GFXMenu On Grub4Dos - Tutorials - Reboot - Pro

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pro Boot methods & tools Boot from USB / Boot anywhere Grub4dos Tutorials
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GFXMenu on Grub4Dos
Started by Shibby , Sep 12 211 2!" #$
set configs to boot screens set configs to boot screens,,
Si%n &n 'reate #((ount
)ello e*eryone, this is my first tutorial, and as it was a hard time to me to %ather all information to ma+e
this, i,ll share with you %uys.
-irst of all...
* What are we going to do?
.e are %oin% to set some (onfi%urations, so our boots(reen will loo+ pretty.
)ere is some e/emple!
* What do we need?
& will start assumin% that you already ha*e your bootable thin% 0)ard1ri*e, USB Sti(+, 2/ternal )1, S1 'ard3 with the
needed files, su(h as a menu.lst entry.
4ou,ll need the followin%!
5 Bottable thin%
5 Sour(e -iles 5 $ediafire 0http!//www.mediafire.(om/6ed71b8nnpw941::3
* How we do this?
&ts ;uite simple.
-irst of all, download the Sour(e -ile, wi(h is a .rar file, and e/tra(t it to your <'!< lo(al dri*er.
4ou are %oin% to ha*e 2 folders and 2 files inside it.
5 -older <(pio<! needed files to pa(+ and unpa(+ our (onfi%uration file
5 -older <files<! (onfi%uration files, wi(h we are %oin% to (han%e and do it at our own style
5 -ile <unpa(+.(md<! e/e(utable bat(h file, to unpa(+ our (onfi%uration file
5 -ile <repa(+.(md<! e/e(utable bat(h file, to repa(+ our (onfi%uration file
=ets now wor+ inside our -&=2S folder.
There are 2 main files we need to play with inside here.
=ets start with our ba(+%round file, its named <ba(+.8p%< and should remain with that name, all you ha*e to do to
(han%e the ba(+%round on your boots(reen, is repla(e it witi your own >?G :/@ file. =ater we are %oin% to see how
to (han%e the resolution of the s(reen.
Aow that you,re done repla(in% it, its time to ma+e the s(reen loo+ li+e you want it to do!
=ets play with the <%f/boot.(f%< file, the one (arrin% all information about our stylish menu!
?osted 12 September 211 5 2!" #$
GFXMenu on Grub4Dos - Tutorials -
1 de 7 16/03/2013 20:13
#ll entries are binaries, so... means BA and 1 means B--.
wel(omeC1 D Shows the wel(ome messa%e on the s(reen 0Con, 1Coff3
bootEshowC D Show boot options, not supported anyway, so better lea*e it alone
/menuEhideE(urrentC D if set to 1, hide the (urrent sele(tion item below the bottom menu.
menuEstartE/C4" D )oriFontal position of the menu
menuEstartEyC1" D Gerti(al position of the menu
menuEma/EentriesC1 D Aumber of entries on the panel to sele(t, if you ha*e more, it will s(roll down
menuEbarEminEwidthC1 D The minimum width of menu sele(t bar.
menuEte/tEnormalC/4#'7" DAormal te/t (olor, use HGB *alue su(h as /ffffff.
menuEte/tEsele(tC/ D'olor of sele(ted item
bootEte/tEoptionsC/ffffff D'olor of boot options label
bootEte/tEnormalC/ffffff D'olor of boot options te/t
infobo/Eb%C/d:deed DBa(+%round (olor of info bo/
infobo/Ete/tEnormalC DTe/t (olor of info bo/
menuEbarE(olorC/ffffff D'olor of menu bar
loadin%E(olorC/27"22 D'olor of load bar
titleEb%C/4f7:" DBa(+%round (olor of dialo% ba(+%round
hideErebootC D&f set to 1, hide the reboot button 0-73
hideEpoweroffC &f set to 1, hide the poweroff button 0-13
disableEnumE+eyC1 DThis messa%e file has added +eyboard short(ut fun(tion, for e/ample, pressin% ,1, would (hoose the first menu item. &f you
don,t want it, set this *ariable to 1.
hideEhelpC1 D&f set to 1, hide the help button 0-13
hideElan%C1 D&f set to 1, hide the lan%ua%e button 0-23
(ustomEwidthC: DBy default, the s(reen resolution is :/@/1@, if you want a hi%her resolution, set these three *ariables, for e/ample!
(ustomEhei%htC@ D(ustomEwidthC124I (ustomEhei%htC9@:I (ustomEdepthC1@
(ustomEdepthC1@ DThe mode must be supported by bios, otherwise, it 8ust fallba(+ to default.
panelEnormalC/ffffff D'olor of panel te/t
panelEtitleC/ffffff D'olor of panel title
panelEhi%hC/ffe" D'olor of panel hot+ey 0-n3
panelEb%C/d:deed DBa(+%round (olor of panel pop5up bo/
panelEborderC/eff2f@ DBorder (olor of panel pop5up bo/
$a+e your own (onfi%uration, as you wish, and if somethin% %oes wron%, post it here, so i or any other member (an help
Aow that you ha*e it all done, all you ha*e to do, is to run the <repa(+.(md< file.
&t will (reate a file (alled <messa%e<.
This file is holdin% all your (onfi%uration, font and ba(+%round file.
To use it properly, (opy it, and paste it to the same pla(e where your menu.lst file is lo(ated.
Aow to finish thin% up, open your menu.lst file, and it should loo+ somethin% li+e this!
(olor ABH$#= )&G)=&G)T )2=?T2JT )2#1&AG
timeout K
title .in?2 1. /n.indows J? =ite
find 55set5root 55i%nore5floppies /E&ma%ens//pElite.&SB
map /E&ma%ens//pElite.&SB 0hdK23
map 55hoo+
root 0hdK23
(hainloader 0hdK23
#ll you ha*e to do, is to set the %f/menu parameter inside the file, so it will loo+ somethin% li+e this!
(olor ABH$#= )&G)=&G)T )2=?T2JT )2#1&AG
timeout K
GFXMenu on Grub4Dos - Tutorials -
2 de 7 16/03/2013 20:13
gfxmenu /message
title LbBoot J? =iteMn&ni(ia o 1is(o de &ni(ialiFa(ao da LB &nformati(a (om base em .indows J?.Mn$inimo de 12:$B de H#$.
find 55set5root 55i%nore5floppies /E&ma%ens//pElite.&SB
map /E&ma%ens//pElite.&SB 0hdK23
map 55hoo+
root 0hdK23
(hainloader 0hdK23
.ith this, when you enter in your boot s(reen, instead of all those letter and stuff, you %onna see your own ba(+%round,
and with some sytilish menu.
)ope it helps someone.
& used the files and information in here 0http!// , so i ha*e no
(redits at all... i 8ust re5wrote in some pla(e easier for people to find.
Than+s 1iddy, and a hu% to Auno Brito... lu* ya bro.
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Undelete Data with Handy Recovery All FAT/NTFS drives. Free Download.
Than+ you for this tutorial.
?osted 29 September 211 5 1! #$
Ao problem dude... i,m %lad i helped u out.
?osted 29 September 211 5 1!"7 #$
Users may also find my %rub4dos tutorial at http!//www.rmprepusb...orials/%rub4dos 0http!//www.rmprepusb.(om
/tutorials/%rub4dos3 useful 5 ?art K is about %/fmenu
?osted 29 Ao*ember 211 5 7!4: #$
)usain5The Aew Hoo+ie
i already +new about it but (oldnt find time to ma+e a tutorial for others
than+s for the tutorial bro
?osted : 1e(ember 211 5 9!K@ #$
2n% $ohamed
Dear hi!!"#
$%m fa&ing some 'ro!(ems during 're'are m" mu(ti!oot U) (i*e &hange &o(or !ar menu
to trans'arent and a(so $ want to add (a!e( a!o+e the menu ,$ need the &odes for that to
add it in fi(e gfx!oot-&fg.
/han*s a(ot for "our efforts-
?osted 2 >anuary 212 5 1!4K ?$
GFXMenu on Grub4Dos - Tutorials -
3 de 7 16/03/2013 20:13
perhaps you should ha*e a loo+ at this thread!
http!//"@:7/ 0http!//"@:7/3
?osted 2 >anuary 212 5 1!47 ?$
2n% $ohamed
0" 1riend Pats&h#
/han*s for "our 2ui&* res'on&e# $ !e(ie+e this issue is different than m" re2uest-
?osted 2 >anuary 212 5 1!"@ ?$
3ng 0ohamed ,htt'4//re!oot-'ro/user/567869eng9mohamed/. #
& understood your issue.
To put the label in, i would re(omend you to edit the 8p% ba(+%round pi(ture, and put it in there, this way, you (an use
any font/effe(ts you wish, and the re%ular <1BS< font from %rub.
To (han%e the sele(ted te/t ba(+%round (olor, you should play with this *ariable inside your %f/boot.(f%! menuEbarE(olors
&,m not 1N sure, a,m at wor+ i (an,t tell you 1N sure ri%ht now. 4ou (ould (omment the line too, or delete the line re%ardin% this option to test it.
as soon as i %et home, i (an ta+e a loo+ at it for you.
?osted 2 >anuary 212 5 2!" ?$
really6 Sorry then & misunderstood your post ...
your re;uest was to set the sele(t bar to transparent and to add an info line, or not6
& use Hipper5G-J for my own (ustomiFed boot menu and with that pro%ram & (an set (olor/transpareny of the sele(t bar
and & also set a info line 0you (alled it label3 and mu(h more. #fter wat(hin% the tutorials lin+ed in that thread it too+
me 1 minutes to (reate my own personaliFed %rub4dos boot menu with my own ba(+%round ima%e, siFe/position of the
menu entries, info line et(.
?osted 2 >anuary 212 5 2!9 ?$
4ou (an do it usin% this meethod too, i 8ust don,t ha*e a((ess to the files atm.
&t may be easier or harder, dependin% on how mu(h you +now of ea(h tool.
'patsch', on 02 Jan 2012 - 15:07, said:
?osted 2 >anuary 212 5 2!14 ?$
GFXMenu on Grub4Dos - Tutorials -
4 de 7 16/03/2013 20:13
really6 Sorry then & misunderstood your post ...
your re;uest was to set the sele(t bar to transparent and to add an info line, or not6
& use Hipper5G-J for my own (ustomiFed boot menu and with that pro%ram & (an set (olor/transpareny of the sele(t bar and & also set a info line 0you
(alled it label3 and mu(h more. #fter wat(hin% the tutorials lin+ed in that thread it too+ me 1 minutes to (reate my own personaliFed %rub4dos boot
menu with my own ba(+%round ima%e, siFe/position of the menu entries, info line et(.
.ell... i,m %onna be at wor+ for more 9hrs, so if your problem is not sol*ed till then, or you de(ided to not follow on
pats(h tip... i,ll ta+e a loo+ and run some tests when i %et ba(+ to home.
>ust let me +now it its needed o+6
?osted 2 >anuary 212 5 2!27 ?$
2n% $ohamed
/han*s for "our &o9o'eration !ut# $ am sti(( &onfused-
Regarding the !ar &o(or issue $ was attem'ting to remo+e the +a(ue and sometimes re'(a&ed it
,menu;!ar;&o(or<7xeeeeee. without an" res'on&e-=>ou(d "ou '(ease tr" again to so(+e this issue with me?
Regarding the (a!e(# $ *now its eas" to do it in 'hotosho' as exam'(e !ut $ 'refer to ma*e it with &ode
in fi(e gfx!oot-&fg or in menu-(st and $ ha+e added the fo((owing &ode in menu-(st !ut it didn%t a''ear-
write ,md.7x227@1 A)A/ne&ho 9n 9P47777 B=717C? A$O )oota!(e U) 7 inits&ri't ,md.7x227@1
$s that 'ossi!(e or not?
?osted 2 >anuary 212 5 2!"7 ?$
Try doin% this my friend
?osted 2 >anuary 212 5 K!1@ ?$
2n% $ohamed
$ ha+e tried that !efore# in&orre&t &ode and $ did this &ode menu;!ar;&o(or<trans'arent no resu(t ti((
?osted 2 >anuary 212 5 K!": ?$
2n% $ohamed
$ am waiting "our he('
?osted K >anuary 212 5 12!4: ?$
See here 0http!//bbs.wuyou.(om/*iewthread.php6tidC1::"3 ......
3dited !" "angDh# 7E Fanuar" 2712 9 7G456 A0-
?osted @ >anuary 212 5 :!49 #$
Today is the day... %ot ba(+ home... so i,ll loo+ at your problem... sorry bro, i,*e been busy
?osted @ >anuary 212 5 7!4" #$
1ude.. it may be simple, the first line where you define the basi(s...
(olor ABH$#= )&G)=&G)T )2=?T2JT )2#1&AG
Hip off the )&G)=&G)T6
& was 8ust readin% my post.... and it seems to wor+... i,ll try now
?osted @ >anuary 212 5 7!" #$
2n% $ohamed
?osted @ >anuary 212 5 "!"1 ?$
GFXMenu on Grub4Dos - Tutorials -
5 de 7 16/03/2013 20:13
'yangjh', on 06 Jan 2012 - 09:47, said:
See here 0http!//bbs.wuyou.(om/*iewthread.php6tidC1::"3 ......
Than+s for your help.
But & (an,t read (hina lan%ua%e, so (an you e/plain by en%lish if possible6 and & ha*e download $s%1iyer file but if you
ha*e en%lish *ersion it will be better and & fa(ed a problem durin% open this file with anti*iruse #GG please ad*i(e me
my friend.
2n% $ohamed
'Shiy', on 06 Jan 2012 - 10:50, said:
1ude.. it may be simple, the first line where you define the basi(s...
(olor ABH$#= )&G)=&G)T )2=?T2JT )2#1&AG
Hip off the )&G)=&G)T6
& was 8ust readin% my post.... and it seems to wor+... i,ll try now
Sorry, & (an,t %et your point.
?osted @ >anuary 212 5 "!"" ?$
'!ng "oha#ed', on 06 Jan 2012 - 1$:51, said:
Than+s for your help.
But & (an,t read (hina lan%ua%e, so (an you e/plain by en%lish if possible6 and & ha*e download $s%1iyer file but if you ha*e en%lish *ersion it will be
better and & fa(ed a problem durin% open this file with anti*iruse #GG please ad*i(e me my friend.
)ello 2n% $ohamed
#bout #GG?lease see here 0http!//r.*irs(an.or%/:K@df9(@ea(a9d9"":(294a@ba14b3 I#bout 2n%lish *ersion...The
authors say..O$y 2n%lish is *ery poor..P .. so sorry
referen(e 0http!//bbs.wuyou.(om/*iewthread.php6tidC1:1294&hi%hli%htC$s%1iyer3
?osted 7 >anuary 212 5 1!4 #$
& mana%ed it to wor+ in my e/ample... but first off all, sorry for ta+in% so lon%... its been a busy wee+.
So... %rub understands bla(+ as transparent, as it loo+ed li+e im my e/ample... so...
This way, there was no bar for me, 8ust the te/t (han%ed (olor when i sele(ted it.
&t wor+ed for me now... and i,m usin% it... it loo+s better than that line a(ross the s(reen.
& hope it helped you.. i didnt +now how to do this, but hey... it wor+ed /1
?osted 7 >anuary 212 5 K!1 #$
#nd about that another ;uestion about you wantin% to add a title...
That way you tried, would word if you were in te/t mode... not loadin% a %f/menu with a pi(ture as ba(+%round.
So... in the normal menu, it would wor+...
The best way to add a title, would be to edit in some ima%e editor, li+e photoshop... but i,lll do some resear(h and tell
you my founds o+6
So far... i didnt mana%e do ma+e it wor+... but i,ll try.
?osted 7 >anuary 212 5 K!1K #$
2n% $ohamed
?osted 7 >anuary 212 5 "!"4 #$
GFXMenu on Grub4Dos - Tutorials -
6 de 7 16/03/2013 20:13
Page 1 of 2 Ba(+ to Tutorials Boot methods & tools Boot from USB / Boot anywhere Grub4dos Tutorials
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-orum Q -ranZais Q T[r+ Q Q &taliano Q .orldwide Q Boot from USB / Boot anywhere Q Boot =inu/ and other BS fla*ours Q Boot *irtual ma(hines Q Boot from
=#A Q .inBuilder Q
'yangjh', on 09 Jan 2012 - 02:04, said:
)ello 2n% $ohamed
#bout #GG?lease see here 0http!//r.*irs(an.or%/:K@df9(@ea(a9d9"":(294a@ba14b3 I#bout 2n%lish *ersion...The authors say..O$y 2n%lish is
*ery poor..P .. so sorry
referen(e 0http!//bbs.wuyou.(om/*iewthread.php6tidC1:1294&hi%hli%htC$s%1iyer3
Ao problem and alot of than+s.
'Shiy', on 09 Jan 2012 - 04:01, said:
& mana%ed it to wor+ in my e/ample... but first off all, sorry for ta+in% so lon%... its been a busy wee+.
So... %rub understands bla(+ as transparent, as it loo+ed li+e im my e/ample... so...
This way, there was no bar for me, 8ust the te/t (han%ed (olor when i sele(ted it.
&t wor+ed for me now... and i,m usin% it... it loo+s better than that line a(ross the s(reen.
& hope it helped you.. i didnt +now how to do this, but hey... it wor+ed /1
&,ll try do that and inform you by result soon, many of than+s ... my friend.
'Shiy', on 09 Jan 2012 - 04:1%, said:
#nd about that another ;uestion about you wantin% to add a title...
That way you tried, would word if you were in te/t mode... not loadin% a %f/menu with a pi(ture as ba(+%round.
So... in the normal menu, it would wor+...
The best way to add a title, would be to edit in some ima%e editor, li+e photoshop... but i,lll do some resear(h and tell you my founds o+6
So far... i didnt mana%e do ma+e it wor+... but i,ll try.
Heally & appre(iate your (ooperation and sorry to disturb you.
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GFXMenu on Grub4Dos - Tutorials -
7 de 7 16/03/2013 20:13

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