This document summarizes several common diseases of the digestive system, including gastroesophageal reflux (GERD), ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), constipation, diarrhea, lactose intolerance, and appendicitis. It describes the causes, symptoms, and treatments for each condition. Key points include that GERD and ulcers can be caused by acid reflux and damage to the stomach lining, IBS has no structural damage but involves abdominal pain and changes in bowel movements, and lactose intolerance results from the body's inability to break down the lactose sugar in milk.
This document summarizes several common diseases of the digestive system, including gastroesophageal reflux (GERD), ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), constipation, diarrhea, lactose intolerance, and appendicitis. It describes the causes, symptoms, and treatments for each condition. Key points include that GERD and ulcers can be caused by acid reflux and damage to the stomach lining, IBS has no structural damage but involves abdominal pain and changes in bowel movements, and lactose intolerance results from the body's inability to break down the lactose sugar in milk.
This document summarizes several common diseases of the digestive system, including gastroesophageal reflux (GERD), ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), constipation, diarrhea, lactose intolerance, and appendicitis. It describes the causes, symptoms, and treatments for each condition. Key points include that GERD and ulcers can be caused by acid reflux and damage to the stomach lining, IBS has no structural damage but involves abdominal pain and changes in bowel movements, and lactose intolerance results from the body's inability to break down the lactose sugar in milk.
This document summarizes several common diseases of the digestive system, including gastroesophageal reflux (GERD), ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), constipation, diarrhea, lactose intolerance, and appendicitis. It describes the causes, symptoms, and treatments for each condition. Key points include that GERD and ulcers can be caused by acid reflux and damage to the stomach lining, IBS has no structural damage but involves abdominal pain and changes in bowel movements, and lactose intolerance results from the body's inability to break down the lactose sugar in milk.
The most common of diseases of the digestive system can be caused by a number of things, including but not limited to: Bacteria; parasitic organisms; feces or the possible contents of feces; side effects of certain drugs and medicines; certain types of food; and your genetic makeup. GASTROESOPHAGEAL REFLUX Illustration 1.1 ctivity of !astrointestinal "eflu# Gastroesophaea! re"!#$ %GER& $see illustration 1.1% happens &hen the !o'er esophaea! sph()*ter + a r() o" ,#s*!e that a*ts !(-e a o)e+'a. /a!/e ()to .o#r sto,a*h + ope)s a!! o" a s#00e). 'hen this happens, sto,a*h a*(0 a)0 other sto,a*h *o)te)ts e)ter the esopha#s. 'hen !(" happens persistently over a long period of time, this is kno&n as !astroesophageal "eflu# )isease $!(")%. Because of the acidity of the stomach contents, one may be able to taste this at the back of their mouth, as something sour similar to the taste of vomit. lso, the acid irritates the esophageal lining since it usually doesn*t touch stomach acid. This causes &hat is called +heartburn+, &hich isn*t literally burning in the heart, but a burning pain in the lo&er chest. (ating spicy, oily and acidic foods can irritate the stomach and stomach ,uices, causing !(". -moking and obesity can also affect the occurrence of !(". ULCERS Illustration ..1 /ocations of ulcers U!*ers $see illustration ..1% are pa()"#! sores that are prese)t o) the !()()s o" the sto,a*h %Gastr(* U!*ers&; 0#o0e)#,1 or the 2e())() o" the s,a!! ()test()e %Pept(* U!*ers&; or less commonly, the esopha#s. 0lcers are usually caused by a bacterium kno&n as 1elicobater pylori, &hich can come from contaminated foods and &ater, and damages the layers of mucus that protect the linings of the digestive organs from digestive acids, causing the sores to occur. -ome 2on3steroidal nti3Inflammatory )rugs, such as aspirin and ibuprofen can also cause ulcers. -tress and spicy foods can &orsen the symptoms of ulcers. -moking and drinking alcohol can &orsen ulcers and prevent them from healing. 0lcers are usually felt as pain in the abdomen that comes and goes over a number of days or &eeks, usually &hen the stomach is empty. -ome other symptoms include &eight loss, poor appetite, bloating, burping, nausea and vomiting. -ome cases e#perience only mild or no symptoms. To treat ulcers, certain antibiotics can be taken to kill the 1. pylori causing these infections. 4ertain medicines for lessening symptoms can also be taken to protect organ linings, such as Bismuth subsalicylate or 5epto3Bismol &hich coats ulcers to protect them against acid, and drugs that can suppress the secretion of acid into the stomach. IRRITA3LE 3O4EL SYNDROME Irritable Bo&el -yndrome isn*t a disease, but a dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, meaning that it happens only because the !I tract isn*t &orking as intended; there is no damage or changes to it. IB- is actually a group of symptoms that occur at the same time, usually abdominal pain, discomfort6cramping, and one or a combination of *o)st(pat(o) or 0(arrhea5 The subtypes of IB- are based on the percent occurrence of feces indicative of diarrhea or constipation in bo&el movements. IB- can be treated &ith certain changes in the diet, particularly by targeting either constipation or diarrhea depending on &hich is more prevalent. Illustration 7.1 Table of IB- -ubtypes based on occurrence of constipation and diarrhea -ubtype 8ccurrence of 4onstipation 8ccurrence of )iarrhea IB-34 $IB- &ith constipation% 9.:; of the time <.:; of the time IB-3) $IB- &ith diarrhea% <.:; of the time 9.:; of the time IB-3= $=i#ed IB-% 9.:; of the time 9.:; of the time IB-30 $0n3subtyped IB-% <.:; of the time <.:; of the time -ource: http:66digestive.niddk.nih.gov6ddiseases6pubs6ibs6inde#.asp# Illustration 7.. /o&er gastrointestinal tract Co)st(pat(o) 4onstipation is not a symptom but a disease. It happens &hen your "e*es *o,es o#t har01 0r. a)0 s,a!! () s(6e; and &hen your 2o'e! ,o/e,e)ts are 0(""(*#!t1 pa()"#! and happen !ess tha) three t(,es a 'ee-. This happens &hen your feces moves too slo&ly through the large intestines the main site in the body for the absorption of &ater from digested food 3 and more &ater than usual is absorbed from the feces, leaving it dry. )iet 3 usually a lack of fiber 3 and lifestyle; dehydration; certain drugs, and other gastrointestinal conditions can cause constipation. D(arrhea )iarrhea is a symptom that you could say is the opposite of constipation; that is, "e*es *o,es o#t !oose1 "ast a)0 'ater., since the feces passes through the large intestines too fast for &ater to be absorbed from the feces by the body. 3o'e! ,o/e,e)ts are #)*o,"orta2!e and happe) three or ,ore t(,es a 0a.. )iarrhea can cause dehydration, a lack of fluids and essential electrolytes such as salts, so re3hydration is essential in treatment. )iarrhea can be caused by certain bacterial, viral and parasitic infections from contaminated food and &ater, or the environment; other gastrointestinal diseases; and reactions to certain foods and medicines. LACTOSE INTOLERANCE Illustration >.1 Breakdo&n of lactose into components /actose is a form of sugar found in milk. In order to digest lactose, the small intestines produces an en?yme called lactase to break it do&n into glucose and galactose. La*tose ()to!era)*e is a result of !a*tase 0e"(*(e)*.1 or the s,a!! ()test()es "a(!() to pro0#*e e)o#h !a*tase to 2rea- 0o') !a*tose prese)t () the 0(et1 *a#s() 2a*ter(a () the 0(est(/e tra*t to "er,e)t (t1 leading to a 2#(!0#p o" ases a)0 a*(0s as a res#!t. /actose intolerance causes abdominal pain, bloating due to buildup of gas, diarrhea and nausea. There are t&o types of lactase deficiency. Pr(,ar. !a*tase 0e"(*(e)*. develops at the age of ., and is possibly genetic in origin, due to a gene inherited from the parents. This sort of lactase deficiency is actually e#pected of animals after infancy, as milk is usually absent from the diet later in life. -ome people, ho&ever, continue to produce lactase normally into adulthood. Se*o)0ar. !a*tose 0e"(*(e)*. can come from other gastrointestinal disease that involve in,ury of the small intestines. Treating lactose intolerance generally involves changes to the diet. The amount of lactose taken in by a person can be regulated in order to prevent the symptoms of lactose intolerance from happening. +=ilk+ products that are free of lactose, such as soy or coconut milk, can take the place of milk in the diet. /actase, in the form of drops or tablets, can be ingested along &ith foodstuffs containing lactose in order to help in its digestion. APPENDICITIS Illustration :.1 4omparison of a normal and inflamed appendi# Appe)0(*(t(s is the ()"e*t(o) a)0 res#!t() s'e!!() o" the appe)0($, the little pouch of intestinal flesh located in the ,unction bet&een the small and large intestines. This happens &hen the appe)0(*(a! !#,e) + the ()s(0e o" the appe)0($ + (s 2!o*-e0, usually by feces, parasites, enlarged lymph tissues in the &all of the appendi# due to another gastrointestinal infection; inflammations, abnormal gro&ths and physical trauma to the area. 'hen any of these happen, the 2a*ter(a that )or,a!!. ()ha2(t the appe)0($ to ,#!t(p!. a2)or,a!!. a)0 ()"e*t the appe)0($. ppendicitis usually causes pain 3 and possibly s&elling 3 in the lo&er abdomen; nausea and vomiting; constipation or diarrhea; and lo&er fever. ppendicitis can be treated &ith an appendectomy 3 the surgical removal of the appendi#, &hich has little to no effect to the patient physiologically 3 or through antibiotic treatment &ith a li@uid or soft diet to fight the infection and prevent further obstruction. So#r*e: $ "elated articles located at 0.-. )epartment of 1ealth and 1uman -ervices, 2ational )igestive )iseases Information 4learinghouse $2))I4% % )igestive diseases a3? list of topics and titles. $n.d.%. "etrieved from http:66digestive.niddk.nih.gov6ddiseases6a3?.asp# A'eb 5hotoB. "etrieved from http:66&&&.avonmorelactosefree.ie6assets6images6lactoseCintoleranceCdiagram.,pg A'eb 5hotoB. "etrieved from http:66digestive.niddk.nih.gov6ddiseases6pubs6constipation6images6intest.gif A'eb 5hotoB. "etrieved from http:66&&&.physio3pedia.com6images6e6ed65eptic3ulcers3lg3enlg.,pg A'eb 5hotoB. "etrieved from http:66&&&.empo&her.com6files6ebsco6images6(4DDD:ECEFGFDC1CgerdCstomach.,pg A5rint 5hotoB. "etrieved from http:66biology3 forums.com6gallery61>F::C.HC1DC1.C:C..C:GCEHFE..17.,peg