The document discusses religious diversity in the US. It talks about major religions having political influence and minority religions being overlooked or discriminated against. The author learned that religion has had a more significant historical impact than anything else in the world. They also realized that knowing more about religions helps explain many things and why they happen.
The document discusses religious diversity in the US. It talks about major religions having political influence and minority religions being overlooked or discriminated against. The author learned that religion has had a more significant historical impact than anything else in the world. They also realized that knowing more about religions helps explain many things and why they happen.
The document discusses religious diversity in the US. It talks about major religions having political influence and minority religions being overlooked or discriminated against. The author learned that religion has had a more significant historical impact than anything else in the world. They also realized that knowing more about religions helps explain many things and why they happen.
The document discusses religious diversity in the US. It talks about major religions having political influence and minority religions being overlooked or discriminated against. The author learned that religion has had a more significant historical impact than anything else in the world. They also realized that knowing more about religions helps explain many things and why they happen.
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Synthesis Paper
By: Nils Mindnich
Religious Diversity There are many things to discuss when it comes to our nations religious diversity. hether its a!out ma"or religions having too much political in#luence$ or how minority religions are o#ten over loo%ed and discriminated. &t was though this class that & was o##ered a chance to e'tend my %nowledge o# not "ust religion in the (.S.$ !ut religion as a whole. & learned how comple' religions are. &n the !eginning o# this class the pro#essor as%ed us why we should study religion. hy is it good to %now a!out a religion that you dont practice) ell during the duration o# this class & discovered that religion has a more historically signi#icant impact than anything else in the world. & reali*ed %nowing more a!out religions helped e'plain many other things in this world and why they happen. & was given a new perspective on how religion is !eing shaped and shaping the (S$ how we encounter religious minorities$ and how citi*ens o# all !elie#s might act to achieve success#ul pluralism. Prior to this class & thought that there was a #air separation o# church and state. &t didnt ta%e long to reali*e that this isnt the case. +hurch !elie#s run deep in our government and sometimes they dont have the most positive e##ect. ,ther times the results arent that !ad. -ither way it seems li%e there is very little that anyone can do to have a true separation o# the two. People who run this country arent going to a!andon their !elie#s "ust !ecause they have to ma%e important decisions. Most li%ely politicians are going to use their !elie#s to try support why they thin% they are doing the right thing. & used to thin% that .merica was one !ig melting pot$ !ut & have changed my mind on this. & never paid a lot o# attention to religion$ and didnt reali*e how much #riction e'ists !etween religions and our government. & thin% that religion is going to change .merica$ and .merican is going to change religions$ whether its #or !etter or worse. & thin% that a lot o# minority religions in this nation can o#ten !e met with a high level o# e'lusivism. This response comes #rom people who already have strong religious views o# their own. . ma"ority o# the nation is religious$ and out o# the religious ma"ority they can o#ten come across as resistant towards change. Personally$ & try to ta%e the most pluralist approach to religion that & can. &ts not too di##icult since & dont have any religious views o# my own. That !rings up the su!"ect o# how all .mericans might !e a!le to practice pluralism. Since there is such a diverse community in the (S$ it is easy #or people to #ind di##erences that ma%e them separate #rom one another. hat would !e is i# everyone loo%ed past their di##erences in hopes o# #unctioning together peace#ully in society. &ts easier said than done !ecause were tal%ing a!out people having to change the #oundation o# who they are. & !elieve$ and we discussed in class$ that #or a success#ul pluralist society everyone must !e willing to give and ta%e. People are going to have to accept new and di##erent things that they might not agree with in order #or other people to accept what they !elieve. . common ground would !e reached and a more peace#ul nation would ensue. This class taught me a!out things that & had never put much thought into. & %new that there was a diverse religious ma%e up in our nation$ !ut & wasnt aware to what e'tent. Reali*ing how the government #unctions to adapt with religious ma"orities and minorities was interesting. ,r how private !usinesses are a!le to discriminate their employees health rights !ecause o# their !elie#s. &# there was one thing this class taught me was that the religious diversity in .merica is e'tremely comple'. &ssues are always going to !e arising !ecause new !elie#s are !eing introduced all the time. The !est thing we can do to have society #unction peace#ully is loo% past what someone !elieves #or the greater good o# our nation. I, ________________________, on my honor, have submitted my position paper to my e-portfolio and accompanied it with reflective writing. Student Signature ____________________________________ 3