Master License Example
Master License Example
Master License Example
For and in consideration of Producers agreement to pay a license fee in the sum of
$________ and other good and valuable consideration to KevinWorks, KevinWorks
hereby grants to the producer, Fred Film Works, Inc, and its successors, assigns, and
licenses !herein referred to as "Producer"#, the none$clusive, irrevocable right, license,
privilege and authority to use specified %ecording as follo&s'
( )he musical recording covered by this license is'
*omposition' Freds +ightmare
,hare' (--. &orld
/ )he present &orking title of the motion picture &ith &hich said recording &ill be used
is Freds +ightmare 0s used herein, the term "motion picture" refers to said motion
picture and all versions thereof no& or hereafter in e$istence, &hether in 1nglish or
foreign language, television, or any other form, !but not including remakes or se2uels#,
and trailers, promotional films, television and radio spots, clips and e$cerpts of said
motion picture or any version thereof
3 )he territory covered by this license is the universe
4 )his license shall remain in full force and effect for the duration of all copyrights in
said musical composition, including any rene&als and e$tensions &ithout Producer
having to pay any additional consideration thereof
5 KevinWorks &arrants that it has the right to grant this license, that it o&ns and
controls one hundred percent !(--.# of the right, title and interest in and to %ecording
and that the use of said %ecording hereunder &ill not violate the rights of any third party
KevinWorks shall indemnify costs, losses, damages and e$penses !including reasonable
attorneys fees# arising out of any breach or failure of any &arranties or covenants made
by KevinWorks herein
6 ,ub7ect only to the rights herein above granted to Producer, all rights of every kind
and nature in said %ecording are reserved to KevinWorks, together &ith all rights of use
thereof 8o&ever, in no event shall Producer have less rights than a member of the
public &ould have in the absence of this license
9 +o failure by Producer to perform any of its obligations hereunder shall constitute a
breach of this license, unless KevinWorks has given Producer &ritten notice of such non:
performance and producer fails to cure such non:performance &ithin thirty !3-# days of
its receipt of such notice
; KevinWorks rights and remedies in the event of a breach of this license shall be
limited to KevinWorks right, if any, to recover damages in an action at la&
< Producer agrees not to manufacture or distribute sound recordings !including
soundtrack albums, promotional *=s, and any and all methods of sound recording#
separately from actual positive prints of the motion picture and directly integrated media
!such as digital recordings to be used in theaters as part of a theater digital sound
reproduction system#
(- Producer agrees to obtain all synchroni>ation licenses necessary to utili>es the
musical compositions embodied in the %ecording in the soundtrack of the Film and any
related entertainment products such as promotional films and advertisements
(( Producer agrees to pay all musicians re:use, ne&:use, and all residual payments of
any kind related to this use of the %ecording
(/ )his license shall be governed by and sub7ect to the la&s of the ,tate of *alifornia
applicable to agreements made and to be &holly performed therein
(3 )his license is binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the respective successors
and?or assigns of the parties hereto
(4 )his represents the entire agreement bet&een Producer and KevinWorks &ith regard
to %ecording of said musical composition
!=epending on the format of this agreement and &hether it is an addendum to another
agreement, signature lines may be needed#