This document provides information about the CSNB224 Operating System Concepts course for Semester 1 of 2014/2015, including:
- The lecturer's name and contact details
- The course timetable and lab sections
- The course objectives to introduce fundamental OS concepts and algorithms
- The weekly topics to be covered such as processes, concurrency, memory management, I/O, and file systems
- The assessment breakdown including labs, quizzes, assignments, midterm, and final exam
- Notes on attendance policy and how to access course materials online.
This document provides information about the CSNB224 Operating System Concepts course for Semester 1 of 2014/2015, including:
- The lecturer's name and contact details
- The course timetable and lab sections
- The course objectives to introduce fundamental OS concepts and algorithms
- The weekly topics to be covered such as processes, concurrency, memory management, I/O, and file systems
- The assessment breakdown including labs, quizzes, assignments, midterm, and final exam
- Notes on attendance policy and how to access course materials online.
This document provides information about the CSNB224 Operating System Concepts course for Semester 1 of 2014/2015, including:
- The lecturer's name and contact details
- The course timetable and lab sections
- The course objectives to introduce fundamental OS concepts and algorithms
- The weekly topics to be covered such as processes, concurrency, memory management, I/O, and file systems
- The assessment breakdown including labs, quizzes, assignments, midterm, and final exam
- Notes on attendance policy and how to access course materials online.
This document provides information about the CSNB224 Operating System Concepts course for Semester 1 of 2014/2015, including:
- The lecturer's name and contact details
- The course timetable and lab sections
- The course objectives to introduce fundamental OS concepts and algorithms
- The weekly topics to be covered such as processes, concurrency, memory management, I/O, and file systems
- The assessment breakdown including labs, quizzes, assignments, midterm, and final exam
- Notes on attendance policy and how to access course materials online.
Objectives of the Course: The course aims to: 1. Introduce the fundamental concepts of operating systems (OS). 2. Provide an understanding of concepts and algorithms related to process management, memory management, input/output management and file management in an OS. 3. Introduce the concepts and algorithm involved in uniprocessor scheduling (multiprocessor and real-time scheduling will be covered in advanced OS)
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student should be able to: 1. Explain the basic concepts of an OS and its history. 2. Identify the components of a modern OS. 3. Explain the basic concepts of process management such as threads, process states and concurrency. 4. Explain the basic concepts of memory management including memory management techniques and virtual memory 5. Explain how an operating system manages Input/output devices in terms of the algorithms used for buffering data and disk scheduling. 6. Explain the concepts of file management such as file hierarchy, organization, access methods, sharing and secondary storage management.
Lab: 7. Utilize the basic Windows/Linux commands 8. Write a simple batch programming / shell script
Course Content and Weekly activity
Week Chapter Topic Activities
Week 1 (2/6/2014 6/6/2014)
2 Operating System Overview Operating System Objective and Functions
Assignment 1
Week 2 (9/6/2014 13/6/2014)
2 Operating System Overview (cont..) The Evolution of Operating Systems Major Achievements Characteristics of Modern Operating Systems
Week 3 (16/6/2014 20/6/2014)
2 & 3 & 4 Operating System Overview (cont..) Characteristics of Modern Operating Systems
Process Description and Control Process States Process Description
Week 4 (23/6/2014 27/6/2014)
5 Concurrency: Mutual Exclusion and Synchronization Principles of Concurrency Mutual Exclusion: Software and Hardware Approach
Assignment 2
Week 5 (30/6/2014 4/7/2014)
6 Concurrency: Deadlock and Starvation Principles and Deadlock Deadlock Prevention
Week 6 (7/7/2014 11/7/2014)
6 Concurrency: Deadlock and Starvation (cont..) Deadlock Avoidance Deadlock Detection An integrated Deadlock Strategy
Main William Stallings, Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, 8th Ed. (older version of the same book also acceptable)
Other Reference 1. Silberschatz et al: Operating Systems Concepts, John Wiley & Sons, 7th 2. Edition, 2004 3. Tanenbaum: Modern Operating Systems, Prentice Hall, 2nd Edition, 2001 4. Deitel: Operating Systems, AddisonWesley, 2nd Edition, 1999
Lecture Notes & Announcement
The lecture notes and other class materials can be obtained from the Unitens Learning Management System:
You need to login and register to the class to obtain the class materials.
Announcement & important notices will be sent through class notice (email). Make sure you have an updated email address in the Uniten Online system.
Assessment Execution Percentage Lab exercises Commence on the 2 nd Week 20% Quizzes Will be done randomly 10% Assignments Consist of individuals and group assg 10% Midterm test Tentatively on week 7 20% Final exam 40%
Attendance will be taken for every lecture. It is a regulation in Uniten that you must attend at least 80% of the lectures to be eligible to take the Final Examination. Your lecturer reserves the right to apply this rule. If you are absent, send in a supporting documents from parents, officials or doctors
(Bloom's Modern Critical Interpretations) Harold Bloom-J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of The Rings (Bloom's Modern Critical Interpretations) - Blooms Literary Criticism (2008) PDF