Testlink Installation Guide
Testlink Installation Guide
Testlink Installation Guide
It's crucial role for every QA mates to manage the entire testing process. Testing process
according to ISTQB International Soft!are Testing Qualification Board" is...
#laning and control
Analysis and design
Implementation and e$ecution
%valuating e$it criteria and reporting
Test closure activity.
To manage entire testing process manually is very tedious tas& and specially for mid si'e
company it's also difficult to !or& on license version soft!are. (nless they use crac& version )"
Testing process *asically covers follo!ing ma+or elements Test plan, !riting test case, e$ecution
of test case, ,eporting *ugs in case if test case fail" "
So, I can say that !e need tool !hich automate test case management - Bug trac&ing process.
.uring my ,-. I come to &no! a*out TestLink ( http://www.teamst.org/ ) !hich has pac&age
for managing testing process.
Testlin& is open source Test /anagement and e$ecution system.
About Testlink :-
Test0in& is !e* *ased tool under the 1#0 license free to use".
2ollect and organi'e your test cases dynamically
Trac& results and metrics associated !ith test e$ecution
2apture and report details to assist you in conducting a more thorough testing process
2ustomi'e Test0in& to fit your re3uirements and processes. 4ou are not tied do!n *y any
proprietal solution.
Ta&e advantage of e$perience gained from hundreds of implementations completed for
customers around the !orld
Test0in& directly cooperates !ith Bug Trac&ing systems) Bug'illa , /antis, 5ira, Trac&#lus,
%ventum, Trac, Seapine, ,edmine
Here I am going mention installation steps for Testlin& for !indo!s operating system" and later
on !e !ill cooperates !ith matis www.mantisbt.org/ " a open source *ug trac&ing tools.
Here !e go...
1) .o!nload 6A/# Server from http)77!!!.!ampserver.com7en7do!nload.php"
8" Install 6A/# Server on your machine
9":o! do!nload latest version of Testlin& from ;.
A"%$tract rar file in specific drive.
B"2opy Ctestlin&D folder and paste it in follo!ing drive 2)E!ampE!!!"
F":o! type Chttp)77localhost7 in *ro!ser and hit enter *utton.Gerify that Ctestlin&D folder
!ill e$its under C4our #ro+ectD Sections
H":o! clic& on Testlin& lin&
?"Since !e are doing fresh installation , in that case clic& on C:e! InstallationD lin&
I"Here ne! installation !ill as& for .ata*ase login - Testlin& .B login
>="%nter CrootD as .ata*ase login and leave *lan& in data*ase pass!ord It's default username
and pass!ord for mys3l admin user"
>>"Testlin& .B credential are testlin&7testlin& (se can choose !hatever you !ant"
>8"2lic& on C#rocess Test0in& SetupJD *utton
>9"2lic& on chec& *o$ and clic& on #roceed *utton
>A":o! clic& on CTest0in& using login name)admin 7 pass!ord)admin K #lease 2lic& /eJ".D lin&.
>B"%nter admin7admin as 0ogin :ame and #ass!ord