CIA 722 Assignment - 1

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Checklists for an objective test item


1. Select the appropriate checklist suiting the objective test item.

2. Go to the selected checklist (A, B, C or D).
3. Use each question for each item.
4. Fill Y for yes or N for no according to question. ( x and √ can also be used)
5. All no answers indicate that changes should be made to the test item.

Type of objective test item: Select checklist section:

True-false item A
Matching item B
Multiple-choice item C
Completion item D

Section A: True-false item checklist:

Checklist for each individual True-false item: Y N

1 Is the statement definitely true or definitely false?
2 Is the statement relatively short?
3 Is the statement without extraneous material?
4 Is the statement without double negative?
5 Is the statement without verbal clues?
6 Is the statement without absolutes? (e.g. never, only, always)
7 Is the sentence of the statement without complexity?
8 Is the statement without an indefinite degree? (e.g. large, long time,
9 Is the statement presented in context?
10 Is the answer of the statement arranged without a systematic order?
(e.g. TTFF or TFTF)
11 Is the statement approximately the same length as the other
Section B: Matching item checklist:
Checklist for matching item descriptions: Y N
1 Is the list of descriptions fairly short?
2 Is the list of descriptions homogeneous?
3 Is the descriptions numbered?
4 Are there fewer descriptions than options?
Check list for matching item options: Y N
1 Is the list of options fairly short?
2 Is the list of options homogeneous?
3 Are all the options plausible distractors for each description?
4 Are the options in the list identified by a letter?
5 Are there more options than descriptions?

C: Multiple-choice item checklist:

Description Y N
1 Is the stem of the item clearly formulated?
2 Is there one and only one correct answer?
3 Are the distractors (wrong answers) plausible?
4 Is the stem or distractor without any grammatical clues? (e.g. … an )
5 Does the item include three to five options?
6 Are the options without “none of the above”?
7 Are the options without “all of the above”?

D: Completion item checklist:

Description Y N
1 Does the items require a single-word answer?
2 Is the language used precise?
3 Is the language used accurate?
4 Does the content make sense after elements were eliminated?
5 Is the blank near the end of the statement?
6 If the statement requires a numerical answer, does the item indicate in
which units it should be expressed?

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