Ghtroc Industries Class 720 Light Freighter
Ghtroc Industries Class 720 Light Freighter
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Blessed are you when men
hate you, when they exclude
you and insult you and reject
your name as evil, because of
the Son of Man. Rejoice in that
day and leap for joy, because
great is your reward in heaven.
For that is how their fathers
treated the prophets.
Luke 6:22-23 NIV
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Home Gal l eri es Space Transports Ghtroc Industri es Cl ass 720 Li ght Frei ghter
Ghtroc Industries
Class 720 Light Freighter
The Ghtroc Class 720 was developed by Frank V
Bonura with help from Ross Hedvicek, Ed Obarowski, Paul Cargile, B.M.K., and L.P..
The deckplan and exterior views are based mainly on the original drawing from Star
The Roleplaying Game (page 121), drawn by John Paul Lona, published by
West End Games
Exterior Views - Stock Model
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Capsule and Stats - Stock Model
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Capsule:A less popular, but no less durable freighter design, the Ghtroc
freighter model became popular in the Outer Rim Territories, where the
was based. While Ghtroc Industries has since gone out of
business, several thousand of the freighters remain in service, especially for
simple cargo runs, where combat is not expected.
Star Wars
or Dark
Horse Comics
a comic adaptation of the Thrawn
Trilogy novels originally written by
Timothy Zahn. Naturally we studied
the last of these comics for within the
The Last Command comics they
also produced artwork for the
Shroud Freighter (a heavily
modified Ghtroc Freighter
mentioned earlier) flown by Luke
The artwork in the comic
adaptation greatly differed from the
artwork in the roleplaying game and
being that the RPG artwork was
older, more internally-consistent, and
more numerous in volume, the comic
references only served a very tiny
role in this project.
However the comics were not
completely ignored. Where we did
get use out of these images were in
the landing gear and boarding ramp
which were very similar to the older
sources. Lastly we tried to use any
useful minor details in areas where
the older artwork was silent and
where the comic references could
enrich the overall aesthetic of the
Note: The Shroud Freighter of
the comics is a very radical design
as compared to the West End Games
did produce
an official deckplan for the Ghtroc
720. The official deckplan was
published around the same time we
decided we needed a deckplan for
this ship and when we looked at it,
we decided to use it as a rough
guide and would build something
significantly better.
We decided to retain some
elements of this official deckplan
which include:
The general location of the
crew/passenger quarters.
The location of the cargo
Four-seat cockpit.
Escape pods in the rear fins.
There were also many elements
of this deckplan we decided to
change and correct including:
Taking the third dimension into
account and adding a
complete upper deck detailing
consumables storage, the
cockpit, and docking arms.
Increasing the utility of the
docking arms by designing
them to serve a duel function
of dock and escape pod launcher.
Adding rooms for the landing gear so they had a place to retract into the ship..
Fully detailing the lower deck and including all the engineering sections.
Installing ion drives in both the front fins and tail (three locations total) as
older source material indicated.
Removed the lounge from the center of the ship and replaced it with the power
core and ring corridor for safety.
Added a speeder-sized cargo lift with access to both cargo holds to save on
weight and room.
Removed all stairs from the cargo holds for safety and increased cargo room.
Added a ramp to access the cockpit in the upper deck as older sources
Note: This is the third image that clearly demonstrates the Ghtroc 720 has
sublight thrusters in the rear tail section and not just in the front fins. This image
comes from the same sourcebook (Platt's Smugglers Guide) that incorrectly states
the opposite in the deckplan descriptions and adjoining text.
In the end we had developed a very different deckplan from the official version. It
was our intent to honor the original but at the same time transform it and elevate it to a
much higher level of detail and functionality. The Ghtroc 720 viewed on this page is
the outcome of that ongoing mission.
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Source Material
Index of Published Images that inspired this project, in Order of Importance:
Large Top View: Star Wars
(a subsidiary
of Purgatory Publishing
0-87431-181-0, WEG 40055,
October 1992
Small Top View: Cracken's
Rebel Operatives , page 62,
drawn by John Paul Lona,
published by West End Games
(a subsidiary of Purgatory
), ISBN 0-87431-
218-3, WEG 40084, May 1994
Large 3/4 View: Galaxy Guide
9 - Fragments From the Rim ,
page 15, drawn by Mike Vilardi,
published by West End Games
(a subsidiary of Purgatory
), ISBN 0-87431-
192-6, WEG 40063, May 1993
Small 3/4 View: DarkStryder
Adventure Book , page 18 and
color reference card, drawn by
David Deitrick published by West
End Games
(a subsidiary of
Purgatory Publishing
), ISBN 0-
87431-551-4, WEG 40220, April
1998 (last known SWRPG
publication by WEG)
Small 3/4 View: Star Wars
(a subsidiary of Purgatory
), ISBN 0-
87431-224-8, WEG 40107, March 1995
Side View Cutaway: The Last Command Sourcebook , page 134, drawn by
John Paul Lona, published by West End Games
(a subsidiary of Purgatory
(a subsidiary of Purgatory
), ISBN 0-87431-508-
5, WEG 40141, November 1997
Partial 3/4 View with Landing Gear Extended: Imperial Double-Cross, page
53, drawn by Mike Vilardi, published by West End Games
(a subsidiary of
Purgatory Publishing
(a subsidiary
of Purgatory Publishing
(a subsidiary of Purgatory
(a subsidiary of
Purgatory Publishing
(a subsidiary of
Purgatory Publishing
), ISBN 0-
87431-288-4, WEG40135, Dec
Platt's Smugglers Guide , page
32-33, published by West End
(a subsidiary of
Purgatory Publishing
), ISBN 0-
87431-508-5, WEG 40141, November 1997
Star Wars
), ISBN 0-87431-181-
0, WEG 40055, October 1992
The Star Wars
(a subsidiary of Purgatory
Journal" #2 page 283*
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The Messenger: Star
Adventure Journal #7
page 180
Merry Thrubidor: The Star
Roleplaying Game,
Second Edition, Revised and
Expanded, page 181
Nightrunner: Flashpoint! Brak
page 35
Covert Shroud Freighter: The Last Command Sourcebook page 133, Thrawn
Trilogy Sourcebook page 236
Solar Flare: Galaxy Guide 9 page 6
Steadfast: Star Wars