The document summarizes several news stories:
1) The engagement was announced of Benjamin Kamenetsky, grandson of Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, to Esther Levovitz, great-granddaughter of Rav Yeruchem Levovitz.
2) Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman said the miracles in the recent Israel-Gaza conflict were beyond nature and this should inspire increased Torah study.
3) The second yahrzeit of Rav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv was marked, with an event held at the shul where he davened.
4) Rav Yehuda Jacobs advised boys entering the shidduch process to prioritize midd
The document summarizes several news stories:
1) The engagement was announced of Benjamin Kamenetsky, grandson of Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, to Esther Levovitz, great-granddaughter of Rav Yeruchem Levovitz.
2) Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman said the miracles in the recent Israel-Gaza conflict were beyond nature and this should inspire increased Torah study.
3) The second yahrzeit of Rav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv was marked, with an event held at the shul where he davened.
4) Rav Yehuda Jacobs advised boys entering the shidduch process to prioritize midd
The document summarizes several news stories:
1) The engagement was announced of Benjamin Kamenetsky, grandson of Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, to Esther Levovitz, great-granddaughter of Rav Yeruchem Levovitz.
2) Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman said the miracles in the recent Israel-Gaza conflict were beyond nature and this should inspire increased Torah study.
3) The second yahrzeit of Rav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv was marked, with an event held at the shul where he davened.
4) Rav Yehuda Jacobs advised boys entering the shidduch process to prioritize midd
The document summarizes several news stories:
1) The engagement was announced of Benjamin Kamenetsky, grandson of Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, to Esther Levovitz, great-granddaughter of Rav Yeruchem Levovitz.
2) Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman said the miracles in the recent Israel-Gaza conflict were beyond nature and this should inspire increased Torah study.
3) The second yahrzeit of Rav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv was marked, with an event held at the shul where he davened.
4) Rav Yehuda Jacobs advised boys entering the shidduch process to prioritize midd
KAMENETSKY ENGAGED The engagement of a grandson of Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva of Philadel- phia, was announced last week. The chosson, Binyo- min Kamenetsky, is a son of Rav Zev Kamenetsky of Lakewood. Rav Zev is a son-in-law of Rav Gavriel Ginsberg ztl, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Ner Yisroel of Toronto. The kallah, Esther Levovitz, is a daugh- ter of Rav Asher Levovitz of Bensonhurst. She is a great-granddaughter of the mash- giach of Mir, Rav Yeruchem Levovitz ztl. RAV SHTEINMAN: THE NISSIM IN PROTECTIVE EDGE ARE BEYOND NATURE Early this week, Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman said that we have been wondrous miracles that are above and beyond the realm of nature. People are amazed by this, he remarked. The truth is, however, that we should look to the well-known words of the Ramban at the end of Parshas Bo, where he writes that the way Hashem runs the world is with miracles, but we become so accustomed to seeing the miracles that we cease to be amazed by them. When the Bnei Yisroel were in the midbar, monn fell every day - an outright miracle. Nevertheless, because they got used to it, some of the Bnei Yisroel said, We are sick of the monn. From this, we see that getting accustomed to some- thing makes us think it is normal. There- fore, when we see these open nissim, it should be a catalyst for us to dedicate our- selves even more wholeheartedly to Torah learning. Rav Shteinman also recommended that everyone strengthen their emunah by learn- ing seforim that provide chizuk in emunah. SECOND YAHRTZEIT OF RAV ELYASHIV MARKED Shabbos Parshas Ma- sei was the second yahrtz- eit of the posek hador, Rav Yosef Sholom Elyas- hiv ztl. In numerous Torah centers around the globe, divrei zikoron were delivered in his memory. Most notable was a special atzeres zikoron held at the caravan, the shul in Meah Shearim where Rav Elyashiv dav- HERE HERE THERE & from WHEN NORMAL IS NOT SO NORMAL BY R YITZCHOK HISIGER Rav Yehuda Jacobs, mashgiach at Bais Medrash Govoah in Lakewood, NJ, recently delivered his bi-annual shmuess to bochurim entering the parsha of shid- duchim, providing practical advice and guidance, with forthrightness and clarity, while discussing the hashkafc aspects of shidduchim and the proper hanhagah to be followed at this important juncture of a bochurs life. Middos is the ikkar shebeikkrim, the absolute priority in looking for a shid- duch, said Rav Jacobs, mincing no words, because that is really what you are going to be living with. When looking into a shidduch, he ad- vised, look for people to say that [the girl] is a normal person. In our dor, that is not such a small compliment. Sometimes you hear that she is gevadlig. Take it easy with the gevaldig. That takes twice as much bedikah, twice as much checking. Look for a normal person. Look for nor- malcy. Rav Jacobs also addressed how to deal with shadchanim. Shadchanim are going to come to you with ideas. Be machshiv the shadchanim. Sof kol sof, the people who come to you with shidduch ideas are a major heicha timtza for you to fnd a shidduch An- swer them on time. Deal with them be- derech kavod, with respect. The mashgiach gave valuable advice to the young men regarding their relationship with their parents at this time. Your parents are much more experi- enced in life than you are, said Rav Ja- cobs. Dont forget that. And they are also your best friends. They arent just trying to patur a shidduch on you. Dont distance them. Bederech klal they understand more about shidduchim than you do. You need helpers. You cannot do it yourself. They are your team. Be machshiv the maalah of your parents in this regard. The overfow crowd of bochurim lis- tened intently to the words of Rav Jacobs, as he imparted timeless lessons and in- sights. FOOD THOUGHT for SYMPATHY IN SPRING VALLEY BY R YITZCHOK HISIGER Three fellow Yidden showed that when it comes to compassion and sensitivity, Klal Yisroel shines brightly. On Friday, July 11, a 20-month-old toddler, Dominic Mero, tragically died af- ter being run over by a vehicle in the Lottie Gardens parking lot in Spring Valley, NY. With the family not having the funds to pay for the burial, a fundraising effort was undertaken at a local deli on Rose Av- enue in Spring Valley, where a bucket for donations was placed. This heartbreaking ordeal was exacerbated when the contain- er of money - containing approximately $300 - was stolen. A 17-year-old was sub- sequently arrested and charged with petty larceny for making off with the cash. In stepped Yossi Gestetner, founder of the Orthodox Jewish Public Affairs Coun- cil (OJPAC), as well as Rockland County Legislator Aron Wieder, and Benny Polatseck. We met Jacqueline Jones, the neighbor who had put out the bucket, and we met with the boys fa- ther, uncle and other rela- tives, Wieder told the Yat- ed. They were completely shocked. They couldnt believe that people would show up to try to help them. They were in such dire straits that the father had to sell his car to pay the funeral home. By that Tuesday night, Polatseck had set up a website to raise funds for the Mero family and Gestetner worked to get the word out and garner me- dia attention. Within 24 hours, a large sum had been raised. This was a quick and well-coordinat- ed campaign, said Gestetner. We were hoping to raise perhaps $1,000, refected Wieder, but the funds came in from all over. Besides for a large contribution from Kansas, the rest were modest $5, $10 and $20 donations from all over the world, and particularly from many Jewish people in Brooklyn, Monsey and elsewhere. 24 hours after that, the trio of Gestet- ner, Wieder and Polatseck were on their way back to Monsey following the wake for the tot in Queens, where they had handed the family money to pay for the burial. The certifed check for $2,250 was made out to Maple Grove Cemetery. Onlookers at the wake were surprised to observe three chassidishe men walking in, but they soon learned of the altruism and kindliness of these Orthodox Jews. The boys uncle asked me at the wake how he can one day repay what you guys have done, related Wieder. I told him, If you ever fnd someone in distress, even if he is not from your community, help him. Thats how youll repay us. FOOD THOUGHT for BY CHAIM GOLD