How To Transpose Music
How To Transpose Music
How To Transpose Music
Summary: Transposition, or changing the key of a piece of music, can be useful and is sometimes
necessary to make music more singable or playable. Music is transposed by raising or lowering every
note by the same interval.
Changing the key of a piece of music is called transposing the music. Music in a major key can be
transposed to any other major key; music in a minor key can be transposed to any other minor key.
(Changing a piece from minor to major or vice-versa requires many more changes than simple
transposition.) A piece will also sound higher or lower once it is transposed. There are some ways to
avoid having to do the transposition yourself, but learning to transpose can be very useful for
performers, composers, and arrangers.
Why Transpose?
Here are the most common situations that may require you to change the key of a piece of music:
* Instrumentalists may also find that a piece is easier to play if it is in a different key. Players of both
bowed and plucked strings generally find fingerings and tuning to be easier in sharp keys, while
woodwind and brass players often find flat keys more comfortable and in tune.
*Instrumentalists with transposing instruments will usually need any part they play to be properly
transposed before they can play it. Clarinet, French horn, saxophone, trumpet, and cornet are the most
common transposing instruments.
* To put it in the right key for your vocalists. If your singer or singers are struggling with notes that
are too high or low, changing the key to put the music in their range will result in a much better
How to Transpose Music
There are four steps to transposition:
1. Choose your transposition.
2. Use the correct key signature.
3. Move all the notes the correct interval.
4.Take care with your accidentals.
Transposition: Changing Keys
Step 1: Choose Your Transposition
In many ways, this is the most important step, and the least straightforward. The transposition you
choose will depend on why you are transposing. If you already know what transposition you need, you
can go to step two. If not, please look at the relevant sections below first:
*Are you rewriting the music for a transposing instrument?
*Are you looking for a key that is in the range of a vocalist?
*Are you looking for a key that is more playable on your instrument?
Step 2: Write the New Key Signature
If you have chosen the transposition because you want a particular key, then you should already know
what key signature to use. (If you don't, see Key Signature.) If you have chosen the transposition
because you wanted a particular interval (say, a whole step lower or a perfect fifth higher), then the key
changes by the same interval. For example, if you want to transpose a piece in D major up one whole
step, the key also moves up one whole step, to E major. Transposing a piece in B minor down a major
third will move the key signature down a major third to G minor. For more information on and practice
identifying intervals, see Interval. For further information on how moving music up or down changes the
key signature, see The Circle of Fifths.
Find the New Key
Figure 1: You must know the interval between the old and new keys, and you must know the new key
signature. This step is very important; if you use the wrong key signature, the transposition will not
Transposition: Changing Keys
Step 3: Transpose the Notes
Now rewrite the music, changing all the notes by the correct interval. You can do this for all the notes in
the key signature simply by counting lines and spaces. As long as your key signature is correct, you do
not have to worry about whether an interval is major, minor, or perfect.
Move all the Notes
Figure 2: Did you move the key down a minor third? Simply move all the notes down a third in the new
key; count down three lines-or-spaces to find the new spot for each note. Did you move the key up a
perfect fourth? Then move all the notes up four lines-and-spaces. Remember to count every line and
every space, including the ones the notes start on and end on. Once you get the hang of it, this step is
very straightforward, but it may take a while if you have a lot of music.
Transposition: Changing Keys
Step 4: Be Careful with Accidentals
Most notes can simply be moved the correct number of lines and spaces. Whether the interval is minor,
major, or perfect will take care of itself if the correct key signature has been chosen. But some care must
be taken to correctly transpose accidentals. Put the note on the line or space where it would fall if it
were not an accidental, and then either lower or raise it from your new key signature. For example, an
accidental B natural in the key of E flat major has been raised a half step from the note in the key (which
is B flat). In transposing down to the key of D major, you need to raise the A natural in the key up a half
step, to A sharp. If this is confusing, keep in mind that the interval between the old and new
(transposed) notes (B natural and A sharp) must be one half step, just as it is for the notes in the key.
If you need to raise a note which is already sharp in the key, or lower a note that is already flat, use
double sharps or double flats
Transposing Accidentals
Figure 3: Flats don't necessarily transpose as flats, or sharps as sharps. For example, if the accidental
originally raised the note one half step out of the key, by turning a flat note into a natural, the new
accidental may raise the note one half step out of the key by turning a natural into a sharp.
Exercise 1
The best practice for transposing is to transpose a piece you know well into a new key.
Solution: Play the part you have transposed; your own ears will tell you where you have made mistakes.