4th July 2014

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July, 2014 Polska wersja jezykowa dostepna na szkolnym blogu www.ealip.ctkblogs.net
Dear Parents,
A Bit of a Do!
On Saturday at 11am our school showcases a number of our after school club groups in a community eent on !range
Par"# $eld at the %ity &earning %entre this eent brings our community together for an action pac"ed few hours of fun,
laughter and actiity# 'he %'( show case loo"s li"e this)
11 am * Opening ceremony by +lac"pool ,ayor
11#0- am * 11#2- am * Par" School +and
11#2- am * 11#.- am * %'( /ootloose
11#.- am * 11#4- am * +oundary School %hoir
11#4- am * 11#-- am * %'( %heerleaders
11#-- am * 12#10 pm * +oundary School Dancers
12#10 pm * 12#20 pm * %'( %hoir
Giants Workshop
,any of you will hae receied the flyer last wee" about the Stanley Par"
eent also ta"ing place this Saturday# 'he !iants will still be there after
0 +it of a Do# 1e hope that you see our performances first and then wander
down to the Par"# 2f the weather is good, as is promised, both eents will
be well attended#
Sports Days
Our staff can3t beliee how 4uic"ly sports
days hae come around this year# On
,onday we en5oy our /oundation Sports at 6#.0am# ,orning children please come in as usual7 afternoon children
please come in for 6#20am# On 'uesday at 6#.0 am our (ey Stage One children will ta"e part in their eents# /inally
our (S2 eent is planned for 'hursday * howeer may be sub5ect to change with the pending teachers and support
staff stri"e that day# 'he best case scenario would be that we can open our school for the morning session only for (S2
to ta"e part in their eents# 2 am meeting with the %hair of !oernors later today to discuss ris" assessments and will
report on ,onday the outcome of our discussions#
Family BBQ
Short 8otice but 9#it is on /riday * ne:t wee"# 0fter many discussions it has
been agreed that our Summer /undraiser will ta"e place immediately after
school at .#4-pm# 'here will be the usual hot food ;sered from 4#.0pm<, a
bouncy castle, face painting, throw a sponge at a teacher ;or $eadteacher=<
and ca"es>tombola stalls>raffles# 'his is a super family eent and we hope that
you can attend# 'ic"ets will be on sale from ,onday# 0ndrea +ennie and
0manda ,c8amee will gie you further information# 0ny willing olunteers to
support in our last minute preparations please contact the office
Our ?@ inspection is now oer# 2t has been a stressful day, but a positie celebration of all things %'(# 2 would li"e to
place on record the amaAing wor" our staff team has underta"en as part of our preparations for this inspection# 1ithout
a doubt 2 am proud of their dedication to our school and their support of me in leading our community# 1e await our
result within the ne:t three wee"s#
John Saul from (ey has confirmed that our uniforms will be aailable on ,onday 21
July for collection# $e will set up
shop in our school hall on that day from 6am and will distribute the items# Please remember we are operating a cash
only system for the purchase of uniform and you hae to pay (ey personnel directly on the day of collection# 0ny
uniforms that are not collected on that day will be "ept safe for collection on another day#
'here has been a production issue with our Bear C ;current B-< shirts# 1e hae decided that all Bear C girls will now
wear a collared shirt and tie for the winter and then hae the option of a summer style short sleeed blouse in the
Spring>Summer# 0pologies for the late change# Please note ties are now aailable for Bear C pupils ;currently Bear -<
for sale from the office priced D. for a string and D. for a normal ersion#
Visit to our new uil!in"
Bour child will isit their new classroom with their teacher during the wee" of 21
July# @ric 1right has confirmed that
the building will be ready for hand oer that wee" and this will proide our pupils with an opportunity to see for the first
time their new enironment# 'hey will also eat lunch there for the three days of that wee", prepared for them by Donna
and our usual team# 'his is for %atering 0cademy and our school staff to gauge the flow of the meal serice and how
best to accommodate the children#
0 teaching and nonEteaching stri"e is planned for
Thursday, 10
/urther details will be sent on ,onday
I#$ Sale
'han" you to the many parents that purchased 2%' e4uipment from our sale on
,onday# 1e raised oer D-00# 0pologies to those of you with net boo"s that
hae proed difficult to connect or had to be sold without wires# 2 beliee that
,r ,itcehll has engaged with a number of families on this matter# On reflection perhaps those
items had reached the end of their life# 'hat said they were sold at a bargain price#
#hil!ren%s Uni&ersity
8e:t wee" ,rs Jan ta"es F third year graduates to receie their celebration certificate at the 1inter !ardens
%ongratulations to our entire +lac"pool %hildren3s Gniersity 1inners#
'ri(e Winner
%ongratulations to 0bby &und who won this wee"3s challenge# 8e:t wee"3s challenge is to
sing a world cup song to ,r ,itchell== @ntrants go and see ,r ,itchell ne:t wee"# 'han"
you to all those who hae entered so far# 'he winners receie a leather football#
#ircus $rips
'his wee" Bear . H Bear - en5oyed a trip to the circus#
'hey had a great time at the eent# 'his is a free eent
and re4uires no donation#
)e"acy Sale
'here are still a number of items that will be sold oer the ne:t few wee"s# Please loo" out for te:t messages and
notes on this newsletter to indicate what is being sold and when=
(ind regards
,rs Sarah Smith

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