How To Calculate LA

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How to calculate how much LA u can give to a patient?

Basic thing to remember

100% solution = 1 gram or 1000mg drug/ml
= 1000mg/ml

So if at the cartridge label as 2% or 4% it indicates how much drug contain in 1 ml of

So 2% = 20mg drugs or LA contains in 1ml of solution.
If 4% = 40 mg drugs or LA contains in 1 ml of solution.

Each cartridge mostly ada 1.8ml of solution. Thay are some cartridges that contains 1.7
or 2.2ml of solution. So, you must check at the cartridge 1st.

Let say articaine that we used at clinic written as 4% articaine in 1.8ml so, u need to
know how much LA contains in 1.8ml of solution.

Dalam 1 cartridge not only contains LA. It has adrenaline, fungicide, reducing agent,
LA agent and 1 more thing i can't remember. So that's why u have to calculate for the
amount of LA in a cartridge.

4% articaine in 1.8 ml solution
= 4% = 40mg/ ml

Therefore in 1.8ml solution
=40 mg/ml * 1.8
= 72 mg/cartridge
(This means in 1.8ml of solution contains 72 mg of drugs or local anaesthetic)

So now u know how much drug in 1 cartridge. Then u need to know what is maximum
recommended dosage for the LA. Different LA have different MRD. This one u need to
hafal la...

For example MRD for articaine is 7mg/kg and maximum dosage u can give is 500mg.
Now let's calculate
Let say patient came weigh in 70kg. So maximum u can give to this patient is
= 70kg * 7mg/kg
=490 mg

Now you know in 1 cartridge contains 72mg of drugs and patient can accept till 490mg
of drugs..therefore u divide
= 490 72
= 6.8 cartridge kalau u round up lebih kurang 7 cartridge la.

So, that's how u know how much u can give to patient.

But, let say patient datang weigh in 80 kg and u nak guna articaine. When u calculate
how much u can give to this patient
= 80 * 7mg/kg
= 560 mg.

Kalau ikut maximum dosage of articaine, u can only give maximum 500mg. So, kalau
patient dtg, obese u kena stick with maximum 500mg which mean 6.9cartridge or 7.


Paracetamol syrup 15mg/kg.

Example if weight of child is 13kg, means 15mg/kgx13kg = 195 mg.
The formulary is 250mg in 5 ml.
So if we need to give 195 mg to the child, we calculate 5/250 x 195 = 3.5 ml.
The proper writing method is "syrup paracetamol 250mg in 5 ml give 3.5 ml qid x 5/7"

for amoxycillin, the dosage is 40mg/kg/day.
If the weight of the child is 17.4 kg, we calculate 40 mg/kg/day x 17.4 kg = 696 mg/day.
The syrup formula is 125mg/5ml. To calculate is 5/125mg x 696 = 27.84 ml/day.
Since in one day we give amoxy three times (tds), we have to divide the 27.4 ml to 3 =
9.28 ml
The proper way to write is "syrup amoxycillin 125mg in 5ml give 9ml tds x 5/7"

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