This document provides an overview of the key components and operating procedures of a thermal power station. It begins with an introduction to the power station, including details of the three boilers and three turbo-generator sets. Each boiler can generate steam at 160 T/hr at 165 kg/cm2 pressure and 540°C temperature. The document then discusses the salient features of the boilers such as multi-fuel firing capability, tiltable burners, and burner management system. It also describes the common headers that connect the boilers, turbines, and other equipment. The document outlines the general operating procedures and discusses various auxiliary systems like the deaeration, feedwater, boiler filling, hydrazine dosing, and air and fl
This document provides an overview of the key components and operating procedures of a thermal power station. It begins with an introduction to the power station, including details of the three boilers and three turbo-generator sets. Each boiler can generate steam at 160 T/hr at 165 kg/cm2 pressure and 540°C temperature. The document then discusses the salient features of the boilers such as multi-fuel firing capability, tiltable burners, and burner management system. It also describes the common headers that connect the boilers, turbines, and other equipment. The document outlines the general operating procedures and discusses various auxiliary systems like the deaeration, feedwater, boiler filling, hydrazine dosing, and air and fl
This document provides an overview of the key components and operating procedures of a thermal power station. It begins with an introduction to the power station, including details of the three boilers and three turbo-generator sets. Each boiler can generate steam at 160 T/hr at 165 kg/cm2 pressure and 540°C temperature. The document then discusses the salient features of the boilers such as multi-fuel firing capability, tiltable burners, and burner management system. It also describes the common headers that connect the boilers, turbines, and other equipment. The document outlines the general operating procedures and discusses various auxiliary systems like the deaeration, feedwater, boiler filling, hydrazine dosing, and air and fl
This document provides an overview of the key components and operating procedures of a thermal power station. It begins with an introduction to the power station, including details of the three boilers and three turbo-generator sets. Each boiler can generate steam at 160 T/hr at 165 kg/cm2 pressure and 540°C temperature. The document then discusses the salient features of the boilers such as multi-fuel firing capability, tiltable burners, and burner management system. It also describes the common headers that connect the boilers, turbines, and other equipment. The document outlines the general operating procedures and discusses various auxiliary systems like the deaeration, feedwater, boiler filling, hydrazine dosing, and air and fl
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01. Introduction and Salient Features of Thermal Power Station 1 02. Thermal Power Station -- its Function and Reliability 3 03. !ui"ments #etails of $oiler and its au%iliaries at & 'lance ( 0). 'eneral *"eratin+ Procedures 2, 0(. #eaeration System )0 0,. Feed -ater System ). 0/. $oiler Fillin+ ,2 0.. 0ydra1ine #osin+ ,) 02. 3or"holine #osin+ ,, 10. Phos"hate dosin+ ,. 11. &ir and Flue 'as System /0 12. Steam 4oil &ir Pre-0eater ./ 13. 5i+ht *il and I+nitor *il System .. 1). F* System 22 1(. Tracin+ Steam 101 1,. &tomisin+ Steam 102 1/. Fuel 'as System 103 1.. $urner 3ana+ement System 10/ 12. $oiler &utomatic 4ontrol loo" #escri"tions 111 20. Pre - commissionin+ 4hec6s 120 21. 7nit *"eration 8 shutdown Procedures 12. 22. Soot $lowin+ System 132 23. mer+ency Procedures 9+eneral: 1)2 2). Preser;ation of $oilers 1)) 2(. 4alibration 4hart -- F* Tan6 1)2 2,. ##4S. *;er;iew 1(3 1. INTRODUCTION AND SALIENT FEATURES OF THERMAL POWER STATION 1.1 INTRODUCTION : 3athura Refinery has its own 4a"ti;e Thermal Power Station su""lied and erected by 3<s. $harat 0ea;y lectrical 5imited. There are three $oilers and three Turbo-'enerator sets at Thermal Power Station. 'enerally two $oilers and two Turbo 'enerators remain in ser;ice and third boiler and Turbine are standby. ach $oiler is ca"able of +eneratin+ steam at the rate of 1(0 T<hr. at a wor6in+ "ressure of ,) 6+<cm 2 and tem"erature of )(0=4. ach Turbo-'enerator is ca"able of +eneratin+ electric "ower of 12.( 3- with a re+ulated e%traction steam of 0 to 10( T<hr. to meet the "rocess re!uirement in the Refinery. 1.2 BOILERS : The salient features of these boilers are > (a) Mult Fu!l F"#$ : Three ;arieties of hydro carbon fuels li6e coal? fuel oil and fuel +as can be fired in furnace of boiler. 100@ 34R $oiler load can be obtained by any of the three fuels inde"endently. 4ombination firin+ is also "ossible with any two of these fuels. Presently coal firin+ system is isolated and only fuel oil and +as firin+ systems are in use. (%) Tlt#$ Ta#$!#tal F"#$ : &ll the burners in the four corners of furnace can be simultaneously tilted ;ertically u" or down by A 30= for the tem"erature control of the steam in the su"er heater. The burners in the four corners are ali+ned tan+ential to an ima+inary circle in each ele;ation so as to create a fire ball in the furnace. (&) Bu"#!" Ma#a$!'!#t S()t!' : The furnace is safe+uarded by the burner mana+ement system. It mainly controls the au%iliary fuel firin+ e!ui"ment? su"er;ises the flame in the furnace by means of flame sensin+ scanners. Pro;ides automatic i+nition source to initiate i+nition ener+y to li+ht u" the oil or +as burners. 4onducts furnace "ur+e o"eration and finally sa;es the boiler from the dan+er of e%"losions and im"losions by tri""in+ down all the in"uts and out"uts of the boiler as a whole. (*) Co''o# H!a*!") : To ensure continuous o"eration of all the systems? the boilers? turbines and other e!ui"ments are connected by common headers. Some of the im"ortant common headers are > 1. 3ain steam headers. 2 Bo. 2. %traction steam headers 2 Bos. 3. $FP suction header 1 Bo. ). $FP recirculation header 1 Bo. (. F.-. 0eaders 2 Bos. ,. Fuel oil su""ly headers 2 Bos. /. Fuel oil return header 1 Bo. .. 5i+ht oil header 1 Bo. 2. &tomisin+ 8 tracin+ steam header 1 Bo. 10. F.*. heatin+ steam header 1 Bo. 11. S4&P0 steam header 1 Bo. 12. #eaerator heatin+ steam header 1 Bo. 13. 4irculatin+ water su""ly 8 return 2 Bo. 1). $FP flash tan6 condensate header 1 Bo. 1(. $FP flash tan6 steam header 1 Bo. 1,. Ser;ice water header 1 Bo 1/. #3 water header 1 Bo. 1.. Ser;ice air header 1 Bo. 12. Fuel +as header 1 Bo. 1.+ HISTOR, OF BOILER : 0istory of steam boilers is ;ery old and of ancient time. &s far as the early history of boiler +oes it is stated that the one boiler was reco;ered from the ruins of Pom"ei which was of $ron1e metal. In 1030 $4 0eroCs en+ine was first recorded as doin+ the wor6. In 1/20? the boilers were manufactured from co""er "lates and ri;ets and ma%imum "ressure was 30 "si. In the middle of century? boilers were manufactured from steel "lates. In 1.)0 the well-6nown 5ancashire boiler was manufactured and they are still used in our country. In 7.D.? 1.0 million 5ancashire boilers are in use. 1.- HOW THE BOILER ACT WAS FRAMED IN ENGLAND : Till the 12th century? there was no ins"ection techni!ue and hence there used to be lot of accidents in 7.D. and as a result of lar+e number of accidents a s"ecial committee was a""ointed by her 3aEesty Fueen Gictoria? to su++est ways and means to a;oid e%"losion. 0owe;er? this committee could not im"lement anythin+ in absence of le+islation. In 1.(0? in 3anchester? an association was formed. In 1.()? 10 "ersons died due to a serious e%"losion in the boiler. Therefore? a ;i+orous cam"ai+n was started by the "arliamentarians and "ublic to a;oid such misha"s. Therefore? for the first time in the -orld in the year 1.(2? the Insurance com"any was started to e%amine the boiler "eriodically. 1.. THE LEGISLATION OF INDIA : In 1.,0? 13 "ersons lost their li;es in -est $en+al and hence in 1.,3? the rules were framed. In 1.,2? in $ombay? similar rules were introduced and since then the boilers are ins"ected by the 'o;ernment a+ency e;ery year. &fter that the rules were framed in other "ro;inces of India. 0owe;er? as the rules were not uniform in all "ro;inces? 4entral 'o;ernment a""ointed a s"ecial committee to draft one 4entral &ct and the Indian $oiler &ct came into bein+ in 1223. 2. THERMAL POWER STATION/ITS FUNCTION 0 RELIABILIT, In any country? fuel and "ower are the two most im"ortant items on which national economy? welfare and standard of li;in+ de"end. $ecause of fast rate of Industrial and a+ricultural +rowth and e%tension of electrification to rural areas? a continuin+ +a" between a;ailability and demand of "ower e%ists which is the main reason to focus the entireH attention on the "erformance of Thermal Power Station which are meetin+ a""ro%imately ,0@ ofHcountryCs "ower re!uirement. Per capita "ower consum"tion is an inde% of any countryCs de;elo"ment. Per ca"ita "ower consum"tion in India is around 200 units "er annum whereas it is 10?000 units in 4anada. Therefore? to ensure +rowth rate of a+riculture? industries and industrial "roducts? the reliable "erformance of Thermal Power Station is im"erati;e. Reliability of Thermal Power Station is becomin+ +reatest challen+e which "ower n+ineers and 3ana+ers face to-day. &s such? reliability of "ower "lant determines the e%tent of their success. The failure rate of a system indicates its reliability? hi+her failure rate means "oor system reliability. Poor Plant reliability is directly related to a;ailability factor and utilisation factor. &;ailability Factor I &;ailable hours of 'eneration Total Bo. of hours in a year 7tilisation Factor I D-0 +enerated in a year Installed ca"acity In D-0 In India ca"acity utilisation of "ower is a""ro%. )(@ which reflects a "oor "icture of "ower station reliability. There is no e!ui"ment or system? which will ne;er fail. The "oint of interest is how often it should fail i.e.? meantime between failures. #es"ite all reliability features im"osed in a system? failures can ne;er be absolutely eliminated? but it can always be minimised to ne+otiable and acce"table le;el. In order to control the failures? we must identify them first accordin+ to their characteristics. Three broad cate+ories of failures are mentioned below >- The life cycle of a com"le% system li6e a thermal "ower "lant may be com"ared to that of a man. #urin+ their startin+ life? the failure rates are "retty hi+h which +radually reduces and becomes steady. &fter lon+ year of ser;ices? the system suffers from hi+h rate of failures showin+ a risin+ tendency. IBF&BTI5 -&R*7T 3*RT&5ITJ F&I57R 40&B4 F&I57R P0&S-I P0&S-II P0&S-III TIME P1a)!/ I : The first cate+ory of failure is termed as Kinfantile 3ortalityK which is characterised byHhi+h rate of outa+e of the system mostly caused by im"ro"er material? incorrect assembly and construction. The failure of this nature may be tac6led by careful modification of the system and e!ui"ment in consultation with desi+ner< manufacturer. P1a)!/II The second cate+ory of failure is termed as Kchance failureK caused by ad;erse conditions in stren+th ;ersus stress relationshi". This failure normally e%tends throu+h outthe "roducti;e life of the system and this failure is caused mostly because the actual conditions donot match with what were considered in the desi+n sta+e "rimarily because of inade!uate consideration in desi+n techni!ue and im"ro"er selection of different e!ui"ments. The failure of this nature can readily be "redicted and tac6lin+ this failure is most challen+in+ which re!uire hi+h le;el of in;esti+ati;e? analytical and decision ma6in+ s6ill in order to e;aluate a""ro"riate correcti;e measures. P1a)!/Ill The third ty"e of failure is termed as K-&R *7T F&I57R where the system or the e!ui"ment fail by +radual fati+ue due to a+e of the system. This failure may be a;oided by "re;enti;e maintenance. The "robable causes of "oor reliability in Thermal Power Plant are enumerated below 1: Im"ro"er o"eration of the "lant 2: Inade!uate maintenance of the "lant 3: In a""ro"riate in"uts ): Financial constraints. +. E2UIPMENTS DETAILS OF BOILER 0 ITS AU3ILIARIES AT A GLANCE +.1. Bol!" +.1.41. Ty"e- radiant outdoor? $i-drum? hi+h-head? non-reheat ty"e? industrial boiler of modified G7)0. +.1.42. R!$)t"ato# No. $oiler Bo-1 7.P. - 3.21 $oiler Bo-2 7.P. - 3.)3 $oiler Bo-3 7.P. - 3202. +.1.+ D!)$#ato# TT - 1/<21 G7-)0 ,0<3, 1<2.( )0<20 20<,0 Fuel - F.*. 5.*. 8 'as. +.1.4-. Fu"#a&! D'!#)o# -idth - (0.0 33 #e"th - ,3/(3 Golume - ((0 3 3 Fu"#a&! T(5! 4om"letely water cooled dry $ottom ty"e? arran+ed with S6in casin+ for +as and Pressure Ti+htness. +.1.4.. Su5!" H!at!" Sta+e Ist - Platen su"er heater? heatin+ surface area I 101 3 2 Sta+e 2nd - Final su"er heater? heatin+ surface area I (12 3 2 +.1.46. E&o#o')!" Ty"e - 4ontinuous finned seamless? no. of sta+es- one 0eatin+ surface - 112( 3 2 +.1.46. A" H!at!" Ty"e - Re+eneration air heater 21 GIR (, . Bo. of sta+es - one 0eatin+ surface I )23, 3 2 H!at#$ El!'!#t) Total heatin+ elements I 132 Bos. LA,ER T(5! o7 %u&8!t. TOP BOTTOM LOWER &. $. 4. 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 2) 2) Total +6 +6 2- G"a#* Total I & L $ L 4 I 3, L 3, L ,0 I 132 +.1.49. I. D. FAN Ty"e - Radial sin+le suction B#FG 2) b Sin+le sta+e Bos. - Two< boiler #ischar+e - )1.2 3 3 <sec al 31/ 6+< 3 2 ? 132=4. 3otor - 220 D-? ,., DG? /)( r"m? (001 3 "hase 4ontrol - Inlet ;ane control. +.1.4:. F.D. FAN Ty"e - Radial sin+le suction B#FG 1. b sin+le sta+e. Bos. - Two< boiler #ischar+e - 22.2 3 3 <sec at )(1 6+< m 2 ? 3(=4. 4ontrol - Inlet dam"er control. 3otor - ,., DG? 1.0 D-? 220 r"m? 3 "hase? (0 0M +.1.14. DRUM SAFET, ;AL;E Fty - Two Bos.<boiler 3a6e - 3<s. Sarasin France Ty"e - G (0 Si1e - )K % 5 % ,K Set Press - 112) Psi+. <11(2 Psi+. 4a"acity - 1,,2/. <1/133) 5b<hr. +.1.11. SUPER HEATER SAFET, ;AL;E Fty - *ne Bo.< $oiler 3a6e - 3<s. Sarasin France Ty"e - G50 (02 T Si1e - 3K % D % ,K Set Press - 1000 Psi+ 4a"acity - /.(00 5b<hr. BOILER ACCESSORIES AND MOUNTINGS. INSTALLED FOR + BOILERS : SI. No. Na'! o7 A&&!))o"!)<Mou#t#$). Nu'%!") 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0, 0/. 0.. 02. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1). 1(. 1,. 1/. 1.. 12. #eaerators. $oiler Feed Pum" 5i+ht fuel oil "um" 0ea;y fuel oil "um" Induced #raft Fan Forced #raft Fan I+nitor air Fan Scanner air Fan &ir Pre 0eater 9&P0: Steam 4oil &ir Pre 0eater 9S4&P0: Safety ;al;e 9#rum: Safety ;al;e Su"er-0eater #e-su"er 0eater Final su"er 0eater conomiser Soot blowers F.*. 'un I+nitors 'as 'uns 2 Bos. 3 Bos. 2 Bos. 2 Bos. , Bos. , Bos. 3 Bos. , Bos. 3 Sets. 3 Sets. , Bos. 3 Bos. 3 Bos. 3 Sets. 3 Set. 1( Bos. 2) Bos. 2) Bos. 2) Bos. PREDICTED PERFORMANCE OF THE BOILER ON FUEL OIL : I/FLOW S.NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT MCR. 01 St!a' Su"er hea2ter outlet t<hr 1(0 02 Wat!" Feed water t<hr 1(0 03 A" &ir heater outlet Total 4ombustion &ir t<hr t<hr 1,).21 1,..)2 0) Fu!l *il 904G I 2300 6. cal<6+: t<hr 11.(2 II/ PRESSURES S.No. DESCRIPTION UNIT MCR 41 Pressure S.H. outl!t D"u' E&o#o')!" #l!t 8$<&' 2 8$<&' 2 8$<&' 2 6-.4 =+.1 =-.4 42 P"!))u"! D"o5) S.H. S()t!' E&o#o')!" )()t!' (P/o#l() 8$<&' 2 8$<&' 2 :.14 4.=4 III / TEMPERATURE S.NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT MCR. 01. 02. 03. 0). St!a' Saturated Steam in drum S0 "laten outlet Final S.0. inlet Final S.0. *utlet Wat!" > conomiser inlet conomiser outlet A" &mbient &ir heater inlet &ir heater outlet Flu! Ga) Platen S.0. inlet Final S.0. inlet $oiler $an6 inlet conomiser inlet &ir heater inlet &ir heater outlet o 4 o 4 o 4 o 4 o 4 o 4 o 4 o 4 o 4 o 4 o 4 o 4 o 4 o 4 o 4 2.2 322 320 )(0 1)( 233 3( /1 2/2 102, 2.3 .21 (3/ 332 1(1
I; / PRESSURE AND DRAFTS (AIR 0 FLUE GAS) S.NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT MCR. 01 A" F. #. Fan outlet S4&P0 inlet S4&P0 outlet &ir heater inlet &ir heater oulet &ir foil inlet -ind $o% "ressure -ind $o% to furnace differential. mm wc mm wc mm wc mm wc mm wc mm wc mm wc mm wc 2(( 2(0 20( 202 121 113 2( 100 02 Flu! Ga) Platen S.0. inlet Final S.0. inlet $oiler $an6 inlet conomiser inlet &ir heater inlet .P. inlet I. # Fan inlet 9incl. static head: I. # Fan deli;ery head mm wc mm wc mm wc mm wc mm wc mm wc mm wc mm wc -) -( -. -3) -121 -230 -2(3 L10 ; / HEAT BALANCE S.NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT MCR. 01 02 03 0) 0( 0, 0/ #ry +as loss 020 8 0P in fuel I"ss 02* in air loss Radiation loss 7naccounted and 3t+. mar+in loss Total losses fficiency > > > > > > > )./0 ).02 0.12 0.32 1.00 10.30 .2./0 ;I / RECOMMENDED FEED WATER LIMITS S.NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT LIMITS. 01 02 03 0) 0( 0, 0/ 0. 02 10 0ardness "0 at 2(=4 *%y+en 9ma%imum: Total Iron 9ma%imum: Total 4o""er 9ma%imum: Total 4*2 Total Silica 9ma%imum: S"ecific electric conducti;ity at 2(=4 after cation e%chan+er in the 0T from and after 4*2 remo;al. 0ydra1ine residual *il 4ontent PP3 -- PP3 PP3 PP3 -- PP3 /cm PP3 PP3 BI5 ... N 2.2 0.000/ 0.01 0.01 BI5 0.02 0.( 0.01 N 0.02 BI5 ;II / RECOMMENDED BOILER WATER LIMITS S.No. DESCRIP?TION UNIT LIMITS. 01 02 03 0) 0( 0, 0/ 0. Total dissol;ed solids S"ecific electrical 4onducti;ity at 2(=4 Phos"hate residual "0 at 2(4 4hlorides Silica 3a%imum in the Steam lea;in+ the drum. Silica in 4$# PP3 <cm PP3 ----- PP3 PP3 PP3 100 200 1(-2( 2..-10.2 Bot &llowed 0.02 ( 3a%. ;III @ E&o#o')!" S.NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT SPECIFICATION 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. 0.. 02. 10. 11. 12. 13. Ty"e Total 0eatin+ surface Bumber of sta+es Bumber of &ssemblies Rows "er &ssembly Flow ty"e &rran+ement Tube si1e 3aterial S"acin+s - 5on+itudinal Trans;erse I#l!t H!a*!" Bo. off Si1e 3aterial Outl!t 1!a*!" Bo. off Si1e 3aterial 4onnectin+ lin6 from conomiser to steam drum to steam drum and from feed control station to conomiser inlet- Bo. off Si1e 3aterial 0eader 3 2 Sta+e Bo. Bo. - - mm - mm mm Bo. mm no. mm - Bo. 3m - 4ontinuous finned seamless. 112( *ne )0 1. 4ounter Strai+ht )).( % ).( S& 210 'R. &l12) 12) /. one 0 212.1 % 20 Sa 10, 'r. $ *ne 0 212.1 % 20 S& 10, *r. $ Bo. mm 1 each 0 1(2 % 12.( S& 10, 'r. $. I3 / PLATEN SUPER HEATER S.NO. DESCRI PTION UNIT SPECIFICATION Sta+e 0eatin+ surface &rea Ty"e Bo. 32 First. 101 Panel Ty"e? Gertical? Radiant &ssemblies<$oiler Bo. of coils 9Tubes:<$oiler Bo. of loo"s<&ssemblies Flow ty"e &rran+ement Ta6e si1e 9*.#.: 3aterial and Thic6ness Bo. Bo. Bo. - 33 33 1, 32 2 "arallel IHn line (1%) S& 202 T1 S& 213 T11 S"acin+s 5on+itudinal Trans;erse 3m 3m ,0 30).. Inlet header Fuantity Si1e 3aterial Bo. mm *ne. 212.1 % 20 S& 10, 'r. $ *utlet 0eader Fuantity Si1e 3aterial Bo. 3m - *ne 0 323.2 % 32 S& 10, *r. $ Transfer Tubes Fuantity Si1e 3aterial Bo. 3m - 1) 0 10. % . S& 10, 'r. $. 3 / DE / SUPER HEATER DESCRIPTION UNIT SPECIFICATION Fuantity Si1e 3aterial 5iner Si1e 5iner 3aterial S"ray no11le<$oiler S"ray no11le Si1e S"ray no11le material 0oles in s"ray no11le Si1e of the 0ole #e-su"er 0e #e-su"er 0eater inlet 4onnection Pi"e-Si1e 3aterial Bo. mm - mm - Bo. - - Bos. mm - mm - *ne 323.2 % 20 S& 10, 'r. $ 2(1%( $ 3 - 4 20 *ne (1 % ).( S& 213 T11 32 ( 323.2 % 20 S& 10, *r. $ #e-su"er he #e-su"er 0eater outlet 4onnection "i"e-Si1e 3aterial 3m - 323.2 % 20 S& 10, *r. $. 3I / FINAL SUPER HEATER S.NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT SPECIFICATION Sta+e 0eatin+ surface &rea Ty"e Bo. 32 - Second. (12 Gertical and connection. &ssemblies "er $oiler Bo. 32 3a%. Possible but 22 "ro;ided. Tubes 9coils: "er $ioler Bo. of loo"s "er assembly Flow ty"e &rran+ement Tube si1e Bo. Bo. - - *.#. in (. ) Parallel In line )). (%).0 )). (%).( )). (%(. * 3aterial and Thic6ness - S& 202 T1 S& 213 T11 S& 213 T 22 S"acin+s 5on+itudinal Trans;erse 3m mm 2, 1(2.( I#l!t H!a*!" Fuantity Si1e 3eterial Bo. 3m one + 323.2%32 S& 10, *r. $ *utlet 0eader Fuantity Si1e 3aterial Bo. 3m *ne 323. 2%32 S& 33( P 12 3ain steam line u"to main steam sto" ;al;e- Fuantity Si1e 3aterial Bo. 3m - *ne 323.2%32 S& 33( P 12 Ta""in+ "oints on 3ain steam line. Safety ;al;e Startin+ ;ents Pressure 3easurement Sam"lin+ Instrumentation ta""in+s Bo. Bos. Pts Points Points. Bil Two )9remote-3 nos. local- 1 Bo.: *ne ). Steam coc?led s"aces tubes-- Fuantity Tube Si1e 3aterial Bo. 3m 1 1(1 % (., S& 213 T 22 3II//AIR PRE HEATER DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION &P0 si1e and ty"e HEATING ELEMENT a: 0ot end b: 0ot end 9Intermediate: c: 4old end 21GIR (, 2.K sh 0.,0/ $34-10 1,K sh 0.,0/ $34-10 12K sh 1.21) 4orten K&K ROTOR SEALS a: Radialseals b: Rotor"ost seals c: 4ircumferential seals 90ot and cold end: sh 1., 4orten C&C sh 1., 4orten C&C sh 1., 4orten C&C ROTOR DRI;E : a: 3otor-B'F b: S"eed reducer c: &""ro%imate oil ca"acity d: 4ou"lin+ 9lectric motor side: e: 4ou"lin+ 9&ir motor side: f: $ushin+ +: 5ubricator h: &u%iliary dri;e i: Solenoid ;al;e 3./ 6w? TF4? Frame si1e - 132 S Fal6 3 &P4? .,-1.>1 Ratio. 3. 5itres. $ibby cou"lin+ wellman ty"e 120 &. $ibby cou"lin+ wellman ty"e 110 &. Ta"erloc6 bushin+ relay cor"oration. G5O&B 0J#&IR 1<2K &ir filter lubricator. 4hica+o "neumatic &ir motor 4P .0 )) &;inash GD #ension 3<) K solenoid ;al;e Rotor su""ort bearin+ Rotor 'uide bearin+ &u%iliary *il 4a"acity- a: Su""ort bearin+ 0ousin+ b: 'uide bearin+ 0ousin+ S"herical roller thrust SDF 22)2(. Radial bearin+ SDF 2303) (.0 5itres 12 5itres Cl!a##$ D!A&! a: 3otor-TF4 b: S"eed reducer c: Swi;el Eoint Bote > -orm 'ear motor? +rea;es 4otton? 0.3( 0P? Ty"e &3? 1,2-5$-1-2? Ratio 1).( .i. -orm 'ear reducer &llroyd? Ty"e 0G#? si1e-193<):P30 ratio )200>1 $&R4# 94leanin+ de;ice on cold end only: S5!&al tool) : 3onobloc6 b: 5iftin+ 4ylinders 1 Tonne ele"hant $rand 2%(0 T G&BD*S and 4om"any 3III//TECHNICAL DATA OF ID AND F.D. FANS S.NO. PARTICULARS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS I. #. F&B F. #. F&B 01. Fan Ty"e B#FG 2) b. B#FG 1., 02. Fan orientation Suction-&%ial? #eli;ery-To"? ;ertical ri+ht loo6in+ from suction end. Suction--&%ial? #el i;ery-$ottom inclined? ri+ht ((=4 to ;ertical loo6in+ from the suction side. 03. 3edium 0andled Flue +ases &tmos"heric &ir. 0). 5ocation 'round Floor 'round le;el. 0(. Bo. of fans< boiler Two Two 0,. Fan desi+n ratin+ i: 4a"acity ii: Total head de;elo"ed iii: Tem". of medium i;: S". wt. of medium ;: S"eed )1.2 3 3 <Sec. 31/ mm?? 1).=4 0..3( 6+<m 3 /)( r"m. 22.2 3 3 <Sec. )1( mm 3(=4 1.103 6+<m 3 220 r"m. 0/. Fan Reser;e a: Flow b: Pressure 20@ 30@ 2(@ (0@ 0.. Fan dri;e cou"lin+ Pin ty"e fle%ible cou"lin+ Pin ty"e fle%ible cou"lin+ 02. #ri;e 3otor $05? $0*P&5 3&D RSP 1,.,2? 220 D- ,., DG? (0 4PS? 3- "hase. $05? $0*P&5 RSP1(2(0?1.0 D-? ,., DG? (0 4PS? 3-"hase. 10. Fan wei+ht 2,2, D+ .200 6+. 11. Ty"e of fan Re+ulation Inlet +uide ;ane control. Inlet +uide ;ane control 12. Fi%ed bearin+ B7 332 43? /23) $7& B7 332? 43? /23) $7& 13. %"ansion bearin+ B 23) 43 B 23) 43 3I;//DEAERATOR S. NO DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. 0.. 02. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1). 1(. Ty"e of #eaerator #esi+n ca"acity #esi+n "ressure #esi+n Tem"erature &cti;e stora+e ca"acity of the tan6 Re!uired steam "ressure Re!uired steam Tem". Tem". of ma6e-u" water 4ondensate Flow 4ondensate Tem". *uantity 5ocation 3anufacturer Pur"ose Feed water tem". 9to be maintained: 0ori1ontal s"ray cum tray ty"e. 300 3T<0r. ).( 6+<cm 2 9&bs.: 31(=4 ().( 3 3 ).2( 6+<cm 2 2)0=4 2(=4 ), T<hr. (0=4. Two 1,.( 3. I&4 $*3$&J #eaeration of $oiler feed water 1(0=4 9a""ro%.: HEA;, FUEL OIL SPECIFICATION S.No. PARTICULARS SPECIFICATION 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. 0.. 02. 10. 11. #ensity at 1(K4 Total sul"hur? @ wei+ht Dinematic ;iscosity? 4ST Pour "oint? =4 ma%. &s"halt content @ wei+ht ma%m. &sh content 9PP3: ma%m. a: Ganadium b: Bic6el 'ross calorific ;alue Tem". at "um"in+ unit inlet. Rele;ant standard 7S 0.2( to 1.02( ).0 to ).. 9ma%.: 10.) to /0 at 1(0=4 ,.0 to 2( at 1.0=4 2/ to )( ( to 10 12 to 22 1.0 ,0 2300 6cal<6+. 100-110=4 BI5 internal "ower "lant fuel oil. &s the main fuel in the $oiler LIGHT FUEL OIL SPECIFICATION S. NO. PARTICULARS SPECIFICATION 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0., 0./ 0.. 0.2 #ensity Flash "oint Sul"hur? @ wei+ht? ma%m. Giscosity? 4ST Pour "oint 4onradson carbon no. #istillate reco;ery at 3,0CC4? minm. 7S# F*R Rele;ant standard 32? de+. &PI. )3=4 9110=F: 0.22 2.3 at (0=4 9122=F: 1./=4 93(=F: 0.1 20@ 4old start-u" of $oiler for warm-u" +uns and I+nitors. BI5? Internal li+ht oil? 9Pure distillate without blendin+.: FUEL GAS REFINER, GAS S"ecific +ra;ity 4om"osition? @ wei+ht c1-c) 0ydrocarbons 0ydro+en sul"hide Inerts 8 -ater 'ross calorific ;alue 6cal<Bm 3 Terminal "oint "ressure 9at +as "ressure re+ulatin+ station: Terminal "oint tem". 0.2 to 1.1 /2 ( 13 2000 to 10000 &""ro%. 22/2 ).00 6+<cm 2 9+: )(= to ,(= NATURAL GAS Re. #ensity 3athan thane Pro"ane Iso butane B Pentane Iso Pentane 0e%ane 4*2 B2 02S 3olecular -t. 'ross 4al. Galue Bet 4al. ;alue 0.,/ - 0.,. .).)3@ /./3@ ).0(@ 0./1@ 0.0.@ 0.1)@ 0.01@ 1.0.@ 0./3@ )003 12., 10233 2311 IGNITORS &""lication Ty"e Bo. *ff 5ocated at 4a"acity? each Turn down 'as s"ecification 'as "ressure at the control cabinet Start of oil burners IFM Gas Ignitor 8(4 per elevation) Elevations A and B 0. !illion "eal#$r (%!illion Btu#$r) &ill' not re(uired &atural Gas or )*G 4ombustion air !uantity 4ombustion air "ressure at i+nitor wind bo% +.0 to %.0 "g#,!% (g) -0 &!.#$r#ignitor / !! 0e LIGHT FUEL OIL GUNS &""lication Ty"e Bo. off 5ocated at 4a"acity Turn down *il s"ecification *il firin+ rate *il "ressure at the +un &tomisin+ air !uality &tomisin+ air consum"tion 4old startu" and warmin+ u" of boiler u"to 30@ 34R Tiltin+ tan+ential air atomised e%ternal mi%? O-ti"s ) 9in one ele;ation: le;ation &$ at corner windbo%es 30@ of boiler 34R heat in"ut 3>1 Internal li+ht oil as under technical s"ecification 3.1 9ii: .00 6+<hr<+un 13./ 6+<cm 2 9+: Ser;ice air -ater free 3( Bm 3 <hr at rated load ,0 Bm 3 <hr at minimum load 100 Bm 3 <hr durin+ sca;en+in+ &tomisin+ air "ressure at the +un &tomiser no11le assembly desi+nation Ti" characteristic cur;e )., to (.3 6+.<cm 2 9+:? constant at all loads $ac6 "late- QEC series S"ray "late> O-(? 20 s"ray an+le #r+. )-)1-000-00,2( HEA;, FUEL OIL GUNS &""lication Ty"e Bo. off 5ocated at 4a"acity Turn down *il s"ecification *il firin+ rate *il "ressure at the +un *il ;iscosity at the +un &tomisin+ steam !uality Steam consum"tion 4old flame stabilisation and load carryin+ Tiltin+ tan+ential steam atomisedR e%ternal mi%R O-ti"s. .9) "er ele;ation: le;ations &$ and $4 at corner -indbo%es 100@ 34R on . burnersR 100@ 34R on / burners durin+ +un cleanin+ )>1 Internal "ower "lant fuel oil? as under technical s"ecification 3.1 9i: 1()0 6+<hr rated 1/,0 6+<hr? ma%imum for short hour o"erations. 1)./( 6+<cm 2 9+: at rated out"ut 1/.20 6+<cm 2 9+: at ma%imum out"ut. 1, to 2. centisto6es or lower Su"erheated by 10-1(4 1.( 6+<hr at rated out"ut 2(0 6+<hr at minimum out"ut 2/( 6+<hr durin+ sca;en+in+ &tomisin+ steam "ressure at the +un &tomiser no11le assembly desi+nation Ti" characterstic cur;e ... 6+.<cm 2 9+:? constant at all loads. $ac6 "late- QOC series S"ray "late-O-11? 20 s"ray an+le<E2. #r+. )-)1-000-00,23 FUEL GAS BURNERS &""lication Ty"e Bo. off 5ocated at 4a"acity? ma%imum Turn down 'as s"ecification 'as firin+ rate 'as "ressure at the burner 5oad carryin+ Tan+ential . 9) "er ele;ation:R further di;ided into two no11les? each le;ations & and $ at corner windbo%esR one no11le abo;e oil +un le;el and the other below it. 100@ 34R on . burners )>1 &s under technical s"ecification 3.1 9iii: 1(00 Bm3<hr<burner ,000<ele;atioinR 12000<boiler 0./0 to 1.0( 6+<cm 2 9+: Pressure Gs flow characteristics 8$<&' 2 at $u# ($) 1.0( 0..0 0.,0 0.)0 0.20 0.10 0.0( FloB N' + <1"<$u# 1(00 1320 11)0 230 ,,0 ),/ 330 SPECIFICATION FOR HEA;, FUEL OIL HEATERS S. NO. PARTICULARS SPECIFICATION 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. 0.. 02. Ty"e Bo. off 0eater area 9each: *il flow rate *il tem". ran+e Steam "arameters #esi+n "ressure Steam tra" ma6e and ty"e Steam tra" ca"acity 7-tube? 0air "in ty"e? oil on the shell? side? condensin+ ty"e. 2 9Includin+ one standby: ,0 3 2 )0? ,00 6+<hr. 1(0 to 1.(=4 22 6+<cm 2 9+: 2) 6+<cm 2 9+: on *ii side. 30 6+<cm 2 9+: on steam side. 'rea;es cotton? In;erted buc6et ty"e. ,000 6+<hr ma%imum. at 20 6+<cm 2 9+: #. P. SPECIFICATION FOR REFRACTOR, AND INSULATION MATERIALS FOR BOILERS S. No. DESCRIPTION STANDARD SPECIFICATION DENSIT, IN CG<CM 2 0,. Fire bric6s Fire clay 3ortar 4astable Refractory 4alcium silicate 3ouldable Insulation 7nbounded slan+ wool mattresses IS > . IS > 12(H<2 0# $SP (1,001 'rade -- K4K $S 32.( "t-ii $S 32(. Pt-ii &s "er $05CS 2000 2000 2000 320 320 1(0 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 1. BOILER FEED PUMP A. PUMP 01. 02 03. 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. 0.. 02. 10. 11 12. 13. 1). B. 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. Ty"e of Pum" Bo. of Sta+es Feed -ater Tem". "0 Galue 4a"acity S"eed BPS0R by the Pum" Fty. of -ater for min. ta6e off Fty. of -ater for heatin+ the "um" Stuffin+ bo% 5ubrication of the "um" and cou"lin+ 4onsum"tion of 4oolin+ water. '# 2 of the Puni" -ei+ht of "um" includin+ base "late. MOTOR : 3otor Ty"e Ratin+ S"eed '# 2 of 3otor 5ubrication of 3otor 4oolin+ -ater re!uirement. -ei+ht of 3otor > 200 D0I > , >1)(=4. >/.( to 2. >)0/( I"m. 2)( 3 3 <hr >22.0 r"m. >/.2 mlc. >>,0 T<hr. >&""ro%. . T<hr. >3echanical seal. >5ub oil under "ressure su""lied by >*0-,3. >2.0 I"m. >,.. 6+. 3 2 >(.(0 D+s. >0#S-(,0 >1S00 D-? (0 c<s? 3 "hase? ,., DG. >22.2 RP3. >13. 6+. 3 2 >Forced lubrication by *0-,3. 9#T >5i+ht: >2(3 I"m. >/2,0 6+ 9a""ro%.: 2. Ol Lu%"&ato# S()t!' : ach boiler feed water "um" of 200--D0I? ty"e is "ro;ided with one oil lubrication unit consistin+ of two +ear "um"s each for 100@ of the total !uantity re!uired? dri;en by electric motors. Ty"e of System *0-,3. Ty"e of Pum"s used M7B--( Fuantity of *il deli;ered ,3 5<m. #eli;ery Pressure 3 at+. S"eed of the Pum" 1)(0 r"m. -. GENERAL OPERATING PROCEDURES -.1 PERFORMANCE : 9i: &ll steam +eneratin+ e!ui"ments are desi+ned for a s"ecific "ur"ose. -hen su""lied with feed water at a s"ecific tem"erature? the unit will deli;er a definite !uantity of steam at the desi+n "ressure and tem"erature. *"eratin+ at conditions which e%ceed the desi+n limitations will shorten life of the boiler and its com"onents. 9ii: The concentration of solids entrained in the steam drum will de"end to a +reat e%tent u"on the !uality of the feed water. Suitable ma6e u" water treatment and ade!uate blowdown "ro+ramme should be em"loyed to control the boiler water al6alinity? silica and concentration of dissol;ed and sus"ended solids in the boiler water. &de!uate mechanical deaeration of the feed water should be "ro;ided and ste"s ta6en to control the le;el of metallic o%ides enterin+ the boiler in the feed water. Refer to the section C-ater TreatmentC. 9iii: The !uantity of fuel consumed is +enerally measured and recorded. The means em"loyed will de"end u"on the nature of the fuel and the e!ui"ment a;ailable for measurin+. & re"resentati;e fuel sam"le should be obtained "eriodically. The ser;ices of a com"etent laboratory should be em"loyed to analyse the fuel oil for chemical constituents? calorific ;alue ;iscosity 9li!uid fuels: and other "hysical characteristics which could ha;e an unfa;ourable influence on o"eration and efficiency. 9i;: &n analysis of the flue +ases lea;in+ the boiler is in;aluable as an inde% to com"lete and economical combustion. 4ombustion should be com"leted before the +ases lea;e the furnace. The best "ercenta+e of e%cess air to use will de"end u"on the nature of the fuel? the desi+n of the fuel burnin+ e!ui"ment and other factors. The most desirable e%cess air for different rates of e;a"oration must be established for each installation. The "resence of carbon mono%ide 94o: in the flue +as indicates incom"lete combustion. The orsat is the most reliable means of analy1in+ flue +ases and should be used as a chec6 e;en when other instruments are "ro;ided to furnish this data. For determination of the "ercenta+e 4*? 4*2 and *2 +as sam"les should be obtained at the rear "ass outlet u"stream of the air heater. 9;: -hen the heat transfer surfaces are 6e"t clean? the tem"erature of the flue +ases lea;in+ the air heater and the draft loss throu+h the unit will be substantially a constant for a +i;en ratin+ and "ercent e%cess air. This illustrates the desirability of 6ee"in+ accurate records of "erformance from the start of o"eration. *"eratin+ data should be recorded in a form that will facilitate com"arison with data ta6en under similar o"eratin+ conditions. -hen the e!ui"ment is new? standards should be established to ser;e as measures of satisfactory o"eration. Then if o"eratin+ conditions de;iate from this established standard? ste"s can be ta6en to determine and correct the cause of the discre"ancy. -.2 FILLING 0 ;ENTING : -hen fillin+ the boiler? o"en the boiler ;ents as noted in the C7nit *"eratin+ ProceduresC section. $rin+ the water u"to the recommended o"eratin+ le;el in the +au+e +lass. If hot water 9hot relati;e to the boiler metal tem"erature: is used to fill the boiler use careR feed slowly to a;oid se;ere tem"erature strains on the drums? headers etc. &lways see that the unit is ade!uately ;ented and filled until water is ;isible in the +au+e +lass. Becessary ;ents shall be o"ened durin+ the fillin+ o"eration. The steam drum ;ent shall not be closed until all the air is ;ented from the unit. The drum may be considered free from air when the drum "ressure reaches 2 6+<cm 2 +. -.+ STARTING UP : In order that an incorrect firin+ condition may be detected "rom"tly? it is im"ortant that the instruments used to monitor o"eratin+ conditions are in +ood wor6in+ order before li+htin+ off. #raft readin+s? tem"erature and "ressure readin+s and a reliable indication of how much e%cess air is bein+ used are "rere!uisite to intelli+ent o"eration. Prior li+htin+ off the unit? the drainable "ortions 9headers? inlet? outlet and connectin+ lin6s and "i"in+: of the su"er heater should be drained throu+h lines free from bac6 "ressure and ;ented at the outlet. The su"erheater drains should be closed in accordance with information +i;en in the manual. The su"erheater outlet drain 9Kstartin+ to atmos"here ;al;eK: must remain o"en to assure a flow of steam throu+h the su"er heater to "rotect the elements from o;erheatin+ until the unit has +one on the line and is carryin+ the load. This drain ;al;e may be throttled as the "ressure increases but must ne;er be closed com"letely until the boiler is on the line. Refer to C7nit *"eratin+ ProceduresC? for s"ecific ;al;e o"eration. #urin+ initial firin+? "rior to carryin+ load? the firin+ rate must be controlled to 6ee" the furnace e%it +as tem"erature below )2/=4 until the flow throu+h the su"erheater is established to a;oid o;erheatin+ the su"erheater elements. It is recommended that a tem"erature "robe be inserted at the furnace outlet near the first +as touched su"erheater surface to enable continuous measurement of furnace e%it +as tem"erature. The time re!uired to brin+ a boiler u"to tem"erature and "ressure will de"end u"on the tem"erature and "ressure at which it is o"erated. #urin+ initial start u" of a new boiler the firin+ rate must be limited? and increase of firin+ rate should be relati;ely slow to allow ins"ection of e%"ansion mo;ements and clearances. Subse!uent start-u"s can be done at a faster rate but should not e%ceed a saturated steam tem"erature rise of ((K4 "er hour? 9refer to unit start-u" "rocedures: of the furnace e%it +as tem"erature limitation stated abo;e. &lways ma6e firin+ adEustments by hand durin+ this "eriod Rne;er attem"t to start-u" with the combustion control or feed water e!ui"ment on K&utomaticK. Prior to li+htin+ off? chec6 all instrumentation and safety interloc6s to be sure they are in +ood wor6in+ order. Gerify "ro"er coo"eration of all instrumentation 9+au+es? transmitters? recorders? etc.: durin+ initial o"eration. -.- SHUTTING DOWN : The time re!uired and the "rocedures to be followed for shuttin+ down 9Bormal shutdown to cold? normal shutdown to hot standby? emer+ency shutdown: and whether the unit is tobe entered for ins"ection and<or maintenance. Refer to K7nit *"eratin+ ProceduresK? for detailed o"eratin+ recommendation. The antici"ated time of the outa+e should be considered durin+ the shuttin+ down "rocess in determinin+ the ste"s to be ta6en for layin+ u" the unit or corrosion "rotection. Immediately after the unit is off the line and all fires are out su"erheater drains are o"ened as re!uired for the desired "ressure reduction. If the unit is shut down to cold? drum "ressure dro"s to 2 6+<cm 2 +. If "ressure "arts ins"ection or maintenance is re!uired? the water tem"erature should be reduced to 20=4 before drainin+ the boiler. Fans may be o"erated as re!uired to achie;e the desired rate of coolin+. #urin+ any ty"e of shutdown the coolin+ rate must not e%ceed (0=4 "er hour saturated steam tem"erature decrease. -.. WATER LE;EL : $efore li+htin+ a fire? the o"erator should chec6 the water le;el in the u""er drum by blowin+ down the water column and +au+e +lass. 7sually slowly crac6in+ the drain ;al;e on hi+h "ressure +au+es will suffice. & liberal blow down will usually clear the drain ;al;e seats of any forei+n matter that may be "resent. The +ua+e +lass should be blown down se;eral times at low "ressure while warmin+ u" a new boiler. Routine chec6s of the water +au+e should be made at least once a shift while a boiler is in o"eration. If the action of the water in the +au+e is slu++ish when the drain ;al;e is o"ened or closed? in;esti+ate the cause and correct the condition immediately. To "rotect the +au+e +lass? blow downs should be 6e"t to a minimum? durin+ normal o"eration. #urin+ normal o"eration the water le;el in the +au+e +lass should be obser;ed "eriodically e;en thou+h the boiler may be e!ui""ed with a reliable feed water re+ulator and<or remote water le;el indicator. -hile steamin+? the boiler should be "rotected from ra"id chan+es? in feed water tem"erature. The feed water flow to the boiler should corres"ond fairly closely to the steamin+ rate and should not be shut off com"letely while the boiler is bein+ fired. 7nless there is information to the contrary? the water le;el should be carried near the centre of the +au+e +lass. The +au+e +lass centre line is normally set to indicate normal le;el inside the durm at full "ressure conditions. If the unit is o"erated at si+nificantly reduced "ressure the le;el indicated at the +au+e +lass centre line will corres"ond to a lower than normal actual inside the drum due to difference in tem"erature between the water in the +lass and the water inside the durm. &ny adEustment of the water le;el should be +radual. If the water le;el is too hi+h? carryo;er or e;en "rimin+ may occur? es"ecially if the steam demand is lar+e and ra"idly fluctuatin+. If there is an indication of "rimin+? the water le;el should be reduced immediately by blowin+ down the unit. The steam rate should be reduced if necessary and feed water control "laced on manual. -ater condition 9al6alinity and solids: should be in;esti+ated immediately. The conditions of the drum internals should be in;esti+ated immediately. The conditions of the drum internals should be in;esti+ated as soon as o""ortunity is afforded. Perha"s the most serious emer+ency that may be encountered is low water. &s mentioned in "re;ious "ara+ra"h? the water le;el must be watched continuously and the water +au+es should be chec6ed "eriodically to ensure "ro"er o"eration. Protection of water le;el transmission lines should be "ro;ided to a;oid free1in+ or other dama+es to these lines. #o not rely solely on hi+h and low le;el alarms. If the water le;el falls out of si+ht in the water +au+e? due to failure of the feed water su""ly or ne+lect of the o"erator e%ce"t in the case of momentary fluctuations that mi+ht occur with e%traordinary chan+es in load? a""ro"riate action should be ta6en at once to e%tin+uish the fire. &ny decision to continue to o"erate? e;en if only for a short time at a reduced ratin+? would ha;e to be made by someone in authority? thorou+hly familiar with the circumstances that led to the emer+ency and "ositi;ely certain that the water le;el can be restored immediately without dama+in+ the boiler. In the absence of such decision-- 9i: Shut off the fuel su""ly to e%tin+uish all fires as !uic6ly as "ossible. If this is an inade!uate measure? a""ro"riate ste"s should be ta6en to CDillC the fire. 9ii: Simultaneously if feed water has become a;ailable meanwhile and the o"erator is assured that no "ressure "arts ha;e been dama+ed? the flow of feed water to the boiler should be +radually reduced 9ne;er increased: by manual re+ulation. The "ur"ose of handlin+ the feed water in this manner is to a;oid !uenchin+ "ressure "arts with relati;ely cold water by raisin+ the water le;el and on the other hand to a;oid e%"osin+ additional metal. The feed water re+ulatin+ ;al;e should be closed com"letely when the water in the drum can be maintained at the le;el desirable for refirin+ the unit. 9iii: 3aintain a hi+h flow throu+h the unit at first to hasten the coolin+ "rocess. 9i;: If the "ressure "arts dama+e is e%"ected reduce the steam "ressure +radually by o"enin+ the su"erheater outlet drains or drum ;ents and as the boiler cools? reduce the air flow materially. Shut down the fans as soon as the unit is cool enou+h to enter. 4lose all the steam outlet ;al;es when the steam rate a""roaches 1ero. 9;: #o not em"ty the boiler until the furnace has cooled enou+h to "ermit a man to enter in it. #etermine the cause of low water and e%amine the boiler for effects of "ossible o;erheatin+ such as lea6s and distortions of "ressure "arts. $efore "uttin+ the unit bac6 in ser;ice the boiler should be hydrostatically tested. -.6 WARMING UP AND E3PANSION : -hile the boiler is bein+ brou+ht u" to "ressure? "ro;ision should be made for +radually heatin+ and ade!uately drainin+ all cold steam "i"in+ from the be+innin+ by o"enin+ all drain ;al;es and by-"asses 9if sto" ;al;es are "ro;ided:. #urin+ initial firin+? "eriodically chec6 the e%"ansion mo;ements of the boiler and ma6e sure the casin+ headers "i"in+? etc. mo;e freely in res"ect to the structural steel. %"ansion mar6s should be installed at suitable locations to facilitate ins"ection. Periodic chec6s should be made durin+ the life of the unit to determine that e%"ansion mo;ement continues to occur in a normal? uniform manner. &ll han+ers on the unit and related "i"in+ should be chec6ed "eriodically for "ro"er settin+s and functionin+. -.=. GOING ON THE LINE : If the boiler is to be "ut in on a common steam main that is already in use the connectin+ lead between the boiler and the main header should be warmed u" +radually with a by-"ass ;al;e or by some con;enient means. Then? if the boiller is e!ui"ed with a main steam sto" ;al;e and an automatic non-return ;al;e? +radually o"en the sto" ;al;e end? while the boiler "ressure is still below the line "ressure? bac6 off the ;al;e steam of the non-return ;al;e enou+h to "ermit automatic o"eratin+ the ;al;e when the boiler "ressure becomes e!ual to the line "ressure. -.9. AIR HEATER : &n abnormal increase in draft loss across the +as and<or air side of an air heater indicates that de"osits are buildin+ u". ;ery "recaution should be ta6en to 6ee" the +as swe"t surface of the air heater clean. -ater washin+ e!ui"ment and<or other cleanin+ de;ices should be used as necessary to "re;ent air heater "lu++in+ durin+ off load "eriods. If oil is bein+ fired? ma6e certain the fuel is bein+ burned com"letely. -atch the tem"erature of the +as lea;in+ the air heater? "articularly when startin+ u" the unit. & sudden and abnormal increase in the +as outlet tem"erature would indicate that a fire has de;elo"ed. In this e;ent? the unit should be shut down immediately and ste"s to be ta6en to !uench the fire. The e%it +as tem"erature will rise with increasin+ load and fall with decreasin+ load. If a lo+ is 6e"t of the e%it +as tem"erature? the o"erator will soon be able to reco+nise an abnormally hi+h or low e%it +as tem"erature. If the e%it +as tem"erature is below normal for the load at which the unit is bein+ o"erated? loo6 for ;ery low e%cess air 9;ery hi+h 4*2? may be some 4* 8 smo6e:. 0i+h e%it tem"erature may be caused by such conditions as > 0i+h e%cess air? dirty water walls? secondary? combustion? a dirty air heater and<or a fire in the air heater. -.:. SOOT BLOWERS : Soot blowers should be o"erated as often as necessary to 6ee" the e%ternal heatin+ surfaces clean. & hi+h economiser e%it +as tem"erature and<or erratic steam tem"erature control action may be an indication of the need for blowin+ soot. $y recordin+ and com"arin+ this e%it +as tem"erature at ;arious loads and furnace conditions a "ro"er soot blowin+ schedule can be established. It will be found more difficult to use the soot blower effecti;ely if durin+ a "eriod of ne+lect? a considerable amount of fly ash or sla+ is allowed to build u". Be;er use soot blowers on a cold boiler. If the boiler is cold there is a chance of direct im"in+ement of soot blower Eets on wall tubes or su"erheater tubes which would result in erosion of tube metal. &lways be sure that the combustion rate is hi+h enou+h when blowin+ soot so that the fires are not e%tin+uished. -ith steam soot blowin+? "ro"er draina+e of the soot blower "i"in+ system is ;ery im"ortant in "re;entin+ "ressure "arts erosion. There should be no water "oc6ets what e;er in the "i"in+. & (( mm hole is often drilled throu+h the seat of the drain ;al;e so as to "ermit draina+e of any condensate formed. 5et the steam flow freely lon+ enou+h to heat the lines thorou+hly before o"eratin+ the soot blowers. -.14 STEAM TEMPERATURE CONTROL : The function of the steam tem"erature control e!ui"ment is to maintain desi+n su"erheat tem"eratures o;er the s"ecified control ran+e. Steam tem"eratures should ne;er be allowed to e%ceed the ma%imum ;alues shown on the "redicted "erformance es"ecially if steam tem"erature control e!uiment is "ro+rammed down to a boiler ratin+ below the control "oint. #ama+e to tubin+ may result due to locali1ed o;erheatin+? caused by maldistribution of steam flow at low loads. -ith constant load abnormally hi+h su"erheated steam tem"erature may be caused by >- 9i: Too hi+h e%cess air. 9ii: Too low feed water tem"erature. 9iii: Sta++ed u" furnace 9dirty furnace:. 9i;: Secondary combustion. 9;: Im"ro"er o"eration of automatic steam tem"erature indicatin+ and controllin+ e!ui"ment. Su"erheated steam tem"erature below normal for the load may be caused by > - 9i: Too low e%cess air. 9ii: Too hi+h feed water tem"erature. 9iii: %cessi;e e%ternal de"osits on su"erheater tubes. 9i;: %cessi;e moisture carry o;er from the boiler drum. 9;: Im"ro"er o"eration at automatic steam tem"erature indicatin+ and controllin+ e!ui"ment. 9;i: 5ea6in+ de-su"erheater s"ray water ;al;es. The su"erheater steam tem"erature will dro" suddenly and reco;er if the boiler is "rimin+. The tem"erature fluctuations increase in fre!uency and se;erely as the total solids or al6alinity in the boiler water increases. Steam tem"erature control e!ui"ment "ro;ided for the boiler includes the followin+ >- &utomatic s"ray water de-su"er-heatin+. Remote manually o"erated burner tilt mechanism. Remote o"erated +as recirculation flow 9if "ro;ided:. The su"erheated steam tem"erature control en;isa+es a combination of the abo;e controls. -hile the de-su"erheater s"ray control is 6e"t on auto 9meant for finer su"erheated steam tem"erature control: the tiltin+ has been arran+ed for remote manual o"eration? so that the re!uired tiltin+ can be done from control room to achie;e the rated su"er heated steam tem"erature. If +as recirculation has been "ro;ided? this is "ut on remote manual o"eration. a) S5"a( Bat!" *!/)u5!"1!at!") : The de-su"erheaters are normally "ro;ided to maintain the desi+n final su"erheater steam tem"erature. #e-su"erheated s"ray water control is +enerally a 3-element cascade system in which final steam tem"erature? intermediate 9de-su"erheaterC outlet: steam tem"erature and load inde% 9steam flow or air flow measurements: are a""lied to achie;e "ro"er and fast control actions. The su"erheated steam tem"erature must be maintained at )(=4 durin+ continuous o"eration. Permissible tolerances are A (=4. 0owe;er? the tem"erature must not be maintained continuously at the u""er limit. The actual tem"erature of su"erheated steam must be so maintained that the a;era+e ;alue for any 12 months "eriod is not more than the normal ;alue. & short time e%cess of about 10=4 o;er the rated su"erheated tem"erature is "ermissible in e%ce"tional cases "ro;ided the duration of this e%cess tem"eratue is not more than 1( minutes at any one time and combined duration of these e%cesses in total is not more than )00 hours in any 12 months inter;als. The su"erheated steam tem"erature is controlled by feed water inEection into the steam. The eEectors in which the water inEection ta6es "lace are arran+ed in the "i"elines between the indi;idual "arts of the su"erheater. Re+ulatin+ ;al;es by which the !uantity of inEection water is re+ulated are controlled automatically. In case of emer+ency it is "ossible to o"erate these ;al;es manually. The de-su"erheatin+ station consists of a control ;al;e? hand o"erated sto" ;al;es on either side of the control ;al;e and a by- "ass line consistin+ of a re+ulatin+ sto" ;al;e. The sto" ;al;es side of the control ;al;e must be o"en durin+ boiler o"eration. The by-"ass line is always 6e"t ready for o"eration and can be o"erated manually. The su"erheated steam tem"erature controllers "ractically need no attention $ut attention is drawn to the fact that the re+ulatin+ ;al;es do not seal "erfectly when bein+ closed and always lea6 a little . (%) Fu!l a#* A" NoDDl! tlt) : The fuel and air no11les can be tilted throu+h a ,0 de+ree ran+e 930 de+rees u" and 30 de+rees down:. Raisin+ or lowerin+ the flame "ro;ides in effect? a furnace with an adEustable amount of heat absorbin+ surface. & no11le tilt dri;e units in the four corners of a furnace will o"erate in unison 9simultaneously: in res"onse to control si+nals from the remote manually o"erated "ush button. (&) G!#!"al : Re+ardless of the means "ro;ided for controllin+ su"erheater steam tem"eratures? there are a number of factors which may "roduce abnormal steam tem"eratures. -ith a new or e%ternally clean coal? it may be necessary to o"erate for a considerable "eriod of time before normal de"osits build u" on the furnace walls and some difficulty may be e%"erienced in +ettin+ the "redicted steam tem"erature. If the steam tem"erature is too low? the furnace walls should be cleaned only as necessary? in ste"s? usin+ one wall blower? then o"eratin+ for a "eriod and usin+ another wall blowerCat another wall. 4leanin+ all the furnace wall at once may +i;e an e%tremely low steam tem"erature Rwhereas ne+lectin+ to clean the furnace may lead to other difficulties. If the steam tem"erature is +enerally too hi+h? the furnace should be cleaned thorou+hly and com"letely as often as necessary to 6ee" the tem"eratures down. &s sla+ de;elo"s in the furnace? the heat absor"tion rate of the furnace will be decreased materially and the steam tem"erature and o;erall "erformance of the unit will be affected. 4ontinuously increasin+ steam tem"erature? with no chan+e in steam out"ut? indicates "ro+ressi;e foulin+ of the furnace. If sla++in+ becomes acute? locali1ed ash accumulations may obstruct "ortions of the su"erheater and "roduce hi+h mass +as ;elocities in the free areas with o;erheatin+ a "ossibility. The o"erators should de;elo" a suitable "rocedure? usin+ the wall blowers to desla+. Soot blowers will +i;e best results if the ash is not stic6y. Fre!uent furnace ins"ections should be made to see that no sla+ accumulates around the wind bo% o"enin+? since unsatisfactory flame conditions can result. Such. accumulation? if found should be remo;ed "rom"tly. -.11 SUPERHEATERS : 4onsideration for "rotectin+ the su"erheater is a controllin+ factor in determinin+ how ra"idly a natural circulation unit should be brou+ht u" to "ressure. The saturated tem"erature increases must not e%ceed ((=4 "er hour durin+ start-u"s. The su"erheater elements should be heated as e;enly as "ossible? and ma%imum tem"erature of the flue +as enterin+ the first +as touched su"erheater should be carefully monitored and controlled durin+ start-u"s. The furnace e%it +as tem"eratures are normally measured by means of a thermocou"le "robe tra;ersin+ about half the width of the furnace. The "oint of ma%imum tem"erature must be determined each time the firin+ "attern is chan+ed. The ma%imum furnace e%it +as tem"erature should be limited to )2/K4 until normal steam flow throu+h the su"erheater is established. To assure clearin+ the su"erheater element loo"s of condensate? "ro;ision must be made for ade!uate flow of steam throu+h the su"erheater while startin+ u". #rain and ;ent ;al;es in the outlet headers and<or the main steam line should be o"ened before the unit is fired and 6e"t o"en until the unit is steamin+ under load. These startin+ drains and<or ;ents may be throttled +radually as drum "ressure increases? "ro;ided sufficient flow throu+h the su"erheater is assured at alltimes. -hen the "rocess draws continuous steam su""ly? an ade!uate steam flow will be assured? the su"erheater start-u" drain and<or ;ents may be closed. -hile carryin+ load? "rotection in the e;ent of a sudden interru"tion of steam flow is "ro;ided by the su"erheater safety ;al;es which are set to K"o"K before the drum safety ;al;es. If the flow of steam from the boiler is suddently sto""ed? the su"erheater safety ;al;es will o"en and re- establish the flow. It is im"erati;e that all fuel be tri""ed immediately when such interru"tions of steam flow occur. 4are must be e%ercised to a;oid carry-o;er of water and solids to the su"erheaters. Steam sam"les should be ta6en at fre!uent inter;als for the "ur"ose of detectin+ e;idence of carry- o;er. Steam conducti;ity recorders are commonly used for this "ur"ose. Sam"lin+ connections are normally "ro;ided in the su"erheater connectin+ tubes? lea;in+ the steam drum. 4arry-o;er may be caused by abnormal hi+h water le;el? es"ecially if the steam rate is hi+h. If carry o;er is sus"ected? ste"s should be ta6en immediately to in;esti+ate and eliminate the conditions causin+ this carry-o;er. If the in;esti+ation indicates that the carry-o;er is not a result of im"ro"er water condition? the steam internals and the water le;el control and indicatin+ e!ui"ment should be ins"ected at the first "ossible o""ortunity. -.12 BLOWDOWN : The continuous blowdown offers the best means for controllin+ and maintainin+ a relati;ely constant concentration of soluble solids in the boiler water. The data on blowdown should be recorded. The amount of blowdown is best determined from a chemical analysis of water from the boiler. Batural circulation boilers are e!ui""ed with either down ta6e blow off ;al;es or water wall su""ly drum drains which may be used for intermittent blowdown ser;ice at any time. Be;er use water wall inlet header drains for blowdown while the unit is steamin+. These are for drainin+ only? when the unit is out of ser;ice. 7nits with lower drums may be blown down at any time.7nless the ;al;e manufacturerCs recommendations are contrary? o"en the sealin+ ;al;e 9ne%t to the boiler: and then the blowin+ ;al;e 9farthest from the boiler: and close in the re;erse order. Be;er ma6e the blowdown lon+ enou+h to lose si+ht of the water in the +au+e +lass. &ll closures on the boiler "ressure "arts must be o"ened and closed +radually so as to "re;ent "ressure shoc6s? sudden chan+es of teme"rature and sudden e%"ansion of steam in the boiler. s"ecially it is necessary to a;oid water shoc6s which occur when steam comes into contact with cooler water. The mud dischar+e ;al;es ser;e only for drainin+ of the boiler after its shut down and must not be used for continuous blowin+ down. &t occasional shuttin+ or reduction of out"ut and "ressure? es"ecially in the case of new boiler? it is necessary to drain the mud collected by means of mud dischar+e ;al;es at least once a wee6. In the be+innin+ mud is dischar+ed once a day. It has to ta6e "lace always at reduced boiler out"ut and only by half o"enin+ the mud dischar+e ;al;es. 4ontinuous blowdown is to ta6e "lace always throu+h the blowdown ;al;e. & by-"ass ;al;e is "ro;ided as a standby for any contin+ency and is o"erated manually. 4om"osition of boiler water must corres"ond to the "rescribed ;alues? it is necessary to ta6e out sam"les and test them. Fuality of steam "roduced is chec6ed by ta6in+ sam"les of su"erheated steam. It is also necessary to ta6e sam"les of saturated steam. Thus correct se"aration of water in the boiler drum can be chec6ed. The !uality of feed water and boiler water and saturated and su"erheated steam must be chec6ed in the laboratory at re+ular inter;als 3 to ) times "er shift. &ll sam"les must be 6e"t o"en continuously. It is necessary to blow throu+h the sam"lin+ "i"in+ once in a day in order that the ;alues of the sam"es corres"ond to the actualstate. *nce a shift it is necessary to chec6 the hardness of the sam"les ta6en to ma6e sure the ti+htness of the sam"le coolers. It is necessary to maintain the !uality of boilers water at the re!uired ;alues by suitable combination of blowdown and do1in+. &fter shuttin+ the closure it is necessary to ma6e sure about the ti+htness of the same accordin+ to the tem"erature of the "i"in+. -.1+ COMBUSTION CHAMBER : 9i: The furnace out"ut must be controlled as follows >- The 34R *F T0 $*I5R 37ST B*T $ T4##. The safety ;al;es should not blow and the steam "ressure should not dro" below the normal ;alue durin+ normal o"eratin+ conditions. 3a%imum steam tem"erature and the ma%imum "ermissible steam tem"erature before the de- su"erheaters should not e%ceed. Sudden chan+es of tem"erature should not occur in the combustion chamber. 9ii: For a balanced draft unit a ;acuum of ) mm must be maintained at the end of the combustion chamber durin+ o"eration. It is forbidden to o"erate the boiler under o;er "ressure. 9iii: For +ood o"eration of boiler? correct e%cess air co-efficient as indicated in the antici"ated "erformance data must be maintained at the end of the combustion chamber. -hen there is insufficient air in the furnace? the steam "ressure falls and the smo6e is dar6. -hen there is too much air in the furnace? su"erheated steam tem"erature increases and the flame tem"erature dro"s. 9i;: $urners which are not in ser;ice must be cooled by a flow of secondary air. The re!uired !uantity of air is decided durin+ o"eration. $efore "ee"in+ into the furnace it must be ensured that there is no o;er-"ressure and if the tem"erature is more than 1000K4 it is necessary to use dar6 eye +lasses. *ne should stand in such a way that in case of e;entual burstin+ of flame or flue +ases it is "ossible to turn away from the direction of burstin+. -hen wor6in+ at the ho""er it is necessary to use "rotecti;e shields? dar6 eye-+lasses and head "rotection co;er. -.1-. TUBE FAILURES : In the e;ent of a failure of one or more water carryin+ tubes in a natural circulation boiler? the best method for shuttin+ down the boiler will be dictated by the si1e of the failure? the ability to maintain normal water le;el in the boiler and the demands for the ser;ice of the boiler. If the failure is such that the water le;el can be maintained in the +au+e +lass by usin+ the normal ma6e-u" system and the load conditions re!uire continued o"eration? the boiler can be 6e"t in ser;ice until it is more con;enient to ta6e it off the line and ma6e the necessary re"airs. &s lon+ as the failure does not become one which in;ol;es the loss of water le;el in the +au+e +lass? the boiler should be shut down in the normal manner? in order that no e!ui"ment may be subEected to sudden tem"erature chan+es. If failure is such that the water le;el cannot be maintained in the +au+e +lass? then the boiler should be shut down immediately. &fter a shut-down due to low water? e;ery effort should be made to 6ee" the water as near normal as "ossible until the boiler is cool enou+h to drain. & lea6 in a su"erheater element should be in;esti+ated at the earliest "ossible time? and the unit should be shutdown in a normal manner. &n economiser tube lea6 can be detected by sound and<or increased ma6e u" water re!uirements. The lea6 should be in;esti+ated at the earliest "ossible time and the unit shut down in a normal manner. -ater lea6s in the economiser can cause considerable erosion dama+e to the adEacent tubes. -ater carried o;er from an economiser tube lea6 may cause "lu++in+ of ho""ers and air heater. &ny decision to continue o"eration with 6nown lea6s should be made with the abo;e in mind. These are recommendations only and are not intended to su""lement the Eud+ement of the o"erators res"onsibility for the o"eration of the e!ui"ment. It must be borne in mind that "rolon+ed o"eration with lea6i+ tubes may cut other tubes and ma6e maEor re"air Eob out of what was a relati;ely sim"le and short one? but the time selected to ta6e the unit off the line is solely the res"onsibility of theP o"erators as they are the only ones who 6now all the circumstances? the ad;anta+es and disad;anta+es of 6ee"in+ the unit on the line. In the case of a lea6 or tube failure? it does not in;ol;e a serious drain on the feed water su""ly? the water le;el should be maintained and the boiler ta6en out of ser;ice in the normal manner. 9i: *"erate the soot blowers if conditions "ermit. 9ii: Switch the combustion control e!ui"ment to manualcontrol and "roceed to reduce the firin+ rate and air flow in normal manner. 9iii: -hen all fires are e%tin+uished? continue the air flow throu+h the unit at a reduced rate to "ur+e all combustible +as? ;a"our etc. 9i;: Re+ulate feed water to the boiler by hand? maintainin+ a hi+h le;el in the water +au+e. 9;: -hen the boiler starts steamin+? o"en the su"erheater outlet drain enou+h to reduce the saturation tem"eratures by a""ro%imately ((=4 "er hour. 4lose the main and au%iliary steam outlet ;al;es. 9;i: -hen the drum "ressure dro" 2 6+<cm 2 +? o"en the drum ;ent ;al;es and allow the boiler to cool to atleast 20=4 before drainin+. NOTE : &ir flow reduction is accom"lished by shuttin+ down F. #. fan and lea;in+ I. #. fan in ser;ice. In case of tube failure which results in a loss of feed water so +reat that the water le;el could not be maintained with the feed water su""ly a;ailable? use the method detailed below >- 9i: Shut off all fires. 9ii: Shut off feed water to the boiler. 9iii: Reduce the fan ca"acity and maintain only enou+h air flow to carry the esca"in+ steam u" the stac6. Fans may be left in ser;ice until "ressure is off the unit. 9iii: &fter the furnace has cooled enou+h to "ermit a man to enter it? ma6e a thorou+h ins"ection of all "ressure "arts for any indication of dama+e. &fter the necessary re"airs ha;e been made? the boiler should be hydrostatically tested and obtain the a""ro;al of "ro"er authorities before "uttin+ the unit bac6 in ser;ice. -.1.. FURNACE E3PLOSIONS : 9i: Furnace e%"losions are +enerally a result of the followin+ conditions>-- 9a: The accumulation of unburnt fuel in the furnace due to incom"lete combustion? loss of i+nition or fuel ;al;e lea6a+e. 9b: The mi%ture of this unburnt fuel with air in e%"losi;e "ro"ortions. 9c: The a""lication of sufficient heat to raise the tem"erature of a "ortion of this mi%ture to the i+nition "oint. 9ii: 7nburnt fuel may accumulate in the furnace in a number of ways? for instance >- 9a: Throu+h lea6y main fuel or i+nition fuel inlet ;al;es on idle windbo% com"artments. 9b: If the fires are e%tin+uished and the fuel is not shut off "rom"ty. 9c: If the fuel is not burnin+ as ra"idly as it is enterin+ the furnace. 9d: In startin+ u"? if difficulty is e%"erienced in establishin+ i+nition. 9iii: Furnace e%"losions can be a;oided by ta6in+ a few "recautions such as >- 9a: #urin+ start-u"s maintain minimum air flow of 30@ of full load air flow to ensure an air rich furnace atmos"here and "re;ent accumulation of e%"losi;e mi%tures. 9b: $e sure that the main fuel and i+nition fuel inlet ;al;es on idle fuel com"artments are closed ti+htly and do not lea6. It is ad;isable to remo;e idle +uns from the +uide "i"es? to a;oid dri""in+. 9c: -atch the fires so that the fuel may be shut off without delay if "ro"er combustion is not maintained. If the fires are lost? tri" all main and i+nition fuel immediately. 4lose all tri" and shut off ;al;es. Pur+e the furnace for at least ( minutes after shut down with 30@ 9minimum: air flow. 9d: 4lear oil tan6s of water and slud+e "eriodically. 9e: -hen a boiler has been idle? "ur+e the furnace before "uttin+ i+nitors in ser;ice. $e sure that the warm u" fuel firin+ rate is hi+h enou+h to "roduce a flame not easily e%tin+uished. Be;er attem"t to li+ht an oil or +as no11le without the re!uired i+nition ener+y source. $e sure that the oil is heated and circulated to +i;e the re!uired ;iscosity at the no11les. #o not use hea;y oil +uns for boilin+ out? li+htin+ off and warmin+ u"? "referably use li+ht oil. 9f: Re+ularly chec6 "ro"er function of interloc6s? tri"s? etc? "rior to any start-u" and "eriodically durin+ normal o"eratin+ "eriods. -.16 INSPECTION : 9i: -hene;er the boiler is shut down? and cool enou+h to enter the furnace ma6e an e%ternal ins"ection of the boiler waterwalls? su"erheater? reheater? economi1er and air heater. 4lean the firesides where necessary? and e%amine all tubes for e;idence of corrosion? erosion? swellin+? war"in+?blisterin+? burnin+ and crac6in+. 9ii: Swellin+ of su"erheater tubes indicates o;erheatin+ which may ha;e been caused by brin+in+ the boiler u"to "ressure too !uic6ly? failure to ;ent the su"erheater sufficiently while boiler is bein+ brou+ht u"to "ressure or scale on the internal surfaces due to carry o;er of water from the boiler. Sli+ht war"in+ is not serious if ste"s are ta6en at once to determine and eliminate the cause. 9iii: 4hec6 the conditions of the furnace settin+ and chec6 the casin+ and doors for lea6s. 9i;: $efore enterin+ the drum? ma6e sure that all ;al;es in drum connectin+ "i"in+ 9feed water? au%iliary steam? chemical feed blow-down drains sam"lin+ +au+e +lass drain etc? are closed ti+htly and "ro"erly ta++ed so that they will not be o"ened inad;ertently. Remo;e the manhole co;ers and chec6 the drum internals for ti+htness and cleanliness. 9;: 4hec6 the drum for corrosion and "ittin+. *%y+en "ittin+ is a common form of corrosion that can be found in boilers. 7sually in the steam drum abo;e the normal water le;el but is also found in water drums? tubes and headers. Remo;e a sufficient amount of handhole ca"s from each boiler and water wall header for ins"ection of the internal tube surfaces. -ash down the unit to remo;e any slud+e. 9;i: Ins"ect and if necessary clean the e%ternal heatin+ surface of the economi1er. 9;ii: See that the heatin+ surfaces of the air heater are clean. 4orrosion? if "resent would a""ear in the coller "ortion of the heater? "articularly where soot and dirt are allowed to accumulate. 9;iii: 3a6e a thorou+h ins"ection of the firesides and clean as re!uired. 4hec6 for misali+nment of the soot blowers. 9i%: 4hec6 all boiler instrumentation for cleanliness and "ro"er o"eration. 9%: 4hec6 fuel burnin+ e!ui"ment 9no11les i+nitors? oil +uns lin6a+e? dam"ers etc.: for cleanliness and "ro"er o"eration. 4hec6 where "racticable? control ;al;es? relays interloc6s etc. 9%i: &nnual ins"ection should be com"lete and include an internal and e%ternal e%amination of the entire unit. -.1= LA,/UPS -hen the unit is shut down for standby "ur"oses and drainin+ of the boiler is not re!uired for maintenance or re"airs? the boiler metals must be "rotected a+ainst corrosion. -.19 PRESSURE GAUGES : The "ressure +au+es installed on the boiler should be obser;ed to ha;e a chec6 o;er the "ressure rise abo;e the safety ;al;e o"enin+ allowable "ressure and the "ressure dro" below the minimum allowable "ressure. For chec6in+ the "ressure +au+es in o"eration in boiler house? there should be at least one chec6 "ressure +au+e of same measurin+ ran+e as "rescribed for ser;ice "ressure +au+es. The readin+s of the ser;ices "ressure +au+es must be com"ared with the readin+s of the chec6 "ressure +au+e within the ma%imum and minimum of "ressure once in a year and any de;iation found must be set ri+ht. In case the de;iation between the ser;ice and chec6 "ressure +au+es is more than (@ of ma%imum "ressure indicated on the scale then the ser;ice "ressure +au+e must be re"laced by another correct "ressure +au+e. Should an immediate re"lacement of "ressure +au+e not "ossible there must be a correction indicated in the "ressure +au+e within the ran+e of ma%imum and minimum "ressure. -.1:. SAFET, ;AL;ES : Safety ;al;es must be tested at least once in four months. $lowin+ of safety ;al;e durin+ o"eration is considered as tested. &lso the safety ;al;es must be tested before each "lanned boiler shut down. Securin+ the cone of the safety ;al;e a+ainst liftin+ due to steam "ressure is strictly forbidden. In case the safety ;al;es blow u" at a lower "ressure it is first necessary to com"are the readin+s of the ser;ice "ressure +au+e with the chec6 "ressure +au+e readin+s. &fter chec6in+ correctness of the "ressure +au+e readin+s and the incorrect function of the safety ;al;es? the same must be newly set u" chec6ed and secured. In case the safety ;al;es blow u" because of e%ceedin+ the ma%imum of desi+n? it is necessary to brin+ down the "ressure by reducin+ the firin+? increasin+ the feedin+ and steam e%traction and blowin+ down the boiler. $lowin+ u" of the safety ;al;es must be recorded in the lo+ sheet. In the records it must be indicated at which "ressure the safety ;al;es o"ened and how was the "ressure rise. -.24 THERMOMETERS : he readin+s of the ser;ice thermometers must be chec6ed at least once in three months. &lso the chec6in+ must be carried out whene;er sus"icion arises about the correctness of the ser;ice thermometers. For chec6in+ the ser;ice thermometers the o"erator must ha;e at least one chec6 thermometer ha;in+ the same ran+e as that of ser;ice thermometer. The chec6 thermometer must be controlled at least once a year. Should the difference between the readin+s of the ser;ice and chec6 thermometers within the ran+e of the ma%imum and minimum wor6in+ steam tem"erature be more than (=4? the ser;ice thermometer would ha;e to be re"laced by another one. If it is difficult to re"lace the thermometer immediately? a correction must be mar6ed on the thermometer within the ran+e of the ma%imum and minimum wor6in+ steam tem"erature. The function and correctness of the si+nallin+ thermometers must be chec6ed at least once a wee6. -.21 WATER TREATMENT : The successful o"eration of steam +eneratin+ e!ui"ment de"ends u"on a ri+id control of feed water and o"eratin+ ;ariables to assure freedom from scale formation and corrosion of water and steam contacted surfaces of the boiler. This control is ;ery im"ortant in lower "ressure boilers and becomes increasin+ly ma+nified at intermediate and hi+her "ressure o"eration. Scale formation in boilers is "re;ented by "ro;idin+ a +ood ma6e-u" water to the feed water system and by a;oidin+ condensate .contamination. &t lower "ressures? a suitable ma6e-u" may be attained by cold or hot lime-soda "rocess softeners or by 1eolite combination. &t hi+her "ressure the ma6e u" must be of condensate !uality such as "ro;ided by e;a"oration or by deminerali1ation. 4orrosion of metal surfaces in contact with water and steam constitutes the maEor maintenance e%"ense to the "ower industry. The condensate and feed water must be free of dissol;ed corrosi;e +ases and the "0 of the water must be "ro"erly adEusted to "re;ent the attac6 of metal Surfaces. The o%y+en content in the feed water must be reduced to low le;els by effecti;e deaeration in the condenser and in deaeratin+ heaters. 4are must be ta6en to "re;ent the introduction of air into heater dri"s which may be added to the condensate. 3a6e-u" condensate from stora+e tan6s should not be added directly to the feed water system without deaeration. 3inimum forced boiler outa+e time has been reali1ed where the o%y+en content has been reduced and held below 0.01 ""m. It is im"ortant to maintain a chemical reducin+ en;ironment in the boiler water and chemicals such as sul"hite and hydra1ine ha;e been used effecti;ely to achie;e this. Sodium sul"hite is not ad;ised for hi+her "ressures as dissociation of the chemical ta6es "lace at hi+her tem"eratures and the "roducts of dissociation are corrosi;e. The "0 of the feed water must be controlled to "re;ent the dissolution of the iron and co""er alloys in the "re-boiler system. These form corrosi;e "roducts when introduced into the boiler and will contribute to the corrosion of boiler steam +eneratin+ surfaces. *%ides of iron and co""er may "ermit the diffusion of boiler water to the heated surfaces of the unit and cause locally hi+h concentrations of boiler water salines that result in the attac6 of the tube metal. The "ic6-u" metals from "re-boiler surfaces can be minimi1ed by the addition of ;olatile al6aline chemical that raise the "0 of the feed water. The "0 ran+e of ... - 2.2 ha;e "roduced the best results. Golatile treatment offers the +reatest assurance a+ainst de"osition in su"erheaters and turbines which mi+ht result from intermittent carry o;er. The only disad;anta+e of this treatment is the fact ffct that the boiler water is unbuffered and subEect to relati;ely ra"id chan+es in boiler water "0 ;alues if contamination should occur. -here the ad;anta+es of ;olatile control are to be "ursued s"ecial em"hasis must be "laced on !uic6 detection of condenser lea6s and alarms must be a;ailable to alert the o"erators that such a condition e%ists. Golatile control should be used only when the dissol;ed solids content in the boiler is less than 2 ""m. If a si+nificant concentration of solids is "resent as a result of condenser lea6a+e? solid treatin+ chemicals such as trisodium "hos"hate should be a;ailable for immediate inEection of "h adEustment of the boiler water. 7nder no circumstances should a boiler be o"erated with a "0 which cannot be maintained abo;e this ;alue with chemical feed and blowdown the unit should be remo;ed from ser;ice in an orderly fashion. 4lose control of solids in the boiler water must be established to "re;ent carryo;er of boiler water into the steam. The "resence of oil +rease hi+h al6alinity or other foam inducin+ solids cannot be tolerated. It is e;ident that strin+ent control of o"eration and feed water treatment must be a""lied to "re;ent trouble from scalin+? corrosion and foamin+. The control of boiler water is a "rime "rere!uisite to +ood o"eration. & +ood chemical staff should be em"loyed. The ser;ices of a com"etent consultant can be of ;alue to su""lement necessary technical data and information. 5ast but not the least is the im"ortance of water le;el control. *"eration at hi+her water le;els in drum "romote carryo;er. S"ecial attention should be "aid for water le;el control durin+ start? unit tri" and wide load fluctuation. NOTE : Protection of the boiler a+ainst corrosion should not be limited to actual o"eration of the unit. Ri+id standards with res"ect to water conditionin+ should also be maintained durin+ lay-u" "eriods. For details on boiler lay-u" refer to the recommended "rocedures elsewhere in the manual. Periodical chemical cleanin+ of the boiler ensures cleanliness of inside tube surface to "re;ent failures due toH corrosion and de"osition. *nce in 3 to ( year of o"eration cleanin+ is ad;isable as a routine maintenance o"eration. 3ore fre!uent cleanin+s will be re!uired de"endin+ u"on the history of o"eration such as chemical re+ime boiler de;iation? e%tent of condenser lea6s? "re-boiler corrosion etc. Periodical remo;al and analysis of tube sam"les around burners in corner fired units will +reatly hel" to schedule o"erational cleanin+ in time. -.22 MISCELLANEOUS Recommendations of the chemical laboratory must be strictly adhered to. 4orrect flow of coolin+ water where;er necessary must be "ut into o"eration. It is necessary to chec6 the insulation and loose insulation must be immediately re"aired. &ll e!ui"ments must be lubricated as "er schedule and the condition of the lubricants must be chec6ed often. If any lea6a+e is found in "ressure "arts weldin+ the boiler must be immediately shut down. The len+th of shut down "reriod is determined accordin+ to the nature of the defect found. .. DEAERATION S,STEM ..1. GENERAL : #eaeration is the "rocess of remo;in+ disslo;ed corrosi;e +ases-*%y+en and 4arbon-dio%ide from water. -ater is deaerated by thermal method called thermal deaeration. Thermal deaeration of water is based on the fact that the solubility of +ases in water decreases as their "artial "ressures dro" off on the s"ace abo;e the water? for which water is heated to the boilin+ "oint at the +i;en "ressure. The remo;al of only o%y+en from water is called deo%y+enation. The deo%y+enation is achie;ed by means of hydra1ine hydrate? which is added to the feed water at $FP suction or at outlet from the deaerator stora+e tan6. *%y+en remo;al is effected as illustrated by the followin+ reaction>- B20) L 02 I 202* L B2 The TPS has two deaerators of hori1ontal 8 s"ray cum tray ty"e. These o"erate at a "ressure hi+her than the atmos"heric. The normal o"eratin+ "ressure of deaerators is 2.. to 3.0 6+<cm2H. ach deaerator is ca"able of caterin+ to the re!uirement of feed water for boilers. 0owe;er? both deaerators are o"erated in "arallel with their stora+e tan6s connected with each other by steam and water balance lines. #3 Plant su""lies the #3 water ma6e-u" to deaerators. ..2. CONSTRUCTIONAL FEATURES AND OPERATION OF DEAERATOR : The deaerator consists of deaerator "ro"er 9to": and stora+e tan6s for storin+ deaerated water. The stora+e tan6 is fitted with water le;el +au+e +lasses with 12 "orts? "ressure and tem"erature +au+es. The o;erflow ;al;e of stora+e tan6 o"ens when le;el reaches beyond Ilth "ort of the +au+e +lass. The stora+e tan6 has inside it two nos. of hori1ontally "laced "erforated "i"es for heatin+ steam. The water enters the deaerator "ro"er throu+h the distributin+ de;ice. The distributin+ de;ice has two rows of s"ray no11les 910 nos? in each row: fitted at its bottom alon+ its len+th. -ater comes out throu+h the no11les in the form of fine dro"lets so as to "ro;ide a ma%imum surface of contact between the water and the steam. -ater in the form of dro"lets fall on the trays fitted in the deaerator "ro"er. Steam is deli;ered into the lower side of the deaerator "ro"er and is distributed into two sections hori1ontally. The trays are arran+ed between these two sections and these are se"arated from the trays by means of SS "lates with rectan+ular o"enin+s to enable the steam to flow throu+h them towards the trays. Steam +oes u"wards? +radually crossin+ the streams of the water that fall from the trays. The +ases e;ol;ed from the water to+ether with the noncondensin+ ;a"our are ;ented from the deaerator into the atmos"here throu+h four nos. of ;ents fitted with orifices. *ne of the ;ents has isolation ;al;e to re+ulate the amount of ;ent. To effect steady deaeration of water? the amount of ;ent must not be less than 1.( to 2.0 6+ "er ton of deaerated water. The water heated to the boilin+ "oint and free from the +ases? +ets into the stora+e tan6? from where it is drawn by the feed "um"s> 0eatin+ steam "assin+ throu+h the ;al;e #G-1 and throu+h "erforated "i"es inside the stora+e tan6 causes intensi;e stirrin+ of water and maintain it in a state of boilin+. Tem". of feed water inside stora+e tan6 is maintained at 1)(=4. ..+ DEAERATOR FILLING LINE UP (DRG NO. -) : S. No. DESCRIPTION ACTION 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. 0.. 02. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1). &llreleases #eaerator? #eaerator stora+e Tan6. Safety ;al;e 5e;el 4ontroller<alarm 'au+e +lass #eaerator ;ent 4#-32 *"enec #eaerator drain to drain Tan6 4#-)1? 8 4#-)2. $FP suction ;al;es FS? 4losed. -ater side balancin+ ;al;e. 4losed. Steam side balancin+ ;al;e. 4losed. Pressure +au+e<transmitters. 4hec6ec Gent ;al;e on #3 water ma6e u" line #3-20. *"ened $oiler fillin+ ;al;e #3-1.. 4losed. Sam"lin+ line ;al;e #3-22 4losed. #3-2 ma6e u" to condenser. 4losed. 4leared 8 $o%ed u" 4hec6ed in ser;ice. 4hec6ed in ser;ice. 4hec6ed in ser;ice. *"ened. 4losed. 4losed. 4losed. 4losed. 4hec6ed in ser;ice. *"ened. 4losed. 4losed. 4losed. ..- FILL UP DEAERATOR S. No. DESCRIPTION ACTION 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. 0.. #eaerator #3 water line in TPS #eaerator le;el control ;al;e by-"ass ;al;e #3-1. 9a: #3 water ma6e-u" ;al;e to #TR-1 #3 9when water comes out continuously throu+h #3-20. 9b: Gent ;al;e on #3 water ma6e u" line #3-20. #eaerator le;el #eaerator le;el control ;al;e #33 #eaerator le;el control ;al;e isolatin+ ;al;es #32 8 #3) #eaerator le;el control ;al;es $y-"ass ;al;e #3?. 5ined u" 4har+ed 4rac6 o"ened *"ened. 4losed. $uilt u" 4hec6ed. If it o"erates correctly . *"ened. 4losed. ... DEAERATOR STEAM LINE UP (DTR/I) S. No. DESCRIPTION ACTION A. B. 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. 0.. 02 10. 11. 12. 13. 1). 1(. &u%iliary steam line drain ;al;e &S-32 immediately before &S-.. &u%iliary steam header drain ;al;e &S)0H &u%iliary steam line ;al;e &S20 to S4&P0 8 atomisin+ tracin+ ;al;e. &S drain ;al;es &S)1? &S)2? &S)3 Oust before &S2. &S11 &S13 res"ecti;ely. &S isolatin+ ;al;e &S13 &S manually controlled ;al;e &S1) &S drain ;al;es &S)(? &S),? &S)/? immediately after &S12. &S10? &S1)? res"ecti;ely. &S drain &S).? before deaerator steam isolatin+ ;al;e &S1( #eaerator steam heatin+ ;al;e #G1 #eaerator SteariP isolatin+ ;al;e &S1( &S2? &S10 &S11? &S12?&S/ 8 &S. &S1, Pr. +au+e Pr. indicatin+ controller<alarms? tem"? +au+e. *"ened. *"ened. 4losed. *"ened. *"ened. 4rac6 o"ened. *"ened. *"ened. 4losed. 4losed. 4hec6ed closed. 4hec6ed closed. 4hec6ed closed. 4hec6ed in ser;ice. ..6 DTR/1 STEAM LINE UP WARMING UP AND PUTTING IN SER;ICE : S. No. DESCRIPTION ACTION 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. 0.. 02. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1). 1(. 1,. %traction headers 1?2 #eaerator-1 &S32? &S)0? &S)1? &S)2? &S)3? &S)(? &S),? &S)/? &S).H &S. Isolation ;al;e on steam to &u%iliary steam header from %traction header-2. &S32? &S)0? &S)1? &S)2? &S)3? &S)(? &S),? &S)/? &S).H &S.. #eaerator steam line u" to &S1(? #G-1. 4G-3 4ontrol ;al;e &S2 &S10. &S13? &S1)H 4G-3. #eaerator ;ents #G-l &S1( #G-l &ll the drains &lready char+ed. &lready in ser;ice. #rains *"ened. *"ened Throttled after ensurin+ that condensate sto"s comin+ out. *"ened fully. 4har+ed 4losed. *"ened. 4losed. Re+ulate its o"enin+ to maintain steam "r. at 2.( 6+<cm 2 . *"ened. 'radually o"en it to obtain tem"erature to the ma%imum e%tent "ossible. *"ened maintain normal steam "ressure with 4G-3. 4losed. 4losed. ..= SCHEME FOR ISOLATING DEAERATOR/1 (DRG No. 6) : 1. nsure that the deaerator-2 is lined u" in all res"ects. 2. Throttle steam control ;al;e 4G 3<4G-) to reduce steam "ressure to 1ero in both deaerator. 3. -atch steam "ressure of both deaerator and $FP suction "ressure. ). Dee" I<3 co;era+e. (. Isolate the followin+ lines of deaerator-l and simultaneously watch the corres"ondin+ ;al;es of deaerator-e. 9i: 4$# flash tan6. 9ii: T'-1 condensate. 9iii: T'-2 condensate. 9i;: T'-3 condensate. 9;: 3a6e u" from emer+ency condensate tan6. 9; i: $FP recirculation. 9;ii: 4lose the drain ;al;es of deaerator-l 8 2. ,. #eaerator-l 8 2 steam "ressure and le;el controllers to be obser;ed closely. /. 4lose #G-1 9heatin+ steam: ;al;e 8 &S1( ;al;e. .. 4lose isolation ;al;e on water balance line of both deaerators. 2. -atch steam "ressure? le;el in both deaerators. $FP suction "ressure also. 10. 4lose $FP suction from deaerator-l +radually maintainin+ deaerator-l? 2 le;el. 11. 4lose #3 ma6e-u" isolation ;al;e. 12. 4lose balance steam ;al;es of both deaerators. 13. If any abnormality is found in deaerator-2 and $FP o"eration? isolation o"erations are to be re;ersed and remedial measures to be ta6en to restoFe normalcy of the "lant. 1). 'radually increase the steam "ressure in deaerator-2 to normal. 1(. -atch that the "ressure in deaerator-l remains 1ero. 1,. #rain deaerator-l to emer+ency condensate tan6 and line u" the emer+ency condensate tan6 to deaerator-2. 4lose the drain after em"tyin+ out the deaerator@ 1/. -atch that the steam ;a"our sto"s comin+ out from the #TR-1 ;ents and le;el does not rise a+ain in deaerator@ 1.. nsure that steam and water ;al;es of deaerator are not "assin+. 12. $lind the deaerator-l lines at red mar6s. 20. #rain line to be blinded in the last after drainin+ out the accumulated condensate. 21. *"en manholes of deaerator-l and its stora+e ;essel. 22. &llow sufficient coolin+. 23. $oth safety ;al;es to be remo;ed and sent to -<s for ser;icin+ and testin+. 2). 4leanin+ of stora+e ;essel and dismentlin+ of dPaerator "lates<trays R IBSP4TI*B done. 2(. *"eration of &S1( ;al;e to be chec6ed. 2,. Ser;icin+ of le;el +au+e +lass and calibration of "ressure and tem"erature +au+es. 2/. 4alibration of #3 water control ;al;e. to be ..9 DEAERATOR/1 DEBLINDING AND FLUSHING: A. D!%l#*#$ : Prior to deblindin+? ensure that the isolation ;al;es "ertainin+ to the lines bein+ deblinded? are ti+htly closed. For flushin+ followin+ lines are to be deblinded in the se!uence +i;en below - 1. #eaerator stora+e tan6 drain and o;erflow. #urin+ deblindin+ of these lines? ensure that the deaerotor-2 drain remains closed and it is not made to o;erflow 2. #3 ma6e u". 3. T' condensate 1? 2 8 3. ). mer+ency condensate ma6e-u" durin+ deblindin+ of this line? ensure that the emer+ency condensate "um" is not in ser;ice. &fter flushin+ is com"leted followin+ lines are to be debiinded in the +i;en se!uence > 9a: Suction to $FP 9b: -ater balance 9c: Steam balance 9d: 4$# flash steam 9e: 0eatin+ steam isolation ;al;e #G-1 9f: &S1( B. Flu)1#$: In order to ensure remo;al of oil<+rease and dust from the deaerator? turbine condensate is used for flushin+. Followin+ ste"s are to be followed se!uentially > 1. mer+ency condensate tan6 is em"tied out to deaerator-2 2. Dee" drain of emer+ency condensate tan6 o"en. 3. &dmit T' condensate into deaerator-l at the rate of 10 to 1( nhr. and fill the stora+e tan6 u"to the o;erflow "oint. ). Dee" watch on deaerator-2 le;el while deaerator-l is bein+ filled. (. #rain the deaerator-l. ,. -atch the colour of the drained flushed water from emer+ency condensate tan6. flushin+ after the colour of drained water becomes clear. /. 4om"letely drain the deaerator-l and emer+ency condensate tan6. .. 4lose the drains of emer+ency condensate tan6 and deaerator-l. ..: DEAERATOR/1 PRE/COMMISSIONING CHECCS : 01. nsure that the area is free from man 8 material and all clearances ha;e been obtained from instrument<mechanicaI<electrical maintenance. 02. 4hec6 that all the blinds ha;e been remo;ed. 03. 4hec6 o"eration of the o;erflow control ;al;e for o"enin+<closin+ alon+with the +au+e +lass. 0). 4hec6 the o"eration of #3 water ma6e-u" control ;al;e. 0(. nsure that the deaerator-l stora+e tan6 is em"ty. 0,. nsure closin+ of the followin+ ;al;es > -- #3 water ma6e-u" to deaerator-l -- #eaerator-l outlet to $FP suction -- $FPCs recirculation -- 4ondensate from I'-l? 2? 8 3 -- 3a6e u" from emer+ency condensate tan6 -- -ater and steam balance lines -- 4$# flash steam -- #eaerator-l steam ;al;es #G-l 8 &S-1( 0/. Gents to be 6e"t o"en 0.. 4hec6 that the safety ;al;es ha;e been fitted bac6 "ro"erly after re;isionin+ and testin+ at wor6 sho". 02. nsure that the deaerator le;el controller<calibration<chec6in+ has been done. 10. 4hec6 deaerator le;el recorder? indicator? tem". and "ressure +au+es for their healthiness. ..14 COMMISSIONING OF DEAERATOR/1AND PARALLING IT WITH DEAERATOR/2 : 01. *"en the drain ;al;e 7<S of &S1(. nsure that the entire condensate is drained out from the steam line loo" 7<S of &S1( and subse!uently 6ee" the drain ;al;e in throttled condition 9one turn o"enE till the deaerator-l commissionin+ is com"leted. 02. *"en #G-l by one fourth of a turn only to commence heatin+ of the deaerator-l. Increase the o"enin+ of #G-l slowly and carefully listenin+ to the noise "roduced by the steam in the "i"e line and deaerator. Ra"id o"enin+ of the ;al;e #G-1 may be accom"anied by water hammer causin+ serious dama+e of the deaerator. See that the steam starts comin+ out from the deaerator ;ents. #urin+ heatin+ of the deaerator? watch the "ressure and tem"erature of stora+e tan6. If water hammerin+ and shar" Eum"s in "ressure and tem"erature a""ear in the deaerators. they are eliminated by decreasin+ the !uantity of steam admitted 9by throttlin+ of #G-11. #eaerator is heated for )( minutes to one hr. to achie;e normal ;alues of tem". 91)(=4: and "ressure 92.. 6+<cm 2 :. 03. &fter deaerator has been heated? drain the accumulated condensate from the stora+e tan6 into the emer+ency condensate tan6 and "ur+e the bottom section of the stora+e tan6 with steam. 0). Pur+e the le;el +au+e +lass drain lines with steam. 0(. Fill u" the deaerator-l stora+e tan6 with water by slowly o"enin+ 91<2 turn: the corrdensate ma6e-u" from any of the runnin+ T.'. Simultaneously start o"enin+ the &S1( +radually by manualo"eration. #urin+ these o"erations? stora+e tan6 le;el and steam "ressure of the runnin+ deaerator-2 are to be closely watched. There will be a li6elihood of dro" in steam "ressure which is to be ta6en care of by the steam "ressure controller. Ta6e at least three hrs. to raise the le;el in stora+e tan6 of deaerator-l to the normal le;el 9e!ual to that of the runnin+ deaerator:? maintainin+ the tem"erature in the ran+e of 1)0- 1)(=4. 4lose the T' condensate ma6e-u" after normal le;el is established in the stora+e tan6. 0,. *"en &S1( to full. 4hec6 that the "ressure in both deaerators 1.2 are e!ual at this sta+e. 0/. Slowly o"en the steam balancin+ ;al;e between deaerators 1 8 2 allowin+ time for smooth !ualisation of "ressure in both the deaerators. 0.. &fter ensurin+ e!ual "ressure? tem"erature and le;el in both deaerators? slowly o"en water balance ;al;e between both deaerators 1 8 2. -hile doin+ so strict waScSl to be 6e"t on le;el in runnin+ deaerator-2. 4lose #G-1. 02. *"en the manual isolation ;al;es on #3 ma6e-u" to deaerator-1. Dee" the #3 ma6e u" control ;al;e closed. 10. 'radually o"en the deaerator-l bottom outlet ;al;e for $FP suction. Simultaneously o"en the #3 ma6e-u" coritrol ;al;e. 4hec6 "ressure? tem"erature and le;el of both deaerators. 11. -atch the "arameters. &llow the "arameters to +et adEusted and stnbilised. 12. Put the deaerator-l le;el controller on auto and watch "ro"er ta6e o;er. 13. 5ine u" the followin+ > 9a: T'-1?2 8 3 condensate. 9b: $FP recirculation. 9c: 4$# flash steam 9d: 3a6e-u" from emer+ency condensate tan6. 1). Put steam "ressure controller on auto and watch "ro"er ta6e o;er. 1(. P"!&auto#) : 9a: #onot try to "arallel the deaerators with wide ;ariations in stora+e tan6s water tem"eratures. 9b: -atch for any hammerin+ and in case it a""ears slow down the o"erations. If hammerin+ "ersists? re;ert bac6 and close down corres"ondin+ ;al;es. 9c: &ll o"erations must be most +radual and slow. -atch for any abnormal chan+e. fluctuation and ta6e remedial action accordin+ly. 9d: &fter e;ery ste" of o"eration? allow some time to the system to +et it adEusted and stabilised. Dee" close watch. 9e: Bormally do not try commissionin+ when any of the "arameter is already disturbed. &llow it to +et rectified first. 6. FEED WBTER S,STEM 6.1 INTRODUCTION : The Feed -ater from both the F.-. stora+e tan6s are connected to a common suction header? from which the F.-. can be su""lied to any boiler by any feed "um" throu+h two common dischar+e headers. The feed water for each boiler is ta""ed off from these dischar+e headers and "assed throu+h F.-. control station and economiser. S"ray water to control the tem". of the e%tn. steam after the main PR#S is ta""ed off from the two F.-. dischar+e headers. S"ray water for desu"erheater of each boiler is ta""ed off from the indi;idual F.-. line of each boiler? from a "oint Eust before the F.-. control station. Some water is recirculation bac6 into the deaerator by the $FP in ser;ice at low loads? to ensure a minimum flow throu+h the "um". 6.2 INTERLOCCS : 1. BFP R!&"&ulato# ;alA! : *"ens when flow is (0 T<0r. 4lose when flow is 110 n0r. 2. BL; # t1! WU l#! : *"ens after ,0 sees? of $FP sto""in+<tri""in+. 4loses when $FP is started. +. BFP D)&1a"$! ;alA! : *"ens on start command either from local or remote when the S<S at 74$ is in local or remote. 4loses on close command either from local or remote with S<S at 74$ in local<remote? only when $FP is sto""ed or tri""ed. -. BFP : Starts when all the followin+ conditions are fulfilled >- 9i: Suction ;al;e loc6ed o"en. 9ii: Recirculation ;al;e isolation ;al;e loc6ed o"en. 9iii: $5G isolation ;al;e loc6ed o"en. 9i;: 4-G isolation ;al;e loc6ed o"en. 9;: 5* "ressure *D isolation ;al;e loc6ed o"en. 9;i: Suction "ressure *D. 9;ii: Start command initiated from local<remote<&uto. 9;iii: #ischar+e ;al;e to be o"ened if already any $FP is runnin+ and to be closed if $FP to be run is the first of all. 9i%: Recirculation ;al;e to be o"ened. 9%: mer+ency P$ in unloc6 "osition. NOTE : To be ensured by *"erator. .. BFP Auto Sta"t (BFP )ta"t) Auto'at&al() : If followin+ two conditions are fulfilled >- 9i: S<S in auto at 74$. 9ii: *ther $FP tri""ed 9*R: common header dischar+e "ressure low e;en after ,0 sees. of any other $FP started. 6. Lu%! Ol Pu'5 (PP/2 )'la" a) PP/1) : 9i: PP-1 starts if PP-2 sto""ed when 5-R S<S of $FP is 6e"t in remote. 9ii: PP-1 srarts on auto after ,0 sees? if PP-2 does not start when started from 74$ with S<S in remote. 9iii: PP-1 sto"s when control switch at 74$ is 6e"t in off "osition. 9i;: PP-1 sto"s when motor "rotection o"erated. 9;: PP-1 starts if 5* "ressure is low after ,0 sees. of PP-2 is started. 6.+ BFP TRIPPING : $FP will tri" under any of the followin+ conditions >- 1. 3otor "rotection o"erated. 2. $5* Pressure ;ery hi+h. /.( 6+.<cm 2 3. 5* "ressure ;ery low. 0.. 6+.<cm 2 ). Suction "ressure ;ery low 2 6+.<cm 2 (. #ischar+e "ressure ;ery low e;en after ,0 sees. of $FP started. 6.- ECONOMISER : It is com"osed of a number of "arallel tube circuits arran+ed in hori1ontal rows. &ll tube circuits ori+inate from inlet 0eader and dischar+e into outlet 0dr. The feed water fow is u"ward throu+h the conomiser that is in counter flow to the hot flue +ases. Thereby efficient heat transfer is accom"lised. &ny chance of steam +eneration within the conomiser is eliminated by the u"ward water flow. 6.. BOILER FEED PUMP : I. G!#!"al : The hi+h-"ressure boiler feed "um" is a ;ery e%"ensi;e machine which can com"ly with the stated re!uirements? only with a careful and s6illed o"eration 8 maintenance. The efficiency of the feed "um" does not de"end only on the correct desi+n 8 careful manufacturin+? but also on the s6illed maintenance. Therefore? it is im"ortant that the * 8 3 staff are ac!uianted with these instructions "ro"erly in time. They should 6now the o"eration of the boiler "ro"erly in time. They should 6now the o"eration of the boiler feed "um" thorou+hly and to be able to analyse the causes of any ad;erse runnin+ of the feed "um". The defect found in the be+innin+ may be easily rectified without endan+erin+ the o"eration of the "ower "lant and also without the e%"ensi;e dismantlin+ of the "um". &ny dama+es ori+inatin+ out of the i+norance of the o"eratin+ instructions will not be re"aired by the manufacturer e;en if it occurs durin+ the +uaranteed "eriod. II. D!)&"5to# The hi+h-"ressure feed "um" D0I of barrel ty"e satisfy in all res"ects the latest e%"eriences attained for the desi+n and o"eration of the feed "um"s. It consists of the "um" barrel? into which is mounted the inside stater to+ether with the rotor. The hydraulic "art is closed by the hi+h- "ressure co;er alon+ with the balancin+ de;ice. The suction side of the barrel and the s"ace in the hi+h-"ressure co;er behind the balancin+ de;ice are closed by the low "ressure co;ers alon+ with the stuffin+ bo% casin+s. *n the outerside of the low-"ressure co;ers are fi%ed the bearin+ brac6ets? the brac6et of the radial bearin+ from the suction side and the brac6et of the radial and thrust bearin+s from the dischar+e side. Pro;ision has been made on the barrel to ta" certain amount of feed water from the 3rd sta+e throu+h the drilled holes inside the sta+e bodies. The entire "um" is mounted on a foundation frame. The claw cou"lin+s with the intermediate "iece and the cou"lin+ +uard are deli;ered alon+ with the "um". The coolin+ water and lubricatin+ oil connections and all the instruments necessary for obser;in+ the smooth "erformance of the feed "um" are also su""lied alon+with the "um". The feed "um" mainly consists of 9a: Rotor? 9b: Stater? 9c: $alancin+ de;ice? and 9d: 3echanical seals. (a) Roto": Rotor of boiler feed "um" consists of the shaft? im"ellers? distance bushes? throttle bush? balancin+ disc? su""ortin+ rin+s? stuffin+ bo% bushes? nuts for holdin+ the stuffin+ bo% bushes? the disc of a%ial 3ichell bearin+s? with the loc6 nut? nuts for securin+ the claw cou"lin+? shaft 6eys and s"ray rin+s. For obtainin+ the shrin6 fittin+ of the im"ellers into the shaft? the im"ellers are Ist heated and then assembled on to the shaft. For this "ur"ose? ste""ed diameters are "ro;ided on the shaft. *n each ste""ed diameter two im"ellers are mounted. The a%ial thrust of the rotor is ta6en u" by the balancin+ disc which is 6eyed to the shaft in between the two "art su""ortin+ rin+s mounted in the +roo;e in the shaft The e%"ansion of the rotor "arts is limited to the e%tent of dialiation +a" that e%ists between the throttle bush and the su""ortin+ rin+. This dialation +a" shall be within the limit of 0.2 to 0.3 mm. The ma%. run out of the assembled rotor at the sealin+ im"eller diameters? the throttle bushin+s and stuffin+ bo% bushin+s would be in the limit of 0.02 to 0.0/ mm. -ith a "artial static balancin+ of the im"ellers? the rotor as a whole is dynamically balanced to the "ermissible unbalance accordin+ to the standard of the wor6s. The deflection of the rotor due to the self wei+ht mo;es in the limits of 0.3 to 0.) mm. &ll the measurements carried out on the rotor includin+ the actual clearances at the sealinS rin+s are entered in the "ass-"orts and shall be su""lied to the customer alon+with the "um". The rotor is su""orted on two "arts bearin+ shells. The bearin+ brac6ets are connected to the low "ressure co;er. The necessary centrali1in+ of rotor is done with the hel" of set screws fitted to the low "ressure co;er. For obtainin+ the "erfect concentricity of the stuffin+ bo% bush with the bore of the stuffin+ bo% casin+ and for obtainin+ the concentricity of the throttle bush in the throttle s"ace? suitable chan+e of the set of shims below the concentrin+ 6eys of the low "ressure co;ershall be made. In order to maintain the centricity of the centrin+ diameter on the 6eys? we must at a time re"lace the shims from the centrin+ 6eys? which are dia+onally o""osite to each other? by remo;in+ from one "lace and "ositionin+ at the other. (%) I#)*! Stato" : The inside stater consists of sta+e bodies? one of them is inlet sta+e and the other outlet sta+e. The diffusers with the diffusin+ ;anes and +uide ;anes are assembled to the sta+e bodies. The diffusers are centrally mounted in the sta+e bodies. They are secured a+ainst relation by two "ins welded to the diffuser and fitted inside the sta+e body. The sta+e bodies in turn are secured a+ainst rotation by "ins which are counter sun6 o""osite to each other on both sides of the sta+e bodies. This also aids for the "erfect matchin+ of the two e%traction holes "ro;ided for inter-sta+e ta""in+ from the third sta+e. The end diffuser is connected to the outlet sta+e outside the sta+e bodies. This is done by usin+ ) studs with the nuts at the ends loc6in+ by means of washers and with the hel" of 2 bolts with fitted in shan6s which "re;ent the "eri"heral mo;ement of the diffuser and ma6e the inside stater a ri+id unit. ccentric turnin+ of the diameter of sta+e bodies where the sealin+ rin+s are to be fitted is carried out. The ma+nitude of eccentric turnin+ of the sta+e bodies de"ends on the bendin+ of rotor at a "articular "lace. This will enable us to ha;e an ideal "ositionin+ of rotor inside the stater and "articularly there will not be any contact of the rotor and the stater "arts at sealin+ rin+s. Sta+e bodies are fitted with wearin+ rin+s at the "lace where it is li6ely to come into contact with the wearin+ rin+s of im"ellers? and the wearin+ rin+s are secured to the sta+e bodies with the hel" of screws. The entire inside stater is connected to+ether by four connectin+ bolts. ¬her four connectin+ bolts are screwed on to the suction side of the barrel and they connect the inside stater to the barrel. The nuts at the ends of these bolts are ti+htened in order to "re-stress the bolts to suit the wor6in+ "ressure and they are secured with the hel" of loc6in+ washers. The bottom "art of the inlet sta+e is fitted with a 6ey and this 6ey is screwed onto the inlet sta+e. This 6ey hel"s for the insertion of the inside stater into the barrelR while assemblin+ the inside stater? this 6ey will slide alon+ with the slot in the barrel. #urin+ the o"eration of the "um"s and es"ecially while "uttin+ the "um" into o"eration shoc6s are de;elo"ed in the "um" which will effect the connectin+ bolts and the connected "arts. In order to "re;ent these connectin+ bolts bein+ subEected to torsion? the inside stater is secured from the suction side as well asCfrom dischar+e side. *n the suction sde? the 6ey fitted and screwed on to the inlet sta+e which rests in the slot in the barrel. *n the dischar+e side a 6ey is fitted to the outlet sta+e which shall not slide in the barrel firmly. 4enterin+ of the inside stater is carried out by ali+nin+ the inlet sta+e to the suction side of the barrel and by ali+nin+ the hi+h "ressure co;er to the end diffuser. -hile the "um" is in o"eration? the inside stater will +et heated earlier than the "um" barrel t,+ether with the hi+h "ressure co;er. This means that the e%"ansion of the inside stater owin+ to tem"erature will be more than the e%"ansion of the barrel and of the hi+h "ressure co;er. & dialation +a" of , mm is therefore maintained between the end diffuser and the hi+h "ressure co;er. The matin+ surfaces of the indi;idual sta+es are accurately ta""ed and they seal metal to metal. Therefore it is im"ortant that the sealin+ surface should not be dama+ed es"ecially while dismantlin+ the "um". If they are dama+ed? they must be rela""ed in order to obtain the "erfect matin+ surfaces. (&) Bala#&#$ D!A&! : The balancin+ de;ice of the feed "um" ta6es u" the entire a%ial thrust of the rotor. It is one of the most im"ortant "arts of the feed "um" as far as both the desi+n and material as"ects are concerned. From the "oint of ;iew of the ma%imum trouble free> o"eration of the feed "um"? it is desirable that all the throttlin+ +a"s of the balancin+ de;ice are desi+ned to the ma%imum achie;eable width with the minimum flowin+ ca"acity. The balancin+ de;ice with the balancin+ disc fulfills this re!uirement. The balancin+ de;ice consists of the balancin+ disc secured to the "um" shaft? and bearin+ disc fitted to the hi+h "ressure co;er. The a%ial sealin+ +a" is formed between the bearin+ disc and the balancin+ disc. The contact surfaces of the bearin+ disc and the balancin+ disc are mutually ta"ed a+ainst each other. The bearin+ disc is secured a+ainst rotation by asemblin+ it on a "in which is countersun6 to the hi+h "ressure co;er and it is connected to the hi+h "ressure co;er by means of ti+htenin+ flan+e and bolts with riuts which are loc6ed by washers. Sealin+ of the indi;idual "art is metal to metal. In order that the full "ressure de;elo"ed by the last im"eller is not carried onto the balancin+ de;ice? a throttle bush is mounted on the shaft before the balancin+ disc. &fter "assin+ throu+h the throttle bush the feed water "asses throu+h the a%ial ealin+ +a". The width of the a%ial sealin+ +a" is a""ro%imately 0.2 mm. &fter the a%ial sealin+ +a" the water "asses into the s"ace behind the balancin+ disc. The a%ial sealin+ +a" can be adEusted so that with the balancin+ disc it is "ossible to achie;e the ;alues s"ecified by calculation. The balancin+ de;ice is so desi+ned that in the case of any defect? it is "ossible to re"lace each "art without e%"ensi;e dismantlin+ of the entire "um". The thrust 3ichell bearin+ has a function su""lementary to the function of the balancin+ de;ice. The bearin+ ta6es o;er the function of the balancin+ de;ice? when "uttin+ the feed "um" into o"eration. It substantially reduces the wear of the contact surfaces of the bearin+ disc and the balancin+ disc at the a%ial+a". The 3ichell bearin+ shell is forced a+ainst the direction of action of the balancin+ disc on the bearin+ disc by means of s"rin+s located in the 3ichell bearin+. $y the action of s"rin+s? an a%ial +a" of a""ro%imately 1 mm is formed between the contact faces of the bearin+ disc and the balancin+ disc. The total "ull of the s"rin+s of 3ichell bearin+ is a""ro%imately e!ual to (00 6+. This ;alue of the force of s"rin+s is ta6en into consideration while calculatin+ the a%ial +a" between the balancin+ disc and the bearin+ disc. -ith the startin+ of the "um"? the a%ial thrust increases +radually as the "ressure builds u" in the hydraulic s"ace from minimum u"to ma%imum. This means that the thrust 3ichell bearin+ is in action from the startin+ of the "um" until the time when the ma+nitude of the a%ial thrust o;ercomes the "ressure of the s"rin+s mounted in 3ichell bearin+. -hen the a%ial thrust o;ercomes the s"rin+ "ressure of the 3ichell bearin+? the rotor will mo;e to the suction side? and the balancin+ disc will come into contact with the bearin+ disc. 4onse!uent to the a%ial sealin+ +a" between the balancin+ disc and the bearin+ disc +etti+ reduced? a "ressure on the face of the balancin+ disc increases and due to this rotor mo;es to the middle "osition creatin+ the +a" between the balancin+ disc and the bearin+ disc. ;en under the worst conditiion when the rotor mo;es to the suction side and the balancin+ disc is li6ely to come into contact with the bearin+ disc before the necessary "ressure bein+ built u" on the balacin+ disc in order to o;ercome the a%ial thrust? a certain amount of water flows throu+h the a%ial +a" between the balancin+ disc and the bearin+ disc? and there is no dan+er of the balancin+ de;ice +ettin+ sei1ed. -hile assemblin+ the balancin+ de;ice at site is necessary to maintain all the dimensions mentioned in the dwarwin+ and all the ;alues +i;en in the "ass-"orts are to be maintained. (*) M!&1a#&al S!al : The desi+n of the feed "um" incor"orates a mechanicalseal. $y usin+ the mechanical seal? the losses of the feed water in the stuffin+ bo% is reduced to the minimum and the wor6in+ ability of the "um" increases. -ith the use of the mechanical seal? the "ro"er coolin+ of stuffin+ bo% s"ace should be ensured and it is carried out by the circulation of water between the stuffin+ bo% s"ace and an e%ternalcooler. The water is circulated in the coolin+ circuit throu+h the cooler and bac6 by means of a "um"in+ rin+. The coolers are so desi+ned that the water tem"erature in the stuffin+ bo% remains below .0=4. III Fu#&to# o7 t1! F!!* Pu'5 : The water with the +i;en o"eratin+ tem"erature should flow continuously to the "um" under a certain minimum "ressure. It "asses throu+h the suction branch into the inta6e s"iral and from there it is directed to the first im"eller. &fter lea;in+ the Ist im"eller it "asses throu+h the distributin+ "assa+es of the diffuser where it +ets a certain "ressure rise and at the same time it flows o;er the +uide ;anes to the inlet of the ne%t im"eller. This "rocedure re"eats from one sta+e to the other till it "asses throu+h the last im"eller and the diffuser. Thus the feed water arri;in+ into the dischar+enace +ets the necessary o"eratin+ "ressure & small "art of feed water i.e. about 2- )@? which is not included in the +uaranteed deli;ery ca"acity? is ta6en off the s"ace behind the last im"eller for the o"eration of the automatic balancin+ de;ice to balance the hydraulic a%ial thrust of the "um" rotor. The water "asses throu+h the balancin+ de;ice and comes into the balancin+ s"ace behind the balancin+ disc from this s"ace it "asses throu+h the "i"in+ connected to the balancin+ s"ace into the su""ly "i"in+ of feed water throu+h e!uali1in+ "i"in+. -ith the system of minimum ta6e off? it is recommended for the safe o"eration of the feed "um" to connect the e!uali1in+ "i"in+? the su""ly "i"in+? at least at a distance of ) 3 from the suction branch of the feed "um". The "i"in+ of the e!uali1in+ water must ha;e a sufficient flow ca"acity. The balancin+ de;ice with the balancin+ disc suits to this re!uirement. The balancin+ de;ice is desi+ned such that its inside diameter with minimum resistances can control the "ressure in the e!uali1in+ "i"in+ and is "laced in connection with the "ressure +au+e directly behind the connectin+ flan+e on the "um" casin+. -ith a safe o"eration of the balancin+ de;ice? the "ressure ;alue of this "ressure +au+e should be 1.( to 2 atm hi+her than the inta6e "ressure on the suction branch. -ith the "ressure rise in the balancin+ s"ace by ( atm it is necessary to "ut off the "um" in order to find out the cause of the def ect? and to rectify it. I;. O5!"ato# o7 t1! F!!* Pu'5 : a. P"#&5l!) o7 &o""!&t o5!"ato# o7 7!!* 5u'5 The feed "um"s are in the system of the feedin+ the $oiler in steam "ower "lants. It is necessary for their correct and trouble-free runnin+ that the o"erators should be con;ersant with the o"eration of the "um" es"ecially while startin+. The "ressure relations on the suction branch are one of the "rinci"al conditions of a successful commissionin+ and o"eration. The feed water should flow to the "um" always under a definite "ressure in order to remain in li!uid state. This "ressure should be always hi+her than the ;a"our "ressure of a saturated steam at the +i;en tem"erature. -ith the "ressure dro" below a limit corres"ondin+ to the ;a"our "ressure of a saturated steam? the water be+ins to e;a"orate. Similar conditions can also occur in the inflow "i"in+ or in the suction branch of the "um"? when the "ressure in these locations dro"s to a ;alue lower than that of saturated steam. If such a steam cushion "asses throu+h the "um" it affects es"ecially the balancin+ de;ice and the "um" sei1es owin+ to a shorta+e of water. It is im"ortant? therefore? to ensure the s"ecified inflow head. 0I h 4ritical Lh loss. The ;alueh loss are the resistances in the inflow "i"in+ in metres of li!uid column. The ;alueh critical re"resents the "ressure in the suction branch abo;e the "r? of saturated steam on the limit of ca;itation. The course of the ;alue h critical de"ends es"ecially on the ca"acity? s"eed and desi+n of the inlet "art before the first im"eller. It is natural that the inflow should be ta6en with a definite reser;e which is e!ual to 1( to 20@ of hcritical. This is 6nown as h "ermissible and is +i;en by h "ermissible I 9 1.1( to 1.2: h critical. &s such the routin+ of the "i"in+ and that the static head "ro;ided should be such that at all conditions? the "ressure at the suction of the "um" should always be more than the sum of h "ermissible and the ;a"our "ressure corres"ondin+ to the tem"erature of feed water at suction of the "um". #ue to any reason the loss of the o"eratin+ ;alues of resistances in the dischar+e "i"in+? the "um" be+ins to deli;er a bi++er amount of feed water. This is called CFailure of the base 4ourseC of the head-ca"acity cur;e. It is e;ident from the course of the hcritical that its ;alue increases with the risin+ ca"acity. If such relations are set u" the net ca"acity F1. does not corres"ond to the stated inflow with a chan+e of the h critical and the "um" sei1es owin+ to the e;a"oration of water. Therefore? it is im"ortant that before startin+ the "um" to ;erify and correct all the conditions which could cause a com"lete shutdown. ;ery centrifu+al "um" can wor6 only a ;ery short "eriod of time with a closed dischar+e ;alue. The internal mechanical losses in the "um" cause heatin+ of water by a definite ;alue of t=4 between the inlet and outlet branch of the "um". The ;alue of t=4 de"ends on the "um"ed ca"acity and its absolute ;alue de"ends on a number of factors. $efore closin+ the ;al;e it is necessary to allow a 4ertain amount of feed water called minimum ta6e off to "ass throu+h the "um" to a ;alue corres"ondin+ to the saturation tem"erature. & definite !uantity of water is chosen to ta6e bac6 to the feed tan6 throu+h the "um" so that the rise in tem"? in the "um" does not e%ceed 10=4. -ith a hi+her t=4 it could come to o;erheatin+ of water in the "um" u"to a dan+erous limit and due to this it causes e;a"oration of water and sei1in+ of the "um". The feed "um" is a thermally stressed machine. Therefore? "rior to startin+ the "um" it should be "ro"erly "reheated so that the differences in tem". between the indi;idual "arts is as low as "ossible at the startin+ time. Therefore? with e;ery feed "um" a throu+h-heatin+ "i"e is connected. It can be either an inde"endent one or connected by means of the e!uali1in+ "i"in+. -hen it is an inde"endent one? it must be closed before it is "ut into o"eration. *n the contrary after sto""in+ the "um" the throu+h-heatin+ "i"in+ should be o"ened and should remain o"en all the time until the "um" is "ut into the o"eration a+ain. Sta"t#$ t1! Pu'5 : 1. 4hec6 the deaerator le;el. 2. *"en the suction ;al;e fully. 3. Start the oil "um" and chec6 the lub oil flow to the bearin+s? and the claw cou"lin+. ). &dmit the coolin+ water to the stuffin+ bo%? 5P co;er mechanical seal cooler and to the lub oil cooler. (. 4lose the dischar+e ;al;e fully. ,. 4lose the recirculation ;al;e fully. 7 /. 4lose the warm u" ;al;e fully. .. *"en the balancin+ lea6 of ;al;e and loc6 it o"ened. 8 2. Insure the ;arious "rotections 8 interloc6s. 10. Start the "um" by switchin+ on the motor and allow the "um" to attain full s"eed. C1!&8 t1! 7olloB#$ : a. *"enin+ of recirculatin+ ;al;e fully. b. 4oolin+ water to the motor air cooler is admittd. c. *bser;e the suction "ressure. d. *bser;e the dischar+e "ressure. e. *bser;e the $.5.*. "ressure. f *bser;e the lub oil "ressure. +. *bser;e the bearin+ tem"erature. h. *bser;e the mechanical seal water tem". i 3otor am"era+e? windin+ tem"erature. E Feed water suction and dischar+e tem". 6 Gibrations at all the bearin+s. If no abnormalities are there? allow the "um" to run on recirculation. l *"en the dischar+e ;al;e 8 feed the boiler +radually. -hen the machine is "ut out of the o"eration in the days of a shudown? it is necessary to close the ;al;e on the dischar+e side of the feed "um" as !uic6ly as "ossible? before switchin+ off the motor. In an e%ce"tional case electrical motor can be switched off with the o"en slide ;al;e on the "um" dischar+e and closed !uic6ly. #urin+ this "eriodthe entire bac6 "ressure in the dischar+e is held u" by the non-return ;al;e with the minimum ta6e-off. If the machine is tobe "ut off for a lon+ time? the oil "um" and coolin+ water su""ly is sto""ed and all the machine accessories are chec6ed u" accordin+ to their standards. $erore startin+ the machine a+ain it is of course necessary to carry out all the "re"aratory wor6s as it was done ;lhen startin+ in cold condition. Lu%"&ato# o7 B!a"#$) : The oil comes to each bearin+ at a "ressure of 0.) to 0., atmos"heres +ua+e throu+h the re+ulatin+ orifice "late and cleanin+ sie;e. The necessary amount of oil for the indi;idual bearin+s is "rere+ulated when tested in the "lant and or corrected while commissionin+ at site. The oil in the bottom "art of the radial bearin+ brac6et creates an o;erflow le;el which enables the action of the additional lubricatin+ rin+s. The lubricatin+ rin+s ser;e as a reser;e of lubrication in the case of a sudden defect of the forced lubrication. It is not "ossible to run the feed "um" more than ( minutes without forced lubrication since the oil in the bottom "art of the bearin+ is not cooled by any e%ternal source and the oil tem"erature rises abnormally. The lub oil shall be su""lied by an e%ternal forced lubricatin+ "um" mount *0-,3. The tem". of oil comin+ from the oil system must not e%ceed 30-3(=4. The tem"? of oil lea;in+ the brac6ets must not e%ceed /0=4. If the tem". rises to this limit? it is necessary to increase the oil "assa+e with a +reater o"enin+ of the re+ulatin+ orifice "late. If a +reater "assa+e of oil does not hel" in decreasin+ the bearin+ tem". the "um" must be sto""ed and the cause to be found out. O5!"at#$ P"o%l!') //t1!" &au)!) a#* R!'!*!) : The safe o"eration of any centrifu+al "um" much de"ends u"on the o"eratin+ conditions and maintenance in time. The "um" may not deli;er sufficient !uantity? sufficient "ressure and may also consume e%cessi;e "ower due to hydraulic troubles? ;ibrations? noise? o;erheatin+ and wear out of internals due to mechanicaltroubles. There is a definite connection between the mechanical and hydraulic "roblems. The "roblems occurin+ durin+ o"eration should be analysed and sol;ed at the earliest before a cumulati;e dama+e occurs. Some of the "roblems that are encountered durin+ normal o"eration are enlisted alon+with the "roblemscause and remedies. T"ou%l! P"o%l!' &au)! R!'!*!) 01. 5ow dischar+e of "um". 1. Suction strainer cho6ed. 2. Formin+ of air "oc6ets in the suction or dischar+e. 3. -orn out internal "arts. ). -ron+ direction of rotation 4lean the suction strainer. Gent all the air before start. 4han+e wornout "arts. 4han+e the direc tion. 02. *;erloadin+ of dri;in+ motor. 1. Golta+e of dri;in+ motor low. 2. Fre!uency of dri;in+ motor low. 3. Tem". of feed water low. ). Recirculation flowin+ e;en at full loads on 4orrect the ;olta+e to suit name "late ratin+. Im"ro;e the system for fre!uency. Increases "r. ancC tem". of feed water in deaerator to the rated ;alues. 4hec6 recirculation ;al;e for "assin+ the mainline. and set it ri+ht. 03. #ama+in+ of balancin+ de;ice 1. -orn out contact surface in the a%ial and radial +a"s of the balancin+ de;ice. 4tiec6 the balan- cin+ dise clearance andif necessary re"lace. 0.) Sealin+ surface between 0.P. co;er and barrel dama+ed. 1.$olts are not ti+htened "ro"erly 2.5a""ed surface is dama+ed.. Ti+hten the bolts to arrest lea6a+e. 5a" the sealin+ surface and reass- emble. 0(. Pum" re!uires e%cessi;e "ower. 1. S"ecific density of the "um"ed li!uid is hi+her than s"ecified ;alue. 2. Shaft bent 3. Internalrubbin+ Increase tem". to lower the s"ecific density. 4hec6 the runout of the shaft. 4hec6 for internal dama+es 0,. Pum" ;ibrates or noisy. 1. 4a;itaiton. Increases the dea- erator "ressure or lower the dischar- +e !uantity so that correct BPS0 is met. 2. Forei+n material inside. 3. 3isali+nment ). Foundation not ri+id (. Shaft bent. ,. Rotatin+ "arts rubbin+ with stationary "arts /. $earin+s worn out .. Im"eller dama+ed 2. Rotor out of balance 4hec6 for any for- ei+n material. 4hec6 ali+nment andif necessary reali+n. 4hec6 foundation for any dama+es. 4hec6 for dama+es of "arts and if nece- ssary re"lace. 4arry out the bala- ncin+ and rectify the defect. P"!)!"Aato# : &fter testin+ in the testin+ room the "um" is dismantled a+ain and e%amined. Then durin+ the assembly +rease is a""lied to the internal "arts and the "um" is "re"ared for trans"ortation. OII Lu%"&ato# U#t o7 Bol!" F!!* Pu'5 OH//6+ : The feed "um" is su""lied alon+with an e%ternal forced lubricatin+ unit. The oil system consists of n oil tan6 9i: two +ear "um"s 9): strainer 9(: oil cooler 93: deli;ery and drain "i"in+ control e!ui"ment and measurin+ a""aratus 912:. The "um"in+ unit consists of two +ear "um"s of the e!ual ca"acity dri;en by indi;idual motors. &ny of the "um"s may be chosen as main and the other as an au%iliary. This o"eration is facilitated by means of a chan+e o;er switch &l. The o"erator should ta6e care that.continuous runnin+ of one "um" causes e%cessi;e wear on that and switchin+ o;er other "um" should be carried out in a""ro"riate time. The e%tent of automatic control of the oil system is limited to only correct functionin+ of the two +ear "um" motors. The oil system should be installed in an inde"endent cell located as near to the feed "um" as "ossible and it should be located such that the return oil flows bac6 to the tan6 by +ra;ity. O5!"ato# o7 t1! Ol S()t!' : The control e!ui"ment for the automatic functionin+ of the oil system shall be su""lied alon+with the "um". The automatic o"eration of the system can be best understood from the coordinated. dia+ram. #r+. Bo. / shows the sin+le "ole dia+ram of incomin+ and out+oin+ su""ly lines and the ontrol circuit "ath. The motors of the +ear "um"s and the manostate are to be connected at the site. 3anual switchin+ o"erations are carried out by means of a chan+e o;er switch &l. This can be turned to three "ositions > 1K - 2K R K*FFKR 2K - iK. In "osition of C*FFC both the +ear "um"s are cut off from the su""ly. $y turnin+ the switch &l to C1-2C that "um" 1 is runnin+. 9Turnin+ the switch &l to K1-2K means? selectin+ "um" 1 as main and "um" 2 as an au%iliary. Similarly & I "ointin+ towards K2-1K indicates that selection is made to 2 as main and "um" 1 as an au%iliary:. The moment switch & 1 turned to K1 - 2K 9or K2 - 1K:? the time relay starts o"eratin+. &lso lam" 03 +lows indicatin+ low "ressure. If the "ressure 2 atms set on the manostat is built u" within the time 92min.: set on the time relay? "um" 1 continues- runnin+. 5am" 03 +oes off indicatin+ that rated "ressure is de;elo"ed. In case the "ressure is not built u" within the time 92 minutes: set? the au%iliary "um" starts. 5am" 2 li+hts u" and 01 +oes off indicatin+ the chan+e o;er that has ta6en "laceU&s lon+ as the "ressure is low 9below that set on monostat? 2 atms.: lam" 03 shall be +lowin+. In the normal state? "um" 1 continues runnin+? with the switch "ointin+ K1 - 2K. In case there is a "ressure dro" from normal ;alue 92 atms: "um" 2 starts functionin+ automatically and "um" 1 sto"s immediately. Fall in "ressure is indicated by 03 li+htin+ u". Pum" 2 now continues runnin+. Its state of runnin+ is si+nalled by 02. Bow 03 lam" +oes off? if the "ressure is built u". It is to be noted that time delay occurs only durin+ startin+ "eriod of the unit. Bo time delay occurs? in startin+ the "um" 2 when there is a dro" in normal "ressure in the dischar+e "i"e. The same o"eration is effected with switch & 1 turned to K2 - 1K "osition e%ce"t that "um" 2 wor6s as main and "um" 1 as an au%iliary. Not! : -hen the "ressure dro" occurs? from the normal ;alue? durin+ normal o"eration? lam" 03 li+hts u". &u%iliary "um" starts automatically without any time delay and main "um" sto"s. If still the "ressure is not de;elo"ed or decreases further? the concerned feed."um" unit dri;e should be sto""ed and the standby "um" should be "ut into o"eration. The im"ulse to accom"lish this re!uirement is tobe ta6en from the contact "ressure +au+e? "ro;ided in the lub oil common header. The contact "ressure +ua+e is "laced behind the cooler? the connectin+ contacts of which are set to the minimum "ressure ;alue of 1.( atms. The dro" of the oil le;el in the tan6 to the minimum is si+nalised by the le;elctroller9,:. %cessi;e "ressure increase to 3.( atms in the dischar+e branch before the cooler is loo6ed after by the contact "ressure +ua+e 9/:. *il tem"erature increasin+ e%cessi;ely abo;e (0=4 in the dischar+e "i"e after the cooler is indicated by the contact thermometer 910:. 1. Wo"8#$ o7 O S()t!' : Pre"aration of the oil system before "uttin+ into o"eration. a 4hec6 the cleanliness of the entire lubricatin+ e!ui"ment 9tan6? "i"in+ "um"? filter 8 cooler:. b Fill the oil tan6 with clean bearin+ oil? turbine oil-1) 9of I.*.4: or its e!ui;alents. c *"en the ;al;es 91, a: on the suction "i"in+ of both the "um"s. d *"en the dischar+e ;al;es 91, b: of both the "um"s. e *"en the ;al;e 91, c . 1, d: before and behind the strainer 9(:. The ;al;e 91, c: on the by-"ass "i"in+ must be closed. f The inlet and outlet ;al;es of the oil cooler should be o"ened. + *"en the su""ly and deli;ery ;al;es of the coolin+ water of the cooler 2. Sta"t#$ a#* A*Eu)t#$ : a &fter finishin+ the "re"aration as described abo;e? one "um" is "ut into o"eration by means of the chan+e o;er switch 9&l:. The other "um" will ser;e as an au%iliary "um". b &dEust the slide ;al;e 91,: on the by-"ass "i"in+ to +et the re!uired amount and "ressure of the oil. 4 &s soon as the tem"erature in the thermometer 911: in the cooler reaches 3(=4? the coolin+ water flow should be maintained so that the oil tem"erature remains constant. +. S!"A&#$ 0 'a#t!#a#&! *u"#$ t1! o5!"ato# : a -atch the oil "ressure before and behind the strainer 9(: on the "ressure +au+es / 8 . b If the "ressure on the "ressure +au+e 9/: is increasin+ it is necessary to clean the strainer c -atch the oil tem"erature in the cooler thermometer 911:. d -atch the oil le;el on the oil le;el +au+e and fill the oil in case of dro" e &fter about one month of o"eraticn? drain the sediments in the strainer. f The filter in the oil tan6 91: is to be chec6ed for e;ery one month. If re!uired the filler is tobe cleaned. + The tem"erature of the coolin+ water is tobe chec6ed by the thermometer. h The slide ;al;es 91, a 8 1, b: are o"ened "ermanently. They are tobe closed only if it is necessary to disconnect the "um" for re"airs. 6.6 LINE UP OF 9. F. P. LUB OIL S,STEM : S.No. DESCRIPTION ACTION REMARCS 01. &ll releases co;erin+ "um" and motor 02. *il le;el in *il Tan6s 03. #eaeration ;ent of *il Tan6 0). *il le;el in motor side bearin+s. 0(. 5ubricants in claw cou"lin+ 0,. Freeness of lub oiP "um"s 8 motors 0/. 5ub oil strainer 0.. 5ub oil cooler 02. 5*P suction ;al;es SG5 8 SGR 10. 5*P dischar+e ;al;es #G5 8 #GR 11. Strainer inlet 8 outlet ;al;es SIG 8 S*G 12. Strainer by-"ass ;al;e S$G 4losed 13. 5ub oil header recirculation ;al;e to tan6 R4G 1). 2)0 G&4 control su""ly 8 )1( G&4 "ower su""ly to lub oil local "anel. 1(. &ll instruments connected to lub oil system 4leared Bormal 4hec6ed 8 o"ened. Bormal 4hec6ed sufficient 4hec6ed by hand 4hec6ed 8 cleaned -do- *"ened *"ened *"ened 4lossed 4hec6ed 8 o"ened *B 5ined u" *bser;ation tobe made in "lant. -do- -do- -do- -do- *"erati.on to be done in "lant -do- -do- *"eration to be done in "lant -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- 6.= PLACE B.F.P. LUB OIL S,STEM IN SER;ICE : S.No. DESCRIPTION ACTION REMARCS 01. $.F.P. 5ub oil system 02. $.F. P. 4oolin+ water system to lub oil cooler 03. 5ub oil "um" 1<2 start "ermits. 9a: $FP S<S. on local "osition.
9b: $FP S<S on auto<Remote. . 0) &dEustment of tub oil hdr. "r. $y recirculation Gal;e R4G 0(. $earin+ oil "ress 8 flow 5ined u" stablished Start P.P. 1<2 locally by s<s of lub oil P.P. Strart PP<1<2 from 7.4.$. by S<S of tub oil P.P. Throttle hdr. Press. Press *.D. 8 Flow normal *bser;ation -do- To be chec6ed locally. -do- *"eration to be done locally *"erations to be made in "lant 6.9 LINE UP OF BFP (COLD START UP): S.No. D!)&"5to# ACTION RAMARCS 01. &ll releases co;erin+ PP 8 3otor. 02. #eaerator le;el 03. $FP suction strainer FS 3 0). Isolation ;al;es on suction 0(. $FP suction drain ;al;e FS ) 0,. $FP suction ;al;e FS-2 0/. $FP suction drain FS ) 0.. Isolation ;al;e on R4 0dr. 8 1<2 deaerator *"ened FR-,. 02. Isolation ;al;e before 8 after $FP R4-G4 FR1 8 FR-( 10. Isolation ;al;e on balance lea6 off line F5-, 11.Isolation ;al;e on $FP dischar+e 8 feed water 0dr. 1<2 F#-3 8 F#-) 12. 230 G &4 control su""ly to $FP local "anel 13. 230 G &4 control su""ly 8 ))0 G &4 "ower su""ly to $FP dischar+e ;al;e F# 2 . its by-"ass. 1). $.F.P. dischar+e ;al;e F# 2 1(. &ir su""ly to $.F.P. RG-FR-2 1,. Isolation ;al;es before and after warm u" 4losed 4G? F5 2 8 F5 ) 1/. Isolation ;al;e on warm u" by"ass line F5 / 1.. Isolation ;al;e on water side? between *"ened flash tan6 and 0dr. 4#-31 12. Isolation ;al;e between water 0dr. for flash Slowly o"ened bo% and condenser? 4# ),. 4leared. 4hec6ed 8 Bormal 4hec6ed cleaned *"ened -do- -do- 4losed after com"lete remo;al of air. *"ened -do- -do- 4losed stablished. #ischar+e ;al;e made *"erable from 74$< local. 4losed stablished ;al;e Should o"en throu+h Interloc6. 4losed *"ened *"ened Slowly *"ened ..F.P. Primed. *bser;ation tobe 3ade in Plant. -do- To be ensured. *"eration to be done in "lant. -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- To be chec6ed 5ocally. *"eration tobe #one in "lant *"eration tobe #one in "lant. -do- -do- 6.: LINE UP OF B.F.P. (HOT START UP) : S.#o. DESCRIPTION ACTION REMARCS 01 02 03 0) 0( 0, 0/ $.F.P. for cold start u" #eaerator le;el 8 tem". &ir su""ly to warm u" 4G F5 3
Isolation ;al;es before 8 after warm u" 4G. F5 2 8 F5 ). Isolation ;al;e on warm u" by-"ass line F5-/. Isolation ;al;e on steam side between flash tan6 and hdr. 4# )(. Isolation ;al;e between steam hdr. for Slowly flash bo% and condenser 4# )/. 5ine u" 5e;el normal tem". 1)(K4. stablished? ;al;e should o"en throu+h interloc6s. *"ened 4losed *"ened Slowly *"ened *bser;ation tobe made in "lant. -do- -do- *"eration tobe done in "lant. -do- -do- -do- 6.14 PLACE B.F.P. IN SER;ICE : S.No. DESCRIPTION ACTION REMARCS 01 02 03 0) 0( 0, 0/ 0. 02 $.F.P. $.F.P. 4oolin+ water 8 Seal water 220 G #.4. control "ower 8 ,., DG &.4. su""ly to bus. $.F.P. S<S on 7.4.$. 9a:5ocal 9b: Remote<&uto
$.F.P. &<$<4 $alancin+ lea6 off "ress $earin+ tem". 8 windin+ Tem". Pum" Gibrations 3ech. Seal -ater Flow 8 Tem". 5ined u" cold<hot start u". In ser;ice stablished Strart lub oil "um" 5ocally established lub oil system. Start lub oil "um" From 7.4.$. stablished lube oul system. Start from local<Remote attained full s"eed and run smoothly on recirculation. 4hec6ed normal -do- -do- Flow established 8 Tem". Bormal *bser;ation tobe made in "lant. -do- *"eration tobe done in "lant. -do- -do- -do- *bser;ation tobe made in "lant. -do- -do- -do- =. BOILER FILLING The boiler can be filled initially with cold water by means of #3 transfer "um" and by means of $oiler Feed Pum" when the boiler is under "ressure. 4are should be ta6en in hot fillin+ to feed slowly to a;oid tem"erature strain on the drums and heater. Fillin+ should be started only after ensurin+ that necessary ;ents are o"en. The ;ents should be closed abo;e a "ressure of 2 D+<cm 2 in the drum so as to ensure that all the air is ;ented out...1. 4*5# FI55IB' > =.1 COLD FILLING T1! Bol!" &a# %! 7ll!* Bt1 DM Wat!" # t1"!! Ba() :/ 1. Throu+h $oiler drain header? bottom rin+ header? water walls and down comer? water drum? ban6 tubes and steam drum. &s the steam is filled u"to the drum.;ent? Cconomiser +ets filled throu+h the feedin+ "i"e and su"er heaters +et filled throu+h the connectin+ tubes. In this ty"e of fillin+ all the ;ents of drum? S.0. 8 conomiser should be 6e"t o"ened. 2. The boiler can also be filled throu+h conomiser alone and then steam drum? water walls and su"erheater. In this ty"e of fillin+ conomiser ;ent should be closed when water starts comin+. 3. The $oiler can also be filled throu+h S0 drain 8 header? final S0? #S0? "laten S0? steam drum etc. This ty"e of fillin+ aids in re"lacin+ the sta+nant condensate in the S0 coils by fresh #3 water. Simultaneous fillin+ of conomiser and boiler is normally done. =.2 HOT FILLING : The boiler can be filled with hot water from #eaerator by means of $oiler feed "um"? throu+h feed control station and economiser. This ty"e of fillin+ is encountered when the boiler is "artly or fully drainedPfor any re"air wor6 for a short duration. =.+ BOILER FILLING LINE UP (DRG. NO. 12): S.#o DESCRIPTION ACTION REMARCS 01 02 03 0) 0( 0, 0/ #3 -ater 0eader $oiler #rum 'au+e 'lass $oiler #rum &ir Gent 9$F 3 8 ): conomiser &ir Gent *"ened. 9$ )3 8 )): Su"erheater &ir Gents 9$S 33? 3) 8 *"ened $S 2/? 2.: #rains from $oiler drain header 9$F ,.? ,2 8 $F /0? /1: Su"erheater drain 0eader drain ;al;es. 9$S 32? )0 8 $S )1? )2: 4har+ed 4ommissioned *"ened *"ened *"ened 4losed 4losed *bser;ation tobe 3ade in the "lant. *"eration tobe done in "lant. -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- =.- CHARGING 0 PUTTING THE S,STEM IN OPERATION : S. No. DESCRIPTION ACTION REMARCS 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. 0.. 02. 10. 11. Gal;es $ 1, 8 1/ to ta6e water from #3 0eader to $oiler drain 0eader. Gal;es $ 13 8 1) for conomiser fillin+. Gal;es $F ,)? ,, and $F ,(? ,/ for water wall 8 drum fillin+. Gal;es $ 1. 8 12 to allow water to enter the su"er-heater drain 0eader from #3 water header Gal;es $S 31? 32 8 $S 3/? 3. for fillin+ of su"erheaters. -ater flow in the water wall? conomiser and su"erheaters conomiser air ;ent $ )3 8 )) when water starts comin+ out. Su"erheater air ;ents 9$S 2/? 2. 8 $S 33? 3): when water starts comin+ out. 5e;el in the drum +<+ #rum air ;ent when the steam "ressure is 2 ata. $oiler fillin+ line ;al;es $ 1,? 1/ 8 $ 1.812. *"ened. *"ened. *"ened. *"ened. *"ened. nsured. 4losed. 4losed. *bser;ed. 4losed. 4losed. :. H,DRAFINE DOSING :.1. LINE UP : S.No. DESCRIPTION ;AL;E NO. OPERATION 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. 0.. 02. Inlet to 3easurin+ Tan6 930#: 5e;el +au+e ;al;es of all tan6s 5e;el +au+e drains of all tan6s Inlet to #0# Tan6s 1 8 2 #0# Tan6s drain Tan6s outlet Pum"s suction strainer isolation ;al;es of both the "um"s. Pum"s suction strainer by"ass ;al;e of both the "um"s. Strainer #rain 3#1, G )) #R&IB 4F 1, 8 #3 1) 4F 1. 4F12 4F 20 8 4F 21 4F 22 4F2 4losed *"ened 4losed 4losed 4losed 4losed *"ened 4losed 4losed CASE NO. I IF BOILER IS IN FILLING (FOR PRESER;ATION) 10. 11. 12. Fillin+ 5ine #osin+ 5ine 4F 2( Pum" #ischar+e ;al;es 4F 2,?4F 2/ #3 1.? 12 $> 1,? 1/ 0#F 4hec6ed tobe *"ened. *"ened 4losed *"ened CASE NO. II IF BOILER IS IN SER;ICE 10. 11. 12 13 #osin+ to $oiler fillin+ line Pum" #ischar+e ;al;es $.F.P. #osin+ to $FP Suction line *"ene 0#F 4F 2( 4F 2,? 2/ 0#S? 4F 2( 4losed *"ened? 4losed 4hec6ed. Tobe in ser;ice. *"ened. Not! : Bow-a-days measured !ty? of hydra1ine is directly ta6en into tan6s 9#0#:. : .2. SER;ICE S.No. DESCRPTION ;AL;E NO. OPERATION lectrical su""ly to dosin+ "um". 0 nsured from lectrical o"erater. #3 water inlet to measurin+ tan6 #3 1, 4losed after ta6in+ the measured !ty. of water. 0ydra1ine Re!uired !ty. is ta6en into the measurin+ tan6. 0ydra1ine feedin+ 4F1, *"ened and closed after feedin+ to dosin+ tan6. Solution P Pre"arat ion #3 1) *"ened and closed after sufficient water is ta6en. #osin+ Tan6 *utlet 4F 12 *"ened and ensured solution flow at the suc- tion of the "um". 0ydra1ine #osin+ "um" P0# Started and chec6ed for the dischar+e "r. to de;elo". Pum" Stro6e &dEusted for re!uired flow. Not! : 9i: 3a6e ready the solution in the other tan6 when one tan6 is in ser;ice. 9ii: 0ydra1ine dosin+ for boiler "reser;ation and to $FP suction can be done simultaneously usin+ dosin+ "um"s se"arately with se"arate tan6s. : MORPHOLINE DOSING :.1. LINE UP : S.No. DESCRIPTION ;AL;E NO. OPERATION 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. Inlet to 3easurin+ Tan6 5e;el +au+e ;al;es of all tan6s. 5e;el +au+e 8 drains of all tan6s. Inlet to #3# Tan6s 1 8 2 #3# Tan6 #rain *utlet from #3# Tan6s Pum" suction strainer. Isolation ;al;es of all the "um"s. #3 1/ G )) #RI&B 4F 12? #31( 4F 13 4F1) 4F? 22? 4F30 0.. 02. 10. 11. Pum" suction strainer by-"ass ;al;e of all strainer #rain Pum" dischar+e ;al;e 4ondensate "um"s 1 8 2the "um"s. 4F 31 4F 3 4F 33 4hec6ed tobe 12. 13. 3or"holine dosin+ to #eaerator ma6e u" line 3or"holine dosin+ to condensate "um" dischar+e. 3## 3#4 runnin+. *"ened *"ened :.2. SERI;ICE : S.No. DESCRIPTION ;AL;E NO. OPERATION 01. lectrical su""ly for the mor"holine dosin+ "um" motor ----- nsured from the lec- trical o"erator. 02. #3 water inlet to measurin+ tan6 #3 1/ *"ened 8 closed after ta6in+ the measured !uantity. 03. 3or"holine ------ Re!uired !ty. is ta6en into measurin+ tan6. 0). 3or"holine Feedin+ 4F 12 Gal;e o"ened and closed after feedin+ to dosin+ tan6. 0(. Solution "re"aration #3 1( *"ened and closed after ta6in+ re!uired water. 0,. *utlet from dosin+ Tan6 4F 1) *"ened and ensured solution su""ly at the suction of the "um". 0/. #osin+ "um" ------ Started 8 chec6ed for the dischar+e "ressure. 0.. Flow ------ *bser;ed for the le;el in the dosin+ tan6 to +o on fallin+. Not! : 1. Sto" the "um" soon after com"letion of dosin+. 2. Pre"are the solution in other tan6s when one tan6 is under ser;ice. 3. Bow-a-days measured !ty. of mor"holine is directly ta6en into dosin+ tan6. . 14. PHOSPHATE DOSING 14.1 LINE UP : S.No. DESCRIPTION ;AL;E NO. OPERATION #3 -ater inlet. 5e;el +au+e ;al;es of both the Tan6s #P0 1 8 2. #rains of le;el +au+e and the Tan6s *utlet from #P3 1 8 2 Isolation ;al;es for the "um" suction strainer. $y-"ass ;al;e of the suction strainer. Strainer #rain 4F 1 4RI*Se9l. Pum" dischar+e ;al;e Inter connectin+ ;al;e 9concerned with tile boiler in ser;ice.: Phos"hate dosin+ ;al;e at the $oiler. #rain. #312 G )) #R&IBS 4F( 4F , 8 4F / 4F . 4F 1 4F 11 4F )0? 4F )1 P0# 4losed. *"ened. 4losed 4losed o"ened 4losed. 4losed. *"ened. *"ened. *"ened 14.2 SER;ICE : S.No. DESCRIPTION ;AL;E NO. OPERATION 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. 0.. lectrical "ower su""ly to <motors. a+itator lectrical "ower su""ly to the dosin+ "um" - motors. #3 water inlet Tri-sodium "hos"hate &+itator 3otor #osin+ tan6 outlet #osin+ "um" Flow #3 12 P. $. 4F( PP0 hsuled from the electircal o"erator. -do- *"ened and ta6en water u" to re!uired le;el and closed. &dded to the #P0 Tan6. Started runnin+ till the "hos"hate is dissol;ed and the motor sto""ed. *"ened and ensured solution su""ly at the suction of the "um". Started and chec6ed for the dischar+e "ressure. *bser;ed for the le;el in the #osin+ Tan6 to +o to reducin+. 11. AIR 0 FLUE GAS S,STEM 11.1. INTRODUCTION : The secondary air re!uired to burn the fuels efficiently is "ro;ided by this system and the "roducts of combustion 9Flue 'ases: are remo;ed as well. The heat contained in the flue +as is deri;ed to the ma%imum e%tent by means of the economiser to "reheat the feed water and by the air heater to "reheat the secondary air re!uired for combustion. To a;oid cold end corrosion of the &.P.0. in the cold start u" condition? the air is "reheated? by a steam coil air "reheater 9S4&P0:. This system also "ro;ides coolin+ air for the flame scanners and combustion air for the i+nitors. 11.2 E2UIPMENT The followin+ e!ui"ments are "ro;ided for each boiler >- A. FD FANS : Steam coil air Preheater 9S4&P0: 2 Bos. 5Eun+ Steam air Preheater 95&P0: 1 Bo. I+nitor Fan 1 Bo. Scanner Fan 1 Bo. 4himney is "ro;ided common for all the three boilers. C. DUCTS 0 DAMPERS : 11.+. AIR PATH : F# fans suc6s cold air from atmos"here and dischar+e to the wind bo%es 95FT 8 RI'0T: throu+h the S4&P0 &B# &P0. & "art of the coldair from the F.#. fans dischar+e is made a;ailable at the suction of the i+nitor fan so that the I+nitor Fan boosts u" the "ressure and deli;ers to the I+nitor wind bo%es and scanner wind bo%es. The scanner fan can ta6e suction either from I+nitor Fan dischar+e or from the atmos"here. +. A. F. D. FAN : (RADIAL T,PE) : The !uantity of air is controlled by the inlet +uide ;anes o"erated by a "ower cylinder. INTERLOCCS : (I) OUTLET DAMPER 1. *"ens on o"en command 9*R: when both the fans tri""ed<sto""ed 9*R: after ,0 sec? of fan startin+. 2. 4losed on command when the fan is sto""ed<tri""ed. 3. 4loses if the fan tri"s when the other fan is runnin+. (II) CONTROL DAMPER (GUIDE ;ANE) : 1. -ide o"ens when the fans tri""ed<sto""ed. 2. 3odulates under auto condition with air flow controller out"ut si+nal. () F. D. FAN : ?A? 1. Starts runnin+ on start command from local<#4S -hen the outlet dam"er is closed. I# fan &<$ is runnin+? SP &<$ Inlet 8 *utlet dam"ers o"ened and control dam"er in minimum "osition. 2. Sto"s on command from local<#4S 3. Tri"s when I# fan & is tri""ed "ro;ided the S<S is inCC#IR4TC. 9*R: -hen I# fan $ is tri""ed "ro;ided the S<S is in 4R*SS. 9*R: -hen motor "rotection o"erates. +.B SCAPH : It consists of number of coils throu+h which controlled 1( &ta Steam "asses. The air flowin+ across the coils "ic6s u" heat from the steam heated coils. The condensate of She steam is dischar+ed by means of the steam tra"s into the emer+ency condensate tan6 and the draina+e e%"ander. The steam flow to the S4&P0 is re+ulated so as to maintain the desi+ned a;era+e cold end tem"erature of /0K4. +.C IGNITOR FAN : This fan "ro;ides combustion air for all the . i+nitors. 3inimum differential of 20 mm -45 has to be maintained between the i+nitor wind bo% and the furnace to ensure sufficient combustion air for each i+nitor. This fan also "ro;ides coolin+ air for the flame sensin+ scanners. For this a minimum differential 100 mm -45 has to be maintained between scanner wind bo% and furnace to ensure sufficient coolin+ air for the scanners. +.C.1. INTERLOCCS : STARTING 1. Fan can be started from #4S by "ressin+ start "ush button. 2. Fan can be started from local by "ressin+ the start "ush button if local o"eration is selected. TRIPPING : 3otor can be tri""ed if arty one of the followin+ conditions e%ists > 1. Sto"-"ush button at #4S<5*4&5 Pressed. 2. *;erload "rotection acts. 3. $oth F. #. tri""ed. +.D. SCANNER FAN : This fan ta6es suction either from i+nitor fan dischar+e or from atmos"here throu+h emer+ency dam"er and su""lies air to the scanner wind bo%es located in each burner of the two ele;ations &$ and $4.CThis runs automatically in case both F# fans tri" or the scanner wind bo%-furnace differential falls below 100 mm -45. In case both the F# fanstri" the emer+ency dam"er o"ens automatically? the scanner fan starts. +.D.1. INTERLOCCS : 1. Starts automatic when the scanner wind bo% to furnace differential "ressure is less than *R e!ual to ).(K -45 "ro;ided the selector switch is in auto. 2. It can be started from #4S or $urner control "anel in case either I+nitor fan is runninr? or the emer+ency dam"er is o"en. 3. The fan can be sto""ed either from #4S or $urner control "anel in case the scanner- furnace differential is +reater than ).(K -45. ). The fan tri"s when motor "rotection o"erates or the local emer+ency "ush button is de"ressed. 11.- AIR PREHEATER (REGENERATI;E T,PE : 11.-.1. GENERAL : The R-ty"e air heater absorbs waste heat from flue +as? then transfers this heat to incomin+ cold air by means of continuously rotatin+ heat transfer elements of s"ecially formed metal "lates. Thousands of these hi+h efficiency elements are s"aced and com"letey arran+ed in the from of buc6ets<bas6ets within twel;e sector sha"ed com"artments of a radially di;ided cylindrical shell called the rotor. The housin+ surroundin+ the rotor? is "ro;ided with duct connections at both ends and is ade!uately sealed by radial and circumferentially sealin+ members-formin+ an air "assa+e throu+h one-half of the "reheater? and a +as "assa+e throu+h the other. &s the motor slowly re;ol;es the mass of elements alternate throu+h the +as and air "assa+es? heat is absorbed by the element surface "assin+ throu+h the hot +as stream? then? as these same surfaces are carried throu+h the air stream? they release the stored u" heat-+reatly increasin+ the tem"erature of the incomin+ combustion air. The incomin+ air is "reheated in the S4&P0 so that the heat transfer elements are not allowed to cool before a certain tem"eratuCre. -hen the air heater elements rotate this flue +as? sul"hur trio%ide 9S*s: in the +ases will condense if the tem"erature of the metal +oes below the dew "oint and thereby corrode the elements. &s lon+ as S03 remains in +aseous form it does not corrode the heatin+ elements and +ets "ushed out alon+with the flue +as. The a;era+e cold end tem"erature 9air enterin+ and +as lea;in+: is controlled by re+ulatin+ the steam to S4&P0. This tem"erature will be same as the metal tem"erature. The minimum allowable tem"erature for incomin+ air is /0K4 and for flue +as lea;in+ the &P0 is 13(-1)(=4. 11.-.2 CONSTRUCTIONAL FEATURES : (I) ROTORG HOUSING BUCCETS : The rotor is surrounded by housin+ and is redially di;ided into twel;e sector sha"ed com"artments. The heat transfer elements in the form of corru+ated "lates are com"actly arran+ed in the frames calledC$uc6etsC. These buc6ets are "laced in the sector sha"ed com"artments. The buc6ets are arran+ed in the form of layers as illustrated in the s6etch. The descri"tion of arran+ement is as follows >- (II) HOT END LA,ER : This is the layer? throu+h which the +ases enter after lea;in+ the economier. ach sector in the hot layer has three com"artments ha;in+ different ty"e of buc6ets one in each com"artment. Therefore? hot layer contains 3, buc6ets. (III) INTERMEDIATE LA,ER : &fter lea;in+ the hot end layer? flue +as enters the intermediate layer of buc6ets. Similar to the hot end layer? intermediate layer has 3, buc6ets of three ty"es. The hei+ht of buc6ets of intermediate layer is less than that of hot end layer. (I;) COLD END LA,ER : The bottom layer is called cold end layer. The incomin+ air enters the &P0 throu+h this layer after lea;in+ S4&P0. &nd the flue +ases lea;e the &P0 after "assin+ throu+h the cold end layer. ach sector of cold end layer has fi;e com"artments ha;in+ one buc6et in each com"artment. &s illustrated in the confi+uration of sector and its com"artments? the cold end layer has the and is radially di;ided into twel;e sector sha"ed followin+ three ty"es of buc6ets >- Ty"e & > 12 Bos. Ty"e $ > 2) Bos. Ty"e 4 > 2) B*S. The total buc6ets in &P0 in all the three layers is 132. (;) BEARINGS : The com"lete rotor is su""orted by a thrust bearin+ at the bottom. the su""ort bearin+ is lubricated. The ma%imum allowable limit for the br+. tem"erature is ,0K4. The u""er end of the rotor is +uided by the +uide bearin+. 5ub oil in the bearin+s are filled u"to the mar6 on the le;el indicators. The a""ro%imate ca"acities of the housin+ of su""ort and +uide bearin+s are (0 litres 8 120 litres res"ecti;ely. The coolin+ water is circulated around the +uide br+. housin+ to cool the oil inside the +uide bearin+. (;I) ROTOR SEALS : Seals are "ro;ided at both ends of the air "re-heater to minimise lea6a+e between the air side and the +as side of the "reheater. The radial seals are attached to each dia"hra+m of the rotor and are set at a s"ecified clearance: from the sector "lates? which se"arate the air and +as streams. The circumferential seals are clam"ed to the "eri"hery of the rotor and are adEusted to the necessary clearance from the circumferential sealin+ surface on the connectin "late. The seals "ro;ided at the rotor "ost o"erate with minimum clearance a+ainst the e%tended li" of the bearin+ co;er. (;II) ROTOR DRI;E UNIT : &P0 can be run with the hel" of two dri;es ;i1. 9i: 3ain dri;e-electrically dri;en and 9ii: &u%iliary dri;e-air dri;en. The dri;in+ force for turnin+ the motor is a""lied at its "eri"hery. & "inion rac6 mounted on the rotor shell is en+a+ed by a "inion attached to the low s"eed shaft of a "ower dri;en s"eed reducer or +ear motor. The au%iliary dri;e 9air motor dri;er: ensures the continued o"eration of the "re-heater e;en if "ower to the electric motor is interru"ted. The air motor may also be used to control the s"eed of the rotor durin+ water washin+ of the heatin+ surface. AIR MOTOR SHOULD NE;ER BE OPERATED WITHOUT THE LUBRICATOR Fill the 5ub oil in the dri;e unit reduction +ear bo% u"to the mar6 indicated on the le;el indicator. (;III) CLEANING DE;ICE : Two ty"es of cleanin+ de;ices are "ro;ided for &P0 cleanin+ namely 9i: Soot blower no. 22 8 9ii: -ater washin+ system. (I3) CLEANING B, SOOT BLOWING : The soot blower de;ice consists of an electric motor cou"led to a +ear dri;en cran6 mechanism which oscillates the swi;el header carryin+ the no11le "i"e. 4leanin+ can be with steam and air both. 0owe;er? now-a-days? only steam is used. Steam is con;eyed throu+h the swi;el header and no11le "i"e? to the no11le at the end. & rotary Eoint in the su""ly line "ermits free motion of the swi;el header while connected to the source of su""ly. The recommended "ressure is 1) 6+<cm 2 for steam 8 13 6+<cm 2 for com"ressed air. ffecti;e cleanin+ action will not be obtained if "ressure is too low. The recommended steam temoerature is 300=4. Steam "ressure should not e%ceed. 1/ 6+<cm 2 and air "ressure should not e%ceed 1) 6+<cm 2 . %cessi;e "ressure may dama+e rotor seals and heatin+ surface. Pressure adEustment is done by installin+ re!uired si1e of orifice "late in the su""ly line. The are tra;ersed by the no11le and the rotation of the rotor subEects the entire area of the rotor to the action of the cleanin+ Eet. & com"lete blowin+ cycle consists of a sin+le "ass o;er the heatin+ elements startin+ at dia+ram "osition K&K and tra;ellin+ in a counter cloc6wise direction. -hen no11le reaches "osition K$K it will oscillate bac6 to startin+ "osition K&K without blowin+. $efore admittin+ steam to the cleanin+ de;ice no11le? drain the su""ly line thorou+hly to ensure com"lete remo;al of wet steam and condensate. The de;ice is o"erated once in e;ery shift. (3) WATER WASHING : -ater washin+ of the &P0 is carried out within 2) hrs. after shuttin+ down the boiler. Stationary multi-no11le washin+ manifolds are "ro;ided at both hot and cold ends of the air-"reheater. To effecti;ely wash the heatin+ surface? the followin+ water conditions are recommended >- - Stationary washin+ de;ice at the hot end- -30 PSI Pressure at washin+ de;ice inlet -)30 'P3 -ater !uantity re!uired - Stationary washin+ de;ice at the cold end- Pressure at washin+ de;ice inlet - /( PSi -ater !uantity re!uired ).0 'P3 Initially the hot water is used for washin+ as the de"osits are more soluble in it.0ot water is "um"ed from emer+ency condensate tan6 to the multi-no11le washin+ manifold. "um"eo rrom emer+ency conoensare ranw. ro rne mulrl-no11le wasnln+ rnaillrolo. 0ot water washin+ is usually done for , to . 0rs. Subse!uently cold water 9ser;ice water: is "um"ed throu+h emer+ency condensate "um"? to the multi-no11ltS washin+ manifold and washin+ is contiuned until ins"ection re;eals that all of the heatin+ elements are clean. The water comin+ out throu+h &P0 bottom should be rust free to ensure that cleanin+ is "erfectly *D. The ins"ection must be as thorou+h as "ossible? since any de"osit remainin+ after washin+ will be ba6ed on the element? and +enerally becomes insoluble when the "reheater returns to ser;ice. -hen washin+ is com"leted? be sure the water su""ly is com"letely closed off and the wash effluent is eliminated from adEacent ductin+? also that the "reheater rotor and heatin+ surface are dry before the "reheater is returned to ser;ice. Not! : -ash water or wash effluent is drained to the sewer and +oes to the effluent treatment "lant 9.T.P.:. ffluent is acidic in nature since it contains the de"osits ha;in+ sul"hur content. Prior to drainin+ the effluent to the sewer connected with TP? it is neutralised with lime or caustic. 11.-.+ C1!&8) Du"#$ O5!"ato# : 1 DAIL, CHECC : 9i: *il le;els in - 9a: Su""ort $earin+ 9b: 'uide $earin+ 9c: 3ain #ri;e 'ear Reducer 9ii: For any unusual noise in- 9a: Rotor 9b: Rotor 3ain $earin+s 9c: #ri;e3otor 9d: 3ain 'ear Reducer 9e: 4leanin+ #e;ice durin+ o"eration 9f: *il circulation systems 9iii: For cleanliness near-- 9a: Rotor #ri;e 7nit 9b: Rotor 3ain $earin+s 9c: 4leanin+ #e;ice 9d: *il circulation system 9i;: Instruments for "ro"er wor6in+-- 9a: $earin+ lub oil thermometer 9b: $earin+ Vub oil "ressure 9c: Thermocou"les if "ro;ided in bearin+s for alarm or remote indication 9d: &ir inlet and oulet? +as inlet and outlet tem"erature measurin+ instruments 9e: 3anometers for measurin+ "ressure dro"s across &ir 0eater for +as and air flows 9;: The condition of cold end elements throu+h obser;ation "ort by switchin+ on the ins"ection li+ht. 2. WEECL, CHECC FOR OIL LEACS : 9i: &round br+. oil drain "lu+s? instrument connections etc. 9ii: In *il Pi"in+. 9iii: In threaded connections in oil circulation systems. ATTENTION : Any leak found in the hot end bearing is to be rectified immediately as this may cause fire breakout due to high ambient temperature in this region. 9i;: &round main dri;e +ear reducer drain "lu+s? di"stic6 connections etc. 9;: 'i;e a few turns for the self cleanin+ filters if "ro;ided in the circulation system. 9;i: Start and run &ir 3otor for 1( minutes. 9;ii: 4hec6 wor6in+ of lubricator. 9;iii: 4hec6 the o"eration of solenoid ;al;e. +. MONTHL, CHECC : 9i: 4hec6 the lin6a+e of Power #ri;en 4leanin+ #e;ice 9P#4#: free from bindin+. 9ii: 4hec6 mountin+ and attachment bolts in dri;e units? bearin+s? P#4#? oil circulation system etc. are not loose. 9iii: 4hec6 trunnions are runnin+ free from rubbin+ with "ac6in+ rin+s and bearin+ co;ers. 9i;: 4hec6 +land "ac6in+ and adEust if necessary. 9;: 4hec6 "inion air seal whether carbon rin+s<"ac6in+ rin+s are *D. 9;i: 4hec6 hot end sector "late adEuster and hot end trac6in+ lin6a+es are wor6in+ "ro"erly. -. HALF/,EARL, CHECC : 9i: 4hec6 lubrication of all items and chan+e lubricants as "er schedule. 9ii: %amine all the seals of &ir 0eaters for wear and tearR if necessary readEust. 9iii: 4hec6 the cleanliness of the element "re;entsR if necessary water wash the heater. 9i;: Thorou+hly clean the areas around dri;e units? bearin+? oil circulation system? P#4# tc. for dirt? oil etc. .. ANNUAL O;ERHAUL : 9i: 4lean u" first the entire heater before "roceedin+ with any maintenance wor6 on the heater. 9ii: 4arefully e%amine the condition of heatin+ element and re"lace? if necessary. Re"eat half-yearly ins"ection. 9iii: Re"lace +land "ac6in+. 9i;: *"en ins"ection-co;er on bearin+s and ins"ect the condition of bearin+s. 9;: Bote>-- -hile drainin+ the old oil from the bearin+s? carefully e%amine for any metallic fra+ments. 9;i: %amine trunnion bolts. 9;ii: %amine rotor "ost to dia"hra+m welds at the trunnion ends. 9;iii: *"en "inion co;er. %amine "inion and "in rac6 for wear and tear and "ro"er en+a+ement. 9i%: Pac6 all electric motor bearin+ with fresh +rease. 9Refer 3anufacturerCs instructions: 9%: 4han+e +ear reducer oil and ins"ect the old oil for metal fra+ments. 9%i: *"en ins"ection co;ers to e%amine the condition of +ears and "inions and bearin+s. 9%ii: 7"en Ins"ecrion co;ers to e%amine the condi 9%iii: 5ubricate all cou"lin+s +rid ty"e or +ear ty"e. 9%i;: 4han+e oil in the fluid cou"lin+? if "ro;ided. 9%;: 4han+e the oil seals in the oil "um"? if necessary. 9%;i: 4hec6 the calibration of all instruments. 9%;ii: %amine oil line for dents? crac6s? dama+es etc. 9%;iii: 4leanin+ de;ice +ear bo%es to be e%amined. 9%i%: Steam blowin+ no11les tobe chec6ed. 9%%: -ater washin+ no11les to be ins"ected and cleaned? if necessary. 9%%i: 4arefully e%amine for corrosion at the cold end. If corrosion has dama+ed the cold end the bas6ets can be re;ersed and installed. 9%%ii: %amine tube braces for erosion. 11.-.- STARTING INSTRUCTIONS : $efore li+htin+ off? the air "reheater dri;e should be started before startin+ the induced draft fans. Bote the rate of increase in the tem"erature of the dri;e motor. *;erheatin+ may be due to nsufficient clearance of the rotor seals. If the o;erload is not hea;y? and the ca"acity of thermal relays or fuses is not e%ceeded? the seals will +radually Kwear inK? thus relie;in+ the o;erload. ReadEustment of hard rubbin+ rotor seals is necessary only if the motor o;erload is e%cessi;e. Rotor e%"ansion in "reheaters e!ui""ed with a +ear rac6 or "in rac6 and "inion dri;e may cause these dri;e members to mesh too hard. This condition may also o;erload the motor. #e"th of tooth en+a+ement can be re+ulated by shiftin+ the dri;e unit. 4hec6 +rease and oil su""lies of all "arts re!uirin+ lubrication. 1. LIGHT/OFF GASEOUS FUELS : There has been e;idence of flame instability durin+ start-u" on +aseous fuels. -hen the air "reheater is started with the fans at li+ht-off? it is "ossible? de"endin+ on o"eratin+ conditions that entrained "roducts and<or free moisture carried by the air "reheater rotor to the combustion air stream mi+ht contribute to this instability. 2. LIGHT//OFF OII FUELS : It is essential that careful attention be +i;en to combustion conditions durin+ initial firin+ of a cold furnace or restartin+ after a hot standby. Im"ro"er combutsiton may result in the accumulation of condensed oil ;a"ours and unburnt carbon on air "reheater surfaces by carry-o;er from the furnace durin+ these critical sta+es. if combustible? these de"osits may i+nite under certain conditions resultin+ in dama+e to the air "reheater heatin+ elements and structure. Im"ro"er combustion can be caused by >- 9i: Inade!ute atomi1ation due to low oil tem"erature and<or im"ro"er oil "ressure or atomi1er "ressure. 9ii: Foulin+ of atomi1er com"onents with solid or +um debris. 9iii: Im"ro"er combustion air distribution. 9i;: #ifference in fuel oil flow from the ;arious burners. 9;: I+nitor oil lea6a+e. +. COLD START/UP : &fter the fires are lit in the furnace? ma6e certain the heatin+ surface is 6e"t free of combustible de"osits. &ccumulation of such de"osits must be "re;ented as their i+nition would result in a destructi;e fire. They are controlled by the use of the cleanin+ e!ui"ment furnished with the air "reheater. #urin+ cold start-u"s the air "reheater cleanin+ de;ice is tobe o"erated continuously until stable combustion conditions e%ist in the furnace. & tem"orary blowin+ medium which may be steam at 1) 6+<cm 2 or air at 1) 6+<cm 2 +should be "i"ed to the cleanin+ de;ice for cleanin+ the air "reheater durin+ this "eriod. Periodically? obser;e the heatin+ element throu+h the obser;ation "ort located at the cold end for "ossible accumulation of de"osits. & close watch should be maintained of the four terminal tem"eratures of the air "reheater. &ny unusual increase in one or more of these tem"eratures should be in;esti+ated immediately. Refer to detailed instruction relati;e to "ossible fires in air "reheaters. -. STANDB, AND HOT START/UP : Dee" the air "reheater o"eratin+ at all times that the boiler is on standby or bottled-u". &fter the fires are lit in the furnace? ma6e certain the heatin+ surface is 6e"t free of combustible de"osits. &ccumulation of such de"osits must be "re;ented as their i+nition would result in a destructi;e fire. They are controlled by the use of the cleanin+ e!ui"ment furnished with the air "reheater. &fter the fires are lit? the cleanin+ de;ice is tobe o"erated continuously until stable conditions e%ist in the furnace. Periodically obser;e the heatin+ element? throu+h the obser;ation "ort locaied at the cold end for "ossible accumulation of de"osits. & close watch should be maintained of the four terminal tem"eratureS of rile air "reheater. &ny unusual increase in one or more of these tem"eratures should be in;esti+ated immediately. Refer to detailed instructions relati;e to "ossible fires in air "reheaters. .. FOR C,CLING UNITS ONL, : The air "reheater seals ha;e been set to accommodate a bottled-u" tem"erature of 31(=4 within the "reheater. 6. SHUTTING DOWN : -hen ta6in+ the boiler out of ser;ice? use the soot blowin+ e!ui"ment to remo;e any de"osits which may ha;e accumulated on the heatin+ surface. Dee" the fan runnin+ durin+ the cleanin+ o"eration. Dee" the rotor turnin+ until the flue +as inlet tem"erature at the "re-heater inlet dro"s below 200=4 and at the outlet dro"s below /0=4. =. CLEANING THE AIR PREHEATERS DURING START/UP : -hen com"ressed air is the blowin+ medium?it should be made a;ailable for the cleanin+ de;ice and used at fre!uent inter;als at least e;ery four hours after the fires are li+hted? until stable combustion conditions e%ist in the furnace. Eatisfactory conditions usually "re;ail after 2) hours of continuous firin+. If steam is the blowin+ medium? it should be used as soon as "ressure at the boiler bein+ fired has risen sufficiently to "ro;ide the re!uired steam "ressure at the cleanin+ de;ice. In the e;ent that the firin+ "eriod to reach this "ressure e%ceeds four hours? it is recommended that a tem"orary steam or station air su""ly be connected after the orifice "late of the cleanin+ de;ice. Steam should be "ro;ided at a minimum of 10.( 6+<cm 2 or com"ressed air at a minimum of about ,.( 6+<cm 2 . 7nder no circumstances should the "ressure of the tem"orary steam su""ly be allowed to e%ceed normal cleanin+ de;ice blowin+ "ressure? as this could result in se;ere dama+e to the rotor seals and heatin+ element. #o not by-"ass the cleanin+ de;ice orifice "late once this "ressure is reached. *bser;e the element fre!uently throu+h the obser;ation "orts located at the hot artd cold ends. If noticeable amounts of de"osit ha;e accumulated? remo;e them by the use of cleanin+ e!ui"ment. 9. CLEANING THE AIR PREHEATER DURING NORMAL OPERATION For cleanin+ the hea er durin+ normal o"eration? o"erate the soot blower 22 once in e;ery shift. The followin+ will a""ly only when the unit is o"erated other than as a cyclin+ unit and the air "reheater seals ha;e been set for contract tem"erature conditions. :. E3CESSI;E SEAL WEAR : The air "reheater seals and sealin+ surfaces are "ositioned to "ro;ide best lea6a+e control at desi+n load. The followin+ o"eratin+ conditions will result in e%cessi;e seal wear? thus hi+her lea6a+e durin+ normal o"eration > 9i: 'as tem"eratures enterin+ the "reheater in e%cesses of the desi+n "oint. 9ii: Reduced air flow throu+h the heater. The de+ree of seal wear increases as the air flow a""roaches 1ero. -hene;er there is +as flow throu+h the heater? air flow should also be maintained. 9iii: $ottled-u" conditions with no air flow or +as flow? but with heat maintained in the boiler and air heater or heaters. 9i;: 5ower than desi+n rotor s"eeds while o"eratin+ the air heater on an au%iliary dri;e can cause seal wear which will ta6e "lace at rotor s"eeds less than 1<. r"m. The de+ree of seal wear in4reases as the rotor s"eed decreases. &n e%ce"tion to this is durin+ on stream washin+ of the heater. See instructions for on-stream washin+ "rocedure if this method of washin+ is used. 9;: *"eration of air heater "rior to its bein+ insulated. Rotor tri"-out may occur if the seal dra+ is such as to o;erload the dri;e motor. 'as tem"eratures of 200=4 or less enterin+ the air heater will cause no "roblems with re+ard to e%cessi;e seal wear. 14. ROTOR STOPPAGE DUE TO MOTOR FAILURE : In the e;ent of a rotor sto""a+e durin+ boiler o"eration? no dama+e will result to the air "reheater as lon+ as the tem"erature of the +as enterin+ the "reheater does not e%ceed 220=F.I ).2=4. -ith coal and oil firin+? howe;er? the followin+ "recautions should be ta6en >- COAL : -ith an air "reheater out of ser;ice? there will be a subse!uent reduction of the "rimary and secondary air tem"eratures which will affect combustion conditions in the boiler. Therefore? a close watch of the fire should be 6e"t in order to "re;ent the side of the "reheater in the +as stream from bein+ "lu++ed. OIL : The abo;e also holds Srue for oil firin+ in that incom"lete combustion of the oil will result in the de"osit of unburnt carbon "article in the air "reheater heatin+ surface. If these "articles recei;e sufficient o%y+en? a fire can de;elo" in the "reheater? with serious dama+e resultin+. If the rotor has remained idle for some time? the side of the rotor e%"osed to the +as stream may e%"and sufficiently to cause the seals to bind? and this may not "ermit the eleclric motor to turn the rotor continuously. If this is the case? the followin+ "rocerPures should be used >- 9i: n+a+e the motor starter for fi;e secondsR wait for 1( seconds and re"eat this for se;eral minutes in order to e!uali1e the e%"ansion of the rotor before runnin+ continuously. 9ii: If the abo;e is not successful? turn off the "ower to the motor and use the hand cran6 "ro;ided for the dri;e motor shaft e%tension. &fter the rotor has turned two re;olutions by this method? the rotor e%"ansion should be e!uali1ed sufficiently to allow the electric motor to o"erate. *nly the effort of one man should be a""lied to the cran6 to "re;ent dama+e to the motor or s"eed reducer. 9i;: *nce the rotor is turnin+ freely? the soot blower should be "ut into o"eration and o"erated continuously until the air heater is free of de"osit. %"erience has shown that it ta6es between fi;e and ten minutes for the rotor to e%"and enou+h to bind. ither a reduction in boiler load or in the case of balanced draft units the o"enin+ of a +as inlet access door ahead of the "reheater? or both will result in lower +as tem"eratures to the "reheater and will be hel"ful in startin+ the rotor durin+ boiler o"eration. In those instances where o"enin+ of the access door is contem"lated it should be reali1ed that o"enin+ of this door may effect the firin+ conditions. & close watch should be 6e"t of the fires tobe sure com"lete combustion is ta6in+ "lace. If there is any e;idence of "oor or incom"lete combustion with the resultant carryo;er of unburn "articles to the air "reheater and these are not remo;ed by the soot blower then the boiler should be remo;ed from ser;ice and the air "reheater washed. 11.-.6 AIR PREHEATER FIRES (I) GENERAL : 5iun+strom air "reheater fires are rare. & fire could occur if durin+ initial firin+ of a cold furnace or restartin+ after a hot standby? im"or"er combustion is ta6in+ "lace. Im"ro"er combustion may result in the accumulation of condensed oil ;a"ours and unburnt carbon on air "reheater surfaces by carry-o;er from the furnace durin+ these critical sta+es. If combustible? these de"osits may i+nite under certain conditions. -ith low flow conditions there is sufficient o%y+en for combustion? but not sufficient flow to carry away the heat +enerated. -hen combustible de"osits e%ist on the element? the i+nition "oint of these de"osits may be reached with a subse!uent fire. & close watch should be maintained of all four terminal tem"eratures of the air "reheater? "articularly at start-u". &n unusual increase in any one of these tem"eratures should be in;esti+ated immediately. %"erience has indicated that an abnormal rise in one or more of these tem"eratures may reflect a fire in the air "reheater before it mi+ht otherwise be obser;ed. &ction ta6en at this time could a;oid or reduce air heater dama+e. (II) PROCEDURE : &t the first e;idence of fires? from tem"erature indication or othe3iise? ins"ection of the air heater Should be made. If the tem"erature continues to rise and<or if fire is ;isible? the fans should be shut down and water admitted to the heater in sufficient !uantities to !uench the fire? and chec6 to insure that all drain lines are o"en. Two and one-half inch fire lines with at least one inch no11les should be used. If it is "ossible to isolate the area of the fire? then sto" the air heater so that the water may be directed at the fire. *n the other hand? if it is burnin+ in se;eral areas? continue to rotate the rotor as lon+ as it will turn tobe sure that the water contacts the burnin+ areas. #o not be conser;ati;e with water !uantities. If the fire has "ro+ressed to in;ol;e the metal? you will be dealin+ with tem"eratures in the ran+e of 11*4=4 to 2200=4. It re!uires lar+e !uantities of water to lower this tem"erature. #o not attem"t to smoother the fire with foam?.ctlemicals or steam. They are not effecti;e. 11.-.= TROUBLE/SHOOTING GENERAL : This section contains trouble shootin+ "rocedures that will assist maintenance "ersonnel. ach fault that is li6ely to occur is listed alon+with su++ested remedies. -hen any tault occurs which does not ha;e a lo+ical remedy? the manufacturer should be consulted. FAULT CAUSES REMED, T4SSIG 5&D&' $T-B '&S &B# &IR SI# T4SSIG B*IS FR*3 R*T*R R*T*R #*S B*T T7RB #RIG 7BIT *GR- 0&TS B*ISJ $&RIB'S 5ea6in+ seals -ar"ed rotor due to e%cessi;e e%"ansion from heat. Forei+n obEect in rotor $ad $earin+s. #efecti;e dri;e unit Forei+n obEect in rotor Inade!uate lubrication in dri;e unit. Pinion +ear and "in rac6 meshin+ too hard due to e%"ansion. 0ard rubbin+ seals. inade!uate lubrication Ins"ect all seals and adEust or re"lace as necessary. Reduce boiler load or admit more cold &ir Sto" rotor and ;isually ins"ect it. Re"air or re"lace bearin+s. nsure "ower is a;ailable to dri;e unit. 4hec6 "inion +ear and "in rac6 for bindin+. Ins"ect rotor and remo;e any forei+n obEects. 5ubrication dri;e unit ccm"onents. &dEust dri;e unit "ro"er tolerances. &dEust seals. B*T> Sli+ht o;erheatin+ due to hard rub#iP+ seals may be re lie ;ed wllen rile air "reheater reaches normal runnin+ tenl"erafure? or after the seals ha;e worn "ro"erly. 4hec6 that oil is flowin+ freely throu+h the si+ht +lass and chec6 oilline u"? if *I5 T3PR&T7R T** 0I'0 4IR475&TIB' *il F*&3J 5*- *I5 5G5 S**T $5*-R B*T F7B4TI*BIB' T4SSIG PRSS7R #R*P G&RI&TI*B 9PRI*#I4 DI4D: IB T0 3&IB #RIG &33TR 47RRBT Insufficient coolin+ Im"ro"er oil ;iscosity bein+ used. &ir enterin+ oil system 5ea6 in oil system. Pbwer failure. 3echanical bindin+. Swi;el header tra;el incorrect . Incorrect steam "ressure. $adly fouled air "re? heater %cessi;e "lu++in+ Thinned down and %cessi;e rubbin+ of some seals necessary. 4hec6 that ade!uate water flow is +oin+ into the oil cooler. Re"lace oil with "ro"er ty"e of oil. 4hec6 for an air lea6 on the suction side of the oil system. 5ocate and re"air lea6. 4hec6 electrical line-u". 4hec6 the s"eed reducer and mo;able "orts for bindin+. &dEust tra;el of no11le "i"e. nsure ade!uate steam su""ly is a;ailable. *"erate soot blower and chec6 soot blower. steam for "ro"er "ressure and tem"eiafure. If soot blower is not effecti;e heater be isolated and water washed off load 9in worst case? remo;e the bas6et and clean them out-side:. Rectify and re"lace the element dama+ed elements? bas6ets. 5ocate faulty seals and re"lace &$B*R3&5 IB4R&S IB T0 T3PR&T7RS Startin+ u" fire inside the air heater Immediately isolate air heater and chec6 for the fire and !uench the fire with abundant !uantity of water. Refer suction. &ir "re-heater fires in this manual. 402 foam? steam should not be used. IB4R&S IB '&S *7T5TT3PR&T7- R &B# ST&#J F&55 *F &IR *7T5T T3PR&T7R &ir heater stalled Isolate air heater and chec6 for troubles in the dri;e system. 11.-.9 DO?S FOR APH : 1. 5ubricate with "ro"er +rade of lubircants at the "ro"er inter;als. 2. 4hec6 the tem"erature rise of lubricants in the bearin+s. 3. -atch for any abnormal noise in the rotation of &ir "reheater. ). 4hec6 the "ressure dro" and soot blow "eriodically 9once in e;ery shift:. (. -atch for the terminal tem"erature increase for any "ossibility of fires. ,. 4hec6 for the abnormal lea6a+e due to faulty seals. /. 4hec6 for the abnormal increase of dri;e motor current which will indicate seal dro" etc. .. 4hec6 u" the oil carry o;er to the air "reheater by insertin+ a "robe in the +asTnlet side. 2. $y usin+ obser;ation "ort .P li+ht watch for the conditions of the heatin+ elements. 11.-.: DONT?S FOR APH : 1. #o not bolt the two bolts of the reducer with tne base which are left free "ur"osely. 2. #o not enter into air "reheater without ta6in+ all the "recautions namely duttin+ of the su""ly to the dri;e? ta6in+ a chord while enterin+ into the manhole etc. 3. #o not rotate the air "reheater in the wron+ direction. ). #o not wor6 near the leadin+ ed+e of the sector "late while doin+ maintenance wor6. (. #o not carry any weldin+ acti;ities in the rotoi without "ro"er earthin+. ,. #o not rotate the air "reheater below the recommended cold end tem"erature 9&ir-/0=4? flue +as-13(=4.: /. #o not let any incombustibles to +et de"osited in the &ir "reheater 9it will cause fire:. 11.-.14 INTERLOCCS : (a) ELECTRICAL MOTOR : 1. Starts<sto"s on command from 74$. 2. Tri"s when motor "retection o"erated or local sto" command initiated. (%) AIR MOTOR : 1. Starts automatically by o"enin+ the solenoid ;al;e in the air line when electrical motor tri"s "ro;ided the selector switch is in auto. 2. &lso starts when the S<S is 6e"t in CTSTC "osition. 3. Sto"s when S<S is 6e"t in CST*PC "osition. 11.. FLUE GAS PATH : *n combustion of different fuels in the furnace? the liberated flue +as "asses across the "laten su"er heater? final su"er heater? ban6 tubes? conomiser the &P0? SP 4himney. Theflue +as lea;in+ the furnace carries with it "articulate matter li6e ash? unburnt carbon etc. 11...A E.S.P. The lectrostatic "reci"itator was installed to se"arate the "articulates li6e ash and unburnt carbon? from flue +as. Since coal is not used as fuel? it has become redundant. lectrodes and other related electrical e!ui"ments ha;e been remo;ed from the SP chamber and it "ro;ides thorou+h "assa+e to the flue +as between &P0 outlet and I# Fans. The .S.P. is di;ided into two sections. ach section consists of three fields. ither "ass can be isolated by means of the inlet and outlet dam"ers? which can be o"erated manually from local or remote. 11...B I.D. FAN : This fan suc6s the flue +as from the furnace and "ushes out throu+h the chimney. The furnace drau+ht is maintained by re+ulatin+ the +uide ;anes of the I.#. fans by means of a common ro"e dri;e actuated by a Power 4ylinder. INTERLOCCS : () INLET 0 OUTLET DAMPERS : 1. *"en after ,0 sec of Fan startin+. 3. *"en on 4*33&B# from #4S. 3. *"en when both fans tri""ed<sto""ed. ). 4an be closed from #4S if I# Fan is not runnin+. (. 4an be closed from #4S if the fan is not runnin+ when the other fan is runnin+. () I.D. FAN MOTOR : 1. Starts on local<remote starts command when both the inlet and outlet dam"ers are closed and the control ;ane is in minimum "osition. 2. Sto"s on local<remote sto" command. 3. Tri"s when motor "rotection o"erated. 11.6 LINE UP OF ID FAN A<B : S.NO. DESCRIPTION ACTION 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. 0.. 02. *utlet common #uctin+ &ll releases co;erin+s I# Fan 3otor. &ll Ins"ection #oors I.#. Fan $earin+ 0ousin+ *il le;el. I.#. Fan Free to rotate. &ir su""ly to #am"er Interloc6 9Inlet Gane 4ontrol: from remote. 230 G &4 control su""ly )1( G &.4. Power su""ly to isolation dam"ers 9$oth inlet 8 outlet in 3.4.4. Panel: 220 G #4. 4ontrol Power 8 ,., DG "ower su""ly to I.#. 3otor $us. &ll instruments connected to Fan 8 3otor. Throu+h to stac6 4leared 4losed Bormal. 4hec6ed by hand. stablished made o"erable stablished.3ade o"erable from #4S stablished. 5ined u". 11.= TACE ID FAN A<B IN SER;ICE : S.NO. DESCRIPTION ACTION 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. 0.. 02 P &<$. &.P.0. l.#. Fan &<$. $oiler miscellaneous e!ui"ment. 9#raft Plant instruments: l.#. Fan Inlet 4ontrol #am"er I.#. Fan isolatin+ dam"er 9$oth Inlet 8 *utlet: I.#. Fan &<$ full s"eed 8 run smoothly? ;ibration normal $r+. &nd Position of Isolatin+ dam"ers 9Inlet 8 dutlet: after startin+of l.#. I.#. Fan Inlet control dam"er. 5ined u". In ser;ice. 5ined u". In ser;ice. 3inimum "osition. 4losed Started from #4S attained windin+ tem". normal. Should o"en by Interloc6s. Slowly o"ened from #4S to maintain furnace draft 9-F to -10: mm of w.c. 11.9 LINE UP OF FD FAN A<B : S.NO. DESCRIPTION ACTION 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0,. &ll releases co;erin+ fan 3otor and dustin+. &ll Ins"ection doors F.#. Fan 3otor bearin+s F.#. Fan bearin+ housin+ *il le;el. F.#. Fan free to rotate &ir su""ly to dam"er interloc6s 9Inlet control ;ane: 4leared. 4losed. 5ubricated Bormal. 4hec6ed by hand. stablished made o"erable from #4S 0/. 230 G &.4. 4ontrol Power 8 )1( G &.4. Su""ly to F.#. #am"er 9In 3.4. Panel: stablished? made o"erable from remote. 0.. 220 G &.4. 4ontrol Power 8 ,., D.G &.4. Power Su""lyto F.#. 3otor $us. stablished. 02. &ll instruments connected to F.#. Fan 8 3otor 5ined u". 11.: TACE F.D. FAN A<B IN SER;ICE : S.NO. DESCRIPTION ACTION 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. 0.. P &<$ Inlet 8 *utlet #am"ers I.#. Fan &<$. F.#. S<S switch on 7.4.$. F.#. Fan outlet dam"er. F.#. Fan Inlet control dam"er. F.#. Fan &<$. Position of *utlet dam"er after startin+ of F.#. F.#. Fan inlet control dam"er *"ened In ser;ice 8 Inlet and outlet dam"ers o"ened. #irect<l#&-P-&-F#& or I#$-P$-F#$ cross I#&-P&-F#$ or I#$-P$-F#&. 4losed. & minimum "osition. Started from #4S attained fulls"eed 8 run smoothly ;ibration-Bormal $r+. 8 windin+ tem". normal. *"en by Interloc6 Slowly o"ened from #4S to maintain minimum air flow 30@. 11.14 LINE UP OF AIR PREHEATER (APH) : S.NO. DESCRIPTION ACTION 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. &ll releases co;erin+ su""ort bearin+ oil system +uide bearin+ oil system? ductin+ &P0 8 their de;ices. &ll Ins"ection 8 other doors. Strainer Inlet to water washin+ system. &P0 water washin+ ;al;es 9$oth to" and bottom: 'uide bearin+ oil le;el in sum" 4har+ed. 4hec6ed 8 closed. 4hec6ed 8 closed. 4hec6ed 8 closed. Bormal 9le;el should not +o beyond ma%.: 0,. 0/. 0.. 02. 10. 11. 12. 13. Su""ort bearin+ oil le;el in sum". 4oolin+ water for +uide bearin+ &P0 3otor bearin+s &P0 dri;e +ear bo% oil le;el &P0 dri;e free to rotate. &P0 Soot blower &P0 au%iliary dri;e 9&ir-3otor: &ll instruments connected to &P0 -do- &;ailable. 5ubricated. Bormal 4hec6ed by hand. Ready Ready 5ined u" 11.11 TACE APH IN SER;ICE : S.NO. DESCRIPTION ACTION 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0,. &ir Pre-heater &P0 water washin+ 0eader 4oolin+ water for +uide bearin+ system. 230 Golts &4 4ontrol su""ly and )1( G &4 Su""ly to &P0 344 Panel &P0 3otor #ri;e &P0 &u%iliary #ri;e 9&ir 3otor: 5ined u" 4har+ed stablished -do- Started from #4S &P0 runs smoothly. Tested. De"t on auto. 12. STEAM COIL AIR PRE/HEATER (SCAPH) 12.1 GENERAL : #urin+ the cold start u" of the boiler? the re+enerati;e air "re-heater is subEected to hot flue +as on one side and the cold air on the other. Thereby the heated elements +et cooled by the cold air owin+ to the -sul"hur content "resent in the fuel oil. The sul"hur trio%ide ;a"ours form on combustion and condense on these cooled heatin+ elements of the air heater? more commonly on the cold end side? causin+ corrosion of the elements. In order to a;oid cold end corrosion the air is "reheated by a steam coil air "reheater. The steam for the S4&P0s of the three boilers is su""lied by the au%iliary steam header which is fed by 1( ata e%traction steam headers. The steam re!uired for S4&P0 on each boiler is re+ulated so as to maintain the desi+ned cold end tem"erature of /0=4. 12.2 LINE UP S.C.A.P.H. : S.NO. DESCRIPTION ACTIONH 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. 3ain 0dr. Steam Isolatin+ ;al;e S.4.&.P.0. &S-20. 3ain 0dr. drain ;al;e &S-(0? &S-(1 Steam control station Isolatin+ ;al;es &S-/. 8 &S-/2 after and before 4G-.. &ir su""ly to 4G-2. $y-Pass ;al;e? steam control station &S-21 and &S 22. Inlet and Gent Gal;es Steam tra" &S-2( and &S-2/. $y-Pass ;al;e steam tra" &S-2, 4losed. *"ened. 4losed. stablished made o"erable from 74$. 4losed. *"ened. 4rac6 o"ened. 12.+ TACE S.C.A.P.H. IN SER;ICE : S.NO DESCRIPTION ACTION &u%iliary steam 0dr. to S.4.&.P.0. 3ain 0dr. steam isolatin+ ;al;e S.4.&.P.0. &S-20 3ain 0dr. #rain &S-(0 and &S-(1 $J-P&SS ;al;es? steam control station &S -21 and &S -22. Isolatin+ ;al;es steam control station &S -/. and &S -/2. &;era+e cold end tem". controller &S -21? &S -22. *ulet ;al;e steam tra" &S -23. 5ine u" to #rain e%"ander &S-(2. 5ine u" to emer+ency condenser tan6 &S-(2. $y-"ass 8 ;ent ;al;es of steam tra" &S 2, and &S 2/. &;era+e cold end tem". controller lier at #4S 4har+ed *"ened slowly 4losed after com"lete draina+e of air and condensate. *"ened few turns char+ed S.4.&.P.0. *"ened fully. 3in. loadin+ of &<3 station at 74$. 4losed. *"ened steam tra" in ser;ice . 4losed. *"ened. *"ened. 4losed. 4losed. Place in &uto . 1+. LO S,STEM 1+.1 GENERAL : 5i+ht oil used in TPS is the "ure distillate without blendin+? "roduced internally in the refinery. This 5* is used to li+ht u" the boiler in cold start u" for warmin+ u" the boiler. The boiler can be loaded u"to 30@ 34R by 5* alone. 5.*. is also used in the i+nitors which are su""osed to i+nite the 5*<0* +uns. The i+nitors are of eddy "late ty"e wherein the flame is "ro;ed by the differential "ressure set-u" between the bac6 "ressure due to the +ases "roduced on establishin+ the flame and the "ressure in the furnace. 4old air for combustion in all the i+nitors is su""lied by the i+nitor fan. There are two oil ele;ations? &$ 8 $4 and ei+ht 9.: oil +uns located one at each corner of the two ele;ations. 5.*. and 0.*. can be fired in both the ele;ations. The atomisation of li+ht oil is done by ser;ice air in both 5.*. +un and i+nitor. The combustion air for oil +uns is su""lied by the 2 F# fans throu+h &.P.0. 8 wind bo%es 9left 8 ri+ht: and re+ulated by the dam"ers &$ 8 $4. of the wind bo% in each corner. The !uantity and "attern of distribution of combustion air is maintained by secondary air dam"er control system. Startin+ and shuttin+ the i+nitors? 5.*. 8 F.*. +uns and the com"lete oil system is +o;erned by the $urner mama+ement system which ta6es care of the safety and su"er;ision of the furnace 1+.2 L.O. FLOW PATH : The 5.*. is recei;ed from "rocess 9*3S: and stored in the 5.*. Tan6. The 5.*. from the tan6 is "um"ed to the common header of the three boilers by means of any one of the two IU* "um"s at a dischar+e "ressure of 1. 6+<cm 2 . The oil "ressure in the header is re+urated by the control ;al;e at the 5.*. "um"in+ unit. 5.*. su""ly for each boiler is ta""ed off from the common header 8 the oil "ressure at the +un is maintained at a ma%imum 13./. 6+<cm 2 by means of a manually re+ulated ;al;e 95* ,: at the 5.*. control station on each boiler. The turn down ratio of the +un is 3 > 1. So the minimum "ressure that can be maintained is ).(/ 6+<cm 2 9a""ro%.: assumin+ flow tobe in "ro"ortion with the "ressure. The 5*. system in each boiler is controlled by one 5.*. header tri" ;al;e 95.*T.G: +o;erned by $.3.S. 1+.+ INTERLOCCS : 1. The "um" can be started with the selector switch in manual on start command from control des6. 2. The "um" starts automatically when the other "um" tri"s "ro;ided the selector switch is in auto. 3. The "um" starts automatically when the common dischar+e header "ressure is low e;en after (0 seconds of startin+ the other "um" "ro;ided the selector switch is in auto ). The "um" sto"s on command from control des6. (. The "um" tri"s when either the motor "rotection o"erated or the local emer+ency "ush button switch is o"erated. 1+.- L.O. S,STEM : I. FROM L.O. TANC TO L.O. T.;. S.NO. DESCRIPTION ;AL;E NO. OPERATION A : a) 01. 02. LINE UP (DRG. NO. 24) AT THE TANC : Suction line Return 5ine fromC5.*. Pum" SG RG 4hec6ed 4losed. 4hec6ed 4losed. (%) 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. AT LO PUMPING STATION : 5ine drains Strainer drains Strainer Gent 5G 55: 4PI*Se7 Strainer inlet Strainer *utlet 5* 2/ *"ened Pum" inlet 10 23 *"ened Pum" *utlet 5* 30 *"ened dl? d2 d)? d( 5* 22 5* 2) 5* 2/ 5* 2/ 5* 23 5* 30 4losed. 4losed 4losed 4losed *"ened *"ened *"ened *"ened 0. 02. 10. 5.*. 5ine Flushin+ *il line 5*P4G 5* 22 5* 22 - 4losed Tested and 6e"fin min. control "osition. 11. 12. 13. (&) 01. 02. (*) 01. 02. 03. Isolation ;al;es for 5*P4G $y-"ass ;al;e for 5*P4G Im"ulse line for 5*P4G BOILER FRONT : Isolation between $oiler 1 8 2. Isolation between $oilers 2 8 3 L.O. CONTROL STATION ON BOILER : 5.*. 0eater Isolation 5.*. 0eater $y-"ass 5.*. 5ine 5* 33 5* 3) 5* 2( 5* 20 5* 12 5*0I85*0* 5*0$ 5* 2 *"ened *"ened *"ened *"ened for $oiler 2<3. *"ened for $oiler 3 4losed *"ened *"ened B: 9a: 01. 02. 9b: 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. SER;ICE ELECTRICAL SUPPL, TO LO PUMP AT THE TANC : Suction Gal;es Return 5ine from 5* Pum" AT LO PUMPING STATION : Strainer Inlet Strainer Gent Strainer Inlet 5.*. Pum" 5.*.P.4.G. MOTORS : SG RG 5* 2/ 5* 2) 5* 2/ I<II P4G nsured *"ened *"ened 4rac6 o"ened *"ened and closed alter ;entin+ air. *"ened Started fr-om 74$<5ocal. *"ened slowly closin+ the by-"ass ;al;e simulta-neously till the re!uired "ressure s set-u".
II L.O. S,STEM ON EACH BOILER : S.NO. DESCRIPTION ;AL;E NO. OPERATION (a) 01. 02. 03. 0). (%) 01. 02. 03. 0). (&) 01. 02. 03. 0). LINE UP : AT L.O. CONTROL STATION : 5.*. tr$r. System u4?to $oiler 5.*. Su""ly 5*TG. 3anual Pr. re+ulatin+ ;al;e AT EACH CORNER : 5.*.Gent 5.*. 3anual Isolation ;al;e. $urner Tri" Gal;e Sca;an+e Gal;e 9Sca;an+e Gal;es ha;e been remo;ed. Instead of this? coolin+ steam "ro;ision has $een made: SER;ICE: 5.*. Pr. before 5*CTG 5*TG 3anual Pressure Re+. ;al;e Gent at each corner 5* 2 5* , 5* ) 5* / $TG-1 $TG3 5* , 5* ) 4har+ed. 4hec6ed o"en 4hec6ed close 5.S. *"ened "artially. 4losed. *"ened and 5S actin+. 4hec6ed close 5.S. 4hec6ed close 5.S. 4hec6ed *D *"ened from 74$ 93S Panel: *"ened to the re!uired Pressure. 4rac6 o"ened and 4losed after ;entin+ air. 1-. F.O. S,STEM 1-.1 INTRODUCTION : The hea;y oil used in TPS is a mi%ture of atmos"heric residue 8 ;acuum residue "roduced internally in the refinery. The boiler may be fired with hea;y oil abo;e 2(@ 34R normally. This oil is used as main fuel in the furnace. It can be combined with +as firin+. The hea;y oil is recei;ed in the two F.*. tan6s and it is maintained at 20 to 110.-.4 by means of steam heated coils inside the tan6s. The oil is then "um"edthrou+h F.*. heatin+ station to the common headers for all the three boilers. The headerCs "ressure is maintained by a control ;al;e which will recirculate "art of the oil bac6 to the tan6s. The tem"eratlOre of the oil is controlled by re+ulatin+ the steam to the F.*. heaters. The F.*. for each boiler is ta""ed off from the two main headers throu+h the control station on the firin+ floor and it forms a rin+ header below 10.( 3 floor. The rin+ header su""lies to all the . +uns in &$ and $4 e;e;ations. The F.*. system on each boiler is controlled by- 1. F.*. tri" ;al;e 9F.*.T.G.: 2. F.*. Flow control ;al;e 9F.*.F.4.G.: 3. F.*. 3in. "ressure control ;al;e 9F.*.3.P.4.G.: ). F.*. $urners tri" ;al;e 9*.$.T.G.:-. Bo. which are +o;erned by burner mana+ement system. The F.*. lines are all steam traced to "re;ent coolin+ and +ettin+ clo++ed due to the cold atmos"here. &ll these lines are insulated with mineral wool. These lines can be flushed by means of li+ht oil and the flushin+ oil "ressure is re+ulated by a control ;al;e at the 5.*. "um"in+ station. The flushin+ arran+ements are made for each section of the F.*. system as shown in the scheme. 1-.2 E2UIPMENT : 1-.2.1 F.O. Pu'5 (+ No).) : Bormally one "um" will be runnin+ 6ee"in+ the second on auto and third as standby. These are screw "um"s? with internal bearin+s and used for all natural lubricatin+ li!uids. ach "um" is "ro;ided with a builtin relief ;al;e. & strainer is also "ro;ided in the suction line of each "um". NOTE : #o not start the Pum" without *il and -ithout #ischar+e Gal;e o"ened. INTERLOCC : 1. Pum" can be started either from control des6 or from local "anel with the S<S in remote<local. 2. Pum" will start automatically when the F.*. dischar+e header "ressure is low for more than ,0 sec? "ro;ided the S<S is in &uto. 3. Pum" can be sto""ed either from control des6 or local "anel. ). Pum" will tri" when the emer+ency "ush blrtton switch is de"ressed or wh en the motor "rotection o"er ates. 1-.2.2. F.O. HEATER (2 NOS.) : It contains steam coils to which heatin+ steam is su""lied from the steam drums of all the boilers throu+h a re+ulatin+ ;al;e The oil side of the heater is "ro;ided with a safety ;al;e which will lift at the set ;alue. The condensate from the header is automatically remo;ed by a steam tra" of in;erted buc6et ty"e. F.*. tem"erature at heater outlet is maintained at 120=4. 1-.2.+ OIL GUN : The oil +un can be used as an air atomisin+ +un or a steam atomisin+ +un. For li+htin+ off and warmin+ u" of the boiler the +un is air atomised li+ht oil+un. For load carryin+ hea;y oil is used with steam atomisation. Remo;e the oil +uns from the +uide "i"e when it is not in ser;ice. 1-.+ SCHEME FOR TANC//A UNLOADING 0 CLEANING : 01. Dee" the tracin+ steam o"en for F.*. tan6s &? $ 8 5* tan6 drain lines and F* unloadin+ "um" suction and dischar+e lines. 02. $linds tobe "ro;ided at the drain lines of F* tan6 $ 8 5* tan6. $lind to be "ro;ided #<S of ;al;e CPC. 03. $lind tobe remo;ed from F* tan6 & drain and drain line to be connected with F* unloadin+ "um" suction. 0). 5e;el in F* tan6 & 8 $ tobe maintained at 3 3 to facilitate transfer of F* from F* tan6 & to $. (. 4lose the ;al;e on F* unloadin+ "um" dischar+e to F* tan6 &. 0,. 4lose the isolatibn ;al;es on lines no. 1? 2? 3? ) 6ee" watch on F* "um" suction "ressure and dIschar+e "ressure. 0/. 3aintain F* tan6--& tem"erature at 20-100=4. 0.. *"en F* tan6--& drain. 02. To remo;e the "lu+ on air ;ent on unloadin+ "um" suction and release the air. 10. *"en unloadin+ "um" suction ;al;e. 11. Start unloadin+ "um" and +radually o"en its dischar+e to F* Tan6-&. 12. 4ontinue to run the "um" and watch le;els of F* tan6s & . 13. Sto" the "um"s when it looses suction. 1). nsure that the le;el in F* tan6-& is 1ero as indicated by le;el indicator and chec6 it with the #IP ta"e also. 1(. -atch that the le;el does not rise a+ain in F* tan6-&. &ny rise in the le;el would indicate "assin+ of the ;al;es. Reti+hten the ;al;es and em"ty out the tan6 a+ain Further watch the le;el. If there is no rise in le;el? "roceed further. 1,. Isolate heatin+ steani. 1/. To close F* tan6 & drain. 1.. $lind F* tan6 lines 1? 2? 3? )? (. 1-.- FLUSHING OF UNLOADING PUMP SUCTION AND DISCHARGE LINES : 01. Remo;e blind from 5* tan6 drain and reconnect the line. 02. *"en 5* tan6 drain ;al;e. 03. Start unloadin+ "um". 0). *"en unloadin+ "um" dischar+e to F* tan6 & and close them aftre flushin+ is com"leted. Sto" the "um". 0(. #isconnect the F* tan6 2F & drain lines to atmos"here for flushin+. 0,. Start the F* unloadin+ "um" and flush these lines. 0/. 4lose 5* tan6 drain ;al;e and disconnect the line to atmos"here. 0.. Remo;e blind #<S of ;al;e CPC. 02. To "ut blind on F* tan6 $ drain and unloadin+ "um" dischar+e to F* tan6 C&C. 1-.. MANHLOES OPENING AND CLEANING : 01. *"en bottom and to" manholes of F* tan6 &. 02. Dee" 4<3 ready to collect F* comin+ out throu+h bottom manhole o"enin+ 03. Remo;e F* tan6 & breather safety de;ice for ser;icin+. 0). &llow sufficient coolin+ of the ran6. 0(. &rran+e for e%haust fans and hand lam"s. 0,. 'i;e entry "ermit to 4<3. 0/. Scaffoldin+ and cleanin+ of F* tan6-&. 0.. Ins"ection? "aintin+. 02? 0ydrotest of steam coil. 10. Ser;icin+ le;el indicator and calibration of tem"erature +au+e. 11. nsure that scaffoldin+ and ail forei+n materials are remo;ed from the tan6. 1-.6 COMMISSIONING FO TANC//?A? : 01. nsure that le;el indicator tem"erature +au+e are fitted bac6. 02. Fit bottom and to" manholes and breather safety de;ice. 03. #eblind the lines 1? 2? 3? )? (. 0). nsure closin+ of F* tan6-& drain line ;al;e. 0(. *"en F* su""ly ;al;e from "rocess to Tan6-&. 0,. 4har+e steam coil and maintain F* tem". at 100K4. 0/. 4ontinue to recei;e F* till the F* tan6-& le;el becomes e!ual to that of F* tnn6-$. 0.. *"en suction ;al;e to F* "um"s and watch F* "um"s suction and dischclr+e "ressures. 02. *"en F* return fronl boiler and F* "um"s. 1-.= HEATING STEAM LINE UP S.NO. DESCRIPTION ;AL;E NO. OPERATION 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. 0.. 02. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1). in Ser;ice. Ta6e off from $oilers Isolation Gal;es for Steam Tra" &S (/ $y-Pass Gal;es for Steam Tra". Isolation Gal;es for Steam Pr. control ;al;e. $y-Pass Gal;e for 4ontrol Gal;e Steam Pressure 4ontrol Gal;e Isloation Gal;es for Steam Tra" &S ,1 $y-Pass for Steam Tra" Isolation Gal;es for F*T4$ $y-Pass for F*T4G F*T4G Su""ly to 0eaters. Steam Tra" in the 0eatin+ Steam Return 5ine. 9&fter 0eater: Isolation Gal;es for Pr? +ua+e $F /) &S (,? &S (. &S (2 &S 2/? &S 2. &S 22? &S 30 4G, &S ,0? &S ,2 &S ,3 S )0 S )1 S 3/ S 32 4hec6ed 4lose 4losed. *"ened "artially 4losed. *"ened. 4hec6ed wor6in+ and De"tin min. 4ontrol "osition. 4losed. *"ened 4losed. *"ened. 4hec6ed wor6in+ and De"t min. "ossible. *"ened. *"ened S.NO. DESCRIPTION ;AL;E NO. OPERATION 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. 0.. 02. 10. 11. 12. F.*. System Ta6e off from boilers in ser;ice. &S (/ Isolation ;al;es for steam tra". &S (/ $y-Pass ;al;e for steam tra" &S (/ Isolation ;al;es for steam Pr. 4ontrol ;al;es $y-Pass ;al;es for steam Pr. 4ontrol ;al;es Steam Pr. 4ontrol ;al;es $y-Pass ;al;e for steam tra"s &S-,1 Isolation Gal;es for steam tra"s &S-,1 Isolation ;al;es for F*T4G $y-Pass for F*T4G F*T4G &S 2/? &S 2. &S ,0? &S ,2 nsured in ser;ice. *"ened. *"ened. 4losed after drainin+ condensate. *"ened. 4losed. *"ericd to the e%tent of re!uired "ressure. 4losed after drainin+ condensate *"ened *"ened. 4losed. *"ened? and 6e"t on &uto. 1-.: F.O. S,STEM : F.O. TANC TO F.O. PUMPING STATION LINE UP : DESCRIPTION ;AL;E NO. OPERATION F.*. 5e;el in Tan6 &<$ Suction 5ine to Pum" F.*. Return 5ine to Tan6 Flushin+ *il Return Tan6 drain Tan6 heatin+ steam inlet Steam return from Tan6 S Isolation ;al;e for all steam tra"s at tan6s &nd Pi"e 5ine. $y-"ass ;al;e for all steam tra"s F.*. 5ine drains Recirculation Gal;e between suction line &nd return line. Gent in the abo;e 5ine Tracin+ steam Inlet F.*. Inlet to Strainers. Flushin+ oil inlet to F* suction line. 4hec6ed *D 4hec6ed closed 4hec6ed closed 4hec6ed closed -do- 4losed. *"ened. 4losed. *"ened. 4rac6 o"eried and closed after drainin+ water? if any. *"ened. 4losed. 4hec6ed close. 4losed. 4losed. II : F.O. PUMPING STATION TO F.O. HEATING UNIT LINE UP : S.NO. DESCRIPTION ;AL;E NO. OPERATION 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. 0.. 02. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1). 1(. 1,. F.*. Inlet to Strainers. Flushin+ *il Inlet to F* Suction 5ine? strainer Inlet? "um" Inlet. Strainer Gent Strainer drain Strainer *utlet Pum" Inlet Pum" *utlet Flushin+ *il *utlets at Strainer *utlet and Pum" *utlet. F.*. Su""ly from Pum"in+ Station F.*. P4G $y-Pass for F*P4G F* )1 Isolation Gal;es for F*P4G F* )0. Im"ulse line for F*P4G F* 2( Flushin+ *il Inlet to F* 5ines on the F* )2 o;erhead "i"e rac6 near Pi"in+. F.*. Inlet to 0eatin+ 7nit F* 3, $y-Pass for all tracin+ steam tra"s F* 2/ F* )2 F* 2) F* 23 F* 2/ F* 2. F* 30 F* )2 F* 2, F* )1 F* )0 F* 2( F* )2 F* 3, 4hec6ed close 4hec6ed close 4losed. 4losed. *"ened. *"ened. *"ened. 4losed 4losed. Tested and 6e"t in minimum control "os itio n *"ened. *"ened. *"ened. 4losed. *"ened. *"ened. 1-.14 F.O. S,STEM : HEATING UNIT//BOILER FRONT AND BACC TO F.O. TANC LINE UP S.NO. DESCRIPTION . ;AL;E NO. OPERATION AT HEATING UNIT F.*. Inlet to 0eater Flushin+ *il Inlet to 0eater F.*. Gent on 0eater F.*. drain of 0eater 0eater *utlet Flushin+ *il *utlet Filter Inlet Filter Gent Filter #rain Flushin+ *il Inlet to Filter Flushin+ *il *utlet from Filter Filter *utlet 0eatin+ 7nit *utlet Flushin+ *il Inlet to F.*. 5ines &T $*I5R FR*BT > F.*. Ta6e off to $oiler 1 Flushin+ *il Inlet at the ta6e off F* Return 5ine from $oiler meetin+ F* Return line in $oiler front. Flushin+ *il *utlet at the same "oint. F* 3/ F* 3( F* 32 # F* 3/ F* 3( F* 3. F* 3) F* 33 F* 3( F* 3( F* 3. F* 3, F* 3( F* ), F* )) F* ). F* )) 4hec6ed close 4losed. 4losed. 4losed. *"ened. 4losed. *"ened. 4losed. 4losed. 4losed 4losed. *"ened. *"ened. 4losed. *"ened. 4losed. *"ened. 4losed. SER;ICE S.NO. DESCRIPTION ;AL;E NO. OPERATION 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. 0.. Tracin+ steam header $y-Pass Gal;es for steam tra"s Isolation ;al;es for steam tra"s lectrical su""ly for "um" motor. F.*. Inlet to strainer. Strainer ;ent F. *. Pum" F*P4G F* 2/ F* 2) 1<2<3< 4har+ed. 4losed after steamin+ freely. *"ened. nsured. *"ened. 4rac6 o"ened? Hand closed after ;entin+ air. Started and chec6ed for dischar+e Pr. *"ened simultaneously closin+ by-"ass ;al;e for the re!uired "ressure. F.O. S,STEM 1N SER;ICE SER;ICE S.NO DESCRIPTION ;AL;E NO. OPERATION GENERAL : F.*. Pum" F.*. system u"to heatin+ unit. Tracin+ steam for the entire F* system. F.*. 0eatin+ steam 0eatin+ steam AT HEATING UNIT : F.*. Inlet to 0eater Gent Filter ;ent ON BOILER : Gent on F.*. return 0dr. F* 3/ 4hec6ed runnin+. 4har+ed. 4har+ed. 5ined u". 4har+ed *"ened. 4rac6 o"ened and closed after ;entin+ the air. -do- -do- Not! : 4har+e 0eatin+ Steam 5ine before ta6in+ F* System in Ser;ice. F.O. S,STEM IN SER;ICE 1-.14 FLUSHING SCHEMES FOR FO S,STEM LINE UP : S.NO. DESCRIPTION ;AL;E NO. OPERATION 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. Flushi+n oil su""ly 5.*. Pum". 5.*. #ischar+e for flushin+ oil $y-"ass for flushin+ oil "ressure Re+. ;al;e Isolation for F5 PRG Flushin+ oil return line to F* tan6. #rains in the flushin+ oil su""ly and return lines. 5*-22 5*-3) 5*-33 FI PRG. d2?d) 5ined u" 4losed. 4losed. *"ened 4losed 4losed. II. FLUSHING OF FO PUMP SUCTION LINE I 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. Suction ;al;e at the tan6s F.*. return ;al;es at the Tan6 #rain in the F* suction line Suction ;al;e at the strainer Flushin+ oil inlet on F* "um" suction line before strainer SG F* RG d F* 2/ F* )2 4losed *"ened 4losed. 4losed. 4losed. III. F.O. PUMPING UNIT : 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. 0.. 02. 10. 11 F* Inlet to the filter Flushin+ *il Inlet to "um"in+ unit Flushin+ *il Inlet before strainer Flushin+ *il Inlet before "um" F* *utlet from the Strainer F* Strainer #rain F.*. Gent of strainer Flushin+ *il outlet after strainer Flushin+ *il outlet after "um" F* Pum" suction F* Pum" outlet F* 2/ F* )2 F* )2 F* )2 F* 2/ F* 23 F* 2) F* )2 F* )2 F* 2. F* 30 4losed 4losed *"ened. *"ened. *"ened. 4losed 4losed. *"ened. *"ened *"ened. 4losed. I;. FLUSHING OF FO PIPE LINES FROM PUMPING UNIT TO FO HEATING UNIT : &T P73P 7BIT > 01. 02. 03. F* *utlet from "um"in+ unit Flushin+ *il *utlet after F* 2, NEAR HEATING UNIT : F* Inlet to 0eatin+ 7nit 0). Flushin+ *il-inlet F* 2, F* )2 F* 3, F* 3( 4losed *"ened 4losed 4losed ;. FLUSHING OF FO HEATING UNIT HEATER : 01. 02. 03. Inlet to 0eater Flushin+ *il Inlet to 0eater Gent to 0eater F* 3/ F* 3( F* 32 4losed 4losed 4losed 0). 0(. 0,. 0eater drain Flushin+ 011 *utlet 0eater *utlet # F* 3( F* 3/ 4losed *"ened 4losed. FILTER : 0/. 0.. 02. Filter Inlet Flushin+ *il Inlet to Filter Filter ;ent 10. Filter drain 11. Flushin+ *il *utlet 12. Filter *utlet F* 3. F* 3( F* 3) F* 33 F* 3( F* 3. 4losed 4losed 4losed 4losed *"ened 4losed ;I. FLUSHING OF FO SUPPL, LINE FROM HEATING UNIT TO BOILER FRONT 01. 02. 0eatin+ 7nit outlet Fn nfi Flushin+ *il Inlet to the F* su""ly lines to boiler after the 0eatin+ 7nit. F* 3, F* 3( 4losed 4losed 03. 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. Flushin+ *il Inlet between F* ),? F* ), Ta6e off to $oiler F* return line from $oiler 1? 2 Flushin+ *il *utlet at F* ). Flushin+ *il *utlet after isolation ;al;e F* 12? F* 12 8 F* )2. F* )) F* ),? F* ), F* ). F* )) F* )) 4losed 4losed. 4losed. *"ened 0.. 02. Flushin+ *il *utlet from F* 5ine F* )) Flushin+ *il outlet to the F* return line on the o;erhead "i"e rac6 in front of heatin+ unit. F* )) F* )2 *"ened 4losed ;II. FLUSHING OF FO S,STEM ON EACH BOILER : 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. 0.. 02. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1). F* Ta6e off from Pi"e 5ines Flushin+ *il Inlet between F* ),? F* ), Su""ly to boilers Recirculation ;al;e Flow meter isolation ;al;es Flow 3eter by-"ass ;al;es Isolation ;al;es for F*3P4G $y-"ass for F*3 P4G F*F4G Isolation ;al;es for F*F4G Gent on F* return 0dr. at 2.( 3. le;ation Isolation ;al;es for F3 9Return: #rains in the by-"ass lines for the flow meters. Isolation Gal;es between boiler 1 8 2 Isolation Gal;es between $oilers 2<3 F* ),? F* ), F* )) F* 02 F* 1/ F* 13 F* 13 F* 12 F* 11 F* 10 F* 0) F* 1) F* 03? F* 03 F* 20? F* 20 F* 12? F* 12 F* )2? F* )( 4losed 4losed *"ened 4losed 4losed *"ened *"ened *"ened *"ened 4losed 4losed 4losed ON BOILER : 1(. 1,. 1/. F.*. su""ly to $oiler Gent on F.*. Return 0eader at 1,.( 3eter. Recirculation at $oiler Front. F* 02 F* 0) F* 1/ 4losed 4losed FLUSHING SCHEMES FOR FO S,STEM SER;ICE: GENERAL : S.NO. DESCRIPTION ;AL;E NO. OPERATION 01. 5* Pum" 02. Flushin+ *il Return 5ine at the Tan6. 03. 5.*. #ischar+e for Flushin+ *il. F5RG 5.*. 22 Runnin+. *"ened. *"ened. II. FLUSHING OF F.O. PUMP SUCTION LINE : 1. Flushin+ *il Inlet on F* suction 5ine. F* )2 *"ened III. FLUSHING OF FO PUMPING UNIT : 01. 02. Flushin+ *il Inlet to Pum"in+ 7nit. F* )2 Strainer Gent F* 2) *"ened. *"ened and closed after ;entin+ air. I;. FLUSHING OF FO PIPE LINE FROM PUMPING UNIT TO FO HEATING UNIT 01. Flushin+ *il inlet near 0eatin+ 7nit F* 3( *"ened ;. FLUSHING OF HEATING UNIT : 01. Flushin+ *il Inlet to 0eater F* 3( *"ened 02. Gent on heater. F* 32 *"ened and closed &fter ;entin+ the air> 03. Flushin+ *il Inlet to Filter. F* 3( *"ened 0). Filter ;ent F* 3) *"ened and closed &fter ;entin+ the air. ;I. FLUSHING OF FO?LINES FROM HEATING UNIT TO BOILER + AND FO RETURN LINE : 01. Flushin+ *il Inlet to F* 5ines after heatin+ 7nit F* 3( *"ened 02. Flushin+ *il Inlet to F* Return F* line on the o;erhead "i"e rac6 in front of heatin+ 7nit. F* )2 *"ened ;II. FLUSHING OF FOHS,STEM ON EACH BOILER : 01. Flushin+ *il Inlet between F* ),? F* ), F* )) *"ened 02. Gent on F* Return 0dr. at 2.( 3 le;ation. F* 0) *"ened and closed &fter ;entin+ air. 1.. TRACING STEAM 1..1 GENERAL : The fuel oil used in TPS is more ;iscous and its "our "oint ran+es in between 2/ to )(=4. The ambient tem"erature is +enerally below this "our "oint and there is e;ery "ossibility for the oil to +et clo++ed in the "i"e lines resultin+ in ad;erse conse!uences. In order to o;ercome this effect? all the oil lines in the F* system are traced with steam lines which maintain the tem"erature of the fuel oil. This tracin+ steam is ta""ed off from the 1( &ta atomisin+ steam lines before the &tomisin+ steam "ressure re+ulatin+ ;al;e on each $oiler. The number of steam tra"s "ro;ided ensure a dry steam in the entire system. 1..2. TRACING STEAM SER;ICE S.NO. DISCRIPTION OPERATION 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. 0.. 1( &ta steam header Steam Inlet to F* Tan6 Return Steam from Tan6 Tracin+ Steam Inlet Suction 5ine from Tan6 Return 5ine to Tan6 Gent in the Inter connection between ( 8 , Isolation ;al;e for all tra"s. 4har+ed *"ened *"enea *"ened *"ened *"ened *"ened 8 closed after ;entin+ air 4losed after steamin+ freely *"ened. Not! : Re+ulate the Steam Inlet not to e%ceed the F* Tem"erature beyond 110=4 Tracrin+ Steam 5ine u" co;ered in F* system 5ine u". 16. ATOMISING STEAM 16.1 GENERAL : The fuel oil is atomised by steam in the oil+un. The atomisin+ steam for the three boiler is su""lied by the au%iliary steam header which is fed by 1( &ta e%traction steam headers. The atomisin+ steam "ressure is maintained at the re!uired ;alue by a re+ulatin+ ;al;e on each boiler. Steam tra"s in the system ensure a dry steam always. 16.2 LINE UP AND CHARGING OF ATOMISING STEAM : S.NO. DESCRIPTION ACTION 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. 0.. 02. &u%iliary steam header S /? S 1(? SPRG #rains # i? # 2? Gents G i? G 2. S 10? S11? S12? S 13? # 2? G i? G 2? S11? S12? SPRG S/ S1( &lready char+ed. 4losed. *"ened. *"ened. 4losed when condensate st2"s comin+ out. 4losed. Re+ulate its o"enin+ to maintain &tomisin+ steam "ressure. *"en it "rior to ta6in+ +un in ser;ice with F* firin+ and close it after +un is ta6en out of ser;ice. *"en it for +un coolin+ when +un is not in ser;ice. 1=. FUEL GAS S,STEM 1=.1 GENERAL : The fuel +as for firi+n in boilers of TPS is su""lied by the? 'as authority of India from their terminal 8 5.P.'. ;a"ouriser throu+h 6noc6 out "ots from the Refinery. These +ases can be fired in either or both the ele;ations &$<$4 in all the four corners of each boiler. It can inde"endently meet 100@ 34R $oiler load. it also can be combined with oil. 1=.2 COMBINATION WITH OIL : 91: $oth the ele;ations should be in ser;ice with oil as well as +as. 92: There should be e!ual loadin+ on either ele;ation. The "ressure of the fuel +as is re+ulated by a "ressure reducin+ station? common for all the boilers. 0eader tri" ;al;e? burner tri" ;al;es? manual isolation ;al;es and ;ent ;al;es are the main e!ui"ment in each boiler. The +as burners are i+nited by the same i+riilors used in oil firin+ system. The relief ;al;e in the system ensures safety from o;er "ressure. The ;ent ;al;es o"en automatic to atmos"here when +as system is not in ser;ice. 1=.+ FUEL GAS CHARGING 0 ISOLATING WRITE UP : &s com"ared to 0ea;y oil? +as does not need any steam tracin+s? recirculation etc? and "roblems of line cho6in+ etc. are not there but at the same time it is accom"anied by safety ha1ards. The +as can only be detected by hydrocarbon smell or by e%"losi;e meter and it re!uires all time care to detect its lea6a+e. *ur fuel +as consists of either a sin+le hydrocarbon or a hydrocarbon mi%ture which ;a"orises ra"idly at room tem"erature and "ressure. Fuel +as contains a lar+e amount of methane and thane? 5P 'as 9li!uified "etroleum +as: which is either "ro"ane or butane or mi%ture of two also is used as fuel when fuel +as is not a;ailable. Fuel +as mo;in+ throu+h a "i"eline is normally under "ressure. If a lea6 de;elo"s +as will esca"e? mi% with air and s"read o;er a lar+e area. 0ydrocarbon +as will burn if mi%ed with the "ro"er amount of air 9o%y+en:. Since we ha;e no way of 6nwown+ the "ro"ortions of +as and air in the ;a"ours around lea6 we must assume any lea6 will de;elo" a flammable mi%ture. If air and 0ydrocarbons are "ermitted to mi% in flammable "ro"ortions and source of i+nition is a;ailable? a fire will ta6e "lace. Not! : The normal a""earance of fuel +as flame in the boiler furnace is bluish white. If "ale yellow and smo6y flame is obser;ed? it indicates li!uid carry o;er in fuel +as and matter should be in;esti+ated. Further +as burners should be cut off immediately. Fu!l Ga) C1a"$#$ 0 I)olato# : 4har+in+ of TPS fuel+as system after lon+ time >- St!5) : 1. System is Enitially containin+ nitro+en +as which was introduced at the time of de- commissionin+ the system. 2. 4hec6 all the instrunients in the system for "ro"er functionin+. 3. $urner fle%ibles are to be chec6ed and re-installed. ). #rain the condensate from all the low drain "oints in the system. (. Remo;e blind from #<S of F.'. 6noc6 out "ot inlet ;al;e. ,. 4onnect two nitro+en cylinders and "ressurise the system 9"ressure is e%"ected to be about 2.0 6+<cm2 absolute:. /. 4hec6 the system for any lea6a+e with soa" solution. &ll drain "oints to be chec6ed for "assin+. .. If e;erythin+ is *.D. then inform "rocess unit and slowly introduce the +as and "ressurise the system. 2. 4ommission tracin+ steam in main +as header and connected +as lines. 10. 4hec6 the 6noc6 out "ot and main +as header for condensate and drain it under close obser;atio n<su"er;ision. 11. 4lose all the ;ents on indi;idual boiler? remo;e the blind in #<S of main boiler fuel +as ta6e off ;al;e 9'0TG: and slowly "ressurise in consultation with unit. 12. Bow +as firin+ can be started and after 2-( hours of firin+ the +as in the boiler? the drain ;al;es are to be ti+htly closed. #rains are terminatin+ in the only header. 1=.- COMMISSIONING OF BURNERS : Followin+ ste"s may be followed >- 9a: 4rac6 o"en fuel +as re+ulatin+ ;al;e. 9b: *"en '0TG and ele;ation tri" ;al;e in which firin+ is intended and also ensure adEacent i+nitors remain in ser;ice. 9c: *"en burner tri" ;al;e. 9d: Ta6e other burners in similar manner. 9e: 3aintain +as flow throu+h re+ulatin+ ;al;e as re!uired. 9f: 4ommission steam coil "re-heater and maintain +as tem"erature aound 9)0-)(K4:. 9+: Ti+htly close the +as header drain ;al;e after 2-3 hours of firin+. 1=.. ISOLATING FUEL GAS IN TPS : 4ase 9I:--lsolatin+ fuel +as firin+ in boiler > St!5) : 1. 'radually cut off the +as firin+ in $oiler by closin+ manual isolation ;al;e of each burner. 2. 4lose main +as su""ly to the $oiler by closin+ butter-fly ;al;e at ..( metre floor on indi;idual boiler ta6e off line. 3. #e"ressurise the boiler fuel +as header at hi+h le;el ;ent "oint by tri""in+ ele;ation tri" ;al;es. 9This ;al;e will o"en solenoid o"erated ;ent ;al;e on each ele;ation and o"enin+ the by-"ass on ;ent line before F'F4G +as flow control ;al;e:. ). &fter de"ressurisin+ in case of boiler 1 and 2? blind fuel +as line to boiler at #<S of '0TG 9+as header tri" ;al;e: on main line. In case of boiler Bo. 3 close F'F4G and by-"ass ;al;e and blind the #<S flan+e of '0TG. (. 4hec6 for any +as lea6a+e at blinded flan+es with soa" solution. 4ase 9Ill--Total sto""a+e of +as firin+ in TPS for lon+ duration. St!5) : 1. &s in case 9I: +radually cut off +as firin+ in each boiler. 2. #e"ressurise the indi;idual boiler and blind the lines as in case 9I:. 3. 4lose the battery limit isolatin+ ;al;e on fuel +as line 7<S of fuel +as 6noc6 out "ot and de"ressurise the fuel +as header by o"enin+ ;ent ;al;e 7<S F'F4G at $oiler Bo-2. ). &fter com"lete de-"ressurisation blind #<S of battery limit ;al;e 9at 6noc6 out "ot:. (. Steam flush the fuel +as 6noc6 out "ot and +as header by "ro;idin+ steam hose connection at 6noc6 out "ot and ;entin+ steam at $oiler Bo. 3 hi+h le;el ;ent and 6noc6 out "ot ;ent. -hen sufficient steam comes out of ;ent two cylinders of B-2 are to be connected at bleeder "oint of "ressure re+ulator ;al;e 9near filter:. Simultaneously steam ;entin+ on 6noc6 out "ot 8 boiler Bo. 3 +as header ;ent are to be closed. Steam to 6noc6 out "ot is also tobe closed and nitro+en is tobe introduced into the system. System is tobe bloc6ed under B2 "ositi;e "ressure. ,. 4ondensate from the system tobe drained from all low drain "oints. Followin+ #oCs and #ontCs should be obser;ed while +as is fired. 1=.6 DO?S 1. $e ;ery alert when +as firin+ is in "ro+ress. 2. If +as lea6a+e is felt by smell? +et it tested and +et it attended? 6ee" soa" solution for bubble test. 3. 4hec6 the flame of the +as re+ularly. 4han+e of colour should be "rom"tly identified and reasons in;esti+ated. ). 4hec6 the condensate in 6noc6 out "ot re+ularly. #rain the D.*. Pot at least once in two shift as a measure of safety. (. $efore shuttin+ off fuel oil burners to boiler? +as burners must be shut off and the indi;idual +as header flan+e for each boiler must be blinded. 1=.= DONT?S 1. #o not o"erate atmos"heric drains<;ent when lines are in ser;ice. 2. #o not lea;e any lea6in+ "oints unattended. 3. #o not allow any na6ed flame in the "rohibited areas. It could be fatal to you as well as to the "lant. ). #o not ta6e any chance. (. #o not use short cut methods to achie;e anythin+. ,. #o not start +as burner in the furnace as the first flame. NOTE : 1. Bo +as should be admitted to a burner until it is ready to be li+hted and a torch is in front of it. 2. Bo +as should be admitted to a burner without a i+nitor or fuel oil burner bein+ C*BC. 1=.9 FUEL GAS S,STEM LINE UP (R!7#!"( Fu!l Ga) ) S.NO. DESCRIPTION ;AL;E NO. OPERATION REMARCS 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. 0.. 02. 10. 11. 12. Inlet for the Filter $y-"ass for Filter Filter drain Filter outlet Fuel 'as drain Isolation ;al;e for F.'. Pressure Re+ulatin+ ;al;e F.'. Pr. Pe+. Gal;e $y-"ass for F' PRG #rains Isolation ;al;e between $oilers 1? 2? 8 3. Su""ly ;al;e for each indi;idual boiler. F' 2 4losed Isolation ;al;es for all the "ressure +au+e. F' 2,.1 F' 2,.2 Fd F' 2,.3 F' 23.1 F' 2,.) 8 F' 2,.( F' RG F' 2. F' 23.2 8 23.3. F' 20.1 8 F' 20.2 F'2 F' 22 4losed 4losed 4losed after drainin+. *"ened 4losed after drainin+. *"ened Tested 8 6e"t In min? control "osition. 4losed. 4losed after drainin+ con-densate? if any. *"ened If +as is re!ui- red $oilers 2<3. 4losed *"ened FUEL GAS S,STEM SER;ICE : S.NO. DESCRIPTION ;AL;E NO. OPERATION REMARCS 01. 02. 03. Inlet to Filter 9'as D<* "ot is char+ed: F.'. Pr. Re+. Gal;e Su""ly ;al;e for $oiler re!uired F' 2, F' RG F' 2 *"ened slowly *"ened *"ened 8 chec6ed. 4hec6ed filter *utlet Pr. For the re!uired 0dr. Pr. For the re!uired "r. in the +au+e 19 GAS CON;ERSION/S,STEM DESCRIPTION 19.1 LEAC DETECTION S,STEM Since all the said fuels are hi+hly e%"losi;e and ha1ardous in nature? any lea6a+e in the system has to be identified and correct action ta6en to a;oid any accident. 'as<fuel lea6 detection systems are a;ailable which has to be installed in the area. ;ENTILATION S,STEM Since the fuels in !uestion are hi+hly reacti;e and e%"losi;e? ade!uate ;entilation should be always ensured to a;oid any accumulation of fuel resultin+ into accidents. This system is re!uired for e;acuation of fuel ;a"our. This will ha;e to be interloc6ed with lea6 detected system and first le;el of fire "rotection system. 19.2 SAFET, ASPECTS &ll fuel considered for alternate firin+ are hi+hly reacti;e and e%"losi;e? the safety re!uirements for firin+ these fuel are strin+ent and will ha;e to satisfy the BP& re+ulation. 0ydro 4arbon ;a"our released accidentally will normally s"read out in the direction of wind. If an i+nition source is reached before bein+ dis"ersed below lower e%"losi;e limit 955:. a flash fire is li6ely to occur and the flame may tra;el bac6 to source of lea6. &ny "erson cau+ht in the flash fire is li6ely to suffer fatal inEury. The lower e%"losion limit for Ba"tha? 5P' and "ro"ane are +i;en below. Ba"tha > 1.1 'as<&ir ;olume @ 5P' > 1.. 'as<&ir Golume @ Pro"ane > 'as<&ir ;olume @ 9for natural 'as 55 is 3.. 'as<&ir ;olume @:. To ta6e care of this the boiler firin+ system and controls are "ro;ide with ade!uate safety as"ects as listed below. i. The tri" ;al;es and other ;al;es are to chosen for ;ery minimum lea6a+e le;el? which is lower than clause GI of &BSI<&PI (2. $ 1,.10). $asically the ;al;es are to be of fire safe desi+n. ii. In the case of +as? 5P' and "ro"ane? +as header lea6 test is "ro;ided and has to be used before admittin+ +as in the boiler each time. This is also interloc6ed to firin+ system so that any lea6 "ressure decay seen will not allow the burner to be li+hted u". iii. &ll limit switches and "ressure switches mounted on the +as ;al;es and +as lines will be e%"losion "roof desi+n. i;. Bitro+en +as "ur+in+ system +i;en is to ensure no +as in the line while ta6in+ the system on maintenance. ;. Fuel lea6a+e detection system can be "ro;ided for all the fuels. +0 ;ii. The drainin+ system is to be made as a closed system? the fuel drained and collected and collected in a closed drain tan6 is "um"ed bac6 into the stora+e tan6. ++ ;ii. In case when the lea6 detection system detects any lea6 this system will shut the fuel off and will tri" the boiler if needed. +% ;iii. Batural +as can be a letter fuel to be used when com"ared to Ba"tha as natural +as has a hi+her as natural +as has a hi+her 55 9i.e. 3.. 'as<&ir ;olume @: 19.+ DESIGN CONDITIONS AND DESIGN PARAMETERS 19.+.1 COMPOSITION OF NATURAL GAS Co'5o#!#t >;olu'! 3ethane .).)3 thane /./3 Pro"ane ).0( IS* $utane 0./1 B $utane 0./1 Iso Pentane 0.1) B Pentane 0.0. Iso Pentane 0.1) B Pentane 0.0. 0e%ane 0.01 4*2 1.3. B2 )0./3 02S ).00 ""m 3olecular -ei+ht @ 12., Relati;e #ensity 0.,/-0.,. 4alorific ;alue 6cal<6+ 'ross 10233 4alorific ;alue 6cal<6+ Bet 2311 19.+.2 COMPOSITION OF REFINER, GAS Co'5o#!#t > Mol! 02 12.2( B2 2.2) 4* ..(3 *2 0.00 3ethane 1).), thane 9thylene: 2.2) thane (.0, 4*2 2.21 02 0.30 Pro"ylene (.)2 Pro"ane 2..) Iso $utane 3.,1 Iso $utylene 0.(0 $utane -1 0.(0 1?3? $utadiene 0.10 $utane /.13 Trance $utane-2 0.(0 4is $utane 0.)0 Iso Pentane 0.20 Pentane 0.00 &;era+e mol. -t. 30.0 0eatin+ ;alue 6cal<6+ 9'ross: 22/2 19.- COMPOSITION OF FUEL OIL (AS PER ORIGINAL DEISGN) 4arbon ...(0 Bitro+en ,./0 Sul"hur )..0 Total 100 0i+her 4alorific ;alue 6cal<6+ 2300 19.. CHANGES IN THE FUEL FIRING S,STEM 19...1 NATURAL GAS S,STEM Fuel +as "i"in+ from terminal "oint to o"eratin+ floor is "ro;ided newly. The location of main tri" ;al;es and control ;al;es are chan+ed to suit the new +as firin+ system. The e%istin+ fuel +as main tri" ;al;es and fuel +as corner tri" ;al;es are reused? since the ;al;es are in +ood condition. The hand o"erated isolation ;al;es in each corner are also reused. Bew start u" flow control ;al;e and main control ;al;e are su""lied. &ll the "ressure +au+es? "ressure switches and "ressure transmitters alon+ with their isolation ;al;es are su""lied afresh. Bew ;ent ;al;es of "neumatic ty"e are su""lied for main ;ents as ;ents header ;ents. 0eader lea6 test tan6 alon+ with ;al;es and instruments are introduced in the +as system. The scheme ha;in+ the "ro"osed is enclosed. The re!uired fuel +as "ressure at the terminal "oint should be ) 6+<cm 2 9+:. The Bitro+en "ur+in+ "ro;ision in different locations of +as "i"in+ system is included in the layout to "ur+e the +as in case of unit shutdown. The Bitro+en +as is to be arran+ed in cylinders. 19...2 REFINER, GAS S,STEM (RG) Refinery +as enters the firin+ system throu+h ;al;e F'-01. 19...+ FUEL OIL FIRING S,STEM The e%istin+ fuel oil system as such will be retained. *nly the oil +uns are re"laced to suit the new wind bo%. 19...- IGNITOR S,STEM The +as firin+ system uses B.'. as i+nition fuel. The "i"in+ with ;al;es and instruments are "ro;ided. i+ht numbers of IF3 ty"e +as i+nitors alon+ with control cabinet are su""lied for this "ur"ose 5P'. 4an be used as a standin+ i+nitor fuel. 19.... IGNITOR AND SCANNER AIR S,STEM The e%istin+ scanner air and i+nitor air system is reused. Presently? only one number i+nitor air fan and one number scanner air fan is a;ailable. *ne number additional scanner air fan? alon+ with necessary starters? ductin+ and dam"ers? is added. 19...6 WINDBO3 The e%istin+ windbo% is re"laced with smaller si1e windbo% ha;in+ "ro;ision for firin+ 100@ +as? 100@ oil and 10@ refinery +as. The coal firin+ facility will not be a;ailable in the new windbo%. This arran+ement will facilitate better air distribution and efficient and com"lete combustion. 19.6. FLAME MONITORING S,STEM The flame scanner system consists of ei+ht numbers of (10 series 7G scanners for sensin+ flame. 19.=. GAS LEAC DETECTION S,STEM The lea6a+e of combustible +as 9fuel +as: from the +as line is ha1ardous and it is mandatory that the "resence of such lea6a+e is monitored. #etection system offers the area monitorin+ system for combustible +ases and micro "rocessor based desi+n result in new le;els of user friendliness as well built-in dia+nosis alarm and communication o"tions. &s the concentration of combustible +as in air increases from 1ero? a "oints is reached at which combustion can occur? called the lower e%"losi;e limit 955:. This im"ortant "arameter usually s"ecified as the "ercenta+e concentration of the +as in air differs for each ty"e of +as. The detector system "ro;ides the user with the ability to s"ecify the +as to be monitored and +enerates alarm conditions before the concentration of the combustible +as reaches the 55 at the sensor location. This enables the o"eratin+ staff to actually "re;ent formation of e%"lodable +as and air mi%tures. This system consists of detectors located at different ;ulnerable locations and connected to a control unit? which will "ro;ide "otential free contacts for "ro;idin+ alarm in the 74$ in case +as lea6 is detected. Becessary alarm and indication in the 74$ are +enerally recommended for installation and use. 0and +as lea6 detectors can also be used to e%actly "in "oints the source of lea6. 19.9 SAFT, ASPECTS Since natural +as is a hi+hly reacti;e and e%"losi;e in nature? the safety re!uirements for firin+ this fuel are strin+ent and will ha;e to satisfy the BFP& re+ulation. 0ydro carbon ;a"our released accidentally will normally s"read out in the direction of wind. The +ases normally dis"erse and s"read out thus becomin+ leaner and leaner as time "asses. If an i+nition source is reached before bein+ dis"ersed below lower e%"losi;e le;el. 955:? a flash fire is li6ely to occur and the flame may tra;el bac6 to source of lea6. &ny "erson cau+ht in the flash fire is li6ely to QQsuffer fatal burn inEuryCC. The lower e%"losion limit for the natural +as is 3..@. In order to ta6e care of this? the boiler firin+ system and controls are "ro;ided with ade!uate safety as"ects as detailed here under. i. for natural +as line header lea6 test is "ro;ided and has to be used before admittin+ +as in the boiler each time. This is also interloc6ed to the firin+ system? so that any lea6 "ressure decay seen will not allow the burner to be li+hted u". ii. &ll limit switches and "ressure switches mounted on the +as ;al;es and +as lines are of e%"losion "roof desi+n. Iii. Bitro+en +as "ur+in+ system is +i;en to ensure no +as in the line while ta6in+ the system on maintenance. i;. In case when the lea6 detection system detects any lea6? this system will shut the fuel off and will tri" the boiler if needed. 19.: OPERATIONAL FEATURES +. I+nition ener+y re!uired 2 million $T7 System isolation 3TG is interloc6ed with 3FT lo+ic. OPERATING SE2UENCE I STARTUP 4har+e the +as sections one after the other. Insure ;ent ;al;e is o"en. *"en 3TG after ensurin+ the followin+. 'as header "ressure is *D Steam "ur+e ;al;e is closed 3ain +as ;ent ;al;e is o"en Bo 3FT e%ists *n o"enin+ 3TG fully and close 3GG *"en corner tri" ;al;e to desired le;el -atch for +ood flame II SHUT DOWN (NORMAL) 4lose 3TG<4TG *"en ;ent ;al;e 5ea;e main ;ent ;al;e III EMERGENC, SHUTDOWN 3TG closes itself *"en ;ent ;al;e 5ea;e main ;ent ;al;e o"en FUEL GAS OPERATING FLOOR S()t!' D!)&"5to# The system of +as firin+ e!ui"ments com"rise of the followin+ 1. F' isolatin+ ;al;e 9F'01: with limit switch 2. #ry +as filter 3. 3ain fuel +as tri" ;al;e 9$oiler tri": ). le;ation tri" ;al;es (. Flow control ;al;es 9F'0(?F'0/: ,. Gent tri" ;al;es /. #rains<Gents .. Instruments li6e +au+es? transmitters and switches 2. B2 "ur+in+ system 10. 5ea6 test tan6 1 FG )olato# AalA! (FG41) t1 l't )Bt&1 Batural +as enters each boiler ;ia this isolation ;al;e. *ne more isolation ;al;e 9with o"en<close limit switch: "ro;ides the o"tions for usin+ either B' or refinery +as in the boiler. *ne of these ;al;es is in normally closed condition when the boilers is firin+ +as. F'01 is a bat ;al;e. Full bore? fire safe desi+n. 2 D"( $a) 7lt!" Batural +as? Eust after crossin+ the isolation ;al;e is filtered by this so"histicated dry +as filter. The filter elements are ca"able of restrictin+ dust of ( microns and bi++er. Filtration efficiency is 22@. & "air of isolation ;al;es 9F'02: and by "ass 9F'1,: facilitate filter maintenance e;en durin+ +as firin+. + Ma# 7u!l $a) t"5 AalA! (MFT;) This tri" ;al;e shuts the fuel +as off the whole boiler in case of a tri" command. &lso this has a "air of limit switches to indicate the ;al;e status for subse!uent o"erations. &s the e%istin+ condition of the ;al;e is healthy? the same is reused in he retrofit Eob also. It is essential to use a reliable source of "ower su""ly for the Q4loseC 4ommand. This "recaution is necessary in the case of B' firin+ as B' forms an e%"losi;e mi%ture if admitted into boiler for a "eriod of Eust 2 seconds. - El!Aato# t"5 AalA!) (FGET;) Similar to 3ain tri" ;al;e? there are 2 ele;ation tri" ;al;es that are used to shut off fuel +as to each ele;ation. 4losure of any one ;al;e doesnCt tri" the boiler. *nly +as firin+ in that "articular ele;ation is sus"ended till the cause is found and remedied. . Fu!l Ga) FloB &o#t"ol AalA! (FG4.) This is a ;al;e to re+ulate the !uantum of F' bein+ admitted into the furnace. #emand si+nal modulates the ;al;e o"enin+ to achie;e desired +as flow. Sta"t u5 7loB &o#t"ol AalA! (FG4=) &s the "ressure of +as 9durin+ start u": is to be maintained at lower le;el? one start u" F4G is "ro;ided in "arallel to the main flow control ;al;es. B( 5a)) AalA! (FG46) Flow control ;al;es F'0(<F'0/ can be maintained on line. To facilitate this a ball ;al;e 9F'0,: is "ro;ided in the system. 6 ;!#t t"5 AalA!) Gentin+ the residual +as in the "i"e train is essential for ta6in+ u" any maintenance wor6 in the system. Gent ;al;es are "ro;ided in each ele;ation. *ne more ;ent is a;ailable on the system Eust after 3FTG. The i+nitor +as train is also e!ui""ed with a ;ent ;al;e. = D"a#)<;!#t) 3anual ball ;al;es for drainin+ and ;entin+ are included in the system 9F'1/? F'1.:. These are located in the lower "ortions of the rin+ headerR drain ;al;es can be used to clear the system off any debris for water tra""ed inside the "i"e line both durin+ li+ht u" and commissionin+ or durin+ routine shutdown and restart. 9 I#)t"u'!#t) Pressure +au+es "ressure transmitters and "ressure switches are "ro;ided in the system to indicate the "arameters of F' at ;arious critical "oints in the system. &t B' entry the desi+n "ressure is ) 6+<cm 2 9+: and tem"erature is (0=4. #own stream of F4G? a set of alarm and tri" switches are "ro;ided to indicate the decay of B' "ressure in the header. The system will tri" the boiler when the "ressure of B' decreases below a set ;al;e 9say 0.2( 6+<cm 2 9+:. &lso ;ery hi+h "ressures are not desirable in the header. -hen the header "ressure shoots abo;e a "reset ;alue 9say 3.0 6+<cm 2 9+: the boiler will tri". & train of 3 switches monitor the "ressure and when the set ;alue e%ceeds in any 2 of the switches the tri" command is initiated. 0eader "ressure is hoo6ed u" to the control ;ia PT2()1. : N2 5u"$#$ )()t!' Presence of +as in the system is not "ermitted when hot wor6 is to be done. 0ence to clear the B' liner of fuel +as? the system has to be cleared lea;in+ no trace of natural +as. B2 stored in cylinders? is used for "ur+in+ the lines. Pro;ision for connectin+ B2 line with +as line is made at 3 locations on the F' system and at one location in i+nitor +as system. 14 L!a8 t!)t ta#8 &s B' is hi+hly reacti;e and forms an e%"losi;e mi%ture 955I3..:? it is mandatory that the system shall be chec6ed for any lea6 Eust before e;ery start u". This is facilitated by the lea6 test tan6. The whole system includin+ the lea6 test tan6 is char+ed with natural +as. Tri" ;al;e 93FTG: remains closed. &fter char+in+? ;al;es F'13 92Bo.: are closed. 5ea6? downstream 3FTG? is sensed by the #P Switch #P-2()2. This switch is interloc6ed with the start u" lo+ic and only in case of the switch not e%ceedin+ set ;alue? the system will allow the boiler to be li+hted u". This tan6 has a "ressure indicator and a "ressure switch. & tan6 "ressure of not less than 2.( 6+<cm 2 9+: is essential for conductin+ the lea6 test. 1: BURNER MANAGEMENT S,STEM 1:.1 INTRODUCTION : The $3S is desi+ned to ensure the e%ecution of a safe orderly o"eratin+ se!uence in the start u" and shut down of the au%iliary fuel firin+ e!ui"ment and to "re;ent error in followin+ the safe "rocedure. 1:.2 FUNCTIONS OF B.M.S. : 1. It does not allow any fuel firin+ unless the "ur+e is com"leted. 2. It does not allow the fuel firin+ e!ui"ment to start un ess certain "ermissi;e interloc6s +4 are satisfied. 3. It monitors and controls "ro"er com"onent se!uencin+ durin+ start u" and shut down of fuel firin+ e!ui"ment. ). It "ro;ides feed bac6 of the com"onent status to the o"erator. (. It ensures safety of the fuel firin+ e!ui"ment. ,. It "ro;ides flame su"er;ision when fuel firin+ e!ui"ment is in ser;ice. 1:.+ PURGE : In order to see that boiler is fired under safe firin+ conditions? the accumulated unbount +ases in the furnace ha;e to be remo;ed by a continuous flow of air. This is achie;ed by the CP7R'C which is the first o"eration tobe carried out. The boiler can be li+hted off without "ur+in+. 1:.+ A PURGE READ, The followin+ conditions should be fulfilled to +et CP7R' R&#JC bulb +low 1. &t least one set of I# 8 F# fans are runnin+. 2. Pur+e air flow more than 30@ 34R !ty. 9(0 n0r.: of steam. 3. &ll au%. air dam"ers not closed. ). I+nitor +as tri" ;al;e closed. (. &ll burner tri" ;al;es closed. ,. Furnace draft normal. /. #rum le;el normal. .. 3FT de-ener+ised. 2. I+nitor fan runnin+. + 10. F*TG closed. 11. 5*TG closed. 12. F'TG clossed 1:.+. B. PURGE COMPLETE AND MFT RESET : CPur+e startC "ush button is de"ressed and the "ur+in+ +oes on for the set time in the ran+e * to 1( mts. Bormally the time is set for ( mts. &fter the "ur+e is com"leted CPur+e 4om"leteC Red lam" +lows. It indicates that the 3FT relay is reset. -hene;er the red li+ht is off? it is tobe understood that the 3FT has acted. &s lon+ as the red li+ht is +lowin+ B* 3FT si+nal is "resent. Then ;arious tri" ;al;es can be o"erated. 1:.- IGNITION ENERG, : I+nition ener+y in an ele;ation will be "ro;en if the followin+ conditions are satisfied >--- 1. 2 out of ) scanners in this ele;ation indicate flame. 9*R: 3 out of ) I+nitors are "ro;en. 2. 3 out of ) oil +uns *B *R 3 out of ) +as burners C*BC. 3. &n ele;ation 9&$<$4: is at fire ball loadin+ either with oil or +as. 1:.. NO FLAME FAILURE : It is a state of the boiler when it can be declared that the boiler is not under flame failure condition. This state can be 6nown when the flame failure annunciator alarm is clear. &ny one of the followin+ conditions denotes the CB*C flame failure condition >- 1. &ll burner tri" ;al;es in ele;ations &$ and $4 are "ro;en closed. 2. &t least 3 out of ) I+nitors "ro;en in any one ele;ation when the other ele;ation is not under fire ball loadin+? i.e.? the I+nition ener+y in the other ele;ation is not "ro;en. 3.I+nition ener+y "ro;en with oil or +as. 1:.6 L.O.T.;. : OPEN PERMIT : 1. B* 3FT si+nal is "resent 9i.e.?C"ur+e com"leteC Red li+ht *B: and? 2. Bo flame failure si+nal is "resent 9i.e.? falme failure alarm clear:. 3. &ll ele;ation *$TG closed. OPENS I7 : 1. 5.*. 0eader "ressure is not low. 2. *"en P.$. de"ressed. CLOSES : 1. &u%iliary fuel tri" occurs 9*R: 2. 3FT acted 9*R: 3. 4lose P.$. de"ressed. 1:.= GHT; (MAIN 0 ELE;ATION HEADERS) OPEN PERMIT : 1. B* 3FT. 2. B* flame failure. 3. &ll ele;ation &$ 8 $4? +as burner tri" ;al;es closed. ) 'as header "ressure of *.D. OPENS : If P.$. is de"ressed. -hen it o"ens full? the header ;ent ;al;es 1 8 2 will close. CLOSES : (U#*!" a#( o#! o7 t1! 7olloB#$ &o#*to#)) 1. 'as header "ressure is not *.D. 2. Flame failure. 3. 3FT. ). 4lose P.$. de"ressed. 1:.9 F.O.T.;. : OPEN PERMIT IS A;AILABLE IF/ 1. Bo 3FT. 2. Bo falme failure. 3. &ll ele;ation &$ 8 $4 *$TG closed. ). *il 0eader "ressure *.D. (. *il 0eader tem"erature *.D. OPENS IF P.B. IS DEPRESSED : 4losed under any of the followin+ condition >- 1. Flame failure tri". 2. 3FT. 3. 4lose P.$. de"ressed. 1:.: IGNITOR ELE;ATION START : The start "ermit is a;ailable when I'TG is fully o"en. I+nitors are started "air-wiseH in either ele;ation. The start command will initiate a 10 sec? time. In this "eriod the oil<air shut off ;al;e is o"ened? the electric s"ar6 is initiated? flame is established? #P switch will "ro;e the flame? flow switch a""ro;es the flame and finally the flame is "ro;en. 1:.14 MAIN GAS ELE;ATION START : a U#t Ga) F"#$ P!"'t ) aAala%l! I7 :/ 1. '0TG is o"en. 2. 'as 0eader "ressure *.D. 3. 4ombustion control ;al;e is in low fire start "osition 9*R: any 'as $urner *B % El!Aato# Ga) Bu"#!" )ta"t P!"'t ) aAala%l! I7 / 1. le;ation '$TG is o"en. 2. le;ation fuel air dam"ers close. 9*R: '$TG o"en and +as i+nition "ro;en in the ele;ation. 3. Start P.$. switch de"ressed. & Ga) Bu"#!" )ta"t P!"'t ) aAala%l! I7 / 1. 'as ele;ation start "ermit a;ailable. 2. 4oncerned I+nitor *B 9*R: the ele;ation oil I+nition ener+y "ro;en 9*R: 'as burner *B 8 ele;ation +as I+nition ener+y "ro;en. * GBT; O5!#) 7 : 1. 'as $urner start "ermit is a;ailable. ! Ga) Bu"#!" ;!#t ;alA! : 4loses whe n '$TG o"ens and o"ens when '$TG closes. 1:.12 BOILER LIGHT UP : &fter establishin+ the draft system $.T.R. is reset. Pur+e is started? com"leted 8 3FT is reset. I'TG is o"ened I+nitors in &$ ele;ation ta6en into ser;ice. 5.*.T.G. is o"ened and 5.*. +uns arestarted "airwise. The flame is ins"ected and the 5.*? "ressure re+ulated manually $oiler is warmed u". %"ansions are chec6ed. &ir ;ents are closed at 2 6+<cm 2 "ressure in the drum afler startin+ ;ent is o"ened? maintainin+ drum le;el steani "ressure is +radually increased. S0 drains are closed at a drum "ressure of ) 6+<cm 2 . Firin+ rate is slowly increased to de;elo" the steam "ressure and tem"erature in accordance with the start u" cur;e. 4are should be ta6en to see that furnace e%it +as tem"erature is not e%ceeded )2/WK4 durin+ warm u". S.0. safely is ensured by assurin+ steam flow throu+h startin+ ;ent? till turbine is rolled to lull s"eed. The firin+ shall be controlled so that the rafe of tem"erature rise of saturated steam should not e%ceed ((W4<hr. -hen F.*. heatin+ steam? atomisin+ steam and tracin+ steam systems are made ready and char+ed F.*. firin+ in &$<$4 ele;ation can be started "air-wise. &+reein+ with the limitations of combination firin+ system? different fuels can be fired. &ll the.start u" o"eration shall be done manually only. -hen the system is established? &uto o"eration can be resorted. -hene;er the firin+ rate is tobe increased? the combustion air has tobe increased first and then only the fuel. 24. BOILER AUTOMATIC CONTROL LOOP DESCRIPTION The automatic control system "ro;ided for the control of the boiler and turbine ensures stable o"eration of the unit under all o"eratin+ conditions and res"onds !uic6ly to load chan+es with minimum inter;ention. 7nder steady and ;aryin+ loads the control system maintains safe "lant conditions. 24.1 BOILER DRUM LNEL CONTROL: Three element control for drum le;el control for loads abo;e 30@ 34R 93a%imum continuous ratin+: and for loads below 30@ 34R sin+le element control 9#rum le;el only: is "ro;ided. In three element control steam and feed water flows and drum le;el are ta6en into account. 4han+e o;er from sin+le element to three element is manual. 24.1.1 S#$l! El!'!#t Co#t"ol (Loo5?S&1!'at& Al ) : &t loads below 30@ 34R drum le;el control is achie;ed by measurin+ the drum le;el and controllin+ the feed water flow accordin+ly. #rum le;el is measured by means of a le;el transmitter. The transmitter +i;es si+nal 0.2 to 1.0 +<cm 2 for le;el of 9- :2(0 to 9L: 2(0 mm of -4. This si+nal +oes to the indicatin+ controller. The controller sees the difference between the set "oint 9which is adEustable by a manual adEustin+ 6nob on the controller: and the "rocess and increases or decreases the controller out"ut so hat the le;el is maintained. The controller out"ut +oes to the low load control ;al;e 9F#-12:. The drum le;el controller out"ut also +oes to three le;el control. Two recei;er "ressure switches are "ro;ided in the "neumatic si+nal line of steam flow transmitters. *ne for alarm of load abo;e 30@ 34R and one for alarm for load below 30@34R.*nce the load is abo;e 30@ 34R the o"eration can switch o;er from sin+le element control to three element control. 24.1.2 T1"!! El!'!#t &o#t"ol ( Loo5 S&1!'at& A2) : Steam flow is measured by a flow no11le 9122-F:and the flow is transmitted as "neumatic si+nal by flow transmitter9l22.1 FT:. &s the out"ut of flow transmitter is as "er s!uare root law? a s!uare root e%tractor 9122. 2 FJ:is introduced. Feed water flow is similarly measured by flow no11le 9100-F: and is transmitted as "neumatic si+nal by the flow transmitter9100.1- F. *ut"ut is made linear to flow by s!uare root eR%tractor9l100.2-fr:. The out"ut of the drum le;el controller and steam flow si+nal are summed by a com"utin+ relay?the out"ut of which re"resents the net demand for feed water. The demand si+nal +oes to the feed water controller9l 00.3-FI4: as remote set "oint. The controller sees the difference between demand and "rocess and increases or decreases the controller out"ut which +oes throu+h a selector switch 1(0.2 S<S which connects theH out"ut to either of the control ;al;es F#-2 or F#-1)9main and standby:. -hen one of the control ;al;es is selected? a constant source of air is connected tb the other control ;al;e which 6ee"s it in closed condition.. 24.1.+ P"o&!*u"! 7o" &1a#$#$ oA!" 7"o' )#$l! !l!'!#t to t1"!! !l!'!#t &o#t"ol : Two selector switches are mounted on the 74$ "anel. The selector switches ha;e two stac6es and each one selector switch has the followin+ three "ositions 30@-3&B7&5-100@ and the other selector switch has two "ositions 100@ main control ;al;e 9F#-2: and 100@ standby control ;al;e 9F#-1):. -hen selector switch 1 is "laced in 30@ "osition the out"ut of drum le;el controller controls the o"enin+ or closin+ of low load control ;al;e F#-12 and F#-2 8 F#-1) remain fully closed. This is sin+le element control. -hen selector switch is "laced in 3anual "osition the out"ut of the drum le;el controller controls the o"enin+ or closin+ of F#-12 and the out"ut of the feed water flow controller controls the o"enin+ or closin+ the control ;al;es F#-2 or F#-1) de"endin+ on which "osition the Ilnd selector switch is "laced. -hen the selector switch I is "laced in 100@ "osition? the control ;al;e F#-12 +ets closed fully and now flow control is throu+h either F#-2 or F#-12. The out"ut of the drum le;el controller +oes to the com"utin+ relay and it is a 3 element control. 24.2 SUPERHEATED STEAM TEMP. CONTROL (LOOP SCHEMATIC ?B?) : The control used here is cascade control. The tem"erature across the finalsu"erheater is measured and the desu"erheater s"ray is controlled accordin+ly. The tem"erature after the final su"erheater is measured by 4r<&l thermocou"le 9112-T:. The si+nal is con;erted into a "ro"ortional "neumatic si+nal by a <P con;erter9112.1 <P:. The out"ut +oes to a tem"erature controller 91(1.1 TI': whose set "oint is "reset manually. The controller senses the difference between the set ;alue and the measured ;alue and "roduces an out"ut accordin+ly. The controller out"ut is corrected for steam flow 9antici"atory si+nal: ta6en from the out"ut of steam flow s!uare root e%tractor by a deri;ati;e relay 91(1.1 d<dt:. The out"ut +oes as a set "oint for secondary controller9l(1.( TI': throu+h a ratio realy 91(1.( M%:. Steam tem"erature before final su"erheater is measured by a 4r<&1 thermocou"le 911, T: and is con;erted into a "ro"ortional "neumatic si+nal by a <P con;erter 911,.1 <P:. This out"ut +oes as a measured ;alue for the secondary controller 91(1., TI':. The controller senses the difference between demand and measured ;ariable and increases or decreases the out"ut of the controller +oes to the s"ray control ;al;e $-2/. 24.+ BURNERTILT CONTROL (LOOP SCHEMATIC/C) : The burner can be tilted A30a abo;e or below the hori1ontal. It is tobe controlled only manually and as "er re!uirement. For tiltin+ "ur"ose a manual loader 1(1.3 3<5: is "ro;ided. The an+le of tilt is indicated by a "osition indicator 91(1.)-TI:. 24.-. IGNITOR FAN OUTLET TO FURNACE PRESSURE CONTROL (LOOP SCHEMATIC/D) : The differential "ressure between i+nitor fan outlet and furnace is measured and transmitted as a corres"ondin+ "neumatic si+nal by a #<P transmitter 92)0-#PT:. The si+nal +oes to a controller 2)0-1-PI': which sees the difference between set "oint and the "rocess and ;aries the "osition of the i+nitor fan outlet dam"er by controllin+ the o"enin+ of the "ower cylinder 92(2.1 P4: so that the #<P is maintained. & direct differential "ressure switch 92)0.1 #PS: +i;es alarm to control room whene;er the #<P +oes hi+h. 24... AIR HEATER COLD AIR TEMPERATURE CONTROL (LOOP SCHEMATIC/E) : The "ur"ose of this control is to maintain the a;era+e tem"erature between air inlet and flue +as outlet abo;e certain ;alue so that the condensation of sul"huric acid will not occur. The condensation occurs more at low loads and will reduce the life of the air heater. The control is achie;ed by heatin+ the cold air to a certain tem"erature at steam coil air heater before +oin+ to air heater. The tem"erature of flue +as outlet from air heater is measured by the 4r<&1 thermocou"le and is con;erted into "ro"ortional "neumatic si+nal by <P con;erter. The tem"erature of cold air +oin+ to the air heater is measured by a RT# 9213-if: and con;erted into "ro"ortional "neumatic si+nal by <P con;erter 9231.1 <P:. These two si+nals are a;era+ed by a com"utin+ relay 9231.3: and the a;era+ed si+nal +oes to the tem"erature controller 9231-3 TI':. The controller out"ut controls the o"enin+ or closin+ of the steam control ;al;e 94G-.:? thereby increasin+ or decreasin+ the air inlet tem"erature to air heater. Thus a;era+e tem"erature is maintained. 24.6. COMBUSTION CONTROL (LOOP SCHEMATIC/Fl) : The combustion control consists of two "arts >- 9i: Fuel control 9ii: &ircontrol. 24.6.1 Fu!l Co#t"ol : The a;ailability of fuels are > *il -- a;ailablein"lenty. 'as -- occasionally a;ailable. -hen sin+le fuel is bein+ fired the control ;al;e of the other fuel should be closed fully. 3ain steam header "ressure is measured by two "ressure transmitters ,00 9a: PT and ,00 9b: PT. &ny one of the "ressure transmitter can be selected by a selector switch ,00.1 S<S. The corres"ondin+ "neumatic si+nal from the "ressure transmitter +oes to a "ressure controller ,00.2 PI'? which senses the de;iation of the "ressure from the set ;alue. The controller out"ut si+nal is a "ressure of fuel<air demand. This is the master demand si+nal. The master demand si+nal +oes to 9fuel control and air control of each boiler. The demand si+nal for each boiler is modified by the steam flow si+nal 9ta6en from out"ut of 122.2-FJ: by the com"utiri+ relay 1(3.2 and 1(3.3 d<dt. The steam flow si+nal is ta6en only as an antici"atory si+nal for load chan+es. The modified fuel demand si+nal +oes to a low si+nal select or throu+h a &<3 station and ratio relay 1(3.) M<% for each boiler. $y adEustin+ the ratio it is "ossible to o"erate different boilers on different load. The low si+nal selector 1(3.3 FJ selects. The minimum fuel re!uired out of actual fuel demand and fuel re!uired corres"ondin+ to the air flow com"uted by the ratio relay 91(3., MT:. This allows the boiler to ha;e minimum fuel at alltimes. This is a "art of lead la+ circuit. That is whene;er load is decreasin+ fuel will lead the air and when load is increasin+ fuel will la+ behind air so that air is always a;ailable for combustion. The minimum fuel demand +oes to oil and +as control. For +as control? +as flow is measured by orifice "late )00 9F: and +as flow transmitter )00.1 FT. Since the out"ut is a s!uare law. S!uare root e%traction )00.3 FJ is introduced whose out"ut is a linear si+nal and +oes to fuel +as controller )00.( FI4. The controller sees the difference between measured ;alue and demand and adEust the "osition of the control ;al;e F'F4G till the difference is eliminated. The demand si+nal for fuel +as flow controller comes from the com"utin+ relay )(1.2 FJ which +i;es the difference si+nal for actual fuel demand and actual fuel oil flow the net difference of which is the demand for +as flow. The out"ut of )(1.2 FJ +oes throu+h a selector switch )(1./ which has two "ositions. In combination firin+ the switch "osition will be in +as oil and in only +as firin+ the switch "osition will be +as. *il flow is measured by o;al wheel meter )02. F and the "ulse si+nal is con;erted into "ro"ortion current si+nal by con;ertor )02.1 FT. The current si+nal is con;erted into "ro"ortional "neumatic si+nal by I<P con;erter )00.2 I<P. Similarly return oil flow is measured and con;erted into "ro"ortional "neumatic si+nal )03 FT? )03.1 F<T? )03.2 I<P. The difference between the fuel oil flow and return is com"uted by the com"utin+ relay )02.)FJ. This +i;es the net oil fired in the boiler. This +oes as the measured ;alue to fuel oil flow controller. The demand ;alue to the controller comes throu+h the selector switch )(2.( S<S. -hen the S<S is in oil "osition the out"ut of the low selector 1(3.( +oes as a demand si+nal. -hen in oil L 'as "osition 9durin+ combination firin+: the difference in actual fuel demand and actual +as flow is com"uted and the net difference +oes as the fuel oil demand. The controller sees the difference between measured ;alue and demand and adEusts the fuel oil flow control ;al;e F*F4G till the difference is eliminated. 24.6.2 A" Co#t"ol : &ir flow to the wind bo%es & 8 $ are measured by means of aerofoils 200 F and 201 F res"ecti;lely and con;erted into "ro"ortional "neumatic si+nal by transmitters 200.1 FT and 201. 1 FT. These two si+nals are added u" after linearisin+ by s!uare root e%tractors 9200.) and 201.) FJ res"ecti;ely: by the com"utin+ relay 201.( FJ. The out"ut is the total air flow. Percenta+e o%y+en in flue +as is measured by o%y+en analyser 921)-02 T: and is con;erted into "ro"ortional "neumatic si+nal by 21).2 <P. This si+nal +oes to the indicatin+ controller 21).3. The controllers out"ut maintains the amount of o%y+en in flue +as and out"ut is limited for ma%imum and minimum ;alue by a ma%imum? minimum limiter 92(0.1( 3<5? 2(0.1, FJ and 2(0.1/ 3<5? 2(0.1) FJ:. This si+nal +oes to correct the total air flow si+nal for e%cess air by the com"utin+ relay 2(0.3 FJ. The out"ut +oes to the controller 2(0.) 74 as a measured ;alue. The air demand si+nal 9out"ut of 1(3.): is com"ared with air re!uirement for actual fuel fired9com"uted by ratio relays 2(1.) MT? 2(1.1 MT com"utin+ relay 2(1.( FJ: and ma%imum of these two si+nals is selected by the hi+h selector relay 2(1., FJ. This +i;es the min? air re!uirement. & ma%? selector 2(1.. FJ and a manual loader 2(1./ 3<5 are introduced so that the minimum air re!uirement is always more than 30@. This si+nal +oes to controller 2(0.) throu+h the auto manual station 2(0.2 &<3 as a set ;alue. #e"endin+ u"on the de;iation between the measured ;alue and the desired ;alues? the controller will adEust the F# ;anes to ma6e the difference 1ero. The out"ut of the controller "assess throu+h two &<3 station with bus 2(0.( &<3 and 2(0., &<3. The &<3 station allow manual mode of ;ane control inde"endently and a bias arran+ement "ermits loadin+ of one F# fan differently from the other. & 3G<#G indicator is introduced 2(0.11 3G<#G to ha;e a smooth auto 3anual transfer of air controller. 24.6.+ Fu"#a&! D"au$1t Co#t"ol : Furnace "ressure is measured by "ressure transmitter 20. PT and the out"ut si+nal +oes to the controller 20.-1 PI'. The indicatin+ controller controls the I# fan ;anes so as to maintain the furnace "ressure within the set "oint. &n antici"atory si+nal to o"en or close the I# fans whene;er the F# ;anes are o"ened or closed is "ro;ided by the com"utin+ relay 2(3.2 FJ and 2(3.1 d<dr. This antici"atory si+nal can be by-"assed by the selector switch 2(3.3S<S The controller out "ut si+nal 203.1 PI4 "asses throu+h two auto manual stations 2(3.) &<3 and 2(3.( &<3 with bias whose "ur"oses is similar to the &<3 stations for F# ;ane control. 24.= FUEL OIL TEMPERATURE CONTROL (LOOP SCHEMATIC G) : Fuel oil outlet tem"erature from oil heater is measured by a RT# 9,)0-T: and the si+nal is con;erted into "ro"ortional "neumatic si+nal by <P con;erter 9,)1.1 <P:. The "neumatic si+nal +oes to the indicatin+ contoller ,)0.2 TI'. The controller out"ut controls the steam flow control ;al;e thereby maintainin+ the outlet tem". of fuel oil as "er the set "oint. 24.9 DEAERATOR STORAGE TANC LE;EL CONTROL (LOOP SCHEMATIC H) : The le;el in the deaerator is measured and the corres"ondin+ "neumatic si+nal is "roduced by the le;el transmitter ,12-5T. The si+nal +oes to the indicatin+ controller 9,12.1-5I4:. The controller senses the de;iation of the le;el with the set ;alue and thereby controls the #3 water ma6e u" control ;al;e #3 3<#3 / accordin+ly to maintain the le;el in the deaerator stora+e tan6. 24.: E3TRATION STEAM TO DEAERATOR PRESSURE CONTROLL (LOOP SCHEMATIC I) : Steam "ressure is measured and the corres"ondin+ "neumatic si+nal transmitter by transmitter ,02 PT. The si+nal +oes to a "ressure indicatin+ controller ,00.1 PI'. The controller senses the de;iation of the "ressure with the set ;alue and thereby o"ens or closes the control ;al;e 4G 3 or 4G ) to maintain the "ressure. 4ontrol ;al;es 4G 3 or 4G ) can be selected by means of a selector switch ,02.2 S<S. 24.14 PRDS/6-<1. ATA PRESSURE CONTROL : (LOOP SCHEMATIC J) Steam "ressure after PR#S is measured by "ressure transmitter ,0( PT. The corres"ondin+ "neumatic si+nal +oes to "ressure indicatin+ controller ,0(.1 PI'. The controller senses the de;iation in "ressure from set ;alue and o"ens or closes the "ressure control ;al;e 4G 1 and 4G2 so that the "ressure is maintained at the set ;alue. 2.11 SOOT BLOWING STEAM PR CONTROL : (LOOP SCHEMATIC C) Steam "r is sensed by "ressure transmitter PT-12( and corres"ondin+ "neumatic si+nal transmitter to controller mounted in the field. The controller senses the de;iation in "ressure from set ;alue and accordin+l:< o"ens or closes the control ;al;e so that "ressure is maintained. In addition to the abo;e critical controls there are ;arious other controllers where the "rocess is maintained at the set ;alue by the controller and control ;al;e. 9i: Fuel oil "ressure control. 9ii: 5i+ht oil "ressure control. 9iii: &tomisin+ steam "r. control. 9i;: 'as "r. control. 9;: Process steam tem". control. 9;i: Steam t o 5P 0eater Pr. control. &ll these controllers sense the de;iation of the "rocess from the set ;alue and accordin+ly o"en or close the control ;al;e till the de;iation is minimised. 24.12 CRITICAL BOILER INTERLOCCS : 24.12.1 ID Fa# I#t!"lo&8 : A. Sta"t#$ : I# Fan can be started if the followin+ conditions are satisfied >- 91: Re+ulati n+ ;anes in minimum "osition. 92: *utlet and inlet dam"er in closed "osition. 93: Start Si+nal initiated. B. T"55#$ : Fan will tri" if any one of the followin+ conditiones e%ists >- 91: lectrical "rotection o"erated. 92: Tri" Si+nal initiated. 24.12.2 ID Fa# I#l!t<Outl!t Da'5!" I#t!"lo&8 91: *"ens automatically when corres"ondin+ I# fan tri"s. 92: *"ens automatically when both I# fan tri". 93: *"ens automatically after corres"ondin+ I# Fan motor started with time delay. 9): -ith one I# Fan Runnin+ the control dam"ers of the other? I# Fan will renlainn closed if closed manually till the corres"ondin+ I# Fan is not started. 24.12.+. ID Fa# Co#t"ol) at UCB (Fo" Ea&1 ID) : 91: 5*4&5 7R3*T S54T*R S-IT40 -- 1 Bo. 92: TRIP-B*R3&5 45*S SPRIB' RT7RB S54T*R S-IT40 -- 1 Bo 93: R7BBIB'? ST*PP# IB#I4&TIB' 5&3PS -- 2 Bos. 9): ST&RT PR3IT *D IB#I4&TIB' 5&3P -- 1 Bo. 9(: &33TR -- 1 Bo. I# F&B IB5T #&3PR *PB<45*S -- 2 Bos IB#I4&TI*B I# F&B *7T5T #&3PR *PB<45*S IB#I4&TI*B -- 2 Bos *PB<45*S S-IT40 F*R IB5T<*7T5T<#&3PR -- 1 Bo. 24.12.-. Co#t"ol) at UCB (Fo" !a&1 FD Fa#) : 91: #IR4T<4R*SS S54T*R S-IT40 -- 1 Bo 92: TRIP-B*R3&5 45*S SPRIB' RT7RB S54T*R -- 1 Bo 93: R7BBIB'? ST*P IB#I4&TIB' 5&3PS -- 2 Bo 9): &33TR -- 1 Bo 9(: F# F&B ST&RT PR3IT IB#I4&TIB' 5&3PS -- 1 Bo 9,: *7T5T #&3PR *PB<45*S IB#I4&TI*B -- 2 Bo 9/: *7T5T #&3PR *PB<45*S S-IT40 -- 1 Bo 24.12... FD Fa# Sta"t#$ I#t!"lo&8 : F# Fan can be started if the followin+ condttions are satisfied>-- 91: #irect or cross connected I# Fan is runnin+. 92: Inlet and *utlet dam"ers of corres"ondin+ I# Fan are o"en. 93: Inlet and <or outlet dam"ers of any one of the SP "ath is o"en. 9): Re+ulatin+ ;anes in minimum "osition. 9(: F# Fan outlet dam"er in closed condition. 24.12.6. FD Fa# T"55#$ I#t!"lo&8 : F# Fan tri"s? if any one of the followin+ conditions e%ists>-- 91: 4orres"ondin+ 9Selected: I# Fan tri"s. 92: lectrical "rotection initiated. 93: Tri" Si+nal initiated. 24.12.= FD Fa# Outl!t Da'5!" I#t!"lo&8 : 91: To close automatically when corres"ondin+ fan tri"s. 92: To o"en automatically when both fans tri". 93: To o"en automatically after corres"ondin+ fan started after a time delay. 9): -hen one fan runs and other is not runnin+R if the dam"ers of the fan not runnin+ is closed manually? dam"er remains closed till corres"ondin+ F# fan is not started. 24.12.9 I$#to" Fa# : A. CONTROL AT UCB : 91: 5ocal Remote selector switch -- 1 Bo. 92: Start sto" switch -- 1 Bo. 93: Runnin+ sto" Indication lam"s -- 2 BoS. B. Co#t"ol) at DCS 91: Runnin+ sto" indication -- 2 BoS. 92: Start sto" "ush button -- 2 BoS. C. Sta"t#$ I$#to" Fa# : I+nitor Fan can be started from #4S by "ressin+ start switch from 3S and by "ressin+ start "ush button. D. T"55l#$ I#t!"lo&8 : 3otor can be tri""ed? if any one of the followin+ conditions e%ists>-- 91: $oth F# Fan tri""ed. 92: *;erloaa "rotection acts. 93:Sto" "ush button at local "ressed. 24.12.: S&a##!" Fa# : A. Co#t"ol) at DCS : 91: &uto 3anual selector switch -- 1 Bo. 92: Start sto" switch -- 1 Bo. 93: Runnin+ sto" indication lam"s -- 2 Bos. 9): 5ocal Remote selector switch -- 1 Bo. B. Co#t"ol) at EMS Pla#t : 91: Runnin+ sto" indication lam" -- 2 Bos. 92: Start sto" "ush button -- 2 Bos. C. S&a##!" Fa# Sta"t#$ : Fan starts automatically when any one of the followin+ conditions e%ist>-- 91: Furnace Escanner outlet #P below ).(K -.4. 92: $oth F# fans tri""ed and emer+ency dam"er o"en. 93: If any one of the F# fan is runnin+ and I+nitor fan is runnin+ scanner fan can be star manually. 9): If F# fans are not runnin+ and emer+ency dam"er is o"en fan can be started manually. D. S&a##!" Fa# T"55#$ : Fan tri"s? if any one of the followin+ conditions e%ist>-- 91: Sto" "ush button at local<#4S "ressed. 92: Scanner to furnace #P is abo;e ).( we 0i+h 5oad. 93: *;erload "rotection acted. 24.12.14 S&a##!" Fa# E'!"$!#&( Da'5!" : A. Co#t"ol) at DCS 91: &uto manual selector switch -- 1 Bo. 92: *PB -- 45*S S54T*R S- -- 1 Bo. 93: *PB -- 45*S IB#I4&TI*B 5&3PS -- 2 Bos. B. I#t!"lo&8 : 91: #am"er can be o"ened? closed by o"en close selector switch if manual "osition is selected. 92: #am"er o"ens autorriatically? if both F# fans tri". 92: &uto closin+? if one of the F# fan is runnin+. 24.12.11 Ma# St!a' Sto5 ;alA! (BS2) 0 B(/Pa)) : A. Co#t"ol) DCS : 91: *PB--*FF 45*S S54T*R S-IT40 -- 2 Bos. 92: *PB--45*S IB#I4&TI*B 5&3PS -- 2 Bos. B. Sta"t#$ : 91: 3ain steam sto" ;al;e $y-"ass ;al;e can be o"ened by +i;in+ o"en command by "ressin+ o"en off close switch manually. C. Clo)#$ I#t!"lo&8 : 91: $oth ;al;es close automatically? if 3aster fuel tri" from $oiler "rotection "anel acts. 92: *n +i;in+ close command from #4S. 24.12.12 Pu"$! a#* MFT S()t!' : A. CONTROLS AT DCS : 91: Pur+e start "ush button. 92: mer+ency tri" "ush button. 93: Indication lam"s for- Pur+e Re!uired. Pur+e Ready. Pur+e in Pro+ress Pur+e com"lete 3FT Reset. B. Pu"$! I#t!"lo&8 : Pur+e cycle can be started "ro;ided the followin+ interloc6s are satisfied>-- 91: &t least one set of I# 8 F# Fans are runnin+. 92: Pur+e air flow more than 30@ 34R !uantity. 93: &u% air dam"ers are modulatin+? 9): I+nitor oil tri" ;al;e? li+ht oil tri" ;al;e. 0ea;y oil tri" ;al;e. 'as header tri" ;al;e closed. 9(: #rum le;el normal. 9,: Furnace draft normal. 9/: &ll oil burner tri" ;al;es closed. 9.: &ll +as burner tri" ;al;es closed. 92: &ll I+nitors tri" ;al;es closed. -hen the abo;e conditions are satisfied? KReady for Pur+eK lam" shall +low. Pur+e can be started by "ressin+ Pur+e start "ush button and "ur+e continues for at least ( minutes. *nce the "ur+in+ is com"leted "ur+e com"lete lam" +lows and simultaneously ener+ises 3FT 93aster Fuel Tri": Relay. C. MFT R!la( *!/!#!"$)!)G 7 a#( o#! o7 t1! 7olloB#$ &o#*to#) !K)t):// 91: $oth F# tri""ed. 92: $oth I# tri""ed. 93: #rum le;el ;ery low. 9): #rum le;el ;ery hi+h. 9(: Furnace draft ;ery low. 9,: Furnace draft ;ery hi+h. 9/: &ir flow less than 30@. 9.: Flame failure condition. 92: mer+ency tri" "ush button "ressed. 910: $lowin+ of #4 fuse of "rotection "anel. 24.1+ CRITICAL INTERLOCC (COMMON SECTION) : 24.1+.1 Bol!" F!!* Pu'5) (+ No).) : A. Co#t"ol) at DCS : 91: 5*4&5 7R3*T S54T*R S-IT40 -- 3 Bos. 92: TRIP B*R3&5 45*S SPRIB' RTR7B S-IT40 -- 3 Bos. 93: &7T*-3&B7&5 S54T*R S-IT40 -- 3 Bos. 9): &33TR -- 3 Bos. 9(: R7BBIB' ST*P IB#I4&TI*B 5&3PS -- , Bos. B. To Sta"t#$ I#t!"lo&8 : To start "um" start "ermit and no tri" should be a;ailable. The conditions to be satisfied to obtain start "ermit are- 91: 5ube oil "ressure *D. 92: Suction "ressure *D. 93: Recirculation ;al;e o"en. 9): Pum" warm u" ;al;e o"en. The $FP tri"s? if any one of the conditions +i;en below occurs>-- 91: 5ube oil "ressure low. 92: #ischar+e "ressure low. 93: Suction "ressure ;ery low. 9): $alance lea6 off "ressure hi+h 9thrust bearin+ "rotection:. 9(: #eaerator le;el low. 9,: *;erload "rotection acted. C. BFP Auto Sta"t &o#*to#) : 91: -hene;er $FP 1 tri"s 2<3 will ta6e &uto start de"endin+ on &uto selection of its selector swiich. 92: -hene;er $FP common dischar+e header "ressure of header 1 8 2 to+ether +oes below .0 6+<cr 3 $FP will ta6e auto start de"endin+ on &uto Selection of its selector switch. 24.1+.2. L$1t Ol Pu'5) (2 No).) : A. Co#t"ol) at DCS : 91: 5ocal Remote selector switch -- 2 Bos. 92: Start Sto" selector switch -- 2 Bos. 93: Runnin+ sto""ed indication lam"s -- ) Bos. 9): &mmeter -- 2 Bos. 9(: &uto? manual selector switch -- 2 Bos. B. Sta"t#$ : Pum" can be started or sto""ed by usin+ start sto" selector switch. C. Auto Sta"t : 5i+ht oil "um" ta6es &uto start when the dischar+e header "ressure +oes below 1).0 6+<cm2 and the selector switch of the "um" not runnin+ is in &uto "osition? or the "um" runnin+ tri"s. 24.1+.+ H!aA( Ol Pu'5) (+ No).) : A. Co#t"ol) at UCB (Ea&1 Pu'5) : 91: 5ocal Remote selector switch -- 1 Bo. 92: Start sto" selector switch -- 1 Bo. 4. Runnin+ sto" Indication lam"s -- 2 Bos. 9): &mmeter -- 1 Bo. 9(: &uto 3anual Selector Switch -- 1 Bo. B. Sta"t#$ o7 Pu'5 : Pum" can be started sto""ed by start sto" selector switch. C. Auto Sta"t : -ith F.*. "um" 1 runnin+ F.*. "um" 2<3 ta6es &uto start? if F.*. "um" 1 Sri"s or dishcar+e header "ressure +oes below 1( 6+<cm2 de"endin+ on &uto Selection of the selector switch. 21. PRE/COMMISIONING CHECCS 1. $*I5R B* 2. BTT &BB7&5 IBSP4TI*B #7 *B 3. $*I5R S07T #*-B *B ). $*I5R 0&B## *GR T* 3&IBTB&B4 *B (. 45&R# $J 3&IBTB&B4 *B ,. $*I5R 0J#R*TST# *B PRSS7R................................ for..................................... /. IBSP4TI*B 4&RRI# *7T $J $*I5R IBSP4T*R *B .. $*I5R 5I'0TIB' 7P ST&RT# *B TI3 2. $*I5R T&DB IB R&B' *B?TI3 10. S&FTJ G&5G STTIB' 9IB 6+<cm 2 +: #R73 950S: #R73 9R0S: S7PR 0&TR Bol!" C1!&8#$ P"o&!*u"! P"!&o''))o##$ C1!&8) o# Bol!" A7t!" Ca5tal Ma#t!#a#&! -henQboiler is +i;en to maintenance? number of wor6s are carried out. There are always chances of ommissions. 0ence before li+htin+ u" the boiler? o"eration en+ineer should chec6 and "re"are the boiler for li+htin+u" carefully. Followin+ +uidelines are +i;en below to enable him the "re"aration. S.NO. CHECCS CARRIED OUT OBSER;ATION REMARCS 1. 2. 3. ). (. Status of defect list Eobs. 'eneral li+htin+ of boiler. 'eneral cleanliness of boiler. Pendin+ insulation Eob. nter in &nn. 3 Status of all instruments includin+ !uality control ones. nter in &nne%ure 3? if any Eob is "endin+ alon+with reason. nter in &nn. 3 UUdoUU S.No. CHECCS CARRIED OUT OBSER;ATION REMARCS ,. I#)5!&t!* 51()&all( followin+ >- 9a: 3anholes closin+ includin+ of SP. 9b: Pee" holes closin+. 9c: Protection co;ers. 9d: 4oolin+ -ater to furnace manhole. 9e: 4oolin+ -ater to &P0 bearin+s. 9f: 4oolin+ -ater to sam"le coolers. 9+: Ins"ection +lasses installed at corners. 9h: 'au+e +lass li+htin+. 9i: F# Suc6in+ 3esh. 9E: SP Ru"ture dia"hra+ms. 96: %"ansion Indicators. 9I: &P0 Giew Port. 9m: *il detector Probe. 9n: $linds remo;ed? if any. *: &nnunciation Facia lam"s. 1 *il le;el in - ------I# Fan &<R ------F# Fan &<R. ------3*Gs ------Soot blowers ------&P0 bearin+s 5*<F* filters cleanliness. 4hec6 o"eration of - -------- I# Fan #am"ers -------- F# Fan #am"ers -------- P #am"ers -------- Secondary air dam"ers. -------- Scanner Fan dam"ers. -------- I# Fan Ganes -------- F# Fan Ganes Ta6e a set of readin+s on Gane "osition. 4hec6 drum le;el +au+e +lass for 4leanliness and ensure that all drum le;el indicators are matchin+. 4har+e 5*<F*<atomisin+ steam<air lines &nd chec6 for lea6a+es. 'et them attended? if any. nter in &nne%ure 1 S.No. CHECCS CARRIED OUT OBSER;ATION REMARCS 13. 1). 1(. 1,. 1/. 1.. 12. 20. 21. 22. 23. 4hec6 I#<F#<Scanner fan dam"erli+nitor fan< S&#s interloc6in+ and dam"er o"eration as "er system desi+n. Run &P0 and chec6 autochan+eo;er of &P0 dri;e from Power to air. Run I#s<F#s<&P0 as "er re!uirement and ma6e obser;ations for followin+> ------- 3a%. air flow ------- #ro"s across S4&P0<&P0 at ------- 1<) th ? X? 3<) th and ma%. air flow. 4hec6 sound<Gibration<no load current of all rotary e!ui"ments. 4hec6 boiler "rotection as "er &nne%ure ,. 4hec6 the o"eration of 3*Gs<Soot blowers. nsure 'un cleanliness<"ro"er fi%in+ of 'unti"s<Steam or air hoses and fuel hoses for both i+nitors and main burners 9*il L 'as: 4hec6 F*F4G<F- control Gal;es for "assin+. 4hec6 the "erformance of I#<F# Ganes etc. in auto after runnin+ both I#s<F#s as "er followin+ >- MAINTAIN DRAUGHT AT//14 ''. 9a: For F# Ganes > Ta6e controller 2(0.2 Indicator air control in manual and +i;e si+nal throu+h it and bbser;e load sharin+ as "er biasin+. Dee" F# Gane controller in &uto. 9b: For I# Ganes > Ta6e controller 20..1 PI4 Furnace drau+ht control in &uto and ;ary air in"ut. *bser;e load sharin+ as "er biasin+. Dee" I# Gane controller in &uto. 9c: For &ir system in &uto > Ta6e in 2(3.3 SS Furnace drau+ht switch in ser;ice 8 20..1 PI4 in &uto. Select 2(0.2 Indicator air control in 3anual and +i;e si+nal throu+h it. Dee" I#<F# Gane controllers in &uto. Ta6e a set of %"ansion readin+s in cold as well as in hot condition. *ther S"ecific obser;ations. nter readin+s in &nne%ure 2. nter readin+s in &nne%ure ). nter in &nn. ( ANNE3URE/1 (A) ID 0 FD ;a#!) : ID////A ID////B FD/////A FD/////B Co#t"oll!" O5!##$ S$#al PoB!" C(l#*!" Po)to# ;a#! Po)/ to# PoB!" C(l#*!" Po)to# ;a#! Po)/ to# PoB!" C(l#*!" Po)to# ;a#! Po)/ to# PoB!" Cl(l"l*!" Po)to# ;a#! Fo)to# 0@ (B) S!&o#*a"( A" Da'5!") O5!##$) : Co#toll!" O5!##$ S$#al AB !l!Aato# BC !l!Aato# 1 2 + - . 6 = 9 ANNE3URE/2 1. MaK. A" FloB : S.No. Co'%#ato# A" 7loB M + <S!&. D)&1a"$! 5"!))u"! Cu""!#t +. Wt1 FD/A o#l( Wt1 FD/B o#l( Wt1 %ot1 FD) 2. D"o5 a&"o)) APH 0 SCAPH 93aintainin+ drau+ht Galue at -10 mm: S.No. A" FloB M + <S!& APH (''WC) 5 SCAPH ('' WC) 1. 2. 3. ). ANNE3URE/+ S. No. P!#*#$ JO%) R!a)o#) 7o" Not att!#*#$ ANNE3URE/- S. No. ELu5'!#t #a'! ;%"ato# l!A!l (7 ta8!#) No loa* &u""!#t ANNE3URE/. %"ansion Readin+s 9in mm: Furnace Tem"erature > 4 Lo&ato# I# &ol* &o#*to# I# Hot Co#*to# 3 , 3 , 29.4 '. 9a: 5eft 9b: Ri+ht 2-.4 '. 9a: 5eft 9b: Ri+ht 2=.= '. 9a: 5eft 9b: Ri+ht Mu* *"u' 9a: 5eft 9b: Ri+ht 1-.+ '. 9a: 5eft 9b: Ri+ht 9c: Front 9d: Rear ANNE3URE/6 P"ot!&to# I#t!"lo&8 C1!&8#$ : The $oilers are "rotected by tri""in+ under the followin+ interloc6s. The set "oints for alarm and tri""in+ are shown a+ainst each interloc6. -hen a fault or tri" command arises? Bu"#!" T"5 R!la( (BTR) !#!"$)!) a#* t Bll *!!#!"$)! Ma)t!" Fu!l T"5 (MFT). $TR on ener+isation will lea;e a fla+ indicatin+ the fault which has first initiated the $oiler Tri". 3FT "rotects the $oiler by shuttin+ off and the fuel in"uts to $oiler by closin+ the concerned Tri" ;al;es. -hen the fault is attended and rectified? $TR can be Reset. The $oiler cannot be li+hted u" without carryin+ out the Pur+e. *n com"letion of Pur+e the 3FT can be Reset and then the $oiler is ready for li+ht u". The "ortection Interloc6s can be chec6ed when the $oiler is shut down. &n a""roach for the Interloc6 chec6in+ has been shown in the "a+es to follow >- 1. Start one set of I# 8 F# Fans. stablish air flow 2( 33<Sec. 3aintain Furnace #rau+ht Bormal 9-( mm -4:. Reset $TR and chec6 CPur+e ReadyC a;ailable. Start Pur+e and Record the Time Ta6en. Reset 3FT when "ur+e is com"leted. Not! : &fter an interloc6 is chec6ed reset only $TR. #o not carry out "ur+e e;erytime to reset the 3FT. *n com"letion of chec6in+ of all interloc6s? carry out "ur+e before li+htin+ u" the $oilers. 1. #e"ress emer+ency tri" "ush buttons from #4S. 2. Reset $TR. Slowly reduce air flow? maintainin+ the furnace drau+ht and furnace<- differential 9L)0 mm -4:. 4hec6 at what air flow we +et indication air flow 5 30@. 3. Reset $TR. Raise the drum le;el slowly. 4hec6 at what le;el C#rum 5e;el ;ery hi+hC annunciation comes. ). #rain the $oiler by o"enin+ 4$#<Rin+ header drains chec6ed what le;el #rum le;el low annuncaiation a""ears. (. 'et the "ressure switch for Cfurnace draft ;ery lowC calibrated do not conduct the e%"eriment to chec6 the tri""in+ on actual conditions. ,. 'et the "ressure switch forCfurnace draft ;ery hi+hC calibrated. #o not conduct the e%"eriment to chec6 the tri""in+ on actualcondition. CFurnace #rau+ht Gery 0i+hC. /. R!)!t BTR. Sto" F# Fan. 4hec6 $TR to P ic6 u" indicatin+C$oth F# Fans *FFC .. Start F# Fan Reset $TR. Sto" I# Fan. 4hec6 $TR to Pic6 indicatin+ C$oth I# Fans *FFC. &"art from the abo;e "rotections? the $3S "ro;ides "rotection a+ainst mal-function of fuel firin+ e!ui"ment and "ro;ides "ermissi;e interloc6s to ensure safe start-u" se!uences of e!ui"ment. There can be either simulated and<or chec6ed "rior to li+htin+ off? the $oiler. The followin+ se!uential o"eration may be carried out >- 1. Ato')#$ A" a#*<o" St!a' S()t!' : 9a: &tomisin+ air and<or steam "ressure *D "ermissi;e P<S may be +ot calibrated< chec6ed for correct settin+. 9b: 4har+e air line u"to full "ressure? close the main isolatin+ ;al;e. Release air from the atomisin+ air header slowly throu+h +un coolin+ line from any corner to chec6 alarm ;alue in $3S. 9c: Re"ort the "rocedure 9b: to chec6 alarm ;alue for atomisin+ steam system. N.B. : For de"ressurin+ atomisin+ steam header? any corner ;ent may be o"erated instead of "ressure releasin+ throC +un "ur+in+ line. 2. stablish I'TG o"en "ermits and o"en I'TG from #4S > 4reate the followin+ conditions to chec6 the closin+ of I'TG>-- 9a: I+nitor "ressure ;ery low. 9b: Switched off i+nitor fan. 3. stablish 5*TG o"en "ermits? o"en 5*TG from #4S? create the followin+ conditions to chec6 the closin+ of 5*TG>-- 9a: 5i+ht oil "ressure ;ery low. 4lose 5* system isolatin+ ;al;e and o"erate drain ;al;e of 5<* oil system to release rin+ header "ressureR ). stablish 5*TG o"en "ermits? "ut 0* on recirculation throu+h to" rin+ header? create the followin+ conditions to chec6 the closin+ of 0*TG>-- 9a: 0ea;y oil "ressure ;ery low. 4lose 0* system isolatin+ ;al;e? release 0* "ressure by re+ulatin+ the to" rin+ header drain ;al;e. (. stablish '0TG o"en "ermits? o"en '0TG from 3S? create the followin+ conditions to chec6 the closin+ of '0TG>-- 9a: 'as "ressure low annunciation and<or '0TG closin+? close $oiler +as system isolatin+ ;al;e? release +as header "ressure throC ;ent. ,. *"en I'TG? 5*TG? 0*TG 8 '0TG. Bow 3FT may be de-ener+ised to see the closin+ of all the ;al;es. 22. UNIT OPERATION 0 SHUT DOWN PROCEDURES 22.1 NORMAL START/UP (BOILER COLD) : To ensure a ma%imum safety durin+ cold start-u"s it is recommended that a hi+h air flow of atleast 30@ 34R be used in order to "roduce an air-rich furnace atmos"here. This "recludes the "ossibility of accumulations of e%"losi;e mi%tures in the e;ent of "oor or delayed i+nition after fuel is introduced to the furnace. It is recommedned that this hi+h air flow be maintained durin+ the li+htin+ off and warm-u" "eriod until the boiler is on the line and reaches a load where additional air is re!uired to maintain the desi+n o"eratin+ e%cess air. #urin+ start-u"s li+htin+ off is done with i+nitors and warm-u" oil +uns with li+ht oil firin+. It is recommended that durin+ start u"s initial firin+ be done by means of the oil +uns in the lower burner. -hen brin+in+ the unit u"to "ressure and tem"erature the saturated steam tem"eratures rise should be limited to ((K4 "er hour. The start-u" cur;e shows the corres"ondin+ rate of drum "ressure increase.#urin+ all start-u"s the firin+ rate must be controlled to 6ee" the ma%imum tem"erature of the +ases lea;in+ the furnace below )2/K4. Flue +as tem"erature "robes should be used near the lower bends of the first +as touched su"erheater elements so that the furnace outlet +as tem"erature can be measured fre!uently or recorded continuously. Not! : It is recommended that durin+ initial start-u" of a new unit a slower rate of m"erature increase be followed in order to allow sufficient time for chec6in+ e%"ansion mo;ements and to ermit the o"erators to become familiar with the characteristics of this steam +enerator and its au%iliaries. The followin+ ste"s outline the "rocedure for brin+in+ a cold boiler u"to wor6in+ "ressure and tem"erature. It is assumed that the boiler has been boiled out and "re"ared for o"eration. The boiler should be filled with treated feed water. The water le;el in the steam drum should be at normal o"eratin+ le;el. 22.1.1 PREPARATIONS 9i: Ins"ect the boiler "rior to startin+. 4hec6 the followin+ items >- &ll forei+n material has been remo;ed from "ressure "arts. &ll "ersonnel clear. &ll access doors closed. Startin+ e!ui"ment and interloc6s cleared. Retractable soot blower elements remo;ed from the +as side. Indi;idual fuel ;al;es at burner closed. 9ii: See that the followin+ ;al;es are closed >- Feed water re+ulatin+ ;al;es 9closed and on manual control:. &ll blowdown and drain ;al;es on boiler and water walls. $oiler and su"erheater fillin+ ;al;es. Soot blower master steam su""ly ;al;e. 3ain steam line sto" ;al;e. #esu"erheater control ;al;es and by-"ass line ;al;es. 9iii: *"en the followin+ ;al;es #rum ;ents> -ater +au+e ;al;es 9loc6ed o"en:. Su"erheater header drains ana ;ents and<or main steam line drains. &ll instruments and control connections to the boiler. Isolatin+ ;al;es on both sides of desu"erheater control ;al;es. Not! : 4lose all su"erheater drains when headers are free of water 9"rior to li+htin+ off : e%ce"t thesu"erheater outlet header drain 9start-u": ;ent and drain which remains o"en. 9i;: 4hec6 the followin+ e!ui"ment for ade!uate lubrication and<or coolin+ water flow and ready for ser;ice. &ir heater and dri;e 9if rotary air heater is "ro;ided:. Fans and dri;e. $oiler feed "um" and dri;e. &ll ser;o<"neumatic dri;es for ;al;es and dam"ers. 9;: It is "resumed that the oil burnin+ e!ui"ment has been chec6ed for "ro"er functionin+ and ready for ser;ice. Rechec6 items such as- 9a: *il +uns "ro"erly inserted and cou"led. 9b: &ll oil +uns and i+nitor "i"in+ ready for ser;ice. 9c: &ll manual ;al;es o"en. 9d: &ll control ;al;es closed. 9;i: It is "resumed that all the soot blowin+ e!ui"ment has been chec6ed for "ro"er "eration and the steam is in the start-u" condition. 9;ii: It is "resumed that wind bo%es ha;e been chec6ed for "ro"er dam"er "ositionin+ burner is in hori1ontal "osition etc. 9;iii: 3a6e sure sealin+ and<or as"iratin+ air is a;ailabla. 9i%: Put all automatic control e!ui"ment on manual control and see the all control e!ui"ment isready for ser;ice. 3anually o"erate all se!uential tri"s and see that the emer+ency fuel tri"s function "ro"erly. Not! : The abo;e chec6 "oints are of a basic nature. & com"lete chec6 list for this "articular installlation should be "re"ared "rior to startin+ u" the unit for the first time. 22.1.2 FILLING OF BOILER WITH WATER : $efore startin+ the fillin+ u" o"en all the ;ent ;al;es on economiser boiler drums? "laten and final su"erheaters. Se"arateCfillin+ lines ha;e been "ro;ided for fillin+ u" boiler e;a"oratin+ system and su"erheatin+ system throu+h the res"ecti;e drain headers. It is also "ossible to fill u" the economiser simultaneously throu+h the drain ;al;es or throu+h the main feed line. The boiler is filled to the to" of the drum. 22.1.+ LIGHTING OFF : 9i: Start I# and F# fan 9ii: Start i+nitor air fan. 9iii: &dEust the fan and windbo% dam"ers to "ermit "ur+e air flow of at least 30@ of total air flow and a furnace draft of a""ro%imately ) mm. 9i;: -hen the fans are started? the secondary air dam"er control should adEust the au%iliary air dam"ers to obtain a""ro%imately )0 mm water column of windbo% to furnace differeR> ial "ressure. 4hec6 that all other "ur+e "ermissi;es are satisfied. 9;: Start i+nitors. 9;i: Gisually chec6 the flame is "ro;en. Then start the four warm u" +uns with minimum out"ut from each +un so that the rate of water tem"erature rise will be as "er startin+ cur;e. 9;ii: 4lose the drum ;ents when the drum "ressure reaches 2 D+<cm 2 . 9;iii: 'radually reduce the water le;el in the drum durin+ the warm u" "eriod to normal water le;el? by blowin+ down the boiler as re!uired to maintain the water le;el inside in the +au+e class. 9i%: The firin+ is tobe continued with warm u" ele;ation for about . hours? so as to dry the refractory and castables. 9%: &fter dryin+ o"eration the firin+ rate can be increased +radually 6ee"in+ the furnace e%it +astem"erature below )2/=4. 9%i: -hile the unit is heatin+ u" ma6e fre!uent chec6s of the boiler e%"ansion mo;ements. S"ecial attention should be +i;en to e%"ansion of the lower "art of the boiler relati;e to buildin+ steel. %"ansion mo;ements should be recorded for com"arison with future start- u"s. 9%ii: 4hec6 boiler water concentrations and constituents as fre!uently as re!uired to maintain "ro"er boiler water conditions. &s "ressure increases "ro+ressi;ely throttle the final su"erheater outlet header drain and other start-u" ;ents and drains used 9main steam line drain:. Sufficient steam flow must be maintained at all times to assure clearin+ the su"erheater elements of condensate by means of startin+ to atmos"here ;al;e. Increase the firin+ rate as necessary? without e%ceedin+ the furnace e%it +as tem"erature limitation. #o not close start-u" drains com"letely until steam flow throu+h the main steam line is established. 9%i;: For a new boiler or one that has been idle for a lon+ "eriod of time it is recommended that the main steam line be blown out to remo;e scale and forei+n matter. This should be done before settin+ the safety ;al;es and before o"enin+ the main steam sto" ;al;es. Iem"oraly atmos"heric relief lines should be installed at the steam lines near the main steam header in scuh a manner that the main steam lines can be blown out inde"endently with steam su""lied from the su"erheater. #e"endin+ on the arran+ement of tem"orary relief "i"in+? it may be necessary to close the boiler start-u" ;al;es durin+ the blowdowns. These ;al;es must be reo"ened immediately after the "ur+in+ has been com"lete. 9%;: &s the load demands the firin+ rate has tobe increased by "uttin+ in hea;y oil le;ation. 9%;i: It is necessary that durin+ start-u"s initial firin+ be done by means of the warm-u" oil +uns which are rated to +i;e 1(@ of boiler 34R. at which "oint the load carryin+ hea;y oil +uns can be "laced in ser;ice. 9%;ii:It is essential that the air flow to the furnace is sufficient for the firin+ rate at all times. &utomatic control is normally "referred for maintainin+ such a balanced condition. &ir flow control should be chec6ed "eriodically to assure continuous and de"endable o"eration. 9%;iii:Place the desu"erheater s"ray control and combustion controls on K&utoK when firin+ conditions are stable and the tem"erature and "ressure controls set "oints ha;e been reachedR refer to control e!u"ment manufacturerCs instructions for s"ecific "rocedures. 9%i%: &dEust the feed water su""ly to the boiler as necessary to maintain normal water le;el. Feed water control should be "laced on automatic as soon as "ossible and "racticable when continuous feed water flow is established. 9%%: If the settin+ of the safety ;al;es on the drum and su"erheater has not been chec6ed "re;iously? this should be done "rior to +oin+ on the line. & conser;ati;e firin+ rate should be maintained limitin+ the furnace e%it +as tem"erature to a ma%imum of (00K4. 22.2. NORMAL SHUTDOWN TO COLD : The followin+ "rocedures for normal shutdown are based on the assum"tion that the unit is o"eratin+ at full load on automatic control and that it is the intention to reduce the "ressure to ero and cool the boiler com"letely. 9i: 9'radually reduce load on the unit. Reduce the firin+ rate in line with the decreasin+ steam flow. &llow the "ressure to dro" with the reduction in load to accelerate coolin+. Reduce the steam tem"erature control may be left on automatic until the "oint is reached where better control can be obtained on manual. 9ii: *"erate all soot blowers. 9iii: Reduce the air flow in line with fuel reduction until 30@ of ma%imum air flow is reached. #o not reduce the air flow below this ratin+ until all fires are out and the unit is off the line. To a;oid firin+ unstablility durin+ this "eriod of hi+h relati;e air flow the au%iliary air dam"ers at all ele;ations should o"en and reduce the windbo% to furnace differential "ressure to its lower settin+. 9i;: 4hec6 the e%"ansion mo;ement of the unit as load is bein+ reduced. 9;: &ll fires should be remo;ed when the unit is off the line. 9;i: immediately after the boiler is off the line o"en wide the su"erheater outlet ;ents and drains. *"en other drains in the su"erheater system as re!uired for further "ressure reduction. 9;ii:4lose desu"erheater isolatin+ ;al;es. 9;iii: If #urin+ the shut down "eriod it will not be necessary to enter the unit a slow rate of "ressure and tem"orary decay may be desirable. This can be accom"lished as follows >- 9a: Pur+e the unit by runnin+ the induced draft and forced draft fans for atleast fi;e minutes 9at 30@ air flow: after the fires are e%tin+uished. 9b: Reduce the air flow throu+h the unit to a minimum. Dee" the fans in ser;ice until the unit has cooled to the desired tem"erature. 9c: Dee" the water le;el near normal in the +au+e +lass and ma6e u" as re!uired. 9d: *"en the drum ;ents when the unit "ressure has decayed to 2 6+<cm2+. 9i%: If it is desirable to accelerate the coolin+ "rocess in order to "ermit entry into the unit for maintenance "roceed as follows >- 9a: Pur+e the unit by runnin+ the induced draft and forced draft fans for atleast fi;e nutes 9at a minimum of 30@ air flow: after the fires are e%tin+uished. 9b: 4ontinue runnin+ the fans to cool the unit at the desired rate. 9c: 3aintain the water le;el near normal in the +au+e +lass. 9%: *"en the drum ;ents when the unit "ressure has been reduced to 2 D+<cm2+. 9%i: If the boiler is laid u" wet refer to 5ay-u" "rocedures. 9%ii: If the boiler is tobe em"tied the boiler water tem"eratures should be reduced to atleast 2(K4 before drainin+. it is assumed that the boiler will be shut down for a relati;ely short "eriod of time and e%istin+ "ressure and tem"erature conditions will be substantially maintained. & "rocedure similar to that for normal shut-down should be followed e%ce"t the followin+>-- 9i: #o not reduce drum "ressure in line with unit load reduction. The rate of "ressure dro" should be much smaller than the rate followed durin+ normal shutdown. -hen the desired "ressure at which the boiler is tobe held is reached after the boiler is off the line the boiler may be bo%ed u" by closin+ all su"erheater drains and ;ents. 9ii: &fter all fires are out 6ee" the fans in ser;ice for atleast fi;e minutes 9at 30@ air flow: to "ur+e the unit. 4lose all +as duct? secondary air duct and windbo% dam"ers after the fans are shut down. Cauto# > It is 6nown or sus"ected that combustible de"osits are "resent in the air heater. The air heater +as inlet tem"erature must be reduced to 1.0=4 before shuttin+ down the F.#. fans and I.#. fans. 9iii: Dee" the water le;el in si+ht in the +au+e +lass. &s the unit cools and the water shrin6s ma6e u" should be added intermittently to "re;ent water from dro""in+ out of si+ht in the +au+e +lass. The o"erator should obser;e the +au+e +lass "eriodically so that he is always aware of the actual drum le;el and can ta6e a""ro"riate action to re-establish water le;el when the unit is bein+ re- started. 22.+ NORMAL SHUTDOWN TO HOT STAND B, : It is assumed that the boiler will be shut down for a relati;ely short "eriod of time and e%istin+ "ressure and tem"eraure conditions will be substantially maintained. & "rocedure similar to that for normal shutdown be followed e%ce"t the followin+>-- 9i: #o not reduce drum "ressure inCline with unit load reduction. The rate of "ressure dro" should be much smaller than the rate followed durin+ normalshutdown. -hen the desired "ressure at which the boiler is tobe held is reached after the boiler is off the line? the boiler may be bottled u" by closin+ all su"erheater drains and ;ents. 9ii: &fter all fires are out 6ee" the fans in ser;ice for atleast fi;e minutes 9at 30@ air flow: to "ur+e the unit. 4lose all +as duct? secondary air duct and windbo% dam"ers after the fans are shut down. Cauto# : It is 6nown or sus"ected that combustible de"osits are "resent in the air heater? the air heater +as inlet tem"erature must be reduced to 10.K4 before shuttin+ down the F.#. fans and l.#. Fans. 9iii: Dee" the water le;el in si+ht in the +au+e +lass. &s the unit cools and the water shrin6s ma6e u" should be added intermittently to "re;ent water from dro""in+ out of si+nt in the +au+e +lass? The o"erator should obser;e the +au+e +lass "eriodically so that he is always aware of the actual drum le;el and can ta6e a""ro"riate action to re-establish water le;el when the unit is bein+ re-stared. 22.- HOT RESTART : &ssumin+ the boiler has been down for a com"arati;ely short "eriod of time and considerable drum "ressure was maintained. The followin+ "rocedures should be used in restartin+ the unit>- 9i: 3a6e a +eneral ins"ection of the boiler and chec6 the "oints as mentioned under normal start- u". 9ii: Start the fans as outlined under cold start u" li+htin+ off. 9iii: *"en wide all su"erheater drains to allow com"lete drainin+ of su"erheater headers and<or elements. &fter drainin+ close all drains and ;ents e%ce"t the outlet header drain. Dee" this start-u" drain side o"en. *"en the de-su"erheater isolatin+ ;al;es 9#e- su"erheater control ;al;es must be closed:. 9i;: Initiate a furnace "ur+e and normal li+ht off se!uence of the i+nitors and warms u" oil +uns. The rate of firin+ and duration of warmin+ "eriod de"ends entirely on the boiler "ressure and tem"erature. 4are must be ta6en to control the firin+ rate within the su"erheater limits and within "ressure and tem"erature limits re!uired by the "rocess. The wor6in+ "eriod should be lon+ enou+h to allow com"lete boilin+ out of the su"erheater. 9;: Stabilise the-firin+ conditions to maintain the ma%imum furnace He%it +as tem"erature without e%ceedin+ it. 22.. NORMAL SHUTDOWN PROCEDURE FOR OUR BOILERS : The followin+ "rocedure for normal shut down are based on the assum"tion that the boiler is o"eratin+ at full load on automatic control and that it is the intention to reduce the "ressure to 1ero and cool the boiler>-- Ste"s > 01. *"erate the soot blower includin+ &P0 soot blower. 02. Put all the i+nitors in ser;ice. 03. Ta6e unit master controller on manual. 0). 'radually reduce the out"ut of the controller to reduce firin+ rate till F*F4G o"enin+ is minimum. Fuel flow<air flow< steam flow should reduce corres"ondin+ly. 0(. &llow the "ressure to dro" with the reduction in load to facilitate coolin+. 0,. Dee" watch on drau+ht i.e. I#<F# control. 0/. Dee" watch on drum le;el that is feed water control. 0.. Ta6e combustion control and feed water control on manual at the minimum out"ut of the res"ecti;e controller where better control cannot be obtained on auto. 02. Three element controls is tobe switched o;er to sin+le element control at reduced steamload 9around )(T<hrs.: Not! : 100S, main<and by-"ass isolatin+ ;al;es are tobe closed if "assin+ is obser;ed. 10. 4lose de-su"er heatin+ s"ray isolatin+ ;al;es if o"en. 11. Ta6e out +as +un? if any in ser;ice. Ta6e out $4 ele;ation F* +uns? on reduction of firin+ rate so as to maintain +un tri" "ressure around (-0 6+<cm2. 12.Dee" watch on stac6. 13. Dee" watch on flame for stability. 1). *"en 5*TG. 1(. 1(.stablish 5.*. firin+ in $4 ele;aPion and flush the +uns with 5.*. one by one. Ta6e out 5.*. firin+ in $.4. ele;ation. 1,. stablish 5.*. firin+ in &$ ele;ation and simultaneously ta6e out F.*. +uns one by one in such a way so as to 6ee" steam load constant. This is re!uired to flush &$ 8 $4 ele;ations firin+ system with 5* and to 6ee" the systm ready for ne%t li+ht-u" 1/. &s 5* can only be controlled from firin+ floor> o"erators of firin+ floor are to be instructed and informed accordin+ly. 1.. Steam "ur+in+ of +uns are tobe ensured immediately after ta6in+ the +un<or +uns out of ser;ice from F* firin+. 12. Ta6e out the &$ ele;ation +uns one by one out of ser;ice to reduce steam load to mihimum and remo;e all the ei+ht +uns for cleanin+. 20. 4lose 0*TG after ta6in+ out all the +uns. 21. Ta6e out &$<$4 ele;ation i+nitors and switch off scanners Remo;e simulation of i+nitors? if any. 22. 4hec6 the e%"ansion mo;ement of the boiler as load is bein+ reduced. 23. Reduce the air flow in line with fuel reduction until 30@ of ma%imum air flow is reached. 2). Ta6e out one "air of fans at reduced air flow. 2(. #iscontinue "hos"hate dosin+? close isolatin+ ;al;es. 2,. 4lose isolatin+ steam ;al;e for F* heater. $ut before doin+ so? ensure that it is lined u" from the boiler in o"eration. 2/. 4lose 5.*.T.G. 2.. Initiate $oiler emer+ency tri" from 7.4.$. or $.4.P. to o"erate 3FT. 22. nsure the closin+ of steam outlet ;al;e 9$S-2: throu+h 3FT interloc6. 30. If the interloc6 does not? close $S 2 ;al;e throu+h switch. 31. Immediately after the boiler is *FF the line? o"en wide S0 outlet line ;ent 9startin+ ;ent ;al;e $S-,:. 32. Please see that scanner fan starts in auto? if not? start scanner air fan in manual mode and ensure sufficient air flow for coolin+ of scanner head assembly. 33. 4lose 0*TG and 5*TG manual isolatin+ ;al;es. &lso close '0TGCs butterfly ;al;e. 4lose F* return flow isolatin+ ;al;es. 3). 4lose atomisin+ air<and atomisin+ steam isolatin+ ;al;es. 3(. 4lose sam"lin+ line isolatin+ ;al;es. 3,. 4lose 3S 0eader isolatin+ ;al;es 3S-)? (? ,? / 8 . and their by"ass ;al;es. 3/. -ide o"en 3S lines drains 3S-3,? 3/? and 3S-)0 8 )1 to remo;e condensate. 3.. Reset $TR<3FT. 32. Sto" I# and ensure I#<F# interloc6in+. F# should tri" and 3FT should o"erate due to both I#Cs tri"R"ed. )0. S4&P0 steam is to be ta6en out of ser;ice immediately after com"letion of "ur+in+. )1. It may be noted that the fans may be allowed to run at reduced air flow or may be sto""ed de"endin+ u"on the nature and ty"e of shutdown. )2. Rele;ant drain in S0 system may be o"ened as re!uired for further "ressure reduction and ty"e of shutdown. )3. Dee" the water le;el near normal in the +<+ and ma6e u" as re!uired? if any? may be ta6en from time to time. )). $oth the rin+ header drains may be o"erated for ( mts. for blow down at about 1( 6+<cm 2 . )(. *"en the drum ;ents when the unit "ressure has decreased to 1.. 6+<cm2 in drum. ),. &ir "re-heater may be sto""ed when economiser outlet tem"erature of flue +as comes down around 100=4. )/. -et "reser;ation of boiler 9"ressure "arts: should be done? if the shutdown calls for more than three days. ).. If the wor6 is tobe done on boiler "ressure "arts? the drum water tem"erature should bereduced to at least 2(=4. )2. $linds may be "ro;ided in F.*.? 5.*. and +as lines? as re!uired. 22.6 BOILER LIGHT UP LINE UP : S.NO. DESCRIPTION OPERATION REMARCS 01. $oiler Fillin+ Filled u"to normal le;el Refer S6etch ;ents 8 drains of $oilers. 02. #eaerator 8 hot well #raft system I+nitor +as line char+ed Filled Re+ulate I# 8 F# Fan Gane. char+ed 3aintain #raft ) mm weR furnace to -.$. #iff. )0 to (0 mm we.&ir flow > 30 T<0r. 03. 0). 0(. Fuel oil system Fuel +as system Secondary &ir #am"er 4ontrol 4har+ed. 4har+ed stablished &ll au%. dam"ers modulatin+ 8 furnace to -.$. diff. )0 mm. 0,. 3ain steam and %traction steam 9throu+h 5ined u" PR#S: System. 0/ 0. 02 10. 11. #4 su""ly system. &.4. Su""ly System. Instrument &ir System Rotary &ir Preheater Steam coil &ir Preheater 4har+ed. 4har+ed. 4har+ed. Started. 4har+ed. If steam is a;ailable. 12. 13. Tem". 4ontroller of S4&P0 $urner Tilt Put in Ser;ice De"t in 0ori- 1ontal. Bot in use now- a-days. 1). 1( Pur+e ready &nnunciation $lue lam"+lows . Test R$ #e"ressed Found all windows indicatin+. 1,. 1/. 5.*. F.?*. +as air<Steam 0eader isolatin+ ;al;es 9manual: *"ened 4hec6 u" whether limit switches actin+. 1.. 5i+ht *il +uns Inserted 8 en+a+ed. 22.= BOILER LIGHT UP (SER;ICE) : S.No. DESCRIPTION ;AL;E NO. OPERATION REMARCS 01. Pur+e Start P.$. #e"ressed Pur+e continues for ( mts. 3FT is reset. 02. 03. 0). Pur+e in "ro+ress Pur+e com"leted Indicators? Recorders and inte+rators C*BC Switches 'lows. 'lows. Put on 0(. I+nitor Fan I+niter fan outlet dam"er 5<R Switch Started Re+ulated as re!uired Scanner fan *utlet #am"er Scanner Fan outlet to furnace diff. "r. S$. 3aintain I+nitor - to furnace P I 1/( mm of -4. 0,. I+nitor +as header tri" ;al;e I*0TG *"en Permit &mber lam" 'lows 0/. I+nitor +as tri" ;al;e o"en C*PBC P$ #e"ressed Red li+ht +lows 8 +reen li+ht off. 0.. 5.*.0.T.G. *"en Permit &mber lam" 'lows 02. 5.*.0.T.G. *"en u"er *"en P$ #e"ressed 10. 5.*.0. Pressure re+ulatin+ ;al;e 5*-, Re+ulated to / 6+<cmC "ressure. 11. 12. 13. I.'.0.T.G. Tri" ;al;e o"en "ermit F.'.0.T.G. F.'..G.G. &mber C*PBC P$ 'lows lam" #e"ressed To close auto- matically. 4hec6 for closin+. 1). 1(. 1,. 1/. F.*.0.T.G. *"en Permit F.*.0.T.G. I+nitor le;. start "ermit &mber I+nitor le;. 1-3 start Timer C*PBC P$ &mber lam" &mber lam" Start YP$ 'lows. #e"ressed 'lows. #e"ressed 4hec6 i+nitors flame to be "ro- ;en in 10 sec. 1.. 12. I+nitor le;. 2-) start Timer. Fuel selector switch 9a: *il?'as-*L4 Start P$ )(2.((( #e"ressed. Selected as re!uired. 9b: +?+L*?+L4 3(1.((( 20. 5.*. le;. firin+ "ermit "air 1> 3 8 2? ) &mber lam" 'lows. 21. 5.*. $urner Tri" ;al;e. Pair 1.3 #e"ressed Red li+ht +lows chec6 firin+. 22. #rum ;ents $FS , 8 economiser ;ent $F )3-)). 4losed when drum "r? is 2 6+<crrlC. 23. $low down Bormal le;el maintained 2). 4ontinue firin+ &t the rate of S*K4<0r. Rise in drum steam tem". Furnace %it Tem". Bot to e%ceed )2/K4. 2(. S<0 header drains 8 ;ents 3S line drain 4losed at ) 6+<4m2. #onot close the start u" ;ent. 2,. $oiler %"ansion 4hec6 at ;arious ele;. at diff. Pr. 2/. -ater sam"les 4ollected hourly for water analysis 2.. Full load "arameters ,( 6+<cm 2 8 tem". )(0=4. 3aintained Bote > &s the "re- ssure increases throttle the start- in+ ;ent? as re!uired. 22.9 LINE UP OF MS HDRI : S.No. DESCRIPTION ACTION 01. 02. 3S line to 0#R. I drain ;al;es 3S3.. 3S32H 3S line from 0#R. I to turbine drain ;al;es 3S). 3S)2. *"ened. *"ened 03. 3S line from 0#R I to PR#S #rain Gal;es 3S() 3S((H *"ened 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. 0.. 3S 0#R. Pr. Indicator 3S line to 0#R. I isolation ;al;es 3S) 8 3S(H 3S line to 0#R. II isolation ;al;es 3S, 8 3S/. 3S line from 0#R I to T' isolation ;al;e 3S. 3S line from 0#R I to PR#S isolation ;al;e 3S12 4hec6ed in ser;ice. 4hec6ed and closed. 4hec6ed 8 closed. 4hec6ed 8 closed. 4hec6ed 8 closed. 22.: MS HDR. I. WARM UP 0 CHARGING : S.No. DESCRIPTION ACTION 01. Pressure 10 6+<4m 2 *bser;ed from the durm "r. +au+e. 02. !ualisin+ ;al;es of ;al;es 3S? 8 3S? on 3S line to 0#RI *"ened. 03. 0). 3S line to 0#R. I drain ;al;e 3S3.? 3S32H 3S line from 0#R. I to turbine drain ;al;es 3S). 3S)2 C4rac6ed 8 then closed. C4rac6ed 8 then closed. 0(. 3S line from 0#R. I to PR#S drain ;al;es 3S.() 3S-((H C4rac6ed 8 then closed. CBote > #rain ;al;es should be closed when sufficient flow throu+h the 0#R is establised. 22.14 E3TRACTION HDR. I. LINE UP S.No. DESCRIPTION ACTION 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. 0.. 02. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1). 1(. 3S(.? 3S(2 *"ened &S()? &S(( *"ened 3S 13 ? &S3 4hec6ed closed 3S1)? &S1 4hec6ed closed 3S1(? &s2 4hec6ed closed #S0 s"ary control ;al;es Safery ;al;es &S3( &S( &S3/ &S3. &S. T( T1/ Pr. +au+e? Pr. indicatin+ controller<alarms? Tem". indicatin+ controller. *"ened *"ened 4hec6ed closed 4hec6ed closed 4hec6ed closed 4hec6ed in ser;ice. *"ened *"ened *"ened *"ened 4hec6ed closed 4hec6ed closed 4hec6ed closed 4hec6ed in ser;ice. 1 E3TRACTION HDR. I. WARM UP 0 CHARGING : S.No. DESCRIPTION ACTION 01. 02. 03. 0). 0(. 0,. 0/. 0.. 02. 10. 3S 0#R. I *R II 4har+ed &S3 !ualisin+ ;al;e of 3S?3 3S($? 3S(2 &S() &S(( &S3( &S3/ &S3. &S1? 3S1) !ualisin+ ;al;es of 3S13 8 &S3 *bser;ed from Pr. +au+e. *"ened. *"ened 4losedC 4rac6ed 8 then closed. 4rac6ed 8 then closedC 4rac6ed 8 then closedC 4rac6ed 8 then closedC *"ened 4losed. #rain ;al;es should be closed IB hen sufficient flow throu+h the 0#R. Is established. 2+. SOOT BLOWING S,STEM 2+.1 GENERAL : #urin+ the boiler o"eration a thin coatin+ of soot normally settles on the heatin+ surfaces. This coatin+ is a thermal insulatin+ medium in nature and reduces heat transfer? resultin+ in the rise of e%it flue +as tem"erature? loss of boiler efficiency and lower su"er heater tem"erature. It is? therefore? essential to blow away the soot and clean the heatin+ surfaces "eriodically. ach boiler is e!ui""ed with ) nos. of lon+ retractable soot blowers 95RS$-2(? 2,? 2/ 8 2.: and on soot blower for air "reheater. &P0 soot blower is installed at cold end of the &P0 in flue +as "ath. Steam at a "ressure and tem"erature of ,/ D+<cm 2 8 330=4 is ta""ed from the "laten su"er heater outlet for the "ur"ose of soot blowin+. Steam "ressure is reduced to 30 D+<cm 2 by means of "ressure reducin+ ;al;es. The recommended tem"erature of the steam is 2/0=4. Pressure safety ;al;e installed in the soot blowin+ line is set at 3, D+<cm 2 The o"eratin+ "ressure for 5RS$ is 12 D+<cm 2 and for &P0 soot blower is 1, D+<cm 2 . DESCRIPTION OF LRSB : 5on+ retractable soot blower has a rotatin+ lance which e%tends into and retracts from the boiler to ma6e sure that the cleanin+ medium-steam directed throu+h the no11les? remo;es the de"osits from tube surfaces. The lance is attached to a tra;ellin+ carria+e which runs on trac6s inside the blower housin+. The carria+e and lance are mo;ed by means of a tra;ersin+ chain o"erated by an electric "ower "ac6. Rotary motion is a""lied to the lance throu+h the tra;ellin+ carria+e dri;en by a second chain dri;en by a se"arate electric "ower "ac6. 4ontrol of mo;ement is by a sto" limit switch and a re;erse limit switch. Pressure of soot blowin+ steam is controlled by a S:G soot blower head mounted at the rear of the blower. The S$G soot blower head allows the blowin+ "ressure of the blower tobe adEusted by limitin+ the stro6e of the head ;al;e. The stro6e of the head ;al;e is +o;erned by adEustment of the dri;e screw which contacts the head ;al;e stem. In the closed "osition? a minimum clearance of 1 mm must be maintained between adEustin+ screw and ;al;e steam? to as sure ti+ht ;al;e seatin+. The feed "i"e "asses throu+h "ac6in+ +land in the tra;ellin+ carria+e and lies inside the lance tube e%tendin+ to almost the entire len+th of the blower. The wheels on the tra;ellin+ carria+e run on.trac6s welded to the inside of the blower housin+ sideways motion is limited by a roller on each side of the carria+e which use the housi+ sides as +uides. The ends of tra;ersin+ chain are connected to each end of the carria+e. The rotary chain is continuous. It "asses o;er s"roc6ets on the carria+e and causes rotation throu+h a +ear train. The lance is flan+ed to the carria+e and su""orted on the boiler end by a roller bearin+. The electric "ower "ac6 closet to the boiler is for tra;ersin+R the other is for rotation. 3otion is transmitted from the "ower "ac6s to adEustable Eac6 shafts on each side of the blower. Tension on the internal chains are adEusted by ma6in+ the slotted bloc6s which hold the idler s"roc6ets on the outboard or inboard end of the unit. The housin+ com"letely co;ers the blower e%ce"t the tra;ersin+ and rotatin+ dri;e units. The housin+ is o"en at the bottom e%ce"t for the bars at internals. & section of the to" of the housin+ near the rear end of the blower is cut away to allow access to the tra;ellin+ carria+e. The access areas ha;e remo;eable co;er. & short section of the trac6 at the rear is remo;eable. to "ermit remo;in+ the tra;ellin+ carria+e for maEor maintenance. &n adEustable bar on the tra;ellin+ carria+e stri6es a CGC le;er to cause the flow of the blowin+ steam. The CGC le;er is connected by a turnbuc6le ty"e tri" rod to the S$G head lin6a+e. The tri" rod is ti+htened or loosened to "osition the CGC le;er for "ro"er contact with the tra;ellin+ carria+e. 2+.+ AIR HEATER SOOT BLOWER : The &ir "re-heater descri"tion includes the details of air heater soot blower. bears no. 22. This soot blower bears no. 22. 2+.- PRE/OPERATION CHECCS : nsure the ade!uate lubrication le;el in tra;el carria+e? rotary and tra;erse "ower "ac6s and +rease on the chains. nsure a;ailability of control su""ly to the soot blowin+ "anel and to rotary and tra;erse "ower "ac6s. Prior to startin+ any of the 5RS$? ensure that the clearances ha;e been returned bac6 by mechanical and electrical maintenance. 2+.. INDI;IDUAL OPERATION OF SOOT BLOWERS FROM CONTROL PANEL : 9I: Select the remote "osition in the local remote selector switch. 9ii: *"en the drain ;al;e 93o;-32: it it is not left o"en after the "re;ious o"eration. 9iii: *"en the main ;al;e 93o;-31: and allow the steam to drain off in the steam "i"e line for a reasonable time 920-2( mts: to warm-u" the "i"e lines and to remo;e the condensate. #urin+ this o"eration? the o"erator should chec6-u" the tem"erature of soot blowin+ steam in the tem"erature indicator which is a;ailable in the control "anel. If the tem"erature of steam attains the re!uired ;alue after certain time? the drain ;al;e can be closed. 9i;: Select the re!uired blower in the manual selector switch and then "ress the manual start "ush button. 7ntil the blower starts mo;in+ forward which is indicated by the e%tin+uishin+ of initial "osition indication lam" and burnin+ of red lam" on the "anel. The rotary motor starts first and the tra;erse motor ta6es start subse!uently. &s the no11les clear the boiler wall? the carria+e rotates the CGC sha"ed le;er? o"enin+ the S$G head and soot blowin+ commences. &t the fully e%tended "osition the tra;ellin+ carria+e stri6es the re;erse limit switch which closes momentarily to re;erse the unit. &s the carria+e retracts? it +ain stri6es the CGC sha"ed le;er closin+ the S$G head. The tra;ellin+ carria+e continues its rear- ward tra;el until the cleanin+ no11le is retracted into the "rotection of the wall bo% at which time the sto" limit switch is struc6 to sto" the unit. &t the initial "osition red lam" on the "anel +oes off the +reen lam" burns. #urin+ o"eration of the blower? if any fault occurs? soot blower can be retracted abru"tly by "ressin+ the CRetractC "ush button. Similarly any soot blower can be o"erated indi;idually from control "anel. &fter soot blowin+ is o;er? main sto" ;al;e is closed to shut off steam su""ly and drain ;al;e is o"ened. 2+.6 LOCAL OPERATION OF LRSBS : 5ocal o"eration of the soot blower is done by selectin+ the C5ocalC "osition in the local remote selector switch. &t site when start "ush button of the "articular blower is "ressed? blower starts o"eratin+ and automatically comes to its initial "osition. Similarly any other soot blower can be o"erated locally. #urin+ the local o"eration? corres"ondin+ lam"s +low on the control "anel. The blower can be retracted or sto""ed abru"tly by "ressin+ the CSto"C "ush button "ro;ided at local"lace. -hene;er fault occurs durin+ local o"eration? annunciation system will function at the control "anel. 2+.= EMERGENC, OPERATION OF SOOT BLOWER : &t the time of any failure of "ower or control su""ly durin+ o"eration of soot blower ? the blower should be immediately brou+ht to its startin+ "osition to a;oid any "ossible dama+e to heatin+ surfaces or lance tube. The dri;en s"roc6et on the tra;ersin+ side of the unit is fitted with declutch mechanism and is the s"roc6et shaft "rotrudes and s!uared off to acce"t the hand cran6. To "ut the s9iot blower on manual o"eration > 9a: 4lose the main sto" ;al;e of the soot blower steam to shut off steam su""ly. 9b: #ecluich the cou"lin+ by "ullin+ it outwards. 9c: Insert the hand cran6 and rotate until blower reaches the startin+ "osition. 9d: Remo;e the hand cran6 and reclutch the cou"lin+ by "ullin+ the "in "ro;ided on the cou"lin+ 9sometimes sli+ht adEustment of the cou"lin+ is necessary for "ro"er en+a+e ment: . 2+.9 FRE2UENC, OF OPERATION OF LRSBS : The fre!uency of soot blower o"eration de"ends on the o"eratin+ conditions of the boiler and boiler cleanliness. 5on+ retractable sootblowers in our boilers are o"erated once in a day. Soot blowin+ is also carried out Eust before ta6in+ a boiler out of ser;ice. 2+.: IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS FOR LONG RETRACTABLE SOOT BLOWER : 1. #o not o"erate the blower with wet steam. 2. #o not o"erate the same blower in !uic6 succession. 3inimum one hour coolin+ "eriod before subse!uent o"eration is a must to a;oid any dama+e to motor windin+s. 3. Ta6e care to a;oid e%tendin+ the lance Into boiler without steam? subEectin+ the lance in e%cess of ((0=4. ). #o not o"erate the soot blower without steam durin+ boiler o"eration. (. #o not "ut the blower into manual o"eration when the steam line is C*BC. ,. The hand-cran6s "ro;ided for emer+ency o"erations should be remo;ed after their use on the blower. The hand cran6s are used to brin+ the lance to startin+ in case of an emer+ency o"eration due to the failure of "ower or controlsystem. #o not o"erate with hand-cran6 with steam su""ly C*BC. /. 4hec6 lubricatin+ oil le;els fre!uently. .. #o not attem"t maintenance wor6 when "ower andlor blowin+ steam are C*BC. 2. #o not o"erate the soot blower with e%cessi;e steam lea6a+e throu+h "ac6in+. 10. *bser;e all safety "ractices in use. 2+.14 OPERATION OF THE AIR HEATER SOOT BLOWER (No. 2:) : 9i: nsure that the steam is C*BC and is dry. 9ii: Select the blower Bo. 22 in the manual selector switch. 9iii: Press the start "ush button. This o"ens the control ;al;e 93o;-S*: and then electric +eared motor sterts runnin+. It actuates the swin+in+ arm. -hen arm mo;es from initial "osition? limit switch 5S-1 tri"s and holds su""ly to the starter. &t the end of forward swee"? the limit switch 5S-2 tri"s and control ;al;e closes thereby admission of steam is slo""ed. The swin+in+ arm starts mo;in+ in the re;erse direction. -hen it reaches the home "osition it actuates limit switch 5S-2 and blower sto"s. & +reen indication lam" +lows when the blower is not in o"eration while the red indication is +i;en for o"eration of the blower. 2-. EMERGENC, PROCEDURES (GENERAL) 2-.1 MASTER FUEL TRIP : 7nder conditions re!uirin+ a master fuel tri" throu+h normal interloc6s or o"eratorCs action 9manual tri": all fuel should be tri""ed instantaneously. The oil and i+nitor tri" ;al;es and indi;idual no11le shut off ;al;es should be closed immediately. The followin+ ste"s should be ta6en immediately followin+ an emer+ency fuel tri">-- 9i: 3aintain the unit air flow at "retri" ;alue for atleast ( minutes to "ur+e the system. If a hot restart is antici"ated the air flow may be +radually reduced to li+ht off air flow 930@ of full Ioad air flow: durin+ the "ur+e "eriod. 9ii: If oil +uns were in ser;ice when the fuel tri" occurred chec6 to ensure that all indi;idual no11le shut off ;al;es are closed. *il +uns should be retracted? remo;ed? cleaned and reinstalled tobe ready for a restart of the unit. 9iii: If all au%iliary "ower sources are lost durin+ a tri" u"on restoration of "ower start the fans and "ur+e the furnace for fi;e minutes. 2-.2 LOW WATER LE;EL : If the water le;el falls out of si+ht in the water +au+e due to failure of the feed water su""ly or ne+lect of the o"erator e%ce"t in the case of momentary fluctuations that mi+ht-occur with e%traordinary chan+es in load? a""ro"riate action should be ta6en at once to tri" the fuel. &ny decision to continue to o"erate e;en if only for a short time at a reduced ratin+ would ha;e to be made by someone in authority who is thorou+hly familiar with the circumstances that lead to the emer+ency and "ositi;ely ascertain that the water le;el can be restored immediately without dama+in+ the boiler. In the absence of such a decision-- 9i: Tri" all fuel immediately. 9ii: Shut off all steam bein+ dischar+ed from the unit. 9iii: 3aintain a hi+h air flow at first to hasten the coolin+ "rocess. 9i;: If "ressure "arts dama+e is sus"ected reduce the steam "ressure +radually by o"enin+ the su"erheater u" drains. *"en the drum ;ents when the "ressure dro"s below 2 D+<cm 2 . &s the boiler cools reduce the air flow. Shut down the air heaters and fans as soon as the unit is cool enou+h for a man to enter. #rain the boiler when the drum metal tem"erature is 20K4 followin+ normal drainin+ "rocedures. #etermine the cause of low water and e%amine the boiler for the effects of "ossible o;erheatin+ such as lea6s and distortion of "ressure "arts. 9;: Re"air any lea6s etc. 9;i: 0ydrostatically test the boiler at wor6in+ "ressure before "uttin+ the unit bac6 in ser;ice. 2-.+ HIGH WATER LE;EL : &bnormally hi+h water le;el should be a;oided as it may lead to carryo;er and e;en "rimin+. If the water le;el rises abo;e the recommended normal o"eatin+ ran+e "roceed as follows 9i: Reduce the water le;el immediately by throttiln+ the feed su""ly any by o"enin+ water wall system drain ;al;es. 9ii: Reduce the steamin+ rate. If necessary and "lace feed water control on manual. If "rimin+ should occur as indicated by ra"id fluctuations in outlet steam tem"erature "roceed as follows>- 9a: Reduce the steamin+ rate. 9b: If the water le;el is abnormally hi+h reduce the le;el. 9c: In;esti+ate the water condition 9al6alinity and solids:. 9d: In;esti+ate the condition of the drum internals as soon as an o""ortunity is afforded 2-.- GENERAL : #urin+ the failure of the direct water +au+e the boiler can be left in o"eration only when the remote water +au+es is in "erfect condition. Re"air of the direct water +au+es must be carried out as !uic6ly as "ossible i.e.? within 2) hours. The remote water +au+e must be obser;ed with +reater attention. Prolon+ed o"eration with one disconnected water +au+e is not "ermissible. In the case the safety ;al;es blow u" because of e%ceedin+ the ma%imum of desi+n "ressure? it is necessary to brin+ down the "ressure by reducin+ the firin+ increasin+ the feedin+ and steam e%traction and blowin+ down the boiler. In case the ma%imum tem"erature of outlet su"erheated steam is e%ceeded e;en under full inEection of the desu"erheaters or if the ma%imum "ermissible tem"erature after the indi;idual su"erheater is e%ceeded. It is necessary to limit firin+ and to chec6 u" the feed water tem"erature. In case the !uality of feed water or boiler water +ets worse which mi+ht cause dan+erous "ollution or dama+e to the tube walls? it is necessary to reduce the boiler out"ut or to shut down the same if the condition does not im"ro;e. In case of unusual "henomena the cases of which cannot be Rn;esti+ated and remo;ed durin+ boiler o"eration. The boiler must be shut-down. The boiler must be shut-down immediately in the followin+ cases 9a"art from automatic shut- downs: >- 9i: -ater le;el in the indicator continuously dro"s e;en after blowin+ throu+h and closure of steam su""ly. 9ii: Failure of both water +au+es. 9iii: Failure of feed "um"s. 9i;: #efect in feed "i"in+. 9;: *ccurrence of crac6s or lea6a+es to such e%tent that it is not "ossible to maintain the minimum le;el in the boiler e;en at increased feedin+ or that mi+ht induce e%"losion or endan+er the "ersonnel. 9;i: %"losion in the furnace which had dama+ed the bric6-wor6 or "ressure "arts. 9;ii: Fuel burnin+ on the heat reco;ery areas accom"anied by abnormal rise of tem"erature of lea;in+ flue +ases. 9;iii: #eformation of "ressure "arts which mi+hP cause e%"losion and endan+er the "ersonnel. 9i%: In all cases where there is dan+er of accident or occurrence of defects at lon+ time o"eration? e.+.? at un"ermissible rise of su"erheated steam tem"erature. 9%: Reliable o"eration of boiler cannot be ensured because of conditions li6e bad ;isibility fire and dan+er of e%"losion. Shuttin+ down of boiler and reduction of its out"ut in most of the failures is secured by automatic interloc6in+ of the boiler. 2.. PRESER;ATION OF BOILERS 2..1 INTRODUCTION : The boiler which has been in ser;ice corrodes when it is idle. ;en before the boilers come into re+ular ser;ice? corrosion can ta6e "lace once the tubes ha;e been filled and drained of water as durin+ a hydraulic test. The "rinci"al a+ent for corrosion is o%y+en in "resence of moisture and air. The o%y+en corrosion can usually be reco+nised from "ittin+? thinnin+ out etc. The o%y+en corrosion results in thinnin+ out of material? isolated "it or crater? introduction of loose o%ides in the "i"in+ system and failures resultin+ from these three factors. The "ro"osals contained in these instructions are meant to "re;ent idle time due to corrosion in the boiler. The boiler re!uires "reser;ation ri+ht from the "eriod of hydraulic test when water is first introduced into the boiler. &ny sto""a+e of boiler for more than ) days re!uires "reser;ation. 2..2 PRESER;ATION METHODS :/ The followin+ are the usual methods recommended for "reser;ation > 9a: #ry "reser;ation 9b: -et "reser;ation 9c: -et "reser;ation with nitro+en ca""in+ 9blan6ettin+:. 2..+ DR, PRESER;ATION : The dry "reser;ation is effecti;e only in the "re-hydraulic test "eriod where the tubes are not e%"osed to water. The dry "reser;ation can also be made effecti;e? after hydraulic test? if the moisture can be com"letely remo;ed from the system by means of hot air blow or effecti;e com"ressed air blow or by dryin+ by any other suitable means. The dry "reser;ation is carried out by 6ee"in+ trays containin+ any of the followin+ chemicals in the drum>-- 9a: Silica +el 9b: Sla6ed lime-4a9*0:2 The "rinci"le of action of the dry "reser;ation method is that the moisture in the atmos"here is absorbed by the silica or lime and the internal atmos"here of the tubes is 6e"t dry thereby a;oidin+ the corrosion. In the dry "reser;ation method by usin+ silica or sla6ed lime the trays are to be ins"ected at "eriodic inter;als say 1( days and de"endin+ on the colour and le;elof silica +el in the trays or the wetness of the lime? the chemicals are to be renewed. In any case the hydrosco"ic material must not be allowed to oo1e out. In case oo1in+ ta6es "lace? this can be more harmful to the surface than the corrosion which it has set out to "re;ent. 9c: Instead of silica +el or lime? we can use ;a"our "hase inhibitor 9G.P.I.: mar6eted and su""lied by $05. The effecti;eness of the ;a"our "hase inhibitor is +ood? "ro;ided? the surfaces are dry. To be+in with? all headers? drums and e;en tubes are treated with GPI. GPI is not harmful to the boiler? if it comes into contact with the surfaces. 2..- WET PRESER;ATION METHODS : The wet "reser;ation methods em"loy the "rinci"le of usin+ deminerali1ed water raised to a "0 of 10 and do1ed with hydra1ine to 200 ""m. I> is a well-6nown fact? that corrosion rate between water and steel is the least at a "0 ;alue of 10. 0ydra1ine wor6s as an o%y1en sca;en+er. 5aboratory trials indicate that "reser;ation with deminerali1ed water? "0 10 ammonia and 200 ""m hydra1ine can safe+liard the boiler surfaces for "eriods lastin+ se;eral months without any ad;erse effect. The "rocedures described below ensure that not only the system Is full with demineralited water s"ecified abo;e? but also in+ress of atmos"here air into the system is a;oided. This is achie;ed by- 9a: maintainin+ sim"le hydraulic "ressure of say ( atm of the "reser;ati;e solution 9b: or e;en more effecti;ely by blan6ettin+ the system by nitro+en and maintainin+ a nitroyen "ressure of ( "si+. 2..-.1 WET PRESER;ATION WITH H,DRAULIC PRESSURE : If the "reser;ation has tobe done immediately? after the hydraulic test? when normal feed systems are not ready? ri+ o"en stora+e ran6 of ( to 10 tonneCs ca"acity where deminerali1ed water can be ta6en and the re!uired chemicals added. From this? a "um" can be installed to feed the boiler. The "um" can be of 10 to 2( tonnes "er hour ca"acity with a head of / to 10 6+<cm2. Smaller the "um"? lon+er it will ta6e for fillin+ the boiler. The sameS "um" can be used to de;elo" a "ressure of ( atm? alter fillin+ the boiler com"letely. The "um" can be run e;eryday lor a few hours to maintain the "ressure. In the same arran+ement a return line from the boiler to the tan6 can be arran+ed so that the "reser;in+ solution can be made u" or recirculated. This arran+ement will be re!uired since durin+ the course of fillin+ u"? it may not be "ossible to ensure uniform concentration of ammonia and hydra1ine in the boiler. & recirculation arran+ement hel"s in e!ualisin+ the ;alues. WET LA, OF A BOILER F$u"! 1 &lso durin+ stora+e by such a method o;er a "eriod of time? hydra1ine concentration may come down. The recirculation arran+ement will hel" in ma6in+ u" the lost ;alues economically. The arran+ement can easily be ri++ed u" at site de"endin+ on facilities a;ailable and as such no detailed drawin+s are considered necessary. Fi+ure-i illustrates the system. 26.-.2 WET PRESER;ATION B, NITROGEN BLANCETTING W1!# Nt"o$!# %la#8!tt#$ &a# %! u)!7ul// 9a: There are occasions where the boiler may ha;e to be idle for considerable time. Internal boiler surfaces durin+ the "eriod are subEected to accelerated corrosion by reaction of o%y+en? moisture etc.? in air with boiler internal surfaces. Bitro+en basl6ettin+ ser;es to a;oid such corrosion. 9b: #urin+ acid cleanin+? immediately after "ic6lin+ o"eration is o;er and "assi;ation can start? when the "ic6lin+ solution is bein+ drained from the boiler? there is a "ossibility of air enterin+ the system and reactin+ with the freshly e%"osed metal surfaces. 9c: #urin+ the commissionin+ o"eration? there are occasions where the boiler may be idle for a considerable time after the hydraulic test. Bitro+en bein+ an inert +as is an ideal source of blan6ettin+ the internal surfaces of the boiler to "re;ent in+ress of o%y+en and thereby to retard the corrosion on the metal "arts. ELu5'!#t #!!*!* 7o" Nt"o$!# %la#8!tt#$ Fi+ure 2 indicates the +eneral arran+ement of the ri+ u" re!uired for Bitro+en blan6ettin+ R 7sually this can be done with the ;al;es the fittin+s a;ailable at the erection site. SCHEME OF CONNECTION FOR NITROGEN BLANCETTING F$u"! 2 Bitro+en cylinders are usually su""lied by the com"anies which distribute o%y+en? nitro+en etc. 4onnection of the "i"es for nitro+en cylinder to the manifold can be made usin+ standard fittin+s which are used for o%y+en c?;linders. -e can "lan for a ban6 of si% cylinders $ut the consum"tion "er day would de"end on the lea6a+es in the system? which can not be "redicted. & boiler? which has ;ery few leaua+es 9in +lands. flan+e Eoints? "assin+ of ;al;es etc.: may consume u"to one cylinder a day This can ;ary de"endin+ on the conditions. For usin+ durin+ acid cleanin+ we may re!uire for e;ery drain and refill about . or 2 cylinders. The number of cylinders re!uired for any "articular o"eration can be Eud+ed based on e%"eriences at site. To re+ulate "ressure? "ressure re+ulator? such as nnes used for control of o%y+en in +as cuttin+? can be introduced in the cylinders. The method of use of nitro+en bian6ettin+ for ;arious o"erations is described below >- Fo" )to"a$! o7 Bo"8#$ %ol!" B1&1 ) %!#$ )1ut*oB# 7o" !Kt!#*!* 5!"o*) u5to 1- *a() : -- Shutdown the boiler. -- 4onnect the +as manifold to the air ;ents at drum and su"erheater. 4onnections can "referably be by flan+e Eoints or screw Eoints at the oulet of the air ;ents so tilat they can be remo;ed before re-li+htin+ the boiler. -- Dee" normal or sli+htly hi+her le;el of water in drum with residual hydraiine and deaerated water. %tra hydra1ine dose is not s"ecified because the conditions of boiler water "re;ailin+ durin+ normal shutdown is antici"ated. &s the boiler "ressure dies down to 1 ala +au+e 9at least 20 to 2( "si:? o"en the ;al;es on the air;ents to the boiler and close the ;al;es to atmos"here R o"en the cylinder coc6s and ;al;es from manifold to the air ;ent distributin+ nitro+en. &s the boiler "ressure falls below atmos"here? nitro+en +as will be drawn from the cylinders to the steam s"ace. The re+ulator maintains "ressure at any set "oint and a "ositi;e "ressure is sufficient? recommended "ressure bein+ ( "si+. 0i+her "ressure means hi+her lea6a+es and consum"tion of Bitro+en. -hene;er the +as "ressure in the cylinder falls? full cylinder may be fitted. *b;iously air ;ent must not be o"ened to atmos"here and boiler main steam ;al;e and other drain ;al;es must remain closed. Nt"o$!# %la#8!tt#$ H*u"#$ "#)#$ a7t!" 5&8l#$ # a&* &l!a##$ 5"o&!)) : &fter "ic6lin+ when drainin+ to the system starts? the nitro+en blan6ettin+ ;al;es can be o"ened. In this case? the consum"tion will be hea;y and for e;ery drainin+ o"eration not less than , to . cylinders will be needed. In this case when refillin+ of water starts ;ent nitro+en to atmos"here when the system is nearly full. P"!)!"Aato# o7 %ol!" a7t!" 1(*"aul& t!)t : In this case for the "reser;ation of scheme tobe effecti;e the water used for hydraulic test should be as follows >- #emineraiised water with hydra1ine 200 ""m and "0 2.( to 10 by ammonia is tobe used. It may? howe;er? be mentioned that if the water or abo;e !uality is 6e"t under "ressure in the whole system? no nitro+en blan6ettin+ is needed. The blan6etSin+ method? if desired? is as follows > -- Reduce "ressure after hydraulic test -- #rain water to ;isible le;el in drum -- Pressurise by nitro+en -- Scheme as "er Fi+ure-3. The table at the end of this manual indicates our +eneral recommendation for lay-u" "rocedures under ;arious conditions of shutdown. -here;er nitro+en blan6ettin+ is indicated? hydraulic "ressure method can be substituted? if nitro+en blan6ettin+ is not "ossible. SCHEME OF CONNECTION OF NITOGEN ;ENT F$u"! + 26.. PRECAUTIONS The followin+ +eneral "recautions are indicated for ;arious o"erationaimed at a;oidin+ corrosion due to contaminants in water-- Sto"a$! a#* E"!&to# : 9i: Tube and o"en header ends should be ca""ed. 9ii: Possibility of airborn or water-trans"orted solids contamination should be considered. 9iii: Tubes and headers should remain ca""ed until erection and weldin+ are o;er to minimi1e entry of forei+n matter. 9i;: Indi;idual tubes must be cleaned by com"ressed air or s"on+e ball Eust before erection. H(*"aul& t!)t : 9i: 7se treated demineralised or condensate !uality water. 9ii: 5ines used to add water should be flushed out "rior to use. 9i;: &s an added "recaution? "0 and conducti;ityCof water should be chec6ed at "oint of entry to the su"erheater. 2=. CALIBRATION CHART 1. T&BD B73$R > 133-T-01 & 2. *-BRCS B&3 > 3is. IB#I&B *I5 4*RP*R&TI*B 5I3IT# 3&T07R& RFIBRJ 3&T07R-2.100( 97.P.: 3. 5*4&TI*B > 3&T07R& RFIBRJ ? 3&T07R& ). 3&B7F&4T7R# $J > 3<s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m. #IP IB C43C FR*3 #&T73 5G5 47375&TIG G*573 IB 5ITRS IB4R3BT&5 G*573 IB 5ITRS<4m. 0.0 (.0 10.0 1(.0 20.000 2(.000 30.000 3(.000 )0.000 )(.000 (0.000 ((.000 ,0.000 30,2 /00/ 10.)2 1).(. 1.,/3 22)./ 2,(03 3031. 3)133 3/22. )1.23 )(//0 )2/1/ /.2.4,( /,,.2.0 .03.120 /,2.2,) /,2.2,) .03.120 /,2.2,) /,2.2,) //3.003 /,).2/2 /.2.)12 /.2.)12 ,(.000 /0.000 /(.000 .0.000 .(.000 20.000 2(.000 2,.(00 (3,,) (/,11 ,1((. ,((0( ,2)(2 /3322 //3), /.(30 /.2.)12 /.2.)12 /.2.)12 /.2.)12 R/.2.)12 /.2.)12 /.2.)12 /.2.)12 T&BD B*. > 133-T-01 & #&T *F 4&5I$R&TI*B > DIP IN ?CM? CUMULATI;E DIP 1N ?CM? CUMULATI;E INCREMENTAL ;OLUME FROMDATUM LE;EL ;OLUME IN LITRES FROM DATUM LE;EL ;OLUME IN LITRES CM. LTRS. CM. LTRS. contd.2,.( 100.000 10(.000 110.000 11(.000 120.000 12(.000 130.000 13(.000 1)0.000 1)(.000 1(0.000 1(0.200 1((.000 1,0.000 1,(.000 1/0.000 1/(.000 1.0.000 1.(.000 120.000 12(.000 200.000 20(.000 210.000 21(.000 220. 000 22(.000 230.000 23(.000 2)0.000 2)(.000 /.(30 .1220 .(233 .21/( 2311. 2/0,0 1 01003 10).)( 10.... 112.30 300.000 120/1( 120./3 12),(/ 12.(2. 132()0 13,).1 1)0)23 1))3,) 1).30, 1(22)/ 1(,1.2 1,0130 1,)0/2 1,.013 1/12(( 1/(.2, 1/2.3. 1.3//2 1.//21 121,,2 12(,0) 2(0.000 2((.000 2,0.000 2,(.000 2/0.000 2/(.000 2.0.000 2.(.000 220.000 22(.000 11,//3 30(.000 310.000 310.)00 31(.000 320.000 32(.000 330.000 33(.000 3)0.000 3)(.000 3(0.000 3((.000 3,0.000 3,(.000 3/0.000 3/(.000 3.0.000 3.(.000 320.000 32(.000 )00.000 122()( 203)./ 20/)2. 2113/0 21(311 2122(3 22312) 22/13, 2310// 23(012 23.2,0 2)2202 2),.)3 2)/1(2 2(0/.) 2()/2( 2(.,,, 2,2,0/ 2,,(). 2/0).2 2/))30 2/.3/1 2.2312 2.,2(3 22012) 22)13( 22.0/, 30201/ 30(2(. 302.22 313.)0 31//.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.) 0.( 0., 0./ 0.. 0.2 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.) 1.( 1., 1./ 1.. 1.2 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.) 2.( 1(. 23, 31( 32) )/3 ((2 ,31 /10 /.. .,/ 2), 102( 110) 11.3 12,2 13)0 1)12 1)2. 1(// 1,(, 1/3( 1.13 1.22 12/1 2., 2./ 2.. 2.2 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.) 3.( 3., 3./ 3.. 3.2 ).0 ).1 ).2 ).3 ).) ).( )., )./ ).. ).2 T&BD B*. > 133-T-01 & #&T *F 4&5I$R&TI*B > DIP IN ?CM? CUMULATI;E DIP 1N ?CM? CUMULATI;E INCREMENTAL ;OLUME FROMDATUM LE;EL ;OLUME IN LITRES FROM DATUM LE;EL ;OLUME IN LITRES CM LTRS. CM LTRS. 4ont. )00.000 )0(.000 )10.000 )1(.000 )20.000 )2(.000 )30.000 )3(.000 ))0.000 ))(.000 )(0.000 )((.000 ),0.000 ),(.000 )/0.00 )/(.000 ).0.000 ).(.000 )20.000 )2(.000 (00.000 (0(.000 (10.000 (1(.000 (20.000 31//.1 321/22 32(,,3 322,0) 333()( 33/)., 3)1)2/ 3)(3,. 3)2302 3(32(0 3(/121 3,1132 3,(0/3 3,201) 3/22(( 3/3)2. 3/,.2) 3.0.33 3.)//1 3../10 322,). 32,(./ )00(2( )0)),) )0.)02 )123)1 4ont.(2.000 (2(.000 (30.000 (3(.000 ()0.000 ()(.000 ((0.000 (((.000 (,0.000 (,(.000 (/0.000 (/(.000 (.0.000 (.(.000 (20.000 (2(.000 ,00.000 ,0(.000 ,10.000 ,1(.000 ,20.000 ,2(.000 ,30.000 )123)1 )1,2/2 )2021. )2)1(, )2.02( )32033 )3(2/2 )32210 ))3.)2 ))//./ )(1/2, )((,,) )(2,03 ),3()1 ),/).0 )/1).0 )/1)1. )/(3(/ )/222( ).332) )./1/2 )21111 )2(0)2 )2.2.. 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.) 0.( 0., 0./ 0.. 0.2 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.) 1.( 1., 1./ 1.. 1.2 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.) 2.( 1(. 23, 31( 32) )/3 ((2 ,31 /10 /.. .,/ 2), 102( 110) 11.3 12,2 13)0 1)12 1)2. 1(// 1,(, 1/3( 1.13 1.22 12/1 2., 2./ 2.. 2.2 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.) 3.( 3., 3./ 3.. 3.2 ).0 ).1 ).2 ).3 ).) ).( )., )./ ).. ).2 20(0 2122 220. 22./ 23,( 2))) 2(23 2,02 2,.1 2/,0 2.32 221/ 222, 30/( 31() 3233 3312 3321 3),2 3(). 3,2/ 3/0, 3/.( 3.,) UNI;ERSAL STATIONS INTRODUCTION. 7ni;ersal station 97S: is one of the module on the local control networ6 954B:. It communicates wiht other modules on 54B? with "rocess connected de;ices on uni;ersal control networ6s by way of the networ6 interface module 9BI3: and with "rocess connected bo%es on the data hi+hways by way of the hi+hway +ate way. The uni;ersal control station "ro;ide the followin+ com"rehensi;e facilities for the Process o"erator? Process n+ineer and 3aintenance n+ineer. For the PR*4SS *PR&T*R? it "ro;ides a uni;ersal window to monitor and mani"ulate the "rocess and the system and to retrie;e historical data. For the PR*4SS B'IBR? it "ro;ides a uni;ersal window to confi+ure the system data base build +ra"hic dis"lays and "re"are control lan+ua+e 945: "ro+rammes. For the 3&IBTB&B4 B'IBR? it "ro;ides a uni;ersal window to dia+nose system failures. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION. The followin+ are the maEor functions of the uni;ersal stations. FOR THE PROCESS OPERATOR. - 3onitor and manioulate both cantinuous and discontinuous. Processes or "ortions of "rocess. - &nnunciate and handle "rocess se!uence and system alarm? and o"erator messa+es. - #is"lay and "rint "rocess histories. - #is"lay and "rint "rocess trends and a;era+es. - #is"lay and "rint re"ort? 5o+s and Oournals. - 3onitor and chan+e status of system e!ui"ment in the control room and near the Process. 5oad other system modules with o"eratin+ "ro+rams and data base from history module? catrid+es or flo""y dis6ettes. FOR PROCESS ENGINEER. - $uild the Process and system data base +ra"hic dis"lays? and re"orts. - Pre"are? edit? and com"ile control lan+u+e "ro+rams. - 5oad o"eratin+ "ro+rammes and databases from a history module? catrid+es or flo""y dis6etes. - 5oad 0oney -ell su""lied software u"dates. FOR MAINTENANCE ENGINEER<TECHNICIAN. - #ia+nose "roblems in the 54B based modules? uni;ersal control networ6s? #ata hi+hways and "rocess connected de;ices. - #is"lay and "rint rele;ant information that is re!uired durin+ trouble shootin+. COMMUNICATING WITH THE PROCESS AND THE S,STEM. The "rocess o"erator? Process en+ineer? and maintenance technician can communicate with the "rocess and system. They can ;iew the dis"lays and ma6e entries by usin+ a 6eyboard or by selectin+ a tar+et on the screen? de"endin+ on the o"eration that is to be "erformed. The standard dis"lays a;ailable for each ty"e of user differ? because information needs are not the same. OPERATORS for a%am"le? need dis"lays that hel" to monitor and control the area of the "rocess that each one is res"onsible for. FOR ENGINEERS. *n the other hand? need dis"lays that hel" to build +ra"hic dis"lays and construct re"orts. MAINTENANCE TECHNICIANS #!!* *)5la() t1at a"! $u*! t1"ou$1 t1! *a$#o)) o7 5"o%l!'. Fi+ 2 shows the ty"es of dis"lays that are a;ailable at the uni;ersal station. 'enerally there are three ways to call u" dis"lay. 1. 7se "re assi+ned 6eys on the board. 2. 7se user confi+ured 6eys on the 6eyboard. 3. Select a tar+et on another dis"lay. OPERATIONAL SECURIT,. &ceess to uni;ersal station functions is restricted by a 6ey switch. Three le;els of access are determined by the ty"e of 6ey inserted and the 6ey switch "osition as follows. OPERATORS LE;EL. Permits a "rocess o"erator to monitor and mani"ulate "rocess "arameters durin+ normal o"eration but does not "ermit chan+es to sensiti;e "rocess "arameters. SUPER;ISORS LE;EL. Permits authorised "ersonnel to alter sensiti;e "rocess "arameters and "ermits all functions allowed at the o"erator le;el. ENGINEERS LE;EL. Permits a "rocess n+ineer to "erform "rocess and system functions that re!uire access to the entire data base. PROCESS OPERATING FUNCTIONS. The dis"lays a;ailable to the o"erators can lo+ically be di;ided in the three maEor cate+ories. 1. Plant "rocess dis"lays. 2. System #is"lays. 3. System function dis"lays. PLANT PROCESS DISPLA,S. -hich are concerned with monitorin+ and controllin+ of the "rocess allow the o"erator to do the followin+ > - 3onotor and cantrol continuous and discontinuous "rocesses. - 4han+e "rocess "arameters? control modes se!uence e%ecution states? and se!uence e%ecution modes. - 3onitor Process Trends. - 0andle "rocess alarms? se!uence alarms and o"erator messa+es. TDC +444 S,STEM DISPLA,S. -hich are associated with the "erformance of the T#4 3000 system hard ware and software allow o"erator to do the followin+. - *bser;e the status of 54B 3odules 9includin+ other uni;ersal stations:? uni;ersal control networ6s data hi+hways and "rocess connected de;ices. - Re-assi+n uni;ersal stations areas? units and "eri"herals. - 5oad data base of 54B modules and "rocess connected de;ices. - 0andle system alarms. - Intiate on demand chec6 "oints. S,STEM FUNCTION DISPLA,S &llows the o"erator to do the followin+. - Select re"orts? and histories for ;iewin+ and "rintin+. - Re;iew data "oint assi+nment of modules? "rocess connected de;ices and units. - Re;iew titles of dis"lays? re"orts and lo+s. - Perform o;er ;iew and +rou" edit function. - Intiate other system functions. The +rou" and detail dis"lays show "arameters and "ermit o"erator fuctions. The +rou" dis"lay shows information for u" to $ "oints as shown in &nne%ure-I. The detail dis"lay Shows more detailed information for a sin+le data "oint or "rocess module than is a;ailable on +rou" dis"lay. & detail dis"lay may consists of se;eral "a+es of information as shown in &nne%ure-II. 'ra"hic dis"lay. 'ra"hic dis"lay can be buit so that the o"erator can monitor and mani"ulate the "rocess directly from them. $oth continuous and discontinuous "rocess can be mana+ed from +ra"hic dis"lays. $asically? any data "oint "arameter or se!uence can be monitored and mani"ulated from any +ra"hic dis"lay. 'ra"hic beha;iours such as blin6in+ color chan+es? bar +ra"hs? a""earance of sub-"ictures and numeric ;alues of data "oints. &dditionally? Process alarms can be ac6nowle+ed from the +ra"hic dis"lays. The +ra"hic dis"lay is shown in &nne%ureUIII. TREND DISPLA,S. - Trend dis"lays au+ment the o"eratin+ dis"lays by +ra"hically "resentin+ the recent history Eor 6ey o"eratin+ ;ariables in traces form the area and unit trend are nearly identical in a""earance? each showin+ the history of u" to 2) "arameters that ha;e been s"ecified by the "rocess n+ineer durin+ system confi+uration. The are a trend is shown in &nne%ure IG. - 'rou" trends for u" to $ "arameters can be dis"layed or "rinted as continuous trends or trend history as "er s"ecified time "eriod. The +rou" trend is shown in &nne%ure-G. HOURL, A;ERAGES DISPLA,S. - The hourly a;era+es dis"lay? li6e the +rou" dis"lay is called u" from a +rou" dis"lay. The hourly a;era+es dis"lay re"laces the bar chart "ortion of the +rou" dis"lay with list of the a;era+e P.;. ;alues for the last ei+ht hours of each data "oint on the +rou" dis"lay. This hourly a;era+es is shown in &nne%ure-GI. ALARM DISPLA,S. - &larm dis"lays are used in conEunction with the alarm aununciation mechanisms in the uni;ersal station to nofify the o"erator of alarm conditions that may cause a "rocess u"-set. -hen alarm occurs the followin+ ta6es "lace. - The alarm S733 6ey on each o"erator 6ey board in a""ro"riate console be+ins flash. *ther 6eys can be assi+ned to li+ht to indicate the unit in which a "rocess alarm occurs. - The alarm messa+e is stored in the unit alarm Eournal? "rinted on the assi+ned "rinter at console and entered 9flashin+: in the a""ro"riate alarm dis"lays. - Flashin+ of an alarm in the dis"lays continuous unit ac6nowled+ed and the &5&R3 S733 6ey flashes until all alarams ha;e been ac6nowled+ed. - The alarm indications remain until the alarm condition is corrected. - There are three alarm dis"lays a;ailables. 1. &rea alarm summary dis"lay. 2. &larm &mnunciator dis"lay. 3. 7nit alarm summary dis"lay. AREA ALARM SUMM DISPLA,. The areas alarm summary dis"lay lists u" to 100 of the most recent emer+ency "riority and hi+h l"riority alarms that are detected in an area assi+ned to the uni;ersalstation? which store u" to ,00 such alarms 20 such alarms can be listed on each of time "a+es of this dis"lay. In addition all units assi+ned to the station are re"resented at the bottom of the screen by tar+ets for callin+ u" the unit summary dis"lays. The area alarm dis"lay is shown in &nne%ure GII. ALARM ANNUNCIATOR DISPLA,. - The alarm annunciator dis"lay is a used confi+urable dis"lay that loo6s li6e a con;entional annunciator "anel. This dis"lay has ,0 annunciator bo6es that are used to indicate any of u" to 300 "rocess alarms assi+ned to it 93a%. of 10 to each bo%:. $y usin+ annunciator bo% as a tar+et the user can immediately call for usin+ an annunciator bo% as a tar+et? the user can call dis"lays associated with alarm. - The dis"lay abo;e the annunciator bo%es also lists time most recent emer+ency "riority alarms. In addition? li6e area alarm summery dis"lay there are tar+et at the bottim of the screan for callin+ u" the unit alarm summary dis"lays. S,STEM STATUS DISPLA,. The system status dis"lay is called u" by "ressin+ the SJST3 ST&T7 Dey. The system status dis"lay "ro;ides the status of each module on the 54B includin+ other o"erator consoles and the status of each uni;ersal and data 0i+hway in the system. This dis"lay also acts as a system dis"lay menu by "ro;idin+ tar+ets for accessin+ all modules and "rocess networ6s. The tar+ets allow the o"erator to callu" a dis"lay to obtain detailed status of a "articular de;ice or to ma6e assi+nment chan+es. In addition there are tar+ets on the dis"lay for switchin+ from one 54B cable to the other. The system status dis"lay is +i;en in &nne%ure -GIII. S,STEM FUNCTION DISPLA,S. The system function dis"lays are accessed throu+h tar+ets on the system menu dis"lay. They "ro;ide summaries of se;eral ty"es of information about the "rocess "oint assi+nments? ;ent hysteries and Eournals? 0istorical data and re"orts that are a;ailable from the system. The followin+ are the system function dis"lays. 1. *r+anisational summary menu. 2. Re"ort<5o+<Trend<Oournal 3enu. 3. Real time Eournal assi+nments. ). ;ent hystory menu. (. Process ;ariable retrie;al. ,. *;er ;iew edit dis"lay. /. 'rou" edit dis"lay. .. Remo;able media. 2. 4lear scrcen. ORGANISATIONAL SUMMAR, DISPLA,S. *r+anisational summary dis"lays accessed throu+h the or+anisational summary menu? allow the o"erator to easily determin data "oint asti+nments data "oint use? and title assi+nments Re"ort<5o+<Trend menu etc. *r+anisational menu dis"lay is +i;en in &nne%ure-IT 9&<$<4: alon+with +rou" and area titles. REPORT<LOG<TREND<JOURNAL MENU. 5o+ trends? Oournals and re"orts are accessed from the re"ort menu dis"lay. This dis"lay lists lo+s? Eournals? "rinted trends? and re"crts? that ha;e been confi+ured or built for the area assi+ned to the uni;ersal stations. From this dis"lay the o"erator can "rint or dis"lay any lo+? trend? Oournal or re"ort can also chan+e the "rinter assem"ly. The shift 5o+ re"ort for $oiler-1 is +i;en in &nne%ure-T 9&<$:. REAL TIME JOURNAL ASSIGNMENTS. The real time Oournal assi+nment dis"lay can be called u" to retrie;e the listin+ of all real time Eournal assi+nments assi+ned to the 7.S. The o"erator can acti;e or sus"end the real time out"ut of any Oournal from this dis"lay as well as chan+e a EournalZs "oint asi+nment. ach entry in the dis"lay lists the Eournal ty"e and "rinter identifiers. E;ENT H,STOR, MENU. 0istories of "rocess related and system related e;ents are retrie;ed throu+h the e;ent hystory menu dis"lay from historised Eournals. This dis"lay allows the o"erator to call u" a history of e;ents such as "rocess alarms? o"erator "rocess chan+es? o"erator messa+es? system maintenance recommendations? system error messa+es? se!uence of e;ent records? and 74B< hi+h way de;ice e;ents. The se!uence of e;ent history is +i;en in &nne%ure-TI 9&<$:. PROCESS ;ARIABLE RETRIE;AL. 0istories of "rocess ;ariables for "articular data "rints can be retrie;ed throu+h the "rocess ;ariable retrie;al from historised "oint PG data. This dis"lay allows the o"erator to dis"lay or "oint "rocess ;ariable histories? includin+ the current ;alue or minute data and hourly? shift? and monthly a;era+es. The len+ths of these histories de"end on the start<sto" times and dates that the o"erator enters. ;ent history retri;al is enclosed as &nne%ure-TII 9&<$:. O;ER ;IEW EDIT DISPLA,. The o;er ;iew edit dis"lay has two "ur"oses. 1. To show whether the o;er;iew information is "resented as normal sur"ressed? or deleted for all the confi+ured o;er ;iew dis"lay elements. 2. To allow the o"erator to chan+e the current dis"lay state for any or all of the confi+ured o;er ;iew dis"lay elements from this dis"lay. GROUP EDIT DISPLA,. From this dis"lay? the user can be tem"erarily reconfi+ure. 'rou"s within the area 6nown to a console. 'rou" titles can also be chan+ed. The su"er;isor can chan+e any +rou"? while the o"erator is "ermitted to chan+e only 10 free use +rou"s. CLEAR SCREEN. Selection of this tar+et clears the 7S screen. REMO;ABLE MEDIA INTIALISATION. This tar+et selects the function that writes format information on new dis6 catrid+es and flo""y dis6etts. CUSTOM NAME SA;E. This tar+et intiates the sa;in+ on history module? on cartid+e dis6? or on flo""y dis6etts - of the systems custom data definitions. PROCESS ENGINEERING FUNCTIONS. The "rocess en+ineerin+ soft ware enables the uni;ersal station to "ro;ide a user friendly en;ironment for the "rocess en+ineer to build or modify all or any "art of? the data base needed by T#4 3000 system to meet its established obEecti;es? an en+ineers 6ey board is needed. - & hel" facility is a;ailable to assist the "rocess en+ineer. The "rocess n+ineer can do the followin+ en+ineerin+ related functions. - 4onfi+ure the system data base. - $uild data "oints. - $uild +ra"hic dis"lays. - Pre"are? com"ile? and lin6 control lan+ua+e "ro+rams. - $uild lo+s and re"orts. - dit files. - 7se utility "ro+rammes. - 4all u" system function dis"lays. PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER GATEWA, (PLCG). The P54' "ro;ides a lin6 between the local control networ6 954B: and "ro+rammable controlllers. The P54' is one of the modules on the local control networ6 954B:. It communicates with other modules on the local control networ6 and with "ro+rammable lo+ic controlers which are connected to one of the P44'Zs two "orts. ach of two "orts on the P54' ser;es an inde"endant "ro+rammable controller sub system networ6. The two "orts are +uaranteed to su""ort u" to 1, "ro+rammable controllers 9u" to ,) "ro+rammable controllers can be addressed:. The P54' handles u" to 3000 "rocess "oints 9ta+s:. The "ro+rammable lo+ic controller +ate ways P54' accom"lishes data form con;ersions necessary to "ro;ide data to the local control networ6 954B: and to transfer data from 54B to the "ro+rammable controllers. FUNCTIONS. - Pro;ides secure communication lin6 between the T#4 3000 5ocal control networ6 and the "ro+rammable controllers. - 4on;erts data and "ratocal between the local control networ6 and the two "ro+rammable controller "orts. - Scans the "ro+rammable controller data for alarm conditions. UNI;ERSAL CONTROL NET WORC (UCN). The uni;ersal control networ6 "ro;ides a "owerful communications "latform far efficient? secure? real time "rocess communications and it o"erates at ( me+abit<Sec. UCN FUNCTIONS. - 4arries all information trans"erred between the de;ices on the networ6 usin+ IS* standards. - nsure the timely e%chan+e of information throu+h in efficient "rotcol and hi+h s"eed communications. - Pro;ides hi+hly sccure communication throu+h acti;e and bac6 u" cables and inte+rity chec6in+. NETWORC INTERFACE MODULE (NIM). Information about the "rocess status and confi+uration of the 74B de;ices is transferred throu+h the networ6 interface module from the in;ersal control networ6 to the local control networ6. - 4ommends and confi+uration information for u" to .000 "oints with u" to 1200 "arameters "er second are transferred throu+h B<3 from 54B to the BI3. - BI3 "ro;idies the "rotocol con;ersion and bufferin+ necessary to efficiently e%chan+e information between 74B such as "rocess 3ana+er 9P3: and lo+ic 3ana+er 953: and 54B based de;iced such as 7S? 03? &3 etc. NIM FUNCTIONS. Pro;ides for orderly data access between the T#4 3000 54B and 74B de;ices. - 4on;erts data and "rotocol between the 54B and 74B. - 4hannel 7'B e;ents to the 54B for alarmin+. PROCESS MANAGER INTRODUCTION The Process 3ana+er 9P3: is fully inte+rated member of the T#4 3000 family and it is ca"able of>- - Performin+ data ac!uisition and control functions? includin+ re+ulatory lo+ic? and se!uential control functions as well as "eer to "eer communication with other uni;ersal control networ6 974B: resident de;ices. - Fully communicatin+ with o"erators and en+ineers at the uni;ersal stations and uni;ersal wor6 stations. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION. The Process mana+er consists of Process 3ana+er 3odule 9PF3: and I<* sub system? shown in fi+-1. The Process 3ana+er 3odule 9PP3: further consists of communication "rocessor and modem? I<* lin6 interface and control "rocessor. The communication "rocessor "ro;ide hi+h "erformance networ6 communications handlin+ such functions as networ6 data access and "eer to "eer communications. The control l"rocessor is the P3 resource dedicated to e%ecutin+ re+ulatory? lo+ic and se!uence functions includin+ an e%cellent user "ro+rammin+ facility. The I<* lin6 interface "rocessor is the P33 interface to the I<* sub system. The I<* sub system consists of the redundant I<* lin6 and u" to )0 redundant I<* "rocessors. The I<* "rocessor handle all field I<* for both data ac!uisition and control functions. The I<* "rocessors? for e%am"le? Pro;ide such functions as en+ineerin+ unit con;ersion and alarm limit chec6in+? indel"endent of the Process 3ana+er 3odule. &ll control o"erations are "erformed within the "rocessor mana+er module wiht all data ac!uisition bein+ "erformed in "rocessor. For added control security? the hi+h le;el analo+ in"ut? smart transmitter interface and analo+ out"ut "rocessor can o"tionally be redundant. The Process n+ineer has com"lete fle6ibility of choice within P3 desi+n limit in the assi+nment of "oint ty"es and control strate+ies. CONTROL FUNCTIONS. &ll I<* ;alues are intially con;erted to en+ineerin+ units by I<* "rocessors and made a;ailable for both communications and further control "rocessin+ by the "rocess mana+er module. 4once"tually? the P33 can be thou+ht of as "artitioned into slots ;arious ty"es. These slots l"ro;ide an allocated resource of "rocessin+ "ower and memory that can be user confi+ured? includin+ assi+nin+ a ta+ name? & ta++ed slot is referred to as a data "oint in T#4 3000 system. This data structure is su""orted by "redefined +rou" and detail dis"lays as well as by custom +ra"hics. &ny of the followin+ ei+ht ty"es of data "oints can be confi+ured. - Re+ulatory PG. - Re+ulatory 4ontrol. - #i+ital com"osite. - 5o+ic. - Process 3odule - Fla+ - Bumeric - Timer REGULATOR, P;/POINTS. Re+ulatory PG "oints "ro;ide are easy to confi+urable a""roach for im"lementin+ "rocess ;ariable 9PG:. 4alculation and com"ensation functions. PG "rocessin+ "ro;ides a menu of selectable al+orithms such as mass flow? totalisation and ;ariable functions? includin+ e%tensi;e alarm chec6in+<su""ression o"tion? si+nal filterin+ and al+orithm e!uation o"tions are "ro;ided. REGULATOR, CONTROL. 4onfi+urable control functions are "erformed usin+ re+ulatory control "oints. Re+ulatory control "oints are confi+ured to e%ecuts one of the control al+orithms. DIGITAL COMPOSIT POINT. #i+ital com"osite "oints are multi in"ut<multi out"ut "oints that "ro;ide an interface to discrete de;ices such as motors? "um"s and solenoid ;al;e. This "oint "ro;ides built in structures for handlin+ interloc6s. It su""orts o"erator dis"lay of interloc6 conditions in +rou"? detail and +ra"hic dis"lays. of interloc6 condition in +rou"? detail and +ra"hic dis"lays. #is"lays also contain information needed to trace interloc6 cause. In addition? "ro;ision is made for handlin+ hand<off<auto switches commonly used for local o"eration Eof motorised de;ices. LOGIC POINT. & lo+ic "oint can be thou+ht of as "ro;idin+ the lo+ic "rocessin+ e!ui;alent to one to two "a+es of relay ladder lo+ic. & lo+ic "oint consists of lo+ic bloc6s? fla+s? numerics? in"uts? out"uts and lo+ic bloc6s can be o"tionally selected. PROCESS MODULE. Process module "oint is a resource for the e%ecution of user 4reated "ro+rammes written in 9T05: control lan+ua+es 945P3:. The 45 lan+ua+e "ro;ides an outstandin+ se!uential control and 4om"utational tool. 7sin+ uni;ersal station or uni;ersal wor6 station? indi;idual "ro+ramme can be easily modified and reloaded without affectin+ e%ecution of re+ulatory control? lo+ic bloc6s and other user "ro+rammes. &ll "rocess molule "ro+rammes can be communicated throu+h the "rocess 3ana+er database? thereby accessin+ analo+ in"uts and out"ut? di+ital in"uts and out"ut lo+ic bloc6 states? alarm states? and failure states? numeric ;ariables? and fla+s. In addition each "rocess module "ro+ramme su""orts communication with the o"erator and can send or recei;e information from other controllers on the 74B. FLAG POINT. & fla+ "oint is a two state 9*B<*FF: "oint that is used for storin+ a boolean ;alue. Fla+ "oints are not scheduled and are not "rocessed. Their state is chan+ed from another function such as by o"erator in"ut or user written "ro+ram. NUMERIC POINT. Bumeric "oints are used for stora+e of real numbers. They are used for batch<reci"e o"erations? or as a scratch "ad to store the inter-mediate results of calculations. TIMER POINT. Timer "oint allows for timin+ of "rocess e;ents by the o"erator or se!uence "ro+ramme. &fter bein+ stated it "ro;ides an indication when the ela"sed time has reached "redetermined limit. There are ,) timer slots. ach is "rocessed once "er second. INPUT<OUTPUT FUNCTIONS. I<* "rocessors alon+ with field termination assemblies 9FT&Zs: "erform in"ut and out"ut Scannin+ all field I<*Zs. & redundant I<* lin6 is standard for added security. i+ht I<* "rocessors are a;ailable for the [P3Z. - &nalo+ in"ut - 0i+h le;el 91, "oints:. - &nalo+ in"ut - 5ow le;el 9. "oints:. - &nalo+ in"ut - 5ow le;el 932 "oints:. - Smart Transmitter interface - 91, "oints:. - &nalo+ in"ut - 5ow le;el 932 "oints:. - Serial #e;ice interface - 91, "oints:. - 2 "orts: - &nalo+ out"ut - 9. "ointsU:. - Pulse In"ut - 9. "oints:. - #i+ital in"ut - 932 "oints:. - #i+ital out"ut - 91, "oints:. &ny mil6 of the abo;e I<* "rocessors can be selected for a P3. This can be any combination of sin+le and or redundant 904&: STI and &*: "airs u" to a total of )0. In a redundant confi+uration? control automatically transfers to the bac6 u" I<* "rocedure durin+ bound re"lacement. SAFET, ( BOILERS) SAFET, IN THE HANDLING OF CHEMICALS (BILER AREA) : Followin+ ha1ardous chemicals are re!uired to be handled in the $oiler area > 9i: 3or"holene<4hemolene<Indion-1011. 9ii: 0ydra1ene. Mo"51ol!#<&1!'ol!#!<I#*o#/1411 : &bo;e three chemicals are used interchan+eably de"endin+ on a;ailability. These ha;e +ot almost similar "ro"erties and are inflammable and to%ic. Followin+ "recautions are to be ta6en while handlin+ these chemicals > a: -ear "rotecti;e s"lash-"roof +o++les? flush affected "arts 9s: with sufficient amount of water. b: In case of s6in an<or eye contact? flush affected "art 9s: with sufficient amount of water. c: In case of inhalation? remo;e the affected "erson 9s: to fresh air. 'i;e artificial res"iration? if re!uired. d: In case of fire? use #4P e%tin+uishers. H(*"aD!#! This too? is inflammable and to%ic. Followin+ "recautions are re!uired to be ta6en while handlin+ this chemical > a: -ear "rotecti;e s"lash-"roof +o++les? im"er;ious suits and hand-+lo;es b: In case of s6in an<or eye 4ontac? flush affected "art 9s: to with sufficient amount of water. c: In case of inhalation? remo;e the affected "erson 9s: to fresh air. &rran+e for medical assistance? if re!uired. d: In case of fire? use #4P e%tin+uishers. SAFET, IN BOILER OPERATION > a: #o not e%ceed the safe limits of "ressure? tem"erature or flow 9as +i;en in the *"eration 3anual and<or in the Indian $oiler Re+ulation: in any "art of the boiler or in any of its au%iliaries. b: -hene;er there is any !uestion as to the safety of the e!ui"ment or dan+er of e%ceedin+ the established safety limits for lon+er duration? inform the shift n+ineer<#y. 3ana+er immediately who in turn? will inform the concerned 3aintenance #e"t.? Ins"ection #e"t. and the de"artmental hi+her u"s so that ade!uate and timely measure 9s: can be ta6en a+ainst the safety threat. c: &ll critical re"airs and <or new e!ui"ment installations are to be mandatory ins"ected and o6ayed by ins"ection #e"t. d: Shift n+ineer should be consulted? as re!uired before chan+in+ any established safe limit for the o"eration of the o"eration of e!ui"ment. e: -hile li+htin+ u" the $oiler or char+in+ any line with hot fluid? warm it u" +radually and a;oid sudden chan+e in tem"erature. f: 4hec6 the e%"ansion and ensure uniformity in e%"ansion while li+htin+ u" a $oiler. +: #o not bloc6 off sections full of li!uid without ;entin+ or drainin+. h: Re"lace installed "i"e or fittin+s in 6in+ in accordance with the recommendations of ins"ection and n++. Ser;ice #e"ts. i: stablish and maintain +ood combustion control. &;oid flame im"in+ement on tubes? e%cessi;e flame len+th? distorted flame from dirty or faulty burners or une;en furnace loadin+ with multi"le burners. Gisually chec6 the fires and the furnace tubes at re+ular and fre!uent inter;als. E: 7se a furnace +lass or suitable "rotecti;e +o++les while ins"ectin+ the furnace. nsure a ne+ati;e draft while doin+ so. 6: Ta6e all "recautions to a;oid sudden chan+e or sto""a+e of flow throu+h tubes. l: #o not by-"ass any safety interloc6 e%ce"t for emer+ency and without the full 6nowled+e and consent of the Shift n+ineer and #y. 3ana+er 9Shift:. &ny such by-"ass and subse!uent restoration thereof? must be duly reasoned and recorded. m: 3onitor and ensure !uality of the wor6in+s fluids in accordance with standard with standard norms. n: *bser;e "ro"er wor6in+ "ractice as detailed in the *"eration 3anual.
PREFACE The desi+n and construction of modern steam +eneratin+ uniis in;ol;e close co-ordination between many disci"lines in n+ineerin+. Successful and efficient o"eration of the unit calls for intimate coo"eration between ;arious en+ineerin+ s6ills. The lar+e ;ariety of e!ui"ment that constitute a modem steam +eneratin+ "lant demandsH this. ;ery steam +eneratin+ unit is a custom built "roduct tailored to s"ecific needs at a "articular set of situations. This o"eratin+ manual has been "re"ared to +i;e sufficient information to the o"eratin+ "ersonnel to ser;e as a +uide in o"eratin+ the $oilers and its au%iliary e!ui"ments su""lied by 3<S $05? TIR740IR&P&55J. The s"ecifications? instructions etc. described throu+h ;arious sections are based on our own e%"erience in the field as well as manufacturer +uide line who ha;e had many years of e%"erience in $oiler Technolo+y. These instructions "ro;ide insi+ht into the +eneral descri"tion basic desi+n "arameters? technical s"ecifications "re-o"eration "rocedues? +eneral "rinci"le of o"eration unit o"eratin+ "rocedure? unit shut-dawn "rocedure emer+ency handlin+ chemical washin+? unit "reser;ation etc. in a most "ractical and methodical way. 0owe;er? this o"eratin+ 3anual need not to be ta6en as the final in o"eration of the $oiler. It is rather difficult to force each and e;ery contin+ency that may arise durin+ the entire life of the "lant. It must be reco+nised that no amount of written instruction can re"lace intelli+ent thin6in+ and reasonin+ on the "art of the $oiler o"erators es"ecially when co"in+ with unfa;orable o"eratin+ conditions. From this "oint of ;iew? the instructions +i;en out in this o"eratin+ manual are of +eneral nature and it should be further detailed and su""lemented throu+h actual e%"erience in o"eratin+ the units. It is ;ery much necessary to de;elo" a well trained team of o"eratin+ "ersonnel to meet ;arious ser;ices re!uired for the safe and smooth o"eration of the "lant. 3&T07R& RFIBRJ #t.12 th Oan 1222