A Data Mining Approach For Unification of Association Rules in Distributed and Parallel Databases

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International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Volume 3, Issue 3, May-June 2014 ISSN 2278-6856

Volume 3, Issue 3 May June 2014 Page 184

Abstract: Due to the development of Parallel and
Distributed data mining techniques which intends to generate
association rules and correlate relationships among large set
of data items since its inception. The present association rule
mining handles successfully only either in distributed
environment or the parallel environment but not in both at
once. This process requires immense integrated knowledge in
multiple datasets with communication overheads with low
response time. The proposed algorithm extends the most
classical algorithm Apriori & Optimized Distributed
Association Rule Mining (ODAM) based on distributed and
parallel transactional database system. We intend the
proposed system to reduce the communication and
interpretation costs; short time complexity; improve anatomy
and efficiency of distributed association rule mining tasks.

Keywords: Apriori, ODAM, Parallel computing,
Distributed computing.

Due to massive research and development of storage
devices tend to increase large space storage at cheapest
cost has enabled many organizations to build large
storage database and also collect large volumes of data.
Latest softwares and organizations intend to extract
useful information from the ultra large amount of data as
traditional methods will be able to handle such data.
Association rule mining (ARM) will implement tries to
find most frequent patterns, associations among patterns,
correlations among them, or casual structures sets of
items or related objects in transaction database. The main
idea is to find out the relations or dependency of the
occurrence of one item set based on occurrence of the
other item sets. Massive number of algorithms and
architectures has been proposed by many researchers in
this area but none could be seen to fit real life situations
and efficiently respond to unforeseen changes in both
parallel and distributed system with time.

Automated acquisition of knowledge in the areas of
Artificial Intelligence that implements the If-then rules
which are well-known techniques for representing the
knowledge. Almost all the association rules are
dependency rules that predict the occurrence of an item
based on occurrences of other items, this approach is
simple but effective and can help the commercial decision
making like the storage layout.
The distributed data mining (DDM) is a semi-automatic
pattern extraction of distributed data sources which
comprises valuable knowledge from raw data produced by
distributed parties for producing a unified global model
that may present various challenges that relates to either
the huge amount of managed data or their physical
location and ownership.

This section gives a brief review of some important
existing works in parallel and distributed data mining,
distributed association rule mining and other related
fields and concepts.
2.1 Data Mining (DM)
Data mining has emerged as important research area that
is defined as a powerful new technology with great
potential to help companies that focus on the most
important information in the data they have collected
about the behavior of their customers and potential
customers it involves the use of sophisticated data
analysis tools to discover previously unknown or valid
patterns and relationships in large data set.
2.1.1 Distributed Data Mining (DDM)
Distributed data mining refers to mining of distributed
data sets which are stored in local databases that are
hosted by local computers which are connected through a
computer network that is undertaken in an environment
where users or data or hardware and the mining software
are geographically dispersed is called as distributed data
mining. These types of environments are also
characterized by heterogeneity of data with multiple users
and large data volumes. Data mining takes place at a
local level and at a global level where local data mining
results are combined to gain global findings which
involves local data analysis from which a global
knowledge can be extracted using knowledge integration
New methods for mining enormous amounts of
heterogeneous data from many data sources that are
emerged all the time and are recognized with sets of
A Data Mining Approach for Unification of
Association Rules in Distributed and Parallel

Imran Qureshi
, Mohammed Ali Shaik
,Kanchi Suresh

Associate Professor in CSE department at GuruNanak Institute of Technology (GNIT),
Ibrahimpatnam, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.

Assistant professor in Dept of CSE at Auroras Research and Technological Institute (ARTI),
Warangal, Telangana, India.

Associate Professor at IIIT, Hyderabad, Gacchibowli
International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)
Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 3, May-June 2014 ISSN 2278-6856

Volume 3, Issue 3 May June 2014 Page 185

association rules that can rapidly grow to be unwieldy as
lower frequency requirements.
Many current data mining tasks can be implemented
successfully only in a distributed environment that only
concentrates on agent based data classification but not
agent based association rule mining as the data transfer
costs are estimated for data to be transferred from the data
site to the distributed association rule mining server for a
speculated period of time which is enormous and is hard
to select an appropriate association rule mining method
when no algorithm fits at all. Also many of the existing
algorithms are only suitable for real-world scenarios
where the comprehensive and needed many reviews of
issues and challenges in current agent-based distributed
association rule mining.
The system architecture for both parallel and distributed
computing is shown in below figure:

Fig.1. System Architecture

2.1.2 Parallel Data Mining (PDM)
In the past decade there are revolutionary change been
made to the hardware development related to the
computation of the parallel instruction set. Many parallel
computing hardware architectures have been evolved in
recent times depending upon the cost and the type of
computational problem parallel computing hardware is
divided mainly into two categories that are: Common
Parallel Computer Architecture(CPCA) and Super
Computer Architecture (SCA). The classification of
parallel computer is shown in Fig 2.
Super computers are very expensive and take long time to
manufacture but faster in execution of instructions where
as each parallel application does not need an dedicated
super computer and more over many organizations cannot
buy super computer due to its high cost.
After massive research a new alternative concept has
emerged that is known as CPCA in which a large number
of systems are combined on a network that comprises of
cheap and easily available autonomous processors like
workstations or PCs hence it become extremely popular
for large computing purpose such as scientific
calculations as compared to the SCAs.

Fig.2. A Classification of Parallel Data Mining

In most of the multiprocessor architectures more than
one CPU is equipped with a single computer and the
compiler is responsible for parallelizing the code
automatically by implementing pass1 and pass 2 where as
this type of architecture is not so efficient but better than
a computer having a single CPU.
In a shared memory architecture a number of processors
are inter connected to a common central memory using a
bus is called as shared memory architecture and is also
well known as Symmetric Multi Processor (SMP) where
all the terminals will equal access to the other terminals
operating system kernel which is designed to run on any
In order to increase the speed of data sharing among all
the processors a single address space is sufficient and
there is a chance of processes corrupting each others data
at the same time which can be overcome by using of
semaphores and locks that are used to save the data from
corruption which is mainly due to the bus contention
which is implemented in SMP.
Distributed shared memory (DSM) is another type of
shared memory architecture that is dedicated to each
processor but the memories are connected through a
common bus to form a shared memory and the inter
process communication takes place through shared
variables where the system hardware and software make
it as single address architecture by removing the problem
of bus contention and provides better performance than
In distributed shared memory all the nodes are connected
through a network with their own independent local
memory in distributed memory MIMD computer where
each node is a fully connected through a network but the
architecture is also known as loosely coupled because the
nodes are not tightly integrated as that of in shared
memory architecture each node cannot directly access the
memory of other nodes so it is called No Remote Memory
Access (NORMA) and the nodes can communicate with
the others through the communication network by using
message passing technique this type of network that
connects the nodes may be of having different network
topologies. Cluster of workstation (COW) and PC cluster
fall under this categories which is a collection of
independent computers that are physically interconnected
International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)
Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 3, May-June 2014 ISSN 2278-6856

Volume 3, Issue 3 May June 2014 Page 186

through LAN.
Supercomputing has extremely high execution rate and
extremely high I/O throughput as it needs very large
primary and secondary memory hence the cost and the
time is the two crucial factors for manufacturing a super
computer. The principal architectures of supercomputing
are Massively Parallel Processor (MPP) and Parallel
Vector Processor (PVP) where MPP system is the
collection of hundred or thousand of commodity
processors interconnected by high speed and low latency
communication network where the memory of the
processors in MPP is distributed but the processors are
synchronized by the blocking message passing operations
as each process has its own physical address space and
communicates with the others through message passing
primitives where as PVP makes the use of huge number
of vector registers and instruction buffer instead of cache.
2.2 Distributed Memory Parallel Computing Models
Many number of distributed memory with parallel
computing models have been evolved in which each
complete computer has its own memory which are
connected through a communication network either it
may be BSP model or LogP model which are most well
known models which removes the shortcoming of the
shared memory computational memory.
2.2.1 BSP Model
The bulk synchronization parallel model (BSP) has three
components that are p-numbers of processors/ memory,
supersteps with periodicity L and the bandwidth factor g
which is defined as the ratio of computation to
communication where each processor or memory can
carry out computation on local data after each L unit of
time a global check is done to verify whether all the
components are finished. If not the other superstep is
allowed to finish all the components in any of the case
bandwidth limitation exists with BSP model that is
capable of sending maximum messages by a limiting
factor h=L/g which is known as h-relations.
2.2.2 LogP Model
LogP model consists of four parameters- P numbers of
computers, L (latency of message passing), O (overheads
involved in message passing) and g (minimum time
interval between successive messages) where at most L/g
messages can be transmitted from one processor to
another at any instance a process has more than this
number of messages to transmit, then it stalls until the
message can be sent without exceeding the capacity limit.
This model is called as asynchronous in nature and thus
message passing latency is unpredictable hence all the
parameters are not considered at same time since some of
them are neglected.
2.2.3 Agent Model
An Agent is a computer software that are situated in some
environment and are capable of autonomous action in this
environment in order to meet their design objectives the
intelligent agents can react to change in their
environment that have social ability and the ability to use
computational intelligence to reach their goals by being
proactive where as all the agents are designed to perform
specific tasks and capable of autonomous action and
decision making by combining multiple agents in one
system to solve a problem where the resultant system is a
Multi-Agent System (MAS). Datasets generated from
Parallel and Distributed environments are converted into
agents that comprises of agents that individually solve
problems that are simpler than overall problem. All the
agents can communicate with each other and assist each
other in achieving larger and more complex goals with
the Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA) is a
non-profit making international organization dedicated to
promoting the industry of intelligent agents by openly
developing specifications to support interoperability
amongst agents and agent-based systems.

In a distributed or parallel environment I is a itemset that
comprises of goods or commodities ranging from I1 to In
in a sample database D where every transaction has a
unique id called as TID and a itemset, the association rule
implicates the form for evaluating the matrices is:
The confidence is measured based on how often the
itemsets in dataset Y appear in dataset X and the frequent
itemsets are those whose support is greater than or may be
equal to minimum support threshold supplied to the
We are considering huge database D with millions of
ongoing transactions T and our goal is to find association
rule mining that finds all the rules having support
minimum support threshold and confidence minimum
confidence threshold.
Duo-step approach for mining association rules is
preferable in our study:
Frequent Itemset Generation is used to generate all
Itemsets whose support minsup provided.
Rule Generation is used to generate high confidence
rules from each frequent itemset where each rule is a
partitioned based on binary partitioning method on
frequent itemset.
The most expensive part of the approach in terms of CPU
cycles utilization is Frequent itemset generation so we
concentrate mainly on the first step in the following
Suppose a transactional database D is stored in parallel
and distributed spots ranging from s
to s

A local data set is said to be frequent item set when:
I.sup |D
| x minsup (4)

According to the above equation I is said to be global
frequent item set.

Designing the parallel programming is always a
challenging matter that focuses on imposing and
International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)
Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 3, May-June 2014 ISSN 2278-6856

Volume 3, Issue 3 May June 2014 Page 187

designing parallel programming which is implemented
widely using two methodologies are widely used for the
purpose of parallel programs. They are auto-
parallelization compiler and library based software.
Whereas opposite in distributed environment.
The implementation of both parallel and distributed
environments is done using the algorithm that generates
global frequent k-itemset we scan the local databases only
once(during constructing the new storage structure) and
prune step doesnt need so I/O spending is saved by
which time complexity of the algorithm is reduced and
efficiency is improved.
tedRec[k]= intersect(tedRec[i], tedRec[j]);
} }
if(count[k] >= D*minsup)
} } }
In the above program snippet the candidate itemset
requires a tidRec structure that uses a large memory space
when transaction database is huge and we are still
concentrating on how to balance the time and space
complexity to get the best solution need yet further study.
In parallel and distributed systems websites generate
frequent itemset from their local database our system is
responsible for generating the superset of all local
frequent itemsets and computing the support of each
itemset then confirming the frequent itemsets based on
the minsup given by the user or the software, the
association rules based on the different databases can be
acquired and stored in the knowledge database this
implementation can be realized using:
By generating global frequent itemset scanning all the
local databases and exchanging the support count
between local websites by generating frequent k-
Parallel computing websites generate parallel frequent
itemsets based on local database by AprTidRec
algorithm and send to global website which combines
all the frequent itemsets from parallel computing
websites then generate candidate global frequent
itemsets broadcast the candidate global frequent
itemsets in distributed computing website determines
the newly added itemsets and their distributed local
support given by the user.
We have taken a data set of size 970791 instances with
four itemsets and used WEKA tool to generate the results
and the results are:
=== Run information ===
Scheme: weka.associations.Apriori -N 10 -T 0 -C 0.9 -D
0.05 -U 1.0 -M 0.1 -S -1.0 -c -1
Relation: Distributed-Parallel-Computing
Instances: 970791
Attributes: 4
=== Associator model (full training set) ===
Minimum support: 0.25 (242698 instances)
Minimum metric <confidence>: 0.9
Number of cycles performed: 15

Generated sets of large itemsets:
Size of set of large itemsets L(1): 7
Size of set of large itemsets L(2): 11
Size of set of large itemsets L(3): 6
Size of set of large itemsets L(4): 1

Best rules found:

1. i3=1 642099 ==> i4=1 642099 conf:(1)
2. i1=0 603876 ==> i4=1 603876 conf:(1)
3. i1=0 i2=1 458640 ==> i4=1 458640 conf:(1)
4. i1=0 i3=1 386022 ==> i4=1 386022 conf:(1)
5. i2=1 i3=1 378378 ==> i4=1 378378 conf:(1)
6. i2=0 336339 ==> i4=1 336339 conf:(1)
7. i1=0 i2=1 i3=1 313404 ==> i4=1 313404 conf:(1)
8. i2=0 i3=1 263721 ==> i4=1 263721 conf:(1)
9. i1=1 i4=1 256077 ==> i3=1 256077 conf:(1)
10. i1=1 i3=1 256077 ==> i4=1 256077 conf:(1)

The implementation of proposed system in WEKA 3.5 is:

Fig.3. Classification of itemsets
International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)
Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 3, May-June 2014 ISSN 2278-6856

Volume 3, Issue 3 May June 2014 Page 188

Fig.4. Tree view of itemsets

Fig.5. Algorithm implementation on T1

In this paper we tried to demonstrate the new approach
for mining ordering rules from ordinal distributed
database system where mining association rules in
distributed database and parallel databases is an
important aspect of data mining domain the algorithms
based on AprTidRec and Apriori for mining association
rules is discussed thoroughly in this paper. The efficiency
of the algorithm is verified and the overall system
realization is given based on the algorithm with the
implementation of WEKA 3.5 tool.
It is believed that the system will help to discover new,
hidden, previously undiscovered patterns in both parallel
and distributed environments or systems which leads to a
dynamic improvement in business yield and turnover.
Future works will treat details about the adaptivity of the
mining agent in mobile environments and the
implementation of the architecture proposed in this work.

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Imran Qureshi is presently working as
Associate Professor in CSE department at
Guru Nanak Institute of Technology,
Hyderabad, and A.P. He received his B. Tech
and M.Tech. Degree with specialization in Information
technology and Computer Science respectively from
JNTUH, Telangana. His main research interest includes
Data mining, Data Structures and algorithms and
Distributed operating systems. He is Pursuing his PhD
from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University,

Mohammed Ali Shaik received his M.Tech
degree in Computer Science and
Engineering from JNTUH, Andhra Pradesh,
India. Currently he is working as Assistant
professor in Computer Science and Engineering
department at Auroras Research and Technological
Institute (ARTI).

Kanchi. Suresh is presently working as
Associate Professor in CSE department at
Guru Nanak Institute of Technology,
Hyderabad, and Telangana State. He received
his B. Tech Degree in Computer Science and Engineering
from V.R.Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada,
and M.Tech. With specialization in Software Engineering
from SIT-JNTUH, Hyderabad. His main research interest
includes Data mining, Data Structures and Algorithms
and Compilers.

Dr. Garimella Rama Murthy completed his PhD during
1986-1989 in computer engineering from Purdue
University, USA. He completed MS in electrical
Engineering from Baton Rouge University, USA. He
Received Rashtriya Gaurav award in the year 2009 from
IIFS, New Delhi. He has published 200 Publications
(Journal and conference). He has been visiting scholar to
many reputed Universities like University of Illinois at
Urbana, IISc Bangalore. He is Currently Working as
Associate Professor at IIIT, Hyderabad, Gacchibowli. His
main research interest includes Wireless sensor
networks,Adhoc networks, Data Mining and performance

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