A Muslim's Guide To Prayer - Salah

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In The Name Of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful

A Muslims Guide to
Prayer - Salah

The Prophet Muhammads (s.a.w.) Mosque In Medina, Saudi Arabia

The Holy aaba ! Mas"id Al#Haram in Ma$$ah (S.A.)

By: Tariq Mahmood %ishter Al#%aqshbandi
B.Sc.Hons. MBA. PGCE.
59 Shirley Road Cardiff, South Glaor!an C"#$ 5H%, &ales,
'nited (in!do. )el: *++ ,#9-#,+9.5,/ - Eail: (alar0i1hotail.co
& ' & I ( A T I ) %
234 This book is dedicated to all those Pious Scholars and
Awliyaa of Islam who committed their lives for the
propagation of Islam
2#4 My Father, for the great inspiration he has
given me to learn the Deen, Al-Islam & to work for its Dawa!
Hadhrat Allama Maulana Abu Al-Mahmood
Sahib Chishti
5 "orer 6a 7 (hatee8 of 9aia Mas:id Hanafia, Bradford 2'(4 5
5 Presently Chief 6a 7 (hatee8 at 9aia Mas:id Madina, Cardiff, &ales 2'(4 5
"#$ My Third Dedication %oes to My &pirit'al Teacher !
Hadhrat Maulana Sheih Muhammad
Na!im Adil Al-Ha""ani
Al-Na"shbandi Al-#ubrusi
* The Present Master o+ the %aqshbandi Su+i )rder *
, (opyri-ht .//0 1 Tariq Mahmood %ishter2Imam Ahmad 3a4a Institute
All ri!hts reser0ed. ;o <art of this <u8lication ay 8e re<roduced, stored in a retrie0al
syste, or transitted in any for 8y eans of electronic, echanical, <hotoco<yin!,
recordin! or other=ise, =ithout the <rior <erission of the co<yri!ht o=ner or
Published By:
Imam Ahmad Raza Institute International
59 Shirley Road Cardiff, South Glaor!an C"#$ 5H%, &ales,
'nited (in!do. )el: *++ ,#9-#,+9.5,/
Eail: (alar0i1hotail.co
3. (ontents 0#6
#. Pre+a7e 8
$. (hapter )ne5 Ibadah ! 3e9elation o+ Salah to Prophet
Muhammad P:;H <#=0
68adah > &orshi< .
Re0elation of Salah to Pro<het Muhaad P8uh .
Salah in the Holy ?ur@an and Hadith A-9
Pro<het P8uh > )he Best of &orshi<<ers 9-3#
)he Benefits of Salah 3$
Pictures of )he Ra=Bah 7 Mas:id-e-;a8a=i s.a.=. 3+
+. (hapter Two5 Taharah 1 Purity in Islam 35-#+
&hat is )aharahC 35
)y<es of 6<uritiesD;a:asaat 35-3/
)he &ater > Al-Maa@ 3/
6stin:a > Cleanin! of the Pri0ate Parts 3.
&udhu - A8lution 3A-##
&hat BreaEs the &udhu #$
&hat does not BreaE the &udhu #$
Actions "or8idden &ithout &udhu or )ayau #$
Ghusl > Bath #$-#+
)ayau > Fry A8lution #+
5. (hapter Three5 Salah 1 Prayer .6#6.
)he ;aes, )ies and RaEaats of Faily Salah #5-#/
&itr Salah #.
Sa:dah Sah= > Prostration of "or!etfulnessDMistaEe #A-#9
Actions )hat BreaE the Prayer > Mufsidaat-e-Salah #9
Actions FisliEed Furin! Prayer > MaEroohat-e-Salah #9
)ies &hen Salah is ;ot )o Be Perfored $,
;on-Faily Prayers $,
ABaan > )he Musli Call to Prayer $3-$$
)he "araaidh of Salah > Co<ulsory Parts $+
Photo!ra<hs of Positions in Prayer for Males 7 "eales $5-++
)he Sunnah Method of Perforin! the Prayer +5-53
Fua and GiEr After Prayer 5#
/. (hapter >our5 Prayer :esides the daily Salah ! How to
Per+orm Them 6?#8.
)he 9uu@ahD9u@ah > "riday Prayer 5$-5+
)he Salatul-Eidain >Eid Prayer 5+-55
)he )ara=ih Prayer 5/-5.
)he 9anaBah > "uneral Prayer 5.-59
)he Musaafir@s 2)ra0eler@s4 Prayer /,-/3
?aBa 2Missed4 Prayer /#
MareeB@s Prayer > )hose &ho Are 6llDFisa8led /#
.. (hapter >i9e5 %a+ilah Salah (Supero-atory2)ptional
Prayer) 8?#8<
)ahiyyatul-&udhu /$
)ahiyyatul-Mas:id /$
6shraaH /$
FuhaDChaasht /$
A==a8een /$
)aha::ud /+
)as8eeh /+
6stiEhaarah /5-//
)au8ah //
Haa:at //-/.
Safar /.
(hauf /.
6stisHaa /.
(usoof /.
(husoof /.
A. (hapter Si@5 Aadab ('tiquettes2Manners) o+ The Mas"id 8A#8B
9. (hapter Se9en5 Arti7les (alimaat) o+ >aith </#<6
GiEr and articles of "aith .,
6aan Mufassal - Belief in Fetail .3
6aan Mu:al - Belief in Brief .3
"irst (alia )ayyi8ah 2Feclaration of "aith4 .#
Second (aliah Shahaadat 2&itnessin!4 .#
)hird (aliah )a:eed 2Glory of Allah4 .$
"ourth (aliah )a=heed 2Praise of Allah4 .$
"ifth (aliah 6sti!hfaar 2Re<entin!DasEin! Allah@s
"or!i0eness4 .+
SiIth (aliah Radd-e-(ufr 2Re:ection of Fis8elief4 .5
3,. :iblio-raphy <8
33. Introdu7tion to the Imam Ahmad 3a4a Institute Inter. <<
(raise be to Allah, the )ord of the *niverse, peace and blessings of Allah
be 'pon +is ,eloved, the Final (rophet, -'r Master &ayyid'na
M'hammad, 'pon whom be eternal and e.alted blessings, and on his
Family and on his /ompanions, may Allah be pleased with them all0
6 <ay y infinite <raise and thanEs to Allah S.&.). &ho has 8lessed e =ith the !reat
o<<ortunity to =rite this 8ooE on Salah 2Prayer4. Althou!h there are soe innuera8le
!ood 8ooEs a0aila8le on Salah, ost of the lacE detailed inforation on certain
as<ects of )aharah, "iHh 2Rules4 relatin! to Salah, etc. Soe 8ooEs are 0ery short and
soe ha0e any istaEes in the and there are those that ha0e 8een translated fro
'rduDAra8ic and =ritten in co<licated or confusin! En!lish. )herefore, after readin!
and analysin! any 8ooEs on Salah in the arEet, 6 feel it ost necessary in =ritin!
this 8ooE, 8ecause 6 reached the conclusion that a 8ooE should 8e =ritten on this
su8:ect in a clear and concise anner, co0erin! detailed as<ects of 68adah, )aharah,
Salah and Sunnah Method of Salah, "iHh of Salah, Aada8 of the Mas:id, and Articles of
"aith, so that 8oth children and adults can easily read and understand =hat is =ritten.
Moreo0er, 8e!inners =ho =ish to learn a8out Salah, re0erts to 6sla and non-Muslis
=ill also find this 8ooE useful, as it has 8een =ritten =ith the in ind. 6 ha0e
successfully used the aterial contained in this 8ooE on y students, =ho ha0e found
e0erythin! ost useful and inforati0e in their learnin!. )he a:ority of the aterial
in the 8ooE is 8ased u<on the little Eno=led!e that 6 ha0e deri0ed fro y father and
classic Hanafi Farse-e-;iBai 8ooEs such as JMunyatul-Musalli@, J;oorul-6dhah@, and
J?udoori@. &here a<<ro<riate, 6 ha0e indicated sources of other inforation. 6 =rote
this 8ooE ori!inally in #,,3 and due to lacE of funds it =as not <u8lished earlier.
May Allah S&) acce<t this hu8le effort in the ser0ice of His Feen, Al-6sla. May
Allah sho=er us =ith His Mercy and Blessin!s and inculcate a <rofound lo0e and
res<ect for the Holy Pro<het Muhaad 2P8uh4, his "aily and his Co<anions, ay
Allah S&) 8e <leased =ith the all. AeenK
$3 9anuary #,,+
Cardiff, &ales, '(
(HAPT'3 )%'5 I,ADA+ "1-2&+I($ A3D T+4 2454)ATI-3
-F &A)A+ T- (2-(+4T M*+AMMAD (0,0*0+0
=. I:A&AH
"irst of all it is i<ortant to clarify =hat is eant 8y the =ords CSADAH 2<rayer4 and
CI:A&AH 2=orshi<4. 6n the Ara8ic lan!ua!e, 8oth =ords &alah and D'a ean to
supplicate 2to asE for ercy fro Allah 2God Ali!hty44, to ask or pray for help from
Allah, or to make a humble petition/request from Allah. Lne ust ree8er that Salah
is a <art of 68adah in 6sla. 6n Ara8ic, the =ord 6Ibadah7 has t=o eanin!s, a !eneral
eanin! and an eIact or s<ecific eanin!.
"i$ %eneral meaning > in this, Ibadah is =hate0er Allah has re0ealed to us in
the Holy ?ur@an as His la=s, coand, and rules 2e.!. =hat is Halaal and
=hat is Haraa4.
"ii$ &pecific meaning > in this, Ibadah is eant for eIa<le, &alah
8akaat 2<oor due4, &a'm 2fastin!4, and +a99 2<il!ria!e to the House of
Allah in MaEEah, Saudi Ara8ia4, and also other =orshi<s.
.. TH' 3'E'DATI)% )> SADAH (P3AF'3) T) P3)PH'T
M;HAMMA& (P.:.;.H.)
&alah "(rayer) in 6sla is one of the Five (illars of Islam. )he "i0e Pillars of 6sla
are: 234 &hahadah > the Feclaration of "aith: M)here is no !od 8ut Allah, Muhaad
2Peace 8e u<on hi4 is the Messen!er of AllahNO 2#4 Salah (prayer)O 2$4 8akaah
2!i0in! oney to the <oor4O 2+4 &a'm 2fastin! in the Musli holy Month of
Raadhan4O and 254 the +a99 2<il!ria!e to the House of Allah in MaEEah, once a
Lri!inally =hen 6sla 8e!an, Muslis <rayed only t=ice a day > the Mornin! Prayer
8efore sunrise and the e0enin! <rayer after sunset. Muslis continued <rayin! liEe this
until the e0ent of the +oly (rophet M'hammad7s "peace and blessings of Allah be
'pon him : p0b0'0h0$ 3ight of the Ascension to the +eavens 2)ailat'l-Isra4 occurred,
=hen he and his follo=ers =ere ordered 8y Allah to o8ser0e the daily fi0e <rayers.
Accordin! to the +adith > Tradition of the Pro<het Muhaad 2<.8.u.h.4, the Holy
Pro<het Muhaad 2<.8.u.h.4 descri8es the story of the %ailatul-6sra as follo=s in
,'khari, Polue 3, at <a!es 53-5#:
The divine orders for prayer were originally fifty times a day, and as passed !oses
"in heaven during the night #ourney), he said to me$ %&hat hast thou been ordered'(
replied$ %)ifty times*( Then he said$ %+erily thy people will never be able to bear it.(
then returned to my ,ord and asked for some reduction, and ten prayers were taken off
then pleaded again, and ten more were taken off and so on until at last they were
reduced to five times. Then went to !oses, and he said$ %-ow many prayers hast thou
been ordered'( and replied$ %)ive( and !oses said$ %.eturn to thy ,ord and ask for
more reduction,( but said$ % have asked until am ashamed. cannot ask -im
Praise is to AllahK )oday =e Muslis are 8lessed =ith only fi0e daily <rayers instead
of ha0in! to <ray fifty <rayers. )his is truly a Blessin! and a Mercy fro Allah and His
Messen!er, the Holy Pro<het Muhaad 2<.8.u.h.4. Allah and His Messen!ers Pro<het
Moses and Pro<het Muhaad, <eace 8e u<on the, Ene= that <rayin! fifty ties a
day =ould indeed 8e a !reat 8urden for the Muslis and it =ould 8e i<ossi8le for
the to o8ser0e <rayer so any ties durin! the day, des<ite =orE, study and any
other res<onsi8ilities in our =orldly life. May Allah the Ali!hty hel< us and !i0e us
the a8ility to <erfor our daily <rayers, :ust as our Holy Pro<het HaBrat Muhaad
2<.8.u.h.4 and his Co<anions and "aily <rayed. AeenK
?. S)M' E'3S'S >3)M TH' H)DF G;3A% A%& TH'
HA&ITH )> P3)PH'T M;HAMMA& (P.:.;.H.) A:);T
E'3S'S )> TH' H)DF G;3A%
)here are any 0erses of the Holy ?ur@an and the Hadith of the Pro<het Muhaad
2<.8.u.h.4 that deal =ith Salah. A fe= of the are cited here.

And establish the 0alah "prayer). 0urely 0alah keeps one away from all dirty and
forbidden acts. And that is the greatest 1ikr "remembrance) of Allah./
2Surah Al#An$aboot .B5 Eerse 064

2ommand your family to observe 0alah and observe the same yourself. &e do not ask
you for sustenance "for you or your family)3 it is &e &ho supplies you with provisions.
And salvation is only for those who are righteous./ 2Surah Taha ./5=?.4

And those who are attentive in their 0alah, they will dwell in 4ardens,
honoured./ 2Surah Al#Maaari" </5?04
5ray as you have seen me praying./ (Hadith in :u$hari4
The key to -eaven is the prayer. And the key to prayer is cleanliness./
2Hadith in Ahmad4
2leanliness is half of faith./ 2Hadith in Muslim4
The )rder +or Per+ormin- )bli-atory Prayers >rom A Foun- A-e
)he Holy Pro<het Muhaad 2<8uh4 has tau!ht us that children should 8e!in to <ray
at a youn! a!e as hi!hli!hted in this Hadith: Amr 6in 0huaib reports$ The !essenger
of Allah "s.a.w.) said$ %2ommand your children to pray as soon as they are seven years
old3 beat them when they are ten, if they do not pray, then separate their beds.(/
HHadith :oo$s5 Abu &awood, Mish$aat#ul#MasabihI
)his Hadith of the Messen!er of Allah 2<8uh4 has instructed us clearly that children
should 8e tau!ht to <ray =hen they are se0en years old and =hen they are ten years old,
if they diso8ey <arents in <erforin! the o8li!atory <rayers, then they should 8e 8eaten
sli!htly and their 8eds se<arated. )he Hadith further infors us of the seriousness of
<rayer in 6sla and that =e should not ne!lect <rayers at all fro childhood to
0. P3)PH'T M;HAMMA& 2 p.b.u.h. ) # TH' :'ST )>
%et us no= see ho= Allah@s "inal Messen!er, the Mercy to the &orlds, the Holy
Pro<het Muhaad 2ay the <eace and 8lessin!s of Allah 8e u<on hi > <.8.u.h.4, =as
the 8est of =orshi<<ers in 68adah and ho= he set a 8eautiful eIa<le and =ay for all
anEind to follo= in their li0es. A8out the 5rophet !uhammad(s "<.8.u.h.) unique
conduct Allah the Ali!hty says in S;3AH AD#AHKA: ((hapter ??), Eerse .=:
;<o' have indeed in the Messenger of Allah "s0a0w0$ A bea'tif'l pattern of
cond'ct for anyone who looks towards Allah and the Final Day and who
engages m'ch in the praise of Allah0=

The Holy Name of Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) in Arabic meaning the
praised one ith a globe at the centre! indicating that the hole orld and
creation is constantly remembering and praising him
Jhat the abo9e 9erse means is that if =e =ish to !ain the Ha<<iness, Pleasure and
Mercy of Allah, then the 8est =ay is to follo= the 6&'nnah7, that is, the way, method,
actions and sayings of 2asool'llah, the Messen!er of Allah, HaBrat Muhaad
20allallahu alaihi wa sallam, s.a.w. > ay the <eace and 8lessin!s of Allah 8e u<on
)he a8o0e 0erse 2Ayah4 =as re0ealed =hen the ,attle of Ah>ab occurred, =hen the
(afirs 2'n8elie0ers4 surrounded the City of Medina and threatened to attacE it. )he
9e=s of the Bani ?urai8ah tri8e had 8etrayed the trust, =hich they had !i0en to
Rasoolullah 2s.a.=.4, and there =ere other eney forces inside Medina ready to attacE
the Muslis.
Rasoolullah 2s.a.=.4 sho=ed the !reatest <atience, coura!e, steadfastness, and refused to
surrender to the eney > this is the =ay that =e should follo= and ado<t in our li0es.
Because 2asool'llah "s0a0w0$ said! ;+e who does not follow my &'nnah "practice$ is
not from my *mmah "comm'nity$0= So if any Musli does not follo= the Sunnah,
then heDshe can no lon!er 8e <art of the Musli Counity. )herefore, =e should
ado<t the Sunnah of our Holy Pro<het 2s.a.=.4 in to our li0es and also do the 68ikr7
2ree8rance4 of Allah at all ties throu!h 68adah.
3'P)3T'& :F HIS JI>', HAK3AT AISHA (3A)5
)here are any 6Ahadith7 2sayin!s, <luralO sin!ular JHadith@4 of the Pro<het
Muhaad 2s.a.=.4 relatin! to ho= he and his (ompanions2>riends (Sahabah)
<erfored the Salah 2<rayer4, es<ecially in the Hadith BooEs of BuEhari and Musli.
)he Messen!er of Allah, Rasoolullah 2s.a.=.4 used to <ray the &alat-'l-Taha99'd 2;i!ht
Pi!il PrayerD?iya-ul-%ayl4 8et=een the 6sha and "a:r <rayers. Lne an asEed
Rasoolullah@s 2s.a.=.4 =ife Ha4rat Aisha (3adi Allahu anha, r.a. 1 may Allah be
pleased with her): Tell me something special about the !essenger of Allah "s.a.w.)/.
She ans=ered: There was nothing ordinary about him. 7verything he did was special.
8ne night he came and lay down beside me. After a while, he said$ 9ow let me pray
to my 0ustainer./ Then he stood up in prayer, humbling himself before his 2reator with
such sincerity that tears rolled down his cheeks to his beard and onto his breast. -e
then bowed for .uku and 0a#dah and his tears flowed down quickly before and after
raising his head from his 0a#dah. -e continued weeping in this way until -a:rat 6ilal
".adi Allahu anhu, r.a. ; may Allah be pleased with him) announced the approach of
the )a#r 5rayer./
6 <leaded =ith hi: 8 5rophet of Allah* There is no sin against you, as Allah has in
-is bounty forgiven you./ He re<lied: &hy should not be a thankful servant of
Allah'/ )hen he said: &hy should not be praying like this when Allah has revealed
to me these verses$ %,o* n the creation of the heavens and the earth and in the
changing of night and day, are signs for the men of understanding, such as those who
remember Allah standing, sitting, reclining<( / 2Surah Ale Imran5 Eerses =B/#.//4
6. 3AS))D;DDAHS (S.A.J.) PATI'%(' I% P3AF'3
2asool'llah "s0a0w$ prayed at all times, =hether it =as the Fardh 2o8li!atory4 <rayer
or the 3afl 2eItraDsu<ero!atory4 <rayer, doin! Istighfar 2asEin! Allah@s <ardon4,
<raisin! and thanEin! Allah.
In :u$hari Sharee+, it is re<orted 8y Ha4rat Aisha 2r.a.4 that Rasoolullah 2s.a.=.4 used
to <ray ele0en .ak(ah 2units of <rayer4 at ni!ht. 6n one <rostration of each of these
RaE@ah, he used to s<end in it the tie taEen to read fifty 0erses. He used to aEe the
0u#ood 2<rostrations4 lon! 8e!!in! Allah for His for!i0eness and ercy. 6n :u$hari
and Muslim Sharee+, it is re<orted on the authority of 68n Masood 2r.a.4 =ho said:
prayed with the !essenger of Allah "s.a.w.) one night and as he continued standing
reciting from the =ur(an, was about to do something evil/. They
"0ahabah/2ompanions) asked him &hat was it you wanted to do'/ -e said$ was
about to leave him standing and sitting down./
)herefore, Ha4rat Ibn Masood (r.a.) =as not a8le to <erfor the Salah in a uniHue
=ay, as did the Pro<het 2<.8.u.h.4. But out of lo0e, res<ect and courtesy for his Master,
HaBrat 68n Masood 2r.a.4 continued =ith his <rayer until it ended.
'@terior 9iews o+ the Mas"id#e#%abawi (s.a.w.)
Interior 9iew o+ the Prophets (p.b.u.h.) Mosque
The (ompanions o+ 3asoolullah (s.a.w.) 'mulated their Master in Ibadah
)he Saha8a (iraa 2r.a.4 <erfored their <rayer =ith !reat lo0e, hu8leness and
de0otion. )hey did their utost to eulate the Messen!er of Allah 2s.a.=.4 in <rayer
and reained standin! in <rayer as lon! as he did. 6n Muslim Sharee+, it is re<orted 8y
Ha4rat Hu4ai+ah (r.a.)5 prayed one night with .asoolullah "s.a.w.) who began
reading 0urah Al>6aqarah in the first .ak(ah. Then he started to read 0urah An>9isa.
Then followed by 0urah Ale>mran. Then he performed the .uku, and spent in it the
time which took him the time standing, and then the 0u#ood, the time spent performing
the .uku./
Ha4rat ;mar (r.a.) > the Second Cali<h, Successor to Rasoolullah 2s.a.=.4, =as
sta88ed at the end of his rule, =hich caused his death, =as 8leedin! eIcessi0ely and
=ould 8ecoe unconscious. &hen it =as the tie for <rayer, he =ould not 8e
ne!lectful of his duty and <erfored the <rayer e0en in his <oor condition. He said:
;There is no part in Islam for the person who omits &alah=0 )his !reat eIa<le of
HaBrat 'ar 2r.a.4 !i0es us ins<iration and stren!thens our faith to <erfor Salah in all
conditions of our li0es, =hether =e are in !ood or <oor health, at =orE or study, and so
Siilarly, if =e study the li0es of the (io's (ersonalities in Islam, the Awliyaa Allah
2the "riendsD8elo0ed of Allah, i.e., the SaintsDsa0ants4, and *lema 2scholars4, =e see
that they acted co<letely accordin! to the =ay of the Holy ?ur@an and the Sunnah of
Rasoolullah 2s.a.=.4. Lne of our !reat Sunni Scholars, Mu"addid#e#&een wa Millah,
Ala Ha4rat, Maulana Ha+i4 Gari Sayyed Ahmad 3a4a han :arel9i Gadri
2Rahatullahi alaihi 2r.a.4, ay Allah ha0e ercy on his soul - 8orn in 3A5/, died
39#34, attended the MosHue for Salah e0en =hen he =as eItreely ill and asEed
soe8ody to carry hi to the MosHue.
Hen7e, it 7an be seen that 3asoolullah (s.a.w.) showed the -reatest, the best, and
the supreme way o+ Ibadah +or all times, to be emulated by all his +ollowers and
+or all o+ man$ind to +ollow.
8. TH' :'%'>ITS )> SADAH
6t is narrated in the Hadith :oo$s o+ Ahmad and Abu &awood that: &henever
Allah(s !essenger "s.a.w.) faced a serious matter, he hurried to 0alah./ )his Hadith is
Huite clear and it sets an eIa<le for us that =e should turn to <rayer =hene0er =e face
any difficulty to o8tain <eace, tranHuillity and the !uidance of Allah the Ali!hty.
Allama Ibn Gayyim (r.a.) the !reat scholar of 6sla, =rote in his 8ooE 68aad Al-
Ma7ad7 2Huoted 8y Anas Al-Ga=B in his 8ooE JBefore Qou Pray@4 the any 8enefits of
Salah as follo=s:
Attracts !ood li0elihood
6<ro0es health
Pre0ents har
(ee<s a=ay diseases
Stren!thens the heart
Bri!htens the face
Feli!hts the soul
)aEes a=ay laBiness
Stren!thens and refreshes the or!ans
Re<lenishes ener!ies
Refreshes the heart
;urtures the s<irit
Enli!htens the ind
Preser0es youthfulness
Pre0ents ad0ersity > <unishent
Brin!s the 8lessin!s of Allah
Fri0es a=ay Shaitan > the Fe0il
Brin!s one closer to Allah the Ali!hty
"elo# The $a%ah of $asoolullah s.a..
&nside the Mas'id(e(Nabai (s.a..)! the gra)e of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) lies behind the all indicated by the large circle
ith a hole. To the right of the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.) indicated by
the small circles! is the gra)e of the *irst +aliph of &slam! ,ayyiduna
Ha%rat Abu "a-r ,iddi.ue (r.a.) and ne/t to him is the gra)e of the
,econd +aliph! ,ayyiduna Ha%rat 0mar *aroo. (r.a.)
Another 1/terior 2ie of Mas'id(e(Nabai (s.a..)
Before <erforin! the Salah 2<rayer4, Muslis ust 8e co<letely clean and <ure fro
all i<urities 2dirtiness4. )his cha<ter discusses <urity and cleanliness in 6sla and
ho= =e should Eee< oursel0es clean at all ties, es<ecially for Salah.
3e-ardin- 7leanliness, Allah the Almi-hty says in the Holy Guran5
0urely Allah loves those who turn to -im and those who care for cleanliness./
2Surah Al-BaHarah: Perse ###4
About Taharah, )ur Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.:.;.H.) said5
- 5urity is half of faith/ 2Musli4
> 2leanliness is half of faith./
- The key to -eaven is the prayer.
And the key to prayer is cleanliness./ 2Ahad4
)he =ord ;Taharah= eans cleanliness or <urification. 6n Shariah, it refers
s<ecifically to one@s 8ody and clothes 2and the <lace =here one <erfors the Salah -
<rayer4. (ersonal hygiene is 0ery i<ortant in 6sla: a Musli should al=ays Eee<
hiDherself and the clothes clean fro i<urities such as urine, 8lood, <us, eetic,
<rostatic fluid, stoolDeIcreent, etc. &hen you ha0e reached the a!e of adolescence
you should sha0e the <ri0ate <arts of the 8ody 2i.e. ar<its and !enital re!ion4 to
reo0e i<urities and to <re0ent carryin! !ers, dirt, etc.
)here are 8asically t=o ty<es of i<urities:
(i) %a"aasat#e#Hu$miyyah > this is i<urity that is not 0isi8le to the huan naEed eye
and it consists of t=o Einds:
+adath : this is lesser imp'rity and yo' have to do the 1'd'
"Abl'tion$0 EIa<les are: urine, stool, 8lood, =ind, 0oitin!
2outhful4 faintin!, intoIication, <us, lau!hin! durin! Salaat, slee<in!
=ith su<<ort and lyin! do=n, unconsciousness.
Akbar 1 this is greater imp'rity and yo' have to do the %h'sal "rit'al
bath$. EIa<les are: dischar!e of seen 2=hether durin! slee< or not4,
enstruation, after 8irth of a 8a8y, and after relations 8et=een hus8and
and =ife.
(ii) %a"aasat#e#Haqiqi > this is i<urity that is 0isi8le and a<<arent to the huan eye
and it consists of t=o Einds:
%hali>ah 1 this is heavy imp'rity that covers the body being half an
inch and yo' have to wash the body and clothes three times each0
EIa<les are: huan 8lood, seen and <us, huan urine and
eIcreent, enstrual 8lood, 0oitin!, s<illa!e of alcohol on the 8ody or
clothes, urine, eIcreent and 8lood of anials, ducEs and hens
dro<<in!s, and the sali0a of soe anials 2e.!. do!s4.
?hafifah > this is li!ht i<urity that co0ers the 8ody or clothes 3D+
for this too, you ust =ash the 8ody and clothes three ties. EIa<les
are: urine of Halaal 2<eritted4 anials, the dro<<in!s of Haraa
2<rohi8ited, e.!. 8irds of <rey4 anials and the dro<<in!s of Halaal 8irds
2i.e. it has a 8ad sell4.
?. TH' JAT'3 1 MAD#MAA;O
1ater is of two types! unused 2MGhair Musta@alN4 and used =ater
1ater that is permissible for 1'd' and %h'sal are as follows! oceanDsea,
ri0er, =ell, s<rin!, fountain, laEe, sno=Dice, and rain =ater.
&ater ust 8e flo=in! and runnin! 2MAl-Maa@ul-:aariN4.
6f any i<urity falls into flo=in! =ater then it is still clean eIce<t =hen its
condition chan!es, that is, the colour, taste or sell chan!es.
A =ater tanE easurin! 5 8y 5 etres len!th is <erissi8le for use in &udu and
Ghusal as it is re!arded as flo=in! =ater.
6f i<urity falls into still =ater in a tanE easurin! 5 8y 5 len!th, it 8ecoes
'sed or MMusta@alN =ater cannot 8e reused for &udu and Ghusal.
&hen 8athin! or doin! the &udu, do not s<lash the =ater into the =ater 0essel
2M%otaN, :u!4, or the 8athD8ath tu8, as the dro<lets of =ater are used =ater. 6f
used =ater should fall into the =ater 0esselD8ath tu8, then you ha0e to refill it
and not use that =ater.
0. ISTI%NA ((D'A%I%P )> P3IEAT' PA3TS A>T'3 P)I%P
T) TH' T)ID'T)
3ules +or the toilet2bathroom and Istin"a5
Before enterin! the toiletD8athroo enter =ith your left foot.
6t is Mustaha8 2<referredDdesira8le4 to say this Fua 2<rayer4 8efore enterin!
the 8athrooDtoilet: 6ismillahi Allahumma innee aoo:ubika minal khubusi
wal khabaais/ 26n the ;ae of Allah, L Allah 6 seeE <rotection in Qou fro
the ale and feale de0ils4.
Fo not taEe )a@=eeB 2aulets4 into the 8athrooDtoilet unless it is co0ered
u< <ro<erly, 8ut try to a0oid taEin! it in.
Fo not do any GiEr 2ree8rance4 of Allah in the 8athrooDtoilet.
Fo not stand =hile urinatin!.
Fo not s<lash urine dro<s on your 8odyDclothes =hen urinatin! and cleanin!
yourself 2if this ha<<ens, then you ust =ash the 8ody three ties, and the
clothes you ust =ash and rinse three ties4.
'se tissue and then clean yourself =ith =ater 2if in a reote <lace and not in
a city, use <e88les, stones or clean soilO you can clean yourself =ith
stonesD<e88les alone 8ut usin! =ater after=ards is 8etter4.
'se your left hand to clean yourself 2if your left hand is in:ured then you
ay use the ri!ht hand4.
Fo not face ?i8la 2direction of MaEEah4 or to ha0e the 8acE to=ards it =hen
in the toiletO also not to ha0e your face or 8acE to=ards the sun or oon.
Fo not looE at your <ri0ate <art and stool or eI<oseDsho= your <ri0ate <arts
in front of <eo<le.
Fo not talE in the toilet unless it is necessary.
6t is !akrooh Tahrimi 2near for8idden4 to clean your self =ith the 8ones and
food of huans and anials.
&hen lea0in! the toiletD8athroo, ste< out =ith the ri!ht foot and say this
Fua: Allahumma ghufraanak, alhamdulilla hilla:ee a:haba annil>a:aa wa
aafanee./ 2L AllahK 6 asE Qour for!i0eness, <raise 8e to Allah &ho reo0ed
fro e =hat =as in:urious and restored e to soundness4.
6. J;&; 1 A:D;TI)%
>A3AAI&H )> J;&; ():DIPAT)3F &;TI'S)
6n &udu it is Fardh "obligatory$ to =ash four <arts of the 8ody once, as stated 8y Allah
the Ali!hty in the Holy Guran, Surah Al#Maidah 6,Eerse 8:
;- yo' who believe@ 1hen yo' prepare for prayer, wash yo'r faces, and yo'r
hands "arms$ to the elbowsA r'b yo'r heads "with water$A and "wash$ feet to
the ankles0=
)herefore, it is clear that =ashin! these four <arts of the 8ody 8efore Salah is
co<ulsory, es<ecially =hen there is shorta!e of =ater, and then one ust =ash
es<ecially these <arts:
2a4 )he faceO
284 Both ars fro the =rists to the el8o=sO
2c4 Masah > =i<in! the head 2one fourth4O
2d4 Both feet u< to the anEles.
S;%%AH M'TH)& )> J;&;
&'nnah eans the way or method of our Holy Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.). Also,
=hate0er he did and said throu!hout his lifetie is the 8est =ay for us to follo=. )he
Sunnah ethod of <erforin! the &udhu is as follo=s:
MaEe 3iyyah 2intention4 > say: Ta7aww'>! Aoo:u billahi minash 0haitaanir>
ra#eem/ "I seek protection in Allah from the c'rsed &haitan$ and
"In the 3ame of Allah, Most ?ind, Most Mercif'l$0
&ash 8oth hands three ties u< to the =rists 2ri!ht hand and then left hand4.
&ash your mo'th and !ar!le three ties > use a !iswaak 2=ooden sticE of the
AraE tree4, or your ri!ht indeI fin!er and thu8, or a tooth8rush. &hen fastin!
do not allo= =ater to reach the throat.
&ash your nose three ties 8y taEin! =ater =ith the ri!ht hand and sucEin! the
=ater into the nostrils, and then clean the nostrils =ith the left hand thu8,
indeI fin!er and sall fin!er. ;.B. &hen fastin!, ensure that =ater does not
reach a8o0e the nasal 8oneO other=ise the fast =ill 8ecoe 0oid.
&ash your face three ties, fro the forehead to the chin, and fro one earlo8e
to the other earlo8e. 6f you ha0e a 8eard, you ust co8 throu!h the 8eard =ith
your hands to <ass =ater throu!h it. Fo not s<lash the =ater on the face 8ut
s<read it o0er the face. MaEe sure the face is not dry.
&ash 8oth arms u< to the el8o=s three ties 2ri!ht ar and then left ar4.
&et your hands, shaEe off any eItra =ater and then do the Masah "wiping the
head$ once. )his is done 8y =ettin! the hands and <uttin! the fin!erti<s
to!ether, lea0in! the indeI fin!ers and thu8s se<arate 2do not let your indeI
fin!ers, thu8s and <als of your hand touch the head. )hen you ru8 the
:oined three fin!ers throu!h your hair, startin! fro the forehead to the 8acE of
the head. )hen, =ith your fin!ers :oined to!ether, you ru8 the sides of the head
8y 8rin!in! the hands for=ard. )hen you clean the inside of the ears =ith the
indeI fin!ers and the 8acE of the ears =ith the thu8s. %astly, you =i<e the
na<e 28acE of the necE4 =ith the 8acE of your hands, aEin! sure that you do
not =i<e the sides of the throat as this is not allo=ed 2its is MaErooh, disliEed4.
%astly, =ash 8oth feet three ties u< to the anEles, and aEe sure you clean
8et=een the toes =ith your left hand 2ri!ht foot first and then left foot4.

Sour7e o+ Judhu Pi7tures5 )he a8o0e <ictures ha0e 8een o8tained =ith <erission fro Ghula
Sar=ar@s 8ooE %slam ; 6eliefs and Teachings( 239A.4.
8. MASAH )> H;>> (JIPI%P )E'3 D'ATH'3 S)(S)
A 6?h'ff7 2<l. (huffainO also JMoBa@4 is a s<ecial leather socE that eItends u< to the
anEles. ?'ffain ust 8e <ut on after &udhu. 6f one is =earin! a (huff, it is <eritted
to =i<e o0er the =ith =et fin!ers instead of =ashin! the feet. 6f one is in need of
Ghusl 28ath4, then you cannot =i<e o0er the (huff. Qou cannot =i<e o0er socEs that
are ade of nylonD=oolDcotton, 8ut you ha0e to reo0e the and =ash the feet. A
MuHee 2non-tra0eller4 can do Masah of (huffain and =ear the u< to #+ hours. A
Musaafir 2tra0eller4 can =ear the (huffain fro the tie of doin! &udhu u< to .#
hours. 6f &udhu 8reaEs then the tie has to 8e counted fro that oent on=ards.
After the <eriods of #+D.# hours are o0er, the (huffain should 8e taEen off and the feet
ust 8e =ashed.
<. &;AS T) SAF JH'% JASHI%P PA3TS )> F);3 :)&F
&;3I%P J;&H;
Sayyiduna 3asoolullah (s.a.w.) tau!ht us to say the follo=in! Fuas =hen doin!
&udhu 2contained in the 8ooEs of Hadith4 > this is o<tional and not co<ulsory. )hese
Fuas ha0e 8een Huoted fro Ahed Haoud Al-Maairy@s 8ooE %7asy &ay to ,earn
slam( 2Lan4.
Before startin! &udhu and =ashin! the hands:
;Aoo>' billahi minash &haitaanir-ra9eem= "I seek protection in Allah from the
c'rsed &haitan$ and ;,ismillahir rahmanir-raheem= "In the 3ame of Allah,
Most ?ind, Most Mercif'l$0
&hen =ashin! the outh and !ar!lin!:
;Allah'mma asCini minar raheeCil makhtoomi ya Allah= "- my )ord@ %ive me
the drink from the sealed bea'tif'l wine : - Allah$0
&hen =ashin! the nose:
;Allah'mma anshiCni min rawaih rahmatika fi 9annatika ya Allah= "- my
)ord@ )et me smell from the perf'mes of <o'r ,lessing in <o'r +eaven : -
&hen =ashin! the face:
;Allah'mma bayyidh wa9hi bin'rika yawmah tabyadh' wa9ooh' ibadikas
saaliheen ya Allah= - my )ord@ Make my face white with <o'r )ight when the
faces of yo'r righteo's servants will be whitened : - Allah$0
&hen =ashin! the ri!ht ar:
;Allah'mma a7atini kitabee biyameeni wa haasibnee hisaaban yaseeran ya
Allah= "- my )ord@ %ive me my acco'nt with my right hand, and make my
acco'nt light : - Allah$0
&hen =ashin! the left ar:
;Allah'mma innee aoo>'bika an t'7thiyanee kitabiya bishimalee aw min warai
>ahree ya Allah= "- my )ord@ I seek protection in <o' that <o' will not give me
my acco'nt with my left hand or on the rear of my back : - Allah$0
&hen doin! the Masah of the head:
;Allah'mma a>illanee bi>hilli arshika yawma laa >hilla illa >hill'ka= "- Allah@
&helter me with the shelter of <o'r a'thority on the Day when there will be no
shelter e.cept <o'rs$0
&hen =ashin! the ears:
;Allah'mma9 alnee minal-la>eena yastamioonal-Cawla fa yattabioona
ahsanah'= "- Allah@ Incl'de me amongst those who hear words and follow the
best thereof$0
&hen ru88in! the 8acE 2na<e4 of the necE:
;Allah'mma a7atiC raCabatee minan-naari wal-aari wa aoo>'bika minas-
salaasili wal-aghlaali= "- Allah@ &ave my neck from the fire and disgrace and I
seek protection from the iron chains and shackles$0
&hen =ashin! 8oth feet:
;Allah'mma sabbit Cadamayya alal haCCi wad-deeni birahmatika ya arhamar-
rahimeen= "- Allah@ Make my feet firm on righteo'sness and religion : - the
Most mercif'l$0
)% >I%ISHI%P J;&H;, SAF TH'S' P3AF'3S5
Ash>hadu Allah ilaha illalahu wa ash>hadu anna !uhammadan abduhu wa
.asooluhu/ 26 8ear =itness that there is no !od 8ut Allah, and that Muhaad
2<8uh4 is the Ser0ant and Messen!er of Allah4.
Allahumma#>alnee minat>tawwabeena wa#alnee minal>mutatahhireen/
2L AllahK MaEe e fro those <eo<le =ho re<ent 2asE for for!i0eness4 and fro those
=ho are <ure 2clean44.
A. JHAT :3'AS TH' J;&H;
)he follo=in! actions 8reaE the &udhu for =hich you =ill ha0e to aEe fresh &udhu.
'rine and eIcreent.
Passin! of =ind.
Blood, yello= liHuid, <us eanatin! fro the 8ody 2not <hle! i.e. sliy liHuid
in the throat4.
%au!hin! durin! one@s Salaat 2<rayer4.
Mouthful 0oitin! 28lood or food4.
Menstruation, dischar!e of seen, and on child8irth > these =ould reHuire one
to taEe the Ghusl 28ath4.
Bleedin! of a =oan@s uterus.
Slee<in! =ith su<<ort and lyin! do=n.
'nconsciousness and intoIication.
B. JHAT &)'S %)T :3'A TH' J;&;
)hese actions do not 8reaE the &udhu:
A other 8reastfeedin! a child.
&hen one is restin! in a sittin! <osition =ith eyes closed, not aslee< and
=ithout any su<<ort 2=all, cushion, etc.4.
Ha0in! an in:ection for edical treatent.
=/. A(TI)%S >)3:I&&'% JITH);T J;&;
)3 TAFAMM;M (&3F A:D;TI)%)
Qou are not <eritted to do any of the follo=in! actions =ithout &udhu and Ghusl
2and =here a<<ro<riate, )ayau4:
Salaat 2&uduDGhuslD)ayau reHuired4.
Foin! the Sa:dah of )ila=at 2<rostration of ?ur@an recitation >
&uduDGhuslD)ayau reHuired4.
&alEin! around the Holy (aa8a in MaEEah 2&uduDGhusl is necessary for this4.
Carryin! or touchin! the Holy ?ur@an 2&uduDGhusl4.
==. PH;SD (:ATH)
&hen one intends to taEe a 8ath or sho=er, the <ur<ose of it should 8e to cleanse
oneself <ro<erly fro i<urities. Qou should not fill the 8ath :ust liEe soe <eo<le do
and =ash yourself in the dirty =ater. )his is not allo=ed, as you ha0e to use flo=in! or
runnin! =ater as eI<lained 8efore. 6f you do need to fill the 8ath =ith =ater for
edical treatent or a siilar <ur<ose, then it is <eritted. But at the end, you ust
use clean =ater to cleanse yourself. Qou should ensure that =hen taEin! a 8ath or
sho=er, you =et your 8ody co<letely includin! all the hairs. &oen =ith <laited hair
are eIcused fro o<enin! the and should =et the 8ase of the hair. 6f it is difficult to
=et the 8ase, then the <lait should 8e o<ened and the hair =ashed thorou!hly.
)here are t=o ty<es of %h'sl! 2i4 ordinary bathBshowerA and 2ii4 rit'al bath0
Fardh %h'sl is o8li!atory after:
A <erson 8ecoes a Musli.
Hus8and and =ife relations.
Fischar!e of seen.
Endin! of enstruation.
Feath of a <erson.
M'TH)& )> PH;SD5
)bli-atory a7ts +or a proper Phusl5
.inse the mouth properly and gargle once 2=hen fastin! do not s=allo=
the =ater4.
.inse the nose up to the nasal bone once 2=hen fastin! do not let the
=ater reach <ast the nasal 8one4.
&ash the whole body properly once including the hair.
S;%%AH M'TH)& )> PH;SD
0ay the 9iyyah.
&ash your hands up to the wrists three times.
&ash your private parts three times > impurities must be removed from
the body.
?o the ablution.
&ash the body completely three times including the hair.
=.. TAFAMM;M 1 &3F A:D;TI)%
Tayamm'm is the ethod of <urification =here you use clean, dry soil, earth, or sand
in <lace of the &udu and Ghusl, for the reasons 8elo=:
&hen water is not available for &udu/4husl
Time is short for 0alaat "e.g. especially when it is )a#r and !aghrib prayer and
you need to have a ritual bath).
8ne is in#ured or has medical treatment for a particular part of the body.
Say the ;iyyah for <erforin! the )ayau 2i.e. Bisillah4.
StriEe 8oth hands on the earth !ently =ith the <als of the hands.
ShaEe off any eIcess earth 8y ta<<in! 8oth hands to!ether 2=ith the <als of
the hands facin! do=n4.
Pass the hands o0er the face only once as in noral &udu.
StriEe 8oth hands on the earth a!ain and ru8 the ars fro the fin!erti<s to the
el8o=s, once, 8y <assin! the fin!ers of the left hand throu!h the fin!ers of the
ri!ht hand u< to the el8o= and then doin! the sae action for the left ar. Fo
not lea0e any s<ot unco0ered =ith soil.
%)T'5 TH' SAM' A(TI)%S THAT :3'A J;&; ADS) :3'A TAFAMM;M. JH'% JAT'3 IS AEAIDA:D', A%& JH'%
)%' :'()M'S :'TT'3 A>T'3 A% I%N;3F )3 IDD%'SS, TH'% TAFAMM;M (A%%)T :' &)%' A%F D)%P'3,
F); HAE' T) ;S' JAT'3.
(HAPT'3 ?5 SADAH 1 P3AF'3
After <erforin! the &udhu andDor <urification =ith GhuslD)ayau, you ay start
the Salah. )here are soe i<ortant 6&haraait7 2sin!. Shart4 conditions 2thin!s needed
8efore <rayer4 that ust 8e et 8efore you <ray. The D conditions for &alah are as
Qour clothes are clean
)he <lace of Salah is clean
Correct tie for Salah
Qou are facin! the ?i8la 2direction of MaEEah4
;iyyah 2intention4 for <rayer
)aE8ir-e-)ahreea 2sayin! MAllahu AE8arN4.
6t is i<ortant to dress properly 8efore startin! the Salah. )he 6&atr7B6Awrah7
"covering of the body$ for ales is fro the na0el 28elly 8utton4 to :ust 8elo= the
Enees. Males should co0er the head =ith a sEull-ca< 2Mto<iN4 or any other head!ear and
t-shirts should not 8e =orn durin! Salah 2eIce<t one that is u< to the el8o=4. )he
A=rah for feales is fro the head to the anEles =ithout co0erin! the face and hands.
"eales should co0er their heads <ro<erly =ith a lon! scarf. Both ales 7 feales
ou!ht to =ear clean and a<<ro<riate clothes and also clean socEs. %ote5 =hen =oen
ha0e their enstrual <eriod, they are not <eritted to <erfor the Salah as ordered 8y
Allah in the Holy ?ur@an, or to teach it eIce<t 8y =ay of indicatin! the letters of =ords.
>a"r > early da=n <rayer 8efore sunrise
Kohr > after idday <rayer
Asr > late afternoon <rayer
Ma-hrib > 8efore sunset <rayer
Isha > late e0enin! <rayer.
(hart Showin- the Timin-s o+ &aily Salah
2Source: Ghula Sar=ar@s 8ooE %slam ; 6eliefs and Teachings(4
o+ &aily
:e+ore >ardh
A+ter >ardh
in 4ach
"a:r --- # # --- --- +
Gohr --- + + # # 3#
Asr + --- + --- --- A
Ma!hri8 --- --- $ # # .
6sha + --- + # # ;afl
*$ &itr
*# ;afl
Important %ote5
)he 1ohr and Asr 0alah are <erfored silently, that is, in these <rayers durin! @amaat, the
6a does not read out loudly any cha<ters or 0erses fro the ?ur@an. He recites
cha<tersD0erses silently and the <eo<le 8ehind hi should reain silent. &hen you <erfor
any Salah 8y yourself, you should read ?ur@anic 0erses in a =his<erin! 0oice so that you can
hear =hat you are readin!.
.. 'QPDA%ATI)% )> J)3&S
2a4 2akaats > these are units or <arts of a <rayerO
284 Fardh > eans o8li!atoryDco<ulsory 2actions that ust 8e <erfored, failure
do so =ill result in coittin! a sinO
2c4 &'nnah M'akkadah > eans e<hasisedDstressed actions 2those actions =hich
=ere <erfored re!ularly 8y Sayyiduna Rasoolullah 2s.a.=.4O
2d4 &'nnah %hair-M'akkadah > eans not e<hasised or stressed, 8ut you ust
not aEe a ha8it of lea0in! out these actions, es<ecially such RaEaats in Salah
2those actions =hich =ere soeties <erfored 8y Sayyiduna Rasoolullah
2s.a.=.4, 8ut occasionally he left the out4O
2e4 E'noot : eans o8edience and de0otion to Allah. )his is actually a <rayer,
Fua-e-?unoot, that is recited durin! the &itr SalahO
2f4 1itr > eans odd nu8er and this <rayer has $ RaEaats and is a <art of the 6sha
)his is an i<ortant <rayer 8ein! 61a9ib7 2essential or necessary > &a:i8 is a duty less
than "ardh4. 6t is <erfored :ust liEe the Ma!hri8 <rayer, after the second RaEat you
stand u< sayin! Allahu Akbar/ after the readin! the )ashahhud u< to Ash>hadu Allah
ilaha illallahu wa ash>hadu anna !uhammadan abduhu wa rasooluh/. )hen you read
Surah Al-"atihah and soe 0erses. After this, you raise your hands u< to your ears =ith
)aE8ir Allahu Akbar/ and then fold your hands 8elo= the na0el, if a ale, or on your
chest if a feale. )hen you read the 6D'a-e-E'noot7 2<rayer of o8eisance >
8o=in!Dres<ect4, =hich is !i0en 8elo=.
After readin! the Fua-e-?unoot, you say MAllahu AE8arN and then do the 2'k',
Eiyaam, &a9dah, Falsah, read the Tashahh'd, D'rood, D'a, and &alaam 2see the
notes in the section J)he Sunnah Method of Perforin! the Prayer@4.
)he D'a-e-E'noot is: ;Allah'mma innaa nastaeen'ka wa nastagh-fir'ka wa
n'7min'-bika wa natawakkal' alaika wa n'snee alaikal-khair, wa nashk'r'ka wa
laa nakf'r'ka wa nakhla' wa natr'k' man9-yaf9'r'k, Allah'mma iyyaaka na7b'd'
wa laka n'sallee wa nas9'd' wa ilaika nas7aa wa nahfid' wa nar9oo wa rahmataka
wa nakhshaa a>aabaka inna a>aabaka bil-k'ffaari m'lhiC=
Translation5 ML AllahK &e asE Qou for Qour hel< and asE Qou for Qour for!i0eness,
and 8elie0e in Qou and <ut our trust in Qou, and =e <raise you in the 8est =ay and =e
thanE you and =e are not un!rateful to Qou, and =e thro= a=ay and lea0e the <erson
=ho diso8eys Qou. L AllahK Qou alone do =e =orshi< and to Qou =e <ray and do the
Sa:dah 2<rostration4 and to Qou =e turn to HuicEly, and =e surrender, and ho<e for Qour
Mercy and =e fear Qour <unishent. Surely, Qour <unishent o0ertaEes the
6f you cannot read Fua-e-?unoot in full, then you ay read this Fua:
;2abbanaa aatinaa fidd'nyaa hasanatan wa fil-aakhirati hasanatan wa-Cinaa
2L our %ordK &e seeE !oodness fro Qou in this =orld and the Hereafter and safety
fro the <unishent of Hell4.
)r this &ua5
;Allah'mma innee >alamt' nafsee >'lman katheeran wala yaghfir'>->anooba illaa
anta faghfirli maghfiratan min 6indika warhamnee, innaka anatl-ghaf'r-'r-
L AllahK 6 did a !ra0e =ron! to yself. And none eIce<t Qou for!i0e the sins. So
!rant e for!i0eness fro Qourself. And taEe <ity on eO Qou are the ost "or!i0in!,
the ost Merciful.
0. SAN&AH SAHJ 1 P3)ST3ATI)% >)3
Soeties =hen =e <ray, we may commit some mistakes unintentionally by leaving
out any &a#ib "essential) actions. )o rectify any for!etfulness or istaEe durin! Salah
it is necessary to do the &a9dah &ahw.
4.amples of 'nintentional forgetf'lness or mistake in &alah are! for!ettin! to recite
any Surahs or 0erses, not doin! ?iyaa 2standin!4, not co<letin! any RaEaat2s4, not
doin! the RuEu 28o=in!4, not doin! the Sa:dah, not doin! the ?a@dah 2sittin! after t=o
RaEaats4, or re<eatin! actions t=ice such as RuEu or Sa:dah, or recitin! the Surah Al-
"atiha in )ashahhud <osition, and the Furood Sharif in any RaEaat =hen you are
su<<osed to 8e recitin! the Al-"atiha, and so on.
&hen an Imam makes any of these mistakes d'ring &alah, or in the recitation of the
+oly E'r7an, it is the duty of the M'Ctadis 2<eo<le follo=in! the 6a in <rayer4 to
correct his error 8y 8rin!in! it to his attention 8y sayin! MSu8haan-AllahN 2Praise 8e to
Allah4 or 8y sayin! MAllahu AE8arN 2Allah is Most Great4. )his <ro<tin! fro the
MuHtadis =ill hel< the 6a to correct the istaEe and if an i<ortant action has 8een
left out in Salah, then he =ill do the Sa:dah Sah= =ith his follo=ers. 6t does not atter
if the MuHtadis ha0e coitted any istaEes in Salah as they are follo=in! the 6a.
)he Sa:dah Sah= is done at the end of the Salah in the last ?a@dah 2sittin!4. After
recitin! the )ashahhud and the Furood Sharif, the 6a says Salaa to the ri!ht side
only and then does the Sa:dah t=ice. )hen the 6a and his follo=ers co<lete the
<rayer 8y recitin! the )ashahhud, Furood Sharif, and Fua and finishin! off =ith sayin!
Salaa to the ri!ht and left sides.
6. M;>SI&AAT1'#SADAH # A(TI)%S THAT :3'A TH'
)he follo=in! actions are M'fsidaat-e-&alah and can 8reaE or 0itiate the Salah. 6f any
of the actions 8elo= =ere coitted, then you =ould ha0e to restart the <rayer a!ain:
)alEin! to soeone.
Eatin! and drinEin! 2children - do not ha0e che=in! !u in your outh durin!
Sayin!: MSalaaN or MMay Allah ha0e ercy on youN, to soeone sneeBin!
durin! Salah.
)o turn your 8ody a=ay fro the direction of ?i8lah.
8. MA3))HAAT#'#SADAH 1 A(TI)%S &ISDI'& &;3I%P
)he follo=in! actions are disliEed durin! the Salah and you ust try to a0oid these
actions as they =ill aEe the Salah defecti0e, 8ut you =ill not ha0e to re<eat the <rayer:
Playin! =ith one@s clothes or scratchin! the 8ody ore than t=ice.
Strai!htenin! the clothes 8efore doin! the Sa:dah and after it.
A other 8reastfeedin! her 8a8y.
CracEin! fin!ers in <rayer.
Males <rayin! =ithout a hat and feales =ithout a lon! scarf.
Prayin! =ith a t-shirt on or ha0in! rolled u< slee0es a8o0e the el8o=s 2rollin!
the slee0es 8elo= the el8o= is <eritted4.
Prayin! =ith any clothes on that ha0e <ictures of anials or huans.
Prayin! =hen needin! to !o to the toilet.
)o looE around durin! <rayer.
)o !o ahead of the 6a in <rayer.
)o recite SurahsD0erses fro the Holy ?ur@an in a =ron! order.
)o <ray in a rooDhall =hich has <ictures of anials and huans.
<. TIM'S JH'% SADAH IS %)T T) :' P'3>)3M'&
)he ties =hen it is Makrooh 2disliEed 8y the Shariah > 6slaic %a=4 to <erfor the
Salah are as follo=s. Qou should not <ray durin! these ties at all:
At the tie of sunrise.
At sunset.
&hen the sun is at its 1awal 2Benith > hi!hest <oint in the horiBon4.
Bet=een da=n and sunrise 2only allo=ed to <ray 35-#, inutes after sunrise4.
Fo not <ray any ;afl after Asr Salah and until sunset 2eIce<t ?aBa and
&hen the tie is short for any "ardh Salah.
Fo not <ray any ;afl =hen the 6a 2leader of con!re!ational <rayer4 is
deli0erin! the "riday 9u@ah (hut8a 2Seron4 and durin! the 9u@ah "ardh
Salah, and also durin! the (hut8a of Eid Salah.
Fo not <ray any ;afl durin! the Ha:: at Arafaat =hen Guhr and Asr Salah are
<erfored to!ether. Also, durin! the Ha::, do not <ray any ;afl 8et=een the
Ma!hri8 and 6sha Salah at MuBdalifah.
A. %)%#&AIDF P3AF'3S
A<art fro the daily <rayers entioned a8o0e, Muslis also <erfor other <rayers as
3. N;M;AH or N;MAH SADAH > this is <erfored on the Musli holy
day of "riday =ith 9aaat 2!rou<Dcon!re!ation4O
#. TA3AJIH SADAH > this is <erfored durin! the Month of Raadhan
=hen Muslis fast for #9 or $, days.
$. 'I& SADAH > this is <erfored on the occasions of Eid-ul-"itr and Eid-ul-
ABha =ith 9aaat.
+. NA%AKAH SADAH 2funeral <rayer4 > this is <erfored =hen a Musli
dies, and then =e do the 9anaBah Salah =ith 9aaat.
5. %A>IDAH or %A>D SADAH 2includin! Sunnah Salah4 > this is
su<ero!atoryDeItra Salah that the Pro<het Muhaad 2<8uh4 used to
)hese <rayers are eI<lained in ore detail in Cha<ter +.

)he A>aan is the M'slim /all to (rayer. Muslis do not use a 8ell :ust as the
Christians do, nor do they use a horn liEe the 9e=s for announcin! the tie of
con!re!ational <rayer. )he ABaan is read out aloud 8y a <erson called a M'e>>in 2one
=ho calls the <eo<le to Salah4 facin! the ?i8la and raisin! his hands to his ears.
Before the start of con!re!ational Salah, the ABaan is read out and then the ICaamah
2the second ABaan, eanin! standin! u< for <rayer4 is read.
Here is the A4aan with its Arabi7 te@t, transliteration, and translation. It must be
read in the order -i9en below and should not be mi@ed up. Jhen readin- the
A4aan, the Mue44in should be +a7in- the Giblah, ha9e his inde@ +in-ers in his ears,
with his the palms o+ his hands opposite both ears.
3. ADDAH; A:A3 > MAllah is the Most GreatN + ties.
#. ASH#HA&; ADDA IDAHA IDD#ADDAH > M6 8ear =itness that there is no one
=orthy of =orshi< eIce<t AllahN # ties.
- M6 8ear =itness that Muhaad 2s.a.=.4 is the Messen!er of AllahN # ties.
+. HAFFA ADAS#SADAH > MCoe to PrayerN # ties.
5. HAFFA ADAD#>ADAH > MCoe to SuccessN # ties.
/. ADDAH; A:A3 > MAllah is the Most GreatN # ties.
.. DAA IDAHA IDD#ADDAH > M)here is no !od 8ut AllahN once.
Important 3ote!

&hen readin! the ABaan at the tie of Fa9r (rayer, also add these =ords
MAS#SADAAT; HAI3;%#MI%A%#%AJMO 2Salah is 8etter
than slee<4 after saying ;+A<<A A)A)-FA)A+= > to 8e read

After the MueBBin has read the ABaan, he should say the ICaamahBTakbir 8y readin!
all the =ords of the ABaan, 8ut addin! the =ords MGA&
GAAMATIS#SADAHO 2MPrayer has certainly 8e!unN4 t=ice after the =ords
T+4 IFA,A+
&hen the MueBBin is callin! the ABaan and =hen the 6Haah is 8ein! read, the <eo<le
in the 9aaat should re<eat the =ords of 8oth the ABaan and 6Haah Huietly. Re<etition
of such =ords and ans=erin! the =ords of ABan and )aE8ir is called CI"abah.
6n the A4aan, after hearin! the =ords MAsh-hadu anna Muhaadar-RasoolullahN
t=ice, one should Eiss hisDher thu8s and then <ut the nails of the thu8s on hisDher
eyes in lo0e and res<ect of the Holy Pro<het 2s.a.=.4. After doin! this, first of all, one
should say ;&allal-laah' alaika yaa 2asool'llah 2May the <eace and 8lessin!s of
Allah 8e u<on you L Rasoolullah4. )hen one should say ;E'rrat' ainee bika ya
2asool'llah= and ;Allah'mma matti7nee bis-sam7i wal-basr=0 6f you say these
=ords, Rasoolullah 2s.a.=.4 =ill coe to your hel<Dintercession and you =ill ne0er
loose your eyesi!ht =ith the Grace of Allah.
6n the Iqamah2Ta$bir, on hearin! the =ords -ayya alal>falah/ t=ice, one should say:
M)a hawla wala C'wwata illah billahil-aliyyil-a>eem= 2)here is no <o=er and i!ht
eIce<t fro Allah. )he Most Hi!h, )he Great4.
6n the >a"r A4aan, after hearin! the =ords MAssalaatu Ehairun-inan-na=N t=ice,
one should say ;&adaCta wa bararta= 2Qou ha0e s<oEen the truth and done !ood4.
6n the Iqamah2Ta$bir, after hearin! the =ords M?ad Haaatis-salahN t=ice, one should
say MAHaaah-allahu =a adaaahaN 2May Allah esta8lish it and Eee< it fore0er4.

;Allah'mma rabba haa>ihid-da7wati-taammati wasalatil-Caaimati aati
M'hammadanil-waseelata wal-fadhilata wad-dara9atar-rafeeata wabath7h'
maCamam-Mahmooda nilla>ee wa atthah' war>'Cnaa shafa7atah' yawmal-
Ciyaamati innaka la t'khlif'l-mee7aad0 ,irahmatika yaa arhamar-raahimeen=0
ML AllahK %ord of this <erfect call and of this standin! <rayer, !rant our leader HaBrat
Muhaad 2s.a.=.4 his &aseelah 2a s<ecial <lace in Paradise4 and "adheelah
2eIcellence4 and the hi!hest ranE, and aEe hi stand at the MaHaa-e-Mahood 2the
<raise=orthy <lace4 =hich Qou ha0e <roised hi, and aEe hi our intercessor on
the Fay of 9ud!eent. Surely Qou do not !o 8acE on Qour <roise. Ha0e Mercy on
us, for Qou are the Most Co<assionate, the Most MercifulKN
=/. TH' >A3AI&H )> SADAH # ()MP;DS)3F PA3TS
6n order to <erfor the Salah <ro<erly, it is co<ulsory to do the follo=in! se0en
actions in Salah:
3. )o say the >I3ST TA:I3 1 TA:I3#'#TAH3''MA5 MAllahu
A$barO 2Allah is the Most Great4. &hen sayin! this )aE8ir, ales should
raise their hands =ith <als facin! the ?i8la u< to the earsO feales should
raise their hands u< to their shoulders. Lnce you say the )aE8ir, you cannot
eat, drinE, slee<, talE, etc. durin! the Salah 2i.e. dailyDroutine actions4.
#. )o do the GIFAAM > standin! u< strai!ht for Salah, facin! the ?i8lah,
ales ha0in! the hands 8elo= the na0el, and feales ha0in! their hands on
their chest 2see <hotos of <rayer <ositions4.
$. )o do the GI3AAT 2recitationDreadin!4 of soe 0erses 2Ayaat4 or a cha<ter
2Surah4 fro the Holy ?ur@an. )he recitation should 8e at least three 0erses
or one lon! 0erse eHui0alent to three 0erses.
+. )o do the 3;; 28o=in! in the Enee <osition4. &hen doin! the RuEu, you
should ha0e your 8acE strai!ht, hold your Enees =ith your hands s<read out
on the, Eee<in! your le!s strai!ht, and looEin! do=n at your feet.
5. )o do the SAN&AH 2<rostration on the floor4. &hen doin! the Sa:dah, Eee<
your hands, nose, forehead, the Enees, and the toes of the feet touchin! the
floor and not to raise any of these fi0e <arts of the 8ody fro the floor,
other=ise your <rayer =ill 8e 8roEen and nullified. "eales do the Sa:dah
8y layin! their ars flat on the floor facin! the ?i8lah and Eee<in! the
close to the chest. )hey should not raise their 8acEs liEe ales and should
Eee< their feet facin! the ri!ht side 2see <ictures 35 and 3/4.
/. )o do the GA&AH AHI3A 2last sittin! <osition in )ashahhud after
co<letion of all RaEaats4. Males should sit 8y Eee<in! the ri!ht foot
u<ri!ht 2=ith all the toes touchin! the floor4 and sit 8y Eee<in! the 8uttocEs
on the left foot. "eales to sit =ith the 8uttocEs <laced on the feet facin!
the ri!ht side.
.. )o co<lete the Salah 8y sayin! SADAAM 2MAssalau alaiEu =a
rahatullahN4 to the ri!ht and left side of 8ody.
PH)T)P3APHS )> P)SITI)%S I% P3AF'3 >)3
Belo= are soe of the different <ositions in <rayer that should 8e done <ro<erly 8y
ales and feales. )he Author@s children Sala Mahood 2a!e 33 years4 and A:ad
Mahood 2a!e 3$ years4 sho= the 0arious <ositions in <rayer for ales and feales as
Photo =5 Ta$bir#e#Tahrima (MAllahu A$barO)

A:ad is facin! the ?i8la and raises his hands u< to his ears and says the )aE8ir. He is
looEin! do=n at the <lace =here he =ill <ut his forehead =hen doin! the Sa:dah. Also
there should 8e a !a< of four fin!ers 8et=een the feet.
Photo .5 Giyaam (Standin-)5
Here A:ad has <ut his hands 8elo= the na0el. )he ri!ht hand is <laced on the left
hand@s =rist clas<ed, =ith three fin!ers on the to< 2indeI fin!er and iddle fin!er, and
third fin!er4, and the ri!ht hand@s thu8 and sall fin!er 8elo= the left hand@s =rist.
Photo ?5 3u$u (Am"ad is holdin- his $nees, with head and ba7$
strai-ht, he is loo$in- down at his +eet)
Photo 05 3u$u # hands are pla7ed on the $nees
Photo 65 Gawmah (standin- a+ter 3u$u)
Here A:ad Eee<s his hands 8y his sides and is looEin! do=n at the <lace of Sa:dah.
Photo 85 Sa"dah
6n this <osition the hands are Ee<t flat on the floor o<<osite the ears =ith the fin!ers
closed. )he ars are s<read out and do not touch the floor.
Photo <5 Sa"dah (rear 9iew)
See ho= the feet are Ee<t standin! u< durin! the Sa:dah.
Photo A5 Nalsah (sittin- a+ter Sa"dah)
6n this <osition, A:ad has <laced his hands :ust a8o0e the Enees, =ith the ri!ht foot
Ee<t standin! and he sits on the left foot, =hich faces the ri!ht side.
Photo B5 Nalsah (9iew +rom behind)
Photo =/5 Salam
A:ad sayin! Sala, MAssalau alaiEu =a rahatullahN to the ri!ht and left sides,
finally co<letes the <rayer.
Photo ==5 Ta$bir#e#Tahrima (MAllahu A$barO)
Here Sala is raisin! her hands u< to her shoulders and says the )aE8ir 2norally this
is done 8y Eee<in! the hands under the Hi:a8D0eilDcloaE4. She is also looEin! do=n at
the <lace =here she =ill <ut her forehead =hen doin! the Sa:dah.
Photo =.5 Giyaam (Standin-)
6n this <icture Sala has <ut her ri!ht hand o0er the left hand and she has <laced 8oth
hands on her chest. Lnly feales do this and not ales.
Photo =?5 3u$u (Salma is holdin- her $nees, with head and ba7$
sli-htly bent, she is loo$in- down at her +eet)
Photo =05 Gawmah (Standin- a+ter 3u$u)
Sala is standin! strai!ht =ith her hands 8y her sides and looEin! at the <oint =here
she =ill <ut her forehead.
Photo =65 Sa"dah (Prostration)
;o= Sala is doin! the Sa:dah and she has the feet facin! to the ri!ht =ith her el8o=s
flat on the floor. She does not ha0e the feet standin! u< liEe ales.
Photo =85 Nalsah (Sittin- a+ter Sa"dah)
6n the 9alsah <osition, Sala is looEin! do=n in front of her 2<lace of <uttin! the
forehead4, she has <ut her hands on to< of the Enees and has Ee<t 8oth feet
facin! to the ri!ht.
Photo =<5 &ua
6n this <icture Sala is sho=in! ho= to do the Fua 2Su<<lication4. She has :oined her
hands to!ether to aEe a cu< sha<e =ith the hands o<<osite the shoulders, =ith the
hands co0ered. 6f you <ray at hoe you can unco0er your hands =hen doin! the Fua.
Photo =A5 Anisa (A years) and Asad (6 years) show how to pray

==. TH' S;%%AH M'TH)& )> P'3>)3MI%P TH' P3AF'3
A%& KI3 &;3I%P SADAH (JHAT T) 3'A& &;3I%P
TH' P3AF'3S)
)he eanin! of 68ikr7 is the remembrance of Allah 8y sayin! the &ifaat-e-Allah > the
;inety-nine Holy ;aes and Attri8utes of Allah, +amd - <raisin! Allah, recitation of
the +oly E'r7an, and throu!h other 68adah 2=orshi<s4 such as &alah, 8akaat, &a'm,
+a99, and so on. Here, GiEr refers to =hat you read in Ara8ic teIt durin! the Salah.
H)J T) P'3>)3M TH' P3AF'3S A(()3&I%P T) TH' HA%A>I
)here are soe i<ortant rules to 8e o8ser0ed =hen the FamaatBcongregational
prayer is 8ein! <erfored. )he 6a and the M'Ctadis 2<eo<le in 9aaat4 read the
Ta7aww'>, ;Aoo>' billahi minash &haitaanir-
ra9eem= and ,ismillah, ;,ismillahir
rahmanir-raheem= silently. )hen the 6a recites &'rah Al-Fatiha 2L<enin!
Cha<ter4 fro the Holy ?ur@an, and then any other Surah. )he <eo<le 8ehind the
6a do not ha0e to read anythin! and ust listen Huietly to the 6a@s recitation, as
the 6a@s readin! is considered to 8e the <eo<les@ readin! as =ell.
3. A+ter doin- the Judhu, +a7e the Gibla 2direction of MaEEah4. Also aEe
sure =hen you <ray alone, that you <lace an o8:ect called a 6&'tra7 2e.!. a
chair4 in front of you, =here you =ill do the Sa:dah 8efore startin! the
<rayer, so that anyone =ho <asses 8y =ill !o outside the Sutra. &hen you
<ray =ith an 6a, he and other MuHtadis =ill 8e your Sutra, 8ut the 6a
should ha0e a Sutra in front of hi.
#. Say the %iyyah (intention 1 Mwhat you want to doO in the mind, you 7an
also say it quietly) o+ the Salah you are per+ormin-5 Qou can aEe the
;iyyah of any Salah in any lan!ua!e that you s<eaE. Qou can do the ;iyyah
liEe this, for eIa<le: ;I intend to perform the Fa9r prayer "say the name of
the &alah$, with G 2akaat Fardh "say the n'mber of 2akaats of any prayer :
&'nnah or Fardh$, for the sake of Allah, I am facing the +oly ?aaba, Allah'
Akbar=. 6f you are <rayin! any "ardh <rayer in Famaat, you should say that
you are <rayin! 8ehind the 6a and to include in the ;iyyah MRfor the sake
of Allah, behind this mam, am facing the -oly Aaaba, Allahu Akbar/. 6f the
6a is leadin! the <rayer of ales and feales, then he should aEe the
;iyyah for 8oth !enders in all 9aaat <rayers.
$. Say Ta$beer#e#Tahrima5 ;Allah' Akbar= 2Allah is Most
Great4 - ales should raise their hands =ith the <als facin! the ?i8la u< to the
earsO feales should raise their hands u< to their shoulders.
A. Then, males put your hands below the na9el. >emales put your hands on the
7hest 2ri!ht hand on to< of left hand4. Males should <ut their ri!ht hand on the left
hand and clas< 2hold4 your left hand@s =rist, =ith three fin!ers on the to< 2indeI
fin!er, iddle and fourth fin!er4, and the ri!ht hand@s thu8 and sall fin!er 8elo=
the left hand@s =rist 2see <hotos # 7 3#4.
9. 3ead the Sanaa5
;&'bhanak-Allah h'mma wabi hamdika watabaraka kasm'ka wata aala
9add'ka wa 9alla thana'ka walaa ilaha ghair'k=
2All Glory 8e to Qou L AllahK Praise is to QouO Blessed is Qour ;ae and EIalted
is Qour Ma:estyO there is none =orthy of =orshi< eIce<t Qou4.
3,. 3ead the Taawwu45
;Aoo>' billahi minash &haitaanir-ra9eem=
26 seeE <rotection =ith Allah fro the cursed Shaitan4
And the ,ismillahBTasmiyyah 5
;,ismillahir rahmanir-raheem=
26n the ;ae of Allah, Most (ind, Most Merciful4.
33. Then read Surah Al#>atiha +rom the Holy Guran5
;Al-hamd' lillahi rabbil-aalameen, ar-rahma nir-raheem, maaliki yawmiddeen,
iyyaaka na7b'd' wa iyyaaka nastaeen, ihdinas-siraatal m'staCeem, siraatal-
la>eena anamta alaihim, ghairil maghdoobi alahim wa ladhaaleen0 Ameen0=
Translation o+ Al#>atihah5
All <raise is due to Allah, the %ord of the 'ni0erse, the Most (ind, Most
Merciful, Master of the Fay of 9ud!eent. Qou alone =e =orshi< and fro
Qou alone =e asE for hel<. Guide us on the strai!ht <ath, the <ath of those =ho
Qou ha0e fa0oured, not the <ath of those =ho earned Qour an!er, nor the <ath of
those =ho =ent astray. Aeen 2So let it 8e L Allah4S.
3#. %e@t read any Surah or 9erses +rom the Holy Guran5 EIa<le, Surah 6Ehlaas
;E'l h'wallah' ahad, Allah's-samad, lam yalid, wa lam yoolad, wa lam yak'l-
lah' k'f'wan ahad= 2Say, He is Allah, )he Lne. Allah is a8o0e and all thin!s
de<end on Allah. He does not 8e!et, nor is He 8e!otten. And there is none liEe
3$. Then say Ta$bir MAllahu A$barO and -o into 3u$u, sayin- Tasbeeh (praise)5
;&'bhaana rabbiyal-a>eem= 2Glory 8e to y %ord the Greatest4, $,5, or . ties.
3+. Then stand up in Giyaam position and sayin- Tasmeeh (listenin-)5
;&ami Allah' liman hamidah= 2Allah listens to hi =ho has <raised Hi4. &hen
you <ray in con!re!ationD9aaat, only the 6a should say )aseeh loudly. 6f you
<ray 8y yourself you can say )aseeh. 6n ?iyaa <osition, stand strai!ht and Eee<
your hands 8y the sides of your 8ody.
35. A+ter Tasmeeh, say Tahmeed (praise)5
Allahumma .abbana walakal hamd/ 2Lur %ordK All <raise is due to Qou Alone4.
6n 9aaat <rayer, the 6a and the con!re!ation read the )aheed silently.
3/. To say Allahu A$bar and -o into Sa"dah (prostration), sayin- Tasbeeh (praise)5
;&'bhaana rabbiyal aala= 2Glory to y %ord, the Most Hi!h4, $,5, or . ties.
Before !oin! into Sa:dah, your hands should 8e <laced on your Enees =hilst
8endin! do=n, Eee<in! your feet standin! u< =ith the toes firly flat on the
!round, =ith the Enees first touchin! the floor, then the hands, then the nose, and
lastly, the forehead touchin! the floor. )he ars should 8e raised u< and not
touchin! the sides of your 8ody, nor should you <ut your ars flat on the floor.
3.. Then -o into Nalsa (sittin- position) sayin- MAllahu A$barO. Males should sit 8y
Eee<in! the ri!ht foot u<ri!ht 2=ith all the toes touchin! the floor4 and sit 8y
Eee<in! the 8uttocEs on the left foot. "eales to sit =ith the 8uttocEs <laced on the
feet facin! the ri!ht side. Both ales and feales should Eee< the hands :ust a8o0e
the Enees facin! the ?i8la, =ith the fin!er se<arated and =ith the fin!erti<s sli!htly
8ent o0er the Enees.
3A. &o Sa"dah a-ain as in nu8er 23#4 a8o0e, =ith )aE8ir MAllahu AE8arN.
39. Then -et up in the Giyaam position and read :ismillah, Surah >atihah, and
any other Surahs or 9erses, as in nu8ers 2/4, 2.4, and 2A4 a8o0e.
#,. Then say Ta$bir MAllahu A$barO and -o into 3u$u, sayin- Tasbeeh (praise)5
;&'bhaana rabbiyal-a>eem= 2Glory 8e to y %ord the Greatest4, $,5, or . ties.
#3. Then stand up in Giyaam position and sayin- Tasmeeh (listenin-)5 ;&ami
Allah' liman hamidah= 2Allah listens to hi =ho has <raised Hi4.
##. A+ter Tasmeeh, say Tahmeed (praise)5 ;2abbana lakal hamd= 2Lur %ordK All
<raise is due to Qou Alone4.
#$. Then say MAllahu A$barO and -o into Sa"dah (prostration), sayin- Tasbeeh
(praise)5 ;&'bhaana rabbiyal aala= 2Glory to y %ord, the Most Hi!h4, $,5, or .
#+. Then -o into Nalsa (sittin- position) sayin- MAllahu A$barO.
#5. A-ain say MAllahu A$barO and -o into Sa"dah (prostration), sayin- Tasbeeh
(praise)5 ;&'bhaana rabbiyal aala= 2Glory to y %ord, the Most Hi!h4, $,5, or .
#/. %ow, read Tashahhud (testi+yin-)5
;Attahiyyaat' lillahi wass-salawaat' wath-thayyibaat', assalam' alaika ayy'han-
nabiyy' wa rahamt'llahi wa barakaat'h', as-salaam' alainaa wa alaa ibaadilla
hiss-saaliheen, ash-had' allaa ilaha illallah' wa ash-had' anna M'hammadan
abd'h' wa rasool'h0=
2All res<ect, =orshi< and all !lory is due to Allah alone. Peace 8e u<on you,
L Pro<het, and the Mercy and Blessin!s of Allah 8e u<on you. Peace 8e on
us and on those =ho are the ri!hteous ser0ants of Allah. 6 testify that there
is no one =orthy of =orshi< eIce<t Allah, and 6 testify that Muhaad
2sallalaahu alaihi =a salla4 is His Ser0ant and Messen!er4.
%ote5 =hen you read the =ords Mash-hadu al-laa ilaha illalahuN, and coe
u< to the =ord MlaaN in the )ashahhud, =hilst Eee<in! the ri!ht hand on the
Enee, you should make a circle with the thumb and middle finger, and also
making a circle with the finger neBt to it, and the small finger of the right
hand. Then raise the indeB finder up as you say laa/ and drop the finger
when you reach the word illallah/. &hy you do this is 8ecause you are
stressin! that Mthere is none =orthy of =orshi< eIce<t AllahN.
#.. A+ter Tashahhud, i+ you ha9e to 7omplete ? or 0 3a$aats, then you must -et up
a+ter sayin- the words in Tashahhud Mash-had' allaa ilaha illallah' wa ash-
had' anna M'hammadan abd'h' wa rasool'h=0 6f you are <erforin! a # RaEat
<rayer, then you ust co<lete the <rayer as 8elo= > ste<s #$ to #/.
#A. %ow read &urood Sharee+ (Salaam2-reetin-s to the Holy Prophet s.a.w.)5
;Allah'mma salli alaa M'hammadin wa alaa aali M'hammadin kamaa sallaita
alaa Ibraheema wa alaa aali Ibraheema innaka hameed'n ma9eed= 2L AllahK
Sho=er Qour Blessin!s on Muhaad 2sallalaahu alaihi =a salla4 and the faily
of Muhaad 2sallalaahu alaihi =a salla4 :ust as Qou sho=ered Qour Blessin!s
on 68rahee 2alaihis-salaa4 and the faily of 68rahee 2alaihis-salaa4.
Certainly, Qou alone are =orthy of <raise and are Glorious4.

;Allah'mma baarik alaa M'hammadin wa alaa aali M'hammadin,
kamaa baarakta alaa Ibraheema wa alaa aali Ibraheema innaka
hameed'n ma9eed=
2L AllahK Bless Muhaad 2sallalaahu alaihi =a salla4 and the faily
of Muhaad 2sallalaahu alaihi =a salla4 :ust as Qou Blessed 68rahee
2alaihis-salaa4 and the faily of 68rahee 2alaihis-salaa4. Certainly,
Qou alone are =orthy of <raise and are Glorious4.
#9. Then say the &ua
;2abbi9-alnee m'Ceemas-salaati wa min >'rriyyatee, rabbanaa wata Cabbal
d'aa, rabbanagh-fir-lee wali waali dayya wa lil m'7mineena yawma yaCoom'l
hisaab= 2L y %ordK MaEe y children and yself re!ular in Salah. L our %ordK
Acce<t y <rayer. L our %ordK "or!i0e e. "or!i0e y <arents and all other
Muslis on the Fay of 9ud!eentN4.
)r this &ua5
$,. Tasleem (Salaam)5 >inally, 7omplete the Salah by sayin- Salaam to your ri-ht
and le+t5
;Assalaam' alaik'm wa rahmat'llah=
2May the Peace and Mercy of Allah 8e u<on you4
)his is the correct =ay to <erfor Salah. &hen you are <erforin! the "riday 9u@ah
Prayer, the "ardh of Eid Prayer, the )ara=ih Prayer, any ;afl Prayer, eIce<t the 9anaBah
Prayer, you <erfor all these <rayers in the anner descri8ed a8o0e 2ste<s 3-#/. )he
=ay of <rayin! the 9u@ah, )ara=ih, Eid, 9anaBah is eI<lained in Cha<ter + and ;afl
Salah is descri8ed in Cha<ter 5.
=.. &;A A%& KI3 A>T'3 P3AF'3
6t is 6Masnoon7 2acts sho=n 8y the Holy Pro<het 2s.a.=.4 > accordin! to his
SunnahD<ractice4 to say any Fua and to do any GiEr after co<letin! one@s Salah. Allah
has declared and coanded us in the Holy ?ur@an in +D3,$:
M&hen you ha0e finished the <rayer, ree8er AllahN.
Qou can read any Fuas fro the Holy ?ur@an and the Ahadith of Sayyiduna
Rasoolullah 2s.a.=.4. 6t is also the Sunnah of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah 2s.a.=.4 to do the
6Istighfar7 2asEin! Allah@s for!i0eness4 three ties after each Salah, then
to read the ?alimaBArticle of Faith ;)a ilaaha illallah= three ties,
and also to read the 6Tasbeehat-e-Fatima7 - the )as8eeh GiEr of +a>rat Fatima Al-
8ahra, may Allah be pleased with her, 8y countin! on a <rayer 8ead 2)as8ih4 or on
one@s fin!ers sayin!: ;&'bhaan-Allah= 2Glory 8e to Allah4 $$ ties,
;Alhamd'-lillah= 2Praise 8e to Allah4 $$ ties, and ;Allah'
Akbar= 2Allah is Most Great4 $+ ties.
Here are a t=o Fuas that can 8e learnt easily 2one should try to learn as any Fuas as
;Allah'mma antas-salaam' wa minkas-salaam' wa ilaika yar9i's-salaam,
hayyinaa rabbanaa bis-salaami wa adkhilnaa daaras-salaam, tabaarakta
rabbanaa wata aalaita yaa >al-9alaali wal-ikraam=0
2L AllahK Qou are the Gi0er of Peace, and <eace is fro Qou and Peace
returns to Qou. L our %ordK (ee< us ali0e in Peace and enter us in to the
House of Peace. Qou are the Most Blessed and the Most Po=erful and the
Most Great.4
;2abbanaa aatinaa fidd'nyaa hasanatan wa fil-aakhirati hasanatan wa-
Cinaa a>aaban-naar=.
2L our %ordK &e seeE !oodness fro Qou in this =orld and the Hereafter and
safety fro the <unishent of Hell4.
(HAPT'3 05 P3AF'3S :'SI&'S TH' &AIDF SADAH !
A%& H)J T) P'3>)3M TH'M
=. TH' N;M;AH2N;MAH (>3I&AF) P3AF'3
)he Friday F'm'ahBF'm7ah &alah is Fardh 2o8li!atory4 on all adult Muslis, =ho
are free, of !ood health, of !ood ind, and is not a tra0eller. Althou!h it is not
o8li!atory on Musli &oen, they are <eritted to attend this <rayer at the Mas9id
2MosHue4. )he condition is that they =ear <ro<er 6+i9ab@ 2co0erin! of the head and
8ody4, a se<arate roo =ith &udhu facility is a0aila8le, and that there is a se<arate
entrance and eIit door for the, so that en cannot looE at =oen.
There are some conditions for offering the Friday (rayer as follows!
)he 9uuah Salah is lead 8y an 6a in 9aaat 2con!re!ation4, you cannot
<erfor it 8y yourself.
6n order to <erfor the 9uuah Salah, it is necessary to ha0e at least four <eo<le
to for the 9aaat includin! the 6a.
)o !i0e a (hut8a 2seron4 first and then to offer the "ardh <rayer =ith 9aaat.
)he 9uuah Salah ust 8e offered in a city or a to=n.
)he 9uuah Salah cannot 8e offered in a 0illa!e. 6f a 0illa!e is re!arded as
ha0in! a central status =ith the facilities of a to=n, then you can <erfor the
9uuah Salah in it.
;ot to <ray the 9uuah Salah a sall Mas:id > it ust 8e in a MarEaBi 2central4
)o <erfor the 9uuah Salah at the tie of Gohr.
)o <erfor the 9uuah Salah in <u8lic, =ith <erission and =here e0eryone
can attend the <rayer easily.
H)J T) P'3>)3M TH' N;M;AH P3AF'3
)he 6a first of all sits on the Minbar "('lpit$ and the MueBBin calls the ABaan.
)hen the 6a deli0ers his s<eech or (hut8a 2seron4 in the counity lan!ua!e
2understanda8le to e0ery8ody in the 9aaat4. )hen the con!re!ation offers four
RaEaats of Sunnah MuaEEadah indi0idually. )hen the ABaan is read 8efore the 6a
!i0es his J(hut8a-e-Masnoonah@ in Ara8ic 2e0ery8ody should listen to the (hut8a
Huietly and not offer any ;afl <rayer4. )hen the # "ardh of 9uuah Salah is <erfored
in con!re!ation after 6HaahD)aE8ir. Lnce the # "ardh are co<leted, the 6a recites
Fuas. )hen the MuHtadis 2<eo<le follo=in! the 6a4 can co<lete their Sunnah
<rayers 8y thesel0es and after that, they are free to !o a8out their 8usiness.
)he 9uuah Salah is offered in 9aaat at the tie of Guhr Salah. Furin! the 9uuah
Salah you do not <erfor the + "ardh RaEaats of Guhr <rayerO instead, the # "ardh
RaEaat are <rayed in <lace of the + "ardh of Guhr. )he other RaEaats of Guhr are
offered as noral in Guhr <rayer. 6f you iss the "riday Prayer, then you cannot re<eat
8y doin! %=a:a("atonement), instead you =ill ha0e to <ray Guhr Salah.
Summary o+ Numuah Salah5
ABaan is read to announce the tie of 9uuah and (hut8a =hilst the 6a is
6a does a s<eech in the counity lan!ua!e.
Lffer the + RaEaat of Sunnah MuaEEadah 8y yourself.
ABaan is read 8efore (hut8a.
6a then reads the (hut8a in Ara8ic in t=o <arts.
# "ardh of 9uuah Salah offered =ith the 6a.
+ Sunnah MuaEEadah 28y yourself4.
# Sunnah MuaEEadah 28y yourself4
# ;afl 28y yourself4
Salah ends =ith Fua.
$3. TH' SADAT;D#'I&AI% 1 'I& P3AF'3
)he 4id &alah is <erfored in 9aaat on the 4idain 2t=o Eids4: 4id-'l-Fitr 2after the
6slaic onth of Raadan, on co<letin! their one onth of fastin!4, and on the 4id-
'l-A>ha 2after the Ha:: in the Month of Gul-Ha::4. )hese are oents of !reat
cele8ration and ree8rance for Muslis, =hen they <raise and thanE Allah the
Ali!hty 8y offerin! Eid Salah =ith 9aaat. Ln the occasions of Eid, Muslis attend
to their <ersonal hy!iene accordin! to the Sunnah, =hich they do re!ularly, 8y ha0in!
the hair cut 2ales4, cuttin! the nails, taEin! a 8athDsho=er, doin! Mis=aaE 28rushin!
the teeth =ith a tooth8rush or the t=i! of the AraE tree4, a<<ly <erfue, =ear their 8est
clothes, and ha0e soe s=eet food.
How to Pray the Salat#ul#'idain
&alat-'l-4idain is <erfored in a anner siilar to the 9uuah Salah =ith a (hut8a
and # RaEaats of <rayer. )here is no ABaan or 6Haaah for the Eid Salah. 6n the Eid
Salah you <erfor =ith 9aaat the # RaEaats of either Eid-ul-"itr or Eid-ul-ABhaa first.
)hen the 6a reads the (hut8a in Ara8ic and after that, the <rayer ends =ith Fua. 6n
# RaEaats of Eid Prayer, you ha0e siI eItra )aE8ir 2Allahu AE8ar4 to say, three in the
first RaEat and three in the second RaEaat. )he ethod of <rayin! Eid Salah is thus:
3. )he 6a says the )aE8eer-e-)ahria 2first )aE8ir4 loudly and the <eo<le
in the 9aaat also say this silently 8y raisin! the hands to the ears.
#. )hen you fold the hands and read the Sanaa 2MSu8haanaE-Allahua =a8i
$. ;eIt, the 6a says out three )aE8ir loudly =ith short <auses, and the
MuHtadis 2follo=ers4 should also say it, 8ut silently. After each )aE8ir, the
6a and MuHtadis 8oth raise their hands to the ears and dro< the 8y their
sides. After the third )aE8ir, the 6a and MuHtadis fold their hands.
+. )hen the 6a recites Surah Al-"atihah and any 0erses and the MuHtadis
should listen to the 6a@s recitation. After this, the 6a and follo=ers do
the RuEu and Su:ood as in the daily <rayers, and then !et u< to co<lete the
second RaEat.
5. 6n the second RaEat, the 6a a!ain recites Surah Al-"atihah and any
/. After the recitation of Al-"atiha and 0erses, the 6a says three )aE8ir
loudly, raisin! the hands to the ears, and dro<<in! the to the sides. )he
MuHtadis should do the sae. After the third )aE8ir, the 6a =ill say the
fourth )aE8ir for the RuEu and instead of foldin! the hands, you should !o
strai!ht into the RuEu <osition, then do the Sa:dah, and co<lete the <rayer
as noral =ith )ashahhud, Furood, and Fua.
.. "inally, the 6a =ill finish off the Eid Salah 8y readin! the (hut8a in
Ara8ic and endin! =ith Fuas.
Ta$bir o+ 'id
&hen settin! off to the Mas:id for Eid Salah, it is Sunnah to !o 8y foot and to return
hoe 8y another =ay, and also to re<eat the =ords of 4id Takbeer: Allaahu akbar
Allaahu akbar, laa ilaah illallahu wallaahu akbar, allaahu akbar wa lillaahil>hamd/ -
Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest, there is no !od 8ut Allah, and Allah is the
Greatest, and all <raise is for Allah alone. Ree8er that in the Month of Gul-Ha::,
this )aE8ir called 6Takbir-e-Tashreek7 should 8e read out loudly three ties, 8ut once
is essential, after the "a:r Salah on the 9
Gul-Ha:: and u< to the Asr Salah on the 3$
Gul-Ha:: 2the days of Ayya-e-)ashreeE4.
Tarawih &alah, 8ein! 0unnah !uakkadah, is <erfored in 9aaat durin! the Month of
Raadhan. 6t is offered at the tie of the 6sha Salah, after the co<letin! the <rayers
of + "ardh, # Sunnah and # ;afl, 8ut 8efore the &itr. Furin! the )ara=ih Salah, it is
the intention of the 6aDHafiBD?ari to co<lete the recitation of the Holy ?ur@an o0er
#9 or $, days of Raadhan.
)he )ara=ih Salah consists of #, RaEaats and it is offered in # RaEaats and <rayed :ust
liEe the # RaEaat of Sunnah or ;afl <rayer. After e0ery four RaEaats, the 6a and
MuHtadis taEe a short rest in 8et=een the )ara=ih <rayer and recite the Tasbeeh of
Tarawih 2see o0erleaf4. Ree8er that if you iss the + "ardh of 6sha you cannot start
the )ara=ih <rayer. Qou =ould ha0e to <ray the + "ardh alone or <ray in 9aaat =ith
soe other <erson at a <lace se<arate fro =here the )ara=ih 9aaat is 8ein!
<erfored. Also, note that in Raadhan, the &itr Salah is offered in 9aaat, so if you
iss the "ardh of 6sha, then you ha0e to <ray 8oth the "ardh and &itr alone 2or <ray in
9aaat =ith another <erson and a=ay fro the actual )ara=ih 9aaat4.
)he Tasbeeh Tarawih should 8e learnt and eorised. 'sually, in any MosHues, a
chart containin! the )as8eeh )ara=ih is dis<layed on the =all for the 8enefit of those
=ho do not Eno= the )as8eeh and this is hel<ful to such <eo<le.
;&'bhaana >il-m'lki wal-malakoot, s'bhaana>il-i>>i wal-a>mati wal-heibati wal-
C'drati wal-kibriyaai wal-9abaroot, s'bhaanal malikil hayyilla>ee laa yanaam' wa
laa yamoot', s'bbooh'n C'ddoos'n rabb'naa wa rabb'l malaaikati warrooh,
Allah'mma a9irnaa minannari, yaa m'9eer', yaa m'9eer'0 Ass-salaat' wassalaam'
alaa &ayyidana 2asool'llah0=
)ranslation of )as8eeh )ara=ih:
2Glory 8e to Hi, to &ho 8elon!s the (in!do and the So0erei!nty. Glory 8e to
Hi to &ho 8elon!s all honour and all the 8ounty and all a=e and all !reatness and
all <o=er, and all di!nity and all authority. Glory 8e to Hi &ho is the (in!, E0er-
li0in!, &ho does not slee< and death does not o0ertaEes Hi. He is the A8solutely
Pure, the All-Holy. He is our %ord as =ell as the %ord of the An!els, and the %ord of
the S<irits. L AllahK Protect us fro the "ire of Hell. L ProtectorK L ProtectorK
Peace and Salaa 8e u<on our Master Rasoolullah, HaBrat Muhaad, Sallallahu
alaihi =a salla4.
0. TH' NA%AKA (>;%'3AD) P3AF'3
&hen a Musli dies a Fana>ah &alah "F'neral (rayer$ is <erfored 8efore 8uryin!
hiDher. )he 6a and a fe= <eo<le offer the 9anaBah Salah 28ut e0en one <erson
a<art fro the 6a =ould 8e sufficient for fulfillin! this duty4. Holdin! a 9aaat is
not reHuired for 9anaBah Salah. 9anaBah Salah is called 6Fardh-e-?ifaayah7, =hich
eans that soe Muslis fro the counity should offer this <rayer. 6f soe <eo<le
cannot attend the <rayer, then they =ill 8e eIcused or free fro this res<onsi8ility >
6,ari-'>-8immah7. &hereas, if no8ody offers the <rayer, then the Muslis li0in! in
the to=n =ill 8e sinful in ne!lectin! their o8li!atory duty. )he <rayer should not 8e
offered in a Mas:id unless under eItree difficulties.
@ana:ah 0alah cannot be performed for a group of people such as$
A hi!h=ay ro88er that dies =hen ro88in! soe8ody.
A urderer.
A <erson =ho has coitted suicide.
A <erson =ho has urdered his <arents.
A <erson =ho dies =hilst fi!htin! =ith an 6a or Scholar of 6sla.
A child 8orn dead.
"or these <eo<le, you cannot =ash their 8odies or do the 9anaBah for the 8ut to thro=
their 8odies in a !ra0e. 6f a 6&haheed7 "Martyr$ has died fi!htin! in 9ihad his 8ody =ill
not 8e =ashed. He =ill 8e !i0en the !reatest res<ect 8y offerin! a <ro<er 9anaBah Salah
and a 8urial. &hen there a nu8er of Martyrs 2Shuhadaa4, then one 9anaBah Salah =ill
8e sufficient for the, althou!h se<arate <rayers can 8e offered for the.
How to Pray Nana4ah Salah
)here is no ABaan, 6Haaah, or any RaEaats, RuEu or Su:ood in the 9anaBah Salah.
"irst of all, the 6a and the <eo<le in the con!re!ation should ensure that the =ashed
8ody of the dead <erson 2deceased4 is <resent, as you cannot do the 9anaBah Salah
=ithout the 8ody. )he 6a should ensure that an odd nu8er of 6&aff7 2ro=sDlines4
are ade 8y the MuHtadis 2<eo<le <rayin! 8ehind the 6a4 > $, 5, ., etc. nu8er of
ro=s. )he 8ody of the deceased should 8e <laced at the front =here the 6a usually
stands to lead the <rayer. )he 6a should stand near the deceased@s chest. )he 8ody
should 8e <laced in such a =ay that the head is at the ri!ht side and the feet facin! to
one@s left side. 6t is !ustahab 2<referred4 that the deceased@s head is turned to=ards the
&hen the 8ody is <resent, and the 6a and his MuHtadis ha0e ade the Saff in odd
nu8ers, then the 9anaBah Salaat can 8e!in.
1. )he 9iyyah "intention) for the <rayer is: M6 intend to <ray 9anaBah Salah =ith
four )aE8irs, Sanaa 2Praise4 is for Allah, Furood for Pro<het Muhaad
2<.8.u.h.4, and Fua for the deceased, 8ehind this 6a, 6 a facin! the
?i8la, Allahu AE8ar.N
2. Then the mam says Allahu Akbar/ aloud and folds his hands 8elo= the
na0el - the MuHtadis should do also say the )aE8ir silently and fold their
hands in the <ro<er anner.
3. Then you recite the 0anaa silently with the mam$ 0ubhanak>Allah humma
wabi hamdika watabaraka kasmuka wata aala #adduka wa #alla thanauka
walaa ilaha ghairuk/ 2All Glory 8e to Qou L AllahK Praise 8e to QouO
Blessed is Qour ;ae and EIalted is Qour Ma:estyO there is none =orthy of
=orshi< eIce<t Qou4.
+. 9eBt, the mam will say the first eBtra Takbir ;Allah' Akbar= > Eee<in!
your hands folded, you also say the )aE8ir.
5. Then, after the mam(s second Takbir, you recite ?urood on the 5rophet
"p.b.u.h.)$ ;Allah'mma salli alaa M'hammadin wa alaa aali
M'hammadin kamaa sallaita alaa Ibraheema wa alaa aali Ibraheema
innaka hameed'n ma9eed=
;Allah'mma baarik alaa M'hammadin wa alaa aali M'hammadin,
kamaa baarakta alaa Ibraheema wa alaa aali Ibraheema innaka
hameed'n ma9eed=
/. Then after the mam(s third Takbir, you recite the ?ua for the deceased > see
8elo= for the Fuas for adults and children.
.. )inally, the mam says the fourth Takbir and 0alaam$ MAssalau alaiEu
=a rahatullai =a 8araEtaatuh.N 2May the <eace and ercy of Allah 8e
u<on you4.
After the 9anaBah Salah, the Saff 2ro=s4 are 8roEen u<, the 9aaat 2con!re!ation4 do
the 8ikr of &hahadah > M%aa ilaaha illallahN, and the 6a <rays =ith the <eo<le for
the deceased. )he Fatiha is recited =ith &'rah Al-Ikhlas, for the CIsaal#e#Sawaab
2i.e. sendin! of re=ards4 of the deceased. )his 8enefits the dead <erson 0ery uch. &e
also con0ey our Ta7>iyyah 2condolences, sorro= and su<<ort of cofort4 to the
relati0es of the deceased, as it is the Sunnah of Rasoolullah 2s.a.=.4. Ho=e0er, the
relati0es of the deceased ust not oan, =ail, screa, or tear their clothes, 8ecause it is
HaraaDfor8idden and contrary to the Shariah.
&;A >)3 A% A&;DT MAD'2>'MAD' M;SDIM
)his is the Fua for an adult Musli =hether a ale or a feale:
;Allah'mmagh-firli hayyinaa wa mayyitinaa wa shaahidinaa wa ghaaibinaa wa
sagheerina wa kabeerinaa wa >akarinaa wa 'nsaanaa, Allah'mma man ahyaitah'
minnaa, fa-ahyihi alal-islaam, wa man tawaffaitah' fatawaffah' alal-eemaan0
Allah'mma la tahrimnaa a9rah' wala taftina ba7dah'0=
L AllahK "or!i0e our li0in! and our dead, our <resent and our a8sent, our youn! and
our old, and our ales and our feales. L AllahK Gi0e to those of us =ho are li0in!
the a8ility to li0e in the <ractice of 6sla, and 8less those fro us =ho eet =ith death
in a condition of 6an 2faith4. L AllahK Fo not de<ri0e us of his re=ard and do not
aEe us fall into trial after hi.
&;A >)3 A :)F
;Allah'mma9-alh' lanaa faratan wa9-alh' lanaa a9ran wa >'khran wa9-alh' lanaa
shaafian wa m'shaffa7a0=
2L AllahK MaEe hi our forerunner, and aEe hi for us a re=ard and a treasure, and
aEe hi for us a <leader and an intercessor, and acce<t his <leadin!.N
&;A >)3 A PI3D
;Allah'mma9-alha lanaa faratan wa9-alha lanaa a9ran wa >'khran wa9-alha lanaa
shaafian wa m'shaffa7ah0=
2L AllahK MaEe her our forerunner, and aEe her for us a re=ard and a treasure, and
aEe her for us a <leader and an intercessor, and acce<t her <leadin!.4
6. TH' M;SAA>I3S (T3AE'DD'3S) P3AF'3
A M'saafir "Traveller$ is a <erson =ho has left his noral <lace of residence and has
set off on a :ourney of at least +A miles fro his hoe and has the intention of 8ein!
a=ay fro hoe for u< to $ days and less than 35 days. 6f soe Musli !oes tra0els
on a :ourney of +A iles or ore, then he has to reduce the number of the )ardh
.akaats of the 1ohr, Asr and sha prayers to C .akaats, this is called ;Easr=. "or
eIa<le, in the Gohr, Asr, and 6sha <rayers, =here you =ould <erfor any four Sunnah
or "ardh <rayer, you =ould ha0e to reduce the to # RaEaats. )he "a:r, Ma!hri8, &itr
and the Sunnah and ;afl <rayers =ill reain the sae. Qou are a tra0eller as lon! as
you stay a=ay fro hoe and do not stay any=here for lon!er than 35 daysO other=ise
you ha0e to offer co<lete <rayers.
Some 3ules (Musaa+irs Prayer)5
%iyyah o+ Salah
&here you do the intention of any Salah and =ish to do ?asr, then you ust say in the
;iyyah the =ord ?asr after the nae of the <rayer and the nu8er of RaEaats. 6f 8y
istaEe you say + RaEaats instead of #, and =hen you sit in ?a@dah 2after #
then you should !et u< and co<lete another # RaEaats and then do the Sa:dah-e-Sah=
2<rostration of for!etfulness4. 6n this case you =ill ha0e <erfored the first t=o
RaEaats <ro<erly for the Salah and your other t=o RaEaats =ill 8ecoe ;afl or eItra.
6f you intentionally aEe the ;iyyah of + RaEaats rather than t=o, then it =ill 8e a sin
and you ust re<ent to Allah for for!i0eness 8y doin! 6sti!hfaar, and then re<eat the
;iyyah a!ain.
Prayin- :ehind A 3esident Imam (Muqeem)
6f a tra0eller <rayers 8ehind a resident mam 2i.e. the to=n =here the 6a li0es is not
your hoe4, then you =ould ha0e to co<lete four RaEaats 8ehind hi and you do not
do ?asr.
Tra9eller Deadin- The Prayer
&here a tra0eller 8ecoes the 6a and leads the Salah of his fello= tra0ellers, then
he =ould do ?asr of RaEaats. 6f a tra0eller 8ecoes the 6a of those =ho are
resident in a to=n, then he =ould only ha0e to <erfor t=o RaEaats and the
con!re!ation =ould ha0e to co<lete four RaEaats. )he tra0eller =ill sit for )ashahhud
and finish the <rayer after t=o RaEaats, =hereas the con!re!ation =ould !et u< and
co<lete another t=o RaEaats 2and not to recite Surah Al-"atihah and any other Surah
in the reainin! t=o RaEaats, 8ut to Eee< silent for as lon! as "atihah is usually read
and then co<lete the <rayer as noral4. But the tra0eller ust infor the <eo<le that
he is a Musaafir and that he has to do ?asr of <rayer.
Tra9ellin- >rom )ne (ity to Another
6f a tra0eller intends to tra0el fro one city to another and has the intention of stayin!
there less than 35 days then he should do ?asr of "ardh Salah. 6f he stays for ore than
35 days then he =ill ha0e to <erfor the <rayers fully and not do ?asr. 6f you iss
your <rayer durin! a :ourney then you ha0e to re<eat the as ?asr and ?aBa at your
destination and con0ersely, if you iss <rayers at hoe, you ust offer the durin! the
&hen tra0ellin! 8y car, or coach, etc., and it is the tie of Salah, it is 8etter to sto< the
car or the coach at a ser0ice, and then to <erfor the <rayer. 6f you fear that the tie of
Salah =ill finish 8y the tie you reach a ser0ice or your destination, then you can <ray
in the car, coach or train, 8y sittin! on the seats and only doin! the o0eents of
RuEuh and Su:ood =ith your head. )his is <eritted in 6sla 8ecause it is a natural
=ay of life that aEes e0erythin! <ossi8le and easy for huans.
8. GAKA (MISS'&) P3AF'3
&hen any Salah is <erfored after the a<<ointed ties it is called Ea>a &alah 2?aBa
eans to co<ensate or aEe !ood, or re<eat in the case of Salah4. Missin! the
<rayers =ithout any !ood reasons accordin! to the 6slaic %a= is a a:or sin. A <erson
=ho isses a <rayer, either =hilst tra0ellin! or due to soe other 0alid reason, has to
<erfor the ?aBa <rayer of the issed <rayer2s4 and re<ent to Allah.
)he ?aBa <rayer can 8e offered at any tie 8ut not durin! the MaErooh 2odious4 ties
2e.!. sunrise, sunset or declinin! of the sun4. Before one offers the ?aBa <rayer2s4,
heDshe ust offer the Adaa <rayer 2<rayer on tie4 and then the ?aBa. But if there is a
short tie left for the Adaa Salah, then it is necessary to offer the Adaa Salah first and
then to offer the ?aBa. Qou ust ree8er that ?aBa <rayer should 8e <erfored in
order, for instance, "a:r, Gohr, Asr, Ma!hri8, and finally 6sha. 6f the "a:r <rayer is
issed, then you ha0e to do the ?aBa of the "a:r Sunnah and "ardh after sunrise 8efore
idday, and only ?aBa of the "a:r "ardh after idday. 6f you ha0e issed the
9uuahD"riday Salah, then you cannot do it as ?aBaO instead you ha0e to offer the Gohr
Salaat as ?aBa.
<. MA3''KS P3AF'3 1 TH)S' JH) A3' IDD2&ISA:D'&
6sla is the 6Deen7 2=ay of life4 and the reli!ion of 6Fitrah7 2nature4. 6f a <erson is
se0erely ill, in:ured or is disa8led, then 6sla has <eritted hiDher to <ray to Allah the
Ali!hty in =hate0er anner <ossi8le =hether standin!, sittin!, or lyin! do=n. )he
correct for of Salah has 8een descri8ed in Cha<ter +.
If a person cannot perform a prayer by doing the 2'k', &'9ood and other
movements, then one can do it by standing alone0 Qou =ould ha0e to do the
o0eents of the Salah such as the RuEu and Su:ood 8y o0in! your head 8y JIshara7
2!estures4 :ust liEe the actual RuEu and Su:ood actions. &hen you ha0e reached the
<osition of )ashahhud, you =ould Eee< your hands 8y your sides and co<lete the
<rayer as noral u< to the Salaa.
Maree4s Prayer # >urther Points
&imilarly, if a person cannot do any movements d'e to an in9'ry to hisBher head, then
you =ould do the o0eents of RuEu and Su:ood 8y shara =ith your eyes if <ossi8le,
8y indicatin! the actions of RuEu and Su:ood 8y lo=erin! and raisin! the eyes, and
sittin! do=n or standin!, =hiche0er is con0enient.
1here a person cannot even perform the &alah in a standing position, then it is
<eritted to do it 8y sittin! on a chair or on the floor.
If somebody cannot perform the &alah either by standing or sitting, 8ecause heDshe is
se0erely ill, <aralysed or has in:uries, then it is <eritted to do the <rayer 8y lyin!
do=n on the floor or on a 8ed =ith the face and le!s in the direction of the ?i8lah.
Praise is to Allah, &ho has ade it easy for us to <erfor the Salah in these =aysK
6n this cha<ter, =e ha0e !i0en a short descri<tion of the different ty<es of 3afilah
Besides the 5-ties Faily Prayers, the 9uuah, 9anaBah, and Eidain <rayers, Muslis
also <erfor other <rayers that are s'perogatoryBoptionalBe.tra, called 63afl7 or
63afilah &alah7. These are prayers that were performed by the -oly 5rophet
!uhammad "p.b.u.h.) and his 2ompanions regularly but were not made obligatory for
his followers. 6f =e <erfor these ;afilah Salah, then =e shall !ain the 8lessin!s and
ercy of Allah in addition to the o8li!atory <rayers. 6f you =ish to <erfor any of
these <rayers then do not for!et to say the ;iyyah 2intention4 for the. 6t is also
i<ortant to <erfor these <rayers re!ularly, <articularly =here the <rayers of
6stiEharah, Haa:at and )au8ah are concerned.
)his is a # RaEaat <rayer <erfored after co<letin! the &udu 2a8lution4. )he re=ard
for this <rayer is that you =ill 8e !ranted entry to 9annah 2Hea0en4 and all your
<re0ious sins =ill 8e for!i0en.
)his is a # or + RaEaats <rayer <erfored after enterin! a Mas:id and 8efore sittin!
)his is a # RaEaats <rayer. After the "a:r <rayer you should do the GiEr 2ree8rance
of Allah4, and a8out t=enty inutes after sunrise, you can <erfor this <rayer until the
sun has reached a considera8le hei!ht. )his <rayer has any re=ards and you =ill !ain
the re=ard of <erforin! one Ha:: and 'rah.
)his <rayer is 0ery s<ecial and it consists of a iniu of # and a aIiu of 3#
RaEaats. )his <rayer can 8e <erfored =hen the sun has 8ri!htened u< and until
Ga=aal. )he <erson =ho <erfors this <rayer constantly =ill ha0e all hisDher sins
for!i0en 8y Allah and a <alace of !old =ill 8e 8uilt for hiDher in 9annah.
)his is a <rayer that consists of / to #, RaEaats and is <rayed after the Ma!hri8 Salah,
the re=ard for it 8ein! eHual to 3# years of ;afl <rayer.
Taha""ud 1 %i-ht Ei-il Prayer
)his <rayer has a iniu of # and a aIiu of 3# RaEaats and is <erfored
soetie after the 6sha Salah, =hen one !ets u< fro slee< to <ray the )aha::ud. )here
are any re=ards for this <rayer includin! 8rin!in! the <erson nearer to Allah, <rotects
hiDher fro sins and diseases, you =ill enter 9annah =ith !i0in! !uhasabah 2account,
ans=erin! to Allah@s Huestions4, and if <rayed re!ularly, you =ill 8e !i0en ro8es of
Hea0en to =ear and a =in!ed horse that =ill taEe you =here0er you =ish.
Tasbeeh 1 Prayer o+ Praisin- Allah
)his <rayer has + RaEaats and ay 8e <erfored at any tie and includin! the
MaErooh 2disliEed4 ties. )here are !reat re=ards for this <rayer, es<ecially that all
your <ast, <resent and future sins =ill 8e for!i0en, =hether sall or 8i!, intentional or
How to Per+orm the Tasbeeh Salah
(1)Say Takbir and then recite the Thana.
(2))hen say this Tasbeeh DE times: ;&'bhaan-Allahi wal-hamd' lillahi wa
laa ilaaha illallah' wallah' Akbar= 2Glory 8e to Allah and all Praise 8e to
Allah. )here is no !od 8ut Allah. Allah is the Greatest4.
(3))hen recite the Ta(awwu: 2AooBu-8illahi inash-shaitan-nirra:ee4 and
Tasmiyyah 2Bisillahir-rahan-irrahee4.
(4)Recite 0urah )atiha 2Alhadu lillahi ra88il-aalaeenR4 and another
0urah, and then say the Tasbeeh a!ain 3, ties.
(5);eIt !o into .uku and after sayin! the )as8eeh of RuEu, say the Tasbeeh
DF times.
(6))hen stand u< in =iyam fro RuEu and say the Tasbeeh DF times.
(7);eIt do first 0a#dah and after sayin! the )as8eeh, say the Tasbeeh DF
(8);o= say )aE8ir and in @alsah 2sittin! <osition4 say Tasbeeh DF times.
(9)Go into second 0a#dah, and after )as8eeh, say Tasbeeh DF times.
23,4 ;o= after sayin! Takbir stand u< for second .akat and say Tasbeeh DE
ties 8efore recitin! the "atiha.
2334 %ow 7ontinue as step (0) abo9e to step (B) and until you 7omplete +our
3a$aats and then +inish with Tashahhud, &urood, and &ua.
%ote5 Qou =ill ha0e read (aliah .5 ties in each RaEaat and $,, ties in all four RaEaats. 6t is
desira8le to recite these Surahs in each RaEaat in this order: Al-)haEathur, Al-Asr, Al-(afiroon, and Al-
6Ehlaas. A HafiB-e-?ur@an ou!ht to recite Surahs Al-Hadeed, Al-Hashr, As-Saff, and At-)a!haa8un.
Isti$haarah 1 Prayer +or Puidan7e +rom Allah
Istikhaarah eans seeEin! or asEin! !oodD!uidance fro Allah. 6f you =ant to aEe
an i<ortant decision 8ut are you are not sure a8out it, then you turn to Allah for
!uidance, as only He Eno=s =hat is 8est for you. )his is a # RaEaats <rayer and it is
<erfored :ust 8efore !oin! to slee<.
How to per+orm Isti$haarah
234 6n the first RaEat, recite the )hana, )a@a==uB, )asiyyah, Surah Al-"atiha,
and Surah Al-(afiroon 2?ul Qaa Ayyuhal-EafiroonR4.
2#4 6n the second RaEat, recite after Surah Al-"atiha, Surah Al-6Ehlaas 2?ul
Hu=al laahu ahadR4, and then co<lete the <rayer as noral.
(3)After the <rayer, facin! the ?i8lah, asE Allah the Ali!hty for for!i0eness
8y recitin! stighfaar "Astaghfir>ullah/ > L Allah for!i0e e4 as any
ties <ossi8le and then send ?urood on the -oly 5rophet "p.b.u.h.).
(4))hen recite this stikhaarah ?ua$

MAllahua innee astaEheeruEa 8i-iliEa =a astaHdiruEa 8i-HudratiEa =a
as@aluEa in fadliEal aBee. "a innaEa taHdiru =a laa aHdiru =a ta@lau =a laa
a@alau =a anta allaaul-!huyoo8. Allahua in Eunta ta@alau anna haaBal-
ara Ehairullee fi deeni =a a@aa shee =a aaHi8atee aree =a aa:ilee aree =a
aa:ilihee faHdurhu lee =a yassirhu lee sua 8aariElee feehi. Allahua in
Eunta ta@lau anna haaBal-ara sharrul-lee fi deenee =a a@aashee =a
a@aHi8atee aree =a aa:ilee aree =a aa:ilihee fasrifhu annee =asrifnee anhu
=aHdur-liyal-Ehaira haiesu Eaana sua ardinee 8ihi.N
ML AllahK 6 asE you for the !ood =ith Qour (no=led!e, and 6 reHuest to ha0e
<o=er throu!h Qour Po=er, and 6 asE Qou for Qour Bounty, 8ecause Qou ha0e
Po=er and 6 do not ha0e it and Qou are All-(no=in! =hile 6 do not ha0e any,
and Qou Eno= 8est the in0isi8le. L AllahK 6f Qou Eno= this thin! 2=hich 6
intend doin!4 is !ood for y faith, for y li0elihood and for the ultiate
conseHuences, here and in the hereafter, of y affairs, then a<<oint it for e and
aEe it easy for e and aEe it a 8lessin! for e. L AllahK 6f Qou Eno= that
this thin! is 8ad for y faith, for y li0elihood, and for the final conseHuences,
here and in the Hereafter, of y affairs, then turn e a=ay fro it, and a<<oint
for e the !ood =here0er it ay 8e and, then aEe e <leased =ith it.N
(5)&hen you reach the =ords MHaaBal-arN, you should aEe ;iyyah or say
the atter for =hich you are aEin! the 6stiEhaarah.
2/4 %astly, recite the Furood and !o to 8ed in the condition of &udhu, if
<ossi8le facin! ?i8lah.
3esults5 f you see a dream in which you see something white or green then it means
that what you intend to do is good for you. 2onversely, if you see something red or
black then you should keep away from your decision or action. Also, if you are inclined
towards doing your intention, this is sign that the action is good for you. t is best to
offer this prayer several times until you get a clear guidance.
Taubah 1 Prayer o+ 3epentan7e2>or-i9eness
)his <rayer has # RaEaats and it is <erfored =hen you coit a sin. 6f you <erfor
this <rayer sincerely Allah =ill for!i0e your sins, 6nsha-Allah.
Haa"at 1 Prayer o+ %eed
)his <rayer consists of # RaEaats and it is <erfored =hen you are in a difficulty or in
need of soethin! Halaal 2<eritted4. 6nsha-Allah, after <erforin! this <rayer, your
needs =ill 8e fulfilled.
How to Per+orm Salat#ul#Haa"at
"irst of all, you <erfor Salat-ul-Haa:at as a noral # RaEaat <rayer, and then do GiEr
and recite Furood. )here are t=o or three Fuas that you can read 8ut here is a short
and co<rehensi0e one for recitation. )he D'a for &alat-'l-+aa9at is as follows!
MAllahua innee asaluEa =a ata-=a::ahu ilaiEa 8i-na8iyyiEa Muhaadin-na8iyyir-
rahah 2sallalaahu alaihi =a salla4. Qaa Rasoolallahi 2sallalaahu alaihi =a salla4.
6nnee Had ta=a:-:ahtu 8iEa ilaa ra88ee fee haa:atee haaBihi lituHdaa lee. Allahua
fashaf-fi@hu fiyya.N
L AllahK 6 8e! of Qou and turn to Qou throu!h Qour Pro<het, HaBrat Muhaad
2sallalaahu alaihi =a salla4 =ho is a erciful Pro<het. L Pro<het of AllahK 6 ha0e
turned y attention to y Ra88 2,ord4 throu!h you for this need so that it ay 8e
fulfilled. L AllahK Acce<t this intercession on y 8ehalf.
Sa+ar 1 Prayer +or Tra9ellin-
)his <rayer has # RaEaats and it is said 8efore settin! off on a :ourney and # RaEaats in
a Mas:id 8efore returnin! hoe. &ith the Grace of Allah your :ourney =ill 8e
co<leted safely and easily.
hau+ 1 Prayer o+ >ear
)his is also a # RaEaat <rayer. &hen you fear soethin!, such as an earthHuaEe,
faine, drou!ht, etc, <erfor this <rayer 8ecause Allah =ill 8less you =ith <eace and
Istisqaa 1 Prayer +or 3ain
&hene0er drou!ht occurs =here you li0e or any=here on the earth, then <erfor #
RaEaats of Salatul-6stisHaa =ith 9aaat. 6nsha-Allah there =ill 8e <lenty rainfall.
usoo+ 1 Prayer on Seein- '7lipse o+ Sun
&hen the ecli<se of the sun occurs then you ou!ht to <erfor # RaEaats of (usoof
husoo+ 1 Prayer on Seein- '7lipse o+ Moon
&hen the ecli<se of the oon occurs then you ou!ht to <erfor # RaEaats of (husoof
(HAPT'3 85 AA&A: ('TIG;'TT'S2MA%%'3S)
)> TH' M)SG;'
&hen you enter the Mas:id, you ust res<ect its sanctity and sacredness 8y o8ser0in!
certain rules as follo=s. )hese rules for the res<ect of the Mas:id are for 8oth ales
and feales, and are es<ecially aied at children. Please a8ide 8y these rules.
=. &3'SS P3)P'3DF >)3 TH' MASNI& (M)SG;')5
Males: co0er your heads, no t-shirts to 8e =orn as a ha8it in the
Mas:id 2if shirt etc is not a0aila8le, then the ars can 8e 8are u< to
the el8o=s4
"eales: co0er your heads =ith a lon! scarf
Males 7 feales: =ear clean and a<<ro<riate clothesO also =ear
clean socEs 7 shoes.
.. :'>)3' '%T'3I%P TH' MASNI&5
Say the Fua: 6ismillaahi Allahumma salli ala !uhammad,
Allahummaftahli abwaaba rahmatika./
26n the ;ae of Allah, L AllahK Besto= 8lessin!s on Sayyiduna
Muhaad 2s.a.=.4, L AllahK L<en for e the doors of Qour Mercy.4
Enter =ith the ri!ht foot in the door.
?. JH'% I%SI&' TH' MASNI&5
&alE Huietly and in huility
;o runnin!
;o shoutin! or aEin! any noise 2e.!. lau!hin! loudly4
Sit do=n Huietly for the Salah 2<rayer4 or for your class
Fo not talE a8out useless thin!s, =orldly atters and !ossi< 2talE
a8out 6slaDreli!ious affairs and your lessons only4.
0. &;3I%P TH' SADAH5
Fo not looE around, do not talE, =his<er, lau!h, <ushDnud!e anyone
28ecause your Salah =ill 8e 8roEen and you =ill ha0e to start a!ain4.
6. &;3I%P F);3 (DASS D'SS)%S5
At the 8e!innin! of the class, say Salaa "Assalamu alaikum wa
rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu/4 to your 'staB 2teacher4, any elders,
and your class ates
Res<ect your 'staB and elders in the Mas:id and o8ey =hat they say
Fo not cause distur8ance or talE to each other =hen your 'staB is
Res<ect each other: do not s=ear, a8use, insult or :oEe at each other.
8. A>T'3 F);3 D'SS)%S HAE' '%&'&5
)idy u< the class roo, <rayer area, and <icE u< any litter and <ut in
the 8in
Strai!hten u< the ta8les and chairs and <ut a=ay any 8ooEs in the
8ooE shel0es
Say Salaa to your 'staB and class ates
%earn your daily lessons at hoe.
<. TH' MASNI& T)ID'T A%& J;&H; PDA('5
&ear sli<<ers in the toilets > do not !o 8are-footed
Fo not cause any ess in the toiletD&udhu area - clean u< after use
Fo 6stin:a <ro<erly in the toilet 7 Eee< your clothes clean
Fo &udhu <ro<erly in the &udhu area
Fo not =aste =ater in the toilet or &udhu area
S=itch off li!hts in the toiletD&udhu area after use > aEe sure that
there is no8ody in the toilet or &udhu areas.
Say Salaa to your 'staB, friends, and elders in the Mas:id
)idy u< the class roos, <icE u< any ru88ish and <ut in the 8in
S=itch off any li!hts that are on 8efore !oin! out of the Mas:id
Before !oin! out of the Mas:id, <ut your left foot out of the door, and
then say the Fua:
Allahumma innee asaluka min fadhlika wa rahmatika/.
2L AllahK 6 seeE fro Qou, Qour Grace and Qour Mercy4
As Muslis =e constantly do the 8ikr "remembrance$ of Allah and aEe our 6an
2faithD8elief4 stron!er 8y recitin! the Holy ;aes of Allah. )he follo=in! Articles of
Faith are learnt and recited 8y Muslis fro an early a!e and read throu!hout one@s
life as an i<ortant <art of their 6an.
Islami7 (alli-raphy (writin-) o+ the Arti7le o+ >aith2Shahadah +ormin- the shape
o+ a man in Salah position5 ;)a ilaaha illalah' M'hammad'r-2asool'llahi= #
There is no -od but Allah, Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) is the Messen-er o+ Allah
Arti7le o+ >aith2Shahadah
Imaan Mu+assal (:elie+ in &etail)
Aamantu billahi wa malaaikatihi wa kutubihi wa rusulihi walyawmil aakhiri wal qadri
khairihi wa sharrihi minal>laahi ta(aala wal ba(thi ba(dal mawt.
M6 8elie0e in Allah and in His An!els and in His BooEs and in His Messen!ers and in
the %ast day and in the fact that e0erythin!, !ood or 8ad is decided 8y Allah the
Ali!hty, and in the %ife after Feath.N
Imaan Mu"mal (:elie+ in :rie+)
Aamanti billahi kama huwa bi asmaaihi wa sifaatihi wa qabiltu #ameea ahkaamihi
iqraarun billisaani wa tasdeequn bil>qalb.
M6 8elie0e in Allah 2as He is4 =ith all His ;aes and Attri8utes and 6 acce<t all His
Coands, 8y <led!in! to do the =ith y ton!ue and confir the =ith all y
)here are siI Articles of Faith "?almimaat$ and these should 8e learnt 8y heart and
recited re!ularly.
=. >irst alimah Tayyab (San7tity2Holiness)
,aa ilaaha illallahu !uhammadur .asoolullah
M)here is no !od 8ut Allah and Muhaad 2<eace 8e u<on hi4 is the Messen!er of
.. Se7ond alimah Shahaadat (Jitnessin-2'9iden7e)
Ashhadu allaa ilaaha illallahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu wa ashhadu anna
!uhammadan abduhu wa rasooluhu
M6 8ear =itness that there is no !od 8ut Allah, He is alone, He has no <artner, and 6 8ear
=itness that Muhaad 2<eace 8e u<on hi4 is His ser0ant and Messen!er.N
?. Third alimah Tam"eed (Plory o+ Allah)
0ubhaan allahi walhamdu lillaahi wa laa ilaaha illallahu wallahu akbar wala hawla
wala quwwata illa billaahil aliyyil a:eem.
MGlory 8e to Allah, All Praise 8e to Allah, there is none =orthy of =orshi< 8esides
Allah and Allah is the Greatest. )here is no <o=er and i!ht eIce<t fro Allah, the
Most Hi!h, the Great.N
0. >ourth alimah Tawheed (Praise o+ ;nity2)neness)
,aa ilaaha illallahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu yuhyee
wa yumeetu wa huwa hayyullaa yamootu abadan abada, :ul>#alali wal>ikraam,
biyadihil>khairbi yadihil>khair, wa huwa alaa kulli shai(in qadeer
M)here is none =orthy of =orshi< 8esides Allah &ho is alone. He has no <artner. "or
Hi is the (in!do, and for Hi is all <raise. He !i0es life and causes death and He is
e0er-li0in! and ne0er dies. 6n His hand is all !ood and He has <o=er o0er e0erythin!.N
6. >i+th alimah Isti-h+aar (3epentin-)
Astaghfirulaallaha rabbee min kulli :anmbin a:nabtuhu amadan aw khata(an sirran
aw alaa niyyatan wa atoobu ilaihi mina: :anmbilla:ee a(lamu wa mina: :ambilla:ee
laa a(lamu innaka anta allamul ghuyoobi wa sattaarral uyoobi wa ghaffaaru: :unoobi
wa laa hawla wa laa quwwata illa billahil aliyyil a:eem.
M6 seeE for!i0eness of Allah, y %ord, of all sins and istaEes, done intentionally or
un-intentionally, secretly or o<enly. And 6 re<ent to Hi for sins 6 Eno= of and also
sins that 6 a i!norant of, indeed Qou are the (no=er of all of the unseen, the Co0erer
of huan =eaEnesses and the "or!i0er of sins, and 6 ha0e no <o=er to sa0e yself
fro sinnin! and no <o=er to do !ood 8ut =ith the hel< of Allah, the Most Hi!h, the
Most Ele0ated.N
8. Si@th alimah 3add#I#u+r (3e"e7tion o+ &isbelie+)
Allahumma innee aoo:ubika min an ushrika bika shai(an wa ana a(lamu bihi wa
astaghfiruka limaa laa a(lamu bihi tubtu anhu wa tabarra(tu minal kufri wash>shirki
wal ki:bi wal gheebati wal bida(ti wan nameemati wal fawaahishi wal buhtaani wal
ma(aasee kullihaa wa aslamtu wa aqoolu laa ilaaha illallaahu !uhammadur
.asoolullahi "sallalaahu alaihi wa sallam).
ML AllahK 6 seeE <rotection =ith Qou fro intentionally associatin! any <artner =ith
Qou, 6 8e! Qour for!i0eness for the sins 6 a not a=are of. 6 re<ent for it and aEe
yself free of dis8elief and <olytheis TaEin! any <artner for AllahS, tellin! lies and
8acE8itin! and all the sins. 6 acce<t 6sla and 8elie0e and declare that there is no !od
8ut Allah and Muhaad 2sallalaahu alaihi =a salla4 is the Messen!er of Allah.N
Assala! ala"#! $a %a&a'!lla&" $a (a%a#a'!&!
)Ma* '&+ P+a,+- .l+ss"/0s a/1 M+%,* 23 Alla& (+ !42/ *2!5
6 6 6
I pay my infinite Hamd (praise) and thanks to Allahu Ta'ala, Who has
blessed me with this task of writing this book. ay Allah a!!ept this
humble effort in the propagation of the "een of Islam and guide all
uslims and non#uslims to unity in Islam. Ameen$
,I,)I-%2A(+< & F*2T+42

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