To, Mr. Rakesh Pal B.M. (Specrtacare-1)

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Mr. Rakesh Pal

B.M.( Specrtacare-1)
Dear sir
I (Yogesh Shukla) have conduct a taxi tour on date 25/05/2014 from S!"I
#$%I&!' !($)&Y SI"!*+,- -
Objective of Taxi tours:
1 Regular coverage and Reach of potential doctors and chemist
micro interiors/interiors.
2 Opportunity to explore Cipla diferentials
3 Mass products availability & Push
4 o tac!le competition
5 o explore ne"er business avenues across divisions.
#$%e selected the trac!s "ith interiors/micro$interiors
& "hich can be covered in one day "ith minimum () to #(doctors visit and *($
*) chemists
.ith a minimum ,25000 cash and 5000 *o/ o/0ective- !1art from that .e even
considered follo"ing parameters
Covered/+ncovered/Potential rac!s
2 Proper product mix
3 ,onus product mileage/-i.uidation plan for ,onus
4 /toc!iest/0istributor /election.
1 1fter axi ours &' pre$"or! of trac! selection2
products list "as given to stoc!ist "ith proper
product mix including scheme products2 ta!en a
follo"$up of the stoc!ist one day prior the taxi$tour
2 %e started our early in the morning "ith rough bill
boo!2 Octroi2 3OC2 PO, doc!et sheet2 all product bill
3 1t every place al"ays started the tour "ith 4rst
doctor call & then chemist boo!ing.
4 Maintained all bills2 "ith all Pob details and stamp
and sign of chemist of received goods.
5 5n next day prepared all the 4nal credit/cash memo
computeri6ed bill.
Benef ts of Taxi Tour
1 -i.uidation of the stoc!s /econdary to"n/5nterior/Micro interior reac
2 /ervice to Chemists2 so good rapport "ith chemist "as developed.
3 1vailability of ne"er products and legendary brands
4 5ncreased 0octor as "ell as chemist coverage
5 %e got pure secondary sales
7ollo" up through Monthly axi tours on same trac! to
ensure coverage2 current brand prescription 8 o"2 every
time addition of ne"er brands in prescriptions2 and
increased business output.
-ets exploit the se
rnaertiary to"ns "ith this
uni.ue activity & achieve # lac incremental 9PM
A$it $s #ar%ao 1&'&
Shi( $s #ar%ao '&&&
Natio)al $s #ar%ao 1'&&
Alok $s #ar%ao *'&&
Neel $s #ar%ao +,&
Bharat $s Laharp-r 1'*'
k.p $s Laharp-r 1+,&
.a)p-r $s Laharp-r '/*&
Ne0 1harat $s Laharp-r /*&&
A$itesh $s .eshri%a)2 '*&&
3ai) $s .eshri%a)2 *'&&
Sh-kla $s Laharp-r 1'&&
A4-sh $s Paitep-r 320
er$a $s Paitep-r 56&
#i)a $s Ta$1o-r 7+&
Ashish $s Ta$1o-r 2080
Bharat $s Ta$1o-r '*&&
Shra88ha $s Ta$1o-r 1200
P-2a $s Ta$1o-r 2100
Ta$1o-r $s Ta$1o-r
Ti0ari $s Sa)8a 1290
L-ck4 $s Sa)8a 1080

:;<ES# S#!.LA

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