Site Investigation: Assist. Prof. Berrak TEYMUR

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Assist. Prof. Berrak TEYMUR
Foundation Engineering
Analysis Design Construction
As a foundation engineer, you need to
geotechnical/structural issues (involves geology,
subsurface exploration, structure type and load
professional engineering issues (cost-
engineering modelling (how accurate and how
Steps in Foundation
Understand project and site
Develop design criteria
Identify possible foundation alternatives
Conduct soil investigation
Characterise site
Engineering analysis to evaluate alternatives
Develop recommendations and write reports
Monitor design, construction and performance
Potential Problems Related to
Foundation Design
Bearing capacity failure of foundation (strength of
Differential settlement of foundation
Excessive overall settlement of foundation
Instability of foundation, embankment, slopes
Sulphate attack on concrete (groundwater)
Damage to surrounding structures due to excavation
and dewatering an excavation
Collapse of excavation as a result of excessive water
in flow.
Site Investigation
A soil investigation program is necessary to
provide information for design and
construction and for environmental
1. To evaluate the general suitability of the site
for the proposed project
2. To enable an adequate and economical
design to be made
3. To disclose and make provision for difficulties
that may arise during construction
Site Investigation Phases
Phase-I: Collection of preliminary
obtain information regarding the type of
structure to be built and its general use.
A general idea of the topography and the
type of soil
Geological survey maps etc.
Site Investigation Phases
Phase-II: Reconnaissance
The engineer should always make a visual
inspection of the site.
to provide a general picture of the
topography and geology of the site.
Site Investigation Phases
Phase-III: Site Investigation
consists of planning, making test boreholes
and collecting soil samples
For a 30.5m wide building, depending on
number of stories (1 to 5 stories) 3.5m to 24
m deep borings can be made.
For a multi story building borehole spacing is
The exploration cost is generally 0.1-0.5% of
the cost of the structure.
Site Investigation Phases
Phase-IV: Write a report
A clear description of the soils at the site
Methods of exploration
Soil profile
Test methods and results
The location of the groundwater.
Phase IV.
Information and/or explanations of;
any unusual soil
Water-bearing stratum
Soil and groundwater condition that may be
troublesome during construction.
Site Exploration Methods
Test pits
Probes (in-situ tests) and geophysical.
Choice of method depends on budget,
sampling requirements, extent of investigation
and site conditions.
Test Pits
Cheap method of investigation to
shallow depth (backhoe to 4m depth,
excavator to 5.5.m depth)
Allows visual inspection of strata
Limitations: undisturbed sampling
difficult, collapse in granular soils or
below ground water table.
Exploratory Borings in the Field
Hand auger is a cheap, but slow method.
Used for simple investigations (i.e. house
foundations) or where access would
otherwise be difficult. Undisturbed sampling
is difficult.
Auger boring is the simplest method of
making exploratory boreholes.
The soil samples obtained from such borings are highly disturbed. In
some noncohesive soils or soils having low cohesion, the walls of the
boreholes will not stand unsupported. In such circumstances, a
metal pipe is used as a casing to prevent the soil from caving in.
Exploratory Borings in the Field
Wash boring
a casing about 2-3m long is driven into the ground. The soil
inside the casing is then removed by means of a chopping bit
attached to a drilling rod. Water is forced through the drilling rod
and exists at a very high velocity through the holes at the bottom
of the chopping bit. The water and the chopped soil particles rise
in the drill hole and overflow at the top of the casing through a T
Rotary drilling is a procedure by which rapidly rotating
drilling bits attached to the bottom of drilling rods cut and grind
the soil and advance the borehole. Can be used in sand, clay
and rocks.
Percussion drilling is another method of advancing a
borehole particularly through hard soil and rock. A heavy
drilling bit is raised and lowered to chop the hard soil.
Exploratory Borings in the Field
Borehole Support
Steel casing- hydraulically pushed
Drilling mud- based on natural bentonite
clay, which can be mixed in powder form to
the drilling water to create a higher density
suspension. Forms thin filter cake on walls
of hole which stabilises cohesionless soils
against caving.
Procedures for Soil Sampling
Disturbed samples which are representative and
can be used for grain size analysis, liquid and plastic
limits, specific gravity, compaction tests, moisture
content, organic content determination and soil
classification test performed in a lab.
Undisturbed samples which are used for
consolidation, permeability or shear strength tests.
More complex jobs or where clays exist
In sand is very difficult to obtain undisturbed sample
Procedures for Soil Sampling
Disturbed samples
Used for routine jobs to identify soils and
determined index properties (particularly
Split barrel SPT sampler
California modified sampler
Augured samples
Soil disturbances occur from several
sources during sampling such as
Friction between the soil and the sampling tube
The wall thickness of the sampling tube
The sharpness of the cutting edge
Care and handling during transportation of the
sample tube.
To minimize friction, the sampling tube should
be pushed instead of driven into the ground.
Sampling tubes that are in common use have
been designed to minimize sampling
Soil Samplers
Types of soil sampler:
ShelbyTube: thin-walled seamless steel tube of diameter 50
or 75mm and length of 600-900mm.
o The bottom end of the tube is sharpened.
o The tubes can be attached to drilling rods.
o The drilling rod with the sampler attached is lowered to the
bottom of the borehole and the sampler is pushed into the
o The soil sample inside the tube is then pulled out.
o The two ends of the sampler are sealed and sent to the lab.
o The samples can be used for consolidation or shear tests.
Soil Samplers
Types of soil sampler:
Standard sampler (Split Spoon Sampler): has an inside
diameter of 35mm and an outside diameter of 50mm.
o Has a split barrel which is held together using a screw-on
driving shoe at the bottom end and a cap at the upper
o The thicker wall of the standard sampler permits higher
driving stresses than the Shelby tube but does so at the
expense of higher levels of soil disturbances.
o Split spoon samples are disturbed.
o They are used for visual examination and for classification
Scraper Bucket
When soil deposits are sand mixed with pebbles,
obtaining samples by split spoon may not be
possible with a spring core catcher and a
scraper bucket may be used.
The scraper bucket has a driving point and can
be attached to a drilling rod. The sampler is
driven down into the soil and rotated and the
scrapings from the side fall into the bucket.
Soil Samplers
Piston Sampler
When undisturbed soil samples are very soft or larger
than 76.2mm in diameter, they tend to fall out of the
sampler. Then piston samplers are used.
They consist of a thin wall tube with a piston. Initially,
the piston closes the end of the thin wall tube. The
sampler is lowered to the bottom of the borehole and
the thin wall tube is pushed into the soil hydraulically
past the piston. Then the pressure is released through
a hole in the piston rod. To a large extent, the
presence of the piston prevents distortion in the
sample by not letting the soil squeeze into the
sampling tube very fast and by not admitting excess
soil. Consequently, samples obtained in this manner
are less disturbed than those obtained by Shelby
Soil Samplers
Sample Storage
Water retention air tight containers, seal ends of
thin wall tubes, plastic sleeves for core samples.
Mechanical protection (Cores) steel trays with
lids, plastic half tubes for support, foam inserts to
indicate lost material.
Hole Closure- safety- cap or backfill hole.
Observation of Water Tables
The presence of a water table near a foundation
significantly affects a foundations load-bearing
capacity and settlement. The water level will
change seasonally. It is measured by piezometers
by lowering them into the hole.
Boring Log
During soil exploration all suitable details
are recorded and presented in a boring
Additional information consisting mainly of
lab and field test result is added to
complete the boring log.
1. A site investigation is necessary to determine the
nature of the soils at a proposed site for design and
2. A soil investigation needs careful planning and is
usually done in phases.
3. A number of tools are available for soil exploration.
You need to use judgment as to the type appropriate
for a given project.
Sampling disturbances and sample preparation for lab tests may
significantly impair the shear strength parameters. Consequently,
a variety of field test have been developed to obtain more reliable
soil shear strength parameters by testing soils in-situ.

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