1) This document is a personal data sheet containing biographical information such as name, date of birth, address, education history, work experience, and training of an individual applying for a civil service position.
2) It requests information about the applicant's family background including their spouse, parents, and siblings.
3) The applicant is asked if they are related to anyone who would have authority over their potential appointment and to disclose any criminal or administrative offenses on their record.
1) This document is a personal data sheet containing biographical information such as name, date of birth, address, education history, work experience, and training of an individual applying for a civil service position.
2) It requests information about the applicant's family background including their spouse, parents, and siblings.
3) The applicant is asked if they are related to anyone who would have authority over their potential appointment and to disclose any criminal or administrative offenses on their record.
1) This document is a personal data sheet containing biographical information such as name, date of birth, address, education history, work experience, and training of an individual applying for a civil service position.
2) It requests information about the applicant's family background including their spouse, parents, and siblings.
3) The applicant is asked if they are related to anyone who would have authority over their potential appointment and to disclose any criminal or administrative offenses on their record.
1) This document is a personal data sheet containing biographical information such as name, date of birth, address, education history, work experience, and training of an individual applying for a civil service position.
2) It requests information about the applicant's family background including their spouse, parents, and siblings.
3) The applicant is asked if they are related to anyone who would have authority over their potential appointment and to disclose any criminal or administrative offenses on their record.
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CS FORM 212 (Revised 2005)
Print legibly. Mark appropriate boxes with " " and use separate sheet if necessary. 1. CS ID No. (to be filled up by CSC) I. PERSONAL INFORMATION 2. S!"#M$ %&!S' "#M$ M&(()$ "#M$ D | E | L | A | | P | E | | A | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | *. "#M$ $+'$"S&," (e.g. -r.. Sr.) /. (#'$ ,% 0&!'1 (223dd3yyyy) 453*436789 65. !$S&($"'&#) #((!$SS :. P)#C$ ,% 0&!'1 (aet. Ca2arines "orte 5. S$+ 9. C&;&) S'#'S <&P C,($ /544 69. '$)$P1,"$ ",. 68. P$!M#"$"' #((!$SS P!,= 6. M#MP">,. P#!#C#)$. C#M#!&"$S ",!'$ 8. C&'&<$"S1&P PILIPINO 7. 1$&>1' (2) 5'6 64. ?$&>1' (kg) 5 <&P C,($ /54: 66. 0),,( '@P$ O 67. '$)$P1,"$ ",. >S&S &( ",. 24. $AM#&) #((!$SS (if any) 6*. P#>A&0&> &( ",. 26. C$))P1,"$ ",. (if any) 47678*56246 6/. P1&)1$#)'1 ",. 22. #>$"C@ $MP),@$$ ",. /:*5**4 6:. SSS ",. 2*. '&" II. FAMILY BACKGROUND 2/. SP,S$BS S!"#M$ !APADO 2:. "#M$ ,% C1&)( (?rite full na2e and list all) (#'$ ,% 0&!'1 (223dd3yyyy) %&!S' "#M$ MAREI!!E M#!' 0!@#" ),(!,"&, 4732732449 M&(()$ "#M$ "ARI!O 3 3 ,CCP#'&," 3 3 $MP),@$!30S. "#M$ 3 3 0S&"$SS #((!$SS 3 3 '$)$P1,"$ ",. 3 3 (Continue on sepaate s!eet i" ne#essa$% 3 3 25. %#'1$!BS S!"#M$ ),(!,"&, 3 3 %&!S' "#M$ #!M#"(, 3 3 M&(()$ "#M$ M&S#) 3 3 29. M,'1$!BS M#&($" "#M$ 3 3 S!"#M$ ($)# P$C# 3 3 %&!S' "#M$ $")@ 3 3 M&(()$ "#M$ C#) (Continue on sepaate s!eet i" ne#essa$% III. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND 28. )$;$) %ro2 'o $)$M$"'#!@ M#MP">, $)$M$"'#!@ SC1,,) 2444 S$C,"(#!@ )#0, "#'&,"#) 1&>1 SC1,,) 244/ M&C!,S@S'$M C,))$>$ %,"(#'&," 6: 2448 2447 C,))$>$ C#M#!&"$S ",!'$ S'#'$ C,))$>$ 2448 >!#(#'$ S'(&$S (Continue on sepaate s!eet i" ne#essa$% Page 6 of / L D O D D D R D O D N D I D O D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D L D E D O D N D A D R D D D D # D R D $ D A D N D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D P1#S$ 6. ),' 5. 0),C= 65. 1,)(#@ 1,M$S S0(. 0!>@. )#>A ,". (#$'. C#M#!&"$S ",!'$ 62. [email protected] "#M$ ,% SC1,,) (?rite in full) ($>!$$ C,!S$ (?rite in full)
(223dd3yyyy) "M0$! ,% 1,!S C,"(C'$(3 SP,"S,!$( 0@ (?rite in full) CLUSTER ROLL OUT OF RESULT-BASED PEFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM '?,A(#@ (&;&S&," '!#&"&"> %,! $)$M$"'#!@3S$C,"(#!@ '$#C1$!S ," '1$ "$? P1@S&C#) %&'"$SS #"( SP,!'S '#)$"' '$S' ONLINE ENCODING AND SUBMISSION OF THE ENHANCED BASIC EDUCATION INFORMATION SYSTEM "#'&,"#) S$M&"#! ?,!=S1,P ," #C'&," !$S$#!C1 #"( &"",;#'&,"S '!#&"&"> ?,!=S1,P ," #!' C!$#'&," %,! $%%$C'&;$ !$P!,(C'&," ," &"S'!C'&,"#) M#'$!&#)S %,! $)$M '$#C1$!S '$#C1&"> MS$P (&;&S&," ,!&$"'#'&," ?,!=S1,P ," P!,C$(!$S ,% P!,C!$M$"' ","A#C#($M&C (&S'&"C'&,"S 3 !$C,>"&'&,"I (?rite in full) M$M0$!S1&P &" #SS,C&#'&,"3,!>#"&<#'&,"
(?rite in full) *5. #re you related by consanguinity or affinity to any of the following I a. b. *9 a. 1aEe you eEer been for2ally chargedJ b. 1aEe you eEer been guilty of any ad2inistratiEe offenseJ *8. *7. /4. 1aEe you eEer been a candidate in a national or local election (except 0arangay election)J /6. a. #re you a 2e2ber of any indigenous groupJ &f @$S. please specifyI FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF b. #re you differently abledJ &f @$S. please specifyI FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF c. #re you a solo parentJ &f @$S. please specifyI FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF /2. "#M$ #((!$SS '$). ",. M#!&C$) -&-& #. )#CS," (#$'. C#M#!&"$S ",!'$ $(#!(, 0. !#>&)$S M#MP">,. P#!#C#)$ C." /*. P1,', 2:827/48 C,MM"&'@ '#+ C$!'&%&C#'$ ",. M#">=#S#@ P#!#C#)$ C." &SS$( #' 463493246* 4/34:3246* &SS$( ," (223dd3yyyy) (#'$ #CC,MP)&S1$( !&>1' '1M0M#!= CS %,!M 262 (!eEised 244:). Page / of / ?ithin the third degree (for "ational >oEern2ent $2ployees)I appointing authority. reco22ending authority. chief of office3bureau3depart2ent or person who has i22ediate superEision oEer you in the ,ffice. 0ureau or (epart2ent where you will be appointedJ &f @$S. giEe detailsI FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ?ithin the fourth degree (for )ocal >oEern2ent $2ployees)I appointing authority or reco22ending authority where you will be appointedJ &f @$S. giEe detailsI FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF &f @$S. giEe detailsI FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF &f @$S. giEe detailsI FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 1aEe you eEer been conEicted of any cri2e or Eiolation of any law. decree. ordinance or regulation by any court or tribunalJ &f @$S. giEe detailsI FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 1aEe you eEer been separated fro2 the serEice in any of the following 2odesI resignation. retire2ent. dropped fro2 the rolls. dis2issal. ter2ination. end of ter2. finished contract. #?,) or phased out. in the public or priEate sectorJ &f @$S. giEe detailsI FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF &f @$S. giEe detailsI FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Pursuant toI (a) &ndigenous PeopleBs #ct (!# 8*96)K (b) Magna Carta for (isabled Persons (!# 9299)K and (c) Solo Parents ?elfare #ct of 2444 (!# 8792). please answer the following ite2sI !$%$!$"C$S (Person not related by consanguinity or affinity to applicant 3 appointee) & declare under oath that this Personal (ata Sheet has been acco2plished by 2e. and is a true. correct and co2plete state2ent pursuant to the proEisions of pertinent laws. rules and regulations of the !epublic of the Philippines. & also authoriLe the agency head 3 authoriLed representatiEe to Eerify 3 Ealidate the contents stated herein. & trust that this infor2ation shall re2ain confidential. S&>"#'!$ (Si%& i&side '(e )o*) ID picture taken it!in t!e la"t # $%nt!" &.' c$. X 4.' c$ (pa""p%rt "i)e* C%$puter +enerate, %r -er%- c%p. %/ picture i" n%t accepta0le