LP-105 Installation Procedure For Lokring Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel (CRES), and Copper Nickel Pipe and Tube Fittings
LP-105 Installation Procedure For Lokring Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel (CRES), and Copper Nickel Pipe and Tube Fittings
LP-105 Installation Procedure For Lokring Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel (CRES), and Copper Nickel Pipe and Tube Fittings
Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel (CRES), and Copper Nickel
Pipe and Tube Fittings
fittings: MAS-3000 micro-alloyed carbon steel pipe fittings; SS40 and SS-3300 Type 316L
stainless steel (CRES) pipe fittings; CN-200 Type 90/10 and CN-700 Type 70/30 copper nickel pipe
fittings; SS40, SS-3000 and SS-3300 Type 316L stainless steel (CRES) tube fittings; CN-3300 and CN-700
Type 70/30 copper nickel tube fittings, other Lokring fittings
LOKRING Technology and design is a registered trademark of Lokring Technology LLC. LOKRING and LOKTOOL are
trademarks of Lokring Technology LLC. LOKRING
couplings, fittings, andtools are manufactured under one or more of the
following patents: 4,482,174; 4,061,367; 3,893,720; 3,827,727; 4,189,817; 5,110,163; 5,181,752; 5,709,418; 6,131,964; 5,305,510.
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Section Subject
2.0.................................LOKRING PIPING SYSTEM DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS
3.0.................................LOKRING INSTALLATION TOOLING
4.0.................................PIPE/TUBE END PREPARATION
5.0.................................PIPE/TUBE END GAUGING & MARKING
7.0.................................LOKRING FITTING INSTALLATION
8.0................................ POST-INSTALLATION QUALITY CONTROL
9.0................................ REFERENCE DOCUMENTS
Appendix A ..Envelope Dimensions and Space requirements
Appendix B..................LOKRING Tool Placement Options
Appendix C.................. LOKTOOL Installation Tool Selection Guides
Appendix D................. Safety & Maintenance Instructions for LOKTOOL Installation Tools
Appendix E.................. Guidelines for use of Loctite
PST sealant (given process compatibility) is recommended. LOKRING recommends that PST always be used
when installing LOKRING fittings on ASTM-A53 Type F furnace butt weld carbon steel pipe and on galvanized
carbon steel pipe.
Note: Final determination of compatibility with Loctite
compound PST-567
Figure 4: Tool kit and Accessories
3.3 Hydraulic Pump & Hose
Three different sources of hydraulic power may be used to install LOKRING fittings. Manual, electric (110 or
220 Volt or battery), and pneumatic pumps are available from a number of manufacturers through LOKRING or
direct. All pumps must be single acting, automatic dump, with a 10,000 psi rating. When supplied by LOKRING
these pumps come equipped with quick disconnect hydraulic fittings that mate to hydraulic hose and LOKTOOLS
supplied by LOKRING. Consult the factory for replacement fittings
Figure: 5: Hydraulic Pump & Hose Options
Electric Pump (top center) PUMP-OTC-QTRHRSE-ELEC: Foot operated, high speed pump, best
selection for high volume installations of larger size fittings.
Pneumatic Pump (bottom left) PUMP-TURBO-AIR-QD: Foot operated, lightweight, pneumatic pump,
operates off shop air (80 psi/minimum). Fast and suitable for installation of LOKRING fittings in
atmospheres which need to be fire safe.
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Seal ing Zone
1-1/2 D
Manual Pump (top left) PUMP-P-19-QD (smaller) or Pump-P-392-QD (larger): Manually operated,
designed for low volume installations (or emergency repairs) where there is limited or no access to electricity
or compressed air, or for atmospheres which need to be fire safe.
Portable LOKTOOLS (top right): Manually operated hydraulic pump connected directly to LOKTOOL
head, where there is limited or no access to electricity or compressed air, or for atmospheres which need to be
fire safe.
Hydraulic Hose Assembly (bottom center) HH15-QD: 15 ft hose for all fitting sizes, pumps, and tool
heads. Two or more hoses can be connected together to form longer lengths.
4.1 Definition of LOKRING Sealing Zone
LOKRING fittings seal on the outside diameter of the
pipe/tube. The LOKRING Sealing Zone is defined as the
area on the surface of the pipe/tube extending 1- pipe/tube
diameters from the end of the pipe/tube. See figure 6.
Figure 6: Sealing Zone
The Sealing Zone must be clean and free of deep longitudinal scratches in order to ensure a leak free, metal-to-
metal seal. Make sure not to clamp the pipe/tube in a vise or a pipe wrench in the Sealing Zone. When cutting
and deburring pipe/tube ends, care must be taken to protect the Sealing Zone from scratches and vise jaw marks.
NOTE: If installing Lokring Fittings on Electric Resistance Welding (ERW) pipe/tube, special consideration
should be given to the quality of the weld seem. See section 4.6 for details.
4.2 Cut Pipe/Tube Ends Square to 5
Cut pipe/tube squarely with hacksaw, cutting wheel or
reciprocating saw to no more than 5 off-square. See
figure 7. Be careful of cutters that can flatten or deform
pipe/tube ends such as a wheeled pipe cutter. Flattened or
deformed pipe/tube ends caused by cutting equipment
should not extend more than 1/16th" (** approx.
equivalent to where the 5 ends) beyond the end of the
pipe/tube. Leave a minimum straight pipe/tube or spool
length equal to the "B" Dimension in Appendix A.
When cutting pipe/tube, to minimize the possibility of OD burrs and to reduce OD filing; care should be taken to:
1) Use the proper cutting wheel for the pipe/tube material
2) Use cutting wheels which are in good condition (dull wheels will result in fat OD burrs),
3) Not over tighten the cutter on each turn or rotation. Too much pressure results in a larger burr.
Note: To minimize the gap between pipe/tube end(s) and/or the internal shoulder of the fitting, pipe/tube
ends should be squared (faced) using a Tri-Tool (or equivalent) pipe facing tool prior to fit-up.
Figure 7: Squareness of cut
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4.3 Deburr Pipe/Tube I.D. and O.D.
Remove inside and outside burrs in accordance with
good pipe fitting practice. Exercise caution when
cutting into existing piping systems, and when
deburring pipe/tube ends to prevent metal filings from
contaminating the system. See figure 8.
Figure 8: Deburr
4.4 Sand Pipe/Tube Ends
Sand the Sealing Zone with 120 grit aluminum
oxide abrasive cloth in circumferential direction
to clean surface and remove longitudinal
scratches, flat spots, paint, lacquer or other mill
finishes, corrosion, grease, sand, and grit. See
figure 9a. If deep scratches, pits or other surface
incongruities persist; use of 60 grit, aluminum
oxide abrasive cloth followed by 120 grit cloth
is recommended.
Figure 9a: Sanding Preparation
Always sand around the circumference of
the pipe/tube. See figure 9b. DO NOT sand
along the longitudinal axis of the pipe/tube.
This can result in undesirable flat spots on the
sealing surface.
Notes: When using a belt sander, flapper
wheel or other mechanical device, rotate the
pipe/tube during sanding, and ensure that
the sanding belt is perpendicular to the
pipe/tube and move continually around the
OD of the pipe/tube and DO NOT sand
along the longitudinal pipe/tube axis.
DO NOT use grinders or files on the
Sealing Zone.
Figure 9b: Sanding Preparation Tools
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4.5 Inspect Sealing Zone
Visually inspect Sealing Zone for deep
scratches, flat spots, etc. See figure 9c. If any
of the Bad Pipe/Tube Surface conditions
outlined in Paragraph 4.6 exist, proceed to
Paragraph 4.7. If none of these conditions are
present, proceed to Paragraph 4.8, as no further
preparation of the Sealing Zone is required.
Figure 9c: Sanding Preparation Inspection
4.6 Bad Pipe/Tube Surface
4.6.1 Longitudinal Scratches / Pits or Surface Incongruities
Longitudinal scratches can act as "leak paths" under
the sealing teeth of the fitting if they are too deep.
Check for surface scratches by running a thumbnail
perpendicular to the pipe/tube surface completely
around its circumference. See figure 10a. If scratches
deep enough to "catch" a thumbnail remain on the
pipe/tube surface (see right), further pipe/tube end
preparation is required; see paragraph 4.7.
Extensive work has been done in an attempt to
quantify the effect on performance of the depth and
degree of surface incongruities. Due to the
combined effects of dimensions, tolerances,
pipe/tube hardness, wall thicknesses and other
factors, results are conditional. Consult your local
LOKRING distributor or LOKRING Technology
(for specifics see us at our website,
www.lokring.com) if you have questions.
4.6.2 Considerations for ERW Pipe/Tube
Weld suck-back
Deep Scratch
Figure 10a: Deep Scratches
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13 Weld Seam Suck-back
On ERW (electric resistance welded) pipe/tube,
pay particular attention to the quality of the
weld seam (see figure 10b). Poor control of the
weld at the weld seam can result in a visible
depression, or suck-back along the weld seam.
This suck-back, like a longitudinal scratch, can
provide a potential leak path for small molecule
fluids and gases. Further pipe or tube end
preparation is required; go to paragraph 4.7
Figure 10b: Weld Seam Suck Back Flat Spots
On ERW (electric resistance welded) pipe/tube,
poor O.D. weld bead removal at the
manufacturer can result in a flat spot at the
weld seam (shown at right) over the length of
the pipe/tube (see figure 10 c). Leak paths can
occur at the center of this flat spot where the
round fitting is unable to conform" to and seal
on the flat section of the pipe or tube's O.D.
Further pipe/tube end preparation is required;
go to Paragraph 4.7.
Figure 10c: Flat Spots Weld Seam Misalignment
On ERW pipe/tube, misalignment at the weld
seam of the two mating sides during pipe
production may result in a step-down of the
O.D. (see figure 10d). This change in
diameter can cause leak paths on installed
fittings. Care must be taken to remove any
step-down. To remove this defect, further
pipe/tube end preparation is required; go to
Paragraph 4.7.
Figure 10d: Seam Misalignment
One sided step
Flat Spot
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14 Weld Seam Re-Enforcement
On ERW (electric resistance welded)
pipe/tube, incomplete weld bead removal at
the manufacturer can result in a high spot at
the weld seam (shown at right, figure 10e)
over the length of the pipe/tube. Leak paths
can occur due to this condition. Further
pipe/tube end preparation is required; go to
Paragraph 4.7.
Figure 10e: Seam Reinforcement
4.6.3 Other Surface Defects
Corrosion/Pitting: The surface of pipe/tube, especially carbon steel, which has been in the field for some time can
become badly pitted and corroded; when installing LOKRING fittings on badly corroded pipe/tube, special care
should be taken during sanding to remove corrosion products. Where deep pits cannot be removed by sanding,
the use of PST is recommended. If the corrosion is too severe a proper seal may not be obtained.
Out-of-Round: Pipe/Tube with out-of-round (oval) cross-section can result either from poor quality pipe/tube
finishing operations (e.g., drawing-straightening), or during transportation and handling. Use the Multipurpose
Gauge to measure the OD of the pipe/tube (paragraph 5.2). If pipe/tube is determined to be out-of-round, go to
paragraph 4.7.1. below.
4.7 Suggested Approaches to Bad Pipe/Tube Surface
If any of the Bad Pipe/Tube Surface conditions exist, use one of the following three alternatives:
4.7.1 Cut Pipe/Tube Back
Cut pipe/tube back to an area clear of surface condition problems, and repeat the Sealing Zone preparation steps
from paragraph 4.2.
4.7.2 Continue Sanding Pipe/Tube Surface
Continue to sand Sealing Zone circumferentially with coarse grit (60#) aluminum oxide cloth as per paragraph 4.4
to remove the Bad Pipe/Tube Conditions. DO NOT sand along the axis of the pipe/tube. Also, do not sand the
pipe/tube below the minimum OD tolerance specified in Table 1.
Two sided step
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4.7.3 Application of PST sealant
If sanding is not effective in removing the Bad Pipe/Tube Conditions, or is too time-consuming, an anaerobic
pipe/tube thread sealant such as Loctite
PST #567 may be applied to the pipe/tube surface within the Sealing
Zone in lieu of further sanding. When used, anaerobic sealant is applied following Pipe/Tube Gauging and
Marking. See paragraph 5.4 for application instructions.
Note: For carbon and stainless steel piping, a thin coat of Loctite
compound #567 is a white creamy paste which has excel1ent solvent resistance, and is compatible with a wide
range of process fluids and gasses
1, 2
. It has a maximum operating temperature range of 400F.
1. Loctite
Note 2: It is the user's responsibility to determine suitability for the user's application of any Loctite
sealant, and
to adopt such precautions as may be advisable for the protection of property and persons against any hazards that
may be involved in the handling and use thereof. We recommend that each prospective user test his proposed
application before use, use this data as a guide only.
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Installation Procedure for the LOKRING Carbon Steel Repair Coupling
The LOKRING Carbon Steel Repair Coupling is designated as MAS-3000-RCPL-PXX, and uses the exact same
LOKTOOL equipment (LOKTOOL head, inserts, MPG) as the standard MAS-3000 carbon steel products. However, it
differs in two important ways from the standard MAS carbon steel coupling:
1. The fitting body is manufactured from 316L stainless steel, not from carbon steel.
2. It has a "thru-bore" design, which means it does not have an internal center stop.
The "thru-bore" design permits the Carbon Steel Repair Coupling to slide entirely over the pipe O.D., allowing the
installer to connect two lengths of pipe without having to "spring" the pipe ends apart axially to insert them into the
coupling. As a result, it is ideal for "tie-ins" of new spool pieces to existing piping where space constraints prohibit the use
of regular Carbon Steel Coupling (which has a center stop).
If for any reason a carbon steel repair coupling is unavailable, a stainless steel coupling may be substituted.
Installation Procedure:
The Repair Coupling can be installed employing identical procedures used to install standard MAS-3000 fittings.
However, because the repair fitting is the same length as the standard fitting, but has no center stop, there will normally be
a gap between the pipe ends when installed in this manner.
Because of greater insertion tolerance of the Repair Coupling, pipe ends may be inserted further into the coupling than is
indicated in Section 7.4 of LP-l05, and still result in an acceptable installation. Installers wishing to take advantage of this
greater insertion allowance, or wishing to butt the pipe ends fully together inside the Repair Coupling can do so by
following the Installation Procedure Option #1 below.
1.0 Install First Pipe End
Verify that the first pipe end is properly prepared, gauged and marked (please see LP-105 Installation Procedure,
Sections 4 & 5). As with all LOKRING fittings, NEVER install any fittings on pipe that is not properly prepared,
gauged and marked.
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Installation Procedure for the LOKRING Carbon Steel Repair Coupling
Section 7.4 of LP-105 requires that 100% of the INSPECT mark be covered by the fitting and that part of the INSTALL
mark be visible prior to making-up the first end. With the Repair Coupling, engage the pipe end further into the fitting
until nearly all of the INSTALL mark is covered. However, do not completely cover the INSTALL mark. Cycle the
LOKTOOL head to LOK the first end.
2.0 Inspect First Installed Pipe End
Remove the LOKTOOL head from the installed end of the Repair Coupling and inspect the installation. Some
part of the INSPECT mark should be visible; however, as long as any part of the INSTALL mark is visible, the
first end connection is good.
3.0 Install Second Pipe Connection
Verify that the second pipe end is properly prepared, gauged and marked.
Because the Carbon Steel Repair Coupling has a greater insertion tolerance than the standard coupling, the second
pipe end may be inserted further into the coupling than normally specified in the LP-105 Installation Procedure.
Further Insertion allows the second end to "take-up" the remaining tolerance inside the Repair Coupling by
butting up against the first pipe end, and will in no way adversely affect the quality of the installation.
Insert the second pipe end into the coupling until it butts up against the first pipe end inside the Repair Coupling.
The INSTALL mark must be partially or completely covered by the fitting body prior to installation; cycle
LOKTOOL head to LOK second end.
4.0 Inspect Second Installed Pipe End
Remove the LOKTOOL head, and inspect the installation. Due to Repair Coupling's greater insertion tolerance,
the second pipe end may be inserted far enough into it so that all of the INSPECT mark is covered by the fitting
after installation. With the Repair Coupling, this is acceptable provided some part of the INSTALL mark is
Check to see that at least some part of the INSTALL mark is visible. If it is, go to Section 8.1 of LP-105, and
continue the post-installation procedures.
If 100% of both INSTALL and INSPECT marks are visible, then the second pipe end was not inserted far
enough into the coupling, and must be removed.
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Fire-Hardened Fittings Policy
1. Fire-hardened fittings are required in the systems listed below where piping is located with compartments which are
served by CO
fixed flooding or Halon 1301 fire extinguishing systems. Services not listed do not require fire-hardened
fittings. Note that when steel or CRES piping is used in groups G-3 through G-7, J -1 through J -4, J -7, and K-5, fire-
hardened fittings are required, as shown in paragraph 2.
G-3 through G-7 Hydraulic Oil (Cu and Cu-Ni piping)
H-2 Contaminated Aviation Lube Oil
J -2 through J -4, J -7, J -8 Air (Cu and Cu-Ni piping)
K-3, K-5, K-7 Gaseous Oxygen, Liquid Oxygen, Propane (Cu and
Cu-Ni Piping)
2. Fire hardened fittings are required throughout the ship in the systems listed below.
A-1 through A-7, A-9, A-10 Steam and Steam Drains
B-1 and B-2 Feed Systems
E-1 through E-4 Fuel
F-1 Lubricating Oil
G-1 through G-7 Hydraulic Oil (steel and CRES piping)
H-1 Gasoline
I-1 J P-5
J -1 Air
J -2 through J -7, J -9 Air (steel and CRES piping)
K-2 Gaseous Oxygen
K-4 through K-6 Liquid Oxygen, Mixed Gas (CRES piping)
N-1 Sprinkling System (dry)
N-2 Magazine Sprinkling System (wet)
S-1 AFFF and AFFF/seawater
T-2 and T-3 Halon and Halon Actuation
U-1 Fuel Stripping
3. Fire-hardened fittings are defined as either (1) welded fittings listed in MIL-STD-777 or (2) fittings which comply
with ASTM F1387 and have passed NAVSEA approved fire testing.
4. Miscellaneous seawater sprinkling systems (sprinkling other than AFFF, magazine and countermeasure washdown)
shall comply with Category and Group N-2. However, miscellaneous sprinkling system piping within spaces which are
wet-sprinkled does not require fire-hardened fittings.
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. 8.01A LP-105 Installation Procedure (07-28-10).doc
LOKRING Fitting Installation Training Certification Test
Installer Information
Name ________________________________ Date ____________________________
Employee Number ________________________ Company __________________________
Plant ______________________________
1. Define the LOKRING Sealing Zone. __________________________________________________________
2. How do you check for proper squareness of the cut pipe/tube end? ___________________________________
3. What grit sanding cloth is used to prep the pipe or tube Sealing Zone for Lokring fittings? ________________
4. In what direction should you sand the pipe/tube ends? _____________________________________________
Why do you not sand pipe along the axis of the pipe/tube? _________________________________________
5. After initial sanding, how do you know if a scratch on the pipe/tube surface in the Sealing Zone is too deep?
6. What three options / alternatives do you have if you have a deep scratch in the Sealing Zone?
7. How do you check for pipe/tube that is undersized (outside of specification) or excessively oval?
8. When using the multi-purpose gauge, the name of the two marks you put on the pipe/tube are:
1) ________________________________________ 2) _________________________________________
9. When the pipe/tube is properly inserted into the uninstalled (un-LOK-ed) fitting, what portion of the two marks should
you be able to see? ____________________________________________________________________
When the fitting has been completed what portion of the two marks should then be revealed?
When the pipe/tube is inserted into the repair fitting, what amount of the INSTALL mark should be showing?
TEL: (440) 942-0880 FAX: (440)-942-1186
. 8.01A LP-105 Installation Procedure (07-28-10).doc
LOKRING Fitting Installation Training Certification Test
When the repair fitting has been completed, what amount of the INSPECT mark should be showing?
10. How can you check for proper alignment of two pipe/tube ends before making up the fitting? ____________
11. After connecting the hose coupler to the LOKTOOL head, what two things should be done before installing any
fitting? 1) _____________________________ 2) ______________________________________________
12. Before actuating hydraulic power to LOK a fitting, what two things should you check for?
1) ________________________________________ 2) __________________________________________
13. What is likely to happen if the LOKTOOL head is not fully engaged on the fitting?
1) __________________________________ and/or 2) __________________________________________
14. After making-up the fitting, what are three visual checks for proper installation?
1) __________________________________________________________________________________
2) __________________________________________________________________________________
3) __________________________________________________________________________________
15. Can you use stainless steel fittings on a carbon steel pipe? _________ A carbon steel fitting on a stainless steel
pipe/tube? __________ Can you use a copper nickel fitting on carbon steel or stainless steel pipe? _______ Can you
use a carbon steel or stainless steel fitting on copper nickel pipe? _________
16. If you are planning to install LOKRING fittings, and would like to review the installation procedures,
what is available to help you do this?
1) ______________________________________________________________________________________
2) ______________________________________________________________________________________
3) ______________________________________________________________________________________
4) ______________________________________________________________________________________
5) ______________________________________________________________________________________
6) ______________________________________________________________________________________
17. What are the three areas in which installation errors can occur when installing LOKRING fittings?
1) ______________________________________________________________________________________
2) ______________________________________________________________________________________
3) ______________________________________________________________________________________
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LOKRING Fitting Installation Training Certificate Test Answers
1. Define the LOKRING Sealing Zone
The Sealing Zone is defined as the area on the surface of the pipe/tube extending 1 and 1/2 pipe/tube diameters from the
end of the pipe/tube.
2. How do you check for proper squareness of the cut pipe/tube end?
End cut cannot be greater than +/- 5 from square. Verification of end cut tolerance can be obtained from either a Tri-Tool
or diameter specific LOKRING Multi Purpose Gauge.
3. What grit sanding cloth is used to prep the pipe or tube Sealing Zone for Lokring fittings?
120#grit aluminum oxide cloth
4. In what direction should you sand the pipe/tube ends?
Always sand around the circumference of the pipe/tube
Why do you not sand the pipe/tube along the axis of the pipe/tube?
This can result in undesirable flat spots on the sealing surface in the Sealing Zone.
5. After initial sanding, how do you know if a scratch on the pip/tube surface in the Sealing Zone is too deep?
If your thumbnail "catches" while running it perpendicular completely around the pipes/tube circumference.
6. What three options/alternatives do you have if you have a deep scratch in the Sealing Zone?
1) Cut the pipe/tube back to an area clear of surface condition problems, and repeat Sealing Zone preparation steps.
2) Continue to sand the Sealing Zone circumferentially with course grit (60#) aluminum oxide cloth and finish sand
with 120#aluminum oxide cloth. If doing so causes pipe/tube to fail the Multipurpose Gauge Tool test, cut the
pipe/tube back again and repeat all end pipe/tube qualifications.
3) If sanding is not effective in removing the bad pipe/tube conditions, or is too time consuming, an anaerobic
pipe/tube thread sealant such as Loctite
PST #567 may be applied to the pipe/tube surface within the Sealing
Zone in lieu of further sanding.
If this method is selected the sealant must only be used following pipe/tube gauging and marking.
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LOKRING Fitting Installation Training Certificate Test Answers
7. How do you check for pipe/tube that is undersized (outside of specification), or excessively oval?
1) Using the Multipurpose Gauging Tool (MPG), and the NO-GO section of the gauge, place it lightly against the
pipe/tube at two points 90 apart from each other. If the pipe/tube end does not pass through the NO-GO
section of the gauge then it is not undersized, or excessively oval.
2) You may also measure the pipe/tube O.D. with a caliper or other suitable device and compare with the
minimum specification values for that specific pipe/tube diameter.
8. When using the multi-purpose gauge, the names of the two marks you put on the pipe/tube are?
1) Install Mark
2) Inspect mark
9. When the pipe/tube is properly inserted into the uninstalled (un-LOK-ed) fitting, what portion of the two
marks should you be able to see?
1/2 of the install
When the fitting has been completed, what portion of the two marks should then be revealed?
1 1/2 or 1 and a portion
When the pipe/tube is inserted into the repair fitting, what amount of the INSTALL mark should be
A portion
When the repair fitting has been completed, what amount of the INSPECT mark should be showing?
A portion
10. How can you check for proper alignment of two pipe/tube ends before making up the fitting?
Verify pipe/tube orientation inside the fitting by inspecting install and inspect marks. If using a repair fitting, it should
slide easily from pipe to pipe or tube to tube.
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LOKRING Fitting Installation Training Certificate Test Answers
11. After connecting the hose coupler to the LOKRING tool head, what two things should be done before installing
any fittings?
1) Advance the hose coupler thread locking ring manually against the coupler locking sleeve. Secure thread
locking ring
2: Advance and retract tool jaw several times without fitting to ensure that no air is trapped in system, and that all
hydraulic couplers are fully secured
12. Before actuating hydraulic power to LOK a fitting, what two things should you check for?
1) Fitting is secure in tool head
2) A portion of the installation mark is showing
13. What is likely to happen if the LOKTOOL head is not fully engaged on the fitting?
The fitting and/or tool may be damaged during LOK-ing
14. After making-up a fitting, what are the three visual checks for proper installation?
1) Check to see if the trailing edge of the fitting body protrudes from underneath the end of the drive ring.
2) Check to see if a portion of the INSPECT mark is covered by the fitting and that most or all of the INSTALL
mark is exposed.
3) Check to see that the drive ring is fully seated against the inner land of the fitting body (a small gap on one
side is acceptable if "1" and 2 are met)
15. Can you use stainless steel fittings on carbon steel pipe? YES
Can you use a carbon steel fitting on stainless steel pipe/tube? NO
Can you use a copper nickel fitting on carbon steel or stainless steel pipe? NO
Can you use a carbon steel or stainless steel fitting on copper nickel pipe? NO
TEL: (440) 942-0880 FAX: (440)-942-1186
. 8.01A LP-105 Installation Procedure (07-28-10).doc
LOKRING Fitting Installation Training Certificate Test Answers
16. If you are planning to install LOKRING fittings, and would like to review the installation procedures, what is
available to help you do this?
1) LP-105 Installation Procedure For LOKRING Carbon & Stainless Steel Fittings
2) LOKRING Installation Procedures Video
3) LOKRING Pipefitters Field Installation Guide
4) LOKRING Kit Mounted 5 Step Installation Guide
5) Hands-on LOKRING training session by LOKRING or authorized personnel
6) LOKRING internet site www.lokring.com
17. What are the three areas in which installation errors occur when installing LOKRING fittings?
1*) One of the drive rings is not fully seated against the fitting body, resulting in the trailing edge of the fitting body
not protruding.
2**) The fittings INSPECT mark on either end of the pipe/tube is completely exposed
3***) The repair fittings INSPECT mark is not visible at all on one end of the pipe/tube.
*Solution: Position and engage the LOKTOOL again until the drive ring has become fully seated and continue post LOK
inspection procedure
**Solution: Pipe/tube was not sufficiently inserted into fitting and must be cut out and replaced
***Solution: Pipe/tube was over inserted into the repair fitting and must be cut out and replaced.
TEL: (440) 942-0880 FAX: (440)-942-1186
. 8.01A LP-105 Installation Procedure (07-28-10).doc
Alternate LOKRING Fitting Installation Training Certificate Test
Name Emp # Date
1. The fittings are approved for use on what pipe material ____________________________________
2. What is the maximum pressure and temperature rating for LOKRING Class 200 Copper Nickel fittings?
a. 3000 psi and 775 F b. 250 psi and 425 F
c. 1000 psi and 200 F c. 250 psi and 1000 F
3. What is the maximum pressure and temperature rating for LOKRING SS-3300 Stainless Steel fittings?
a. 3300 psi and 500 F b. 3300 psi and 425 F
c. 3300 psi and 200 F c. 3300 psi and 775 F
4. You don't need to mark the end of the pipe with the gauge if you have already LOK-ed the other side of the
fitting (circle one).
5. List the points of visual inspection after installation.
6. Prior to LOK of the LOKRING fitting the pipe should be
a. properly aligned and supported
b. checked for correct O.D. & wall
c. free of all chips, burrs, & metal filings
d. free of flat spots, pits, & scratches.
e. all of the above.
7. Pipe should be cut
a. within 15 of square b. within 5 of square
c. pointed for easy penetration d. completely square
8. The no-go cut out on the multi-purpose gauge allows you to check to see if the pipe is
a. out of round or undersize b. too thin walled
c. too long d. pipe material
9. If the pipe fits completely into the no-go slot of the multipurpose gauge,
a. check gauge to see that it is not worn or bent & verify pipe O.D. is undersized with a caliper.
b. Use a different piece of pipe or cut back to a pipe portion which isn't undersize or out of round.
c. notify a supervisor prior to LOK of any pipe fittings.
d. all of the above.
10. When tightening up a union or a union-ended valve you should
a. not use an "O" ring & back-up ring at the union interface.
b. always install the LOKRING end prior to assembling the nut to the thread piece end.
c. use a back-up wrench on union body or hold the valve body to prevent turning.
11. All personnel who install LOKRING fittings must
a. have completed LOKRING training, and installed 1 fitting in the presence of supervision, and have a
LOKRING certification card.
b. keep a record of location of all LOKRING installations.
c. have at least a brazer certification.
d. install no less than 25 fittings to become a LOKRING instructor.
TEL: (440) 942-0880 FAX: (440)-942-1186
. 8.01A LP-105 Installation Procedure (07-28-10).doc
Alternate LOKRING Fitting Installation Training Certificate Test Answers
1. The fittings are approved for use on what pipe material
Carbon Steel Fittings: carbon steel pipe to ASTM A106 and A53
Stainless Steel Fittings: carbon steel pipe to ASTM A106 and A53; stainless steel pipe to ASTM A312
Stainless Steel Tube Fittings: stainless steel tube to ASTM A269 or A213 and MIL-P-24691/3 or MIL-T-8606
Copper Nickel Fittings: copper pipe to MIL-T-24107 and 90/10 copper nickel pipe to MIL-T-16420
Copper Nickel Tube Fittings: 70/30 copper nickel tube to MIL-T-16420
2. What is the maximum pressure and temperature rating for LOKRING Class 200 Copper Nickel fittings?
b. 250 psi and 425 F
3. What is the maximum pressure and temperature rating for LOKRING SS-3300 Stainless Steel fittings?
a. 3300 psi and 500 F
4. You don't need to mark the end of the pipe with the gauge if you have already LOK-ed the other side of the
fitting (circle one).
5. List the points of visual inspection after installation.
a. Check to see if the trailing edge of the fitting body protrudes from underneath the end of the drive ring.
b. Check to see if a portion of the INSPECT mark is covered by the fitting and that most or all of the INSTALL
mark is exposed.
c. Check to see that the drive ring is fully seated against the inner land of the fitting body (a small gap on one side
is acceptable if "a" and b are met)
6. Prior to LOK of the LOKRING fitting the pipe should be e. all of the above.
7. Pipe should be cut b. within 5 of square
8. The no-go cut out on the multi-purpose gauge allows you to check to see if the pipe is
a. out of round or undersize
9. If the pipe fits completely into the no-go slot of the multipurpose gauge,
d. all of the above.
10. When tightening up a union or a union-ended valve you should
c. use a back-up wrench on union body or hold the valve body to prevent turning.
11. All personnel who install LOKRING fittings must
a. have completed LOKRING training, and installed 1 fitting in the presence of supervision, and have a
LOKRING certification card.
TEL: (440) 942-0880 FAX: (440)-942-1186
. 8.01A LP-105 Installation Procedure (07-28-10).doc
LOKRING Training and Certification documents
Record of Certified Personnel
Process and Marine Installer
Medical Gas
(Please circle which Training was done)
Certification Training Form
Please Complete all Sections
38376 Apollo Pkwy
Willoughby, OH
PH 800-876-2323
FX 440-942-1186
Cert. #
(to be filled out
by office)
Name Company Type of Cert
Installer / Inspector/ Trainer
Initials &
Please Send Name: Address: Phone/Email:
Cards to:
Activity/Company: Date:
Trainer Name: Title:
A copy of this document will remain on file at the activity listed above
Please email this form to Customer Service at [email protected] or fax to 440-942-1186.
If you have questions please call Customer Service
At 440-942-0880 x142
*Note: This Training ONLY certifies you to install Lokring Process and Marine Fittings. To be certified to install Medical Gas Brass Fittings you
must also take the Medical Gas Brass Fitting Installation Training Course.
By initialing above, I acknowledge that I have received and participated in the Lokring Installation Training Program. In addition, I have read and
reviewed all corresponding training materials associated with this program and contained within this procedure
TEL: (440) 942-0880 FAX: (440)-942-1186
. 8.01A LP-105 Installation Procedure (07-28-10).doc
LOKRING Training and Certification documents
NAVSEA Compliance Document
This document is forwarded to NAVSEA 03Y3 as the official notification that this activity has received training from
LOKRING Technology in the proper installation of LOKRING ESP
LOKRING Training and Certification documents
Individual Certificate
Employee Name _________________________ Badge No. _________ Shop_______
The above named employee has successfully completed an approved ESP
Training program.
Employee Certification Classification:
Training conducted by: _____________________________________
Company _________________________________ Date _____________
Instructor's Signature _______________________________________
Date Trained:
Certification Number:
Authorized Signature:______________
Five Simple Steps to a LOKRING
End Connection
1. Cut and prepare pipe ends.
2. Check pipe ends for square cut, check pipe.
O.D. and mark pipe ends with gauge (MPG).
3. Inspect, assemble and cycle installation tooling.
4. Position fitting on Install mark, fully engage
tool onto fitting and cycle tool (Beware of Pinch Points).
5. Post installation inspection (3 point visual check).
Note: A thin coat of Loctite