An Update On Imaging of Colorectal Cancer
An Update On Imaging of Colorectal Cancer
An Update On Imaging of Colorectal Cancer
For colon cancer, the second leading cause of death from malignancy in
the United States, screening of asymptomatic average-risk patients for the
presence of this disease and early detection in precursor stages is of great in-
terest to the general population [1]. Comprehensive evaluation of symptom-
atic or high-risk patients represents another important clinical focus.
It has been demonstrated that timely recognition and removal of adeno-
matous polyps significantly decreases the risk of death from colorectal
cancer in affected patients [2]. However, compliance with current recom-
mendations of colon cancer screening in the general population remains
low [3]. One can only speculate that compliance rates may improve with
the advent of less onerous or less invasive examinations.
Despite the interest in colon cancer screening from a public health per-
spective, selection of the right time point and methodology for screening
is difficult, because the incidence of cancer in nonadenomatous and small
adenomatous colon polyps in elderly patients is high. The cost and risks
of complications associated with an examination designed to detect clini-
cally significant lesions need to be weighed against the derived survival
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (C. Wald).
0039-6109/06/$ - see front matter Ó 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
820 WALD et al
Although colonoscopy is undoubtedly sensitive, one needs to remember
that its success is also examiner dependent; in 5% to 15% of cases, endo-
scopists may not be able to reach the cecum for technical reasons [14–17].
participants had lesions sized at least 6 mm. CTC detected 55.0% (95% con-
fidence interval [CI], 39.9–70.0%) of lesions of at least 10 mm, compared
with 100% for conventional colonoscopy. The specificity of CTC for detect-
ing participants without any lesion was greater than 90%. CTC missed two
of eight cancers. The accuracy of CTC varied considerably between centers,
and did not improve as the study progressed. Authors concluded that CTC
was not yet ready for widespread clinical application, and that techniques
and training need to be improved.
In an attempt to clarify the situation, the American College of Radiology
Imaging Network initiated another large multicenter trial, the results of
which will not be available for another year or 2, as mentioned in a recent
article by Ferrucci [24].
Two other recently published large comparative trials performed on
symptomatic patients [25] and high-risk patients [26] yielded better sensitiv-
ity for colonoscopy than for double-contrast enema or CTC.
One may speculate that the observed differences in the performance of
CTC is related to the differences in sophistication in postprocessing and
interactive review (2D versus 3D review, different software products, use
of stool tagging) and examiner experience, or a combination thereof [25,27].
In further attempts to establish the role of CTC, several authors have
reviewed the literature on this technology. Most studies looked at perfor-
mance of CTC in symptomatic patient cohorts; thus, the results and recom-
mendations cannot simply be extrapolated to the asymptomatic screening
population. Retrospective literature reviews are hampered by the lack of
standards in performance and reporting of CTC trials. In a 2002 Lature
review, Dachman [28] reported a wide range of sensitivity (8–100%) for de-
tection of polyps larger than 1 cm. The author stated that because of wide
technical variation (e.g., different bowel preparations, CT scanners, and in-
terpretation software) used in the studies, meta-analysis of the results would
not provide reliable statistics. Recently, Halligan and colleagues [29]
reviewed a large number of studies performed between 1994 and 2004,
and also found that reporting was highly variable, suggesting minimum
reporting standards to overcome this problem. Based on a meta-analysis,
the authors, Halligan and colleagues, concluded that CTC seemed suffi-
ciently sensitive and specific in the detection of large and medium polyps,
and especially sensitive in the detection of symptomatic lesions.
A US-based large prospective multicenter CTC trial is currently
under way sponsored by ACRIN, the American College of Radiology Im-
aging Network, a National Cancer Institute-funded cooperative group,
the results of which are expected for late 2006 or early 2007. The stated
goal is the clinical validation of widespread use of CTC in a screening pop-
ulation for the detection of colorectal neoplasia in just under 2300 patients.
It is widely expected that the results of this trial will determine whether CTC
will become a reimbursable and recommended technique for colon cancer
There is a steep learning curve associated with the successful interpreta-
tion of CTC. Some authors have postulated that up to 50 cases should be
interpreted under supervision of an experienced reader before the radiologist
is competent to render high-quality interpretations [24,54]. Accreditation of
facilities and certification of readers, analogous to mammographic accredi-
tation, are being considered and the American College of Radiology is cur-
rently developing practice guidelines for CTC.
Currently, there is no consensus for the single best CTC technique. Sta-
tistically, the best results have been obtained with primary 3D viewing and
2D problem solving, after cathartic preparation and stool tagging. Ulti-
mately, this technique may be the optimum strategy for CTC. Prone and su-
pine imaging with adequate distention of the colon is crucial to yield the
high-quality datasets necessary to perform both 3D and 2D analysis.
Most MRC imaging protocols use a body coil for the abdomen and
phased array coil for the pelvis. Phased array coils are capable of acquiring
higher resolution datasets but allow only limited craniocaudal anatomic
coverage. Similar to CTC, patients are imaged prone and supine, allowing
for optimal distension while shifting residue and fluid in the colon.
Several imaging sequences have been developed, and can be classified into
bright- or dark-lumen techniques. Bright-lumen techniques, such as a bal-
anced steady state free-precession sequence (true FISP, FIESTA, balanced
FFE), show colorectal masses as dark filling defects/areas of low signal on
a background of bright-distended colon after a water enema. A dark-lumen
technique can demonstrate enhancing lesions on a background of a dark dis-
tended colon. Most clinical studies on MRC use the dark-lumen technique.
Lauenstein and colleagues [61] demonstrated better results with a dark-lu-
men compared with the bright-lumen technique in their study of 37 patients.
The dark lumen was able to identify all polyps O5 mm without any false
positive findings. The overall sensitivity of dark- compared with bright-lu-
men MRC was 79% versus 69%, respectively. However, the bright-lumen
technique (balanced steady state free-precession sequence) had better image
quality and was less susceptible to motion; this may be preferred in patients
unable to hold their breath or lay still sufficiently long.
As with CTC, distention of the colon is an essential prerequisite to cor-
rectly identify colorectal pathology. Multiple schemes have been developed
including water, water with paramagnetic contrast, carbon dioxide, and bar-
ium enema, depending upon desired dark- or bright-lumen techniques on
MRC. Recently, a study compared colonic distension with water versus car-
bon dioxide. The authors found similar accuracy for lesion detection; how-
ever, air provided better contrast-to-noise ratio and better distention [62].
Water combined with paramagnetic contrast and barium oral/rectal enema
has been used for stool tagging. The use of paramagnetic contrast for bright-
lumen MRC stool tagging is prohibitively expensive. However, oral and
rectal barium administration will result in a good dark-lumen MRC [63].
Satisfactory fecal tagging may allow for a less cathartic bowel preparation
and therefore enhance patient acceptance of MRC. This approach and its
limitations have been further discussed in context with CTC. Past attempts
to achieve stool tagging with diet modification have been unsuccessful [64].
An extensive meta-analysis comparing MRC and CC involving 563 pa-
tients demonstrated an overall MRC sensitivity and specificity of 75%
and 96%, respectively [65]. MRC was able to identify synchronous lesions
proximal to high-grade stenosing lesions that were not accessible by colonos-
copy. The results of this study are encouraging, although limited by the
inherent differences in employed techniques, as in the studies date from
1990 to 2004 [66]. Several studies have demonstrated high accuracy of
MRC in detecting lesions greater than 10 mm [67–70]. In a study of 122
patients MRC was nearly 90% sensitive for lesions greater than 5 mm
[67]. In a separate study of 100 patients, the sensitivity for lesions 6 to
9 mm was 85% [71]. MRC routinely missed lesions less than 5 mm and flat
Most medical centers use CT rather than MRI for staging of colorectal
carcinoma in accordance with recommendations by the radiology diagnostic
oncology group II study [72]. Since its publication, technical advancements
in MRC have shown improved accuracy in differentiating clinically favor-
able intramural (T1/T2) from unfavorable higher local stage tumor
(T3/T4), especially in rectal cancer staging. Low and colleagues [73] were
able to appropriately identify the TNM stage in 21 of 27 colon cancer patients,
resulting in an overall accuracy of 78%, while the accuracy rate for rectal
cancer was 95%, correctly staging 20 out of 21 cancers. Therefore, MRC
was able to differentiate T1/2 from T3/4 stage cancers 95% of the time. Dif-
ferentiating nodal metastatic disease from reactively enlarged lymph nodes
has proven to be difficult solely based on size criteria. Accurate assessment
of nodal status should also take in account the morphology of the perinodal
tissue. Clinical research on lymph node imaging agents such as ultrasmall
iron–oxide particles, as described in the rectal staging portion of this article,
may improve accuracy of staging nodal involvement [74,75].
In summary, MRC may become an important tool in the screening for,
and assessment of, known colorectal cancer. It uses no ionizing radiation
and has powerful properties in determining local stage and evaluating for
the presence of distant metastases. Performance of MRC is technically chal-
lenging, expensive, and requires significant patient cooperation, all of which
represent barriers to broad implementation. Further refinement of the MRC
technique is necessary. In addition, more prospective evaluations in compar-
ison to existing modalities such as CC and CTC are required to fully under-
stand its role in the preoperative evaluation of symptomatic patients and
screening of the asymptomatic population.
Summarydwhat to choose?
Local practice pattern, available expertise in the involved medical/surgi-
cal subspecialties, and availability of the various imaging resources will have
a great impact on preferences for total colon imaging. In our opinion, the
sensitivity of an optimal CTC probably equals or exceeds that of DCBE
in all but a few practices where highly skilled fluoroscopists are still avail-
able. After a gradual decline in performance of DCBE in both clinical prac-
tice and training, and considering its high examiner dependence, CTC will
likely become the radiologic procedure of choice for colon cancer screening.
The sensitivity of a carefully executed CTC in the asymptomatic screening
population may be similar to that of Colonoscopy, although further inves-
tigation is needed. If equality can be demonstrated in rigorous trials, CTC
could be added to the current reimbursable options available for colorectal
carcinoma screening, which include fecal occult blood testing, sigmoidos-
copy, DCBE examination, and colonoscopy.
828 WALD et al
Staging techniques
The role of endorectal ultrasound in local staging of rectal cancer
EUS is the mainstay of local staging in many institutions across the
United States. A metanalysis of the pertinent radiology literature comparing
US/MR/CT published in 2004 [85] suggested that EUS is currently the mo-
dality of choice for local staging of all rectal carcinomas. Most practices use
a 7.5 MHz or 10 MHz rigid US transducer with a saline-filled balloon tip,
providing a 360-degree field of view. Accurate depiction of the five layers
of the rectal wall is easily obtained. Tumor most commonly appears as a hy-
poechoic lesion invading or disrupting layers of the rectal wall. Those le-
sions invading just into the submucosa are ultrasound stage T1, those into
but not beyond the muscularis propria are considered ultrasound stage T2
(Fig. 2), those lesions invading into the adjacent perirectal fat are ultrasound
stage T3, and invasion into adjacent organs represent ultrasound stage T4.
Many consider EUS the imaging modality of choice for early T1/T2
rectal staging because of its superior depiction of tumor ingrowth into su-
perficial layers of the rectal wall [86], with T staging accuracy ranging
830 WALD et al
Fig. 2. EUS depicting an ultrasound Stage T2 lesion. Hypoechoic tumor (T) is invading
through the echogenic submucosa (S), and up to, but not beyond, the muscularis propria (*).
from 69% to 97% [87]. In comparison, pelvic phased array coil MRI has
been shown to be less accurate in differentiating T1 from T2 lesions [88].
It is important to note that EUS can only detect those lymph nodes within
depth of range of the transducer resulting in potential understaging of dis-
ease. In the metanalysis performed by Bipat and colleagues [85], there was
an overall sensitivity of 67% and specificity of 78% for lymph node involve-
ment. Also, over staging of T2 tumors as T3 lesions is relatively common
with EUS, because frequently peritumoral inflammatory changes have a sim-
ilar appearance as primary tumor [89]. This possible overstaging may result
in more radical therapy and expose patients to unnecessary chemoradiation.
Although some studies suggest that EUS is better suited for imaging of
superficial lesions, its accuracy in locally advanced disease has recently
been questioned, particularly in light of advancements in MRI [88]. In Bi-
pat’s meta-analysis, US had an overall sensitivity of 90% and specificity
of 75% for perirectal fat invasion, better than CT or MRI [85]. However,
it is important to note that their meta-analysis included studies performed
over a 16-year time frame, and during that time, little has changed in
EUS technique. During the same time interval significant technologic ad-
vancements have occurred in MRI rectal cancer staging, as discussed below.
EUS is limited in its assessment of advanced rectal cancer by its limited
acoustic window, depth of penetration, and small field of view. Tumors
beyond 13 cm superior to the dentate line are difficult to stage with the
fixed-length rigid probe. Additional disadvantages of EUS are operator de-
pendence, the need for a bowel prep, and occasionally proper positioning.
Some patients are unable to tolerate the examination due to pain associated
with highly stenotic lesions, which one may not be able to cross with the
probe. In addition, recent studies have identified CRM, rather than tradi-
tional local T staging, as the more important preoperative indicator of local
recurrence after surgery. EUS cannot accurately depict the relationship of
the tumor to the mesorectal fascia.
3D endoluminal ultrasound and ultrasound miniprobe examinations are
examples of recent advancements in endoluminal ultrasound technology. 3D
endoluminal ultrasound allows the examiner to gain a different perspective
on the lesion itself, particularly in regard to longitudinal extent and relation-
ships to adjacent organs. Sequential transverse images are ‘‘stacked’’ upon
one another, and using a separate workstation, the lesion can then be de-
picted in any plane. However, the scanning technique is identical to tradi-
tional EUS, with the same limitations in terms of depth of penetration
and patient factors, as outlined previously. Miniprobe endoscopic ultra-
sound (m-EUS) uses an ulrathin probe (3–4 mm diameter) that can be
used for local staging during routine colonoscopies. The advantages are
a smaller and flexible probe, allowing for staging of higher rectal and colonic
lesions, and the potential for crossing stenotic lesions. The use of m-EUS in
the rectum may be limited, given that m-EUS has similar problems to tradi-
tional EUS in terms of depth of penetration, and in differentiating T3 from
T4 lesions, which may be crucial in stenotic lesions [90]. The accuracy of
m-EUS in determining lymph node status is approximately 80% [91].
Thus, its clinical use in the assessment of rectal lesions maybe limited. How-
ever, m-EUS does have a potential role in the local staging of colonic
neoplasms, particularly in selected groups of patients, or in confirming su-
perficial lesions in patients who may be poor candidates for an open surgical
procedure [90].
EUS was at least as good as CT in terms of local staging and lymph node
status. A prospective blinded study published in 2002 demonstrated that
EUS was superior to CT in local staging of rectal lesions [107]. Technical
advancements in MRI, as previously described, have replaced conventional
CT in assessing locally advanced tumors owing largely to its superior soft
tissue resolution capability. Small comparative studies between MRI and
CT demonstrated superior accuracy for MRI in predicting invasion into
the bladder/uterus [108], pelvic wall, and subtle bone marrow involvement
[109]. Although CT may not be able to depict the CRM as well as MRI
due to its limitation in contrast resolution, it may represent an imaging al-
ternative for patients with contraindications to MRI (implanted cardiac
pacemaker, and so on).
EUS alone in this clinical scenario may be of little use [120–122]. However,
EUS-guided biopsy in combination with routine EUS surveillance is useful
in the evaluation of suspicious postoperative lesions [123,124].
Recent results from restaging MRI in patients with locally advanced tu-
mor after neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy have been poor in accurately
predicting both T and N stage [125,126]. MRI cannot reliably distinguish ra-
diation fibrosis or postsurgical scarring from residual tumor, resulting in
overstaging. In a study by Peschaud and colleagues [127], an MRI restaging
study encountered overestimation errors particularly with tumors located in
the low anterior rectum.
Fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose-positron emission tomography (FDG-PET),
combined with CT, may offer the greatest advantage in detection of local re-
currence. Although some regions of fibrosis can still have minor radiotracer
uptake, recent studies have demonstrated high accuracy in detection of local
recurrence after abdominal personal resections and anterior resections, even
after chemoradiation exposure [128–130]. Combining the images with CT al-
lows for simultaneous depiction of regional anatomy, decreasing the poten-
tial for false positive studies [128]. The study performed by Moore and
colleagues [130], also demonstrated an increase in accuracy when performed
12 months after radiation, possible secondary to a decrease in inflammatory
response related to radiation. FDG-PET also has the advantage
of visualizing the rest of the body, detecting hepatic metastases, and evaluat-
ing a rising carcinoembryonic antigen level after a curative rectal cancer
resection [131].
The advent of new surgical techniques and multimodality treatment par-
adigms aimed at improved functional outcomes in patients with rectal can-
cer has made preoperative staging of rectal carcinomas even more critical.
Endoscipic ultrasound is currently the mainstay of local preoperative stag-
ing in most institutions. Although superficial lesions are best depicted
with endoscopic ultrasound, there are limitations, and pelvic phase array
coil MRI appears to be more accurate in visualization and depiction of ad-
vanced lesions. There is increasing reliance on assessment of the integrity of
the CRM in regard to preoperative planning and use of neoadjuvant chemo-
radiation, and we suspect that more and more institutions will depend
heavily on pelvic phase array coil MRI in the preoperative assessment of
rectal cancer. The results of the MERCURY study could have a major
impact on the utility of MRI in the preoperative staging of rectal lesions.
Expect to see these results soon in the journal Radiology.
Endoscopic ultrasound, particularly when combined with guided biopsy,
is valuable in the detection of local recurrence after initial therapies for
rectal carcinoma. Although to date MRI has been disappointing in
836 WALD et al
Fig. 3. (A) A focus of radiotracer uptake in the segment VIII of the right lobe of the liver cor-
responding to a hypodense lesion in the noncontrast-enhanced CT, probable focus of metasta-
sis. (B) Another focus of FDG-PET uptake in the segment VI of the right lobe of the liver with
corresponding hypodense lesion in the noncontrast-enhanced CT. (C) An 83-year-old female
with a recent diagnosis of hepatic flexure colon cancer with increased uptake in the pelvis
with a FDG-PET scan. This corresponds to the soft tissue mass noted in the right presacral
space most likely a metastatic lymph node. (Images courtesy of Yamin Dou M.D, Methuen,
Fig. 4. (A) Initial full-body 18FDG-PET scan demonstrates four foci of increased uptake in the
liver. There is normal uptake seen in the renal collecting system, bladder, ureters, cardiac mus-
cle, with mild activity in the colon. (B) Postchemotherapy full-body PET scan performed 5
months after treatment shows excellent response to chemotherapy with complete resolution
of the uptake in liver lesions. However, there is still normal expected uptake in the kidneys
and bowel. Repeat CT at this time also demonstrates decrease in the size of the liver lesions.
(Images courtesy of Yamin Dou M.D, Methuen, MA.)
The authors thank Dr. Gina Brown, Consultant Radiologist and Honor-
ary Senior Lecturer, Department of Radiology, The Royal Marsden Hospi-
tal NHS Trust, UK, for her insights into rectal cancer imaging, and, in
particular, PA-MRI. Furthermore, we owe thanks to Drs. Perry Pickhardt,
of Madison, WI, and Yamin Dou, of Methuen, MA, for some illustrative
case material.
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