Harry Potter Fans Take Notice!: Library Books To Help Pass The Time!
Harry Potter Fans Take Notice!: Library Books To Help Pass The Time!
Harry Potter Fans Take Notice!: Library Books To Help Pass The Time!
Westing Game
San Souci, Robert. Young Merlin
Smith, Sherwood. The Crown &
Court Duet Series
Wrens Quest
Wren to the Rescue
Wrens War
Strickland, Brad. The Bell, the
Book and the Spellbinder
Tolkien, J .R.R. The Hobbit
Lord of the Rings Series
Travers, P.L. Mary Poppins Se-
Turner, Megan. The Thief
Queen of Attolia
Winthrop, Elizabeth. The Battle
for the Castle
The Castle in the Attic
Wrede, Patricia. The Enchanted
Forest Chronicles
Harry potter
Take notice!
Library books
To help pass
The time!
Books of interest
For all Those
Library muggles
Out there!
Library system of lancaster county
Wynne J ones, Dianna. The Dalemark
Yolen, J ane. The Young Merlin Trilogy
Websites to visit
The official harry potter
site is
Scholastic Books
Ann Arbor District Library
Library System of Lancaster County
22 E. King St., Suite 222
Lancaster, PA 17602-2852
Prepared by Youth Services Coordinator
Cameron, Eleanor. The Mushroom Planet
Carrol, Lewis. Alice in Wonderland
Chetwin, Grace. The Chimes of Alyafaleyn
Gom on Windy Mountain
The Riddle and the Rune
Cooper, Susan. Dark is Rising Series
The Boggart
The Boggart and the Monster
Coville, Bruce. Into the Land of Unicorns
The Dragonslayers
Dahl, Roald. Charlie and the Chocolate Fac-
James and the Giant Peach
Duane, Diane. The Wizardry Series
Ende, Michael. The Neverending Story
Furlong, Monica. Wise Child
Gardiner, J ohn. Stone Fox
Gray, Nicolas. Grimbolds Other World
Griffin, Peni. The Maze
Ibbotson, Eva. The Secret of Platform 13
Which Witch
J acques, Brian. The Redwall Series
J uster, Norton. The Phantom Tollbooth
Check your local library for
these titles! If you dont find
them, try other libraries in
the library system. Ask for
help at the public service
Aiken, J oan. Nightbirds on Nantucket
Alexander, Lloyd. The Prydain Series
Asimov, Issac. The Norby Series
Avi. Bright Shadow and Poppy (and se-
Barron, T.A. The Lost Years of Merlin
Beagle, Peter. The Last Unicorn
Billingsby, Franny. Folk Keeper
Well Wished
Calhoun, Dia. Firegold
King-Smith, Dick. Martins Mice.
LeGuin, Ursula. A Wizard of Earthsea
(and sequels)
LEngle, Madeleine. The Time Triology
Levine, Gail. Ella Enchanted
The Wish
Lewis, C.S. The Chronicles of Narnia
MacDonald, Betty Bard. Mrs. Piggle-
Wiggle Series
McGraw, Eloise. The Moorchild
McKillip, Patricia. The Forgotten Beasts
of Eld
McKinley, Robin. Blue Sword
The Hero and the Crown
Rose Daughter
Spindles End
Morris, Gerald. The Squires Tale
The Squire, His Knight, and His
Nodelman, Perry. The Same Place But Dif-
Pierce, Tamora. The Circle of Magic Se-
Pullman, Phillip. The Firework-Makers
Golden Compass and The Subtle Knife