Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling

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Aggregate planning is intermediate-range capacity planning that typically covers a time horizon of one to three months. Its goal is to balance resources and meet expected demand.

Aggregate planning is intermediate-range capacity planning that typically covers a time horizon of one to three months. The goal of aggregate planning is to achieve a production plan that attempts to balance the organization's resources and meet expected demand.

Some inputs used for aggregate planning include beginning inventory, forecasts for each period of the schedule, and customer orders.

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling

Chapter 11
Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling

True / False Questions

1. Aggregate planning is intermediate-range capacity planning that typically covers a time
horizon of one to three months.
True False

. The goal of aggregate planning is to achieve a production plan that attempts to !alance the
organization"s resources and meet e#pected demand.
True False

$. Aggregate planners are concerned %ith the &uality and &uantity of e#pected demand.
True False

'. Aggregate planning is used to esta!lish general levels of employment( output( and
inventories over an intermediate-range of time.
True False

). The assignment of %or* to specific machines and people are e#amples of aggregate
True False

+. The output from aggregate planning is a detailed !usiness plan covering the ne#t to 1
True False
Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
,. -emand can !e altered in aggregate planning !y promotion and producing additional
product using overtime.
True False

.. Capacity can !e modified in aggregate planning !y promotion and producing additional
product using overtime.
True False

/. 0rganizations facing seasonal changes in demand are prevented from using aggregate
planning techni&ues.
True False

11. Seasonality in demand has the advantage of leveling out re&uirements for our product or
True False

11. A level capacity strategy is also *no%n as a chase demand strategy.
True False

1. An advantage of a 2chase2 strategy for aggregate planning is that inventories can !e *ept
relatively lo%.
True False

1$. 3inear programming models yield the optimal solution.
True False

1'. 4ltimately the overriding factor in choosing a strategy in aggregate planning is overall
True False

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
1). Aggregate planners commonly use trial-and-error methods in developing aggregate plans.
True False

1+. The use of ta!les and charts in aggregate planning usually ena!les planners to arrive at an
optimal plan.
True False

1,. Aggregate planners typically use mathematical techni&ues such as linear programming
and linear decision rules for planning.
True False

1.. -isaggregating an aggregate plan leads to a master schedule.
True False

1/. The master schedule indicates the &uantity and timing for delivery of a product( !ut not
the dates production %ill need to start.
True False

1. -epartmental !udgeting is an e#ample of aggregate planning.
True False

1. Master schedulers are employed primarily !y service organizations.
True False

. Su!contracting "in" %ould apply to periods in %hich our organization has e#cess capacity.
True False

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
$. Availa!le-to-promise in the first %ee* is e&ual to !eginning inventory plus MPS &uantity(
if any( less committed customer orders !efore the ne#t MPS &uantity.
True False

'. A time fence in the master schedule is used to prevent unauthorized people from ma*ing
changes to the schedule.
True False

). After the first period of the planning horizon( availa!le-to-promise is computed only for
those periods in %hich there is an MPS &uantity.
True False

+. 5n the master production schedule( production is planned for the ne#t period %henever the
availa!le-to-promise &uantity !ecomes negative.
True False

Multiple Choice Questions

,. 6hich of the follo%ing !est descri!es aggregate planning7
A. the lin* !et%een intermediate term planning and short term operating decisions
8. a collection of o!9ective planning tools
C. ma*e or !uy decisions
-. an attempt to respond to predicted demand %ithin the constraints set !y product( process
and location decisions
:. manpo%er planning

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
.. Accommodating pea* demands and effectively using la!or resources during periods of
lo% demand %ould !e the goal of aggregate planners in
A. Manufacturing
8. Military
C. Archeology
-. 3i!raries
:. Financial Services

/. Aggregate planning is capacity planning for;
A. the long range
8. the intermediate range
C. the short range
-. typically one to three months
:. typically one or more years

$1. 0ne area to %hich aggregate planning decisions relate is;
A. 9o! se&uencing
8. customer order &uantities
C. inventory levels
-. location
:. layout

$1. 6hich of the follo%ing is an input to aggregate planning7
A. !eginning inventory
8. forecasts for each period of the schedule
C. customer orders
-. all of the a!ove
:. &uantity discounts

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
$. :ssentially( the output of aggregate planning is the;
A. mar*eting plan
8. production plan
C. rough-cut capacity plan
-. assignment plan
:. material re&uirements plan

$$. 5n doing 2aggregate planning2 for a firm producing paint( the aggregate planners %ould
most li*ely deal %ith;
A. 9ust gallons of paint( %ithout concern for the different colors and sizes
8. gallons of paint( !ut !e concerned %ith the different colors to !e produced
C. gallons( &uarts( pints( and all the different sizes to !e produced
-. all the different sizes and all the different colors !y size
:. none of the a!ove

$'. Aggregate planning re&uires %hich of the follo%ing information7
A. a forecast of e#pected demand
8. current levels of inventory
C. <a= and <!=
-. policies regarding employment levels
:. all of the a!ove

$). Aggregate planners attempt to !alance;
A. demand and inventories
8. demand and costs
C. capacity and inventories
-. capacity and costs
:. capacity and demand

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
$+. 6hich of the follo%ing is not an input to the aggregate planning process7
A. resources availa!le
8. demand forecast
C. policies on %or* force changes
-. master production schedules
:. cost information

$,. 6hich one of the follo%ing %ould not !e considered a decision option for purposes of
aggregate planning7
A. inventory levels
8. manpo%er levels
C. pricing
-. production costs
:. promotion

$.. 6hich of the follo%ing is not a !asic option for altering the availa!ility of capacity in a
service environment7
A. overtime
8. hiring>layoff
C. part time
-. inventory
:. All of these are !asic capacity options.

$/. 6hich one of the follo%ing is not a !asic option for altering demand7
A. promotion
8. !ac*ordering
C. pricing
-. su!contracting
:. All are demand options.

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
'1. 0ne option for altering the pattern of demand is;
A. !ac*orders
8. overtime
C. part-time %or*ers
-. inventories
:. su!contracting

'1. 6hich of the follo%ing %ould not !e a strategy associated %ith ad9usting aggregate
capacity to meet e#pected demand7
A. su!contract
8. vary the size of the %or*force
C. vary the intensity of %or*force utilization
-. allo% inventory levels to vary
:. use !ac*orders

'. 0ne option for altering the availa!ility of manufacturing capacity is;
A. pricing
8. promotion
C. !ac*orders
-. inventories
:. none of the a!ove apply to manufacturing capacity

'$. 0ne option for altering the availa!ility of capacity is;
A. use of overtime or slac* time
8. pricing
C. promotion
-. !ac*orders
:. none of the a!ove

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
''. 5n order to use the 2level capacity strategy(2 variations in demand are met !y;
A. varying output during regular time %ithout changing employment levels
8. varying output during regular time !y changing employment levels
C. <a= and <!=
-. using com!ination of inventories( overtime( part time( and !ac* orders
:. price ad9ustments

'). 5n using the 2chase strategy2 variations in demand could !e met !y;
A. varying output during regular time %ithout changing employment levels
8. varying output during regular time !y changing employment levels
C. <a= and <!=
-. varying inventory levels
:. price increases

'+. 4ncommitted inventory is called
A. Availa!le-to-promise inventory
8. Free inventory
C. Safety stoc*
-. 3ead time inventory
:. 0!solete inventory

',. Aggregate planners see* to match supply and demand;
A. at minimum overall cost
8. !y staying %ithin company policy
C. <a= and <!=
-. *eeping inventories at a minimum
:. all of the a!ove

'.. 5n practice( the more commonly used techni&ues for aggregate planning are;
A. mathematical techni&ues
8. informal trial-and-error techni&ues
C. <a= and <!= a!out e&ually
-. simulation models
:. linear programming optimization

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
'/. The main disadvantage<s= of informal techni&ues used for aggregate planning is<are=;
A. they are e#pensive to do
8. they may not result in the !est plan
C. they ta*e a long time to do
-. they re&uire use of a computer
:. lac* of formal education of the planners

)1. 5nventory information for firm A8C;

6hat is the e#pected inventory at the end of April( 1///7
A. $)1
8. )1
C. 1)1
-. )1
:. none of the a!ove

)1. 5nventory information for firm A8C;

6hat %as the inventory at the end of March( 1///7
A. $)1
8. )1
C. 1)1
-. )1
:. none of the a!ove

). 3inear programming to produce an aggregate plan;
A. %ill produce the !est plan if accurate inputs are used
8. is the most %idely used techni&ue
C. <a= and <!=
-. %ill produce a plan that may not !e the !est plan
:. re&uires an e#cel spread sheet

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
)$. Simulation to produce an aggregate plan;
A. %ill produce the !est plan
8. is the most %idely used techni&ue
C. !oth <a= and <!=
-. %ill produce a plan that may not !e the !est plan
:. re&uires a minimum of ' iterations to !e accurate

)'. 6hich term is most closely associated %ith the term disaggregation7
A. su!contracting
8. master schedule
C. diversity
-. varying inventory levels
:. firing and laying off

)). The direct result of disaggregating the aggregate plan is the;
A. mar*eting plan
8. production plan
C. rough-cut capacity plan
-. master schedule
:. material re&uirements plan

)+. Moving from the aggregate plan to a master production schedule re&uires;
A. rough cut capacity planning
8. disaggregation
C. su!-optimization
-. strategy formulation
:. chase strategies

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
),. That portion of pro9ected inventory %hich ena!les mar*eting to ma*e realistic
commitments a!out delivery dates for ne% orders is;
A. !eginning inventory
8. safety stoc* inventory
C. availa!le-to-promise inventory
-. high margin inventory
:. none of the a!ove

).. Proactive and ?eactive aggregate planning strategies are !est associated %ith;
A. 5nput and 0utput
8. Ma*e and 8uy
C. @uantitative and @ualitative
-. :#act and Appro#imate
:. -emand and Capacity options

Essay Questions

)/. A manager has prepared a forecast of e#pected aggregate demand for the ne#t si# months.
-evelop an aggregate plan to meet this demand given this additional information; A level
production rate of 111 units per month %ill !e used. 8ac*orders are allo%ed( and they are
charged at the rate of A. per unit per month. 5nventory holding costs are A1 per unit per month
in ending inventory. -etermine the cost of this plan if regular time cost is A1 per unit and
!eginning inventory is zero.

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
+1. Biven the pro9ected demands for the ne#t si# months( prepare an aggregate plan that uses
inventory( regular time and overtime( and !ac*orders. The plan must %ind up %ith no units in
ending inventory in Period +. ?egular time capacity is 1)1 units per month. 0vertime capacity
is 1 units per month. 0vertime cost is A$1 per unit( !ac*order cost is A1 per unit( inventory
holding cost is A) per unit( regular time cost of A1 per unit( and !eginning inventory is zero.

+1. 4se either the transportation method or linear programming to develop an optimum
aggregate plan( given the follo%ing data;

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
+. Prepare a master schedule !ased on the follo%ing information;

Currently there are 1') units in inventory. Policy calls for a fi#ed order &uantity of )1 units.

+$. 6hat is total forecasted demand7

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
+'. 6hat is total regular time capacity7

+). Co% should overtime capacity !e utilized7

++. 6hat are total regular time costs7

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
+,. 6hat are total overtime costs7

+.. 6hat are total carrying costs7

+/. 6hat are total !ac*order costs7

,1. 6hat are total costs for each period7

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
,1. 6hat are total costs for the si# periods7

Multiple Choice Questions

A firm has '$ units of a certain product on hand. Forecasts for the first t%o planning periods
are 1 units each. A production &uantity of .1 units is planned to !e availa!le in period $.
Customer orders are for period 1 and 1, for period .

,. 6hat is the pro9ected on-hand inventory at the end of period 7
A. 1
8. 1
C. 1
-. 1
:. impossi!le to say %ithout more information

,$. 6hat &uantity is availa!le for commitment to ne% customers in either of the first t%o
A. 1
8. 1
C. 1
-. '
:. impossi!le to say %ithout more information

A firm has )+ units of product D on hand. Forecasts of demand are for 1 units per %ee*. An
MPS &uantity of 111 units is planned to arrive in period $. Customer orders are ' for period
1( 1. for period ( and 1) for period $.

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
,'. 6hat is the pro9ected on hand inventory at the end of period 7
A. 1'
8. $
C. 1
-. 1
:. impossi!le to say %ithout additional information

,). 6hat &uantity is availa!le for commitment to ne% customers prior to the receipt of the
MPS &uantity in %ee* $7
A. 1'
8. $
C. 1
-. 1
:. impossi!le to say %ithout additional information.

,+. 6hen the opportunity cost of lost revenue is relatively high( EEEEEEEEE !ecome<s=
relatively more attractive.
A. 3ayoffs
8. 8ac*orders
C. :#cess capacity
-. -isaggregation
:. 8oth 8 and C
Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
,,. The more EEEEEEEEEE demand is( the more the aggregate plan %ill tend to reflect the
A. Sta!leF 3evel
8. AggregatedF 0utsourcing
C. Garia!leF Chase
-. Comple#F 4ncommitted
:. 8oth A and C

,.. 5n a service setting( the aggregate plan results in a time-phased pro9ection of EEEEEEEEEE
A. customer
8. staff
C. inventory
-. su!contracting
:. outsourcing

,/. 6hich of the follo%ing differs !et%een aggregate planning in services and aggregate
planning in manufacturing7
A. uncertainty in demand
8. costs of storing inventory
C. the perisha!ility of capacity
-. cost of overtime
:. cost of hiring
Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
.1. At DHI Corp.( the aggregate planning unit reflects the fact that )1J of its output is
product version A( $1J is version 8( and 1J is version C. Suppose that over the coming
year forecasted total demand <in planning units= is for 11('11 units. 0nce the production plan
is disaggregated( %hat %ill the %ee*ly forecast for version A !e <assume ) %ee*s per year=7
A. 1111
8. 11
C. '11
-. 111
:. )1

.1. A master production schedule &uantity of $11 units %ill arrive in %ee* +. 6ee*ly demand
over %ee*s $ through 11 is forecasted at )1 units. At present( orders have !een !oo*ed in
various &uantities in %ee*s 1( ( $ and '. 6hat is the availa!le to promise for %ee* +7
A. )1
8. +
C. $11
-. 111
:. Cannot !e determined %ithout pro9ected on-hand information

.. 6hich of the follo%ing steps is necessary to ensure that a master schedule is valid7
A. %or*er scheduling
8. order promising
C. inventory counting
-. order !oo*ing
:. rough-cut capacity planning

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
Chapter 11 Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling Ans%er Key

True / False Questions

1. Aggregate planning is intermediate-range capacity planning that typically covers a time
horizon of one to three months.
Aggregate planning covers the mid-term( typically t%o to 1 months.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%# &'(lin )ht ggregte (lnning is nd ho) it is useful*
To(ic Are: +ntroduction

. The goal of aggregate planning is to achieve a production plan that attempts to !alance the
organization"s resources and meet e#pected demand.
This is the goal of aggregate planning.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: &sy
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%# &'(lin )ht ggregte (lnning is nd ho) it is useful*
To(ic Are: +ntroduction

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
$. Aggregate planners are concerned %ith the &uality and &uantity of e#pected demand.
Aggregate planners are concerned %ith the &uantity and timing of e#pected demand.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: &sy
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%# &'(lin )ht ggregte (lnning is nd ho) it is useful*
To(ic Are: +ntroduction

'. Aggregate planning is used to esta!lish general levels of employment( output( and
inventories over an intermediate-range of time.
This is the domain of aggregate planning.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: &sy
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%# &'(lin )ht ggregte (lnning is nd ho) it is useful*
To(ic Are: +ntroduction

). The assignment of %or* to specific machines and people are e#amples of aggregate
Assigning %or* to specific machines or people is an e#ample of detailed scheduling.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%# &'(lin )ht ggregte (lnning is nd ho) it is useful*
To(ic Are: +ntroduction

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
+. The output from aggregate planning is a detailed !usiness plan covering the ne#t to 1
The output is an aggregate production plan.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: &sy
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%# &'(lin )ht ggregte (lnning is nd ho) it is useful*
To(ic Are: +ntroduction

,. -emand can !e altered in aggregate planning !y promotion and producing additional
product using overtime.
These are supply options.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: ,rd
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%- +dentify the vribles decision mkers hve to )ork )ith in ggregte (lnning nd some of the (ossible
strtegies they cn use*
To(ic Are: +ntroduction

.. Capacity can !e modified in aggregate planning !y promotion and producing additional
product using overtime.
Promotions do not modify capacity.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: ,rd
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%- +dentify the vribles decision mkers hve to )ork )ith in ggregte (lnning nd some of the (ossible
strtegies they cn use*
To(ic Are: +ntroduction

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
/. 0rganizations facing seasonal changes in demand are prevented from using aggregate
planning techni&ues.
Aggregate planning can accommodate seasonal changes in demand.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%- +dentify the vribles decision mkers hve to )ork )ith in ggregte (lnning nd some of the (ossible
strtegies they cn use*
To(ic Are: +ntroduction

11. Seasonality in demand has the advantage of leveling out re&uirements for our product or
Seasonality increases variation in re&uirements.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%- +dentify the vribles decision mkers hve to )ork )ith in ggregte (lnning nd some of the (ossible
strtegies they cn use*
To(ic Are: +ntroduction

11. A level capacity strategy is also *no%n as a chase demand strategy.
3evel and chase strategies are opposite approaches.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: &sy
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%- +dentify the vribles decision mkers hve to )ork )ith in ggregte (lnning nd some of the (ossible
strtegies they cn use*
To(ic Are: Bsic Strtegies for Meeting .neven Demnd

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
1. An advantage of a 2chase2 strategy for aggregate planning is that inventories can !e *ept
relatively lo%.
The chase strategy *eeps inventories lo%.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: .nderstnd
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%- +dentify the vribles decision mkers hve to )ork )ith in ggregte (lnning nd some of the (ossible
strtegies they cn use*
To(ic Are: Bsic Strtegies for Meeting .neven Demnd

1$. 3inear programming models yield the optimal solution.
3inear programming models can find an optimal solution if one e#ists.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%/ Describe some of the gr(hicl nd 0untittive techni0ues (lnners use*
To(ic Are: Techni0ues for Aggregte 1lnning

1'. 4ltimately the overriding factor in choosing a strategy in aggregate planning is overall
The tas* of aggregate planning is to stri*e a !alance !et%een demand and capacity at
minimum cost.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: ,rd
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%- +dentify the vribles decision mkers hve to )ork )ith in ggregte (lnning nd some of the (ossible
strtegies they cn use*
To(ic Are: Bsic Strtegies for Meeting .neven Demnd

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
1). Aggregate planners commonly use trial-and-error methods in developing aggregate plans.
Trial-and-error approaches can lead to good solutions.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: &sy
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%/ Describe some of the gr(hicl nd 0untittive techni0ues (lnners use*
To(ic Are: Techni0ues for Aggregte 1lnning

1+. The use of ta!les and charts in aggregate planning usually ena!les planners to arrive at an
optimal plan.
Such solutions may !e good solutions( !ut they"re usually not optimal.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: ,rd
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%/ Describe some of the gr(hicl nd 0untittive techni0ues (lnners use*
To(ic Are: Techni0ues for Aggregte 1lnning

1,. Aggregate planners typically use mathematical techni&ues such as linear programming
and linear decision rules for planning.
8oth &ualitative and &uantitative approaches are used in aggregate planning.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%/ Describe some of the gr(hicl nd 0untittive techni0ues (lnners use*
To(ic Are: Techni0ues for Aggregte 1lnning

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
1.. -isaggregating an aggregate plan leads to a master schedule.
This is an output of the aggregate planning process.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%# &'(lin )ht ggregte (lnning is nd ho) it is useful*
To(ic Are: Disggregting the Aggregte 1ln

1/. The master schedule indicates the &uantity and timing for delivery of a product( !ut not
the dates production %ill need to start.
?e&uired start dates depend on products" lead times.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: &sy
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%# &'(lin )ht ggregte (lnning is nd ho) it is useful*
To(ic Are: Disggregting the Aggregte 1ln

1. -epartmental !udgeting is an e#ample of aggregate planning.
The challenge is to get re&uirements into !alance %ith resources.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: &sy
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%# &'(lin )ht ggregte (lnning is nd ho) it is useful*
To(ic Are: +ntroduction

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
1. Master schedulers are employed primarily !y service organizations.
Master schedulers are primarily employed in manufacturing.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: &sy
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%2 Describe the mster scheduling (rocess nd e'(lin its im(ortnce*
To(ic Are: Disggregting the Aggregte 1ln

. Su!contracting "in" %ould apply to periods in %hich our organization has e#cess capacity.
Su!contracting in %ould !e selling some availa!le capacity.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%- +dentify the vribles decision mkers hve to )ork )ith in ggregte (lnning nd some of the (ossible
strtegies they cn use*
To(ic Are: Bsic Strtegies for Meeting .neven Demnd

$. Availa!le-to-promise in the first %ee* is e&ual to !eginning inventory plus MPS &uantity(
if any( less committed customer orders !efore the ne#t MPS &uantity.
This is the ATP calculation for the first %ee*.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%2 Describe the mster scheduling (rocess nd e'(lin its im(ortnce*
To(ic Are: The Mster Scheduling 1rocess

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
'. A time fence in the master schedule is used to prevent unauthorized people from ma*ing
changes to the schedule.
Time fences are used to ensure that full consideration is given %hen schedule changes are
!eing considered.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%2 Describe the mster scheduling (rocess nd e'(lin its im(ortnce*
To(ic Are: The Mster Scheduling 1rocess

). After the first period of the planning horizon( availa!le-to-promise is computed only for
those periods in %hich there is an MPS &uantity.
After the first %ee*( ATP values %ill only occur in periods in %hich there are MPS &uantities.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%2 Describe the mster scheduling (rocess nd e'(lin its im(ortnce*
To(ic Are: The Mster Scheduling 1rocess

+. 5n the master production schedule( production is planned for the ne#t period %henever the
availa!le-to-promise &uantity !ecomes negative.
Production is planned to !e complete in the period in %hich the pro9ected on-hand !ecomes

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: .nderstnd
Difficulty: ,rd
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%2 Describe the mster scheduling (rocess nd e'(lin its im(ortnce*
To(ic Are: The Mster Scheduling 1rocess

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
Multiple Choice Questions

,. 6hich of the follo%ing !est descri!es aggregate planning7
A. the lin* !et%een intermediate term planning and short term operating decisions
8. a collection of o!9ective planning tools
C. ma*e or !uy decisions
! an attempt to respond to predicted demand %ithin the constraints set !y product( process
and location decisions
:. manpo%er planning
A %or*a!le !alance !et%een demand and these constraints is sought.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: &sy
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%# &'(lin )ht ggregte (lnning is nd ho) it is useful*
To(ic Are: +ntroduction

.. Accommodating pea* demands and effectively using la!or resources during periods of
lo% demand %ould !e the goal of aggregate planners in
A. Manufacturing
8. Military
C. Archeology
-. 3i!raries
E! Financial Services
These are the considerations in aggregate planning for service firms.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: ,rd
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%# &'(lin )ht ggregte (lnning is nd ho) it is useful*
To(ic Are: Aggregte 1lnning in Services

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
/. Aggregate planning is capacity planning for;
A. the long range
"! the intermediate range
C. the short range
-. typically one to three months
:. typically one or more years
The intermediate range typically runs from t%o to 1 months.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: &sy
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%# &'(lin )ht ggregte (lnning is nd ho) it is useful*
To(ic Are: +ntroduction

$1. 0ne area to %hich aggregate planning decisions relate is;
A. 9o! se&uencing
8. customer order &uantities
C! inventory levels
-. location
:. layout
-ifferent aggregate planning strategies affect inventory levels differently.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: ,rd
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%# &'(lin )ht ggregte (lnning is nd ho) it is useful*
To(ic Are: +ntroduction

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
$1. 6hich of the follo%ing is an input to aggregate planning7
A. !eginning inventory
8. forecasts for each period of the schedule
C. customer orders
! all of the a!ove
:. &uantity discounts
All e#cept &uantity discounts are aggregate planning inputs.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%- +dentify the vribles decision mkers hve to )ork )ith in ggregte (lnning nd some of the (ossible
strtegies they cn use*
To(ic Are: +ntroduction

$. :ssentially( the output of aggregate planning is the;
A. mar*eting plan
"! production plan
C. rough-cut capacity plan
-. assignment plan
:. material re&uirements plan
The production plan largely results from the aggregate planning effort.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: ,rd
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%# &'(lin )ht ggregte (lnning is nd ho) it is useful*
To(ic Are: +ntroduction

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
$$. 5n doing 2aggregate planning2 for a firm producing paint( the aggregate planners %ould
most li*ely deal %ith;
A! 9ust gallons of paint( %ithout concern for the different colors and sizes
8. gallons of paint( !ut !e concerned %ith the different colors to !e produced
C. gallons( &uarts( pints( and all the different sizes to !e produced
-. all the different sizes and all the different colors !y size
:. none of the a!ove
The principle of aggregation is reflected in this ans%er.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%- +dentify the vribles decision mkers hve to )ork )ith in ggregte (lnning nd some of the (ossible
strtegies they cn use*
To(ic Are: +ntroduction

$'. Aggregate planning re&uires %hich of the follo%ing information7
A. a forecast of e#pected demand
8. current levels of inventory
C. <a= and <!=
-. policies regarding employment levels
E! all of the a!ove
All of these are inputs into the aggregate planning process.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%- +dentify the vribles decision mkers hve to )ork )ith in ggregte (lnning nd some of the (ossible
strtegies they cn use*
To(ic Are: +ntroduction

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
$). Aggregate planners attempt to !alance;
A. demand and inventories
8. demand and costs
C. capacity and inventories
-. capacity and costs
E! capacity and demand
Capacity and demand are roughly !alanced in aggregate planning.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: &sy
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%# &'(lin )ht ggregte (lnning is nd ho) it is useful*
To(ic Are: +ntroduction

$+. 6hich of the follo%ing is not an input to the aggregate planning process7
A. resources availa!le
8. demand forecast
C. policies on %or* force changes
! master production schedules
:. cost information
The master production schedule is an output of the aggregate planning process.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: ,rd
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%- +dentify the vribles decision mkers hve to )ork )ith in ggregte (lnning nd some of the (ossible
strtegies they cn use*
To(ic Are: +ntroduction

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
$,. 6hich one of the follo%ing %ould not !e considered a decision option for purposes of
aggregate planning7
A. inventory levels
8. manpo%er levels
C. pricing
! production costs
:. promotion
Production costs %ould !e a critical varia!le( !ut they %ould not !e a decision varia!le.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: ,rd
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%- +dentify the vribles decision mkers hve to )ork )ith in ggregte (lnning nd some of the (ossible
strtegies they cn use*
To(ic Are: Bsic Strtegies for Meeting .neven Demnd

$.. 6hich of the follo%ing is not a !asic option for altering the availa!ility of capacity in a
service environment7
A. overtime
8. hiring>layoff
C. part time
! inventory
:. All of these are !asic capacity options.
5nventory is typically not an option in services.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: .nderstnd
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%- +dentify the vribles decision mkers hve to )ork )ith in ggregte (lnning nd some of the (ossible
strtegies they cn use*
To(ic Are: Aggregte 1lnning in Services

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
$/. 6hich one of the follo%ing is not a !asic option for altering demand7
A. promotion
8. !ac*ordering
C. pricing
! su!contracting
:. All are demand options.
Su!contracting is an option for altering capacity.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%- +dentify the vribles decision mkers hve to )ork )ith in ggregte (lnning nd some of the (ossible
strtegies they cn use*
To(ic Are: +ntroduction

'1. 0ne option for altering the pattern of demand is;
A! !ac*orders
8. overtime
C. part-time %or*ers
-. inventories
:. su!contracting
8ac*ordering shifts demand to later time periods.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%- +dentify the vribles decision mkers hve to )ork )ith in ggregte (lnning nd some of the (ossible
strtegies they cn use*
To(ic Are: +ntroduction

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
'1. 6hich of the follo%ing %ould not !e a strategy associated %ith ad9usting aggregate
capacity to meet e#pected demand7
A. su!contract
8. vary the size of the %or*force
C. vary the intensity of %or*force utilization
-. allo% inventory levels to vary
E! use !ac*orders
8ac*orders do not involve ad9usting capacity.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%- +dentify the vribles decision mkers hve to )ork )ith in ggregte (lnning nd some of the (ossible
strtegies they cn use*
To(ic Are: Bsic Strtegies for Meeting .neven Demnd

'. 0ne option for altering the availa!ility of manufacturing capacity is;
A. pricing
8. promotion
C. !ac*orders
! inventories
:. none of the a!ove apply to manufacturing capacity
5nventory involves using capacity from earlier periods to satisfy demand in later periods.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: .nderstnd
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%- +dentify the vribles decision mkers hve to )ork )ith in ggregte (lnning nd some of the (ossible
strtegies they cn use*
To(ic Are: Bsic Strtegies for Meeting .neven Demnd

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
'$. 0ne option for altering the availa!ility of capacity is;
A! use of overtime or slac* time
8. pricing
C. promotion
-. !ac*orders
:. none of the a!ove
0vertime or slac* time alters the availa!ility of capacity.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%- +dentify the vribles decision mkers hve to )ork )ith in ggregte (lnning nd some of the (ossible
strtegies they cn use*
To(ic Are: +ntroduction

''. 5n order to use the 2level capacity strategy(2 variations in demand are met !y;
A. varying output during regular time %ithout changing employment levels
8. varying output during regular time !y changing employment levels
C. <a= and <!=
! using com!ination of inventories( overtime( part time( and !ac* orders
:. price ad9ustments
A com!ination of inventories( overtime( part time( and !ac* orders is the level strategy.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%- +dentify the vribles decision mkers hve to )ork )ith in ggregte (lnning nd some of the (ossible
strtegies they cn use*
To(ic Are: Bsic Strtegies for Meeting .neven Demnd

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
'). 5n using the 2chase strategy2 variations in demand could !e met !y;
A. varying output during regular time %ithout changing employment levels
"! varying output during regular time !y changing employment levels
C. <a= and <!=
-. varying inventory levels
:. price increases
Changing employment levels to vary output is representative of a chase strategy.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%- +dentify the vribles decision mkers hve to )ork )ith in ggregte (lnning nd some of the (ossible
strtegies they cn use*
To(ic Are: Bsic Strtegies for Meeting .neven Demnd

'+. 4ncommitted inventory is called
A! Availa!le-to-promise inventory
8. Free inventory
C. Safety stoc*
-. 3ead time inventory
:. 0!solete inventory
4ncommitted inventory is availa!le-to-promise.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%2 Describe the mster scheduling (rocess nd e'(lin its im(ortnce*
To(ic Are: The Mster Scheduling 1rocess

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
',. Aggregate planners see* to match supply and demand;
A. at minimum overall cost
8. !y staying %ithin company policy
C! <a= and <!=
-. *eeping inventories at a minimum
:. all of the a!ove
Aggregate plans minimize costs !ut conform to company policies.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: &sy
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%# &'(lin )ht ggregte (lnning is nd ho) it is useful*
To(ic Are: +ntroduction

'.. 5n practice( the more commonly used techni&ues for aggregate planning are;
A. mathematical techni&ues
"! informal trial-and-error techni&ues
C. <a= and <!= a!out e&ually
-. simulation models
:. linear programming optimization
Trial-and-error techni&ues are more commonly used.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: &sy
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%/ Describe some of the gr(hicl nd 0untittive techni0ues (lnners use*
To(ic Are: Techni0ues for Aggregte 1lnning

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
'/. The main disadvantage<s= of informal techni&ues used for aggregate planning is<are=;
A. they are e#pensive to do
"! they may not result in the !est plan
C. they ta*e a long time to do
-. they re&uire use of a computer
:. lac* of formal education of the planners
5nformal solutions may not !e costly or difficult( !ut they may !e less li*ely to offer up the
!est plan.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: .nderstnd
Difficulty: &sy
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%/ Describe some of the gr(hicl nd 0untittive techni0ues (lnners use*
To(ic Are: Techni0ues for Aggregte 1lnning

)1. 5nventory information for firm A8C;

6hat is the e#pected inventory at the end of April( 1///7
A. $)1
"! )1
C. 1)1
-. )1
:. none of the a!ove
The ending inventory e&uals the !eginning plus production minus e#pected demand.

AACSB: Anlytic
Bloom's: A((ly
Difficulty: &sy
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%3 1re(re ggregte (lns nd com(ute their costs*
To(ic Are: Techni0ues for Aggregte 1lnning

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
)1. 5nventory information for firm A8C;

6hat %as the inventory at the end of March( 1///7
A. $)1
8. )1
C! 1)1
-. )1
:. none of the a!ove
8eginning inventory e&uals the ending inventory plus demand minus production.

AACSB: Anlytic
Bloom's: A((ly
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%3 1re(re ggregte (lns nd com(ute their costs*
To(ic Are: Techni0ues for Aggregte 1lnning

). 3inear programming to produce an aggregate plan;
A! %ill produce the !est plan if accurate inputs are used
8. is the most %idely used techni&ue
C. <a= and <!=
-. %ill produce a plan that may not !e the !est plan
:. re&uires an e#cel spread sheet
5f inputs are valid and accurate( linear programming %ill give an optimal solution.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: ,rd
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%/ Describe some of the gr(hicl nd 0untittive techni0ues (lnners use*
To(ic Are: Techni0ues for Aggregte 1lnning

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
)$. Simulation to produce an aggregate plan;
A. %ill produce the !est plan
8. is the most %idely used techni&ue
C. !oth <a= and <!=
! %ill produce a plan that may not !e the !est plan
:. re&uires a minimum of ' iterations to !e accurate
Simulation is not guaranteed to produce an optimal plan.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: ,rd
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%/ Describe some of the gr(hicl nd 0untittive techni0ues (lnners use*
To(ic Are: Techni0ues for Aggregte 1lnning

)'. 6hich term is most closely associated %ith the term disaggregation7
A. su!contracting
"! master schedule
C. diversity
-. varying inventory levels
:. firing and laying off
The aggregate plan is disaggregated into the master schedule.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%2 Describe the mster scheduling (rocess nd e'(lin its im(ortnce*
To(ic Are: Disggregting the Aggregte 1ln

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
)). The direct result of disaggregating the aggregate plan is the;
A. mar*eting plan
8. production plan
C. rough-cut capacity plan
! master schedule
:. material re&uirements plan
The aggregate plan is disaggregated into the master schedule.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%2 Describe the mster scheduling (rocess nd e'(lin its im(ortnce*
To(ic Are: Disggregting the Aggregte 1ln

)+. Moving from the aggregate plan to a master production schedule re&uires;
A. rough cut capacity planning
"! disaggregation
C. su!-optimization
-. strategy formulation
:. chase strategies
The aggregate plan is disaggregated into the master schedule.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: ,rd
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%2 Describe the mster scheduling (rocess nd e'(lin its im(ortnce*
To(ic Are: Disggregting the Aggregte 1ln

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
),. That portion of pro9ected inventory %hich ena!les mar*eting to ma*e realistic
commitments a!out delivery dates for ne% orders is;
A. !eginning inventory
8. safety stoc* inventory
C! availa!le-to-promise inventory
-. high margin inventory
:. none of the a!ove
Availa!le-to-promise values are calculated to help mar*eting ma*e realistic commitments.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: &sy
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%2 Describe the mster scheduling (rocess nd e'(lin its im(ortnce*
To(ic Are: The Mster Scheduling 1rocess

).. Proactive and ?eactive aggregate planning strategies are !est associated %ith;
A. 5nput and 0utput
8. Ma*e and 8uy
C. @uantitative and @ualitative
-. :#act and Appro#imate
E! -emand and Capacity options
-emand and capacity are the targets of proactive and reactive aggregate planning strategies.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%- +dentify the vribles decision mkers hve to )ork )ith in ggregte (lnning nd some of the (ossible
strtegies they cn use*
To(ic Are: Bsic Strtegies for Meeting .neven Demnd

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
Essay Questions

)/. A manager has prepared a forecast of e#pected aggregate demand for the ne#t si# months.
-evelop an aggregate plan to meet this demand given this additional information; A level
production rate of 111 units per month %ill !e used. 8ac*orders are allo%ed( and they are
charged at the rate of A. per unit per month. 5nventory holding costs are A1 per unit per month
in ending inventory. -etermine the cost of this plan if regular time cost is A1 per unit and
!eginning inventory is zero.

The aggregate plan should loo* li*e this;

6ith costs as follo%s;

Total cost of this plan is A1(11.
Feed!ac*; Production remains constant in a level aggregate plan.

AACSB: Anlytic
Bloom's: A((ly
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%3 1re(re ggregte (lns nd com(ute their costs*
To(ic Are: Bsic Strtegies for Meeting .neven Demnd

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
+1. Biven the pro9ected demands for the ne#t si# months( prepare an aggregate plan that uses
inventory( regular time and overtime( and !ac*orders. The plan must %ind up %ith no units in
ending inventory in Period +. ?egular time capacity is 1)1 units per month. 0vertime capacity
is 1 units per month. 0vertime cost is A$1 per unit( !ac*order cost is A1 per unit( inventory
holding cost is A) per unit( regular time cost of A1 per unit( and !eginning inventory is zero.

The aggregate plan should loo* li*e this;

6ith costs as follo%s;

Total cost of this plan is A1(11.
Feed!ac*; 0vertime and !ac*ordering are used to %or* around demand capacity im!alances
in this scenario.

AACSB: Anlytic
Bloom's: A((ly
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%3 1re(re ggregte (lns nd com(ute their costs*
To(ic Are: Bsic Strtegies for Meeting .neven Demnd

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
+1. 4se either the transportation method or linear programming to develop an optimum
aggregate plan( given the follo%ing data;

The optimum aggregate plan for this scenario is as follo%s;

The total cost for this plan is A)($1
Feed!ac*; This is an optimal solution found through linear programming.

AACSB: Anlytic
Bloom's: A((ly
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%3 1re(re ggregte (lns nd com(ute their costs*
To(ic Are: Techni0ues for Aggregte 1lnning

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
+. Prepare a master schedule !ased on the follo%ing information;

Currently there are 1') units in inventory. Policy calls for a fi#ed order &uantity of )1 units.

Feed!ac*; There are units availa!le-to-promise in several time periods.

AACSB: Anlytic
Bloom's: A((ly
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%2 Describe the mster scheduling (rocess nd e'(lin its im(ortnce*
To(ic Are: The Mster Scheduling 1rocess

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
+$. 6hat is total forecasted demand7
1(.11 units
Feed!ac*; Simply add up demand forecasts across the si# periods.

AACSB: Anlytic
Bloom's: A((ly
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%3 1re(re ggregte (lns nd com(ute their costs*
To(ic Are: Bsic Strtegies for Meeting .neven Demnd

+'. 6hat is total regular time capacity7
1(+.1 units
Feed!ac*; Multiply the per-period regular-time capacity <.1= !y si#.

AACSB: Anlytic
Bloom's: A((ly
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%3 1re(re ggregte (lns nd com(ute their costs*
To(ic Are: Bsic Strtegies for Meeting .neven Demnd

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
+). Co% should overtime capacity !e utilized7
'1 units each in periods $( '( and )
Feed!ac*; This represents the !est use of overtime capacity.

AACSB: Anlytic
Bloom's: A((ly
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%3 1re(re ggregte (lns nd com(ute their costs*
To(ic Are: Bsic Strtegies for Meeting .neven Demnd

++. 6hat are total regular time costs7
Feed!ac*; Multiply units produced on regular time !y their regular time cost.

AACSB: Anlytic
Bloom's: A((ly
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%3 1re(re ggregte (lns nd com(ute their costs*
To(ic Are: Bsic Strtegies for Meeting .neven Demnd

+,. 6hat are total overtime costs7
Feed!ac*; Multiply the units produced on overtime !y their per-unit overtime cost.

AACSB: Anlytic
Bloom's: A((ly
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%3 1re(re ggregte (lns nd com(ute their costs*
To(ic Are: Bsic Strtegies for Meeting .neven Demnd

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
+.. 6hat are total carrying costs7
Feed!ac*; For every unit in inventory at the end of a period( multiply !y the per-unit per-
period holding cost.

AACSB: Anlytic
Bloom's: A((ly
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%3 1re(re ggregte (lns nd com(ute their costs*
To(ic Are: Bsic Strtegies for Meeting .neven Demnd

+/. 6hat are total !ac*order costs7
Feed!ac*; For every unit !ac*ordered( multiply !y the per-unit !ac*order cost.

AACSB: Anlytic
Bloom's: A((ly
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%3 1re(re ggregte (lns nd com(ute their costs*
To(ic Are: Bsic Strtegies for Meeting .neven Demnd

,1. 6hat are total costs for each period7
A)(+.1F A)(,+1F A+(/.1F A+(/11F A,(11F A)(+11
Feed!ac*; 4se appropriate costs to calculate these totals.

AACSB: Anlytic
Bloom's: A((ly
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%3 1re(re ggregte (lns nd com(ute their costs*
To(ic Are: Bsic Strtegies for Meeting .neven Demnd

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
,1. 6hat are total costs for the si# periods7
Feed!ac*; 4se appropriate costs to calculate these totals.

AACSB: Anlytic
Bloom's: A((ly
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%3 1re(re ggregte (lns nd com(ute their costs*
To(ic Are: Bsic Strtegies for Meeting .neven Demnd

Multiple Choice Questions

A firm has '$ units of a certain product on hand. Forecasts for the first t%o planning periods
are 1 units each. A production &uantity of .1 units is planned to !e availa!le in period $.
Customer orders are for period 1 and 1, for period .

,. 6hat is the pro9ected on-hand inventory at the end of period 7
A. 1
"! 1
C. 1
-. 1
:. impossi!le to say %ithout more information
The P0C at end of period 1 is 1. Su!tract from this the forecasted demand for period .

AACSB: Anlytic
Bloom's: A((ly
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%3 1re(re ggregte (lns nd com(ute their costs*
To(ic Are: The Mster Scheduling 1rocess

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
,$. 6hat &uantity is availa!le for commitment to ne% customers in either of the first t%o
A. 1
8. 1
C. 1
! '
:. impossi!le to say %ithout more information
Su!tract from the !eginning on-hand inventory <'$= the !oo*ed orders until the third %ee*

AACSB: Anlytic
Bloom's: A((ly
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%3 1re(re ggregte (lns nd com(ute their costs*
To(ic Are: The Mster Scheduling 1rocess

A firm has )+ units of product D on hand. Forecasts of demand are for 1 units per %ee*. An
MPS &uantity of 111 units is planned to arrive in period $. Customer orders are ' for period
1( 1. for period ( and 1) for period $.

,'. 6hat is the pro9ected on hand inventory at the end of period 7
A. 1'
8. $
C! 1
-. 1
:. impossi!le to say %ithout additional information
Su!tract the %ee* forecast <1= from the %ee* 1 pro9ected ending on-hand <$=.

AACSB: Anlytic
Bloom's: A((ly
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%3 1re(re ggregte (lns nd com(ute their costs*
To(ic Are: The Mster Scheduling 1rocess

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
,). 6hat &uantity is availa!le for commitment to ne% customers prior to the receipt of the
MPS &uantity in %ee* $7
A! 1'
8. $
C. 1
-. 1
:. impossi!le to say %ithout additional information.
There are )+ units in !eginning inventory( and !oo*ed orders for ' units until the ne#t MPS
&uantity receipt.

AACSB: Anlytic
Bloom's: A((ly
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%3 1re(re ggregte (lns nd com(ute their costs*
To(ic Are: The Mster Scheduling 1rocess

,+. 6hen the opportunity cost of lost revenue is relatively high( EEEEEEEEE !ecome<s=
relatively more attractive.
A. 3ayoffs
8. 8ac*orders
C! :#cess capacity
-. -isaggregation
:. 8oth 8 and C
The e#cess capacity costs diminish in relation to the potential lost revenue.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: .nderstnd
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%- +dentify the vribles decision mkers hve to )ork )ith in ggregte (lnning nd some of the (ossible
strtegies they cn use*
To(ic Are: Bsic Strtegies for Meeting .neven Demnd

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
,,. The more EEEEEEEEEE demand is( the more the aggregate plan %ill tend to reflect the
A. Sta!leF 3evel
8. AggregatedF 0utsourcing
C. Garia!leF Chase
-. Comple#F 4ncommitted
E! 8oth A and C
These pure strategies reflect particular underlying demand patterns.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: .nderstnd
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%- +dentify the vribles decision mkers hve to )ork )ith in ggregte (lnning nd some of the (ossible
strtegies they cn use*
To(ic Are: Bsic Strtegies for Meeting .neven Demnd

,.. 5n a service setting( the aggregate plan results in a time-phased pro9ection of EEEEEEEEEE
A. customer
"! staff
C. inventory
-. su!contracting
:. outsourcing
Staff re&uirements are the focus of aggregate planning in services.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%# &'(lin )ht ggregte (lnning is nd ho) it is useful*
To(ic Are: Aggregte 1lnning in Services

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
,/. 6hich of the follo%ing differs !et%een aggregate planning in services and aggregate
planning in manufacturing7
A. uncertainty in demand
8. costs of storing inventory
C! the perisha!ility of capacity
-. cost of overtime
:. cost of hiring
Capacity is inherently perisha!le in services.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: .nderstnd
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%# &'(lin )ht ggregte (lnning is nd ho) it is useful*
To(ic Are: Aggregte 1lnning in Services

.1. At DHI Corp.( the aggregate planning unit reflects the fact that )1J of its output is
product version A( $1J is version 8( and 1J is version C. Suppose that over the coming
year forecasted total demand <in planning units= is for 11('11 units. 0nce the production plan
is disaggregated( %hat %ill the %ee*ly forecast for version A !e <assume ) %ee*s per year=7
A. 1111
8. 11
C. '11
! 111
:. )1
-ivide )(11 <annual demand= !y ) %ee*s.

AACSB: Anlytic
Bloom's: A((ly
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%2 Describe the mster scheduling (rocess nd e'(lin its im(ortnce*
To(ic Are: Disggregting the Aggregte 1ln

Chapter 11 - Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling
.1. A master production schedule &uantity of $11 units %ill arrive in %ee* +. 6ee*ly demand
over %ee*s $ through 11 is forecasted at )1 units. At present( orders have !een !oo*ed in
various &uantities in %ee*s 1( ( $ and '. 6hat is the availa!le to promise for %ee* +7
A. )1
8. +
C! $11
-. 111
:. Cannot !e determined %ithout pro9ected on-hand information
Lo orders are !oo*ed after %ee* '( so all $11 units arriving in %ee* + are availa!le-to-
promise in %ee* +.

AACSB: Anlytic
Bloom's: A((ly
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%2 Describe the mster scheduling (rocess nd e'(lin its im(ortnce*
To(ic Are: +ntroduction

.. 6hich of the follo%ing steps is necessary to ensure that a master schedule is valid7
A. %or*er scheduling
8. order promising
C. inventory counting
-. order !oo*ing
E! rough-cut capacity planning
?ough-cut capacity planning insures that the master schedule is reasona!ly feasi!le.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Lerning !b"ective: ##$%2 Describe the mster scheduling (rocess nd e'(lin its im(ortnce*
To(ic Are: +ntroduction


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