Business Responsibility Report 2012-13
Business Responsibility Report 2012-13
Business Responsibility Report 2012-13
15TH ANNUAL REPORT 2012-2013
Section 1: About our Company
1. Corporate Identity Number (CIN) of the Company : L74899DL1998PLC093073
2. Name of the Company : Petronet LNG Ltd.(PLL)
3. Registered address : World Trade Centre, First Floor, Babar Road,
Barakhamba Lane, New Delhi - 110 001
4. Website :
5. E-mail id : [email protected]
6. Financial Year reported : April 2012 March 2013
7. Sector that the Company is engaged in : Oil & Gas
8. Product provided by the Company : Regasifed Liquefed Natural Gas (LNG)
9. Total number of locations where business activity is
undertaken by the Company:
a. International Locations : Qatar (primarily) and various other countries of the
world (for sourcing of LNG)
b. National Locations : Dahej in Gujarat, Kochi in Kerala and New Delhi.
10. Markets served by the Company : Pan-India
Section 2: Our fnancial details
1. Paid up capital (INR) : 750 crores
2. Total turnover (INR) : 31,649 crores
3. Total proft after taxes (INR) : 1,149 crores
4. Total spending on Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR) as percentage of proft after tax (%) : 0.32%
5. Activities in which CSR expenditure has been incurred :
Community Development Healthcare
Education Water Management
Disaster relief Sports and Culture
Fostering Entrepreneurship
Section 3: Other details
Subsidiary companies : The Company does not have any subsidiary Company.
Section 4: BR information
1. Details of Director/Directors responsible for Business Responsibility
a. Details of the Director/Directors responsible for implementation of the BR policy/policies
i. DIN Number : 00793181
ii. Name : Dr. A. K. Balyan
iii. Designation : MD & CEO
b. Details of the BR head
S.No. Particulars Details
1. DIN Number 00793181
2. Name Dr. A. K. Balyan
3. Designation MD & CEO
4. Telephone number 011 23472503 / 04
5. e-mail id [email protected]
15TH ANNUAL REPORT 2012-2013
Governance related to Business Responsibility
In our Company, compliance is the Boards responsibility
and the members take it very seriously, thus ensuring regular
evaluation of the Companys sustainability performance.
We have a Risk Management Committee to identify and
mitigate all types of risks pertaining to the business of
the Company. The Committee meets regularly to discuss
various risks and mitigating factors for the same. The
Board reviews and approves the annual business plans.
The decisions on all strategic matters related to capital
expenditure, revenue, etc. are taken with the approval
of the Board. It also discusses and deliberates on issues
pertaining to risk management, safety performance, and
monitors compliance to applicable statutes and norms.
Our detailed sustainability performance will be published
in our frst Sustainability Report Partners of Clean
Energy. This report will be available on our website from
July, 2013, onwards.
Nine Business Responsibility Principles
Principle 1: Businesses should conduct and
govern themselves with Ethics, Transparency and
As part of our Companys endeavor to set high standards
of conduct for its employees, a Code of Business Conduct
and Ethics has been laid down for all Board Members and
Senior Management personnel. The Code, which was
approved by the Board in 2006, encompasses general
moral imperatives, specifc professional responsibilities,
and additional duties / imperatives for the Board Members
and Senior Management personnel. From 1st April, 2006,
strict adherence to the Code has been mandatory for
all. The Code refects our thorough belief in maintaining
the highest standards of business ethics, which takes
into account our business performance and its impact
on society. All members have affrmed compliance to the
Code in the reporting period. Besides being available on
our website, copies of the Code are circulated to all the
individuals concerned.
Corruption is one of the worlds greatest challenges. It
is a major hindrance to sustainable development and
corrodes the very fabric of the society. Petronet LNG Ltd.
(PLL) strongly believes in maintaining integrity and work
ethics to protect not just the reputation of the Company
but also the interests of its shareholders.
We have identifed that the major potential source of
corruption could be contracts awarded for construction of
various facilities in an LNG Terminal. In order to mitigate
the risk, the EPC Sub-Committee of the Board, which is
responsible for evaluating and recommending large EPC
contracts for Board approval, has an Independent Director
as a Member. In addition to this, we also have safeguards
in place in the tender documents which discourage
bidders from indulging in any corrupt practice. In case of
any such act of misconduct, it is within our rights to reject
the bid or contract, as the case may be.
Further, to strengthen our commitment to anti-corruption
practices and principles, we have been a member of
Global Compact Network (GCN) since the last three years.
We have committed to the principles and practices of the
Global Compact that includes the ten principles pertaining
to human rights, labour standards, environment and anti-
corruption. PLL has submitted its frst Communication on
Progress (CoP) for 2011-12 that details our willingness to
actively support the efforts made by GCN.
As part of our mission statement, we believe in maintaining
highest standard of business ethics and values.
Principle 2: Businesses should provide goods and
services that are safe and contribute to sustainability
throughout their life cycle
At present, PLL deals primarily in one business segment:
the import, storage and re-gasifcation of Liquefed Natural
Gas (LNG). The product composition is dominated by
methane, with varying portions of ethane, propane and
butane. Natural Gas is cooled to minus 160C to liquefy,
which facilitates transportation. LNG is transported in
cryogenic tankers across seas to our terminal, where it is
re-gasifed and then distributed.
PLL has branded its product as - the new-age eco-
friendly fuel. It is proposed to be delivered to customers
not connected with pipeline near our Terminals.
Three LNG ships - Disha, Raahi and Aseem, bring LNG
from RasGas, Qatar, to Dahej, transporting the contracted
quantity of 7.5 MMTPA of LNG. Further, 1.44 MMTPA will
be imported from Australia.
Product responsibility forms the very basis of the
existence of our Company. Our product itself being clean
energy, there are no sustainability challenges arising from
the impact of our product. Having said that, there have
been no instances of complacency and PLL is committed
to diligence when it comes to taking responsibility for our
product, including its provision, transportation and use.
We are entirely compliant with all existing regulations
and during the reporting period, have not paid any fne for
While we ensure that there is minimal environmental
impact from transporting LNG across India, sourcing from
local suppliers is not a valid option, given the nature of the
product. Further, the product doesnt produce any waste.
Hence, recycling is also not applicable.
15TH ANNUAL REPORT 2012-2013
Principle 3: Businesses should promote the wellbeing
of all employees
We believe a Company is as good as its people. Given
our constant drive for success, our employees form
the most important part of our DNA. As on 31st March
2013, our total employee strength stands at 397. The
detailed break-up of our workforce will be available in our
Sustainability Report.
We engage the services of contractors at our facilities.
In FY 2012-13, 477 contractual workers (annual average)
were operating in our Dahej facility. Additionally, for the
construction project of our second jetty at Dahej, we
engaged the services of a contractor who employed
approximately 950 (annual average) personnel at the
project site.
We look at collective bargaining as an employees right
and do not object to it in any way. However, the culture
of an organized employee union or association does not
exist in our Company.
Child and forced labour
To eliminate any instance of child labour, we ensure strict
adherence to the minimum age provisions of National
Labour Laws and Regulations. Being a part of the
hydrocarbon industry, we have stringent rules for hiring.
Forced labour too, holds similar stances on our part,
culminating in a clearly defned exit policy and a zero-
tolerance approach to this violation of human rights.
Enhancing potential
Attracting, motivating, and retaining talented employees
today, given the competitive market, is a major challenge
we must give adequate importance to.
Through our training programs, we would like to
benchmark and enhance competencies which will
address workforce issues on which the Company could
capture value and make a tangible positive impact of a
learning organization.
The number of hours spent on training for our employees
in the reporting period (in man-hours) is as follows:
Employee category FY 2012-13
Male Female
Senior Management 136 NA
Mid Management 2483 82
Junior Management 5192 377
GETs / PGETs 592 131
Staff 4223 409
Further, PLL has a robust Quality, Health, Safety and
Environment Policy which is circulated and emphasized
to all our employees to help inculcate a culture of safety
on our premises.
Principle 4: Businesses should respect the interests
of, and be responsive, towards all stakeholders,
especially those who are disadvantaged, vulnerable
and marginalized.
We, at PLL, believe that stakeholder engagement plays
a vital role in improving sustainability performance.
It enables a better understanding of the reasonable
expectations and interests of stakeholders, allowing
the Company to better manage and respond to their
concerns. Interacting with stakeholders and responding
to stakeholders expectations and feedback on the
organizations performance confer many benefts on
those that undertake genuine stakeholder engagement.
Engagement is not only a trust-building exercise, but can
also give us a frst-mover advantage in opportunities with
relation to the stakeholder groups consulted.
Stakeholder identifcation
Stakeholder identifcation is about defning the different
groups of individuals or institutions that affect, or are
affected by PLLs business operations in some capacity.
We have identifed our stakeholders on the basis of
the parameters of responsibility, infuence, proximity,
dependency and representation.
The Government, our shareholders, employees,
suppliers, contractors, customers and communities are
key stakeholders, amongst others.
Though not disadvantaged or vulnerable, communities
operating in and around our Dahej Terminal need some
assistance for faster development and we, at PLL, have
provided support to facilitate the same.
In this context, we would like to mention an initiative in
Luwara village situated near our Dahej Terminal. We have
contributed signifcantly to the overall development of the
village, specifcally focusing on primary healthcare. Our
contribution in other schemes, like improving drinking
water facilities, installing solar street lights, development
of school infrastructure, etc., has also been signifcant.
Principle 5: Businesses should respect and promote
human rights
Our policies related to human rights are all-encompassing
and thorough. We expect all our contractors and suppliers
to also follow them. Some of the policies are as follows:
It is the policy of the Company to provide employment
opportunity, regardless of race, color, gender,
religion, age, sexual orientation, national or ethnic
origin, disability, marital status, veteran status, or
any other occupationally irrelevant condition.
15TH ANNUAL REPORT 2012-2013
The above policy applies to recruitment, hiring and
job assignment, promotion, demotion and transfer,
layoff or termination, rates of pay and benefts,
selection for training and the provision of any other
human resources service.
The continuing progress and vitality of the Company
requires that we utilize all available human resources
to the fullest. The continuing need for well-qualifed
personnel dictates that individuals with talent must
be recognized and encouraged to progress.
The Company treats its employees with fairness and
is deeply interested in their growth and development.
The Company expects its employees to adhere to the
established standards of conduct and performance to
enable all to work together to achieve the objectives
of the Company.
There have been no complaints regarding breach of
human rights in the reporting year.
Principle 6: Business should respect, protect, and
make efforts to restore the environment
Our Quality, Health, Safety, and Environment (QHSE)
Policy is displayed at prominent locations within our Dahej
Terminal. We expect our employees, contractors and
suppliers to adhere to the principles outlined in the policy.
At PLL, not only do we import cleaner fuel and propel
India towards low carbon growth, we also ensure energy
effciency, water conservation and other environment
friendly activities in our operations. We take our role in
contributing to a better environment seriously and assess
all potential environmental risks of our operations.
Energy and emissions
Our primary energy sources are Natural Gas and Diesel.
In 2012-13, 2.48 million GJ of primary energy was
consumed in our operations. Natural Gas is the main fuel
constituting nearly 95% of the energy consumed. Captive
power generation using Natural Gas contributes 92.39 %
of the total carbon dioxide emissions from our operations.
As our processes are already environmentally clean, we
do not have any Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
Water management
Our operations do not necessitate consumption of large
quantities of water. Yet, we have undertaken certain
innovative measures to reduce water consumption in our
Waste management
We, at PLL, have robust waste management systems
in place. All hazardous waste generated in our facility
is responsibly disposed through authorized waste
Biodiversity management
The Company has undertaken measures towards
protecting the marine ecology in the area of its operations.
All our emissions/waste, etc. are well within regulatory
Details of our environmental performance will be available
in our Sustainability Report.
Principle 7: Businesses, when engaged in infuencing
public and regulatory policy, should do so in a
responsible manner
For the past three years, we have been a part of the Global
Compact Network. Our Company is also a member of
the Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE)
and the International Group of Liquefed Natural Gas
Importers (GIIGNL). Our Senior Management represents
the Company in various industry forums. We understand
our responsibility as an infuential part of the economy
and do not engage in infuencing public policy with vested
Principle 8: Businesses should support inclusive
growth and equitable development
As a responsible corporate citizen of the country, PLL has
dedicated itself wholly to the betterment of India, through
business, by providing clean energy, and through constant
community engagement. Socio-economic development
programmes are undertaken by our Company in
order to meet the priority needs of the community we
operate in, envisioning self-sustaining communities in
the near future. We have designated CSR roles and
responsibilities to ensure thorough implementation of
our plans. Spearheading it at the Board level is our MD
& CEO who is responsible for the overall CSR planning
and implementation.
At the Corporate level, the Head HR, in consultation
with Executive Committee (EC), is responsible for the
formulation of plans and strategies, annual fund allocation,
periodic monitoring and evaluation of activities to be taken
up by terminals, documentation, brand enhancement and
active CSR involvement at the Corporate offce.
Similarly at the Dahej Terminal, CSR is undertaken by
the Plant Head, who is responsible for identifcation of
appropriate schemes, in consultation with concerned
executives in the feld, examination and consolidation of
proposals, maintenance of data records, etc.
Further, we constantly motivate our employees to
engage in the CSR schemes as a voluntary philanthropic
contribution to the society we live in.
15TH ANNUAL REPORT 2012-2013
Our community initiatives
At the Corporate level, emphasis is laid on providing
support for disaster relief management, water
management, education, healthcare, promotion of
sports, art and culture, entrepreneurship, environment,
etc. Similarly, at the LNG terminals priority is given
to education, healthcare including drinking water,
environment and entrepreneurship schemes.
Each development project at PLL has a CSR component
as a part of the project cost now. Since FY 2012-13, we
have been allocating a certain part of our proft for CSR
activities. We work closely with the local Gram Panchayat
and District administration. A couple of major schemes,
such as sweet drinking water facilities for Bharuch and
mangrove plantations for environmental development
near Dahej, are under implementation in collaboration
with the State Governments in which PLL has made
substantial contribution.
Principle 9: Businesses should engage with and
provide value to their customers and consumers in a
responsible manner
We, at PLL, follow the highest standards of business ethics
while dealing with our customers. Adherence to all laws
pertaining to product labeling, branding and distribution
is of utmost priority to us and we are fully compliant with
each one of them. As of now, there are no instances of
customer dissatisfaction.
Free Eye check-up camp
Free Health check-up camp
Greening Initiative - Mangrove plantation in & around Dahej LNG Terminal