The document contains definitions for over 200 words ranging from A to Z. It provides concise explanations and examples for words that describe various concepts like emotions, behaviors, failures, successes, and more. The words covered include common and obscure terms to help expand one's vocabulary.
The document contains definitions for over 200 words ranging from A to Z. It provides concise explanations and examples for words that describe various concepts like emotions, behaviors, failures, successes, and more. The words covered include common and obscure terms to help expand one's vocabulary.
Original Description:
400 Wordlist helpful for GRE CAT Verbal Section by IMS
The document contains definitions for over 200 words ranging from A to Z. It provides concise explanations and examples for words that describe various concepts like emotions, behaviors, failures, successes, and more. The words covered include common and obscure terms to help expand one's vocabulary.
The document contains definitions for over 200 words ranging from A to Z. It provides concise explanations and examples for words that describe various concepts like emotions, behaviors, failures, successes, and more. The words covered include common and obscure terms to help expand one's vocabulary.
1 Absurdity something that is unreasonable or logically flawed
2 Abyss hole so deep as to appear bottomless 3 Acquiesce agree, accept without protest 4 Acumen exactness 5 Admonish to scold someone 6 Advocate to argue in favor of 7 Affable polite and friendly, easy to talk to 8 Affliction suffering, distress 9 Affluent wealthy, abundant 10 Agitate shake up or stir up 11 Alienate to isolate 12 Ambiguous without clarity, difficult to figure out 13 Amiable very friendly, showing a lot of warmth 14 Analogy drawing a comparison in order to show a similarity in some respect 15 Annex take possession or control of something 16 Annihilate to destroy 17 Arduous demanding great effort, strenuous 18 Aroma smell 19 Atone make up for something, ask forgiveness 20 Attribute the quality or characteristic of someone or something 21 Avarice greed
B 1 Babble to talk foolishly 2 Badmouth to abuse someone verbally 3 Baffled puzzled, confused 4 Bakers Dozen Thirteen (because bakers usually add one extra roll to each batch) 5 Baleful full of evil or hatred 6 Ballgame A particular situation that is radically different from the preceding situation 7 Banish to forcibly send someone away 8 Barb a stinging remark 9 Belated too late 10 Bellicose inclined to fighting 11 Benevolent kind or charitable 12 Berserk violently destructive, in a wild rage or anger 13 Besiege to surround with the intent to capture 14 Bestow to give as a gift, to present 15 Biased favoring one person or side over another 16 Bilateral having or involving two sides 17 Binge to overeat or over drink 18 Bittersweet something that is sad and happy at the same time 19 Bizarre very different from what is normal or usual 20 Blas no interest or excitement, something is totally common 21 Bliss perfect happiness 22 Body Shopping sending professionally qualified persons to other countries to work 23 Bolster to encourage or support 24 Burgeon to grow or develop rapidly
C 1 Cajole to influence gently 2 Camaraderie friendliness and mutual trust 3 Cameo a small part in a movie/play etc. 4 Candid frank and informal 5 Cannibalize use parts from one machine to repair another one 6 Captor person who kidnaps somebody 7 Cargo luggage or boxes 8 Carnage mass killing of people 9 Carte Blanche unrestricted authority and freedom 10 Catch 22 situation in which you cannot do one thing until you do another thing, but you cannot do the second thing until you do the first thing, so you're stuck 11 Caveat it is a warning that you have take something into account before you act or carry out plans 12 Chafe to rub against and cause itching / deep marks 13 Chic smart and stylish 14 Chore ordinary everyday tasks 15 Cite quote or mention as an example 16 Clout power or influence 17 Cogent persuasive and well thought out 18 Communiqu an official bulletin or announcement 19 Compunction feeling of deep regret 20 Concoct invent, prepare by mixing together 21 Concur agree (accept) 22 Confiscate to forcibly take away something 23 Covet desire, to want something desperately
D 1 Dapper neat and smart 2 De Facto the current reality or truth 3 Debase to insult or pull down one's character 4 Debonair care-free or self-confident manner 5 Debut first appearance in public 6 Decorum appropriate manners and conduct 7 Dj Vu feeling or familiarity, as if you have already experienced it 8 Deportment behavior or manners 9 Deprive take away something from someone 10 Despicable something absolutely horrible or evil 11 Detour a round-about way 12 Devout earnestly religious 13 Dexterous Skilful in physical movements; especially of the hands 14 Diffident lack of confidence 15 Diligent hard-working 16 Discreet careful not to say or do the wrong thing 17 Discretion personal choice 18 Divulge reveal 19 Docile easily trained or controlled 20 Dovetail to join together 21 Drought a long period of dry weather 22 Dumbfounded astonished 23 Dupe to trick or fool someone
E 1 Echelon level of responsibility or importance in an organization 2 Eerie mysterious or weird 3 Efface remove completely or to rub off 4 Efficacious something that produces the desired result 5 Elan Distinctive and stylish elegance 6 Elicit to call for something or to bring out something 7 Elucidate make clear or explain 8 Emancipate liberate 9 Embrace hug (hold-cuddle) 10 Empathy to feel or share someone else's problems or feelings 11 Enchant to delight someone 12 Endeavor to make an effort, to try very hard 13 Endorse approve, support a claim or statement 14 Enigma a mysterious or baffling thing 15 Entourage a group of followers or attendants 16 Epitome a perfect example 17 Equity fairness or impartiality 18 Erudite very knowledgeable 19 Evince to show openly or clearly 20 Exacerbate to aggravate or make something worse 21 Exploit to use for selfish advantage or profit 22 Extensive far-reaching 23 Extol to praise highly
F 1 Facet the different sides or aspects of someone or something 2 Faux Pas a mistake or error especially in manners or behavior 3 Fiasco a complete failure 4 Finesse highly refined skill or technique 5 Flaunt to show off something so that everyone can see it 6 Fledgling young and inexperienced person 7 Flimsy lacking strength 8 Flummox to confuse 9 Foray an expedition / journey or an attempt to do something 10 Forebear ancestor 11 Forfeit to give up something / accept defeat 12 Foster to promote the development of someone or something 13 Fraud a cheat or scoundrel 14 Frugal careful with money or expenditures 15 Furtive very shy or secretive looks 16 Fuse combine
G 1 Gaffe a blunder or mistake 2 Gambit a risky plan 3 Game Plan a carefully planned course of action 4 Gamut the entire range or collection of something 5 Garrulous to talk a lot 6 Gaudy too bright and showy 7 Generic having a wide range of applications 8 Genre a category or group 9 Ghastly death-like, pale and ill 10 Gibberish foolish talk 11 Glitch an error or unexpected result 12 Gloat to boast and make the other person feel bad 13 Glut an excessive supply 14 Go-Getter an achiever / one who is full of vigor and energy 15 Gorge to eat greedily 16 Grotesque distorted or ugly 17 Gruesome disgusting / difficult to see 18 Grumble to complain 19 Gullible easily fooled 20 Gutsy full of guts and bravery
H 1 Hapless having no luck / unfortunate 2 Harass worry, trouble 3 Harness to control so as to use the power 4 Heap to pile up or collect 5 Hectic very busy / active 6 Heed to take note of or to listen 7 Heretic one who believes in the opposite of what most people believe in 8 Hiatus a break or interruption of continuity 9 Hindsight ability to see, after the event what should have been done 10 Holocaust vast destruction and loss of life 11 Hone to sharpen 12 Hover to stay still in the air / to stay close to someone or something 13 Hum-Drum tedious and dull 14 Hustle to push or force someone to do something 15 Hypochondriac a person who believes he is always ill or infected with a disease
1 Icon someone who is considered the perfect representative 2 Imbecile very foolish or stupid 3 Imbue to permeate or saturate into someone or something 4 Impasse a situation from which there appears to be no way out 5 Impede to block or hinder 6 Imperative essential 7 In Toto completely with nothing omitted 8 Incarcerate to put into prison 9 Incentive a reward for performance 10 Incisive sharp and penetrating or cutting 11 Indigenous native or something that is local 12 Indigenous originating or occurring naturally in that place 13 Inept clumsy and incompetent 14 Infallible incapable of making an error 15 Innuendo an indirect hit or comment 16 Insatiate never satisfied 17 Instigate Provoke or stir up 18 Interim a time period between 2 events 19 Intrepid fearless 20 Intrepid unusually brave 21 Iota a very small amount 22 Irate angry
J 1 Jaunt a short journey 2 Jejune dry and uninteresting 3 Jeopardize to put someone or something in danger 4 Jeopardy danger 5 Jet-Lag a disruption of body cycles when flying to distant time zones 6 Jettison to throw or drop off someone or something from a ship or plane or a project etc. 7 Jiffy a very short time 8 Joint Venture when 2 companies join together to form a separate company 9 Jostle to bump or push someone 10 Juvenile a young animal or person 11 Juxtapose to put side by side
K 1 Kaleidoscopic constantly changing 2 Kaput destroyed or defeated 3 Keel Over to turn or fall over, to capsize 4 Killjoy someone who spoils other people's fun 5 Kindle to stimulate or arouse interest 6 Kindred similar in nature 6 Kink a person's weird ideas, habits, behaviors etc. 7 Kleptomania An irresistible impulse to steal but the person has no interest in money 8 Knave dishonest person 9 Knead to massage by thumping and squeezing with hands 10 Knee-Jerk to react or respond instinctively without thought 11 Kudos credit or praise for an achievement
L 1 Lacerate to cut or tear especially flesh 2 Lackey a follower who carries out another's orders like a servant 3 Laconic brief and concise 4 Lacuna a gap in understanding or a loophole 5 Laggard one who is slow and usually falls behind 6 Lament to feel very sorry about something 7 Latent something that exists but does not show itself 8 Lateral Thinking a method that uses unorthodox ideas to solve problems 9 Laurels honor or distinction obtained gained by outstanding achievement 10 Lethargy laziness 11 Leverage a means of accomplishing a purpose using power, influence and information 12 Levity lack of seriousness 13 Liaison A channel for communication between groups 14 Lieu another word for place (e.g. in place of (or) in lieu of) 15 Liquidate to pay off or settle debts 16 Lithe graceful and sleek 17 Livid very angry 18 Loafer lazy person with no constructive work 19 Loquacious very talkative 20 Low-Down the true story / facts 21 Lucrative highly profitable 22 Ludicrous ridiculous, laughable or absurd 23 Lustrous bright, shining
M 1 Maestro a master of his art-from 2 Magnanimous Generous, understanding, and tolerant 3 Malign Speak unfavorably about someone or something 4 Marginalize exclude or ignore a certain section of people 5 Martyr a person who undergoes death or suffering for his beliefs 6 Maverick one who is unorthodox in his ideas, attitudes etc. 7 Meager very small amount 8 Meander wander around aimlessly or follow a winding path 9 Meddle to interfere in someone else's business 10 Memoir An account of the author's personal experiences 11 Mend to repair 12 Metamorphosis transform 13 Meticulous excessively careful about details 14 Mettle inner strength, capable of rising to challenges 15 Mirth state of happiness 16 Misconstrue to interpret wrongly 17 Misery extreme sadness 18 Misogamist a person who hates marriage 19 Modus Operandi the style or manner of working, the method used to achieve a goal 20 Mollify to soothe the temper of someone, to pacify or appease 21 Momentary just for a few seconds 22 Monopoly when one company controls the entire market 23 Mundane dull, boring, monotonous
N 1 Nadir lowest possible point 2 Nave having a simple nature and can easily be fooled 3 Narcissistic excessive admiration of oneself 4 Nascent just beginning or developing, very early stages 5 Natty trim and smart in appearance 6 Nausea feeling of sickness - feel like vomiting 7 Nefarious extremely wicked 8 Neglect pay no attention to someone or something 9 Niche a position or place specially adapted to the person in question 10 Nifty smart and stylish 11 Nimble mentally quick 12 Nitty-Gritty most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience 13 Nocturnal only active in the night like bats 14 No-Frills basic, without any additional comforts or features 15 Noisome an offensive or horrible smell 16 Nomenclature a system or set of names used in a specific branch of learning or activity 17 Nonchalant lack of interest or excitement 18 Nostalgia a longing for things and places that are far away or in the past 19 Novice a beginner in any occupation 20 Nuance A small difference in meaning, opinion or attitude 21 Nugget a piece of something valuable e.g. information, gold etc.
O 1 Obeisance to show deep respect by bowing or folding hands 2 Obese very fat 3 Obfuscate deliberately make something unclear by confusing the situation even further 4 Obituary a notice of death that comes in the newspaper 5 Obnoxious very disagreeable or unpleasant 6 Obsolete no longer useful, outdated 7 Obstinate stubborn 8 Obtuse very slow to understand anything, dim-witted 9 Offshoot anything that branches off or derives from a main source 10 Oligarchy a form of government in which power is restricted to a few important people 11 Ominous threatening 12 Omnipresent present in all places at the same time 13 Onus burden or responsibility 14 Oodles a very large quantity 15 Opportunist someone who uses every opportunity to achieve his goals 16 Ornate heavily decorated 17 Ostensible offered as real or genuine 18 Ostentatious meant to attract notice 19 Ostracize to banish or exclude someone 20 Oversight an unintentional careless mistake 21 Overt not hidden, something that can easily seen and observed 22 Overtone a hint or suggestion of something felt, perceived or believed 23 Overwrought over-worked and fatigued
P 1 Pageant a spectacular display or exhibition 2 Palindrome a word or sentence that reads the same way backwards 3 Pallid pale, weak 4 Panacea a remedy for all diseases 5 Panache Distinctive and stylish elegance 6 Pandemonium wild disorder and noise 7 Paradigm a pattern, example or model 8 Paragon apparently perfect person or thing 9 Paranoia A psychological disorder characterized by imaginary beliefs 10 Pariah an outcast, someone who is shunned by society 11 Parity state or condition of being the same in power, rank, value etc. 12 Parsimonious very stingy with money 13 Pass out of date and old fashioned 14 Paucity smallness of number or quantity, scarcity 15 Penchant a strong liking or inclination towards something 16 Pensive thoughtful yet sad state of mind 17 Penury extreme poverty 18 Per Se by itself 19 Perch take up a high position 20 Perchance by chance, accidentally 21 Perilous very dangerous 22 Perky self-confident and lively 23 Perpetrate to be guilty of doing something 24 Perseverance persistence in an effort, purpose or enterprise 25 Perturb to emotionally disturb someone 26 Pervade spread through every part of something 27 Petite physically delicate or small-made 28 Petrify to scare someone very badly 29 Petulant impatient or rude 30 Philanthropist Someone who makes charitable donations intended to increase human well-being 31 Placid calm and undisturbed 32 Plausible seemingly probable but open to doubt 33 Plethora a superabundance or excess of something
Q 1 Q.E.D quad erat demon stratum - so it is proved or demonstrated 2 Quack An untrained person who pretends to be a physician and who dispenses medical advice 3 Quaint sweet and old fashioned in a pleasing way 4 Qualm an uneasy feeling to do something, usually out of shyness 5 Quandary state of uncertainty 6 Quarantine forcibly isolating those who have been infected by diseases 7 Quench to satisfy or put an end to 8 Quick-Fix a quick and temporary solution to a problem 9 Quintessence the purest form or the perfect example of something 10 Quixotic overly idealistic and therefore foolish
R 1 Refurbished make clean, as if like new 2 Rejoicing happiness, joy 3 Reticent in the habit of saying little 4 Reverberate Fill for a short time with sound and echoes 5 Rigor The quality of being hard to endure, uninviting or formidable 6 Rotund round, fat or obese
S 1 Salvage Prevent being ruined, destroyed, lost, or harmed 2 Scattered Occurring or distributed over widely spaced and irregular intervals in time or space 3 Scrutiny close examination 4 Shatter to break into many pieces 5 Shunned avoided, kept away from 6 Sketchy Giving only major points; lacking completeness 7 Solicit beseech (seek) 8 Sporadic happening from time to time 9 Stifled suppressed, kept back 10 Strive to make great efforts, to struggle 11 Subsequent following 12 Subside wane (drop) 13 Succumb yield, die
T 1 Taciturn unspoken, silent 2 Tamper Play around with or alter or falsify, usually secretively or dishonestly 3 Tantalize raise hopes that cannot be realized 4 Tentative uncertain, probable 5 Torpid dull and slow 6 Tranquil serene (calm) 7 Treacherous not to be trusted, 8 Tremor Shaking or trembling 9 Tyro a beginner
U 1 Ubiquitous present everywhere 2 Ulterior beyond what is seen or expressed 3 Umbrage a sense of injury or offense 4 Uncanny strange and mysterious 5 Uncouth crude, without manners 6 Undermine to weaken or destroy someone's efforts 7 Unwieldy difficult to move 8 Uproar noise and excitement
V 1 Vanity a foolish pride 2 Veer Turn sharply; change direction abruptly 3 Vehemence forcefulness; intensity 4 Vigilance watchfulness 5 Vindicate prove the truth
W 1 Wan looking ill, not bright 2 Wanton undisciplined, unmanageable 3 Whet sharpen 4 Wile a trick 5 Wrinkle make small lines
X 1 Xanadu an imaginary exotic and beautiful place 2 Xenophobia hatred and distrust of foreigners
Y 1 Yardstick a test or standard used in measuring 2 Yen a strong longing or desire for something
Z 1 Zany clownish, foolish 2 Zealot a person who is obsessed with is religion or beliefs 3 Zenith the highest possible point 4 Zephyr a soft, gentle wind or breeze