1. Yogesh Shukla conducted a taxi tour on May 25, 2014 to several towns in the region to meet with doctors and chemists.
2. The objective was to increase coverage of potential customers, explore Cipla's product diferentials, ensure mass product availability and pushback against competition.
3. The itinerary included visits to doctors and chemists in Hargao, Sanda, Laharpur, Keshriganj, Akbarpur, Tambour and Paitepur.
1. Yogesh Shukla conducted a taxi tour on May 25, 2014 to several towns in the region to meet with doctors and chemists.
2. The objective was to increase coverage of potential customers, explore Cipla's product diferentials, ensure mass product availability and pushback against competition.
3. The itinerary included visits to doctors and chemists in Hargao, Sanda, Laharpur, Keshriganj, Akbarpur, Tambour and Paitepur.
1. Yogesh Shukla conducted a taxi tour on May 25, 2014 to several towns in the region to meet with doctors and chemists.
2. The objective was to increase coverage of potential customers, explore Cipla's product diferentials, ensure mass product availability and pushback against competition.
3. The itinerary included visits to doctors and chemists in Hargao, Sanda, Laharpur, Keshriganj, Akbarpur, Tambour and Paitepur.
1. Yogesh Shukla conducted a taxi tour on May 25, 2014 to several towns in the region to meet with doctors and chemists.
2. The objective was to increase coverage of potential customers, explore Cipla's product diferentials, ensure mass product availability and pushback against competition.
3. The itinerary included visits to doctors and chemists in Hargao, Sanda, Laharpur, Keshriganj, Akbarpur, Tambour and Paitepur.
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Mr. Rakesh Pal
B.M.( Specrtacare-1) Dear sir I (Yogesh Shukla) have conduct a taxi tour on date 25/05/2014 from S!"I #$%I&!' !($)&Y SI"!*+,- - Objective of Taxi tours: 1 Regular coverage and Reach of potential doctors and chemist micro interiors/interiors. 2 Opportunity to explore Cipla diferentials 3 Mass products availability & Push 4 o tac!le competition 5 o explore ne"er business avenues across divisions. Pre-work #$%e selected the trac!s "ith interiors/micro$interiors &Hargao,sanda,laharpur,keshriganj,akbarpur,tambour,paitepur' & "hich can be covered in one day "ith minimum () to #(doctors visit and *($ *) chemists .ith a minimum ,25000 cash and 5000 *o/ o/0ective- !1art from that .e even considered follo"ing parameters Covered/+ncovered/Potential rac!s 2 Proper product mix 3 ,onus product mileage/-i.uidation plan for ,onus products 4 /toc!iest/0istributor /election. Methodology 1 1fter axi ours &' pre$"or! of trac! selection2 products list "as given to stoc!ist "ith proper product mix including scheme products2 ta!en a follo"$up of the stoc!ist one day prior the taxi$tour 2 %e started our early in the morning "ith rough bill boo!2 Octroi2 3OC2 PO, doc!et sheet2 all product bill lists. 3 1t every place al"ays started the tour "ith 4rst doctor call & then chemist boo!ing. 4 Maintained all bills2 "ith all Pob details and stamp and sign of chemist of received goods. 5 5n next day prepared all the 4nal credit/cash memo computeri6ed bill. Benef ts of Taxi Tour 1 -i.uidation of the stoc!s /econdary to"n/5nterior/Micro interior reac 2 /ervice to Chemists2 so good rapport "ith chemist "as developed. 3 1vailability of ne"er products and legendary brands 4 5ncreased 0octor as "ell as chemist coverage 5 %e got pure secondary sales ollow-u! 7ollo" up through Monthly axi tours on same trac! to ensure coverage2 current brand prescription 8 o"2 every time addition of ne"er brands in prescriptions2 and increased business output. -ets exploit the se rnaertiary to"ns "ith this uni.ue activity & achieve # lac incremental 9PM RETALIER NAME ADDRESS AL!E P!R"#ASE A$it $s #ar%ao 1&'& Shi( $s #ar%ao '&&& Natio)al $s #ar%ao 1'&& Alok $s #ar%ao *'&& Neel $s #ar%ao +,& Bharat $s Laharp-r 1'*' k.p $s Laharp-r 1+,& .a)p-r $s Laharp-r '/*& Ne0 1harat $s Laharp-r /*&& A$itesh $s .eshri%a)2 '*&& 3ai) $s .eshri%a)2 *'&& Sh-kla $s Laharp-r 1'&& A4-sh $s Paitep-r 320 er$a $s Paitep-r 56& #i)a $s Ta$1o-r 7+& Ashish $s Ta$1o-r 2080 Bharat $s Ta$1o-r '*&& Shra88ha $s Ta$1o-r 1200 P-2a $s Ta$1o-r 2100 Ta$1o-r $s Ta$1o-r 3200 Ti0ari $s Sa)8a 1290 L-ck4 $s Sa)8a 1080