Communication in Electronic Business: English Final Test
Communication in Electronic Business: English Final Test
Communication in Electronic Business: English Final Test
English Final Test
Sergio Rodrguez Steens !egarra
Co""uni#ation in
ele#troni# $usiness %th #&#le Miss' Ag(ero
FINAL !"#! $ "N%LI#& '(N)"*#A!I(N
)h& are sta* unha++& at a sales $usiness,
Ba#-ground. /ru+o El Co"er#io is the largest "edia grou+ in 0eru' The sales area is
res+onsi$le 1or selling adertising in ne2s+a+ers and 2e$sites' This is lo#ated in the
3nan#ial distri#t o1 San Isidro4 there are 56 +eo+le 2or-ing in this area' 7o2eer4 "an&
e"+lo&ees are unha++&4 and the o2ners are 2orried that so"e 2ill leae' A tea" 1ro"
7u"an Resour#es is interie2ing +eo+le in di*erent de+art"ents.
7R 8 7u"an resour#es
AS 8 Adertising Sales"an
7R. I9d li-e to as- &ou a 1e2 :uestions a$out &our 2or-' )hat e;a#tl& is &our <o$,
AS. )ell4 I9" a adertising sales"an'
7R. O-4 so 2hat do &ou do ea#h da& at 2or-,
AS. Eer& da&4 2e #all a di*erent list o1 #lients to o*er our adertise"ents= 2e o*er
+a#-ages 2ith di*erent +rodu#ts and +ri#es'
7R. O-4 than- &ou' So4 ho2 "an& hours do &ou 2or-,
AS. It de+ends' I1 2e9re 2or-ing on a $ig adertising #a"+aign or 2e hae a lot o1
#lients 2aiting our #alls4 o1ten don9t leae the o>#e "u#h $e1ore eight or nine in the
eening' There9s lot o1 +ressure in "& <o$ $e#ause 2e hae sales and ti"e goals to
rea#h in one "onth'
7R. )hat a$out $rea-s, And ho2 long do &ou hae 1or lun#h,
AS. )e hae a single $rea- o1 ?6 "inutes' Usuall&4 2e ta-e it to hae lun#h 2ith 1riends4
$ut so"eti"es 2e don9t ta-e it $e#ause 2e hae a lot o1 2or- and the& didn9t 2ant
to gie it a1ter 3nishing that -e+t us $us&'
7R. Finall&4 Could &ou tell "e ho2 do &ou 1eel a$out &our <o$,
AS. I 1eel that the& loo- <ust the o$<e#ties and don9t realize the&9re 2or-ing 2ith
+eo+le4 also re:uire the issue o1 ti"eliness in in+ut to 2or-4 $ut the& don9t +a& our
7R. I #an see that4 so 2hat do &ou li-e a$out the <o$,
AS. The good thing a$out the <o$ is that &ou relate to di*erent t&+es o1 +eo+le4 a$le to
#o""uni#ate at a high oral and 2ritten leel and also &ou learn to 2or- under
+ressure and trust in &our #o2or-ers'
Co""uni#ation in
ele#troni# $usiness %th #&#le Miss' Ag(ero
)hat the e"+lo&ee li-es and disli-es a$out his <o$.
I' 7e li-es to relate di*erent t&+es o1 +eo+le'
II' 7e -no2s that he9s learning to #o""uni#ate at a high leel'
III' 7e li-es to 2or- under +ressure'
IA' 7e "a-es 1riend relationshi+s 2ith his #o2or-ers'
I' 7e disli-es that the& don9t res+e#t the lun#h and $rea- ti"e'
II' 7e disli-es that the& don9t +a& oerti"e'
III' 7e disli-es that the& onl& 2ant to rea#h o$<e#ties and the& don9t #are a$out the
IA' 7e disli-es to go out o1 the 2or- too late at night'
I' 7e needs to tal- 2ith hisCher $oss to 3nd a solution a$out the +a&"ent 1or
II' 7e needs to distri$ute his ti"e to 3nish his 2or- $e1ore and go out earl&'
III' 7e "ust assert their la$or rights and ta-e his 1ull lun#h ti"e'
IA' 7e should "eet 2ith his #o2or-ers and tal- to their $osses to +resent their ideas
together and i"+roe the 2or-ing eniron"ent o1 the o>#e'