Gear Up #5

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Issue 5


golden gear 2011

painting contest gallery

Army Spotlight
MilICIA Part 2

Field testING

Field guide threat values (Beta)

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)


painting the chasseur MKII

nucoal in the arena

Nucoal in heavy gear arena

TerraNovan Terraformer
battle-damaged stoneheads

ano ands

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

1:144 scale (12-15mm) sci-fi resin terrain Pieces

Badlands Outpost

$29.95 DP9-BOTt

Defense Turret Two Pack

$23.75 DP9-9101

Badlands Homestead Housing Module

$19.00 DP9-BHHM

Badlands Homestead Tower

$18.00 DP9-BHT

Badlands Homestead Shed

$14.00 DP9-BHS

Badlands Windmill

$12.00 DP9-BW

Badlands Water Condenser

$10.00 DP9-BWC

Badlands Twin Water Tanks

$6.50 DP9-BWT

Badlands Homestead Solar Panels

$10.00 DP9-BHP

Also available (not shown)

Badlands Comm Array

$11.00 DP9-BCA

Small Stone Heads Trio

$10.00 DP9-sst

Stone Heads Two Pack

$12.25 DP9-9053

Stone Heads Four Pack

$26.75 DP9-9007

Destroyed Hunter Diorama Pack

$13.50 DP9-9008

Destroyed Jager Diorama Pack

$13.50 DP9-9014

Modular Shipping Containers 3-Pack

$10.00 DP9-MSC


Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Meet th e Po d

Meet The Pod

Robert Dubois - President
Forum Name: rdubois

John Nguyen - Marketing Director

Forum Name: jnguyen

One of Dream Pod 9's founding members

turned President, Robert has been a gamer
since high school and enjoys attending
conventions between projects. He is the "Pod
God" on the forum and his likeness is used
for the CEO of Paxton Arms in Heavy Gear.

John Nguyen is an attorney by trade and

works full time at Dream Pod 9. He served
briefly in the Canadian Forces. He is Dream
Pod 9's Marketing Director and Pod Squad

Greg Perkins - Art Director

Forum Name: Mason

Jason Dickerson - Line Developer

Forum Name: Autel

Line Editor for Heavy Gear and the Asp

Aficionado, Jason has been an active member
of the Dream Pod community for years. In
1999, he was involved in the creation of the
Hermes 72 fan site and forums.

On a given day you might find Greg 3D

modelling new Heavy Gears, working on book
layouts, designing regiment logos, painting
miniatures, drawing concept sketches, or
doing post-production work on illustrations
and photos.

Philippe Ferrier Le Clerc - Chief Sculptor

Forum Name: xactoboy

Mariko Shimamoto - Artist

After graduating in visual communication

design, Mariko moved to a suburb of Saitama
with her cat where she enjoys playing video
games and reading manga between creating
masterpieces for Heavy Gear.

Phil is easily the weirdest member of the

pod. He can build very tiny things using
ridiculously large tools.

Saleem Rasul Abdul Aziz - Assistant

Forum Name: Saleem

Avelardo Paredes - Artist

Forum Name: Cerberus_02

Avelardo is the current lead mechanical

designer for Heavy Gear. First and foremost,
he is a fan, and claims the highest postcount
of any dp9forum member.

Saleem is one of our new Assistant Game

Designers. He helps coordinate playtests,
does some writing, and helps generate new
rules and ideas for the company. All while
being halfway across the globe.

John Bell - Artist

Forum Name: Jakar Nilson

Paul Workoff - Terranovan Terraformer

Forum Name: Evil Monkey

John is a comic book artist and has been

working in the gaming industry for the past
decade. He also tries his hand at sculpting,
scratch-building, animation, card model
design and computer games.

Scale terrain artist for Dream Pod 9, Paul

spends most of his free time coordinating
the efforts of the Pod Squad Texas section
as CNCO.

James Paquette - Assistant Layout

James is a video game developer/designer by

trade and works full time for Dream Pod 9. He
served in the Canadian Forces.

Sean Callaway - Contributing Writer

Forum Name: Paradox_01

Sean is a Medic in the US Army and is a

regular contributing writer for Dream Pod
9. When hes not writing, Sean spends his
free time building and converting Heavy Gear

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Issue 5
Gear UP 5 is here, and so is a monster issue of miniature hobby
related articles, from the Golden Gear entries, to Show Me Your
Colors, to Terra Nova Terraformer, and introducing Dream Pod 9
Studio Masterclass. These are just some of the new developments
on the hobby side of Heavy Gear Blitz.
We've also got an artist interview with designer and 3D modeller
David Tauzia, who contributed to the cover of Perfect Storm
and modelled the Lancier, Chargeur, and Hussar, and there's yet
another installment of Prime Solutions by Jason Dickerson and
drawn by Mariko Shimamoto.

review of per
for a video
storm and

beasts of war

Gerrit Kitts' MILICIA spotlight article continues in this issue with

suggested squad layouts, some stories on life in the AST by Sean
Callaway, and some MILICIA uniform studies.
We know Arena players are dying to be able to field NuCoal units
in their games, so we've also included rules in this issue. But we
know what you've really been waiting for since the release of the
Perfect Storm NuCoal Field Guide, is the BETA of the revised Field
Guide Threat Values for the North, South, PRDF, Leagueless,
Black Talon, Caprice, CEF, Utopia, and Eden.
We hope you enjoy this issue!
Jason Dickerson Greg Perkins
Line Developer Art Director

In this issue

Golden Gear Painting Contest Gallery............................ 6
Terranovan Terraformer By Paul Workoff....................... 14
Show Me Your Colours By Dmitriy Pakhomov................. 16
Dream Pod 9 Studio Masterclass By Greg Perkins........... 20
Artist Interview: David Tauzia.................................... 22

Perfect storm
nucoal Field guide


GenCon 2011......................................................... 32
Templecon 2012..................................................... 34
NeonCon 2011....................................................... 34
Game Summit 2012................................................. 37

mail call

Army Spotlight: Milicia Part 2.................................... 38
You Can't Always Get What You Want........................... 56
Milicia Uniform Study.............................................. 57

Do you have questions about game play? Wonder what

happened to your favorite characters? Have comments
about past issues of Gear UP? The Pod Crew are here
to answer your questions. Send your questions to
[email protected]. Well answer as many
questions as we can cram into the new section each issue!

NuCoal in Heavy Gear Arena

NuCoal Corporations............................................... 60
NuCoal Gear Arena Stats.......................................... 62
Field Testing: New Threat Values [BETA]....................... 68
Product Catalog..................................................... 76

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Tabl e of Contents


Critical Mass......................................................... 26
Captain Alston Ash-Dreyes: NuCoal Special Character...... 29
Primary Solutions Part 5........................................... 31

(color) + PDF
[online exclusive]


entry gallery
Jonathan Bigonesse

Michael Hughes

Jger Paratrooper Army Commander

Command Jger Army Commander

Dennis Duszynski

Chameleon Lgion Noire Army Commander

Jim Coleman

HT-68 Army Commander

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

This piece has great movement, color, and

balance. The weathering is very well-done and
the blending on the armor gives the impression
of harsh light beating down on an alien world!
There's a great sense of motion and I can
just imagine him getting ready to hurtle into
battle. Can't wait to see what you'll do with the
expanded color options in the upcoming Reaper
Heavy Gear Blitz Colors!
Anne Foerster
Reaper Prize Judge
Multiple Golden Demon Winner

Master Painter at Reaper Miniatures

Best Army Commander

reaper prize

Leif Raiha

Cataphract Lord

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Jordan Louis

Humanist Alliance Protection Force

Joffrey King

Northern Guard Army

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

FRANCIS Charland

C.E.F. Army with Capician Allies

Brian Martin

Southern Republican Army

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Mark Corniels

Eastern Sun Emirates Army

with Peace River Defense Force Ties

Jack Falls

"1st Irgostadt Armored Cavalry" CEF Army

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Best Army [8 models]

Dmitriy pakhomov

Southern Republican Army


Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Best Arena DUELIST

Bryan Steele

Bryan Steele

NuCoal Duelist Boa

NuCoal Duelist Wildcat



Duelist Engineering Cobra "THE WRECKER"

Dale sisson

Duelist Bricklayer "THE FLAMING DUCK"

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)


Best Arena clown


Arena Clown Hunter "THE KEGERATOR"


The first of many

The Golden Gear 2011 entries are just amazing, the caliber of conversions and customizations is top notch and is a testament to
the technical and creative strength of the Dream Pod 9 modelling and painting community. Congratulations to the winners and to
all the participants for such a great showing. We would also like to thank Reaper Miniatures and Fighting Pirannha Graphics for
providing some really excellent prize support. Which brings us to our next item, THE RANDOM DRAW for a HEAVY GEAR BLITZ
MASTER SERIES PAINT SET. This was open to all participants in the Golden Gear Painting Contest and the winner is:

Golden Gear 2012 is going to be even more exciting because the Heavy Gear Blitz Master Series Paint Set by Reaper Miniatures is
right around the corner, the Heavy Gear Blitz scenic bases and terrain kits are barely cool from the resin pressure pots, and there
are plenty of awesome FPG decal packs planned for the coming year. The modelling and painting aspect of Heavy Gear Blitz is just
going to get better and better.
Keep your eyes on,, and our Facebook page for the details to surface on a new category for Golden Gear
2012, and keep painting those amazing miniatures.

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Terrano va n T er r a f o r mer

Howdy Folks, and welcome to another

installment of Terranovan Terraformer, your
source for Heavy Gear wargame terrain

Before you start damaging your

stone heads it is important
to remove any mold lines and
wash them to remove any
release agent. Before cutting
into your stone heads it is
important to decide how big you
want your terrain feature to be
and how much damage you want
to apply. I recommend that you don't
make the bases for the stone heads
larger than 6 by 6 or they may warp. Once you have completed
designing the piece it is time to prepare your base.

Terra Nova is a world that has seen numerous

conflicts and those conflicts have scarred
the landscape of the planet. This issue covers the results of the
various conflicts on those iconic fixtures of the landscape, stone
heads. Before you begin it is important to remember that you will
be using sharp blades to simulate battle damage so use extreme
caution when using said tools. Without further delay, lets inflict
some damage on some stone heads.
Paul Workoff

Begin by marking the shape of the base as well as the position

of the stone heads with the ballpoint pen. Once you are finished,
cut the base out of the foamboard and bevel the edges to allow
models to stand on the edge without falling off. It is important to
consider the final position of the stone heads before you begin
cutting the spaces for the stone heads. For a more realistic look,
consider having the stone heads be at different levels as well as
at slight angles. Once you have made your decision on the final
positions, cut out the depressions for the stone heads but make
sure they are slightly larger than the stone heads themselves.


DP9-9007 stone heads Four Pack

Vinyl Spackle
White Glue
Fine Ballast Or Sand
Clump Foliage
Spray Primer
Acryllic Paint

Pin Vise with the following drill bits; 1/16, 1/32
Hobby Knife with a sturdy blade
Various Paint Brushes
Ballpoint Pen

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

With these techniques and tips you are well on your way to
designing your own battle damaged terrain pieces. These
techniques can also be used on the new Badlands Outpost (dp9bot) as well as other resin terrain pieces. Now try experimenting
with your own forms of battle damage, be imaginative.

Once the base is finished you are ready to begin scarring your
stone heads. Since the location and density of the battle damage
is up to you, I will just be covering how to simulate the various
types of damage seen on stone heads. To simulate shots from a
Frag Cannon you will need your pin vise fitted with the 1/32 drill
bit. Drill several shallow holes in a cluster similar to a shotgun
blast. It is important to have some of the holes overlap for a
more realistic look. Simulating autocannon impacts is slightly
more complicated than Frag Cannon damage but is still quite
easy to simulate. Using the pin vise fitted with the 1/16 drill
bit, drill some shallow holes in a line pattern to simulate walking
autocannon fire. I recommend not drilling deeper than 3/16.
With your hobby knife insert the blade into the hole and begin
cutting around the hole at a 45 degree angle, taking care not
to cut too wide of a depression. Repeat this for the rest of the
holes drilled allowing some of the depressions to overlap slightly.
These depressions and holes represent the chipping of the stone
associated with high velocity rounds hitting the Stone Head.
Finally to simulate damage from a rocket or missile you will be
using the same technique as with the autocannon damage with
some slight modifications. Drill the hole shallower this time and
when cutting the depression, cut out enough material so the hole
drilled is no longer noticeable. As for other forms of damage,
use your imagination and go to town. Cutting chunks of resin
off of the stone heads or making random grooves can represent
damage caused from age or battle.
A word of warning, do not use a hot knife or hot wire cutter on the
stone heads! The risk of toxic fumes from melting resin is high
and the results of the melting do not look very realistic, trust me
I have tried it with negative results. Simulating laser, flame, or
particle weapons can be easily achieved with powdered pigments
so avoid melting the resin to simulate those effects!

Terranov an Terraformer

Once you have finished applying the damage to your stone heads
go ahead and prime them with your choice of spray primer. Allow
to dry completely before moving on to the next step. Take your
base and begin coating it in spackle until all the foam is covered.
Place some spackle in the holes for the stone heads and place your
primed stone heads into the holes taking care to fill any gaps with
spackle. Allow the spackle to dry before moving on. Apply a layer
of slightly watered down white glue to the areas covered by the
spackle, taking care to avoid the stone heads themselves. Cover
with the fine ballast and allow the glue to dry completely. Paint
the ballast to match your table, again taking care to not get any
paint on your stone heads. Carefully paint your stone heads and
try to avoid getting paint on the finished base. Once everything
is dry, take some undiluted white glue and attach some clump
foliage to add some realism to your Stone Head base.
To increase realism further to your battle damaged stone heads,
you can add a little graffiti to them. To add realistic graffiti,
roughly paint your phrase of choice onto a section of one of your
stone heads. Take care not to get any paint into any holes or
damaged areas. Wait until the paint is almost dry and drybrush
your final Stone Head color over the slightly wet graffiti. This will
blur the graffiti slightly and also give a weathered appearance.
Less is more when it comes to graffiti, some phrases you could
use include Joe Gear Sucks, The Blue Crescent Lies, and
They Will Awake. Feel free to come up with your own graffiti

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Show Me Yo u r Co lo r sr s

SHOW ME YOUR COLORS: Desert rocks?

SRA forces (by Dimka)

Dmitriy Andreevich Pakhomov

Forum Name







Mecha fan, veteran miniature sculptor/painter/hobbyist,

wargamer and RPG GM with at least a decade of
experience in all of this stuff

Hobby Specialty



Masseur and occasional sculptor/painter

Hi, all!
Here is my ten minutes of glory with my little Southern
Republican Army which I was able to make. It is based on the
Fire Support and Strike Cadre boxed sets, which are included
into the new Southern Army Starter Kit. But I didn't use the new
Southern Starter alone. In order to make such forces as I have,
you will need at least one more Spitting Cobra and one more
Black Mamba. Also you'll need some additional bits, found in
Blitz Extras section of online-store, namely two Black Mamba
Armor Jacket Torsos, as well as some additional VHACs. Also,
components of Southern Weapons and Bits blister were proved
to be very useful. All Gears were converted mainly with these
bits, with some bits from other manufacturers, found in my huge
bits box, and with some two-component epoxy putty. I also used
official Southern and Factional decals, as
well as decals from other kits I have. Here
are my upgraded Southern Starter forces:

I was a mecha fan since my childhood and a Heavy Gear fan

since the first video game. But I did not know at that time, that
Heavy Gear is also an RPG and a wargame, so I lost any tracks
of it until I accidently found an official DP9 site in the net about
two years ago. In time I found it I was already a wargamer and
RPG player/GM for eight years, so it was natural for me to try
HGB out. The first thing I like in it is highly detailed miniatures
of Gears. The second one is setting of the Heavy Gear universe
itself - it's very good, solid and realistic science-fiction. Much like
Jules Verne's novels, with the same feeling, that right now you
touching the far future itself with your own hand! And Heavy Gear
universe is much more cheerful, than those dark grim universes
I played before. My choice of army to collect and play is based
on Southern Gears' main design theme (yes, all that curves!),
and on SRA style of play (topics of Iceraptor were very helpful!).
So I decided to build my army around all-four-Spitting-Cobras
FS Cadre because of unique abilities which SRA army list gives
to them, and because I consider Spitting Cobra to be one of the
most impressive-looking Gears. You know, if you imagine its legs
as a tank's hull/tracks, and its torso with hands and weapons as
an armed turret, you'll see how well balanced it is, by all means.
So, in my eyes it is a kind of mobile bipedal tank.

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Why Convert Your Miniatures?

Why to make all those conversions? I wanted to make my forces
WYSIWYG more or less. And here comes a trouble how to make
Brahmin upgrade? I had no idea. Forum also gave me no direct
answer, but inspiration instead (thank you, John!). To show this
upgrade on my Spits, their ankles were reinforced (to show better
suspension/maneuverability), and some armor added on the
arms (to show better overall defense value and to balance out a
visual mass of VHACs somehow). Field armor upgrade, which
is also present, was represented as a custom armor jacket, made
of epoxy putty, on each of Spitting Cobras. As about weapons,
some details were reworked and/or corrected slightly - VHACs
gained huge ammo boxes (from turrets' rotary HACs) and redrilled gun barrels. MBZK was also customized to look like a gift
from one of ESE Emirs - I have to follow a background I wrote for
my little army.


S.R.A. Support Cadre Conversions

Show Me Your C olorsrs

When it came to mounting LGM to the shoulder of a Spit, I

decided that I want to see the prominent HRP clearly, as it is a
good solid-looking weapon by itself, and more tubes of LGM will
broke that good look, so I was in need to think something. Using
the rule of cool, I translated LGM as Light Guided Missiles
(instead of Mortar), but with all the same profile, and converted
MRP slightly to represent LGM (I painted warheads later in
different color to represent a Guided perk). All Spitting Cobras
were reposed to handle their weapons better, to have unique
poses, and for more massive-but-agile look. Also they were set
to 40 mm round bases instead of 25 mm hex ones, to avoid so
called feet overhanging. HRP of leading Spit was magnetized
to change it to full ECM suit, so this Cobra can be an AC for PL1
(ESE-SRA) or PL2 forces based on GP Cadres. Most of the time
I tried to keep a balance between three auxiliary masses of
arm with VHAC block, arm shield & LGM block and V-engine &
HRP block around the main mass of the torso, and to build
Gear poses out of the position of their pelvises. I have to tell,
that Spitting Cobra is an excellent miniature, and it was a huge
pleasure to build four of them!

S.R.A. Strike Cadre Conversion

As about Strike Cadre I tried to make it in much the same

style, as FS Cadre. Armor jackets on Black Mambas are made
as a variety of design of armor jackets of my Spits, and to
represent Field armor upgrade (well, I simply forgot to buy
official armored Black Mamba torsos, actually). I made reposed
Black Mamba's legs out of running ones, as I don't like the samelooking miniatures too much. It's easy you have to saw off an
armor skirt plate and a hard point plate with a fretsaw, file the leg
joint a little to repose the leg, put something under the foot so leg
can stand on that something, and then use some epoxy putty and
a super-glue to recreate a ballistic cloak and to re-attach those
sawed off parts again. HGL is the other story I made it just
because I was able to do so (and do not clearly understand how
official one works). There is my tutorial on forum how to do that.
One of HGLCs is made out of spare VHAC. V-engines of Black
Mambas are reworked to show Remove weak facing upgrade.
Have to say that lenses of all four Black Mambas were poorly
casted, but this can be easily fixed, really. All the bases for Black
Mambas made by me, out of PVC sheet and some epoxy putty,
as I found that Black Mambas are looking better with some more
space around.

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Show Me Yo u r Co lo r sr s

In addition to these basics of mine, you can always read some

tutorials of how to do those things exactly, or to gain some
inspirational ideas on in Miniatures Painting,
Conversions and Terrain section, and there are many of them.
You can read many questions answered there already, ask your
own questions, or even give some of your wisdom to the others.
So, welcome!

I do not aim to make a tutorial here, but to help you a little, here is
some converting wisdom: 1. Remember, a good paintjob is always
based on a prepared surface (as well as a good painting skill), so
remove all mold lines and other casting defects by using files and
sandpapers. Wash your miniature with soap before painting. And
start to practice! 2. Be ready to spend some time for that, as well
as some money for spare bits and necessary tools/materials. 3.
Make some raw sketches even if you not very good in that. Wright
down your thoughts about necessary bits, painting schemes, etc.
Remember, that pencil is your friend, and that to plan ahead is
a half of a win! 4. Try to imagine how this Gear/weapon/detail
works or moves, or what its function is, and what texture it has.
5. Try to keep mass-volume balance of a miniature. It must not
fall on its back, so imagine some critical/connecting points as
scales, and try to keep them in balance! With Spits, most of the
time I tried to keep a balance between three auxiliary masses
the arm-with-VHAC block, the arm-shield & LGM block and the
V-engine & HRP block around the main mass of the torso, and
a frontal pocket on armor jacket was also helpful in that. Black
Mambas are balanced in much the same way, but they are more
flat. 6. Don't be too shy (and be ready) to change any one detail,
or even all of them, on your model to make it look better. Rule of
cool is a cool thing, you know! 7. Be sure that your new design is
still fit into rules (i.e. playable), and that it is, more or less, still
in the same style the basic design is. 7. Don't be shy to change
the plan or step out of original plan, it is necessary sometimes!
8. Drill out gun barrels, exhaust pipes, etc. Make it a rule for
yourself! 9. If you are not sure that any one detail fits well enough
try to fit it or change it. And see, if a new one fits better. If you
don't like something try to think
something! 10. If you are not
sure of will that detail hold with
glue or not set it on a pin! It
can be made of paperclips.
11. Try to give an active,
realistic pose to your
miniature! To build
Gear's pose, it's a
good idea to start
out of the position
of its pelvis, with
a torso to
continue its
move, and
then arms
follow the
Head must
all the limbs,
weapons, etc.
Here some tutorials
of how to pose comicbook characters will be a
good source of wisdom
(miniatures are much the
same, actually!). If you in
doubt try to stand in that
pose by yourself. Are you feeling
comfortable? No? Now you understand
your model better!

In terms of painting my forces up, to keep this article short, I will

tell you only about my inspiration here, not a total painting guide.
Yes, first things first I wanted my SRA to look different from
that you can see on DP9 site, as I was really tired of monotone
grey color schemes (one of my main armies has grey heraldic
color already, as well as a red shoulder feature). Also, SRA
means Elite professional soldiers of South, so there will be no
funny pink bunnies on the hulls, and no cheerful insignia (all that
stuff is left for MILICIA guys). I wanted a more warm-looking
army, then those I already have, and I wanted it to be tied to Terra
Nova somehow. So I decided to make realistic forces, operating
somewhere in Badlands. And as it was a good idea to stick close
to natural sand/earth colors, I selected a desert camo pattern,
but didn't know, which exactly. Have to say that reality is the best
source of inspiration. Planes, tanks, ships - there are countless
numbers of different military vehicles of past and present with
different camo patterns, so there is no need to invent a wheel
by yourself. I was always considering airborne vehicles as the
most inspiring ones, and I am a huge fan of Mi-24 Hind helicopter
design. Many of these flying vehicles were put onto military
service here in Russia, as well as in some countries of Africa
and Asia. And it is natural that its camouflage pattern was used
as an inspiration to create a color scheme for my SRA forces. It
is a variation of standard Mi-24's two-tone camouflage pattern
for deserted and mountainous regions, as it was in old Soviet
times. One more thing - flawing, round shape of camo patches
complements curved shape of Sothern Gears perfectly! Couple
of initial tests on a piece of cardboard was a fail, actually, but
after playing with colors little bit more I was able to make
a sample that satisfied me. I have to say that an armor jacket
design was inspired by military tactical load-carrying vests, and
together with Mi-24-inspired camo my SRA forces turned out to
have much of an Afghan-War-themed look, suddenly. That was
a huge (and pleasant) surprise for me, as that wasn't planned!
Decals. Real vehicles always have some markings on them,
but it's pretty troublesome to paint them sharp and steady
enough. Also, realistic camo looks pretty boring, even if other
details are standing out. And the easiest way to fix that is to
apply some decals. Besides, they add some really sharp details
to your miniature! Official ones can fulfill most needs of HGB
players, so be sure to buy some. One tip about applying decals
to Black Mamba if you planning to put a factional badge onto
front of their torso, onto a hatch of a cockpit (and it's a really
good position for it!), you better remove those four rivet heads
completely BEFORE you start to paint your Black Mamba, or a
badge (even a small one) will not fit there by its size. Such rivets
(or other similar attachments) can be re-built next to the left/
right side of the hatch with easy. It's a pity that I found that too
late (torsos were painted in that time already), so I was in need to
stick those triangles there instead. Don't repeat my mistakes! My
next Black Mambas will be different too, I'm sure.
And that is all for now! Be good and wise! Cheers!

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

southern republican army strike Squad


Show Me Your C olorsrs

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Ma ster cla ss

The model was painted with the same techniques described in

the Heavy Gear Blitz Locked & Loaded painting guide.

Welcome to Dream Pod 9 Studio Masterclass

where you'll receive full disclosure of the color
pallettes we're using for our studio painted
miniatures. Thanks to our agreement with
Reaper Miniatures, we'll soon be bringing you
a custom Heavy Gear Blitz Master Series Paint
Greg Perk ins
Set, but for now we'll provide you with custom
colour mixes that you can build from the Reaper's Master Series
Paint (MSP) line of Core Colours.

If you're curious about how the scenic dune base was constructed,
it is a standard round 40mm base, available from Dream Pod
9, with roles of green stuff two-part epoxy putty pressed and
smoothed into place and allowed to cure. Once the green stuff
had hardened, it was painted with white glue and dusted with
scale model snow to provide a soft, but slightly textured sand
look. Once the white glue was dry, the base was painted with
slightly dilluted Chestnut Gold (consistency of milk), highlighted
with a mix of Chesnut Gold and Pure White, and shaded with a
mix of Chestnut Gold and Deep Ocean.

The chart on the opposite page illustrates the graduated

highlighting and shading applied to the different parts of the
miniature, which is NuCoal's Captain Alston Ash-Dreyes, a
Chasseur MKII special character with Medium Anti-Aircraft
Cannon, found on page 29 of this issue of Gear Up.

Tip: when painting dunes, be sure to shade and highlight the

sides of the dunes, not the crest and trench.

The color groupings in the chart represent the basic ratios of

colours blended from base or shade to top highlight in left to
right order. The semi-transparent Chestnut Gold and Brilliant
Blue swatches represent diluted paint washes applied overtop of
a fully shaded and highlighted surface.

Fighting Pirannha's awesome NuCoal decals were set with

Microscale's Micro Set and Micro Sol in order to minimize any
silvering or warping. Then, where appropriate, they were then
washed with a very thin layer of Chesnut Gold or Cyan Blue in
order to reduce the natural sheen of the decals
to match the very nice matte finish of
Reaper's Master Series Paint.

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

jump jet


Masterc lass

paint chips



dune base

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Ma ster cla ss

Artist Interview: David Tauzia

GU: Thanks David, its also a great pleasure to work with
someone so like-minded, from our design meetings our ideas
are usually in sync, which is really amazing when collaborating.
You clearly bring your own unique style to Heavy Gear, but you
also have a deep understanding of the Heavy Gear aesthetic,
tell us about when you first discovered Heavy Gear.

My name is David Tauzia, I'm 27 and Im from

Bordeaux, France.
Ive worked in the video game industry for
several years as a 3D Graphic Artist. I was
responsible for making characters and
scenery objects for a MMOG for teenagers. I
was also a technical artist for a local company, in Bordeaux.

DT: I saw my first Heavy gear miniatures in the 2nd issue of

the French wargaming magazine "Ravage". There was a picture
of a Mammoth and a few Northern hunters. I fell in love with
those tiny mechs. I also believe that the mammoth is still one
of my favorite miniatures in the Heavy Gear range. Some years
later, I decided to build a Northern army... and a Caprician one...
and a CEF one. I love hard science fiction, mecha and desert
landscapes. Sometimes I think Heavy gear was designed for me.

Ive been a passionate model-maker and wargamer since 1995,

which was when I made a very good friend who had a big brother
who introduced us into miniature painting. Since then, I havent
stopped collecting miniatures and also convert and design new
models from scratch.
Customization is the part of the miniature wargame hobby that
I like most, I love to personalize my minis, my friends have a
nickname for me, The Butcher! They don't understand my
interest in cutting my soldiers and vehicles into small pieces, they
prefer to play as soon as possible rather than spend much time
painting. I must admit that I am a poor player in comparison to
them, but over time, theyve almost all lost interest in miniatures
but Im still here!
When I was student at computer graphics school, I spent a lot of
time making 3D models of my favourite miniatures, and in 2007
I had the fortune to intern at the now defunct Rackham miniature
wargame company (Confrontation, AT-43). I was responsible for
vehicle modeling and creating alternative cammo patterns for the
Rackham studio painters.
Simultaneously, I discovered 3D printing and I was able to unite
my passion for miniatures with my 3D modelling skills. Now I
make 3D models that are printed by machine and mastered into
actual miniatures.
Im currently working as a freelance 3D modeler for a few
companies but especially for DP9!
It's a real pleasure to work with this talented creative team.

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

GU: I know what you mean, there is something fascinating

about the blend of engineering ideas like the V-engine,
more realistic scale of the Gears, and the adaptation
of current military designs into bipedal walkers with
the dynamic way in which their movement is portrayed.
I know youre a big fan of Phil Leclercs sculpts, what are
your views on how 3D modelling is going to integrate into the
wargaming industry?
DT: 3D modeling, or CAD, is not really new in the world of
wargaming. But the price is going to be cheaper and the quality
continues to improve. Nowadays there are many companies
offering to print any 3D model. Everything is dependent on
choosing the right one, as the surface finish is critical to achieve
a good master if youre going to recast it in metal or resin. But the
modeling itself requires knowlegde of some specific techniques
to make a good 3D file for print.
It's also possible for a wargame company to maximize its
resources by using the 3D model for illustrations purposes as
well. Indeed, the artist who modeled the object can also shoot
his 3D object like a real photography. It is also possible to print
the same file on different scales, no need for multiple 3D objects.
GU: How would you describe your design process?
DT: I usually start by carefully analyzing the 2D concept and
collect all references into a single image that I import in my 3D
modeling software.
Then I build a rough block mesh of the entire model to check
the proportions and shapes to fit them and validate the overall
silhouette with the artistic director.
I begin the real modeling by adding up all the details necessary
to reach the final stage.
During the modeling process, I regularly send pictures of the
progress of the project to the Artistic Director for approval.
I made a few renders of the model once it is finished.
Finally I cut out all the parts and put them
on sprues to create the file that will be
used in 3D printing.

Masterc lass

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Ma ster cla ss

GU: What are your favourite Heavy Gear armies?

DT:My favorite HG army is now the CEF. I love the Hard Edge and
efficient design of this army in general. I realy love the North
too. This is my first army, and the Kodiak is awesome.

GU: Which are your favourite Heavy Gear miniatures?

DT: My favorite miniatures are the Type F2-xx and F616 Battle Frame and the HT-72 Hovertank. The Nucoal
Models are awesome too, i cant wait to get them all !

GU: What would your ideal project be?

DT: My ideal project is to work 3D model of a huge Gear/
Tankstrider and some scenery pieces too. I think that 3D
print works great with this kind of stuff.
I realy want to design and model a space Mech with a lot of hard
egdes and sharp silhouettes and model some 32 mm scaled
pilots too.
GU: That would be really cool. Thanks so much for the

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

NuCoal G.P. Squad
NuCoal Strike Squad
NuCoal Recon Squad
NuCoal Fire Support Squad
NuCoal Infantry Platoon




NuCoal Field Guide, Full Color

NuCoal Field Guide PDF
Hussar in Walker Mode
Hussar in Tank Mode
NuCoal Decal Pack





Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Cr itica l Ma ss

critical mass
by sean callaway

What I want to know is, where the hell did you get
the idea to give it such a huge artillery piece in the first place?
And hand-held at that? That MAGISTER II damn-near ripped the
arms off the first time it fired! But you artists dont care about
effectiveness as long as it looks cool, right?

The echoes of the explosion were still fading when the two
men turned to each other, their brows furrowed in anger and

Merde, that is the third prototype we have lost this

The sounds of emergency crews rushing the test pilot
to the field hospital faded away and were replaced by the sounds
coming from the hangar. Arc welders, pneumatic ratchets,
electronic winches, and shouted curses filled the hangar with a
cacophony only the mechanically-inclined could find comfort in.
The two men had to raise their voices in order to be heard over
the din.

Well, what do you expect when all were given to
work with is a few minutes of scratchy battle-cam footage to
work with? This isnt even reverse engineering, more like
bassackwards engineering!

Well obviously it is an engineering problem, because
there is nothing wrong with my design.

Hey, a sculptor is only as good as the clay hes
given! Your design is garbage! The ammunition gang
fired in the storage bin just like I said it would! I told
Command from the beginning that a seven and a half
meter tall, fifteen ton Gear is overkill! And you know
what they said?


At this, the engineer stopped walking and

whirled to face his erstwhile partner. The look on
his face was more anger than frustration this

Perfect! Exactly! Like they
know anything about power-to-weight
ratios, or care about pilot safety

A third man walked up
to the pair from a small reviewing
stand nearby and coughed quietly
into his hand. He wore the rank
tabs of a Lieutenant. Behind him,
a modified Iguana walked up to a
group of military officials that had
been observing the trials while a
group of medics and technicians
rushed toward the damaged vehicle and swarmed over it like ants
on a carcass.

Dammit I told you, if I had done

that the arms wouldnt have been strong
enough to pick the gun up in the first
place! We should go with lasers
instead! Less weight and no risky
ammunition storage problems!

You want to give my
creation aa treur de pois?
the other man responded. A
pea shooter?
How is that
The designer
looked up in exasperation.
Engineers! Bon sang! Quelle Bande de mauviettes! He looked
the engineer in the eye before continuing. No imagination, no
no, sans boules! he spat.

Excuse me, gentlemen, I thought youd like to know
that the test pilot is going to live.

The engineer pointed his finger in the other mans face
and yelled, Hey! I have no freaking idea what you just said a
second ago, but I understood that last part! Ill take your boules
and shove em up your

Yeah, great, the engineer replied before continuing
as if hed never been interrupted. all the General said was
to build him the biggest, baddest Gear Strider Terra Novas ever
seen, and he didnt care how it was done. And Project: Gojira?
What the hell kind of project name is that?

Sir! A senior technician from the engineers team
ran up to the two men and interrupted the argument. Sergeant
Allard is coming in with the trial footage as well as the prototypes

The two men turned away from the testing grounds and
started walking towards a large hangar that had been camouflaged
so as to be invisible from the air. The Allied Southern Territories
had enemies everywhere.

The engineer exhaled slowly and lowered his hand
before answering the technician.

Alright, tell him to park his Iguana and get that data
up to me pronto. Ill be in my office. And assemble the rest of
the team there as well; we need to find out what went wrong this

I believe his exact words to me were, Design
something that looks like a Cataphract, Hussar and a Naga had
a three-way and made a baby, replied the technical designer.
The very idea is ludicrous, of course, but his intent was clear

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Oui, I admit the field gun needs some work, but if you
had incorporated the recoil compensators in the shoulder
actuators like I had suggested, we would not have had that

As the technician hurried off, the engineer turned to
the designer. Listen, Jean, he said, his voice much softer than
before. Take another look at your design specs, see if theres
different field gun in the system we can use in place of the
MAGISTER II and Ill take another look at the actuators. I can do
big, but maybe not 140 millimeters-big.

Oui, Gary. Perhaps the SRWI Thunder field gun
would be better, although we would have to use more
expensive ammunition in order to achieve the
proposed damage potential. I will speak with
the Quartermaster.
Maybe with some additional armor plating,
I can make the Thunder at least look as
intimidating as the MAGISTER, he added
with a smile.
Thats the spirit! Gary slapped Jean on
the shoulder and returned his smile. I
have to get up to my team and start
going over the test data. Lets meet
tomorrow in the conference room.
I will see you then, my friend.
Bon chance.
We dont need luck, Jean.
Not when weve got the
AST High Muckity-Mucks
guiding our efforts.

Critical Mass

Both men laughed, and

Jean walked off towards
his office. Gary stayed
back a minute and stared
up at the first prototype
built. Most of its armor panels had
been removed, the bare frame and joint
actuators left exposed. The machine was
in a constant state of being dismantled and
rebuilt according to the field trial results;
most of which had been disappointing. A giant
artillery piece was secured horizontally
in a rack on the hangar floor allowing
technicians to make modifications;
including Gear-sized hand grips.
The engineer shook his head and
continued walking across the hangar
toward his office and his team.
A hand-held field
gunwhos he
think we are,

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

sampson hover apc






Airdrop Troops and Keep'em Moving

The Sampson is made of Dream Pod 9's signature high
quality resin and comes with parts to build one Sampson
Standard and additional parts to build the CV/Sentry,
Spear, Javelin, and Medevac variants. Decals not included.
Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Sampson hover APC
$27.00 [CAD]

Alston Ash-Dreyes, Regimental Duelist for the Four Pillars NSDF Regiment

Rumored to be the bastard son of Prince

Hans William Ash IV, Alston grew up in
Age: 42 Cycles
a privileged environment in the courts
Height: 1.72 Meters
of Ashington in the UMF. While he
was never formally recognized, the
Weight: 79 Kg
popular stories about Ashtons birth
Hair Color: Blonde
were well-known even during the early
Eye Color: Blue
cycles of his life. The Dreyes family was
a minor noble house in the city that had
always served the Ash family in the
capacity of castellans, but they never
amassed the respect or fortune that
many of the other families had over the
centuries. Alstons mother, Karmilla,
was confidant of Prince Hans Williams mother, and during one
of the many bitter disputes between Hans and his wife, Karmilla
provided the young prince a place to vent and lose himself.
Karmilla was kept in the Sun Palace and after Alstons birth, the
courtiers quietly whispered that the boy was the Princes own.

Blitz Rules: (TV Cost: 140)

Unfortunately for Alston, life as the unofficial bastard

made his existence difficult. Raised by his uncles, Alston was
groomed to usurp the throne once Hans William expired or
abdicated. Part of his grooming included service in Ashingtons
own royal regiment as a Gear pilot. Seeing the danger of having a
bastard son potentially come into conflict with his own legitimate
daughter, Hans William exiled Alston from the city-state in
TN1938 after Alston made spectacle at the Ashington Royal Ball.
The cocky Alston insulted his half-sister, Hannah, questioning
her ability to command the 2nd Ashington Royals Regiment. This
public insult was further compounded when the Citadel Enquirer,
a favorite tabloid in the UMF, ran a feature article on Alstons
questionable heritage.

Master Duelist (Cost: 10 TV):

Vital Statistics

Alston Ash-Dreyes is fielded as the Army Commander for a Prince

Gable NSDF regiment. Alston must be fielded with the equipment
listed and cannot take any further skill upgrades. The TV cost
includes his skills and Gear, but any further special abilities listed
below must be paid for separately.

Attack: 4

EW: 3

LD: 4

Piloted Vehicle: Chasseur MKII Lance (Medraut)

Replace LAC with MAAC (F, Reloads)
Replace VB with VR

Special Abilities:
Ashton generates a single CP per turn that may be used only for
himself. If he does not utilize the CP before the end of the turn,
the free CP is lost. In addition to re-rolling attack or defense rolls,
the CP can be used to push his Gear's performance.
If he pushes the Gear's performance for one turn
he may gain an additional 4 movement points
and add an additional +1 to the top speed defense
Hot Dawger (Cost: 15TV)

Charismatic Leader (Cost: 15TV)

Ashton knows how to rally his troops
and seize the initiative. During the
initiative phase, Ashton may reroll his
initiative roll and choose the better of
the two results.
Improved Jump Jets (Cost: 5TV)
Increase the Jump Jet Rating on
Medraut to 6.


Heavy Gear F oundations

performance of his Chasseur
to the extreme without any of
his combat skills suffering.
Ashton does not have to expend
an action for going to top speed.

After the debacle at the royal ball, Alston famously left
Ashington by saying, All of you in Ashington can go to hell, Im
going to NuCoal! The bad boy of Ashington made his way to
Prince Gable, where talent agents recruited him for a reality show
about his life. For five cycles, his show Royal Rampage was
one of the highest rated shows on the Hermes 72 network. Each
week, camera crews would showcase the exploits of infamous
expatriate. Alston amassed a small personal fortune before his
show was canceled due to a series of threats out of Ashington.
When the shows director and his wife died under mysterious
circumstances, the producers of the show shut down production
and Alston was left to fend for himself. Not one to sit idly by,
Alston worked up a public relations coup for the emerging NuCoal
Self Defense Forces. Alston agreed to join Prince Gables NSDF
regiment and letting cameras follow him as he went through
basic training and service. Alston finished his contract with the
production company in TN1944, but discovered that he enjoyed
serving in the military and chose to sign up for an extended
service. His skills in the cockpit of Medraut, his personalized
Chasseur MKII, are unmatched, and Alstons reputation as a
company commander is highly regarded. His personal charisma
and skills earned him the coveted position of regimental duelist
in TN1947, a position he still retains.

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Defense: 4

Espion heavy Gears






Airborne Stealth
The Espion Two-Pack includes enough high quality white
metal parts to build two Espion Standards as well as one
of each of the CV, Grenadier, Firestorm, and Flechette
variants. Decals sold separately.
Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

espion two-pack
$20.75 [CAD]

Bred for war, the Prime Knight shows no

mercy in combat. Even before the enemy
can react, he moves in for the kill.

Primary Solutions

Master of all weapons

Primary Solutions

Nothing survives
in his wake.

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Page 5

Gencon 2012 Events: August 16th-19th

Heavy Gear Blitz USA Masters Championships


First Place: Trophy, Certificate, and Dream Pod 9 Store Credit

Second Place: Trophy, Certificate, and Dream Pod 9 Store Credit
Best Sportsman: Certificate, and Dream Pod 9 Store Credit

24 spaces available

Lightning Tournaments for new players

Friday and Sunday

Prize: Certificate and Dream Pod 9 Store Credit

8 spaces on Friday and 12 spaces on Sunday

heavy gear Arena Mini-Season


Prizes: Trophy, Certificate, and Dream Pod 9 Store Credit

8 spaces available

Heavy Gear Open Gaming Tables

Thursday, Friday, and Saturday

Varied Scenarios and free tables to play

Heavy Gear Gencon Painting Contest


Prize: Trophy and Heavy Gear Blitz Paint Set

Raffle Draw

Until noon on sunday

Take a demo, play in an event
or buy an item and be entered
into a random draw for prizes on
Sunday! (must be present to win)

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Dream Pod 9 attends GenCon every year. Located in Indianapolis,

Indiana, it's one of the biggest gaming conventions around and
attracts all the big stars of the industry along with legions of
enthusiastic and dedicated gamers.
Every gaming company comes to GenCon to show off their
latest and greatest new products and run grandiose events and
tournaments. We were no exception as we unveiled the New
Coalition, a whole new, never-before-seen faction, complete with
a whole line of miniatures. We were eagerly awaiting the reaction
to the new miniatures and were thrilled by the great reception.
The New Coalition was a total hit at GenCon!
Last GenCon has also seen Dream Pod 9 partnering up with
Scotty's Brewhouse, an excellent local pub, and the 3 Wisemen
Breweries. Our partnership yielded nothing less than Long Fang
Abbey Ale, a beer that was specifically brewed for the event and
featuring a Long Fang Ale Cobra that seems to come straight out
of Arena.
We also ran a whole menagerie of events such as our Heavy
Gear American Championship.
Our congratulations go out to Craig Engle, 2011 Heavy
Gear American Champion, Jason Cabral, 2011 Heavy Gear
American Champion runner-up and John Andreasson, 2011
Heavy Gear American Championship's Most Sportsman
Player. GenCon 2012's Heavy Gear Blitz USA Masters
Championship will be even better with inventive scenarios to
challenge veteran players. Make no mistake, it will be hard!
After all, you're gunning for American Champion.
Along with continuous demos, we also ran our
lightning tournament for beginners and held a
raffle where all those who tried a demo or played
in our events had a chance of winning prizes.
Amongst some of the improvements to our 2012
line-up will be a continuous open-gaming area
for Heavy Gear where anyone can walk in and
play. Personally, I'm excited about this!
John Nguyen
Marketing Director

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

TempleCo n & N eo nCo n 2 0 1 2

Providence, Rhode Island, USA

February 3rd - 5th, 2012

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

November 3rd - 6th, 2011
photos by: Mark Perre

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)


Heavy Gear Blitz! battlefoam bag

standard foam loadout

The Best way to

transport your gears
Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Everything you need to play in one box!
The Two Player Starter Kit contains everything you need to
play, both the core Heavy Gear Blitz Locked & Loaded rulebook
and the Field Manual core rulebook companionover 250
pages of materialas well as six Heavy Gear miniatures with a
variety of weapon upgrade options.
Enjoy classic Blitz play and the rich history of the Heavy
Gear universe in the Locked & Loaded rulebook. It includes
complete army lists for four of the core factions in the game
as well as rules for running campaign and objective based
The Field Manual core rulebook companion adds an even more
streamlined way to play Heavy Gear Blitz by introducing an
updated suite of tactical options and a more aggressive game

$67.00 [CAD]

3x Hunter [Includes Headhunter]

3x Jger [Includes Command Jger]
Optional Weapons
4x 6-Sided Dice
1x Measuring Tape
1x Core Rulebook (5.5 x 8.5 B&W)
1x Field Manual (5.5 x 8.5 B&W)

62nd Century Mecha Combat

Turn your starter subsquads into

fire support squads

$21.75 [CAD]

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

spitting COBRA
$21.75 [CAD]

Ottawa, Ontrrio, Canada

February 17th - 19th, 2012

photos by: Bryan Rombough

G ame Summi t 2012

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Army Spotlig h t: Milicia Pa r t II

Army Spotlight: MilICIA, Part II

Note: This article was written prior to the publication of the Heavy
Gear Blitz field manual and so refers to Gear Up Field Testing
articles that may have been superceded in the Field Manual.

by gerrit kitts

Core Combat Groups

General Purpose Cadre [Locked & Loaded pg. 111]

With a staggering array of options, the MILICIA GP Cadre is
incredibly flexible and well suited to inclusion in most MILICIA
armies. Convict cadres of Asps can be fielded on the cheap as
either disposable forward observers or infantry hunters, while
SD Jagers and Basilisks allow you to save badly needed TV while
still being solid line troops. Nothing prevents you from fielding a
highly elite GP cadre either, letting the Black Mamba shine in an
assault role. Shake vigorously with Silverscales for limited recon
capability and Sidewinders for medium range punch, and you can
adjust this cadre to fit pretty much any tactical need.
The Combat Group Leader has a bewildering array of choices in
this squad. If you want to keep with a basic 'trooper' idea you can
choose between the Jger, Command Jger, SD Jger or Basilisk.
The Command Jger provides one extra point of Autocomm and
Comm over the base Jger, while the SD Jger loses a sturdy in
exchange for a point of DEF (base rules) and a TV reduction. The
Basilisk loses a sturdy and one point of Sensors in exchange for
a point of DEF at Combat-Ground (base rules) and one point of
Detect and Autocomm, also for a minor discount. If you prefer to
use the CGL for 'Coordinated Attack' actions, then the SD Jger
is a solid choice, as is the Basilisk; you probably won't notice the
loss in toughness to begin with.

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

for the same reason, though you are still going to be paying more
for less armor; the sturdy box doesn't add much toughness. The
Rattlesnake is generally overlooked because of it's Defective Fire
Control, though you can get around it by giving the Rattlesnake
the ATK:3 DEF:3 upgrade in a Veteran squad. This is a hard way
to pickup a MRP/9 though, and you probably have better places
to spend your Veteran slot.

You also have several model choices for your CGL to fulfill a
'recon' role - the Iguana, Anolis R, DartJager and Silverscale
(veteran squads only). Of the four choices, the Iguana is the best
all around, but also comes at the highest price. The DartJager
is reasonably tough for a scout unit, though it's not much better
than the Jger chassis it's based upon - you might be better
sticking with the SD Jger in that case. On the cheaper side of
things, the Anolis R has the same DEF modifiers as the Iguana,
but less armor; you probably don't want to expose it to too much
fire. This is flipped for the Silverscale, which has equal armor
to the Iguana, but one point less DEF - and requires a precious
veteran slot. Both the Anolis R and Silverscale are solid choices
if you want some 'recon' capability but don't want to break the
bank - between them, I'd tend to err slightly on the side of the
Anolis R because I personally prefer DEF to armor.

Things change if you are using the Field Test rules, especially
the GU3 Overkill rules. The Dartjager and SD Jger share an
equivalent DEF modifier under GU2, but the Dartjager's sturdy
box compensates better for it's armor 12 (needing 48 damage
to overkill versus the SD Jager's 45). The Dartjager becomes
the 'better' choice from a defensive perspective, though the SD
Jger is still cheaper. But since neither can use the Field Armor
upgrade, you might want to consider fielding basic Jgers in
Veteran squads, to take advantage of their relatively high overkill
rating of 75.
You may also swap a single Jger to a Sidewinder (keep in mind
that this upgrade is one per cadre, however), which is usually
a good idea. The rare cases where you wouldn't want to take
advantage of this arguably under-priced option would be when
you're trying to keep your cadre to the minimum possible TV
cost, or if you're fielding the squad as convicts. Otherwise, the
addition of the MRP/36 provides significant area saturation and
heavy punch in a squad whose options are typically limited to
LBZKs and LGLs.
Speaking of Convicts, if you choose this option for the cadre, your
model options are restricted to SD Jger or Asps. Neither can
take any weapon upgrades or field armor, and it's usually a poor
choice to take the LD upgrade in this squad (as you can't spend
CPs on them unless there's a MP cadre within 10"). Because of
all of these choices, I consider it best to keep the squad as cheap
as possible and rely upon their HGs for the bulk of the damage
they will do. Don't waste skill upgrades on them and use them for
cheap Forward Observations.

The remainder of the squad faces similar dilemmas when

choosing what to upgrade - and where. In a regular cadre, you
have the choice of swapping your Jagers to SD Jagers, Dartjagers
or Rattlesnakes. If you aren't playing with the Field Test rules, the
SD Jager upgrade is usually the winner hands down, as you get
+1 DEF at Combat-Ground for no real loss in durability, and you
save 15 TV in the process. The Dartjager is also a viable choice

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Army Spotlight: Milic ia Part II

Finally your CGL can be fielded in either a Black Mamba or

Sidewinder. Both are choices that tend to imply that you want
your CGL to be more combat oriented rather than a support
element for the remainder of the squad (or that you simply want
the flexibility to do both). The Sidewinder is an excellent upgrade
to the Jger due to much harder hitting MRP/36 and better ratings
for Sensors, Comm and Armor, all for the very low price of +5 TV.
If you have TV to spare however the Black Mamba has a +1 to both
DEF and ATK, making it very lethal with weapon upgrades. When
playing MILICIA I'm inclined to keep the CGLs as inexpensive as
possible; both for thematic and practical reasons (you can spend
the savings elsewhere). Keeping that similar line of thought, I
tend to keep the Black Mamba only for those cases where I'm
trying to make the entire squad into a 'Strike Cadre Lite'.

Army Spotlig h t: Milicia Pa r t II

Example GP Cadres
[60 TV] Convict GP Cadre 1 "Dregs of Society"





[CGL] Asp w/ LD:2; 3x Asp - NOTE: Changed from 4x Asp to 3x Asp

Built from the dregs of the MILICIA and armed with little more than their HGs, this cadre of convicts is a perhaps the cheapest way to
fill a core requirement. Even infantry will end up more expensive than this cadre once you outfit them appropriately! But this cadre
drops everything in the pursuit of lower cost, leaving them with limited utility on the battlefield. They are an excellent way to flood an
opponent's ECM units with cheap Forward Observations, and their HGs are capable of being good stun generators and infantry killers
in the base rules. Keep them in front of your more valuable assault units as mobile cover and don't worry when they are destroyed - you
can always get more!

[100 TV] GP Cadre 2 "Pauper Soldiers"

SD Jger

SD Jger

SD Jger

SD Jger

[CGL] SD Jger w/ LD:2; 2x SD Jger w/ LBZK; 1x SD Jger

Though they may look as if they came straight from a scrapyard, this cadre is an effective anti-gear force that can perform light assault
duties or hold ground as necessary. With only light armaments they are best sent against similar troops, like opposing Hunters or
Warriors, though in a pinch they might be useful against medium tanks and light striders. Just don't expect them to survive a head-on
confrontation with a HT-72!

[145 TV] GP Cadre 3 "Supression Fire on the cheap"


SD Jger

SD Jger


[CGL] Basilisk w/ LD:2; 2x SD Jger w/ Paratrooper Rifle; 1x Sidewinder

Armed with stunning and area saturation weapons, this squad is probably best used to prepare the way for a more heavily armed
assault force - or incoming fire from distant fire support elements. The paratrooper rifles provide decent anti-trooper firepower, while
the Sidewinder's MRP can do serious damage to most targets. The Basilisk has reasonable Detect to spot opponents through light
concealment, allowing it to forward observe for it's squad from the front lines.

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

[155 TV] GP Cadre 4 "Recon Beggars" <Veteran>


anolis 'r'

anolis 'r'

sd Jger

[CGL] Silverscale w/ LD:2; 2x Anolis R w/ Paratrooper Rifle; 1x SD Jger w/ LBZK

Using a Veteran slot unlocks the Silverscale, which is a good recon unit for the CGL. Taking this idea and running with it allows you to
field a poor-man's recon squad, which makes up for the lack of EW skill and recon drones with a low, low TV cost. You don't have to
sacrifice everything though; and outfitted with some reasonable weapons this cadre can choose to either perform stand-off recon or
mix it up with some measure of success. An solid addition when you don't want to spring for a full-blown recon cadre but still want
some dedicated recon units (albeit fragile ones) in your army!

[175 TV] GP Cadre 5 "The Rockets Go Where Now?" <Veteran>




[CGL] Basilisk w/ LD:2; 1x Sidewinder; 2x Rattlesnake w/ ATK:3, DEF:3

Sitting somewhere between a joke and one-trick pony, this squad tries to spin gold out of mud by using the Rattlesnakes and Sidewinder
to form a short to medium range 'fire support' unit. Though capable of putting out a decent quantity of MRP shots, and clocking in
below most other GP Squads, this squad lacks staying power and will crumple under a frontal assault. Because the MILICIA has plenty
of other ways to shave TV from support units, I can't recommend this - unless you've been drinking heavily. Then, have at!

[220 TV] GP Cadre 6 "Professional Flamers" <Veteran>

Black Mamba




[CGL] Black Mamba w/ LD:2, LBZK; 1x Sidewinder; 2x Jger w/ MFL, IRP

The South isn't above using flamers to roast it's opponents in their gears, and the MFL makes a good showing for that purpose.
Combining an excellent fighting CGL with the Sidewinder gives you solid anti-gear firepower, letting the Jagers with MFL target either
recon gears or infantry. If you aren't using the Field Testing rules the limited range of the MFL makes this squad a bit hampered, so be

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Army Spotlight: Milic ia Part II


Army Spotlig h t: Milicia Pa r t II

[310 TV] GP Cadre 7 "Rising Stars" <Veteran>

Black Mamba

Black Mamba

Black Mamba

Black Mamba

[CGL] Black Mamba w/ LD:2, Remove Weak Facing; 2x Black Mamba w/ LBZK, Remove Weak Facing; 1x Black Mamba w/ Paratrooper
Rifle, Remove Weak Facing
Sometimes, important people end up busted down to the MILICIA from the SRA. Often, they bring whatever connections they can
salvage with them, granting them access to advanced equipment and weapons. This is such a case, where you go for broke and break
the toys out - there is little this squad lacks in the punch department, except for skill upgrades. Depending on the remainder of the army
this cadre may end up needing to do either heavy lifting or still be a pale reflection of how real warriors are equipped - but all they same
they will likely kill whatever you want dead.

Infantry Platoon

[Locked & Loaded pg. 120]

infantry weapons to shine, such as the Rocket Launcher and
Grenade Rifle. ORVs also make much better use of TDs than
ATVs do, as you can move and Forward Observe, keeping you at
arms length of your opponent. However the price of this upgrade
is that you are trading armor for DEF, which tends to make you
a bit weaker all around. Keep this sacrifice in mind when you're
fielding the ORVs, and try to minimize their exposure to incoming

MILICIA infantry follow the basic idioms for infantry platoons

fielded by the Terra Novans, with a wide range of tactical roles
depending on how they are equipped. However, one critical
difference with the MILICIA is that infantry are not necessarily
the kings of low cost. Like most other armies MILICIA Infantry
can fill Core slots cheaply - and there are ways to make MILICIA
infantry dirt cheap. Yet there are Gear units that can approach
infantry TV values for entire cadres, making the choice between
Gears and infantry one of personal aesthetics and playstyle
rather than effective army building.

MILICIA infantry also have the option to add three different

'attachments' to their units, with a choice between Caimans,
Hitties and Asps. Caimans are a typical APC, being very
fragile and carrying only a MAC in their default configuration,
which suffers from a -1 ATK modifier. They can carry a single
escouade as a transport, but the combination of low armor and
DEF modifier makes them practically a moving coffin. In their
base configuration however they can serve as usable Forward
Observers due to their two actions each. An full squad of infantry
with Light Mortars will rarely find better friends than four
Caimans for spotters.

Generally speaking, infantry's tactical role on the Blitz! battlefield

is most directly influenced by their movement modes. Infantry
without any movement upgrade are restricted to a Walker move
of 2/4, making them primarily useful in a support role where they
can hunker down safely. Commonly outfitted with Light Mortars
or Anti-Gear rifles for long range support, they also can be
equipped with Demo drones and shorter range weapons in urban
areas to protect defend objectives. They can even be marginally
useful when they lack any upgrades to contest objectives
near your deployment zone, though most gears will be able to
eventually winnow them down.

Additionally the Caimans can trade their transport capability for a

HRP/48, allowing them to hide safely behind cover and decimate
a target with saturation fire. Remember that you can use their
second action to add +1D ATK to their MRP/48 shot, which keeps
you from needing to give them skill upgrades to offset their -2
ATK modifier (-1 from the HRP, -1 from the Caiman).

ATVs or Riding Beasts allow the platoon to cross the board, which
exposes them to risk - but also expands their options a bit. Demo
and Recon drones are common attachments to this squads, as
they can be deployed and used at Combat speeds - unlike most
weapons. Coupling the Amphibious upgrade in Veteran squads
with the Riding Beasts upgrade in particular allows you to go
through most swamp terrain unimpeded, which can be useful to
attack an opponent's flank. But note that most weapon upgrades
go against the grain of the movement upgrade, as you still have
the Stabilizer flaw associated with them - and having to sit still to
fire can put you in a very dangerous situation.

If you choose to use an Infantry Platoon to house your Army

Commander, the Caiman has a Command upgrade that gives your
commander ECCM(2) and Comm +1. It also unlocks a LD upgrade,
letting you get up to Leadership 3 - which gives you plenty of CPs
to throw around each turn. However keep the extreme fragility
of the Army Commander in mind - a single airstrike or artillery
hit on a stopped Caiman is likely an overkill. Try to combine this
with the Stealth upgrade to increase the survivability of this very
critical model.

Upgrading infantry to be ORVs tends to push each escouade into

a role that's similar to Gears, as they lose the Stabilizer perk on
their weapons. This simple change allows the shorter ranged

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Finally, you can choose to swap a single stand from an escouade

with an Asp, which nets you an additional activation and HGs
in lieu of some damage soaking capability for an individual
escouade. This addition can be very useful especially when
coupled with ORV infantry, allowing you to hunt in a large 'wolf
pack' for light to medium Gears or opposing infantry. One
impressive combination of these rules allows you to field twelve
activations in a single combat group, which will force you're
opponents hand at reaction fire and ECM actions. Don't miss the
MPZF upgrade, which gives the Asp much better striking power
against Gears - it's well worth the +5 TV cost.

Hitties are a specialized version of the Hun, with a HFL and MGs
along with solid armor and DEF modifiers, as well as Transport
capability. It doesn't sacrifice speed either, making it a pretty
good APC to use when crossing the table; combine this with
infantry and Demo drones for a very nasty surprise. The HFL
gains a massive boost under the Field Testing rules, letting the
Hittite engage even gears with a decent chance of success. And
with three potential actions (two base and autopilot) the Hittite
can also serve as a poor-man's recon unit if necessary - though
you're probably better staying with the Caiman for that role.

[30 TV] Convict Infantry Platoon 1 "Dead Men Marching"

fresh meat

fresh meat

fresh meat

[CGL] Infantry Escouade w/ Fresh Meat; 3x Infantry Escouade w/ Fresh Meat

A full twelve bases marching as a single whole towards their eventual destruction, the only claim to fame this platoon has is that it's
cheap. Cheap enough to be worth it - well, that's debatable. Their strength comes mostly from intimidation, though their +11 RoF can
be intimidating in it's own right. Make sure you play with GU2 Field Testing rules; otherwise you're going to be out of range more often
than not.

[110 TV] Convict Infantry Platoon 2 "Motocross Madness"

Jackrabbit ATVs

Jackrabbit ATVs

Jackrabbit ATVs

Jackrabbit ATVs

[CGL] Infantry Escouade w/ ATV, Demo Drone; 3x Infantry Escouade w/ ATV, Demo Drone
A humble collection of frothing at the mouth berserkers, who's only hope is to drive close enough to something important and drop a
demo drone underneath it. After their one claim to fame they take their zoloft and head to the hills, functioning as spotters. But in that
one glorious instant, they might even bag their own white whale - a HHT-90!

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Army Spotlight: Milic ia Part II

Fresh meat

Army Spotlig h t: Milicia Pa r t II

[145TV] Infantry Platoon 3 "Piranhas of the Desert"

lan orvs

lan orvs

lan orvs

lan orvs

[CGL] Infantry Escouade w/ ORV, AGR, Demo Drone; 1x Infantry Escouade w/ ORV, AGR, Demo Drone; 2x Infantry Escouade w/ ORV, GL
With AGRs and Demo drones, this squad is well suited to flanking attacks against Gears or medium tanks in a pinch. You have to use
their maneuverability to keep them out of the crosshairs of most of the army, as they can quickly fall to a single mortar round or rocket
pack. Strike your opponent hard and fade away into a harasser role, and you might make this platoon worth it's points.

[280 TV] Infantry Platoon 4 "Tailgating, MILICIA Style" <Veteran>





Asp + Caiman APC

Asp + Caiman APC

Asp + Caiman APC

Asp + Caiman APC

[CGL] Infantry Escouade w/ Light Mortar, Fresh Meat; 3x Infantry Escouade w/ Light Mortar, Fresh Meat; 4x Caiman w/ HRP/48; 4x Asp
Primarily designed to sit deep in cover and rain fiery death upon their opponents, the addition of the Asps gives this Platoon built-in
spotters - or bodyguards for when things go pear shaped. The Light Mortars are well suited to stunning gears or damaging light targets,
while the HRPs are solid all-arounders that can go against pretty much any targets short of main battle tanks. You're committing a
pretty significant amount of TV to a fragile, slow cadre - so make sure the rest of your army has plenty of maneuver elements to counter
this weakness.

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Infantry special Teams

vehicles. Combine this with the default Stealth 2 and Skill 3 that
this escouade features, and they are well-equipped to hunker
down in cover and let their targets come to them. Note that the
Recon drone is usually a reasonable addition to this squad, but
the ATV or ORV is generally less so, as you can't make as good
of use of their Steath while you are moving. However, there are
times when you'll want them to keep up with the rest of your
army - and then don't be afraid to give them some wheels.

Infantry Sniper Escouade [Locked & Loaded pg. 121]

The Sniper Escouade is typically fielded as a dedicated recon
upgrade to an Infantry platoon. It's rare for an army to need
dedicated anti-infantry firepower; typically Gears can cover that
tactical necessity nicely. As such you should always take the free
swap of sniper rifle to AGR (RtCE or L&L Errata), which gives
you the ability to generate some damage against Gears and light

[25 TV] Infantry Sniper Escouade 1 "Up Periscope!"

Sniper team


Infantry Sniper Escouade w/ AGR, Recon Drone

With EW 3 and a Recon Drone, this squad can be a reliable threat against any target they see. Their downside is their price, as 25 TV
will net you a SD Jager, which is generally more tactically useful due to their mobility. An all-around solid choice as long as you keep
their limitations - and what they are costing you elsewhere - in mind.

[25 TV] Infantry Sniper Escouade 2 "Stealthed Technicals?"

lan orv

Infantry Sniper Escouade w/ ORV, AGR

If you're a fan of the Dukes of Hazzard, this might be more up your alley than the previous offering. With a respectable Infantry Skill of 3
and ATVs, this escouade can keep up with more mobile elements of your army and still pose a credible threat to light or medium gears.
Just don't let them get too close, or you'll quickly see how dangerous Gear propelled hand-grenades can be!

Auxiliary Combat Groups

Recon Cadre [Locked & Loaded pg. 111]

If the Iguana isn't to your liking, the remainder of the options
can be useful in certain situations; but keep in mind that your
CGL doesn't benefit much from using the 'coordinated attack'
action that frequently. You'll likely only use that extensively if you
outfit the squad as snipers; so you probably want your CGL to be
used for recon like the remainder of the squad. This makes the
Black Mamba, SD Jager and Baslisk options for the CGL sub-par
in this particular squad, in my opinion; they are more oriented
towards combat and that's not the reason you picked this squad.
However, if you're going for 'quantity over quality', then it might
be worthwhile to put your CGL in one, just to save the TV.

When the rest of your army is configured for firepower or to

hold a position, you sometimes have to make sacrifices in the
electronic warfare department. A single recon cadre can bring
the balance of power in that department back into your hands, but
it's putting quite a few eggs in a single basket - normally. Thanks
to the greedy budget masters in the MILICIA, there are plenty of
TV saving measures available that can cut down the total cost of
this cadre, and allow you to fit it in with less guilt.
The CGL starts in an Iguana, and has the option to upgrade to a
Black Mamba in the squad options; but due to Limited Resources
they also have the option of an Anolis R, Silverscale, SD Jger
or Basilisk. A CGL that's intended to be an Army Commander
probably wants to retain the Iguana, if for nothing else the swap
of the TD and LRP/24 for ECM(3) and ECCM(3). The latter can
be invaluable to ensure Command Points are never blocked; at +5
on your EW roll, it will take a high-end Gear to shut down their
Comm events. But temper this bonus with the limited Leadership
available in the squad; with only an option to have LD:2 from the
squad, you are making a sacrifice to give the Army Commander
this bonus.

That leaves both the Anolis R and the Silverscale, if you have
the Veteran slot open for the latter. Both are solid contenders,
with the Anolis R having better DEF and the Silverscale having
better armor and ECCM, which is (again) always a plus for a
commander. The Anolis R suffers from weaker armor and less
sensors, but doesn't need the Veteran slot - which can be the
most valuable resource you have. The Silverscale is better
equipped for electronic warfare, but has worse DEF - and is more
costly in TV. In general, choose the Anolis if you need to save
the TV, and choose the Silverscale if you can keep it out of the
immediate line of fire.

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Army Spotlight: Milic ia Part II

Sniper team

Army Spotlig h t: Milicia Pa r t II

if you want the squad to be able to shut down Comm events,

you'll be limited to the Iguana or the Silverscale (again, only in a
Veteran squad). The Iguana works better with Recon Drones, but
the Silverscale incorporates a Sensor Boom which can duplicate
the Recon Drone's ability to peek around corners, at a TV savings.
The Iguana is generally harder to kill, with a better DEF modifier
and the ability to use Field Armor, while the Silverscale has better
a better Detect rating. The differences between the units thus
boil down to playstyle and veteran availability more than anything
else; I personally think the Silverscale has a rocking model and
thus it's my preference - when I can afford it.

The remainder of the squad has the choice between the Iguana,
Anolis R, Silverscale, Basilisk and SD Jger. Unlike the CGL, each
of these options can be quite useful in certain situations, and
what you need the squad to accomplish determines when you'll
want the different variants. The squad's role will often be to
generate non-guided forward observations for fire support units
further in the rear, in which case the simple SD Jger can be just
as effective as the more advanced Iguana - assuming you have a
clear line of sight to your target.
Both the Basilisk and the Anolis R are also low-cost options, with
the Anolis R incorporating a TD and having better Sensors. The
three models have Detect ratings in simple order; 2 on the SD
Jager, 3 on the Basilisk and 4 on the Anolis R, which gives you a
good metric for choosing which one you need. On a battlefield
cluttered with concealment, the higher Detect rating will let
you find your target more often. However, keep in mind that
unless you're commonly fighting in sandstorms or during night,
concealment is going to be exist alongside a high enough cover
rating to make your forward observation a less than desirably
shot. The common way to negating this - the recon drone - works
nearly as well for the SD Jager as the Anolis R, which complicates
your decision. You get more flexibility out of the better scout
gear, but if you're playing in badlands terrain (lots of solid
concealment) a SD Jager with a Recon drone to peek around
corners will work just as well.

Finally, if you want to field the cadre as a low-end sniper or assault

unit, you're going to be stuck with the Iguanas; only they come
with the DPG necessary to unlock the LRF and LRP/32 swaps.
If you're using the Field Testing rules, they are also the only
models that can make use of the Field Armor, which improves
their availability under the GU3 Overkill modifications. This
combination can be a useful, if niche unit that you probably will
mostly field as a whim or a surprise for an opponent; just don't
send them up against a proper Strike squad.
Because there are no real upgrades for them in the squad,
I suggest leaving the Black Mambas out of this squad. The
upgrades in the Strike or GP squad put these to shame and are a
better use of the Black Mamba's strengths than here.

[120 TV] Recon Cadre 1 "Just Hope they get the Coordinates Correct"

CGL fresh meat

fresh meat

fresh meat

fresh meat

[CGL] Basilisk w/ Fresh Meat; 3x Basilisk w/ Fresh Meat

Cheapness is a virtue in the MILICIA, and this squad tries to balance that virtue with a bit better Detect rating, and some 'heavier'
weapons - at least for scouts. But to get that, you've traded away basically everything - Fresh Meat drops their EW back to 1, which
prevents you from making full use of standby actions. Not to mention that it kills your chances to get through ECM - but a Basilisk
doesn't expect to do that anyways.

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

[195 TV] Recon Cadre 2 "Liar, Liar, Sensors on Fire"


anolis 'r'

anolis 'r'

anolis 'r'

[CGL] Iguana w/ LRP/32, LD:2; 3x Anolis R

Going with scout gears instead of recon drones lets you capitalize on their speed, while you have plenty of TDs to provide designated
targets for your Nagas. You're lightly armored and have no ECM to speak of, so you might want to invest in a few Silverscales elsewhere
in the army to compensate. But it's hard to beat the price; and on the right board they will make back their points easily.

[230 TV] Recon Cadre 3 "Not So Silent... Or Deadly"




[CGL] Iguana w/ LRP/32, Sat. Uplink, LD:2; 3x Iguana w/ LRF, LRP/32

A squad that tries to walk the line between being snipers and getting close enough to mix it up, you're in danger of trying to have them
do too much and get basically nothing out of them in return. They can mix it up at point blank range if they have to, using the LRP/32
against the rear of heavier Gears to score kills, or try to stand off and fire with the LRF. The lack of any ECM can hurt you though, as
you find them in the perfect place to shutdown an artillery strike - and don't have a model that can do anything about it.

[250 TV] Recon Cadre 4 "Last Generation's Top of the Line" <Veteran>






[CGL] Silverscale; 4x Silverscale

Silverscales are very capable recon units, with both TDs and ECM; this squad tries to be a reasonably costed, all in one place electronic
warfare squad. With five models you can probably minimize the need for other recon models elsewhere in the army; so in many ways
you're putting your eggs in one basket, but the cost won't break the bank. Just don't try to have these guys engage in any assault duties;
they are better off fleeing rather than fighting.

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Army Spotlight: Milic ia Part II


Army Spotlig h t: Milicia Pa r t II

Fire Support Cadre

[Locked & Loaded pg. 113]

Veteran cadres shake up the mixture a bit; the Silverscale is
another recon model, and follows in the vein of the Iguana and
Anolis R. The Black Mamba is a more elite CGL unit, that can be
a nasty striker unit with some of the upgrades. The King Cobra
upgrade provides serious firepower, especially with the King of
the Field upgrade, at a steep cost in TV. But the biggest change
comes from the Spitting Cobra, which grants an even greater
firepower boost than the Sidewinder. With a plethora of TV
saving options on the base Spitting Cobra, along with choices
of the Python and Boa, you can use the CGL as yet another
indirect attacker to really crank your cadre's firepower up to 11.
Unfortunately, the Razor Fang Spitting Cobra upgrade sadly may
not be quite worth the cost, as the very high total unit cost to
transfer the CGL's action via the Satellite Uplink is overshadowed
by cheaper units elsewhere.

This cadre lives up to it's name, providing heavy firepower from

afar - preferably from deep behind solid cover. Being underpaid,
underfed and typically ignored by command, the MILICIA has a
fondness for this cadre - and MILICIA players will quickly come
to love the plethora of rocket packs in this cadre.
The Combat Group Leader in this cadre has more options than
they quite literally know what to do with. In a regular cadre,
they have the option of a Jger, Command Jger, SD Jger,
Dartjager, Rattlesnake, Sidewinder, Basilisk, Iguana or Anolis R.
In a veteran squad they can choose between a Silverscale, Black
Mamba, Spitting Cobra, Razor Fang Spitting Cobra, Python, Boa
or King Cobra. This literal plethora of choices provides a dizzing
array of possibilities, depending on what you want to accomplish
with the cadre and how resources you have available.

The remainder of the cadre offers a similar level of flexibility, but

as the majority of the cadre starts in Spitting Cobras the choice
basically revolves around that model, the Python and Boa. The
Python is generally a poor choice unless you like the aesthetics
of the model; everything it can do the Spitting Cobra can do
better thanks to the many downgrade options available in the
cadre. The Boa on the other hand can be exceptionally tough
to kill, and features a MFM that is rare in the Southern list; but
again, the Spitting Cobra has enough options to go toe to toe with
an equivalent Boa, with less wasted TV. However, if you're using
the Field Testing rules, don't rule out a Boa with Field Armor; with
an overkill of 132 (!) it's pretty hard to wipe out in a single hit.

In a non-veteran cadre, the choices break down along three general

roles; general command duties, reconnaissance or firepower.
The Sidewinder grants significant punch with it's MRP, while
the Iguana and Anolis R provide solid recon capability. Either
can enhance the main role of the squad significantly, allowing
the rest of their cadre-members to shine. The remainder of the
choices basically come down to personal preference and how
much you're willing to sacrifice to save TV. The SD Jger and
Rattlesnake are the cheapest options, though you make your CGL
extremely vulnerable in the process; if all you need for him to do
is make 'coordinated attack' actions though, the savings can be
worth it. The Dartjager is likely too fragile to be useful, but the
Basilisk is just as useful as the stock Jger while saving TV. The
Command Jger is typically a poor choice sadly; the addition of
the Comm bonuses doesn't add much to the squad's utility.

Don't overlook a Black Mamba with dual MRP/36s in this squad;

combined with the HRP/48 from the Spitting Cobras, you can
saturate a very large area with rockets from medium to long
range. If you prefer a more precision solution, a Basilisk with
MRF or a SD Jager with HAC can also complement a squad of
ATM wielding Spitting Cobras. Throw in a King Cobra with the
King of the Field Upgrade and an LLC for even more fireworks; at
least until they are hunted down at close range.

[255 TV] Fire Support Cadre 1 "Far from Optimal"





[CGL] Sidewinder w/ LD:2; 3x Python

I've included this cadre out of a perverse sense of malice towards you, gentle reader. I say this because for a mere -10 TV, you trade
away quite a bit to pickup the Python. Specifically, two points of armor, a sturdy box and a drop in the HRP size. This armor loss is
particularly nasty as you cross the armor 20 threshold, which is very common among the higher DAM weapons. And guess what? If
you'd kept the Spitting Cobra, you could have swapped the useless MRP/18 and a HAC for a VHAC - obviously, hardly a downgrade.
So sadly, the only reason you'd want to field this cadre is if you are going for a 'cheap' aesthetic in a MILICIA force - how much are you
willing to trade for authenticity?

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

[225 TV] Fire Support Cadre 2 "The Mongoose Rarely Wins on Terra Nova" <Veteran>


support cobra

support cobra

slashing cobra

[CGL] Silverscale; 2x Spitting Cobra w/ VLFG, VHAC; 1x Spitting Cobra w/ ATM

A bit more like what you'd see in the wild, this squad is configured for anti-armor firepower at the expense of area saturation. The
Silverscale can provide a designated forward observation target for the ATM Cobra, while the VLFG Cobras can fire from long ranges
either directly or through a more conventional forward observation. Their low cost is something of a blessing as you probably want
this unit alongside a more conventional fire support cadre to handle both types of duties; against horde armies this cadre will have a
hard time.

[310 TV] Fire Support Cadre 3 "Incoming!" <Veteran>




[CGL] Sidewinder w/ LD:2; 3x Boa w/ MFM

GearUp! Issue 3 revitalized the Fire Support cadre by providing the Boa a MFM option in a Veteran squad. Previously the South
was known for more for area saturation through rockets rather than AE weapons, which always ran the risk of going Out of Ammo.
The MFM's rather significant AE allows this cadre to punish any opposing squads that get too close together, while the Sidewinder
contributes to the signature Southern flair in a fire support cadre.

[350 TV] Fire Support Cadre 4 "Death before 72kph" <Veteran>

Black Mamba




[CGL] Black Mamba w/ LD:2, 2x MRP/36 (linked), Remove Weak Facing, Field Armor; 3x Boa w/ Field Armor, MBZK
Yet another odd-ball unit, this cadre tries to be an assault force rather than a fire support unit. The Boas are dammedly difficult to kill
with their excessive overkill value under the Field Testing rules, while the Black Mamba's dual MRP/36 are well known and feared for
their destructive potential. Still, the Boas are slow and won't be crossing the board in any typical game, but these guys can be deadly
in a defensive role. I'm not sure this cadre is a good idea, but I'm paid the big bucks to try to figure out odd combinations; and this is
as odd as it comes.

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Army Spotlight: Milic ia Part II


Army Spotlig h t: Milicia Pa r t II

MP Cadre

[Locked & Loaded pg. 114]

Conversely, the Black Adder and Desert Viper swaps alter the
dynamics of the combat group in different ways. The Black
Adder lacks the linked MRP upgrades present in the Strike Cadre,
which pushes it towards an anti-armor role more than a support
role; especially when combined with the Dedicated Tankhunter
upgrade from Return to Cat's Eye. Under base rules this
combination can be a risky, expensive gambit - with only average
DEF modifiers all of those sturdy boxes won't help much against
a solid AGM or HGLC shot. However, under the Field Testing
rules the Black Adder's overkill of 80 makes it reslient against one
shot hits, letting you get more milage out of it's shorter ranged

When half of your soldiers are starving convicts, and the other
half are bloodthirsty syphocants you need someone who's willing
to crack a few skulls and ensure loyalty - or at least fear. The
disciplined, sinister warriors who fulfill this task in the MILICIA
are the Military Police Cadres, who work tireless to ensure
the guns of their 'fellows' are pointed towards the foe and not
towards hated commanding officers. Armed with brutal shortranged weapons and armored with riot shields and field armor,
the MP Cadres can be a difficult, tenacious foe for any who would
try to stall the march of a MILICIA army.
The MP Cadre serves an important role as part of a MILICIA
army - having a member of the Cadre within 10" of a convict
cadre allows the convicts to make use of CPs. Though generally
convict cadres won't make the best use of CPs, it can occasionally
prove useful, and having the flexibility is useful. Large, dispersed
groups of convicts will make this a losing strategy however, as
the individual members of this cadre will need to be too far apart
to support each other.

The Desert Viper alternatively packs more of a support role, with

the HGL and MRP/18 preferring Gears and light armor for their
targets. The stunning capability of the HGL complements the
FGC carried on the MP gears, weakening highly agile targets
before letting the remainder of the squad deliver the killing blow.
The drawback is the lack of any Ground speed on the Desert
Viper, along with only an average DEF modifier and the lack of
any sturdy boxes. Under both the base and Field Testing rules,
this combination is difficult to properly wield. You need to be
careful to bring your targets close enough to hurt with the HGL
without exposing yourself to too much return fire, as the lack of
any sturdy boxes prevents you from taking advantage of the GU3
Overkill rules.

Unlike most of the Gear cadres in the MILICIA army, the Combat
Group Leader in this cadre only may be fielded in a Black Mamba
MP. Though you do gain the option of a Razor Fang Black Mamba
MP in a Veteran squad, the difference is only the addition of the
Satellite Uplink - and while a useful benefit, it hardly changes
the role for the unit. With the addition of up to two sturdy boxes
over the base Black Mamba, along with a reasonable Leadership
score this model can be an excellent candidate for your Army
Commander - especially if you are using the Field Testing Overkill

The cadre has two main weapon upgrades, with the choice to
swap the FGC to a LAC and HHGs, or to a LAAC in a Veteran
squad. The HHGs provide heavy punch at a very short range,
although they are a bit unreliable against anything with a positive
DEF modifier. Still, mixing a few of them into a squad never
hurts, as normally the MP Cadre is restricted to lighter weapons.
The LAAC is also a light weapon, although it has an exceptionally
high RoF which can be useful to saturate an area with fire. This
high RoF also allows it to get a reasonable DAM against single
targets, though without Reloads this can be a gamble.

The basic Iguana MP comes equipped with the chassis' signature

DEF and a sturdy box, but trades it's weapons and electronic
equipment for a mere FGC. This gives you little in the way of
offensive power, especially under the base rules, but in the Field
Testing rules you wind up with some decent short-ranged power.
Upgrading an Iguana to a Black Mamba MP loses you a point of
DEF, but gains you MPZFs and a point of ATK, which more than
offsets the minor loss of speed and EW capability. If you can
spare the TV, it's well worth taking this upgrade as it nets you a
good increase in hitting power, and couples well with the various
weapon options in the squad.

The LMG and APM weapon swaps are generally typically poor
choices, as anti-infantry firepower is already readily covered
by the FGCs and adding more is generally wasteful. The APM's
long range can however be useful against GRELs and FLAILs at
long ranges, especially when using the Field Testing rules. If you
commonly face those opponents, it might be a worthwhile swap
on an Iguana or Black Mamba, if you're willing to live with their
increased fragility.

Of the remaining model swaps, the Spitting Cobra MP is most

in keeping with the general theme of the MP Cadre, albeit much
slower and harder hitting. The default HPZFs can be extremely
damaging at short range, and the Cobra MP works well with the
LAAC upgrade as a stand-off fighter. Keep in mind that under
the base rules you'll want to be very careful about exposing
the Cobra to fire, as the poor DEF modifier more than offsets
it's high armor and sturdy boxes. Unfortunately you can't use
the Brahmin upgrade to offset this weakness; but the GearUp!
3 Overkill Field Testing rules do restore a great measure of
toughness to the Cobra MP. Just make sure to equip them with
Field Armor in a Veteran squad, which will put their overkill value
at a very respectable 105.

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

[210 TV] MP Cadre 1 "Keeping Order, Cracking Heads"


Black Mamba
MP cgl










[CGL] Black Mamba MP w/ Remove Weak Facing; 2x Iguana MP w/ LAC, HHG; 1x Iguana MP
Your bog-standard MP cadre, with only the barest minimum of upgrades to give some light anti-armor punch. The Iguanas can serve
as reasonable forward observers if necessary, and their HHGs can allow them to engage medium armor as well. They will be best used
against lighter targets and infantry, where their FGCs can be put to the best use.

[210 TV] MP Cadre 2 "Recon Defector Detectors"


Black Mamba
MP cgl


Black Mamba

Desert viper

desert viper

[CGL] Black Mamba MP w/ LAC, HHG, Remove Weak Facing; 1x Black Mamba MP w/ LAC, HHG, Remove Weak Facing; 2x Desert Viper
Trading the Iguanas for Black Mambas and Desert Vipers pushes this cadre towards a more assault role, though in general they still
remain a bit light for that role. The slow speed of the Vipers will prevent them from keeping pace with the Black Mambas; but this isn't
much of a disadvantage if you plan on keeping this cadre in a defensive role. Especially coupled with some convict infantry dug into a
bunker they can be a force to be reckoned with.

[220 TV] MP Cadre 3 "Go Big or Go Home" <Veteran>


Black Mamba
MP cgl

Cobra mp

Cobra mp

Cobra mp

[220 TV] MP Cadre 3 "Go Big or Go Home" <Veteran>

[CGL] Black Mamba MP w/ LAAC, LD:3, Remove Weak Facing, Field Armor; 3x Cobra MP w/ Field Armor
Even more defensive in nature than the prior cadre, the Cobra MPs are carrying very nasty HPZFs and are difficult to wipe out, especially
under the Field Testing rules. They can serve as impressive bodyguards, as their larger base should completely cover the CGL's Black
Mamba MP - and with LD:3 the CGL can serve as a very solid Army Commander. In a pinch these models can be used for assaulting a
hard point, though with their limited range expect to take some casualties on the way in.

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Army Spotlight: Milic ia Part II


Army Spotlig h t: Milicia Pa r t II

[330TV] MP Cadre 4 "Millionare Flatfoots" <Veteran>




Black Mamba
MP cgl


Black Mamba




Black Mamba


Black Mamba

[CGL] Black Mamba MP w/ LAC, HHG, LD:3, Remove Weak Facing, Field Armor; 1x Black Mamba MP w/ LAC, HHG, Remove Weak
Facing, Field Armor; 2x Black Mamba MP w/ LAAC, Remove Weak Facing, Field Armor
It's a mystery how MPs managed to score an entire cadre of Mambas, along with the latest upgrades available in the form of the Remove
Weak Facing trait. Field Armor pushes the overkill rating of the Black Mamba MPs up to 85 when using the Field Testing rules, making
them difficult - to outright impossible - to kill. Though their weapons are still on the light side, and their price is a bit on the high side - in
the right place, at the right time, they can be worth their weight in gold. Still, they won't find a place in every army out there - you need
to ensure you have enough heavy firepower elsewhere in the army to compensate for this squad's light loadout.

Cavalry Patrol

[Locked & Loaded pg. 119]

Contrasted with the generally poor nature of the Caimans is
the Recon Hun, which is basically a LLC with armor. A terribly
fearsome weapon under any ruleset, the LLC can smite Gears and
aircraft reliably from long distances and is something that will
tempt most Southern players at one time or another. Remember
to keep the Recon Hun as the secondary unit in the combat group,
letting the CGL Caiman call 'coordinated attack' actions against
it's target, and it can quickly rack up an impressive kill total. Just
be careful of horde armies (like other MILICIA players) who can
swamp your ability to respond in force.

Typically populated exclusively by the fragile Caiman, Cavalry

patrols are often fielded as a way to shore up a flank or a throwaway unit to contest objectives. These units take something of a
deft hand to use properly, and their poor armament often makes
this squad be considered a general poor choice. However when
made suitably cheap through the addition of the Fresh Meat rule,
you can field them as a poor-man's recon unit, thanks to the dual
actions on each Caiman. There are probably better units for that
purpose (Asps or SD Jgers), but if you prefer the look of the
Caiman or need an amphibious solution, this can be it.

[30 TV] Cavalry Patrol 1 "Stakeout - sans Doughnuts"

CGL fresh meat

fresh meat

[CGL] Caiman w/ Fresh Meat; Caiman w/ Fresh Meat

The MILICA are the undisputed masters of 'quantity over quality', and this is an example of a squad that exemplifies that axiom.
Without much in the way of hitting power, and armor that's favorably compared to tissue paper, these Caimans probably aren't going
to accomplish much for you offensively. But with four actions to use for forward observations, and decent speed, this cadre gives
you some tactical flexibility on the cheap. Park them in woods and let them spot, or use them as screens for a rush across the board
during an Escape! objective. At 30TV and one Aux choice they easily fit into PL1 and PL2 armies, and are an excellent way to unlock
Core choices at PL3.
Finally, as much as I'm loathe to bring it up, this squad is always a solid contender as purely ramming fodder as well. At 15 TV per model,
size 8 (greater than most Gears), solid speed and no real weapons to speak of, these guys can shoot across the board and perform
a Ram against most Gears with a good chance of success. Use this to good effect against smaller, hard to hit gears, like Cheetahs
and Iguanas, by dropping them to an easier to hit speed band - which will ruin their day. You may want to drop the Fresh Meat from
the Caimans if that's your plan - as you roll Rams against Defense, not attack. Just don't blame me if your opponent thinks you have
Limburger dripping from every pore.

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

[95 TV] Cavalry Patrol 2 "Laser Light Show" <Veteran>


recon hun

[CGL] Caiman; Recon Hun

This cadre is useful if you want to add a little extra bit of anti-gear firepower to your main list, without spending a TV premium. With the
Caiman to perform 'coordinated attack' and crossfire actions, and the Recon Hun to make the killing shot, you can reliably be engaging
elite gears at long ranges. When the Caiman dies - and it will - you probably want to start playing a bit more defensively, as the Hun as
only the single weapon and can be swamped easily. Still, this is a nasty little shock for players who don't expect to have to deal with
armor - especially in 500 TV games or less.

Field Gun Section

[Locked & Loaded pg. 121]

Basically a poorly armored turret that you buy with TV instead
of SP, Field Guns work the same way in pretty much every army.
You find them a nice little hiding spot full of terrain - preferably
solid - that lets them shell things throughout the game without
needing a line of sight to anybody in particular. Their DEF
modifiers ensure that return fire from pretty much anywhere
will silence them permanently, so being somewhere in the rear
is pretty much standard operating protocol for this cadre. Just
be aware of any airdropping units, which might decide to take the
opportunity to scrap this cadre in one fell blow, if it won't disrupt
their plans too much.

Finally remember that this squad is a very poor choice for a

Veteran upgrade; the only reason would be that you either want
the unblockable CP from the LD:2 upgrade, or you have both
spare TV and a spare Veteran slot to give them 3D6 Attack. Either
condition should be relatively rare, and probably your last resort
- there are other combat groups that can make much better use
of the upgrades than this squad.

If you choose to field multiple Field Guns in this cadre, keep in

mind that there are no coherency restrictions on them in Heavy
Gear: Blitz!, and their CGL is unlikely to be using 'coordinated
attack' actions, as it's too dangerous to expose them enough

[105 TV] Field Gun Section 1 "At Least Maintenance Is Easy"

Field Gun

Field Gun

[CGL] Field Gun; 2x Field Gun

A fully equipped Field Gun Section provides you three LFGs, which are solid indirect firepower useful in most armies. You should spread
these models out as much as possible, preferably behind solid terrain, and let them spend the rest of the game stationary. Beware of
fast moving gears, airstrikes and artillery, all of which can easily destroy any single field gun, or multiples if you bunched them up too
closely. A single LRP/32 strike can ruin your day if you're within a 8" radius of each other.
Something to consider is you might want to put this cadre on standby at the very beginning of the turn. This forces your opponent to
move another of their squads first, as well as putting them under the gun when it comes to countering your ECM. Normally you run the
risk with standby of not getting enough Forward Observations that you lose the actions spent on standby tokens, but as MILICIA you
should have enough cheap forward observers to swamp any possible EW. This is a nice bit of synergy that only the MILICIA brings to
the table, and you should take advantage of it.

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Army Spotlight: Milic ia Part II

to use it. You're best off deploying this squad as far apart as
possible to prevent one successful flanking maneuver from
destroying the entire squad's firepower. Note that you shouldn't
waste any actions to go Hull Down with them, as your very low
armor (10) won't let you survive hits even if you count as rolling
a 2 or 3. But using the Hiding action on the first turn can be
useful, allowing you to get an additional point of concealment
at stationary, even if you are firing (you lose one point for firing
each turn, but gain two from being hidden at stationary, for a net
gain of one point).

Army Spotlig h t: Milicia Pa r t II

Southern Medical Support Section

[GU3, pg. 27]

has no transport capability, but offers the ability to 'save' a model

destroyed during the battle - which only matters if you're playing
in a campaign. However you do get multiple Caimans for each
Escouade, which can be used for forward observations or similar.

A unique new option presented in GearUP! Issue 3, the Southern

Medical Support Section provides a MILICIA army with the medics
it needs to treat all of their drug addictions, alcohol withdrawl and
general malnutrition. And occassionally, to save them when a
shot was a bit too unlucky, leaving man and machine a bleeding
wreck on the battlefield.

In short, many armies may not have much of an in-game use for
the the Medical Support sections, but they do look very slick. If
you're playing in a campaign, it's probably worth it to have at
least one of these painted up to ensure models with a survivor
upgrade can make it through to wage war another day.

While fertile fodder for RPG sessions, their use on the Blitz
battlefield is somewhat limited, being essentially an half-strength
Infantry Platoon equipped with Caimans. The Medevac Caiman

[140 TV] Southern Medical Support Section 1 "The MILICIA Version of St. Bernards"


Caiman APC


Caiman APC

Medevac Caiman APC

medevac Caiman APC

[CGL] Infantry Escouade w/ Chaingun; 1x Infantry Escouade w/ Chaingun; 2x Caimans; 2x Medevac Caimans
A vanilla Medical Support section without any bells and whistles to detract from their role - aiding the wounded and policing the dead
wherever they can be found on the battlefield. In a pinch this squad can engage enemy infantry that wanders too close to comfort with
their chainguns - or provide forward observations if there are no sick or dead to be dealt with. Try to keep them out of the line of sight
as they are relatively fragile, and probably have big crosshairs painted right on their side!

in Closing

That brings to an end our review of the MILICIA for GearUp!

Issues 4 and 5. I hope you've found this article an interesting read
and found one or two small nuggets you may have overlooked
while flipping through the rulebooks. The MILICIA has plenty of
character, and coupled a diverse selection of models this army is
an excellent one for beginners to cut their teeth with. With a few
games under your belt, you'll rapidly learn just how much blood
you can squeeze from the MILICIA stone, and what cost-saving
measures will work best for your particular play style.

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Southern ARMY
starter kit:
Everything you need to play in one box!
The Northern Army Starter Kit contains everything you need
to play: a Strike squad and Fire Support squad, the core Heavy
Gear Blitz Locked & Loaded rulebook, and its companion, the
Field Manualfor over 250 pages of content.
Enjoy classic Blitz game-play and the rich history of the Heavy
Gear universe with the Locked & Loaded rulebook. Included
are rules for battles and scenarios, and complete army lists
for the Southern armies and three more factions.
The Field Manual core rulebook companion adds even more
streamlined rules by introducing a new suite of tactical options
for even faster, more brutal game-play.
1x Core Rulebook (5.5 x 8.5 B&W)
1x Field Manual (5.5 x 8.5 B&W)
2x Drones [demolition]
3x Black Mamba
3x Jger [includes 1 Command]
3x Cobra
Optional Weapons
4x 6-sided dice
1x Measuring Tape
$115.00 [CAD]

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

62nd Century Mecha Combat

You Can't Always Get Wh a t Yo u Wa nt

You Can't Always Get What You Want

by sean callaway

So I found some SCUBA fins and
this barnaby prod. Im thinking yes to the
prod, no to the flippers. Im pretty sure
barnabies dont swim.

Good morning, Sergent, what can I do for

you today?
Need to draw some additional kit for me and
my men, Lieutenant. Were headed out on a
LRRP*. Heard you just got a new shipment

Four curious heads poked out
from behind shelves and piles of tank engine
parts. Of course they swim, you nitwit, how
do you think they bathe themselves?

The officer licked his lips and looked

nervously between the Sergent and the ten
Soldats filling up his small supply office.

Im pretty sure Davis meant in
the ocean. Why would you use flippers in a

Um, yes, well, there was a mix-up at


More Soldats strolled over to join
in the discussion.

Whats new? asked a Caporal with a raised

and it seems that a couple orders got
mixed up, finished the Lieutenant. We
received spare Visigoth parts, and the 245th
got things like extra rifles and body armor.

Im sorry, Sergent, I cant help you, all Ive

got are office supplies and some odds and
We need water purifiers, extra ammo
bandoleers, sun screen paper clips and
trash bags arent gonna cut it, Lieutenant!

You have not!

Have too!

Oy, whats with the Sergents
face? one of the Soldats asked. Whys it
that weird purple color?

Im sorry, Sergent, I cant help
you, said the Lieutenant. His eyes darted
from face to face, his nervousness growing
with the rising anger on the other side of the

Whats he saying? another

asked. It looks like his lips are moving, but
all thats coming out is gibberish.

The Lieutenant started to back away from the Sergent
but only managed to take a single step before the other man
leapt over the counter, wrapped his hands around his throat and
proceeded to choke him. The Caporal sauntered up carrying a
box of ice cleats and watched the spectacle with the rest of the
men. One of them turned to him and asked, Um, Capshouldnt
we stop him before he kills the Lieutenant?

Like hell you cant! The Sergent snapped his fingers,
pointed over the counter to the storage area beyond and said,
Help yourselves, boys!

With a loud whoop, the soldiers leapt over the counter
and rushed past the startled supply officer, his weak pleas falling
on deaf ears. No, stop! Please! Im accountable for everything
in here! The Sergent stood with his hands on his hips and
stared at the hapless officer, an evil smile on his face. The smile
slowly disappeared after a minute, however, as the sounds of ten
frustrated soldiers rampaging through storage shelves began to
grow quieter. The expected shouts of triumph never came.

The Caporal sighed and said, Yeah, guess we better.
Its best if we dont get too close, though; help me find something
to pry him off.

Well? yelled the Sergent. You guys find anything?

A Soldat slowly walked out into the open from between
the aisles, his steps high and exaggerated. He carried a long,
metal rod in his hand and wore flippers over his boots.

Ive got this barnaby prod, Cap, offered Davis.

I said pry, not fry, you idiot.

*Long Range Reconnaissance and Patrol

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Ive used fins in a river.

The Lieutenant was watching the
growing argument, his back to the Sergent
now and a baffled look on his face. The
debate suddenly ceased when the soldiers
heard a strange gurgling sound coming from
behind the supply officer. The Lieutenant
heard it as well, and slowly turned around to
face the Sergent.

What the hell?! exclaimed the Sergent.

Were an Infantry outfit, what in the world
are we going to do with tank parts?!


MILICIA Infantry Uniform

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

MILICIA Dress Uniform

Primary Solutions

MILICIA Gear Pilot Uniform


Chasseur Mk I

Chasseur MKI Paratrooper
$20.75 [CAD]
March release

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

jerboa paratrooper
$20.75 [CAD]
march release


Gears, guns, & the glory of the game!
Heavy Gear Arena is a fast paced, highly customizable tactical
battle game set in the award winning Heavy Gear setting. For
centuries, Terra Novas best pilots have taken their Gears,
advanced robotic fighting machines, and pitted them against
each other in the world of sports dueling. Only the best stay
in the games and earn their legendary reputations. Of course,
reputations only get you so far. Winning equals money for
upgrading your team and its equipment, the support of your
adoring fans brings fame and more importantly the corporate
sponsors, or just the thrills, pilots come from all over to find the
thing theyre desperate for in Khayr ad-Din.
Full-content small-format rulebook
4x Hired Gun duelist miniatures
Additional Dueling Weapons
Tape measure
4x six-sided dice

$67.00 [CAD]

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Heavy Gear Arena NuCo a l Co r po r a tio ns

nucoal in the arena

Neil Motor Works

Port Arthur Defense Industries

(Major Gear Manufacturer)

(Minor Gear Manufacturer)

Neil Motor Works is one of the largest

corporations in the Badlands and prides
itself on being the public face of
NuCoals economic might. In the last
ten cycles, NMW has aggressively
placed itself in a position to compete
against Paxton Arms, and in the area
of Gear manufacturing the formerly
small company has gained tremendous
ground, largely due to the influx of technical
expertise provided to the company via its association with Port
Arthur and the Humanist expatriates.

Port Arthur Defense Industries manufactures the majority of

Port Arthurs military vehicles and Gears, and while PA-DI is
considerably larger than Neil Motor Works, the company has a
very minor presence in the public sector. They produce only one
civilian vehicle, the Cossack Jeep, which is largely considered an
inferior vehicle compared to NMWs Elan. The lack of presence
in the public market means that attracting PA-DI sponsorship is
incredibly difficult and the corporation is known to keep the best
equipment out of the hands of its teams.

As part of the publicity blitz, NMW will often sponsor up-andcoming dueling teams, especially teams composed largely of
Badlanders. Neil Motor Works offers these teams access to a mix
of older Gears such as the Boa and the Wildcat, but also offers
teams direct access to some of their new Gallic series Gears.

Sponsor Restrictions

Sponsorship Restrictions

Neil Motor Works will not associate with any team that is
sponsored by Paxton (Gear or Weapons), nor will they allow
teams to use Paxton manufactured Gears on their roster.

Level 1

Threshold: 4

Rep problems (GREL Association): Teams with PA-DI sponsorship

start each game in a Team Rep deficit. Teams start with -5 Team
Rep. Teams without cheerleaders and promoters start the game
in negative Rep territory.

Level 1

Rep Cost: 30

Cash: 50K
Goods: Uncommon Gears and Components
Threshold: 5

Level 2

Rep Cost: 50

Cash: 75K
Goods: Rare Components/Technicians
Level 3

Threshold: 6

Rep Cost: 75

Cash: 125K
Goods: Rare Gears
Level 4

Threshold: 7

Rep Cost

Rep Cost: 100

Level 3

Threshold: 7

Rep Cost: 125

Cash: 125K
Goods: Black Listed Weaponry
Threshold: 8

Rep Cost: 150

Cash: 200K
Goods: Tertiary Engineer or Rare Gears

Recruitment Threshold

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Threshold: 5

Cash: 75K
Goods: Secondary Engineer or Uncommon Gears

Level 4

Rep Cost: 100

Cash: 200K
Goods: Black Listed/Hussar (Limit 1)
Recruitment Threshold

Rep Cost: 80

Cash: 50K
Goods: Rare Weaponry or Technician


Level 2

Threshold: 4

Rep Cost


NuCoal Corporations

Gear Availability

NuCoal has a number of active corporations that are involved in

the Gear manufacturing process. Some, like Verton Tech and Neil
Motor Works, are publically known companies that are active in
public relations, but others like Port Arthur Defense Industries
and Javelin Systems are insular organizations with little interest
in sponsoring teams.

Some of the NuCoal manufacturers have access to licensed

or knock-off versions of older Gears manufactured by
polar companies. These are listed below.
Neil Motor Works

Verton Tech

Port Arthur Defense



Desert Viper








Javelin Systems

(Minor Gear Manufacturer)

(Minor Gear & Weapon Manufacturer)

Verton Tech
was founded
by an unlikely
Verton, a Mekong
expat, and Isaac
Verton, a Jannite GREL
that Eddie adopted as a
brother. The two men built Verton from a small shop specializing
in customized ATV and Ferret components to opening a full
manufacturing facility to supply the NSDF with its premier recon
Gear, the Jerboa. A civilian version of the Jerboa is gaining
popularity throughout the polar leagues and the Badlands, and
the Verton brothers are masters of self promotion. When the
Jerboa was banned from Deathtrack 1000, Eddie simply started
his own racing circuit, which allowed all types of vehicles, and
raked in a fortune from high ratings bonanza. Since that time, the
Vertons have expanded to sponsoring promising dueling teams.

Javelin Systems is the in-house Gear and weapon manufacturer

for the Humanist Alliance. JS was built as part of Operation Long
Night, a Humanist plot to free themselves from Southern Republic
domination. The company is based out of the Port Arthur Defense
Zone and manufactures military hardware officially only for the
NuCoal Self Defense Forces, but in reality the company ships
nearly eighty percent of their output to Raleigh in the Humanist
Alliance. The remaining twenty percent supplies local HAPF
and NSDF forces. As a highly secretive corporation, the only
teams seen using JS Gears and equipment are teams that have
engineers that are directly tied to their corporation.

Sponsorship Restrictions

Sponsorship Restrictions

Bad blood between Verton and Shaian over the Deathtrack 1000
ban prevents any team that uses Verton from taking Shaian as a
sponsor. The Team can have Shaian Gears, but only if they equip
Verton components on the unit. Eddie likes to show off his line
of upgrade parts, especially when it makes his competition look
Level 1

Threshold: 4

Players must begin with JS as their choice. Only Engineers or

Independent team managers are eligible to choose Javelin

Level 1

Rep Cost: 30

Cash: 50K
Goods: Uncommon Components/Technician
Threshold: 5

Level 2

Rep Cost: 100

Cash: 75K
Goods: Secondary Engineer/Jerboa/Ferret
Level 3

Threshold: 7

Rep Cost: 125

Cash: 125K
Goods: Rare Components
Level 4

Threshold: 8

Rep Cost

Rep Cost: 100

Level 3

Threshold: 7

Rep Cost: 125

Cash: 125K
Goods: Black Listed Weapons/Uncommon Comp.
Threshold: 8

Rep Cost: 150

Cash: 200K
Goods: Rare Gears or Hussar (Limit 1)


Recruitment Threshold

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Threshold: 5

Cash: 75K
Goods: Secondary Engineer or Rare Weaponry

Level 4

Rep Cost: 150

Cash: 200K
Goods: Tertiary Engineer/Black Listed Comps.
Recruitment Threshold

Rep Cost: 80

Cash: 50K
Goods: Uncommon Gears or Weaponry


Level 2

Threshold: 4


Rep Cost


Hea vy Gear Arena NuCoal Corporations

Verton Tech

Heavy Gear Ar ena N u co a l Gea r s

Chasseur MKI

Market Cost




Neil Motor Works, Port Arthur Defense, Javelin Systems





Fire Control



Stationary Defense


Combat Speed

Top Speed






Base Armor

Overkill Armor










Arms, Reinforced Front Armor (1), Rugged Movement

Slot Tier



Tier I

Tier II

Shoulder Mounts

Tier II Class

Tier III
Tier IV

Chasseur MKII

Market Cost




Neil Motor Works, Port Arthur Defense, Javelin Systems





Fire Control




Stationary Defense


Combat Speed

Top Speed






Base Armor

Overkill Armor










Arms, Reinforced Front Armor (1), Jump Jets (3), Emergency Medical

Exposed Movement

Slot Tier


Tier I

Tier II


Tier III
Tier IV

Tier II Class

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)


Market Cost




Neil Motor Works, Port Arthur Defense, Javelin Systems





Fire Control



Stationary Defense


Combat Speed

Top Speed








Base Armor

Overkill Armor










Arms, Reinforced Cockpit, Emergency Medical

Large Sensor Profile (1)

Slot Tier


Tier I


Tier II
Tier III

Tier IV


Tier III Class


Market Cost




Neil Motor Works, Port Arthur Defense, Javelin Systems





Fire Control




Stationary Defense


Combat Speed

Top Speed





Base Armor

Overkill Armor








Slot Tier


Tier I


Tier II
Tier III

Tier IV

Tier III Class

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)




Heavy Gear Are na Nucoal Gears


Heavy Gear Ar ena N u co a l Gea r s


Market Cost




Verton Tech





Fire Control



Stationary Defense


Combat Speed

Top Speed






Base Armor

Overkill Armor










Arms, Jump Jets (3)

Slot Tier


Tier I

Tier II


Tier III
Tier IV

Tier II Class


Market Cost




Neil Motor Workss, Port Arthur Defense, Javelin Systems





Fire Control



Stationary Defense


Combat Speed

Top Speed








Base Armor

Overkill Armor










Arms, Advanced Controls, Reinforced Front Armor (2), Improved Rear

Defense, Emergency Medical

Large Sensor Profile (1)

Slot Tier


Tier I


Tier II
Tier III
Tier IV


Tier V



Tier IV Class

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)


Market Cost




Neil Motor Workss, Port Arthur Defense, Javelin Systems





Fire Control



Stationary Defense


Combat Speed

Top Speed





Base Armor

Overkill Armor










Improved Off-Road

Slot Tier


Tier I


Tier II
Tier III

Tier IV


Tier III Class


Market Cost




Neil Motor Workss, Port Arthur Defense, Javelin Systems





Fire Control





Stationary Defense


Combat Speed

Top Speed






Base Armor

Overkill Armor









Arms, Spotlight F (25)

Slot Tier


Tier I


Tier II
Tier III
Tier IV

Tier II Class

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Heavy Gear Are na Nucoal Gears


Heavy Gear Ar ena N u co a l Gea r s


Market Cost




Neil Motor Workss, Port Arthur Defense, Javelin Systems





Fire Control





Stationary Defense


Combat Speed

Top Speed








Base Armor

Overkill Armor










Arms, Spotlight F (30)

Large Sensor Profile

Slot Tier


Tier I


Tier II
Tier III
Tier IV

Tier III Class


Market Cost




Neil Motor Workss, Port Arthur Defense, Javelin Systems





Fire Control





Stationary Defense


Combat Speed

Top Speed




Base Armor

Overkill Armor









Arms, Spotlight F (25)

Exposed Crew Compartment, Exposed Movement, Large Sensor Profile (1)

Slot Tier


Tier I


Tier II
Tier III
Tier IV

Tier II Class

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Prairie Dog

Market Cost




Neil Motor Workss, Port Arthur Defense, Javelin Systems





Fire Control





Stationary Defense


Combat Speed

Top Speed






Base Armor

Overkill Armor









Arms, Spotlight F (25)

Exposed Crew Compartment, Exposed Movement, Large Sensor Profile (1)

Slot Tier


Tier I


Tier II
Tier III
Tier IV

Tier II Class


Market Cost




Neil Motor Workss, Port Arthur Defense, Javelin Systems





Fire Control





Stationary Defense


Combat Speed

Top Speed




Base Armor

Overkill Armor








Arms, Spotlight F (25)

Large Sensor Profile (1)

Slot Tier


Tier I


Tier II
Tier III
Tier IV

Tier II Class

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)


Heavy Gear Are na Nucoal Gears


Field testing: Th r ea t Va lu es b eta

Field testing: Changes to Combat Group TV Costs

These Threat Values (TV) are currently in playtesting and are presented here as working threat values. These Threat Values are subject
to change before final release of their respective field guides. We value your input on any playtesting and encourage you to join our
playtesters and give us your feedback. Check out our playtesting open call and details on how you can join at WWW.DP9FORUM.COM.

Northern Squads
Infantry Platoon................................................. 40 TV
Add Medium Armor to Platoon for........................ +5 TV
Add Heavy Armor to Platoon for.......................... +10 TV
Add ATVs or ORVs to a squad for................... +5 TV each
Make Platoon Paratroopers (Including Attached Teams/
Squads) for.................................................... +5 TV
Add Badger to a section for................................+20 TV

NAF Special Rules

Northern Rivalries:
Swap Thunder Jaguar for Sabertooth for ............... +0 TV
UMFA Special Rules
Local Manufacturing:
Swap Hunters for Tigers for .............................. +15 TV
Swap Headhunters for Sabertooths for .................+25 TV

f ing

Infantry Sniper Squad....................................... 15 TV

WFPA Special Rules

Western Alienation:
Swap Cheetah for Stripped Down Hunter for .......... -35 TV
Swap Hunter for Stripped Down Hunter for ............ -10 TV
Swap Kodiaks for Razorbacks for ....................... -50 TV
Swap Razorbacks for Peacemaker Razorbacks for .... +0 TV
Swap Jaguars for Mad Dog Rs for .........................-5 TV
Swap Grizzlys for Bears for ............................... -20 TV
Swap Thunder Grizzlys for Den Mothers for ........... -30 TV

Airborne Dragoon Squad......................................335 TV

Gold Dawn: Dirty Ones Platoon............................... 80 TV

Nova Redriders: HMA Squad.................................295 TV
Blue Angels: Honor Guard....................................255 TV

Thunderbolts: Klemm for Klemm Chasers for............ -65 TV

GP Squad........................................................170 TV

Post TN-1940 Upgrades

Replace Headhunter for Cheetah for....................+25 TV
Replace Jaguar for Cheetah for.......................... +10 TV
Swap Hunters to Jaguars for.............................. +15 TV
Swap Jaguars to Hunters for.............................. -15 TV

Recon Squad....................................................310 TV
Strike Squad....................................................245 TV
Fire Support Squad............................................240 TV

Field Manual Upgrades

Add Sturdy Box and extra action to Kodiak for.........+20 TV
Swap Hunter for WildCat for................................-5 TV

Dragoon Squad.................................................255 TV

Ranger Squad...................................................305 TV
Swap Cheetah for Black Cat for ..........................+25 TV
Swap Jaguar for Panther for ..............................+30 TV
Airborne Squad.................................................285 TV

Strider Squad...................................................160 TV

Add additional Mammoth................................... +150 TV

Swap Mammoth for Thunderhammer for...............+20 TV

Heavy Tank Squad..............................................195 TV

Swap Aller for Hardy Aller for............................. +15 TV
Swap Aller for Naval Support Aller for................ +140 TV
Light Tank Squad...............................................125 TV
Swap Klemm for Bandit Hunter Klemm for............. -40 TV
Swap Klemm for Jaxon for................................ -25 TV
Swap Klemm for Tyburr for................................ -40 TV
Swap Tyburr for Stormhammer Tyburr for.............. -15 TV
Cavalry Squad................................................... 40 TV
Field Gun Section............................................... 40 TV

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

click here

Southern Cadres
MILICIA Special Rules
Limited Resources:
Swap Jger for Stripped Down Jger for................ -10 TV
Swap Jger for Rattlesnake for.............................-5 TV
Swap Iguana for Stripped Down Jger for.............. -25 TV
Swap Iguana for Basilisk for.............................. -20 TV
Swap Iguana for Anolis R for.............................. -15 TV
Swap Spitting Cobra for Python for...................... -15 TV

Infantry Platoon................................................. 40 TV
Add Medium Armor to Platoon for........................ +5 TV
Add Heavy Armor to Platoon for.......................... +10 TV
Add ATVs or ORVs to a squad for................... +5 TV each
Make Platoon Paratroopers (Including Attached Teams/
Squads) for.................................................... +5 TV

ESE Special Rules

Local Manufacturing:
Swap Iguana for Basilisk for.............................. -20 TV
Swap Basilisk for Silverscale for......................... +15 TV

The Apes: May attach up to two Jgers for...... +35 TV each

f ing

Infantry Sniper Escouade................................... 20 TV

Post TN-1940 Upgrades

No changes

Recon Cadre....................................................220 TV

Strike Cadre.....................................................215 TV
Swap Jger for Sidewinder for............................... +10 TV

Fire Support Cadre.............................................240 TV

Swap Jger for Sidewinder for............................... +10 TV

MP Cadre........................................................195 TV

Airborne Cadre.................................................235 TV

OpSec Cadre....................................................300 TV
Strider Cadre....................................................140 TV
Add additional Naga......................................... +130 TV
Swap Naga for Sagittarius for............................ -60 TV
Swap Naga for Fire Dragon for........................... -20 TV
Tank Cadre.......................................................180 TV
Swap Hun for Visigoth for.................................. +100 TV
Cavalry Cadre.................................................... 55 TV
Field Gun Section............................................... 40 TV

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Field testing: Threat Value s beta

Field Manual Upgrades

Add Sturdy Box to Hetairoi for............................ +15 TV
Add +1 to all Naga Defense Modifiers for................ +5 TV
Add extra action to King Cobra for....................... +10 TV
Swap Spitting Cobra for Boa for............................-5 TV
Swap Jger for Copperhead for............................ +0 TV

GP Cadre.........................................................140 TV
Swap Jger for Sidewinder for............................ +10 TV

Field testing: Th r ea t Va lu es b eta

Paxton Squads
PRDF Special Rules
Growing Pains: Swap Crusader IV for Grizzly for....... +0 TV
Swap Crusader IV for Spiting Cobra for...................-5 TV
Swap Skirmisher for Cheetah for......................... +15 TV
Swap Skirmisher for Iguana for.......................... +10 TV
Swap Skirmisher for Ferret for........................... -20 TV

Add Hoplite to a section for...............................+25 TV

Upgrade Hoplite to a Command Hoplite for............ +15 TV
Heavy Weapons Team....................................... 35 TV
Sniper Team................................................... 15 TV

GP Squad........................................................205 TV
Swap Chieftain for Chieftain IV...........................+25 TV
Swap Chieftain for Skirmisher...............................0 TV
Swap Warrior for Warrior IV..............................+25 TV

Spotter Team.................................................. 10 TV
Post TN-1940 Upgrades
Swap Cataphract LRG for VHAC (F) for...................-5 TV
Swap Coyote LRG for VHAC (T) for...................... -10 TV

Anti-Rover Squad..............................................145 TV
Swap CGL Pitt Bull for Skirmisher....................... +10 TV
Additional Pitt Bulls ........................................+30 TV
Swap Pitt Bull for Warriors................................. +5 TV

f ing

Field Manual Upgrades

Swap Crusader IV for Crusader V for........................ +0 TV
Swap Pit Bull for Gladiator for...............................+30 TV
Swap Warrior for Gladiator for..............................+25 TV

Patrol Squad....................................................240 TV
Swap CGL Skirmisher for Chieftain IV..................+25 TV

Strike Squad....................................................325 TV
Swap Warrior IV for Crusader IV......................... +10 TV
Swap Warrior IV for Warrior for.......................... -25 TV
Swap Warrior IV for Skirmisher for...................... -20 TV
Swap Crusader IV for Cataphract for....................+30 TV
Swap Chieftain IV for Cataphract Lord for..............+40 TV

Fire Support Squad............................................275 TV

Swap Chieftain for Chieftain IV for......................+25 TV
Swap Warrior for Warrior IV for..........................+25 TV
Swap Warrior IV for Crusader IV for..................... +10 TV
Swap Crusader IV for Cataphract for....................+30 TV
Swap Chieftain for Cataphract Lord for.................+60 TV
Special Forces Squad.........................................315 TV
Swap Warrior IV for Shinobi.................................0 TV
Swap Skirmisher for Warrior IV for......................+20 TV
Swap Warrior IV for Shinobi for............................-5 TV
Light Tankstrider Squad....................................... 75 TV
Additional Coyotes..........................................+65 TV
Swap CGL Coyote for Wild Coyote....................... +15 TV
Swap CGL Coyote for Alpha Dog..........................+30 TV
Additional Warriors.........................................+40 TV
Add an additional Coyote for..............................+65 TV
Swap Coyote for Wild Coyote for......................... +10 TV
Swap Wild Coyote for Alpha Dog for..................... +15 TV
Support Tankstrider Squad...................................160 TV
Add additional Red Bull.................................. +150 TV
Swap Warrior for Cataphract for.........................+65 TV
Cavalry Squad................................................... 75 TV
Add additional Hoplite for.................................+25 TV
Swap Hoplite for Hippeis for............................... +5 TV
Swap LRF/APGL for MRP/36 for.......................... +15 TV
Infantry Section................................................. 35 TV
Add Heavy Armor to Section & all attached Teams.... +5 TV
Add ATVs or ORVs to a squad for.......................... +5 TV

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Leagueless Squads

NOTE: Leagueless Gears have a cost premium associated with

them due to the high customization of the squads.

Hunter............................................................. 35 TV
HeadHunter....................................................... 40 TV
Jager.............................................................. 35 TV
Command Jager................................................. 40 TV
Warrior............................................................ 40 TV
Chieftain.......................................................... 45 TV
Tiger............................................................... 50 TV
Sabertooth........................................................ 60 TV
Infantry Section................................................. 20 TV
AGR, CG, LMG, GR, TD(2) cost......................... +5TV each
Copperhead...................................................... 35 TV
Wildcat............................................................ 35 TV

Black Adder....................................................... 60 TV
Caiman............................................................ 30 TV
Razorback........................................................ 50 TV
Peacemaker Razorback........................................ 50 TV
Bear................................................................ 55 TV
Swap Bear for Mauler Bear for................................ +0 TV
Swap Veteran Bear for Den Mother for...................... +5 TV
Python............................................................. 55 TV
Badlands Python................................................ 45 TV
Boa................................................................. 65 TV
Field Gun.......................................................... 40 TV
Badger............................................................. 20 TV
Bandit Hunter Klemm........................................... 85 TV
Tyburr............................................................. 85 TV
Mammoth........................................................130 TV
Ferret MkII........................................................ 40 TV
Wild Ferret....................................................... 30 TV
Jaguar............................................................. 55 TV
Iguana............................................................. 50 TV
Warrior IV......................................................... 60 TV
Chieftain IV....................................................... 65 TV
Cheetah........................................................... 60 TV
Black Mamba..................................................... 60 TV
Spitting Cobra................................................... 70 TV
Grizzly............................................................. 65 TV
Gladiator.......................................................... 60 TV
Kodiak............................................................100 TV
King Cobra....................................................... 110 TV

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Field testing: Threat Value s beta

f ing

Basilisk for Silverscale for................................... +15 TV
Pit Bull............................................................ 35 TV
Ferret.............................................................. 35 TV
Anolis R........................................................... 40 TV
Bobcat............................................................. 45 TV

Field testing: Th r ea t Va lu es b eta

Black Talon Squads

(Note had extra LD1 cost 5TV each per non-CGL Model)
Forward Observation and Reconnaisance Team.........305 TV
Add Dark Skirmisher for...................................+75 TV
Swap Dark Skirmisher for Dark Cheetah for...........+40 TV
Swap Dark Skirmisher for Owl C3 for...................+50 TV
Swap Dark Cheetah for Raven Scout for................+30 TV
Primary Insertion Team.......................................220 TV
Add Dark Jaguar for.........................................+70 TV
Swap Dark Jaguar for Dark Skirmisher for.............. +0 TV
Swap Dark Skirmisher for Owl C3 for...................+45 TV
Swap Dark Jaguar for Eagle Trooper for................+40 TV
Tactical Insertion Team.......................................270 TV
Add Dark Jaguar for.........................................+70 TV
Swap Dark Jaguar for Dark Mamba for..................+25 TV
Swap CGL Dark Jaguar for Owl C3 for...................+50 TV
Swap second Dark Jaguar for Owl C3 for...............+45 TV
Swap Dark Jaguar for Eagle Trooper for................+40 TV
Swap Dark Mamba for Raptor Commando for.......... +5 TV

f ing

Operational Assistance Team................................265 TV

Add Dark Mamba for........................................+95 TV
Swap Dark Jaguar for Dark Mamba for..................+25 TV
Swap Dark Mamba for Dark Cobra for.....................-5 TV
Swap Dark Jaguar for Owl C3 for.........................+50 TV
Swap Dark Cobra for Vulture Heavy for.................+90 TV
Swap Dark Mamba for Raptor Commando for.......... +5 TV

Tactical Assault Team.........................................315 TV

Add Dark Cobra for..........................................+95 TV
Swap Dark Cobra for Dark Kodiak for....................+25 TV
Swap Dark Jaguar for Owl C3 for.........................+50 TV
Swap Dark Kodiak for Vulture Heavy for................+65 TV
Swap Dark Mamba for Raptor Commando for.......... +5 TV

Mobile Ordinance Element...................................145 TV

Add Dark Naga for......................................... +140 TV
Swap Dark Naga for Dark Coyote for.................... -10 TV

Infantry Section................................................. 55 TV
Add Heavy Armor to Section & all attached Teams.... +5 TV
Add ATVs or ORVs to a squad for........................... +5TV
Make Section Paratroopers (Including Attached Teams/
Squads) for..................................................... +5TV
Add Dark Hoplite to a section for......................... +55TV
Heavy Weapons Team....................................... 30 TV
Sniper/Spotter Team......................................... 20 TV

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

CEF Squads:
Mission Packs
Command (CMP).............................................+15TV
Defensive (DMP)............................................ +20TV
Fire Support (FSMP).........................................+10TV
Recon (RMP)..................................................+15TV
Light Hovertank Squad........................................225 TV
Add an additional LHT-71 for.............................+115 TV
Swap LHT-71 for LHT-67 for............................... -15 TV
Heavy Hovertank Squad......................................385 TV
(Cost of new single HT Squad is 195 TV, as per Gear UP 4)
Add an additional LHT-72 for............................... +195 TV
Swap LHT-72 for LHT-68 for............................... -20 TV

f ing

Interdiction Frame Squad....................................180 TV

Heavy Frame Squad...........................................210 TV

Morgana Commando Squad................................... 25 TV

FLAIL Infantry Platoon........................................130 TV

Morgana Class FLAILs......................................... 30 TV

Commando Squad..............................................215 TV
Rapid Reconnaissance and Patrol Squad................. 110 TV
HHT-90 Combat Group........................ 550 TV (From GU3)

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Field testing: Threat Value s beta

GREL Infantry Platoon.........................................100 TV

Field testing: Th r ea t Va lu es b eta

Caprice Squads:

Utopia Troupes

Caprician Infantry Platoon.................................... 40 TV

Add Medium Armor to Platoon for........................ +5 TV
Add Heavy Armor to Platoon for.......................... +10 TV
Add ATVs or ORVs to a squad for........................... +5TV
Add a Hammath to a squad for............................ +55TV

Armiger Commando Troupe..................................275 TV

Infantry Sniper Squad.......................................... 15 TV

Augmented Armoured Infantry Troupe...................... 70 TV

Patrol Squad....................................................165 TV

SIN Cluster....................................................... 95 TV

Support Squad..................................................195 TV

Eden Squads

Armiger Recce Troupe.........................................250 TV

Armiger Support Troupe......................................220 TV

Heavy Mount....................................................105 TV

Alpha Squad...................................................... 75 TV

f ing

Add Moab for....................................................+95 TV

Swap Moab for Ammon for................................ +10 TV

Beta Squad...................................................... 110 TV

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

INCOMING Field Guides:

Southern Field Guide


Northern Field Guide


P.R.D.F. Field Guide


C.E.F. Field Guide


Black Talon Field Guide

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Drea m Po d 9 Ca ta lo g

Heavy Gear Arena

(All HGA minis are fully compatible with HGB & include their standard loadout Blitz weapons.)




Heavy Gear Arena Core Rules (Softcover) 112 pages, Full Color



Heavy Gear Arena - Two Player Starter Kit (Box including Small B&W Version of the HG Arena Core Rules, 6 minis, 4 dice & 1 tape)



Heavy Gear Arena Sponsors Decals Pack


Heavy Gear Arena Logo Patch (8" wide with velcro backing)



HG Arena: Duelist Weapons Upgrade Pack (weapons and customization parts)



HG Arena: Gladiator Two Pack (2 minis, extra weapons)



HG Arena: Boa Pack (1 mini, extra weapons)



HG Arena: Hired Guns Grizzly & Hunter XMG Pack (Jarak Twins, 2 minis, extra weapons)



HG Arena: Hired Guns Black Mamba & DartJager Pack (Yang Jownz & Emili Royal, 2 minis, extra weapons)



HG Arena: Copperhead Two Pack (2 minis, extra weapons)



HG Arena: Wildcat Two Pack (2 minis, extra weapons)



HG Arena: Hired Guns Black Adder & Hunter Commando Pack (Torvas & Bowser, 2 minis, extra weapons)



HG Arena: Hired Guns Spitting Cobra & Strike Cheetah Pack (Musashi & Cornice, 2 minis, extra weapons)



HG Arena: Valence Two Pack (2 minis, extra weapons)



HG Arena: Engineering Grizzly Pack (1 mini, extra weapons)



HG Arena: Engineering Cobra Pack (1 mini, extra weapons)



HG Arena: Bricklayer Engineering Gear Two Pack (2 minis, extra weapons)



HG Arena: Stone Mason Engineering Gear Two Pack (2 minis, extra weapons)



Heavy Gear Blitz! Books


Heavy Gear Blitz! Locked & Loaded - Rulebook Rev 1.1 (Softcover) 204 pages, Black & White



Heavy Gear Blitz! Locked & Loaded - Rulebook Rev 1.1 (Softcover) 204 pages, Full Color



Heavy Gear Blitz! Field Manual - Core Rulebook Companion (Softcover) 60 pages, Black & White



Heavy Gear Blitz! Field Manual - Core Rulebook Companion (Softcover) 60 pages, Full Color



Black Talon - Return to Cat's Eye (Softcover) 124 pages, Black & White



Black Talon - Return to Cat's Eye (Softcover) 124 pages, Full Color



Shattered Peace - The War for Terra Nova Book 1 (Softcover) 54 pages, Full Color



Terra Nova Gambit - The War for Terra Nova Book 2 (Softcover) 54 pages, Full Color



Perfect Storm: NuCoal Field Guide (Softcover) 136 pages, Full Color


Heavy Gear Blitz! Starter Packages (Includes Rulebooks & Miniatures)


Heavy Gear Blitz - Two Player Starter Kit (Small b&w L&L Rulebook & Field Manual books, 6 minis, 4 dice & 1 tape)



Northern Starter Army (Small L&L Rulebook & Field Manual books, Strike & Fire Support Squads (10 minis), 4 dice & tape)



Southern Starter Army (Small L&L Rulebook & Field Manual books, Strike & Fire Support Cadres (9 minis), 4 dice & tape)



P.R.D.F. Starter Army (Small L&L Rulebook & Field Manual books, Strike & Fire Support Squads (10 minis), 4 dice & tape)



P.A.K. Starter Army (Small L&L Rules & Field Manual books, GREL Platoon, 2xLHT-67, 1xLHT-71 (46 minis), 4 dice & tape)



Black Talon Starter Army (Small Field Manual & Black Talon books, 1xOwl, 1xRaptor, 2xVulture, 1xDark Naga (5 minis), 4dice & tape)



C.E.F. Starter Army (Small Field Manual & Black Talon books, FLAIL Platoon, 2x LHT-71, & 2x HC3 (17 minis), 4 dice & tape)



Utopian Starter Army (Small Field Manual & Black Talon books, 1x Support Troupe & 1x Recce Troupe (20 minis), 4 dice & tape)


Heavy Gear Blitz! Northern MINIATURES


Northern G.P. Squad (box set, 5 minis)



Northern Strike Squad (box set, 5 minis)



Northern Fire Support Squad (box set, 5 minis)



Northern Recon Squad (box set, 5 minis)



Northern Weapons and Bits Pack (weapons and customization parts)



Northern Hunter Two Pack (2 random Hunters, headhunter head, extra weapons)



Northern Hunter Paratrooper Two Pack (2 Hunter Paratroopers)



Northern Hunter Commando Two Pack (2 Hunter Commandos)



Northern Stripped Down Hunter Two Pack (2 Stripped Down Hunters)



Catalog Updated: FEBRUARY 2012

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)



Northern Miniatures continued on next page

Northern Miniatures cont.


Northern Jaguar Two Pack (2 random Jaguars, extra weapons)



Northern Grizzly Pack (1 random Grizzly, extra weapons)



Northern Cheetah Two Pack (2 random Cheetahs, extra weapons)



Northern Cheetah Paratrooper Two Pack (2 Cheetah Paratroopers)



Northern Ferret Two Pack (2 random Ferrets)



Northern Kodiak Pack (1 mini)



Northern Tiger Two Pack (2 Tigers, extra weapons)



Northern Bobcat Two Pack (2 Bobcats)



Northern Razorback Two Pack (2 Razorbacks)



Northern Weasel Two Pack (2 Weasels)



Northern Panther Two Pack (2 Panthers)



Northern Black Cat Two Pack (2 Black Cats)



Northern Bear/Den Mother/Mad Dog R Two Pack (2 Bears or 2 Mad Dogs or 1 Den Mother & 1 other)



Northern Koala Two Pack (2 Koalas)



Northern Dingo Two Pack (2 Dingo)



Northern Mammoth Strider Custom Pack (1 resin mini with customization parts)



Northern Mammoth Strider Upgrade Pack (Resin parts to upgrade upto 3 Mammoths)



Northern Thunderhammer Strider (1 mini)



Northern Aller Main Battle Tank Custom Pack (1 Resin Mini with customization upgrade parts)



Northern Klemm Light Tank Custom Two Pack (2 Resin Minis with 1 set of customization upgrade parts)



Northern Aller Upgrade Two Pack (Resin parts to upgrade upto 4 Allers)



Northern Klemm Upgrade Two Pack (Resin parts to upgrade upto 8 Klemms)



Northern Heavy Infantry Platoon (40 Heavy Infantry, 12 hex bases)



Northern Infantry Platoon (40 Infantry, 12 hex bases)



Northern Infantry on ATVs Platoon (12 Wallaby ATVs, 12 hex bases)



Northern Antelope Jeep Squad Pack (3 Antelope Jeeps and 3 hex bases)



Northern Badger APC Custom Pack (1 Larger Resin Mini with customization upgrade parts)



Northern Field Gun Two Pack (2 guns, 2 infantry and 2 round bases)


Heavy Gear Blitz! Southern MINIATURES


Southern G.P. Cadre (box set, 5 minis)



Southern Strike Cadre (box set, 5 minis)



Southern Fire Support Cadre (box set, 4 minis)


Southern Recon Cadre (box set, 5 minis)


Southern Weapons and Bits Pack (weapons and customization parts)



Southern Jager Two Pack (2 random Jagers, Command Jager head, extra weapons)



Southern Stripped Down Jager Two Pack (2 Stripped Down Jagers, extra weapons)



Southern Jager Paratrooper Two Pack (2 Jager Paratroopers)



Southern Black Mamba Two Pack (2 random Black Mambas, extra weapons)



Southern Spitting Cobra Pack (1 random Spitting Cobra, extra weapons)



Southern Iguana Two Pack (2 random Iguanas)



Southern Iguana Paratrooper Two Pack (2 Iguana Paratroopers)



Southern King Cobra Pack (1 mini)



Southern Sidewinder Two Pack (2 Sidewinders, extra weapons)



Southern Basilisk Two Pack (2 Basilisks)



Southern Anolis Two Pack (2 Anolis)



Southern Black Adder Two Pack (2 Black Adders)



Southern Desert Viper Two Pack (2 Desert Vipers)



Southern Snakeye Black Mamba Two Pack (2 Snakeye BMs & parts to convert to Green Mambas)



Southern Python Two Pack (2 Pyhtons)



Southern Cameleon Two Pack (2 Cameleons)


(HGA & HGB miniatures are 1/144 scale, cast in lead free pewter or high quality resin. Assembly & painting required, decals not Included.)
Southern Miniatures continued on next page
Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)


Catalog Updated: FEBRUARY 2012

Dream Pod 9 Catalog


Drea m Po d 9 Ca ta lo g

Southern Miniatures cont.




Southern Dart Jager Two Pack (2 Dart Jagers)



Southern Asp Two Pack (2 Asps)



Southern Silverscale Two Pack (2 Silverscales)



Southern Naga Strider Custom Pack (1 Resin mini plus conversion parts for Long Fang, Command or Dark Naga, plus extra weapons)



Southern Sagittarius Strider (1 mini with extra weapons)



Southern Visigoth Main Battle Tank Custom (1 Resin Mini with customization upgrade parts)



Southern Hun Light Tank Custom Two Pack (2 Resin Minis with 1 set of customization upgrade parts)



Southern Visigoth Upgrade Two Pack (Resin parts to upgrade upto 6 Visigoths)



Southern Hun Upgrade Two Pack (Resin parts to upgrade upto 6 Huns)



Southern Hetairoi Hovertank (Resin Mini, extra weapon and extra parts)



Southern Heavy Infantry Platoon (40 Heavy Infantry, 12 hex bases)



Southern Infantry Platoon (40 Infantry, 12 hex bases)



Southern Infantry on ATVs Platoon (12 Jackrabbit Bikes, 12 hex bases)



Southern Elan Jeep Squad Pack (3 Elan Jeeps and 3 hex bases)



Southern Caiman APC Custom Two Pack (2 Larger Resin Minis with customization upgrade parts)



Southern Field Gun Two Pack (2 guns, 2 infantry and 2 round bases)



Southern Fire Dragon Strider (1 mini)



Southern M.P. Shield Five Pack (5 part sprus with M.P. Shield, Fragcannon and Police Lights)


Heavy Gear Blitz! Peace River DEFENSE FORCE Miniatures


P.R.D.F. G.P. Squad (box set, 5 minis)



P.R.D.F. Strike Squad (box set, 5 minis)



P.R.D.F. Fire Support Squad (box set, 5 minis)



P.R.D.F. Patrol Squad (box set, 5 minis)



P.R.D.F. Warrior Two Pack (2 random Warriors, Cheiftain head, extra weapons)



P.R.D.F. Warrior IV Two Pack (2 random Warriors IV, Cheiftain IV head, extra weapons)



P.R.D.F. Crusader Pack (1 mini, extra weapons)



P.R.D.F. Skirmisher Two Pack (2 minis)



P.R.D.F. Pit Bull Two Pack (2 minis)



P.R.D.F. Cataphract Pack (1 mini, extra weapons)



P.R.D.F. Red Bull MkII Strider (1 mini)



P.R.D.F. Infantry Platoon (40 Infantry, 12 hex bases)



P.R.D.F. Hoplite APC Two Pack (2 minis)



P.R.D.F. Coyote Strider (1 mini)



P.R.D.F. Shinobi Two Pack (2 Shinobi)


Heavy Gear Blitz! NUCOAL Miniatures


NuCoal G.P. Squad (box set, 5 minis)



NuCoal Strike Squad (box set, 5 minis)



NuCoal Fire Support Squad (box set, 5 minis)



NuCoal Recon Squad (box set, 5 minis)



NuCoal Chasseur Two Pack (2 Chasseurs, extra weapons)



NuCoal Jerboa Two Pack (2 Jerboas, extra weapons)



NuCoal Cuirassier Two Pack (2 Cuirassiers, extra weapons)



NuCoal Chevalier Pack (1 Chevalier, extra weapons)



NuCoal Hussar Walker (1 Hussar in walker mode, extra weapons) - Resin Miniature



NuCoal Chasseur Mk II Two Pack (2 Chasseur MkIIs, extra weapons)



NuCoal Lancier Two Pack (2 Lanciers, extra weapons)



NuCoal Hussar Tank (1 Hussar in tank mode, extra weapons) - Resin Miniature



NuCoal Infantry Platoon (40 Infantry and 12 hex bases)



NuCoal Sampson Hover APC Pack (1 Sampson Hover APC) - Resin Miniature


Catalog Updated: FEBRUARY 2012

Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)


NuCoal Miniatures cont.




NuCoal Sandrider Infantry Platoon (40 Infantry, 12 hex bases)



NuCoal Barnaby and Sandrider Squad Pack (3 Barnaby riding beasts & Sandrider Infantry and 3 hex bases)



NuCoal Espion Two Pack (2 Espions, extra weapons) - FEBRUARY 2012 RELEASE



NuCoal Armadillo Beast with Rider Squad Pack (3 Armadillo Beasts with 3 Riders and 3 round bases) - FEBRUARY 2012 RELEASE



NuCoal Chasseur Paratrooper Two Pack (2 Chasseur Paratroopers, extra weapons) - MARCH 2012 RELEASE



NuCoal Jerboa Paratrooper Two Pack (2 Jerboa Paratroopers, extra weapons) - MARCH 2012 RELEASE


Heavy Gear Blitz! BLACK TALON Miniatures


Black Talon Primary Insertion Team (boxset, 4 minis)



Black Talon Operational Assistance Team (boxset, 4 minis)



Black Talon Forward Observation & Recon Team (boxset, 4 minis)



Black Talon Dark Series Upgrade Pack (Weapons and Bits to upgrade minis to the Dark Series Gears)



Black Talon Dark Kodiak (1 mini)



Black Talon Dark Cobra (1 mini)



Black Talon Eagle Trooper Two Pack (2 Eagles)



Black Talon Raptor Commando Two Pack (2 Raptors)



Black Talon Vulture Heavy Two Pack (2 Vultures)



Black Talon Raven Scout Two Pack (2 Ravens)



Black Talon Owl C3 Officer Two Pack (2 Owl C3s)


Heavy Gear Blitz! P.A.K. / C.E.F. Miniatures


C.E.F. HHT-90 Overlord Hovertank (1 HHT-90, base and decals)


C.E.F. Interdiction Frame Squad (boxset, 4 minis)



C.E.F. Heavy Frame Squad (boxset, 4 minis)



C.E.F. Kommando Frame Squad (boxset, 4 minis)



P.A.K./C.E.F. HT-68 Hovertank (1 HT-68, extra weapons)



P.A.K./C.E.F. HT-72 Hovertank (1 HT-72, extra weapons)



P.A.K./C.E.F. LHT-67 Light Hovertank (1 New Sculpt LHT-67, extra weapons)



P.A.K./C.E.F. LHT-71 Light Hovertank (1 New Sculpt LHT-71, extra weapons)



P.A.K./C.E.F. HPC-64 Hover APC/Command (1 HPC-64, extra command part)


C.E.F. HC-3 Command & Recon Hovercar Two Pack (2 HC-3 Hovercars)


C.E.F. Type F6-16 Frame Two Pack (2 F6-16 Frames, extra weapons and parts)



C.E.F. Type F2-21 Frame Two Pack (2 F2-21 Frames, extra weapons and parts)



C.E.F. Type F2-19 Frame Pack (1 F2-19 Frame, extra weapons and parts)



C.E.F. Type F2-25 Frame Two Pack (2 F2-25 Frames, extra weapons and parts)



P.A.K./C.E.F. GREL Infantry Platoon (43 GRELs, 13 hex bases)



P.A.K./C.E.F. GREL Infantry on Hoverbikes Platoon (12 Hoverbikes, 12 hex bases)



C.E.F. FLAIL Platoon Pack (12 Mordred & 1 Morgana FLAILs, 13 hex bases)


/ EDEN Miniatures
Troupe (box set of 2 Armigers and 8 Drones for a total of 10 minis)




Utopian Recce Troupe (box set of 2 Armigers and 8 Drones for a total of 10 minis)


Utopian Support Troupe (box set of 2 Armigers and 8 Drones for a total of 10 minis)



Utopian Commando Armiger Two Pack (2 Commando Armigers, extra weapons)



Utopian Recce Armiger Two Pack (2 Recce Armigers, extra weapons)



Utopian Support Armiger Two Pack (2 Fire Support Armigers, extra weapons)



Utopian Commando Drones Eight Pack (8 Commando N-KIDU Drones, extra weapons)



Utopian Recce/Trooper Drones Eight Pack (8 Recce/Trooper N-KIDU Drones, extra weapons)



Utopian Support Drones Eight Pack (8 Fire Support N-KIDU Drones, extra weapons)



Utopian/Eden Alpha Squad Pack (4 Constable & 1 Marshall Golem, extra weapons)



Utopian/Eden Beta Squad Pack (3 Man-at-Arms & 1 Marshall Golem, extra weapons)


Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Catalog Updated: FEBRUARY 2012

Dream Pod 9 Catalog


Drea m Po d 9 Ca ta lo g

Heavy Gear Blitz! CAPRICE Miniatures




Caprice Moab Mount Pack (1 Moab, extra weapons)



Caprice Bashan Mount Two Pack (2 Bashans, extra weapons)



Caprice Kadesh Mount Pack (1 Kadesh, extra weapons)



Caprice Aphek Mount Pack (1 Aphek, extra weapons)



Caprice Meggido Mount Pack (1 Meggido, extra weapons)



Caprice Ammon Mount Pack (1 Ammon, extra weapons)



Caprice Infantry Platoon (40 Infantry, 12 hex bases)



Caprice Hamath APC Pack (1 Hamath APC)


Heavy Gear Blitz! Miscellaneous Products (counters, decal packs, etc.)


Heavy Gear Blitz Counter Pack (5 sets)



Blitz Weapons Pack (includes extra weapons to upgrade older minis)



Blitz Air Strike Counter Pack (3 Northern, 3 Southern, 3 P.R.D.F. and 3 Earth aircraft plus 12 flight bases)



Drones Pack (9 minis)



Stone Heads Two Pack (2 Stone Head Terrain Features)



4 Stone Heads Pack (4 Stone Head Terrain Features)



Destroyed Hunter Diorama



Destroyed Jager Diorama



Defense Turret Two Pack - Resin Bases and Metal Parts



Camel Truck Two Pack (2 Camels)



Bricklayer & Stone Mason Engineering Gears Pack (2 minis)



Northern Decals Pack (decals for 10 minis)



Southern Decals Pack (decals for 10 minis)



Peace River Decals Pack (decals for 10 minis)



Peace River Logo 2 Decals Pack (P.R.D.F. decals for 10 minis)



Earth P.A.K./CEF Decals Pack (decals for 10 minis)



Caprice Decals Pack (decals for 10 minis)



Black Talon & Terra Nova Factions Decals Pack



Eden & Utopia Decals Pack



NuCoal Decals Pack


Slotted Hex Bases (x25)



40mm Round Bases (x15)



Flight Bases (x15)


Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

Produced & Published by:

Dream Pod 9, Inc.
5000 Iberville, Suite 328
Montral, Qubec, H2H 2S6
Phone: (514) 523-1350

Ordering Contact: Robert Dubois

Email: [email protected]



Derek Armstrong (order #6076999)

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