Ghtroc Industries Class 720 Light Freighter

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Blessed are you when men
hate you, when they exclude
you and insult you and reject
your name as evil, because of
the Son of Man. Rejoice in that
day and leap for joy, because
great is your reward in heaven.
For that is how their fathers
treated the prophets.
Luke 6:22-23 NIV
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Home Gal l eri es Space Transports Ghtroc Industri es Cl ass 720 Li ght Frei ghter
Ghtroc Industries
Class 720 Light Freighter
The Ghtroc Class 720 was developed by Frank V
Bonura with help from Ross Hedvicek, Ed Obarowski, Paul Cargile, B.M.K., and L.P..
The deckplan and exterior views are based mainly on the original drawing from Star

The Roleplaying Game (page 121), drawn by John Paul Lona, published by
West End Games

Exterior Views - Stock Model
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Capsule and Stats - Stock Model
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Capsule:A less popular, but no less durable freighter design, the Ghtroc
freighter model became popular in the Outer Rim Territories, where the
was based. While Ghtroc Industries has since gone out of
business, several thousand of the freighters remain in service, especially for
simple cargo runs, where combat is not expected.
Star Wars

The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition, p. 121,

The Star Wars

Roleplaying Game, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded, p, 256

Ghtroc 720 Freighter
The Ghtroc Industries 720 is not as popular as the YT-1300, though it's still
just as good. It was extensively used in the Outer Rim Territories, where the
now dissolved starship company
was based. Ghtroc Industries designed the
720 to
upgrade the systems on its 580 light freighter, and to compete with
Corellian Engineering's transport it comes close in some areas, while being
slightly deficient in others. The 720 was widely used to haul essential goods
from the Outer Rim's commerce centers to outlying colonies. Free-traders
found the ships to be affordable and well-suited for small-scale cargo runs to
backwater settlements. Though the manufacturer
has since gone out of
business, several thousand Ghtrocs
are still in service throughout the galaxy.
Parts for the ship are still plentiful,
and just as easily jury-rigged as those for
the Corellian transport.
The stock Ghtroc is generally a more sound vessel than the YT-1300. It has
shields though they're not too powerful the maneuvering system is better,
and there's more room in the hold. Larger size isn't always a benefit: the slow
ion drives strain to push the transport anywhere. The double laser cannon is on
a fixed mount forward
the Ghtroc's size make it difficult to line up your field
of fire,
even with the greater maneuverability. Most owners take advantage of
the superstructure configuration amidships to add a dorsal and ventral turret
gun. They're best at cargo runs, and aren't as effective in combat as the YT-
Unlike the Corellian transports, Ghtrocs have no variation in cockpit
configuration they're centrally mounted. Crew quarters, cargo bays and
escape pods are oriented around a central power core. Since the ion drives
are both up front and in the aft with the hyperdrives, engineering spaces are
spread out. It's nice having some of the subspace engines close to the cockpit
in case you need to effect hasty repairs in a fight, but you'll make it up when you
have to split your attention between fore and aft when the hyperdrives or the
rear ion drives go, too.
I'd much rather have all the technical access for both
drives in one place, even if it is in the back.
Platt's Smugglers Guide, pp. 32-33
Ghtroc 720
Craft: Ghtroc Industries class 720 freighter
Type: Stock light freighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 35 meters
Crew Skill: Space transports: Ghtroc 720
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Crew: 1 or 2 (can coordinate)
Passengers: 10
Cargo capacity: 135 metric tons
Consumables: 2 months
Cost: 98,500 (new),
23,000 (used)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x15
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 1D
Space: 3
Atmosphere: 260; 750 kmh
Hull: 3D+2
Shields: 1D
Passive: 15/0D
Scan: 30/1D
Search: 50/3D
Focus: 2/4D
1 Double Laser Cannon
Fire Arc:Front
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 1D+2
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5km
Damage: 4D
Star Wars

The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition, page 121

Errata and Notes:
Unknown Corporation
The specific location of the Ghtroc Industries shipyards, the years it operated, and the time
period (year) the company went out of business were never mentioned in any official
publication save for its general location in the Outer Rim Territories. Considering the stats
indicate a price for a new ship, it suggests some new Class 720s may still be in dealer stock
and that the company may have gone out of business some time around the Battle of Yavin.
Grammar - Word Missing
The "to" was missing from this sentence in the original source and is believed to be a typo.
Unknown Production Scope
The specific number of Class 720 models produced by the Ghtroc Industries shipyards, is not
known nor was it mentioned in any official publication. Considering what we know about
productivity of the major aircraft and aerospace manufactures of Earth, we suspect "several
thousand Ghtrocs" is a very rough estimate at best. Based on 21st century Earth fabrication
technology, we estimate that if the Ghtroc 720 was produced for several years, there could be
as many as 30,000 Ghtroc 720s still in service in the RPG game setting.
Crew Discrepancy
The original stat for: "Crew: 1 or 2 (can coordinate)" was replaced in later publications with
"Crew: 1, gunners: 1". This is believed to be a typo because all sources indicate the stock
Double Laser Cannon is mounted in a fixed-front firing position and can only be aimed by the
pilot maneuvering the ship.
Sublight Thruster Locations
Originally this source said:
Since the ion drives are up front and the hyperdrives are aft,
engineering spaces are spread out. It's nice having the subspace engines
close to the cockpit in case you need to effect hasty repairs in a fight, but
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you'll make it up when you have to split your attention between fore and aft
when the hyperdrives go, too.
Platt's Smugglers Guide, pp. 32-33 (sic)
However this statement is contradicted by the artwork in three other sources:
1. Platt's Starport Guide, p. 29
2. The Star Wars

Roleplaying Game, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded, p. 182

3. Platt's Smugglers Guide, p. 40
The third source, Platt's Smugglers Guide, p. 40, happens to be the same book that made
the erroneous statement in the first place. In the artwork of all of those sources, it can be
clearly seen that all three ships are traveling at sublight speeds and we can see the exhaust of
the sublight thrust coming out from the rear of those ships. Furthermore, the dorsal surface or
zenith (top) of most Ghtroc 720 artwork depicts similar heat dissipation grilles (consistent with
sublight drives) on both forward fins and in the tail of the ship. In light of this body of evidence
that proceeded this publication and the presence of a contradiction in the same book, we
strongly believe this statement is in error and is a typo. We have thus ignored this statement in
our ship design.
Ask y our Gamemaster to insure these corrections are allowed and if any changes are needed to f it them into y our campaign.
Optional Rules:
Ease of Modification
For those Gamemasters who have house rules that give bonuses to modify Corellian-built
ships, we recommend applying those same house rules to this ship as well.
Ask y our Gamemaster to insure these optional rules are allowed and if any changes are needed to f it them into y our campaign.
Lower Deck
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Lower Deck Descriptions
Unless otherwise noted, this deck has a maximum ceiling height of 2.29 meters (7ft
6in) in the cargo holds and 2.03 meters (6ft 8 in) in the crew and passenger areas.
Descriptions of the lower deck's various rooms and compartments are listed below.
Entry Ramp Room:
The "chin" houses the ship's entry ramp and forward airlock. This airlock is
fully functional and can be used for space walks. The ramp is coated with a
high-traction surface to prevent slips and falls. When lowered to the ground,
the ramp is pitched at an angle to facilitate wheeled and tracked droids or
other similar loading equipment. The ramp when lowered is rated at 700
kilograms and can lift to the closed position the same weight. Races or droids of
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greater weight than 700 kilograms should employ the cargo lift in the aft of the ship for
entrance and egress.
Sensor Compartment:
The outer "chin", "shoulders" and
"epaulets" contain the ship's sensors and
communication equipment. This equipment
can be accessed and serviced through
access doors in the entry ramp room.
Working conditions in the Sensor
Compartment are difficult for human-sized technicians due to the lack of insulation
(frequent and rapid extremes of hot and cold), lack of radiation shielding, and tight
working conditions. The compartment is better suited for droid or technicians wearing
an environment suit if prolonged or extensive service and maintenance is required.
The following standard equipment is installed in this compartment:
Passive Sensor
Array: Part
Search Scan
Array: Part
Forward Search
Sensor Array:
Part Number:
Sensor Array: Part
Number: GHT0700-
Wave Guide: Part
Number: GHT0700-
Aft Search
Sensor Array:
Part Number:
Wave Guide: Part
Number: GHT0700-
Search Sensor
Array: Part Number:
Wave Guide: Part
Number: GHT0700-
Focus Sensor
Array: Part
Array: Part Number:
Forward Mechanical Rooms
(port and starboard - port side shown, starboard side similar):
The forward "fins" house the ship's ion
maneuvering thrusters, forward/flanking shields
(projectors, Controllers, and generators), and the
ship's batteries. Also housed here are some of
the ship's consumable storage tanks, fuel tanks,
and fueling pumps. All can be accessed for
service or maintenance by the doors at the ends
of the forward corridors.
A space rated bulkhead and door separates
the shield generator from the rest of the
compartment. This is to prevent depressurization
of the rest of the compartment in the event the
shield generator is targeted and destroyed.
Work room is abundant in this compartment providing easy access to both the
human-sized technician as well as the service maintenance droid. During normal
operations, the Forward Mechanical Rooms will be some the the warmest
compartments of the ship. The following standard equipment is installed in this
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T45111 (5 per side)
Port Ion
Drive and
Unit: Part
Port Heat
Port Forward Fuel Cell
Bank (below): Fuel Cell Part
Number: GHT0064-FC-ST0043
Port Outer
Bank: Tank
Part Number: GHT0700-CS-
T87281 (7 in bank) (radiation-
Port Forward
Deflector Shield
Projector: Part
Number: GHT0700-DS-
Port Side Battery
Module: Part Number:
Port Forward
Fluidics Storage:
Part Number:
HD0097 (Hyperdrive Reactant)
Port Forward Delivery
Pump: Part Number:
Port Inner
Liquid Protein
Storage Bank: Tank Part
Number: GHT0700-CS-T87281
(5 in bank) (radiation-shielded)
Compensator: Part
Number: GHT0700-ID-
Wave Guide: Part Number:
Deflector Shield
Generator: Part
Number: GHT0700-DS-
Port Inertial Dampener
Control: Part Number:
Port Forward Deflector
Shield Controller: Part
Number: GHT0700-DS-
Hyperdrive Booster Compartments
(port and starboard - port side shown, starboard side similar):
Behind the forward "fins" are two small compartments (port and starboard)
that house the booster coils for the ship's hyperdrive. Part Numbers:
GHT0700-SD-H7332L and GHT0700-SD-H7332R respectively. A skillful pilot
could shoot here and cripple the ship's hyperdrive with minimal damage to the
rest of the vessel. Due to all the fluidics conduit, movement through this room
should be considered of Moderate difficulty. Droids without human-like legs
should treat this area as Difficult terrain.
Forward Compartments (Port and Starboard):
Behind the Sensor Compartment are a
series of rooms. They contain the forward
landing gear rooms (port and starboard), the
premium passenger berths (bedrooms), and
the central foyer. This section of the ship is
equipped with the most sound and vibration-
absorbing systems thus providing the most
comfortable travel conditions on the ship.
During typical flight operations, this area will see the most passenger and crew traffic
due to its relative central location, proximity to vital ship systems and public-usage
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Forward Landing Gear Rooms
(port and starboard - port side shown, starboard side similar):
The forward landing gear rooms can be accessed from the Forward
Corridors. The doors to these compartments are a reinforced blast door
intended to prevent decompression in the event the outer landing gear door
is damaged. It is possible but not recommended to use this compartment as
a makeshift airlock in the event of an emergency. Forward Landing Strut Assemblies
are Part Numbers: GHT0700-UN-LS4523PF and GHT0700-UN-LS4523SF
respectively. Ghtroc Industries recommends routine inspection of the Landing Strut
Assemblies every 120 standard hours of normal ship operation.
Premium Berths
(port and starboard - port side shown, starboard side similar):
The premium berths (bedrooms) each contain a set of bunk beds, 2
dressers, and 1 padded chair each. The room locations provide the least
noise and vibration for passengers comfort.
Central Foyer:
Located aft of the entry ramp. A second ramp to the upper deck lowers
from the ceiling in this compartment to provide access to the cockpit above.
When lowered the areas outside the caution stripes form an oval shaped
path to walk around the lowered ramp.
The ramp is coated with a high-traction surface to prevent slips and
falls. When lowered to the lower deck, the ramp is pitched at an angle to
facilitate wheeled and tracked droids or other similar loading equipment.
The ramp when lowered is rated at 700 kilograms and can lift to the closed position
the same weight. Races or droids of greater weight than 700 kilograms should
remain on the lower deck.
Forward Corridors
(port and starboard - port side shown, starboard side similar):
Located port and starboard of the foyer. On the aft faces of the
forward corridors are access to the cargo holds (port and
starboard) and the crew berths (bedrooms).
Crew Berths
(port and starboard - port side shown, starboard side similar):
The crew berths (bedrooms) are quite spacious and provide private
rooms for both pilot and co-pilot. They contain 1 bed, 1 dresser, 1
wardrobe, 1 padded chair, and 1 small wall-mounted desk each. Noise
and vibration in these rooms are almost as good as the premium berths.
Galley (Kitchen):
Located aft of the port crew berth the galley (kitchen), is designed
to deal with 2 crew and 10 passengers as long as all don't try to eat at
the same time. The galley has 1 food processor, seating for 8, 1
refrigerator and 1 pantry.
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Head (Fresher - Bathroom):
Located aft of the starboard crew berth, the head (fresher - bathroom)
is designed to deal with 2 crew and 10 passengers as long as all don't try
to bathe, wash, or use the toilets all at the same time. The head has 2
sinks, 3 toilets, 1 single and 1 double shower.
Central Reactor Room:
At the very center of the ship is the power core. Its central location
provides for the shortest possible distance for power to be distributed to
the forward and aft thrusters as well as all ship systems requiring power.
The ship's main reactor is so large, it extends to the upper deck and is
surrounded by a ring corridor.
Ring Corridor:
Allows access forward to the ship's galley, port or starboard
cargo holds, port or starboard economy berths, and aft to the
ship's cargo loader.
The aft hatch is a heavy blast door rated to withstand the
explosive decompression of the cargo lift compartment behind it.
If the outer hatch and cargo lift are extended into the vacuum of
space, the aft door will automatically lock and warning flashers
will strobe to prevent accidental decompression of the ship. The
automatic lockout can be manually overridden at the aft door's control panel or from
the cockpit.
Cargo Holds
(port and starboard - port side shown, starboard side similar):
Located port and starboard of the ring corridor, the
cargo holds can be accessed from varrous points on the
lower deck. The holds have a maximum ceiling height of
2.29 meters (7ft 6in). Ceiling hight can accommodate
most smaller wheeled or tracked cargo loading
equipment or droids. Maximum recommended stack
height is two one meter high cargo containers or one
two meter high cargo container so as to prevent
damage to the ceiling of the cargo hold when moving
and loading freight.
The holds are designed to transport dozens of cargo
pallets, speeder bikes, swoops-sized objects, or can
hold many car-sized ground vehicles, or several
speeders in each.
Each cargo hold has a total of 225 cubic meters of
storage space. The holds can be loaded from the cargo
lift room, or the aft loading rooms.
The ceilings of the holds have many pull-down
hatches equipped with fold-down ladders for accent, to
facilitate system repairs, maintenance, and replacement
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of fuel cells. The grill-works on the deck of the holds are removable allowing access to
the ship's massive repulsorlift systems for repair and maintenance.
Warning: Numerous holds and tie-down points are located throughout the
cargo holds to allow for mechanical blocking and bracing of cargo loads during
flight. Ghtroc Industries recommends that all cargo be secured and properly tied
down and that all cargo loads be balanced evenly between both cargo holds. Ship
performance can be drastically degraded if flown with an imbalanced cargo load.
Please consult your Ghtroc Industries Class 720 Operators Manual under Cargo
Loading Procedures for more information.
Escape Pod Access
(port and starboard - port side shown, starboard side similar):
Within each cargo hold, caution stripes on the floor indicate No Load
areas to allow passengers and crew access to the escape pods. The escape
pods are accessed from pull-down hatches in the ceiling equipped with fold-
down ladders for accent into the pod.
A loading lift is also located in this area for use with droids, or other passengers
who can not climb a ladder. The escape lift is marked with caution stripes, and can lift
1 metric ton in 2 seconds to the escape pod if the emergency mode is used. The lift
has its own power supply and will function even if the ship's main power core is offline.
Warning: Areas within the cargo hold marked with caution stipes should not
have freight or equipment placed on them during flight. These areas are to be left
clear for access to the ship's escape pod systems. Failure to comply with these
directives can result in operator and passenger deaths. Please consult your
Ghtroc Industries Class 720 Operators Manual under Escape Equipment for
more information.
Economy Berths
(port and starboard - port side shown, starboard side similar):
Located port aft or starboard aft of the ring corridor. These rooms
contain 3 beds (1 normal, 2 bunk), and one tall dresser. These rooms are
not frequently used for passengers. Spacers tend to use them for storage
due to the noise and vibration encountered here. The single bed can fold
up against the wall to make the room suitable to accommodate larger
alien races that don't mind sleeping on the floor.
Cargo Lift Room:
Located aft of the ring corridor. This area houses the
ships main cargo lift. The lift's outer sliding door is double
sealed and can serve as a fully functioning airlock for space
walks or pickup and delivery in a vacuum. Rated to safely lift
4 metric tons, the Cargo Lift has access only to the lower
deck and under the ship. The lift can fit containers or objects of a maximum size of
2.24 meters (7ft 4in) wide, by 6 meters (19ft 8in) long, by 2.27 meters (7ft 5in) high.
Note: Objects of maximum hight limits require specialized loading docks with
recessed floors to load containers. If loading on a flat surface, the lift's max hight
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limitation is only 1.68 meters (5ft 6in).
Main Engineering Room:
Located aft of the cargo lift room at the very aft of the
ship's tail. This compartment houses the ship's main
hyperdrive, backup hyperdrive, main ion drives, main
thrusters, aft hyperdrive booster modules, and inertial
dampener. Floor grilles in this area allow for access
beneath these systems for inspection and maintenance.
The following standard equipment is installed in this
Part Number:
Backup Hyperdrive:
Part Number:
Main Ion Drive
Control Unit: Part
Number: GHT0700-RD-
C06161L and GHT0700-RD-
C06161R (2 in bank)
Main Thruster:
Part Number:
T21777L and
T21777R (2 in
Hyperdrive Booster
Coil: Part Number:
GHT0700-SD-H7321L and
GHT0700-SD-H7321R (2
in bank)
Aft Inertial Dampener:
Part Number: GHT0700-
Wave Guide: Part
Number: GHT0700-SS-
Aft Landing Gear Rooms
(port and starboard - port side shown, starboard side similar):
These two compartments can be accessed from the Aft Loading
Rooms. The access doors to these compartments are a reinforced blast
door intended to prevent decompression in the event the outer landing
gear door(s) are damaged. It is possible but not recommended to use
this compartment as a makeshift airlock in the event of an emergency. Aft Landing
Strut Assemblies are Part Numbers: GHT0700-UN-LS4523PA and GHT0700-UN-
LS4523SA respectively. Ghtroc Industries recommends routine inspection of the
Landing Strut Assemblies every 120 standard hours of normal ship operation.
Aft Loading Rooms
(port and starboard - port side shown, starboard side similar):
Located aft of the cargo holds at the ship's " rear fins".
Ramps from the above deck provide access to the upper
docking rings and allow freight to be slid down to the cargo
holds. When raised, these ramps form the launch track for the
escape pods above. These rooms also house various
mechanicals and consumables tanks that are vital to ship
operation and escape pod operation. The following standard
equipment is installed in this compartment:
Cold Water
Storage: Part
Numbers (Port
Bank): GHT0700-
CS-WT4784P, GHT0700-CS-
WT4785P, GHT0700-CS-
Hot Water
Storage: Part
WT5821P and
Port Aft Fluidics
Storage: Part
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WT4786P (3 in bank)
Lifter Pump and Water
Manifold: Part Number:
Water Heaters and
Pressure Pumps: Part
Number: GHT0700-PP-
Pressure Pump and
Heating Coil: Part
Number: GHT0700-PP-
Lifter Pump and Hot
Water Manifold: Part
Number: GHT0700-DP-
Port Aft Fluidics Delivery
Pump: Part Number:
Fluidics Controller: Part
Number: GHT0700-FC-
Upper Deck
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Upper Deck Descriptions
Unless otherwise noted, this deck has a maximum ceiling height of 2.29 meters (7ft
6in) headroom in the cockpit, and docking arms. The rest of the upper deck is mostly
crawlspaces with little more than 3' of headroom. The bulk of the 720's upper deck store
the ship's fuel and consumables. Descriptions of its various rooms and compartments
are listed below.
Located in the " head". The cockpit is equipped with 4 control stations. The 2
forward control stations can perform all ship functions; the 2 aft control stations can
control: life support, docking, loading, shields, sensors, and communication systems.
Weapon Control Rooms (Port and Starboard):
Located behind the cockpit to either side of the ramp compartment, these curved
rooms house the ship's fire controls and avionics systems. If you are wondering why
these rooms seem so empty, its because they were designed for upgrades to
weapon and avionic controls.
Ramp Compartment:
Located aft of the cockpit in the " neck". This ramp is fully sealed preventing de
pressurization between decks. This upper ramp lowers to provide access to and from
the central foyer in the deck below. This ramp allows astromech droids access to the
cockpit. In the aft end of this compartment are the ship's main wiring trunks, the ramp
control motor, and hydraulic pump.
Life Support Compartments (Port and Starboard):
Located in the " shoulders" to either side of the cockpit. These compartments hold
the ship's life support equipment and atmosphere recyclers. Life support
consumables are stored here as well.
Forward Fuel Compartments (Port and Starboard):
Located to either side of the ramp compartment. These rooms house the ship's
electrical system controls fuel cells, fuel pumps, weapon charging systems (port side),
and consumables storage tanks. These rooms can be accessed from the ramp
compartment or service panels in the floor. The power couplings that power the
weapon charging systems on the port side have sister systems on the starboard side
that are not used on the stock model. These couplings can be used for weapon
upgrades that require more power.
Upper Reactor Room:
Located in the center of the ship in the domed " shell". This compartment partially
extends to the deck below. It houses the ship's upper power core and power
converters. This compartment can be accessed from 4 service panels in the floor.
Central Fuel Compartments (Port and Starboard):
Located above the ship's cargo holds on either side of the ship. These
Capsule & Stats
Lower Deck
Lower Deck Descriptions
Upper Deck
Upper Deck Descriptions
Behind the Scenes
Source Material
Space Transports
Ghtroc Industries
About Us
Terms of Use
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compartments contain the bulk of the ship's fuel cells, and some life support
equipment. These rooms can be accessed from the forward fuel compartments or
service panels on the ceiling of the cargo holds below.
Aft Consumables Compartments (Port and Starboard):
Located aft of the upper reactor room to either side. These rooms house
additional ship consumables and electrical controls. These compartments can be
accessed from 4 service panels in the floor (2 each).
Aft Shield Generator Room:
Located directly aft of the upper reactor room. This room houses the aft shield
projectors, shield Controllers, and shield generators. This compartment can be
accessed from a single service panel in the floor.
Aft Docking Arms (Port and Starboard):
Located at the very aft of the ship in the " Rear fins". These docking arms serve
several functions: airlock, docking ring, and escape pod launcher. The decks of the
docking arms form a ramp when lowered to allow freight to be moved to and from the
cargo holds in the lower deck. The ramps when raised serve as launch tracks for the
escape pods loaded in the docking arms. For complete details of the Class 700
Escape Pod used on the Ghtroc 720 please consult its respective entry on this
website. The Docking arms are triple sealed and are suitable for space walks for
exterior repairs. The docking rings are designed for universal magnetic seal coupling
and will dock with any standard airlock for ship to ship docking and transfer. The
escape pods are accessed from the lower deck via a pull-down hatch in the ceiling.
Behind the scenes
Studying all the Sources
Clearly of all the light freighters in
the roleplaying game, the Ghtroc
720 seems to be amongst the best
represented. There was no difficulty
finding plenty of examples of official
artwork for a reference to base this
project on. Where the project
became a design challenge was
finding common ground amongst all
the source material. This may be
one rare case where having too
much information created a
hindrance in producing a ship. Like
with all our projects, we focused on
the first and original image of the
freighter and worked forward
through all the source material
looking for common elements and
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Although the original artwork provided us with the most information, it was only
part of the story and only a top view. To learn more about this ship we would have to
look at artwork from other artists and incorporate their interpretations into the design.
The top view was originally drawn by John Paul Lona but most drawings of the
Ghtroc 720 would be drawn by Mike Vilardi who would shine light on the landing gear,
plus aft, and side details of the exterior thus bringing the ship into the third dimension.
Turning Many Into One
There are few images published
by West End Games

or Dark
Horse Comics

that fully collude

with one another. It was decided to
incorporate elements from all these
images to produce an "averaged"
exterior in which to base the
We also decided that the original
image possesses the most common
features when compared to the body
of evidence, and would dominate the
project. From there we worked our
way down forming a hierarchy of the images for their value as references. Where
details matched or did not interfere with others, they were incorporated and when
details conflicted with older references, they were omitted and/or moved/adjusted to
accommodate others.
Note: Here we see the exhaust of sublight thrust on the Ghtroc 720 while moving
with its front maneuvering thrusters in the front fins.
We noticed the Ghtroc 720
looked similar to a sea turtle so we
decided to refer to parts of the ship
in terms of a sea turtle's body. Thus
the following structures were
assigned body part names to assist
in describing the various structures
during construction:
Cockpit: Head and Neck
Entry Ramp: Chin
Sensor Suite: Shoulders and
Maneuvering Thrusters:
Forward Fins
Hyperdrive coils: Armpit Gills
Docking Arms /
Escape Pod Launchers: Rear Fins or Legs
Rear Ion Thrusters: Tail
Power Core Dome: Shell
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Note: We make reference to all these part names on this deckplan page as well
as other ships based on it.
Building the Side View
The next step was tackling the
side view. This was a bit of a
problem because there was no
official image or schematic of the
side view on a stock Ghtroc 720.
The only official a side view
available was of the Shroud
Freighter (a heavily modified Ghtroc
Freighter) flown by Luke Skywalker
and seen in both The Last
Command Sourcebook page 134,
and in The Thrawn Trilogy
Sourcebook page 237. We
proceeded by blending the images
from Platt's Starport Guide page
29 with images of the Shroud
Freighter to establish the elliptical
curve of the hull's cross-section and
the shape the hull forms where it
attaches itself to the front fins.
Note: This is the first of the images that clearly demonstrate the Ghtroc 720 has
sublight thrusters in the rear tail section and not just in the front fins.
We had noted the Shroud Freighter had an upper and lower level in the schematic
but were not sure if this applied to the stock model as well. While developing the side
view we did notice that the Ghtroc 720 was very tall (even without the Shroud
modifications). Our conclusion was the freighter had two decks and not one as it was
depicted in the official deckplan in Platt's Smugglers Guide page 40. Clearly the
two sources conflicted with one another but in the end we realized the older source
was correct. With the idea for the upper deck confirmed, we continued and
incorporated the feature into the design.
Exterior Refinements
Some WEG drawings had
epaulets on the ship's shoulders,
and other images didn't. The
majority did so they were added on
the top view even though that
particular reference image didn't
have any. The epaulets give the
leading edge of the shoulders a
more aerodynamic profile. The 720
epaulets can best seen on the image from Galaxy Guide 9 - Fragments From the
Rim page 15 and served as our primary reference for our model.
Note: The drawing of the Merry Thrubidor is the second image that clearly
demonstrates the Ghtroc 720 has sublight thrusters in the rear tail section and not
just in the front forward fins section.
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There are many contours and
small access hatches in the various
images of the 720 so we attempted
to draw all of them on the hull.
Except in cases when contours
contradicted one another, in which
case we went with the contours that
appeared in the most incidences.
Images of the Ghtroc 720 landed
with landing gear extended are very
rare and in this image we see one of
the landing feet of the ship. This
image was used as our primary landing gear reference for size shape and location on
the project.
Rounding Out the Exterior - Comic References
Dark Horse Comics

a comic adaptation of the Thrawn
Trilogy novels originally written by
Timothy Zahn. Naturally we studied
the last of these comics for within the
The Last Command comics they
also produced artwork for the
Shroud Freighter (a heavily
modified Ghtroc Freighter
mentioned earlier) flown by Luke
The artwork in the comic
adaptation greatly differed from the
artwork in the roleplaying game and
being that the RPG artwork was
older, more internally-consistent, and
more numerous in volume, the comic
references only served a very tiny
role in this project.
However the comics were not
completely ignored. Where we did
get use out of these images were in
the landing gear and boarding ramp
which were very similar to the older
sources. Lastly we tried to use any
useful minor details in areas where
the older artwork was silent and
where the comic references could
enrich the overall aesthetic of the
Note: The Shroud Freighter of
the comics is a very radical design
as compared to the West End Games

artwork. However the image above clearly

demonstrates the Ghtroc 720 has sublight thrusters in the rear.
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Going inside - The Official Deckplan.
West End Games

did produce
an official deckplan for the Ghtroc
720. The official deckplan was
published around the same time we
decided we needed a deckplan for
this ship and when we looked at it,
we decided to use it as a rough
guide and would build something
significantly better.
We decided to retain some
elements of this official deckplan
which include:
The general location of the
crew/passenger quarters.
The location of the cargo
Four-seat cockpit.
Escape pods in the rear fins.
There were also many elements
of this deckplan we decided to
change and correct including:
Taking the third dimension into
account and adding a
complete upper deck detailing
consumables storage, the
cockpit, and docking arms.
Increasing the utility of the
docking arms by designing
them to serve a duel function
of dock and escape pod launcher.
Adding rooms for the landing gear so they had a place to retract into the ship..
Fully detailing the lower deck and including all the engineering sections.
Installing ion drives in both the front fins and tail (three locations total) as
older source material indicated.
Removed the lounge from the center of the ship and replaced it with the power
core and ring corridor for safety.
Added a speeder-sized cargo lift with access to both cargo holds to save on
weight and room.
Removed all stairs from the cargo holds for safety and increased cargo room.
Added a ramp to access the cockpit in the upper deck as older sources
Note: This is the third image that clearly demonstrates the Ghtroc 720 has
sublight thrusters in the rear tail section and not just in the front fins. This image
comes from the same sourcebook (Platt's Smugglers Guide) that incorrectly states
the opposite in the deckplan descriptions and adjoining text.
In the end we had developed a very different deckplan from the official version. It
was our intent to honor the original but at the same time transform it and elevate it to a
much higher level of detail and functionality. The Ghtroc 720 viewed on this page is
the outcome of that ongoing mission.
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Source Material
Index of Published Images that inspired this project, in Order of Importance:
Large Top View: Star Wars

The Roleplaying Game ,

Second Edition, page 121, drawn
by John Paul Lona, published by
West End Games

(a subsidiary
of Purgatory Publishing

0-87431-181-0, WEG 40055,
October 1992
Small Top View: Cracken's
Rebel Operatives , page 62,
drawn by John Paul Lona,
published by West End Games

(a subsidiary of Purgatory

), ISBN 0-87431-
218-3, WEG 40084, May 1994
Large 3/4 View: Galaxy Guide
9 - Fragments From the Rim ,
page 15, drawn by Mike Vilardi,
published by West End Games

(a subsidiary of Purgatory

), ISBN 0-87431-
192-6, WEG 40063, May 1993
Small 3/4 View: DarkStryder
Adventure Book , page 18 and
color reference card, drawn by
David Deitrick published by West
End Games

(a subsidiary of
Purgatory Publishing

), ISBN 0-
87431-551-4, WEG 40220, April
1998 (last known SWRPG
publication by WEG)
Small 3/4 View: Star Wars

Adventure Journal , Vol. 1, No. 2, page 283, drawn

by Mike Vilardi, published by West End Games

(a subsidiary of Purgatory

), ISBN 0-87431-401-1, WEG 41002, June 1996

Aft & Top View: Platt's Starport Guide , page 29, drawn by Mike Vilardi,
published by West End Games

(a subsidiary of Purgatory Publishing

), ISBN 0-
87431-224-8, WEG 40107, March 1995
Side View Cutaway: The Last Command Sourcebook , page 134, drawn by
John Paul Lona, published by West End Games

(a subsidiary of Purgatory

), ISBN 0-87431-197-7, WEG 40059, April 1994

Side View Cutaway: The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook , page 237, drawn by
John Paul Lona, published by West End Games

(a subsidiary of Purgatory

), ISBN 0-87431-280-9, WEG 40131, April 1994

7/22/2014 Ghtroc Industries Class 720 Light Freighter 21/22
The "Official" Deckplans: Platt's Smugglers Guide, page 34, published by
West End Games

(a subsidiary of Purgatory Publishing

), ISBN 0-87431-508-
5, WEG 40141, November 1997
Partial 3/4 View with Landing Gear Extended: Imperial Double-Cross, page
53, drawn by Mike Vilardi, published by West End Games

(a subsidiary of
Purgatory Publishing

), ISBN 0-87431-502-6, WEG 40601, May 1997

Side & Front View: The Star Wars

Roleplaying Game, Second Edition,

Revised and Expanded, page 182, published by West End Games

(a subsidiary
of Purgatory Publishing

), ISBN 0-87431-435-6, WEG 40120, April 1994

3/4 View Docked With Imperial Customs Vessel: Platt's Starport Guide ,
page 48, published by West End Games

(a subsidiary of Purgatory

), ISBN 0-87431-224-8, WEG 40107, March 1995

Rough 3/4 View: Platt's Smugglers Guide , page 40, published by West End

(a subsidiary of Purgatory Publishing

), ISBN 0-87431-508-5, WEG

40141, November 1997
3D CGI Model 3/4 View: Star Wars

Adventure Journal , Vol. 1, No. 9, page 49,

modeled by David Pilurs, published by West End Games

(a subsidiary of
Purgatory Publishing

), ISBN 0-87431-408-9, WEG 41009, February 1996

Interior and Exterior Views: Star Wars

- The Last Command - Trade

Paperback Graphic Novel, pages 25, 26 - drawn by Edvin Biukovic and Eric
Shanower, published by Dark Horse Comics

, ISBN 1-56971-378-2, June 1999

Game Stats - Stock Ghtroc Industries Class 720 Light Freighters:
Game Master Screen Revised
page 40, published by West End

(a subsidiary of
Purgatory Publishing

), ISBN 0-
87431-288-4, WEG40135, Dec
Platt's Smugglers Guide , page
32-33, published by West End

(a subsidiary of
Purgatory Publishing

), ISBN 0-
87431-508-5, WEG 40141, November 1997
Star Wars

The Roleplaying Game , Second Edition, page 121, published by

West End Games

(a subsidiary of Purgatory Publishing

), ISBN 0-87431-181-
0, WEG 40055, October 1992
The Star Wars

Roleplaying Game, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded,

page 256, published by West End Games

(a subsidiary of Purgatory

), ISBN 0-87431-435-6, WEG 40120, April 1994

Game Stats - Modified Ghtroc Industries Class 720 Light Freighters:
Accuser: Alliance Intelligence Reports page 64-65, published by West End

(a subsidiary of Purgatory Publishing

), ISBN 0-87431-260-4, WEG

40109, June 1995
Fxz'Et: Dark Stryder Adventure Book page 18
Luudrian Star: Cracken's Rebel Operatives page 62, " Star Wars

Journal" #2 page 283*
7/22/2014 Ghtroc Industries Class 720 Light Freighter 22/22
The Messenger: Star

Adventure Journal #7
page 180
Merry Thrubidor: The Star

Roleplaying Game,
Second Edition, Revised and
Expanded, page 181
Nightrunner: Flashpoint! Brak
page 35
Covert Shroud Freighter: The Last Command Sourcebook page 133, Thrawn
Trilogy Sourcebook page 236
Solar Flare: Galaxy Guide 9 page 6
Steadfast: Star Wars

Adventure Journal #3 page 122

Tree Spirit: The Star Wars

Planets Collection page 116

Twilight Jumper: Star Wars

Adventure Journal #9 page 48

*NOTE: the Luudrian Star in Star Wars

Adventure Journal #2 page 283 is

misspelled "Class 729"
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