Ias Symposium On Activated Sludge-Past and Next 100 Years: 26 - 28 August 2014
Ias Symposium On Activated Sludge-Past and Next 100 Years: 26 - 28 August 2014
Ias Symposium On Activated Sludge-Past and Next 100 Years: 26 - 28 August 2014
26 28 August 2014
HKUST Jockey Club Institute for
Advanced Study
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(Gold Sponsor) (Gold Sponsor) (Pearl Sponsor) (Conference Sponsor)
Issue #: [Date]
As one of the four global celebration events for the birth of activated sludge in 1914, The Hong
Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) is honored to host this prestigious
symposium on Activated Sludge: Past and Next 100 years in collaboration with the International
Water Association (IWA), Drainage Services Department of the HKSAR Government, Sun Yat-sen
University and with many other supporting bodies in Hong Kong and the region, for example,
Singapore's Public Utilities Board (PUB) and Japan Sewage Works Agency (JSWA).
Wastewater treatment has been practiced for a century in which the activated sludge technology
plays the major role of protecting the water environment and offering an alternative water resource
for reuse and recycle. With the growing concern around climate change, and given the increase in
global population, and fast urbanization in emerging countries and particularly countries in Asia,
new ideas, concepts and approaches to wastewater management are essential for the sustainable
development of the region, and the world. These new ideas, concepts and approaches to
wastewater management must be directed towards energy, water and resources recovery, and
space saving. With these in mind, this conference has successfully invited 17 leading experts to
review the past developments on activated sludge-based technologies and share their thoughts
and experiences in developing future systems and technologies for the region, and for the world.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I would strongly encourage you to actively participate in
this unique conference. I look forward to welcoming all of you at this event in August 2014. I am
confident the conference will provide an excellent opportunity for water professionals, academics,
regulators and policy makers to learn from the past and think about the future by giving them a
platform, which is intended to stimulating exchange and discussion followed by presentations from
participants. Thank you very much for your strong support!
Professor Guang-Hao Chen, FIWA, Conference Chair
Issue #: [Date]
Organizing Committee
Professor Guang-Hao Chen
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Associate Director of the Institute for the Environment
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Ir Dr Ho-Kwong Chui, Samuel Principal Environmental Protection Officer (Community Relations)
Environmental Protection Department
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Ir Norman Cheng Immediate Past Chairman
The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management Hong Kong
Branch (CIWEM HK)
Ir Wing-Cheong Fung Senior Electrical & Mechanical Engineer
Drainage Services Department
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Ms Christina Ko Hartinger
Director of Projects
Black & Veatch Hong Kong Limited
Ir Chi-Man Lam Senior Engineer / Headquarters
Water Supplies Department
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
International Water Association (IWA) Regional Committee of Hong Kong, China
Ir Professor Irene Man-Chi Lo Chairperson
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) Environmental Division
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Professor Xiao-Yan Li Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
The University of Hong Kong
Dr Tao Li Director
China Regional Office
International Water Association (IWA)
Ir I-Man Leong, Echo Technical Director
Water & Urban Development, Hong Kong
Professor Fan-Gang Meng Associate Professor
School of Environmental Science and Engineering
Sun Yat-sen University
Ir Yiu-Wing Ha Works Manager
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Dr Ji Dai Post-doctoral Fellow
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Mr Bo Wang Research Assistant
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Issue #: [Date]
26 August 2014, Tuesday
Time Program
08:30-09:20 Registration & Reception
09:20-09:50 Welcoming and Opening Session (Chair: Professor Guang-Hao Chen, HKUST)
09:20-09:30 Welcoming Remarks by Professor Joseph H W Lee, Vice-President of the Hong Kong
University of Science and Technology for Research and Post-graduate Studies, HKSAR,
09:30-09:40 Opening Remarks by Dr Glen T. Daigger, IWA President, Senior Vice President and Chief
Water Technology Officer of CH2M HILL, USA
09:40-09:50 Opening Remarks by Ir Kum-Wah Chung, Daniel, JP, Director of Drainage Services
Department, HKSAR, China
09:50-10:20 Coffee Break
10:20-12:20 Global Experience-I (Chair: Ir Dr Ricky Li Chung-Leung, DSD)
10:20-11:00 From Ardern and Lockett to today and beyond, Dr Glen T. Daigger, IWA President,
Senior Vice President and Chief Water Technology Officer of CH2M HILL, USA
11:00-11:40 Biological nutrient removal: past, present and future, Dr James L. Barnard, Global
Practice and Technology Leader of Black & Veatch, USA
11:40-12:20 A century of activated sludge - advances in modelling, Professor George A. Ekama,
University of Cape Town, South Africa
12:20-14:00 Lunch Time
14:00-15:20 Global Experience-II (Chair: Ir Norman Cheng, CIWEM HK)
14:00-14:40 Strategies for further development of MBR technology, Professor Yoshimasa Watanabe,
Chuo University, Japan
14:40-15:20 Integrated fixed-film activated sludge system (IFAS), Professor Hallvard degaard,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
15:20-15:40 Coffee Break
Issue #: [Date]
15:40-17:40 Regional Experience-I (Chair: Ir Professor Irene Man-Chi Lo, HKIE Environmental Division)
15:40-16:20 New challenges in recovery of resource and energy from sewage, Professor Qian Yi,
Tsinghua University, China
16:20-17:00 Activated sludge process in Japan - the past and the future, Dr Takao Murakami,
Nissuicon, Japan
17:00-17:40 Perspectives of wastewater treatment processes in Korea, Professor Shin Hang-Sik,
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
18:30-20:30 Welcoming Dinner, Chinese Restaurant, G/F, HKUST
27 August 2014, Wednesday
08:30-10:30 Regional Experience-II (Chair: Ir I-Man Leong, Echo, AECOM)
08:30-09:10 Acidogenic technology and application for hard-degradable organic industrial wastewater,
Professor Ren Nanqi, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
09:10-09:50 Overview of wastewater treatment-energy-greenhouse gas nexus: challenges and solutions
forward, Professor Wun Jern Ng and Professor Liu Yu, Nangyang Technological University,
09:50-10:30 Sea-water flushing and wastewater treatment in Hong Kong, Ir Dr Ricky Li Chung-Leung,
Drainage Services Department, HKSAR, China
10:30-10:50 Coffee Break
10:50-12:50 Global Future Development (Chair: Ir Dr Samuel Ho-Kwong Chui, EPD)
10:50-11:30 Granular sludge - the next stage in wastewater treatment, Professor Mark C. M. van
Loosdrecht, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
11:30-12:10 Moving from treatment to resource, Professor Bruce E. Rittmann, Arizona State University,
12:10-12:50 New challenges, new answers - a system approach, Professor Peter Cornel, Technische
Universitt Darmstadt, Germany
13:00-14:30 Lunch Time
14:30-17:30 Regional Future Development (Chair: Professor Xiao-Yan Li, HKU)
14:30-15:10 Maximizing the benefits of water reclamation, Professor Qu Jiuhui, Research Center for
Eco-Environmental Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
15:10-15:50 Towards energy efficient water reclamation process, Mr Wah Yuen Long & Dr Winson Lay
Chee Loong, PUB, Singapores National Water Agency, Singapore
15:50-16:20 Coffee Break & Photo-taking
16:20-17:00 Future technologies for sewage management in coastal areas, Professor Guang-Hao
Chen, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HKSAR, China
17:00-17:30 Concluding Session (Chair: Professor Guang-Hao Chen or special guest)
19:00-21:30 Gala Dinner
Issue #: [Date]
28 August 2014, Thursday
08:30-12:20 IAS Workshop: The Future of Wastewater Treatment in China
08:30-08:35 Welcoming Remarks by Professor Lionel M. Ni, Special Assistant to the President, Dean of
HKUST Fok Ying Tung Graduate School, the Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology, HKSAR, China
08:35-08:55 Opening Remarks by Mr Liu Zhiquan, Deputy Director-General of Department of Science,
Technology and Standards, Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Peoples Republic
of China (TBC)
08:55-09:55 Keynote Speeches
08:55-09:15 Professor Qian Yi, Tsinghua University, China
09:15-09:35 Professor Qu Jiuhui, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, the Chinese
Academy of Sciences, China
09:35-09:55 Professor Ren Nanqi, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
09:55-10:10 Coffee Break
10:10-12:20 Presentations by invited Mainland Guests (10 min each)
13-15 leading experts in Mainland will present their views
12:30-14:30 Lunch Time
14:30-17:30 Technical visit to Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works including the visit to the first
SANI full-scale demo plant
Issue #: [Date]
Senior Vice President and Chief Water Technology Officer, CH2M HILL, USA.
President of International Water Association (IWA)
Member of the US National Academy of Engineering
Distinguished Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Specialized in biological wastewater treatment and treatment process design, in
particular biological nutrient removal (both nitrogen and phosphorus), combined
trickling filter and activated sludge systems, the use of biological selectors to
control activated sludge bulking, and oxygen transfer.
2012 Purdue University's Distinguished Engineering Alumni Award
Dr Glen T. Daigger Main Speaker of Global Experience-I
Global Practice and Technology Leader of Black & Veatch, USA.
Specialized in biological nutrient removal (BNR), wastewater treatment, and
sustainable development.
1987 WEFs Thomas R. Camp Award
1988 Koch/Imhoff Award from the International Water Association
2007 Clarke Prize from the National Water Research Institute
2011 Fellow of Water Environment Federation
2011 Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize
Dr James L. Barnard Main Speaker of Global Experience-I
Issue #: [Date]
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Cape Town
Member of the South African Academy of Science
Member of the South African Academy of Engineering
Specialized in WWTP modelling, biological sulphate reduction and autotrophic
denitrification, energy recovery from concentrated organics waste streams, and
source separation of urine.
1998 WISAs Piet Vosloo Memorial prize (infrequent) for development of
mathematical models for biological wastewater treatment plant design.
2002 Senior Fellow of the Water Institute of Southern Africa
2004 WISA/WRC/CSIR Stander Memorial Lecturer
2013 National Order of Mapungubwe Award
Professor George A. Ekama Main Speaker of Global Experience-I
Professor, Research and Development Initiative, Chuo University, Japan.
Specialized in development of water metabolic system of area-based society,
hybrid water and wastewater treatment technology using membrane, and
phosphorous recovery from sludge.
2008 the International Water Association (IWA) Award for Outstanding Contribution
to Water Management and Science
Professor Yoshimasa Watanabe Main Speaker of Global Experience-II
Issue #: [Date]
Professor Emeritus, Department of Hydraulic & Environmental Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology, Norwegian University of Science
and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway
CEO Scandinavian Environmental Technology AS (SET AS), Trondheim,
Specialized in development of the moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) process,
chemical/biological treatment processes, sludge treatment by hydrolysis
processes, effective particle separation processes in wastewater treatment.
1990 The Water Prize of the Norwegian Water Association (Norway)
1995 The Water Prize of the Swedish Association for Water (Sweden)
2006 The Internationalization Prize of NTNU
2006 The Technoport Prize for Innovative Environmental Technology
2010 Knight of 1st Class from the Norwegian King
Professor Hallvard degaard Main Speaker of Global Experience-II
Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua
Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, China
Specialized in wastewater treatment, sustainable development, and circular
economy principle and policy.
1993 The Third Prize of National Science and Technology Progress
1997 Highest Prize for Global Cooperation of China Environment and Development
1998 The Third Prize of National Science and Technology Invention
2003 The Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress
Professor Qian Yi Main Speaker of Regional Experience-I
Issue #: [Date]
Professor Emeritus, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Korea
Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
Specialized in nutrient (nitrogen & phosphorus) removal in wastewater, anaerobic
digestion of organic wastes, membrane technology and membrane bioreactor.
Professor Shin Hang-Sik Main Speaker of Regional Experience-I
Head of Engineering, Senior Technical Adviser, Nihon Suido Consultants Co., Ltd.,
Specialized in "Development of biological nutrient removal process, resource
recovery from wastewater and sludge, and wastewater treatment and reuse by
Dr Takao Murakami Main Speaker of Regional Experience-I
Professor, Vice President of Harbin Institute of Technology
Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, China
Specialized in Environmental biotechnology, bio-energy technology of H2, CH4 and
Electricity, microbial ecology, POPs in water, air and soil, and R&D of novel
industrial wastewater treatment technique and equipment.
2004 The Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress
2008 The Second Prize of National Science and Technology Invention
2011 Fellow of International Water Association (IWA)
2013 Science and Technology Progress Award from the Ho Leung Ho Lee
Professor Ren Nanqi Main Speaker of Regional Experience-II
Issue #: [Date]
Professor, Dean of the College of Engineering, Nanyang Technological University,
Executive Director, Nanyang Environment and Water Research Institute (NEWRI)
Specialized in water quality, treatment science, and development of treatment
technologies, and the cyclic MBR applied with granulated biomass.
The ASEAN Engineering Award
The Outstanding University Researcher Award
Professor Wun Jern Ng Main Speaker of Regional Experience-II
Associate Chair (Research) of the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
and Co-Director of Advanced Environmental Biotechnology Centre, Nanyang
Environment & Water Research Institute, Nanyang Technological University,
Specialized in biological processes and advanced environmental biotechnology for
wastewater reclamation.
2003 National Technology Award
2013 The Minister for National Development R&D Merit Award
Professor Liu Yu Main Speaker of Regional Experience-II
Issue #: [Date]
Professor Mark C. M. van Loosdrecht Main Speaker of Global Future Development
Professor and Group Leader of Environmental Biotechnology, Department of
Biotechnology, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
Member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences
Member of the Dutch Academy of Engineering
Specialized in biological wastewater treatment, nutrients removal, biofilm systems,
Anammox, Sharon process, Granular sludge, process and reactor design and
1995 Dutch Water Innovation Award
2007 DOW Energy Award
2008 Grand Award of International Water Association (IWA)
2010 Honorary Doctorate ETH-Zurich
2010 Knighthood in the order of the Dutch Lion
2012 Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize
2013 Simon Stevin Master Award
Chief Electrical & Mechanical Engineer, Drainage Services Department, The
Government of the Hong Kong SAR
He was promoted as Chief E&M Engineer in 2009 and was posted at the Drainage
Services Department (DSD) in 2012 for the provision of project management and
advisory services on E&M aspects of capital works projects, as well as leading the
sewage treatment research and development work undertaken by DSD.
Ir Dr Ricky Li Chung-Leung Main Speaker of Regional Experience-II
Issue #: [Date]
Professor Bruce E. Rittmann Main Speaker of Global Future Development
Director and Regents Professor, Swette Center for Environmental Biotechnology,
School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, Arizona State
Member of the US National Academy of Engineering
Specialized in environmental biotechnology biofilms microbial ecology.
2011 Excellence in Environmental Engineering Award of the American Academy of
Environmental Engineers
2012 Fellow of International Water Association (IWA)
2012 Distinguished Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers
2013 Honorary Member, American Academy of Environmental Engineers and
2013 Fellow of Water Environment Federation
2014 Palladium Medal, American Association of Engineering Societies
Professor Peter Cornel Main Speaker of Global Future Development
Professor, Dr -ING, Technische Universitt Darmstadt, Germany
Specialized in environmental biotechnology, and wastewater treatment
2013 Willy Hager Medal, the prize is awarded every three years to scientists who
have made an outstanding theoretical and practical contribution to water and
wastewater treatment.
Issue #: [Date]
Mr Wah Yuen Long Main Speaker of Regional Future Development
Chief Specialist for Water Reclamation and the Advisor (Used Water) to PUB,
Singapores National Water Agency
Former Director of Water Reclamation (Plants) Department where he was
responsible for all the municipal wastewater treatment plants in Singapore.
Professor Qu Jiuhui Main Speaker of Regional Future Development
Professor, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of
Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, China
Specialized in water quality control technology, principal, technology and
application for drinking water quality and safety control, water quality risk
assessment, and pollution control.
2004 The Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress
2006 The Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress
2009 Science and Technology Progress Award from the Ho Leung Ho Lee
2010 IWA East Asia Project Innovation Honor Award in Applied Research
2012 The Second Prize of National Science and Technology Invention
Issue #: [Date]
Professor Guang-Hao Chen Main Speaker of Regional Future Development
Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, the Hong Kong
University of Science and Technology
Associate Director of the Institute for the Environment, the Hong Kong University of
Science and Technology
Specialized in biological wastewater treatment process exploration, sewer biofilm
modeling, low-cost MBR, and urine treatment.
2011 Fellow of International Water Association (IWA)
2012 Huber International Technology Prize of Germany (PhD student)
2012 IWA East Asia Project Innovation Honor Award in Applied Research
2012 IWA Global Grand Project Innovation Honor Award in Applied Research
2012 IWA Sustainability Prize
2012 Finalist of Smart Cities Award in Project Organized Smart City World
Congress in Spain
Dr Winson Lay Chee Loong Main Speaker of Regional Future Development
Principal Engineer at the Changi Water Reclamation Plant, PUB, Singapores
national water agency
The Changi Water Reclamation Plant is currently the largest used water treatment
Plant in Singapore and has a treatment capacity of 800,000 m
2014 Biographical record in Marquis 31st edition of Whos Who in the World.
Issue #: [Date]
17 world-leading water professionals come from
different regions will share the past, present and future
of water treatment technologies in different topics,
Professor George A. Ekama
Professor Hallvard degaard
Professor Mark C. M. van Loosdrecht
Professor Bruce E. Rittmann
Professor Peter Cornel
Professor Guang-Hao Chen
1. More than 200 researchers, scientists and
managers from all around the world.
2. 17 world-leading presentations will draw a
clear development map of water treatment
3. Promote your brand across different markets
and regions.
4. Extend your professional networking, meet
with your potential partners.
5. Collect inspiration and new ideas to direct the
development of your organization to a smarter
A banquet of opportunity will be dedicated as a range of packages for your organization to tailor your
involvement and maximize your benefit. Your organization will appear as a major industry player in this
event, the intensive and durable exposure will make a magnificent contribution to your overall marketing
Why becomes a Sponsor
Issue #: [Date]
Overall event and Gala Dinner sponsor (1)
10 one day tickets
Link to company website from conference website
Acknowledgement on conference website
Logo on opening audio visual slides for sessions
1 page A4-sized B&W advertisement in the
Logo on all conference collaterals
Logo and 200-word company profile in
conference book and website
1 page A4-sized dedication from CEO in
conference book
Overall event and Reception Dinner sponsor (1)
8 one day tickets
2 days booth (worth HK$10,000)
Link to company website from conference website
Acknowledgement on conference website
Logo on opening audio visual slides for sessions
1 page A4-sized B&W advertisement in the
Logo on all conference collaterals
Logo and 200-word company profile in
conference book and website
Overall event and Proceedings (USB) sponsor (1)
4 one day tickets
2 days booth (worth HK$10,000)
Link to company website from conference website
Acknowledgement on conference website
Logo on opening audio visual slides for sessions
1 page A4-sized B&W advertisement in the
Logo on all conference collaterals
Logo and 200-word company profile in
conference book and website
Overall event sponsor
2 one day tickets
Link to company website from conference website
Acknowledgement on conference website
Logo on opening audio visual slides for sessions
1 page A4-sized B&W advertisement in the
Logo on all conference collaterals
Issue #: [Date]
If you are interested in the IAS Symposium on Activated Sludge Past and Next 100 Years,
please contact:
Ir Ha Yiu Wing
Tel: (852) 2358 8743
Fax: (852) 2358 1534
Email: [email protected]
Mailing Address:
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Room 3575, Main Academic Building
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Conference Venue