Hard Style

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ur life is a series of choices about what to
create and what to share with others. My
creative choices have always involved sharing
my passion for physical cultivation. Dragon Door
was founded in 1991 as a vehicle to share my passion
for Tai Chi, Qigong, Eastern healing modalities and
internal martial arts in general. In the late nineties the
mission evolved to share a passion for advanced
fitness methods, from Russia and the West both. A
huge breakthrough was Dragon Doors initiation of
the modern kettlebell movement in 2001. The next
great breakthrough occurred in 2009, with our
publication of Convict Conditioning, arguably the
most influential bodyweight training book of all time.
I feel fortunate thatafter numerous struggles and
uncertaintiesI have been able to powerfully affect
the health of the planet, through such a sharing. A
hyperbolic claim? Well, around 15 years ago, no one
in the Western world but a handful of aging
strongmen was paying any attention to kettlebells.
Now, hundreds of thousandsif not millionsof
people worldwide have had their health and well
being often radically transformed thanks to the
kettlebell. And it all started with Dragon Door.
Beginning with the kettlebell dreams of a boyish
Russian immigrantworking in St. Paul as a small-
time personal trainerwe forged a fitness movement
that changed the planet.
A second great surge came from the sharing Paul
Wades Convict Conditioning with the worldand
all that has arisen from it, through the association
with the Kavadlo brothers and the creation of the
PCC system. It is early days yet, but I see the PCC
movement having the same impact on world health as
Dragon Doors RKC kettlebell movement.
Dragon Doors initiative to enhance global healthby
building stronger, more mobile and better-balanced
bodiesis poised to develop exponentially in 2014.
Do you wish to join us in this mission? Then we
invite you to take advantage of the many health-
enhancing resources on offer in this issue of
HardStyle. May the Dragon Door Health Advantage
be your Health Advantage and together lets impact
World Health in the most fundamental, practical and
noble manner. By cultivating ourselves as superb
humansand helping others do the same
Yours in friendship, strength and health,
John Du Cane
The Dragon Door Mission: Enhancing Global
Health By Building Stronger, More Mobile
and Better-Balanced Bodies
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information or to contact individual Dragon Door leaders
Beth Andrews
Georgia, Senior RKC,
PCC Team Leader
Andrea Du Cane
Master RKC
Danny Kavadlo
New York,
Master PCC
Jay Armstrong
Senior RKC
Mark Bixby
New Mexico,
RKC Team Leader
Matt Beecroft
RKC Team Leader
Laurel Blackburn
RKC Team Leader
Logan Christopher
PCC Team Leader
Angelo Gala
Massachusetts, RKC Team
Leader, PCC Team Leader
Darius Gilbert
RKC Team Leader
Adrienne Harvey
PCC Team Leader
Josh Henkin
Senior RKC
Fredrik Hgstrm
Senior RKC
Cortez Hull
Senior RKC
Al Kavadlo
New York,
Master PCC
Mike Krivka
RKC Team Leader
Steven Low
Senior PCC
Matt Maher
New Jersey,
RKC Team Leader
Robert Miller
RKC Team Leader
Keira Newton
New Mexico,
Master RKC
Thomas Phillips
New Jersey,
Master RKC
Aaron Pierson
RKC Team Leader
Andrew Read
Master RKC
Robert Rimoczi
Senior RKC
Phil Ross
New Jersey,
Master RKC
Shannon Scullin
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Max Shank
Master RKC
Timothy Spencer
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Emilio Troiano
Senior RKC
Kim Vigsbo
RKC Team Leader
Learn more about RKC Leaders online:
Dragon Doors Authors:
Providing Premier Resources to Meet the
Functional Needs of the Complete Athlete
Jon Bruney
Lead title Neuro-Mass, Amazon
Bestseller, top 100 out of all titles.
Andrea Du Cane
Lead title
The Ageless Body
Logan Christopher
Upcoming title
Mental Muscle
Jon Engum
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Flexible Steel
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Deadlift Dynamite
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The Purposeful Primitive
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DVRT, The Ultimate
Sandbag Training System
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I Will Be Iron
Dan John
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Easy Strength
Al Kavadlo
Lead title
Pushing the Limits
Danny Kavadlo
Lead title
Everybody Needs Training
Geoff Neupert
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Kettlebell Muscle
Lead title
Enter the Kettlebell!
Andrew Read
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Beast Tamer
Max Shank
Upcoming title
Kettlebell Training
Jason Therrien
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Iron Warrior
Paul Wade
Lead title Convict Conditioning,
Dragon Doors all-time bestseller
Zach Even-Esh
Upcoming title
Encyclopedia of Underground
Strength and Conditioning
Visit the Dragon Door website today
These days, low reps, high sets and low fatigue
are the in methodology. Why low reps with low
fatigue? Coz its great for building skill. If you
want to get really good at a movementbe it a
handstand or an elbow leverthe key is to train
your nervous system. That means performing an
exercise perfectly plenty of times, to beat the ideal
movement pattern into your neural map. The
best way to achieve this is to do a few low reps
not hard or long enough to burn out or get too
tiredthen rest for a bit and try again. Wash,
rinse, repeat. This is typically how very lean, low-
weight bodyweight guys train to get hugely strong
but without adding too much muscle. Its a
phenomenal way to drill efficient motion-
pathways into your nervous system, while keeping
fresh. Like I say, its ideal for training a skill.
But for stacks of jacked up muscle? Sorry, this
method just wont cut it. Muscle isnt built by
training the nervous system. Its built by training
the MUSCLE! And for this, you need reps, kiddo.
Lovely, lovely, reps.
To cut a long story short, you build big muscles
by draining the chemical energy in your muscle
cells. Over time, your body responds to this threat
by accumulating greater and greater stores of
chemical energy in the cells. This makes them
swell, and voilabigger muscles. But to trigger
this extra storage, you gotta exhaust the chemical
energy in those cells. This can only be done by
hard, sustained work. Gentle work wont do itif
the exercise is too low in intensity, the energy will
come from fatty acids and other stores, rather than
the precious muscle cells. Intermittent worklow
reps, rest, repeatwont do it either, because the
chemical energy in the cells rapidly regenerates
when you rest, meaning stores never get
dangerously low enough for the body to say uh-
ohbetter stockpile bigger banks of this energy!
The best way to exhaust the energy in your
muscles is through tough, grit-yer-teeth,
continuous reps. Learn to love em. For huge
gains, temporarily drop the single, double, and
triple reps. Definitely start looking at reps over
five. Six to eight is great. Double figures are even
better. Twelve to fifteen is another muscle-building
range. Ive met very strong guys training with low
reps for years who couldnt build a quarter inch on
their arms. They switched to performing
horizontal pulls for sets of twenty reps, and gained
two inches per arm in a single month! These kind
of gains arent uncommon on Convict
Conditioning, due to the insistence that you pay
your dues with higher reps. They work!
This Commandment directly follows from the
last one. Using low reps, keeping fresh, and taking
lots of rest between sets is a fairly easy way to
train. But pushing through continuous rep after
rep on hard exercises is much, much tougher. The
higher the reps, the harder it gets.
Your muscles will burn and scream at you to
quit. (That burning is your chemical energy
stores being incinerated for fuel, which is exactly
what you want!) Your heart-rate will shoot
through the roof; you will tremble, sweat, and feel
systemic stress. You may even feel nauseous.
Good! You are doing something right!
Like I say, the current trend is towards easy sets,
keeping fresh, working on skill. These days you
dont work out, you practice. Working and
pushing yourself.these are filthy terms in
gyms today. They are considered old-fashioned,
from outta the seventies and eighties. (Remember
those decades? When drug-free dudes in the gym
actually had some f***ing muscle?) I mean Christ,
some coaches take this philosophy so far that
youd think if an athlete went to failure, their
goddam balls would drop off. Jesus!
Sure, I dont recommend going to complete
failure on bodyweight exerciseat least, most of
the time. Id prefer it if you left a little energy in
your body after a set to control your movements,
and maybe defend yourself if you have to. But that
doesnt mean you shouldnt work hard. Damn
Far from destroying you physically, brutal
effortwhen moderated by plenty of rest and
sleepcauses the body to release testosterone,
growth hormone, endorphins, and plenty of other
goodies Mother Nature always intended to reward
Her hunters and warriors with.
So accept the challenge. Balls, walltogether,
okay? Dont ever be afraid to push yourself into
new zones of pain and effort if you want to get
bigger. I have seen twigs turned into oaks this way,
and you can do it tooI believe in you!
by Paul Coach Wade
Visit the Dragon Door website today
To be big, you must
first become weak
pay your dues with
some serious reps.
Again, this Commandment is related to the two
which have gone before. If you are going to push
yourself hard on moderate-to-high reps, the
exercises you are doing cant be complex, high-skill
exercises. If handstands and elbow levers cause you
to concentrate to balance, you cant overload using
themyour form would collapse (and so would
you) before you were pushing yourself hard
enough to drain your muscles.
So if you want to work with high-skill exercises,
use the low reps/keep fresh/high sets philosophy.
But if you want to get swole, you need relatively
low skill exercisesthis is what I mean by
simple exercises. Simple doesnt mean easy.
Doing twenty perfect one-arm pushups is
simpleit aint easy!
Stick to exercises you can pour a huge amount
of muscular effort into, without wasting nervous
energy on factors like balance, coordination,
gravity, body placement, etc. Dynamic exercises
where you go up and downare generally far
better than static holds, because they typically
require less concentration and they drain the
muscle cells more rapidly.
The best dynamic exercises are compound
exercises, which involve multiple muscle groups at
once. Not only are these simplerthe body works
as a whole, which is more naturalbut you are
getting a bigger bang for your buck by working
different muscles at the same time. (No weak links
for you, Daniel-san.) For example, focus on:
Bodyweight squats, pistols and shrimp squats
Australian pullup variations
Handstand pushups (against a walllower
skill, more effort)
Leg raises
All of these movements can be made increasingly
difficult to suit your muscle-building rep range (see
Commandment V). There are no excuses for not
kicking your own ass, here.
Dont get me wrong. This is not to say that skill-
based techniqueslike elbow levers and
handstandsdont have a place in your program.
They are valuable exercises and are taught
extensively as part of the PCC curriculum. But
using them exclusively for muscle gain is definitely
a big mistake. Throw in simple, compound moves
and watch those muscles sprout like never before!
This is another pretty controversial suggestion
but, as always, it flows from the previous
Commandments perfectly. Why? Well, if you are
hitting your body with hard exercises, and pouring
that effort into enough reps to completely exhaust
the muscles, why would you need to perform lots
of sets?
Depleting your muscle cells beyond the
point your body is comfortable with is
what causes the biological survival
trigger that tells your body to add more
energy (i.e., extra muscle) for next time.
Thats all you need to do. Once you have
pulled that trigger and told your body to
make more musclewhy keep pulling the
trigger, again and again? Its a waste of
time and energyworse in fact, because it
damages the muscles further and eats into
your recovery time. In the words of
infamous exercise ideologist, Mike
You can take a stick of dynamite
and tap it with a pencil all day
and its not going to go off. But hit
it once with a hammer and
BANGit will go off!
Many folks disagree with Mentzers training
philosophyI dont agree with all of itbut he
certainly nailed it when he said this. The biological
switch for muscle growth needs to be triggered
with a hammer, not a f***ing pencil. One hard,
focused, exhausting set on a compound exercise is
worth more than twenty, thirty half-hearted sets.
I usually advise folks looking for maximum
growth to perform two hard sets per exercise,
following a proper warm-up. Growth will happen
with one set, but two sets feels like a belt-and-
braces approach. I sometimes advise more sets for
beginners, but this not for growthits to help
them get more experience with a movement. Its
practice, basically. Once you know how to perform
an exercise properly, two hard sets is all you need.
Many eager trainees ask me if they should
perform more sets. The trouble is, adding sets does
not encourage hard, high-performance training
just the opposite. Once you are doing five, six sets,
one of two things happens; either you give your all
and your last sets are pathetic compared to the first
couple of sets, or you pace yourself, making all the
sets weaker than they would be otherwise. Neither
of these situations will promote extra growth. They
just hinder recovery and increase the risk of injury.
Avoid volume creep. Training hard is very
different from training longin fact, the two are
mutually exclusive. Keep workouts short and sharp
and reap the rewards, kemosabe!
This article by Paul Coach Wades was adapted from his Ten
Commandments PCC blog on Dragon Door. To read the complete
Ten Commandments, visit: http://pccblog.dragondoor.com/
Visit the Dragon Door website today
Whatever modern
coaches may say,
dont be afraid of
pushing yourself.
If you keep work sets
low, you are much
more likely to
genuinely give your
all when you train.
Add sets and you
subconsciously pace
Simple means relatively
low-skillits not the
same as easy!
Deep Squat Hold
Holding the bottom position of a Squat as a stretch can
help increase your active range of motion when
performing Squats in your strength workouts. Start by
squatting down as low as you can with your feet flat on
the floor. Keep your back as straight as possible, focusing
on bending from your hips instead of your spine. From
here, slowly slide your elbows inside of your knees and
bring your palms together into a prayer position. Use your
elbows for leverage against your inner thighs to get deeper
into the stretch. Be careful to keep your knees in alignment
with your toes.
Holding the bottom position of a Squat as a
stretch can help increase your active range of
motion when performing squats in your
strength workouts.
Inhale: Fill your belly and lengthen your spine
Exhale: Sit down deeper into your squat, using
your arms for leverage to open your hips
Common Mistakes: Excessive hunching, heels
coming off the ground, knee torquing
Primary Muscle Groups: Hips, hamstrings,
groin, calves
Calisthenics Counterpart: Squat
An excerpt from Stretching Your Boundaries by Al Kavadlo
Order Streching Your Boundaries:
Deep Squat with
Internal Shoulder Rotation
The Deep Squat with Internal Shoulder Rotation is a great
combination stretch for your upper and lower body. Begin in a
Deep Squat Hold and reach your left hand behind you, like
you were reaching for your left back pocket. The back of your
left wrist will rest on the outside of your left hip. Slowly bring
your left elbow inside of your left knee, using the leverage of
your leg to gently squeeze the elbow closer to your body.
Repeat on your right side, doing each arm separately.
The Noose pose takes the Deep Squat With
Internal Shoulder Rotation a bit farther while
adding a degree of trunk rotation to the
picture. From the previous position, release
your hand from behind your hip, instead
reaching it around your shin and knee. Look
over your opposite shoulder and begin
twisting your trunk while bringing your free
arm behind your back to bind your hands. As
with all binds, you may need to start by
holding a cloth in your hands before you will
be ready to clasp them together.
Inhale: Sit back into your squat and lengthen your spine
Exhale: Use your leg to gently squeeze your arm in toward your body
Common Mistakes: Overly hunched back, knee torquing
Primary Muscle Groups: Rear delts, hips, hamstrings
Inhale: Squeeze your hands together and lengthen your
Exhale: Sit your hips down and twist through your trunk
Common Mistakes: Rushing toward the full bind before
your body is ready
Primary Muscle Groups: Shoulders, chest, hamstrings,
hips, spine
Calisthenics Counterpart: Clutch Lever
Order Streching Your Boundaries:
Order Streching Your Boundaries:
Sample Spreads From The Interior
of Stretching Your Boundaries
Foreword by Elliott Hulse
PART ONE- Stretch Manifesto
Stretching For Strength . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Taking Your Medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Kid Stuff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Mobility Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Breath is Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
PART TWO - The Stretches
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
Standing Statics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
Grounded Statics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95
PART THREE - Programming
and Sample Routines
Standards of Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . .153
On Mats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .161
Symmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .163
Hypothetical Training Splits . . . . . . . .171
Sample Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .177
The ultimate bodyweight mobility manual is here! Al Kavadlos previous two Dragon
Door books, Raising the Bar and Pushing the Limits, are the most valuable bodyweight
strength training manuals in the world. But strength without mobility is meaningless. Al has
used his many years of training and coaching to fuse bodyweight disciplines such as yoga,
martial arts, rehabilitative therapy and bar athletics into the ultimate calisthenics stretching
compendium. Stretching your Boundaries belongs on the shelf of any serious athleteits
bodyweight mobility dynamite!
COACH PAUL WADE, author of Convict Conditioning
In this book, Al invites you to take a deeper look at the often overlooked, and
sometimes demonized, ancient practice of static stretching. He wrestles with many of the
questions, dogmas and flat out lies about stretching that have plagued the fitness
practitioner for at least the last decade. And finally he gives you a practical guide to static
stretching that will improve your movement, performance, breathing and life. In Stretching
Your Boundaries, youll sense Als deep understanding and love for the human body. Thank
you Al, for helping to bring awareness to perhaps the most important aspect of physical
education and fitness.
ELLIOTT HULSE, creator of the Grow Stronger method
An absolutely masterful follow up to Raising The Bar and Pushing The Limits,
Stretching Your Boundaries really completes the picture. Both easy to understand and fully
applicable, Al's integration of traditional flexibility techniques with his own unique spin
makes this a must have. The explanation of how each stretch will benefit your calisthenics
practice is brilliant. Not only stunning in its color and design, this book also gives you the
true feeling of New York City, both gritty and euphoric, much like Al's personality.
MIKE FITCH, creator of Global Bodyweight Training
Stretching Your Boundaries is a terrific resource that will unlock your
joints so you can build more muscle, strength and athleticism. Al's passion
for human performance radiates in this beautifully constructed book.
Whether you're stiff as a board, or an elite gymnast, this book outlines the
progressions to take your body and performance to a new level.
CHAD WATERBURY, M.S., author of Huge in a Hurry
Al Kavadlo has done it again! He's created yet another incredible
resource that I wish I had twenty years ago. Finding great material on
flexibility training that actually enhances your strength is like trying to find
a needle in a haystack. But look no further, because Stretching Your
Boundaries is exactly what you need.
Order Streching Your Boundaries:
Stretching and Flexibility Secrets To Help
Unlock Your BodyBe More Mobile, More
Athletic, More Resilient And Far Stronger
Flexibility Training for
Extreme Calisthenic
By Al Kavadlo
#B73 $39.95
eBook $19.95
Paperback 8.5 x 11 214 pages
235 photos
hat is more satisfying than owning a primally
powerful, functionally forceful and brute-strong
body? A body that packs a punch. A body that
commands attention with its etched physique, coiled
muscle and proud confidenceA body that can
PERFORM at the highest levels of physical
Well, both Al Kavadlothe author of Pushing the
Limits!and his brother Danny, are supreme testaments
to the primal power of body culture done the old-school,
ancient waybare-handed, with your body only. The
brothers Kavadlo walk the bodyweight talkand then
some. The proof is evident on every page of Pushing the
Your body is your temple. Protect and strengthen your
temple by modeling the methods of the exercise masters. Al
Kavadlo has modeled the masters and has the temple to
show for it. Follow Als progressive plan for primal body
power within the pages of Pushing the Limits!follow in
the footsteps of the great bodyweight exercise masters
and you too can build the explosive strength and possess
the magnificent physique you deserve.
Al Kavadlos Progressive Plan
for Primal Body Power
How to Build Explosive Strength and a Magnificent
PhysiqueUsing Bodyweight Exercise Only
When people ask me about bodyweight strength training,
I point them to Al Kavadlo. Pushing the Limits! is a must-
have for bodyweight training enthusiasts or anyone looking
to build strength without lifting weights. Al lays out dozens
of effective exercises for every fitness level, while making
the journey fun and encouraging.
MARK SISSON, author of The Primal Blueprint
In this awesome new book, Al only
asks that you find ONE piece of
equipmentyour body! Stoic, Spartan,
perfection...this book is bodyweight
strength training for the ultimate
purist!PAUL WADE, author of
Convict Conditioning
Whether you are an advanced
bodyweight conditioning athlete or a
wet behind the ears newbie, Al's
Pushing the Limits! has something for
you. Easy to follow progressions allow
you to master advanced push up, squat
and bridging variations. All you need is
the will to do it! No gym required.
ROBB WOLF, author of
The Paleo Solution
Order Pushing the Limits! online:
Reader Reviews of Pushing the
Limits submitted on DragonDoor.com
I LOVE this freaking Book!!! Every time you put out a new book
it becomes my NEW favorite and my inspiration! I love the blend
of strength, power, health and overall athleticism in this book! This
book covers the BIG picture of training for ALL aspects of human
I will use it with my athletes, with the adults I train, in my own
training and absolutely these books will be the books I share with
my kids. This stuff reminds me of the old school Strength & Health
Magazine, I'm fired UP!ZACH EVEN-ESH, author of
Bodyweight Bodybuilding Training System
This is the book I wish I had when I first started working out.
Knowing Als secrets and various progressions would have saved
me years of wasted time, frustration and injuries. The variations of
The Big Three and progressions Al lays out will keep you busy for
Pushing the
Total Body Strength
With No Equipment
By Al Kavadlo
#B69 $39.95
eBook $19.95
Paperback 8.5 x 11 224 pages
240 photos
Order Pushing the Limits! online:
Time to work smart hard!
I'm a physical therapist in orthopedics with all the frame wear and tear of
a lifter. I use Al's stuff for myself and for patients and always get good
outcomes. On my field there are those that make it happen, those that watch
it happen, and those that dash in afterwards and ask "Hey, what just
happened?" Grab a copy of Al's book. Make it happen.
Garrett McElfresh, PT, Milwaukee, WI
Al you did it again!
I'm a doctor that uses functional rehab to get my patients better. This
book has helped so much with all the great pics and showing and explaining
what and why they are doing these exercises. Also when I get down and show
them myself they can see that it is totally achievable! If you are wavering on
getting this book, get it! I promise you won't regret it!
From a functional stand point Al, Danny, and Paul are spot on! I've seen
and experienced "miracles" from doing these workouts! I have had a bad
shoulder, low back, and hyperextended both knees in college football and
was told I needed multiple surgeries and was always going to have pain.....
WRONG! I am completely pain free and thank these hard working guys for
everything they do! I can't wait to see what's next!
Dr. Rob Balza, Cincinnati, OH
One of the best fitness books I have
I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys being active. No matter
what sport or training regimen you are currently following, Al's book has
something for everyone. Novices and advanced practitioners alike, will find
detailed movements that help increase their strength, mobility, and flexibility.
Great read with beautiful photography.Lance Parvin, Las Vegas, NV
Why Neuro-Mass is the fastest way to add slabs of
functional muscle to your frame.
Why SMART muscle is THE answer for the serious
athlete and how to build it.
How to avoid being one-dimensional in your
strength training. Discover the secret to arming
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"can-do", martial muscleintelligent and ready to
handle any challenge.
How to carve a frame of godly granitewhile
turbo-charging your functional strength and
How to increase your ability to generate
power do this and youll jump higher, run faster,
kick harder, punch with more venom basically,
youll improve at any explosive physical activity you
care to name!
How to cut through the confusionand get the
exact protocols you need to create a truly
impressive athletic physique.
How Neuro-Sets create RAPID physique
transformationusing multiple stressors to create a
How to build tremendous overall structural
strengthwith grinds.
How to develop your bodys ability to absorb
shock essential if you do a contact sport like
rugby, football, boxing or any martial art.
How to simultaneously enhance your strength
and conditioning so you get more results in less
time leaving you free to have a life and not
waste endless extra hours in the gym.
How isometric exercises can be used to build
unbelievable strength this technique was used
by old-time strongmen and is used by gymnasts to
build freakshow strength in Neuro-Mass youll
learn EXACTLY how to use this long lost strength
building technique.
How to shatter slabs of concrete with your bare
fistwithout injury.
Why the kettlebell makes regular lifts more difficult
than standard dumbbells and why this leads to
FASTER results.
The secret that separates those who achieve
elite performance from those who never rise
above mediocrity (if you want to be elite in your
chosen physical pursuit you NEED to know this).
The 4 ways Neuro-Mass develops prodigious
mental toughness important because a strong
body with a weak mind is virtually useless.
The proper Load, Speed, Intensity, and Time during a
Neuro-Set. The right combination of these factors
will allow the Neuro-Set to provide you
astonishing gains in muscle, strength, speed,
power and work capacity
What load to use to get the biggest strength bang
for your buck with kettlebell and bodyweight grinds
know this and MAXIMUM results will be yours.
The exact duration for optimal gains on your power
drills important to know if you want to achieve
your true speed and power potential and
become the most explosive athlete you possibly can
Perform your isometrics for THIS length of time for
optimal gains and develop unreal static
How to forge real-deal body-armorto handle the
nastiest hit and the hardest blow a must if you
compete in any contact sport, martial art or have a
hard job in the military or law enforcement.
How to use Jons Neuro-Burner to build even
more work capacity unlike regular cardio, the
Neuro-Burner wont hurt your muscle and strength
gains. This technique has been tested on elite
MMA fighters and Basketball players and they
were sucking wind within seconds!
Simple, yet highly effective exercises for focusing
your mind use these and youll get EVEN MORE
gains from your Neuro-Mass training sessions
How to recover from your brutal Neuro-Mass
training sessions using cheap, quick and easy
methods that are proven to work.
Nutritional recommendations for building the
most smart muscle you can in the shortest
time possible that means more muscle,
strength, speed, power, and work capacity
Order Neuro-Mass online:
How to Develop Pure Power
Combined With an
Amazing Capacity for
Sustained Strength Output
Heres A Detailed Look At Just Some of What Youre
Going To Discover In Neuro-Mass
Jon Bruney brings his straightforward,
cohesive and clear approach to training in
Neuro-Mass, telling you what to do, why and
howcombining grinders, dynamic movements
and isometrics in a training program that can
help you redefine your best.
President, IronMind Enterprises, Inc.; Publisher &
Editor-in-chief, MILO: A Journal For Serious
Strength Athletes.
Order Neuro-Mass online:
The Ultimate System for
Spectacular Strength
By Jon Bruney
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Paperback 8.5 x 11 268 pages
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#82 Best Seller out of all titles on Amazon
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Training, Weight Training, Exercise &
This is the book I wish I would
have had from day one
The Effective Answer to Programming DesignEasy to
use, plug and play guide to effective and exciting
programming. I picked up this book before it was even
offered online. I have had an early jump on the Neuro-
Mass training effect. Once started there has been no
turning back. My copy already has dog ears and multiple
post it notes from continuous use. The wide range of
clients I train have been both stoked and outraged. Their
workouts have multiplied in physical stimulation and
mental challenge. The book is laid out with 3 easy to apply
concepts for program design GRINDS, DYNAMIC POWER
DRILL, and ISOMETRICS. Each exercise is illustrated clearly
making it easy to apply immediately.
Working with clients personal needs and goals has
rocketed to a whole new level. Planning classes for the
masses takes a much less time by resourcing The Neuro-
Mass extensive library of options.
I would recommend this book to any newcomer looking to
quickly improve their knowledge of program design. I
would recommend this book to any colleague stuck in
program monotony. Laura Robertson, Saint
Anthony, MN
I love Neuro-Mass! Books like this are the reason
Dragon Door remains the worlds finest strength and
conditioning publisher. Jons knowledge of advanced
strength and muscle-building strategies is just off the
scale. The training tactics in Neuro-Mass go from cutting
edge, to ancient, to downright strange and arcaneand
the principles here all work like hell for weights or
bodyweight training. If you are looking to inject some
nitrous into your program, buy this book today.
PAUL WADE, author of Convict Conditioning
Jon Bruney's Neuro-Mass is a masterpiece in the world of strength and conditioning.
Neuro-Mass is a must read for anyone wanting to succeed in athletics, coaching, training or
life in general. The methods and principles in Jon's book teach you to sustain and work
through difficulty. These principles in return will make you strong and successful in every
aspect of your life. Finally, a book that teaches real life-changing methods to help you
succeed in your chosen battlefield.
JOHN BROOKFIELD, multiple world record holder, creator of the Battling Ropes
training system, Chain Reaction program and Beyond Bodyweight training
"Jon Bruney's Neuro-Mass book is groundbreaking both in vision and in practice. Jon
offers a unique regimen that methodically triggers neuromuscular improvements while
upgrading muscle fiber quality. The exercises are simple and effective as demonstrated by
Jon himself." ORI HOFMEKLER, author of The Warrior Diet
"Neuro-Mass is a great workout program for people looking to combine weight
training with bodyweight calisthenics. Jon Bruney presents a unique take on program design
that will test both the body as well as the mind. If you're looking for maximum strength,
who better to learn from than a world record-holding strongman?"
AL KAVADLO, author of Pushing the Limits
Anyone looking to blast themselves out of whatever quagmire they find themselves
mired in need look no further than the protocols and strategies outlined in this excellent
book. Any team sport athlete would be well advised to immediately commence a cycle
incorporating Jon Bruneys methods.
Athletes need what Jon is offering: pure power combined with amazing capacity for
sustained and continual strength output. This type of training can provide users an entirely
new strength approach that will prove particularly beneficial to fighters, athletes, military
and law enforcement types. The approach will also allow regular folks a method with
which to round out their current capacities and capabilities.
MARTY GALLAGHER, 3-time World Master Powerlifting Champion, author of
The Purposeful Primitive
I keep thinking I have seen it all in the fitness industry, but Neuro-Mass, by Jon Bruney
has taken the gems from the world of Strongman competition and linked it with the
systematic approach of the kettlebell worlds grinds and ballistics. So, what you have is
something different: its the connection between strongman, armor building, grinding and
ballistics that Im not sure any one has explored before in print.
Jon is a big guy and this is a big book. I keep shaking my head as I go through this and
realize that we are still learning amazing things about how to improve performance. I love
the book.DAN JOHN, author, Never Let Go
he Neuro-Rack is a piece of equipment that I invented to produce tremendous
strength gains. Many people would like to perform heavy-duty isometric exercise, but
don't have access to a power rack. The solution is the Neuro-Rack. It is portable,
heavy-duty, and accessible. The Neuro-Rack is the perfect companion for champion
powerlifters, as well as bodyweight enthusiasts. The Neuro-Rack is a great isometric tool for
Neuro-Mass workouts.
The Neuro-Rack Deadlift
To begin this exercise, set the bar and
chains so that they are at knee level.
Now, stand on the platform and grasp
the bar with an overhand grip. Try to
break the chains as you pull straight
upward against the immovable
resistance. As you gradually increase the
tension, power exhale through the
mouth. Continue this isometric
contraction for 7 to 12 seconds.
The Neuro-Rack Squat
Begin by setting the bar and chains
to the middle position of the power
squat. Step onto the platform and
allow the bar to rest on your upper
back as you grasp the bar with your
hands. Now, try to break the chains
as you squat straight up against the
immovable resistance. As you
gradually increase the tension, power
exhale through the mouth. Continue
this isometric contraction for 7 to 12
The Neuro-Rack Bench Press
Start by setting the bar and chains to the middle position of a bench
press. Lay down with your back flat against the platform. Grasp the bar
with a wider than shoulder length grip. Now, try to break the chains as you
press straight up against the immovable resistance. As you gradually
increase the tension, power exhale through the mouth. Continue this
isometric contraction for 7 to 12 seconds.
The Neuro-Rack
Overhead Press
To perform this exercise set the bar and
chains so that they are just above eye level.
Stand on the platform with your feet
shoulder length apart. Grasp the bar, and try
to break the chains as you press upward
against the immovable resistance. As you
gradually increase the tension, power exhale
through the mouth. Continue this isometric
contraction for 7 to 12 seconds.
Neuro-Rack Isometrics
An excerpt from Neuro-Mass by Jon Bruney
By incorporating
isometrics into your
program, you'll see
your strength levels
Order The Neuro-Rack online:
Strongman, Jon Bruney, specializes in blitzing the body with special
combinations of grinds, isometrics and explosives. Jon calls them Neuro-
Sets. When performed with proper intensity and in the correct sequence,
Neuro-Sets put your system into neural overdriveand they explode
your strength.
When choosing an exercise for a Neuro-Set, Jon looks for what will
place the greatest possible demand on his musclesthen savagely
attacks with every ounce of effort. The concept is: what can make this
harder? The practice is: to DO IT.
No surprise, then, that Bruney sought ways to intensify the
Granddaddy of all bodyweight exercises, the push-up. Jon created a
suitably tough device that was up to the challengeThe Neuro-Grip.
These solid, one-piece, aeronautics-grade aluminum Neuro-Grips come
in a grip-friendly, anodized finish, are space-age light and will stand up
to years of abuse from the most demanding athlete.
Jon invented the Neuro-Rack as a piece of equipment
to produce tremendous strength gains, by isometric
versions of high-yield barbell lifts. Many people would like
to perform heavy-duty isometric exercise, but don't have
access to a power rack. The solution is the Neuro-Rack. It
is portable, heavy-duty, and accessible. The Neuro-Rack is
the perfect companion for a wide range of users, from
champion powerlifters to bodyweight enthusiasts.
How to Make Life Harder for
YourselfSo You Can Get Stronger
and More Conditioned, Faster
Torture Your Core, Develop a Vice-Like
Grip, Strengthen Your Wrists, Explode
Your Forearms, Hammer Your PecsWith
the Neuro-Grip Push-Up Challenge!
Explode Your Strength With
Neuro-Rack Isometrics
Who would have thought that the rapid oscillations of the Neuro-Burner
could leave even seasoned cage-fighters gasping for wind in short order? But
thats exactly what you can expect when you employ Jons Neuro-Burner with
the proper intensity.
Neuro-Burners create the perfect storm of partner-assisted, frenzied
smokers. The rapid fluctuations of intensity, resistance and force simulate full-
contact sport activities where your body is
constantly forced to adjust to sudden,
sharp, changes in challenge.
Jack Your Heart Rate Up In Record Time
With The Deceptively Intense Neuro-
Burner Cardio Challenge!
Jon Bruneys Neuro devices add dramatic intensity
to your isometric, cardio and push-up drills
Normally I can bang out fifty straight push-ups without
much trouble, but the first time I used Neuro-Grips I
struggled to perform just ten reps! The unique stability
challenge of Neuro-Grips activated muscles in my hands
and forearms that I've never felt before during push-
ups!Al Kavadlo, author of Pushing the Limits
Superior! Just a superior, effective product. I use
them as an alternative workout, in-between weight sets
workout, or finishers. WOW! Lot a bang for the buck, and
I can take them anywhere. I love the effect it has on my
Central Nervous System, not to mention the
improvement I've made with other workouts. Great
product! Gary Garrett, Hightstown, NJ
Perfect fit I have
wanted to get an Isometric rack
for years but could not find a
space for it. The Neuro-Rack
solved this problem. This sets
up and stores away in a
minute. It is heavy duty and
seems to be very durable. I
have no regrets about making
this purchase. Bill Kelley,
Woburn, MA
2 Neuro-Grips per box, Solid,
Anodized Aeronautics-Grade
Aluminum, Black,
Approx 2lb 11oz.
#NM002 $57 plus SH
Tactical parachute material,
Approx. 38 x 70, with 4
corner, 1 webbing handles,
Black, Approx 1lb 9oz.
#NM001 $97 plus SH
Steel Diamond Plate with 2 Links, 40 x 16,
Black, powder coated
Chain & Hooks: 2 - 1/4 Steel 9ft Chains
4 - 3/8 Straight Spring Snap Hooks
Steel Bar with 4 Links, 1" diameter, 60
length, Black, powder coated
Total Weight: approx 72lbs
#NM003 $357 plus SH
Order Neuro-Grips online:
ltimately you are selling you. Youre selling the
experience of being with you. You must believe
in the power and value of you, as all successful
career trainers do.
Nobody can believe in themselves if theyre trying to be
someone else. If there is anything in this book that goes
against who you are then dont do it.
Diffrent Strokes
There are more gyms and fitness centers than ever before.
They are hiring more trainers every single day. To
consumers, working with a trainer is no longer considered
to be a luxury. Its the standard. Personal training is the
norm, not the exception.
Training is getting more exposure than ever. Celebrity
trainers appear everywhere, each with a book, a reality
show, and a publicity campaign. With such media overload,
we are bombarded with many, often contradicting images of
what a personal trainer is. Is it the tough-as-nails drill
sergeant from VH-1? Or the hippie I saw on YouTube?
Perhaps its that cheerleader-type from late night
infomercials or the tattooed fighter dude in the fitness mag?
Different trainers for different folks.
Just like the TV-show trainers, we professional trainers
sometimes fit these caricatures, and theres nothing wrong
with that. Find your identity. A soft-spoken guy would
sound silly trying to come off as a hard-ass, just as a jock-
type would have a tough time acting like a yogi. Its
possible to adapt to your client while still being true to
yourself. Keep it real is all Im saying.
I understand that we act as chameleons from time to
time, wearing different masks (or hats) for different roles,
but when we are true to ourselves, every single mask is still
part of the real you.
Be True to Yourself
An excerpt from Everybody Needs Training by Danny Kavadlo
Be yourself, not what you think a trainer should
be. The first trainer of any sort that I was ever
aware of was Burgess Merediths portrayal of
Mickey in the classic motion picture Rocky. Yet I
would sound ridiculous if I screamed Yer a bum!
at the people I train. Even though Mickey was an
awesome character, its not who I am.
Give great workouts, build strong relationships,
sell personal training, and be yourself. In time, you
will attract the right clients for you.
Order Everybody Needs Training:
ost folk who embark on a career as a trainer, do so initially out of a
personal passion for fitness and a strong desire to help other achieve
results. Be it weight loss, conditioning, strength gains, flexibility or
enhanced performance.
But a passion for working out and an earnest desire to help othersalonedoes not a
successful personal trainer make. The sad fact is that the turn over rate for personal
trainers after one year is over 80%. Why? Its almost always because the trainer didnt
have a proper understanding of the BUSINESS of being a fitness professional.
The bottom line is that without the appropriate success blueprint, the most skilled and
knowledgeable personal trainer is usually doomed to failure. Unfortunately, until now,
there has been no such battle-tested blueprint available either to the novice trainer or
the professional struggling to stay alive. Now, however thats all changed, thanks to
Danny Kavadlos Everybody Needs Training. Follow the hard-earned wisdom within
these pages and failure will no longer be an option.
Order Everybody Needs Training:
Everybody Needs Training is quite something. I don't think I have ever seen
this kind of depth in the field. It's both obvious and wow as you read it. Amazing
stuff. It fills a gap in the community that, frankly, surprises me no one has really
filled.DAN JOHN, author, Never Let Go
Danny Kavadlo has personally helped me become a more successful trainer and
coach. I cannot recommend Everybody Needs Training enough. It's the best book
I've ever seen on the subject of being a professional trainer.
ADEL GABER, World Class Trainer & 3-Time Olympic Wrestling Coach
Everybody Needs Training is a solid collection of tried-and-true best practices
that can help personal trainers on any level reach their full potential in their chosen
Everybody Needs Training is a must-read for every personal trainer wanting to
take it to the next level, and everyone who has ever dreamed of becoming a
personal trainer. This book allows you to get inside the genius PT mind of Danny
Kavadlo, a master of his craft, speaking off the cuff to you about training
priceless!ERRICK MCADAMS, Personal Trainer, Model, Fitness Personality
Good for any profession or business
I'm not a trainer, but took Danny and Al's PCC Class. This is a great book
for anyone going into business as either an employee or owner, whether a fitness
trainer or any other kind of business. I'm a lawyer, and I'm thinking about making
it required reading for my newly hired lawyers. Good practical advice, with the
focus on the customer, which is a focus that seems to be lost these days. Easy
reading, but pithy, with lots of great tips and ideas, with an excellent overriding
theme. Oh yea -- well written too! Mark Walker, McAllen, Texas
Needs Training
Proven Success Secrets
for the Professional Fitness
TrainerHow to Get More
Clients, Make More Money,
Change More Lives
By Danny Kavadlo
#B72 $34.95
eBook $19.95
Paperback 8.5 x 11 216 pages
253 photos
"Danny Kavadlo's training helped me to discover strengths I never knew I had, and I can take those lessons
with me wherever I go, for the rest of my life. The wisdom and insight contained in Everybody Needs Training
not only relates to being a successful fitness trainer, but can be applied for peace and success in many of
life's ventures. Danny is the best!"ELIZABETH GILBERT, #1 New York Times Best Selling Author,
Eat, Pray, Love. One of TIME Magazine's100 Most Influential People in the World
Christmas wishes DO come true.Danny Kavadlo has
written a training book! Imagine if you could squeeze all the
hard-earned wisdom, secrets and tactics of one of the
worlds hottest personal trainers between the covers of a
beautifully illustrated tell-all manual, and you have imagined
Everybody Needs Training.
Like Danny himself, this groundbreaking book is incredibly
smart, brutally honest, laugh-out-loud funny, and totally out
of left fieldif you train others (casually or professionally),
want a career training others, or if you just love the now-
famous Kavadlo approach to getting in shape, you owe it
to yourself to grab a copy of this masterpiece. I cannot
recommend it highly enough.
PAUL WADE, author of Convict Conditioning
Find a PCC Workshop in your area:
Master the cutting-edge bodyweight exercise
progressions developed by Convict Conditioning
founder Paul Wadeand earn the right to teach
this acclaimed system to athletes, martial artists,
trainers, coaches and all men and women
dedicated to the cultivation of supreme strength
and rugged toughness.

Discover howto generate tigrish power, enhance

your coordination and balance, protect your joints,
transform your physique, build steel-like tendon
integrity and blowtorch fat from your body.

Boost your value as a coach or personal trainer.

Not only are the movements extraordinarily cool
and adjustable to any skill levelthey are also
amongst the most effective, functional techniques
on earth.

The PCC represents the ultimate bodyweight cert,

and whatever your field or specializationfrom
strength training to rehab, bodybuilding to team
sportsyou will come away from this three-day
cert with vast resources of training knowledge
unavailable anywhere else.
Get Harder, Stronger, More Powerful
and Ripped to Shredswith PCC,
the Worlds Premier Bodyweight
Exercise Training Program
The Progressive Calisthenics
Certification Workshop (PCC)
Dragon Doors Progressive Calisthenics Certification
(PCC) provides you the worlds most comprehensive
training in the core principles and fundamentals of
bodyweight exercise for strength and conditioning.
Based on the teachings of Convict
Conditioning founder, PAUL WADE
ou dont need a full-blown gym or even a
single piece of equipment to get incredibly
strong. The Progressive Calisthenics
Certification imparts a lifetimes worth of
bodyweight exercises in just three short days.
Ive got a strong armand a really strong arm,
says Al Kavadlo, lead instructor of the Progressive
Calisthenics Certification (PCC), to the group of
nearly 60 rapt participants who have signed up for
the three-day course in St. Paul, Minnesota.
He means it as a shift in perspective, a way of
considering your bodys abilities in a more positive
light, but he isnt joking. Over the course of the next
three days, we witness feats of profound strength,
hypnotic grace and acts of calisthenic derring-do
normally relegated to grainy, jostling YouTube videos
of muscle-bound men working out on playground
equipment in urban environments.
In fact, Kavadlo himself, along with his older brother,
Danny, is the star of many such viral videos. The
Kavadlo brothers have long been a staple in New
York Citys Tompkins Square Park, where people
come from all over to watch them work out
without using any of the equipment available in a
gym setting.
The Kavadlos are part of a movement back to
minimalist fitness, using only the levers of your body
plus whatever sturdy implements happen to be on
hand. Fair game: trucks, benches, railings, scaffolding,
street signs, trees, and so on.
What I love about calisthenics is the simplicity and
purity. As a culture, we have a tendency to think
more is more, but that is not always the case, says
Danny Kavadlo. When I first became a trainer, I
thought that there had to be a secret move or piece of
equipment out there that the masses didn't know
about yet, but I was wrong. As the years went by, I
distanced myself from the equipment. The more Al
and I learned about leverage, the less interested we
were in weight stacks.
Recently, the brothers have taken their show on the
road, presenting Convict Conditioning author Paul
Wades bodyweight-training tactics in a structured
workshop format not just in the States, but also in
places like Sweden, Australia, Holland, Germany and
Ireland. Sold on the convenient, do-anywhere
approach to getting strong and shredded not to
mention the super-sweet party tricks, such as the
human flag participants are responding by packing
the house.
Calisthenics on the Move
The flow is the same regardless of location: three full
days of skills, followed by the potentially daunting
Century Test, which consists of 100 total reps of
squats, pushups, hanging knee raises and pull-ups in
under eight minutes. Participants must pass it in order
to be deemed a PCC instructor, and not everyone
does (though, as with other Dragon Door
certifications, there is an option to send in
videographic evidence of completion later). Assisting
the Kavadlos at these workshops is a growing
number of PCC instructors, including Senior PCC,
Stephen Low, author of the Amazon bestseller
Overcoming Gravity, and PCC Team Leaders
Adrienne Harvey, Beth Andrews, Angelo Gala and
Logan Christopher. Each of them is strong in his or
Find a PCC Workshop in your area:
By Jen Sinkler
Your Body Is Best:
A Crash Course in Calisthenics
her own right, and they
elicit oohs and ahhs
from us as they
demonstrate even
difficult drills with ease.
The instructors skills are
impressive, to be sure,
but so are many of the
participants abilities, as
new skills are developed
rapidly under intense
tutelage. In my group is
Phil Ross, owner of American Eagle MMA & Kettlebells in Ho-Ho-Kus, N.J., and
my training partner and I grumble as we watch him perform increasingly difficult
pushup variations with apparent ease. Who invited that guy? we joke, but in
truth, the vibe of the group is highly supportive.
We clap for each other each time we accomplish something new, and the din
during the Century Test the last day is deafening and uplifting. This group of
people, some with sports backgrounds and many not, all came there to learn
something new, says Kelly Stranahan, personal trainer at DKB Fitness in Santa Fe,
N.M., who learned to do a one-armed handstand and a one-armed elbow lever
that weekend. It was so beautiful to see such camaraderie in such a diverse
Calisthenics draws a broad crowd. Though many workshop participants know
each other from Dragon Doors kettlebell-training community, the PCC also
attracts traceurs from the parkour and freerunning community, along with yogis,
peripherally curious fitness newbies and strongman types. The allure? Calisthenics
is true movement in its most basic, fluid, and beautiful form, says Brendan
McCormack, senior at the Minnesota State University: Mankato and parkour
enthusiast. I gladly wouldve gone pretty much anywhere for this event.
During lecture portions, Danny Kavadlo serves as an accidental foil to his more
serious, mellow younger brother. He is pure animation, visually acting out what Al
is saying in the background (much to the rooms delight), and piping in with the
wisdom of his own experience with a pronounced Brooklyn accent.
The mood remains jovial even as
participants concentrate on getting the
hang sometimes literally of new
skills. Pleasingly, everyone in the room
seems to find something theyre good at,
and plenty more to work on. For
instance, Alby Owens, a personal trainer
out of Australia, proves to be a headstand
master, picking up new skills in that
domain readily (Look, Ma, no hands!),
but when its time for bridge variations,
his lack of shoulder mobility limits him,
for the time being.
Accessibility and Exercises
The PCC is based on four guiding principles: strength, versatility, minimalism and
progression. And thus, by implication, regression, as well. The many exercise
regressions embedded in the course material provide a low barrier to entry.
Anyone of any fitness level can jump in wherever is appropriate for them, says
Al Kavadlo. You don't have to be strong to start you just have to be willing to
put aside your ego and work hard. (He later qualifies the statement, saying that
participants should be able to pass the Century Test in order to attend.) Steven Low
estimates 70 percent of the clients he works with come to him with no prior
experience with gymnastics-type movements.
The process can be as simple as you make it. When the Kavadlo brothers started
focusing on calisthenics over 20 years ago, they began with one exercise: pushups.
Then they added pull-ups. Over the years, we added more and more, but we
never abandoned the basics, says Danny Kavadlo.
The PCC is constructed around 14
categories of movement, each of
which gets its own module during the
three-day course. Seven are classified
as dynamics (pushups, pull-ups,
handstand pushups, horizontal pull-
ups, dips, leg raises and squat
movements), seven are statics
(press holds, midsection holds, bridge
holds, handstands, back levers, front levers and side levers), and all provide a
framework for full-body strength in every capacity.
Pull-ups are abdominal exercises, says Al Kavadlo. Lordosis, that common
tendency toward a swayed back, inhibits the anterior core muscles ability to
engage properly. The instructors teach us this flexed-ab, hollow-body position as
we lie on our backs on the floor like so many dead bugs, arms and legs gently
angled to the ceiling. Next, they have us hang from the bar in this manner before
progressing to various more difficult maneuvers. Sure enough, the next day my
midsection is slightly tender to the touch.
Including "progressions and regressions", the PCC Instructor's 626-page manual
includes nearly 70 vertical pull-up variations, with the key 16 of these exercises
being fully illustrated, the toughest of which is a one-armed number. If you can do
15 consecutive two-armed pull-ups, you can start transitioning to a one-armed pull-
up, says Al Kavadlo.
This is a theme of the weekend: All the instructors emphasize progressing slowly,
within your limits, and although participants do attempt daring maneuvers, the
pace of each day is quite manageable slow even, but necessarily so, considering
how physically taxing some of the exercises are. I like to call these assistols, Al
Kavadlo jokes as he grips a pole (to be clear, they are dancing poles, and plenty of
jokes are cracked) while performing a body-weight pistol squat.
From there, the situation escalates quickly, with increasingly difficult squat
variations being introduced. During the pushup module, Danny Kavadlo
demonstrates pushups on four fingertips per hand, then three, two, andone. This
occurs with each of the 14 main categories of movement, the instructors taking us
far beyond the first stage, to as far as were able to safely go.
The beauty of the PCC is the progressions and regressions. I can go back to basics
while rehabbing without worrying about getting set too far back, says Dave
Clancy, who is prepping for a shoulder surgery. I will be challenged yet not killed
by the exercises. Clancy goes on to perform a full handstand on the handles of
kettlebells later in the weekend and lives to tell about it.
Find a PCC Workshop in your area:
The Anti-Dogmatic Approach
The PCC version of a hook grip involves wedging your thumb against the rest
of your fingers to bolster hand strength. When I ask about the potential confusion
between that and the Olympic weightlifting hand position of the same name, Al
Kavadlo replies: Movement is movement. People are going to use different
terminology in different schools of movement. In other words, he is not interested
in a debate about labels its all under the same umbrella.
The decidedly calm, balanced energy he brings to every element of his coaching
style is no accident. A practitioner of Zen Buddhism and meditation for a decade,
he has cultivated these qualities intentionally over time.
It should not be surprising, then,
that the entire curriculum is
presented without dogma or
demand participants are
encouraged to experiment with
form variations that feel good to
them. This is a welcome
departure for many in
attendance, who comment how
unlike the PCC is in this regard
compared to other fitness
certifications. But it makes sense,
when you consider that each persons body is going to have slightly (or even
dramatically) different leverages and weight distributions. The square peg, round
hole tactic of assigning everyone identical form without giving thought to such
differences does not apply here. Whats best for you may not be whats best for
me and vice versa, says Al Kavadlo.
The steps you take may not always be linear, he continues. Im from New
York, and a visitor might ask you how to get to Central Park. And its like, Well,
you can take the Q train, a different train, you can walk, you can take a taxi. All of
them will get you to Central Park. Most of his answers to participants questions
essentially boil down to, If it works for you, do it.
As Kavadlo points out, it doesnt matter how you get there, as long as you are
willing to go. I love helping people tap into their potential it's great to be able
to motivate clients to achieve things they once thought were impossible, he says.
The carryover between physical strength, and the way it leads to a stronger
mental attitude is also a wonderful thing to behold.
Success Stories
The instructors aim to provide us with an arsenal of new tools and plenty of ideas
for how to improve. And, although we learn plenty of techniques that increase our
success rate at each skill, at the heart of it all is hard work. Everyone always
wants to know, Whats the trick to doing a human flag? says Al Kavadlo.
There is no trick you have to be really freakin strong!
Over the course of each day, new PRs are tallied up into the hundreds. I nailed
my first Back Lever at the PCC, says Sekou Olayinka, an educator and priest
from Philadelphia. Id been training for it in the months leading up to it, but was
unable to get it right before then. I also learned the clutch flag on both sides, did
my first crow stands, a free-standing handstand and wall-walking bridges.
Many attendees return home and share their new knowledge with others,
Olayinka included. Marine LeAnn Splitter put a group of military students through
their PCC paces, and Chain Reaction
Fitness gym owner Benji Williford says he
uses PCC progressions in every one of
client sessions now. For his part, Clancy
took his clients back to basics on pushups
and pullups, slowing them down to really
dial in technique. We have seen some
new PRs in pressing since then, he adds.
This is to be expected, it seems. When
youre working on developing a new skill, you need to give all of your attention to
the task at hand, says Al Kavadlo. When you are completely focused on your
training, the division between body and mind breaks down and everything else
seems to fall away.
For my part, I am more willing to road trip without a kettlebell, knowing I have
plenty to keep myself fit
without bringing anything
at all. I love bodyweight
training because it requires
nothing more than your
body, your mind and your
warrior spirit, says Al
Kavadlo. You dont need
to buy anything, go
anywhere or put on any
special clothing anybody
can start right now.
For Progressive Calisthenics Certification workshops in your area,
visit: http://www.dragondoor.com/pcc
Jen Sinkler, PCC, RKC, PM, is a longtime fitness writer and editor. She trains clients at The
Movement Minneapolis, www.movementminneapolis.com and her website, Thrive,
http://www.jensinkler.com was recently named one of Shape magazines Best Health and Fitness
Sites for Women. Sign up for her fitness newsletter there, and follow her on Twitter @jensinkler.
Find a PCC Workshop in your area:
Order CC Training Log online:
The Best Training Resolution You Can
Make: Log YourselfAll Year Long!
The Fastest Way to Make Physical Progress a Guarantee
Besides Dedicated, Skillful PracticeIs to Keep a Training Log
eve all heard the phrase the
spirit is willing but the flesh is
weak. And never was this more
true than in the quest for strength!
So, what are the two golden keys, or secrets to
bending the flesh to the spirits desire?
The first secret is the systemand the system is
dedicated, organized application over time. And
in the hard world of strength that means
keeping track of your goals and measuring your
progress. When it comes to serious training, you
keep a log or you fail. The sins of sloppiness,
haphazardness, laziness and disorganization lay
waste to our dreams of physical achievement
and sabotage the best intentions to beat our
flesh into righteous steel. We invite you to
exorcize the demons of weakness from your
fleshwith a religious dedication to tracking
and measuringConvict Conditioning style.
The second secret for strength success is
inspiration. In this stunning companion to his
bestselling bodyweight exercise masterpieces,
Convict Conditioning author Paul Wade, goes
far, far beyond the traditional log bookby
delivering a bucket-load of inspiring stories and
jewel-like training tips to push you forward in
your quest for ever-greater strength.
This book is the first-ever training log designed
specifically for bodyweight athletes. Other logs
are structured to contain sections where you
detail the amount of weight you used, the type
of equipment or machine you worked out on,
even what your heart-rate was and what
vitamins you took today. You wont find any of
this distracting information in this log. Its a log
for pure, unadulterated, hardcore bodyweight
training. We provide the inspiration and the
structureyou provide the perspiration and
bloody-mindedness to seize the plan and
make it happen.
There is a window of opportunity awaiting
you. The strength gains that have continued to
elude you can finally be yours. That window of
opportunity lies within these pages and within
your heart. Bring it!
By far the best log book we
have seen, frankly, is Paul
Wades Convict Conditioning
Ultimate Bodyweight
Training Log. But dont think
that you have to use it just
for your bodyweight work.
Itll serve just as well to
document your progress with
kettlebells, martial arts or
any other practice.
Training Log
By Paul "Coach" Wade
#B67 $29.95
eBook $19.95
Paperback (spiral bound) 6 x 9
290 pages 175 photos
Order CC Training Log online:
Reader Praise for Convict
Conditioning Ultimate
Bodyweight Training Log
Above and Beyond!
Not JUST a log book. TONS of great and actually useful
info. I really like to over complicate programming and data
entries at times. And honestly, All one has to do is fill in the
blanks... Well that and DO THE WORK. Great product.
Noel Price, Chicagoland, IL
A unique training log
This log book is one of a kind in the world. It is the only
published body weight exclusive training log I have personally
seen. It is well structured and provides everything for a log
book in a primarily body weight oriented routine. The book is
best integrated with the other books in the convict
conditioning series however has enough information to act as
a stand alone unit. It is a must have for anyone who is a fan of
the convict conditioning series or is entering into calisthenics.
Carter D., Cambridge, Canada
Excellent Companion to Convict
Conditioning 1 & 2
This is an amazing book! If you are a fan of Convict
Conditioning (1 & 2) you need to get this training log. If you
are preparing for the Progressive Calisthenics Certification
then it's a must-have!!! The spiral bound format is a huge
improvement over the regular binding and it makes it that
much more functional for use in the gym. Great design,
amazing pictures and additional content! Once again - Great
job Dragon Door!
Michael Krivka, RKC Team Leader, Gaithersburg, MD
latest addition to
the CC Program!
A terrific book to keep you on track and beyond. Thank
you again for this incredible series!
Joshua Hatcher, Holyoke, MA
Calling this a Log Book is Selling it
I thought, what is the big deal about a logbook! Seriously
mistaken. It is a work of art and with tips on each page that
would be a great book all by itself. Get it. It goes way beyond
a log book...the logging part of this book is just a bonus. You
must have this!Jon Engum, Brainerd, MN
The Ultimate Bodyweight
I have started to incorporate bodyweight training into my
strength building when I am not going to the gym. At the age
of 68, after 30 years in the gym the 'Convict Conditioning
Log' is going to be a welcome new training challenge.
William Hayden, Winter Park, FL
1. AT LEAST one set of 5 one-arm pushups each side
with the ELITE goal of 100 sets each side
2. AT LEAST one set of 5 one-leg squats each sidewith
the ELITE goal of 2 sets of 50 each side
3. AT LEAST a single one-arm pullup each side
with the ELITE goal of 2 sets of 6 each side
4. AT LEAST one set of 5 hanging straight leg raises
with the ELITE goal of 2 sets of 30
5. AT LEAST one stand-to-stand bridge
with the ELITE goal of 2 sets of 30
6. AT LEAST a single one-arm handstand pushup on
each side with the ELITE goal of 1 set of 5
Well, how DO you stack up?
hances are that whatever athletic level you have achieved, there are some serious
gaps in your OVERALL strength program. Gaps that stop you short of being able
to claim status as a truly accomplished strength athlete.
The good news is thatin Convict
ConditioningPaul Wade has laid out a
brilliant 6-set system of 10 progressions which
allows you to master these elite levels.
And you could be starting at almost any age
and in almost in any condition
Paul Wade has given you the keysALL the
keys youll ever need that will open door,
after door, after door for you in your quest for
supreme physical excellence. Yes, it will be the
hardest work youll ever have to do. And yes,
97% of those who pick up Convict
Conditioning, frankly, wont have the guts
and the fortitude to make it. But if you make
it even half-way through Pauls Progressions,
youll be stronger than almost anyone you
encounter. Ever.
Can you meet these 5
benchmarks of the truly
powerful?... Page 1
The nature and the art of real
strength Page 2
Why mastery of progressive
calisthenics is the ultimate secret
for building maximum raw
strength Page 2
A dozen one-arm handstand
pushups without support
anyone? Anyone?... Page 3
How to rank in a powerlifting
championshipwithout ever
training with weights Page 4
Calisthenics as a hardcore
strength training technology
Page 9
Spartan 300 calisthenics at the
Battle of Thermopolylae Page
How to cultivate the perfect
bodythe Greek and Roman
way Page 10
The difference between old
school and new school
calisthenics Page 15
The role of prisons in preserving
the older systems Page 16
Strength training as a primary
survival strategy Page 16
The 6 basic benefits of
bodyweight training Pages
Why calisthenics are the ultimate
in functional training Page 23
The value of cultivating self-
movementrather than object-
movement Page 23
The real source of strengthits
not your muscles... Page 24
One crucial reason why a lot of
convicts deliberately avoid
weight-training Page 24
How to progressively strengthen
your joints over a lifetimeand
even heal old joint injuries
Page 25
Why authentic exercises like
pullups are so perfect for
strength and power
development Page 25
Bodyweight training for quick
physique perfection Page 26
How to normalize and regulate
your body fat levelswith
bodyweight training only
Page 27
Why weight-training and the
psychology of overeating go
hand in hand Page 27
The best approach for rapidly
strengthening your whole body
is this Page 30
This is the most important and
revolutionary feature of Convict
Conditioning. Page 33
A jealously-guarded system for
going from puny to powerful
when your life may depend on
the speed of your results Page
The 6 Ultimate Master
Stepsonly a handful of athletes
in the whole world can correctly
perform them all. Can you?
Page 33
How to Forge Armor-Plated Pecs
and Steel Triceps Page 41
Why the pushup is the ultimate
upper body exerciseand better
than the bench press Page 41
How to effectively bulletproof
the vulnerable rotator cuff
muscles Page 42
How Do YOU Stack Up Against These
6 Signs of a TRUE Physical Specimen?
According to Paul Wades Convict Conditioning you earn the right to call
yourself a true physical specimen if you can perform the following:
Heres just a small taste of what
youll get with Convict Conditioning:
Order Convict Conditioning online:
Observe these 6 important rules for
power-packed pushups Page 42
How basketballs, baseballs and kissing-
the-baby all translate into greater
strength gains Page 44
How to guarantee steel rod fingers
Page 45
Do you make this stupid mistake with
your push ups? This is wrong, wrong,
wrong!... Page 45
How to achieve 100 consecutive one-
arm pushups each side Page 64
Going Beyond the One-Arm Pushup
Pages 6874
Going up! how to build elevator-cable
thighs Page 75
Where the real strength of an athlete
lies Page 75
Most athletic movements rely largely on
this attribute Page 76
The first thing to go as an athlete begins
to ageand what you MUST protect...
Page 76
THE best way to develop truly
powerful, athletic legs Page 77
The phenomenon of Lombards
Paradoxand it contributes to power-
packed thighs Page 78
Why bodyweight squats blow barbell
squats away Page 79
The enormous benefits of mastering the
one-leg squat Page 80
15 secrets to impeccable squattingfor
greater power and strength Pages
Transform skinny legs into pillars of
power, complete with steel cord quads,
rock-hard glutes and thick, shapely
calves Page 102
How to achieve one hundred perfect
consecutive one-leg squats on each leg...
Page 102
Going Beyond the One-Leg Squat
Pages 106112
How to add conditioning, speed, agility
and endurance to legs that are already
awesome. Page 107
How to construct a barn door back
and walk with loaded guns Page 113
Why our culture has failed to give the
pullup the respect and attention it
deserves Page 113
Benefits of the pullupking of back
exercises Page 114
The dormant superpower for muscle
growth waiting to be released if you
only do this Page 114
Why pullups are the single best exercise
for building melon-sized biceps
Page 115
Why the pullup is THE safest upper
back exercise Page 115
The single most important factor to
consider for your grip choice
Page 118
How to earn lats that look like wings
and an upper back sprouting muscles
like coiled pythons Page 138
How to be strong enough to rip a
bodybuilders arm off in an arm
wrestling match Page 138
How to take a trip to helland steal a
Satanic six-pack Page 149
The 5 absolute truths that define a
genuine six-pack from hell... Page 150
This is the REAL way to gain a six-pack
from hell Page 152
3 big reasons whyin prisonsleg
raises have always been much more
popular than sit-ups Page 152
Why the hanging leg raise is the greatest
single abdominal exercise known to
man... Page 153
10 waist training secrets to help you
master the hanging leg raise Pages
How to correctly perform the greatest
all-round midsection exercise in
existence Page 174
Going beyond the hanging straight leg
raise Page 178
Setting your sights on the most powerful
midsection exercise possiblethe V
raise. Page 178
How to develop abdominal muscles
with enormous contractile powerand
iron hip strength Page 178
How to combat-proof your spine
Page 185
Why the bridge is the most important
strength-building exercise in the world
Page 185
How to train your spineas if your life
depended on it Page 185
Why you should sell your barbell set
and buy a cushioned mat instead... Page
How to absorb punitive strikes against
your spineand bounce back smiling
Page 188
Why lower back pain is the foremost
plague of athletes the world over
Page 189
Why bridging is the ultimate exercise for
the spinal muscles Page 189
The 4 signs of the perfect bridge
Page 191
How to master the bridge Page 192
How to own a spine that feels like a
steel whip... Page 193
How the bridging series will grant you
an incredible combination of strength
paired with flexibility Page 216
Why bridging stands alone as a total
training method that facilitates
development in practically every area of
fitness and health Page 216
How to look exceptionally masculine
with broad, etched, and powerful
shoulders Page 219
Those vulnerable shoulderswhy they
ache and the best way to avoid or fix
the pain Page 220
How to choose authentic over artificial
shoulder movements Page 223
Why an understanding of instinctive
human movement can help solve the
shoulder pain problem Page 224
Remove these two elements of
pressingand you will remove virtually
all chronic shoulder problems
Page 225
The ultimate solution for safe, pain-free,
powerful shoulders Page 225
The mighty handstand pushup
Page 226
Using the handstand pushup to build
incredibly powerful, muscularized
shoulders in a short span of time Page
How to strengthen the vestibular
systemusing handstand pushups
Page 225
8 secrets to help you perfect your all-
important handstand pushup
technique Pages 228229
Discover the ultimate shoulder and arm
exercise Page 248
Going beyond the one-arm handstand
pushup Page 252
The master of this old technique will
have elbows strong as titanium axles
Page 255
The cast iron principles of Convict
Conditioning success Page 259
The missing x factor of training
success Page 259
The best ways to warm up Page 260
How to create training momentum
Page 262
How to put strength in the bank Page
This is the real way to get genuine,
lasting strength and power gains Page
Intensitywhat it is and what it isnt
Page 265
Why cycling or periodization is
unnecessary with bodyweight training
Page 266
How to make consistent progress
Page 266
5 powerful secrets for busting through
your plateaus Page 267
The nifty little secret of consolidation
training Page 268
Living by the buzzerand the
importance of regime Page 275
5 major Convict Conditioning training
programs Page 276
The New Blood training program
Page 278
The Good Behavior training program
Page 279
The Veterano training program
Page 280
The Solitary Confinement training
program Page 281
The Supermax training program
Page 282
How to Bust Free of
All WeaknessUsing the
Lost Secrets of Supreme Survival
By Paul Coach Wade
#B41 $39.95
eBook $19.95
Paperback 8.5 x 11 320 pages
191 photos, charts and illustrations
Order Convict Conditioning online:
A Strength Training Guide That Will Never Be Duplicated!
I knew within the first chapter of reading this book that I was in for something special and unique.
The last time I felt this same feeling was when reading Power to the People! To me this is the Body
Weight equivalent to Pavels masterpiece.
Books like this can never be duplicated. Paul Wade went through a unique set of circumstances of
doing time in prison with an old time master of calisthenics. Paul took these lessons from this 70 year
old strong man and mastered them over a period of 20 years while doing time. He then taught these
methods to countless prisoners and honed his teaching to perfection.
I believe that extreme circumstances like this are what it takes to create a true masterpiece. I know that
masterpiece is a strong word, but this is as close as it gets. No other body weight book I have read
(and I have a huge fitness library)...comes close to this as far as gaining incredible strength from body
weight exercise.
Just like Power to the People, I am sure I will read this over and over again...mastering the principles
that Paul Wade took 20 years to master.
Outstanding Book!Rusty Moore - Fitness Black Book - Seattle, WA
A must for all martial artists
As a dedicated martial artist for more than seven years, this book is
exactly what Ive been looking for.
For a while now I have trained with machines at my local gym to improve
my muscle strength and power and get to the next level in my training. I
always felt that the modern health club, technology based exercise jarred
with my martial art though, which only required body movement.
Finally this book has come along. At last I can combine perfect body
movement for martial skill with perfect body exercise for ultimate
All fighting arts are based on body movement. This book is a complete
textbook on how to max out your musclepower using only body
movement, as different from dumbbells, machines or gadgets. For this
reason it belongs on the bookshelf of every serious martial artist, male and
female, young and old.Gino Cartier - Washington DC
Brutal Elegance.
I have been training and reading about training since I first joined the US Navy in
the 1960s. I thought Id seen everything the fitness world had to offer. Sometimes
twice. But I was wrong. This book is utterly iconoclastic.
The author breaks down all conceivable body weight exercises into six basic
movements, each designed to stimulate different vectors of the muscular system.
These six are then elegantly and very intelligently broken into ten progressive
techniques. You master one technique, and move on to the next.
The simplicity of this method belies a very powerful and complex training
paradigm, reduced into an abstraction that obviously took many years of sweat
and toil to develop.
Trust me. Nobody else worked this out. This approach is completely unique and
I have read virtually every calisthenics book printed in America over the last 40
years, and instruction like this cant be found anywhere, in any one of them.
Convict Conditioning is head and shoulders above them all. In years to come,
trainers and coaches will all be talking about progressions and progressive
calisthenics and claim theyve been doing it all along. But the truth is that Dragon
Door bought it to you first. As with kettlebells, they were the trail blazers.
Who should purchase this volume? Everyone who craves fitness and strength
should. Even if you dont plan to follow the routines, the book will make you
think about your physical prowess, and will give even world class experts food for
thought. At the very least if you find yourself on vacation or away on business
without your barbells, this book will turn your hotel into a fully equipped gym.
Id advise any athlete to obtain this work as soon as possible.Bill Oliver -
Albany, NY, United States
Ive packed all of my other training books away!
I read CC in one go. I couldnt put it down. I have purchased a lot of
bodyweight training books in the past, and have always been pretty
disappointed. They all seem to just have pictures of different exercises, and no
plan whatsoever on how to implement them and progress with them. But not
with this one. The information in this book is AWESOME! I like to have a
clear, logical plan of progression to follow, and that is what this book gives. I
have put all of my other training books away. CC is the only system I am going
to follow. This is now my favorite training book ever!Lyndan - Australia
Dragon Door Customer Acclaim for
Paul Wades Convict Conditioning
Order Convict Conditioning online:
A lifetime of lifting...and continued learning.
I have been working out diligently since 1988 and played sports in high
school and college before that. My stint in the Army saw me doing
calisthenics, running, conditioning courses, forced marches, etc. There are
many levels of strength and fitness. I have been as big as 240 in my
powerlifting/strongman days and as low as 185-190 while in the Army. I
think I have tried everything under the sun: the high intensity of Arthur
Jones and Dr. Ken, the Super Slow of El Darden, and the brutality of
Dinosaur Training Brooks Kubic made famous.
This is one of the BEST books Ive ever read on real strength training
which also covers other just as important aspects of health; like staying
injury free, feeling healthy and becoming flexible. Its an excellent book.
He tells you the why and the how with his progressive plan. This book is a
GOLD MINE and worth 100 times what I paid for it! Horst - Woburn, MA
Best bodyweight training book so far!
Im a martial artist and Ive been training for years with a combination
of weights and bodyweight training and had good results from both (but
had the usual injuries from weight training). I prefer the bodyweight stuff
though as it trains me to use my whole body as a unit, much more than
weights do, and I notice the difference on the mat and in the ring. Since
reading this book I have given the weights a break and focused purely on
the bodyweight exercise progressions as described by Coach Wade and
my strength had increased more than ever before. So far Ive built up to
12 strict one-leg squats each leg and 5 uneven pull ups each arm.
Ive never achieved this kind of strength before - and this stuff builds
solid muscle mass as well. Its very intense training. I am so confident in
and happy with the results Im getting that Ive decided to train for a
fitness/bodybuilding comp just using his techniques, no weights, just to
show for real what kind of a physique these exercises can build. In sum, I
cannot recommend Coach Wades book highly enough - it is by far the
best of its kind ever!Mark Robinson - Australia, currently living in
South Korea
This book sets the
standard, ladies
and gentlemen
Its difficult to describe just how
much this book means to me. Ive
been training hard since I was in
the RAF nearly ten years ago, and
to say this book is a breakthrough
is an understatement. How often
do you really read something so
new, so fresh? This book contains
a complete new system of
calisthenics drawn from American
prison training methods. When I
say system I mean it. Its complete
(rank beginner to expert), its
comprehensive (all the exercises
and photos are here), its graded
(progressions from exercise to
exercise are smooth and pre-
determined) and its totally
original. Whether you love or hate
the author, you have to listen to
him. And you will learn something.
This book just makes SENSE. In
twenty years people will still be
buying it.Andy McMann -
Ponty, Wales, GB
Fascinating Reading and Real Strength
Coach Wades system is a real eye opener if youve been a lifetime iron junkie.
Wanna find out how really strong (or weak) you are? Get this book and begin
working through the 10 levels of the 6 power exercises. I was pleasantly
surprised by my ability on a few of the exercises...but some are downright
humbling. If I were on a desert island with only one book on strength and
conditioning this would be it. (Could I staple Pavels "Naked Warrior" to the
back and count them as one???!) Thanks Dragon Door for this innovative new
author.Jon Schultheis, RKC (2005) - Keansburg, NJ
More Dragon Door Customer Acclaim
for Convict Conditioning
Single best strength training book ever!
I just turned 50 this year and I have tried a little bit of everything over the
years: martial arts, swimming, soccer, cycling, free weights, weight machines,
even yoga and Pilates. I started using Convict Conditioning right after it
came out. I started from the beginning, like Coach Wade says, doing mostly
step one or two for five out of the six exercises. I work out 3 to 5 times a
week, usually for 30 to 45 minutes.
Long story short, my weight went up 14 pounds (I was not trying to gain
weight) but my body fat percentage dropped two percent. That translates into
approximately 19 pounds of lean muscle gained in two months! Ive never
gotten this kind of results with anything else Ive ever done. Now I have
pretty much stopped lifting weights for strength training. Instead, I lift once a
week as a test to see how much stronger Im getting without weight training.
There are a lot of great strength training books in the world (most of them
published by Dragon Door), but if I had to choose just one, this is the single
best strength training book ever. BUY THIS BOOK. FOLLOW THE PLAN.
How to Bust Free of
All WeaknessUsing the
Lost Secrets of Supreme
Survival Strength
By Paul Coach Wade
#B41 $39.95
eBook $19.95
Paperback 8.5 x 11 320 pages
191 photos, charts and illustrations
Order Convict Conditioning online:
Ive been lifting weights for over 50 years and
have trained in the martial arts since 1965. Ive read
voraciously on both subjects, and written dozens of
magazine articles and many books on the subjects.
This book and Wades first, Convict Conditioning,
are by far the most commonsense, information-
packed, and result producing Ive read. These books
will truly change your life.
Paul Wade is a new and powerful voice in the
strength and fitness arena, one that is
commonsense, inspiring, and in your face. His
approach to maximizing your bodys potential is
not the same old hackneyed material you find in
every book and magazine piece that pictures
steroid-bloated models screaming as they curl
weights. Wades stuff has been proven effective by
hard men who dont tolerate fluff. It will work
for you, tooguaranteed.
As an ex-cop, Ive gone mano-y-mano with ex-
cons that had clearly trained as Paul Wade
suggests in his two Convict Conditioning
books. While these guys didnt look like steroid-
fueled bodybuilders (actually, there were a
couple who did), all were incredibly lean, hard
and powerful. Wade blows many commonly
held beliefs about conditioning, strengthening,
and eating out of the water and replaces them
with result-producing information that wont
cost you a dime. Loren W. Christensen,
author of Fighting the Pain Resistant
Attacker, and many other titles
Coach Paul Wade has outdone himself. His first book Convict Conditioning is to my mind THE BEST book
ever written on bodyweight conditioning. Hands down. Now, with the sequel Convict Conditioning 2, Coach
Wade takes us even deeper into the subtle nuances of training with the ultimate resistance tool: our bodies.
In plain English, but with an amazing understanding of anatomy, physiology, kinesiology and, go figure,
psychology, Coach Wade explains very simply how to work the smaller but just as important areas of the body
such as the hands and forearms, neck and calves and obliques in serious functional ways.
His minimalist approach to exercise belies the complexity of his system and the deep insight into exactly how
the body works and the best way to get from A to Z in the shortest time possible.
I got the best advice on how to strengthen the hard-to-reach extensors of the hand right away from this
exercise Master I have ever seen. Its so simple but so completely functional I cant believe no one else has
thought of it yet. Just glad he figured it out for me.
Paul teaches us how to strengthen our bodies with the simplest of movements while at the same time balancing
our structures in the same way: simple exercises that work the whole body.
And just as simply as he did with his first book. His novel approach to stretching and mobility training is
brilliant and fresh as well as his take on recovery and healing from injury. Sprinkled throughout the entire
book are too-many-to-count insights and advice from a man who has come to his knowledge the hard way
and knows exactly of what he speaks.
This book is, as was his first, an amazing journey into the history of physical culture disguised as a book on
calisthenics. But the thing that Coach Wade does better than any before him is his unbelievable progressions
on EVERY EXERCISE and stretch! He breaks things down and tells us
EXACTLY how to proceed to get to whatever level of strength and
development we want. AND gives us the exact metrics we need to know
when to go to the next level.
Adding in completely practical and immediately useful insights into
nutrition and the mindset necessary to deal not only with training but
with life, makes this book a classic that will stand the test of time.
Bravo Coach Wade, Bravo. Mark Reifkind, Master RKC, author of
Mastering the HardStyle Kettlebell Swing
Convict Conditioning is one of the most
influential books I ever got my hands on.
Convict Conditioning 2 took my training and
outlook on the power of bodyweight training
to the 10th degreefrom strengthening the
smallest muscles in a maximal manner, all the
way to using bodyweight training as a means
of healing injuries that pile up from over 22
years of aggressive lifting.
Ive used both Convict Conditioning and
Convict Conditioning 2 on myself and with
my athletes. Without either of these books I
can easily say that these boys would not be
the BEASTS they are today. Without a doubt
Convict Conditioning 2 will blow you away
and inspire and educate you to take
bodyweight training to a whole NEW level.
Zach Even-Esh, Underground Strength
The Experts Give High Praise to
Convict Conditioning 2
Conditioning 2
Advanced Prison Training
Tactics for Muscle Gain, Fat
Loss and Bulletproof Joints
By Paul Coach Wade
#B59 $39.95
eBook $19.95
Paperback 8.5 x 11 354 pages
261 photos, charts and illustrations
The overriding principle of Convict Conditioning 2 is little equipment-
big rewards. For the athlete in the throwing and fighting arts, the section
on Lateral Chain Training, Capturing the Flag, is a unique and perhaps
singular approach to training the obliques and the whole family of side
muscles. This section stood out to me as ground breaking and well worth
the time and energy by anyone to review and attempt to complete.
Literally, this is a new approach to lateral chain training that is well
beyond sidebends and suitcase deadlifts.
The authors review of passive stretching reflects the experience of many
of us in the field. But, his solution might be the reason I am going to
recommend this work for everyone: The Trifecta. This section covers
what the author calls The Functional Triad and gives a series of simple
progressions to three holds that promise to oil your joints. Its yoga for
the strength athlete and supports the material one would find, for
example, in Pavels Loaded Stretching.
I didnt expect to like this book, but I come away from it practically
insisting that everyone read it. It is a strongman book mixed with
yoga mixed with street smarts. I wanted to hate it, but I love it.
Dan John, author of Dont Let Go and co-author of Easy Strength
Order Convict Conditioning 2 online:
Convict Conditioning books are all the books you need in life. As Bruce Lee used to say, its not a daily increase but a daily decrease. Same with life. Too many things can lead you down many paths, but to have Simplicity is
perfect.Brandon Lynch, London, England
Paul Wades section on developing the sides of the body in Convict Conditioning 2 is
brilliant. Hardstyle! Pavel Tsatsouline, author of The Naked Warrior
The progressions
were again sublime
Never have I heard such in depth and yet easy to
understand description of training and physical
culture. A perfect complement to the first book
although it has its own style keeping the best
attributes of style from the first but developing it to
something unique. The progressions were again
sublime and designed for people at all levels of ability. The two books together can forge what will closely
resemble superhuman strength and an incredible
physique and yet the steps to get there are so simple
and easy to understand.
Ryan O., Nottingham, United Kingdom
Best Sequel Since The Godfather 2!
Hands down the best addition to the material on
Convict Conditioning that could possibly be put out. I
already implemented the neck bridges, calf and hand
training to my weekly schedule, and as soon as my
handstand pushups and leg raises are fully loaded Ill
start the flags. Thank you, Coach!
Daniel Runkel, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Well worth the wait
Another very interesting, and as before, opinionated
book by Paul Wade. As I work through the CC1
progressions, I find its paying off at a steady if
unspectacular rate, which suits me just fine. No training
injuries worth the name, convincing gains in strength. I
expect the same with CC2 which rounds off CC1 with
just the kind of material I was looking for. Wade and
Dragon Door deserve to be highly commended for
publishing these techniques. A tremendous way to train
outside of the gym ecosystem. V. R., Bangalore, India
Just as brilliant as its predecessor!
Just as brilliant as its predecessor! The new exercises
add to the Big 6 in a keep-it-simple kind of way.
Anyone who will put in the time with both of these
masterpieces will be as strong as humanly possible. I
especially liked the parts on grip work. To me, that
alone was worth the price of the entire book.
Timothy Stovall / Evansville, Indiana
Very Informative
Convict Conditioning 2 is more
subversive training information in the same
style as its original. Its such a great
complement to the original, but also solid
enough on its own. The information in this
book is fantastic-- a great buy! Follow this
program, and you will get stronger.
Chris B., Thunder Bay, Canada
Online Praise for Convict Conditioning 2
Conditioning 2
Advanced Prison Training
Tactics for Muscle Gain, Fat
Loss and Bulletproof Joints
By Paul Coach Wade
#B59 $39.95
eBook $19.95
Paperback 8.5 x 11 354 pages
261 photos,
charts and
If you liked CC1, youll love CC2
CC2 picks up where CC1 left off with great information
about the human flag (including a version called the
clutch flag, that I can actually do now), neck and
forearms. I couldnt be happier with this book.
Justin B., Atlanta, Georgia
From the almost
laughably-simple to
Convict Conditioning 2 is a great
companion piece to the original Convict
Conditioning. It helps to further build
up the athlete and does deliver on
phenomenal improvement with minimal
equipment and space.
The grip work is probably the superstar
of the book. Second, maybe, is the
attention devoted to the lateral muscles
with the development of the clutch- and
Convict Conditioning 2 is more of the
same - more of the systematic and
methodical improvement in exercises that
travel smoothly from the almost
laughably-simple to realm-of-the-gods. It is
a solid addition to any fitness library.
Robert Aldrich, Chapel Hill, GA
Order Convict Conditioning 2 online:
The Many Roads to
Strength by Brooks
Opening Salvo:
Chewing Bubblegum and
Kicking Ass
1. Introduction: Put
Yourself Behind
Hands and Forearms
2: Iron Hands and
Forearms: Ultimate
Strength with
Just Two
3: The Hang
Progressions: A
Bodyweight Grip
4: Advanced Grip
Torture: Explosive
Power + Titanium
5: Fingertip Pushups:
Keeping Hand
Strength Balanced
6: Forearms into
Firearms: Hand
Strength: A
Summary and a
Lateral Chain
7: Lateral Chain
Capturing the Flag
8: The Clutch Flag:
In Eight Easy
9: The Press Flag: In
Eight Not-So-Easy
Neck and Calves
10. Bulldog Neck:
Bulletproof Your
Weakest Link
11. Calf Training:
Ultimate Lower
LegsNo Machines
12. Tension-
Flexibility: The
Lost Art of Joint
13: Stretchingthe
Prison Take:
Mobility, Control
14. The Trifecta:
Your Secret
Weapon for
Mobilizing Stiff,
15: The Bridge Hold
Progressions: The
16: The L-Hold
Cure Bad Hips and
Low BackInside-
17: Twist
Unleash Your
Functional Triad
18. Doing Time Right:
Living the Straight
19. The Prison Diet:
Nutrition and Fat
Loss Behind Bars
20. Mendin Up: The 8
Laws of Healing
21. The Mind:
Escaping the True
Pumpin Iron in
Prison: Myths, Muscle
and Misconceptions


Conditioning 2
Advanced Prison Training
Tactics for Muscle Gain,
Fat Loss and Bulletproof
By Paul Coach Wade
#B59 $39.95
eBook $19.95
Paperback 8.5 x 11 354 pages
261 photos, charts and illustrations
Order Convict Conditioning 2 online:
An excerpt adapted from Paul Wades Convict Conditioning 2
The 4 Essential Flexibility Steps You
Need for the Perfect Front Bridge
o perform the front bridge correctly, there are four postural
stages to progress through thatll get you where you need to be:
STAGE 1. Get into as wide a stance as is comfortable, and bend
over at the hips until you feel a stretch. Bend your knees if you really
need to, and support your torso a little by placing your palms on
your thighs or knees. Build up to holding this position for a full
minute. This will gradually condition the muscles and ligaments of
your back, hips and thighs to forwards stretching techniques. Once
you get comfortable with this position, move to stage 2.
STAGE 2. Get into a wide stance again. By now your feet should be
able to go a little widerat least twice shoulder width. Lock the legs
straight at the knees. Now bend at the waist and touch the floor below
you. At first you may not be able to touch the floor. This will be
especially true if you are the average stiff-as-a-board guy. Keep trying.
Eventually you will be able to touch the floor with your fingertips.
Then with bent fingers. As the weeks pass your back and hamstrings
will loosen and youll be able to touch your knuckles to the floor.
Finally, youll be able to rest your palms on the floor. When you can
rest your palms on the floor for a full minute, move to stage 3.
STAGE 3. Once you are have mastered the palms on floor
position from a wide stance, begin bringing your torso even closer to
the floor by bending your arms. This may take some time, but
eventually you will be loose enough to rest your forearms and elbows
on the floor for a few seconds. Build up over the weeks until you can
hold this forearms-on-floor position for a full minute, then move to
stage 4.
STAGE 4. While resting your forearms on the floor, continue
stretching forwardsstill with the legs fairly straight at the knee
until your forehead touches the ground, however gently. When you
can do this, place your palms on the floor again, and try placing the
crown of your skull on the floor between your hands. When you can
do this, build up to holding the position for a minute. Once you have
mastered stage 4, youll be supple enough to try the basic front
bridge position.
Work on these techniques for a short while after your neck
training sessionsand perhaps on a second day during the week
and by the time your neck muscles are ready for full front bridges
your back and legs will be more than supple enough to allow you to
tackle this brilliant exercise.
Order Convict Conditioning 2 online:
aul Wades Convict
Conditioning Ultimate
Bodyweight Squat
Course explodes out of
the cellblock to teach you in
absolute detail how to progress
from the ease of a simple
shoulderstand squatto the
stunning 1-in-10,000
achievement of the prison-style
one-leg squat. Ten progressive
steps guide you to bodyweight
squat mastery. Do itand
become a Bodyweight Squat
This home-study course in
ultimate survival strength comes
replete with bonus material not
available in Paul Wades original
Convict Conditioning book
and numerous key training tips
that refine and expand on the
original program.
A heavily and gorgeously-
illustrated 80-plus-page manual
gives you the entire film script to
study at your leisure, with
brilliant, precise photographs to
remind you of the essential
movements you absorbed in the
DVD itself.
Paul Wade adds a bonus Ten
Commandments for Perfect
Bodyweight Squatswhich is
worth the price of admission
alone. And theres the additional
bonus of 5 major Variant drills to
add explosivity, fun and super-
strength to your core practice.
Whatever you are looking for
from your bodyweight squats
be it supreme functional strength,
monstrous muscle growth or
explosive leg powerits yours
for the progressive taking with
Convict Conditioning, Volume
2: The Ultimate Bodyweight
Squat Course.
Leg training is vital for every
athlete. A well-trained, muscular
upper body teetering around on
skinny stick legs is a joke. Dont
be that joke! The mighty squat is
the answer to your prayers.
Heres why:
Squats train virtually every
muscle in the lower body, from
quads and glutes to hips, lower
back and even hamstrings.
Squat deepas
well teach you
and you will
seriously increase
your flexibility and ankle
All functional power is
transmitted through the legs,
so without strong, powerful
legs you are nothingthat
goes for running, jumping and
combat sports as much as it
does for lifting heavy stuff.
Most trainees learn how to squat
on two legs, and then make the
exercise harder by slapping a
barbell across their back. In
prison, this way of adding
strength wasnt always available,
so cell trainees developed ways of
progressing using only
bodyweight versus gravity. The
best way to do this is to learn
how to squat all the way down to
the ground and back up on just
one leg.
Not everybody who explores
prison training will have the
dedication and drive to achieve
strength feats like the one-arm
pullup, but the legs are much
stronger than the arms. If you put
in the time and work hard, the
one-leg squat will be within the
reach of almost every athlete who
pays their dues.
But the one-leg squat still requires
very powerful muscles and
tendons, so you dont want to
jump into one-leg squatting right
away. You need to build the joint
strength and muscle to safely
attempt this great exercise.
Discover how to do that safely,
using ten steps, ten progressively
harder squat exercises.
The wise old Chinese man
shouted to his rickshaw driver:
"Slow down, young man, Im in
a hurry!" If ever a warning
needed to be shouted to our
nation of compulsive strength-
addicts, this would be it. You see
them everywhere: the halt, the
lame, the jacked-up, the torn, the
pain-riddenthe former glory-
seekers who have been reduced to
sad husks of their former selves
by rushing helter-skelter into
heavy lifting without having first
built a firm foundation.
Paul Wade reveals the ten key
points of perfect squat form. The
aspects of proper form apply to
all your squats, and theyll not
only unlock the muscle and
power-building potential of each
rep you do, but theyll also keep
you as safe as you can be.
Bodyweight training is all about
improving strength and health,
not building up a list of injuries
or aches and pains. They are so
fundamental, we call them the
Ten Commandments of good
squat form.
Obey the Ten Commandments,
follow the brilliantly laid out
progressions religiously and you
simply CANNOT fail to get
stronger and stronger and
stronger and stronger and
strongersurely, safely and for as
long as you live
Having read both Convict Conditioning and Convict
Conditioning 2, the complementary DVD series is an
excellent translation of the big six movement
progressions into a simple to follow DVD. The
demonstration of movement progression through the
10 levels is well described and easy to follow.
As a Physical Therapist it is a very useful way to
teach safe progressions to patients/clients and other
professionals. I have already used Volume I (the
push up progression) to teach high school strength
coaches how to safely progress athletes with pressing
activity and look forward to using volume 2 with
these same coaches. I think anyone who studies
movement realizes very few athletes can properly
squat with two legs, let alone one.
You will not find an easier way to teach the squat.
Well done again Paul. Look forward to the rest of
the series.
Andrew Marchesi PT/MPT, FAFS,
Scottsdale, AZ
Convict Conditioning
Volume 2: The Ultimate
Bodyweight Squat Course
By Paul Coach Wade featuring
Brett Jones and Max Shank
#DV084 $69.95
DVD 56 minutes with full color Companion Manual, 88 pages
My whole team uses
it. We can work out
effectively anywhere
and I mean
Tyler Archer, Navy
Order CC Ultimate Squat online:
I fully expected to be disappointed with Paul Wades Convict Conditioning,
Volume I: The Prison Pushup Series. John Du Cane will tell you: I am not a fan
of some of the stuff in these books. Its been said by others that this might be one
of the most striking DVDs ever made. Its on location in Alcatraz and the
graphics are pretty amazing. So, yes, stunning. This DVD from Wade is stunning
and very cool.
The manual that supports the DVD is very helpful as much of the material is
done too well in the DVD. Many of us need to take some time looking at the
DVD then flipping the manual back and forth to get it.
Once again, there are parts of this DVD and the series that rub me the wrong
way. Having said that, I am frankly amazed at the insights of the product here.
As a coach, I am better than when I popped the box open. I have a whole set of
tools, and the progressions, that I can use tomorrow with my group. That to me
is the testimony that people should hear from me: I watched it and I applied it
instantly! This one
gets it. You can
apply what you
learn instantly and
know where you
are going from
there. I highly
recommend it.
Dan John,
Master RKC,
Burlingame, CA
aul Wades Convict Conditioning
system represents the ultimate
distillation of hardcore prison
bodyweight trainings most powerful
methods. What works was kept. What
didnt, was slashed away. When your life
is on the line, youre not going to mess
with less than the absolute best. Many
of these older, very potent solitary
training systems have been on the verge
of dying, as convicts begin to gain access
to weights, and modern bodybuilding
thinking floods into the prisons.
Thanks to Paul Wade, these ultimate
strength survival secrets have been saved
for posterity. And for you
Filmed entirelyand so appropriately
on The Rock, Wades Convict
Conditioning Prison Pushup Series
explodes out of the cellblock to teach
you in absolute detail how to progress
from the ease of a simple wall pushup
to the stunning 1-in-10,000
achievement of the prison-style one-arm
pushup. Ten progressive steps guide you
to pushup mastery. Do itand become
a Pushup God.
This home-study course in ultimate
survival strength comes replete with
bonus material not available in Paul
Wades original Convict Conditioning
bookand numerous key training tips
that refine and expand on the original
A heavily and gorgeously-
illustrated 80-plus-page manual
gives you the entire film script to
study at your leisure, with
brilliant, precise photographs to
remind you of the essential
movements you absorbed in the
DVD itself.
Paul Wade adds a bonus Ten
Commandments for Perfect
Pushupswhich is worth the
price of admission alone. And
theres the additional bonus of 5 major
Variant drills to add explosivity, fun and
super-strength to your core practice.
Whatever you are looking for from your
pushupsbe it supreme functional
strength, monstrous muscle growth or
explosive upper-body powerits yours
for the progressive taking with Convict
Conditioning, Volume 1: The Prison
Pushup Series.
Convict Conditioning
Volume 1: The Prison Pushup Series
By Paul Coach Wade featuring
Brett Jones and Max Shank
#DV083 $69.95
DVD 59 minutes with full color Companion Manual, 88 pages
I am using this manual and DVD not just for my own training, but for the training of my athletes. It shocks and amazes me how varsity high school athletes can NOT perform a solid push up.... not even 1! Getting them to perform a perfect push up requires regressions, progressions, dialing in the little cues that teach them to generate tension and proper body alignment, ALL of which carry over to other exercises.
This manual is an awesome resource for Coaches. It can & should be used to educate those you train as well as shared with your staff. For those who have a love for strength, you will respect all the details given for each and every push up progression and you will use them and apply them.
As a Strength devotee for over 2 decades, I've been through the grinder with free weights and injuries, push ups are something I KNOWI'll be doing for the rest of my life which is why I RESPECT this course so much!
The lay out of this manual and DVD are also BIG time impressive, the old school look and feel fires me up and makes me wanna attack these push ups! Zach Even-Esh, Manasquan, NJ
Order CC Prison Pushup online:
aul Wades Convict
Conditioning 3, Leg
Raises: Six Pack
from Hell teaches
you in absolute detail how to
progress from the ease of a
simple Knee Tuckto the
magnificent, "1-in-1,000"
achievement of the Hanging
Straight Leg Raise. Ten
progressive steps guide you
to inevitable mastery of this
ultimate abs exercise. Do it,
seize the knowledgebut
bewarethe Gods will be
This home-study course in
ultimate survival strength
comes replete with bonus
material not available in Paul
Wades original Convict
Conditioning bookand
numerous key training tips
that refine and expand on
the original program.
Prowl through the heavily
and gorgeously-illustrated
80-plus-page manual and
devour the entire film script
at your animal leisure. Digest
the brilliant, precise
photographs and reinforce
the raw benefits you
absorbed from the DVD.
Paul Wade adds a bonus Ten
Commandments for Perfect
Bodyweight Squatswhich
is worth the price of
admission alone. And theres
the additional bonus of 4
major Variant drills to add
explosivity, fun and super-
strength to your core
Whatever you are looking
for when murdering your
absbe it a fist-breaking,
rock-like shield of
impenetrable muscle, an
uglier-is-more-beautiful set
of rippling abdominal ridges,
or a monstrous injection of
lifting powerits yours for
the progressive taking with
Convict Conditioning,
Volume 3, Leg Raises: Six
Pack from Hell
When convicts train their
waists, they want real,
noticeable resultsand by
"results" we dont mean that
they want cute, tight little
defined abs. We mean that
they want thick, strong,
muscular midsections. They
want functionally powerful
abs and hips they can use for
heavy lifting, kicking, and
brawling. They want guts so
strong from their training
that it actually hurts an
attacker to punch them in
the belly. Prison abs arent
about all show, no goa
prison-built physique has to
be all show and all go. Those
guys dont just want six-
packsthey want six-packs
from Hell.
And, for the first time, were
going to show you how these
guys get what they want.
Were not going to be using
sissy machines or easy
isolation exerciseswere
going straight for the old
school secret weapon for gut
training; progressive leg
If you want a six-pack from
Hell, the first thing you need
to do is focus your efforts. If
a weightlifter wanted a very
thick, powerful chest in a
hurry, he wouldnt spread his
efforts out over a dozen
exercises and perform them
gently all day long. No
hed pick just one exercise,
probably the bench press,
and just focus on getting
stronger and stronger on
that lift until he was
monstrously strong. When
he reached this level, and his
pecs were thick slabs of
meat, only then would he
maybe begin sculpting them
with minor exercises and
higher reps.
Its no different if you want a
mind-blowing midsection.
Just pick one exercise that
hits all the muscles in the
midsectionthe hip flexors,
the abs, the intercostals, the
obliquesthen blast it.
And the one exercise were
going to discover is the best
midsection exercise known
to man, and the most
popular amongst soldiers,
warriors, martial artists and
prison athletes since men
started working outthe leg
Youll discover ten different
leg raise movements, each
one a little harder than the
last. Youll learn how to get
the most out of each of these
techniques, each of these ten
steps, before moving up to
the next step. By the time
you get through all ten steps
and youre working with the
final Master Step of the leg
raise series, youll have a
solid, athletic, stomach made
of steel, as well as powerful
hips and a ribcage armored
with dense muscle. Youll
have abs that wouldve made
Bruce Lee take notice!
Paul Wade gives you ten key
points, the Ten
Commandments of leg
raises, that will take your
prison-style core training
from just "okay" to
absolutely phenomenal. We
want the results to be so
effective that theyll literally
shock you. This kind of
accelerated progress can be
achieved, but if you want to
achieve it you better listen
carefully to these ten key
pointers youll discover with
the DVD.
Bodyweight mastery is a lot
like high-level martial arts.
Its more about principles
than individual techniques.
Really study and absorb
these principles, and youll
be on your way to a six-pack
from Hell in no time.
The hanging straight leg
raise, performed strictly and
for reps, is the Gold
Standard of abdominal
strength techniques. Once
youre at the level where you
can throw out sets of twenty
to thirty rock solid reps of
this exercise, your abs will be
thick and strong, but more
Convict Conditioning
Volume 3: Leg Raises
Six Pack from Hell
By Paul Coach Wade featuring
Brett Jones and Max Shank
#DV085 $59.95
DVD 57 minutes with full color Companion Manual, 82 pages
importantly, theyll be functionalnot just a pretty
six-pack, but a real monster of an athletic core, which
is capable of developing high levels of force.
Hanging will work your serratus and intercostals,
making these muscles stand out like fingers, and your
obliques and flank muscles will be tight and strong
from holding your hips in place. Your lumbar spine
will achieve a gymnastic level of flexibility, like fluid
steel, and your chances of back pain will be greatly
The bottom line: If you want to be stronger and more
athletic than the next guy, you need the edge that
straight leg raises can give you.
Order CC Ultimate Leg Raises online:
Convict Conditioning
Volume 4: Advanced Bridging:
Forging an Iron Spine
By Paul Coach Wade featuring
Brett Jones and Max Shank
#DV087 $59.95
DVD 59 minutes with full color Companion Manual, 88 pages
aul Wades Convict Conditioning
system represents the ultimate
distillation of hardcore prison
bodyweight trainings most
powerful methods. What works was kept.
What didnt, was slashed away. When your
life is on the line, youre not going to mess
with less than the absolute best. Many of
these older, very potent solitary training
systems have been on the verge of dying, as
convicts begin to gain access to weights,
and modern bodybuilding thinking
floods into the prisons. Thanks to Paul
Wade, these ultimate strength survival
secrets have been saved for posterity. And
for you
Filmed entirelyand so appropriately on
The Rock, Wades Convict
Conditioning Volume 4, Advanced
Bridging: Forging an Iron Spine explodes
out of the cellblock to teach you in
absolute detail how to progress from the
relative ease of a Short Bridgeto the
stunning, 1-in-1,000 achievement of the
Stand-to-Stand Bridge. Ten progressive
steps guide you to inevitable mastery of this
ultimate exercise for an unbreakable back.
This home-study course in ultimate
survival strength comes replete with bonus
material not available in Paul Wades
original Convict Conditioning bookand
numerous key training tips that refine and
expand on the original program.
Prowl through the heavily and gorgeously-
illustrated 80-plus-page manual and devour
the entire film script at your animal leisure.
Digest the brilliant, precise photographs
and reinforce the raw benefits you
absorbed from the DVD.
Paul Wade adds a bonus Ten
Commandments for Perfect Bridges
which is worth the price of admission
alone. And theres the additional bonus of
4 major Variant drills to add explosivity,
fun and super-strength to your core
Whatever you are looking for from your
pushupsbe it supreme functional
strength, monstrous muscle growth or
explosive upper-body powerits yours for
the progressive taking with Convict
Conditioning Volume 4: Advanced
Bridging: Forging an Iron Spine.
Order CC Advanced Bridging online:
Brilliant Book
simply brilliant
This is a fantastic book
period! Al has provided some basic
cues which have made my chin ups
and leg raises much easier. This is a
great piece of work and
EVERYONE can benefit from it
Olympic lifter, powerlifter,
bodybuilder etc. You dont have to
do all the movesyou can pick a
couple and run with them. Al
shows some great progressions and
tons of different movements. I
could go on and on but the best
thing would be to buy the book-
you wont regret it.
Darius Rana, Sydney, Australia
Raise YOUR Bar
Unlike much of the trash in
the modern fitness industry, Al
takes a structured approach to
coaching and programming.
Raising The Bar starts at a level
that everyone can handle and then
builds on itit's not a random
selection of exercises but a
reasoned approach to improving
skill in a number of key
This, in my opinion, is the key
to progression and Al delivers it in
his own enigmatic style. And if
you're in any doubt as to the
effectiveness of the approach then
you need to see what Al can do!
You'll be blown away!Matt
Palfrey, Bath, UK
Best book ever
As a personal trainer, I've
spent years convincing my clients
that they don't need any fancy,
overpriced, useless junk to get a
great workout. The greatness is
within the simplicity. I've watched
every trainer in the area mess up
the concept of functional fitness
with their ideas. Balancing on
stacks of bosu balls, using the other
leg to pull on rubber bands, one
arm using a shaky weight, and the
other arm doing curl to presses
with a half pound pink dumbbell,
all while balancing a medicine ball
on your nose sounds good in
theory, but at the end of the day,
nothing gets accomplished.
Al, just like everything else
Dragon Door publishes, manages
to take the simplest of tools, and
make it the most important. These
movements are something that
everyone not only CAN do, but we
are all SUPPOSED to do them.
They're in our DNA. Not like all
the machines and circus tricks.
Al has been a huge inspiration
to me for quite sometime. This goes
far beyond simple pullups and dips.
This is the perfect book to go along
with The Naked Warrior, Convict
Conditioning 1 & 2, and Pavels
flexibility work. Thank you Al, for
writing such an awesome book.
Rick Chafton HKC, FMS,
Crystal Lake, IL
Worth every dime
I was gun shy about spending
the money. It's not the best of
times. I could not afford to blow
that kind of money on a stinker.
Thankfully this book is anything
but. I have been a life long aerial
guy. I just always had this
conviction that being able to push
and pull my own weight around
was a key survival attribute. That
said, I also thought I knew it all
and there was nothing left to learn
about the subject. Wrong. There is,
there was, and this book had it.
Steve Shear, Lawrence, NY
A must have for any
Al put together an outstanding
book! It reads very easy in a way
anyone could understand. He gives
some awesome and doable
progressions along with some of his
favorite routines. If you want to
become a BAR-STAR, then you
need this book!
Tim Stovall, Evansville, IN
High Praise for Raising the Bar
Order Raising The Bar online:
With Raising the Bar, Al Kavadlo has put forth the
perfect primal pull-up program. Al's progressions and
demonstrations make even the most challenging exercises
attainable. Anyone who is serious about pull-ups should
read this book.Mark Sisson, author of The Primal
A Kick Ass Encyclopedia of
Bodyweight Exercises
Al Kavadlo has put together a kick ass encyclopedia of
the most powerful and most commonly used bodyweight
exercises amongst the various groups of bodyweight masters.
From the most simple form of each exercise progressing to
the most challenging form of each exercise, Al covers it. As a
Coach and bodyweight training addict I loved all the
variations shown.This book is far beyond just pull ups and
there are countless exercises for upper body and abs. Al
covers what is probably EVERY exercise he knows of, uses
and teaches others, breaking down proper techniques,
regressions and progressions. This is HUGE for the trainers
out there who do NOT know how to adapt bodyweight
exercises to each individual's fitness level.
If you're a fan of bodyweight training, between this book
and Convict Conditioning you can turn your body into a
deadly weapon!!! Zach Even-Esh, Manasquan, NJ
Al has put together the companion manual for all the
crazy bar calisthenics videos that you find yourself watching
over and over againa much needed resource. Within this
book is a huge volume of bar exercises that will keep your
pullup workouts fresh for years, and give you some insane
goals to shoot for.
Max Shank, Senior RKC
Go Beyond Mere Toughness
When You Master The Art of Bar
Athletics and Sculpt the Ultimate
in Upper Body Physiques
Raising the Bar is very likely the most important book on strength and
conditioning to be published in the last fifty years. If you only ever get your
hands on one training manual in your life, make it this one. Buy it, read it,
use it. This book has the power to transform you into the ultimate bar
athlete. Paul Coach Wade, author of Convict Conditioning
aising the Bar breaks down every
type of exercise you can do with a
pull-up bar. From the basic two
arm hang, to the mighty muscle-up,
all the way to the elusive one arm pull-up, bar
master Al Kavadlo takes you step by expert step
through everything you need to do to build the
chiseled frame youve always wanted.
Whether youre a die-hard calisthenics
enthusiast or just looking to get in the best shape
of your life, Raising the Bar will meet all your
expectationsand then some!
The message is clear: you can earn yourself a
stunning upper body with just 3 basic moves and
1 super-simple, yet amazingly versatile tool.
And whats even better, this 3 + 1 formula for
upper body magnificence hides enough variety to
keep you challenged and surging to new heights
for a lifetime of cool moves and ever-tougher
Cast in the concrete jungle of urban
scaffolding and graffiti-laden, blasted wallsand
sourced from iconic bar-athlete destinations like
Tompkins Square Park, NYCRaising the Bar
rears up to grab you by the throat and hurl you
into an inspiring new vision of what the human
body can achieve. Embrace Al Kavadlos vision,
pick up the challenge, share the Quest, follow
directionsand the Holy Grail of supreme upper
body fitness is yours for the taking.
the Bar
The Definitive Guide to Bar Calisthenics
By Al Kavadlo
#B63 $39.95 eBook $19.95
224 pages, 330 Photos
Raising the Bar
The Definitive Guide to
Bar Calisthenics
DVD with Al Kavadlo
#DV090 $29.95
224 pages, 330 Photos
Order Raising The Bar online:
The men I work with are the best of the best
modern samurai warriors and the finest strength
athletes on the planet. My job is to take the best in
the world and make them better. Here are five
tactical training tips that I use on a regularly
reoccurring basis with the uber-elite.
1. Divide available training time
between resistance and cardio.
We seek a balanced blending of two distinctly
different types of exercise. Combining resistance
and cardio far exceeds the potential of performing
one type to the exclusion of the other. Combining
the two triggers transformationif the training is
sufficiently intense, periodized, and synchronized
with a nutrient-dense diet strategy. Lifting and
cardio are two sides of the same fitness and
strength coin. One discipline does not trump the
other; we need to practice both.
Power training maximizes brute strength and
builds functional athletic muscle; cardio burns off
body fat and keeps the metabolism revved-up while
ensuring internal organ health. We need to
strengthen and improve the functionality of our
internal organs as much as we need to strengthen
our skeletal muscles. To ignite a radical physical
transformation, we need to practice Not one, or
the otherboth!
2. Simplify resistance training.
Clear the table of every resistance exercise you're
currently doing and begin anew. Practice a
purposefully limited menu of compound multi-joint
exercise movements. The irreducible core four
resistance exercises are squat, bench press, deadlift,
and overhead press. A second small tier of
assistance exercises complements the core four. Our
philosophy is to do fewer things better. Sessions
are short, intense, infrequent, and body shattering.
We worship at the altar of exercise technique,
continually striving to hone and refine our lifting.
Unlike bodybuilding, pure strength training values
intensity over volume. A bodybuilder will train
long and often with moderate weight, while a
strength athlete will train in short infrequent
sessions with maximum intensity. A strength athlete
uses heavy weight for low reps with a full range-of-
motion. Pristine exercise technique results in
maximum muscle fiber stimulation.
3. Sweat during cardio.
You'd think this was a given. It's mind-blowing
to see how many cardio machine riders never
sweat. Coincidentally, their physiques also never
change. When physical exertion generates sweat,
progress occurs. We need to breathe hard and
continually bump up against our oxygen-debt
threshold. Use cardio to burn calories, stimulate
the metabolism, and improve internal organ health
and functionality.
The goal is to trigger an adaptive response to
cardio. 90% of the gym goers tool along at 60% of
their capacitya comfortable pace on a
comfortable, familiar machine. Why would the
body burn fat in response to 60% exertion? Why
would we reap outstanding results from easy
workouts? Unless we work at and past our
capacities, the body will stubbornly stay the same.
4. Work at or past your
(shifting) limits in every
Limits and capacities shift day to day and
workout to workout. On a peak day, we might be
capable of a 102% effort, while on an off day our
100% capacity might only be 77% of our actual
capability. Howeverand this is criticalwe can
have a hypertrophy-inducing, strength-increasing,
productive workout on an off day if we still work
up to or past that day's actual capacity.
In resistance training we record our best weight
and rep performances in all our lifts. We know our
one-rep max best in a particular lift, and we also
record rep/weight records for double rep sets,
triples, 5-rep set max, and 8 and 10-rep sets. We
know our all-time best lifts in each rep range so we
know the capacities to equal or exceed. The elite
lifter will also have different rep records at different
5. Have a periodized battle plan.
Elite athletes think in three-month chunks. Time
and experience have shown that the optimal length
for a transformational program is 12-weeks.
Within the 12-week, three-month timeframe, sets
and reps (along with cardio and nutrition) are
tweaked every four weeks to drive poundage ever
upward. The first step is to establish realistic but
motivating strength and muscle goals. The goal in
strength training is to continue increasing the
amount of weight lifted in the core four lifts. By
becoming significantly stronger in the core four
lifts, all our athletic attributes are improved. We
gain significant muscle as we push and pull our
way through the 12-weeks.
The main idea is to reverse-engineer small,
weekly, mini-goals. We start off light and easy, but
three months later we've often made it past our
goal threshold. Typically, our 12-week power cycle
will start at 10% below capacity, with the goal set
at 2%- 5% past current lifting capacity.
Simultaneously, we'll experience a proportional
increase in functional muscle mass.
6. Replenish post-workout.
After a body-crushing progressive resistance
workoutthe only kind worth a damna
window of opportunity opens. During that time,
any nutrients ingested are distributed and
assimilated at a dramatically accelerated (some say
300% faster) rate. Science and experience dictates
that the right nutrients in the right amounts after a
high-intensity workout will improve workout
results. And workout results are greater if the
athlete consumes these nutrients while the window
is open.
The window of opportunity opens at the end of
the workout and remains open for one to three
hours. The ideal post-workout meal or drink
should consist of 50% high-value protein and 50%
non-insulin spiking carbs. Most of the iron elite
prefers to drink a fast-acting shake containing 30
to 50 grams of protein and carbs at the conclusion
of the workout.
By Marty Gallagher
to Exponentially Increase Your
Transformational Fitness Results
To read more such training tips, visit Marty Gallaghers blog
at ironbible.dragondoor.com
Visit Martys Iron Bible blog:
Obtain Maximum Power and StrengthUsing Primal,
Minimalist Training Modes, Methods, Techniques And Tactics
With IPF world champions Marty Gallagher, Brad Gillingham and Kirk Karwoski
accompanied by Dr. Mike Davis and multi-time national champion, Chuck Miller
At: The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA March 89, 2014
Get your complete blueprint and action-implementation plan
on how to acquire greater raw power and strength with:
For more information on The Purposefully Primitive Strength Training
Seminar, visit: http://www.dragondoor.com/workshops/wg001/
arty Gallaghers squad of trainers are credentialed beyond belief: the collective knowledge of this group on any and all strength and
transformative techniques is staggering. When Gallagher, Karwoski and Gillinghamstand together and address the group, you are
being instructed by men that between them have 12 IPF world titles, 22 national titles and 100 collective years of combined
experience in high-level strength training.
The Purposefully Primitive strength system is not time intensive but it is intense: most trainees can
add 25-50% to their base strength levels in 60-90 days by devoting a mere 60 minutes (cumulative)
per week! Imagine a progressive resistance program that dramatically ups your power and muscle
in as little as two 30-minute sessions or three 20-minute sessions per week
A detailed outline of the philosophy,
intricacies and subtleties behind this
champion-generating system.
Razor-sharp guidance on setting realistic
goals; a set of proven strategies to help you
achieve those goals every time they are
properly implemented and executed.
Personal coaching from Hall-of-Fame
athletes, world-level coaches and strength
strategists; learn from the very best the
ultra-basics used by the uber-elite.
Nuts-and-bolts advice on the highest-yield
tactics for rapid and sustained progress in
your strength training.
Strength self-empowerment: obtain the
theoretical knowledge YOU need to
customize YOUR very own transformative
training program.
Saturday, Module One
Our participatory workshop goal is to instill
perfect techniques: in Module I, we explore
squat technique in each of five sequential
squat variations. Kirk Karwoskiwidely
considered the greatest squat technician of
all timewill personally coach on how to
perform the King of all progressive resistance
Saturday, Module Two
Purposeful Primitive overview, philosophy
and approach to bench pressing the 5
sequential variants
Bench press workshop with current world
champion and 600 pound raw bencher Brad
Gillingham and dumbbell bench expert Mike
Kirk Karwoski will teach the underground
Fantano bench technique.
Get drilled by the greats; learn perfect
technique in each of the five bench press
variations. Brad Gillinghamhas bench
pressed 600 pounds (raw) and is a bench
press grand maestro. He will relate barbell
techniques. Mike Davis will enlighten
seminar participants on subtle bench
techniques using dumbbells. Kirk Karwoski
will relate the bench press technique that
allowed him to progress from 440 to 600.
Sunday, Module Three:
8 am-2 pm
Purposeful Primitive overview, philosophy
and approach to deadlifting the 5
sequential variants
Purposeful Primitive overview, philosophy
and approach to overhead pressing 5
World record holders Kirk Karwoski and
Brad Gillingham to workshop both lifts
Tactics: periodization Chuck Miller on the
pre-planning secret of strength champions
Recapitulation and final thoughts and
For more info on PPST Seminar:
Champion, Brad
These men take the best
in the world and
make them better!
Spec Ops Commando leader,
introducing the Purposefully
Primitive squad to his troop
I would venture to say that I have read
every book pertaining to weightlifting over
the last three decades, and I have probably
read the majority of the articles in this area.
There are two things I can say unequivocally
about what I have read. One, Marty
Gallagher is the best writer in the world of
physical fitness and strength, bar none, and
two, Gallaghers newest book The Purposeful
Primitive is the best manuscript ever
produced in this field.
Teeming with esoteric information on
training, biomechanics, nutrition, and sport
psychology, The Purposeful Primitive is a
wealth of information that every serious lifter
needs to read. You are going to like this
book. NO! You are going to LOVE it. I
promise you that. Its Gallaghers best work,
and that means it is strictly world class.
Dr. Judd Biasiotto, author of 46 fitness
and health-related books, world powerlifting
"I really only have two things to say about
Marty Gallagher that bear on his new book,
The Purposeful Primitive. The first is that
there are two classes of writers in
powerlifting: 1) Marty Gallagher and 2) all
others. The second is that one day, ten years
ago, Marty called to say he knew a Russian
guy who he thought might be a good writer
for MILO, so we invited the guy to submit an
article: It was called Vodka, Pickle Juice,
Kettlebell Lifting and other Russian Pastimes,
the author was Pavel Tsatsouline, and rest, as
they say, is history."
Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D, Publisher and
Editor-in-chief, Milo Magazine
As a student, athlete, teacher, researcher,
professional coach, and businessman I have
spent over 60 years in health, fitness and
sport, devoted to how to become the best
you can be. The Purposeful Primitive has
been a very interesting journey for me... back-
Marty does a wonderful job bringing out
the art and science of training, extracting
many of the critical universal and specific
principles (guiding rules to actionsocial,
emotional, mental, physical and spiritual)
that are applicable to living a productive life
in general, and in training for health, fitness
and sport, specifically. In addition, I like the
way Marty personalizes the lives of
outstanding athletes and shows how they
applied these fundamental, cant-miss
principles in their training to help them
become the best they could be in their sport.
My recommendation: if you want to achieve
something great in your life, add The
Purposeful Primitive to your training
library yesterday.
Dr. Bob Ward, Sports Science Network,
former head strength and conditioning coach,
Dallas Cowboys
For the intellectual athlete who actually
thirsts for knowledge and sees content as
King, you will get 30 years of genius and
experience in the Iron Game mixed with the
passion and ability of Hemmingway all
wrapped up in one book and the result is The
Purposeful Primitive. From me to youGo
buy the book and enjoy!!
Rickey Dale Crain, IPF/WPC/AAU
World Champion, 2000 Powerlifting Hall of
Fame Inductee
Marty Gallagher is a brilliant writer who
thinks deeply about subjects he knows and
loves. His manifesto/encyclopedia contains a
ton of wisdom, one-of-a-kind role models,
awesome color photos a truly fascinating
Clarence Bass, author of the Ripped
series, Lean For Life, Challenge Yourself, and
Great Expectations
From Olympic lifting to power lifting and
bodybuilding, whether muscle gain or fat
loss, from cooking to supplements, from
changing exercise and eating habits to
molding the psychology of a champion
(whether one is even remotely interested in
competition or not), Marty has covered it all.
I only wish I had had a book like this when I
was growing up and trying my best to get
bigger and stronger. Marty has demonstrated,
without question, that he is the current and
undeniably best trainer of champions and
ultimate guide to physicaland mental
transformation. This book not only provides
the simplest instructions and cheapest
financial and lifestyle requirements, it is
absolutely the single best book ever written
on being the best you can be physically and
James E. Wright, Ph.D, former Director
of Sports Science, U.S. Army Physical Fitness
School; former Health and Science Editor,
Flex Magazine
Absolutely magnificent. What a
breathtaking book on a life with iron. Marty
Gallagher delivers an outstanding,
comprehensive book with a writing style
worthy of Hemingway himself. This book
takes you on a journey through the iron-
history of the great ones and in the most
sophisticated way Marty presents probably
the best ever written material on life, iron and
mental fortitude.
This book is impossible to put down once
you start reading it. It should be the first read
of any who aspire to lift weights and be
healthy. There are not enough words in the
English language (or Danish for that matter)
to describe how excellent this book is. It is an
absolute must to any Strength & Health
enthusiast. I give it my highest
Kenneth the Dane of Pain Jay
Praise for Marty Gallaghers
Order Purposeful Primitive online:
Marty Gallagher has written the Great American Novel of Strength. Pavel Tsatsouline
Marty Gallagher has produced an absolute classic! I couldnt put it down... packed with real no b.s info
from real ironmen. I am proud to be included with the outstanding athletes and their stories...
A breath of fresh air! Dorian Yates, 6-time IFBB Mr. Olympia
The Purposeful
From Fat and Flaccid to
Lean and Powerful
By Marty Gallagher
#B37 $39.95
Paperback 8.5 x 11 480 pages
198 photos, charts and illustrations
Original drawing of The Purposeful
Primitive by Ori Hofmekler
From Fat and Flaccid to Lean and PowerfulUsing the Primordial Laws of Fitness
to Trigger Inevitable, Lasting and Dramatic Physical Change
ince the birth of the Olympics
in 776 BC, humanity has
celebrated the struggle for
physical transformationand
exalted to almost godlike status
those men and women who have
succeeded in transcending their
"common mortal frames" through a
combination of supreme effort and
dedicated will.
In the 21st century, this drive, this
search for the Holy Grail of physical
perfection has climbed to ever-greater
heights but has also plunged us to
unforeseen depths.
Elite athletes worldwide continue to
shatter records that would have been
considered inconceivable only decades
earlier. Our current stars are
unimaginably bigger, stronger and faster
than their earlier counterparts. And yet,
for the general populace the story is
quite different. Obesity and abject
weakness have exploded across our land
like an all-consuming virus. And the gap
between the super-fit and the obscenely
unfit widens by the day.
While an elite minority seems to
possess the secret to supreme physical
transformation, our fitness landscape is
littered with the road kill of those who
failed to make genuine progress in their
quest for change.
According to leading fitness author,
world powerlifting champion and coach
extraordinaire, Marty Gallagher, the
reasons for this sorry state of affairs are
clear and the solution obvious. In The
Purposeful Primitive, Gallagher exposes
the flaws and myths rampant in the
modern fitness community, then reveals
what could be termed "The Way of the
Masters"his foolproof program for
guaranteeing physical transformation,
based on the received wisdom of the
greats who have gone before us.
As someone who has trained with
some of the greatest strength athletes of
the century, as someone who has
coached numerous world champions to
ever more impressive records and as
someone who has had spectacular results
applying these same methods to average
folk, Marty Gallagher knows whereof he
speaks. His inspirational message: simply
follow The Way of the Masterswith
the necessary drive and desireand you
CANNOT fail, you WILL transform
physically. Changechange for the
betteris inevitable.
The problem with modern day fitness,
says Gallagher, lies in the sheer plethora
and over-complexity of methods, the
fragmented partiality of specialized
systems and the general confusion about
what really works to gain and retain
muscle while losing significant body fat.
The great masters of fitness became
masters by following a four-fold path:
right weight training, right cardio, right
eating and right mind-training. All four
modes have to be practiced together as a
synergistic whole. Then 1+1+1+1=16, or
even more For those who are up to
the challenge, Gallagher lays out every
detail of this four-fold path to supreme
physical greatnessteaching only the
methods that worked for his masters, for
himself, for his champions and lastbut
far from leasthis every day clients.
The purposefully primitive Way of the
Masters is deliberately and potently
stripped down to the core essentials of
truly effective training methods. Cutting-
edge science combines with Old School
basicsforcing the body to transform,
whether it likes it or not.
How to completely transform your body
in 90 days or less
How to train for only five hours a week
yet be superbly lean and strong
The two best eating plans to optimize your
fat loss while gaining muscle
Training protocols favored by the legends of
champion-level strength
How combining an Eastern mystics mind secrets
with a Western scientists brain train methods
can lead to massive leaps in your performance
What foods will certainly sabotage your progress
and what foods put you on the fast track for glory
The very best cardio methods to complement
rather than hinder your weight training
Order Purposeful Primitive online:
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Unlike other kettlebells I have used,
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Barry Adamson, Frederick, MD
Continually Impressed
Dragon Door never fails to impress
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Dragon Door bells just
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I purchased this 35lb bell for a friend,
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Everything about this bell is superior to
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There is a clear and noticeable difference
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Now I am looking to replace my cheap bells
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Made for Heavy-Duty Use!
These kettlebells are definitely made for
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by Dragon Door. I have both the 35 and 44
lbs KBs, and I expect to receive a 53 lbs KB
from Dragon Door by next week. And as I
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Mike Davis, Newman, CA
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Daniel Fazzari, Carson City, NV
Dragon Door Kettlebells:
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The differences between Dragon Door's
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big box sports store are astounding! The
Dragon Door design and quality are clearly
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comparison (and yes, I returned the
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store for a credit as soon as I received your
kettlebell). I look forward to purchasing a
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soon as I master the 16kg weight!
Stephen Williams, Arlington, VA
ven a man of average initial strength can immediately
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you can expect to see spectacular gains in overall strength
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Dragon Door re-introduced kettlebells to the US with the
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Call for shipping costs
Russian Kettlebell
16kg (35 lbs.)
#P10A $96.75
Call for shipping costs
Russian Kettlebell
32kg (70 lbs.)
#P10C $153.94
Call for shipping costs
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14 lbs.
#P10P $54.95
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18kg (40 lbs.)
#P10W $102.75
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36kg (79 lbs.)
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18 lbs.
#P10M $65.95
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20kg (44 lbs.)
#P10H $107.75
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40kg (88 lbs.)
#P10F $197.65
Call for shipping costs
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10kg (22 lbs.)
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22kg (48 lbs.)
#P10X $112.75
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44kg (97 lbs.)
#P10R $241.95
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12kg (26 lbs.)
#P10G $76.95
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#P10L $263.95
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#P10J $142.95
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Top shelf can hold up to 80 kg
(approx 176 lbs) of smaller kettlebells
Second shelf can hold up to 120 kg
(approx 264 lbs) of medium-size
Third shelf can hold up to 200 kg
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Fourth shelf can hold up to 250 kg
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Enhanced safety feature: specially
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Are you tired of kettlebells lying around all over your
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Would you like to have one simple, sturdy, safe yet
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As the proud possessor already of the worlds
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Then we invite to improve your training life with this
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Convenience: Save space, keep it professional
with up to 1,400 lbs of kettlebells safely stored yet
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Order Kettlebell Rack online:
NEW: Dragon Doors Premium, Heavy-Duty
Kettlebell Rack is Built Like a Tank
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Dragon Door
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Weight: 63.50 kg
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Applying the Model to Real
Life Examples fills in the
blanks and answers your
questions about using the
Functional Movement Screen when working
with your clients, athletes and patients.
Although different people have a variety of
programming needs, we all require a baseline
movement map to enhance safety and
maximize results, and this 4-DVD set lays
down that foundation.
A properly executed movement screen
provides a unique perspective; Gray shows us
how to use the basic technology as a tool to
develop programming unique to each
individual. But its much more than a
movement screen discussion, because what
Gray is best at is seeing how people move,
how we learn to move, and how we re-learn
movement. Hes gifted at explaining what
most of us dont even see, and youll find
yourself pausing the video over and over to
stop and ponder concepts that he makes sound
obvious, but that youve never considered.
Each time you watch the DVDs, listen to the
audio file and read the included transcript, you
will discover something new, something you
missed before or that has a deeper meaning as
you get more familiar with the ideas. For
many trainers, strength coaches and medical
professionals, this material could be the key to
how you work with clients, patients and
athletes in the years to come.
The workshop covers the age spectrum of
fitness clients, post-rehab clients and athletes
of all levels. With tremendous insight and
enthusiasm, Gray discusses the logic of
movement that all of us share. And because
this movement logic is common to all of us,
youll be able to apply this new material in
your work the very next day.
How to Select the Right
Exercises for Yourself and
Your Clientsto Guarantee
You Get Maximal Results
from Your FMS Protocols
Functional Movement
Applying the Model to Real Life Examples
By Gray Cook,
with Brett Jones, Master RKC
#DV082 $129.00
4-disk DVD set, approximately 4 hours.
Disk One
Standard Operating
Movement Matters
Squat Discussion
Stabilization and Repatterning
Our Movement History
Disk Two
Functional Movement
Screen Review
Scoring the Screens
Filters and Key Points
Live Screens
Scoring Criteria
Programming the Results
Disk Three
Screen Results Analysis
Order of Screen Priority
Hip Hinge and Deadlift
Movement Motor Learning
Movement Principles
Self-Limiting Exercise
Disk Four
Extra corrective strategies
Full lecture in MP3 audio
format for listening in your
car or on your portable device
A 61-page typeset transcript of the
Movement Principles excerpt from the
Movement book
FMS scoring criteria and verbal
Presentation slides PDF
Video clips from Grays Powerpoint
Self-limiting activities chart
Order Gray Cooks FMS DVD set online:
Why the RKC Beast Tamer and the RKC
Iron Maiden Dene All-Around, Elite
StrengthAnd How YOU Can Train to
Master the Challenge Yourself
Order Beast Tamer online:
n Dragon Doors RKC kettlebell instructor training system, the Beast
Tamer and Iron Maiden challenges represent the ultimate athletic
achievement of an elite few men and women. To earn the accolade of
Beast Tamer men must flawlessly perform a Pistol, a Pullup and a
Presswith a 108-lbs kettlebell. To earn the accolade of Iron Maiden
women must flawlessly perform a Pistol, a Pull Up and a Presswith a 53-lbs
These three lifts comprise elements of strength, mobility and skill that make
each different enough from the others as to make performing all three a feat
worthy of great respect. The RKC ranks are filled with strong, able men and
women. That only around 1% have accomplished The Beast or the Iron
Maiden Challenges, speaks volumes about their difficulty.
As with any great feats of strength, success comes from a combination of
dedicated training, careful programming, a clear understanding of the
necessary progressions and the cultivation of particular skill-sets. Without the
correct formula applied in the correct manner, the RKC Beast Tamer and RKC
Iron Maiden are just not going to happen.
When Senior RKC, Andrew Read did a deep dive to research what exactly it
took to master the Beast Tamer or Iron Maiden, he discovered some clear
commonalities in the training methodologies of successful Tamers and Maidens.
Success leaves clues. Andrew Read shines a masterful light on those clues,
building a foolproof blueprint for the achievement of elite strength.
What works in real life to become an all-around, elite strength champion?
Andrew Read gives you the tools, tips and techniques that can turn you from
ordinary to extraordinary. Want to tap into your inner Beast or inner Iron
Maiden? Bring passion, dedication and supreme determination to your training
tableand you CANNOT FAIL. We look forward to welcoming down the
road to the RKC Beast Tamer and RKC Iron Maiden Halls of Fame!
Beast Tamer
How to Master the
Ultimate Russian
Kettlebell Strength
By Andrew Read,
Master RKC
#B71 $29.95
eBook $19.95
Paperback 8.5 x 11 138 pages
The best strength book I have read in 25 years. Please keep up the
good work. You know your stuff. Willard Sloan, Sedona, AZ
Way more than "just" Taming the Beast
Andrew Read has done a fantastic service in synthesizing some
of the best material available (from Pavel, Charlie Poliquin,
Kenneth Jay, the FMS, etc.) on presses, pulls, and pistols with his
own 20+ years of experience. I love how personalized the
programming is. For instance, Read offers different program
guidelines for people who are more endurance-geared (slow
twitch) and power-geared (fast twitch) so that his templates
match his athletes. In addition to his programs, he also shares the
programming/personal insights of a host of Beast Tamers/Iron
Finally, the book is full of correctives and drills to give aspiring
Beast Tamers that little edge they need AND provide relative
novices with a great point of access to these three crucial lifts.
I've already started implementing the "Pistol Lite" progressions
with my mostly middle-aged clients who are just trying out one-
leg squats for the first time. Mark Bixby, RKC Team Leader,
Santa Fe, NM
An intelligent program designed to get us
Master Read does a great job of bridging the gap between FMS
and strength. It is not good to be only strong, we also need to
have good mobility and stability as well. So kudos to Master
Read for putting together an intelligent program designed to get
us stronger. I look forward to trying my hand at the Beast Tamer
challenge in the near future with this book's help! Moses
Correa RKC, Hainesport, NJ
Andrew Read is a programming Genius
I LOVED the Book...from the opening paragraph to the
interviews with IM's and BT's at the end. I loved the program
options/ideas/drills! It's simple, easy programming. When you can
take something that seems complicated and make it simple...I
believe that is genius! If you have an interest in IM/BT training or
to just simply want to get better at one or all the lifts ...this book
is for you!
I had the privilege of Andrew programming my Iron Maiden
training. The program worked! It was just what I needed to work
my weaknesses with FMS correctives/drills and of course ..the
program! It all came together and was a beautiful thing in the
end...Thanks to Andrew! Beth Andrews, Senior RKC, Iron
Maiden, Cartersville, GA
othing ages us faster than the lack of
regular, effective exercise. Muscles melt
away, bones go brittle, posture stoops,
skin sags, flab hangsand joints creak.
Pain, fear and fatigue become our constant
The less you exercise, the
faster you decline. However,
not all exercise is created
equal. Many forms of exercise
may at best put you in a
holding pattern, while other
forms of exercise might even
exacerbate your health issues.
The good news is that there is
one form of exercise which
can give you immeasurable health benefits, whatever
your age. Regular, well-designed kettlebell workouts
may not only reverse many symptoms of aging, but
will actively contribute to building your strength and
power well into your 50s, 60s,
70s and 80s.
Kettlebells are the only
handheld weight that
allows you to exercise
aerobically, for cardio as
well as anaerobically, for
strength training. The
kettlebell is the unique
gym in your hand that
can reward you with
decades of high-yield
health benefits.
Andrea Du Canes The Ageless
Body presents a complete De-
Aging Masterplan, that gives
everyone from the raw novice to
the experienced athlete an
opportunity to defy physical
decline and hone themselves
safely, simply and progressively
into the muscular, energetic,
magnetic specimens they deserve to be.
The Ageless Body
everything you
need to start
training with
whatever your
current age or
condition. Bonus
sections cover
warm-ups, joint
mobility, balance and stabilityto ensure your anti-
aging kettlebell program covers all the essential
elements for a long, active,
safe and pain-free life. Enjoy!
The Ageless Body
How to Remain a Human Dynamo
and Retain a Perfect Physique
With the Magic of Kettlebells
By Andrea Du Cane, Master RKC
#B58 $34.95
eBook $19.95
Paperback 8.5 x 11 159 pages
237 photos, charts and illustrations
Discover how the magic of kettlebell
exercise can keep you powerful,
strong and suppleat any age
Order The Ageless Body online:
In Deadlift Dynamite
youll discover:
How to build a massive deadlift using
proven strength techniques
A step-by-step beginners plan for getting
started in the iron game and getting big
How to carry on getting STRONGER,
year after year, even if you are an
intermediate or advanced lifter
Assistance exercises to take your strength
and muscle mass to the next level
How to build enough speed and explosive
power to dominate in any hard-core sport
Secrets for smashing your bench press and
squat PRs
How to minimize your injury risk and
ensure your strength training longevity
The deadlift can lay serious claim to be the
single most important exercise you can ever
doif your goal is to develop
supreme strength and total body
power. And who better to help
you to achieve your ultimate
strength and power gains than 6-
time world champion and
multiple record holder, Andy
Boltonbacked by the expertise
of strength authority, Pavel?
The first section of Deadlift
Dynamite How to Lift,
provides a safe, progressive,
technically-detailed plan on how
to get started right in the iron
game, avoid the typical mistakes and years
of frustration, and see extraordinary results
in even the first year of training.
Intermediate lifters will appreciate the world
of subtle tips and masterly insightswhich
will help them bust through plateaus and
surge forward in their gains. And the savvy
coach will recognize he now owns the
ultimate blueprint for producing
championsin many athletic fields.
Whether your goal is to excel in the sport of
powerlifting or you just want to become
stronger and more muscular Deadlift
Dynamite is for you.
There are many approaches to muscle and
strength building, some effective, more
marginal, most nearly worthless.
Powerliftings half century of existence has
undeniably proven that this sport offers the
most time-efficient methods for making you
As one of the strongest men on the planet,
Andy Boltons contribution to is
unassailableyet couched in a simple, direct
and totally accessible style. Pavels goal is to
compress the period it would take you to
master championship lifting technique, like
Andys, from decades to years and even
monthswhile avoiding the many health
problems lifters who train incorrectly
develop along the way.
When it comes to programming for world-
class lifts, Andy Bolton is the undisputed
results-master. In the champion reveals his
classic templates that have helped him earn
title after titleand can forever turn around
your own success as a conqueror of the
unforgiving iron.
The second section How to Lift More is
aimed at the experienced lifter.
Pavel and Andy go into great
detail describing the deeper
subtleties of world-class deadlift
technique and teach you state of
the art assistance exercises.
While the deadlift is the focal point
of the book, the squat and the
bench press also receive the
attention they deserveto provide
lifters, of all levels, the absolute
essentials to excel in these great
lifts as well.
How to Build Supreme Strength,
Massive Muscle and Explosive Power
Faster, More Effectively and More Safely
A Progressive Program of Proven Methods for Getting
Stronger and BiggerThe World Champions Way
Order Deadlift Dynamite online:
Order Deadlift Dynamite online:
Why the deadlift is the single most
important exercise you can ever doif
ultimate strength and size is your goal
Pages 12
How mastering the deadlift can explode
your jump and add horsepower to your
sprintPage 2
How THIS unique, little-known hinge drill
can be a lifesaver for serious deads
giving you way more power and flexibility
Page 8
How to choose between the conventional
deadlift and the sumo get this right and
youll reach your strength potential, get it
wrong and you wontPage 12
Here is a specific alignment you MUST
employ if you want to superpower your
dead. Get the goods herePage 16
Making THIS mistake could be devastating
and has injured thousands before you
learn the hows and whys of how to save
yourself from disasterPage 16
Why chest-puffing like a regular weightlifter
can hurt your gains when deading
Page 21
How to bombproof your often-vulnerable
mid-back for safer, more powerful lifts
Page 21
Why choosing "energy efficiency" in your
dead technique can spell disaster for your
backand what to do insteadPage 24
Inferior lifters often doom themselves with
this all-too-common mistake. Discover how
to avoid being doomed to the ranks of the
inferiorPage 25
Heres the best bridge technique to
magically enhance your deadlift lockout
the rewards will speak for themselves
Page 27
Discover the secrets of "incremental
racking" for super-solid gainsPage 33
The "martial advantage" that comes from
the mixed gripget the full story here
Page 36
How to employ the subtle-and-vital skill of
recruiting your _______ for additional
power and strengthPage 38
Heres exactly how to supercharge your
pressing powerPage 41
Why 99% of people bench appallinglyand
what it takes to become a one-percenter
Page 41
Theres a double-whammy to good
technique. Knowing the nature of the
double-whammy will inspire you to
supersize your lifts by sticking to this advice
from Pavel and AndyPage 43
The 3 keys to the perfect bench press set
upPage 44
What you MUST do to absolutely maximize
your bench numbersPage 44
To arch or not to arch? Get the plusses and
minuses here and make the right choice for
YOUPage 45
The 8 keys to lowering the bar for optimal
resultsPages 4950
How to best blast the bar to lockout
Pages 5153
What you can learn from how Andy
achieved a 1,214 lb squatPage 53
Here are proven and crucial methods
guaranteed to improve your hip mobility and
ensure a more massive power squat
Page 57
The magic of the RKC Face-the-Wall Squat
to dramatically improve your liftPages
How to reap the strength benefits of this
"spine-lengthening" techniquePage 63
How to pull yourself down into the hole and
the gains youll get from mastering this
methodPage 64
How to master the RKC hip flexor stretch for
a better squat, bench AND deadliftPages
The "Three Golden Stretches" for serious
strength athletesPages 7071
How to find your perfect power squat
stancePage 72
How to full-bore the powerlifting-style
squatand amp up the gainsPage 77
Very few athletes own THIS profound
secret for dramatically enhancing THIS
muscle for THESE resultsPage 78
Learn this stronger way to "spread the
floor"for way safer loadingPage 84
The 4 great keys to driving the bar to
lockoutPage 87
Why you need to obey the Law of
Compensatory Acceleration to squeeze
more gains out of your liftPage 87
Understanding these golf and tennis secrets
will transfer extra power when loading for
your squatPage 88
5 big ideas for fixing common squat
problemsPages 8993
The 4 big rules all squat beginners must
take as BiblePage 93
The cardinal sin to avoidand what a
TRUE Champions technique is all about
Page 95
Why THIS quality is THE King for developing
outlandish strengthand the 3 essential
practices you can use to make IT happen
Page 96
How and why employing isometric
contraction correctly can explode your
heavy-lifting gainsPage 97
3 self-correcting drills to improve your all-
important skill of "pre-tensing"Page 97
How to perfect the bottom-up kettlebell
clean and press this exercise will help to
bullet-proof your shoulders against injury,
make them SUPER-STRONG and give you a
vice-like grip (perfect for holding onto HUGE
deadlifts)Pages 97104
Grab it here: Andys knowledge-drop on
"speed and compensatory acceleration"
Page 108
The 2 essential rules to obey when lifting at
speed. Disobey at your peril!Pages
Absolute strength is good, but in sports,
SPEED rules Heres whyPage 109
Speed versus grinding and the role of
tensionPage 109
How to EAT for superior strength and
muscular sizePage 111
10 simple, yet highly effective principles to
follow for improved strength and health
Pages 112114
Cycling: a simple yet highly effective way
to add major pounds to your squat, press
and pullPage 115
The 4 essential keys to successful
cyclingPage 117
Golden cycling tips for intermediate and
advanced liftersPage 118
5 important variables to watch to ensure
you keep gaining on your cyclesPages
How to benefit fully from wave cycles
Page 121
How to take advantage of step cycling
great for both beginners and advanced
lifters to make spectacular gainsPage 122
Only here: the cycle that produced a 1,003
lb deadlift, in never-before-revealed
detailPage 125
Here is the EXACT training cycle Andy used
to build to a 1,214 squatPage 127
Surefire tips on how to fix a failing training
The 5 rules beginners should obey to
minimize training cycle failuresPage 130
The number one thing to avoid in your
trainingPage 131
How to cycle properly during your off-
seasonPages 133
our first year plan for building serious
strengthPages 137139
The magic number of reps that enable you
to build strength and muscle
simultaneouslyPage 137
How to develop your own team of
"champions" for greater lifting success
Page 141
The 7 steps to a bullet-proof mindsetto
crush when it countsPage 141
The 9 essential qualities you must have
instilled for a high-performing teamP
age 142
How and what to visualize to really
succeed in the iron gamePage145
Beyond the basicshow to really start
stacking on the plates and have your
Deadlift reach ungodly loadsPage 149
Andys surprising secret recipe for
maximum strength with minimum injury
riskPage 150
5 keys to the perfect pullPage 151
Discover this "3-dip" formula to adding yet
more power to your liftPage 151
Why all great deadlifters have scars
HEREand why you should too if you are
serious about blasting a really big load
Page 152
The 3 best ways to start a high-load pull
Pages 154155
How to identify and plug the "10 deadly
leaks"that are currently sapping your
strength and powerPage 157
How to fix your feetwithout this in place
youll never make it to the top. Never!
Pages 157159
Learn how to plug those ankle leaksor
suffer the consequencesPage 160
This leakage in your knees will get you red-
lighted for sureand heres the surefire
fixPages 160163
The tell-tale signs of hip leakage (which is
just as awful as it sounds)and how to
stop that nonsense nowPages 162165
How to fix potentially crippling leakages in
the lumbar spinePages 165166
How to fix leakages in the thoracic spine
Pages 166167
What so many lifters do wrong with their
scapulaeand the 5 ways to fix that sin
Pages 167168
The deadlift and sports assistance
exercisesPage 169
How to overcome your deadlift plateaus,
even if youve been stuck at the same
weight for yearsPage 169
Discover the plateau-busting power of the
perfect partialPage 170
How to employ deficit pulls for greater
starting strengthPage 170
9 fantastic assistance exercises that can
blow up your liftsPages 170174
Why the kettlebell swing is a killer
assistance exercise for the deadlift
Page 175
This "towel swing" will help you nail perfect
timing on your deadliftPages 178183
This surprising Special Forces "groin-
breathing" method protects your back and
ups your poundagePage 185
This dead swing is perfect for
powerliftersfind out why and how to ace
the liftPages 188190
Want to train for the ultimate in explosive
hip power? Then THIS drill is a gift from
heavenPages 195197
When and how to employ the overspeed
eccentric swing for spectacular
improvements in explosivity and fantastic
carryover for sports and general physical
prep alikePages 197200
The ideal kettlebell swing program for
powerliftersPages 201204
Heres the ab-strengthening masterplan to
drive your deadlift numbers through the
roofPages 205228
The best-kept secrets for strengthening your
abs and safely upping your liftsPage 209
This Russian paradox breathing crunch
develops a critical tension skill essential to
safe, heavy lifting. Get it herePages
Learn the risky but reward-laden Russian
Hockey liftPage 212
How to avoid the danger of injury by
strategically practicing this apparently
"stupidly dangerous" movePage 213
Want to quickly master the all-important
skill of generating a CRAZY midsection
contraction when arching? Heres the
ticketPage 216
They call the suitcase deadlift a "priceless
exercise" for a reason. If you are not
employing this method youre leaving a
helluva lot on the table! Find out more
herePages 220223
Why rotation exercises for powerlifters?
Page 224
How to strengthen your trunk rotators and
up your liftsPage 224
The 14 must-know secrets to the perfect
plankPages 227228
How to build a big, strong backPages
How to perform Hammer strength rows the
right waylike a true championPage 230
The 5 keys to really piling on the plates and
lifting like a GodPage 230
How to best perform one-arm DB rows for
awesome lats and a better backPage
The 8 performance secrets for the perfect
one-arm DB rowPage 231
How to best perform low pulley cable
rowsanother dynamite way to train your
backPages 231233
The 18 variations for the low pulley cable
rowPage 231
The 7 secrets to perfect cable rowsPage
The 9 keys to huge results from inverted
rows with gymnastic ringsPage 234
How to best perform standing single cable
rowsgreat for the lats and especially
great for lifters with dodgy shoulders
Page 235
The 7 keys to optimizing the standing single
cable rowPage 235
Discover the king of all upper-body pulling
exercisesPage 238
The 5 essentials to an awesome pullup
Page 238
5 ways to load your body for even greater
upper body strengthPage 238
How to perform pull downsanother great
way to build your lats, upper back, biceps
and forearmsPages 240241
The 6 keys to pull down greatness
Page 241
How to best insert upper body pulling
exercises into your weekly training program
get this right and your squat, bench and
deadlift will INCREASE get it wrong and
youll likely end up overtrainedPages
How to incorporate bench press assistance
exercises and skyrocket your pressing
powerPages 245253
Heres a great assistance exercise for the
pecsto help you recover faster
Page 245
5 assistance exercises you MUST do for
your triceps essential for a STRONG
bench press lockoutPage 245
Why the kettlebell halo is the perfect
shoulder assistance exercisePages
Discover the amazing benefits of the
kettlebell RKC arm bar this is the
PERFECT exercise for keeping your upper
back healthy Pages 249253
How to greatly increase your thoracic spine
and shoulder girdle mobilityfor way more
comfort when squatting heavyPage 250
Andys Advanced Weekly Scheduleif it
works for him, could it work for you?
Pages 255259
What Youll Get When You Possess Deadlift Dynamite
How To Master The King of
All Strength Exercises
By Pavel and Andy Bolton
#B68 $29.95
eBook $19.95
Paperback 8.5 x 11 275 pages
220 photos
Order Deadlift Dynamite online:
I am so excited about this DVD! I have been
training with KBs for three years now off and on,
and I have to admit that my motivation has
been running low in the past year, and this is just
what I needed! Someone to
push me, something simple,
something sturctured. I have
been waiting for a DVD like this
for a looong time and now it is
finally here! What I like best
with it is how it is laid out. It is a
complete foolproof way to get your butt kicked a
different way each and every day! I love it. And
the PDF that came with the DVD shows different
ways to schedule your workout or combine
different exercises and it gives me absolutely no
excuse not to swing that bell! Andrea, great job!
Ulrika, Detroit, MI
The Complete Package
If I could I would give this DVD a 20 instead of
a 10. Most DVDs only give you a stripped down
version of a workout. This marvelous DVD gives
you not only 1 workout, like most DVDs. It gives
you an infinite amount of them, and they include
a warm-up portion and a cool-down routine
that is out of this world. These workouts will
work you out even if you use a light kettlebell.
The instructions are clear cut, and concise for all
to understand. Guys will love this DVD as well.
Karen R. Queen, Tampa, Florida
This DVD is brilliant! I love the way it is
structured to either follow along with the
goddess workouts or to create your own. The
instruction is great and the workouts are
awesome. I can never see myself getting sick of
this DVD with all the variety! Im newly addicted
to kettlebells; I have only been working out with
them for a few months now and I think this DVD
is excellent for beginners. Id recommend it to
both beginners and advanced kettlebellers alike.
If you are looking for a serious workout DVD, this
is definitely worth it! I love it! I cant thank Andrea
Jen, Maine
Hard Core Workout!
Andrea Du Cane provides some tough
workouts on The Kettlebell Goddess DVD. This
DVD is not for beginners, but it is a great way for
someone familiar with basic kettlebell exercises
to get a great challenging workout. Each of the
goddess workouts are great no-frills, no-
nonsense, kick-butt exercise routines. I really
enjoy the relax into stretch segment at the end
of each workout.
By the way, this DVD is not
just for women! My boyfriend
loves it as much as I do
(though he did complain
about not being able to keep
up with women wearing pink
Mary - Saratoga, CA
Become the Goddess!!
WOW!! I purchased this DVD at the RKC in
October and I am in LOVE!! I will recommend this
DVD to EVERYONE!! This has to be the most
kick-butt workout Ive tried. My clients will love it!
I love the structure of being able to design my
own workout with the formulas provided, or just
follow along with the workouts already created
for us. Andrea - You are awesome! Thanks so
much for this DVD! I feel like Im back at the RKC.
Rae Chitwood, RKC, Mansfield, OH
The Kettlebell Goddess
Workout is the Best!
This is one of the best DVDs that I have ever
purchased. It is so complete with workouts and
instructions. The variety is terrific. I really
enjoyed Andrea in From Russia with Tough Love,
but this is the best. Nicole and Kristann are a
wonderful complement to
her and very much inspire
me to keep working to get
better. I tried to just watch
the video without picking up
the kettlebells, but I couldnt.
I had to jump right into a
workout. I am glad I did. First
the warm up was one of the most thorough that
I have ever had. Then the exercises really hit the
mark. I had such a pump in my lower body and
an overall rush all over. Then the nice cool down
made me feel like I really accomplished
something. I plan to keep on doing the
workouts. Thanks for the Kettlebell Goddess
Workout. Please keep up the good work!
Robin McGill, Tampa, FL
Nothing but positive
This is a great DVD. I have
been getting nothing but
positive feedback from my
clients. I tried a few of them
myself and trust me guys,
this DVD is not just for the
Goddess but the Gods can
also get worked on these programs as well. The
different combinations and ways Andrea shows
you how to come up with your own personal
routine makes this a must for anyone who
wants to get in shape.Lance Mosley, RKC,
CSCS - Palm Beach County, FL
Order Kettlebell Goddess online:
Acclaim for Andrea Du Canes
The Kettlebell Goddess Workout DVD
he ancient Greek Goddesses were famous for their vigorous and
vibrant strength, their power, their grace and their physical elegance.
Now you have a realistic chance to make even a Greek Goddess
green with envy as you matchif not surpassthem for athletic grace and
high performance!
In this superbly produced, interactive, menu-based DVD, Senior Russian
Kettlebell Instructor, Andrea Du Cane challenges and inspires you to
seize that ideal of elegant strength and make it your own.
Andreas powerful array of authentic kettlebell workouts, plus cool
downs and stretches, are guaranteed to reward you with greater
energy, greater well being, greater strength and a superb figure. Fit
for the Goddess you know you are!
Choose from a wide variety of Upper Body, Lower Body, Abs and Cardio
workouts, then mix and match to create your own customized training
program for godly perfection. Your results will be strictly divine
Or simply follow along with one of the six Goddess Workouts for a
complete, carefully targeted session designed to carve away the fat and
sculpt lean, toned musclesready and willing to take on the world and
win it all. Just like Athena Just like Nike
Once the hard-kept secret of elite Russian athletes, special forces and
manly men, the kettlebell is now becoming the preferred tool for women
who are tired of being merely human and tired of mediocre resultsand
who demand fast fat loss, high energy and exceptional physical
performance, now! Let Andrea show you the way
Receive inspiring, first-class personal instruction from one
of the nations top female kettlebell athletes.
Renew yourself with a constant variety of targeted, high-
yield workouts that meet your changing needs.
Redefine your body and exceed your mortal limits, with
the divine challenge of Andreas patented Goddess
Includes a Special Bonus Section of additional drills to add
further variety and power to your workouts.
Contents include a PDF on How to Get the Most Out of
Your Kettlebell Goddess Workout DVDplus special
programming tips.
Watch The Kettlebell Goddess Workout and you will know why Andrea
Du Cane is the leader in womens kettlebell training. Pavel Tsatsouline
Stay Strong, Young, Toned and Vibrant With
Andrea Du Canes High-Powered, Super-High-
Energy Kettlebell Cardio and Strength Workouts
The Kettlebell
Andrea Du Cane,
Master RKC
with Kristann Heinz,
MD, RKC and
Nicole Du Cane, RKC
Running time:
2 Hours and 25 minutes
DVD #DV040 $29.95
Order Kettlebell Goddess online:
Possibly the Most Important DVD
Made Since Enter the Kettlebell!
Watching The Kettlebell Boomer reminded me of
my parents and the necessity to get the
transformative power of the kettlebell into the
hands of the Baby Boomer Generation. This DVD
will do just that.
The Kettlebell Boomer truly demonstrates that
kettlebells are for EVERYBODY and no bodies
need it more right now than the Boomers. This
DVDis the solution to aging gracefully and it
couldnt come at a better time than now. My hope
is that members of the Boomer generation, with
the help of my generation (Gen-X), experience
what we already know - that when we say
kettlebells, we mean strength. And when we say
strength, we mean kettlebells."
76 million people
need this DVD
Andrea Du Cane is not a Master Instructor for
nothing. She has been there from the beginning of
the Kettlebell Invasion and is still leading from the
front. In fact, she was my Team Leader when I got
certified in 2005 and was a tough, fair and
exacting instructor.
She only wanted you to do things technically
correct so that you could make the best progress
you could, safely. Her emphasis on technique and
execution over sheer loads makes a big difference,
especially when one is in the second half of their
Her interest in working with the general
population led her to always emphasize corrective
drills, stretching, mind body connection and safety
first, way before it became so popular.
Her newest DVD The Kettlebell Boomer is perfect
for those that want a solid introduction to all the
basic kb exercises as well as progressions and
techniques that let them go slowly into this brave
and perhaps scary new world of the kettlebell.
Given that there are 76 million people in this age
range this is a product that needed to be made.
One of the charges we ask of ourselves when
certifying potential RKCs is whether we would feel
safe having them train our mothers. With this
DVD any instructor will have even more tools to
safely bring deconditioned, older people into the
kettlebell community with confidence.
MARK REIFKIND, Master Instructor RKC,
San Jose, CA
Excellent DVD
The Kettlebell Boomer by Andrea Du Cane is full
of excellent progressions, variations and
techniques targeted at the senior population.
Trainers will want this product so they can
effectively integrate the Kettlebell into the routines
of their senior clients and Seniors will want this
product to enhance their own Kettlebell practice or
to enter into Kettlebell training. With 4 experience
levels, the self screen and the variations and
progressions provided, this DVD can open the
world of KB training to the older clientele."
Pittsburgh, PA
What You Should Know About
Andrea Du Cane and The
Kettlebell Boomer
Have you ever wondered how to overcome your
physical limitations (or your clients) to optimize
your performance and get real results from your
kettlebell workouts?
When I owned my gym, 90% of my clients were
boomers who came to me with some sort of pre-
existing injury or impingement that limited the
progress we could make together. Of course as an
RKC, I had some tools in my toolbox to help them
make breakthroughs, but I didnt have The
Kettlebell Boomer. I remember both of us walking
out of some training sessions frustrated that we
didnt make the progress we intended to make.
Has this ever been you?
If the answer is yes, you have to watch The
Kettlebell Boomer with Master RKC, Andrea Du
Cane. Du Canes DVD is one of the most
important kettlebell DVDs available for both
trainers and kettlebell enthusiastshere is why:
Students in the DVD are varied in their limitations
and you will find either yourself or your client in
this DVD.
Du Cane teaches you with sound methods how to
work within and even overcome limitations.
You will learn how to reverse the effects of aging
in a easy to understand formatDu Cane is
professional and engaging.
Complete and thorough instruction on how to
adapt certain exercises to specific limitations.
Du Cane demonstrates how to shatter plateaus,
boost performance and maximize results!
Did you know boomers are estimated to be 80
million strong by 2020? As a trainer you must
know how to train this group of people and as a
boomer you should know that you dont need to
be limited in your kettlebell training.
What was the experience you had recently that left
you feeling frustrated after a training session? I am
willing to bet that after you watch The Kettlebell
Boomer you will no longer feel like you (or your
client) just didnt do enough or that you (or your
client) just cant perform certain kettlebell
exercises. Get The Kettlebell Boomer now!
SARAH LURIE, Author of Kettlebells For
Dummies, Montecito, CA
The Kettlebell Boomer
How to Defy Aging and Be a Human
Dynamo Throughout Your Senior Years
Thanks to Kettlebells
With Master RKC, Andrea Du Cane
#DV074 $39.95
Running time: 2 hours 50 minutes
Order Kettlebell Boomer online:
If you choose to reclaim your youth, look no further than The Kettlebell Boomer.
Andrea Du Cane possesses a razor sharp mind and the kind of attention to detail that
separates the high-end professionals from the also-rans. Which shall become obvious
once you watch her DVD. Youth is a choice. Make it. Pavel Tsatsouline, author of
Enter the Kettlebell!
an one exercise sequence do it all?
Can one exercise provide insight
into how you move? Could one
exercise be the key to achieving a
balanced and strong body?
Well, according to the two of the most
highly regarded Engineers of Movement
Mastery, Gray Cook and Brett Jones, the
answer is a resounding Yes!
When past Super Bowl champion teams
have wanted to ensure their athletes are
moving at full potential, Gray Cook has
been their go-to guy. When Pavel and
Dragon Door wanted similar results with
their certified RKC instructors, they invited
Gray Cook and Brett Jones to design the
CK-FMS certification program to fill that
Turns out, one of the absolute
cornerstones, one of the greatest success
breakthroughs Gray and Brett contributed
was an astonishingly thorough re-
engineering of the revered Turkish Get Up.
Although the Turkish Get Up has always
been a staple, core exercise taught at the
RKC, Gray and Jones consider it a vastly
under-appreciated and under-used method.
A fundamental drill, as important to high-
level performance as the classic kettlebell
So Gray and Brett, with additional
masterly contributions from Dr. Mark
Cheng, have created a brilliantly
comprehensive instructional guide that
every RKC and every serious athlete will
want to watch and learn from many, many
Kettlebells From the Ground Up not
only introduces you to the basics of the
Turkish Get Up, but provides you with all
the tools you need to master this
movement. In a carefully progressive, 7-
step process Gray and Brett help you
toward Get Up perfection.
And as you would expect of these
Masters of Movement Engineering, they
dont just stop at showing you how to
perform the exercise. Discover why the
Turkish Get Up is simultaneously a
profound and broad-ranging assessment
tool, a tremendously effective corrective
strategy and a formidable workout where
the skys the limit for athletic
For lay comrades, the language is kept
simple and clear. But for the pros who need
the extra background, each of the 7 Steps
has a tips for Pros section that alone is
worth the price of admission.
The old time strongmen used the Get Up
as an entrance exam requiring a 100-
pound Get Up on each side before
beginning any other training. The Turkish
Wrestlers used the Get Up to train for
combat and grappling. And today the Get
Up represents an opportunity for everyone
to regain the beautiful strength and
symmetry that our so-called fitness routines
should bring usbut invariably dont!
An assessment
and an exercise
As Gray Cook has so eloquently stated:
modern fitness techniques can actually
allow us to stack fitness on dysfunction.
Meaning that we can actually take a bent
frame and put a bigger engine in that car.
Not a great idea
To perform safely at our peak, year-in,
year-out, we need to cultivate a symmetry
of strength and movement. Enter the Get
Because the Get Up can provide us with
that crucial Left to Right assessment of
movement and strength At each of the
7 steps on the Kettlebells from the Ground
Up DVD you will know if the movement,
stability and strength is equal. The exercise
actually becomes an assessment.
Shoulders and Hips
Some schools of Chinese medicine
refer to the shoulder and hip joints as the
Four Knots and where there is an
imbalance of tension or strength in any of
the Four Knots problemscan occur
Dr. Mark Cheng brings us this excellent
description of the interplay between
shoulders and the hips. Modern
reductionist fitness philosophy has people
attempting to isolate pieces and parts of the
body into something called fitness. But
this is simply not how the body works.
Movement is an incredibly complicated
concert of agonist/antagonist muscle action
coordinated by a web of neurological input.
So how about simply cutting to the
chasewhile maintaining this exquisite
integrity by performing an exercise that
requires us to move our body around a
stabile shoulder coordinated through
mobile hips? Sounds like the Get Up
doesnt it? Correct. Correct
Getting Primitive
The beginning for the Get Up represents
a very primitive rolling pattern. Many of us
actually lose this rolling pattern as we age.
But loss of this fundamental pattern can
and usually doescreate a cascade effect
through the body of dysfunction and
If an individual is having issues with the
beginning of the Get Up it could be because
of a defective rolling patternand working
on the first part of the exercise can bring
back this primitive movement pattern.
With a welcome upgrade to your overall
athletic performance.
When you progress through each step of
Kettlebells from the Ground Up, youll be
self-engineering a whole series of similar
athletic performance breakthroughs, one
building on the next for an ever more
elegant and powerful overall result.
If youre currently dissatisfied in ANY
WAY, by the quality of your movement,
then you owe it to yourself to grab a copy
of Kettlebells from the Ground Up NOW
and fix what needs to be fixed.
If you dont oil your vehicle or dont put
air in a flat tire, youre heading for serious
trouble. Its not a case of if, its a case of
when. Our bodies are no different.
Unfortunately, we often scrimp and
shortchange our bodies by neglecting or
procrastinating on this crucial self-
maintenance. Ironically, often the more
skilled we are as athletes the more
procrastinate on fixing our dysfunctions.
Bad idea!
The Kettlebells from the Ground Up
programdesigned by two absolute
masters of the gamecould just be a life-
saver for your athletic performance.
Go for it!
Could This Powerful Turkish Wrestling
Exercise Be the Single Best Secret for the
Cultivation of Beautiful Strength?
Modern-day athletic performance experts hail rewards of the ancient Turkish Get-Up
reveal cutting edge program for both correcting and radically enhancing your physical movement
Kettlebells From the Ground Up is an inch wide and a mile deep exploration of one of the most important
exercises anyone can do. The Turkish Get-Up, as taught by Cook, Jones, and Cheng, offers a wealth of benefits:
identifying the problems with your movement, correcting them, teaching you to move well, to love to move. I am
hard pressed to find a sport or activity which would not benefit from this one of a kind product. Yes, it will even
make your bench press go up! Pavel Tsatsouline, author of Enter the Kettlebell!
Kettlebells from
the Ground Up
The Kalos Sthenos
With Gray Cook, RKC and
Brett Jones, Master RKC
Manual co-authored with
Dr. Mark Cheng, Senior RKC
#DVS017 $79.95
2-DVD set with 36 page
spiral-bound manual
Order Kettlebells Ground Up online:
The Bible of
Kettlebell Training
If you get any book this year on
training and fitness, it should be this
book. Pavel is the leading authority
on kettlebell training. If you want
to learn from the best, he is
knocking at your door here. LET
HIM IN! You will be glad you did.
Jim Chandler, Brazilian Jiujitsu
World Champion, Huntington
Beach, CA
Order Enter The Kettlebell! online:
Enter the
Strength Secret of
The Soviet Supermen
by Pavel
#B33 $34.95
eBook $19.95
Paperback 200 pages 8.5 x 11
246 full color photos,
charts, and workouts
Kettlebell Training...The Closest
Thing You Can Get to Fighting,
Without Throwing A Punch
Federal Counterterrorist Operator
Thekettlebell. AK-47 of physical
training hardware. Hunk of iron on a handle.
Simple, sinister, brutaland ferociously effective
for developing explosive strength, dramatic
power and never-say-die conditioning. The mans
mans choice for the toughest, most demanding,
highest-yield exercise tool on the planet.
Guaranteed to forge a rugged, resilient, densely-
muscled framebuilt to withstand the hardest
beating and dish it right back out, 24/7.
Once the prized and jealously-guarded training
secret of elite Russian athletes, old-school
strongmen and the military, the kettlebell has
invaded the West. And taken no prisoners
thanks to former Soviet Special Forces physical
training instructor and strength author, Pavel
Tsatsoulines 2001 publication of The Russian
Kettlebell Challenge and his manufacture of the
first traditional Russian kettlebell in modern
American hardmen of all stripes were quick to
recognize what their Russian counterparts had long
knownnothing, nothing beats the kettlebell, when
youre looking for a single tool to dramatically
impact your strength and conditioning. A storm of
success has swept the American S & C landscape,
as kettlebell Comrades have busted through to
new PRs, broken records, thrashed their opponents
and elevated their game to new heights of
With Enter the Kettlebell! Pavel delivers a
significant upgrade to his original landmark
work, The Russian Kettlebell Challenge.
Drawing on five years of developing and leading
the worlds first and premiere kettlebell instructor
certification program, and after spending five
years of additional research into what really
works for dramatic results with the kettlebell
we have Enter the Kettlebell!
Pavel lays out a foolproof master system that
guarantees you successif you simply follow the
Develop all-purpose strengthto easily
handle the toughest and most
unexpected demand
Maximize staying powerbecause the
last round decides all
Forge a fighters physiquebecause the
form must follow the function
Enter the kettlebell!
and follow the plan:
1. The New RKC
Program Minimum
With just two kettlebell exercises, takes you
from raw newbie to solid contenderwell-
conditioned, flexible, resilient and muscular in all
the right places.
2. The RKC Rite of Passage
Jumps you to the next level of physical
excellence with Pavels proven RKC formula for
exceptional strength and conditioning.
3. Become a Man Among Men
Propels you to a Special Forces level of
conditioning and earns you the right to call
yourself a man.
When you rise to the challengeand Enter the
Kettlebell!there will be no more confusion, no
more uncertainty and no more excusesonly raw
power, never-quit conditioning and earned
DVD with Pavel
#DV036 $29.95
DVD Running time: 46 minutes
Let me tell you that as a clinician with a practice that is focused on orthopedics, sports
medicine, and chronic pain, just Gray & Bretts intro on the first DVD gives you so
many immediately applicable tips that the INTRO ALONE is worth the price of the
DVD set. If you teach any sort of movement science
(from dance, to martial arts, to phys ed, to elite sports),
Mark Cheng, L.Ac., Ph.D., RKC Team Leader, Los
Angeles, CA
Phenomenal DVD!!!
Brett Jones and Gray Cook absolutely spill the
beans on this two part DVD. Having been
though many postural and biomechanics
certifications, this DVD is more relevant and
applicable. The principles they teach are based
on anatomy, physiology and logic. Their is so
much nonsense out there that is very refreshing
to see Brett and Gray de-mystify the common
physical therapy protocols based on research
that just doesnt work and has never worked.
Watch this DVD and you will immediately
increase your ability to help people today!!! I
highly recommend this to any strength coach,
therapist or person who wants to learn how the
body actually works and how to fix it when it
goes wrong! Great job guys!!!! Franz
Snideman RKC Team Leader, NMT, CHEK
Excellent, helpful DVD
I got Secrets of Core Training because of back pain related with the
deadlift. It is excellent and really has given me a clear set of instructions
to tackle my core stability issues. Looking
forward to a new PR in the Deadlift in the next
few months.Michael Corrales, Bay Area, CA
Secrets of
the Shoulder
By Gray Cook, RKC and
Brett Jones, Master RKC
#DV043 $69.95
2-DVD Set Running time:
82 minutes
Now Legendary Secrets of Treasure Chest Provides
Ultimate Body Fixes for the Competitive Athlete,
Weekend Warrior and Resident Tough Guy Alike
Are You Injured or Out of Whack?
You Can Only Excel if You Get to Play!
Secrets of the
Hip and Knee
By Gray Cook, RKC and
Brett Jones, Master RKC
#DV051 $69.95
2-DVD Set Running time: 131 minutes
Secrets of
By Gray Cook and
Lee Burton
#DV059 $69.95
2-DVD Set
Ive long been of the opinion that
people spend way too much time trying
to fix advanced movements when they
should be going back to the building
blocks and finding out what is cracked
in the foundation to begin with. Secrets
of Primitive Patterns does just that. Gray
and Lee present the information in an
easy to understand manner and give you
several options that will fit anyones
training style. Highly recommended.
Jordan Vezina RKC, Palo Alto, CA
How to recapture the perfect mobility and effortless ease
you had as a kidfor an immediate improvement in your
current athletic abilities.
Discover how to spotand quickly fix
the once-helpful but now suspect
survival strategies that may secretly be
sapping your strength and power.
Worth 10 times what it
costsat least!
I am a trainer and an RKC, currently recovering
from an overuse injury in my shoulderput simply, I
set a bunch of new personal bests but didnt back off
afterwards, and Ive since been paying the price.
I cannot state strongly enough how valuable Secrets of
the Shoulder has been to me. Literally every section
has included something I simply didnt know before
and all these tips and tricks really work. I do the drills
on the DVD, and I can move my shoulder, pain-free,
in ways I couldnt just a few minutes earlier. There is
nothing quite like instant results to convince you of the
value of an approach to training and rehab.
Any one of the tips I learned here would have made
this DVD, which costs less than a single visit to my
orthopedist, a worthwhile purchase. I will be
incorporating what Ive learned not only in my own
training, but in helping those clients who come to me
with shoulder problems. This sort of information,
presented in a clear, no-nonsense manner by Gray and
Brett, is priceless. If you have long-standing shoulder
problems or work with those who do, you owe it to
yourself to purchase Secrets of the Shoulder.
Steve Freides, RKC II, NSCA-CPT, Ridgewood, NJ
It just keeps
getting better
It seems impossible, but Gray
and Brett have topped Secrets of
the Shoulder. Its full of fantastic
information, laid out in an easy to
follow manner. No matter what
your background, you will learn
from this DVD.Jeff OConnor,
Senior RKC, Talala, OK
Secrets of
Core Training:
The Backside
By Gray Cook, RKC and
Brett Jones, Master RKC
#DV045 $39.95
Running time: 82 minutes
Order Secrets of Hip & Knee online:
eith Webers landmark
Extreme Kettlebell Cardio
Workout proved to be one of the
most acclaimed kettlebell workout
programs we have ever offered,
rapidly ascending to and
maintaining its position in
Dragon Doors Top Ten.
A superbly muscled specimen of
righteous manhood himself, physical
therapist Keith Weber returns to grill
you with a blistering set of muscle-
burning kettlebell drills designed to raise
the bar on your athletic potentialthen
leap over it.
Webers agonizing Extreme Kettlebell
Cardio Workout 2 will give even the
most seasoned athlete more power
and the inspiration to take his game to
the next level.
Become a well-oiled, unstoppable
machine and discover what toughness is
really all about, with The Extreme
Kettlebell Cardio Workout 2.
The Extreme
Kettlebell Cardio
By Keith Weber, BScPT, RKC
DVD # DV052 $29.95
Kettlebell Cardio
Workout 2
Exceed Your Limits
By Keith Weber,
DVD # DV067 $29.95
Its Extreme and You Need It!
This is a Must for those of you who are serious athletes and kettlebell fanatics. We highly
recommend The Extreme Kettlebell Cardio Workout. It will challenge you to your bones
even if youre tough as nails and build your strength and cardiovascular capacity fast.. You
can feel satisfied after doing just one killer 5 - 10 minute session or you can simply do as
Keith Weber does in this nicely shot video by the ocean - and go non-stop like the
Terminator. No matter what weight you use or where youre at physically, this will get you
into tremendous shape fast. Great Video! Garin Bader/ Vanessa Bader, Las Vegas, NV
I thought I was tough
The title of this DVD does not lie, it is extreme! I thought I was tough but was humbled by
Keith Weber. This android has motivated me to reach a new level of conditioning. I have lost
five pounds in two weeks!Josh Nelson, San Diego, CA
So You Think Youre Tough?
Challenge your manhood with this set of ferocious kettlebell workouts
the ultimate package for kickass enduro and lean-to-the-bone strength
Order Extreme Cardio Workout 2 :
Revisit Your Manhood Challenge with another
patented Weber set of sizzling kettlebell grillouts
the ultimate package for scorching enduro and
lean-to-the-bone strength
Keith Webers second kettlebell DVD is every bit as good as the first one. Perfect for an
athletes general physical preparation. Perfect for an non-athlete out to make radical
changes in body composition. I could easily overlook marginal audio quality, an
occasionally flexed elbow in overhead squats, and high rep abs routines in favor of eight
solid, interesting, and intense workouts. If you have your basics down, get this video.
Pavel Tsatsouline, author of Enter the Kettlebell! and Return of the Kettlebell
Ignite ALL Burners, Crank Up
the Heat to HighAnd Ascend
to Tough-Guy Heaven
Order ExtremeKettlebellCardio online:
Order Dynami DVD Set online:
A seamless marriage of corrective and performance exercise, Dynami digs deep into
the RKC kettlebell fundamentals with sophisticated FMS tools. A serious program for
a serious practitioner. Pavel Tsatsouline, author of Return of the Kettlebell!
o one but a certified lunatic or
a suicidal fool would punch up
a Bugatti Veyron to its full 253
mphwhile rigged with four
different-sized wheels, paper-thin brakesand
a dodgy steering wheel
Yet, athletes of every ilk take this risk with
their own bodies on a serial basis. Every time
he thinks hes up-grading himself, chances are
the average athlete is simultaneously de-
grading himself And the more skilled the
athlete, the more savage the likely damage.
Why? Disregard for balance, folkdisregard
for balance
In our hunger to express ever-more power,
most of us fail to create the foundational
structure to safely express that power. Its
Pavels analogy of firing a cannon out of a row
boat. Disaster waiting to happen. And correct
foundational structure implies perfect balance,
perfect proportion Anything less and youre
on the slippery slide of dysfunctional, ugly
movementthe inevitable precursor to
activity-crippling injury.
No team has done more this century to offer a
working solution to this athletic dilemma than
Gray Cook and Brett Jones. Beginning
with his trailblazing Athletic Body and
Balance, his creation of the FMS system, and
now with his magisterial new Movement, Gray
Cook has established himself as without peer
in the realm of functional movement,
screening, assessment and corrective
Then, thanks to the rock-star combo with Brett
Jones, we saw the creation of the CK-FMS, the
Secrets Of series, Kettlebells from the
Ground Up and now the latest masterly
program, Kettlebells from the Center
As any good martial artist or football player
will tell you, issuing power without a solid
structure is just begging for injury. Dynami
offers a blueprint to ensure not only you
possess the power, but you possess the
structure and foundation to handle your power
safely. For what youd pay for one average
sports massage, Dynami gives you a lifetime of
strategies to ensure you continue to deal out
your punishment in the right direction: your
opponent, not your own self.
To quote Brett and Gray:
Do not build your house on a foundation of
sandthis is time honored and excellent
advice. A rock-solid foundation means a house
that will last. Power training should follow the
same mind set.
Kettlebells from the CenterDynami lays
out a systematic approach to develop the
proper pattern or foundation for the two best
power moves the Kettlebell Swing and
Kettlebell Push-Press. Once a pattern has been
formed the program continues to cement the
proper pattern with strength moves like the
Kettlebell Squat and Kettlebell Tall Kneeling
Press. Then the program takes a unique
approach to symmetry. Symmetry of strength
is checked using Single Leg and Bottom Up
kettlebell drills. Then everything comes
together to form the Dynami or Power.
Kettlebells From the
Center Dynami
With Gray Cook, RKC and Brett Jones,
Master RKC, CSCS
#DVS031 $79.95
2-DVD set Running time 1 hour 56 minutes with
102 page, fully-illustrated, spiral-bound manual
How to Develop and Issue
Bone-Jarring PowerWithout
Shattering Your Own Body in the Process
The Indian Club: Ancient Martial Arts
Tool for Fluid Movement, Strength and Joint
Health Becomes Favored Secret Weapon
Amongst the Elite for Refining Athletic
and Restoring
Lost Function
Check out the Club Swinging Essentials DVD and
Manual to begin your club swinging journey
Club Swinging Essentials
With Gray Cook, RKC
and Brett Jones, Master RKC,
featuring Dr. Ed Thomas
DVD #DVS020 $79.95
DVD, I hour 28 minutes,
with 72 page spiral-bound manual
Order Dragon Door Indian Clubs:
ike the Kettlebell, the ancient Indian
Club was a once-prized exercise tool
that fell on hard times. Once a favored
training device of royalty, military, elite
athletes and enthusiastic amateurs alike,
the club became relegated, by the 1930s, to dusty
attics, damp basements and the moldy memories
of old-school fitness diehards.
In its final, most refined incarnation, the Indian
Club had been developed, in turn, by British,
German and American military and civilian
experts into a highly sophisticated system of
restorative health drills. The unique circular
weight lifting movements of the Indian Club were
considered to promote not only greater overall
strength and flexibility but to act as a magnificent
neural tune-up for the whole body. Sadly, as the
exercise community changed its focus, the Indian
Cluband its myriad of health benefitsall but
disappeared. Just like the kettlebell.
Yet Indian Club Swinging Exercisesin just
minutes a daysWILL:
Strengthen your back, shoulders, pecs,
biceps, triceps, forearms, gripand most
importantlyyour connective tissue,
ligaments and tendons
Enhance your shoulder efficiency, mobility,
elbow and wrist flexibilityand range of
Develop your grace, coordination, balance
and agility
Counteract the negative impact of too many
hours sitting hunched at a computer
For ultimate durability, hand feel and superb
balance Dragon Door recommends the 21st
century breakthrough in Indian Club design used
by modern Indian Club master and pioneer, Dr.
Ed Thomas. These beautiful black resin Indian
Clubs are virtually impervious to the elements,
dimensionally stable and will last you a lifetime.
They look and feel... fantastic.
(The Indian Clubs are made of reinforced, talc-
filled polypropylenea space age material
providing maximum durability that wont crack,
break, chip or fade/discolor over time. This
polymer is comprised of specially formulated
molecular properties and additives during its
manufacture, which make these clubs virtually
impervious to the elements: sun, water, heat and
cold. Thats why these Indian Clubs are the
Dragon Door choice: they meet our love for
toughness, hardness, tensile strengthand superb
Which size Indian Club should you get?
Begin with the 1lb Indian Club, whatever your
current strength, to ensure you perfect your
technique. When you are ready to progress, the
2lb Indian Clubs will help you develop additional
strength and power. Both size clubs will not only
increase shoulder and extreme range of motion
strength but also enhance your grip, wrist, and
forearm strength. Both sizes of Indian Clubs will
help you reduce injuries due to the full circular
movement patterns.
Order Dragon Door Indian Clubs:
Use Indian Clubs to enhance your sportbe it mixed martial arts, golf,
tennis, wrestling, swimming, bowling, basketball, gymnastics, hockey,
lacrosse, football, volleyball, archery, karate, boxingor any other activity
where physical efficiency is at a premium
Here are your Indian
Clubs choices:
Dragon Door Item
# MRXC02
Pair 2 lb., 18.5"
Indian Clubs
Dragon Door Item
# MRXC01
Pair 1 lb., 16.5"
Indian Clubs
Stephan Berwicks True Strengthregimen draws on
ancient Chinese warrior secrets to present a sophisticated
and highly effective program for developing formidable
internal powerwithout the help of any devices,
medicines, or forced breathing.
Most Western-based strength training programs
concentrate on building external muscular strength.
But that is only one link in the true strength chain
which according to Chinese internal martial arts should
also include strengthening your fascia/tendons/ligaments,
your joints, your internal organs, your internal energy
system and even your skin.
Is your strength package
Without strengthening all the links in your strength-chain
simultaneously, you remain as vulnerable as the weakest
links in that chain. Weve all see relatively small internal
martial arts masters throw apparently way stronger men
around like they were rag dolls. Some of this power
comes from martial skill, but much, much more its
coming from the uncanny strength-package the master
has developed from a truly all-around approach to
strength cultivation.
Many of these internal masters demonstrate this
astonishing strength well into their sixties,
seventieseven eighties. How do they do it?
Stephan Berwick likes to call this quality
Tangible, True Strength. The kind of strength
you really need to survive not only a worst-case
scenario in combat or years of full-contact sport,
but the rigors and stresses of daily life. Tangible
strength is the power to survive. Tangible, true
strength helps you ward off illness and injury and
allows you to rebound from adversity with
supreme resilience.
The kind of strength cultivation where you only seem to
get stronger as you get olderrather starting to fall apart
at the seams as early as your late thirties or early
Ancient warriors needed to handle blows, wield heavy
weapons, and survive on meager rations, while
maintaining their victors edge. Their strength was of the
hands, feet, torso, neck, and legs a total body power
designed to meet any challenge thrown at it.
Gain a warriors formidable
toughness with this
unique program
For the first time on DVD, Stephan Berwick reveals his
regimen for healthy body toughening derived from his
unique expertise in secret Chinese martial art body
toughening methods. Combining hard and soft forms of
conditioning inspired from his intimate knowledge of
ancient military-origin Chinese martial arts, Berwicks
True Strength Yangprogram offers quick results
conditioning your body to withstand blows, falls, and
twists, in an easy to digest, highly intense regimen of
warrior conditioning, reminiscent of the best classical
martial body practices.
7th Degree Black Belt and Taekwondo Grandmaster,
Jon Engum currently displays an uncanny
combination of flexibility and whipcord strength. Jon
moves with speed, suppleness and enviable powera
model to his younger students and a terror to those
who face him in a fight. But it wasnt always this way.
Because there was a time of crisis in Jons martial
career where he began to lose his edgefrom the
effects of aging, plus the wear and tear of constant
This book reveals the complete Flexible Steel
system Jon Engum developed to regain and maintain
his edge as a fighter. But even more importantly,
Flexible Steel can give you the most priceless gift of
all: the freedom to move, pain-free, with easy power,
graceful strength and a sense of fluid well being.
Remarkable self-hitting system invigorates, strengthens
and weaponizeslets you repel strikes with effortless ease
while dishing it out with formidable power
A Simple System of Secrets for Regaining Your Youthful
Mobility and Mastering the Art of Flexible Strength
True Strength
Explosive Body Toughening
With Stephan Berwick
#DV061 $39.95
2-DVD set
Running time: 106 minutes
Flexible Steel
An Insiders Guide to
Ultimate Flexibility
By Jon Engum
#B66 $39.95
eBook $19.95
Paperback 8.5 x 11 90 pages
Order True Strength Yang online:
Flexible Steel is my favorite stretching
book. Jon Engum reached his forties
before he reached his first split. Follow
his remarkable journey and achieve the
flexibility you never thought possible
PAVEL, author of Relax into Stretch
and Super Joints
When it comes to flexibility Jon Engum knows his
stuff. I had the opportunity to learn these techniques
directly at one of his flexibility workshops where the
results were literally instant and dramatic. For that
reason I bought this book the moment I learned about it
and it was exactly what I was hoping for.
What I love about Flexible Steel is the author takes
picks up where other books leave off and simply says
do this. Jon Engums Flexibile Steel is the most direct
approach to effective flexibility Ive found anywhere. Its
a concise step-by-step manual that eliminates all the
guesswork. A structured approach to stretching that tells
the reader exactly what stretches to do, in what order,
and for exactly how many reps and sets. Within seconds
of getting the book I was able to skim the table of
contents, open up to the Frog Stretch routine, follow
along and start seeing the results. Thanks to doing this
routine twice a week my hips have never felt better.
If you want a no-nonsense instruction manual without
fluff for instant and dramatic gains in flexibility, this is it.
Your body will thank you, your competition will respect
you and your clients will love you.John Scott Stevens,
RKCII, CK-FMS, 5th degree black belt Taekwondo
Easy Strength is a masterpiece from two of the best in the business of strength and
conditioning. Pavel and Dan John's book will help you improve your performance no matter
what your sport. It doesn't matter whether you are a weekend gym warrior, competitive athlete or
coach... you owe it to yourself to read this book. The bottom line is that it will help you become
stronger, faster and more powerful in the most efficient way possible... Andy Bolton, 6-Time
World Powerlifting Champion, author of Deadlift Dynamite
How To Look Like Tarzan, Play Like Tarzan
And Win Like Tarzan
What It Takes to Stack the Strength-Deck in Your Favor
If football were played in the weight room or on the track, I could
guarantee that each year, the team that won the championship
would NOT be the team that won on the field of play. And that is
absolutely true in every sport and every game. Its a rare track meet
that you dont hear someone rhapsodize about training numbers
and then see him or her lose badly. In football, we have a phrase for
this: Looks like Tarzan, plays like Jane.
Pavel and my goal in writing this book is to clarify the role and
impact of strength training in fitness, sports, and life. We are
committed to clarity, even though at times, its impossible to
navigate the sea of conflicting information regarding the lifting
sports. Pavels experience and research provides grounding and a
confidence to Do this! as we often joke.
Easy Strength
How to Get a Lot Stronger Than
Your CompetitionAnd Dominate
in Your Sport
By Pavel and Dan John
#B57 $39.95 eBook $19.95
Paperback 8.5 x 11 288 pages
77 photos, charts and illustrations
Easy Strength
The Seminar
How to Get a Lot Stronger Than
Your CompetitionAnd Dominate
in Your Sport
With Pavel and Dan John
#DVS032 $97.00 14 DVD Set
What can you expect
from reading this book?
You will learn some history. You will discover that
almost everything discussed in the fitness industry
has been done beforeand often better.
You will reexamine the role of strength training as it
applies to sport. Doing so may serve as the greatest
timesaver in history!
You will find that, like a medical doctor, a strength
coach must be committed above all to Do no harm
a pledge thats often disregarded.
You will be exposed to the concept of systematic
education and the need to build an athlete (or
anyone!) using some kind of intelligent approach.
You will be exposed to another educational system
along with a way to harness its powersthat will give
you clarity into all the various fitness, health, and
nutritional information being tossed at you daily.
You will discover the tools for teaching an entire team
to improve in a sportand why these great tools may
be of no value to you in your training!
You will be exposed to what the best in sports do in
the weight room, and you will discover why it will
apply to everything you decide to do.
You will learn many of the champions secrets and
be amazed at the simplicity, as well as the
insightfulness, of what the best do.
Dan John, from the preface to Easy Strength.
Easy Strength is what I see as the blend of science, real world experience and application
blended together in an easily understood manner without needing a PhD. to understand
what youre reading. You just cant go wrong when reading what Dan and Pavel put
together." Zach Even-Esh, Founder, Underground Strength Gym
Order Easy Strength Book online:
Every aspect of training is covered
I wholeheartedly recommend Beyond Bodybuilding:
I view it as a summation of the accumulated
knowledge Pavel Tsatsouline has gathered to this point
in his career. Every body part is covered and a blueprint
provided for how to build and strengthen every
conceivable muscular target. The detail and
description is tremendous. The mix between text and
photos is spot on; the clarity of the exercise
description leaves nothing to the imagination.
Every aspect of training is covered in Pavels Beyond
Bodybuilding from flexibility to all types of strength
development, U.S.M.C. training, R.K.C. training tips
from many of the greatest strength
experts around the
world, plus a glossary
of exercises to fit
everyones needs. I
salute Pavel and
Beyond Bodybuilding.
Louie Simmons,
Westside Barbell
Beyond Bodybuildinga treasure
chest of strength training secrets
You Just Have To Get this Book!!
Pavel focuses on what the trainee needs to make his
program effective, whether it is for building mass, or just
increasing strength without adding bulk. To the point, and in
step-by-step detail. I am nearing completion of his 5x5
routine, and by following it, have made average gains of 18%
in strength in just three (3) weeks.
Mindanao Mike, Mindanao, Philippines
This is a must have for people interested
in strength and getting bigger
I keep reading this book again and again, there's so much
in it. With the Hit The Deck Program I added about 25
pushups to my max in 2 weeks, and before I knew it I could
do 100. There are lots of routines in this book, they will keep
you busy for a long time. If you want to get strong, or big and
strong, than this book is your choice.
Yoeri, Bocholtz, Netherlands
If you buy one of Pavels books,
make it this one!
Using the Modified Delorme Method I gained 40 lbs. on
my deadlift and 10 lbs. on my bench press over the course of
8 weeks. I also gained 7 pounds of lean body mass. My
training partner saw similar gains with a 40lb. gain on his DL
and 15lb. gain on his BP.
Greg Gonzales, Albuquerque, NM
Immediate relief and gratification
I've been lifting weights since I was 12. As a Martial Artist
and ex USAF Pararescue Specialist I have seen all kinds of
products and gimmicks through the years. I'm 45 now and
what I have read and learned in this book changed my
outlook on lifting weights and saved my back forever. In just
3 days of working with a few techniques explained in
Solutions for a Tight Back I eliminated my lower and upper
back pain that I have lived with for many years. A must for all
serious athletes and professionals who need clear, concise
instruction and tips to a STRONGER, PAIN FREE BODY. Pavel
has taken the B.S out and has given us information way
ahead of its time. It's your choiceyou can be mediocre or
you can excel to great strengths!
David Cogswell, Shoreacres, TX
Order Beyond Bodybuilding online:
Beyond Bodybuilding is a treasure
chest of strength training secrets.
Larry Scott, first Mr. Olympia
Thanks for you recent contribution to
the empire of muscle and might. Very
interesting and valuable.
Dave Draper, Author Brother Iron,
Sister Steel, former Mr. America, Mr.
Universe and Mr. World
If you are serious about physical
renovation and want a new approach to
progressive resistance training, then
purchase Beyond Bodybuilding.
Marty Gallagher, former
washingtonpost.com columnist, five-
time world master powerlifting
champion, USA co-coach, 1991 world
powerlifting team champions
When I first received Beyond
Bodybuilding, I blocked out an entire day
so Id have enough time and undivided
attention to savor its contents... If you
think youve already seen everything
Pavel has to offer, this book will prove
you wrong. Dont make me come over
there get over to dragondoor.com and
get your copy today!
Charles Staley, creator of the
Escalating Density Training (EDT)
Muscle and Strength
Training Secrets for
The Renaissance Man
By Pavel
#B31 $49.95
8.5 x 11 Paperback
365 pages 255 Photographs
38 workout charts
Hardstyle Abs
Hit Hard. Lift Heavy.
Look the Part.
By Pavel
#B64 $34.95
eBook $19.95
Paperback 8.5 x 11 148 pages
DVD #DV089 $29.95
Running time: 29 minutes $29.95
he sole goal of Pavels Hardstyle Abs system is to achieve an extraordinarily strong
midsection. But not simply to swivel heads with your rippling six-pack. For,
according to Pavel, your abs should be simultaneously weapon, armor and force
generator. The six-pack is just a side effect of the coiled power with which you now
operate. Hardstyle Abs will give you impenetrable body armorto
withstand a direct hit of the greatest magnitude. And Hardstyle Abs will give
you the generative force to retaliate with a devastating backlash.
After years of dedicated research and experimentation, Pavel has identified
three killer drills, as all you need to achieve this level of mid-section
mastery. Follow Pavels battle plan to the T and the results are guaranteed
noticeable within weeks, extraordinary within months. Pavel provides the
laser focus. You? Simply obey the commands.
How to Develop the Ultimate in Wrought-Iron
Muscle, Mid-Section Body Armor and
Core Generation of Explosive Power
The Graduate Course In Instant Strength Gains
he Ab Pavelizer II's new sleek-'n-light design
guarantees a perfect sit-up by forcing you to do it right. Now, escape
or half-measures are impossible. Sit down at the Ab Pavelizer II
and a divine slab of abs will be served up whether you like it or not.
The secret to the Ab Pavelizer II is in the extra-active resistance it provides
you. It is astonishingly hard to sit up all the way when the new Ab
Pavelizer II is loaded with enough weight, 25-35 pounds for most athletes.
Order The Naked Warrior online:
Ab Pavelizer II
Hit Hard. Lift Heavy.
Look the Part.
By Pavel
#P12 $97.00 plus SH
I've attended nearly 180 hours of Dragon Door workshops, certifications
and miscellaneous training and have nearly the entire library of Dragon
Books and DVDs. I can honestly say that this is definitively the best resource
yet on all things abs. I've read the entire book, taken furious notes and
practiced the drills. As an RKCII this is a great recap of material covered in
last years RKCII cert as well as wealth of new info. Pavel continually improves
upon his previous works and this is no exception. This book is one of Pavels
best, guaranteed to provide enough challenge to last a lifetime. If you're an
RKC, a fan of the Naked Warrior, Convict Conditioning or ETK then this book
will blow you away.John Scott Stevens, RKCII, CKFMS, Omaha, NE
I work my abs a lot and they
are probably stronger than the
average guy but I found out just
how pathetic they were when my Pavelizer arrived. This is an amazingly effective
piece of equipment. By taking the hip flexors out of play and isolating the abs,
they have to work like never before. Combined with the power breathing, my abs
are getting stronger by the day.Charles Long, Burlington, CO
"I could do one wobbly one-legged
squat [Two weeks later] I did 5
clean, butt-to-ground pistols."
"Last night I did 15 one-arm pushups
with each arm. Two months ago I
couldn't do one complete rep."
10-25 lb Olympic plate
required for correct use.
(You will need to supply
your own plate)
The Naked
Master the Secrets
of the Super-Strong
Using Bodyweight
Exercises Only
By Pavel
#B28 $39.95
Paperback 218 pages 8.5 x 11
Over 190 photos and illustrations
DVD #DV015 $34.95
Running time 37 minutes
Have you noticedthe greater a mans
skill, the more he achieves with less? And
the skill of strength is no exception. From
the ancient days of Greek wrestling, to the
jealously guarded secrets of Chinese Kung
Fu masters, to the hard men of modern
spec ops, warriors and allied strongmen
have developed an amazing array of skills
for generating inhuman strength.
But these skills have been scattered far and
wide, held closely secret, or communicated
in a piecemeal fashion that has left most of
us frustrated and far from reaching our
true strength potential.
Now, for the first time, Russian strength
expert and former Spetsnaz instructor
Pavel has gathered many of these
devastating techniques into one highly
teachable skill set. In The Naked Warrior
Pavel reveals exactly what it takes to be
super-strong in minimum timewhen your
body is your only tool.
he iron elite knows that 'being tight' is critical to making that big lift. At the
same time you can't put up a big squat, bench press, or deadlift without having
just the right amount of flexibility and only in the right places. A paradox.
Ignore stretching altogether and lose power to the joints that 'don't bend easy'. Do
stretches designed for fighters or other athletes and toss away strength by the
bucket because you'll lose your crucial 'tightness'. Either way, a dead end.
Not any more. Enter Strength Stretching by Pavel, the only flexibility program custom
designed to up your squat, up your bench, up your dead!
Gain up to 15% on your pulling strength by learning how to properly arch
your back
How to arch higher and bench more without killing your back
Master the Kettlebell Depth Squat the Russian powerlifting secret for teaching
perfect squat and pull form and developing
championship flexibility
Discover how to release the hidden brakes that
are silently sabotaging your deadlift
How to squat with the big boys without
killing your shoulders and elbows
Advanced Kettlebell Drills and
Insider Secrets for Playing Harder
& Hurting Less
DVD with Pavel #DV017 $47.00
Running time: 36 minutes
an you easily and instantly turn yourself into a coiled steel spring ready
to burst into action and leap past your previous athletic best?
Or are you more like an overstretched rubber band no longer capable of
suddenly generating performance-busting power?
Now, for the first time in the West, Russian strength master Pavel reveals the
Soviet secret of Loaded Stretching guaranteed within MINUTES of its
application to have you:
Pulling heavier Squatting more
Jumping higher Kicking and punching harder
Throwing farther Pressing bigger!
Discover the world's only
stretching protocol specifically and
uniquely designed to increasenot
reducea powerlifter's strength.
Discover the 36 most effective
techniques for super-flexibility
Instantly Develop Greater Power,
Intensity and Strengthby Turning
Your Muscles into Coiled Springs
of Explosive Steel!
Relax into Stretch
Instant Flexibility Through Mastering
Muscle Tension
Book By Pavel
#B14 $34.95
Paperback 150 pages 8.5 x 11 Over 100 photos
DVD #DV006 $34.95
Running time: 37 minutes
Order Relax Into Stretch online:
Loaded Stretching
The Russian Technique for Instant Extra
DVD with Pavel
#DV023 $24.95
DVD Running time: 20 minutes
Strength Stretching
For a Bigger Squat, Bench & Deadlift
DVD with Pavel #DV024 $39.95
DVD Running time: 38 minutes
Loaded Stretchingcan provide everyone an edge.
Pavel leads you thru a series of stretching techniques that
can immediately increase stamina. As one approaches their
limits, little strength secrets can make the difference
between winning and losing. Loaded Stretchingis that,
secrets. LOUIE SIMMONS, Westside Barbell
ife has a habit of body-slamming us when we least expect it. And the more
active we are, the more likely we're gonna be wrenched, tossed, torn,
torqued, twisted, scrunched, hammered and generally whacked around. Hit
your fortieslet alone fiftiesand you can be reduced to a tangled mess of injuries
and performance-crimping tensions.
Pavel knows what it takespersonally and professionallyto remove crucial
flaws and weaknesses from your body armorso you can bounce back, time and
time again, from the toughest challenge life throws at you. It's the winner's edge.
It's called RESILIENCE. It's called "don't know how to spell quit."
So, in this specialized program, Pavel's put together 19 of his favorite drills for
restoring and reinforcing your body's "rebound strength." Pavel's concentrated on
the weak linksthe knees, the elbows, the shoulders, the spine, the neckand
shows you how to change a liability-waiting-to-
happen into a strengthweapon-of-choice.
Discover what it really means to be RESILIENT. Add
years of wiry, tensile, pliant strength back into your
lifeand hurt a whole lot less while you're doing it.
How to Become the Man
Without a Weakness
How the secret of mastering
your emotions can add
immediate inches to your
How to wait out your tension
the surprising key to greater
mobility and a better stretch
How to fool your reflexes into
giving you all the stretch you
Why contract-relax stretching is 267% more
effective than conventional relaxed stretching
How to breathe your way to greater flexibility
Using the Russian technique of Forced
Relaxation as your ultimate stretching weapon
How to stretch when injured faster, safer ways
to heal
Young, old, male, female learn what stretches
are best for you and what stretches to avoid
Why excessive flexibility can be detrimental to
athletic performance and how to determine
your real flexibility needs
How to get super strong without training to
muscle failure or exhaustion
How to hack into your 'muscle software' and
magnify your power and muscle definition
How to get super strong without putting on an
ounce of weight
Or how to build massive muscles with a
classified Soviet Special Forces workout
Why high rep training to the 'burn' is like a form
of rigor mortisand what it really takes to
develop spectacular muscle tone
How to mold your whole body into an off-planet
rock with only two exercises
How to increase your bench press by ten
pounds overnight
How to get a tremendous workout on the road
without any equipment
How to design a world class body in your
basementwith $150 worth of basic weights
and in twenty minutes a day
How futuristic techniques can squeeze more
horsepower out of your body-engine
How to maximize muscular tension for
traffic-stopping muscular definition
How to minimize fatigue and get the most out
of your strength training
How to ensure high energy after your workout
How to get stronger and harder without getting
Why it's safer to use free weights than machines
How to achieve massive muscles and
awesome strengthif that's what you want
What, how and when to eat for
maximum gains
How to master the magic of effective
exercise variation
The ultimate formula for strength
How to gain beyond your wildest dreams
with less chance of injury
A high intensity, immediate gratification
technique for massive strength gains
The eight most effective breathing
habits for lifting weights
The secret that separates elite athletes
from 'also-rans'
How to become super strong and live to tell
about it
avel's landmark classic, Power to the People! has helped tens of thousandsbe
they world-class athletes or basement enthusiastsachieve and maintain
remarkable strength gains, by employing a set of radically effective lifting principles
in a scientific manner. Pavel took the guesswork out of strength training and honed in with
an elegant simplicity on what really worked to get strongerand continue getting stronger.
Pavel's great contribution has been to research and identify the proven "battle" strategies
that give us the best chance to keep making those strength gainswhatever the odds. And
in this, Pavel has succeeded admirably, thanks to his access to the best training secrets not
only in the West but in Russiajustly famous for its history of achievement in the world of
strength and powerlifting. And thanks to his ability to ground theory in the proof of hard
experience and earned results.
In Power to the People Professional, Pavel broadens and deepens this knowledge base
to encompass a vast range of little-known but highly effective methods to keep tricking our
stubborn bodies into ever-greater strength gains. Some of the chapters are straightforward
coverage of "how they do it in Russia", others represent Pavel's own original work based
on years of research and experimentation.
Order Power To The People! online:
Pavel Tsatsouline, Russian strength
training expert, wrote a wonderful book
I used these strength building secrets for
one week and my max deadlift went up
Larry Scott, author of Loaded Guns,
World's First Mr. Olympia
Power to the
How to Add 100s of Pounds
to Your Squat, Bench, and
Deadlift with Advanced
Russian Techniques
by Pavel #B51 $29.95
Paperback 197 pages 8.5 x 11
Get Stronger and More PowerfulUsing Proven, yet
Little-Known Training Secrets and Strategies From
the Greatest of the Russian Strength Masters
Here's just some of what you'll discover, when you
possess your own copy of Power to the People!:
Power to
the People!
Russian Strength
Secrets for Every
By Pavel Tsatsouline
#B10 $34.95
Paperback 8.5 x 11
DVD With Pavel
#DV004 $29.95
Running Time 47 Min
While elite athletes and powerlifters are those most likely to
benefit from the advanced training information contained within
Power to the People Professional, there remains a wealth of
cutting-edge tips and tactics that intermediate lifters, athletes
from various power sports, and power bodybuilders can use to
immediately enhance their strength and power.
Welcome to Pavels masterly body-software program for debugging,
unblocking, unlocking and completely restoring your bodys capacity
to stretch and flex the way it was born and meant to do!
Get Stronger and More PowerfulUsing Proven, yet Little-Known Training
Secrets and Strategies From the Greatest of the Russian Strength Masters
The Do-It-Now, Fast-Start, Get-Up-and-Go, Jump-into-Action Bible for High Performance and Longer Life
ince his early days when he honed the physical fighting capacity
of the legendary Soviet Spetsnaz, to his current incarnation as a
bestselling American fitness expert, Pavel has tirelessly researched
and then implemented the best-kept secrets for function-based flexibility.
Using his own body and the bodies of countless thousands of warriors,
athletes, martial artists, gymnasts, dancers and coaches as the proving
ground, Pavel has refined his stretching program into a brilliantly simple-
yet-powerful, 5-step operating system for ultimate flexibility.
In this seminar, Pavel excelled himself, with his most succinct, practical
and honed program ever. Participants were wild about the stunning
flexibility changes they were able to experience in just a few hoursall
by implementing just a few simple but deep and far-reaching Master
Principles of Stretching.
here is no better way to insure
a long, pain-free life than
performing the right daily
combination of joint mobility and
strength-flexibility exercises. In Super
Joints, Pavel shows you exactly how
to quickly achieve and maintain peak
joint healthand then use it to
improve every aspect of your physical
Only the foolish would deliberately
ignore the life-saving and life-
enhancing advice Pavel offers in
Super Joints. Why would anyone
willingly subject themselves to a life of
increasing pain, degeneration and
decrepitude? But for an athlete, a
dancer, a martial artist or any serious
performer, Super Joints could spell the
difference between greatness and
The 28 most valuable drills for youthful
joints and a stronger stretch
How to save your joints and prevent or
reduce arthritis
The one-stop care-shop for your inner Tin
Manhow to give your nervous system a
tune up, your joints a lube-job and your
energy a recharge
What it takes to go from cruise control to
full throttle: The One Thousand Moves
Morning RechargeAmosov's "bigger
bang" calisthenics complex for achieving
heaven-on-earth in 25 minutes
How to make your body feel better than you
can rememberactive flexibility for sporting
prowess and fewer injuries
The amazing Pink Panther technique
that may add a couple of feet to your
stretch the first time you do it
Order Super Joints online:
Hands down the best flexibility product available
I have purchased every book, dvd, machine, and gizmo to help me get more
flexible. Since I found Pavel's first book, Beyond Stretching, the only books
and dvd's I buy are from DragonDoor. The Beyond Stretching dvd set has so
much information on it, and so much that was new to me, I was really
surprised. There are many different techniques and exercises for all levels of
ability, from someone just beginning to someone looking to complete a full
split. I believe if you are a personal trainer, coach, or a martial arts instructor
(as I am) this dvd set is invaluable. I sincerely think this is as good as it gets
when it comes to stretching and flexibility training. I am very happy with this
product and in all honesty would have paid a lot more for all of the
information that is on the dvds.Jon Frost, Naples, FL
Pavel continues to amaze!
I've been a practicing martial artist for 30 years. I ordered this
seminar hoping that it would facilitate my recovery from injury and
help restore my lost flexibility. It taught me safe and mechanically
correct assessment and training methods that none of my six
previous martial arts teachers ever touched on. I experienced
immediate improvement from my first training session. Now I can
pass on this information to my students and hopefully they won't
have to suffer like I have. I give this seminar my highest
recommendation. Scott A. Dollinger Psy.D., Glen Ellyn, IL
Super Joints
Russian Longevity Secrets
for Pain-Free Movement,
Maximum Mobility &
Flexible Stength
by Pavel #B16 $34.95
Paperback 197 pages 8.5 x 11
DVD With Pavel
#DV003 $24.95
Running time: 33 minutes
The Seminar
Instant Flexibility and The
Master Principles of Stretching
with Pavel #DVS012 $97.00
5-DVD Set Running time: 4 hours 48 minutes
Fast & Loose
Secrets of the Russian
Champions: Dynamic Relaxation
Techniques for Elite Performance
DVD With Pavel
#DV021 $29.95
Running time:
27 minutes
Is the CK-FMS
Home Study Course
right for you?
The CK-FMS Home Study Course is for
those athletes, trainers and coaches who
want to:
Dramatically improve their own and
others' functional and athletic
Significantly reduce the potential of
training and sports injuries for
themselves and their clients
Significantly reduce the recovery time
from prior sports injuries for themselves
and their clients
Exponentially increase their potential
income as a winning athlete or as a
coach and trainer
Significantly upgrade their own personal
strength, conditioning and resilience
Order Return of the Kettlebell online:
Return of the
Explosive Kettlebell Training
for Explosive Muscle Gains
by Pavel #B40 $29.95
Paperback 197 pages 8.5 x 11
DVD With Pavel
#DV062 $19.95
Running time:
48 minutes
How to Master Advanced Kettlebell DrillsAnd Explode Your Strength!
A hard man's plan for dramatic strength gainscombining the sharpest edge of
scientific research with the inherent power of the ancient kettlebell
How to Catapult Yourself into the Ranks of the
Elite Athlete, Coach and Personal Trainer
The Certified Kettlebell-
Functional Movement
Specialist (CK-FMS)
Home Study Course
With Gray Cook,
and Brett Jones,
Master RKC, MS
# DVS018 $97.77
15-DVD set
eturn of the Kettlebell's protocols were born from Pavel's insights
while training elite power athletes. Several champions made
astonishing, almost mysterious, strength and muscle gainsat least
two broke new powerlifting world recordsthanks to kettlebell training.
Pavel decided to reverse engineer this "What the Hell" effect experienced by
the championsso all others could benefit from their success.
Return of the Kettlebell presents the final fruit of Pavel's research
combining the very best of ancient lifting wisdom with modern day scientific
breakthroughs. Central to Pavel's new program for explosive muscle gain is
the skillful use of double kettlebells. Discover smokers like the Double Clean,
classic strength builders like the Double Snatch and Double Press and enjoy
the supreme intensity of the Double Clean and Jerk. Like the Breakfast of
Champions, consume what's on the Return of the Kettlebell menu and watch
yourself growand grow!
Well, here it is...the book I always wanted
I'm not sure I can speak highly enough about Return of the Kettlebell. Maybe it's the
little things, like how we are walked through the squat with pictures that answer so
many questions for the novice or the several pages dedicated to the Hip Flexor stretch.
Honestly, the devil is in the details when it comes to working the hips and shoulders and
the RKC system is clearly miles ahead of anybody else when it comes to exacting
explanations of how to deal with the four knots.
It could be the big things. I never thought much of Double Kettlebell Cleans because I
have such a history with the O lifts. Maybe, just maybe, it could be because I never did
them right! Something as simply as the V position changes the lift forever and, if you
need to be gassed, go right ahead and do a set of ten. Not enough, add some Front
To say that this work is amazing is an understatement. Anyone who plays with
kettlebells must use this book as a resource. Completing the program and goals set in
this book is a worthy fight for any man.Dan John, author, Never Let Go, Murray, UT
I've been a physical therapist since 1985, and
have been actively learning as much as I could
ever since. This was one of the most
immediately useful trainings ever. So much
useful info on every video. So good I HAD to
order the FMS test kit. I used to get excited
when I would learn a new technique or have an
amazing manual therapy treatment which
eased my chronic pains along with improving
my movement. My wife would wearily say It
always comes back. Now it is obvious why.
Thank you Gray, Brett, and everyone else that
made this available.Herb Pike PT, Cortez, CO
A must-have for RKCs
I haven't been able to take the CK-FMS course
yet, so I was thrilled to see the home study
course available. These DVDs are absolutely
packed with practical information that will help
my clients and me. I will be watching the DVDs
repeatedly because there is so much
information to absorb. I am still looking forward
to attending the CK-FMS, but thanks to the
home study course at least my clients won't be
missing out on this knowledge in the
meantime.Carrie Dale, RKC, Exton, PA
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Stretching Your Boundaries
Stretching Your
Flexibility Training for Extreme
Calisthenic Strength
By Al Kavadlo #B73 $39.95
215 pages, 277 Photos
Flexibility Training for Extreme Calisthenic Strength
The ultimate bodyweight mobility manual is here! Al Kavadlos previous two Dragon
Door books, Raising the Bar and Pushing the Limits, are the most valuable
bodyweight strength training manuals in the world. But strength without mobility is
meaningless. Al has used his many years of training and coaching to fuse bodyweight
disciplines such as yoga, martial arts, rehabilitative therapy and bar athletics into the
ultimate calisthenics stretching compendium. Stretching your Boundaries belongs
on the shelf of any serious athleteits bodyweight mobility dynamite!
COACH PAUL WADE, author of Convict Conditioning
Stretching your Boundaries is a terrific resource that will unlock your
joints so you can build more muscle, strength and athleticism. Al's passion for
human performance radiates in this beautifully constructed book. Whether
you're stiff as a board, or an elite gymnast, this book outlines the
progressions to take your body and performance to a new level.
CHAD WATERBURY, M.S., author of Huge in a Hurry
See pages 811
for complete details

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