Stabilization Solidification ITRC
Stabilization Solidification ITRC
Stabilization Solidification ITRC
0 5 10 15
PAH after flocculation
DOC after flocculation
PAH after flocculation
DOC after flocculation
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
Saturated zone. Groundwater flows as a result of hydraulic gradients. Depending on the
relative hydraulic conductivity between the S/S material and surrounding soils, groundwater
may either percolate through an S/S mass or be diverted around an S/S mass. As long as
upstream conditions (e.g., hydraulic head, groundwater composition) remain constant,
material properties will not change significantly with time and release from the S/S material
should be relatively predictable using a combination of equilibrium and mass transport
assessments. If the hydraulic conductivity is low relative to that of the surrounding material,
the rate of mass transport through the pore structure of the S/S material is often the rate-
limiting step in the release process.
Vadose zone. Saturation and water contact is dependent on infiltration or recharge rates so
that S/S materials may be wetted only a portion of the time. The rate of infiltration is
typically much slower than the flow of groundwater, resulting in relatively long residence
times in the vadose zone. For materials with high hydraulic conductivity (e.g., most soils),
the mode of water contact in the vadose zone is percolation through the porous material;
however, materials with low hydraulic conductivity (e.g., S/S applications) may see limited
percolation. Under percolation conditions, release in the vadose zone is typically dominated
by equilibrium between solids and infiltrating liquids. In vadose zone placement situations,
vertical transport models, such as percolation modeling approaches, may be useful in
determining infiltration parameters.
The most significant aging processes for S/S materials placed in the saturated zone are
primarily the result of contact with constituents in the groundwater. For example, although
the formation of ettringite during hydration of reagents may be beneficial for contaminant
retention (Klemm 1998), delayed ettringite formation resulting from contact of cured
material with high sulfate concentrations can lead to cracking and spalling of the monolithic
material (Collepardi 2003). However, degradation processes that can strongly influence long-
term performance of S/S materials are common in the vadose zone as well. Seasonal rise and
fall of the water table may result in fatigue associated with cycles of wetting and drying,
cycles of freezing and thawing, and interaction/reactions with soil gas components.
Moisture cycling (wetting/drying). As in any cementitious material, shrinkage cracking
inevitably occurs upon curing and cyclic wetting and drying. However, these cracks are not
likely to compromise the integrity of the S/S material until cracking is sufficiently advanced
to increase the hydraulic conductivity, resulting in a more significant preferential
groundwater flow through the S/S mass. In terms of leaching, intervals of drying where no
continuous external aqueous solution exists result in a lower overall release compared to
continuously wetted materials; however, relaxation of diffusion profiles in the porewater may
still occur which ultimately leads to redistribution of contaminants toward the surface of the
S/S material (Garrabrants 2001). When the material is saturated during the next wetting
period, contaminants may readily partition into the infiltrating water and be carried by
gravity into the subsurface. The durability of S/S materials upon wetting and drying may be
evaluated using ASTM D4843 (ASTM 2009), while the effect of wetting and drying on the
leaching process may be characterized following literature approaches (Garrabrants et al.
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
2002; Garrabrants and Kosson 2003; Sanchez, Garrabrants, and Kosson 2003; Gervais et al.
Temperature cycling (freezing/thawing). The constrained expansion of porewater upon
freezing can lead to significant stress or loading in brittle small-pore material such as S/S-
treated contaminated material. The stress caused by the increase in molar volume of ice over
water causes a strain or deformation within the pore structure. If the strain is greater than the
strength of the material, the material inelastically deforms by cracking. Testing of S/S
materials for freezing and thawing durability may be conducted using ASTM C1262 (ASTM
2010a). The primary effect of freezing and thawing is an increase in hydraulic conductivity,
leading to potentially higher infiltration. Since freezing occurs only above the frost line,
however, subsurface applications of S/S materials are not especially susceptible to cracking
via freeze/thaw cycles.
Gas-phase reactions. Carbonation and oxidation are common gas-phase reactions that have
the potential to change material properties and leaching characteristics over time. These
reactions occur when cementitious materials are exposed to a soil gas in the unsaturated
zone. Carbonation results from the reaction of carbon dioxide with hydroxides in the alkaline
porewater of the S/S material, and several studies explain the carbonation process and its
effects on S/S materials (Ho and Lewis 1987; Papadakis, Vayenas, and Fardis 1991;
Krishnan and Sotirchos 1994; Bonen and Sarkar 1995; Ngala and Page 1997; J ohannesson
and Utgenannt 2001; Garrabrants, Sanchez, and Kosson 2004; van Gerven et al. 2007; Chen
et al. 2009). Oxidation via the soil gas phase may be a concern, especially in the cases where
a reducing agent was added to treat a redox-sensitive contaminant (e.g., chromium, arsenic,
technetium, etc.). Testing of material properties for the effects of gas-phase reactions usually
involves comparison of exposed materials to unexposed materials using otherwise standard
performance parameter tests.
Physical degradation (cracking and erosion). Although not commonly considered a
significant degradation mechanism for subsurface S/S materials, the perceived catastrophic
failure of S/S materials due to the cracking or erosion has been noted. The formation of
cracks in S/S materials (and all cement-based materials) is expected as water is incorporated
into mineral phases as a result of forces or loads working on the S/S mass due to seismic
activity or to expansive precipitation reactions occurring within the pore structure as a result
of aging. Discontinuous micro- and macro-scale cracks are normal and do not affect the
performance of S/S materials. Wide-aperture through-cracks (i.e., a single crack traversing
the entire monolith with a width sufficient to allow water to pass) may be observed.
However, the effect on contaminant retention is minimal as the through-crack simply results
in two monoliths with the same performance characteristics and slightly more exposed
surface area. Taken to an extreme, cracking could result in erosion into a granular material;
however, this case is not likely to happen for most well-designed S/S applications with the
timeframe of most environmental assessment intervals. As a source of cracking and erosion,
seismic activity is considered a low-probability occurrence; however, some states may have
requirements concerning the ability of the S/S material to withstand seismic forces.
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
3.2 Performance Specifications
The performance of S/S-treated materials may be described, monitored, and demonstrated by
following a few critical performance specifications. Performance specifications refer to the
collection of performance-related parameters, tests, and criteria used to develop an S/S treatment
recipe and implementation plan that meets material performance goals after implementation. The
different components of a performance specification are defined as follows:
Performance Parametersthe material properties characteristic of the ability of an S/S-
treated material to carry out its intended purpose.
Performance Testsprotocols or challenges used to characterize a performance parameter of
an S/S-treated material and which return one or more measurements considered
representative of the performance parameter.
Performance Criteriadesign values of a performance parameter used for comparison to
performance measurements to evaluate whether acceptable performance has been achieved.
Performance criteria may be regulatory goals established for cleanup of a contaminated site
or material parameter values considered adequate for meeting established site remediation or
regulatory goals.
As an illustration of these definitions, leachability may be considered a primary performance
parameter used to assess the ability of a material to retain a specific set of site contaminants of
concern (COCs). A common performance test that may be used to measure leachability of S/S
materials is the EPAs Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedure (SPLP), also known as SW-
846 Method 1312 (EPA 1994). The resultant SPLP eluate concentrations represent performance
measurements describing the leachability of the S/S material. These performance measurements
are typically compared to a set of predefined concentrations or action levels used as performance
criteria to determine whether the solid material will leach beyond acceptable limits.
3.3 Key Performance Parameters for S/S-Treated Materials
This section describes relevant performance criteria that may be used as indicators of the
performance and long-term permanence of S/S applications and provides specific
recommendations on methods to measure these criteria. Users of this document will not always
include all of the performance criteria in every project, and specific recommended methods may
not be useful or appropriate in every case. However, these recommended methods provide the
best available determination of relevant performance criteria and, thus, are preferred in most
3.3.1 Strength
The strength of a material represents the ability of the material structure to withstand an applied
physical stress without incurring structural deformation leading to structural failure. Several
different measurements of strength, including flexural, tensile, and compressive strength, may be
important for S/S materials. However, compressive strength, which relates to the capacity of a
material to withstand axially directed pushing forces, typically measured as unconfined
compressive strength (UCS), is the most common strength parameter for S/S materials.
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
Compressive strength is typically monitored as an S/S performance parameter to ensure that a
chemical reaction of binder and water has taken place. Criteria for minimum compressive
strength are established such that the S/S material will have at least as much bearing strength as
the surrounding soil to support the loads imposed by the equipment used in implementation;
however, high strength values may be required depending on other considerations, such as future
use of the site. A secondary purpose for testing strength during the S/S treatment process is as an
indirect indicator of durability. As a rule of thumb, materials with higher initial compressive
strength are typically considered to be more resistant to aging. Thus, strength may be used as an
indicator during treatability studies for selecting appropriate S/S treatment additives to maximize
durability as well as a monitor of performance during S/S application.
3.3.2 Hydraulic Conductivity
Hydraulic conductivity
is a measureable material property related to ease of movement of water
through a porous medium under groundwater flow conditions governed by Darcys Law (Bear
1972). However, the parameter that controls the mode of water contact is not simply the
hydraulic conductivity of the S/S material, but the relative hydraulic conductivities of the S/S
material (K
) and the surrounding soil (K
). In the subsurface, groundwater flows along the
path of least resistance and, thus, is diverted around lowerhydraulic conductivity materials and
through material with high hydraulic conductivity. The following three possible water contact
scenarios exist based on relative hydraulic conductivity between S/S-treated materials and
surrounding soils:
<< K
For most S/S materials, the hydraulic conductivity is significantly less than
that of the surrounding soil. Thus, groundwater is diverted around the compacted granular or
monolithic materials of low hydraulic conductivity such that the majority of contacting water
flows around the solid matrix. In such flow-around water contact scenarios, the material
surface area exposed to leaching is minimized to the outer surface of the material, and the
rate of contaminant mass transport (i.e., diffusion plus associated physical and chemical
retention) through the pore structure of the lowhydraulic conductivity material limits the
release into the groundwater. In these scenarios, leaching may be represented as a time-
dependent flux or cumulative release of a constituent across a unit surface area.
>> K
When the hydraulic conductivity of the treated material is significantly greater
than that of the surrounding soil (e.g., if the treated material is unconsolidated granular or
poorly engineered monolithic material), groundwater flows through the highly permeable
material. In this flow-through or percolation water contact mode, the pore surface area of
the material is exposed to groundwater. The rate of percolation may be slow enough that the
release of constituents into infiltrating water may be well described by the partitioning
Hydraulic conductivity is often used interchangeably with the more general term permeability relating to the
ease with which a fluid (e.g., water, oil, air, etc.) will pass through a porous medium. Although similar, permeability
depends on the properties of both the material and the penetrating fluid, whereas hydraulic conductivity depends on
only the properties of the material structure. Hydraulic conductivity is recommended as more appropriate as the S/S
performance parameter, as it is more easily measured independent of fluid properties, and thus permeability will
be used in this document only as a relative term (e.g., one material is more permeable than another).
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
between the solid and liquid phases. As groundwater passes through the material, more
soluble mineral phases are dissolved, and release can be expressed as a function of the
amount of liquid passing through the material (e.g., the liquid-to-solid ratio under percolation
In cases where the hydraulic conductivity values of the treated material and
surrounding soil are approximately the same, both percolation and flow-around water contact
modes exist, and both release mechanisms should be considered.
The impact of water contact mode on S/S-treated material performance is linked to leaching
concentrations. Since contaminant concentrations are significantly higher for partitioning
between solid and liquid phases than typical concentrations resulting from mass transport
release, the mode of water contact is extremely important, and relative hydraulic conductivity of
the S/S material is recommended as a key performance parameter.
Table 3-2 presents the typical hydraulic conductivity values for several material types.
Permeability is used to empirically relate the hydraulic conductivity of one material to another. The
hydraulic conductivity value can range from approximately 10
cm/s for sandy soils to 10
for rocks and clays. In many cases, S/S-treated materials with hydraulic conductivity values
similar to silty clay (e.g., on the order of 10
cm/s) are desirable to reduce the potential for
contaminant migration.
Table 3-2. Hydraulic conductivity of select porous media (Source: Dagan 1989)
Soil type
Hydraulic conductivity, K
Degree of permeability
Gravel >10
Very high
Sandy gravel, clean sand, fine sand 10
High to medium
Sand, dirty sand, silty sand 10
Silt, silty clay 10
Very low
Clay, limestone, dolomite 10
Virtually impermeable
3.3.3 Leachability
Leaching is defined as the process of release of a constituent from a solid into a contacting
liquid. The term leachability may be used to describe either the extent of leaching (e.g.,
percentage of total content that has leached) or rate of release (e.g., the time-dependent release)
from materials. The mechanisms controlling the extent and rate of leaching include a combination
of chemical reactions at the material surface and mass transport through the material pore structure.
Chemical reactions determine the partitioning between the solid and liquid phases (e.g., using the
local equilibrium assumption) whereas the mass transport (i.e., the summation of diffusion,
hindered diffusion, tortuosity effects, effective surface area, etc.) describes the movement of a
contaminant through the pore structure of the material to the environment. Depending on material-
specific factors and release scenario conditions (see Figure 3-1), equilibrium and/or mass transfer
may control the leaching process in S/S-treated materials.
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
Leaching of contaminants into groundwater or infiltrating precipitation may be considered the
principal pathway for the release of nonvolatile contaminants into the environment. The release
of VOCs is determined by a combination of both leaching and volatilization into subsurface air
space. Since a principal objective of S/S treatment is to reduce contaminant mobility, leaching is
a key performance parameter for S/S materials in most cases.
3.4 Performance Tests
For most performance parameters, the recorded value is somewhat determined by the test used to
measure the parameter. For example, hydraulic conductivity may be determined by a falling head
method or a constant head method, which can provide slightly different results. The following
paragraphs discuss available test methods for each of the key performance parameters.
3.4.1 Unconfined Compressive Strength
ASTM D1633 (ASTM 2007) is a UCS measurement method specific to soil-cement material
molded into cylindrical test specimens that is appropriate for monolithic S/S-treated materials.
The ASTM method provides two alternative procedures based on specimen size and component
particle size. UCS is expressed as the load per unit area in units of pounds per square inch (psi)
or kilonewtons per square meter (kN/m
) at structural failure of the material. The UCS of an S/S-
treated material is likely to increase with curing time until setting is complete (e.g., the measured
UCS values of a material cured for 3 days and 28 days are not expected to be the same).
Therefore, the duration of cure time and quality of the curing conditions should be taken into
consideration when interpreting the results of UCS tests.
When S/S treatment results in an encapsulated granular material, ASTM D2166 (ASTM 2006)
may be used to provide an approximate measure of the compressive strength in a cohesive
molded sample in terms of total stresses. For granular materials, UCS is expressed as the load per
unit area in units of pounds per square inch or kilonewtons per square meter at 15% axial strain.
3.4.2 Hydraulic Conductivity
The hydraulic conductivity of S/S materials and surrounding soils may be determined by either
field or laboratory tests. ASTM D5084 (ASTM 2010b) is the most common method used for
determining saturated hydraulic conductivity of S/S material and saturated soils. However, if
surrounding soils are unsaturated or are coarse-grained, field tests rather than laboratory methods
may be needed to accurately measure hydraulic conductivity.
In general, hydraulic conductivity tests measure the rate at which water passes through a sample
relative to an applied hydraulic head. The hydraulic conductivity of the material is calculated
from the test results using formulas based on Darcys Law (Ho and Lewis 1987; Papadakis,
Vayenas, and Fardis 1991; Krishnan and Sotirchos 1994; Bonen and Sarkar 1995; Ngala and
Page 1997; J ohannesson and Utgenannt 2001; Garrabrants, Sanchez, and Kosson 2004; van
Gerven et al. 2007; Chen et al. 2009).
In the laboratory, hydraulic conductivity tests are carried out on small samples of material
formed in the laboratory or field-collected during implementation. Field collection of specimens
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
drilled or cored from cured materials should be avoided as the integrity of the sample cannot be
guaranteed. Depending on the flow pattern imposed through the soil sample, the laboratory
methods for measuring hydraulic conductivity may be classified as either constant-head tests
with a steady-state flow regimen or falling-head tests with a non-steady-state flow regimen. The
constant head test method is best applied to permeable materials (K >10
cm/s), and the falling
head test is mainly used for less permeable materials (K <10
cm/s). Because of the small
sample sizes, the results of these tests are considered a point representation of the material
properties. If the samples used in the laboratory test are considered undisturbed specimens of
field materials (e.g., soils sampled using Shelby tubes), the measured value of hydraulic
conductivity may be a true representation of the in situ saturated hydraulic conductivity at a
particular sampling point. Complex sites with varying soil stratigraphy may require extensive
hydraulic conductivity testing to adequate characterize site materials.
3.4.3 Leachability
The leachability of a material is most often characterized from the results of one or more
leaching tests. Van der Sloot, Heasman, and Quevauviller (1997) have noted that more than 50
leaching tests exist in the literature. However, of the available test methods designed for various
purposes and materials, many tests differ in only minor ways such that a limited number of
carefully selected tests can cover a wide range of possible exposure conditions.
Current EPA regulatory leaching tests are intended to provide a leachate that is representative of
field leachates found either in a municipal solid waste landfill in the case of the Toxicity
Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP, EPA Method 1311) or after contact with acid rain in
the case of SPLP. These leaching tests often are required at the state and federal regulatory levels
for environmental purposes.
With respect to TCLP in particular, the EPA Science Advisory
Board (EPA 1991, 1999b) and others (Kosson et al. 2002; Garrabrants and Kosson 2005) have
noted several additional limitations which have bearing on leachability assessment for S/S
materials. Although directed at TCLP, many of these limitations are equally applicable to SPLP.
TCLP is over-broadly applied as the basis for leaching assessment for scenarios and
materials for which the method was not designed (e.g., leaching assessments on S/S
The end-point pH of the TCLP or SPLP extraction is not required to be reported by the
method; however, the final-extraction pH is essential if the test results are to be compared
either between materials (e.g., treated and untreated materials) or in the context of the results
other leaching tests.
Simulation scenarios used to develop acceptance or action levels are not realistic and do not
consider the long-term chemical and physical reactions (e.g., neutralization, carbonation,
oxidation) which can significantly alter release and are common to many disposal or
placement scenarios.
Other similar procedures (e.g., California Waste Extraction Test, or WET) may be required on a state-by-state
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
Like many equilibrium-based tests, the TCLP and SPLP methods require particle size
reduction and, thus, do not account for time-dependent release of contaminants from
monolithic lowhydraulic conductivity materials.
Both TCLP and SPLP are single-batch extraction procedures which are broadly used, in part,
because they are easy to conduct and provide results that are simple to interpret relative to
permissible concentration limits. However, each of these procedures yields only a single data
point and provides no understanding of the underlying release-controlling mechanisms (e.g.,
equilibrium or mass transfer) or rate of leaching. Thus, there is no way to account for how the
many influential material properties (e.g., alkaline buffering, monolithic nature of S/S materials)
or external factors (e.g., groundwater diversion, low hydraulic conductivity) affect the release of
contaminants into groundwater. Flux-based leaching tests
S/S treatment technology often relies on the formation of a monolithic treated material such that
the majority of the contacting groundwater flows around the treated material. Within the pore
structure of S/S-treated materials, contaminants partition between solid surfaces and the
porewater. Dissolved contaminants move by diffusion through the pore structure of the material
toward the material surface exposed to groundwater. Since the rate of diffusion typically is slow
compared to the rate of chemical reactions at the porewater/solid interface, mass transport of
contaminants through the material often controls the rate of release from S/S-treated materials.
Thus, leaching methods which use particle size reduction to approach equilibrium do not fully
describe the dominant rate-controlling release mechanism in S/S materials. Thus, flux-based
leaching tests are considered more appropriate for monolithic materials as these tests capture the
time-dependent release of contaminants.
The American Nuclear Society (ANS) test method ANS 16.1, Measurement of the Leachability
of Solidified Low-Level Radioactive Wastes by a Short-Term Test Procedure (ANS 2003), is a
common flux-based test, initially designed for cement-stabilized low-activity waste in the
nuclear waste industry. ANS 16.1 is often used to estimate the time-dependent release of
contaminants from other solidified materials, including S/S materials. Variations on the basic
tank leaching method have addressed one concern of ANS 16.1: that release rates may be
suppressed if concentrations in the leachate are allowed to build up. This concern has been
addressed by adjusting the schedule of exchanges to provide a net-forward rate of release (e.g.,
ASTM C1308 Accelerated Leach Test, 2002) or by using ion-exchange resin to remove ions
from solution during longer-duration leaching intervals (e.g., the Simulated Infinite Dilution
Leach Test). Emerging EPA leaching tests
In an effort to better support environmental management decisions, the EPA Office of Resource
Conservation and Recovery
has selected the four leaching methods of the Leaching
Environmental Assessment Framework (LEAF; for inclusion into
Formerly the EPA Office of Solid Waste.
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
SW-846, the EPA compendium of laboratory methods (EPA 2010a). Each of the four LEAF
leaching tests is design to characterize leaching as a function of a primary controlling factor
shown in Figure 3-1. Preliminary versions of EPA methods or premethods
of the LEAF
leaching test are described in brief below; details of LEAF can be found in Appendix B.
PreMethod 1313. Liquid-solid partitioning (LSP) is determined as a function of the eluate
pH in a short-duration, equilibrium-based, parallel-batch leaching procedure. Similar to most
equilibrium-based leaching tests, the procedure requires particle size reduction to facilitate
the approach to equilibrium. The method can be adapted for organic constituents if steps are
taken to minimize adsorption of organics onto surfaces of the leaching vessels.
PreMethod 1314. PreMethod 1314 is an equilibrium-based, up-flow percolation column test
used to characterize the LSP between a highhydraulic conductivity material and a
percolating liquid phase as a function of the L/S. For S/S materials, eluate concentrations at
low L/S ratio provide an estimate of porewater concentrations. A modest degree of particle
size reduction is required to accommodate a column diameter of 5 cm. Column and tubing
materials may be easily modified to minimize absorption of organic constituents. Methods
development is ongoing to adapt collection techniques to address volatilization losses for
some organic compounds.
PreMethod 1315. PreMethod 1315 is a flux-based leaching test for monolith or compacted
granular materials. This method is similar in structure to ANS 16.1 with minor variations in
the schedule of leachant collections and interpretation of results. Test samples are cast or
compacted into standard cylindrical molds and tested without particle size reduction to
determine the rate of mass transport of constituents through the material. Leaching data are
used to determine the mass flux and cumulative release across the material surface area
exposed to the leaching solution. Although this method is specified for inorganic
constituents, leachate collection modifications using absorption phases to manage low
aqueous solubility compounds and minimize volatility losses have been developed and
applied to the leaching assessment of PAHs from soil/cement cores (EPRI 2009b).
PreMethod 1316. The LSP is determined as a function of L/S in a manner analogous to
PreMethod 1314 but conducted in short-duration, parallel-batch structure. The results provide
an estimate of porewater concentrations at low L/S and show how equilibrium concentrations
change as water passes through a material. Particle size reduction is required to facilitate the
approach to equilibrium. PreMethod 1316 is well-suited for consistency testing in that the
results of this simple, short-term leaching method provide some indication of equilibrium
concentrations when the alkalinity of the material controls eluate pH. The method can be
adapted for organic constituents if adsorption of organics onto surfaces of the leaching
vessels is minimized.
Preliminary version denotes that this method has not been endorsed by EPA but is under consideration for
inclusion in SW-846. These methods have been submitted to the EPA Office of Resource Conservation and
Recovery for interlaboratory validation studies to develop precision and bias information. The four LEAF
premethods are expected to be posted as draft methods on the EPA SW-846 website by the end of 2012.
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
The LEAF leaching methods may be used and interpreted individually; however, considerable
advantages in predictive ability are provided by integration of the multiple LEAF methods with
leaching assessment approaches to establish a source term for contaminant release. Although
EPA guidance on the use of these tests remains outstanding, these alternative test methods are
likely to be recommended for environmental purposes where TCLP is not required by regulation
or best suited (e.g., demonstration of alternative treatment, beneficial-use applications, corrective
3.5 Recommended Performance Parameters and Performance Test for S/S-Treated
Several test methods may be useful during the process of designing an appropriate S/S treatment
formulation and implementing an S/S technology. Table 3-3 presents recommended performance
parameters for treated materials, the associated performance measurement for each performance
parameter, and examples of appropriate performance tests to provide the required performance
Table 3-3. Performance parameters and performance tests for S/S materials
Example performance test(s)
Strength Compressive strength ASTM D1633
Hydraulic conductivity ASTM D5084 (constant head)
ASTM D5084 (falling head)
Treatability study LSP as function of pH PreMethod 1313
LSP as function of L/S PreMethods 1314, 1316
Mass transfer (flux) PreMethods 1315, 1315 (modified); ANSI 16.1
Consistency testing LSP at natural pH,
mass transfer (flux)
PreMethod 1316, SPLP, abbreviated flux tests
LSP =liquid-solid partitioning, L/S =liquid-solid ratio
Test methods for strength and hydraulic conductivity are straightforward in that the available test
methods tend to be of short duration and require little to no interpretation of the results. These
tests may be conducted on S/S material samples after short cure times and compared directly to
performance criteria as long as it is recognized that these performance parameters will continue
to develop as the S/S material ages. With respect to leachability, the proper selection of an
appropriate test method is somewhat less straightforward due to the complexity of the leaching
The choice of one or more leaching tests depends on the degree of specificity required for the
purpose of defining leachability:
If a mechanistic understanding of the how constituents are released into the environment is
desired, leachability testing should be focused on defining the leaching response of the
material to the release-controlling parameters (e.g., pH, L/S, and time). This approach
requires integration of the results of some multiple leaching tests over a broad range of test
conditions as proposed in LEAF. With respect to S/S treatment, this level of comprehensive
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
testing might be conducted at the bench scale during treatability testing to provide technical
personnel with additional information to support selection of effective reagents and additives.
If the purpose of leach testing is to describe leaching in the context of the most likely release
scenario, a single characterization test may be used. The conditions imposed by the test
should be representative of the anticipated conditions in the field.
3.5.1 Selection of Leaching Tests
Because applicability of a particular leaching test depends on the intent of the test and how the
results are interpreted, no single leaching test is applicable for all purposes. For example,
PreMethod 1315 is a good indicator of leachability from S/S-treated materials for use in refining
S/S treatment mix designs during treatability testing and demonstrating compliance when a
finalized mix design is established, but it is not a practical field test due to the 63-day testing
duration. Thus, different tests may be needed at various stages in the design and implementation
process (see Section 4) for different purposes.
Development of S/S treatment mix designs. A well-designed S/S formulation typically is the
result of a treatability study where various reagents/additives and mix designs are tested for
treatment of contaminants materials (see Section 5 for more detail). Since one goal of
treatability testing is to highlight differences between additives or binder recipes and to
support the selection of viable candidate formulations, comparative testing of formulations
with the results compared to material performance criteria is appropriate. Thus, reagent
selection may be based on equilibrium tests which reflect contaminant retention, whereas
mix design should also be finalized against flux-based leaching tests, which better reflect
mechanisms controlling release in the field.
Baseline performance determination. During the final stages of a treatability study, full
detailed material characterization for leachability establishes a performance baseline for
comparison of materials created during field pilot-scale studies and implementation.
Recommended detailed leaching characterization at the bench scale includes the following:
o equilibrium-based tests to predict porewater composition in the treated material (e.g.,
using either PreMethod 1314 or PreMethod 1316) and to determine how changes in
acidity/ alkalinity will influence porewater concentrations (e.g., using PreMethod 1313)
o mechanistic tests designed to account for the primary release-controlling mechanisms
anticipated for field materials, including percolation column tests (e.g., PreMethod 1314
or ASTM D4784) for granular treated materials and flux-based tank leaching (e.g.,
PreMethod 1315, PreMethod 1315m, ANS 16.1) for monolithic materials with low
hydraulic conductivity
Characterization of the intrinsic leaching behavior using this approach provides a
comprehensive measure of material performance for communicating with stakeholders;
setting realistic, obtainable performance criteria; and comparing laboratory-derived behavior
to field consistency testing during the implementation process. In addition, detailed leaching
characterization can provide the source term for subsequent scenario- or site-specific impact
assessment modeling.
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
Consistency testing. Often, some measure of material consistency is required during
implementation to ensure that the performance parameters of materials applied in the field
are consistent with laboratory-formulated materials from the treatability study or that batch-
to-batch variability is within acceptable tolerances. When the purpose of leach testing is to
compare field materials to laboratory formulations, short-term compliance or consistency
tests (e.g., PreMethod 1316, PreMethod 1313 at natural pH, shortened duration of PreMethod
1315, TCLP, SPLP, etc.) are recommended. The results of such tests can be used to
determine batch-to-batch consistency and assess overall site compliance.
This section presents an overview of the material performance goals and the general role of
performance specifications in the design and implementation process. The S/S design process
begins after the site-specific remedial goals have been established and S/S has been selected as a
suitable remedy. Detailed discussions of the individual steps in the design and implementation
process are presented in Sections 57.
4.1 Flowchart of the S/S Design and Implementation Process
Figure 4-1 illustrates a generalized presentation of the design and implementation process for S/S
technology. Although each site is different and the process may be adapted as needed, this figure
is intended to serve as a roadmap through the major steps, decision points, and operations
conducted for a typical S/S technology.
The flowchart consists of three columns representing inputs to the process (green shading),
action items within the process (blue shading), and considerations used to inform decisions for
each action item (orange shading). The basic action items shown in the center column include
operation steps (blue rectangles) and milestones representing finalization of pertinent
performance specifications (orange parallelograms). For many of the action items, inputs (green
rounded rectangles) shown in the left column are used to inform the practitioner of key guiding
information. These inputs may include both qualitative and quantitative measurements,
regulations as well as other concepts related to the S/S treatment process. At each action item,
considerations (white, rounded rectangles) in the right column help shape decisions by providing
either established guiding information or recommended concepts.
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
Figure 4-1. S/S design and implementation process as discussed in Sections 47 of this document.
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
4.2 Material Performance Goals
The S/S design process begins with setting material performance goals, which are design targets
used to describe a treated material that is anticipated to meet specific site remediation goals. In
some cases, these design targets may directly correspond with established remedial goals;
however, since S/S may not be the only remedy used to meet cleanup criteria, material
performance may contribution to only a portion of the remedial impact. For a groundwater
remediation component, attainment of material performance goal may be established in several
ways, including the following:
demonstrating the percent reduction in concentration flux from the treated material
calculating acceptable attenuation between the treated material and the POC
hydrogeologic modeling to simulate groundwater flow and concentration flux attenuation
Material performance goals serve as the underlying basis for development of performance
specifications that meet specific site remediation goals. The design target created by the material
performance goals are used to formulate a list of characteristics for treatability testing and as a
basis for the performance specifications for the design and implementation process. Several
factors should be considered in the process of setting material performance goals, including the
existing site model, the site remedial goals, and the vertical and horizontal location of the POC.
Often, material performance goals are qualitative values (e.g., a lowhydraulic conductivity
material that reduces the leaching rate by 50% while treating 90% of the contaminated material
source) that serve as a framework for developing specific performance specifications.
4.2.1 Site Model
The existing conceptual site model (CSM) is composed of the primary information collected
during site characterization and any supplementary data that may be collected on a site-specific
basis to support a feasibility study or a remedial design. Table 4-1 shows the respective impacts
of this information on development of S/S material performance goals and specifications. A firm
understanding of the impact of pertinent site characteristics allows for the development of
appropriate performance goals and specifications for the technology and provides insight into
how the performance specifications influence the development of a long-term monitoring
program for a particular site. Primary considerations beyond the site characterization that
influence the formulation of performance goals and specifications include future land use and
any state or federal requirements.
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
Table 4-1. S/S Site characterization considerations in the development of performance goals and specifications
S/S evaluation factor Analyses/observations Significance to technology performance and monitoring
Soil classification/
physical characteristics
Useful measurements:
Unified Soil Classification System
(USCS) classification
Atterberg limits
Moisture content
Debris content
Suspended solids
Free liquid (paint filter)
Property values for each measurement and their variability may have
significant impact of overall behavior of the S/S material and on expected
Soil and groundwater pH Controlling variable for inorganic solubility and S/S material durability
Geochemistry Organic content Key variable for organic concentrations due to complexation with DOC,
which is soluble at high pH (Roskamand Comans 2003, 2007)
Contaminant levels High concentrations of some contaminants may affect S/S cure, requiring
additives to overcome interference (Conner 1997)
Sulfate content Sulfate attack of portland cement blends may lead to aggressive degradation
through delayed ettringite formation (Little, Herbert, and Kungalli 2005)
Leaching behavior of untreated material Defines baseline against which treatability studies and full-scale application
may be compared
Class(es) of contaminants Defines list of COCs, defines detection limits for analysis
Presence/distribution of NAPLs Defines phases/location of source and expected outcomes
Hydrogeology Hydraulic conductivity Controlling value in comparison to hydraulic conductivity of S/S material
for mode of water contact (e.g., infiltration vs. flow-around)
Water table depth and seasonal variability Defines division between vadose zone, capillary fringe, and saturated zone;
NAPL impacts at water table
Geologic strata (including geometry of
geology units)
Location of contaminant distribution/accumulation zones
Groundwater flow direction and gradients Hydraulic head on S/S mass, evaluate fate and transport with respect to POC
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
4.2.2 Point of Compliance
The POC, where applicable, is another factor to be considered when setting material
performance goals. The POC refers to the location where the S/S-treated material must comply
with site remediation goals. Often, the POC is defined with respect to compliance with
groundwater remediation goals at a downgradient well located near the site boundary and
screened to sample the aquifer that contacts the contaminated material. However, other possible
locations for a POC may include the groundwater at the boundary of the treated material or at a
surface feature (e.g., a river or lake). Indirect POCs, such as contaminants in flora or fauna,
should be avoided as these are difficult to correlate to treatment of the source materials. When
selected, the POC vertical and horizontal location and hydrogeology should be added to the
existing CSM. Depending on the remedial goals for S/S, a POC for groundwater may or may not
be a component of the project.
4.2.3 Relating Leaching Performance to Established Cleanup Goals
Often, remedial goals are established at a POC that is somewhat removed from the S/S treatment
area. In these cases, it is often difficult to determine with certainty what permissible upper
bounds on leaching at the treated material source will allow for attainment of goals at the POC
due to limited resources regarding the ability to predict the behavior of contaminants in the
subsurface between the release at the source and concentrations at the POC.
Although leaching tests can provide an estimate of leaching performance at the source of
contamination, the results of leaching tests are not indicative of how released constituents travel
through the subsurface. Thus, leaching test concentrations should not be considered to directly
represent POC values
or be compared directly to water quality criteria for any purpose other
than screening. In addition, flux-based leaching tests are recommended to predict release rates
for monolithic materials with low hydraulic conductivity. However, current practice is to base
leachability testing on single-batch extraction equilibrium tests such as SPLP or TCLP. When
using equilibrium tests for leachability in the field, it is very important to consider how these
results will compare with results obtained from the contaminant flux test in the laboratory since
these testing methods are not the same.
Given the above statements, a remaining significant concern is how to relate leaching
performance with established criteria at a POC. Figure 4-2 shows an example of how the linkage
between leaching tests of S/S-treated materials and cleanup goals at a POC can be defined. In the
figure, a rectangular mass of treated material is shown in the middle of an aquifer with
groundwater moving with linear velocity q [m/d]. All faces of the block are exposed to
groundwater. The total mass flux F released from the treated material over an exposed surface
area A
is converted to a groundwater concentration C
passing through a cross-sectional area
located at the treated mass.
The exception to this statement is the case where the POC is directly adjacent to the source material and, therefore,
no dilution or attenuation is assumed to occur between the source and the POC.
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
Figure 4-2. Mass flux approximation showing relationship between leaching test flux and
concentrations in groundwater at the treated material and at a downgradient POC.
q A
(Eq. 1)
= concentration in the groundwater (mg/L)
F = mass flux at the surface of the treated material (mg/m
s) (as provided by a flux-based
leaching test)
= exposed surface area of the treated material (m
= cross-sectional area of groundwater (m
q = linear flow rate of the groundwater (m/d)
The concentration in the groundwater is then related to a concentration at the POC through a
dilution-attenuation factor (DAF). This approach is consistent with the 2010 ITRC guidance on
the calculation, measurement, and use of mass flux and mass discharge in subsurface
environments (ITRC 2010).
In applying a DAF, it is recognized that groundwater concentrations in the pore space just
outside the material and at a POC may differ by several orders of magnitude due to dilution,
dispersion, adsorption, and attenuation. The rate of transport relative to the groundwater flow and
the fraction of contaminants leaving the treated material that arrive at the POC depend on several
site-specific parameters:
site geometrylocation of the treated material relative to the water table, dimensions of the
treated material, location of the well downgradient and off-center of any groundwater plume
soil characteristicspH, particulate organic matter
q [m/d]
DAF depends on site-
specific factors
cross-section area A
constituent flux F [mg/m
s] from exposed
surface area A
] of treated material
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Leaching Time [d]
Method 1315mSample 1
Method 1315mSample 2
Fluoranthene flux from S/S
treated MGP Soil (EPRI 2009a)
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
chemical retardationsoil/water partitioning coefficients
hydrogeological conditionsgroundwater flow rate, hydraulic conductivity, aquifer
characteristics, subsurface strata, infiltration (recharge rates)
The combined effects of these parameters are typically empirically lumped into a single DAF (a
multiplier <1), which is applied to the concentration in the groundwater at the treated material
(i.e., the source term) to calculate the anticipated concentration at the POC.
4.3 Performance Specifications
As discussed in Section 3, performance specifications are a critical component of an S/S
remediation project, providing the basis for the development of an appropriate S/S treatment and
consistency between field and laboratory materials. Two types of performance specifications are
defined in this document. Although these specifications may be identical for some applications,
they differ in their intended use.
Material performance specifications are design targets developed based on the material
performance goals and used during treatability studies as evaluation of whether a developed
treated material will meet the material performance goals established at the start of the S/S
design and implementation process. The performance parameters most commonly used in
material performance specifications include UCS as a strength parameter, hydraulic
conductivity (in comparison to the hydraulic conductivity of surrounding soil) as an indicator
of water contact conditions, and leachability. Section 3 provides more detail on these
performance parameters and example performance tests for each.
Construction performance specifications are developed for use during field operations. These
implementation targets are established at the conclusion of treatability testing or after field/
pilots studies have identified appropriate specifications for implementation of a designed S/S
formulation. These performance specifications are used to verify that the treated material
created in the field is consistent with the materials developed and characterized during
treatability testing. Thus, the intent of testing is not to predict the performance of the material
but rather to ensure that field materials behave in the same manner as the materials testing in
the laboratory.
In many cases, the performance parameters used for implementation purposes are similar to
those applied at the laboratory scale (e.g., UCS, hydraulic conductivity, and leachability);
however, the selection of performance tests should reflect that decisions regarding acceptance of
field materials must be made quickly as cured S/S-treated material is difficult to remove or
retreat. Construction performance specifications should be on the selection of limited set of
performance parameters already used in the treatability testing applying short-term tests which
can be conducted on wet-prepared field samples after a couple of days of cure time. The results
of these tests should be compared to the baseline performance developed at the end of the tiered
treatability study (see Section 6.2 for information on QC).
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
Developing a Material Performance Specification for Leaching
This approach can be particularly useful for setting a material performance specification for leaching
from an established cleanup goal and dilution-attenuation factor.
Assume: A treated mass (12 m high x 10 m wide x 20 m long) is anchored 2 m into saprolite
(weathered bedrock). which acts as an aquiclude. The surface of the material not buried in saprolite is
exposed surface to an aquifer moving at 18 m/d (see figure).
q = 18 [m/d]
= 5 [mg/L]
DAF = 100x
cross-sectional area, A
S/S treated material
length (l = 20 m)
height (h = 12 m)
width, not shown (w = 10 m)
depth (d = 2 m)
saprolite (weathered bedrock)
Since no, or relatively little, groundwater passes through the saprolite, the surface area of the treated
mass embedded into saprolite does not participate in leaching, and the exposed surface area is
end 2 side 2 top
+ + = A
w d h l d h l w + + = ) ( 2 ) ( 2
| |
800 10 ) 2 12 ( 2 20 ) 2 12 ( 2 20 10 m = + + =
Using the sample concept, the cross-sectional area to the groundwater flow would be
| |
100 10 ) 2 12 ( 1 ) ( 1 end 1 m w d h A
= = = =
For a hypothetical constituent, a groundwater cleanup goal of 5 mg/L is established at a downgradient
water feature (e.g., a well or surface body), and a DAF between the POC and treated material 100x is
determined to be reasonable and protective. The DAF is calculated, estimated, or otherwise
established to take into consideration groundwater chemistry and dynamics as well as the location of
POC relative to source and groundwater flow.
Concentration at the Source: By multiplying the cleanup goal by the DAF, the maximum concentration
of a constituent released from the treated material C
is calculated:.
C 500 100 5
Maximum Flux: Using C
for C
in Eq. 1 (p. 33), the maximum allowable flux F
may be determined:
| |
| |
3600 24
18 100
m s
q A C
s m
2 max
0 . 13
From this analysis, a conservative material performance specification of a maximum flux of 10 mg/m
using a flux based leaching test (e.g., ANS 16.1, EPA PreMethod 1315) can be applied with some
degree of confidence that cleanup goals can be achieved based on established values.
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
4.4 Performance Specifications in Treatability Studies
Typically, treatability studies are bench-scale investigations used to determine whether the
proposed remedial technology will be effective in meeting the remedial goals and to develop an
appropriate mix design and construction performance specifications. Material performance
specifications are used to provide feedback on selection of reagents and additives that result an
appropriate formulation for retention of COCs. The performance parameter results from testing
on laboratory-created specimens are used to refine treatment mix designs and to demonstrate
compliance of the finalized mix design with material performance specifications. Comprehensive
guidance on physical and chemical tests for treatability studies as applied to S/S technology is
described in published guidance documents (EPA 1989, USACE 1995).
4.5 Performance Specifications During Implementation
Implementation of an S/S remedy should be performed only after determining that the S/S is
consistent with the remedial goals for the project, an S/S mix design has been developed and
tested that can meet the material performance goals, and a design appropriate for the size of the
remedy is completed. Construction performance specifications are used to determine whether the
key parameters of the material created in the field are consistent with the finalized mix design
characterized during treatability studies. QC testing both for compliance with material
performance specifications and consistency throughout construction is a key implementation
component to document achievement of material performance goals. Key performance-related
considerations for implementation of the S/S remedy at the field scale are presented in Section 6.
For many technologies including S/S, effectiveness, implementability, and cost are site specific.
Site-specific treatability studies in the laboratory and/or the field provide valuable information
needed to evaluate the feasibility and establish the design of treatment remedies. Treatability
testing develops the S/S formula to meet project objectives and verifies the feasibility of using
S/S by characterizing the untreated contaminated material and evaluating the technology
performance under different operating conditions. Treatability testing provides valuable site-
specific information to support selection and implementation of a remedial action. Therefore,
treatability tests may be conducted both to evaluate technologies prior to selection and to develop
process design parameters and scale up for full-scale implementation. Additional information for
conducting treatability testing is provided in published documents and guidance (EPA 1992a,
USACE 1995, Environment Agency 2004a, EPRI 2009a).
Treatability testing for S/S should be performed in a systematic manner to ensure that data
generated can be used for evaluation, identification of information for further testing, and full-
scale implementation.
The goal of the S/S treatability testing is typically to develop the S/S design and to verify the
feasibility of using S/S at a particular site. The objectives, which should be clearly defined prior
to testing, typically include the following:
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
selection of correct reagent(s) (a list of common reagents is presented in Section
determination of the impact of selected reagents on other contaminants
optimization of the reagent(s) dosages
identification of emission of contaminants
identification of material handling issues
assessment of the physical and chemical uniformity of the contaminated material
determination of the volume increase due to addition of reagent(s)
finalization of performance criteria
finalization of construction parameters (e.g. moisture content, slump)
A typical treatability testing program is an iterative process which determines the optimal
formulation and associated design parameters that meet the project objectives. Treatability
testing for S/S may include both bench-scale and pilot testing, although full-scale pilot testing
may be considered during startup of field implementation. Once treatability testing is completed,
a plan for treating the full extent of the contaminated material in the field is based on the results
of the tests. The plan also takes into account scale-up considerations, as discussed in Section 5.4.
5.1 Reagent Selection Considerations
Potentially applicable reagents should be identified prior to bench-scale treatability testing. The
identification of potentially applicable reagent depends on several factors, including contaminant
to be treated, concentration of contaminants in soil/sediment and soil/sediment geotechnical
properties, required performance parameters, and minimum acceptable performance criteria for
the site.
Identification of potentially applicable reagents is typically based on the practitioners
experience in implementation of S/S projects. In the absence of previous experience, a survey of
technical literature to identify appropriate reagents is a good starting point for treatability testing.
Because a number of candidate reagents may be identified, narrowing down the number of
reagents results in reduced cost and less time-consuming treatability testing. Selection of
candidate reagents requires knowledge of the following:
interferences and chemical incompatibilities
metal chemistry considerations
compatibility with the disposal or reuse environment
process track record
A more detailed discussion on the above considerations is provided in EPAs Technical
Resource Document: Solidification/Stabilization and Its Application to Waste Materials (EPA
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
5.2 Bench-Scale Testing
Bench-scale testing is usually performed in the laboratory, where a comparatively small amount
of contaminated material is tested for individual parameters of the treatment technology. In
general, the testing is used to determine the efficacy of the chemistry of the process and usually
consists of a series of tests using a tiered approach. In this tiered approach to treatability testing,
the results of each test determine the next steps and next set of parameters and conditions to be
evaluated, with the first set of tests usually covering a broad range of potential operating
parameters and establishing of baseline parameters. This tiered approach (as described in EPRI
2009a) is as follows:
Tier 1testing previously identified candidate reagents (as described in Section 5.1) to
narrow the range of reagents by eliminating those not meeting the performance criteria
Tier 2testing the selected reagents and combination of reagents and additives (if used) to
assess contaminant immobilization
Tier 3optimizing the promising reagent or combination of reagents and additives (if used)
to minimize the quantity required to meet the performance criteria
Tier 4assessing scale-up considerations for full-scale implementation and development of
QC parameters, baseline consistency tests, and performance criteria acceptance limits
S/S bench-scale treatability studies include the following steps:
prepare a work plan
collect test samples
characterize initial samples
o homogenize raw materials/samples
o perform chemical testing
o perform physical testing
perform treatability testing
o conduct tests by mixing reagents with contaminated material and prepare formulations
for further testing
o optimize mix design
o selection of mix design verification phase (three replicates)
o prepare final mix design and test
analyze, assess, and validate data
prepare treatability study report
5.2.1 Sample Collection
Selection of the samples to be collected for bench-scale testing is critical and must be carefully
planned to best represent the site conditions. Planning sample collection for treatability testing
must consider a number of factors, including the following:
appropriate locations for collection of representative samples
methods for collecting representative samples
type of implementation method
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
whether or not samples will be composited
Sampling for treatability testing should use technical expertise to determine the most appropriate
sampling locations based on previous site characterization results, operational history, and visual
survey. Evaluation of site characterization data should include considerations of the following:
contaminant types
contaminant concentrations
lateral variation of contamination
depth of contamination
The sampling plan should include highly contaminated material, material representative of
average site conditions, and minimally contaminated material. Sampling should also include the
reasonably most difficult to treat soil that will be encountered during full-scale treatment
implementation. Determination of the most difficult to treat soil depends on the physical nature
of the soils as well as the COCs and the extent of blending that will occur during full-scale
treatment. Although sampling using only the most highly contaminated or difficult to treat
material provides assurance that these can be treated using S/S, it can result in overdesign and
unrealistic high cost estimates. Therefore, while these samples may be used to establish the
treatability of the material, additional treatability testing should be performed on material
representative of average site conditions. Furthermore, the costs should be developed based on
these representative samples.
Sample collection for treatability testing must also consider the lateral variation of contamination
and depth of contamination. The depth of contamination also influences the selection of
appropriate methods for collecting representative samples. Samples can be collected using direct-
push Geoprobe equipment, hollow-stem augers, backhoes, or hand auger tools. A minimum of
40 L (10 gal) should be sampled to perform a treatability testing; however, the amount of sample
will depend of the number and type of test to be performed during the study. No matter how well
the site is characterized, heterogeneity makes the samples collection for treatability testing
challenging. Once samples are collected, proper homogenization of the samples must be
performed prior to initial (baseline) characterization.
If the site is highly variable in contaminant types and concentrations, consideration should be
given to how the full-scale treatment will be implemented, such as full-scale treatment
implemented separately for each impacted area versus mixing and homogenizing all material
before implementing S/S. If the full-scale implementation approach dictates, compositing of
samples collected for treatability testing may be required and is based on the quantity of
contaminated material for each impacted area. Advantages to composite sampling include
reduction in the variability in contaminant concentration and more accurate data on soil that may
be treated after homogenization of all the material. Compositing is usually appropriate for
nonvolatile contaminants; however, if target contaminants are volatile, care should be exercised
in compositing.
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
5.2.2 Initial Sample Characterization
After sample collection, a baseline analysis should be performed on the samples collected for
testing at the bench-scale level through a process of chemical and physical testing. The physical
characterization test usually includes moisture content, grain size distribution, Atterberg limits,
and compaction. Chemical characterization may include total chemical analysis of the samples
5.2.3 Laboratory Testing
Selected reagents are mixed with the samples to evaluate the preliminary performance
parameters (such as strength, hydraulic conductivity, and leachability). Preliminary testing in the
laboratory may include testing for strength by use of a pocket penetrometer over a period of
time, visual observation, chemical testing, and/or geotechnical testing (Figure 5-1). The
information obtained from performing laboratory tests results in identification of reagents that
can solidify/stabilize the contaminated material.
Figure 5-1. Hydraulic conductivity measurement (left) and UCS measurement (right) tests
conducted in the laboratory on treatability test samples. Source: CETCO Contracting Services Co.
5.2.4 Data Analysis, Assessment, and Validation
Once the treatability tests are completed, if the data meet the performance criteria, pilot test
studies or field demonstrations may be considered prior to full-scale implementation. If the
performance criteria are not met, the specifications, process, or performance goals may need to
be revised and the treatability study repeated (see Figure 3-1). If the criteria cannot be met, the
remedy selection may need to be revised. Validation of the laboratory data is a step that is always
included before analyzing data results. Often, data validation is provided by the laboratory.
5.3 Pilot-Test Studies/Field Demonstrations
Following selection of the design mixes obtained from bench-scale treatability testing, the next
phase of the project may involve a pilot test in the field. The pilot test is intended to verify the
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
process variables selected as part of bench-scale testing and, if required, further develop and
optimize the process and construction parameters for full-scale implementation.
The pilot test scales up the design mixes developed during bench-scale treatability testing for
application under actual field conditions based on the ability to meet the performance criteria,
implementability, and cost. Because pilot-scale testing is intended to simulate the physical as
well as chemical parameters of a full-scale testing process, the treatment unit size and the volume
of contaminated material to be processed in a pilot scale is much greater than for bench-scale
The development of a pilot study begins with preparation of work plans. Work plans specify the
approved reagents to be used, their dosages, type of mixing devices to be employed, and data to
be collected. The results obtained from the pilot testing are evaluated to confirm that
performance criteria can be met in the field while implementing the full-scale system. However,
if the identified performance criteria are not met during pilot testing, the reagent mix design
should be adjusted as a first step. The selected performance criteria, goals, and processes should
also be reevaluated if adjustment of reagents does not produce desired results.
5.4 Scale-Up Considerations
Since the S/S chemistry is already established, the scale-up from bench-scale to full-scale field
implementation is generally focused on the materials-handling aspects of the S/S process. Scale-
up from bench scale to full-scale field implementation should address the following:
equipment selection and sizing
type of equipment and mixing time/energy departed for homogenization
chemical reagents storage and delivery methods
evaluation of treated material consistency tests and strength gain rates
pretreatment of soil/sediment
presence of debris
presence of underground utilities
mixing and curing time and methods employed
method and measurement for delivering correct reagent quantity
quality assurance (QA)
Scale-up considerations are the last step of the trial approach of the treatability test programs.
After completion, the next step is to implement a verification process during S/S implementation.
The overall success or failure of an S/S remedy depends on successful implementation of the
construction phase. The following key areas should be monitored and documented as necessary
during the implementation phase to ensure that performance specifications have been achieved:
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
consistent preparation of the designed reagent blend in the correct proportions in accord with
the mix design determined through the bench and pilot testing
sufficient mixing of the reagents with the contaminated materials in the correct proportions to
create a treated material
sampling of treated materials to verify compliance with S/S performance specifications
verification of treatment of the entire volume of contaminated materials
QC and QA are vital in S/S treatment to demonstrate that the treated material achieves the
performance specifications of the project and that the proper reagents were mixed in accord with
the approved mix design. In addition, the implementation of a QA/QC program during remedial
construction allows for adjustments to be made as needed to respond to variations in material
and/or site conditions. The QC plan describes the specific procedures by which the
implementation of sampling and analytical procedures designed to result in reliable data are
documented (LaGrega, Buckingham, and Evans 1994). The QA plan describes the procedures by
which the QC implementation is audited to ensure that the work and documentation is being
conducted in accord with established QC procedures.
Effective implementation of S/S requires a comprehensive construction quality assurance (CQA)
program that addresses each phase of the project from bench-scale testing through full-scale field
operations. Monitoring of S/S performance in the field is essential to ensure that the project
objectives are met and S/S work is conducted in accord with contract requirements. Lack of an
effective CQA program can lead to rapid and uncontrolled cost increases caused by the lag time
between S/S sample collection and receipt of testing results due to the curing time required. A
CQA program allows the owner to rapidly assess construction performance and identify potential
problems early in the process to allow for field adjustments or corrections (Wittenberg and Covi
While the QA/QC procedures may vary from project to project based on the specifics of the
design and performance specifications, solidification QA/QC guidance documents and published
articles should be consulted when preparing a QA/QC program for S/S (EPA 1989, 1986, 1999a;
Perera, Al-Tabbaa, and J ohnson 2004; Perara et al. 2004b; USACE 2010; Larsson 2005;
Wittenberg and Covi 2007).
6.1 Reagent and Equipment QA/QC Considerations
Reagents to be delivered in bulk to the site for full-scale S/S should be tested or otherwise
verified to ensure they meet the project specifications. Reagents should be tested at the beginning
and midpoint of the project to ensure that no COCs are imported with the reagents. Requirements
concerning storage of reagent stockpiles may be included in construction performance
specifications. Physical properties such as dry unit weight may require periodic verification if
mixing involves dry reagent addition. An on-site batch plant for mixing of S/S reagents or
additives is typically necessary for in situ applications that inject reagents as a liquid slurry.
For pugmills that blend dry reagents along with water, the dry reagents are typically fed from the
storage silos using a screw auger. The feed rate of these augers should be calibrated at least once
per day at the start of operations for that day. Reagents and additives are typically delivered to a
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
site in bulk quantities and must be transferred to the storage pigs and silos at the pugmill or batch
plant for processing. A batch plant for preparing liquid slurry may consist of mixing and staging
tanks, scales, mixers and agitators, and pumps. Scales and flow meters must be field-calibrated
periodically throughout the project to ensure appropriate reagent/additive injection rates.
Furthermore, the addition of water, a critical reagent, should be carefully monitored and the
amount recorded. Mixing and delivery procedures should include QA/QC methodology to verify
that the reagents are within the mix design parameters. For reagent delivery in a water-based
grout, parameters such as grout density (mud balance) and viscosity (Marsh Funnel) should be
checked periodically to verify grout batch consistency with the recommended design. For
pugmills where the reagents are fed in a dry state, the feed rate of the feed augers is usually
calibrated in pounds/second.
S/S mixing equipment comes in many forms for shallow or deep in situ and ex situ mixing.
Appendix A provides a brief description of some of the more common S/S mixing equipment.
Parameters which affect the blending of contaminated materials, such as mixing speed, reagent
delivery rate, soil treatment rate, and mixing time, should be incorporated into the QA/QC
monitoring program to maintain consistency in mixing equipment operation. The precise location
and depth of placed treated material should be recorded. For in situ treatment using vertical
augers, each column is numbered and the location recorded. For ex situ treatment, the deposition
location for each days production is recorded.
6.2 Treated Material Performance QA/QC
Procedures for ensuring sufficient mixing of contaminated materials with S/S reagents should be
established in the pilot scale and/or demonstration phase and may involve consistency tests of
freshly mixed materials. Depending on the type of mixing equipment and the reagent delivery
method used (i.e., wet or dry), construction parameters such as mixing time, auger penetration
rate and rotation speed, number of up and down auger strokes, and reagent delivery rates should
be incorporated into field QC monitoring procedures. Consistency testing of freshly mixed
materials based on visual observations and slump tests are commonly used during construction
as control tests to identify batches or areas that appear to be outside the normal range expected
and may require adjustments to the S/S mixing or reagent addition processes. For in situ mixing,
overlap of treatment zones is critical to ensuring treatment of the entire volume and can be
monitored through survey control and representative post S/S test pits or borings to verify
complete mixing and overlap (Figure 6-1).
Observation and testing of treated material involves two types of testing as discussed in
Section 4 of this document: (a) consistency testing to monitor treated material properties in real
time or in a short duration to demonstrate that treated materials are consistent with properties
established during treatability testing and (b) compliance testing to document that performance
criteria for the treated material are met. Sampling considerations as well as field and laboratory
consistency and compliance testing are briefly described in the next section.
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
Figure 6-1. Example of overlap of in situ auger-mixed S/S. Source: Portland Cement Association.
6.2.1 Sampling of Treated Material
The frequency of sampling freshly treated material depends on the overall size of the S/S project,
the daily treatment rate, the observed consistency of mixing by the remediation contractor,
observed changes in the contaminated material properties, and other factors. A higher frequency
of sampling is generally performed during the pilot phase and/or the start of S/S production to
develop a test results data set confirming the ability to meet the performance criteria and further
assessing the variability of the material to be treated and the variability expected in the test
results. While the sampling frequency for a specific project is determined by the designer and/or
the regulator, as a general guideline, it is recommended that performance sampling of treated
material be conducted considering the following:
Sample at least once per day of production and once per shift (if there are multiple shifts) and
any time the batch plant or mixing equipment operator changes.
Sample every 400800 m
(5001000 yd
) of treated material (alternate frequencies may be
appropriate based on overall volume to be treated for a site, anticipated contaminated
material characteristics heterogeneity, and test results review as project progresses).
Sample any time the contaminated material or blended material physical characteristics
appear to change significantly (e.g., greater contaminant level, significant variation in
moisture content, significant variation in material gradation, etc.).
Some additional discussion on performance sampling is provided in Bates (2010), among
other references.
If failing test results occur, modifications to the mix design or blending method may be required
and the sampling frequency increased until acceptable results are consistently achieved. The
failed material may need to be reworked or properly disposed of, if practical, based on S/S plan
design. Regardless of the outcome, procedures for documenting and addressing any failures must
be in place.
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
The method of collection of freshly mixed
material (i.e., contaminated material blended
with S/S reagents) depends initially on
whether the material is treated in situ or ex
situ. For ex situ treatment methods, a bulk
sample is typically collected from the
discharge of the pug mill, from a stockpile
of treated material, or from a freshly treated
area (e.g., when mixing excavated material
within a containment area or a work pad
area). The bulk sample is collected in a 20-L
(5-gal) bucket and relocated to the sample
preparation area for further processing,
testing, and sample specimen preparation
(Figure 6-2).
For in situ mixing, fresh samples should be
collected from different locations and depths
within the treatment area in a statistically
valid manner. Specialized sampling tools for
discrete-depth interval sampling of freshly
mixed soils allow for evaluation of vertical
mixing homogeneity. Typically, an
excavator is used to slowly push a metal tube
into the freshly mixed material to the depth
desired for sample retrieval (Figure 6-3). The
tube is equipped with a hydraulically
activated valve which is opened as the
sampler reaches the desired interval.
The sampler is then withdrawn from the treated
material and the sample discharged to a 20-L
(5-gal) bucket (Figure 6-4). Sufficient sample
volume should be collected to accommodate
field and laboratory testing in accord with the
CQA plan. Other sampling methods exist and
may be appropriate as long as the sampling can
be accomplished at the location and depth
interval desired. Following sample collection,
specimens are prepared for field testing and/or
curing and laboratory testing.
Many tests on treated material require curing in
cylinder molds of a specific geometry and for a
Figure 6-2. Field preparation of cylinder molds
of freshly treated material. Source: Ed Bates.
Figure 6-3. Specialized sampler for S/S
column mix areas. Source: Ed Bates.
Figure 6-4. Sample collection of freshly
mixed material from an excavator bucket.
Source: CETCO Contracting Services Co.
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
minimum period of time for hydration reactions to
occur and the material to solidify. Preparation of
sample specimens should follow standard procedures
such as ASTM D1632 (or procedures required by
specific test methods) to ensure consistent specimen
preparation for the tests specified. Bulk material is
typically initially screened through a 1.3-cm (0.5-inch)
mesh to remove oversize particles that would interfere
with the specimen testing (Figure 6-5) due to the
relatively small size of test specimens. Note that the
screen mesh size required may vary based on the size
cylinder molds that will be prepared as specified in the
ASTM cylinder preparation methods. Use of 7.6
15.2 cm (3 6 inch) or larger cylinder molds is
recommended as smaller cylinder molds are more
susceptible to testing variations due to sample
heterogeneities. Proper preparation of cylinder molds
by tamping in lifts and proper field curing conditions
are critical to the testing outcomes (Figure 6-6).
Specimens with voids or cured under adverse
conditions typically have poor test results (i.e.,
lower strength and higher hydraulic conductivity).
A sufficient number of replicate samples should be
prepared in the field. These replicates are used for
the following:
evaluating curing progress within the first few
days of curing
as replicate test specimens should a failing
performance test result be obtained
samples for QA testing by an independent
6.2.2 Consistency Testing
Consistency testing is used during construction for real-time or short-term evaluation of treated
material to determine whether the material properties are consistent with those established during
the bench and pilot phases that result in a material that meets the project performance criteria.
Therefore, it is important that the test methods, test conditions, specimen geometry, sample
specimen preparation methods, and curing conditions be consistent between the bench-, pilot-,
and full-scale implementation phases to reduce test results variability to the extent practical.
While test results will have some inherent variability due to product heterogeneities, it is
important to minimize induced variability due to specimen or test condition variability.
Tests typically used to establish compliance with performance criteria (e.g., compressive
strength, hydraulic conductivity, and leachability) are performed on specimens that have been
Figure 6-5. Sieve screening of treated
material sample in preparation of
UCS cylinder molding. Source: CETCO
Contracting Services Co.
Figure 6-6. Field curing of S/S material
specimens in a humid atmosphere
(water bath). Source: Ed Bates.
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
cured for 728 days or longer, and the tests themselves
can take a few days to a few weeks to perform.
Consequently, the time lag between material treatment
and verification of compliance can be very long and a
large volume of additional material treated before
determining whether the material meets the performance
criteria. Therefore, consistency test protocols are
typically established in the bench and pilot phases for
use during the construction phase. Consistency tests can
be performed on freshly mixed material or cured
specimens, and a combination of both is recommended.
Real-time testing of freshly mixed material is intended to
identify significant variations in material properties that
can affect performance test results and may include tests
such as slump, material moisture content, grout density
and viscosity, mixing thoroughness (mixed material
homogeneity) (Figure 6-7).
Short-term tests on specimens as curing
progresses may include, but are not
limited to, strength gain rate using a
pocket penetrometer, visual observation
of bulk sample specimens cured in a
20-L (5-gal) bucket (Figure 6-8), and
short-term leaching tests, including an
SPLP test, an abbreviated monolith
leaching test, or other leaching tests
that may be deemed appropriate for a
specific project. If SPLP tests are
conducted, results are used to
determine only whether the leaching of
contaminants falls within the range
established for this same test during the
bench-scale testing, not as a performance criteria. Abbreviated monolith leaching tests are
described using an example below. Use of consistency tests allows for real-time or short-term
adjustment in reagent addition rates or mixing procedures to maintain material properties in a
range where the risk of failing performance tests is low.
Leaching consistency testing example
To show consistency during implementation of an S/S remedy, leaching tests may be used to
show that there is no significant deviation in leaching behavior between field samples and bench-
scale samples characterized during treatability testing. Since decisions in the field to re-treat any
particular zone of the implementation require a relatively rapid testing response, full-duration
mass transport testing (ANS 16.1 or PreMethod 1315) may not be practical. However, these tests
may be modified to shorten the duration of the test as in the treatability example above.
Alternatively, batch extraction tests applied to both bench-scale and field samples may be used
Figure 6-7. Slump test on freshly
treated material. Source: Ed Bates.
Figure 6-8. Five-gallon bucket-molded sample
cleaved, exposing successful encapsulation of
contaminant. Source: Portland Cement Association.
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
as a consistency indicator based on the equilibrium-based leaching behavior of samples. To
further reduce testing requirements of field samples, the number of extractions in the equilibrium
methods provided in LEAF (i.e., PreMethods 1313 and 1316) may be limited to target specific
test conditions. (See Appendix B for more information on LEAF tests.)
This example illustrates the concept of using limited equilibrium-based leaching characterization
to show consistency. The subject material is a coal combustion fly ash sampled from the same
collection point over three one-month intervals. The first collection was considered to be a
baseline with full characterization using PreMethod 1313. For subsequent collections, a limited
version of PreMethod 1313 using four extraction points (instead of the nine used in the full
characterization) was used to compare back to the baseline. Although this example does not
show data conducted on materials associated with an S/S remedy, the same concept of
consistency testing can be applied to S/S materials.
The data in Figure 6-9 indicate that over a three-month interval, the leaching behavior of both
major constituents (i.e., those making up the matrix of the fly ash like calcium and silicon) and
trace constituents is very consistent. The key to this type of consistency is not that levels change
due to minor variation in material (see arsenic data), but that the general trend in data is the
same. This fact indicates that the geochemical speciation of the constituents is constant in all
time-dependent samples.
6.2.3 Compliance Testing
Compliance testing is used to evaluate cured material properties for direct comparison to project
performance criteria. The types of compliance tests can vary on a project-specific basis based on
the remedial objectives. The most common compliance tests for solidified materials are strength
and hydraulic conductivity. Leachability compliance testing is used somewhat less often, and the
need for compliance testing depends on the mechanism of treatment employed (i.e.,
solidification versus stabilization). When hydraulic conductivity reduction is the primary
mechanism used for leaching reduction (i.e., solidification as opposed to chemical stabilization)
and leaching performance has been adequately demonstrated in the treatability study phase,
consistency tests can be used in lieu of leachability compliance tests during construction. Where
stabilization reactions are the primary mechanism of treatment, leaching tests such as SPLP may
be appropriate as compliance tests.
At the various stages of the S/S treatment development process, different levels of material
property and leaching characterization may be needed. Thus, the performance specification,
especially the selected test and performance criteria, may differ based on the stage of the
remediation process. For example, compressive strength sufficient to support implementation
equipment after a couple of days might be a high priority, whereas after closure, compressive
strength would not be as critical as hydraulic conductivity and leachability. Likewise,
leachability tests during the treatability stage of the project might include a more comprehensive
leach testing scheme than can be conducted and interpreted in a timely manner for compliance
testing during implementation. Therefore, during implementation a shortened testing protocol for
field compliance tests for leachability is recommended.
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
Acid Added [meq/ g-dry]
Time 1
Time 2
Time 3
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Time 1
Time 2
Time 3
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Time 1
Time 2
Time 3
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Time 1
Time 1
Time 3
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Time 1
Time 2
Time 3
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Time 1
Time 2
Time 3
Figure 6-9. Example consistency testing using PreMethod 1313 on coal combustion fly ash samples collected at four different
times from the same source.
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
6.3 Assessing Field Performance Test Data
Sampling and testing of treated S/S material should be performed to adequately assess
representative samples from the entire area, volume, and depth of the S/S treatment area. The
total number of samples collected and tested should enable statistical evaluation of test results if
necessary. Sampling guidance is provided in USACE 2010.
Historic practice for many S/S projects has been to set performance criteria expressed in
statements that require all results to pass, as expressed in statements such as the following:
All specimens must exhibit UCS of not less than 344.7 kN/m
(50 psi) (or other site-specific
performance criteria).
Hydraulic conductivity shall not exceed 1 10
cm/s (or other site-specific performance
It should be noted that when provided in statements specifying or implying that all samples must
meet the performance criteria, failure of any individual test result can result in the need for re-
treatment. Re-treatment can be expensive and difficult on previously cured materials and may
not result in significant improvement as it breaks up previously solidified material and attempts
to resolidify larger particles (i.e., fractured solidified soil). This problem also underscores and
demonstrates the value of preparing replicate specimens for retesting if a failing result is
Alternatively, performance criteria statements can be written to recognize that some limited
variability in test results is acceptable without compromising the overall success of the remedy
(see box). This approach is based on assessing failures based on the overall aggregate
performance of the treated material and the potential contaminant loading from the entire S/S
mass to the environment. Considerations such
as the location of a failing test specimen may
be of significance. For example, a poorly
treated area located within the middle of an S/S
monolith surrounded by properly treated
material will have little or no impact on the
completed remedy performance. Conversely, a
poorly treated area located on the edge of the
monolith will have contact with surrounding
groundwater and may have a more direct
influence of overall remedy performance. It is
sometimes desired for in situ S/S that the outer
zone of the S/S monolith receive a higher level
of treatment (i.e., a richer mix) to ensure that
the zone in direct contact with passing
groundwater has an increased safety factor
against leaching as compared to the bulk of the
treated material.
Examples of tolerance intervals that may be
considered for inclusion in performance criteria
are as follows:
Strength: Average of all performance
samples must not be less than 344.7 kN/m
(50 psi), no individual sample shall be less
than 275.8 kN/m
(40 psi), and no more than
20% of the performance samples shall be
less than 344.7 kN/m
(50 psi).
Hydraulic conductivity: Average of all
performance samples must not be greater
than 1 x 10
cm/s, no individual sample shall
be greater than 1 x 10
cm/s, and no more
than 20% of the performance samples shall
be greater than 1 x 10
Note: Actual performance criteria and
percent acceptable variation must be
determined on a case-by-case basis.
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
Field construction performance specifications using tolerance intervals can be developed to
allow for the inevitable variation of properties of individual test specimens. An example of the
use of tolerance intervals is provided in the Peak Oil Case Study (see Appendix C). The designer
and regulator should develop a consensus on what is acceptable based on the remedial objectives
for the project and considering the location of failing test results, among other factors. For
example, a few failing test results that meet the lower tolerance limit and that are randomly
scattered throughout the S/S area may be less of a concern than a cluster of failing test results
occurring in one general area (possibly indicating differing soil/contaminant conditions,
inadequate reagent batch preparation, or inadequate mixing) or along the outer edge (where
groundwater or infiltration exposure may be greatest).
Figure 6-10 illustrates a sample QC testing performance tracking chart. In this example, five
samples out of 30 failed to meet the minimum strength performance criteria of 344.7 kN/m
(50 psi). Three of the five failing samples were between the tolerance limit of 275.8 kN/m
(40 psi) and the performance criterion of 344.7 kN/m
(50 psi). These failures would be
considered acceptable since fewer than 20% (determined acceptable for the example site) of the
samples were below the performance criterion, the failing results did not occur sequentially
(which may indicate a batch process or treatment area condition requiring attention), and the
average of all test results was above the performance criterion. Two results were below the
tolerance limit. The areas in which the failures occurred should be evaluated (e.g. center of the
matrix or on the edge of the treated matrix; failures on the edge of the matrix may be of greater
concern) and testing of field replicate specimens conducted to further assess the nature of the
failing test results to determine whether these areas should be retreated or additional volume
surrounding the failing area warrants treatment. Additional examples are provided in the box on
page 52.
Figure 6-10. Sample QC test results tracking chart.
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
Once a remedy has been implemented and safeguards are put in place, additional work is
typically necessary to verify that the remedy remains effective and protective of human health
and the environment. Long-term stewardship of a completed S/S remedy may include monitoring
of environmental media in contact with and potentially affected by the remedy, monitoring of
institutional controls (ICs), monitoring and maintenance of engineering controls (ECs), financial
assurances, and periodic review(s) by the controlling environmental agency.
The main goal of S/S remedies is to reduce the flux of contamination that leaches from a
contaminant source to within acceptable parameters set forth in the site-specific remediation
goal. Monitoring programs are an important part of the S/S process to determine whether the rate
of leaching is within the formulated performance criteria.
Because the most common impact from a treated mass is to groundwater, this guidance focuses
on development of groundwater monitoring programs following S/S implementation. The
following subsections discuss long-term durability (Section 7.1), development of groundwater
monitoring programs for S/S remedies (Section 7.2), typical institutional and engineering
controls and their inspection and maintenance (Section 7.3), and considerations for periodic
remedy reviews (Section 7.4).
Additional examples of consistency testing interpretation follow using the following scenario:
Implementation of an S/S remedy resulted in 100 confirmatory samples. The performance criterion for
strength is assumed to be 344.7 kN/m
(50 psi):
Example 195 of the samples exceeded the strength criteria of 344.7 kN/m
(50 psi). The five
samples that did not exceed the strength criteria were all greater than 275.8 kN/m
(40 psi). The
nonconforming samples were randomly distributed throughout the treated matrix. The
determination was that the treatment was acceptable.
Example 295 of the samples exceeded the strength criteria of 344.7 kN/m
(50 psi). The five
samples that did not were all greater than 275.8 kN/m
(40 psi). The nonconforming samples were
all adjacent to each other on the western edge of the treated matrix. The determination was that
this area needed to be retreated.
Example 395 of the samples exceeded the strength criteria of 344.7 kN/m
(50 psi). The five
samples that did not were all greater than 275.8 kN/m
(40 psi). The nonconforming samples were
all adjacent to each other in the center of the treated matrix. The determination was that the
treatment was acceptable.
Example 498 of the samples exceeded the strength criteria of 344.7 kN/m
(50 psi). The two
samples that did not were less than 206.8 kN/m
(30 psi). The nonconforming samples were
randomly distributed throughout the treated matrix and none on the edge. The determination was
that the treatment was acceptable.
Example 598 of the samples exceeded the strength criteria of 344.7 kN/m
(50 psi). The two
samples that did not were less than 206.8 kN/m
(30 psi). The nonconforming samples were not
together but on the edge of the treated matrix. The determination was that re-treatment of those
areas or additional protective measures was needed.
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
7.1 Long-Term Durability and Performance of S/S-Treated Materials
7.1.1 Durability of the Monolith
As with most technologies used in the environmental field, S/S has its roots in processes and
equipment developed for different purposes (Conner and Hoeffner 1998). Monoliths formed by
S/S meet the definition of concretea mass formed by concretion or coalescence of separate
particles of matter into one body. The earliest man-made concrete discovered to date is a
concrete floor uncovered near Yiftah El in Galilee, Israel, dating to around 7000 BC (Kosmatka,
Kerkhoff, and Panarese 2002). Notable concrete structures include Romes Pantheon built in 118
AD, the Erie Canal constructed in 1818, and Thomas Edison houses built in 1908. Portland
cement was first patented by J oseph Aspdin in 1824. Much of todays built environment relies on
portland cementbased concrete. The first uses of cement-based S/S in the United States were for
the disposal of radioactive or nuclear waste in the 1950s. Disposal of radioactive material by
cement-based S/S, including surplus U.S. weapons plutonium, relies on mix designs that form a
monolith able to last through multiple half-lives to ensure protectiveness of human health and the
A number of studies and predictive modeling suggest that a properly designed S/S remedy which
accounts for the contaminant properties and the disposal/management scenario conditions can be
expected to last on the order of decades to centuries (Environment Agency 2004a, Perara et al.
2004b, PASSiFy Project 2010). Because contaminants remain in place, a gradual release of some
contaminants over a long period of time should be anticipated. Significant or complete release
over a relatively short time period would constitute a failure of the technology and would
typically be the result of inadequate site or contaminant characterization, poor design, or poor
implementation of the S/S remedy.
Research on the structural integrity of S/S treated monoliths has led to several conclusions: the
properties of the treated material typically do not change significantly; if the properties do
change, those changes do not significantly affect remedy performance; and methods for sampling
the monolith impact sample quality (such as through fracturing) and thus alter the measured
properties as recorded in the laboratory (PASSiFy 2010). Therefore, while monitoring of the
structural integrity of the treatment monolith through direct sampling has been conducted at
some sites, such as the American Creosote site in Tennessee (PASSiFY 2010), this approach is
generally not recommended. However, direct evaluation of the structural integrity of the
monolith could be warranted if groundwater monitoring data show unexpected increases in
contaminant concentrations.
7.1.2 Long-Term Performance
Several research studies have been conducted to evaluate the long-term performance of S/S
remedies. An Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)funded project conducted at a former
MGP site 10 years after S/S implementation included geotechnical, chemical, leaching, and
solid-phase geochemical analyses of samples taken from the site. Using the sampling data,
contaminant transport modeling was used to predict the leaching potential at the site and
concluded that the treated contaminated material still met the performance standards as designed.
In addition, contaminant concentrations at the monitoring POC were predicted to continue
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
meeting performance criteria for at least 10,000 years. Short-term groundwater monitoring
results supported this hypothesis (EPRI 2003).
In another study, a research consortium led by the University of Greenwich (United Kingdom),
the University of New Hampshire, and INERTEC (France) conducted a research project entitled
Performance Assessment of Solidified/Stabilized Waste-forms (PASSiFy). The objective of the
PASSiFy Project was to assess the time-dependent performance of the S/S remedy at 10 sites
where S/S was implemented between 1989 and 2006. Contaminant classes represented by these
study sites included heavy metals, PCBs, petroleum hydrocarbons, PAHs, acid wastes, creosote
and coal tar constituents, and dioxins. Samples from each site were subjected to geotechnical,
chemical, leaching, geochemical, and microstructural analyses. Geochemical modeling was also
performed to evaluate solubility-controlling phases for metals. The report concluded that all the
sites sampled were still performing well and met their RAOs (PASSiFy 2010). Additionally, the
report affirmed the viability of S/S as an effective long-term treatment as long as the nature of
the soils and contaminated materials are known and an effective binder system is developed
(Hills et al. 2010).
7.2 Groundwater Monitoring Program
Groundwater monitoring is usually required, but may not always be (such as small-volume waste
sites). Groundwater monitoring decisions are state or site specific. Considerations for monitoring
plan design, monitoring parameters, locations, duration of monitoring, and monitoring data
interpretation are presented in the following subsections.
Groundwater modeling using site characterization and treatability study data can be used to
evaluate the anticipated flux of contaminant leaching from S/S-treated material and therefore
provide valuable information for use in groundwater monitoring programs. Appendix C of this
document presents discussions on the use of groundwater modeling approaches for evaluation of
S/S remedies. The appendix presents selected case studies to illustrate how groundwater
modeling was used on sites where S/S remedies were implemented to contribute to the design
and monitoring of the remedy. In addition, other modeling methodologies are presented that may
be useful to the evaluation, design, and monitoring of S/S remedies.
7.2.1 Monitoring Program Objectives and Criteria
Developing monitoring objectives and criteria provides the basis for design of a monitoring
program and should use the data quality objective (DQO) process (EPA 2006). The DQO
process provides a systematic approach for defining the criteria for a monitoring plan design that
will yield data of acceptable quality and quantity. Monitoring objectives
Monitoring programs are conducted to verify that the treatment was successful in preventing,
reducing, or eliminating the impact of the contaminated mass on groundwater. Monitoring
programs also determine whether the treatment continues to be effective over time. The
monitoring plan should be designed to meet the effectiveness and protectiveness evaluation
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
objective of the monitoring program and should also provide a basis for decisions to modify or
cease monitoring. Monitoring criteria
Groundwater cleanup criteria are a key component of the monitoring plan design and are
typically established in the site remedy selection process. The criteria may include state or
federal groundwater and/or surface water standards. However, it should be noted that because
S/S is typically implemented as a source control remedy to minimize contaminant flux to
groundwater, other technologies or approaches may be used in conjunction with S/S to meet site
remedial goals.
Depending on state or federal remedial goals, cleanup criteria may be applied differently at a
site. The application of cleanup criteria can range from compliance at one or more specific POCs
everywhere on site within an impacted aquifer, demonstration of a percent reduction in
concentration flux from the treated material, calculating acceptable attenuation between the
treated material and the POC, hydrogeologic modeling to simulate groundwater flow, and
concentration flux attenuation. For most sites, specific cleanup criteria for contaminants and
demonstration that these criteria are met by the S/S remedy are typical regulatory requirements.
7.2.2 Monitoring Plan Design
Following the DQO process, groundwater monitoring plans should be designed for the collection
of the data necessary to evaluate the S/S remedy performance and protectiveness over time. Site-
specific data acquired during the site characterization and treatability study phases and developed
during the design of the S/S remedy should be used in the monitoring plan design, such as the
baseline conditions prior to S/S remedy implementation
changes in site conditions, including land use, that may influence performance of the S/S
changes in site conditions resulting from the S/S remedy that may influence nature and extent
or fate and transport of existing contamination adjacent to a treated mass (Environment
Agency 2004a)
For example, if other sources of contamination are present, site characterization data need to be
reviewed with respect to differentiating between contamination from other sources and migration
from the treated material to the extent possible. Other sources of contamination may include
separate sources outside the area to be treated with S/S that may already have impacted
groundwater or may in the future impact groundwater at or downgradient from the S/S-treated
Other considerations for monitoring plan design could include site-specific conditions that may
cause physical impacts to a site from the remedy implementation. For example, water table
mounding or flooding is possible at a site after remedy implementation. See Appendix C for a
case study example where groundwater modeling was conducted to evaluate post-
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
implementation changes to the water table and support design of a storm-water collection
7.2.3 Monitoring Parameters
An integral component of monitoring plan design is determining the appropriate suite of
contaminants and other parameters to monitor and evaluate for long-term performance
evaluation of the S/S remedy. The COCs for groundwater or surface water will have been
established prior to site remedy selection during site characterization and development of the
CSM and therefore will follow through design and implementation and into the groundwater
monitoring program.
One consideration in monitoring site contaminants after S/S treatment, particularly when
numerous chemicals are involved, is whether all contaminants should be included in monitoring
or a subset of contaminants may provide adequate representation of contaminant flux from the
S/S-treated material to demonstrate compliance. This determination can be based on results of
treatability studies and construction performance monitoring showing level of effectiveness of
S/S treatment for each contaminant. Initial post-treatment monitoring data may also support use
of a smaller subset of contaminants, or indicator contaminants, in longer-term monitoring. In any
case, the selection of contaminants for groundwater monitoring should be based on the potential
for contaminants to be released into groundwater and to exceed established cleanup criteria as
determined from data collected during such steps as site characterization, treatability studies,
construction monitoring, and groundwater modeling (if conducted).
Other groundwater parameters that could impact the stability of the S/S-treated material and may
be considered for the groundwater monitoring plan include the composition of downgradient
groundwater, changes in groundwater levels, or overall changes to the site. For example, pH may
be a parameter of interest because for some contaminants (i.e., inorganic chemicals) solubility is
directly related to the pH of groundwater. As a second example, monitoring water levels
upgradient from the S/S-treated material may be important if flooding may be a concern because
of a shallow groundwater table.
7.2.4 Selecting Monitoring Locations
Sufficient baseline information is necessary to evaluate changes in surrounding groundwater
quality and impact on relevant receptors resulting from flux from the S/S-treated material.
Therefore, monitoring points are typically located up- and downgradient of the treatment area to
compare baseline versus post-treatment monitoring data and may be established on site or
beyond the property limits. Exact locations of monitoring points and the number of points
needed are based on site-specific factors such as the following:
site conditions
potential changes in the groundwater flow regime induced by the treated material
time of travel to POCs
presence of contamination in groundwater prior to treatment
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
For example, establishing downgradient monitoring well locations closer to the treated material
will detect groundwater impacts sooner than wells located at a more distant POC. Closer
monitoring wells where downgradient groundwater contamination exists prior to treatment may
also detect improvement in groundwater quality sooner than more distant wells, making it easier
to interpret relative change in mass flux.
If the S/S-treated area is adjacent to a surface water body such as a river or lake, downgradient
groundwater monitoring may be more difficult or impossible. Depending on site-specific
regulatory requirements, other approaches can be used to monitor groundwater discharging into
the surface water, such as monitoring sediment porewater, surface water, and sediment at various
Upgradient monitoring should also be considered as part of the monitoring program. Upgradient
monitoring can provide insight to the interpretation of monitoring data, especially in cases where
groundwater contamination exists in areas in addition to those treated with S/S. For example, if
groundwater concentrations increase for both up- and downgradient monitoring, taking into
consideration travel time between the two, the source of the increase may well be the upgradient
groundwater going around the treated mass rather than the treatment failing.
7.2.5 Frequency and Duration of Monitoring
Guidance is generally not available specifically for S/S remedies with respect to the appropriate
frequency or duration for a groundwater monitoring program. Groundwater monitoring for the
first five years generally starts with quarterly monitoring and diminishes in frequency depending
on results and site conditions. Five-year reviews are generally conducted as part of periodic
review or required by CERCLA (EPA 2001). For state programs, monitoring requirements
usually follow the same frequency of monitoring used under the CERCLA program but may vary
in the requirement of five-year review periods. For example, the State of Texas only requires one
five-year review (G. Beyer, personal communication, 2010). The State of Delaware requires
monitoring only up to the point that eight quarters of groundwater data at the POC demonstrate
attainment of the remediation goals, after which time monitoring is not required. Compliance can
occur at any time before or after the first five-year review (W. Reyes, personal communication,
Monitoring frequency and duration requirements should be determined on a case-by-case basis.
In keeping with the regulatory requirements, predictive modeling can be used to further identify
appropriate monitoring frequency and duration. Modeling data may allow estimation of the
length of time that concentrations in groundwater or surface water near the S/S-treated material
may exist above acceptable levels and to predict peak concentrations over time at specific points
downgradient from the S/S-treated mass (EPRI 2009a). Modeling can also take into
consideration the different chemicals that may be present in the treated material in terms of their
fate and transport characteristics.
Conclusions regarding compliance over time can potentially be drawn from comparison of
measured concentrations with predicted peak concentrations at monitoring points. Based on
consistency between measured concentrations and modeled concentrations, monitoring decisions
can be evaluated, such as decisions to cease monitoring, reduce the number of chemicals
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
monitored, and significantly reduce the frequency of monitoring and to use alternate remedial
methods to address residual downgradient groundwater concentrations, such as monitored
natural attenuation.
7.2.6 Interpreting Monitoring Data
Immediately following S/S implementation, dramatic improvement in groundwater quality is
unlikely to be reflected in groundwater monitoring data because of reduced hydraulic
conductivity of the contaminated material, fate and transport, and potential presence of other
sources of contamination.
S/S treatment reduces the hydraulic conductivity of contaminated material, thereby increasing
the travel time for contaminants from the center to the margin of the treated mass. The rate of
release of contaminants from an S/S-treated mass may be limited by diffusion processes and will
likely be significantly less than the flux from the previously untreated contaminated mass. Once
released into groundwater, the fate and transport of contaminants is controlled by factors
including chemical properties, groundwater and aquifer characteristics, existing biological
processes, and presence of other sources of contamination. In addition, if groundwater
contamination is migrating from other sources, these sources need to be considered in the
evaluation of the monitoring data.
Given the variability of natural groundwater quality, monitoring data should be evaluated in
terms of trends and not absolute numbers. Evaluation of groundwater concentration trends can be
done through simple time versus concentration plots, or more rigorously using statistical
methods for data trend analysis. For more rigorous statistical analysis, EPAs Statistical Analysis
of Groundwater Monitoring Data at RCRA Facilities Unified Guidance (EPA 2009a) may be
Evaluation of concentration trends over time can be used to show continuing compliance where
concentrations do not exceed the cleanup criteria in the groundwater or at a specified POC or to
show changes in concentrations over time that will demonstrate compliance or progress toward
compliance. Groundwater modeling, in conjunction with treatability study data (concentration
flux from the S/S-treated material as a source term), may be used to help predict peak
concentrations of contaminants that may be released from an S/S-treated material and how those
concentrations may change over time and distance. Modeled predictive results can be used to
evaluate actual groundwater monitoring data and compliance with cleanup criteria.
If the main source of contamination is treated (per the remedial design), over time the
downgradient monitoring data trends should show improvement in groundwater quality and
continue showing improvement until concentrations stabilize. Should groundwater contaminant
concentrations appear to increase over time, the frequency of groundwater monitoring may need
to be increased to determine whether the remedy is failing or another cause for the increase
An S/S remedy should be considered successful if it meets material performance goals designed
to meet site groundwater cleanup criteria at established POCs and groundwater monitoring data
show that the cleanup criteria have been met.
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
7.3 Institutional and Engineering Controls
EPA defines institutional controls as non-engineering measures, such as administrative and/or
legal controls, that help to minimize the potential for human exposure to contamination and/or to
protect the integrity of a remedy by limiting land or resource use (EDSC 2006). ICs, which may
be used when contamination is first discovered and when remedies are ongoing, may also be
needed when residual contamination remains on site and to meet regulatory requirements.
Engineering controls are barriers or systems that control downward migration, infiltration or
seepage of surface runoff and rain, or natural leaching/migration of contaminants through the
subsurface over time. The National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan
(NCP, Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 300) emphasizes that ICs, such as water use
restrictions, are meant to supplement ECs during all phases of cleanup and may be a necessary
component of the completed remedy; ICs will rarely be the sole remedy at a site.
Site reuse has a significant influence on the design of the protective measures to ensure that any
changes to land do not compromise the long-term structural and overall performance of the
treated material. Requirements, such as the development of contaminated materials management
plans, may also exist to protect site workers in the event of potential future excavation of the
treated material. In general, ICs may include the establishment of environmental covenants to the
property deed, and ECs may include the establishment of soil or impervious caps over the treated
ICs and ECs are intended to continue until no longer needed, which in the case of S/S is as long
as the treatment material is in place. ICs usually require ongoing evaluation to determine whether
they provide the restrictions necessary for the site to remain protective of human health and the
environment. ECs usually require site inspections to determine performance over time. These
procedures are documented in long-term operations and maintenance (O&M) plans.
7.3.1 Institutional Controls
When implemented, maintained, and enforced properly, ICs serve a critical role in the
management of risks associated with residual contamination by preventing the disturbance of
contaminated material, by providing notification to the appropriate governmental entities when
breaches occur, and by providing important information to the local community and other
interested stakeholders regarding use restrictions. ICs can include government controls, such as
zoning restrictions, ordinances, and groundwater management zones; property controls, such as
easements and environmental covenants; enforcement and permit tools with IC components,
such as administrative orders and consent decrees; and informational devices, such as registries
and fish advisories. ICs may require legal and administrative implementation, management
(tracking and monitoring), and financial assurance that may require enforcement. Establishing an
effective management system for ICs is a challenging task that requires planning, coordination,
and funding among multiple governmental agencies, communities, and other stakeholder groups
(ITRC 2008).
Most states track and monitor ICs at some level. Tools available for tracking the status of IC
implementation and maintenance may include five-year reviews and other long-term inspections
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
and registries, state one-call systems, and third-party notification systems (ITRC 2008). Controls
could be maintained in a searchable database accessible to stakeholders. The O&M plans and
periodic remedy evaluations usually document reporting requirements associated with ICs (EPA
7.3.2 Engineering Controls
Common practice for implementing S/S includes a cover system that exists between the treated
material and the exposed surface to prevent human contact. The need for an EC such as a soil,
gravel, or impervious cover (such as asphalt) on top of the treated material depends on land use,
S/S remedy implementation (deep versus shallow), public concerns, or other factors. For deeper
S/S applications where the treated material remains in the subsurface covered by on-site or
imported soil, ECs are generally not necessary. For shallow S/S applications, cover systems may
include soil, asphalt, gravel, geosynthetic clay liner, and/or flexible membranes. Considerations
for designing and implementing covers include the following: final grading, hydraulic
conductivity and stabilization of the cover system, and erosion and sediment controls permits and
requirements. Similar management controls (tracking, monitoring, and documenting) as those
described for ICs generally apply to ECs. Long-term inspections and reporting are usually
required and documented in O&M plans and periodic remedy evaluations.
7.4 Periodic Review
Periodic reviews evaluate the performance of the S/S technology upon implementation to
determine whether the remedy continues to be protective of human health and the environment.
The EPA five-year review requirement for CERCLA sites is based on the review requirement for
remedial actions which result in any hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants remaining
at the site above levels that allow for unrestricted use. Many states have adopted EPAs model of
periodic reviews.
A schedule should be established for routine reviews of the monitoring results against the
established objectives of the corrective action and revised accordingly, if necessary. The
monitoring program should also be reviewed on a regular basis to assess whether the objectives
and approach are still valid. Updates to the monitoring program may include additional
monitoring locations and variation in testing parameters and frequency, if needed.
7.4.1 Long-Term Performance Evaluation
Long-term performance evaluation determines whether the remedy is still functioning as
designed. Information from monitoring activities/reports, sampling and monitoring plans, and
O&M plans are key documentation for the technical assessment of S/S performance and
protectiveness. Evaluation of the contaminant trend versus the established criteria and remedial
objectives should provide a clear understanding of remedy performance.
EPA (2001) recommends using three questions for determining the protectiveness of the remedy:
Question AIs the remedy functioning as intended by the decision documents?
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
Question BAre the exposure assumptions, toxicity data, cleanup levels, and RAOs used at
the time of the remedy selection still valid?
Question CHas any other information come to light that could call into question the
protectiveness of the remedy?
For S/S technology, some aspects to be taken in consideration while responding to the three EPA
questions are discussed below.
Question A: Remedial action performanceDetermining whether the remedial action continues
to operate and function as designed is a key component of the remedy performance assessment.
Two approaches can be used in this determination: a direct measure of the performance
parameters (e.g., strength, hydraulic conductivity, leachability) versus the established
performance criteria or evaluation of the groundwater concentrations at the POC. The first
approach is not commonly used on S/S applications, and only a few examples of this approach
exist, such as the EPRI project (EPRI 2003). Field inspections to evaluate ICs, ECs, and/or
potential indicators of remedy failure (such as a settlement) are also recommended.
Question B: RAOsIn conducting five-year reviews under CERCLA, EPA recommends the
evaluation of the effects of significant changes in standards and assumptions used at the time of
remedy selection as changes in promulgated standards may impact the protectiveness of the
remedy. Although it is unlikely that a change in a contaminant standard will require changes in
implemented S/S remedies, an evaluation of any changes to groundwater standards should be
evaluated. If a new standard has been established and groundwater concentrations at the POC
exceed this standard, an evaluation of other remedial alternatives in addition to S/S may be
required. Similarly, any changes in exposure pathway should be evaluated to determine
protectiveness over time.
Question C: New informationThis includes an evaluation of any changes that could have an
impact on the protectiveness of the remedy, such as potential mounding, flooding, earthquakes,
or land use changes.
In addition, the final remedy should contain a requirement for a contingency plan in the event
that the selected remedy fails.
7.4.2 Frequency
In general, the frequency of periodic review varies over time and is either state or federally
mandated. For example, CERCLA mandates that the first five-year review be conducted within
five years after completion of the remedial action. Subsequent reviews must be performed no
later than five years following the previous five-year review report(s).
7.4.3 Drawing Conclusions from Periodic Reviews
Typically, the conclusions of the periodic review include issues identified during the review,
recommendations and follow-up actions for each identified issue, and a determination of whether
the remedy is protective of human health and the environment. The conclusions are based on the
technical assessment of the information discussed in Section 7.4.1. The conclusions should also
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
present any opportunities to improve the remedy performance, including any changes in the
monitoring system, if applicable. The EPA five-year review guidance provides a valuable
reference for developing a review framework, including guidance on additional response actions,
improving O&M activities, optimizing the remedy, enforcing access and institutional controls,
performing additional studies or investigations as potential recommendations items for five-year
review, and period review documentation (EPA 2001).
The selection and implementation of any remedial action must typically and primarily satisfy
requirements mandated by the parties responsible for remediation (the regulated community) and
the regulators. In addition, the opinions of the local community, local community groups, and
individual neighbors should be (and sometimes must be, as required by law) considered
throughout the various phases of the remediation process.
The relative impact of community involvement or action on a remediation project may be
minimal or significant depending on various site-specific factors such as location relative to the
community, perceived environmental or public health
concerns, prior relationships between parties, prior
communications (including bad press), and the
remedial action activities (including noise, visible
heavy equipment or truck activity, etc.). Therefore, it
can be expected that the level of potential community
concern or action with respect to a remedial action
will be proportional to the impact it may have on the
The many variables relating to site remediation and the potential impact on the community
should be considered early and often to avoid potential problems during the development of
performance specifications and implementation. This section discusses factors important to local
communities that may invariably become partners in the implementation of S/S in their
communities. The scope of the discussion is not limited to performance criteria and long-term
stewardship but includes all general aspects of S/S implementation (Table 8-1).
Community interest may range from very low to very high, largely depending on project
location. For example, a large-scale S/S project implemented in a remote and/or secure location
such as a military installation may escape notice from the nearest communities. Conversely,
implementing S/S on a former MGP site located near the center of an historic or densely
populated urban community will certainly be noticed. In such cases, community notification,
public outreach, and meetingsand perhaps significant public relations effortsmay be
required to allay the concerns of local officials and the general public.
Although community involvement in site remediation activities is not a new process, having
been previously mandated and implemented at the federal level under various programs (such as
CERCLA and Base Realignment and Closure), public notification and even public input on site
remediation activities is becoming more common.
Some states have mandated public
notification and community input
regarding contaminated sites and even
in the selection of remedial methods. For
example, New J erseys Public
Notification and Outreach Requirements
are included as amendments to the
states Technical Requirements for Site
Remediation (N.J .A.C. 7:26E).
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
Table 8-1. Stakeholder considerations
Consideration Relevance
Significance to S/S technology performance
and monitoring
Acute health
and safety
Implementation Use of certain materials, especially hazardous,
respirable, or toxic materials, may require special
health and safety monitoring. Therefore, certain
types of operations may be contraindicated due to
health and safety considerations.
Current and
future land use
Proposed future land use
Local zoning/land use
Long-term stewardship
Community impacts/concerns
(environmental justice, health
risks, economic development)
Performance criteria may differ based on
proposed future land use, affecting risk-based
permissible leaching levels and remedy
performance standards (e.g., compressive strength
requirements should be consistent with future land
Site and surrounding land use
Institutional controls
Ecological status
Proximity to sensitive receptors
(sensitive populations, water
bodies, endangered species)
Local groundwater use
Performance criteria may differ based on land use
(e.g., industrial park vs. greenway) and sensitive
receptors, affecting risk-based permissible
leaching levels and remedy performance
Potential future intrusive work
(e.g., construction, boring, etc.)
May affect design strength criteria of S/S material
and supplementary remediation steps (e.g.,
thickness of clean soil buffer, placement of
geomembrane or a vapor intrusion barrier).
Institutional controls May affect access for long-term performance
and surface
water regulation
Regulatory classification of
groundwater and surface waters
Affects remedial goals, cleanup criteria, and
determination of practicability to achieve cleanup
criteria (e.g., performance criteria could include
reduced leachability and hydraulic conductivity to
be protective of ground and surface waters).
The introduction of communities, including local governments, individuals, local environmental
advocates, and others can add a significant level of complexity to the remediation decision-
making process. In addition to typical factors upon which remedial action decisions are made
(effectiveness, protectiveness, cost, cost/benefit, etc.), the addition of local communities may
lead to discussion of other factors, such as environmental justice, community health, impact on
future land use, impact on property values, economic development, and the use of nonpermanent
versus permanent remedies.
8.1 Health and Safety Issues
Health and safety is of primary importance in the design, implementation, and monitoring of all
remediation methods. As a fairly unique technology and methodology, S/S has its own
technology-specific health and safety aspects that require address in all phases of design
(including development of performance criteria), implementation, and post-implementation
monitoring. Specific factors requiring consideration are as follows:
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
use of mobile heavy earthmoving equipment and (mineral and other) processing equipment
use of various construction materials that may generate respirable and/or irritant dust and
other fugitive emissions
potential for disturbance of utilities/infrastructure, both overhead and subsurface
disturbance and possible mobilization of contaminants to the air, soil, groundwater, or
surface water
disturbance of local soils, affecting their physical characteristics
disturbance of local groundwater flow and quality
natural resource damages
implementing a process that does not destroy the contaminant
Some of these concerns are conditions inherent in the S/S process, which is specifically
designed, in most cases, to disturb local groundwater flow and/or to change the physical
properties of soils. Therefore, some of the health and safety concerns associated with the S/S
process require specific attention to alleviate concerns of the regulatory and local communities.
8.1.1 Ensuring Health and Safety During Implementation
Maintaining a link with the public may be especially important for S/S projects that have the
potential to impact the public, which may include any site at which the public is aware of an
imminent short- or long-term operation. This link may include providing information to local
officials, neighborhood groups, and/or neighboring property owners. Planning for public
notification and outreach may include the development of a written plan or standard operating
procedure that includes contact information of various stakeholders, contingency plans for
various potential events/scenarios, and instructions for dealing with the media and any potential
emergencies. Giving thought to potential problems of this nature and planning for certain events
or emergencies prior to the implementation phase may save significant downtime or even save a
project from being shut down due to local concerns.
The S/S process, especially the mixing and milling of fine-grained materials such as fly ash and
cement, has the ability to generate fugitive emissions and respirable dust. Under certain
conditions, fugitive emissions can present a potential exposure issue to on-site personnel and can
potentially migrate beyond the work area and site boundary. Monitoring for dust and other
potential fugitive emissions or vapors, accurate recordkeeping, and/or use of ECs is
recommended, where appropriate. These measures ensure work place safety and provide a record
of safe operating conditions during implementation. Appropriate health and safety practices also
provide a means to generate positive information to release as part of keeping the public notified
and assured of their safety.
8.1.2 Ensuring Long-Term Health and Safety Post-Implementation
As discussed in Section 7, S/S sites often require long-term stewardship to ensure the
effectiveness of the remedy and public and environmental health. Although the long-term
monitoring plan design requires regulatory oversight, the proximity of communities and sensitive
populations may affect the required level of monitoring and O&M. Therefore, the key to
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
successful S/S implementation includes an appropriate level of preimplementation planning for
stakeholder issues (communication/outreach, sensitivity to specific concerns, developing
relationships, etc.).
8.2 Land Use Issues
Land use is an extremely important issue to stakeholders, especially local governments, citizens,
and organizations of all types. Land use management through planning and zoning laws/
ordinances, building codes, land use laws, etc. is typically a primary function for local
governments. Anything that affects land use affects a community. Changes in land uses have the
ability to alter neighborhoods, affect tax revenues, and/or change public safety and infrastructure
requirements (police, fire, utilities, water/sewer, etc.). Furthermore, any event that impacts local
land use is likely to generate concern, press coverage, and local involvement.
Environmental laws and the resultant environmental remediation industry exist primarily to
address the historic operations by industries, government agencies, and commercial and other
operations that have impacted land with hazardous materials. Future land uses are affected by the
existence of contaminated land, and if permanent remedies are not implemented, future land use
of a particular site can be permanently negatively affected. Impacts to future land use can foster
stakeholder concerns regarding the remediation technology, particularly when implemented
proximal to populated areas, as is the case with many former MGP sites. Therefore, the
remediating party and regulatory agency must address future land use impacts upon which S/S is
S/S can be engineered to accommodate a variety of land uses by considering land use in the
selection of performance criteria (as described in Section 4 of this document). However, S/S may
not be deemed suitable for certain uses, such as those that may impact future homeowners
(residential use) or sensitive populations (day care centers, schools, etc.), usually to avoid
potential public perception and other problems associated with remedies where contaminants are
not removed or destroyed.
When designing S/S for use at sites in areas where local governments have identified future land
reuse potential, the following stakeholder-oriented guidelines should be considered:
Design the S/S remedy so that it does not render the site unusable unless other site conditions
preclude reuse.
Consider local community desires for the redevelopment of a particular contaminated site.
Do not assume that conducting remediation in accord with state regulations will
automatically be acceptable to the local community or in accord with local land use laws.
Design remediation with future land use in mind. If the remedial action will accommodate
potential or planned redevelopment in accord with local land use laws, the potential for local
acceptance is greater.
Anticipate community needs for information and outreach, and provide accurate information,
in a simple format, using common terminology.
Develop contingency plans for emergencies, including plans for hazard communication, and
media and local government relations.
ITRC Development of Performance Specifications for Solidification/Stabilization July 2011
Figures 8-1, 8-2, and 8-3 depict examples of successful land reuse following S/S implementation.
Figure 8-1. Auger-mixed in situ S/S treatment of a former MGP site in Milwaukee,
Wisconsin (left) and post-treatment (right). Source: Portland Cement Association.
Figure 8-2. Auger-mixed in situ S/S treatment of a former MGP site in at Kendall Square,
Cambridge, Massachusetts (left) and after redevelopment (right).
Source: Portland Cement Association; Carleo, Clark, and Wilk 2006.
Figure 8-3. Hercules 009 Landfill Superfund Site near Brunswick, Georgia, during S/S
treatment (left) and redeveloped into an automobile dealer parking lot.
Source: Portland Cement Association, Lear and Wilk 2008.
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Appendix A
A variety of mixing methods using S/S
treatment equipment have been used for
on-site treatment of contaminated
materials, as briefly described in this
appendix. Treatment can be accomplished
while the material remains in place (in
situ, Figure A-1) or on excavated material
(ex situ, Figure A-2). Ex situ treated
material can be returned to its original
location or placed on another part of the
project area. At some projects, material
subject to S/S treatment has been
excavated and placed at the final location
prior to use of in situ mixing equipment to
treat the relocated material.
A.1.1 Pugmills
Pugmills consist of a trough-like
mixing chamber with two horizontal
shafts with paddles affixed to the
counter-rotating shafts (Figures A-3
and A-4). Material to be treated and
S/S binding agents enter the mixing
chamber at one end and exit the other
end as a mixture. Generally, these are
continuous-flow devices. Pugmills are
commonly used in asphalt and concrete
paving. and many are sized to be
transported by tractor trailers along
with binding agent silos, conveyers,
hoppers, and size-screening equipment. Pugmill mixing systems are often automated, with
weight belt systems and controlled feed silos to provide quality control of the mixing process.
A.1.2 Batch Mixing
A variety of vessels, in sizes ranging from 200 L (55 gal) drums to truck-sized vessels, have been
used to mix batches of subject material with S/S binding agents. Batch mixing is not as common
as pugmill mixing for mixing and placing treated material back on site. Care should be taken in
the selection of batch-mixing equipment to ensure that mixed material can be easily discharged
from the mixing vessel.
Figure A-2. Pugmilled S/S-treated soil from former
wood-preserving site Port Newark, N.J., reused on
site as pavement base. Source: Key Environmental, Inc.
Figure A-1. S/S treatment of contaminated soil by
rotary blender at former wood-preserving site,
Port Newark, N.J. Source: Portland Cement Association.
A.2.1 Rotary Mixing
Rotary mixers are known by various names, including road reclaimer, road recycler, soil
stabilizer, and pulverizer. In pavement construction, these machines recycle pavement in place.
Rotary mixers consist of a milling drum on a transversely mounted shaft in a specialized piece of
heavy equipment. Rotary mixers
have been used in S/S treatment to
mix binding agents into subject
material (Figures A-5 and A-6).
Material subject to S/S is placed in
layers or lifts (200300 mm [8
12 inches]) on an area. Binding
agent(s) and additives are spread
onto the lift usually by a spreader
truck that precedes the rotary mixer.
The rotary mixer is operated over
the lift. Water can be added either
in front of the rotary mixer, into a
port on the mixing chamber, or
spread behind the mixer as
necessary. Subsequent lifts can be
mixed in place over previously
treated lifts to form thicker
Figure A-5. S/S treatment of relocated dioxin-
contaminated sediment by rotary mixer at Naval
Construction Battalion Center, Gulfport, Mississippi.
Source: ECC.
Figure A-3. Pugmill mixing S/S treatment for
lead-contaminated soil at 90
South Battery
Site, West Jordan, Utah. Source: S3 Engineers LLC.
Figure A-4. Pugmill mixer trough opened
showing mixing paddles at Peak Oil Co./
Bay Drum Co. Superfund Site, Tampa,
Florida. Source: Portland Cement Association.
Figure A-6. Drawing of S/S treatment by rotary mixer.
Source: Modified by CETCO from Portland Cement Association Publication EB234.
A.2.2 Excavator Mixing/Bucket Mixing
S/S treatment can be performed with a
common excavator (Figures A-7 and
A-8). Mixing of soil, sludge, or sediment
with an excavator bucket is applicable to
shallow depths, generally less than 6 m
(20 feet), depending on the equipment
size. This approach requires no specialty
mixing equipment but does require a
skilled operator. Generally, the treatment
area is divided into grid cells. Binding
agents are added as a liquid grout or dry
with the addition of supplemental water.
The excavator operator mixes the
binding agents into the subject material
to the desired depth. Mix homogeneity is
often determined by the amount of time
spent mixing in one area/cell. Use of
standard bucket excavators for S/S is
applicable to areas where significant
debris may be encountered and can be used to
blend size-reduced demolition debris with the
treated soil to reduce the need for off-site
demolition debris disposal.
Figure A-7. Excavator bucket mixing of
contaminated sediment, Sydney Tar Ponds,
Nova Scotia. Source: CETCO Contracting Services Co.
Figure A-8. Finished surface
after excavator bucket mixing,
Sydney Tar Ponds, Nova Scotia.
Source: CETCO Contracting Services Co.
A.2.3 Excavator-Mounted Rake Injecting
Excavator-mounted injectors (Figure A-9) use a set of hollow forks or rake attachments to
treat contaminated soil and/or sediments (Al-Tabbaa and Perara 2002a). The rakes are mounted
on a conventional hydraulic excavator for in situ mixing and treatment of soil and/or sludge at
depths up to 3 m (10 feet). Liquid grout is injected through the hollow forks and mixed in situ
with soil or sediments through the rake motion of the excavator. This technology is well suited
for shallow treatment of soft sediment, sludge, or soils.
Figure A-9. Rake injector (left) and grout plant and rake injector (right) for treating
contaminated sediment at Koppers Co., Inc. (Charleston Plant) Superfund Site,
Charleston, S.C. Source: Williams Environmental Services, Inc.
A.2.4 Excavator-Mounted Rotary Blending
High-speed rotary stabilization
equipment is also available
(Figures A-1 and A-10). This
equipment mixes S/S binding
agents into the soil or sludge
through the rotating action of a
bladed or toothed mixing head.
This type of S/S is applicable to
soil and sludge with a moderate to
high solids content and involves
processing wastes in controlled
layers or directly in place.
Processing steps may include
preexcavation, layering,
conditioning, and stabilization.
Binding agents can be delivered
directly to the mixing head via
hydraulic or pneumatic pressure.
Figure A-10. S/S treatment by rotary blender at
former wood-preserving site, Port Newark, N.J.
Source: Key Environmental, Inc.
A.2.5 Auger Mixing
Auger mixing treats an approximately 0.63.7 m (212 foot) diameter vertical soil column up to
approximately 20 m (60 feet) below ground surface (bgs) by physically mixing the soil with
injected grout via a rotating auger or array of augers (Figure A-11). There are two methods of
auger mixing: wet and dry. In the wet method, the binders and/or fillers and/or additives are
mixed with water to prepare a grout slurry, which is pumped to the mixing tool and mixed with
soil in situ. The wet method is typically used for soils with moisture content less than about 60%.
In the dry method, the binders and/or fillers and/or additives are delivered to the mixing tool
using compressed air. Dry mixing is used commonly in low-strength soils with high moisture
content. Very soft soils with high moisture content, such as soft clays, organic soils, or sludge,
may dictate the use of the dry method.
The single-auger mixing method involves the use of a crane-mounted rotary table (turntable) or a
track-mounted earth drill rig to rotate a large-diameter (as great as 3.7 m [12 feet]) cutting head.
Similar to equipment used to construct cast-in-place concrete piles for bridges and dams, this
equipment can treat soil to depths as great as 18 m (60 feet). As the cutting head is rotated and
moved up and down, grout is injected through the hollow stem or a separate pipe. An in situ
column of treated soil is created when the mixing is completed. The process is completed by
executing a series of overlapping columns across the desired treatment area surface until the
entire project area is treated.
Vertical drill rigs using an array of smaller-diameter helical augers while injecting binding
agents can be used for deep soil mixing projects as well. For either type of vertical drilling,
subsurface debris and foundations must be removed earlier to prevent damage to the drill tools.
Binding agent delivery can either use the dry or wet method described above.
Figure A-11. S/S treatment using an auger with mixing blades exposed (left) and at a
depth of 22 feet as indicated by markings on auger shaft, at a former MGP plant,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Source: Portland Cement Association.
A.2.6 Jet Grouting
J et grouting uses high pressure (40 MPa [6,000 psi]) to
pump grout through a specialized drill tool called a
monitor attached to a rotating drill rod. This is the most
effective system for S/S applications where surgical
treatment or treatment to great depths is necessary.
J et grouting treats soil in typical 0.61.8 m (26 foot)
diameter vertical columns via a rotating shaft that injects
grout/air/water (in various combinations) into the
subsurface as the shaft is removed (Figure A-12).
Treatment to great depths (over 30 m [100 feet]) is
possible. The water:solids ratio of the binding agent grout,
the composition of the binders and fillers in the grout, and
the quantity of grout incorporated control the ultimate
strength and permeability of the columns. Similar to
vertical auger mixing, the jet grouting process is repeated
throughout the affected zone to develop a series of
overlapping vertical elements (Figure A-13). J et grouting
is particularly useful for treating isolated zones of waste or
contaminated soil and for grouting around buried utilities
or below permanent structures.
Superjet grouting is a modified double-
fluid jet grouting system that takes
advantage of tooling design efficiencies
and increased energy to create high-
quality, large-diameter (35 m [10
15 foot]) elements. These processes entail
inserting the monitor to a required depth
using a rotary drilling technique and then
slowly withdrawing it while injecting
grout into the soil through horizontal
nozzles at very high velocity
(approximately 200 m/sec [650 feet/sec]).
This energy erodes the soil fabric and
replaces it with a mixture of grout and
soil. Rotational speed and withdrawal rate
of the monitor control the diameter of the columns, which encapsulate the soil particles when the
grout hardens.
Figure A-13. Exposed jet-grouted columns.
Source: Geo-Con, Inc.
Figure A-12. Jet grouting showing
exposed nozzles. Source: Geo-Con, Inc.
Appendix B
Overview of Leaching Tests and Assessment of Leachability
Using the Leaching Environmental Assessment Framework
The leachability of a porous material is often determined from the results of one or more
leaching tests designed to measure either the extent or the rate of contaminant release. When
developing a leachability testing program, an important distinction should be made between the
thermodynamics of the system and kinetics or time-dependence of the release.
In the leaching environment, the duration of the water-solid contact and the sample size define
two distinct release-controlling release mechanisms: equilibrium-based release (thermo-
dynamics) and mass transfer-based (kinetics) release.
Equilibrium-based release. If the particle size of the subject material is small relative to the
time that the material is in contact with a leaching solution, release continues until an
is established. The equilibrium concentration is determined by the
thermodynamics of the system with regard to the LSP. The partitioning between the solid and
liquid phases is a function of pH, L/S, and all associated interfacial chemical reactions (e.g.,
dissolution, desorption, complexation). Thus, the extent of leaching can be estimated using
one or more of available equilibrium-based leaching tests (e.g., ASTM D3987, EPA
Method 1312).
Mass transfer-based release. In some cases (e.g., groundwater flow around an S/S-treated
material), the size of the subject material is large while the contact time with the leaching
solution may be short. The rate of the partitioning reactions may be relatively fast compared
to the kinetics of mass transport (van der Sloot and Dijkstra 2004; Dijkstra, van der Sloot,
and Comans. 2006). [NOTE: References for this appendix are in Section B.7, beginning on
p. B-24.] Therefore, the local equilibrium assumption is used to estimate concentrations
within the porewater of the subject material, and one of several available mass transfer tests
(e.g., ANS 16.1, EPA PreMethod 1315 currently being validated by EPA and described later
in this appendix) may be used to describe the overall leaching process.
Based on the above distinction, leaching tests are designed to either (a) estimate some
equilibrium between the solid and liquid phases or (b) measure the rate of mass transfer release
as a function of time. In both cases, it is important to realize that the applicability of the results is
limited to the conditions (e.g., particle size, leachant composition, contact time) incorporated into
the test design. Equilibrium-based leaching tests do not provide information on the kinetics of
contaminant release, and mass transfer-based leaching tests cannot be used to address
Due to the complexity of the solid mineralogy, the assumed local equilibrium is not a true chemical equilibrium in
that a dissolved mineral phase will reprecipitate; rather, it is pseudoequilibrium in that the concentration in the
aqueous phase approaches a constant value with time.
Van der Sloot, Heasman, and Quevauviller (1997) noted that of the 50 or more leaching tests in
the literature, most differ in only minor ways. Thus, a limited number of carefully selected
leaching tests can cover a wide range of possible exposure conditions. The results of this
leaching characterization can be combined with default or site-specific scenario information to
provide a more robust description of contaminant release than any single test. These concepts
were the basis for the development of the LEAF, a collection of leaching test methods, data
management tools, and assessment approaches that can be used to characterize a subject solid
material and integrated to provide a source term for contaminant release to the environment.
This appendix provides a more detailed description of the LEAF than that presented in Section 4
of this guidance. As illustrations of the framework applied to S/S-treated materials, example test
results and interpretation of leaching data relevant are included when appropriate.
Garrabrants and Kosson (2005) have reviewed leaching tests with respect to leaching assessment
methodologies for cement-treated materials and have noted several other important ways to
group leaching tests. One such method classification is based on whether the test is intended to
provide leachates representative of field conditions (simulation tests) or an intrinsic leaching
response of the material to environmental conditions (characterization tests). Procedurally,
leaching test procedures may be designed as batch extraction methods or dynamic leaching
methods depending on how the leaching solution is introduced to the solid material.
B.2.1 Simulation Tests
Simulation tests are designed to measure leaching under a specific set of experimental
conditions, usually in an attempt to mimic field conditions. Typically, the concentrations of
constituents in the leachate are compared to a set of predetermined threshold limits considered
acceptable for the simulated scenario. By nature, the release conditions anticipated in the field
are inherent to the design of simulation leaching tests such that test conditions and procedures
need to be adapted on a case-by-case basis to best describe performance in the field. In addition,
since no two leaching scenario are identical, a new test needs to be designed for each new
scenario. Thus, standardization of a single simulation-based leaching procedure for applicability
over a wide range of materials or release scenarios is impossible.
B.2.2 Characterization Tests
The intent of characterization leaching tests is to remove the dependence of specific field
conditions from the behavior of the subject material such that the results provide information on
characteristic or fundamental behavior of the subject material. Characterization tests expose the
subject material to a broad range of experimental conditions so that the results may be
considered to describe leaching characteristics over a range of field conditions. When site-
specific parameters (e.g., fill dimension, groundwater flow rate, infiltration rate) are known, the
results of characteristic leaching tests can be tailored to a particular field scenario. In other cases,
results may be applied to general or default scenario parameters based on the anticipated mode of
water contact (i.e., flow-around or percolation). Due to the broader range of testing conditions,
characterization tests require more effort in testing and interpretation than simulation tests;
however, characterization tests are generally considered to provide a more accurate and flexible
assessment of leaching from solid materials. When site-specific conditions for a selected release
scenario are known a priori, characterization tests may also provide built-in flexibility in that the
range of test conditions may be tailored to conservatively cover the range of release conditions in
the scenario.
B.2.3 Batch Extraction Tests
In batch extraction methods, a subsample of subject material is contacted by a single aliquot of
leaching solution over a specified duration. Panels in Figure B-1 show two examples of batch
tests. The basic procedure for a batch test is shown as a single-point batch test (a), while several
batch extractions under different test conditions may be conducted at one time using a parallel-
batch extraction structure (b). After extraction, the solid material may be discarded, recovered for
analysis, or contacted with another aliquot of the same or different leaching solution. Batch
extraction tests are most often performed to achieve pseudoequilibrium between the solid
material and the leaching solution; therefore, the material subsample used in batch extraction
tests is often particle-size-reduced by crushing or grinding to minimize the rate limitation of
diffusion through large particles.
discard or
analyze solid
1 leachate for
chemical analysis
1 solid
1 leachant
n analytical
n subsamples
n B A
n extraction
Figure B-1. Schematic representations of a two batch extraction tests: (a) single batch and
(b) parallel batch. Source: Modified from Garrabrants and Kosson 2005.
B.2.4 Dynamic Leaching Tests
Dynamic leaching tests rely on continuous or semicontinuous refreshing of the leaching solution.
Often, the purpose of dynamic leaching methods is to record time-dependent data regarding the
rate of release without establishing equilibrium between the solid and liquid phases. Dynamic
leaching tests may also be used to measure the rate of release during the approach to equilibrium.
The panels in Figure B-2 show several approaches for conducting dynamic leaching tests,
including (a) contacting the subsample with a single aliquot of leaching solution that is
recirculated and analyzed periodically until equilibrium is achieved, (b) passing the leaching
solution around or (c) through the subsample once in a flow-around or flow-through setup,
respectively, or (d) moving the subsample progressively through a series of leaching solutions
aliquots in a semidynamic process.
Figure B-2. Schematic representation of several dynamic leaching tests: (a) flow-around
tank test with recycle, (b) single-pass flow-around tank test, (c) flow-through column test in
downflow and upflow modes, and (d) semidynamic static tank test.
Source: Modified from Garrabrants and Kosson 2005.
Leaching tests for regulatory purposes have been promulgated from the EPA Office of Resource
Conservation and Recovery with regard to hazardous waste classification. The EPA compendium
of test methods, SW-846 (Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical
Methods), contains two commonly used extraction procedures:
Method 1311Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP)
Method 1312Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedure (SPLP)
The EPA methods are single-batch, equilibrium-based simulation tests consisting of a single-batch
extraction of particle-size-reduced (<9.5 mm) material with dilute acid at an L/S of 20 mL/g-dry.
The test conditions for these methods are supposed to simulate release under defined regulatory
leachate sampled
leaching fluid
flows around
(a) (b)
fluid flows
1 sample
n leachates for chemical analysis
n leaching intervals (t
thru t
. . .
pore plugging
scenarios. For example, TCLP mimics the result of codisposal of the tested material with
municipal solid waste, while SPLP simulates the contact of the material with acid rain.
For assessment purposes, the tests are assumed to produce a leachate representative of field
concentrations under the specified test conditions, and therefore, leachate concentrations may be
compared directly to acceptable release concentrations. Although these tests are promulgated for
hazardous waste classification (e.g., to provide a degree of protection between the public and
waste materials containing potentially hazardous constituents), these leaching tests see daily use
in areas for which these tests were not strictly designed.
The characterization leaching test methods within LEAF are designed to define intrinsic leaching
behavior of a wide range of solid materials. As such, the test conditions and applications are
somewhat more broad-based than simulation tests. The four LEAF leaching test methods have
been derived from published leaching methods (Kosson et al. 2002) and international standard
methods in various states of development and validation for waste materials (CEN/TS 14405
2004, CEN/TS 14429 2005, CEN/TS 14997 2005, CEN/TS 15863 2009), construction products
(CEN/TS-2 2009, CEN/TS-3 2009), and soils (ISO/TS 21268-3 2007; ISO/TS 21268-4 2007;
ISO/DIS 12782 2010, parts 15) as well as some U.S. test methods (ASTM 4784, ASTM 1308,
ANS 16.1).
Drafts of the LEAF leaching tests are currently available online (
as preliminary versions of EPA test methods, denoted here as premethods. The following
sections provide a brief description of each method, including example results and interpretation.
B.4.1 PreMethod 1313
PreMethod 1313 (EPA 2010a) is an equilibrium-based leaching test designed to provide the LSP
of constituents as a function of pH. The test also provides a titration curve which can be used to
assess the acid or base neutralization capacity of the subject material. For most inorganic
contaminants, the pH of the leaching environment can have a strong influence on the LSP, such
that release concentrations under the local equilibrium assumption changes as pH shifts (e.g.,
when the material buffering capacity is depleted due external sources of acidity or alkalinity).
B.4.1.1 Procedure Description
The procedure consists of 10 parallel extractions of a particle-size-reduced solid material (to
facilitate the approach to equilibrium) in dilute acid or base designed to provide eluates at
specific pH targets over the range 213. A subsample of the subject material is added to each of
10 extraction vessels along with specified volumes of deionized water and aliquots of either acid
or base. The final L/S of each extract is 10 mL/g-dry. The extraction vessels are sealed and
tumbled end over end for a contact time that varies 2472 hours depending on the particle size of
the material.
After the specified contact time, eluate pH and conductivity are measured from an
aliquot taken from each extraction, and the remaining solution is filtered through a 0.45-m pore
size filtration membrane. Analytical samples are saved for chemical analysis in a manner
consistent with target constituents and selected analytical methods.
B.4.1.2 Modifications for Organic Contaminants
Although the procedure was initially designed to determine the pH-dependence of the LSP for
inorganic contaminants, the method can be easily modified to address organic contaminants. The
container materials may be altered to minimize sorption (e.g., borosilicate glass or steel vessels
rather than plastic or fluoropolymer vessels), and container designs and filtration methods may
be modified to minimize volatilization.
B.4.1.3 Typical Results and Interpretation
The constituent concentrations in the PreMethod 1313 eluates are plotted as a function of the
final extract pH, resulting in a curve that represents the pH-dependence of the LSP across a
broad range of pH values. The shape of the LSP curve (i.e., relative locations of maxima and
minima) is indicative of the geochemical speciation of the constituent in the solid phase over the
pH range. The LSP results for inorganic contaminants usually can be recognized as one of the
four characteristic shapes described below and presented schematically in Figure B-3.
cationic speciesThe LSP curve of cationic species (e.g., Cd) typically has a maximum
concentration in the acidic pH range that decreases to lower values at alkaline pH values.
amphoteric speciesAlthough similar in shape to the LSP curve for cationic species, the
LSP concentrations for amphoteric species [e.g., Pb, Cr(III), Cu] pass through a minimum in
the near-neutral pH range and increase with pH into the alkaline range. The increase in LSP
concentration in the alkaline range is typically associated with soluble hydroxide complexes
(e.g., [Pb(OH
oxyanionic speciesThe LSP curves for oxyanions (e.g., [AsO
, [SeO
, [CrO
typically show maxima in the neutral to slightly alkaline range.
highly soluble speciesThe LSP curve for highly soluble species (e.g., Na
, K
, Cl
) is not a
strong function of pH; thus, it appears to be relatively flat across the pH range.
For inorganic contaminants, the idealized LSP curves in Figure B-3 can be compared with the
general shape of the test data to infer the speciation of the constituent in the solid matrix.
However, geochemical speciation models should be used to confirm these observations. The
eluate concentration results from PreMethod 1313 may be simulated with geochemical
speciation models to infer the mineral phases, adsorption reactions, and soluble complexes that
control the release of the constituent.
The contact time depends on the maximum particle size of the solid sample under the assumption that larger
particles take longer to reach equilibrium.
Figure B-3. Generic behaviors of several inorganic contaminant types showing
generalized minima/maxima as a function of pH.
For organic contaminants, measured LSP concentrations are associated with partitioning between
organic and aqueous phases, as well as complexation with dissolved carbon in the aqueous
phase. The organic-aqueous partitioning of a contaminant is described in the literature using the
octanol-water partitioning coefficient, K
. This partitioning is relatively tolerant of changes in
pH; however, the dissolution of organic carbon, and hence the complexation with organic
contaminants, are strongly dependent on pH, especially in the alkaline range. In Figure B-4, the
relative concentrations of DOC and total PAHs in a leachate are shown before and after removal
of the organic carbon through flocculation.
Figure B-4. pH-dependent leaching of DOC and associated PAH concentrations from
contaminated sediment. Source: After Roskam and Comans 2003.
B.4.2 PreMethod 1314
This percolation column method (EPA 2010b) is designed to provide the LSP of constituents as a
function of L/S under conditions where water percolates through the solid material.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
0 5 10 15
PAH after flocculation
DOC after flocculation
0 5 10 15
PAH after flocculation
DOC after flocculation
PAH after flocculation
DOC after flocculation
B.4.2.1 Procedure Description
A 5 cm diameter 30 cm column is moderately packed with solid material, and leaching
solution is introduced to the column in upflow pumping mode to minimize air entrainment and
flow channeling (Figure B-5). The default
leaching solution for most materials is
deionized water; however, a solution of
1.0 mM calcium chloride in deionized
water is used when testing materials with
either high clay content (to prevent
deflocculation of clay layers) or high
organic matter (to minimize mobilization
of DOC). The liquid flow rate is be
maintained at 0.51.0 L/S per day to
increase the likelihood of local equilibrium
within the column. Liquid fractions are
collected as a function of the cumulative
L/S and saved for chemical analysis. The
cumulative mass release is plotted as a
function of cumulative L/S.
B.4.2.2 Modifications for Organic Contaminants
Although this method was primarily designed to address LSP of inorganic contaminants, the
method can be easily modified to address organic contaminants. The column materials need to be
altered to minimize sorption (e.g., borosilicate glass or steel surfaces rather than plastic or
fluoropolymer), and container designs and filtration methods should be modified to minimize
B.4.2.3 Typical Results and Interpretation
Figure B-6 shows column eluate concentrations for calcium and chromium obtained using
PreMethod 1314 on a coal combustion fly ash, along with cumulative mass release derived from
the leaching test results. Eluate concentrations are compared to QC values: the method limit,
which is sometimes considered a practical quantifiable limit, and the method detection limit,
which indicates the lowest detectable concentrations. Cumulative release values are calculated by
summing up the mass released in each eluate fraction up to the L/S value of interest (e.g.,
cumulative release at L/S =2 mL/g-dry includes the mass release during the first four intervals).
Cumulative release may be compared to a line with a slope of 1, which indicates solubility-
controlled release in that if the solubility of the constituent is a limiting factor in the release,
concentrations remain constant and doubling the liquid volume results in doubling the mass
Figure B-5. Schematic of PreMethod 1314
upflow percolation column test apparatus.
0 2 4 6 8 10
L/ S (L/ kg)
Calcium depletion
0.1 1 10
L/ S (L/ kg)
slope = 1.0
Availablilty (PreMethod 1313)
Calcium depletion
0 2 4 6 8 10
L/ S (L/ kg)
Calcium depletion
0.1 1 10
L/ S (L/ kg)
slope = 1.0
Calcium depletion
Figure B-6. Example PreMethod 1314 results for a coal combustion fly ash as a function of
L/S showing (a) calcium concentration, (b) calcium release, (c) chromium concentration,
and (d) chromium release.
To aid in interpretation of the results shown in Figure B-6, a vertical, dashed line is used to
indicate a critical point in the leaching where calcium concentrations decrease dramatically. The
change in concentration is likely due to depletion of leachable calcium, although eluate
concentrations have not yet decreased to the QC limits (i.e., method limit or method detection
limit). In the calcium release plot, the depletion assessment is confirmed by plotting the
maximum release value from the PreMethod 1313 data, which is indicative of the available
fraction of calcium in the material. Figure B-6(b) shows that the limit on calcium release in the
column test corresponds to the release of the available calcium.
Comparison between calcium and chromium concentration plots shows an obvious connection
between the depletion of calcium concentrations and a significant increase in chromium
leaching. Since progressive L/S ratios are related to time under groundwater flow in the
subsurface, chromium release is likely to increase with time as more liquid is passed through the
column and calcium is depleted.
B.4.3 PreMethod 1315
PreMethod 1315 (EPA 2010c) determines mass transfer release rates of constituents containing
low-permeability material under diffusion-controlled release conditions.
B.4.3.1 Procedure Description
The procedure consists of continuous leaching of a monolithic or compacted granular material in
a liquid-filled tank with periodic renewal of the leaching solution. The vessel and sample
dimensions are chosen such that the sample is fully immersed in the leaching solution at a
liquidsurface area ratio of 9 mL/cm
. Monolithic samples may be cylinders or parallelepipeds;
granular materials are compacted into cylindrical molds at optimum moisture content using
modified Proctor compaction methods. At nine predetermined intervals, the leaching solution is
exchanged with fresh reagent water, and the previous leachate is collected. For each leaching
interval, the pH and conductivity are measured, and analytical samples are saved for chemical
analysis. Solution concentrations are plotted as a function of time, as a mean interval flux, and as
cumulative release as a function of time. Observed diffusivity and tortuosity may be estimated
through analysis of the resulting leaching test data.
B.4.3.2 Modifications for Organic Contaminants
One principle of any mass transport-based leaching test is that a concentration gradient between
leaching solution and the porewater within the material must be maintained as a driving force for
mass transport. However, the low aqueous solubility of many organic compounds, such as PAHs,
results in leaching solution concentrations that approach equilibrium quickly such that the
driving force for mass transport is diminished. This condition can lead to erroneous estimation of
mass transport release rates for organic contaminants. Additionally, volatile organics may be lost
to headspace and vessel leaks during the procedure. Thus, the method for PreMethod 1315
testing of materials containing organic contaminants requires more extensive modification than
other test methods. A modified PreMethod 1315 approach (EPRI 2009), denoted here as
PreMethod 1315m, uses a siliceous gel coating within the leaching vessel to act as an absorption
sink for organic constituents. The gel is coated on the inside surface of an airtight borosilicate
glass jar such that organic constituents that transport through the subject material into the
aqueous phase are absorbed into the gel and trapped until extracted with a solvent. Using this
approach, volatility losses are minimized, and the mass release is considered to better represent
the mass transfer of organic contaminants into freely moving groundwater, where concentrations
typically build up.
B.4.3.3. Typical Results and Interpretation
Figure B-7 shows an example of PreMethod 1315 data for the release of aluminum from an S/S-
treated wastewater stream containing heavy metals. The four panels in the figure represent a
common way to present mass transfer data by including (a) the pH evolution during the leaching
test since pH is an important parameter controlling porewater solubility of inorganic
contaminants, (b) leachate concentrations in each test interval as a function of leaching time,
(c) mass flux or the rate of release across a unit exposed surface area as a function of leaching
time, and (d) cumulative mass release per unit exposed surface area as a function of leaching
time. The values for mass flux and cumulative release are derived directly from leachate
concentrations and compared to indicator lines with slopes of 0.5 (flux) and +0.5 (cumulative
release). These lines are based on the time-dependence of a diffusion-controlled release
mechanism where diffusion is related to the square root of time. In the example shown in
Figure B-7, the flux and mass release of aluminum are consistent with a diffusion-controlled
mechanism represented by the indicator lines.
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Leaching Time (days)
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Leaching Time (days)
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
time (days)
slope = -0.5
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
time (days)
slope = +0.5
Figure B-7. Example PreMethod 1315 results for aluminum leaching from an S/S-treated
material showing (a) leachate pH evolution, (b) leachate concentrations, (c) mass flux, and
(d) cumulative mass release.
The release behavior of a material under conditions of mass transport can be described by either
the mass flux or cumulative mass release. Either parameter may be used to provide a comparison
of release behavior for different constituents as shown in Figure B-8. In this figure, the
cumulative release for several select constituents from the S/S-treated wastewater is compared to
the indicator line with slope of +0.5. The following generalizations may be made:
Aluminum, selenium, and antimony cumulative releases are consistent with a diffusion-
controlled mechanism.
Since other release mechanisms are also related to the square root of time and may be represented by the same
lines, caution should be used during interpretation, and proclamations without supporting information that release of
a species is controlled by diffusion should be avoided.
The cumulative release of iron is not consistent with diffusion control and may be solubility-
controlled. Confirmation of this observation requires additional tests or geochemical
speciation modeling.
The cumulative release curve for selenium appears to be limited to a fixed value of
approximately 1,000 mg/m
. Plotting the available content as determined by PreMethod 1313
(converted to the proper units) on the cumulative release graph shows that the release limit
corresponds to the availability of selenium. Thus, the cumulative release of selenium in the
PreMethod 1315 test is limited by the depletion of available selenium.
Antimony release appears to be suppressed for the initial testing fractions but shows a
significant and sudden increase between 14 and 28 days of leaching. The increase in
antimony release may be due to depletion of another constituent; however, additional tests
and geochemical speciation modeling may be required to confirm this observation.
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
time (days)
slope = +0.5
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Leaching Time (days)
slope = +0.5
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Leaching Time (days)
slope = +0.5
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Leaching Time (days)
slope = +0.5
Figure B-8. Example PreMethod 1315 data showing cumulative release for (a) aluminum,
(b) iron, (c) selenium, and (d) antimony.
B.4.4 PreMethod 1316
This parallel-batch equilibrium test (EPA 2010d) is designed to provide the LSP of constituents
as a function of L/S at five values between 10 and 0.5 mL/g-dry. At low L/S (e.g., S/S material
pore water), ionic strength is high such that the equilibrium chemistry is different from that
measured under laboratory conditions of 10 mL/g-dry.
B.4.4.1 Procedure Description
This procedure consists of five parallel extractions of a particle-size-reduced solid material (to
facilitate the approach to equilibrium) in reagent water. No acid or base is added so that the final
extract pH reflects the buffering capacity of the solid material. Samples of solid material and
volumes of deionized water are added to 10 extraction bottles at L/S values of 10, 5, 2, 1, and
0.5 mL/g-dry. The extraction vessels are sealed and tumbled end over end for a contact time
between 24 and 72 hours. The contact time depends on the maximum particle size of the solid
sample under the assumption that larger particles take longer to reach equilibrium. After the
specified contact time, pH and conductivity of the eluates are measured, and the remaining
solution is filtered through a 0.45-m pore size filtration membrane under pressure or vacuum.
Analytical samples are saved for chemical analysis depending on target constituents and selected
analytical methods. The concentrations of constituents in the analytical solutions are reported
and plotted as a function of L/S.
B.4.4.2 Modifications for Organic Contaminants
Although this method was primarily designed to address L/S-dependence of inorganic
contaminants, the method can be easily modified to address organic contaminants. The container
materials need to be altered to minimize sorption (e.g., airtight glass or steel vessels rather than
plastic or fluoropolymer vessels), and container designs and filtration methods should be
modified to minimize volatilization.
B.4.4.3 Typical Results and Interpretation
The results of PreMethod 1316 are similar in presentation and interpretation to those of the
column test (PreMethod 1314) with leachate concentrations and release presented for each
constituent. However, because this method is a parallel-batch extraction procedure, release is not
cumulated over several leaching fractions as in the column tests. In PreMethod 1316, release is
reported in the same manner as in the pH-dependence test (i.e., batch concentration multiplied by
the corresponding L/S value for each extraction).
Figure B-9 shows PreMethod 1316 results for arsenic and boron from a contaminated smelter
plant soil. As L/S values decrease from 10 mL/g-dry toward 0.5 mL/g-dry, the concentration of
inorganic constituents tends to increase.
In some cases, the increase may be significant, one to
two orders of magnitude greater than concentrations from the extract specified in typical batch
extraction leaching methods (e.g., 10 L/S 20).
While the concentrations of most inorganic constituents increase, some constituents in certain matrices (e.g.,
calcium in cement-based materials) may decrease with decreasing L/S.
0 2 4 6 8 10
L/ S (L/ kg)
0.1 1 10
L/ S (L/ kg)
slope = 1.0
0 2 4 6 8 10
L/ S (L/ kg)
0.1 1 10
L/ S (L/ kg)
slope = 1.0
Release at Natural pH & L/S 10
(PreMethod 1313)
Figure B-9. Example PreMethod 1316 results as a function of L/S showing (a) arsenic
concentration, (b) arsenic release, (c) boron concentration, and (d) boron release.
Plots of the mass release as a function of L/S show two distinctly different behaviors when
compared to a line with a slope of 1.0 representing solubility control. Figure B-9 illustrates these
two behaviors for arsenic and boron.
solubility controlThe arsenic release curve is consistent with the solubility line, indicating
that solubility controls release. The concentration of arsenic is relatively constant such that
release scales with L/S ratio. If the L/S ratio between two extractions is different by a factor
of 2, the release of arsenic will also be different by a factor of 2.
availability controlIn contrast, the release of boron in the subject soil is limited by the
available amount of boron that can be released from the material at the pH and L/S ratio
imposed by PreMethod 1316. This fact can be confirmed by plotting the release value from
PreMethod 1313 at natural pH (i.e., when no acid or base is added) over the release curve as
shown in Figure B-9(d). The correspondence between the release at natural pH and the
release asymptote in PreMethod 1316 indicates that release of boron is availability
Test methods alone are not sufficient to accurately predict leaching from a source material,
through the environment, to a receptor. Leaching test results need to be linked to field conditions
that represent a release scenario. This linkage requires a conceptual and computational
framework to extrapolate laboratory test results to field scenarios. Under the integration
approach proposed by LEAF, an important distinction is made between percolation scenarios
(e.g., when groundwater flows through a granular material or material with a hydraulic
conductivity that is similar to that of surrounding materials) and flow-around scenarios (e.g.,
when groundwater is diverted around a monolith).
In the former case, groundwater percolates through the material at a low flow rate such that
partitioning between the solid and liquid phases can be described by equilibrium-based tests.
In flow-around scenarios, the rate of release is dictated by the rate of mass transport to the
groundwater/material interface such that flux-based leaching tests best describe release.
Based on this distinction, a generic testing approach has been developed for percolation
scenarios and flow-around scenarios, as shown in Figure B-10. In most cases, chemical analysis
should include all relevant contaminants as well as matrix constituents and organic/inorganic
In both scenarios, the most basic level
of characterization is to determine the
pH dependence of the LSP using
PreMethod 1313. This test provides
the following:
insight into the chemical
speciation of the constituents in
the solid phase of the materials by
evaluation of constituent release in
response to different end-point pH
an estimate of the potentially
leachable fraction, or availability,
of a constituent determined at the
maximum of the LSP curve
a method for screening
constituents to determine a list of
constituents with potential
environmental impact by
comparing leachate concentrations
to desired concentrations or action
levels with the relevant release
scenario pH range
Mass Transport
EPA Method 1315
CEN TS 15863
EPA Method 1313
PrEN 14429
EPA Method 1314
PrEN 14405
EPA Method 1313
PrEN 14429
EPA Method 1314
PrEN 14405
titration, LSP (pH),
available content
LSP (LS), pore
solution estimate
mass transport
flux/ release
Figured B-10. Flowchart indicating test method
selection based on material type used in integrated
assessment approach.
When used as a screening tool, pH-dependent LSP concentrations well below action levels
within the relevant pH range are not likely to be an environmental concern. On the other hand,
constituents with concentrations at or exceeding action levels indicate a need for further testing
to quantify the impacts under percolation or mass transfer controlled conditions.
Although the test conditions of PreMethod 1313 result in a broad range of pH values, not all of
the pH range is applicable for every scenario. Thus, during interpretation, the total pH range can
be divided into appropriate case-specific target zones, as shown in Figure B-11. For this figure,
the measured LSP curve is shown in terms of a release basis (i.e., mass released per unit total
material mass) to allow comparison to total composition and potentially leachable (i.e.,
available) fraction. To convert from concentrations (mg/L) to release (mg/kg), the test method
leachate concentrations (mg/L) are multiplied by the test-specific L/S (L/kg). Plotting data on the
basis of mass release also allows for comparison of data from a variety of batch tests conducted
at different L/Ss.
Figure B-11. Relevant pH ranges for various environmental materials superimposed over a
schematic LSP pH-dependence curve.
Although the data in Figure B-11 are schematic, this comparison indicates why it is not
recommended to base environmental assessment on total or available content as the mass that is
released for many release scenarios is often only a small fraction of the total amount in the solid
(total content) or that can be released under extreme environmental conditions (potentially
available content).
B.5.1 Testing Based on Water-Contact Mode
When the mode of water contact is anticipated to be percolation through the material, release as a
function of L/S using the acid/base neutralization capacity of the material is determined using a
percolation test. Release from this test can be roughly related to field release as a function of the
amount of liquid passing through a bed of highhydraulic conductivity material if infiltration
rates and bed parameters are known. Alternatively, similar information may be obtained through
parallel-batch testing (e.g., PreMethod 1316) to determine LSP as a function L/S, although very
low L/S is difficult to achieve using batch extraction approaches.
For lowhydraulic conductivity materials (e.g., monoliths, including many S/S-treated materials
or well-compacted granular fills), a flux-based mass transfer test with periodic leachant renewal
(e.g., ANS 16.1, PreMethod 1315) is recommended. Eluate concentrations at low L/S as
resulting from a percolation column test may provide additional information by estimating
porewater concentrations with the lowhydraulic conductivity material.
B.5.2 Leaching Assessment Empirical Methods
Simplified, semiempirical, and semianalytical approaches, which are knowingly conservative
(i.e., overpredict release), can be used for initial screening purposes with the caveat that results
should be verified against field observations.
Release in a percolation scenario may be
estimated directly from PreMethod 1314
results if groundwater flow rates can be
related to the amount of water passing through
a mass of material. In this case, time can be
mapped over the L/S ratio in the test, and
release can be predicted as a function of time.
For mass transfer scenarios, flux or
cumulative mass release results from
PreMethod 1315 can be directly scaled to the
exposed surface area of a subject material.
Appendix C presents an illustration of how
this can be done for a subsurface material.
Mass transport through the material pore
structure to the exposed surface of the
material dictates the rate of release under the
assumptions that groundwater flows around
the material such that the concentrations in the
groundwater remain essentially zero
compared to concentrations in the subject
material. The concept of a zero concentration
boundary condition is often referred to as the
infinite bath assumption (Crank 1975). If
groundwater concentrations build up and mass transport is suppressed due to a lack of diffusional
driving force (i.e., the gradient between groundwater concentrations and porewater
concentrations within the material), release may be better described by equilibrium rather than
Example of Relating Groundwater Flow to L/S
A mass of contaminated material with
dimensions of 1 1 1 m is lying in an aquifer
with a linear flow rate of 0.4 m/day, or
approximately 150 m/year. The dry density () of
the subject material is 1,500 kg-dry/m
. The
volume (v) of the contaminant fill is 1 m
; thus,
mass of the fill (m) is 1,500 kg (m = v * ). The
cross-sectional area exposed to the groundwater
flow is 1 m
such that the volumetric flow rate of
the aquifer (Q) is 150 m
/year, or 150,000 L/year
(using the conversion that 1 m
=1000 L).
The percolation rate of water passing through
the contaminated material is the calculated as
the volumetric flow rate (Q) divided by the mass
of the fill (m), which results in a percolation rate
of 100 L/S per year.
For these relatively small fill dimensions, the
cumulative release at an L/S of 10 mL/g-dry from
PreMethod 1314 column test relates to the
release from the fill at approximately 35 days of
leaching. For larger contaminated fills or slower
aquifer systems, the percolation rate could be
significantly lower.
B.5.2.1 Reactive Transport with Geochemical Speciation
Coupled chemical reaction-transport modeling is the preferred and most robust option available
to provide insight in the long-term behavior of materials under changing exposure conditions in
the field (Kosson et al. 2002; van der Sloot and Dijkstra 2004; Dijkstra et al. 2005; Dijkstra, van
der Sloot, and Comans 2006; Dijkstra et al. 2008). The sequence of steps ranges from problem
definition, through test method selection and leaching simulation, to laboratory-to-field
validation (Kosson et al. 2002, CEN EN-12920 2003).
B.5.2.2 Hydrogeological Fate and Transport Modeling
Leaching test data (e.g., mass flux from transport tests or concentrations with percolating liquid
volume from column tests) may be used directly in hydrogeological fate and transport models for
contaminant transport to describe release from a source (S/S-treated material) to a downgradient
The following section shows several examples of applications of LEAF leaching tests. Much of
the data shown in these examples are taken from privately funded research and reproduced here
without reference to specific sites or material descriptions. As an illustration of S/S treatment on
organic contaminants, some of these examples show testing and interpretation of S/S-treated
materials containing single-ring and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
B.6.1 Example 1: S/S Treatability Study
During treatability testing, the chosen leaching test should represent the primary release
mechanism anticipated in the final application. Thus, the comparison of S/S-treated materials
designed to provide a low hydraulic conductivity relative to surrounding soils should be based on
one of several mass transportbased tests.
In the following example, a time-shortened version of PreMethod 1315 was used to compare the
flux of BTEX chemicals (e.g., benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes) and PAHs from several
S/S treatment recipes. Since the constituents of interest for assessment were volatile and
semivolatile organics, the method was modified as described above and denoted as
PreMethod 1315m. The goal of the treatability comparison was to downselect recipes for further
characterization and testing by selecting those recipes that minimize flux while balancing all
other considerations including cost of materials, ease of implementation, etc.
B.6.1.1 S/S Recipes
Five recipes of S/S treatment were formulated in the laboratory for this comparison. Prior to
leach testing, the recipes were screened to ensure that each resultant material passed material
performance criteria for strength and hydraulic conductivity. The five recipes included the
baseline recipe, consisting of portland cement (6 wt%) and ground granulated blast furnace
slag (2 wt%).
baseline recipe with added bentonite clay (1 wt%)
baseline recipe with added bentonite clay (2 wt%)
baseline recipe with added organoclay (1 wt%)
baseline recipe with added organoclay (2 wt%)
Two duplicate samples of the baseline recipe were tested in parallel to indicate the potential for
variation in treatment. For all other recipes, only a single sample was tested.
B.6.1.2 Flux Comparison
Figure B-12 shows mass flux from the six treatability samples xylene, naphthalene, phenanthrene,
and benzo(a)anthracene. In all, the flux of these contaminants from all S/S-treated materials
follows the indicator line representing a diffusion-controlled process. Based on these results,
organoclay seems to provide a better basis for retention of PAH contaminants over the other
recipes; however, there is no clear trend among the various S/S recipes in the case of xylene flux.
For phenanthrene, addition of 2 wt% organoclay reduced the flux over most of the test duration by
a factor of ~2. Thus, it was noted that an S/S treatment recipe using organoclay would probably
best minimize contaminant release. However, the costs associated with organoclay adds to the total
cost of treatment for a somewhat small return on treatability. Thus, both the baseline recipe and the
recipe with 2 wt% addition of organoclay were selected for further testing.
B.6.2 Example 2: Comparison of Leaching Before and After Treatment
When a qualitative demonstration of the improvement in the environmental impact at a site is
required, leaching tests may be reduced to a single set of defined release conditions to provide a
before and after treatment assessment. This process provides a snapshot of the release of
critical constituents to answer the question, Is leachability decreased when this remedy is
This example illustrates how LEAF leaching tests can be used to compare cumulative release
from an untreated coal tarimpacted soil and an S/S-treated material based on the same soil. The
soil was samples from a boring hole at a former MGP site where subsurface soils were found to
contain high levels of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes and PAH contaminants.
B.6.2.1 Release Scenario
Usually, interpretation of leaching data within a properly defined leaching scenario is required
when the physical properties of the untreated and treated material differ greatly. For example,
when freely percolating soil is treated by S/S to a low hydraulic conductivity, release for the soils
should be based on a percolation scenario using PreMethod 1314 or PreMethod 1316 data, while
release from the S/S-treated material should be based on mass transfer using PreMethod 1315
data. This approach requires defining a single release environment that can be applied to both
release scenarios. A conceptual release scenario (Figure B-13) was defined to provide a common
basis for comparison. Release from both materials was calculated for a 1 m
volume of material.
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Leaching Time (days)
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Leaching Time (days)
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Leaching Time (days)
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Leaching Time (days)
Figure B-12. Example 1: S/S treatability test results (PreMethod 1315m) for a contaminated soil from a former MGP showing
xylene (XYL), naphthalene (NAP), phenanthrene (PHE), and benzo(a)anthracene (BAA) flux for a cement/slag baseline and
baseline with bentonite and organoclay additives.
Figure B-13. Example 2: Scenario used in comparison of untreated soil and S/S-treated
In the case of the untreated soil (left side of Figure B-13), groundwater percolates through the
contaminated fill, and the L/S data obtained from PreMethod 1314 are related to time using the
empirical approach described above. In addition, PreMethod 1314 release values were converted
from units of mg/kg to units of mg/m
of surface area cross sectional to groundwater flow. By
converting the L/S-dependent column test data to a time and areabased release, no conversions
or alterations were required to the PreMethod 1315 cumulative release data for the S/S-treated
B.6.2.2 Release Comparison
Figure B-14 compares release for xylene and several PAHs from contaminated untreated soil and
S/S-treated materials. Also shown in each panel of the figure are horizontal lines representing the
total content of each contaminant in the soil and S/S-treated material as determined by
pressurized fluid extraction using EPA Method 3545.
The data in Figure B-14 show that overall release from S/S-treated materials is several orders of
magnitude less than that of the untreated material, indicating that S/S treatment of the soil is
effective in reducing the rate of release. For xylene, naphthalene, and fluorene, the total content
given by EPA Method 3545 is somewhat less than the cumulative release at the end of
PreMethod 1314. This differential does not mean that the column test data are in error as the total
content as determined by the EPA Method 3545 is operationally defined. Since the EPA method
is essentially just one form of extraction technique, other, potentially more aggressive extraction
techniques may yield a higher total content.
B.6.3 Example 3: Leaching Data Linked to Hydrogeological Modeling
Often the purpose of leach testing and environmental assessment is to parameterize site- or
scenario-specific release models that simulate the release of contaminants of concern integrated
with hydrogeological conditions. In this case, leach testing should cover the widest possible
range of test conditions so that all potential mechanisms of constituent release may be considered
and combined into a groundwater fate and transport model.
Untreated Soil S/S-Treated Material
groundwater flow
150 [m
1 m
groundwater flow
150 [m
1 m
water percolates
through fill
water flows
around S/S mass
on all sides
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Leaching Time (days)
Total S/S
Total Untreated Soil
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Leaching Time (days)
Total S/S
Total Untreated Soil
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Leaching Time (days)
Total S/S
Total Untreated Soil
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Leaching Time (days)
Total S/S
Total Untreated Soil
Figure B-14. Example 2: Comparison of cumulative release for untreated soil (PreMethod 1314) and cement/slag/bentonite
S/S-treated materials (PreMethod 1315m) taken from a former MGP showing xylene (XYL), naphthalene (NAP), fluorene
(FLU), and phenanthrene (PHE).
In the following example, leaching data on recovered cores of S/S-treated materials from a
former MGP site were used as a source term for contaminant transport and combined with
groundwater flow using hydrogeological fate and transport model. MIKE-SHE is an advanced
integrated hydrological modeling system for simulation of water flow in entire land-based
systems from rainfall to river flow. The model has the capability to integrate surface water and
groundwater flow with environmental impacts to predict downgradient concentrations at a POC.
B.6.3.1 Scenario Description
MIKE-SHE was used to model groundwater flow around an S/S-treated material embedded into
weathered bedrock as shown in Figure B-15. In this scenario, the majority of groundwater flows
around an S/S-treated material (76 m wide 76 m long 10 m high) while a small fraction of
groundwater is allowed to percolate through the material. The amount of water that percolates is
determined in the model by the hydraulic
gradient and the relative hydraulic
conductivities of the S/S-treated material
and surrounding soil.
The flow pattern provides an axis of
symmetry along the centerline of the S/S-
treated material such that the results can be
displayed at two horizontal locations, as
shown in the lower half of Figure B-15.
Location 1 and Location 2 lay 20 m
downgradient of the S/S-treated material
and 12 m and 24 m off the axis of
symmetry, respectively. In this scenario, the
area above the S/S-treated material is
capped such that the only infiltration that
affects downgradient concentration is
infiltration that reaches groundwater
between the S/S-treated material and the
POCs. However, since this infiltration will
have a diluting effect only near the water
table, two 5-m vertical zones of interests
(i.e., Zones A and B) are established as
shown in the upper half of Figure B-15.
The two locations and two zones result in
four POCs for this simulation, specifically
named 1A, 1B, 1A, and 2B.
B.6.3.2 Simulation Results
Figure B-16 shows the simulation results for POC concentrations naphthalene, phenanthrene,
anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene and benzo(a)pyrene. In the MIKE-SHE simulation, the mass of
pyrene and benzo(a)pyrene released from the S/S-treated material into the groundwater is
attenuated onto particulate organic matter in downgradient soils before getting to the POCs.
ground water
(76m x 76m x 10m)
(weathered bedrock)
76m 20m
no infiltration
60 mil HDPE liner
86m x 86m
(76m x 76m x 10m)
axis of
Zone B
Zone A
Location 2
Location 1
through ISS
flow around
not to scale
not to scale
Figure B-15. Example 3: Schematic of MIKE-
SHE simulation scenario showing
groundwater flow around and through the
S/S-treated material and combinations of
location and zone (i.e., 1A, 1B, 2A, and 2B)
representing four different simulation POCs).
Thus, all concentrations at the POCs are less than 1 pg/L. For all other contaminants, the highest
POC concentrations are predicted at POC 2B, which is the outermost and deepest POC. At this
POC, the diluting influence of the infiltrating water is minimal, and the mass released from the
material and carried by groundwater flowing around the S/S monolith has the most influence.
Conversely, the lowest concentrations are predicted for POC 1A, where the dilution effect is
maximized and the flow-around mass transport minimized.
While the integration leaching tests and hydrological flow models may be beyond the scope of
many S/S remediation projects, simulations such as those shown in this example may be useful,
not only for predicting groundwater concentration in aquifers downgradient of an S/S-treated
material, but also for locating groundwater monitoring wells and establishing a monitoring plan
that captures potential releases.
CEN (European Committee for Standardization) EN-12920. 2003. Methodology Guideline for
the Determination of the Leaching Behaviour of Waste under Specified Conditions. CEN/TC
292 WG6. Brussels, Belgium.
CEN/TS-2. 2009. Generic Horizontal Up-Flow Percolation Test for Determination of the
Release of Substances from Granular Construction Products. CEN/TC 351. Brussels,
CEN/TS-3. 2009. Generic Horizontal Dynamic Surface Leaching Test (DSLT) for Determination
of Surface-Dependent Release of Substances from Monolithic or Plate-like or Sheet-like
Construction Products. CEN/TC 351. Brussels, Belgium.
CEN/TS 14405. 2004. Characterization of WasteLeaching Behavior TestsUp-Flow
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CEN/TS 14429. 2005. Characterization of WasteLeaching Behavior TestsInfluence of pH on
Leaching with Initial Acid/Base Addition. Brussels, Belgium.
CEN/TS 14997. 2005. Characterization of WasteLeaching Behavior TestsInfluence of pH on
Leaching with Continuous pH Control. CEN/TC 292. Brussels, Belgium.
CEN/TS 15863. 2009. Characterization of WasteLeaching Behavior TestsDynamic
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Crank, J . 1975. The Mathematics of Diffusion. London: Oxford University Press.
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Trace Elements in MSWI Bottom Ash, Applied Geochemistry 23(6): 154462.
Dijkstra, J . J ., H. A. van der Sloot, and R. N. J . Comans. 2006. The Leaching of Major and
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Geochemistry 21(2): 33551.
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Petten, the Netherlands: Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands.
Figure B-16. Example 3: Scenario-specific simulation results using the MIKE-SHE model
considering a combined flow around + flow through regime for naphthalene,
phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthrene, pyrene, and benzo(a)pyrene.
EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency). 2010a. Method 1313: Liquid-Solid Partitioning
(LSP) as a Function of Extract pH Using a Parallel Batch Extraction Procedure.
EPA. 2010b. Method 1314: Liquid-Solid Partitioning (LSP) as a Function of Liquid-to-Solid
Ratio Using an Up-Flow Percolation Column Procedure.
EPA. 2010c. Method 1315: Mass Transfer Rates in Monolithic or Compacted Granular
Materials Using a Semi-Dynamic Tank Leaching Procedure.
EPA. 2010d. Method 1316: Liquid-Solid Partitioning (LSP) as a Function of Liquid-to-Solid
Ratio Using a Parallel Batch Extraction Procedure.
EPRI. 2009. Leaching Assessment Methods for the Evaluation of the Effectiveness of In-situ
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Garrabrants, A. C., and D.,S. Kosson. 2005. Leaching Processes and Evaluation Tests for
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and Soil Materials, Parts 15. Geneva.
ISO/TS 21268-3. 2007. Soil QualityLeaching Procedures for Subsequent Chemical and
Ecotoxicological Testing of Soil and Soil Materials, Part 3: Up-Flow Percolation Test.
ISO/TS 21268-4. 2007. Soil QualityLeaching Procedures for Subsequent Chemical and
Ecotoxicological Testing of Soil and Soil Materials, Part 4: Influence of pH on Leaching
with Initial Acid/Base Addition. Geneva.
Kosson, D. S., H. A. van der Sloot, F. Sanchez, and A. C. Garrabrants. 2002. An Integrated
Framework for Evaluating Leaching in Waste Management and Utilization of Secondary
Materials, Environmental Engineering Science 19(3): 159204.
Roskam, G. D., and R. N. J . Comans. 2003. Leaching of PAHs from Waste Materials and the
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van der Sloot, H. A., and J . J . Dijkstra. 2004. Development of Horizontally Standardized
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ECNC-04-060. Petten, the Netherlands: Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands.
van der Sloot, H. A., L. Heasman, and P. Quevauviller. 1997. Harmonization of
Leaching/Extraction Test. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science.
Appendix C
Groundwater Modeling Case Studies and Methods
Groundwater models are mathematical conceptualizations of hydrologic and hydrogeologic flow
systems. Models have become an important tool that can be used in environmental evaluations of
the fate and transport of contaminants in various media, including groundwater. Models may also
be a useful tool for use with S/S remedies, for example, to provide input for remedial selection
and design, to evaluate potential impacts to groundwater or surface water from S/S treatment of
contaminated materials, or to demonstrate in conjunction with field measurements compliance
with cleanup criteria.
A wide range of groundwater models are available that have been used for environmental
evaluations and can be applied to S/S remedy evaluations. These include one-, two- or three-
dimensional models, numerical and/or analytical models, models to estimate the flux of
contaminants that are present in unsaturated soil to underlying groundwater, water infiltration
rates through caps to underlying soil and groundwater, the flux of contaminants released from a
source area and transported via groundwater to a receptor or to surface water, and the
containment and recovery of contamination in groundwater by one or more pumping well(s)
and/or to assist in determining when groundwater monitoring may be modified or discontinued.
Abundant literature is available that describes the function and capabilities of groundwater
models, and therefore a detailed discussion of groundwater modeling will not be presented in this
guidance document or appendix. EPAs Center for Subsurface Modeling Support (CSMOS),
located at the Robert S. Kerr Center for Environmental Research in Ada, Oklahoma, provides
public domain models and information on its website at
The following sections in this appendix illustrate some actual uses of models for select sites and
other methodologies that may be applicable to modeling for S/S remedies. Case Study #1
describes the use of modeling to estimate the degree of dilution that would be expected to occur
beneath S/S-treated material as flux from the treated material entered groundwater, and how that
modeling was used to predict compliance with the cleanup criteria by setting an allowable flux
from the treated mass. Case Study #2 describes the use of modeling at a site where shallow
groundwater indicated the possibility of groundwater mounding and flooding after S/S treatment
and how modeling was used to assist in design of the site storm-water control system.
Subsection C.3 presents a graded modeling methodology that can be used to identify suitable
modeling methods or codes to evaluate the efficacy of S/S remedies and estimate likely resulting
potential impacts to groundwater. This is a relatively new approach, recently presented at the
2010 American Geophysical Union conference. This graded approach provides a template for
selecting the modeling method or code to be used at a site such reasonably accurate results may
be obtained at a lower level of effort and cost than a priori selection and application of more
complex modeling methods and/or codes.
C.1.1 Introduction and Overview
In situ S/S applications can pose unique challenges for the management of postenvironmental
construction surface water and groundwater conditions. Construction of an S/S monolith may
significantly alter hydrogeologic and hydrologic conditions and have potentially detrimental
impacts beyond the limits of the project site. These impacts could include the following:
Hydraulic mounding (water table rising) along the upgradient side of the monolith due to the
placement of S/S material (reagent mixed with soil) with significantly lower permeabilities
than the surrounding soil. This concern may be further heightened in the presence of coarse-
grained soil and shallow groundwater elevations.
Creation of localized conditions that could increase the potential for flooding due to the
construction of a relatively impermeable surface that will increase surface water runoff to
other areas and loss of land surface for compensating flood storage.
Increase in the potential for flooding or surface water ponding upgradient of the S/S monolith
due to hydraulic mounding and alterations to the previously existing groundwater flow paths,
which could slow upgradient surface water infiltration during storm events.
Based on these considerations, it is recommended that groundwater modeling be integrated early
in the design process using existing available groundwater elevation and flow data to assess the
complying with local and state permitting requirements for storm-water management
assessing potential impacts to the surrounding community
modifying existing storm and sanitary infrastructure
designing new groundwater and surface-water management facilities such as storm-water
retention ponds and/or compensating flood storage basins
developing final plans for site restoration and landscaping
establishing a conceptual model for long-term groundwater monitoring
To better illustrate how groundwater modeling can be used to address the S/S design
considerations outlined above, the following sections present a case study for a large S/S project
at a former gasification plant site located northeast of Orlando, Florida. Pertinent topics
addressed in this case study consist of the following:
site-specific parameters that needed to be considered during model development
key assumptions made to develop the model
modeling methodologies and results
development of design recommendations for surface-water and groundwater management
and long-term groundwater monitoring
design recommendations for future S/S projects
C.1.2 Site Background and Setting
In situ S/S was selected by EPA Region IV to address remaining soil and groundwater
contamination from historic MGP operations at the site. Contaminant conditions included coal
tar that occurred in discrete zones and various depths overlain by uncontaminated soils. The S/S
operations encompassed approximately 140,000 yd
up to depths of approximately 30 feet bgs
over an area of approximately 45 acres.
The study area includes the former MGP property, a number of properties that were affected by
the environmental cleanup operations, and a perennial creek that drains the area (gaining stream).
The creek is characterized as an urban stream and has been impacted by intensive development
of the watershed. The creek discharges to a large lake at the northern edge of the site. Land use
in the surrounding area consists primarily of residential homes and light commercial businesses.
In this urban environment, potable water is supplied by the local municipality, and no production
wells are located near the site. Figure C-1 provides a plan view of the study area, illustrating one
of the major design challenges for the project: the original creek alignment passed through the
design limits for the S/S monolith and needed to be rerouted prior to completing the S/S
operations. The remediation limits indicated in black represent the approximate limits for the S/S
monolith. As will be discussed below, rerouting the creek outside the limits of the monolith
included installation of a box culvert, which required careful consideration as part of the
groundwater modeling.
Figure C-1. Plan view of the case study area.
The climate of the area is humid subtropical, with warm wet summers and mild dry winters.
Rainfall represents the largest input into the hydrologic system. The hydrostratigraphy of the site
includes a shallow water table aquifer and a deep bedrock aquifer separated by a laterally
continuous clay confining layer. The shallow unconfined aquifer system is present in sandy
beach and shell deposits overlain by fill material. The deep confined aquifer system is present in
limestone bedrock that underlies the region. The deep aquifer is the most commonly used source
of groundwater in the area. Vertical gradients between the shallow and deep aquifers are upward.
The shallow aquifer was the only unit modeled because the deep aquifer system was sufficiently
isolated from the shallow system and not directly impacted by the S/S operations.
The shallow aquifer is within the shallow fine sand and shell encountered at the site from land
surface to generally 30 feet bgs. The water table ranges 110 feet bgs. The general groundwater
flow direction within the shallow aquifer is toward the creek with a northward component toward
the lake at the end of the creek.
C.1.3 Modeling Objectives
The objectives for the modeling included the following:
evaluate the potential for water table rise due to the construction of the S/S monolith and
placement of a perennial gaining creek into a box culvert
simulate mitigation efforts (groundwater relief drains and storm-water attenuation/retention
ponds) designed to alleviate water table rise and manage surface water flow predicted by the
assist with design of the groundwater monitoring network
Water table rise (mounding) and potential ground surface expressions of groundwater associated
with placement of the S/S monolith were of particular concern at this site for the following reasons:
The water table at the site is 110 feet bgs.
Portions of the monolith fully penetrate the shallow aquifer, preventing normal flow.
A portion of the stream that drains the area would be diverted into a culvert, and the aquifer
below the stream would be stabilized, effectively preventing groundwater discharge along a
roughly 500-foot section of the stream.
The monolith is relatively large, extending across 45 acres and to depths of up to 30 feet bgs
to a lower clay confining layer.
The location for the monolith is in an area that provided significant storm-water drainage for
the surrounding area. This drainage included what was known as the unnamed tributary,
which continuously drained from areas south of the site to the creek.
C.1.4 Modeling
Groundwater flow was modeled in three dimensions using MODFLOW. MODFLOW uses a
finite-difference approximation to solve a three-dimensional head distribution in a transient,
multilayer, heterogeneous, anisotropic, variable-gradient, variable-thickness, confined or
unconfined flow systemgiven user-supplied inputs of hydraulic conductivity, formation/layer
thickness, recharge, wells, and boundary conditions. The program also calculates a global water
balance, including contributions from wells, rivers, and drains, and any other boundary-type
packages used in the simulation. Three steady-state groundwater models were created to achieve
the model objectives. The models were created prior to construction of the monolith and updated
with design changes during construction:
calibration modelCreated and calibrated to simulate observed groundwater and surface-
water conditions prior to initiation of remedial activities.
design modelCreated from the calibration model to simulate and predict changes in
groundwater flow resulting from designed construction of the S/S monolith, associated
storm-water detention ponds, and modifications to the creek. This model was used to
evaluate the potential for water table rise (mounding) associated with construction activities.
design model with drainsThe design model was modified to include groundwater relief
drains to address potential groundwater mounding and support the groundwater screening
program. This model was updated during remedial construction to incorporate changes from
the original design plans.
The modeled area was approximately 14,500 17,000 feet and bounded to the north by a lake.
The east, west, and south boundaries of the model approximate the outer edge of the watershed
in which the site is located (Figure C-2). The distal portions of the watershed boundary were left
out of the model grid to improve computing efficiency.
The upgradient and lateral edges of the model, representing the watershed boundaries, were no-
flow (Neumann) boundaries. The lower boundary (top of clay confining layer) was also a no-
flow (Neumann) boundary. The lake at the downgradient edge of the model was a constant-head
(Dirichlet) boundary placed in the bottom layer of the model. Streams were represented using
MODFLOW river (mixed) boundaries in the top layer of the model. The upper boundary was a
time-dependent specified flux (Neumann) boundary, with specified flux rates equal to the
recharge rate. Features that potentially remove water from the model, such as storm-water
management ponds or groundwater relief drains, were simulated as MODFLOW drains (mixed).
For the calibration model, a sampling event was scheduled when groundwater elevations were
relatively high. Water levels were collected from site wells, and river elevations were surveyed at
this time so that the model would be calibrated to high-water levels and result in higher potential
mounding near the monolith, thus making the model conservative with respect to predicted
mounding. The calibrated steady-state model was then modified to create the design models.
C.1.5 Special Considerations for Model Construction and Input Values
Because surface expressions of groundwater were of concern, extra attention was paid to ground
surface elevation and aquifer thickness in the model. The grid cells of the model near the
monolith were spaced tightly (12.5 feet apart), and the top layer of the model was created by
gridding and importing existing ground surface elevation data from construction plans. A surface
was created in CAD (computer-aided design) based on surveyed ground surface elevations (1-
foot contour interval). That surface was gridded into 12-foot cells similar to the model cells and
imported to the model grid as XYZ points. Using this method, ground surface elevations near the
monolith very closely approximated actual elevations. The same method was used to simulate
the final construction ground surface elevations from the design plans (e.g., storm-water ponds,
drainage swales, and river channel reconstruction). Figure C-2 illustrates the very tight grid
spacing near the site.
Figure C-2. Model grid. The red box indicates the location of the S/S monolith. The orange line
indicates the watershed boundary. Blue lines are base map features, such as roads, streams, large
ponds, and the footprint of the monolith.
The bottom of the model was created in a similar fashion to the top of layer 1. The top of clay
elevation (top of confining layer) data collected from the site were surfaced in CAD, gridded,
and imported into the model. Once the top and bottom of the aquifer were defined, the model
was further subdivided into a three-layer model to accommodate monolith placement and spatial
variations in lithology.
The creek running through the site drains the eastern half of the watershed and therefore strongly
influences groundwater flow direction. Site visits also indicated that there were several pools and
elevation drops giving the creek a step-like appearance as is passed though the site. To further
refine groundwater flow in the model, the creek was surveyed at the same time the groundwater
elevations were collected for calibration. Coordinates, top-of-water, and riverbed elevations were
collected from the upper and lower ends of the creek and from pools and drops (steps).
The location of the proposed S/S monolith was added to the model by importing CAD design
drawings. The hydraulic conductivity value of the monolith was originally based on construction
specifications and results of bench-scale testing. The design specification for the hydraulic
conductivity was 1 10
cm/s. In the design model with drains, the conductivity values were
updated with QA/QC data collected during placement of the monolith. Actual hydraulic
conductivities were lower than design specification. The sensitivity of this value was tested in
this model by increasing and decreasing the value by a factor of 10. At this site, the changes in
permeability did not affect the predicted result (i.e., it did not significantly increase the extent or
magnitude of groundwater mounding). The initial conductivity value of 10
cm/s is three orders
of magnitude lower than that of the surrounding sands and four orders of magnitude lower than
that of the shell.
Site-specific data were used whenever possible for initial input values (such as hydraulic
conductivity values derived from aquifer tests). Other initial input values were based first on
regional publications or referenced from other publications if no other information was available.
C.1.6 Calibration Model Results
The calibration model (simulated flow prior to monolith construction) achieved the following
targets: modeled heads were within 1 foot of observed heads near the monolith; cumulative mass
balance of the model (0.00%) was less than the goal of 1% discrepancy between inputs and
outputs; observed versus computed targets exhibited a linear 1:1 trend; and the graph of observed
head versus modeled residuals exhibited a high degree of scatter, which indicated that the
residuals were evenly distributed across the range of observed heads.
C.1.7 Design Model Results
The design model (predicted flow after placement of the monolith) suggested that groundwater
mounding was likely to occur along the upgradient and side-gradient sides of the monolith and
could result in surface expressions of groundwater upgradient of the site; particularly east of the
site where groundwater was observed approximately 1 foot bgs. The model predicted a
maximum head increase of approximately 7 feet along the eastern side-gradient edge of the
monolith, as indicated in the Figure C-3.
Figure C-3. Design model prediction for flooding along the eastern and upgradient portion
of the monolith after installation of the monolith. Yellow, pink, and green cells represent
construction phases of the monolith. Orange cells are storm-water ponds represented by drain
boundary cells. Blue contours represent changes in groundwater elevation in feet relative to the
original (calibration) model. Negative values indicate increasing head. Light blue cells indicate
flooded areas where groundwater intersects land surface.
C.1.8 Simulation of Groundwater Relief Drains (Design Model with Drains)
The design model with drains (predicted flow with groundwater relief drains) was developed to
alleviate predicted groundwater mounding. Two groundwater relief drains were placed in the
model just upgradient of the eastern side-gradient edge of monolith to intercept groundwater and
route it to a box culvert, thus reducing the risk of groundwater surface expressions. The box
culvert was planned to contain the stream as it passed over the monolith. Each drain was
simulated to tie into the storm-water drainage system associated with the box culvert as part of
the final construction plan. To maximize groundwater relief, the drains were simulated by
starting with the elevation from the tie-in location (lowest possible drain elevation). The drains
were modeled as 3 3 foot trenches filled with gravel (1 cm/s hydraulic conductivity) that grade
0.5% toward the tie-in. Figure C-4 indicates the effect of the drains on the mounding.
Figure C-4. Design model with drains results. Yellow, pink, and green cells represent
construction phases of the monolith. Orange cells represent storm-water ponds and new
groundwater relief drains represented by drain boundary cells. Blue contours represent changes
in groundwater elevation in feet relative to the preconstruction (calibration) model. Negative
values indicate increasing head. Light blue cells indicate flooded areas where groundwater
intersects land surface.
Note the significant reduction in the blue cells compared to the model conditions provided in
Figure C-3. The groundwater relief drains reduced the maximum increase in head from 7 feet to
2 feet, and modeled groundwater elevations remained below ground surface (eliminated surface
expressions of groundwater). The model also indicated that the drains would remove water at a
combined rate of approximately 10 gallons per minute (gpm) (i.e., the drains would contribute a
constant flux of 10 gpm to the storm-water drains and ultimately the box culvert). This additional
flux of groundwater did not require alteration of the existing storm-water design plans. As a
result of this modeling effort, the groundwater relief drains were incorporated into the design and
construction plans for remedial construction.
This model was updated during construction of the monolith to incorporate modifications from
the original design plans and to include conductivity data from QC samples of the monolith. The
model indicated these modifications would not significantly impact groundwater flow or
mounding; therefore, the design of the groundwater relief drains did not require alteration.
Figure C-4 is a screen capture from the last update of the design model with drains.
C.1.9 Application toward Placement of Monitoring Well Network
Prediction of post-remedial groundwater elevation contours and particle tracking were used to
support development of a new monitoring well network. Projected groundwater flow contours
indicated that groundwater would continue to flow toward the former stream bed after placement
of the monolith and diversion into the box culvert (Figure C-5). The groundwater flow pathways
and, by extension, potential post-construction plume migration pathways were generated using
MODPATH to generate particle traces in the upper and lower portions of the aquifer. Particle
tracking results (Figure C-6) indicated that particles from upgradient of the monolith would
travel toward the monolith and either become captured by the groundwater relief drains or travel
along the edge of the monolith until they reached the stream as it exited the box culvert
downstream of the monolith. Particles that were not captured by the drains would move very
closely along the monolith and be captured within 200 feet of the downstream edge of the
monolith. This information was used to design a groundwater screening program that will be
used to establish the number and locations for the final monitoring well network.
Based on the particle tracking and the projected groundwater contours, a monitoring well
network with side-gradient wells located in close proximity along the length of the monolith
combined with wells located directly downgradient of the monolith was considered for post-
remedial groundwater monitoring. The groundwater screening program that was developed to
evaluate the proposed monitoring well network targeted areas along the perimeter and directly
downgradient of the monolith. At this writing, the screening program has not been completed.
The data generated from the screening program will be used to calibrate a new version of the
design model with drains to verify the conditions predicted by the flow model and refine
recommendations for the monitoring well network.
Figure C-5. Calibrated and predicted groundwater flow contours. This figure shows
calibrated flow contours (on the left) and predicted groundwater elevation contours (on the right)
after construction of the monolith with drains in place to mitigate increases in groundwater
elevation. The green cells represent the creek, orange cells represent the storm-water attenuation
ponds or relief drains, and the blue cells indicate places where the groundwater elevation could
exceed land surface. Note that predicted flow contours do not deviate significantly from those of
the calibrated model.
C.1.9 Recommendations and Considerations for Future S/S Projects
The groundwater modeling results discussed in the case study provided important data that were
used to support the S/S design efforts for post-remedial groundwater/surface-water management.
Collection of sufficient groundwater elevation and quality data should be conducted early in the
design process to develop a viable CSM to guide the design efforts and support decision making
for monitoring long-term performance of the S/S monolith. Plans should be included during and
following the S/S operations to monitor changes in groundwater elevations and flow direction so
the groundwater model can be periodically updated and initial design assumptions can be
confirmed and/or revised, appropriate.
C.1.10 Case Study #1 Reference
Hennings, B. G., C. A. Robb, and R. E. Wittenberg. 2011. Draft In Situ Stabilization/
Solidification Design Considerations and Applications for Groundwater Modeling. Natural
Resource Technology, Technical Memorandum.
Figure C-6. Model results for particle tracking. Yellow, pink, and green cells represent the
monolith. Light green cells represent the creek. Particle tracking is indicated in red. Orange cells
represent storm-water attenuation ponds or the groundwater relief drains.
The Peak Oil/Bay Drum EPA Superfund site, located near Tampa, Florida, implemented S/S as
part of the site remedy to treat contaminated soil, sludge, and ash. This site case study is
presented as an example of groundwater modeling used to determine acceptable concentrations
of site contaminants that could leach from the S/S-treated material into groundwater and still
meet cleanup goals at the site POC. This concentration was then used as a performance criterion
to be met during treatment.
C.2.1 Background
The site consists of two adjacent properties that represent separate historical operations, Peak Oil
Company and Bay Drum Company. The separate properties were ranked by EPA and listed
jointly on the NPL in 1986 as the Peak Oil/Bay Drum Superfund Site.
The site was divided into
four operable units (OUs): OU 1, the source areas at the Peak Oil property; OU 2, groundwater
beneath both properties; OU 3, the source areas at the Bay Drum property; and OU 4, wetland
areas adjacent to both properties. This case study focuses on the groundwater modeling
conducted to establish acceptable concentrations for contaminants in leachate from the treated
material entering groundwater.
A remedial investigation and feasibility study was conducted for the site, and remedies were
selected in 1993 for each of the OUs and documented in separate records of decision (RODs).
The RODS for OUs 13 and the first EPA five-year review (see references for this case study in
Section C.2.7, beginning on p. C-19) provided the site information that is summarized in the
following sections. Additional work was performed during design of the remedies for OUs 1 and
3 that led to a modification to the OU 1 source (Explanation of Significant Difference) and OU 2
groundwater remedy, documented in an amendment to the 1993 ROD (EPA 2005).
The site terrain is relatively flat, ~2545 feet above mean sea level. Land use in the area of the
site is industrial or undeveloped with residences (at the time of the 1993 RODs) located at about
one-third mile distant or greater.
Materials beneath the site surface include two unconsolidated sedimentary units overlying
bedrock. The uppermost unconsolidated unit is the surficial sand unit, consisting of poorly
graded fine sand with varying amounts of silt and gravel and is up to ~40 feet thick.
Groundwater is encountered at 24 feet bgs. Underlying the surficial sand unit is a low-
permeability unit, a component of the upper Hawthorne Group that consists of clay and clayey
sand and ranges 1540 feet thick. At the site it contains intermittent clay lenses. The Tampa
Limestone and underlying Suwannee Limestone Formations compose the bedrock beneath the
unconsolidated sedimentary units.
Two groundwater aquifers are identified for the site: the surficial aquifer and the deeper Upper
Floridian Aquifer. The surficial aquifer is the saturated portion of the surficial sand unit; water
levels and groundwater flow directions vary seasonally in response to infiltration of rainfall. The
surficial aquifer does not have a current use but is hydraulically connected to area wetlands and
streams. The Upper Floridian Aquifer underlies the low-permeability sedimentary unit and is
associated with the Tampa Limestone and underlying Suwannee Limestone formations. Regional
groundwater flow in the Upper Floridian Aquifer is to the southwest, but groundwater flow in the
area of the site is to the northwest, likely in response to influence of the nearby Tampa Bypass
Canal. The Upper Floridian Aquifer is also the regional municipal water supply source.
C.2.2 Site Use and Detected Contaminants
Peak Oil Company conducted an oil re-refining operation at the property (OU 1) for used oils
and lubrication fluids using an acid/clay purification and filtration process. Low-pH sludge and
oil-saturated clay waste containing lead were generated and stored on site in unlined lagoons. A
Additional information about this site can be found at
1986 removal action at the Peak Oil property consisted of removal of 4,000 yd
of acidic oily
sludge from one of the three lagoons using a mobile incinerator and generating residual ash that
remained on site. The remaining two lagoons had been filled in.
Contaminants detected in Peak Oil property soil and lagoon sludge include VOCs, primarily
toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes; semivolatile organic chemicals (SVOCs), primarily PAHs;
PCBs; inorganics, notably barium, lead, chromium, and zinc; and a thick oily residue within the
surficial sand unit associated with the areas of the unlined lagoons. Lead was detected in former
lagoon areas at up to 2,950 mg/kg and in the residual ash at an average 3,525 mg/kg. Other
inorganics detected in former lagoon areas above background concentrations included arsenic,
beryllium, cadmium, cobalt, copper, manganese, mercury, and cyanide.
Bay Drum Company conducted a drum-reconditioning operation at the property (OU 3), which
included a reconditioning area in a small portion of the site, with the remainder of the property
used for drum storage. In the last two years of activity at the property, waste roofing shingles
were stored on the property in a layer up to 19 feet thick. A 1989 removal action at the Bay
Drum property removed about 70,000 yd
of roofing shingles, leaving 27,000 yd
on site due to
high water table conditions, and later that year removed for off-site disposal buried drums and
4,000 yd
of soil and sludge contaminated with VOCs, SVOCs, pesticides, PCBs, and metals.
Contaminants detected in Bay Drum property surface and subsurface soil included VOCs,
SVOCs or PAHs, PCBs, pesticides (mainly dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene, chlordane, and
ethion), and inorganics (mainly arsenic, chromium, lead, and zinc). Lead was detected in
subsurface soil at up to 2,500 mg/kg. Other inorganics detected above background concentrations
but not above cleanup levels included barium, chromium, and zinc.
C.2.3 Site Remedial Action Objectives
COCs for soil at the Peak Oil property include beryllium, benzo(a)pyrene,
dibenzo(a,h)anthracene, lead, and PCBs for soil and lead for the residual ash. Site concentrations
of COCs did not exceed remedial action objectives for the 10
to 10
risk range. Lead was
detected at concentrations above the groundwater protection soil concentration of 284 mg/kg and
was therefore a primary COC for leaching to groundwater.
COCs for soil at the Bay Drum property include arsenic, lead, chlordane, ethion, PCBs, and
PAHs. Cleanup levels for this property were set at 10
for soil exposure for an industrial worker;
concentrations for COCs did not exceed this risk criterion. Groundwater protection criteria were
calculated for five COCs, including ethylbenzene, toluene, naphthalene, and lead, with only lead
exceeding the groundwater protection soil concentration of 284 mg/kg. Therefore, lead was also
the primary COC for groundwater.
RAOs were established for the Peak Oil/Bay Drum Site to be protective of human health and
groundwater and to meet applicable or relevant and appropriate requirements. RAOs (action
levels) were 521 mg/kg for lead and 180 mg/kg for chlordane in soil, with any soil exceeding
these levels to be treated using S/S soil with concentrations of chlordane 9.6180 mg/kg to be
placed without treatment beneath the site cap.
C.2.4 Overview of Remedial Action
Remedial actions for both the Peak Oil and Bay Drum properties included use of S/S treatment
for contaminated soil, sludge, sediment, and a residual ash pile. The main elements of source
control remedial measures at both the Peak Oil and Bay Drum properties included installation of
an attapulgite clay slurry wall around the contaminated soil area, excavation of soil and sludge
contaminated with lead above concentrations of 521 mg/kg, S/S treatment for excavated soil/
sludge and residual ash using a pozzolanic portland cement mix, placement of a multimedia cap
over the S/S-treated material, enhanced in situ bioremediation and localized air sparging for the
surficial aquifer for the Peak Oil property, enhanced bioremediation of groundwater for the Bay
Drum property, groundwater monitoring, ICs, and five-year reviews.
Table C-1 summarizes performance parameters and criteria developed for the site S/S treatment.
Table C-1. Performance parameters and criteria for S/S treatment
Action levels (mg/kg) Lead >521
Aroclor 1260 >25
Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate >0.58
S/S mix composition
6% Portland cement, 1%2% super triple phosphate
S/S specifications Average Allowance Method
Strength (USC psi) >50 None ASTM D 1633
Permeability (cm/s) <1 10
1 10
ASTM D 5084
Leaching lead (g/L) <282 <500 SPLP Method 1312
C. Wilk, personal communication with S. Birdwell, RECON, J anuary 19, 2011.
C.2.5 Modeling of Impact to Groundwater
EPA conducted groundwater modeling for the Peak Oil/Bay Drum Site to determine the
maximum contaminant load and concentrations of contaminant that could leach from the S/S-
treated material and still meet groundwater protection standards of 15 g/L for lead and 2 /L for
chlordane at the POCs. The POCs were the downgradient property boundaries, 1530 feet
downgradient for the Bay Drum property and 70120 feet downgradient for the Peak Oil
property. The modeling was conducted prior to treatment of contaminated material to support
design of the S/S formulation.
EPA used the HELP3 (Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance) model to calculate the
volume of rainwater infiltration through the site cap and proposed S/S monolith entering
groundwater and horizontal groundwater flow through the low-permeability monolith in the
saturated zone and compared to the volume of groundwater flow between the monolith and the
POC to calculate a site-specific dilution factor. (The HELP3 model is typically used to analyze
water balances and assist in design of landfill profiles [Schroeder et al. 1994].) EPA conducted
modeling for the site in late 1999 and early 2000. Figure C-7 depicts the CSM.
Figure C-7. Schematic of conceptual model for development of an SPLP performance
standard for the solidified mass at Peak Oil and Bay Drum.
Several assumptions were made regarding infiltration and configuration of the cap and monolith
forming the basis of the modeling exercise:
Rainwater infiltrates through the site cap, moves through the S/S-treated material producing a
leachate that reaches groundwater in the saturated zone along with a small volume of leachate
produced by groundwater moving through the proposed low-permeability monolith, is diluted
as groundwater flows beneath the site, and moves downgradient to the property boundary.
The S/S-treated material is located within the saturated zone, and the groundwater protection
standards for lead and chlordane are achieved at the property boundary.
The multilayer cap consists of 6 inches of topsoil over 6 inches of compacted backfill over a
geosynthetic clay liner with a vertical permeability of less than 10
, grass cover is on the
topsoil, the cap slope is 2.
No liner or leachate system is installed.
The cap includes a lateral drainage layer, the landfill cover consists of a bentonite mat
(geosynthetic clay liner), and chlordane is eliminated as a COC for the Peak Oil property
since it was not detected in soil.
The treated material will be located within the saturated zone.
Input values for model parameters were developed using site- and area-specific values obtained
from standard climate and water resource sources, using model functions to calculate some
derivative values (such as solar radiation) based on actual data, soil type characteristics (such as
porosity), and design specifications for the cap and proposed monolith. The dimensional
parameters for the surficial aquifer were derived based on site groundwater monitoring data and
are shown on the maps of Figures C-8 and C-9. Figure C-8 shows groundwater flow directions,
cap area, and groundwater flow cross-sectional lengths. Figure C-9 shows the surface soil and
cap areas used to calculate recharge areas.
Figure C-8. Groundwater flow directions, cap area, and groundwater flow cross-sectional lengths.
Figure C-9. Area designations for computation of dilution to leachate coming from the solidified material.
C.2.6 Modeling Results and Conclusions
The results of the HELP3 modeling provided a site dilution factor which was used to calculate
allowable leachate concentrations for lead and chlordane for the S/S-treated material. Chlordane
was eliminated as a COC for Peak Oil based on its low rate of detection in soil. Table C-2
summarizes the modeling results.
Table C-2. Allowable leachate concentrations for lead and chlordane in S/S-treated
Groundwater protection standard
Allowable leachate concentration
Peak Oil Bay Drum
Lead 15 282 179
Chlordane 2 NA 24
Groundwater modeling results for the site (allowable leachate concentrations) were used as
performance criteria for treatability studies to evaluate and develop potential S/S design
formulations that would not exceed the calculated maximum leachate concentration. The
treatability study identified the most effective formula for the S/S treatment that would be able to
meet remediation goals at the compliance point. For example, concentrations of lead in leachate
below the performance criteria (or allowable leachate concentration) of 282 g/L would be
expected to meet the remediation goal of 15 g/L at the POC.
An initial five-year review of the completed site remedy was conducted in 2005 and a second in
2010. The 2010 review ( indicates
that the S/S treatment is adequately containing contaminated soil and materials and is performing
as designed. Groundwater monitoring at the site confirms that there are no exceedances of site
COCs in groundwater.
The approach in this case study is reflected in the S/S treatment design process discussed in
Sections 46 of this guidance document. S/S treatment design begins with identified site
remediation goals that are represented by performance criteria. The design of the actual S/S
formulation is accomplished through treatability testing to identify effective formulations that
can achieve the performance criteria.
C.2.7 Case Study #2 References
EPA. 1993a. Superfund Record of Decision: Peak Oil Co./Bay Drum Co. Operable Unit 1.
EPA. 1993b. Superfund Record of Decision: Peak Oil Co./Bay Drum Co. Operable Unit 3.
EPA. 2000. Recalculation of SPLP Levels for Peak/Bay. EPA Memorandum, March 28.
EPA. 2005. Final Amendment to the 1993 Record of Decision (ROD) for Operable Unit 2, Peak
Oil/Bay Drum Site, Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida. Region 4, Atlanta, Ga.
EPA. 2009. Potential for Future Use, Tampa Former Industrial Property. EPA Reuse Fact
EPA. 2010. Second Five-Year Review Report for Peak Oil Company/Bay Drum Company. EPA
Region 4.
Schroeder, P. R., C. M. Lloyd, P. A. Zappi, and N. M. Aziz. 1994. The Hydrologic Evaluation of
Landfill Performance (HELP) Model. EPA/600/R-94/168a. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Waterways Experiment Station and Clemson University Department of Civil Engineering,
under contract to U.S. EPA Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory, Office of Research and
Development, Cincinnati.
Modeling calculations typically consider three phases in the life cycle of an S/S remedy to enable
comparison of the relative efficacy of alternative remedies and, on occasion, the likely times
required to achieve defined RAOs: preremediation, to describe current site conditions; mid-
remediation, to estimate expected conditions during active remediation; and post-remediation, to
describe expected conditions after active remediation is completed.
A common modeling objective at sites implementing S/S remedies is to estimate the possible
impact to an underlying aquifer of various S/S remediation strategies, typically in terms of
possible impacts on groundwater conditions immediately below a source zone and at some
distance downgradient of the impacted area where one or more receptors may exist. A variety of
calculation techniques can be used to evaluate the efficacy of an identified remedy or to compare
the relative efficacy of different remedies, with these design considerations in mind.
Modeling calculations can become complex, involving sophisticated three-dimensional (3D)
numerical models of flow and transport that require a large computational burden to execute.
While sophisticated methods provide valuable insight, complexity is not always warranted,
particularly when comparing the relative benefits of different approaches or when conducting
screening-level analyses aimed at ranking sites or remedial technologies. For this reason,
methods and codes that can be used to make defensible screening-level calculations using site-
specific parameters prior to undertaking rigorous and sophisticated numerical analyses can be
beneficial. The existence of different methods that span a wide range of sophistication and
complexity naturally lends itself to the development and application of a graded approach to
undertaking calculations in support of remedy design and evaluation.
The following sections describe some important considerations when undertaking modeling
analyses of S/S remedies and outline one example of a graded approach that could be considered
at a many sites for which S/S remedies are under consideration or already implemented. The
specific elements of the graded approach described are not always suitable or applicable to a
particular site; however, the concepts and terms have broad-ranging applicability. The
demonstrative examples that are presented focus on impacts to groundwater although the
concepts are also applicable to evaluating impacts to other media, such as soil and air.
C.3.1 Definitions
The following terms are used throughout the discussion of remedy design calculations and the
graded approach:
methodOne or more mass-balance or constitutive relationships, described using one or a
sequence of equation(s) that enable the method to be quantified. Examples of methods range
from a simple three-phase partitioning equation to finite-difference numerical models that
require computers to evaluate.
codeAn executable program or a spreadsheet that implements a method or a sequence of
methods and produces outputs. An example of a code is the program VS2DT, which
simulates flow and transport in variably saturated media in two dimensions.
modelA code that implements one or more methods and that, together with the assignment
of parameter values, can be used to make site-specific calculations.
parameterA value that is fundamental to a method and that must be assigned as an input to
a model implemented via a specific code. An example of a parameter is the distribution
coefficient (K
) that describes the relative affinity of a contaminant to partition from the
dissolved phase on to adjacent soils.
The graded modeling approach presented here includes the following:
a description of methods that can be used to evaluate the likely fate of contaminants in the
some example codes that implement these methods
the role that some parameters play in determining when to progress from simpler to more
sophisticated calculations
It is not the intent here to be prescriptive regarding the use of codes that implement specific
methods. Although generic implementations of some codes using default parameter values may
occasionally be used, on most occasions a site-specific model is developed and parameterized
using site-specific information and data.
C.3.2 Requirements of a Graded Modeling Approach
A graded modeling approach includes methods and codes that enable the development of
cleanup levels enabling decisions regarding remedial actions to be reached within the context of
CERCLA, RCRA, and/or other applicable standards. It should ideally do the following:
integrate with the exposure/risk assessment process
guide the selection and engineering of appropriate remedies
support the development of long-term performance monitoring
support the development of ICs
The principal requirements of a graded modeling approach, as outlined below, encompass
methods and codes that enable relatively simple (abstract) to relatively complex (realistic)
calculations. Such a graded approach accomplishes the following:
Encompasses both (a) look-up analyses based upon previously compiled results obtained
using generic or reasonably representative assumptions and parameters and (b) site-specific
analyses that generate new results specific to an individual waste site or group of waste sites
sharing characteristics using parameters more site specific than those used for the look-up
type of analyses.
Encompasses methods, models, and codes that enable calculations ranging from relatively
simple to relatively complex to be completed.
Incorporates inherent conservatism in the simpler methods and models. As the complexity of
the methods, codes and models increase and conservatism decreases. As a result, calculations
become increasingly realistic and less conservative as the complexity increases.
Avoids overly conservative methods; methods that are simple but not necessarily
conservative; and unnecessarily complex methods, codes, and models.
Includes identifiable, communicable, and verifiable justification for progressing from simpler
methods and codes to more complex methods and codes. J ustification for progressing from
simpler (abstract) methods and codes to complex (realistic) methods and codes should be
consistent with applicable regulations.
Uses fully documented and verified (benchmarked) codes that can be made available for
review by third parties.
Ensures that calculations completed using any method or code are documented and
independently verifiable, enabling independent reproduction and verification of results.
Use of a graded calculation approach should proceed in a stepwise manner commencing with
simple, conservative calculations (i.e., using methods that overpredict likely impacts to the
environment) and progress to more complex calculations more representative and inclusive of
the conditions likely to be encountered (i.e., rigorous or realistic calculations). Progression
between calculation levels occurs under the following conditions:
The current calculation step suggests that the soil or other concentrations required to be
protective of groundwater are overly conservative.
The next calculation step incorporates one or more features, events, and/or processes (FEPs)
o are necessary and appropriate
o are verifiable
o can be reasonably expected to significantly impact the calculated impact to groundwater
Implementation of any method and code to a specific site in the form of a site-specific model
should be accompanied by description of the CSM, documentation of the basis for the values
assigned to parameters, a discussion of assumptions and the level of conservativeness associated
with the analysis, and a discussion of reducible and irreducible uncertainties.
C.3.3 Key Features, Events, and Processes of a Conceptual Site Model
Completion of calculations requires the development of a site-specific CSM. This in turn
requires the identification, documentation, and understanding of key FEPs that govern(ed) the
release, migration, and fate of contaminants in the subsurface as well as the risk to potential
receptors. FEPs are site specific and must be identified and documented as part of the
development of the site-specific CSM prior to determining appropriate methods, applicable
codes, and site-specific parameters for inclusion in the modeling analysis. Table C-3 shows some
example FEPs that are commonly encountered at sites considered for S/S remedies.
Table C-3. Example features, events, and processes of a CSM
Category Examples
Features distribution of residual contamination within a discrete soil block of specified
vertical variation of soil media (heterogeneity)
Events implementation of a soil removal action
implementation of a capping action, considering an effective life cycle for the
capping action
Processes transient depletion and partitioning of a finite mass of contaminant from a
discrete soil block of specified dimensions
transient vadose zone transport of water and dissolved solutes
transient mixing of water and contaminants from the vadose zone with lateral
groundwater flux
saturated zone migration of water and advective-dispersive-reactive transport of
the dissolved solute
By way of example, an instantaneous multiphase partitioning equation might be used to assess
the likely partitioning of contaminants from an emplaced waste. However, progression from the
use of an instantaneous partitioning equation that uses site-specific parameters to the use of an
integrated treatment of flow and contaminant transport enables the inclusion of several FEPs
pertinent at many sites, such as the following:
site-specific geometry, including a significant vadose zone
a finite, depleting source of contaminants
variably saturated flow and transport through the vadose zone
convolution of the contaminant flux calculated at the base of the vadose zone
advection, retardation, degradation, and dispersion of dissolved contaminants within the
vadose and saturated zones
C.3.4 Example Methods of Calculation
Calculation methods range from simple to complex and differ with respect to their ability to
include common FEPs and the level of expertise required to design and execute calculations.
Most sites contain common elements, although the extent to which each element is included in a
calculation depends on the objective of the analysis and the complexity of the methods and codes
employed. These common elements are as follows:
source zoneThe area in which the contaminants are known or believed to exist and from
which they are hypothesized as emanating in the predictive calculations.
vadose zoneThe path from the source zone to the water table below.
mixing zoneThe volume at the top of the unconfined aquifer beneath the source zone,
within which infiltrating water containing contaminants mixes with through-flowing
saturated zoneThe (unconfined) aquifer beneath the source zone, within which
contaminants migrate.
receptorA water body, well, faucet, or other location at which exposure to contamination
Calculation outputs vary depending on the sophistication of the method and the complexity of
the site, as follows:
Simple methods may include a concentration independent of time and space.
Intermediate methods may include a groundwater concentration over time at a given distance
from the contaminant release.
Sophisticated methods may include maps of contaminant concentration over time and space
and/or concentrations to which potential receptors may be exposed.
Depending on the transport properties of the contaminant, release scenario, and site geometry, a
significant difference may exist between groundwater concentrations calculated immediately
beneath a site versus concentrations calculated some distance downgradient, such as at the site
boundary. For this reason, either the points of calculation and/or POCs should be agreed on prior
to making decisions on the basis of calculations, or the method should be able to provide outputs
describing concentrations versus time at various distances from the release to ensure that the
location of peak impacts is identified.
C.3.4.1 Look-Up Type Analyses
Look-up type analyses typically comprise tabulated values published in guidance documents
and/or regulations. These values are sometimes used as cleanup levels, but the decision on
whether a look-up value can be relied on for this purpose depends on the pertinent state and
federal regulations and/or other site-specific requirements. Look-up type analyses are easy to
implement and require relatively little expertise. However, their applicability to site-specific
decisions can be questionable since the underlying assumptions may not be valid. Since little or
no site-specific information is required to use look-up type analyses, they are by design very
conservative (protective), and as a result, the outputs of look-up type analyses usually indicate
that very low concentrations of contaminants remaining in source zones may contaminate
C.3.4.2 Site-Specific Analyses
Calculations are typically made using site-specific parameters, particularly when evaluating the
likely efficacy of an existing remedy or attempting to determine whether a remedy has been
sufficiently effective as to warrant consideration for site closure. The use of site-specific
parameters is conditional on meeting a reasonable burden of proof that the information used in
the analysis is appropriate; that site-specific parameters are defensible; and that any new
scientific information, method, or code is reliable. Site-specific analyses can themselves include
a wide variety of simple to sophisticated calculations, some examples of which are described in
the following subsections.
Batch or flash calculations
Batch or flash calculations are usually based on partitioning of a contaminant between two or
more phases, such as from a soil into the air and/or groundwater. Partitioning equations typically
assume that partitioning is instantaneous (i.e., they do not explicitly consider time or space) and
that the target mediain this case, groundwateris adjacent to the source zone. These
calculations allow the use of some site-specific parameters, such as the distribution coefficient.
On some occasions, these calculations may be combined with other calculations, such as
infiltration rates or groundwater flow rates, enabling dilution factors and approximate
concentrations in groundwater to be determined. For example, the State of Washington
Administrative Code (WAC) 173-340-747, Deriving Soil Concentrations for Ground Water
Protection, presents methods for establishing soil concentrations that will not contaminate
groundwater above levels established under WAC 173-340-720. [NOTE: References for Section
C.3 are in Section C.3.8, beginning on p. C-31.] In particular, WAC 173-340-747(3) lists several
methods for deriving soil concentrations,
including the use of a variable-parameter,
three-phase partitioning model and the use
of an alternate fate-and-transport model.
The box to the right presents the basic three-
phase partitioning equation provided in
WAC 173-340-747 (equation 747-1). Use of
the three-phase partitioning equation is
generally accompanied by the use of
equations to estimate the K
, groundwater
Darcy flux, infiltration rate, and
groundwater dilution factor. Site-specific
leaching tests may also be used as a basis
for establishing an appropriate K
. The
three-phase partitioning equation provides
simple, though relatively abstract, estimates
of the likely impact of residual
contamination on the concentration of
contaminants at the water table. The use of
this and similar equations is usually most
appropriate for only screening-level
calculations, since the method does not
readily accommodate site-specific geometry
and other potentially important FEPs.
Analytical models
Analytical models are mathematical models that have a closed-form solution; i.e., the solution to
the equations used to describe changes in a system can be expressed as an analytic function of
one or more parameters. Analytical models typically provide fairly concise representations of the
principal FEPs at a site in a way that is more readily available than when using numerical
models. Nonetheless, although analytical models for simple systems are themselves simple,
analytical solutions to equations that describe complex systems can become complicated.
The use of analytic models can be justifiable at sites where the groundwater flow field is fairly
uniform; source area, vadose zone, and aquifer geometries are fairly regular; and key parameters
can be reasonably approximated using single (usually average but at other times bounding)
values. Because of their relative simplicity and the requirement that an analytical equation has a
closed solution, analytical methods usually simulate source, vadose, mixing, and saturated zones
separately using a series of process-specific models. Therefore, it is necessary to combine the
results of several process-specific analytical models to obtain results that encompass all principal
FEPs at a site. Example analytical codes that are used to evaluate the fate and transport of
contaminants include BIOSCREEN and BIOSCREEN-AT, screening models that simulate
contaminant transport in groundwater.
Analytical models require more expertise to use than simple partitioning equations; however, the
expertise required is generally significantly less than that required to use numerical models.
Numerical models
Numerical models typically solve large systems of simultaneous (coupled) partial-differential
equations that describe flow and transport processes using a discretized (i.e., grid) representation
of the real-world site. Numerical models have been developed using finite difference, finite
element, and finite volume techniques. Numerical models are theoretically capable of
incorporating all relevant FEPs and simulating these relevant FEPs on any spatial or temporal
scale. Because of their theoretically unlimited capability, numerical methods can integrate
source, vadose, mixing, and saturated zones within a single site-specific model and can even
integrate calculations to estimate likely impacts at receptors.
The use of numerical models is often justified for sites at which the groundwater flow field is
nonuniform; the source area, vadose zone, and aquifer geometries are irregular; or key
parameters cannot be reasonably approximated using single (usually average) values. Example
numerical codes that are used to simulate the fate and transport of contaminants include
MT3DMS, a finite difference code that considers only saturated transport and reactions, and
STOMP (Subsurface Transport Over Multiple Phases), an integrated-volume finite-difference
code that solves partial-differential equations that describe the conservation of mass or energy
throughout one to four phases (i.e., aqueous, gaseous, NAPL, ice, and solid phases).
Numerical codes and models require significant expertise to use, and as a result, justification for
their use must consider the implications of selecting or designing a code or model that can be
used by only a small number of subject-matter experts.
C.3.5 An Intermediate Method: Integrated Analytical Solutions
While the three-phase partitioning equation is a fundamental calculation that provides basic
information regarding partitioning of chemicals in the immediate vicinity of contaminated soil, it
generally neglects common FEPs that are encountered at many sites. On the opposite end of the
spectrum, numerical simulators are sophisticated and essentially fully capable codes with the
potential to realistically simulate the widely ranging conditions and contaminants encountered at
any site. However, their technical and computational requirements, coupled with the level of
expertise required to complete such calculations, renders the use of complex numerical
simulators at every site a demanding undertaking that is less readily verifiable and transparent to
independent review than simpler calculations.
Integrated analytical solutions (IASs) offer an intermediate level of sophistication that can
consider many of the FEPs that are usually incorporated in numerical models but retain the
relative simplicity of analytical methods. An IAS essentially comprises a sequence of compatible
analytical solutions whose inputs and outputs are designed to enable sequential or simultaneous
execution with outputs from some analytical equations providing inputs to other analytical
equations. Due to the relative simplicity of each analytical equation, integrated analytical
solutions can be readily implemented within one or more simple programs or spreadsheets that
describe source, vadose, mixing, and saturated zone flow and contaminant FEPs. Thus, the use of
IASs as an intermediate method lies comfortably between the use of simple partitioning
equations and analytical solutions and the use of sophisticated numerical models.
Bedekar, Neville, and Tonkin (2010, in press) describe an IAS implemented within an EXCEL
spreadsheet for wide accessibility and transparency that comprises analytical equations
describing the following:
partitioning of contaminants from a source zone
migration of contaminants vertically through a vadose zone
mixing of contaminants with actively flowing groundwater at an underlying water table
migration of the dissolved contaminants in the underlying aquifer
The vadose zone and saturated capabilities of this intermediate IAS method above can incorporate
time-varying conditions to consider the implementation of soil remedial actions, such as soil
removal and capping. The IAS
method can therefore evaluate,
through the use of appropriate
infiltration rates, (a) current
conditions for a specified
number of years; (b) capped
conditions, with assumed cap
life cycle and effective depth,
for a specified number of years;
and (c) post-cap conditions for a
specified number of years.
While the method is not as
realistic as the use of sophisticated
numerical models, the level of
expertise and the computational
burden required are also
substantially less. For this reason,
the use of the intermediate IAS
method will often be appropriate
when sufficient site-specific
information is available to undertake
more rigorous calculations than are
offered by simple partitioning
equations but when there is
insufficient justification to warrant
the use of sophisticated numerical
models. The IAS method described
by Bedekar, Neville, and Tonkin
(2010, in press) is freely available
for use and possesses similar
capabilities to the GWSCREEN
program developed by Idaho
National Engineering and
Environmental Laboratory (INEEL
C.3.6 SummaryA Graded
Modeling Approach
The graded calculation approach discussion has three principal methods that enable the
construction of models of varying complexity from simple to realistic. Table C-4 briefly
describes these levels of the proposed graded approach. In developing a graded calculation
approach, incorporating levels such as those that are illustrated in Table C-4, it is assumed that
evaluation of a site for each COC proceeds in a stepwise manner and that the appropriate
calculation level incorporates relevant processes while acknowledging that the calculations
represent simplifications of the actual conditions. Accordingly, the graded approach commences
with simple calculations that by their nature and design are conservative (i.e., overpredict likely
impacts to groundwater) and progresses to more complex calculations more representative/
inclusive of the conditions likely to be encountered. For example the progression from the three-
phase partitioning equation using site-specific parameters to the vertically integrated analytical
treatment of steady-state variably saturated flow and transient contaminant transport enables the
inclusion of several FEPs, including the following:
site-specific geometry, including discrete extents for the contaminated soil and a thick vadose
a finite, depleting source of contaminants
variably saturated flow and transport through the thick vadose zone
convolution of the contaminant flux calculated at the base of the vadose zone
advection, retardation, degradation, and dispersion of dissolved contaminants within the
vadose and saturated zones
Table C-4. Graded modeling approach description
Description Format Notes
Level 1
with site-
factor and
Spreadsheet Lumped parameter analytical partitioning
Considers bulk properties and conditions
Uses site-specific parameters and dilution factor(s)
Can help to screen, rank, or identify drivers for unacceptable risk
Unlikely that this method/code can demonstrate compliance under
anything other than the simplest of conditions
Level 2
IAS for flow
Spreadsheet Relatively sophisticated but simple to implement
Vertically integrated site properties
Considers depletion of the source over time, 1D mass-conserved
partially saturated transport through the vadose zone, mixing at
the water table, and 2D advective-dispersive-reactive transport in
the aquifer to a POC and/or receptor
Can demonstrate compliance and/or identify drivers for
unacceptable risk under specific remedial alternatives and guide
refinement of potential remedies
Level 3
solutions for
flow and
prompt or
Sophisticated and relatively complex to implement
Spatially variable properties in 1D, 2D, or 3D
Considers depletion of the source over time; variably saturated
flow and advective-dispersive-reactive transport in 1D, 2D, or 3D
using finite-difference/finite-volume/finite-element solution
Can complete realistic evaluations of future impacts under a
variety of remedial alternatives when more conservative methods/
models lead to outcomes that are impractical to implement
Can demonstrate compliance and/or identify drivers for
unacceptable risk under specific remedial alternatives and guide
refinement of potential remedies
C.3.7 Quality Assurance and Other Implementation Considerations
As described earlier, there are numerous other considerations for implementing any calculations
at a site, whether or not the graded approach that is described here is employed, another graded
approach is used, a single deterministic calculation is made, or multiple stochastic-type
calculations are made. These additional considerations include, but are certainly not limited to,
the following:
How will the burden of proof on parameter values used in the calculations be met?
How will parameters used
in the calculations be
definedas point values,
as distributions? Or will
bounding values be used?
Hence, will best-
estimate calculations be
provided, or will an effort
to consider bounding
values be made?
How will (a) variability
and (b) uncertainty be
considered in the
calculations? These are
important and distinct
These considerations are
outside the scope of this
appendix. The reader is
therefore referred to other
guidance documents that have
been published by leading
agencies and groups such as
EPA, U.S. Geological Survey
(USGS), National Research
Council (NRC), and ASTM.
Recent guidance document released by EPA and ASTM include the following:
Guidance for Quality Assurance Project Plans for Modeling (EPA 2002).
Guidance on the Development, Evaluation, and Application of Environmental Models (EPA
2009). This guidance recommends best practices to help determine when a model, despite
its uncertainties, can be appropriately used to inform a decision. The guidance also
identifies model corroboration using independent data as a specific element of the model
evaluation step. The guidance states that [m]odel corroboration includes all quantitative and
qualitative methods for evaluating the degree to which a model corresponds to reality.
Standard Guide for Application of a Ground-Water Flow Model to a Site-Specific Problem
(ASTM 2010) lists eight primary steps in the application of a groundwater model.
Finally, it is noted that the use of models is accompanied by uncertainty and that although most
models are deterministic (i.e., a single set of outputs is produced on the basis of a single set of
inputs, and the model performs the same way for a given set of initial conditions), the results
should not be misconstrued as the best possible answer. The use of simple methods and codes
can be accompanied by more, or less, error and uncertainty than the use of complex methods
oversimplification can result in exclusion of FEPs that impact the fate of contaminants, while
overcomplication can lead to the specification of parameter values for which no information is
available and therefore are accompanied by great uncertainty. While the degree of uncertainty
that accompanies model calculations is method, code, model, and site specific and therefore
outside the scope of this appendix, it is common practice to undertake some form of evaluation
of the goodness (suitability) of the model for its intended purpose. And, although the subjects of
model calibration, verification, validation, and uncertainty analysis are all outside the scope of
this appendix, the following paragraph provides some perspective on the use of data to
corroborate or otherwise test the representativeness of a model.
In their 1992 book Applied Groundwater Modeling: Simulation of Flow and Advective
Transport, Drs. M. P. Anderson and W. Woessner state that continual improvement of the
conceptual model by collection of new field data will improve the numerical model. In his 2003
article From Models to Performance Assessment: The Conceptualization Problem, Dr. J .
Bredehoeft states that [g]ood modeling is an iterative process. As new data are acquired, the
model is revisited and adjusted (or recalibrated) so that the model predictions are consistent with
all the data, including the new data. Finally, in 2007 the NRC Committee on Models in the
Regulatory Decision Process published Models in Environmental Regulatory Decision, assessing
scientific and technical criteria that should be considered in deciding whether a model and its
results could serve as a reasonable basis for environmental regulatory activities. This document
states that [m]odels also can evolve through multiple versions that reflect new scientific
findings, acquisition of data, and improved algorithms, and that [t]he interdependence of
models and measurements is complex and iterative for several reasons. Measurements help to
provide the conceptual basis of a model and inform model development, including parameter
estimation. Measurements are also a critical tool for corroborating model results.
C.3.8 Section C.3 References
Anderson, M. P., and W. Woessner. 1992. Applied Groundwater Modeling: Simulation of Flow
and Advective Transport. San Diego: Academic Press.
ASTM (ASTM International, formerly American Society for Testing and Materials). 2010.
Standard Guide for Application of a Ground-Water Flow Model to a Site-Specific Problem.
ASTM D5447.
Bedekar, V., C. J . Neville, and M. J . Tonkin. 2010. Analysis of Contaminant Transport through
the Vadose and Saturated Zones for Source Screening, presented at the American
Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Abstract #H53C-1059.
Bedekar, V., C. J . Neville, and M. J . Tonkin. In press. Source Screening Module for
Contaminant Transport Analysis through Vadose and Saturated Zones, submitted to Ground
Bredehoeft, J . D. 2003. From Models to Performance Assessment: The Conceptualization
Problem, Ground Water 41(5): 57177.
Cleary, R. W., and M. J . Ungs. 1978. Analytical Models for Groundwater Pollution and
Hydrology. Report 78-WR-15. Princeton, N.J .: Princeton University Department of Civil
EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency). 2002. Guidance for Quality Assurance Project
Plans for Modeling. EPA QA/G-5M.
EPA. 2009. Guidance on the Development, Evaluation, and Application of Environmental
Models. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. EPA/100/K-09/003.
INEEL (Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory). 1998. GWSCREEN: A
Semi-Analytical Model for Assessment of the Groundwater Pathway from Surface or Buried
Contamination, Theory and Users Manual, Vers. 2.5. INEEL/EXT-98-00750.
National Research Council of the National Academies. 2007. Models in Environmental
Regulatory Decision Making. Committee on Models in the Regulatory Decision Process,
Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, Division on Earth and Life Studies.
Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press.
Neville, C. J . 2005. ATRANS: Analytical Solutions for Three-Dimensional Solute Transport from
a Patch Source, Vers. 2. Waterloo, Ontario: S.S. Papadopulos & Associates, Inc.
Ogata, A., and R. B. Banks. 1961. A Solution of the Differential Equation of Longitudinal
Dispersion in Porous Media. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 411 A.
Rowe, R. K. 1991. Contaminant Impact Assessment and the Contaminating Lifespan of
Landfills, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 18: 24453.
Salhotra, A. M., P. Mineart, S. Sharp-Hansen, T. Allison, R. J ohns, and W. B. Mills. 1995.
Multimedia Exposure Assessment Model (MULTIMED 2.0) for Evaluating the Land Disposal
of Wastes: Model Theory Final Report. Athens, Ga.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Office of Research and Development, Environmental Research Laboratory.
Sudicky, E. A., T. D. Wadsworth, J . B. Kool, and P. S. Huyakorn, 1988. PATCH3D: Three-
Dimensional Analytical Solution for Transport in a Finite Thickness Aquifer with First-Type
Rectangular Patch Source. Prepared for Woodward-Clyde Consultants, HydroGeoLogic,
Inc., Herndon, Va.
WAC (Washington Administrative Code) 173-340-474. n.d. Deriving Soil Concentrations for
Ground Water Protection, in Model Toxics Control ActCleanup (WAC 173-340).
Wexler, E. 1992. Analytical Solutions for One-, Two, and Three-Dimensional Solute Transport
in Groundwater Systems with Uniform Flow, Chap. B-7 in Techniques of Water Resources
Investigations of the United States Geological Survey, Bk. 3, Applications of Hydraulics.
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Geological Survey.
White, M. D., and M. Oostrom. 2006. STOMP: Subsurface Transport Over Multiple Phases,
Version 4.0, Users Guide. Richland, Wash.: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
Zheng, C., and G. D. Bennett. 2002. Applied Contaminant Transport Modeling, 2
ed. New
York: J ohn Wiley & Sons.
Appendix D
Solidification/Stabilization Team Contacts
Wilmer Reyes, Team Leader
Delaware Dept. of Natural Resources and
Environmental Control
391 Lukens Dr.
New Castle, DE 19720
[email protected]
Stacey Kingsbury, Program Advisor
HydroGeoLogic, Inc.
3294 Bethlehem Church Rd., NE
Floyd, VA 24091
[email protected]
Edward Bates
26 Springfield Pk.
Cincinnati, OH 45215
[email protected]
Lucas Berresford
South Carolina Dept. of Health and
Environmental Control
2600 Bull St.
Columbia, SC 29201
[email protected]
J . R. Capasso
City of Trenton
319 East State St.
Trenton, NJ 08608
[email protected]
J eff Clock
Electric Power Research Institute
54 Lakeshore Dr.
Willsboro, NY 12996
[email protected]
Kevin Collins
Georgia Dept. of Natural Resources
2 Martin Luther King, J r. Dr., SE
Suite 1462 East
Atlanta, GA 30334
[email protected]
Carol Dona
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
1616 Capitol Ave., Suite 9200
Omaha, NE 68102
[email protected]
Linda Fiedler
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., MS5203P
Washington, DC 20460
[email protected]
Mike Fitzpatrick
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., MS5303P
Washington, DC 20460
[email protected]
Richard Galloway
Honeywell International Inc.
101 Columbia Rd.
Morristown, NJ 07962
[email protected]
Andrew Garrabrants
Vanderbilt University
VU Station B351831
2301 Vanderbilt Pl.
Nashville, TN 37235
[email protected]
Christopher Griggs
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
3909 Halls Ferry Rd.
Vicksburg, MS 39180
Chris.S. [email protected]
Doug Grosse
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
26 W. Martin Luther King Dr.
Cincinnati, OH 45268
[email protected]
J im Harrington
New York Dept. of Environmental
625 Broadway
Albany, NY 12309
[email protected]
Pamela Innis
Department of Interior
P.O. Box 25007 (D-108)
Denver Federal Center, Building 67
Denver, CO 80225-0007
[email protected]
Mavis Kent
Plateau Geoscience Group, LLC
P. O. Box 1020
Battle Ground, WA 98604
[email protected]
Vera Langer
British Petroleum
501 Westlake Park Blvd.
Houston, TX 77079
[email protected]
Terrence Lyons
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
26 W. Martin Luther King Dr., MS-489
Cincinnati, OH 45268
[email protected]
William Major
Naval Facilities Engineering Command
1100 23
Port Hueneme, CA 93043
[email protected]
Thomas Plante
Haley & Aldrich, Inc.
75 Washington Ave., Suite 203
Portland, ME 04101
[email protected]
Christopher Poulsen
AMEC Earth and Environmental
7376 SW Durham Rd.
Portland, OR 97239
[email protected]
Michael Rafferty
S.S. Papadopulos & Associates, Inc.
45 Belden Place, 4
San Francisco, CA 94104
[email protected]
J im Rehage
URS Corporation
P.O. Box 201088
Austin, TX 78729
[email protected]
J onathan Scott
Scott Environmental Services, Inc.
P.O. Box 6215
Longview, TX 75608
[email protected]
Ed Seger
22 Palomino Tr.
Vernon, NJ 07462
[email protected]
Kevin Shaddy
California Dept. of Toxic Substances
1515 Tollhouse Rd.
Clovis, CA 93611
[email protected]
Rajesh Singh
1356 Wooded Knoll
West Chester, PA 19382
[email protected]
Nirupma Suryavanshi
California Environmental Protection Agency
5796 Corporate Ave.
Cypress, CA 90630
[email protected]
Araya Vann
Oklahoma Corporation Commission
2101 North Lincoln Blvd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
[email protected]
Charles Wilk
CETCO Contracting Services Company
2870 Forbs Ave.
Hoffman Estates, IL 60192
[email protected]
Norvell Wisdom
Scott Environmental Services, Inc.
P. O. Box 6215
Longview, TX 75608
[email protected]
Tedd Yargeau
California Department of Toxic Substances
9211 Oakdale Ave.
Chatsworth, CA 91311
[email protected]
Gwen Zervas
New J ersey Dept. of Environmental
401 E. State St.
P.O. Box 028
Trenton, NJ 08625
[email protected]
Appendix E
additiveA substance added in small amounts to something else to improve, strengthen, or
otherwise alter it.
adsorptionPartitioning of a dissolved species onto a solid surface.
cementitiousOf, or relating to, a chemical precipitate, especially of carbonates, having the
characteristics of cement.
compliance testingTests to evaluate cured material properties for direct comparison to project
performance criteria.
consistency testingReal-time or short-term evaluations of treated material during
implementation used to adjust reagent addition rates or mixing procedures to maintain
material properties consistent with construction performance specifications.
construction performance specificationsAssociated with S/S treatment implementation in
the field to verify that the final treated material is consistent with the specifications
developed during treatability testing.
contaminated materialToxic or potentially harmful substances that may be present in soil,
groundwater, and/or building materials.
dilution attenuation factorThe ratio of original soil leachate concentration to the receptor
point concentration.
eluateThe liquid solution that results from an elution process. In this guidance, eluate refers
to the liquid phase resulting from laboratory leaching tests. For example, the liquid that elutes
through a column of granular material is considered an eluate. The term is similar to field
leachate and differentiates laboratory test liquids from field leachates.
engineering controlsBarriers or systems that control downward migration, infiltration, or
seepage of surface runoff and rain or natural leaching/migration of contaminants through the
subsurface over time.
ettringiteThe mineralogical name for calcium sulfoaluminates, Ca
This mineral commonly precipitates in the pores of cementitious materials when sources of
calcium sulfate (e.g., gypsum) are present. Petrographic analysis of ettringite shows the
needle-like structure of the mineral. Since the molar volume of ettringite is greater than the
sum of the molar volumes of its reactants, precipitation of ettringite is an expansive reaction.
Formation of ettringite may occur during hydration, where it is generally considered to be
harmless or even beneficial to the cement matrix, or after formation of a rigid mineral
structure, where it is considered one form of sulfate attack.
ex situ S/SStabilization and solidification technologies that apply S/S treatment to excavated
material. Ex situ treated material can be returned to its original location or placed on another
part of the project area (e.g., reuse of S/S-treated material as paving base). At some projects,
treated material has been excavated and placed at the final location prior to use of in situ
mixing equipment to treat the relocated material. Ex situ S/S-treated materials may also be
taken off site; however, this kind of ex situ S/S treatment is beyond the scope of this
document because of the additional regulatory considerations for this kind of ex situ S/S
hydraulic conductivityA measureable material property related to ease of movement of water
through a porous medium under groundwater flow conditions governed by Darcys Law
(Bear 1972). This term is often used interchangeably with the more general term
permeability, which relates to the ease with which a fluid (e.g., water, oil, air, etc.) will
pass through a porous medium.
inorganic compoundsChemicals that do not contain carbon; for example, metals are
in situ S/SStabilization and solidification technologies that apply S/S treatment to in situ
materials using auger-type and injector-head systems.
institutional controlsNon-engineering measures, such as administrative and/or legal controls
that help to minimize the potential for human exposure to contamination and/or to protect the
integrity of a remedy by limiting land or resource use, as defined by EPA.
leachabilityThe ability of the material to retain contaminants of concern through a
combination of chemical and physical mechanisms. May be used to describe either the extent
of leaching (e.g., percentage of total content that have leached) or rate of release (e.g., the
time-dependent release) from materials.
leachingThe process of constituent movement from the solid when a solid material is
contacted with a liquid.
mass fluxA rate measurement specific to a defined area, which is usually a subset of a plume
cross section. Mass flux is expressed as mass/time/area (e.g., g/d/m
material performance goalsDesign targets that describe a treated material that will meet
specific site remediation goals.
material performance specificationsMaterial performance needs to adequately address
performance goals and to guide the treatability study phase.
monolithSolid matrix with high structural integrity.
organic compoundAny compound containing carbon.
performanceRefers to the ability of the material or remedy to maintain its function of
minimizing release of contaminants to the environment.
performance criteriaDesign values of a performance parameter used for comparison to
performance measurements to evaluate whether acceptable performance has been achieved.
performance parametersThe material properties characteristic of the ability of an S/S-treated
material to carry out its intended purpose.
performance testsProtocols or assessments used to characterize a performance parameter of
an S/S-treated material and which return one or more values considered representative of
performance measurement.
pocket penetrometerTest instrument used to measure compressive strength of soil or
point of complianceThe location where the S/S-treated material must comply with site
remediation goals.
porewaterThe water filling the spaces between grains of sediment.
pozzolanic reagentsSiliceous or siliceous and aluminous material that reacts chemically with
an alkali in the presence of water to produce a cementitious material at standard
pugmillA machine in which materials are simultaneously ground and mixed with a liquid.
reagentA substance or compound used in a chemical reaction to detect, measure, or produce
other substances.
slump testA test used to determine the consistency of fresh concrete and to ensure uniformity
for different batches of similar concrete under field conditions.
solidificationThe processes that encapsulates contaminated material to form a solid material
and restricts contaminant migration by decreasing the surface area exposed to leaching and/or
by coating the contaminated material with low-permeability materials. Solidification can be
accomplished by mechanical processes that mix the material and one or more reagents.
Solidification entraps the contaminated material within a granular or monolithic matrix.
(EPA definition)
solubilityThe relative capacity of a substance to serve as a solute, usually in reference to water
as the solvent.
sorptionThe process of being taken up or held by either adsorption or absorption.
stabilizationThe processes where chemical reactions occur between the reagents and
contaminated material to reduce the leachability of contaminated material into a stable
insoluble form. Stabilization chemically binds free liquids and immobilizes contaminated
materials or reduces their solubility through a chemical reaction. The physical nature of the
contaminated material may or may not be changed significantly by this process. (EPA
stakeholderMay include people in communities living near contaminated sites, site-specific
advisory boards, local governments, and a variety of nongovernmental organizations.
stewardship (long-term stewardship)The physical controls, institutions, information, and
other mechanisms needed to ensure protection of people and the environment.
strengthThe ability of a material to withstand an applied physical stress without incurring an
inelastic strain leading to structural failure.
treatability studiesTests to characterize the untreated contaminated material and evaluate the
technology performance under different operating conditions.
unconfined compressive strengthA common performance parameter in S/S treatment used to
ensure that treated material has at least as much bearing strength as surrounding material.
Appendix F
ANS American Nuclear Society
AOC area of contamination
ASTM ASTM International, formerly American Society for Testing and Materials
bgs below ground surface
CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
COC contaminant of concern
CQA construction quality assurance
CSM conceptual site model
DAF dilution-attenuation factor
DOC dissolved organic carbon
DOI U.S. Department of the Interior
DQO data quality objective
DSM deep soil mixing
EC engineering control
EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
EPACMTP EPA Composite Model for Leachate Migration with Transformation Products
EPRI Electric Power Research Institute
FEP feature, event, and/or process
HCL hydrochloride
HSVOCs halogenated semivolatile chemicals
HSWA Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments [to RCRA] of 1984
HVOC halogenated volatile chemical
IAS integrated analytical solution
IC institutional control
ITRC Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council
KOH potassium hydroxide
octanol-water partitioning coefficient
LDR land disposal restriction
LEAF Leaching Environmental Assessment Framework
L/S liquid-solid ratio
LSP liquid-solid partitioning
MGP manufactured gas plant
NAPL nonaqueous-phase liquid
NCP National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan
N-HSVOC nonhalogenated semivolatile chemical
N-HVOC nonhalogenated volatile chemical
NPL National Priorities List
NRC National Research Council
N-VOC nonvolatile organic compound
O&M operations and maintenance
OU operating unit
PAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
PASSiFy Performance Assessment of Solidified/Stabilized Waste-Forms
PCB polychlorinated biphenyl
POC point of compliance
QA quality assurance
QC quality control
RAO remedial action objective
RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
ROD record of decision
SPLP Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedure
S/S solidification/stabilization
STARNET Stabilization/Solidification Treatment and Remediation Network
SVOC semivolatile organic chemical
TCLP Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure
UCS unconfined compressive strength
USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
USCS Unified Soil Classification System
VOC volatile organic chemical
WAC Washington Administrative Code
WET [California] Waste Extraction Test