The Ultimate Guide: For Mandala Coloring Meditation

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The ultimate guide
for mandala coloring meditation
The top 10 tips
By Steven Vrancken
CLICK HERE: There is a lot more to mandala coloring than you think. I love to share everything I know about it with you!
2014, Lier, Belgium
May you awaken to the power of the mandala.
Wishing you lot`s of mandala coloring inspiration!
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Dear Mandala Colorer,
In this guide I present to you my Top 10 tips about Mandala Coloring. I sincerely hope they inspire you to get much
more benets out of your mandala coloring experiences.
Read these tips as invitations, they are supposed to give you inspiration. These 10 tips originate from my own
experience: tweak & change them to make these tips your own.
The great thing about these tips is that you can adjust them to any creative endeavor. I use them all the time; they
work. But don`t take my word for it, see for yourself.
Please do not disregard these tips because of their simplicity; simple things always work the best!
Steven Vrancken - Artist
Helping you explore creative self healing
2010, Belgium
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TIP 1) Take care of your body and your working space
As you probably know: when you color mandala coloring
pages, you plug into the creative forces of the Universe.
Being in this state of creative consciousness gives such a nice
feeling, that you often forget you have a body at all!
Through your body with your hands coloring the mandalas,
you manifest the creative energy. Taking care of your body
means taking care of the channel through which the creative
forces of the Universe ow.
Often I see people coloring mandala coloring pages and, at
the same time, building up tension in their shoulders, their
necks, their backs, by sitting in a bad position. I invite you to
really take care of your body; it is one of the greatest gifts of
the Universe. And this gift, our body, includes our very
important spine.
You are as young as the condition of your spine. So when
you color mandala coloring pages, always remember to sit as
straight as possible. In this way, you assist your nervous
system for an optimal creative ow through your spine,
brains, arms, hands, and pencils! Your back & neck will be
very grateful to you!
But don`t force yourself! Surrender to the creative ow. And
when you notice that you are sitting in a so-called unhealthy
position, gently correct yourself. Or stand up, shake your
body, shoulders, arms and then continue your mandala coloring experience.
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TIP 2) Before starting your mandala coloring experience, make sure
everything you need is at your ngers!
Nothing is more annoying than having a very wonderful mandala coloring experience, and
then noticing you do not have your gum, pencil sharper, that special color marker you got as
a present from a friend; you really don`t want this to happen to you! So make sure you
have everything you need to have a focused, joyful and uninterrupted mandala
coloring pages experience.
Feel free to get a glass of water, tea, a small snack, incense, owers for decoration & some
nice background music (this free edition has 5 minutes of excellent Piano Meditation
CLICK HERE: There is a lot more to mandala coloring than you think. I love to share everything I know about it with you!
The full Edition comes with 30 minutes of piano meditation music; enjoy a
smooth and wonderful mandala coloring meditation. Take a look: click here.
TIP 3) Make use of one of the most powerful things in the universe: work with an intention!
Deepak Chopra, the best selling author, writes: `Intentions compressed in words
enfold magical power`. Taking this perspective into account, stating a mandala
coloring intention is great way to make yourself available for all the gifts the
universe has for you!
Imagine you are ready to go; you have your mandala coloring pages print outs,
your color makers, pencils, pencil sharpener, glass of water, and everything else
you need to enjoy coloring mandalas pages. Great! Now it is time to give birth
to your mandala coloring intention;
why will you color a mandala?
- Is it to relax?
- Is it to nd a creative answer to a problem in your life?
- Is it to let go of stress?
- Is it to make a present for a friend?
- Is to it make yourself available for new insights in your relationship, work,...?
Dare to state big intentions! Maybe you want to make yourself available to meet your soulmate? To earn
more money? To become a more sincere person? To start a new life? A mandala coloring intention can be
anything, as long as it lifts you up and inspires you.

CLICK HERE: There is a lot more to mandala coloring than you think. I love to share everything I know about it with you!
For even more powerful results:
write your intention down
Working with an authentic and powerful mandala coloring intention, is, for
me,THE REAL SECRET to your mandala coloring success. Along with the
Full Edition, you receive this Bonus for free: Manual: How to manifest your
intentions through mandala coloring
Take a look: click here.
TIP 4) Give everything you don`t need for coloring mandalas, like stress, worries, doubts or uncertainty
about your creative abilities, to your mandala coloring scratch page!
The mandala coloring scratch is a warming up exercise for the real work! It is an empty mandala in which you can color, scratch,
sketch at will to let go of anything that can possibly stand in your way while coloring your real mandala coloring page. At the end of
this document, you will nd three empty mandala coloring scratch pages to print out and experiment with. The aim of this exercises is
a warming up and a letting go to prepare you for the real fun.
Here you see some examples of mandala coloring scratch pages.
CLICK HERE: There is a lot more to mandala coloring than you think. I love to share everything I know about it with you!
5) Intuitively, without even thinking one thought, choose a mandala coloring page that inspires you
Look for the mandala that inspires you the most, in this moment. Be aware not to categorize mandala coloring pages designs as
nice or ugly, good or bad; a mandala is a mandala. Every mandala is good, nice & beautiful! Just take the mandala that seems to be
calling to you, Now.
When you have chosen your mandala, you may nd it pleasant to look at the mandala coloring page rst. You may even start a
short inner conversation with the mandala! For example: Hello mandala! I`m very pleased to meet you, and I can`t wait starting to
give you a nice, warm coloring-shower!
In your free sample you nd some easy mandala coloring pages & several intermediate and more advanced coloring pages.
Here you get an overview from the sample you receive for free through
CLICK HERE: There is a lot more to mandala coloring than you think. I love to share everything I know about it with you!
6) Broaden your horizon! Close your eyes and choose blindly 3 to 5 colors to use
There is no such thing as choosing a bad color. All colors in the
Universe have value. Of course, you can also choose colors consciously,
by choosing your favorite colors (surely a very nice thing to do).
But for now, I advise you to choose your colors blindly, to broaden your
horizon, to open yourself to possible new gifts of colors you are not used to
working with! (In the same way, you can also choose your mandala
coloring page blindly; feel free to experiment, just do what suits you.)
When you have chosen your colors, take a moment to feel your colors.
Then let them work through and with you!
CLICK HERE: There is a lot more to mandala coloring than you think. I love to share everything I know about it with you!
7) Color with the heart of a child, without any limits: everything is possible, there are no rules!
Ever see a child coloring? Or do you remember yourself coloring as a
child? Well then, you will agree that children don`t have any creative
restrictions. They do not limit themselves. Children do not always color
between the lines. And that is exactly what I am asking you to do!
Surrender, surrender, surrender! Let the creative energy pass through
your mind, body & soul without limiting it, or restricting it in any possible
way. Creativity is unlimited. And since your are a creative, human being,
you are also unlimited. You have endless possibilities; so does your
Surrender and be the observer. Watch how your mandala grows. Become
one with the colors, the mandala, with Creativity. Experience the
wonderful color celebration in which you are participating. Above all: be
CLICK HERE: There is a lot more to mandala coloring than you think. I love to share everything I know about it with you!
8) When it feels good to you, take a short break to open yourself for even more inspiration and creativity
At a certain point, you may feel like taking a short break. Well, do
it! Put your mandala and color pencils or markers aside. Stand
up, go to the toilet, drink a glass of water, go for a short walk, tell
a joke to your fellow mandala coloring companions, whatever
suits you. The idea behind taking a short break is very simple:
1) The body can resettle itself and recover from possible
unwise body positions
2) You make yourself available for even a greater ow of
creative energy when you start again!
Are you the kind of person that never takes a break? Well, I
invite you to do so, even if it is only for a minute or two.
Experiment with it, and let me know how you feel about it.
Breaks can give the mind & body some rest, so that your
creative mind can do an even better job afterwards.
CLICK HERE: There is a lot more to mandala coloring than you think. I love to share everything I know about it with you!
9) If you are stuck, are not satised with your mandala coloring page, or don`t know or feel how and what
to color next...
... then I encourage you to remember your mandala coloring pages intention. This blockage possibly has something to do with it.
Celebrate! You are about to experience a breakthrough in your life. Really! Seriously! When you have an intention, you make yourself
available to make this intention come true. Experiencing a blockage? This is the intention nding its way to express itself
through you.
The bigger the intention (in your experience),
the bigger the breakthrough, and the bigger
the possible obstacles that are being removed
from your emotional, physical, mental and
spiritual body.
When you feel your spontaneous creative
mandala coloring pause has nothing to do with
your intention, but everything with you judging
your mandala coloring, then I strongly advise
you to put your judgements aside. Creativity is
creativity. There is no good or bad in the
creative world. Everything is ne as it is. Even a
so-called ugly mandala coloring.
Trust that everything is good and continue to
color you mandala coloring page until the very
end. Chances are very high you will amaze
yourself with the result.
CLICK HERE: There is a lot more to mandala coloring than you think. I love to share everything I know about it with you!
Celebrate! You are about to experience a breakthrough in your life!
10) When you are nished take a quiet moment to really nish your mandala with your eyes only, and feel
the possible answers you receive from your mandala coloring intention
Congratulations! You have nished coloring your mandala! Now it
is a good time for the nal touch: nish your mandala with your eyes
only. Really, this is not a joke. In Belgium, a famous painter (I forgot his
name) nished his paintings by watching to them for hours. During
these moments, you may uncover your real mandala secrets.
While watching and gazing at your mandala (=Mandala Gazing), you
may start your conversation again: Hello mandala! Thanks, it was
great to color you. How do you feel?"
By asking your mandala some questions, you may be surprised
by sudden answers you may get. These answers can have the form
of images in your mind`s eye or sudden ideas and words that come to
your attention. By mandala gazing and a private mandala
conversation, you may discover the secret gifts of your intention.
Be receptive. Be open, and always expect the best. With
everything. When you are nished: Ask yourself this question:
`How do I feel NOW?`
Extra tip:
To make real use of the power of your mandala coloring intention:
hang your mandala on the wall, in your bedroom, or put it on a chest. Frame it, or take a picture of it and place it on your computer
desktop. The energy of your intention and mandala will continue to work in a much stronger way.
CLICK HERE: There is a lot more to mandala coloring than you think. I love to share everything I know about it with you!
By mandala gazing and your private mandala conversation
you may discover the real secret gifts of your mandala!
Thank you for your interest in these top 10 mandala coloring tips. I sincerely hope they assist in your creative mandala coloring
adventures! On the next three pages, you will nd your mandala scratch templates. Feel free to share this document with your friends.
If you would have specic questions, requests, please mail to: info [@]
Kindly, Steven Vrancken - Helping you explore creative self-healing -Belgium, August 2010
CLICK HERE: There is a lot more to mandala coloring than you think. I love to share everything I know about it with you!
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There is a lot more to mandala coloring than you think. I love
to share everything I know about it with you...
"The Mandala Coloring Meditation Kit makes me feel at peace with my soul and
awakens me to new possibilities to create the life I want to live."
(Marina Argenti, Music & Art therapist, Italy)
CLICK HERE: There is a lot more to mandala coloring than you think. I love to share everything I know about it with you!
CLICK HERE: There is a lot more to mandala coloring than you think. I love to share everything I know about it with you!
CLICK HERE: There is a lot more to mandala coloring than you think. I love to share everything I know about it with you!

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