18 Manila Terminal Co. v. CIR (1952)
18 Manila Terminal Co. v. CIR (1952)
18 Manila Terminal Co. v. CIR (1952)
G.R. No. L-4148 July 16, 1952
Perkins, Ponce Enrile and Contreras for petitioner.
Antonio V. Raquiza, Honesto Ricobal and Perfecto E. Llacarfor respondent Association.
Mariano R. Padilla for respondent Court of Industrial Relations.
On September , !"#, the Manila $erminal Compan%, &nc. hereinafter to be referred as
to the petitioner, undertoo' the arrastre service in some of the piers in Manila(s Port
Area at the re)uest and under the control of the *nited States Arm%. $he petitioner hired
some thirt% men as +atchmen on t+elve,hour shifts at a compensation of P- per da% for
the da% shift and P. per da% for the ni/ht shift. On 0ebruar% , !"., the petitioner
be/an the post+ar operation of the arrastre service at the present at the re)uest and
under the control of the Bureau of Customs, b% virtue of a contract entered into +ith the
Philippine 1overnment. $he +atchmen of the petitioner continued in the service +ith a
number of substitutions and additions, their salaries havin/ been raised durin/ the
month of 0ebruar% to P" per da% for the da% shift and P..2# per da% for the ni/htshift.
On March 23, !"4, 5ominador 6imene7, a member of the Manila $erminal Relief and
Mutual Aid Association, sent a letter to the 5epartment of 8abor, re)uestin/ that the
matter of overtime pa% be investi/ated, but nothin/ +as done b% the 5epartment. On
April 2!, !"4, 9ictorino Ma/no Cru7 and five other emplo%ees, also member of the
Manila $ransit Mutual Aid Association, filed a #,point demand +ith the 5epartment of
8abor, includin/ overtime pa%, but the 5epartment a/ain filed to do an%thin/ about the
matter. On Ma% 24, !"4, the petitioner instituted the s%stem of strict ei/ht,hour shifts.
On 6une !, !"4, the Manila Port $erminal Police Association, not re/istered in
accordance +ith the provisions of Common+ealth Act No. 2-, filed a petition +ith the
Court of &ndustrial Relations. On 6ul% ., !"4, the Manila $erminal Relief and Mutual
Aid Association +as or/ani7ed for the first time, havin/ been /ranted certificate No. -4#
b% the 5epartment of 8abor. On 6ul% 23, !"4, Manila $erminal Relief and Mutual Aid
Association filed an amended petition +ith the Court of &ndustrial Relations pra%in/,
amon/ others, that the petitioner be ordered to pa% its +atchmen or police force
overtime pa% from the commencement of their emplo%ment. On Ma% !, !"!, b% virtue
of Customs Administrative Order No. 3 and E:ecutive Order No. 223 of the President
of the Philippines, the entire police force of the petitioner +as consolidated +ith the
Manila ;arvor Police of the Customs Patrol Service, a 1overnment a/enc% under the
e:clusive control of the Commissioner of Customs and the Secretar% of 0inance $he
Manila $erminal Relief and Mutual Aid Association +ill hereafter be referred to as the
6ud/e 9. 6imene7 <anson of the Court of &ndustrial Relations in his decision of April ,
!#=, as amended on April 3, !#=, +hile dismissin/ other demands of the Association
for lac' of >urisdiction, ordered the petitioner to pa% to its police force ?
@aA Re/ular or base pa% correspondin/ to four hours( overtime plus 2# per cent thereof
as additional overtime compensation for the period from September , !"# to Ma% 2",
@bA Additional compensation of 2# per cent to those +ho +or'ed from .C== p.m. to .C==
a.m. durin/ the same periodC
@cA Additional compensation of #= per cent for +or' performed on Sunda%s and le/al
holida%s durin/ the same periodB
@dA Additional compensation of #= per cent for +or' performed on Sunda%s and le/al
holida%s from Ma% 2", !"4 to Ma% !, !"!B and
@eA Additional compensation of 2# per cent for +or' performed at ni/ht from Ma% 2!,
!"4 to Ma% !, !"!.
Dith reference to the pa% for overtime service after the +atchmen had been inte/rated
into the Manila ;arbor Police, 6ud/e <anson ruled that the court has no >urisdiction
because it affects the Bureau of Customs, an instrumentalit% of the 1overnment havin/
no independent personalit% and +hich cannot be sued +ithout the consent of the State.
@Metran vs. Paredes, "#. Off. 1a7., 23-#.A
$he petitioner find a motion for reconsideration. $he Association also filed a motion for
reconsideration in so far its other demands +ere dismissed. 6ud/e <anson, concurred
in b% 6ud/e 6ose S. Bautista, promul/ated on 6ul% -, !#=, a resolution den%in/ both
motions for reconsideration. Presidin/ 6ud/e Arsenio C. Roldan, in a separate opinion
concurred in b% 6ud/e Modesto Castillo, a/reed +ith the decision of 6ud/e <anson of
April , !#=, as to the dismissal of other demands of the Association, but dissented
therefrom as to the /rantin/ of overtime pa%. &n a separate decisive opinion, 6ud/e 6uan
S. 8antin/ concurred in the dismissal of other demands of the Association. Dith respect
to overtime compensation, 6ud/e 8antin/ ruledC
. $he decision under revie+ should be affirmed in so far it /rants compensation for
overtime on re/ular da%s @not Sunda% and le/al holida%sAdurin/ the period from the date
of entrance to dut% to Ma% 2", !"4, such compensation to consists of the amount
correspondin/ to the four hours( overtime at the re/ular rate and an additional amount
of 2# per cent thereof.
2. As to the compensation for +or' on Sunda%s and le/al holida%s, the petitioner should
pa% to its +atchmen the compensation that corresponds to the overtime @in e:cess of 3
hoursA at the re/ular rate onl%, that is, +ithout an% additional amount, thus modif%in/ the
decision under revie+ accordin/l%.
-. $he +atchmen are not entitled to ni/ht differential pa% for past services, and therefore
the decision should be reversed +ith the respect thereto.
$he petitioner has filed a present petition for certiorari. &ts various contentions ma% be
briefl% summed up in the follo+in/ propositionsC @A $he Court of &ndustrial Relations
has no >urisdiction to render a mone% >ud/ment involvin/ obli/ation in arrears. @2A $he
a/reement under +hich its police force +ere paid certain specific +a/es for t+elve,hour
shifts, included overtime compensation. @-A $he Association is barred from recover% b%
estoppel and laches. @"A the nullit% or invalidit% of the emplo%ment contract precludes
an% recover% b% the Association. @#A Common+ealth Act No. """" does not authori7e
recover% of bac' overtime pa%.
$he contention that the Court of &ndustrial Relations has no >urisdiction to a+ard a
mone% >ud/ment +as alread% overruled b% this Court in 1.R. No. 8,"--4, 5etective E
protective ureau, Inc. !s. Court of Industrial Relations and "nited E#plo$ees %elfare
Association, != Phil., ..#, in this +iseC F&t is also ar/ued that the respondent court has
no >urisdiction to a+ard overtime pa%, +hich is mone% >ud/ment. De believe that under
Common+ealth Act No. =- the Court is empo+ered to ma'e the order for the purpose
of settlin/ disputes bet+een the emplo%er and emplo%ee