Aravali Notification 1992

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New Delhi, the 7
May 1992

(Under Section 3(1) and 3(2) (v) of the Environment Protection) Act, 1986 and
rule 5 (3) (d) of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986 restricting certain activities in
specified area of Aravalli Range, which are causing Environmental Degradation in the

S.O. 319 (E) - Whereas a Notification under section 3 (1) and section 3 (2) (v) of
the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986) inviting objections against
restricting certain activities in specified area of Aravalli Range which are causing
Environmental Degradation in the Region was published in the Gazette of India, Part II-
Section 3 Sub-section (ii) vide S. O. 25 (E) dated 9
January, 1992;

And whereas all objections received have been duly considered by the Central

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) and clause
(v) of sub-section (2), of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of
1986), read with rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986, the Central
Government hereby prohibits the carrying on of the following process and operations,
except with its prior permission, in the areas specified in the Table appended to this

(i) Location of any new industry including expansion modernisation;

(ii) (a) All new mining operations including renewals of mining
(b) Existing mining leases in sanctuaries/national Park and
areas covered under Project Tiger and/or
(c) Mining is being done without permission of the competent

(iii) Cutting of trees;

(iv) Construction of any clusters of dwelling units, farms houses,
sheds, community centres, information centres and any other
activity connected with such construction (including roads a part
of any infrastructure relating thereto);

(v) Electrification (laying of new transmission lines).

2. Any person who desires to undertake any of the above mentioned processes or
operations in the said areas, shall submit an application to the Secretary, Ministry
of Environment and Forests, New Delhi, in the attached application form
(Annexure) specifying, inter alia, details of the area and the proposed process or
operation. He shall also furnish an Environment Impact Statement and an
Environmental Management Plan along with the application and such other
information as may be required by the Central Government for considering the

3. The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment and Forests shall, having
regard to the guidelines issued by it from time to time for giving effect to the
provisions of the said Act, grant permission within a period of three months from
the date of receipt of the application or where further information has been asked
for from the applicant, within a period of three months from the date of the receipt
of such information, or refuse permission within the said time on the basis of the
impact of the proposed process or operation on the environment in the said area.

4. For seeking permission under this Notification, an application in the prescribed
form (see Annexure), duly filled in, may be submitted to the Secretary, Ministry
of Environment and Forests, Paryavaran Bhavan, CGO Complex, Lodi Road,
New Delhi.

[No. 17/1/91-PL/IA]


Areas where carrying on of processes and operations without permission is prohibited

(i) all reserved forests, protected forests or any other area shown as "forest in
the land records maintained by the State Government as on the date of this
notification in relation to Gurgaon District of the State of Haryana and the
Alwar District of the State of Rajasthan.

(ii) All areas shown as: -

(a) Gair Mumkin Pahar, or
(b) Gair Mumkin Rada, or
(c) Gair Mumkin Behed, or
(d) Banjad Beed, or
(e) Rundh.

in the land records maintained by the State Government as on the date of this
notification in relation to Gurgaon district of the State of Haryana and the Alwar
district of the State of Rajasthan.

(iii) all areas covered by notifications issued under section 4 and 5 of the
Punjab Land Preservation Act, 1900, as applicable to the State of Haryana
in the district of Gurgaon up to the date of this Notification.

(iv) all areas of Sariska National Park and Sariska Sanctuary notified under the
Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 (53 of 1972).



1. (a) Name & address of the project proposed:
(b) Location of the project:
Name of the Place:
District, Tehsil:
Location Map:
(c) Alternate sites examined and the reasons for the site proposed:

2. Objectives of the project:
3. (a) Land Requirement:
Agriculture land:
Other (specify):
(b) (i) Topography of the area indicating gradient, aspect & altitude.
(ii) Erodability classification of the proposed land.
(c) Pollution sources existing within 10 km. Radius.
(d) Distance of the nearest National Park/Sanctuary/Biosphere
Reserve/Monuments/heritage site/Reserve Forest:
(e) Rehabilitation plan for Quarries/borrow areas :
(f) Green belt plan.
(g) Compensatory afforestation plan.

4. Climate & Air Quality*:

(a) Wind rose at site:
(b) Max. /Min./Mean annual temperature.
(c) Ambient air quality data:
(d) Nature & concentration of emission of SPM, Gases (CO, CO
, SO
, NO

etc.) from the project:

5. ** (a) Water balance at site surface and ground water availability and demand:
(b) Lean season water availability:
(c) Water source to be tapped with details of competing users (Rivers, lake,
Ground, Public supply):
(d) Water Quality:
(e) Changes observed in quantity and quality of water in the last 15 years and
present charging and extraction details:
(f) (i) Quantum of waste water to be released with treatment details:
(ii) Quantum & Quality of water in the receiving water body:
(iii) Quantum of waste water to be released on land and the type of
6. Solid Wastes:
(a). Nature & quantity of solid wastes generated:
(b). Solid waste disposal method:

7. Noise & vibrations:

(a) Sources of noise & vibrations:
(b) Ambient noise level:
(c) Noise & vibration control measures proposed:
(d) Subsidence problem, if any, with control measures:

8. Power requirement indicating source of supply; complete environmental details to be
furnished separately, if captive power unit proposed:

9. Total labour force to be deployed with details of:

- Endemic health problems in the area.
- Health care system proposed:

10. (a) Number of families and population to be displaced :
(b) Rehabilitation Master Plan:

11. Risk assessment report:

12. (a) Environmental Impact Assessment Report :
(b) Environmental Management Plan: Prepared as per Guidelines of MEF
issued from time to time.
(c) Detailed Feasibility Report:
(d) Proposal for diversion of Forestland under Forest (Conservation) Act,
1980 including Benefit Cost analysis.

13. Recommendations of the State Pollution Control Board and/or the State
Department of Environment & Forests.

Signature of the Applicant
Along with name, date and
full Postal address.

*Data may be obtained from India Meteorological Department and State Pollution
Control Board.

**Ground water Board and the Irrigation Deptt. May be contacted for data.


A. Item Nos. 3(c), 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 (b) and 12 (c) are not applicable to cutting of

B. Item Nos. 3(c), 4, 7, 11 are not applicable to construction of cluster of dwelling units,
farm sheds, community centre and any other activity connected with such
construction including roads.

C. Item Nos. 3(b), 3(c) (3e), 3(f), 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12(a) & 12(b) are not applicable to

D. All items to be furnished in case of mining, industry, thermal power, transport

E. Notwithstanding the above, any item(s) considered not applicable may be so indicated
along with reasons.


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