TS Emmvee On Grid 6kWp 1phase

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Product SAP Code: - 30002799

T TT Technical Data Sheet echnical Data Sheet echnical Data Sheet echnical Data Sheet - -- - EMMVEE EMMVEE EMMVEE EMMVEE- -- -6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 kWp kWp kWp kWp On Grid system On Grid system On Grid system On Grid system
System Description: System Description: System Description: System Description:
Solar V Mod!les "enerates D# electricity in proportion
to the amo!nt o$ s!nli"ht a%aila&le' "eneratin" the
most po(er on a clear day (hen the s!n is at a normal
to the Solar V Mod!les. These Solar V Mod!les are
connected in series and parallel to $orm a Solar )rray
&ased on the %olta"e re*!ired o$ the in%erter selected.
The Solar V )rray is mo!nted on the Mod!le Mo!ntin"
Str!ct!re +MMS, (hich are oriented to(ards the so!th
and tilted at an an"le (hich is optim!m &ased on the
latit!de o$ the location.
The D# po(er prod!ced $rom Solar )rray is $ed to a
Solar "rid connect in%erter. The Grid connect Solar
-n%erter (ill con%ert D# o(er to con%entional )#
o(er and o(ers )# loads and or e.port the po(er to
the /tility Grid.

0 00 0Technical Technical Technical Technical Speci$ication Speci$ication Speci$ication Speci$ications ss s
Solar hoto%oltaic Mod!le Solar hoto%oltaic Mod!le Solar hoto%oltaic Mod!le Solar hoto%oltaic Mod!le
1atin" o$ Solar V )rray +Wp, 6000 Wp
Solar V Mod!le-Typical 230 Wp
Ma.im!m o(er oint Volta"e +Vmp, 24.56 Volts
Ma.im!m o(er oint #!rrent +-mp, 6.56 )mps
Open #irc!it Volta"e +Voc, 75.62 Volts
Short #irc!it #!rrent +-sc, 6.80 )mps
Wei"ht 96 k"
Mod!le E$$iciency at ST# :98.0;
Solar -n%erter Solar -n%erter Solar -n%erter Solar -n%erter
<o o$ -n%erters 09 <o
-n%erter E$$iciency+E/, 48.6;
o(er $actor :0.44= nominal po(er
rotection De"ree -63
-</T +D#, -</T +D#, -</T +D#, -</T +D#, O/T/T+)#, O/T/T+)#, O/T/T+)#, O/T/T+)#,
Ma.. V o(er 6 kW <ominal apparent po(er 3 kV)
<ominal o(er 3.0 kW Volta"e ran"e 9>270 V +15;,
Ma.. Volta"e 600 Volts <ominal #!rrent 22 )mp
<ominal #!rrent 93.5)mp = 730 Volts Total harmonic Distortion+T?D, @8; = nominal o(er
Ma.. #!rrent 76.6 )mp Are*!ency ran"e 30 ?B 1 ?B
Ener"y Generation: Ener"y Generation: Ener"y Generation: Ener"y Generation:
Estimated ener"y "eneration: 004'600 kWhCyear.
This is &ased on solar radiation o$ 2'000 kWhCMCyear.
The act!al "eneration (ill %ary &ased on the site o$ installation and act!al radiation recei%ed at site.
00)ct!al "eneration shall also depends on a%aila&ility o$ Shado( $ree area $or Mod!les' 1e"!lar cleanin" o$ Mod!les and maintenance
)rea 1e*!ired $or Solar V Mo )rea 1e*!ired $or Solar V Mo )rea 1e*!ired $or Solar V Mo )rea 1e*!ired $or Solar V Mod!le -nstallation d!le -nstallation d!le -nstallation d!le -nstallation + ++ +Shado( Aree d!rin" the entire day time Shado( Aree d!rin" the entire day time Shado( Aree d!rin" the entire day time Shado( Aree d!rin" the entire day time, ,, ,: : : : 30 MD
Warranty: Warranty: Warranty: Warranty:
#omplete System is (arranted $or 92 Months $rom the date o$ installation o$ the system C in%oice +EMMVEE
(arrantee terms shall &e applica&le,

0Speci$ications are s!&Eect to chan"e (itho!t notice

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