This document provides information about transducers used in the ST60 instrument system. It includes chapters on the speed transducer, fluxgate compass transducer, rudder reference transducer, wind rotavecta, and windvane transducer. Each chapter describes the components, functional tests, and connections for the respective transducer. Spare parts lists are also provided for replacing components.
This document provides information about transducers used in the ST60 instrument system. It includes chapters on the speed transducer, fluxgate compass transducer, rudder reference transducer, wind rotavecta, and windvane transducer. Each chapter describes the components, functional tests, and connections for the respective transducer. Spare parts lists are also provided for replacing components.
This document provides information about transducers used in the ST60 instrument system. It includes chapters on the speed transducer, fluxgate compass transducer, rudder reference transducer, wind rotavecta, and windvane transducer. Each chapter describes the components, functional tests, and connections for the respective transducer. Spare parts lists are also provided for replacing components.
This document provides information about transducers used in the ST60 instrument system. It includes chapters on the speed transducer, fluxgate compass transducer, rudder reference transducer, wind rotavecta, and windvane transducer. Each chapter describes the components, functional tests, and connections for the respective transducer. Spare parts lists are also provided for replacing components.
T r a n s d u c e r s ST60 Inst rument s Service Manual 83142-1 i Part 3. ST60 Transducers D4530-1 Part 3. ST60 Inst rument s Transducers T r a n s d u c e r s ii ST60 Inst rument s Service Manual 83142-1 Cont ent s Chapter 1. ST60 Speed transducer.................................................................................... 2 Changing a paddlewheel ............................................................................................. 2 Changing the valve assembly ...................................................................................... 3 ST60 Speed transducer spare parts list ......................................................................... 3 Insert assembly installation......................................................................................... 3 ST60 Speed transducer connections............................................................................. 4 Chapter 2. ST60 Fluxgate compass transducer................................................................. 6 Functional test............................................................................................................ 6 Magnetic deviation..................................................................................................... 6 Disassembly/reassembly ............................................................................................ 6 Fluxgate Compass spare parts list....................................................................... 7 ST60 Fluxgate Compass transducer connections.......................................................... 7 Chapter 3. ST60 Rudder reference transducer ................................................................. 8 Description................................................................................................................ 8 Functional Test........................................................................................................... 8 Balljoint replacement.................................................................................................. 8 ST60 Rudder reference transducer connections............................................................ 9 Chapter 4. ST60 Wind rotavecta..................................................................................... 10 Disassembly/reassembly .......................................................................................... 10 Wind rotavecta spare parts list.......................................................................... 10 Wind rotavecta PCB details....................................................................................... 11 Input/Output signals........................................................................................ 11 PCB component layout ................................................................................... 11 PCB component list............................................................................... 11 ST60 Wind Rotavecta connections............................................................................ 12 Chapter 5. ST60 Windvane transducer........................................................................... 14 Disassembly/reassembly .......................................................................................... 14 Windvane (standard arm) spare parts lists......................................................... 15 Long arm masthead transducer ........................................................................ 15 Functional test.......................................................................................................... 15 Windvane head PCB details...................................................................................... 16 Input/Output signals........................................................................................ 16 PCB component layout ................................................................................... 16 PCB component list............................................................................... 16 Anemometer head PCB details.................................................................................. 17 Input/Output signals........................................................................................ 17 PCB component layout ................................................................................... 17 PCB component list............................................................................... 17 ST60 Windvane connections..................................................................................... 18 Part 3. ST60 Inst rument s Transducers T r a n s d u c e r s ST60 Inst rument s Service Manual 83142-1 1 This page is intentionally left blank This page is intentionally left blank Part 3. ST60 Inst rument s Transducers T r a n s d u c e r s 2 ST60 Inst rument s Service Manual 83142-1 Chapt er 1. ST60 Speed t ransducer H A N D T I G H T EN Hul l Insert (t op vi ew ) Insert (si de vi ew ) Housi ng (si de vi ew ) 5, Snap ri ng Vane ret ai ner pi n (6, val ve assembl y) Vane (6, val ve assembl y) Keyw ay Pul l ri ng 3, ' O' ri ng 4, ' O' ri ng (' O' ri ngs shoul d be f ree of abrasi ons, kni cks, and cut s t o ensure w at ert i ght ent egri t y.) Key Fl at area of bl ade f aces f ront of boat Arrow i ndi cat es f ront of boat 1, Paddl ew heel shaf t 2, Paddl ew heel D4518-1 Arrow i ndi cat es f ront of boat Vane housi ng (6, val ve assembl y) Spri ng (6, val ve assembl y) Cap nut Figure 1: ST60 Speed transducer Changing a paddlewheel For the following sequence refer to Figure 1: ST60 Speed transducer. 1. Use the new paddlewheel shaft from the spare parts kit to push out the old shaft (1) approximately 5mm (1/4inch). 2. Grasp the end of the old shaft (1) with pliers and pull it straight out, releasing the paddlewheel (2). Part 3. ST60 Inst rument s Transducers T r a n s d u c e r s ST60 Inst rument s Service Manual 83142-1 3 3. Place the new paddlewheel (2) in the insert assembly cavity. IMPORTANT: The flat surface of the paddewheel blades must face the direction of the arrow on top of the insert assembly. When the insert assembly is installed in the housing, the arrow on the top insert cap and the water exposed flat surface of the housing should both face the front of the vessel. 4. Tap the new shaft (1) into place until it is flush with the housing, being careful that the shaft enters the centre hole of the paddlewheel bearing. Failure to align the bearing before inserting the shaft can result in bearing damage. Changing t he valve assembly The valve assembly should only be changed when the vessel is out of water. The transducer incorporates a self-sealing valve which minimizes the flow of water into the vessel should the insert assembly be removed. When the insert assembly is removed, the curved vane is activated is activated by both a spring and water pressure, pushing the vane upward to seal the opening. The valve assembly is held in place with a corrosion resistant snap ring. Should the valve mechanism fail carry out the following (refer to Figure 1: ST60 Speed transducer). 1. Remove the snap ring (5), using a screwdriver to pry the end of the ring free. 2. Slide the valve assembly upward, out of the housing. Note: The vane retainer pin is a loose slip-fit and may slide out when the assembly is removed from the housing. 3. The insert assembly can be reinserted into the housing and used conventionally, without the valve assembly. 4. To install a valve assembly, insert it into the housing (vane tongue pointing downward). Install the snap ring (5), making certain that it locks into its groove in the housing wall. ST60 Speed t ransducer spare part s list The item numbers refer to Figure 1: ST60 Speed transducer It em Spare/Accessory Descript ion Part No. Comment s Speed t ransducer service kit , including D234 1 Paddlewheel shaft 2 Paddlewheel 3 O ring (x2) 4 O ring (x2) 5 Snap ring 6 Valve assembly Insert assembly inst allat ion When reinstalling the insert assembly, ensure O rings have been inspected and replaced if necesssary, then lubricated and the key of the insert assembly locates with the keyway of the housing assembly. Secure with cap nut (hand tighten). Part 3. ST60 Inst rument s Transducers T r a n s d u c e r s 4 ST60 Inst rument s Service Manual 83142-1 ST60 Speed t ransducer connect ions Cable core Inst rument head circuit Descript ion colour diagram reference Red 12V_SPD Approximat ely 11.2V DC out Green SPD Wit h t ransducer at t ached, spinning paddle-wheel produces pulses approximat ely 11.2V DC in amplit ude at 5.5Hz/Knot . Screen OV OV Whit e TEMP Wit h t ransducer at t ached, volt age here is dependant on t emperat ure. Approximat ely 1.8v at 0 degrees C. Brown OVANA OV Transducer connect i ons t o ST60 Speed i nst rument D4481-2 S P E E D D E P T H Red Green Screen Whi t e Brow n Part 3. ST60 Inst rument s Transducers T r a n s d u c e r s ST60 Inst rument s Service Manual 83142-1 5 This page is intentionally left blank This page is intentionally left blank Part 3. ST60 Inst rument s Transducers T r a n s d u c e r s 6 ST60 Inst rument s Service Manual 83142-1 Chapt er 2. ST60 Fluxgat e compass t ransducer Funct ional t est Disconnect the Fluxgate from the Autopilot and check continuity as follows: Cable colour Resist ance Screen t o blue < 10 ohms Red t o green < 5 ohms Red t o yellow < 5 ohms Red t o screen Open circuit Magnet ic deviat ion The Fluxgate Compass requires careful siting if optimum Autopilot performance is to be acheived. The SeaTalk electronics is able to correct the compass for most deviating magnetic fields present when the linearisation procedure is carried out. Any further deviation, introduced after linearisation, will introduce an error between the Fluxgate and the ships compass. This can be removed by carrying out the linearisation again. If the displayed deviation is greater than +/ 15 degrees the Fluxgate should be resited. Note: The linearisation procedure should always be carried out if the Fluxgate has been exchanged, removed or moved from its original mounting position. Disassembly/reassembly D4519-1 1 2 7 3 6 5 9 1. Cover 2. Seal 3. Pi vot ret ai ni ng screw (x2) 4. Bracket 5. Pi vot sub-assembl y 6. Fl uxgat e sub-assembl y 7. Body 8. Body screw (x4) 9. Cabl e Red Yel l ow Green Bl ue Screen Connect or Wi ri ng Det ai l 4 Hot mel t gl ue Cabl e t i e 8 Figure 2: Fluxgate Compass exploded view Part 3. ST60 Inst rument s Transducers T r a n s d u c e r s ST60 Inst rument s Service Manual 83142-1 7 Fluxgat e Compass spare part s list The item numbers refer to Figure 2: Fluxgate Compass exploded view It em Spare Descript ion Part No. Comment s Compass base kit , including M096 3 Pivot ret aining screw (x2) 4 Bracket Fluxgat e sub-assembly, including M022 5 Pivot sub-assembly (x2) 6 Fluxgat e sub-assembly ST60 Fluxgat e Compass t ransducer connect ions Cable core Inst rument head circuit Descript ion colour diagram reference Red VREF Fluxgat e 2.5V Yellow FGA Sense A Green FGB Sense B Blue FGDRV Fluxgat e drive Whit e Screen Fluxgat e OV ret urn Transducer connect i ons t o ST60 Compass i nst rument D4488-2 C O M P A S S R O T A Red Yel l ow Green Bl ue Whi t e (screen) Part 3. ST60 Inst rument s Transducers T r a n s d u c e r s 8 ST60 Inst rument s Service Manual 83142-1 Chapt er 3. ST60 Rudder reference t ransducer Descript ion The Rudder Reference transducer (M81105) contains a single-turn 5k ohm plastic potentiometer to provide the autopilot with rudder position information. When the unit is replaced, correct installation is vital to achieve optimum steering performance. Transducer arm movement is limited to +/- 60 degrees. Care must be taken to make sure that the arm is opposite the cable entry when the rudder is amidships. Failure to do this could result in damage to the rudder reference transducer if the arm is driven onto its stops by the steering system. Faulty rudder reference transducers should be replaced as a complete unit. Funct ional Test Disconnect the rudder reference transducer from the autopilot and check for continuity. Cable colour Arm posit ion Resist ance Green/red Any posit ion 5k ohm + /- 5% Blue/green Ant i clockwise st op 1.66k ohm + /- 10% Blue/green Clockwise st op 3.3k ohm + /- 10% Balljoint replacement D4520-1 Ti l l er arm Rudder ref erence t ransducer 1, Rudder mount ed bal l 2, Bal l j oi nt cap Figure 3: Balljoint kit exploded view The item numbers refer to Figure 3: Ball joint kit exploded view It em Spare/Accessory Descript ion Part No. Comment s Ball joint kit , including D143 1 Rudder mount ed ball 2 Ball joint cap (x2) Part 3. ST60 Inst rument s Transducers T r a n s d u c e r s ST60 Inst rument s Service Manual 83142-1 9 ST60 Rudder reference t ransducer connect ions Cable core Inst rument head circuit Descript ion colour diagram reference Red 5V Transducer + V supply Blue VRUD Transducer out put Green OV Transducer 0V ret urn Whit e Screen Transducer screen Transducer connect i ons t o ST60 Rudder i nst rument D4489-2 R U D D E R R O T A Red Bl ue Green Whi t e (screen) Part 3. ST60 Inst rument s Transducers T r a n s d u c e r s 10 ST60 Inst rument s Service Manual 83142-1 Chapt er 4. ST60 Wind rot avect a Disassembly/reassembly 1. Al l en grubscrew M3 2. Rot avect a cups 3. Capt i ve nut 4. Rot avect a pod 5. Pod ' O' ri ng 6. Rot avect a body 7. Mount i ng pod screw M5 (x2) 8. Base pl at e 9. Base pl at e l ocknut 10. Cover pl at e 11. Connect i ng cabl e 12. Mount i ng pod cover pl at e 13. Mount i ng pod 14. Grubscrew M5 1 (Not e A) 2 3 (Not e A) 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 11 Not e: A. Unscrew t he Al l en grubsrew (1) suf f i ci ent l y t o al l ow t he Rot avect a cups (2) t o be pul l ed of f t he shaf t . If t he screw i s backed of f t oo f ar, t he capt i ve nut (3) can f al l out . 4 5 D4046-2 Figure 4: Wind rotavecta exploded view Part 3. ST60 Inst rument s Transducers T r a n s d u c e r s ST60 Inst rument s Service Manual 83142-1 11 Wind rot avect a spare part s list The item numbers refer to Figure 4: Wind rotavecta exploded view It em Spare/Accessory Descript ion Part No. Comment s Rot avect a t ransducer kit , including D240 1 Allen grubscrew M3 2 Rot avect a cups 3 Capt ive nut M3 Rot avect a pod assembly, including Q113 4 Rot avect a pod 5 Pod O ring Rail mount ing kit , including D316 7 Mount ing pod screw M5(x2) 8 Base plat e 9 Base plat e locknut 10 Cover plat e 11 Connect ing cable 12 Mount ing pod cover plat e 13 Mount ing pod 14 Grubscrew M5 Wind rot avect a PCB det ails Input /Out put signals (refer to Figure 5: Wind Rotavecta circuit diagram) Cable core colour Transducer circuit diagram reference Descript ion Red P1 Current source Blue P2 0V D4050-2 Figure 5: Wind Rotavecta circuit diagram Part 3. ST60 Inst rument s Transducers T r a n s d u c e r s 12 ST60 Inst rument s Service Manual 83142-1 PCB component layout D4048-2 Taken f rom Draw i ng No: 4233-001 Issue: C Dat e: 08.11.93 PCB component list Taken f rom Draw i ng No: 4233-001 Issue: C Dat e: 08.11.93 D4049-2 ST60 Wind Rot avect a connect ions Cable core Inst rument head circuit Descript ion colour diagram reference Red ROTA+ Rot avect a current const ant Blue ROTA Rot avect a 0V Wi nd rot avect a connect i ons t o ST60 Wi nd i nst rument D4486-2 V A N E R O T A Red Bl ue Part 3. ST60 Inst rument s Transducers T r a n s d u c e r s ST60 Inst rument s Service Manual 83142-1 13 This page is intentionally left blank This page is intentionally left blank Part 3. ST60 Inst rument s Transducers T r a n s d u c e r s 14 ST60 Inst rument s Service Manual 83142-1 Chapt er 5. ST60 Windvane t ransducer Disassembly/reassembly D4521-1 1 2 3 5 4 (Not e A) Use sl eeves f rom repl aced st andard arm assembl y. Sl eeves do not come as a spare. Use sl eeves f rom repl aced st andard arm assembl y. Sl eeves do not come as a spare. 7 6 8 2 9 The ST60 Mast head Mount (9) comes w i t h f i t t ed spades i n t he ST60 Wi nd Syst em A22012, but as a spare t he ST50 Mast head Mount (Q024) may be suppl i ed w hi ch i s f i t t ed w i h a connect or. Thi s connect or i s cut of f , t he out er sheat hi ng st ri pped and spades cri mped ont o t he cabl e w i res. 1. Wi ndvane 2. Grubscrew (x2) 3. Bal ance w ei ght 4. Nut , M3 5. Upper (w i ndvane) pod 6. Mast head t ransducer arm assembl y 7. Low er (anemomet er) pod 8. Anemomet er head 9. ST60 Mast head mount Not e: A. Unscrew t he Grubscrew (2) suf f i ci ent l y t o al l ow t he Wi ndvane (1) t o be pul l ed of f t he shaf t . If t he screw i s backed of f t oo f ar, t he nut (4) can f al l out . Figure 6: ST60 Windvane exploded view Part 3. ST60 Inst rument s Transducers T r a n s d u c e r s ST60 Inst rument s Service Manual 83142-1 15 Windvane (st andard arm) spare part s list s The itemnumbers refer to Figure 6: Windvane exploded view It em Spare/Accessory Descript ion Part No. Comment s Mast head t ransducer service kit , including D139 1 Windvane 2 Grubscrew, M3 (x2) 3 Balance weight 4 Nut , M3 8 Anemomet er head 5 Upper (windvane) pod Q001 6 Mast head t ransducer arm assembly Q025 St andard arm 7 Lower (anemomet er) pod Q002 9 Mast head mount assembly Q024 30 met res of cable. May be supplied wit h a connect or. This connect or is cut off, sheat hing st ripped and spades crimped ont o t he cable wires. Mast head t ansducer D168 Mashead mount assembly not supplied Also available is the ST60 Wind Masthead Mount incorporating 50 metres of cable (A28042). Long arm mast head t ransducer On the Long Arm Masthead Transducer Unit (D225) the masthead arm (carbon fibre) assembly is not available as a spare. Funct ional t est The operation of the Masthead Mounted Windvane can be checked using the following procedure: 1. Connect +8V dc to the red core and 0V to the screen. 2. Connect a digital volt meter across the screen and the green core. 3. Rotate vane head through 360 degrees and check that the meter reading oscillates sinusoidally. The maximum reading must be between 6V and 5.5V. The minimumreading must be between 2V and 2.5V. 4. Repeat section 3 with the meter connected across the blue core and screen. The anemometer transducer can not easily be tested and a replacement pod should be fitted if suspected to be faulty. Part 3. ST60 Inst rument s Transducers T r a n s d u c e r s 16 ST60 Inst rument s Service Manual 83142-1 Windvane head PCB det ails Input /Out put signals (refer t o Figure 7: Windvane head circuit diagram) Cable core Transducer circuit Descript ion colour diagram reference Red P1 8V supply Green P2 Sin out put Blue P3 Cos out put Black P4 0V supply D1 BYV27 D2 BYV27 IC1 P1 P2 Vsuppl y Vsi ne Vcosi ne 0V P4 P3 D3 BYV27 D4 BYV27 IC2 0/P SS94AI + -- D4524-1 TITLE: WIND VANE CIRCUIT DIAGRAM DRWG No: 3015-036-B 0/P SS94AI + -- Figure 7: Windvane head circuit diagram PCB component layout D4525-1 Taken f rom Draw i ng No: 4060-001 Issue: A PCB component list Taken f rom Draw i ng No: 4060-001 Issue: A D4526-1 24010 04047 02038 3015-036 PIN ANALOGUE POSITION SENSOR SS94A1 HONEYWELL DIODE (FAST RECOVERY) BYV27-100 MULLARD WINDVANE PCB IC1, IC2 D1, D2, D3, D4 Part 3. ST60 Inst rument s Transducers T r a n s d u c e r s ST60 Inst rument s Service Manual 83142-1 17 Anemomet er head PCB det ails Input /Out put signals (refer t o Figure 8: Anemomet er head circuit diagram) Cable core Transducer circuit Descript ion colour diagram reference Red P1 8V supply Yellow P2 Anemomet er out put Black P3 0V supply D4527-1 0/P + -- IC1 D2 BYV27 ZD1 BZV8512 Anemometer 0V R1 P2 P1 Vsupply P3 D1 BYV27 TITLE: ANEMOMETER CIRCUIT DIAGRAM DRWG No: 3015-037-C Figure 8: Anemometer head circuit diagram PCB component layout D4528-1 Taken f rom Draw i ng No: 4060-002 Issue: D PCB component list Taken f rom Draw i ng No: 4060-002 Issue: D D4529-1 24010 04046 02038 02040 01108 3015-037 PIN ANALOGUE POSITION SENSOR SS41 HONEYWELL DIODE (FAST RECOVERY) BYV27-100 MULLARD ZENER DIODE BZV85C12 RESISTOR 1K5 10% 0.125W PCB DETAIL IC1 D1, D2 Z1 R1 Part 3. ST60 Inst rument s Transducers T r a n s d u c e r s 18 ST60 Inst rument s Service Manual 83142-1 ST60 Windvane connect ions Cable Inst rument head circuit Descript ion colour core diagram reference Red 8V Vane supply Green SIN sin out put Blue COS cos out put Yellow ANN annemomet er Whit e SCREEN Transducer OV ret urn Wi ndvane connect i ons t o ST60 Wi nd i nst rument D4486-3 V A N E R O T A Red Green Bl ue Yel l ow Whi t e (screen)