1. The document provides instructions for a crew of four firefighters to lay out a line of hose from a hydrant and operate a branch from the roof or upper floor of a building.
2. It describes running hose lines from the hydrant, securing one end aloft with a line, and hauling the hose up the building.
3. When signaled, one firefighter connects the hose lines at the base of the building while another passes the message to open the hydrant, before all join at the branch to operate the line aloft.
1. The document provides instructions for a crew of four firefighters to lay out a line of hose from a hydrant and operate a branch from the roof or upper floor of a building.
2. It describes running hose lines from the hydrant, securing one end aloft with a line, and hauling the hose up the building.
3. When signaled, one firefighter connects the hose lines at the base of the building while another passes the message to open the hydrant, before all join at the branch to operate the line aloft.
1. The document provides instructions for a crew of four firefighters to lay out a line of hose from a hydrant and operate a branch from the roof or upper floor of a building.
2. It describes running hose lines from the hydrant, securing one end aloft with a line, and hauling the hose up the building.
3. When signaled, one firefighter connects the hose lines at the base of the building while another passes the message to open the hydrant, before all join at the branch to operate the line aloft.
1. The document provides instructions for a crew of four firefighters to lay out a line of hose from a hydrant and operate a branch from the roof or upper floor of a building.
2. It describes running hose lines from the hydrant, securing one end aloft with a line, and hauling the hose up the building.
3. When signaled, one firefighter connects the hose lines at the base of the building while another passes the message to open the hydrant, before all join at the branch to operate the line aloft.
Specific objectives Note: H1 provides the core objectives for all hose-drills
1 Ship a standpipe. 2 Demonstrate the correct method of carrying hose. 3 Run out lengths of rolled, dutch and flaked hose. 4 Demonstrate the method of connecting lengths of hose. S Carry a branch and a length of hose. 6 Connect the branch to the hose. 7 Demonstrate the method of manoeuvring a charged length of hose. 8 Demonstrate the method of holding a branch. 9 Operate a branch. 10 Operate a hydrant. 11 Disconnect a length of hose. 12 Under-run a length of hose. 13 Make-up lengths of hose.
Preliminary detail: As given in PD1.
'Get to work'
NO.2 takes a standpipe, hydrant key and bar, removes the hydrant cover and ships the standpipe and key.
For hose rolled on the female coupling No.4 takes a length of hose, places the male coupling on the ground approximately half a metre behind the hydrant and, after NO.2 has secured it with the foot, runs it out towards the fire. NO.2 connects it to the standpipe.
No.3 follows two or three paces behind and takes a length of hose, carrying it under the right arm.
When No.4 has run out of hose, NO.3 overtakes No.4, No.4 taking the male coupling as No.3 passes. No.4 then makes the connection. NO.3 lays out the hose and holds the female coupling in the right hand.
NO.1 tucks the branch under the left arm, nozzle pointing downwards and toward the rear, carries a length of hose under the right arm and follows two or three paces behind No.3.
(FSTM) . Part 3 . Section 3 . First Edition (December 1994)
5 When NO.3 stops, No.1 continues and, when passing, No.3 takes the male coupling and makes the connection. No.1 continues until the hose is run out, then keeping hold of the female coupling in the left hand, takes hold of the branch in the right and makes the connection. "'---"
For Dutch-rolled hose No.4 takes a length of hose and throws it forward from the hydrant in the direc tion of the fire, hands the male coupling to No.2 and then lays the hose out.
No.2 connects it to the standpipe.
No.3 takes a length of hose and, carrying it under the left arm with the right hand supporting it in front of the couplings, follows two or three paces behind No.4.
When No.4 has run out the hose, No.3 throws the length forward, hands the male coupling to No.4, who makes the connection, and runs forward with the female coupling.
NO.1 takes the branch in the left hand and a length of hose under the right arm and follows two or three paces behind No.3.
When No.3 has run out of hose, NO.1 throws the length forward and hands the male coupling to No.3.
For both types of roll As the hose is run out, Nos.3 and 4 follow NO.1 to the branch, No.4 checking that the hose is free from kinks.
When Nos.1 and 3 are on the branch No.1 sends back the message 'Water on', No.4 delivers the message to No.2, who turns on the hydrant.
, No.4 returns to the branch and generally assists.
'Knock off' or 'Knock off and make Up' NO.1 sends back No.4 with the message: 'Knock off' or 'Knock off and make up'.
, ' Make up NO.1 returns the branch, NO.2 unships the standpipe, makes up the hydrant and returns all the gear. All members of the crew under-run and make up hose.
When all gear is made up, No.1 reports to the Officer-in-Charge.
3rd. Length
2nd. Length
1st. Length No.1
J [
(FSTM) . Part 3 . Section 3 . First Edition (December 1994) Drill H2 Adding a length of hose (crew of four)
Specific objectives Note: H1 provides the core objectives for this drill.
1 Add a length of hose to a line of hose. 2 Describe the method of adding a length of hose.
Note: It will be assumed that the hose has been run out as in Drill H1.
Unless otherwise ordered, when working in the open a length of hose is always added between the branch and the last coupling. When working in a building, the length is usually added at the first coupling outside the building.
'Get to work'
NO.1 sends No.4 back to obtain a length of hose. No.4 lays out the hose at the connection indicated in the form of a bight or parallel to the hose line, as dictated by local conditions.
As soon as the hose is laid out ready for connection NO.4 gives No.2 the order 'Knock off'. As soon as the flow ceases, No.4 breaks the couplings and inserts the new length.
Having ensured that NO.1 is ready, No.4 then doubles to No.2 with the message 'Water on'.
When the length of hose is added at the branch, NO.1 removes the branch and connects it to the added length.
'Knock off' or 'Knock off and make-up' As H1.
Nos. 1 & 3 I
I[:\,\ al ,'-" ...... I ' '" I I \ \ \ \ No.4) I ' . '...... '" ",,' ....-....
(FSTM) . Part 3 . Section 3 . First Edition (December 1994) 7 Drill H3 Removing a length of hose (crew of four)
Specific objectives Note: H1 provides the core objectives for this drill
1 Remove a length of hose from a line of hose. 2 Describe the method of removing a length of hose.
Note: It will be assumed that the hose has been run out as in Drill H1.
'Get to work'
NO.1 sends back No.4 to NO.2 with the message 'Knock off'. Immediately the message is given, No.4 doubles back to the first coupling behind the branch. As soon as the flow ceases, No.1 disconnects the branch and No.4 breaks the connection and assists No.1 to reconnect the branch at its new position.
No.1 sends back No.4 with the message 'Water on'. No.4 subsequently returns to the branch and makes up the surplus hose.
'Knock off' or 'Knock off and make Up' As in H1
8 (FSTM) . Part 3 . Section 3 . First Edition (December 1994) Drill H4 Replacing a burst length of hose (crew of four)
Specific objectives Note: H1 provides the core objectives for this drill.
1Describe the procedure for removing a burst length of hose from a line of hose. 2 Replace a burst length of hose in a line of hose. 3 Demonstrate the method used to identify a burst length of hose. 4 Make up a burst length of hose.
It will be assumed that the hose has been run out as in Drill H1.
'Get to work'
On the order of No.1, No.4 takes a length of hose and runs it out along side the damaged length.
No.1 then gives the order 'Knock off'. At the same time No.3 doubles to the burst length and as soon as the flow ceases, assists No.4 to disconnect the burst length and to insert the new length.
No.3 then doubles to the branch al1d informs No.1 that the new length is in position.
No.4 returns to No.2, with the message 'Water on', and then ties an overhand knot in each end of the damaged length.
Note: When a burst length of hose is made up, the overhand knots should be removed and the hose rolled up on the male coupling.
Nos.1 & 3
No.3 [
(FSTM) . Part 3 . Section 3 . First Edition (December 1994) 9 Drill H5 Getting a branch to work on a roof or upper floor (crew of four)
Specific objectives Note: H1 provides the core objectives for this drill.
1 Run out hose in preparation for hauling aloft. 2 Secure a line to the hose for the purpose of hauling aloft. 3 Haul a line of hose aloft. 4 Secure a line of hose aloft. 5 Manoeuvre a charged line of hose and operate a branch on a roof or upper floor.
Preliminary detail: As given in PD1.
'Get to work'
No.1 takes a branch, a length of hose and a long line and doubles to the building. The hose is run out in a bight outside the building and the branch connected to the hose. The branch is laid down at the point where it is to be hoisted. Meanwhile NO.2 takes a standpipe, key and bar, removes the hydrant cover and ships the standpipe and key.
No.4 takes a length of hose and runs it out from the hydrant towards the building. No.3 takes a length of hose and runs it out from the first length and then lays the female coupling adjacent, but not connected to, the male coupling of the length run out by NO.1.
NO.1 then takes the line and, accompanied by No.3 enters the building, goes to the roof or window opening and lowers the line down the face of the building. No.4 secures the line to the hose by means of a rolling hitch about three metres from the branch. No.4 also forms a clove hitch on the line, about half a metre from the rolling hitch and passes it over the narrowest part of the branch underneath the nozzle to ensure that the tension is on the line and not on the hose.
As soon as the line is secured, Nos.1 and 3 haul up the hose, No.4 guiding it up the face of the building. The hose is hauled up until the rolling hitch is above the coping or window sill, the clove hitch is then removed from the branch and the line is made fast at the most convenient position. The rolling hitch securing the hose should lie about half a metre below the coping or window sill when the line is secured to the building.
Meanwhile, No.4 attains a position on the ground in order to see where the hose enters the building.
(FSTM) . Part 3 . Section 3 . First Edition (December 1994) When NO.1 orders 'Water on', NO.3 then doubles to the point where the hose enters the building and passes the message to No.4 either verbally or by hand signal, and then returns to the branch. No.4 connects the couplings at the base of the building, and passes the message to NO.2 who turns on the hydrant. No.4 then joins Nos.1 and 3 at the branch.
'Knock off' or 'Knock off and make up' No.1 sends back No.4 with the message 'Knock off' or 'Knock off and make up'. , ' Make up NO.2 turns off the hydrant, breaks the pressure-release coupling of the standpipe and makes up the hydrant gear.
NO.4 breaks the coupling nearest the foot of the building on the ground and guides the hose as it is lowered.
No.3 hauls up the hose so that the rolling hitch is above the coping or window sill. NO.1 secures the branch with a clove hitch then unties the line and lowers the hose and branch to No.4, NO.1 then drops the end of the line and descends with No.3, both assisting No.4 to make up the hose.
When all gear is made up, NO.1 reports to the Officer-in-Charge.
Clove hitch
Coupling at base of building not to be connected until i 'water-on' ordered
1st Length
No.4 T No.2
Rolling hitch
(FSTM) . Part 3 . Section 3 . First Edition (December 1994) 11 Drill H6 Dividing a length of hose into two using a dividing breeching (crew of five)
Specific objectives Note: H1 provides the core objectives for this drill.
1 Describe the procedure for adding and operating a dividing breeching. 2 Add a dividing breeching to a line of hose. 3 Operate branches fed from a dividing breeching.
It is assumed that hose has been run out as in Drill H1 using a crew of four. A fifth crew member must be added to the crew as two branches are involved and two crew members are needed for each branch in addition to the fire fighter at the hydrant.
'Get to work'
No.5 provides a dividing breeching and No.4 a length of hose and branch. No.5 doubles to the coupling where the line is to be divided. No.4 runs out the hose from the position where the breeching is to be inserted, connects the branch and takes charge of it. No.5 connects the male coupling into the breeching before plac- ing it on the ground.
When all is ready NO.2 knocks off on the order of NO.5. No.5 breaks the hose line, inserts the breeching, reconnects the hose and orders 'Water on'. No.5 then assists No.4 at the second branch.
1st. Delivery Nos.1 & 3
Nos.4& 5
2nd. Delivery
No. 5
T.. No 2
' 12 (FSTM) . Part 3 . Section 3 . First Edition (December 1994) Drill H7 Removing a dividing breeching (crew of five)
Specific objectives Note: H1 provides the core objectives for this drill.
1 Describe the procedure for removing a dividing breeching. 2 Remove a dividing breeching from a line of hose.
'Get to work'
No.5 doubles to the breeching and orders No.2 to 'Knock off'. As soon as the flow ceases, No.5 disconnects the breeching, reconnects the length which is to continue at work and orders 'Water on'.
No.4 then disconnects and returns the branch, No.5 returns the breeching. Both numbers make up and return surplus hose. (FSTM) . Part 3 . Section 3 . First Edition (December 1994) 13