive in engleza
Adjectivele posesive in engleza, ca si in limba romana de altfel, sunt cele care arata
posesia; arata cui apartine obiect (al meu, al tau, etc ...).
Exemple de adjective posesive:
my house (casa mea)
your house (casa ta, casa voastra)
his house (casa lui)
her house (casa ei)
its house (casa lui, ei -> pentru lucruri, animale, lucruri abstracte)
our house (casa noastra)
our houses (casele noastre)
your houses (casele voastre)
their house (casa lor)
their houses (casele lor)
Adjectivele demonstrative in engleza
Adjectivul demonstrativ in limba engleza, ca si in limba romana arata departarea sau
apropierea unui obiect.

Adjectivele demonstrative in limba engleza sunt: this, that, these, those.
this apple (acest mar)
that apple (acel mar)
these apple (aceste mere)
those apple (acele mere)
Adjectivele nehotarate in engleza
Adjectivul nehotarat in engleza este adjectivul care insoteste substantivul fara sa
individualizeze obiectul denumit de acesta.
Exemple in care se folosesc adjectivele nehotarate in engleza:
There are some books on the table.
Sunt niste carti pe masa.

How much milk did you buy ?
Cat lapte ai cumparat?
There are a few pupils in the garden.
Sunt cativa elevi in gradina.

How many pencils do you have?
Cate creioane ai?
Gradele de comparatie ale adjectivelor in engleza
In limba engleza, ca de altfel in oricare limba, exista 3 grade de comparatie:
- gradul pozitiv
- gradul comparativ
- gradul superlativ

A - Comparatia cu -er, -est

1) adjectivele monosilabice (formate dintr-o silaba)

clean cleaner cleanest
new newer newest
cheap cheaper cheapest

2) adjectivele plurisilabice (formate din mai multe silabe)

a) adjectivele format din 2 silabe terminate in y:

dirty dirtier dirtiest
easy easier easiest
happy happier happiest
pretty prettier prettiest
b) adjectivele format din 2 silabe terminate in -er

clever cleverer cleverest

c) adjectivele format din 2 silabe terminate in -le

simple simpler simplest

d) adjectivele format din 2 silabe terminate in -ow

narrow narrower narrowest
B - Comparatia adjectivelor facuta cu more - most (pentru majoritatea
adjectivelor formate din mai mult de 2 silabe)
difficult - more difficult - (the) most difficult

C - Adjectivele neregulate
good better best
bad worse worst
much more most
many more most
little less least
little smaller smallest
D - Adjective speciale
Unele adjective pot avea 2 forme cand formeaza gradele de comparatie:

common commoner / more common commonest / most common
likely likelier / more likely likeliest / most likely
pleasant pleasanter / more pleasant pleasantest / most pleasant
polite politer / more polite politest / most polite
simple simpler / more simple simplest / most simple
stupid stupider / more stupid stupidest / most stupid
subtle subtler / more subtle subtlest
sure surer / more sure surest / most sure
Adverbul in engleza
Adverbul in engleza, ca si in limba romana de altfel, este partea de vorbire care:
Arata o caracteristica a unei actiuni, a unei stari sau a unei calitati;
Poate avea categoria gramaticala a comparatiei

Ca si in limba romana si in limba engleza exista o clasificare a adverbelor, dupa modul in
care se folosesc. Vezi mai jos felurile adverbelor in engleza:
- adverbe de timp (Adverbs of time);
- adverbe de mod (Adverbs of manner);
- adverbe de loc (Adverbs of place).
Adverbul de mod in limba engleza indica modalitatea propriu-zisa. Cele mai
multe adverbe de mod in engleza se formeaza prin adaugarea sufixului ly la forma

hard (adjectiv) -> hardly (adverb de mod)
They acted foolishly. ( S-au comportat proseste. )
After the lunch he left sadly. ( Dupa pranz, a plecat suparat. )
You should listen carefully! ( Ar trebui sa asculti cu grija ! )
Adverbele de loc in engleza indica locul propriu-zis (there, here), altele indica
directia (aside, forward, behind), insa majoritatea adverbelor de loc pot fi folosite
pentru a indica atat locul cat si directia.

Turn left at the end of the street.
Fa la stanga la capatul strazii.

Adverbele de timp in engleza indica:
- momentul actiunii: never (niciodata), nowadays (in zilele nosatre), now (acum)
- succesiunea in timp: before (inainte), afterwards (dupa aceea), soon (curand)

Exemple: always, never, before, soon
Adverbele de mod in engleza
Adverbul de mod in limba engleza indica modalitatea propriu-zisa. Cele mai
multe adverbe de mod in engleza se formeaza prin adaugarea sufixului ly la forma

hard (adjectiv) -> hardly (adverb de mod)
They acted foolishly. ( S-au comportat proseste. )
After the lunch he left sadly. ( Dupa pranz, a plecat suparat. )
You should listen carefully! ( Ar trebui sa asculti cu grija ! )
Adverbele de mod in limba engleza pot fi:
- de amplificare: hardly (cu greu), completely (complet), barely (cu greu), scarcely (cu
dificultate), absolutely (absolut) ;
- de probabilitate: perhaps (posibil), probably (probabil), maybe (poate)
- de intarire: actually (de fapt), really (intr-adevar), certainly (in mod sigur)
- de afirmatie sau negatie: yes (da), no (nu), obviously (evident), of course (desigur),
not at all (deloc)
Daca adjectivul de mod in engleza se termina in e, acesta se pastreaza inaintea
sufixului ly:
entire (adjectiv) -> entirely (adverb de mod)
extreme (adjectiv) -> extremely (adverb de mod)

true (adjectiv) -> truly (adverb de mod)
due (adjectiv) -> duly (adverb de mod)
whole (adjectiv) -> wholly (adverb de mod)

Daca adjectivul se termina in l , adverbul va avea ll, prin adaugarea terminatiei -ly:
beautiful (adjectiv)+ ly -> beautifully (adverb de mod)

Adjectivele terminate in le silabic pierd e si adauga y:
simple (adjectiv) -> simply (adverb de mod)

Adjectivele terminate in y il transforma in i inaintea sufixului ly:
happy (adjectiv) -> happily (adverb de mod)

Adjectivele terminate in ll pierd un l:
full (adjectiv) -> fully (adverb de mod)

Adjectivele terminate in ic primesc ally pentru a deveni adverbe:
automatic (adjectiv) -> automatically (adverb de mod)
Exceptie: public -> publicly

Adjectivul "good" devine adverbul "well" !
Adverbele de loc in engleza
Adverbele de loc in engleza indica locul propriu-zis (there, here), altele indica directia
(aside, forward, behind), insa majoritatea adverbelor de loc pot fi folosite pentru a
indica atat locul cat si directia.
I will leave you here. (Te voi lasa aici.)
Move aside! (Da-te la oparte!)
Go there and you will see. (Du-te acolo si vei vedea.)
Look forward, you will find the information. (Cauta mai departe, vei gasi informatia.)
Please wait her out! (Te rog asteapt-o afara!)
She lived a long period abroad. (A trait o perioada lunga in strainatate.)
Can you go downstairs and throw me from there the book? (Poti sa mergi jos si sa imi
arunci de acolo cartea?)
Please come home for that special party. (Te rog vino acasa pentru acea petrecere
You won't find this dress nowhere. (Nu vei gasi aceasta rochie nicaieri.)
Sheila went far in the woods to find the little lamb. (Sheila s-a dus departe in padure
gaseasca mieluselul.)
Exista adverbe de loc care au aceeasi forma ca si adjectivul din care provin: outside,
next, right, left

Adverb de loc: What happens next ? - Ce se va intampla in continuare ?
Adjectiv: Im leaving with the next train. Plec cu trenul urmator.

Adverb de loc: Turn left at the end of the street.- Fa la stanga la capatul strazii.
Adjectiv: She is wearing a bracelet on her left hand. Ea poarta o bratara pe
mana stanga.
Adverb de loc: The weather outside is horrible Vremea de afara e oribila.
Adjectiv: There's only an outside chance of winning this game Sansele de a
castiga acest joc sunt mici.

Adverb de loc: I'm right behind you.- Sunt chiar in spate tau.
Adjectiv: He is not the right person for you. Nu e persoana potrivita pentru
Adverbele de timp in engleza
Adverbele de timp in engleza indica:
- momentul actiunii: never (niciodata), nowadays (in zilele nosatre), now (acum)
- succesiunea in timp: before (inainte), afterwards (dupa aceea), soon (curand)
They are always asking for money. (Intotdeauna cer bani.)
I never go to that stadium. (Nu merg niciodata la acel stadion.)
I asked you before. (Te-am intrebat inainte.)
I expect my parents soon. (Ii astept pe parintii mei curand.)
She met him again. (L-a intalnit din nou.)
Adverbele de timp in engleza pot exprima si o idee temporala nedefinita:

often (deseori)
seldom (rareori)
usually (de obicei)
Gradele de comparatie ale adverbelor in engleza
A) Gradul comparativ al adverbelor in limba engleza

Comparativul de superioritate al adverbelor in engleza se formeaza cu

- sufixului er in cazul adverbelor monosilabice (si a adverbului early):
fast -> faster (repede -> mai repede)
early -> earlier (devreme -> mai devreme)

- cuvantului more in cazul adverbelor bi- si plurisilabice:
quickly -> more quickly (rapid -> mai rapid)
carefully -> more carefully (cu atentie -> cu mai mare atentie)

Comparativul de egalitate al adverbelor in engleza se formeaza cu ajutorul
lui as as:

She plays piano as beautifully as her mother. (Canta la pian la fel de frumos ca si
mama sa)
Comparativul de inferioritate al adverbelor in engleza se formeaza cu ajutorul
lui not so/ sau less than:
She doesn't read as well as her classmates. (Nu citeste la fel de bine ca si colegii ei de
He is less carefully than his wife. (El este mai putin grijuliu decat nevasta sa.)

B) Gradul superlativ al adverbelor in engleza

Superlativul absolut se formeaza cu ajutorul unor adverbe ca very (foarte), quite
(destul de), most (cel mai) Aceste adverbe preced adverbul respectiv:

She writes most beautifully.
She writes very beautifully.
She writes quite beautifully.

Superlativul relativ de superioritate este exprimat prin:

- (the) (adverb)+est in cazul adverbelor monosilabice si a adverbului early:
He runs (the) fastest (of all). (El fuge cel mai repede (dintre toti)).

- (the) most + adverb in cazul adverbelor bi- si plurisilabice:
He answers (the) most intelligently. (El raspunde cel mai intelligent).

Superlativul relativ de inferioritate este exprimat prin (the) least +adverb:

We do everything we want but more carefully. (Noi facem tot ce vrem dar cu o mai
mare atentie.)
She speaks Italian as fluently as her brother. (Vorbeste italiana la fel de fluent ca si
fratele ei.)

Comparatia adverbelor apare numai la unele adverbe de mod, loc si imp. Ea are
aceleasi caracteristici ca si comparatia adjectivului.

Comparatia neregulata in a adverbelor in limba engleza

In limba engleza exista adverbe care formeaza gradele de comparative in mod
neregulat, adica isi schimba radacina in momentul in care intra in structura unor
grade de comparatie.

We are the best. (Noi suntem cei mai buni.)
Andrew plays the violin better than Jessyca. (Andrew canta mai bine decat Jessyca
la vioara.)
Mary solved the exercise the worst of all. (Marina a rezolvat exercitiul cel mai rau
dintre toti.)

Lista celor mai utilizate adverbe care au comparatia neregulata:

well (bine) better (mai bine) the best (cel mai bine)
badly (rau) worse (mai rau) the worst (cel mai rau)
much (mult) more (mai mult) the most (cel mai mult)
little (putin) less (mai putin) the least (cel mai putin)
far (departe) farther (mai departe) the farthest (cel mai departe)
Substantivul in engleza
Substantivul este partea de vorbire care exprima obiecte, finite, stari sufletesti,
fenomene ale naturii, nume de actiuni, relatii intre oameni.

Substantivele in engleza pot fi: numarabile si nenumarabile.

Exemple de substantive in engleza:
a) numarabile : pot fi precedate de a/an (un/o) si primesc forma de plural:
a cat two cats (o pisica doua pisici)
b) nenumarabile : nu sunt precedate de a/an si nu au forma de plural:
money, power, music (bani, putere, muzica)
1. Tipuri de substantive in limba engleza
a. Substantive comune : desemneaza fiinte si obiecte
- fiinte: child (copil)
, man (barbat), woman (femeie), brother (frate), sister (sora), doctor (doctor)
- obiecte: chair (scaun), ball (minge), car (masina), energy (energie)

b. Substantivele proprii : indica nume de familie, prenume, nume de localitati,
tari, munti, ape, etc
- nume de familie: Brown, Johnson, Popescu
- prenume: Mark, David, Mary, Johanna
- nume de localitati: Paris, London (Londra), Bucharest (Bucuresti)
- tari: England (Anglia), Spain (Spania), France (Franta)
- munti: the Alpsi (Alps), the Carpathians (Carpati)
- ape: the Danube (Dunarea), the Thames (Tamisa)
c. Substantive abstracte: de obicei nu pot fi numerate
Exemple: beauty (frumusete), fear (frica), love (dragoste), happiness (fericire)

d. Substantive colective (prin care se subintelege ca sunt implicate mai multe
fiinte, obiecte)
Exemple: group (grup), team (echipa), crowd (multime)
Genul substantivelor in engleza
Genul substantivelor in limba engleza poate fi unul din urmatoarele genuri:
masculin, feminin, neutru si comun.

1. Genul masculin al substantivelor in engleza desemneaza fiinte si animale
de sex masculin. Acestea se inlocuiesc cu pronumele personal he.
man (barbat), boy (baiat), gentleman (domn) horse (cal), lion (leu), actor

2. Genul feminin al substantivelor in engleza desemneaza fiinte si animale
de sex feminine. Sunt inlocuite cu pronumele personal she.
woman (femeie), girl (fata), lioness (leoaica), lady (doamna), cat (pisica),
actress (actrita)

3. Substantivele neutre in engleza sunt lucrurile, plantele, animantele sau
fiintele al caror sex nu este cunoscut si pot fi inlocuite de pronumele it/they
house (casa), mouse (soarece), world (lumea)

4. Substantivele de genul comun in engleza sunt specifice limbii engleze, avand
aceeasi forma pentru ambele sexe:
child (copil, copila), cook (bucatar, bucatareasa), teacher (profesor, profesoara)
Ca si in limba romana, unele substantive au forme diferite pentru genul masculin si cel

father - mother (tata, mama), husband - wife (sot, sotie), boy - girl (baiat,
fata), brother - sister (frate, sora), son - daughter (fiu, fica), uncle - aunt (unchi,
matusa), dog - bitch (caine, catea), bull - cow (taur, vaca), king - queen (rege,

a. Substantivele comune in limba engleza chiar daca denumesc fiinte, sunt
considerate de gen neutru.
Exemple: armata, politia
b. Obiectele care se remarca prin forta, marimea sau violenta lor sunt considerate de
gen masculin.
Exemple: Soare, timp, moarte, vara

c. Obiectele care se remarca prin frumusetea, gingasia si blandetea lor sunt
considerate substantive de gen feminin.
Exemple: luna, primavera, caritate, Pamantul.
Pluralul substantivelor in engleza
In general, in limba engleza, pluralul se formeaza adaugand terminatia "-s" la forma
de singular a substantivului.

Exemple: car-cars (masina-masini)
boy-boys (baiat-baieti)
hand-hands (mana-maini)

I. Plurarul substantivelor simple in limba engleza.

a. substantivele din engleza terminate in s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x primesc la plural
terminatia es.
bus-buses, class-classes, sandwich-sandwiches, match-matches, fox-foxes

b. substantivele din engleza cu terminatia in consoana +y au la plural
terminatia ies
city-cities, lady-ladies

c. substantivele din engleza cu terminatia f, -fe au pluralul in ves
leaf-leaves, wife, wives
Observatie: Exista unele substantive in engleza terminate in f, care primesc -s la
roof-roofs, chief-chiefs

d. substantivele din engleza care se termina la singular in "-o", au doua variante
pentru plural:
- terminatia -es: tomato-tomatoes, potato-potatoes
- terminatia -s: radio-radios, piano-pianos

e. unele substantive in engleza au plural neregulat, schimbandu-si vocala din
ultima silaba
man-men, woman-women, foot-feet, mouse-mice

f. exista substantive in engleza cu aceeasi forma si pentru singular, si pentru
sheep-sheep, means-means, series-series, species-species

g. in cazul substantivelor imprumutate din limbile latina si greaca, la plural se
pastreaza terminatiile din limbile de provenienta.
medium-media, datum-data, crisis-crises, phenomenon-phenomena

h. exista substantive doar cu forma de plural
jeans, pyjamas, scissors, pants, glasses
II. Pluralul substantivelor compuse in limba engleza

In general, substantivele compuse formeaza pluralul prin trecerea ultimului element
component la aceasta forma.

Exemple: toothbrush - toothbrushes
alarm clock - alarm clocks
grown-up - grown-ups
Articolul substantivelor in engleza
Articolul substantivelor in limba engleza are rolul de a da un inteles
substantivului in propozitie. Cel mai des folosit articol in limba engleza estethe.

Iata o clasificare a articolelor din limba engleza:

A. Articolul hotarat THE
Articolul hotarat "the" din limba engleza se scrie inaintea cuvantului pe
care il determina si se foloseste:

- inaintea unui substantiv mentionat in context:
A read a book. I liked the book. (Am citit o carte. Mi-a placut cartea).
- atunci cand intr-o discutie se cunoaste notiunea exprimata de substantiv, chiar
daca nu a mai fost mentionat in context:
Where is the child? The child is at school.

Atunci cand ne referim la obiecte considerate unice: the Earth, the Sun, the
Moon (Pamantul, Soarele, Luna)
B. Articolul nehotarat A/AN
Articolul nehotarat "a" in limba engleza se foloseste inaintea
substantivelor care incep cu o consoana: a bag, a car, a dog, a table.Articolul
nehotarat "a" in limba engleza se foloseste si inainte de u sau eu atunci cand se
pronunta ca si you: A University, a European, a unit
Articolul nehotarat "an" in limba engleza se foloseste inaintea
substantivelor care incep cu vocala (an apple, an eagle, an opossum). Se foloseste
si inainte de h mut: an hour, an honor
Articolul nehotarat in limba engleza se foloseste pentru a face referire la
ceva pentru prima data intr-o conversatie: Would you like to eat an apple? (Ai vrea
sa mananci un mar?)
Articolul nehotarat in limba engleza se foloseste pentru a face referire la un
obiect sau persoana, echivaland cu one: I would like to buy a computer and a
GPS device.
Articolul nehotarat in limba engleza se foloseste pentru a face referire la un
anume membru al unei categorii: Mary is a nurse. John is a doctor.

C. Articolul Zero
In urmatoarele cazuri nu se foloseste articolul in engleza:

- cu nume de profesii: Translation is one of my skills.
- cu substantive nenumarabile: I drink milk every morning.
- la numele de limbi: Spanish is a nice language.
- numele de mese: I am having lunch now.
- numele persoanelor: Mary is my best friend.
- titluri si nume proprii: Queen Elisabeth is the Queen of England.
- dupa cazul posesiv, format cu s: That is my fathers bike.
- la numele de tari: I am going to visit France. Exceptie: The United States
- cu nume de magazine: I do all my shopping at Carrefour.
- in cazul anilor: 2008 was a great year for me.

Atunci cand in limba engleza nu se foloseste articolul, se poate spune si ca se foloseste
articolul zero.
Cazurile substantivelor in engleza
Cazul substantivului identifica pozitia acestuia intr-o propozitie. Cazurile
substantivelor in engleza sunt urmatoarele:
1. Cazul Nominativ: un substantiv se afla in cazul nominativ daca este
subiectul unui verb (persoana sau obiectul care realizeaza actiunea in
Mother is washing the dishes (Mama spala vasele).
The car is going very fast (Masina merge foarte repede).
Substantivele pot fi inlocuite in propozitii de pronume: I, We, You, He, She,
It, They (eu, noi, tu, voi, el, ea).
2. Cazul Acuzativ: substantivele sau pronumele se afla in cazul acuzativ daca
reprezinta obiectele directe ale verbelor sau daca sunt precedate de
prepozitie (obiectul direct este persoana sau obiectul asupra careia/caruia se
realizeaza actiunea verbului).
I put the book on the table (Am pus cartea pe masa).
The cat is under the chair (Pisica este sub scaun).

3. Cazul Dativ: un substantive se afla in cazul dativ daca face obiectul indirect
al actiunii verbului (obiectul indirect al verbului este substantivul pentru care se
realizeaza actiunea. Substantivul nu este precedat de nicio prepozitie, intrucat in
acest caz, ar face obiectul prepozitiei).
Mother gave the children some sweets (Mama le-a dat copiilor niste
The child gave the dog to eat (Copilul i-a dat cainelui sa manance).

4. Cazul Genitiv: un substantiv se afla in cazul genitiv daca denota posesia.
Marys mother cooked a delicious dinner (Mama lui Mary a gatit o cina
Childrens toys are under the bed (Jucariile copiilor se afla sub pat).
5. Cazul Vocativ: un substantive sau pronume se afla in cazul vocativ daca este
folosit pentru a chema (sau atrage atentia) cuiva.
Mother, I am waiting for you! (Mama, te astept!)
Teacher, we have a surprise for you (Doamna profesoara, avem o supriza pentru

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