Help Desk Scam

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8:06 AM Connecting...

8:06 AM Connected. A support representative will be with you shortly.

8:06 AM Support session established with Randy.
8:06 AM Randy restarting application as Windows syste service
8:0! AM Connecting...
8:0! AM Connected. A support representative will be with you shortly.
8:0! AM Application running as Windows syste service
8:0! AM Support session established with Randy.
8:08 AM "ou have granted #ull perission to Randy. $o revo%e& clic% the red ' on the toolbar or press (ause)*rea% on the
8:08 AM Reote Control started by Randy.
8:08 AM Randy: Welcoe to Coputer $ech Support& an +ndependent $echnical Support Copany. We are not a##iliated
with any third party copany or brand.
May + %now your ,irst and -ast .ae& (hone .uber and your e/ail address0
8:08 AM Custoer: $ai 123/455/6435
8:01 AM Custoer: $ai Woodring
8:01 AM Randy: $han% you #or the in#oration. 7ow ay + assist you today0
8:30 AM Custoer: + a getting pop ups on y coputer and + want to chec% i# Mca#ree is present on y coputer
8:30 AM Randy: .ot to worry. We will help you to #i8 this proble.
8:30 AM Randy: May + %now how long you are #acing this proble0
8:33 AM Custoer: +# not + want to install it and + 9ust purchased it
8:33 AM Randy: :%ay. May + have your product %ey please0
8:34 AM Custoer: i dont have a product %ey & + 9ust have a con#iration eail
8:34 AM Randy: :%ay& May + %now how long you are getting unwanted pop ups0
8:32 AM Custoer: 5 wee%s
8:32 AM Randy: :%ay& ;o you get the pop up when you are online or all the tie0
8:32 AM Custoer: on line
8:3< AM Randy: :%ay& ;oes the pop up is advising to scan and clean the coputer0
8:36 AM Custoer: not sure i get a scary pop up that says y #inacial data is at ris% and to call a nuber
8:36 AM Randy: We are certi#ied syste pro#essionals at Coputer $ech Support an +ndependent technical support copany
.ot to worry. We will help you to #i8 this proble.
8:36 AM Randy: -et e chec% #ew details on your (C to assist you better.May +0
8:36 AM Custoer: yes
8:3! AM Randy: $han% you=& (lease do not use your ouse and >eyboard while + wor% on your coputer.s
8:53 AM Randy: $ai& $here sees to be soe serious issues with your coputer. Many settings o# your coputer ight
have changed due to these in#ected #iles. +t sees your security layer ight be open to others ight can access your
coputer and all in#orations.
8:53 AM Randy: $hese issues ight have been got into your coputer while browsing through unsecured networ%
8:53 AM Randy: "our coputer ight be got a##ected by these in#ections while you are passing through unsecured websites.
And these threats ight cause issues li%e unwanted pop ups or web page redirecting on your coputer.
8:53 AM Randy: Also& + a a#raid your personal accounts or details ight be unprotected and these in#orations ight be
isused by others.
8:55 AM Custoer: what do i do
8:55 AM Randy: + hope you ight have heard about cyber attac%ers and syste crash. .ot to worry& $ai. We will wor% on it
and we will #i8 it #or you right away be#ore any thing goes worse.
8:55 AM Randy: .ow& -et e chec% the security layer o# your coputer iediately. May +0
8:55 AM Custoer: yes
8:55 AM Randy would li%e to send you the #ile ?proce8p.e8e?. Select a destination #or the #ile and clic% Save to accept& or clic%
Cancel to deny.
8:54 AM Receiving ?proce8p.e8e?.
8:54 AM ,ile trans#er coplete. @SiAe: 515<!60 bytes& M;< #ingerprint: B45AB2B6,;B;51C5411!8066BC286*8!C
8:5< AM Randy: $ai& +t?s unbelievable= ;o you see that& $errence0 Most o# your syste services are stopped. +t sees already
your security layer ight be stopped wor%ing which ight be caused by these in#ected #iles. Since your networ% security
gate could be wide open& any ,raudulent +dentity thieves could gain control over all your identities.
8:5< AM Randy: .ow we need to close all these unsecured connections and we ust bloc% all these threats be#ore it spreads
to other parts o# your coputer. +# it spreads& it ight cause sudden death to your coputer.
8:56 AM Custoer: o% do what you got to do please& than%s
8:56 AM Randy: $ai& .ow $o #i8 the issue we need to anually reove the in#ected entries& delete all the ebedded syste
#iles& secure your coputer (rotocols so that the security updates can be applied to all your so#tware applications.
8:56 AM Randy: + believe that you?ve never had a technician to secure the networ% (rotocols o# your coputer& and i# it is
copletely secured there should be no any received in#ections in this Coputer. A + right0
8:56 AM Custoer: yes no tech
8:5! AM Randy: (lease note D +t is highly recoended to per#or a anual (C Clean Ep at/least once in a onthF . So all
your (C (orts will be secured and you never #ace this %ind o# issues in #uture.
8:5! AM Randy: ,or that What + will do is install a calling card on your coputer and all you have to do is clic% on it and you
will get connected to a Certi#ied Syste Bngineer li%e us and we will do the clean up while you can sit bac% and rela8.
8:5! AM Custoer: ha & not sure i# i can rela8 but than%s
8:58 AM Randy: $ai& :ur service includes unliited technical support. With this We o##er the a8iu security o# the
coputer syste and also runs a thorough and e8tensive chec% up list that helps to identi#y any inter#erence and also cleans
up any in#ections that enters your syste.
8:58 AM Randy: Also We will have a clear watch on these in#ections 52)! and (rotect your (C #or long ter& We will be wholly
responsible #or all the issues in your coputer #ro now on.
8:58 AM Custoer: what is the charge
8:51 AM Randy: .ow #or e to per#or this tas%& we have two options #or you& the #irst one is the one tie #i8 G the other is
the annual pac%age& May + brie# you the plans0
8:51 AM Custoer: yes
8:51 AM Randy: + a going to paste the (lans on this chat. So that "ou can read it copletely and you can opt the best.
8:51 AM Randy:
H (lans:
3. :.B $+MB ,+' IManual Clean/up J $odayFs ,i8K : L361.11 @orC
5. Enliited $ech G (rotection plan #or 3 "ear : L511.11 @orC
4. Enliited $ech G (rotection plan #or 5 "ear : L411.11 @orC
:ne/$ie #i8 is #or #i8ing all the issues that are on the coputer #or now.
H *ene#its o# Enliited $ech G (rotection (lan : @*est value #or oneyC
3. 7elp to protect your privacy& data and online identity.
5. Support #or all %inds o# So#tware related issues.
4. Security against hac%ers progras& Niruses& spywares.
2. Coplete anual chec%/up periodically upon reOuest.
<. Cleanup o# in#ected G a##ected #iles.
6. :n ;eand Syste Security Chec%.
!. ,i8ing will be done in no tie.
8. We are 9ust clic% away& no hold tie to reach us.
We will also install a calling card on your des%tops ,or all our Custoers wherein you can reach us technicians autoatically
9ust by one clic%.We will have a periodic chec% to ensure the sa#ety G security o# your (C. We will be your ;edicated $ech/
support #or all your (C needs anytie within your subscription. We assist you regarding all %ind o# probles that you have in
your coputer within the subscription period.

+n siple words you no need to worry or to spend any ore cent #or your (C in upcoing years.
Moreover i# you have a plan with us& you need not search on internet or wait on the phone #or a long tie to get in touch
with us& We will install an icon on your coputer& All you need to do is 9ust to clic% on it and you will reach a us within #ew

Enliited $ech G (rotection plan #or F 5 "ear is the *BS$ ;BA-F & includes todays #i8.
"early (lan also +ncludes the :ne/$ie ,i8.
8:51 AM Randy: We have the :##er :pened& May + (roceed 0
8:40 AM Custoer: i only use this coputer to sur# the internet & do + really need all o# this
8:43 AM Randy: "es& As a everyday user& you need to be secured while you are on line. "ou ight have heard about Cyber
iscreants and their attac%s. .ot to worry& $ai. We will be your dedicated technicians and we will be 300P responsible #or
all the issues in your (C and a%e sure this (C will be sa#e and secured #or long ter since we will be your #irst layer o#
8:45 AM Randy: So you donQt have to spend anyore oney on your (C #or ne8t 5 years. "ou can call us nuber o# ties
regarding any %ind o# issue we do it #ree within the subscription period & we will #i8 it #or you with ?.: C:S$?& and ore value
#or your oney.
8:45 AM Randy: And "ou will be assigned with a dedicated technician who will be wor%ing only on your coputer to resolve
all your issues which we re#er as preiu support.
8:45 AM Randy: +t?s a one tie investent&which a%es you to #orget all your worries about (C #or long ter.
8:45 AM Randy: $he Enliited $echnical Support includes any types o# (C +ssues & So#tware& eails& (eripherals& (rinters &
Wireless and Coputer Security issues every day.
8:4< AM Randy: Shall we get started with the long ter0
8:46 AM Custoer: no than%s right now & + need to call y local tech but than% you #or yuor help
8:46 AM Randy: $hese +ssues cannot be ,i8ed by a -ocal $echnicians o# yours or a Scanner& +t can only ,i8ed by certi#ied
technicans li%e us& As we Ese Soe AuthoriAed tools in #i8ing %ernel progras and Registry %ey ,iles in your coputer& $hese
$ools is not or cannot be authoriAed #or the -ocal technicians or a Scanner. We %now ever corner o# these happening in your
Coputer and We are e8pert +n clearing all these in#ections #or our custoers satis#action and security.
8:4! AM Randy: $he every second we wait and postpone these in#ected #iles always replicating G can ultiply to all the
progras in the coputer& i# it in#ects the boot up anager then it would cause the entire operating syste and ight
8:4! AM Randy: $hat is the reason + insist on the iediate #i8.
8:4! AM Randy: +n that case you can go #or the one tie #i8 to #i8 all the issues right away and secure your networ% protocols
so that you will not #ace these issues in the #uture.
8:4! AM Randy: +# oney is the concern& let e chec% with y Manager #or a better discount #or you. (lease wait #or a
8:4! AM Randy: (lease wait.
8:4! AM Randy: A#ter consulting with y anager pertaining to the issues that you are #acingR y anager has agreed #or
the L11.11 as the one tie #i8 as o# now such that the issues are #i8ed and donQt ultiply to cause you a a9or security patch
8:4! AM Randy: $his is a oentary o##er #or you.
35:24 (M Connecting...
35:24 (M Chec%ing con#iguration...
35:24 (M Connecting...

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