Verbos regulares describes regular verbs in Spanish. It lists the infinitive form of common verbs, their past/participle forms, meanings, and ending patterns. Many regular verbs follow a consistent pattern of ending in "ar", "er", or "ir" in the infinitive and changing the ending to "é", "í", or "o" for the past/participle forms. This provides a concise overview of regular verb conjugations in Spanish.
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Act Address: Infinitive Past /participle Significado Terminación
Verbos regulares describes regular verbs in Spanish. It lists the infinitive form of common verbs, their past/participle forms, meanings, and ending patterns. Many regular verbs follow a consistent pattern of ending in "ar", "er", or "ir" in the infinitive and changing the ending to "é", "í", or "o" for the past/participle forms. This provides a concise overview of regular verb conjugations in Spanish.
Verbos regulares describes regular verbs in Spanish. It lists the infinitive form of common verbs, their past/participle forms, meanings, and ending patterns. Many regular verbs follow a consistent pattern of ending in "ar", "er", or "ir" in the infinitive and changing the ending to "é", "í", or "o" for the past/participle forms. This provides a concise overview of regular verb conjugations in Spanish.
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Act Address: Infinitive Past /participle Significado Terminación
Verbos regulares describes regular verbs in Spanish. It lists the infinitive form of common verbs, their past/participle forms, meanings, and ending patterns. Many regular verbs follow a consistent pattern of ending in "ar", "er", or "ir" in the infinitive and changing the ending to "é", "í", or "o" for the past/participle forms. This provides a concise overview of regular verb conjugations in Spanish.
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Verbos regulares
Infinitive Past /Participle
Significado Terminación accompany Accompanied Acompañar d accustom accustomed Acostumbrar d act Acted actuar, obrar id add Added Sumar, añadir id address Addressed dirigir (una carta), dirigirse a t advertise Advertised avisar, anunciar t agree agreed Concordar, acordar, Acceder, concretar, convenir d aid Aided Ayudar id amuse Amused Entretener, Divertir, distraer t annoy annoyed Molestar, fastidiar, enojar, enfadar d answer answered Responder, Contestar d appeal applealed Atraer, llamar, apelar d appear appeared aparecer, semejar d approach Approached acercarse, aproximarse t arrange arranged Arreglar, ordenar d arrest Arrested Arrestar id arrive arrived Arribar, llegar d ask Asked Preguntar, pedir t assist Assisted Ayudar id attend Attended Asistir, ir, atender id balance balanced equilibrar, balancear t banish banished Desterrar t bark barked Ladrar t beg begged suplicar, mendigar, Rogar, pedir d behave behaved Comportarse d believe believed creer, entender d belong belonged Pertenecer d bless blessed Bendecir t board boarded Abordar id boil boiled Hervir d breathe breathed Respirar id brush brushed Cepillar t call called llamar, visitar d care cared Cuidar d carry carried Llevar, cargar d change changed Cambiar d charge charged cargar, cobrar, encargar, poner precio d check checked Chequear, Comprobar t clean cleaned Limpiar d climb climbed escalar, subir, trepar d close closed Cerrar t comb combed Peinar d complete completed completar, acabar id consist consisted constar, consistir id cook cooked Cocinar t count counted Contar id cover covered Cubrir d crash crashed Chocar, estrellarse, fracasar, romper, estallar t crawl crawled gatear, arrastrarse d cross crosssed cruzar t cry cried Gritar, llorar d dance danced bailar t declare declared declarar d delay delayed demorar, retardar, diferir d deliver delivered entregar, repartir d deny denied negar d dial dialed sintonizar, marcar d die died morir d dine dined cenar d dress dressed vestir t dropp dropped dejar caer t dry dried secar d enclose enclosed incluir, encerrar t engage engaged comprometer, ocupar, emplear, alquilar d enjoy enjoyed disfrutar d envy envied envidiar d exclaim exclaimed exclamar d explain explained explicar d express expressed expresar t fail failed fracasar, fallar, engañar, quebrar d fasten fastended abrochar d file filed archivar d fill filled llenar, henchir d finish finished terminar, finalizar, Acabar t fire fired echar del trabajo, disparar, encender d fish fished pescar t fix fixed fijar, arreglar t follow followed seguir, proseguir d frighten frightened espantar d fry fried freír d gain gained ganar(peso), adquirir d guess guessed adivinar, acertar t happen happened suceder, acontecer, ocurrir d help helped ayudar, socorrer, auxiliar t hope hoped esperar (tener la esperanza), desear t hurry hurried acelerar, apresurar, apurarse d imagine imagined imaginar d iron ironed planchar d judge judged juzgar d kill killed aniquilar, matar d kiss kissed besar t laugh laughged reír t leak leaked gotear t like liked querer, gustar, agradar t lock locked cerrar con llave, encerrar t look looked mirar, buscar, parecerse t manage managed manejar, gobernar, dirigir, lograr d mark marked marcar, señalar t marry married casarse, unirse d massage massaged masajear, dar masaje d measure measured medir d milk milked ordeñar un animal t miss missed extrañar, perder (el tren, etc.), echar de menos t move moved mover, conmover d observe observed observar d offer offered ofrecer d open opened abrir, destapar d order ordered ordenar, pedir, encargar, mandar d park parked estacionar t pass passed pasar, exceder t peform performed ejecutar d phone phoned telefonear, llamar por teléfono d pick picked recoger, escoger, entresacar, picar t plan planned planear d play played jugar, tocar(instrumento), ejecutar música d please pleased complacer, Agradar, deleitar d plough ploughed arar d polish polished pulir t pour poured derramar, verter, escanciar d practise practised practicar t pray prayed orar, rogar, pedir, rezar d prefer prefered preferir d prepare prepared preparar d promise promised prometer t pronounce pronounced pronunciar t pull pulled tirar de (hacia sí), arrancar d punish punished castigar t push pushed empujar t rain rained llover d raise raised levantar, alzar t reach reached alcanzar, llegar a t realice realized darse cuenta d receive received recibir d refuse refused rehusar t register registered matricularse, registrar d Remain remained quedar, sobrar, permanecer, persistir d Remember recordar, tener presente d Repair pepaired reparar d repeat repeated repetir id report reported reportar, informar id request requested solicitar, pedir, Suplicar, requerir, rogar, encargar id Require required requerir d Reserve reserved reservar, guardar d Resolve resolved resolver d rest rested descansar, dormir id Return returned retornar, volver, regresar, devolver d Row rowed remar d Save saved salvar, Ahorrar d Search searched buscar, registrar t serve served servir, convenir d settle settled arreglar, establecer d sign signed firmar d slip slipped resbalar, deslizar t smile smiled Sonreír d smoke smoked fumar, humear t snow snowed nevar d spill spilled derramar d stay stayed permanecer, quedarse, pararse d stop stopped detener, parar t stretch stretched estirar t study studied estudiar d suffer suffered sufrir d swallow swallowed tragar, engullir d switch switched conectar, accionar, conmutar (la luz) t talk talked conversar, Hablar, charlar t thank thanked agradecer, dar las gracias t tire tired cansar, fatigar d touch touched tocar, palpar t train trained entrenar,adiestrar d trap trapped atrapar t travel traveled viajar, navegar d trouble troubled molestar d try tried tratar, intantar, Probar, ensayar, tratar de d turn turned girar, voltear, volver, convertir d unpack unpacked desempacar t use used usar, emplear t visit visited visitar, ir a ver id wait waited esperar, aguardar id walk walked caminar, andar, pasearse, pasear t want wanted querer, requerir, necesitar, carecer de id warm warmed calentar d warn warned advertir, avisar, prevenir d wash washed lavar, bañar t watch watched observar, mirar, vigilar, velar t water watered regar, humedecer d weigh weighed pesar, examinar, considerar d whistle whistled silbar d wish wished desear, anhelar, querer t work worked trabajar t wrap up wrapped up envolver t wreck wrecked naufragar t