Synthesis Paper

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Synthesis Paper

By: Nils Mindnich

Religious Diversity
There are many things to discuss when it comes to our nations religious diversity.
hether its a!out ma"or religions having too much political in#luence$ or how minority
religions are o#ten over loo%ed and discriminated. &t was though this class that & was
o##ered a chance to e'tend my %nowledge o# not "ust religion in the (.S.$ !ut religion as a
whole. & learned how comple' religions are. &n the !eginning o# this class the pro#essor
as%ed us why we should study religion. hy is it good to %now a!out a religion that you
dont practice) ell during the duration o# this class & discovered that religion has a more
historically signi#icant impact than anything else in the world. & reali*ed %nowing more
a!out religions helped e'plain many other things in this world and why they happen. &
was given a new perspective on how religion is !eing shaped and shaping the (S$ how
we encounter religious minorities$ and how citi*ens o# all !elie#s might act to achieve
success#ul pluralism.
Prior to this class & thought that there was a #air separation o# church and state. &t
didnt ta%e long to reali*e that this isnt the case. +hurch !elie#s run deep in our
government and sometimes they dont have the most positive e##ect. ,ther times the
results arent that !ad. -ither way it seems li%e there is very little that anyone can do to
have a true separation o# the two. People who run this country arent going to a!andon
their !elie#s "ust !ecause they have to ma%e important decisions. Most li%ely politicians
are going to use their !elie#s to try support why they thin% they are doing the right thing. &
used to thin% that .merica was one !ig melting pot$ !ut & have changed my mind on this.
& never paid a lot o# attention to religion$ and didnt reali*e how much #riction e'ists
!etween religions and our government. & thin% that religion is going to change .merica$
and .merican is going to change religions$ whether its #or !etter or worse.
& thin% that a lot o# minority religions in this nation can o#ten !e met with a high
level o# e'lusivism. This response comes #rom people who already have strong religious
views o# their own. . ma"ority o# the nation is religious$ and out o# the religious ma"ority
they can o#ten come across as resistant towards change. Personally$ & try to ta%e the most
pluralist approach to religion that & can. &ts not too di##icult since & dont have any
religious views o# my own.
That !rings up the su!"ect o# how all .mericans might !e a!le to practice
pluralism. Since there is such a diverse community in the (S$ it is easy #or people to #ind
di##erences that ma%e them separate #rom one another. hat would !e is i# everyone
loo%ed past their di##erences in hopes o# #unctioning together peace#ully in society. &ts
easier said than done !ecause were tal%ing a!out people having to change the #oundation
o# who they are. & !elieve$ and we discussed in class$ that #or a success#ul pluralist society
everyone must !e willing to give and ta%e. People are going to have to accept new and
di##erent things that they might not agree with in order #or other people to accept what
they !elieve. . common ground would !e reached and a more peace#ul nation would
This class taught me a!out things that & had never put much thought into. & %new
that there was a diverse religious ma%e up in our nation$ !ut & wasnt aware to what
e'tent. Reali*ing how the government #unctions to adapt with religious ma"orities and
minorities was interesting. ,r how private !usinesses are a!le to discriminate their
employees health rights !ecause o# their !elie#s. &# there was one thing this class taught
me was that the religious diversity in .merica is e'tremely comple'. &ssues are always
going to !e arising !ecause new !elie#s are !eing introduced all the time. The !est thing
we can do to have society #unction peace#ully is loo% past what someone !elieves #or the
greater good o# our nation.
I, ________________________, on my honor, have submitted my position paper to my
e-portfolio and accompanied it with reflective writing.
Student Signature ____________________________________ 3

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