Max Payne 1 Cheats
Max Payne 1 Cheats
Max Payne 1 Cheats
Code Result
coder - God Mode, All Weapons, Unlimited Ammo, etc.
God - God Mode
Mortal - Become Mortal
ShowFPS - Show FPS
NoClip - Fly Mode
NoClip_off - No Fly Mode
getbullettime - Fill Up When Bullet-Time Runs Out
showfps - Show Frame Rate
getpainkillers - Get 8 PainKillers
c_addhealth ( 100 ) - Add 100 to Health
GetAllWeapons - All Weapons
GetInfiniteAmmo - Infinite Ammo
jump10 - Jump Higher (set to 20 or 30 for even
SetWoundedState - Walk as if Wounded
SetNormalState - Walk Normally
GetBaseballbat - Baseball Bat
GetBeretta - Beretta
GetBerettaDual (or GetDualBeretta) - Dual Berretas
GetDesertEagle - Desert Eagle
GetSawedShotgun - Shotgun #1
GetPumpShotgun - Shotgun #2
GetJackhammer - Jackhammer shotgun
GetIngram - Ingram
GetIngramDual (or GetDualIngram) - Dual Ingrams
GetMP5 - MP5
GetColtCommando - Colt Commando
GetMolotov - Molotov Cocktail
GetGrenade - Grenade
GetM79 - M79
GetSniper - Sniper Rifle
GetHealth - Health
GetPainkillers - Pain Killers
GetBulletTime - Fill up Bullet Time
Jump10 - Big Jump
Jump20 - BigBig Jump
Jump30 - BigBigBigJump
Inventory - Details of Player
Clr - Delete Line
Help - List Cheats
-nodialog - Skips the Max Payne startup dialog when loading the game.
-skipstartup: Skips the startup animation
-screenshot - Enables the F10 key for taking screen shots. Screen shots
are saved to "screenshots" folder under your Max Payne installation folder
-disable3dpreloads - If the system runs out of texture memory while loading
a level, this option may prevent the game from crashing due to a driver error
-window - Runs the game in a windowed mode, in the resolution selected
from the Max Payne launch dialog. All 3d accelerators do not support
running in a windowed mode.
Command line options can be enabled by adding them to the Max Payne
shortcut after the executable, for example:
"C:\Program Files\Remedy\Max Payne\MaxPayne.exe" -screenshot
To do that, right-click on the Max Payne icon, select Properties and then
edit the Target field.
Alternate egos:
By pressing Keypad 9 or 3 you can change the character Max plays during
the game. Be aware that some weapons may not be available to you during
the time you are using these alternate characters.
Level Warp:
By pressing keypad 0, you can warp to different areas of the level, or
"chapter," and at the same time you could be standing right in front of
enemies and they will not even notice you.
To jump to any level, type the following in the developer console while
playing any level:
end_combat (Secret Finale, use this method instead of
"maxpayne_gamemode->gm_sendendofgamemessages( );")
maxpayne_gamemode->gm_sendendofgamemessages( );0
Bonus Level:
In the bonus Level u can find painkillers which are hidden behind
the screen. when the level starts press your back key and turn
left and right you'll find 7 painkillers. Yah but there are ont
seven enemies coming !
Part II: here when u reach the crane kill the guyz
around it. activate the crane and kill the new guyz
that arrive on the scene. now climb on top of the
control room of the crane and from there on to the
crane's hook and further to the crates kept there.
when u walk u will find the container open and
shall be able to get more ammo.
kill all The Guyz and then goto to the van. on its side
there shall be a few boxes. climb on them then to the a.c.
and from it into the fire exit. climb it and try the doors.
open it and you will be congratulated for finding a secret
When ever you face the guys in the black suits try to
stay clear of them and also save up some ammo for the
colt commando. Then use the bullet time to slow things
off and kill them!
Easter Eggs:
Part I: The American Dream
Alternate egos:
By pressing Keypad 9 or 3 you can change the character Max
plays during the game. Be aware that some weapons may not
be available to you during the time you are using these
alternate characters.
Level Warp:
By pressing keypad 0, you can warp to different areas of
the level, or "chapter," and at the same time you could be
standing right in front of enemies and they will not even
notice you.
Developer Messages:
On the level where you are confronting B.B. on the parking garage,
there is a hidden area where you can get a sniper rifle & ammo.
Before going down the first ramp that leads deeper in to the garage,
jump on the various objects by the entrance to the lower levels to get
on a roof with a small metal-walled building on top. Bash on all the
walls with the bat until a panel falls away and then go inside. Once
inside, you'll also see a radio you can turn on to hear a rather
humourous message from a couple of the game's developers.
On Part I: Chapter 2, you can cause the rats to war amongst themselves.
Use the developer command line cheat and give yourself a grenade (then
''getgrenade'' in the console) at the start of the level. Toss it in
the gap of broken titles after the initial level_start camera panning.
This will cause the mission objectives to change to ''I had declared war
against the rats''. As you progress through the level, you will come
across the two factions of rats -- WITH DESERT EAGLES! Shoot at one of
the ceiling lamps that's off at its base to make it fall, causing the
start of the war. If your group of rats wins, they will join forces and
follow you through the rest of the level. If the other rats win, they'll
turn their remaining forces on you.
In the second part of the Asgard Building, after picking up the video tape
and watching the TV news report about Aesir Corp being a bigger monopoly
than Mic....ft ever was, there is a small, dark room with a table, couch
etc. Shoot the small painting to make it fall off and a small white button
is revealed. Press this button to make the couch behind you rise. Go down
underneath it and use the control panel to open the door. Inside, switch
the TV on to hear a funny version of Star Trek (called the Void) and open
the cupboard behind the curtain to find, er... something else :)
Easter Eggs:
Easter Egg Number 1
In Act 3: Level 4 (the garage), there is an Easter Egg
featuring members of Max Payne's production team and some
surprises. After the opening animation ends, take out the
four guys that the car has dropped off. Now, before entering
the garageon the right, face the garage and look just to the
right of the opening. There are 3 barrels (one, and then two
on top of each other), and an A/C unit coming out of the wall.
Jump >from one to another to reach the roof of the garage. You
will now be facing a little shack on the roof, with a door-shaped
section painted slightly lighter than the rest -- shoot this with
any weapon, and it will fall away, leading to a room with a small
grating on the floor. Stand on the grate, and you will fall into a
room with a dead hostage, a sniper rifle and ammo, and a radio that
plays a conversation between members of the production team with a
bit of humor at the end.
TIP 2:
after u fight the FINITO brothers, go further till u rech the
room 313(where he exclaims "this looks like the room" and where
the shotgun trap is set 4 u). finish ur business in the room.
come out and turn right and then left. on one side, u see a
bathroom and on the other u see a broken door. blast the door
with whatever weapon u have. go inside. then go through the
glass(be careful not to fall!!!). turn right till u approach
a same type door as the previous one. blast this one too and
VOILA!!!!!. u will find a whole lot of goodies(a berreta, two
painkillers, 4 moltovs, berreta ammo etc.) to name a few! ENJOY.
Go into the options menu and in the option "Bullet time aid ON/OFF"
keep pressing the box to select it for about 5 minutes and you will
have unlimited bullet time!
Parental Lock:
So, did your mom put a password for the Parental Lock because you are too young!
to get the password and/or disable the Parental Lock, you have to look in the
folwing registry key:
VERY Newbie:
For those who don't know how to edit the reg, open run in the start menu,
and type regedit to open the registry editor, then navigate throgh the
folders shown here. you will see a key named password, and near it the real
password, duble clickto edit it!
NOTE: Don't to mess up with the registry, any small mistake ie: deleting a
system key or just editing it can make your windows system unbootable!!
always make a backup befor editing, type at Run: scanreg.
After killing the man coming out from the toilet ,you jump out to the roof
through the window. On the same roof u can find a secrete room at the end.
you can enter the room through the window. There you can find a lots of Shot
Gun ammo . Also u can see posters of the Game "Soldier Of Fortune".
Parental Lock:
Parental passwd is stored in the following registry key:
Secret ending:
Start the game with the "-developer" command line parameter. To do this go
under the properties of your Max Payne desktop icon (right click on the Max
Payne icon, then select "Properties"), then change the entry for the program
to "Target: "C:\Program Files\Max Payne\maxpayne.exe" -developer" or something
similar. While playing a game, press [F12] to display the console window, then
enter "maxpayne_gamemode->gm_sendendofgamemessages( );" to view a secret game
ending message.
Screen capture:
Start the game with the "-screenshot" command line parameter. Press [F10]
during the game to save a screen shot in the "screenshots" folder in the
main game folder.
Windowed mode:
Start the game with the "-window" command line parameter. Note: This cannot
be used with a 3D accelerators.