Tele Tech

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Type Public (NASA!" TT#$%
Industry &usiness Process 'utsourcing
Founded ()*+
Headquarters #nglewood, $olorado, -nited States
Number of locations (. countries
Area served /ulti0national
Key people 1enneth . Tuchman
0 $hairman and $#'
(.( billion -S (+2(2%
TeleTech Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: TTEC) i a !lo"al "#ine proce o#to#rcin! company that pro$ide
er$ice for c#tomer mana!ement, tranaction%"aed procein!, data"ae marketin! er$ice, profeional
ale, and eCommerce&
*enneth D& T#chman fo#nded TeleTech in +,-(&
The firm i c#rrently operatin! in +/ co#ntrie,
1ith a total of 2( deli$ery center&
( 5istory
+ &rands
6 Social responsibility
7 8eferences
9 #xternal links
The firm 1a fo#nded in +,-( "y c#rrent chairman and CE5, *en T#chman,&
6n +,-2, the company mo$ed
operation into a mall "#ildin! in Sherman 5ak, California& 7y +,,3, it had added center in other tate&
6n +,,2 it completed it 685 and 1a $oted NASDAQ9 mot #ccef#l 685 of the year&
'citation needed)
company e:panded !lo"ally in A#tralia and Ne1 ;ealand, and, "y +,,,, alo opened center in Scotland,
Canada, <e:ico, Cota =ica, Ar!entina, and 7ra>il& 7y (??3, it had e:panded to the 8hilippine&
6t #"e@#ently ac@#ired Direct Alliance, an a1ard%1innin!
'citation needed)
re$en#e%!eneration company, and
la#nched re$en#e !eneration, ocial C=< (c#tomer relationhip mana!ement), and Click%to%Chat ol#tion&
6n (?+? it ac@#ired an -? percent take in 8epper A =o!er Bro#p&
TeleTech Holdings, Inc. i the core "#ine entity pro$idin! "#ine proce o#to#rcin! ol#tion to Blo"al
+??? or!ani>ation 1orld1ide&
TeleTech Government Solutions, LLCde$elop and pro$ide ol#tion for !o$ernment a!encie in e$eral
co#ntrie& Within the C&S&, TTBS 1ork 1ith a 1ide ran!e of C&S& !o$ernment a!encie, incl#din! the C&S&
Department of State, the Federal Emer!ency <ana!ement Adminitration (FE<A), and the Federal Depoit
6n#rance Corporation (FD6C)&
Direct Alliance pro$ide "#ine proce o#to#rcin! ol#tion !eared to1ard information technolo!y and
con#mer electronic&
Percepta, eta"lihed in (???, er$e the a#tomoti$e ind#try&
TeleTech@Home offer c#tomer care mana!ement ol#tion, ena"lin! or!ani>ation to "#ild a $irt#al !lo"al
1orkforce of home%"aed employee&
Gloal !usiness Services pro$ide ol#tion that ran!e from "ack%office f#nction like financin! and
acco#ntin! er$ice to front%office effort&
Peppers " #ogers Group i a mana!ement con#ltin! firm that le$era!e methodolo!ie in c#tomer lifecycle
mana!ement, c#tomer e:perience mappin!, e:perience%"aed #r$ey,enterprie en!a!ement, m#ltichannel
marketin! and campai!n mana!ement, loyalty pro!ram dei!n, re$en#e mana!ement, and c#tomer
relationhip mana!ement& The firm ha operation in nine co#ntrie&
6t mana!ement team i "aed in
6tan"#l, T#rkey, and Stamford, Connectic#t& 6t p#"lihin! di$iion, 1to1 Media, i alo "aed in Stamford&
6t 1a co%fo#nded "y marketin! profeional Don 8epper and <artha =o!er, 8h&D& They pop#lari>ed the
concept of one%to%one marketin!,
or peronali>ed marketin!, after their "ook, The One to One Future 1a
p#"lihed in +,,.&
5ther "ook "y 8epper and =o!er incl#de:
Extreme Trust : Honesty as a Competitive Advantage,((?+()
Managing Customer Reationships: A !trategic Frame"or# ((nd ed&, (?++),
a !rad#ate le$el
Rues to $rea# and %a"s to Foo",((??-)
Return on Customer,((??3)
One to One $&$, ((??+)
The One to One Fied'oo#,(+,,,)
The One to One Manager, (+,,,)
Enterprise One to One (+,,/)
'edit)Social reponi"ility
A company%1ide approach called EBood SeneF ena"le their aociate and other profeional to direct
f#ndin! and $ol#nteer effort to1ard pro!ram, acti$itie, and e$ent in line 1ith their corporate ocial
5ne nota"le acti$ity 1a the 4ope For 4aiti Telethon for 1hich a"o#t 3,??? company
employee $ol#nteered to take call from $ie1er 1ho 1anted to donate to earth@#ake relief effort in 4aiti&
Since $%&', TeleTech has led the industr( )ith strategic, innovative customer e*perience solutions to drive
increases in customer lo(alt( and shareholder value.
$%&' + TeleTech Pioneers a ,e) Industr(: *en T#chman create a company 1ith the in!le foc# of
deli$erin! an e:ceptional c#tomer e:perience a a core competency&
$%%- + .*pands /perations to 0eet Gro)ing Demand1 Add ne1 technolo!ie and center to er$e
increain!ly comple: m#ltichannel client need&
$%%2 + ,ASDA34s IP/ o5 the 6ear1 Complete 685 and $oted NASDAQ9 mot #ccef#l 685 of the year&
$%%& to $%%% + Gloal 7ootprint .*pands and 8oint 9enture Announced1 5pen center in Scotland,
Canada, Ar!entina, and 7ra>il& Anno#nce a Goint $ent#re 1ith the Ford <otor Company called 8ercepta&
'::$ to '::- + 7irst to the Cloud1 Deploy the firt !lo"al 68%"aed platform to facilitate the deli$ery of
compreheni$e !lo"al ol#tion on a centrali>ed model& Formali>ed a h#man capital methodolo!y 1ith 4ire8oint,
TeleTech Cni$erity, and TeleTech Total =e1ard er$ice& Eta"lihed a preence in the 8hilippine and anno#nced
record re$en#e in (??3&
'::2 to ':$: + .*pansion and Trans5ormational Gro)th1 <ake trate!ic ac@#iition of =e$anaH
(formerly Direct Alliance), an a1ard%1innin! re$en#e !eneration company& Foc#e on pro$idin! technolo!y%ena"led
marketin!, ale, and c#tomer mana!ement ol#tion to Blo"al +??? client& E:pand into So#th Africa& Ia#nche
=e$en#e Beneration, Social C=<, and Click%to%Chat ol#tion& <ake trate!ic ac@#iition of a !lo"al c#tomer
e:perience tho#!ht leaderhip and mana!ement con#ltin! firm, 8epper A =o!er Bro#p&
':$$ to Present + #ede5ining the Customer .*perience1 Ac@#ire technolo!y leader eIoyalty to enhance
m#ltichannel c#tomer e:perience capa"ilitie for client and their c#tomer& E:pand #ite of clo#d%"aed
technolo!ie and er$ice to incl#de premie%"aed offerin!& Eta"lihe a trate!ic partnerhip 1ith Satmetri:, co%
de$eloper of the Net 8romoterJ Score (N8SJ), and "e!in "#ildin! N8S mea#rement and procee into deli$ery
capa"ilitie& <ake trate!ic ac@#iition of i*no1tion to "rin! deep data analytic methodolo!y to the client "ae&

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