Weinstein Index

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Standard and poors weekly charts

1 list group chart patterns sector chapter p80

2 no buy signal did not brea above 30MA below is only 2 week rally p74
3 basic or!ation below 30MA" no buy signal# $74
4 bullish holidays p72
% basic unda!entals 4 ter! presidentials p70
& end o year rally p70
7 buy stop li!it order 4 betta ills p&&
8 buy stop buy only i breakout certain level# $&%
' buy break resistance p&4
11 !oving stage 1 into stage 2 or!ations base p%'
12 position si)ing
13 reading the tape p&
14 buy bad news *sell good news p10
1% so!e trading rules news p10
1& stock +y) graph p11
17 i!portance testing resistance,support# -reaking out o trading range above resistance and above
30MA# $12,13
18 two actors breakout 1 and 2 ti!e volu!e p14
1' pullback ater breakout advance on lower volu!e is buy opp# $14,1%
20 degree o slope trendline 2 rules p1%
21 bearish bullish slopes p1&(17
22Accurate deine when chart is uptrend,dwn trend# p17
23 relative strength how a given stock or groups act in relation to overal !arket p18
or!ula is price o stock over or divided by price o !arket average
24 never buy below 30MA never sell above 30MA p2&
long range background chart . new highs or new lows/ p2&
don0t buy when relative strength line is in downturn p27
filter weinstein1not enough price shoots past MA and resistsnce ro! base* !ust look or
1 long ter! perspective was there resistance here within % years# Is it a 10 year new high2 3t will
!eet with no resistance as it shoots up# .resistance is also heavy supply is previous years p100
2 don0t worry about basing volu!e* but a breakout shouldb e acco!panied with large volu!e#
.relative volu!e/
3 volu!e at least twice average volu!e previous !onth or volu!e build up.need to tabulate/ that is
at least twice the average volu!e o the past several weeks coupled with at least so!e increase on
the break out week# 4bserve increasing volu!e over preceding weeks p104

2% 4 stages o a !a5or cycle

relative strength co!parative properties !easuring relationship divergence eg# Sector inde+
versus !arket inde+#
Scan industry sectors over general !arket inde+# 6reates a list o best peror!ing sector
the older the resistance the less potent it is p'8
i stock hasn0t traded in the last 10 years is A7 stock# $''
double up on )anger threads to relect reward ratio opportunity#eg# 108 at least 1009

:uick list actors or breakout

level o relaive strength sector analysis
;ote# Stock correlations and pairs# <ivergent patterns# 7 hedging#

angle .slope/o base base or!ation and its duration*

breaking MA 30 and is it a new high .as well as time use this
is their resistance or overhead supply .long ter! analysis/ criteria for journal]
is trading range within or!ation base narrowing= >rendlines channel
?olu!e conir!ation#30 ?olu!e can take out resistance. dra!atically increased@p14%
a big advance beore breakout !eans a bigger breakout potential# $roit prebreakout
>he older the resistance the less potent and less worriso!e when breakout e!erges Ahigh
volu!e would overco!e it..nico inerred p1%4

2% dra!atic drying up on the pull back ater breakout is a conir!ation p10%

trend needs to be bullish
2& groups should be positive chart !ust be breaking stage 2 with !ini!u! o resistance
overhead## inally volu!e !ust conir! the breakout
when in trading range a breakdown occurs and relative strength .relation o stock to general
!arket/ is good* then do not sell short# $ 10'
27 stock e+a!ple o relative strength although 0 when breakout occurred* was trending
higher '0 days beore breakout# $111

:uick reerence guide to buying .all !entioned/ p11%

28 i!!ediately du!p a breakdown p11%
head and shoulder conditions#.stage 4 / 1 new low# Bood shape 30MA breaks above it !ust
have high relative volu!e in accord with weinstein rule buy stop order was e+ecuted.li!it/#
Cead and shoulders patterns can or! with dierent stocks in sa!e groupsector#
.opportunity/ p122
double botto!s.not as good as CDS patt#/
2' circu!stances o stage 1 or!ing double botto! p124
double botto! needs positive relative strength and volu!e to breakout p12%
recall )anger saying big trading sessions twice a year concurs to a conluence o positive
!arket conditions and doubling up on high probability stake
weinsteins don't rules p12'
:ui) .and throughout book p12'
don0t buy all in one group* buy other groups with great technicals and buy stage 2
$sychology inter!ittent reinorce!ent in poker !achines
buying 10 stocks a year strategy or your 20009 good strat# $140
the triple thread pattern# -uy when ES line in negati ve or hugging )ero line neutral ashion*
when stage 2 break out* the ES line should !ove into positive territory# $1%0 1%1
Fou can chalk up a ine gain even i breakout is not acco!panied by positive ES line p1%1
triple conir!ation pattern chart p1%1
30 Earnings no actor in criteria weighting p1%% 1%&
32 at least 1 :uarter earning !arket did not care p178
invest heavily in low priced stock advancing sharply high pro p1%7
p,e low and high !eans nothing to stock luctuations p1&'
31 bail stock showing weakness in a bull general !arket p17%
progra!!ed trading !ore volatility use sell stop losses# $p17'
your sell stop beco!es a !arket order to sell .li!it order/
set GTCsell stop below support accounting or a !argin correction eg# Stop at 18 1,8
while support is at 18 G and !ake stop loss a non round nu!ber to ull !arket !akers herd
!entality worst case loss % 8 p183
ater the irst substantial correction o at least 8 to 10 percent * you are going to raise the
stops(trailing stops/# $184
i correction violates 30MA raise sell stop# 3 correction above 30MA place sell stop below
MA#continue to !oving the sell stop up as the MA advances#
.Syste! o trailing a sell stop/Hhen MA strasightens out at top* no longer we place sell stop
below !oving .e+a!ple can be over 2 year period with ew ad5ust!ents#
MA* now we place it at new support at trought o the wave.correction )one/ p18%
3% initially place sell stop under previous correction low beore breakout p18&
successul breakouts should never pullback !ore than 4 to & pecent below the breakout
point# $1'%
at breakout issue sell at non round nu!ber but the ne+t trail stop and price rise place it at
round nu!ber#
3& >raders should not pay attention to corrections o less than 7 percent#
37 raise your stop once stock is held at c and rallies back close to prior top* raise the sell
stop# $1'%
never stay with stock under 30MA
setting trailing stop a!ong trendline high lows in channel# $1''
38eit strategy i violate trendline e+it hal and i goes to prior correction low get re!ainder
swing rule peak price !inus low price add dierence to top price .i it is going above this
high .this !arks the top and is ready or the downside/ p202
sell high as close to the pro5ected level as possible and sll the re!ainder as the stop is set
large short interest 10 ti!es average daily volu!e o stage 2 stock rises not alls sucker
shorts p222 and ater split e+a!ple p22%
Idon0t short when stock MA30* trades thinly* is in stage 2 and 10ti!es volu!e.splitsp227
don0t short in strong group*always buy stop order#
!horting rules 1(1& note228(240
1 adv#2 lt MA#3sidwys4wks#supportlvlstg 4downturn ;o#4breakdwn#4-buy pullbk#
J shorting stock with overal "ullish mar#et trend e+ception* not rule* but generally 3<
!arket averages are negative* below 30MA and in stage 4 u can short# $231
8 D'group broke K30MA 7rel# stgthlne* trending lower*
7!nycharts technically weak in sector#
3s their support below breakdown i yes then will not go down6hart 7#18 p23%
relative strength or shorting can be above )ero line* !ust !ust had topped out trending
lower# 4therwise needs to be bearish
drop price chart correlating with relative strength negative territory is a bear opp#
volu!e1better it increases on breakdown and then contracts on pullback
resistance to decline.support# 3 there is steep advance with only s!all congestion along the
way is good#
Cead and shoulders short vol#Lavge* prd# -ig up!ove beore* p241
i heaviest volu!e is on right shoulder then dont trust or!ation# $243
duration and si)e o or!ation CDS shows e+tent o breakout# -otto! p243
swing rule calculation 7(31 better e+a!ple p24&
stop loss $ % &
protective li!it stops placed at above prior rally peaks p2%0,2%1
keep stops below declining 30MA so that stops not taken out#
Mventually when short consolidates into range* with new support levels* hen new rule
re:uires placing stop above resistance and below MA#
Nsing stops along trendline path p2%'
watch advance decline o new york e+change p27%
spot negative divergence with <O3 and advance decline line p27&
i both break(("bear !arket
<O3 reuses drop urther Pulti!ate low and Advance decline continues to go down is a
bullish signal .positive divergence/ reliable gauges@
longer divergence lasts* the !ore signiicant !ove will be
plot dow 5ones industrial average with adv#decli new york e+change
charting divergence p277
!o!entu! inde+ calculate p28%

Tim !y#es
short s:uee)e buyers bailing shorts or up !arket#

-eware broker ront run on !argin calls

stocks breaking new highs buy breaking new lows within dierent ti!e ra!es* you sell((
concurs with donchian and weinstein#
Morning s:uee)e* aternoon s:uee)e(As short sellers be scared o what news will bring
stock higher* earnings or industry event# Qind a!ount shorting with short interest@#
Al!ost 2inishing 2
dvd o shortstocking# Row :uality i!!ature guy rant* sounds like
so!eone who lost his !o!entu! and started ranting about wall street in5ustice 5ust to ill in

'omentum rules p28%,28&

stock analysis i g! does not !ake a new high in 4 !onths then reversal i!!inent# >rue or
last %0 years# ( mnth rule $2'7
gauges based on new highs or new lows or advances or declines#
Heinstein contrarian insight p304
headlines driving consensus o opinion#

waits or earning#
-uying break on trend line on volu!e on co!plete lat hori)ontal base
studying prior e+a!ples o dan0s ree past newsletters* perhaps study criteria#
Nse si!ple 20 day average* looking or above average volu!e#
4ptions is a !athe!atical ga!e o probability# p323
Qutures a record at a higher rate playing a!ost daily intraday p331
stage 1(3 charts p337

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