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BA 7013 Services Mare!i"#
$%es!i&" Ba"
Se'es!er( III Re#%)a!i&"( *013

1. Define Service Economy.
2. What are the characteristics of Services?
3. Define Services
4. List out the dimensions of service quality.
5. What is meant y e!"ected service quality?
#. What are the $oals of service quality mana$ement?
%. State the difference et&een $oods and services.
'. What is Services (ar)etin$ trian$le?
*. Write the sta$es in the evolution of services mar)etin$.
1+. What is hetero$eneity?
11. What are the "rolems due to inse"araility?
12. What are the reasons for the $ro&th of service economy?
13. Su$$est any four suitale ases for se$mentin$ services mar)et.
14. E!"lain internal mar)etin$ and interactive mar)etin$.
15. What is health care service?
1#. ,riefly mention the reasons for the $ro&th of the service economy.
1%. What are the im"lications of inse"araility?
1'. What are the "rolems due to hetero$eneity?
1*. -o& do you overcome difficulties due to hetero$eneity?
2+. What are the "rolems due to "erishaility?
1. ./he need and variety of services &ould de"end on economic and social
factors.. 0llustrate this vie& "oint &ith e!am"les.
2. What do you mean y mar)etin$ of services? What are the reasons for
the $ro&th in the service mar)et?
3. 1i2 ,riefly descrie the s"ecial characteristics feature of service.
1ii2 -o& are services classified? Elaorate.
4. What is service quality? E!"lain the SE34567L model &ith e!am"les.
5. E!"lain the classification of services and the method of mar)etin$ mi!
strate$ies for each classification of services.
#. ,riefly e!"lain the service $a" model and the methods to measure the
$a"s of the services.
%. E!"lain ho& the .Service 5uality Delivery. in financial "roducts 0S
im"roved y technolo$y. 0llustrate &ith e!am"les.
'. What do you mean y service recovery? Discuss various service recovery
*. What are the various issues considered y the mana$ement &hile
im"rovin$ the quality of service? E!"lain.
1+. Discuss the conce"tual model of Service quality &ith a neat dia$ram.
1. What is meant y (ar)et /ar$etin$?
2. -o& &ill you fulfill customer e!"ectations?
3. Differentiate customer e!"ectation and customer "erce"tion ehavior.
4. -o& services se$mentation is differed from $oods mar)etin$ se$mentation?
5. What is meant y mar)et o""ortunities?
#. What is meant y "erce"tions of services?
%. What is services mar)et se$mentation?
'. What are the determinants of customer ehavior in service mar)et?
*. What is meant y customer e!"ectations?
1+. What are the factors determinin$ mar)et selection?
11. What are the fastest $ro&in$ services sectors in 0ndia?
12. What are the com"onents of services mar)etin$ mi!?
13. Define mental stimulus "rocessin$.
14. Why service "roduct randin$ is difficult?
15. What are the different services sectors availale in 0ndia?
1#. Write do&n the im"ortance of assessin$ service mar)et "otential
1%. Define /ar$et mar)et.
1'. Su$$est any four suitale ases for se$mentin$ service mar)et
1*. What is 8one of tolerance
2+. Distin$uish et&een core and "eri"heral services
1. E!"lain the method of assessin$ the service mar)etin$ o""ortunities and
the customer e!"ectations. 17ssume any of your choice of service2.
2. Discuss the factors considered for the se$mentin$ and tar$etin$ the
service mar)et for the aviation industry.
3. What are the asic ste"s in mar)et se$mentation? What s"ecific
challen$es e!ist for service or$ani8ations &hen it comes of se$mentation?
4. ,riefly e!"lain the si$nificance of "eo"le ased attriutes of the service
5. Discuss the differences et&een "erce"tions of services quality and
customer satisfaction.
#. Descrie the factors influencin$ uyer characteristics.
%. What are the levels and "atterns of service mar)et se$mentation?
'. -o& &ill you se$ment service mar)ets? Descrie in detail.
*. What are customer e!"ectations and "erce"tions of services? Discuss.
1+. Develo" a flo& chart to de"ict the delivery of the follo&in$ services
i. -otel caterin$
ii. an)in$
1. What do you mean y Service ,lue"rintin$?
2. What do you mean y service sca"e?
3. What is meant y the "hysical evidence in services mar)etin$ mi!?
4. State the need of lue "rintin$ in services mar)etin$.
5. What are the levels of Service 9roduct?
#. What is meant y :om"etitive differentiation of Services?
%. What is service life cycle?
'. Write do&n the o;ectives of Service Life :ycle.
*. Write do&n the si$nificance of Service lue"rintin$.
1+. What are the determinants of quality?
11. What are the a""lications of ench mar)in$
12. What is SE34567L
13. What is service recovery?
14. What are the service recovery strate$ies?
15. What is relationshi" mar)etin$?
1#. What is the focal "oint of quality of a service?
1%. What is emotional laour?
1'. What are the three cate$ories of "ro"erties consumer "roducts?
1*. What are search qualities?
2+. What are the methods to achieve quality of services?
1.(i) E!"lain the service life cycle sta$es.
1ii2 -o& the ne& services are identified and develo"ed?
2. Discuss the methods of "ricin$ the services and trace the sco"e and
challen$es involved in "ricin$ the services.
3. E!"lain the service desi$n model ado"ted in any service industry of your
4. E!"lain the factors affectin$ a "ricin$ "olicy of services.
5. What is service "ositionin$? Discuss ho& the dimensions of service
quality can e used for "ositionin$ strate$ies.
#. What is customer focused "ricin$. 7nalyse the "ricin$ strate$ies involved
in cellular services industry.
%. E!"lain the role "layed y "hysical evidence in a service firm.
*. Discuss the sta$es in ne& service develo"ment "rocess.
1+.Dra& the service lue "rint for the follo&in$ services.
i. :ourier
ii. 7ir<lines
1. =utline relationshi" (ar)etin$.
2. =utline service "rocess.
3. E!"lain the im"act of information technolo$y in service delivery.
4. Define interactive mar)etin$.
5. What is meant y a service recovery in services mar)etin$?
#. State the im"act of technolo$y in deliverin$ services.
%. What are the asics to e considered &hile selectin$ a channel?
'. What is internal mar)etin$?
*. List out the ty"es of "eo"le involved in services.
1+. What are the com"onents of Service "rocess?
11. -o& does lue "rint differ from service ma"?
12. What is "roduct retention inde!?
13. What are the com"onents of a service?
14. What is service environment?
15. >ame three fastest $ro&in$ services in 0ndia?
1#. What are the com"onents of inte$rated service mana$ement?
1%. What is e!ternal mar)etin$?
1'. What are the difficulties in "ricin$ services? What are the factors determinin$ the "rice of
a service?
1*. List t&o "ricin$ methods used y a service or$ani8ation?
2+. What are the various customers oriented "ricin$ methods in service mar)etin$?
1. E!"lain the various ty"es of channel "ractices in services mar)etin$ and
chan$es in the current scenario.
2. Develo" the &ays and means of customer relations mana$ement to be
"racticed for retail sho"s.
3. E!"lain ho& the .Service 5uality Delivery. in financial "roducts 0S
im"roved y technolo$y. 0llustrate &ith e!am"les.
4. What is the role of :3( in deliverin$ customer relationshi" strate$y?
E!"lain &ith suitale e!am"les.
5. E!"lain the level of com"le!ity and diver$ence service and their
im"act on service "rocess.
#. E!"lain the $uidelines for mana$in$ service communication.
%. -o& &ill you desi$n communication mi! for "romotin$ services? E!"lain.
'. E!"lain the si$nificance of services "rocess.
*. What are the sources of desired and adequate service e!"ectation?
1+. E!"lain the cate$ories in the decision ma)in$ and evaluation "rocess of services.
1. Define ?reen (ar)etin$.
2. What is /ourism (ar)etin$?
3. E!"lain Entertainment Service.
4. Define health care mar)etin$.
5. 0dentify any four challen$es in hos"itality mar)etin$.
#. What are the s)ills required for the entertainment mar)eter?
%. What is meant y 7irline "roduct?
'. What are the factors affectin$ tourism industry?
*. What is health care service?
1+. What are "ulic utility services?
11. What is meant y mar)etin$ strate$y?
12. List out the advanta$es of 0nformation /echnolo$y.
13. What is the im"act of technolo$y in deliverin$ services.
14. What are the factors affectin$ lo$istics industry?
15. What are the service mar)etin$ strate$ies for tourism industry.
1#. What is internal mar)etin$?
1%. Differentiate et&een hard and soft standards.
1'. What are the various &ritin$ services?
1*. Define service delivery.
2+. 0dentify the elements of service "ac)a$e for hotel
1. E!"lain the sco"e and functions of service mar)etin$ strate$y for tourism
2. Develo" a mar)etin$ mi! and mar)etin$ strate$ies for a financial
services com"any.
3. >ame some "ulic utility services and the mar)etin$ strate$ies used y
4. Discuss the role of "ulicity and "ersonal sellin$ in "romotin$ tourism
5. E!"lain the mar)et for educational services and the mar)etin$ a""roach
of an educational institution.
#.9re"are a detailed mar)etin$ "lan for a hos"ital "ro"osed to serve the
lo&<income $rou" and &ant to ma)e a "rofit.
%. E!"lain the si$nificance of se$mentation in the an)in$ services.
'. Develo" an a""ro"riate mar)etin$ mi! model for hotel services.
*. -o& &ill you formulate service mar)etin$ strate$y for hos"itality
industry? Discuss.
1+. Discuss the im"act of "rivati8ation and $loali8ation in educational
services in 0ndia.

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