About Calicut Marathon

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Calicut mini-Marathon
Started in 2010 with the aim of generating social awareness on burning issues and
providing a platform for civic engagement, Calicut Marathon has ever since grown into
one of Keralas biggest sporting events. he uni!ueness of the Calicut mini"Marathon
lies in the fact that each edition has espoused a social cause and elicits social
awareness and responsibilit# from all whose lives the marathon touches. his event is a
celebration of sportsman"spirit and the passion to run for a cause. Supporting di$erent
themes over the #ears, %&ar on &aste, %'e the change, %ransforming lives, and
%(mpowering &omen, Calicut Marathon organi)ed b# **M K +oins hands with ,-.s,
/istrict 0dministration and Civic authorities to ma1e the societ# a better place to live
-iven the reach of the event, not +ust on the /"da#, but also during the run"up to the
marathon, not onl# does it give the students an opportunit# to interact with the societ#
in which the# live in and do something meaningful and worthwhile for those in need,
but it also adds another feather in the cap of **M Ko)hi1ode 2 **M Ko)hi1ode is the onl#
b"school in *ndia to be hosting and managing an event of this big a magnitude.
&e are, thus, proud to sa# that Calicut Mini Marathon is the 3rst and to our best
1nowledge the onl# student organi)ed marathon in such a scale.
Concurrent with our theme upholding a social or environmental cause ever# #ear, we
organi)e a lot of lead up events that bring together people from all wal1s of life li1e
.pen da# for school students at **M K, street s1its, panel discussions b# e4perts, civic
engagement programmes for the public and competitions for college students in
addition to ta1ing forward some meaningful initiatives +ointl# ta1en b# an ,-. and **M
&ith the theme 5Be the Change6 and 70008 participants, the 2010 mini"Marathon
brought forth awareness in the #oung minds about the various issues plaguing the
societ# and urged them to lead b# e4ample, to be the change we wish to see in this
IIMK Campus, P.O Kozhikode, 673570, Kerala
Website: http://.!ali!utmaratho".!om Mail us at: !ali!utmaratho"#iimk.a!.i"
Calicut mini-Marathon
world. .n 9anuar# :1st, 2010, the whole of Calicut ran and showed the rest of the world
that we have the courage to start along the road of development, for a better *ndia, a
better tomorrow and for a better world.
he proceeds from the registration were donated to %Pain and palliative Care society,
Kerala which provides e4ceptional service to terminall# ill patients.
&ith the theme ;Transforming Lives;, the 2011 marathon aimed to mobili)e the
public to ta1e up the cause of educating speciall# abled children and creating
awareness and sensitivit# about the issue of social inclusiveness of di$erentl# abled
children. 0ll donations from the marathon were directed to ,ava+#othi Charitable rust<s
'Prashanti School for Children with Special Needs< in Calicut.
he Calicut mini"Marathon 2012, with the theme Empowering her future
highlighted womens issues such as poor wor1 force participation, domestic violence,
customar# dowr# practices and securit# concerns faced b# women in the societ#. *t also
provided a platform for people to discuss these issues openl#. *t was organi)ed under
the aegis of the Kerala Social Securit# Mission and was a precursor to the launch of the
hantedam -ender =ar1, a novel pro+ect envisaging a cultural centre that o$ers women
from various strata of societ# a slew of support s#stems and services such as librar#,
+uvenile home, health centre, legal assistance etc. all under one roof. he foundation
stone for hantedam -ender =ar1 was laid in Ko)hi1ode on March >, 2012 on the eve of
*nternational &omens da#.
he Calicut mini Marathon 201: with its theme War on Waste highlighted issues in
waste management such as environmental concerns, rec#cling and recover# of waste
and mobili)ed the masses to ta1e up the cause of waging a war on waste in order to
IIMK Campus, P.O Kozhikode, 673570, Kerala
Website: http://.!ali!utmaratho".!om Mail us at: !ali!utmaratho"#iimk.a!.i"
Calicut mini-Marathon
change the face of earth. *t strove to promote that small and simple actions b#
individuals can collectivel# produce big changes.
IIMK Campus, P.O Kozhikode, 673570, Kerala
Website: http://.!ali!utmaratho".!om Mail us at: !ali!utmaratho"#iimk.a!.i"

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