Environmental Issues in Upstream Oil & Gas Sector

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Environmental Issues

in Upstream Oil & Gas

Work in Progress Report

Submitted by
Hardik Mehta
PGP 20081017
CIS Report School Of Petroleum Management PDPU
Shree Ganeshay Namah:

The oil and gas industry is truly global, with operations conducted in
every corner of the globe, from Alaska to Australia, from Peru to China,
and in every habitat from Arctic to desert, from tropical rainforest to
temperate woodland, from mangrove to offshore. The global
community will rely heavily on oil and gas supplies for the foreseeable
future. World primary energy consumption in 1994 stood at nearly
8000 million tons of oil equivalents (BP Statistical Review of World
Energy, June1995); oil and gas represented 63 per cent of world energy
supply, with coal providing 27 per cent, nuclear energy 7 percent and
hydro-electric 3 per cent. The challenge is to meet world energy
demands, whilst minimizing adverse impact on the environment by
conforming to current good practice. The exploitation of oil and gas
reserves has not always been without some ecological side effects. Oil
spills, damaged land, accidents and fires, and incidents of air and
water pollution have all been recorded at various times and places. In
recent times the social impact of operations, especially in remote
communities, has also attracted attention. The oil and gas industry has
worked for a long time to meet the challenge of providing
environmental protection.

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Overview of Oil and Gas Exploration Process
In order to appreciate the origins of the potential impacts of oil
development upon the environment, it is important to understand the
activities involved. This section briefly describes the process, but those
requiring more in-depth information should refer to literature available
from industry groups and academia.

Step 1 Exploration surveying

In the first stage of the search for hydrocarbon-bearing rock

formations, geological maps are reviewed in desk studies to identify
major sedimentary basins. Aerial photography may then be used to
identify promising landscape formations such as faults or anticlines.
More detailed information is assembled Using a field geological
assessment followed by one of three main survey methods: magnetic,
gravimetric and seismic. The Magnetic Method depends upon
measuring the variations in intensity of the magnetic field which
reflects the magnetic character of the various rocks present, while the
Gravimetric Method involves the measurements of small variations in
the gravitational field at the surface of the earth. Measurements are
made, on land and at sea, using an aircraft or a survey ship
respectively. A seismic survey, is the most common assessment
method and is often the first field activity undertaken. The Seismic
Method is used for identifying geological structures and relies on the
differing reflective properties of sound waves to various rock strata,
beneath terrestrial or oceanic surfaces. An energy source transmits a
pulse of acoustic energy into the ground which travels as a wave into

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the earth. At each point where different geological strata exist, a part
of the energy is transmitted down to deeper layers within the earth,
while the remainder is reflected back to the surface. Here it is picked
up by a series of sensitive receivers Called geophones or seismometers
on land, or hydrophones submerged in water. Special cables transmit
the electrical signals received to mobile laboratory, where they are
amplified and filtered and then digitized and recorded on magnetic
tapes for interpretation. Dynamite was once widely used as the energy
source, but environmental considerations now generally favor lower
energy sources such as vibroseis on land (composed of a generator
that hydraulically transmits vibrations into the earth)and the air gun
(which releases compressed air) in offshore exploration. In areas where
preservation of vegetation cover is important, the shot hole (dynamite)
method is preferable to vibroseis.

Step 2 Exploration drilling

Once a promising geological structure has been identified, the only
way to confirm the presence of hydrocarbons and the thickness and
internal pressure of a reservoir is to drill exploratory boreholes. All
wells that are drilled to discover hydrocarbons are called ‘exploration’
wells, commonly known by drillers as ‘wildcats’. The location of a drill
site depends on the characteristics of the underlying geological
formations. It’s generally possible to balance environmental protection
criteria with logistical needs and the need for efficient drilling. For land-
based operations a pad is constructed at the chosen site to
accommodate drilling equipment and support services. A pad for a
single exploration well occupies between 4000–15 000 m2. The type of

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pad construction depends on terrain, soil conditions and seasonal
constraints. Operations overwater can be conducted using variety of
self-contained mobile offshore drilling units (MODUs), the choice of
which depends on the depth of water, seabed conditions and prevailing
meteorological conditions,—particularly wind speed, wave height and
current speed. Mobile rigs commonly used offshore include jackups,
semi-submersibles and drill ships, whilst in shallow protectedwaters
barges may be used. Land-based drilling rigs and support equipment
are normally split into modules to make them easier to move. Drilling
rigs may be moved by land, air or water depending on access, site
location and module size and weight. Once onsite, the rig and a self-
contained support camp are then assembled. Typical drilling rig
modules include a derrick, drilling mud handling equipment, power
generators, cementing equipment and tanks for fuel and water .The
support camp is self-contained and generally provides workforce
accommodation, canteen facilities, communications, vehicle
maintenance and parking areas, a helipad for remote sites, fuel
handling and storage areas, and provision for the collection, treatment
and disposal of wastes. The camp should occupy a small area (typically
1000 m2), and be located away from the immediate area of the drilling
rig—upstream from the prevailing wind direction. Once drilling
commences, drilling fluid or mud is continuously circulated down the
drill pipe and back to the surface equipment. Its purpose is to balance
underground hydrostatic pressure, cool the bit and flush out rock
cuttings. The risk of an uncontrolled flow from the reservoir to the
surface is greatly reduced by using blowout preventers—series of
hydraulically actuated steel rams that can close quickly around the drill
string or casing to seal off a well. Steel casing is run into completed

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sections of the borehole and cemented into place. The casing provides
structural support to maintain the integrity of the borehole and isolates
underground formations. Drilling operations are generally conducted
around-the clock. The time taken to drill a bore hole depends on the
depth of the hydrocarbon bearing formation and the geological
conditions, but it is commonly of the order of one or two months.
Where hydrocarbon formations is found, initial well tests—possibly
lasting another month—are conducted to establish flow rates and
formation pressure. These tests may generate oil, gas and formation
water—each of which needs to be disposed of. After drilling and initial
testing, the rig is usually dismantled and moved to the next site. If the
exploratory drilling has discovered commercial quantities of
hydrocarbons, a wellhead valve assembly may be installed. If the well
does not contain commercial quantities of hydrocarbon, the site is
decommissioned to a safe and stable condition and restored to its
original state or an agreed after use. Open rock formations are sealed
with cement plugs to prevent upward migration of wellbore fluids. The
casing wellhead and the top joint of the casings are cut below the
ground level and capped with a cement plug.

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Step 3 Appraisal
When exploratory drilling is successful, more wells are drilled to
determine the size and the extent of the field. Wells drilled to quantify
the hydrocarbon reserves found are called ‘out step’ or ‘appraisal’
wells. The appraisal stage aims to evaluate the size and nature of the
reservoir, to determine the number of confirming or appraisal wells
required, and whether any further seismic work is necessary. The
technical procedures in appraisal drilling are the same as those
employed for exploration wells, and the description provided above
applies equally to appraisal operations. A number of wells may be
drilled from a single site, which increases the time during which the
site is occupied. Deviated or directional drilling at an angle from a site

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adjacent to the original discovery borehole may be used to appraise
other parts of the reservoir, in order to reduce the land used or ‘foot

Step 4 Development and production

Having established the size of the oil field, the subsequent wells drilled
are called ‘development’ or ‘production’ wells. A small reservoir may
be developed using one or more of the appraisal wells. A larger
reservoir will require the drilling of additional production wells.

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Potential environmental impacts
Oil and gas exploration and production operations have the potential
for a variety of impacts on the environment. These ‘impacts’ depend
upon the stage of the process, the size and complexity of the project,
the nature and sensitivity of the surrounding environment and the
effectiveness of planning, pollution prevention, mitigation and control

The impacts described in this section are potential impacts and, with
proper care and attention, may be avoided, minimized or mitigated.
The industry has been proactive in the development of management
systems, operational practices and engineering technology targeted at
minimizing environmental impact, and this has significantly reduced
the number of environmental incidents. Examples include innovative
technology applied by Mobil and Shell in Malaysia; commitment to the
local community by Imperial Oil in Northern Canada and Canadian
Occidental in Yemen; and various environmental protection
programmers implemented by Chevron in Papua New Guinea, BP in
Colombia, Amoco in Western Siberia and Caltex in Indonesia. Arco has
applied an ‘offshore’ approach to operations in remote rainforest and
various novel technologies have been applied to the disposal of drilling
wastes, produced water treatment and atmospheric emissions.

Several types of potential impacts are discussed here. They include

human, socio-economic and cultural impacts; and atmospheric,
aquatic, terrestrial and biosphere impacts. The early phases of
exploration (desk studies, aerial survey, seismic survey and

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exploratory drilling) are short-term and transient in nature. The longest
phase, drilling, typically lasts a matter of one to three months,
although the period may be longer in certain situations. It is only when
a significant discovery is made that the nature of the process changes
into a longer term project to appraise, develop and produce the
hydrocarbon reserves. Proper planning, design and control of
operations in each. Phase will avoid, minimize or mitigate the impacts,
and techniques to achieve. It is also important to understand that
through the management procedures, the environmental implications
of all stages of the exploration and development process can be
assessed systematically before a project starts, and appropriate
measures taken.

In assessing potential impacts, it is important to consider the

geographic scale, (global, regional, and local) over which they might
occur. Similarly, it is important to consider perception and magnitude
of potential impacts, which will frequently depend on subjective
interpretation of acceptability or significance. Consultation, negotiation
and understanding are vital in addressing the problem, and will assist
in moving from positions of confrontation, dependence or isolation
among stakeholders to positions of mutually agreed and understood
interdependence between partners.

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Human, socio-economic and cultural impacts

Exploration and production operations are likely to induce economic,

social and cultural changes. The extent of these changes is especially
important to local groups, particularly indigenous people who may
have their traditional lifestyle affected. The key impacts may include
changes in:

• land-use patterns, such as agriculture, fishing, logging, hunting,

as a direct consequence (for example land-take and exclusion) or
as a secondary consequence by providing new access routes,
leading to unplanned settlement and exploitation of natural
• local population levels, as a result of immigration (labour force)
and in-migration of a remote population due to increased access
and opportunities;
• socio-economic systems due to new employment opportunities,

income differentials, inflation, differences in per capita income,

when different members of local groups benefit unevenly from
induced changes;

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• socio-cultural systems such as social structure, organization and

cultural heritage, practices and beliefs, and secondary impacts

such as effects on natural resources, rights of access, and
change in value systems influenced by foreigners;
• availability of, and access to, goods and services such as housing,

education, healthcare, water, fuel, electricity, sewage and waste

disposal, and consumer goods brought into the region;
• planning strategies, where conflicts arise between development
and protection, natural resource use, recreational use, tourism,
and historical or cultural resources;
• aesthetics, because of unsightly or noisy facilities; and
• Transportation systems, due to increased road, air and sea

infrastructure and associated effects (e.g. noise, accident risk,

increased maintenance requirements or change in existing

Some positive changes will probably also result, particularly where

proper consultation and partnership have developed. For example,
improved infrastructure, water supply, sewerage and waste treatment,
health care and education are likely to follow. However, the uneven
distribution of benefits and impacts and the inability, especially of local
leaders, always to predict the consequences, may lead to
unpredictable outcomes. With careful planning, consultation,
management, accommodation and negotiation some, if not all, of the
aspects can be influenced.

Atmospheric impacts

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Atmospheric issues are attracting increasing interest from both
industry and government authorities worldwide. This has prompted the
oil and gas exploration and production industry to focus on procedures
and technologies to minimize emissions.

In order to examine the potential impacts arising from exploration and

production operations it is important to understand the sources and
nature of the emissions and their relative contribution to atmospheric
impacts, both local and those related to global issues such as
stratospheric ozone depletion and climate change.

The primary sources of atmospheric emissions from oil and gas

operations arise from:

• flaring, venting and purging gases;

• combustion processes such as diesel engines and gas turbines;
• fugitive gases from loading operations and tankage and losses
from process equipment;
• airborne particulates from soil disturbance during construction
and from vehicle traffic; and
• Particulates from other burning sources, such as well testing.

The principal emission gases include carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide,

methane, volatile organic carbons and nitrogen oxides. Emissions of
sulphur dioxides and hydrogen sulphide can occur and depend upon
the sulphur content of the hydrocarbon and diesel fuel, particularly

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when used as a power source. In some cases sulphur content can lead
to odour near the facility.

Ozone depleting substances are used in some fire protection systems,

principally halon, and as refrigerants. Following substantial efforts by
industry, unplanned emissions have been significantly reduced and
alternative agents for existing and new developments have been

The volumes of atmospheric emissions and their potential impact

depend upon the nature of the process under consideration. The
potential for emissions from exploration activities to cause atmospheric
impacts is generally considered to be low. However, during production,
with more intensive activity, increased levels of emissions occur in the
immediate vicinity of the operations. Emissions from production
operations should be viewed in the context of total emissions from all
sources, and for the most part these fall below 1 per cent of regional
and global levels.

Flaring of produced gas is the most significant source of air emissions,

particularly where there is no infrastructure or market available for the
gas. However, where viable, gas is processed and distributed as an
important commodity. Thus, through integrated development and
providing markets for all products, the need for flaring will be greatly

Flaring may also occur on occasions as a safety measure, during start-

up, maintenance or upset in the normal processing operation. The

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World Resources Institute Report World Resources 1994–95 indicates
that total gas flaring in 1991 produced a contribution of 256 x 106
tones of CO2 emissions which represent some 1 per cent of global CO2
emissions (22 672 x 106 tones) for that year. The E&P Forum46
similarly reports that emissions from the North Sea exploration and
production industry is less than 1 per cent of the total emissions
generated by the European Union countries, and that significant
reductions have occurred as a result of improved infrastructure. The
report provides practical examples of techniques for improving
performance with emerging technologies and good practice.

Flaring, venting and combustion are the primary sources of carbon

dioxide emissions from production operations, but other gases should
also be considered. For example, methane emissions primarily arise
from process vents and to a lesser extent from leaks, flaring and
combustion. The World Resources Institute indicates total methane
emissions from oil and gas production in 1991 was 26 x 106 tons
compared to a global total of 250 x 106, representing approximately
10 per cent of global emissions. Total methane emissions from the
North Sea E&P industry are 136 000 tons, i.e. 0.5 per cent of worldwide
industry emissions or 0.05 per cent of global methane emissions46.
This low level derives from the significant improvement in operational
practice in recent years: principally, reduction in flaring and venting as
a result of improved infrastructure and utilization of gas in the North
Sea. Other emission gases such as NOx, CO and Sox from North Sea
production operations are similarly all less than 1 per cent of the
emissions generated within the European Union (EU). Volatile Organic

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Carbon (VOC) levels are the only exception, but they still account for
less than 2 per cent of the EU total emissions.

The industry has demonstrated a commitment to improve performance

as indicated, for example, by a significant reduction of emissions in the
North Sea. There are a number of emerging technologies and improved
practices which have potential to help to improve performance further,
both for existing fields and new developments. The environmental
benefits and relative costs depend heavily on the specific situation for
each installation e.g. on some fields there is no economic outlet for
gas. In general, new installations offer more scope for implementing
new technologies. Practical examples of techniques for improving
performance have been pursued by the industry46, in particular
relating to reducing flaring and venting, improving energy efficiency,
development of low NOx turbines, controlling fugitive emissions, and
examining replacements for firefighting systems

Aquatic impacts

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The principal aqueous waste streams resulting from exploration and
production operations are:

• produced water
• drilling fluids, cuttings and well treatment chemicals
• Process, wash and drainage water
• Sewerage, sanitary and domestic wastes
• Spills and leakage.

Again, the volumes of waste produced depend on the stage of the

exploration and production process. During seismic operations, waste
volumes are minimal and relate mainly to camp or vessel activities. In
exploratory drilling the main aqueous effluents are drilling fluids and
cuttings, whilst in production operations—after the development wells
are completed—the primary effluent is produced water.

The make-up and toxicity of chemicals used in exploration and

production have been widely presented in the literature whilst the E&P
Forum Waste Management Guidelines4 summarize waste streams,
sources and possible environmentally significant constituents, as well
as disposal methods. Water-based drilling fluids have been
demonstrated to have only limited effect on the environment.

The major components are clay and betonies which are chemically
inert and non-toxic. Some other components are biodegradable, whilst
others are slightly toxic after dilution5.The effects of heavy metals
associated with drilling fluids (Ba, Cd, Zn, and Pb) have been shown to
be minimal, because the metals are bound in minerals and hence have

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limited bioavailability. Oil-based drilling fluids and oily cuttings, on the
other hand, have an increased effect due to toxicity and redox
potential. The oil content of the discharge is probably the main factor
governing these effects

Ocean discharges of water-based mud and cuttings have been shown

to affect enthic organisms through smothering to a distance of 25
metres from the discharge and to affect species diversity to 100
metres from the discharge. Oil-based muds and cuttings affect benthic
organisms through elevated hydrocarbon levels to up 800 metres from
the discharge. The physical effects of water-based muds and cuttings
are often temporary in nature. For oil-based mud and cuttings the
threshold criteria for gross effects on community structure has been
suggested at a sediment base oil concentration of 1000 parts per
million (ppm), although individual species showed effects between 150
ppm and 1000 ppm6. However, work is under way to develop synthetic
muds to eventually replace oil-based muds.

The high pH and salt content of certain drilling fluids and cuttings
poses a potential impact to fresh-water sources

Produced water is the largest volume aqueous waste arising from

production operations, and some typical constituents may include in
varying amounts inorganic salts, heavy metals, solids, production
chemicals, hydrocarbons, benzene, PAHs, and on occasions naturally
occurring radioactive material (NORM). In the North Sea environment
the impact of produced water has been demonstrated to range from
minor to non-existent7, particularly given rapid dilution factors of 200

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within 1 minute, 500 within 5 minutes and 1000 in an hour at a
distance corresponding to 1km from the source. The environmental
impact of produced waters disposed to other receiving waters other
than Open Ocean is highly dependent on the quantity, the
components, the receiving environment and its dispersion
characteristics. The extent of the impact can only be judged through
an environmental impact assessment. However, discharge to small
streams and enclosed water bodies are likely to require special care.

Produced water volumes vary considerably both with the type of

production (oil or gas), and throughout the lifetime of a field. Typical
values for North Sea fields range from 2400–40 000 m3/day for oil
installations and 2–30 m3/day for gas production.7 Frequently the
water cut is low early in the production life of a field, but as time
passes more water is produced from the reservoir and may increase to
80 per cent or more towards the end of field life. Other aqueous waste
streams such as leakage and discharge of drainage waters may result
in pollution of ground and surface waters. Impacts may result
particularly where ground and surface waters are utilized for household
purposes or where fisheries or ecologically important areas are

Indirect or secondary effects on local drainage patterns and surface

hydrology may result from poor construction practice in the
development of roads, drilling and process sites.

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Terrestrial impacts

Potential impacts to soil arise from three basic sources:

• physical disturbance as a result of construction;

• contamination resulting from spillage and leakage or
• Solid waste disposal; and indirect impact arising from opening
access and social change.

Potential impacts that may result from poor design and construction
include soil erosion due to soil structure, slope or rainfall. Left
undisturbed and vegetated, soils will maintain their integrity, but, once
vegetation is removed and soil is exposed, soil erosion may result.
Alterations to soil conditions may result in widespread secondary
impacts such as changes in surface hydrology and drainage patterns,
increased siltation and habitat damage, reducing the capacity of the
environment to support vegetation and wildlife.

In addition to causing soil erosion and altered hydrology,the removal of

vegetation may also lead to secondary ecological problems,
particularly in situations where many of the nutrients in an area is held

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in vegetation (such as tropical rainforests); or where the few trees
present are vital for wildlife browsing (e.g. tree savannah); or in areas
where natural recovery is very slow (e.g. Arctic and desert
ecosystems).Clearing by operators may stimulate further removal of
vegetation by the local population surrounding a development.

Due to its simplicity, burial or land-filling of wastes in pits at drilling and

production sites has been a popular means of waste disposal in the
past. Historically, pits have been used for burial of inert, non-recyclable
materials and drilling solids; vaporation and storage of produced water,
workover/completion fluids; emergency ontainment of produced fluids;
and the disposal of stabilized wastes. However, the risks associated
with pollutant migration pathways can damage soils and usable water
resources (both surface and groundwater), if seepage and leaching are
not contained.

Land farming and land spreading have also been exten-sively practised
in the past for the treatment of oily petroleum wastes, and water-
based muds and cuttings.However, there are potential impacts where
toxic concentrations of constituents may contaminate the soil or water
resources, if an exposure pathway is present. In the case of muds and
cuttings, the most important consideration is the potential for the
waste to have a high salt content. Arid regions are more prone to
adverse effects than wetter climes, as are alkaline soils or those with
high clay content compared with acid, highly organic or sandy soils.
During the drilling of a typical well in the region of 3000m in depth,
some 300–600 tonnes of mud may be used, and 1000–1500 tonnes of
cuttings produced. Land farming and land spreading, however, remain

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viable treatment options provided a proper assessment is made, and
correct procedures are followed. Considerations include the site
topography and hydrology, the physical and chemical composition of
the waste and resultant waste/soil mixture. With proper assessment,
engineering,design, operation and monitoring, land farming provides a
cost effective and viable technique for waste disposal.

Soil contamination may arise from spills and leakage of chemicals and
oil, causing possible impact to both flora and fauna. Simple
preventative techniques such as segregated and contained drainage
systems for process areas incorporating sumps and oil traps, leak
minimization and drip pans,should be incorporated into facility design
and maintenance procedures. Such techniques will effectively remove
any potential impact arising from small spills and leakage on
site.Larger incidents or spills offsite should be subject to assessment as
potential emergency events and, as such, are discussed under
‘Potential emergencies’ (below) and also under ‘Oil spill contingency
planning’ on page 50.

Ecosystem impacts

Much of the preceding discussion has illustrated where potential

impacts may occur to various components of the biosphere from a
variety of operational sources (e.g. atmospheric,aquatic and terrestrial)
if not properly controlled using appropriate best operational practice.

Plant and animal communities may also be directly affected by

changes in their environment through variationsin water, air and

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soil/sediment quality and through disturbance by noise, extraneous
light and changes in vegetation cover. Such changes may directly
affect the ecology: for example, habitat, food and nutrient supplies,
breeding areas,migration routes, vulnerability to predators or changes
in herbivore grazing patterns, which may then have a secondary effect
on predators. Soil disturbance and removal of vegetation and
secondary effects such as erosion and siltation may have an impact on
ecological integrity, and may lead to indirect effects by upsetting
nutrient balances and microbial activity in the soil. If not properly
controlled, a potential long-term effect is loss of habitat which affects
both fauna and flora, and may induce changes in species composition
and primary production cycles.

If controls are not managed effectively, ecological impacts may also

arise from other direct anthropogenic influence such as fires, increased
hunting and fishing and possibly poaching. In addition to changing
animal habitat, it is important to consider how changes in the biological
environment also affect local people and indigenous populations.

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