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Engineering Notes: Linux AX Supervisor September 30, 2008
Information and specifications published here are current as of the date of publication of this document. Tridium, Inc. reserves the right to change
or modify specifications without prior notice. The latest product specifications can be found by contacting our corporate headquarters, Richmond,
Virginia. Products or features contained herein may be covered by one or more U.S. or foreign patents. 2008 Tridium, Inc.
Linux AX Supervisor Notes
Starting in AX-3.4, support was added for an AxSupervisor running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 distri-
bution on a specific PC platform (contact your Tridium sales channel for further PC platform details).
This document provides installation details specific to this Linux AxSupervisor. For related details on
NiagaraAX platform operation, see the NiagaraAX Platform Guide section Linux-based AxSupervisor.
Note: Note that the station running on a Linux AxSupervisor is owned by a specially created user/group
ni agar ad: ni agar ad, and therefore cannot bind to Linux r oot owned software ports 1-1024. This is not
an issue for the conventional port (3011) used for a platform connection, but does affect the standard port
used by the stations WebService (Http Port), which cannot be used at the default port (80) setting. In
addition, other software ports potentially used by various drivers must be adjusted above port 1024.
The following main sections are in this document:
Installing the Linux AxSupervisor on page 1
Interacting with the platform daemon on page 5
Uninstalling the Linux AxSupervisor on page 6
Common Linux AxSupervisor issues on page 6
Document change log on page 7
Appendix: Example installation notes on Red Hat machine on page 7
Installing the Linux AxSupervisor
Once you have obtained the Linux AxSupervisor image, via CD or download, you will initially have a file
on your machine named similar to Vykon_AX_Super vi sor _f or _Li nux_x86- 3. 4. n. zi p.
Expand this filefor example, change to its parent directory and enter the following command:
r oot @<host >: / home/ <user >#unzip Vykon_AX_Supervisor_for_Linux_x86-3.4.#.zip
This command expands the image and produces the directory hierarchy:
Please review the README and INSTALL. When you are ready to begin the installation process, type
the following at the command prompt:
r oot @<host >: / home/ <user >#bash install.sh
This script steps you through the installation process by asking a series of yes/no questions, where the
default choice (press ENTER) appears in capital letters, that is YES or NOinstead of yes or no. Some of
the more complicated questions include:
Woul d you l i ke t o conf i gur e whi ch user s can use Ni agar a AX [ YES/ no] :
dist folder
docs folder
install-data folder
lexicon folder
modules folder
overlay folder
install.sh shell script
INSTALL installation instructions
setup-linux-x86.tgz Tar archive
Engineering Notes: Linux AX Supervisor

Installing the Linux AxSupervisor Linux AX Supervisor Notes
Linux AxSupervisors !/bin contents September 30, 2008
If you answer yes to this question, any user you provide will be added to the new group 'niagarad', have
permissions to start/stop/query the NiagaraAX platform service, and have Desktop and Menu Icons
installed to their home directory. If you choose not to configure any users, you'll still be able to run
'niagarad' and NiagaraAX, but it can only be controlled as 'root'.
If you want to add users later, use the command user mod - G - a ni agar ad UserNameYouWantToAdd
Shoul d Ni agar a AX user s be al l owed t o accompl i sh cer t ai n r oot pr i vi l eged t asks?
Thi s i s l i mi t ed t o set t i ng syst emt i me, dat e, t i mezone, r eboot , TCP/ I P and NTP
set t i ngs [ yes/ NO] :
This is a very important question, as is it only asked once, and can not be re-configured after the instal-
lation completes (unless you uninstall, then install again). If you answer yes to this question, then a setuid
binary called 'ndsupport' will be installed in ${NI AGARA_HOME}/ bi n.
Through this binary the wb, station or niagara daemon will obtain root privileges and perform the desired
operation. If you choose not to install this executable, or if you delete it for some reason after you have
installed it, then you will not be able to set or execute any of the listed operations through 'niagarad', 'wb',
or 'station'.
Shoul d Ni agar a AX add necessar y " / et c/ sudoer s" i nf or mat i on f or t he gr oup
ni agar ad? [ yes/ NO] :
This is a convenience. If you choose yes, then the / et c/ sudoer s entry required to allow members of the
group 'niagarad' to execute '/ usr / bi n/ ni agar adct l ' as the user 'niagarad' is automatically generated
and added to the file / et c/ sudoer s. If you choose no, then the necessary entry will still be generated
and logged, you will just need to manually modify the / et c/ sudoer s file through vim or visudo.
The remainder of the questions asked by the installer should not require explanation. The installer will
ask you to review your choices and then it copies files. If the installer fails at any step, please send an email
to Tridium support that specifies your Linux distribution, version, and the i nst al l . l og file.
Caution Important information is included at the end of the installation script. Please take the time to read this
information and complete any additional steps it may ask you to do.
Once you have installed NiagaraAX, the following is in / opt / Ni agar a/ Ni agar a- 3. 4. n/
Linux AxSupervisors !/bin contents
In the AxSupervisors Ni agar a- 3. 4. n/ bi n folder, find the following:
This file is the shell script responsible for launching NiagaraAX applications. It is used primarily by the
Desktop and Menu entries as a means to automate the creation of a suitable runtime environment (that
is, env variables); although, a user could use this script from the command line if they choose.
If this file is deleted, Desktop and Menu shortcuts will no longer work. It is not advised to change the
contents of this file.
bin folder
certificates folder
docs folder
install folder
install-data folder
jre folder
lexicon folder
lib folder
modules folder
security folder
stations folder
sw folder
uninstall folder
workbench folder
install.log application.log
Engineering Notes: Linux AX Supervisor

Linux AX Supervisor Notes Installing the Linux AxSupervisor
September 30, 2008 Linux AxSupervisors !/bin contents
Default attributes are: - r - xr - x- - ni agar ad: ni agar ad
This executable is used to build NiagaraAX modules. It corresponds to the bui l d. exe file in a
Windows environment.
Default attributes are: - r wxr - xr - x ni agar ad: ni agar ad
These files are runtime libraries used by NiagaraAX. They correspond to the *. dl l files in a Windows
environment. Deletion of any of these files will result in NiagaraAX run time failure.
Default attributes are: - r wxr - xr - x ni agar ad: ni agar ad
jikes.122 / jikes
These files are responsible for compiling Java code into NiagaraAX modules. 'jikes' is a wrapper script
that forces command line expansion for compiling entire directories of java source. 'jikes.122' is a binary
that corresponds to the 'jikes.exe' file in a Windows environment. Deletion of these files will prevent the
successful completion of the 'build' executable, and you will not be able to create Program objects in
Default attributes are: - r wxr - xr - x ni agar ad: ni agar ad
This file sets up the run time environment needed to run any NiagaraAX binary. It will properly initialize
several important variables, such as LD_LI BRARY_PATHand NI AGARA_HOME. This script can be sourced
at the command line to allow you to launch NiagaraAX binaries, such as wb, from the command line at
a later time. Deletion of this file will prevent Desktop and Menu shortcuts from functioning properly, as
well as axlauncher and niagaradctl. Do not modify the contents of this file as it is custom generated at
install time for NiagaraAX.
Default attributes are: - r wxr - xr - x ni agar ad: ni agar ad
This file is the niagara daemon, aka platform daemon. It corresponds to the file 'niagarad.exe' in a
Windows environment. Do not execute this file manually, as it should only be controlled (e.g, started/
stopped) by the script 'niagaradctl'. Deletion of this file will prevent the 'niagaradctl' script from
functioning properly and will prevent you from making platform connections to your host in 'wb'. Do not
delete or modify this file in any way.
Default attributes are: - r - x- - - - - - ni agar ad: ni agar ad
This file is the control script for 'niagarad'. It is used to start, stop, and query as to the status of 'niagarad'.
Symbolic links from / et c/ i ni t . d and runlevel directories are made to this file at service installation
time. This script may be executed by any users who are configured to use niagarad (done at installation
time) to manually start, stop, restart or query the niagarad service. Deletion of this file will prevent
'niagarad' from running as a service, and will prevent 'niagarad' from starting at boot time, and stopping
at restart/reboot time. Do not delete or modify the contents of this file in any fashion.
Default attributes are: - r wxr - xr - x ni agar ad: ni agar ad
This file is a cache of the original code used to generate 'niagaradctl' used by the 'install.sh'. The contents
of this file are concatenated to 'niagaradctl' at it creation following the generation of platform dependent
code during 'install.sh' and 'install_service.sh' runtime. Deletion of this file, or more than trivial modifi-
cation will prevent you from successfully reinstalling the platform service, i.e. 'install_service.sh'.
Default attributes are: - r wxr - xr - x ni agar ad: ni agar ad
Executing this script allows you to see any output from 'niagarad'. 'niagarad' is run as a service and
therefore his standard output is redirected to an internal logging service. This script will locate the logs
generated by 'niagarad' and print them to the screen. Deletion of this file will prevent you from seeing
'niagarad' output externally from NiagaraAX applications (that is, you'll still be able to see it in 'wb').
Default attributes are: - r wxr - xr - x ni agar ad: ni agar ad
Engineering Notes: Linux AX Supervisor

Installing the Linux AxSupervisor Linux AX Supervisor Notes
Linux AxSupervisors !/install contents September 30, 2008
This file is responsible for launching the Niagara Runtime Environment (NRE). It corresponds to the
'nre.exe' file in a windows environment. Deletion of this file will prevent you from being able to query the
NRE externally from other NiagaraAX applications, for example for hostid.
Default attributes are: - r wxr - xr - x ni agar ad: ni agar ad
This file is responsible from launching NiagaraAX stations on your platform. It corresponds to the
'station.exe' file in a Windows environment. Deletion of this file will prevent you from launching any
stations on your local platform, pretty much rendering your AxSupervisor useless.
Default attributes are: - r wxr - xr - x ni agar ad: ni agar ad
This file is responsible for running predefined test cases against the NRE. It corresponds to the 'test.exe'
file in a Windows environment. This file is not critical, but deletion of this file will prevent you from
testing the Framework.
Default attributes are: - r wxr - xr - x ni agar ad: ni agar ad
This file is responsible for launching wb, that is Workbench. It corresponds to the file 'wb.exe' in a
Windows environment. Deletion of this file will prevent you from launching wb.
Default attributes are: - r wxr - xr - x ni agar ad: ni agar ad
Linux AxSupervisors !/install contents
In the AxSupervisors Ni agar a- 3. 4. n/ i nst al l folder, find the following:
This file is a copy of the script used to initially install the Linux AxSupervisor, it currently serves no
purpose and is going to be removed. Default attributes are: - r wxr wxr - x r oot : r oot
This script is responsible for installing the NiagaraAX Platform Service, aka 'niagarad'. You will need root
privileges to successfully run the script. It can be run as a stand-alone installer and does not require or
rely on 'install.sh' at all. When run, the script will install (but not start!) the platform daemon of that
version of NiagaraAX, overwriting any other NiagaraAX daemon currently installed on that platform.
This means you can use this script to switch between installations of NiagaraAX on your platform. Once
completed, you may start the service from the command line or simply reboot. The script relies on
'niagarad_generic', and as such, might fail to function properly if that file is significantly modified. If
deleted, you will be unable to switch the platform daemon between multiple NiagaraAX installations on
your machine. Aside from the fact that this script does not start the daemon upon completion, it corre-
sponds to the 'Install Platform Daemon' command available in a Windows environment. For details, see
Installing the platform daemon on page 5.
Default attributes are: - r - xr - x- - - ni agar ad: ni agar ad
Linux AxSupervisors !/uninstall contents
In the AxSupervisors Ni agar a- 3. 4. n/ uni nst al l folder, find the following:
This script is responsible for uninstalling the NiagaraAX Platform Service, aka 'niagarad'. You need root
privileges to successfully run the script. It can be run as a standalone uninstaller, and will not remove the
complete NiagaraAX installation from your platform, just the service. This script is provided as a conve-
nience for users who would like to prevent 'niagarad' from starting at boot-time, or would like to disable
the NiagaraAX installation temporarily, rather than remove it completely. Modification of this file may
prevent it from successfully completing. For details, see Uninstalling the platform daemon on page 6.
Default attributes are: - r - xr - x- - - ni agar ad: ni agar ad
This script is responsible for completely removing the Linux AxSupervisor from your platform. In a
Windows environment, this script corresponds to 'uninstall.exe'. You will need root privileges to success-
fully run the script. It steps you through the uninstallation process via a series of yes or no questions. In
order to safely and efficiently remove NiagaraAX, it uses a configuration file generated at installation time
Engineering Notes: Linux AX Supervisor

Linux AX Supervisor Notes Interacting with the platform daemon
September 30, 2008 Starting the platform daemon
named 'uninstall.conf'. For details, see Uninstalling the Linux AxSupervisor on page 6. However, if this
file is missing, the uninstaller can still be executed successfully (but it may ask unnecessary questions,
and/or report incorrect information). If this file is significantly modified, you may be unable to remove
NiagaraAX via an automated processand you just have to do it manually file by file.
Default attributes are: - r - xr - x- - - ni agar ad: ni agar ad
This file is created at installation time based on the configuration of NiagaraAX (install service, doc, dist,
etc.) you chose to install. The key/value pairs in this file are used to efficiently remove NiagaraAX when
running the script 'uninstall.sh' by asking questions tailored for your platform. Modification or deletion
of this file will not prevent you from uninstalling NiagaraAX, but it might cause the script 'uninstall.sh'
to ask questions, and attempt to remove items, not tailored for your platform.
Default attributes are: - r w- r - - r - - r oot : r oot
Interacting with the platform daemon
Once NiagaraAX has been installed, you will be able to control the platform daemon, 'niagarad', through
the control script 'niagaradctl'. This script can be found in the bin directory of your NiagaraAX Instal-
lation or from the symbolic link '/ usr / bi n/ ni agar adct l '.
Try typing 'niagaradctl' at the command line. You will see:
<user >@<host >: / usr / bi n# niagaradctl
Usage: naxd {st ar t | st op| r est ar t | st at us}
Where naxd' stands for NiagaraAX Daemon, and it is the name presented to the operating system to
associate with this service (niagarad). As you can see, with this script, you will have the ability to start,
stop, restart and query the platform daemon.
Starting the platform daemon
To start the platform daemon on a Linux AxSupervisor, type the following at the command line.
<user >@<host >: / usr / bi n# niagaradctl start
St ar t i ng Ni agar a Daemon: [ OK ]
To verify that the daemon has started, type the following at the command line.
<user >@<host >: / usr / bi n# niagaradctl status
ni agar ad ( pi d 4815162342) i s r unni ng. . .
The platform daemon is now running on your platform and can accept platform connections.
Stopping the platform daemon
To stop the platform daemon on a Linux AxSupervisor, type the following at the command line.
<user >@<host >: / usr / bi n# niagaradctl stop
St oppi ng Ni agar a Daemon: [ OK ]
To verify that the daemon has stopped, type the following at the command line.
<user >@<host >: / usr / bi n# niagaradctl status
ni agar ad i s st opped
Note: Typically you rarely stop the platform daemon (and thus station) on any AxSupervisor, except immedi-
ately before installing a new point release, meaning an upgrade.
Installing the platform daemon
To reinstall the platform daemon on a Linux AxSupervisor for a particular version of NiagaraAX you will
have to execute the script 'install_service', found in NiagaraAX's "install" directory. It is not necessary to
execute this script after a successful NiagaraAX installation, as that process will automatically install the
platform daemon.
So the main reasons you will be executing this file are either:
1. You have accidentally broken your NiagaraAX environment and you want to repair it, or
2. You have two versions of NiagaraAX installed on your platform, and you want to change which
platform daemon is started/controlled by '/usr/bin/niagaradctl.
You need to be acting as root to accomplish this task. The first step to installing a particular version's
platform daemon is to change to the target releases i nst al l directory:
r oot @<host >: / usr / bi n# cd <targetNiagaraReleaseDirectory>/install
Engineering Notes: Linux AX Supervisor

Uninstalling the Linux AxSupervisor Linux AX Supervisor Notes
Uninstalling the platform daemon September 30, 2008
Then, you issue the install_service.sh command. For example, if installing the platform daemon from
opt / Ni agar a/ Ni agar a- 3. 4. 25/ i nst al l :
r oot @<host >: / opt / Ni agar a/ Ni agar a- 3. 4. 25/ i nst al l # bash install_service.sh
The platform daemon (service) will be installed, but not started. See Starting the platform daemon.
Uninstalling the platform daemon
To disable the platform daemon at start up, that is remove the NiagaraAX scripts in "/ usr / bi n and /
et c/ i ni t . d, you have to execute the script 'uninstall_service', found in NiagaraAX's uninstall
directory. It is not necessary to execute this script prior to running NiagaraAX's main uninstallation
script, as it will uninstall the service, and more, on its own.
You need to be acting as root to accomplish this task. The first step to uninstalling a particular version's
platform daemon is to change to the target releases uni nst al l directory:
r oot @<host >: / usr / bi n# cd <targetNiagaraReleaseDirectory>/uninstall
Then, you issue the uninstall_service.sh command. For example, if uninstalling the platform daemon
from opt / Ni agar a/ Ni agar a- 3. 4. 25/ uni nst al l :
r oot @<host >: / opt / Ni agar a/ Ni agar a- 3. 4. 25/ uni nst al l # bash uninstall_service.sh
The platform daemon (service) is then uninstalled. The service can be safely reinstalled using the
install_service.sh command. See Installing the platform daemon.
Uninstalling the Linux AxSupervisor
To completely uninstall a version of NiagaraAX from your Linux AxSupervisor machine, you have to
execute the script 'uninstall.sh', found in NiagaraAX's "uninstall" directory.
You need to be acting as root to accomplish this task. The first step to uninstalling a particular version's
platform daemon is to change to the target releases uni nst al l directory:
r oot @<host >: / usr / bi n# cd <targetNiagaraReleaseDirectory>/uninstall
Then, you issue the uninstall.sh command. For example, if uninstalling Niagara-3.4.25 from your
machine, from opt / Ni agar a/ Ni agar a- 3. 4. 25/ uni nst al l :
r oot @<host >: / opt / Ni agar a/ Ni agar a- 3. 4. 25/ uni nst al l # bash uninstall.sh
The uninstallation procedure is very similar to that of the Windows environment, and the script steps you
through the process. Once finished, please make sure you read and following any additional instructions
that were not automated by the script.
Common Linux AxSupervisor issues
The following are some issues previously encountered when installing or running a Linux AxSupervisor:
error while loading shared libraries
This error can happen with any of NiagaraAX's shared libraries: l i bnr e. so, l i bpl at f or m. so,
or l i bj vm. so. Although these libraries are probably installed on your machine, the shared library
loader can not locate them. This mostly likely means you have not sourced the script '. ni agar a'.
As user r oot , from your installations / bi n directory, type this:
r oot @<host >: / opt / Ni agar a/ Ni agar a- 3. 4. 25/ bi n# . ./.niagara
Then try whatever command you used to produce this error again (wb, nr e, ni agar ad, st at i on).
This error can happen when starting a station. In the Linux OS, ports 1-1024 are root ports, mean-
ing only an application running with r oot privileges may bind to them. Since 'st at i on' is running
as the user 'ni agar ad' (who does not have root privileges), it can not bind to port 80. If you have not
configured your station to start on a port above 1024, you will see this error.
To fix this error, configure your station to start its WebService bound to port 8080, or another port
above 1024.
[workbench.auth] Cannot save credentials list
This error can happen while connecting to the local platform daemon from Workbench. In the
Linux OS, an item owned by r oot : r oot usually can not be modified by any users other than r oot
itself. If r oot owns the user s directory, or if the permission of the user s directory has been mod-
ified somehow to something other than 0775, new user credentials can not be created.
To fix this error, as user r oot from your installations directory, enter these commands:
Engineering Notes: Linux AX Supervisor

Example installation notes on Red Hat machine Document change log
September 30, 2008 Uninstalling the platform daemon
r oot @<host >: / opt / Ni agar a/ Ni agar a- 3. 4. 25# chown -R niagarad:niagarad users
r oot @<host >: / opt / Ni agar a/ Ni agar a- 3. 4. 25# chmod 0775 users
In errors involving not being able to write or create something associated with a file, always try modifying
a file, or directory, so that it is owned by ni agar ad: ni agar ad, as this is most likely the cause of the error.
Document change log
Updates (changes/additions) to this Linux AxSupervisor Notes engineering notes document are listed
Updated: September 30, 2008
Following the first introductory paragraph, added a Note: about port usage. Added a new appendix
Example installation notes on Red Hat machine.
Draft: May 28, 2008
Initial Engineering Notes type document.
Example installation notes on Red Hat machine
The following notes include steps recorded by Tridium Systems Engineering (Test department) in the
initial software setup of a Dell Precision Workstation ordered installed with Red Hat Linux 5 Client, and
also the subsequent installation of the NiagaraAX Linux Supervisor.
Initial Dell workstation setup example
Linux AxSupervisor installation example
Initial Dell workstation setup example
Following the unpacking of the Dell Precision Workstation, interconnection of keyboard, mouse, display,
Ethernet, and power (following Dell documentation), the system was powered on. The following steps
were taken and recorded on June 3, 2008:
1. Pressed Enter at EULA screen.
2. Selected English (USA) as Language, and pressed Forward.
3. Clicked Yes, I agree on License Agreement, and pressed Forward.
4. Selected US English for Keyboard layout, and pressed Forward.
5. Set root password and confirm password fields to ni agar a. Pressed Forward.
6. Pressed Change Network Configuration, selected the et h0 devi ce, and clicked
Activate. (The Ethernet card was shipped deactivated).
7. Under the Firewall Configuration, clicked drop-down for Other Ports, and added ports
3011 and 80 for both TCP and UDP. Pressed Yes to override the existing firewall configuration.
8. Left SELinux at its default Enf or ci ng setting. Pressed Forward.
9. Left Enable Kdump unchecked. Pressed Forward.
10. Set time zone to East er n Ti me. Pressed Forward.
11. Under Date and Time, selected the Network Time Protocol tab and checked Enabl e
Net wor k Ti me. Pressed Forward.
12. The software update failed because the system could not detect an active network connection.
Pressed Forward.
13. Under Create User:
Set username = t r i di um
Set Full Name = t r i di um
Set password = ni agar a
Set confirm password = ni agar a
Pressed Forward.
14. Pressed Forward under Sound Card.
15. Pressed Finish under Additional CDs.
16. Entered t r i di um/ni agar a at login screen.
17. Rebooted the machine. This corrected the inactive network connection issue detected at step 12.
The initial setup had failed to aquire a gateway for the network connection.
Engineering Notes: Linux AX Supervisor

Linux AxSupervisor installation example Example installation notes on Red Hat machine
Uninstalling the platform daemon September 30, 2008
18. Attempted to load the self-extracting RPM Java plugin for Linux from java.com, however, the pre-
installed Firefox (ver. failed to detect the plugin link.
Note: The Red Hat workstation came preconfigured with a pre-3.0 version of Firefox that does not detect the Java
plugin previously mentioned. The fix is to upgrade to the latest version of Firefox. This is recommended if
the Web Workbench (Workbench in a browser) will be run from the workstation.
Linux AxSupervisor installation example
Following the inital software setup of the Dell workstation (see previous section Initial Dell workstation
setup example on page 7), the following steps were taken to perform a fresh install of the AX Super-
visor for Linux, build 3.4.42. These steps were recorded on September 30, 2008:
1. Downloaded the zipped image of build 3.4.n (3.4.42 as of September 30, 2008), saving it to the main
2. Created a folder on the main desktop named bui l ds, with a subfolder named 3. 4. 42.
3. Double clicked on the zip archive from the desktop to launch the extraction utility. Specified the
3. 4. 42 subfolder as the destination for extraction.
4. Following extraction, the 3. 4. 42 folder should contain the standard directory hierarchy for
5. Launched a new terminal session. The default prompt is the t r i di um user created during the
original Red Hat installation.
6. Changed to the r oot user using the su command. Entered ni agar a when prompted for the
password. The prompt switches to root.
7. Changed to the "3. 4. 42" directory created in Step 3. using command:
cd / home/ t r i di um/ Deskt op/ bui l ds/ 3. 4. 42
8. Ran the i nst al l . sh script by issuing command
bash i nst al l . sh
9. Pressed Enter when prompted to continue by the script. Pressed Q to skip viewing the license
10. Typed yes followed by ENTER to accept the license agreement.
11. Pressed ENTER to accept the default absolute path for Niagara AX 3.4.42.
12. Pressed ENTER again to accept the prompt to create the directory, since it did not exist.
13. Pressed ENTER to accept the prompt to configure a new user.
14. Entered t r i di um as the username string when prompted by ENTER.
15. Typed no followed by ENTER to skip adding another user.
16. Typed yes followed by ENTER when prompted about whether users should be allowed to
accomplish root privileged tasks.
17. Typed yes followed by ENTER when prompted to add ni agar ad to the / et c/ sudoer s file.
18. Typed yes for the prompts to install GNOME desktop and menu shortcuts.
19. Pressed ENTER when prompted to install lexicon files.
20. Pressed ENTER when prompted to install documentation.
21. Pressed ENTER when prompted to install as installation tool.
22. Verified the installation settings summary displayed, and pressed ENTER to accept and continue.
23. A warning message prompting the configured user to logout and log back in to workstation is
displayed in blue.
Caution At this stage of the installation, you must either:
Close the terminal session, and log out and log back in, or
Reboot the workstation
Prior to launching NiagaraAX (from the console or from desktop shortcuts). Otherwise, you will likely have
permission denial errors.
24. Verified the creation of desktop and menu shortcuts.
25. Exited the console.
26. Logged out of the workstation and logged back in (using credentials t r i di um/ni agar a).
Engineering Notes: Linux AX Supervisor

Example installation notes on Red Hat machine Linux AxSupervisor installation example
September 30, 2008 Uninstalling the platform daemon
Note: The niagara daemon does not start up automatically when a user logs out and back in. It does however
start up automatically when the workstation is rebooted. To start niagarad without rebooting:
Double-click the Niagara AX 3.4.xx Console icon to launch the NiagaraAX console.
Type ni agar adct l st at us for the current status of the niagara daemon.
It should say ni agar ad i s st opped.
Type ni agar adct l st ar t
The daemon starts up with an OK status.
Now if you type ni agar adct l st at us, it should say ni agar ad ( pi d xxxx) i s r un-
ni ng. . .
27. Workbench can now be launched in a number of ways:
From either of the Workbench icons on the desktop, or from the Applications Menu (the
suggested way).
Running wb from the console.
28. Testing confirmed that all methods successfully launched Workbench, and could successfully open
a connection to the local platform.

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