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Excel Keyboard Shortcut Keys

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Excel Keyboard Shortcut Keys

1. To format any selected object, press ctrl+1

2. To insert current date, press ctrl+;
3. To insert current time, press ctrl+shift+;
. To repeat last action, press F4
!. To edit a cell comment, press shift + F2
". To autosum selected cells, press alt + =
#. To see the su$$est drop%do&n in a cell, press alt + down
'. To enter multiple lines in a cell, press alt+enter
(. To insert a ne& sheet, press shift + F11
1). To edit acti*e cell, press F2 +places cursor in the end,
11. To hide current ro&, press ctrl+9
12. To hide current column, press ctrl+0
13. To unhide ro&s in selected ran$e, press ctrl+shift+9
1. To unhide columns in selected ran$e, press ctrl+shift+0
1!. To recalculate formulas, press F9
1". To select data in current re$ion, press ctrl+shift+8
1#. To see formulas in the &or-sheet, press ctrl+shift+`
1'. .hile editin$ formulas to chan$e the reference type from
absolute to relati*e *ice *ersa, press F4
1(. To format a number as currency, press ctrl+shift+4 (ctrl+
2). To apply outline border around selected cells, press
21. To open the macros dialo$ box, press alt+F8
22. To copy *alue from abo*e cell, press ctrl+
23. To format current cell &ith comma formats, press
2. To $o to the next &or-sheet, press ctrl+shift+p! down
2!. To $o to the pre*ious &or-sheet, press ctrl+shift+p! "p
#$cel For%"las
1. SUM
='() (*+*) or
='() (,1+ -1) or
='() (,1&-.)
/he '() for%"la helps "s to add 2 or %ore n"%0ers to!ether1
2o" can ha3e di4erent n"%0ers there 05 separated 05 co%%as+ it
will add the% to!ether+ 5o" can also ha3e cell references and 5o"
ha3e to add n"%0ers in these cells and the5 will add the%
to!ether + or 5o" can also ha3e a ran!e of cells separated 05 a
colon in 0etween the cells+ and it will add the n"%0ers1
=67(8/ (,1&,10)
/he co"nt for%"la co"nts the n"%0er of cells in a ran!e that
ha3e n"%0ers in the%1
=67(8/, (,1&,10)
9t e3en helps to co"nt all the n"%0ers of non:e%pt5 cells in a
partic"lar ran!e1 9t will co"nt that if cells ha3e n"%0ers or an5
other characters in3ol3ed in the%1
/he 67(8/, For%"la wor;s with all data t5pes1

4. LEN:
=<#8 (,1)
/he <#8 for%"la helps "s to co"nt all the n"%0er of characters
in a !i3e ran!e of cells1 /his so%eti%es also incl"des spaces1
10 characters+ that witho"t spaces+ in 0etween the words+ where as
12 characters with spaces 0etween the words1
.1 /=9)
=/=9) (,1)
>e will ?nd this for%"la to 0e %ore "sef"l when we r"n into
sit"ations+ where 5o" p"ll data fro% a data0ase1 >hen we tr5
co%parin! it either "sin! @9F state%entA or else @B<77C(DEs1A
*1 =9FG/+ <#F/+ )9H
= =9FG/(te$t+ n"%0er of characters)+
=<#F/(te$t+ n"%0er of characters)+
=)9H(te$t+ start n"%0er+ n"%0er of characters)1
/he for%"la which we "sed here ret"rns the speci?ed n"%0er
of characters as %entioned fro% a !i3en te$t strin!1
=9FG/ !i3es "s the n"%0er of characters that are fro% the
ri!ht of the te$t strin!1
<#F/ !i3es "s the n"%0er of characters that are fro% the left1
,nd )9H !i3es "s the reI"ired n"%0er of characters fro% the
=B<77C(D (loo;"pJ3al"e+ ta0leJarra5+ colJinde$Jn"%+
@ 9t First <oo;s "p for a 3al"e which is in the left%ost col"%n
in ta0le+ and then ret"rns the 3al"e which is in the sa%e row+fro%
that of a col"%n we specif5KA1
8ote& 9f at all possi0le we "se an5 n"%0er for the loo;"p 3al"e1 it
%a;es it %ore and %ore easier to %a;e s"re that the data that
which 5o" are !ettin! 0ac; wo"ld 0e a correct %atch1
8. IF Statements
=9F(lo!icalJstate%ent+ ret"rn this if lo!ical state%ent is tr"e+
ret"rn this if lo!ical state%ent is false)
=9F(6LMHL+ @)et N"otaA+ @Hid 8ot )eet N"otaA)
='()9F (ran!e+ criteria+ s"% ran!e)+
=67(8/9F(ran!e+ criteria)+
=,B#=,F#9F(ran!e+ criteria+ a3era!e ran!e)
101 6786,/#8,/#
9t is the proced"re of co%0inin! the 2 di4erent cells into one cell1
Findin! all the reI"ired ri!ht #$cel For%"las For /he Oo01 /here are
aro"nd L1* prede?ned or 0"ilt in f"nctions in #$cel

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