The document provides an overview of the topics covered in the BA 7013 - Services Marketing course at Valliammai Engineering College. It includes:
1. Definitions of key terms like service economy, service quality, and characteristics that distinguish services from goods.
2. Models of service quality like SERVQUAL and the importance of managing customer expectations.
3. Challenges of marketing services due to their intangible, heterogeneous, and perishable nature.
4. The importance of segmentation, targeting, and positioning in the services context given factors like customer expectations and perceptions.
5. Additional topics covered include the service lifecycle, service blueprinting, pricing of services, the impact of
The document provides an overview of the topics covered in the BA 7013 - Services Marketing course at Valliammai Engineering College. It includes:
1. Definitions of key terms like service economy, service quality, and characteristics that distinguish services from goods.
2. Models of service quality like SERVQUAL and the importance of managing customer expectations.
3. Challenges of marketing services due to their intangible, heterogeneous, and perishable nature.
4. The importance of segmentation, targeting, and positioning in the services context given factors like customer expectations and perceptions.
5. Additional topics covered include the service lifecycle, service blueprinting, pricing of services, the impact of
The document provides an overview of the topics covered in the BA 7013 - Services Marketing course at Valliammai Engineering College. It includes:
1. Definitions of key terms like service economy, service quality, and characteristics that distinguish services from goods.
2. Models of service quality like SERVQUAL and the importance of managing customer expectations.
3. Challenges of marketing services due to their intangible, heterogeneous, and perishable nature.
4. The importance of segmentation, targeting, and positioning in the services context given factors like customer expectations and perceptions.
5. Additional topics covered include the service lifecycle, service blueprinting, pricing of services, the impact of
The document provides an overview of the topics covered in the BA 7013 - Services Marketing course at Valliammai Engineering College. It includes:
1. Definitions of key terms like service economy, service quality, and characteristics that distinguish services from goods.
2. Models of service quality like SERVQUAL and the importance of managing customer expectations.
3. Challenges of marketing services due to their intangible, heterogeneous, and perishable nature.
4. The importance of segmentation, targeting, and positioning in the services context given factors like customer expectations and perceptions.
5. Additional topics covered include the service lifecycle, service blueprinting, pricing of services, the impact of
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BA 7013 Services Mare!i"# $%es!i&" Ba" Se'es!er( III Re#%)a!i&"( *013
UNIT 1 PART A 1. Define Service Economy. 2. What are the characteristics of Services? 3. Define Services 4. List out the dimensions of service quality. 5. What is meant y e!"ected service quality? #. What are the $oals of service quality mana$ement? %. State the difference et&een $oods and services. '. What is Services (ar)etin$ trian$le? *. Write the sta$es in the evolution of services mar)etin$. 1+. What is hetero$eneity? 11. What are the "rolems due to inse"araility? 12. What are the reasons for the $ro&th of service economy? 13. Su$$est any four suitale ases for se$mentin$ services mar)et. 14. E!"lain internal mar)etin$ and interactive mar)etin$. 15. What is health care service? 1#. ,riefly mention the reasons for the $ro&th of the service economy. 1%. What are the im"lications of inse"araility? 1'. What are the "rolems due to hetero$eneity? 1*. -o& do you overcome difficulties due to hetero$eneity? 2+. What are the "rolems due to "erishaility? PART B 1. ./he need and variety of services &ould de"end on economic and social factors.. 0llustrate this vie& "oint &ith e!am"les. 2. What do you mean y mar)etin$ of services? What are the reasons for the $ro&th in the service mar)et? 3. 1i2 ,riefly descrie the s"ecial characteristics feature of service. 1ii2 -o& are services classified? Elaorate. 4. What is service quality? E!"lain the SE34567L model &ith e!am"les. 5. E!"lain the classification of services and the method of mar)etin$ mi! strate$ies for each classification of services. #. ,riefly e!"lain the service $a" model and the methods to measure the $a"s of the services. %. E!"lain ho& the .Service 5uality Delivery. in financial "roducts 0S im"roved y technolo$y. 0llustrate &ith e!am"les. '. What do you mean y service recovery? Discuss various service recovery strate$ies. *. What are the various issues considered y the mana$ement &hile im"rovin$ the quality of service? E!"lain. 1+. Discuss the conce"tual model of Service quality &ith a neat dia$ram. UNIT * PART A 1. What is meant y (ar)et /ar$etin$? 2. -o& &ill you fulfill customer e!"ectations? 3. Differentiate customer e!"ectation and customer "erce"tion ehavior. 4. -o& services se$mentation is differed from $oods mar)etin$ se$mentation? 5. What is meant y mar)et o""ortunities? #. What is meant y "erce"tions of services? %. What is services mar)et se$mentation? '. What are the determinants of customer ehavior in service mar)et? *. What is meant y customer e!"ectations? 1+. What are the factors determinin$ mar)et selection? 11. What are the fastest $ro&in$ services sectors in 0ndia? 12. What are the com"onents of services mar)etin$ mi!? 13. Define mental stimulus "rocessin$. 14. Why service "roduct randin$ is difficult? 15. What are the different services sectors availale in 0ndia? 1#. Write do&n the im"ortance of assessin$ service mar)et "otential 1%. Define /ar$et mar)et. 1'. Su$$est any four suitale ases for se$mentin$ service mar)et 1*. What is 8one of tolerance 2+. Distin$uish et&een core and "eri"heral services PART B 1. E!"lain the method of assessin$ the service mar)etin$ o""ortunities and the customer e!"ectations. 17ssume any of your choice of service2. 2. Discuss the factors considered for the se$mentin$ and tar$etin$ the service mar)et for the aviation industry. 3. What are the asic ste"s in mar)et se$mentation? What s"ecific challen$es e!ist for service or$ani8ations &hen it comes of se$mentation? 4. ,riefly e!"lain the si$nificance of "eo"le ased attriutes of the service "roduct. 5. Discuss the differences et&een "erce"tions of services quality and customer satisfaction. #. Descrie the factors influencin$ uyer characteristics. %. What are the levels and "atterns of service mar)et se$mentation? E!"lain. '. -o& &ill you se$ment service mar)ets? Descrie in detail. *. What are customer e!"ectations and "erce"tions of services? Discuss. 1+. Develo" a flo& chart to de"ict the delivery of the follo&in$ services i. -otel caterin$ ii. an)in$ UNIT 3 PART A 1. What do you mean y Service ,lue"rintin$? 2. What do you mean y service sca"e? 3. What is meant y the "hysical evidence in services mar)etin$ mi!? 4. State the need of lue "rintin$ in services mar)etin$. 5. What are the levels of Service 9roduct? #. What is meant y :om"etitive differentiation of Services? %. What is service life cycle? '. Write do&n the o;ectives of Service Life :ycle. *. Write do&n the si$nificance of Service lue"rintin$. 1+. What are the determinants of quality? 11. What are the a""lications of ench mar)in$ 12. What is SE34567L 13. What is service recovery? 14. What are the service recovery strate$ies? 15. What is relationshi" mar)etin$? 1#. What is the focal "oint of quality of a service? 1%. What is emotional laour? 1'. What are the three cate$ories of "ro"erties consumer "roducts? 1*. What are search qualities? 2+. What are the methods to achieve quality of services? PART B 1.(i) E!"lain the service life cycle sta$es. 1ii2 -o& the ne& services are identified and develo"ed? 2. Discuss the methods of "ricin$ the services and trace the sco"e and challen$es involved in "ricin$ the services. 3. E!"lain the service desi$n model ado"ted in any service industry of your choice. 4. E!"lain the factors affectin$ a "ricin$ "olicy of services. 5. What is service "ositionin$? Discuss ho& the dimensions of service quality can e used for "ositionin$ strate$ies. #. What is customer focused "ricin$. 7nalyse the "ricin$ strate$ies involved in cellular services industry. %. E!"lain the role "layed y "hysical evidence in a service firm. *. Discuss the sta$es in ne& service develo"ment "rocess. 1+.Dra& the service lue "rint for the follo&in$ services. i. :ourier ii. 7ir<lines UNIT + PART A 1. =utline relationshi" (ar)etin$. 2. =utline service "rocess. 3. E!"lain the im"act of information technolo$y in service delivery. 4. Define interactive mar)etin$. 5. What is meant y a service recovery in services mar)etin$? #. State the im"act of technolo$y in deliverin$ services. %. What are the asics to e considered &hile selectin$ a channel? '. What is internal mar)etin$? *. List out the ty"es of "eo"le involved in services. 1+. What are the com"onents of Service "rocess? 11. -o& does lue "rint differ from service ma"? 12. What is "roduct retention inde!? 13. What are the com"onents of a service? 14. What is service environment? 15. >ame three fastest $ro&in$ services in 0ndia? 1#. What are the com"onents of inte$rated service mana$ement? 1%. What is e!ternal mar)etin$? 1'. What are the difficulties in "ricin$ services? What are the factors determinin$ the "rice of a service? 1*. List t&o "ricin$ methods used y a service or$ani8ation? 2+. What are the various customers oriented "ricin$ methods in service mar)etin$? PART B 1. E!"lain the various ty"es of channel "ractices in services mar)etin$ and chan$es in the current scenario. 2. Develo" the &ays and means of customer relations mana$ement to be "racticed for retail sho"s. 3. E!"lain ho& the .Service 5uality Delivery. in financial "roducts 0S im"roved y technolo$y. 0llustrate &ith e!am"les. 4. What is the role of :3( in deliverin$ customer relationshi" strate$y? E!"lain &ith suitale e!am"les. 5. E!"lain the level of com"le!ity and diver$ence service and their im"act on service "rocess. #. E!"lain the $uidelines for mana$in$ service communication. %. -o& &ill you desi$n communication mi! for "romotin$ services? E!"lain. '. E!"lain the si$nificance of services "rocess. *. What are the sources of desired and adequate service e!"ectation? 1+. E!"lain the cate$ories in the decision ma)in$ and evaluation "rocess of services. UNIT , PART A 1. Define ?reen (ar)etin$. 2. What is /ourism (ar)etin$? 3. E!"lain Entertainment Service. 4. Define health care mar)etin$. 5. 0dentify any four challen$es in hos"itality mar)etin$. #. What are the s)ills required for the entertainment mar)eter? %. What is meant y 7irline "roduct? '. What are the factors affectin$ tourism industry? *. What is health care service? 1+. What are "ulic utility services? 11. What is meant y mar)etin$ strate$y? 12. List out the advanta$es of 0nformation /echnolo$y. 13. What is the im"act of technolo$y in deliverin$ services. 14. What are the factors affectin$ lo$istics industry? 15. What are the service mar)etin$ strate$ies for tourism industry. 1#. What is internal mar)etin$? 1%. Differentiate et&een hard and soft standards. 1'. What are the various &ritin$ services? 1*. Define service delivery. 2+. 0dentify the elements of service "ac)a$e for hotel PART B 1. E!"lain the sco"e and functions of service mar)etin$ strate$y for tourism industry. 2. Develo" a mar)etin$ mi! and mar)etin$ strate$ies for a financial services com"any. 3. >ame some "ulic utility services and the mar)etin$ strate$ies used y them. 4. Discuss the role of "ulicity and "ersonal sellin$ in "romotin$ tourism usiness. 5. E!"lain the mar)et for educational services and the mar)etin$ a""roach of an educational institution. #.9re"are a detailed mar)etin$ "lan for a hos"ital "ro"osed to serve the lo&<income $rou" and &ant to ma)e a "rofit. %. E!"lain the si$nificance of se$mentation in the an)in$ services. '. Develo" an a""ro"riate mar)etin$ mi! model for hotel services. *. -o& &ill you formulate service mar)etin$ strate$y for hos"itality industry? Discuss. 1+. Discuss the im"act of "rivati8ation and $loali8ation in educational services in 0ndia.